Dear KAG: 20201210 Open Thread

Sing-a-long time:

Where do I begin,
to tell the story of how crooked the Dems have been….

Seriously, where to start with what happened Wednesday. In no particular order:

46 states, Guam and Washington, D.C., filed an anti-trust lawsuit along with the Federal government to force Facebook to divest Instagram and other applications.

17, or maybe it’s 18 now, states joined Texas in a lawsuit against Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania for changing their election laws illegally. That case is with the Supreme Court and there is a controversy over whether or not the court is going to hear the case as if states suing each other have any where else to go. Then the president chimed in.

It has now been revealed that the federal government, at least the U.S. Attorney in Delaware, has former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter under investigation for tax issues. Given everything we know he did, this might be the most expedient route to any sort of “justice”. After all, it’s how the government managed to finally incarcerate Al Capone anywhere other than Eastern State Pen in Philadelphia while he was hiding out.

Rep. Eric Swalwell was revealed to have been involved with a Chinese spy by the name of Fang. It is not clear if he banged Fang, but on Wednesday, he was officially removed from the House Intelligence Committee.

Codemonkey of 8kun fame came out against the social media platform Parler claiming that it was a black hat honey trap. After he made this claim, other people piled on to his pronouncements.

Youtube has decided to remove any and all videos that deny the “BIDEN WINS” narrative. Most people are expecting the rest of the social media giant family to do the same.

Documents were released that reveal just how extensive the training of Chinese troops in Canada is. Not only that, but that Justin Trudeau essentially laid out the welcome mat, regardless of what the Canadian military is actually willing to do.

And, the cherry on the turtle sundae (I mean Crown Sundae since the people who make turtles told the good people at Crown Candy that they couldn’t call it that anymore) the Democrat from the Michigan legislature who threatened “Trumpers” got censured by that body and was stripped of all of her committee assignments.

Wednesday was exhausting.

This is about where we are:

It’s five o’clock somewhere, right?

Please, add your own dance favorites in the comments.


As usual, this is the daily thread, the place to put all information that needs to be out there – Q drops, Q drop decodes, riot information, news flashes, Chy-na flu updates, fashionable mask photos, satire, memes, and of course cute animal videos.

In the meantime, the short and sweet version of “THE RULES” is here borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights, especially if you haven’t thrown out your Thanksgiving leftovers
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone, preferably made of or with bacon.

Since it is almost the weekend, decking the halls for the season is recommended.


Today’s Mass Readings do not exactly lend themselves to our situation. And the topic which has been preying all around us on this site is most ably dealt with in the book of Ecclesiasticus, or Sirach, which is one of the Helenistic Canon books, and was omitted by a certain Bible editor in a post-revolt version. So, we’ll just grab something from Proverbs, Chapter 11 for today:

A deceitful balance is an abomination before the Lord: and a just weight is his will. [2] Where pride is, there also shall be reproach: but where humility is, there also is wisdom. [3] The simplicity of the just shall guide them: and the deceitfulness of the wicked shall destroy them. [4] Riches shall not profit in the day of revenge: but justice shall deliver from death. [5] The justice of the upright shall make his way prosperous: and the wicked man shall fall by his own wickedness.

[6] The justice of the righteous shall deliver them: and the unjust shall be caught in their own snares. [7] When the wicked man is dead, there shall be no hope any more: and the expectation of the solicitous shall perish. [8] The just is delivered out of distress: and the wicked shall be given up for him. [9] The dissembler with his mouth deceiveth his friend: but the just shall be delivered by knowledge. [10] When it goeth well with the just the city shall rejoice: and when the wicked perish there shall be praise.


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Thanks for the post, DP. I’m sorry to see that news about Parler being compromised. I’m not a member, but it seems a lot of conservatives went there, and Dan Bongino is part owner of it. I hope they can fix the problem.


Did you know?

You are a cute chipmunk. And for the record, that’s not me saying that.


I just learned it today! 🐿 I have not been able to read or post much lately, and the last time I looked, people had titles like “Member.” I’m not aware of the new hierarchy, but have no doubt that chipmunks are on one of the bottom rungs, LOL.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Buzz Lightyear’s ranks are:

  • Level 1 Star Cadet: 0 – 1,000
  • Level 2 Space Scout: 1,001 – 10,000
  • Level 3 Ranger 1st Class: 10,001 – 100,000
  • Level 4 Planetary Pilot: 100,001 – 300,000
  • Level 5 Space Ace: 300,001 – 600,000
  • Level 6 Cosmic Commando: 600,001 – 999,998
  • Level 7 Galactic Hero: 999,999+
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I ain’t adding 2 levels to somebody else’s software for Buzz! 😉


I may have missed the discussion, if there was one, but I don’t think we need labels on posters that differentiate between posters depending on how many posts they have made.

Lurkers and posters that seldom or never post are highly valued Q Tree participants and I don’t believe there is value in differentiating between them and prolific posters. There is also the possibility of a negative reaction for a poster who gets labeled “cute chipmunk” vs, for example, “roaring lion”.


Hey…it’s just for fun and probably temporary. Too many other things to get upset about.


I haven’t yet even remotely approached being upset. Why are you labeling me as upset???


Just a general comment, not directed to you. Have another cup of tea…it’s a beautiful day.
And, note that I also made comments about some of the features, but I do think complaining about chipmunks and fox designations is a tad picky.


I don’t. Carl made a great point, which you didn’t even acknowledge. And he wasn’t complaining, he was thinking about and looking out for others. Perhaps it’s you who should have another cup of tea, as you put it.


Okay, I will.☕️ Signed, Cute Chipmunk

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Your position is noted! When I finally inquire to the group about this (failing to have found a way to let users individually “turn them off), you may well have a majority. I suspect that playing with this feature will either cause people to say “enough already”, or turn it into a running gag. But there will be a general feature cull very soon.


You too? “I’m a chipmunk too! Then there’s a pair of us, don’t tell they’d banish us you know…”

Emily Dickerson, and her frog poem.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m a fox.

It’s our new commenting designation thingee.


Yikes, now I’m a Fox too.

Does anyone realize this is going to get very confusing for a penguin?  😃 

Sylvia Avery

Love the Emily Dickerson reference lp!!!

Sylvia Avery

why did I just get a red box pop up that said please fill out the required something……….box? Information? I don’t know…..I’m too triggered to remember. It was very stern sounding. Cute Chipmunks don’t make good MAGA Warriors. No opposable thumb to hold my shovel.   :wpds_razz: 


I knew someone get it. She was wonderful with her poetry, interesting life. The frog poem, I’ve been able to cite that for over 40 yrs.


Thank you for the daily news brief DP,
The Champs and Tequila is an old favorite !

Deplorable Patriot

You’re welcome. It was a hell of a day.


For Steve –
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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Thanks, that’s nice and hi-res. The two eagles one I was using, wasn’t and I’m going to either drop it or replace it with this.


I wonder if you could get two of ’em flanking an extended wolfmoon dot.


Yes, but what is an extended wolfmoon dot?


Yes, that’s a great eagle picture.

However, being centered like that…the WolfMoon logo/avatar may appear right over it’s face.
You may want to crop some space on the r/h side to move the eagle over a bit.


Good point. I’ll decenter, and maybe work on some different backgrounds.
Ideas of additions or specific background are welcomed!!!


It would be a shame if the Wolf ‘dot’ eclipsed the beak of that great-looking eagle face.
 😊  👍 

Background is good, I think, the way it is.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No need for you to do that; I can take care of it.


This eagle seems to project the determination, focus and attack about to happen.


Love that one, Bakocarl!


The photo used here many times with POTUS, hands on desk and leaning forward while looking directly and determining into the camera, looks just like this!
The look as you are facing the enemy.


I’ll see if a side-by-side works here.


Thats a lot for a Wednesday. Trudeau threatened us just prior to the election that he’d send troops if POTUS Trump didnt concede. I think he feels confident bc of the chinee military.
Ok, I found a naughty joke but seeing its about people who deserve it, its ok.

John (@Johnheretohelp) Tweeted:

I’m not sure what happened 🤔 A woman just walked up to me and said, “it’s $3 dollars for a Toobin, an even 5 Bucks if you want a couple fingers Up the Swallwell”. I think she wanted me to vote Democrat 🤔🤔😁

TheAllieWays ⭐⭐⭐ (@TheAllieWays) Tweeted: @Johnheretohelp I hope you flipped her a quarter and said “Go home, Kamala, you’re drunk.”


A quarter?!

That’s downright offensive.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Two bit whores were a thing, once.


There seems to be a wide range of uncertainty over the valuation of such “personal services”.

Not to mention inflation.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Some “women” would have to pay ME.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If they’re that ugly or unpleasant, they should pay you for the low quality of their “service.”


If they’re ugly or unpleasant, there ain’t no “service” happening…..unless they’re armed.


….and maybe not then.

Deplorable Patriot


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wasn’t referring to you, and if I was it’d be a deadly insult.

If prices are supposed to drop to reflect quality of service (as alluded to in the comment I was originally responding to)…well, sometimes that quality is negative and therefore money should flow the opposite way for the market to clear.

Sylvia Avery



Sylvia where did you get your emojis? 🙂❤️


… gasp 😮🤭 … I’m a (seriously?) cute chipmunk 🐿 .. 🤫😜

.. bwahahahahaha 😈👍❤️ … heh heh heh .. 😝

Sylvia Avery

In the box I’m replying in. At the bottom are icons for things like bold and italics, blah blah and then at the end is a yellow face for emojis and a green square face for stickers. I don’t know what stickers are, but what shows up are like emojis but bigger. That’s where I got it!!!


Merv Griffen, asked if he was a bisexual replied, “I’m a quarter sexual; I’ll do anything with anyone for a quarter”.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There is the famous story of Groucho Marx asking, IRL, some female celeb if she’d sleep with him for a million dollars. She must have had at least a little bit of a crush on him because she responded affectionately and in the affirmative.

He then asked if she’d do it for five dollars, which drew an outraged “what kind of woman do you think I am?” response.

“We already know that, now we’re negotiating.”


Please Trudope, send your boys and your chicom buddies down. We have a meat grinder awaiting them. Hope you enjoy explaining to your people why you sent your troops to a certain doom. There will be no quarter!

Elizabeth Carter

This was on Gab tonight. I thought it is interesting about the China connections. I did not realize that the three bars represented the China connection.
JaeBell @JaeBell 3h·
QAnon and the Great Awakening
This is an additional look at the Three Banners China Connection.
Note: Eric Swalwell. Jon Ossoff.
Note: Obama Biden from years ago..
Note: Perdue
-Maybe that’s why he refuses to fight for President Trump, or he felt he didn’t need to show up for the Senate Debate..

The pictures did not post. I deleted it and will try again..

Last edited 4 years ago by Elizabeth Carter

I’ll try to post it:

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So, I found an old tiny-factor laptop I hadn’t seen in a while. I checked, and I’d pulled its drive months ago, so I went down to the local computer place to get a new drive for it.

They no longer sell drives smaller than 1T. And those are less than $50.

I remember when it was amazeballs that you could get a 10M drive.

After I got the HD and installed it, I went to throw Ubuntu 20.04.1 on it — downloaded the ISO, verified the signed hash was signed against keyservers, ran the sha256sum for the file and verified it matched the signed hash, burned it onto a DVD…..and couldn’t find my little USB powered DVD read/writer (I have two of them somewhere in this dump). I allowed that to raise my BP for a bit, then said, “gee, why don’t I make a bootable thumbdrive?” That turned out to be absurdly easy.

And……it just got done with its first apt update/upgrade. Whee!


Is this what happens to someone that listened to too much Doors? (kidding…it was you that said that wasn’t it ?)


It wasn’t too much Doors, it was Doors when I was eight. Because my parents thought it might be harmful to my young developing mind if I listened to those degenerate druggies, the Beatles.


hahahh that story still cracks me up…so yeah, too much Doors at age 8 makes you a super techno whiz geek !


….and CPA. I shudder to think of how much money I spent on wool suits and buttoned-down dress shirts.


I mean, I might have wanted to hold someone’s hand!!!



Deplorable Patriot

There is scientific proof, actually, that Mozart is the best for brain development.

HIs mind was actually addled, but few remember that.


For my group is was the pelvic-gyrations of Elvis! Gasp!


My ex used to be an engineer. His company gave him a new computer every year for home. Lucky me, i got the hand me downs. I remember sometime in 89/90/91(?) he got this new 500 meg desk top with the top of the line everything $5,000. Good thing his company was paying for it.
Dang, look at what $5,000 gets one now. For that matter you could buy your whole family the top of the line computers for that kind of money now a days.


This 10″ laptop I lit up…..I did it on the stand next to my latest Raspberry Pi 4, which costed about $75.

The laptop has an Intel Atom (64-bit) processor with one core and two threads, and is maxed out on memory at 2G. The Pi sitting next to it has four cores and 8G of memory — and I’ve loaded it with Ubuntu Studio (a flavor [or flavour] of Ubuntu designed for audio/video processing and production, which the little laptop would have no chance of running.

So, yeah, $5K can get you amazing things today.


I remember paying $1400 for a 19″ CRT monitor, and about the same for a LaserJet II. At the time, I could have bought gold at $350 an ounce. And the monitor (I can’t remember if it was Mitsubishi or Panasonic) design became well known for “bad convergence”, which means that the hours I spent going through spreadsheets on it probably racked up my eyes.

I remember buying a Zenith flatscreen CRT monitor. It was trippy. I owned an AT&T UNIX PC. I currently own a Radio Shack Model III, which my gf and I would use to access the campus computer system over a 300-baud modem from our apartment….


300 baud modems… those were the days!


I (note, even though this was on the gf’s computer and SHE was the CompSci major) had to customize the TRS-80 terminal program so that the cursor could move properly to run vi.


Ah, vi, my mother tongue.

Was handed a mangled project once where the problem was debugger needed serial port hookup to a custom embedded processor and it just sat there and stared at you. After a really long period of people getting nowhere, some kind soul pointed out where the designer of said chip sat in the building. He took pity on me and had a look. How were we to know that he didn’t quite use the right timer and we needed to set the baud rate half as fast to not miss the bits?


98% of the kids these days wouldn’t be able to recognize a stop bit to save their lives.


Looking back, I felt pretty dumb when he pointed out the problem. Why hadn’t I asked for an oscilloscope and looked at the waveform?


a few days ago DH finally replaced the big TV in the family room. The old one was a 36” Sharp for which we paid $2900 about 13-14 years ago…( and weighed a ton!). The new one, 50”, light as a feather and actually smaller because it’s all screen and no frame, cost less than $400. And, because we now stream via ROKU, there’s literally one cord. We filled an entire box with all the old cords.
Now, disposing the old one is a challenge.


You have to remember call hating then LOL…
I have always liked games, and more so back then…Nothing worse then call hating. LOL

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I spent a large amount of time yesterday gathering together obsolete computer junk, ultimately for a trip to a place in Denver that will take it as recycle.


What language was that? 🤓



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Colorado house is 41-24 dem, and the Senate is 19-16 dem.

This will go nowhere.


Think your election vote stats were on the up and up?


Don’t you just love it when liberals comes in with all these crazy statements and then you do some checking and find some interesting stuff!
Death is a sad fact of life, not something we like see happen to our friends and family but it happens! Problem right now is that the Media is hyping it up.

Some liberal came screaming at me that oh my over 3,000 people died from COVID today,
So Grannie goes and does some snooping!
Total COVID Deaths per CDC 285,351 this year +2,566 New Deaths for today They were only off by 434.
Not sure about you all but I do believe the CDC number is a bit over flatted! I do believe that COVID was not really or remotely the reason behind around 30% of the COVID deaths,and that is probably a low estimate. We already know that in the beginning many were not tested for COVID, even in their autopsy!

So Then I found this site. Total deaths for today were 7,050 –Which is actually around 700 less than the usual average daily number of deaths! Or has every year and every day been a Pandemic day and year for the last decade or so,
FYI During non-Pandemic years in America
One person dies approximately every 11.14 seconds
Number of deaths per year: 2,830,688
Number of deaths per day: 7,755
Number of deaths per hour: 323
Source: United Nations World Population Prospects 2019…/indic…/deaths/united-states


Nice dig! A lot of people have noticed that flu and pneumonia deaths have pretty much fallen off a cliff. These are the supposed “COVID deaths” we are seeing.


What is strange is there are none of those daily death clocks out there any more,,
Only one I found was for March to April,
Used to use the clocks for gun posts and now it seems those type of clocks are gone pretty much. Just shows you how our media is being manipulated and locked down.
There used to be these sort of clocks that showed you have many had died from cancer, heart attacks, and the rest.
Seems that not many dying from anything but pretty much COVID>

Also found it strange that on this graph that the numbers for the other deaths they have listen don’t change only COVID number. According to the graph from 03/01 to 4/28-everyday the number of accidents, heart death, stroke deaths and all the others listed were that exact same number every single day.
I mean how could COVID be “single leading daily cause of death in America” when the other numbers don’t change 😳  😳  Think I will go back tomorrow and see what I am missing. been a long day.

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest

Yup, I’m watching NY’s numbers and they are very low compared to previous years.


I did a little poking around and these stats are more interesting to me.
Graph of last 20 years.

US has small non-negative movement.

World overall is same as past two+ years.


So in other words, we have less deaths this year overall, just that the media’s big hype is shoving it in our face on a daily basis.
Sort of reminds me of when my son was murdered back in the 90s. There was nothing about it really in the media. Since they were still looking for the guy/s who did it we felt it being in the media would help.
You see we lived in a part of LA and it turned out that there was not enough time on the TV news, or space in newspapers to report in detail on all the murders that were happening in the LA area on a daily basis.
Just like with the this research into the COVID deaths, I didn’t really look at it on a daily basis. All of this was all just events of the year, that I never really ever looked at as daily numbers. Shows us how easily common everyday events can be blown up and used for whatever.
Sadly though there are still way too many murders by abortion. Murders by abortion on daily monthly and yearly basis, make even the crazy numbers they are trying to throw at us for COVID look like a drop in the bucket.
812,650 murders by abortions thus far this year(NY and Calif often don’t report their numbers for a year or so now).


So very wrong and sickening.


Please give us that last link in full!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

If I remember LaVoy group was warning us about Russia and China buying up our land
Years ago I read some where US owed China a lot of money and China actually owned a bunch of American land, especially in NY.


I don’t think they will after our POTUS seizes their assets for election interference per his EO.


WOW — Deplorable… I know I should have read first instead of posting. I just had to get it down before it left this old head of mine,
Bang up job very bang up job.
Saw you touched on Michigan Democratic State Rep. Cynthia Johnson and her threats. Dang first I saw it in print and then I saw the video, I do believe I will have some nightmares tonight at least.
I went over and deleted my Parler account about an hour or so ago. i wasn’t that invested that much in them anyway, they wanted too much information so one could share an article or pic,
Again thanks for all your great work!.

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Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest
Deplorable Patriot

I would say AWESOME is what I am, but I’ve been working on humility of late.


 😁  😄 

“Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble, when you’re perfect in every way…”


Old saying…”If you’ve got it flaunt it”. Pretty sure it referred to certain body attributes but it works for awesomeness, too.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

The Problem with Parler: How a Free Speech App Turned Into Anything But | Red, White, and F You

So Parler is collecting people’s phone numbers and driver’s licenses and it still doesn’t guarantee who you’re talking to is real or verified. The dangers of entering all your personal information in an app that could be hacked/sold/used for Doxxing hardly seems worth it.

The terms of service for Parler are some of the strangest and most predatory that I’ve ever seen. If they get sued for something you post, frivolous or not YOU are the one responsible for paying their legal fees.

Another interesting fact about Parler, is while it’s geared specifically toward conservatives…posts made on Parler do not show up on search engines like Twitter or Facebook does. This has the side effect of silencing conservatives and burying their content on the World Wide Web, which considering the sudden push for Parler right before the November election I find even more suspect.

Parler also wants access to your contact lists from your email. If you do allow them access (presumably to find your friends) they then declare the right to store their contact info and use it for themselves

One more thing, you also can’t delete your Parler account once you sign up. You have to fill out a contact form and email them asking them to delete it. I shit you not. —This is true, I created a 2nd account by accident and they won’t delete, it’s been months

Parler isn’t just a garbage app, it’s a downright data mining scam geared suspiciously toward conservatives in a way that is actually quite disturbing.


I refused to let them have a phone number or license. When I saw that I backed out and just became a lurker.
oh well, about the deleting. I am just not going to use them.They will not get any more info then I already stupidity gave.


Whenever a government agency (or other busybody) insists that you provide a phone number or email address, reflect upon the fact that there is no government mandate that you own a phone or computer. And if “next” is blocked because there is nothing in that field, feel free to provide an OBVIOUS lie — (123)456-7890 for a phone number; “” for an email [note that someone once owned — I think they just walked away after a while].

You are still a citizen even if you have no fixed abode, telephone, or access to the internet. So don’t think you have to give these up to exercise the prerogatives of being a citizen.


Richard Grenell is dropping some truth bombs today.


Pompeo’s speech on the topic was stunning.

Make no mistake – he was speaking directly to Beijing!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Crazy, but to get any real news I have to come here,
Unbelievable that someone tried using Snopes today. I thought even liberals gave up on them.


I get on Gab first. Read @realDonaldTrump mirror feed. Read @a feed maybe. Check a few groups. And then it I have time, come here to catch up and share any good finds from Gab. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Looks like the server raid proved that there’s too much black-hattery at CIA to risk further support.


Didn’t JFK want to dismantle the CIA?


Hopefully we’ll get there. Dismantle CIA.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. And THAT was not going to be allowed.


I don’t know if this was posted already:

HUGE: After 4 Years of Stonewalling Corrupt FBI Finally Admits They’re Holding Seth Rich’s Laptop ( Larry Johnson
Published December 9, 2020 at 2:34pm

A stunning development on the legal front that directly impacts the so-called conspiracy theory that the death of Seth Rich was something more than routine street crime. The FBI now admits it has Seth Rich’s laptop. This information has just been posted on courtesy of Ty Clevenger.

According to an email posted at and sent to attorney Ty Clevenger, the attorney for the FBI now admits that the:

  • FBI has completed the initial search identifying approximately 50 cross-reference serials, with attachments totaling over 20,000 pages, in which Seth Rich is mentioned. FBI has also located leads that indicate additional potential records that require further searching. . . . FBI is also currently working on getting the files from Seth Rich’s personal laptop into a format to be reviewed. As you can imagine, there are thousands of files of many types. The goal right now is to describe, generally, the types of files/personal information contained in this computer.

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like FIB wanted to make sure this happened under Biden. Hilarious.


Oh, there’s the top level comment box. At the top.
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People are pissed:
The Great Awakening


Video with commentary here:


This is the whole flight from Space X


This one shows the on-board cameras with the engine failures.
First the one, then the second and right before the end the last one.


Stay alert!
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Not sure if I missed this already being posted.
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. Will do!!!


If thou wilt incline thy ear, thou shalt receive instruction: and if thou love to hear, thou shalt be wise.

Stand in the multitude of ancients that are wise, and join thyself from thy heart to their wisdom, that thou mayst hear every discourse of God, and the sayings of praise may not escape thee.

And if thou see a man of understanding, go to him early in the morning, and let thy foot wear the steps of his doors.

Sirach 6:34-36
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, here’s today’s atomic explosion.


Dominion Voting Machine Flaws — 2020 Election Coffee County, Georgia Video 1

Dominion Voting Machine Flaws — 2020 Election Coffee County, Georgia Video 2


Deplorable Patriot

Kevin McCarthy actually has called for his removal from Congress.

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

DiFI had one for how many years as an office manager and nothing happened to her

Valerie Curren

This info may be moot on checking vote status


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Good Thursday Morning!
have a Blessed day Duchess!


Morning, Pat!!! Hope your banana run and tree pickup went well yesterday – calm and cold here – snow melted.

God Bless Your Day, too – Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you
we had an uneventful day…shelves were back to being stocked and nothing memorable happened.


Sometimes, that is not a bad thing, Pat – we all need a break now and then – Yes?

Received and Appreciated!!!


altho hubby was let down somewhat. he wondered where the crazies were that I always seem to attract? I told him they were scared away by my big strong handsome hubby…
he was good with that answer…lol


LOL – Cause you brought ‘Muscle’ – Still laughing – Made My Day, Pat!!!



Valerie Curren

turdant truth

Valerie Curren

Patriot Party (happens Every day at Q Tree)

Valerie Curren

Valerie Curren

Wonder where they sent her payments, who signed off on them, and how she got them….must be a trail somewhere.

Valerie Curren



This is most definitely true – the media – both mainstream and social media have CONSPIRED and COLLUDED with the Biden team and Chynah as well as other entities on the left to RIG the 2020ELECTION!!!

They ALL conspired to commit ELECTION INTERFERENCE!


(!) NOTICE – Twitter denial of election fraud is partisan political activism! (!)

Valerie Curren

Marines moving commands


Prayer of Gratitude for the Birth of Jesus
Father God, we thank You and praise You today for the miracle of Your Son’s birth. Thank You for bringing great JOY to the whole world! Thank You for giving us the assurance that because You came to us in the form of a human, we who believe in Jesus can know with absolute certainty that we’ll spend eternity with You. We thank You, Lord, for the many reasons we have been given a merry Christmas. And we rejoice for each blessing. New life. New love. A home. A job. New opportunities. Second chances. And more. We know, Lord, that You bring the sun and the moon and set the stars in motion. You tell the ocean where to stop and the snow when to start. And we thank You for the mighty gift of Your creation. 

Thank You, Father, for spiritual leaders and faith-filled friends who keep encouraging us when we are close to giving up. And although we have many reasons to rejoice today, Lord, we also know December 25 can be not-so-merry for a whole host of reasons. We pray for those who are experiencing loss during Advent: relational, financial, spiritual and physical. We pray for those who are coping with loving a prodigal and our friends and family members whose hearts are far from You. We pray for those dealing with unemployment and addictions and chronic sickness… and unending pain and frustrations of all kinds. Thank You, Lord, that You are The Wonderful Counselor and Prince of Peace, even in the midst of our not-so-merry circumstances. 

Finally, Lord, we ask You to grant us peace. Peace in our homes, peace in our churches, and peace in our hearts, when the world all around us spins out-of-control. Help us to stay focused on You, this Advent season and always. Thank You for loving the whole world enough to send the greatest gift, Your Son, so that we might truly have a very merry Christmas. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

~Steph Raquel, from “A Christmas Prayer for the Merry… and Not-So-Merry , Prov. 31 Ministries



Valerie Curren

Australian Christmas Cheer  🎄   🎅


always heart warming to hear!!!


comment image 

PRESIDENT TRUMP’S SCHEDULE – Thursday, December 10, 2020


The “Fang Bang” could be the biggest dance sensation since The Twist. Is Chubby Checker still around?

Deplorable Patriot

You know, The Twist came up in the suggestions when I was in the Tequila video.

Valerie Curren

This appears to be a vaccine truth-teller, who used to work for Merk…

Valerie Curren

New electoral challenge map, ironically in Chinese flag colors



Hunter Biden, James Biden, Eric Swalwell, Seth Rich admission.


NOPE not if you can see the PLAN, and this is the END GAME.

More coming? YEP.

Trump warned them, he TOLD us we were going to see some things that SHOCKED the nation.

Not shocked yet? WAIT FOR IT!!!



Rex, did you see my question? Any article yesterday or today?

I’m not getting notifications, and trying to track the comments has failed. My computer won’t load them if there’s more than one or two. Then I can’t find my way back to wherever I thought I was.  😎 


Yes, I wrote 2 yesterday I beliueve.

Valerie Curren

Hope someone can break the image out, if it’s not already here


Here it is, Valerie:
comment image

Valerie Curren

Thanks so much Wheatie–that’s awesome!


You are very welcome, Valerie.

Valerie Curren

apparently somebody needs to create an alternative China Girl video meme 🙂

Valerie Curren

I wish this was the Babylon Bee so I could find it funny

Deplorable Patriot

The original subversion was in 1832 after a long campaign to break down the resistance of the Curia at the time.

There’s a whole history to this that simply is not known.

Valerie Curren

I’m afraid that I’m ignorant here. What happened in 1832 & what’s the Curia?

Deplorable Patriot

1832 is when the Rothschilds convinced the people who are the staff in the administrative machine known as “The Vatican” – the Curia – that the Vatican Bank would be a good idea and set one up.

Valerie Curren

Proving you cannot serve both God & mammon!


Hmm…not sure what to make of this.

I thought Tulsi Gabbard was a tool for her NWO Cabal masters…
But then she goes and does something like this:

It would make it conditional, though…on who gets their 230 protection revoked.
Instead of revoking the whole thing, like Pres Trump is calling for.

I’ve read that abolishing the 230 protection altogether, would hurt the little guys.
It could mean that even small blogs…like this one…could get sued for the comments that are posted there.

So making it conditional could be the best way to go, so that the little guys wouldn’t get punished for what the Big Tech guys do.


i honestly thought she should have been the front runner in the primaries–she seemed the least crazy to me…


Precisely why she was forced out…not crazy enough!


Couldn’t the small blogs form LLCs to prevent problems with lawsuits? I have no idea, it just was a thought I had.


They could…but that has a cost.
And lawfare/nuisance suits could still happen which would be costly to defend.

An LLC is a Limited Liability Corp whose liability is limited to the amount of money that is put into it.
It doesn’t really protect you from lawfare suits happening to you.


Gotcha. Thanks!


Dan showing the real support POTUS has.

Yusef Bin Hidn’ will not be able to match this, if SCOTUS goes in favor of DJT and wants his ghost supporters to protest.
ANTIFA and BLM can be dealt with.


Love it.  😀  👍 

Valerie Curren

Ironic that this is the Michigan state rep in the news now…

Valerie Curren

Dr. Binder’s straight shooting on the Chyna Flu!

Cuppa Covfefe

Merde-Kuh can’t be sorry from the bottom of something she doesn’t have! And her pretty-boy Drosten doesn’t know his hiney from a gopher-hole. My son was telling me there are *cough* questions about Drosten’s Doctoral and post-Doc work. In addition, he børked up the Ebola “crisis” a few years back.

Finally, all of Merde-Kuh’s “ministers” are working in portfolios outside of their areas of expertise (if they have any at all!). Sort of a real-time display of the Peter Principle.

And of course, any resistance, or talk of the tests, etc., being bogus are dismissed instantly as “conspiracy theories”, and threatened with investigation or even prosecution (the group “querdenker” (basically, skeptics) is now under investigation in Baden-Württemberg, a formerly hard-working conservative Christian state, now a green disaster area 😡 😡 😡 😡 )….

Valerie Curren

Wow–East Germany took over by stealth it seems!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I always say that the wall fell in the wrong direction.

People thought that the East would become more like the West, but the opposite happened; the West became like the old East. And, ironically, the former East Germans can spot a commie/potential dictator a mile away, and they’re screaming to us “Wessies” that Merde-Kuh is DANGEROUS, to the extreme, i.e. Hitler v2.0…

Anymore, any politician or group to the right of Stalin is labeled as right-wing extremist(s)…

Same labeling that Alinsky, et. al. demand…

Valerie Curren

Amazing. Perhaps it is the formerly oppressed who will ultimately save the currently coddled & duped who are following the siren song of numerous pied pipers to their doom. They can choose to jump off a cliff if they want, but they have no right to force the rest of us with opened eyes & hearts to destroy ourselves & our society!

Valerie Curren

Speaking of Michigan, radio news yesterday, WJR during Rush’s show, kept talking about a Wisconsin fighter plane that crashed in the UP, pilot status unknown. Given the proximity to the Canadian border & the rumored Chinese troops gathered somewhere up there those “facts” made me go “hmmm”…Anyone know more about this incident (cover up???)?

Valerie Curren

Put this alongside the codemonkey tweet w/ Fang DNC payments…


I love Richard Grenell. He knows so many things – like Sec. Pompeo. Tip of the iceberg means big things. Big names.

Dominoes falling is what I sensed yesterday. I mean WHO leaked the Swalwell information? Out of thin air we hear about Seth Rich’s laptop – didn’t even know there was one involved.

They’ve got to get the vermin on homicide – killing of Seth Rich…

Valerie Curren

More Popcorn please!


comment image?resize=505%2C471&ssl=1


Says it all!





  • Skip the BS social distancing.
  • Go where you want, when you want.



Yesterday, the gal at at a supermarket entrance, who knows I don’t wear a mask and have a “medical”, broke routine.


This time I broke stride, stopped and turned to her.

My reply was, “I have a medical. I live for the day Sisolak tries to “fine” me. There is NO law that requires I wear a mask”. Then went on with my shopping.

Perhaps one of Sisolak’s goons visited this supermarket with “threats” of fines, shutdown…


Do NOT be intimidated.

Do NOT Comply!


you rock!!

Valerie Curren

Interesting choice of words at the top!

Cuppa Covfefe

With any luck, they’ll take over Kalifornistan, and we’ll have a number of problems solved 😀

Valerie Curren

It does appear to be an enemy foothold in America in so many ways!


Military exercises are what’s going on. Now the fact that they’re happening on both coasts and quite large, makes them noticeable.

Valerie Curren

Sending messages?


Being that hubby tells me I can’t say things, I have to go with speculation like others. Does appear to be noticeable.


Smacks of routine training to me.

These are the training exercises commonly completed in preparation for deployment.

Both coasts is NOT significant. It’s called, “work ups” prior to deployment overseas.

Quite normal.


I was wondering if some of the ships might be to help with Covid. Where are the hospital ships?

Last spring’s 15 day/30 more days shutdown was to slow the spread so that the # of infected would not overwhelm our hospitals and healthcare sytems + give them time to prepare for reopening and more rapidspread/more infected sick people

Now its speading as expected due to seasonal conditions. Are they prepared as hospitals fill? I am hoping the hospital ships are nearby when needed. And we will likely need emergency field hospitals set up as hosptials are filling in “flyover country”.

Are any of the ships hospital ships?


Rather sure the two hospital ships, Mercy and Comfort are in what is called, Reduced Operating Status (ROS). 

  • ROS ships are NOT fully manned nor ready to deploy, 
  • Hospital ships are rarely used.
  • While a significant medical capability, more a reassurance for the public than effective. PR if you will.

Reality, IMO, the field hospitals quickly put up by the military are far better options as they cost less and can be placed wherever needed. Modular in nature, They can be scaled to the forecasted need. Expanded if additional demand for capacity is required.

Also, the converting convention centers and the like was a great option.

NOTABLY, I don’t think the emergent medical facilities made available back in April/May, hospital ships, field hospitals or converted convention facilities) were used extensively.

Much hype, hysteria and the “unknown” drove their being set up. It was the right thing to do at the time.


100% believe much of today’s hysteria with OH MY COVID cases are EXPLODING, the hospitals “might be” overwhelmed, the ICU beds….the SKY WILL FALL…we are DOOMED narrative is all BS.

  • False positive Covid tests.
  • Covid tests, reflect positive for what other viruses beyond Covid-19?
  • Where’s the flue cases? Or are they mi-diagnosed as Covid.
  • With annual flu cases, typical hospital cases the hospitals and ICU are commonly quite full in any given year, not just 2020.

100%, Covid is real. 100% cases may be truly increasing. 100% Covid IS 99.9 whatever treatable. I stopped fretting over Covid back in May or June.

This IS absolutely deep state posturing with lapdog MSM and big tech.

The valid stuff IMO is, take our vitamins and minerals, eat right, exercise, stay away from folks coughing, sneezing and heavy mouth breathers, and wash our hands.

Most importantly, live OUR lives as we wish.

The unchecked Covid hysteria is really over the top, quite probably, criminal.


Thanks for the info about the ships. I had wondered if some that were being positioned were the hospital ships. Guess not. thanks.

No, the ships weren’t needed nor were the field hospitals because of the 15 days + 30 days shut down that flattened the curve/slowed the growth of cases.

And then the hospitals were ready and we all needed to get on with life so opening back up began in many states … and the spread of the virus increased which was natural. Wish more had opened up more fully so that it spread/people came into contact with the virus during summer months.

KY and TN hospitals are filling/reaching capacity as are many in other states &/or regions within states. The virus, in its many strains, is making its rounds. No way to aviod that unless we stay locked up for years. Natural that people will “catch” it and a certain percentage will have complications and need hospitalization. We ought to expect the hospitals to fill as we expect the virus to make its rounds and treat this like it is realistic and normal for a new virus and was unpreventable after China stopped the virus from being contained (or released it).

Interestingly, ventilators are not being used that much (according to the stats of the several states I frequently check, my own state almost daily) which is good news as it means other methods of treatment are being found + many are not getting to the point of needing them.


Yup. Medical folks have developed very effective treatments for Covid. Thus our 99.9% recovery.

So long as I ignore fake news and government officials, I am quite upbeat about Covid.


Whats crazy about this whole mess is no one is really looking at the way things usually are in non-pandemic times. .
H3LL have any of you gone to an ER in any decent sized city and I’m not talking about the ERs of the so called charity hospitals.
Unless you have chest pain or are bleeding profusely you get to usually wait with 50 others or more in the waiting room for usually hours.
When you do get a ER bed, sometimes it is just a chair you are often lucky if you are even in a curtained off room..
For those thst need to be admitted to hospital you will often stay in ER for several hours prior! Had one friend who was in ER for over a day before being admitted, even though they made the decision within an hour of her being seen.
It has been like this for at least 60 or more years. Did find out one thing though. If you brought in by an ambulance you at least given a bed 90% of the time. But if friends or family bring you in you will probably wait with the rest in the outside waiting room.


Agree. As a nurse, I suspected months ago when people were not dropping like Ebola. The virus is real, real like a bad flu, and certainly more of a problem for those in high risk groups – which remain the elderly and the severely compromised. Those groups have the same risks towards the “flu” and pneumonia.

The rest of this has been used as a political weapon against the People in the USA and the World.

I’m hoping that when POTUS secures the election, he’ll be able to move on the this crime against humanity.


Think at the most there were maybe a dozen if that many admitted to those facilities.
The hospital ship being in NY when the nursling fiasco mandates where made really piles on evidence of Cuomo being a murder.

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest
Deplorable Patriot

Bringing this over from last evening’s discussion.
comment image


I would expect something like this to be true. Bordering on common sense.

There is a hell of a lot of evil being perpetrated against America beyond the literal 3 November election. It is all connected.


DP, what was brought over from last evening? Think it must be important but can’t read it. Thank you so much.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s an 8kun post claiming that the military has been privately briefing the Supreme Court justices on all the election fraud found.


Thank you, appreciate that.


Good video from our Space Force. ⬇ 

At the 1:32 mark:

“When foreign powers can build bases on the dark side of the moon…”


I saw a performance by Laurie Anderson at least a decade ago. She shared that she was the artist in residence, for a time, at NASA. She claimed, in her performance, that the US military was already there.


2005, “The End of the Moon”…

Valerie Curren

warriors at the ready!

I noticed this promoted thing & wondered if it’s connected to the Chi-Coms?

***Golden Harvest Seeds
***#Corn & ***#soybean seeds bred for specific growing and field conditions, with Seed Advisors and agronomists dedicated to putting them to work for you.
994 Following

Hopefully I can get their logo to show too

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Binned for links,
But Twitter’s ham
Is never spam
So Wolf debinned
And MAGA winned!

Valerie Curren

Love the poem. Sorry about the hassle w/ that comment. I was trying to get their avatar/icon to show for it was what was bugging me. Niggling at the back of the mind & all. Instead it embedded their tweet stream–yikes.

You are Still Doing An Amazing Job managing all the challenges of getting this new site up & assisting so many of us to acclimate to the new conditions. God Bless!!!

Valerie Curren

GK Chesterton was a friend of CS Lewis, I believe!


I love that quote. We’ve got St. George to kill the dragon.


Valerie Curren

Didn’t Sundance always refer to China as the Dragon behind the Panda mask?


He did…but he didn’t invent that phrase.

Others, such as Gordon Chang, have been saying that for years.

Cuppa Covfefe

The thing to note is that Satan is represented in the Bible as the Dragon…

The Red Chinese seem to be doing his will… aided and abetted by Satan Soros and his spawn and ilk, the DEMONRATS, and the RINOS…

Valerie Curren

War Nurse rocks, sharing fyi, I haven’t yet dug into this…


Homicide too. Wonder if Las Vegas falls under some of their nefarious doings.

Valerie Curren

Good Q (no pun officially intended) 😉


Rudi has more tapes !!!

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert


Maybe they’re figuring out they have to lawyer up. While Lin Wood speaks strongly, he doesn’t say anything that he can’t prove.

Georgia is going go down. Sad to see that GOP is corrupt in GA, but the only way to clean it up.

Gail Combs

Actually TAKING DOWN CORRUPT REPUBLICANS FIRST is a really good PR move.


Excellent point.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Indeed. A very good PR move and it’s the right thing to do anyway. Corruption should be a non-partisan issue, and people shouldn’t get a pass because they’re Republicans (whether or not that’s “in name only”).


Kemp is paraded as one of the villains in the Kill Chain movie about fraud in 2016 election. Everything that was documented in it about the insecurity of the machines is proving to be true. But this cycle “THEIR GUY” Mr. Hiden won, so searching on the movie is not going to be easy.



Thank you sweet sweet DePat for doing do much for us at Wolf’s magnificent Qtreehouse .. I really appreciate what you do. God bless you abundantly sweetheart ❤️

Deplorable Patriot

You’re quite welcome.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

This is a MUCH WATCH, IMO. Somebody posted a tweet with it yesterday. Here’s the uncouched video,

Deplorable Patriot

An absolutely amazing warrior for medical freedom and truth about vaccines, Brandy Vaughan, has passed away at the age of 47.

Vaughan founded the Council for Vaccine Safety in response to one of the nation’s first mandatory vaccination for education law — SB277 in California. When working in the pharma industry, Brandy sold Vioxx, a painkiller that was found to double the risk of stroke and heart attacks and was eventually taken off the market.

“From that experience, I realized that just because something is on the market, doesn’t mean it’s safe,” explains Brandy. “And much of what we are told by the healthcare industry, just simply isn’t the truth.”

She was a brave soldier with a mission to expose big pharma‘s corruption. She used to work for Merck, a company that was tightly associated with the nazi party, also known for their autism causing MMR vaccine. 

She was a sales rep for Big Pharma that spoke out about vaccines. Put herself on the front lines!!! Had break ins and threats to scare her but she kept marching.

Concerned Virginian

Would not surprise me at all if Ms. Vaughan’s death was a professional hit job.

Deplorable Patriot

I think you can pretty much bank on that.

Deplorable Patriot

Firing squads…are nooses on the table?

Deplorable Patriot

My alma mater, where I worked for ten years, probably has filthy Chinese $$$ going back to the 1990s, at least, when they were EVERYWHERE.


Of course @RudyGiuliani would beat the China Virus ahead-of-schedule. What a fighter! Now on to winning the next fight! 🇺🇸

— Natalie Harp (@NatalieJHarp) December 9, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

I still think it was a cover for something else.

Cuppa Covfefe

COVER-19, so to speak 🙂

I imagine many in the deep state are feeling quite ill right now… nightstands or nightshade at the ready…


Rudy was not even “down” for even a week. Five days? Yea, something else was up.

Jenna? Covid positive a few days ago. We hear from her. But don’t know if we’ve seen her.

Sidney. We hear of her seemingly less these days. Wonder what Sidney is up to.

Have not seen or heard from Gina H for awhile either.

Deplorable Patriot

Sidney reported that she was surrounded by a demonic attack.

Gina H supposedly is at the spa after the Germany raid.

At this point, all I know is that my car needs more work than the thing is worth, and there are plots to replace it come spring.


That last paragraph is priceless LoL [snort] worthy.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m dead serious. The front suspension is shot and it will not pass inspection when the time comes. The repairs will literally be more than the blue book value. It’s 13 years old and just shy of 100K miles. It’s become a money sink hole, and the title holders are ready to move on.


I had no doubt you were serious. It was your creative use of the English language to convey the message that struck me as ha-ha.

Cuppa Covfefe

Brings a great song from Aaron Tippin (and a car I had) to mind. There ain’t nothin’ wrong with the radio 😆 (or, 😡 )…

Cuppa Covfefe

Brings a great song from Aaron Tippin (and a car I had) to mind. There ain’t nothin’ wrong with the radio. 😆 (or 😡 )…

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

I had a friend in incredible financial difficulties and a car in the same sad state. They ended up saving a lot of money by miraculously convincing a dealership to actually give them the deal they offered in the newspaper for a new car. (You know, the deal that is impossibly good and they don’t actually have that exact car right now…)


Remember POTUS responding a couple of days ago that Rudy was working on something “more” important – IMO, he wasn’t thinking health.


Shhh! Don’t clue in the enemy.


I would imagine Rudy was/is coordinating with the Texas team, bringing Ted Cruz up to speed, and getting ready to make a Supreme Court appearance. Just because Ted is the orator, I don’t think he is the only one sitting at the table for that, right?

Deplorable Patriot

Well, isn’t DiFi lucky that they recently upgraded GITMO to care for elderly patients/inmates with these same healthcare problems?! Seize her assets!

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe they’ll put Poligrip on the TOP of her teeth 😀

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

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The FBI has widened a criminal probe into 2020 presidential election fraud and are on the trail of 500,000 manufactured/phony ballots for Democratic candidate Joe Biden, according to high-ranking federal sources on the Thomas Paine Podcast. The states in play? Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia and Michicgan. The fraud is massive and complex. Listen above or below for details.

This story is developing.

Listen to the insightful Thomas Paine Podcast Below —


Thomas Paine says that POTUS basically lit up AG Barr’s ass at the last meeting, to start the FBI investigating, which did not happened up to that time (basically they were stalling).

Now an official FBI investigation has been started and looking at the 500000 phony ballots.

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO, and however it happened, Barr got the “impression” that if FBI and DOJ didn’t get on the right side of this, they were going to get steamrolled and possibly CLOSED by the military in a matter of days or weeks.

At least, that is what *I* would have made sure happened.

Barr’s “Kryptonite weakness” is “institutional preservation”. Dodge and FIB were – IMO – headed for Presidential closure and reorg, absent actually functioning in the greatest case ever put under their noses.

Biden will not be allowed into the White House. Our military could offer to deputize and recruit approximately 30 million adult males in a matter of DAYS, to deal with this crap.

If Dodge and FIB won’t do their LEGAL JOB, all the military has to do is offer a LEGAL MEANS for the PEOPLE to rebel against this shit, and WE WILL DO IT.

Valerie Curren

I agree on Biden. I don’t see how anyone who’s taken the oath to protect & defend the Constitution from foreign & domestic enemies can allow an overt Chi-Com puppet to ascend to the big chair, especially through a fraudulent election process. We cannot allow America to become de facto Chinese territory without a major fight for our right to exist in Freedom!!!

Brave and Free

FBI lie? Hell yes FBI lies, ALL THE TIME.

FBI is inept and ignore massive crimes right in front of their faces.

NOT hyperbole, IMO, FBI has NO credibility. A powerful enemy force within the Federal government.

Deplorable Patriot


Don Jr. is a chip off the old block!

Ya know, there’s actually a tiny part of me that wants to congratulate 
for getting a real, live woman to be intimate with him, even if she was a Chinese Communist spy. It’s gotta be so much harder for him now after he shat himself on live TV.

Deplorable Patriot

Swalwell bang bang on Fang Fang.

And, seriously, she got paid to do it, too.


Fang Fang bang bang Dumb Dumb… 😂 

Cuppa Covfefe

Fang Fang on the door, or what was that song? 🙂
Here’s Rooster and the B-52s (OK, I know…but it looks like him..)….


Fang Fang bang bang ding dong.


good one!!


Did you see the photos of the 2 mid-west mayors supposedly got the bang bang treatment, as well? BIG bucks would have been necessary there!

Deplorable Patriot

Watch who goes down before we get to the money men.

Brave and Free

Absolutely! Fart Boy and Kemp are first, followed by GA SOS Raffensperger. Watch Newsome and Kemp go down for $$ laundering with CCP for PPE .

Valerie Curren
Deplorable Patriot


Don’t think it’s going to work in the long run.


As we all remember, q said to follow the wives.

Deplorable Patriot


Marilee (Parler: MaryLAS)

Believable? Sure.
Someone suggested to me that the first couple rounds of Covid vaccines given out will not contain the harm that succeeding spread injections will have. Maybe even placebo at first, so they start gaining trust of the masses who were resisters?
10:55 PM · Dec 9, 2020


i dunno…having half your face paralyzed doesn’t sound benign to me

Deplorable Patriot

It isn’t. But, when they do the first rounds on the general public…what, exactly, is in those vials.


not only the general public–all those “big” names who are gonna take it live…Obama…Bush…Spongebob

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll unpack the video in the comments. Really interesting two minutes.

Deplorable Patriot
Valerie Curren

Interesting finds from that twitter conversation

I didn’t watch the nearly 3 hour video, just share fyi

This next video if very important, imho

around 9 mins above he discusses how there is no scientific paper/reference to document that “HIV is the probable cause of AIDS”…11 mins the NIH & CDC report “was crap” it was about killing a primate w/ a retrovirus…

This could also be why Mullis was eliminated because he exposes that the emporer has NO CLOTHES…around 12:40 it’s like he revealed why he would be offed–Just WOW!

about 16:30 explains the PCR test, “you cannot use a surrogate test to prove anything!” around 20 mins “if you amplify the virus 60 times you will have 100% positive” if you later “amplify 35 times 100% will be negative” ends around 21:30! THIS IS HUGE!!!

Spiro Skouras did this video & this is really a MUST WATCH

He mentions his website (I think) at the end

ActivistPost DOT com or possibly

ActivistVoice DOT com


Gen. Michael Flynn’s first speech to be at ‘Stop the Steal’ rally (

Gen. Michael Flynn knows how to give back.

The Russia investigation figure just pardoned by President Trump will make his first speech since the case against him ended. In fact, he will speak twice at Saturday rallies in Washington aimed at bolstering the president’s challenge to voting in several states.

His first address will be outside the Supreme Court at a “One Nation Under God” rally hosted by Women for Trump.

He and his family will then address a “Jericho March/Stop the Steal National Prayer Rally” on Washington’s Mall that is being titled, “Let the Church ROAR.”

Deplorable Patriot

So, I just got a red box that said, “You’re posting comments too quickly. Slow down.”

Pardon me?


That’s funny. And here we thought computers were so fast and efficient.

Akin to an eatery hostess trying to seat guests at the correct tables, but can’t keep up.



“Put your hands up and step back from the keyboard.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s weird! Keep watching for it and let me know exactly what triggers it.

I get the red box for “liking my own posts” accidentally!

Valerie Curren

I get it Often, because I’ll compose a comment but before hitting “post comment” I’ll typically click on the Bell Notifications in the black bar & catch up on likes/replies, etc. If I actually reply through the bell & then go to the thread to hit my “post comment” button it almost always gives me the red warning. Once the red box disappears I can usually hit the Post button & it goes through fine 🙂

By the way, in replying through the Bell I don’t think it allows “likes” of that comment to show at the Bell either. Also liking other’s comments/replies through the bell seems like the “like” doesn’t show in the thread so perhaps no one knows if any of us are “liking” their stuff that way…

Oh & the Bell is no longer indicating if I have replied to anyone there except for the initial green box saying the reply went through, fyi.


Its early here not fully functional yet but the twinkley sock ass up north threatened the US if POTUS didn’t concede??? He has Chinese troops on our border???wtf??We have supposed war games going on off the Pacific coast and east coast?? Sounds like war footing to me.


Twinkle socks and Chinee troops up north bear close watching.

Linkage to Navy ships is not realistic. IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I suspect the ChiComs in Canada are info-warriors working with the coup.

Valerie Curren

I read/saw somewhere, on twitter, that Canada was hosting Chinese troops & training them in cold weather techniques on at least one Canadian base. Saw it w/in the last 2 days…

Nothing to see here/s




Doctor gets heated during Senate testimony — ‘We have a cheap drug that works miracles on Covid!’

Pierre Kory, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine at St. Luke’s Aurora Medical Center, delivers passionate testimony during the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing on “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution, Part II.”

‘Ivermectin has emerged as an inexpensive wonder drug for Covid.’

“I CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS”: Doctor pleads for review of data during COVID-19 Senate hearing

Follow On!!
Good follow-on interview embedded:

PREVENTING COVID-19: Dr. Pierre Kory Pushes for Approval of Ivermectin Treatment For Covid-19

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert

Republican Leaders Block Congressional Recognition of Biden Inauguration
McConnell, McCarthy and Blunt rejected recognizing Biden as president-elect by voting against a resolution offered by Hoyer that said the congressional committee was preparing for the inauguration of Biden and Harris. Blunt responds: “It is not the job of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies to get ahead of the electoral process and decide who we are inaugurating. The JCCIC is facing the challenge of planning safe Inaugural Ceremonies during a global pandemic.”

Deplorable Patriot

One of the few times I’m actually behind my senator.

Valerie Curren

good thread here!

Valerie Curren


smoking gun much!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Raffensberger is in trouble and if squeezed will sing like a Canary

Valerie Curren

I sure hope that’s true. Lots of layers, & money, in that deep state coup cake…

Valerie Curren

China spy guy!

Valerie Curren

All those connect the dots tweets were fascinating….good dig. I’ve sent them on because they will never be seen in the media. And even Conservative shows are very slow with info like this…Bongino, Rush, Hannity, etc.
As DH says…this Tree is far ahead of everyone else, thanks to you cyber warriors.

Valerie Curren

I saved that thread at the Internet Archive figuring the deep staters would soon try to deep six it too–grrrr! That Aeocoin guy’s got Lots of good material!!!


He needs to be locked up.

Valerie Curren



Thanks for all the great info you post, Valerie.

Valerie Curren

YW Grandma 🙂


Well, dp, I tried to comment where it told you to slow down your comments, and it sent me up here to the top. Well, my opinion is Foxy, keep postin’ as much as possible, even if it breaks the bank.


I can relate!!
comment image


Dreaded short term memory lapses…. i have 5 tasks in my head at once most of the time so i do this too.


i started reworking song lyrics to make me remember…
I love rock n roll
pull out the chicken to defrost it baby…

Cuppa Covfefe

Annnnnddd, here’s dessert 😀  😎 

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Valerie Curren

Interesting twit world discussion on the CIA

Valerie Curren

This is pretty great.

William-of-Ockham (4 more years) (@Will_of_Ockham) Tweeted:
@cjtruth Calling all Digital Soldiers… The final battle is upon us…Fire at will!


Off topic.

Ah, the memories of boot camp. 🙂


found OT…h/t just do it now

comment image

Valerie Curren

Schiff Refuses To Disclose Why He Withheld Details Of Swalwell’s Relationship With A Chinese Spy From Intel Committee

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) December 9, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



for sure!comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

Dr Tarver is confident that MI legislature will do the right thing re: the election


Is she really having memory issues or are investigations getting close to her China connections? Is this a cover for her own protection? don’t usually see this kind of stuff get out about Dems


good point


Giving her a somewhat graceful way to “retire.”…with hours of praising speeches and accolades in the Senate, of course.


I am thinking that the dems released the info about the fbi investigating Hunter and Jim Biden…so their transition to cameltoe seems necessary. they’re not going to bump old joe off…luckily for him…and too many top reubs have gotten and recovered from covid…so they needed something plausible…hence the “news”…


I agree.

I think the Dems are gearing up for that. I also think they are purging people like Swalwell and Di-Fi, under cover of the election mess. People aren’t really paying attention to anything but voter fraud right now.



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Dr Zelenko? HCQ? 😉


Dr. Zelenko!
 😁  👍 


More Never-Trumper self-exposure, showing how vile and irresponsible these faux-cons are.

About the Texas Lawsuit – Erick Erickson

Ken Paxton, the Attorney General of Texas, is under a federal investigation and would love a presidential pardon. His lawsuit is just more performative leg humping by someone desperate to curry favor with President Trump.

The various attorneys general who have joined his lawsuit all want to either get re-elected or seek higher office. Joining the lawsuit gives them some measure of ring kissing or protection from any rabid Trump supporters who wanted a “just fight” moment.

I personally think my company should pay me workers compensation for brain damage for having to read that lawsuit and related filings. It really is one of the stupidest bits of performative leg humping we have seen in the last five years. These attorneys general are willing to beclown themselves and their states all to get in good with the losing presidential candidate.

In actuality, Erick, the one beclowning here is yourself. You cannot receive compensation for an injury that is a pre-existing condition.

If you are going to engage in this opinionated and abusive ad hominem, you ask for it to be dished back to you. The sauce you dish out for their goose is fine for your gander.


Let’s keep in mind how vile and self-serving these people are: When the inauguration is passed, and their donor money dries up, they’ll be back in chameleon mode, trying to curry favor with conservatives. The Professional Conservative class – who can be bought and sold by the highest narrative bidder – can only be exposed by the diligence of honest men and women who will remind others of what these people have done: Betrayed the base of principled, hardworking conservatives to make a fast buck at their expense.


I developed a dislike for Erik Erickson back when he was beclowning himself as CNN’s paid clown-servative.

He’s managed to make me dislike him even more, as the years have passed.
At this point…I wish he would just stfu and go away.


lol – true!


EE has had said a number of inappropriate things over the years. For a self-professed Christian, he has a dirty mind. He’s desperate for attention – was out of the spotlight long before 2016 and his disinvite of then Candidate Trump to the Redstate Gathering. Has made poor career choices along the way – and never accepts responsibility.


So how are people editing their comments. Can’t find the way to do it.


Cursor over the lower right hand corner of your comment.

Look for a little cog wheel thingy and click on that.

This will open up your comment into a comment box.

You have 15 minutes after posting, to make any edits.
It times out after that.

Or if someone replies to you within that 15 minutes…because that will end the editing period too.


I did find that wheel, and saw the word edit, clicked on it, but it didn’t open into a comment box. 🙁

The comment stayed the same.


Was it past the 15 minute time limit?


“a professed Christian with a dirty mind” certainly should become an often-repeated description since there are so many that have that condition.

Deplorable Patriot

Impure thoughts…that’s on a list somewhere.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-WI, Chairman of Homeland Security Committee, to hold hearing on Voter Fraud next week! 🦋🤸‍♀️🦋
If necessary, will he be the Senator Mo Brooks needs to challenge the EC results?

Valerie Curren

Watch applesauce test positive for Corona Virus, LOL

Translated from German by Google…

This is your PCR test, your folk hero This test can perhaps certify that you stink now because you stepped into dog shit before – but nothing more Especially not whether you are infected or sick. He’s always good at kidding people


“These results demonstrate how dangerously transmissible COVID-19 is and why we must remain vigilant in wearing masks to protect ourselves.”

Valerie Curren


Cuppa Covfefe

Well, there goes the old adage, an apple (sauce) a day keeps the doctor away 🙂


green squares! Are becoming VERY, VERY annoying! First, they are outdated…I keep getting sales one repeatedly and often from another day. Second…they have INCREASED in size to the point they take up the entire width of the screen at the bottom…covering the current post.
Honestly, at this point I’m questioning any value having them…especially showing content.
A couple of other tweaks… does anyone else have a problem getting the thumbs up icon to react? Most of the time it takes multiple “clicks” for it to register.
Orange circle…not sure if it’s supposed to take you to the replies…mine does not. I have to scroll up and find them (having them in another color is great.)
Finally, although I’ve gone into settings to eliminate getting replies in email…instill get them.
Other than that…it’s perfect! This little chipmunk isn’t really complaining (well, except for the OVERSIZED green remarks**😝) , just passing along what I’m experiencing.


yeah my “so and so is online” comments have gotten quite large–and they block out the thread…
sometimes I think there are new replies here and other pages of this thread–so that orange thing may not know which page to take you to. I’ve noticed if there’s only one new comment and you click on it, it will take you to a previous page, but I’ve seen the count go high and when i scan the page i’m on, there’s only a few–so it’s for the entire thread i think.
does this make sense?


Only if you read it 5 times! LOL



Cuppa Covfefe

You have to turn it upside down, and read it backwards  🙃 

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely makes sense – this is EXACTLY what I observe, too! If new comments pile up in the notification bubble, it’s basically no good.

Valerie Curren

Are we supposed to click the orange bubble because sometimes mine has more than 100 in it–yikes!

Valerie Curren

I think you might have to reload a page to see new comments but am not sure about that, or much of anything here 🙂

Valerie Curren

Your little chipmunk has shape-shifted into a fox, clever vixin 🙂


All it takes is $$$$….ask China! 🤣

Valerie Curren

Oh no, bo-fox-in 😉

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎
Valerie Curren

Thanks for that, I’m going to retweet right now!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Wouldn’t it be cool if the AG’s of these States joined in the Texas lawsuit? Against themselves? 😁 Well, all of them except corrupt GA!


the AG in PA is a DW

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Wisconsin? Arizona?  :wpds_beg: (I can’t tell if this sticker is hugging, praying, or blowing his nose😜)


that’s what I thought!!!!



wow…just checked my bell notifications and it doesn’t show the emojis –just tells what they are supposed to represent…
that big one? behind the word Arizona? means BEGGING



Yes, he should be stripped of his clearance immediately, same goes for DiFiChiSpy.




Over and over again I have asked why are the democrats trying to blame Trump for the crimes they did and Trump had nothing to do with.


Because they’re evil.

And they know that the media won’t call them out on their Lies…and lets them get away with it.


It is called PROJECTION – pinning your faults on others, K!


Wheatie: IPOT got suspended from Twitter – however – he is on GAB


Yes! I followed him there.


One Smart Lady – you are!!!


Thanks Miss Duchess!

Deplorable Patriot

The police using Lamborghinis for squad cars. Very sexy.


actually when i said i was happy to be able to post hunks again, I promised to equally post wgtt’s for the guys…
so there you have it.
was actually looking a handsome cop for you–cuz you got your first speed posting warning…lol…

Deplorable Patriot

I was actually drooling over the car.


well, cool, my mission is done…LOL


Lamborghini? Wut? Where? Oh, yea. OK.

Focal point is the police officer! Yea. Uh, NO, It’s the WGTT.

Thanks Pat.  😃 

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

like I said…promises made, promises kept!

Deplorable Patriot

You see when you HAVE WGTT, you tend not to be impressed.

I don’t have a Lambo.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Tweeted: ….The fact that our Country is being stolen. A coup is taking place in front of our eyes, and the public can’t take this anymore.” A Trump fan at Georgia Rally on @OANN Bad!


So tell me again why my twitter posts look like this? just copy and pasting the url like I always did



Try using ‘Paste as plain text’ instead of just ‘Paste’, when you are putting the URL into your comment box.

comment image

“Democracy? I want nothing to do with a system which operates on the premise that my rights don’t exist simply because I am outnumbered.” – R. Lee Wrights


New, Ultra-Woke Methodist Denomination Proclaims God’s ‘Kin-dom’
By Grayson Quay–ultra-woke-methodist-denomination-proclaims-god-s–kin-dom-/
comment image

A group of breakaway Methodists announced the formation of the Liberation Methodist Connexion (LMX) on Sunday, November 29, further fracturing what was once the United Methodist Church, as the farthest left portion of believers take their leave.

The LMX website declares that the denomination seeks to build God’s “kin-dom”—I guess the word “Kingdom,” despite being Scriptural, must be problematically patriarchal or something—by “refut[ing] the imbalance of powers, principalities, and privileges that has plagued Methodism: colonialism, white supremacy, economic injustices, patriarchy, sexism, clericalism, ableism, ageism, transphobia, and heteronormativity.” The LMX also affirms a variety of lifestyles, including obesity, drug use, and promiscuity, as “God-given identities and expressions.”

Whether or not LMX Christians still recite the Nicene Creed, these woke buzzwords constitute their true statement of faith. The denomination’s website even states explicitly that LMX theology “is not written in stone.” In other words, the LMX will gladly adapt its beliefs to whatever ideas are termed progressive in the secular sphere at any given time. LMX leaders call themselves “collaborators,” and it is a fitting epithet, deserving of all the connotations it carried in Nazi-occupied France.

. . . MORE . . .


Defining God in their own image.


DEVALUING Scripture and GOD’s pattern in creation.

Jesus said – GOD made them male and female.


Romans 1:18-32, plus Leviticus and all the rest of Scripture – there is no approval of homo/bi/trans sexuality.

Concerned Virginian

Well, this “new sect” of the Methodists appears to be a toxic and “USEFULIDIOT” fellow-traveler mishmash of:
*** Black Liberation Theology taken to its “logical” conclusion, which includes actual violence, called “HOLY TROUBLEMAKING”;
*** Possible ties to Open Society (GEORGE SOROS) through his funded groups Repairers of the Breach and Poor People’s Campaign (, July 13, 2020: “George Soros’s Foundation Pours $220 Million Into Racial Equality Push”
*** “Religious leaders” pushing for total acceptance of ALL lifestyles, no matter how DEVIANT, because “God loves all people”;
*** “Religious leaders” pushing for radical and total REDISTRIBURTION of income to “right historical wrongs that still persist” in America. this includes reparations to all kinds of minority / indigenous peoples.

Steve in Lewes

“All are Welcome”
Some intrepid soul should walk into a Methodist church, facility…with a MAGA hat and test their virtue signaling BS!



LOL, nevermind the “optics” of MIT rejecting a speech from the United States Secretary of State!


Time to rethink all those federal tax dollars they get…



Chinese Military Bases in The Caribbean?
by Lawrence A. Franklin
December 10, 2020 at 5:00 am
comment image

  • China also seems to have a military agenda in the Caribbean region… Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe already is on record expressing China’s willingness to deepen military cooperation with Caribbean countries.
  • Of more concern to US security interests is the ongoing seaport expansion project in the already commercially important port at Kingston, Jamaica, as well as the port at Freeport, Bahamas, China’s possible new base of operations 90 miles off the US coast.
  • China is clearly not a government that honors its agreements…. The US can ill afford any Chinese drive to place under threat any Western Hemisphere country, much less the United States.

China’s Communist Party (CCP) seems to be implementing a multidimensional strategy in the Caribbean, reaping economic, political and potentially military gains a few miles offshore the United States. China’s ultimate objective of its Caribbean strategy may well be to confront the US, not only with its presence near the mainland US, but also with a situation analogous to America’s military presence in the region of the South China Sea. There, China created new islands in the sea, pledged not to militarize them, then went and militarized them.

It is important to remember that China also promised Hong Kong autonomy until 2047, then, in 2020, jumped the gun by 27 years. “Hong Kong will be another communist-run city under China’s strict control,” US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared in July. China is clearly not a government that honors its agreements.

Concerned Virginian

Watch what happens in Jamaica — look what the United States is already dealing with in terms of Kamala Harris.


Looking forward to the day that china is parted out to all their neighbors.


Panama Canal…lease is over. Panama politicians corrupt and can give it away to China? Imagine there’s a lot of people working on the scenarios.




bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Prepare for DODGE and FIB to clear Hunter Biden with a “Comeyism”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Fake News deserves far worse than they’re going to get.


not only that…but when they follow their OWN RULES, they get covid…bwahahahahahaha…here’s looking at you governor wolf…




you know, if he had put an ounce of thought into that announcement, he should have said something like, I violated my own rules–i didn’t wear a mask to a family gathering at Thanksgiving and this is the consequence…so please listen to the advice of our experts…
but no, Asshat says, I followed all the precautions…which says to me, follow the “experts'” advice, get covid ANYWAY…so why follow???

Valerie Curren

“In the course of these studies all cats that initially tolerated the vaccination well died after encountering the wild virus” Also noted problems with mammalian placental creation leading to infertility–poison pill on Many Levels!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The short version of this concern is two-fold.

(1) even though we know that the vaccine-forcing proteins are designed to BEAT immune enhancement, that is not sufficiently proven

(2) even though we HOPE that side effects on both fertile and pregnant women are not there, there are good reasons to suspect them, and safety against contraception is not proven.

Valerie Curren

Yes & there are more concerns than those, they were just the 2 I chose to mention from the images in that tweet.

Valerie Curren

Dominion deceptions per Code Monkey

Valerie Curren

Playing the long game to pretend to be more conservative than she really is, hmmm…

Concerned Virginian


That Chinese spy, “FANG-FANG” helped to FUNDRAISE for Gabbard in 2013.

Gabbard is introducing this bill ONLY to start building her “street cred” to try for the RINO / UNIPARTY “Republican” nomination in the 2024 presidential election.

Valerie Curren

I concur!


Valerie Curren

Michigan mayhem! Targeting Trump train team?

Valerie Curren

So I’m not exactly sure what’s being referenced here, but treadstone makes me think of the Bourne movies…are we talking MK stuff here?

Deplorable Patriot

And be ready for God to hand you tasks that no one else will do.


Interesting message from Andrew Torba, CEO/founder of Gab:

comment image Andrew Torba


Please be on the lookout for fedposters and report them using our reporting system if you see them. The term fedposter refers to a user who openly calls for violence against others or encourages one to break the law in some manner. We’ve seen several newly created accounts doing this over the past few days, likely to make Gab look bad, and have taken action on them immediately. Fedposters have no place on Gab.

Valerie Curren

pointless exercise likely here but some things just have to be said on occasion!


PIC deaths are Much higher than typical flu deaths.

Flu deaths from 2019: 21,909, the majority being 65+ yrs.

This year’s deaths w/baseline of previous year’s flu & pneumonia deaths for perspective can be found here:

This year they are combining PIC deaths. Although they are still tracking Wuflu and Flu seperately, they are combining the death stats. I wish they seperated them and I am sure that combining them only serves to increase alarm. However, those deaths are MUCH higher than usual year’s totals.

Pneumonia is the biggest killer, including in previous years and it is a condition that kills wuflu patients but is brought on by wuflu. I think they are combining them as many of the patients would not have pneumonia if they were not first infected with Wuflu. Iti s a complication of wuflu. I think that is what the antibiotics are for when one takes the recommend HQC and Zinc, etc., (for those who can get it).

Death rates are higher this year. When one looks at deaths one needs to realize that death totals lag, sometimes by several months, as the data is collected. If one looks at the data for Nov deaths right and compares it to previous year’s totals the comparison would be inaccurate because the Nov totals are incomplete and will continue to rise in coming weeks and months. this is true of wuflu and all other deaths and is always true, not just right now. It takes time for data to be collected.

Valerie Curren

I believe that one needs to look at Total deaths as well, since they are calling dying WITH CV for reporting purposes as if it means dying FROM CV.

Like my son’s paramedic friend who brought a DOA to the hospital who’d died of a gunshot to the head but was listed as a “Covid” death…I haven’t looked at the stats lately but it seems (per comments I’ve read elsewhere) that other causes of death are Way down but the overall death rate for all causes is roughly the same.

If the flu & influenza-like illnesses & pneumonia Only included additionally those who’ve died OF/BY/FROM the Coronavirus it is likely that those charts would be roughly similar.


We have Far surpassed H1N1 totals under Obama/Biden. H1N1 deaths of Americans were not at all comparable to wuflu – they were Much lower. (That does not mean I admire Obama’s handling of H1N1 nor do I blame President Trump for wuflu)

“From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.”

Totals continued to climb (but at a signficantly slower rate which is why it was no longer a pandemic) over the next several years as the virus continued to circulate but more people had immunity/resistance from previous exposures. It is actually still floating around.

Notable: 80% of world wide deaths were estimated to have been 65+ yrs.

Valerie Curren

We still get back to the issue of how many deaths are Actually CV deaths. If it is the 6% that’s been widely reported/discussed as opposed to those dying & Called CV when they Clearly Died of something else, like the gunshot death called “Covid” that my son’s paramedic friend WITNESSED–he CLEARLY DIED OF GUNSHOT NOT CV but was still CALLED a CV death!!!

If you/they deal with the so-called CV deaths ACCURATELY I would guess that the H1N1 comparison would change 🙂

Of course Accurately discussing the CV deaths would put the lie to the so-called pandemic & fear mongering so that’s not likely to happen, except from alternative media & sources of info who are Not Affiliated with the Globullist agenda!


US deaths have seen an increase, mostly attributable to wuflu and deaths associated with wuflu

“Overall, an estimated 299,028 excess deaths occurred from late January through October 3, 2020, with 198,081 (66%) excess deaths attributed to COVID-19. The largest percentage increases were seen among adults aged 25–44 years and among Hispanic or Latino persons.”

Valerie Curren

So you are disregarding the CDC quiet update of CV death numbers (back when the claimed total was around 200,000 but those numbers included WITH CV, if only counting OF/BY/FROM CV then the ACTUAL CV death totals were less than 20,000.

By those percentages your near 300,000 Claimed deaths would be roughly 30,000!!!


300K excess deaths regardless of cause is the point.

We do have excess deaths.

H1N1 was not worse as many fewer died, which is also the point.

MANY more are dying from wuflu than from any seasonal flu in decades.

Many who die with Wuflu would not die without wuflu (same with seasonal flu which is why pnemonia and flu are often highlighted together).


I found this site to have data showing all cause mortality comparison for last 20 years. Helpful to me.

Valerie Curren

Thank you for that chart! It is Most helpful!!!

Valerie Curren

I believe that the chart that Gudthots shared at

gives us a nice Brpad overview of US death rates from 2011-2020 & shows that we are currently about the mean of deaths for that decade with higher death rates occurring 2015-2018 & peaking at 2017. None of those years involve the China Flu, at least not officially…

Because of the duplicitous nature of the China Virus being used as a pretext for the global Reset it appears that accurate data is hard to find when one has to wade through voluminous propaganda. Case rates are entirely unreliable (my family member who tested + twice would be counted as 2 cases even though it was the same illness course, I shared a tweet showing Applesauce testing + & some African countries sent in multiple food samples that tested +, all of which were counted as cases, I believe).

The PCR testing is so flawed as to be practically meaningless. Many sick people are not getting treatment so they are not included in the recovery numbers, perhaps as well.

In our home 3 of 4 people were tested, 2+ & 1-, the negative tested person had symptoms as did the non-tested person. We all treated our symptoms w/ OTC meds as needed & only one person has lingering breathing issues. All have lingering sense of smell changes that slowly diminish.

One person tested + twice before their work said they just had to wait a certain number of days after the first + & be without symptoms to go back to work.

Anyway I think to some degree we’ll have to agree to disagree as we probably are experiencing a bit of world view divergence. Thanks for what you’ve shared, though, it is interesting & helpful for I find navigating in the CDC pretty challenging so appreciate those links shared that can get us into the meatier info to assess. Blessings!

Valerie Curren

I couldn’t easily find this info at the CDC so here’s some via twitter…

This was the search I used, there are many more tweets there

Valerie Curren

Here is a more recent tweet making these points perhaps better than I

Valerie Curren

Eye witness to MI fraud speaks out

Valerie Curren

Wonder if PatF already found this meme (not this personal experience) Warning!



Valerie Curren

I’m still laughing (granted I need some sleep) & I have 3 sons & 2 brothers so perhaps a warped sense of humor!



Valerie Curren

Yup, slip slidin’ away!

Valerie Curren

more mask nazism


What an ignoramus!

Valerie Curren

Yes but great meme fodder!!!


Jingle Bells • Acoustic Guitar Cover • Joe Robinson • Christmas

Valerie Curren

Ideas generated by the same spirits that wanted to turn multiple blocks in Detroit into a Zombie-themed park…

Valerie Curren

calling all patriots…


Valerie Curren

Reposting this for the prayers needed.

Patriots are at risk, perhaps very grave risk. God bless them, send his angels to surround and protect them, and grant them stunning success.

comment image //:0


this was 3 years ago…???


3 year delta


ahhh… is that a regular function of the drops? I never know…


Good reminder that all is not settled and outcomes for the good are not guarenteed.

Deplorable Patriot

Every day. It’s in my list of daily petitions.





The posting notifications resulting in a big box covering the screen have GOT to go.

Please, Wolf.


I agree that they are somewhat annoying. I’ve been watching them, and I think they appear if you’ve been offline, there’s a bunch that appear initially, and secondly, one or two appear I believe when someone somebody that’s been offline comes online. The boxes have I think, the last comment they made, because some of them appear to be “lurkers” that don’t comment often, and the comment associated with their name is an old comment. Lastly, a notification when a new comment is made. So their purpose appears to be to let people know who is on line at the moment, and who is commenting currently.

Last edited 4 years ago by jamcooker

Oh good grief.
Nasty Nan is accusing R’s of “having QAnon in their delegation”…as though that is an equivalent to having a ChiCom spy on your staff.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Seems like Poligrip Pavement Princess Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambini is running interference for her nephew to cover his dalliance(s) with itty-bitty GangBang Fang Fang…

She’ll want to sprout wings and fly away soon, no doubt, and no inventor will help her…
Toot-Sweet or otherwise…

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Relatedly, Chinese quest for super soldiers

Cuppa Covfefe

Chairman Mao said, 60 years or so ago, that the Red Chinese would conquer the USA without firing a shot. So their “aims” are nothing new.

A Korean colleague of mine told me that although some Asian countries (e.g. Korea and Japan) hate each others’ guts, they would band together in a pinch, as they hate the West, especially the USA, even more. They consider themselves the super race.

Unfortunately, political “correctness” makes thoughts like this “unspeakable”. But this thought was spoken to me by a Korean, an Asian, so it’s not borne of prejudice, except against America (and the West)…..

Valerie Curren

Everybody hates & envies America unless they yearn to breathe free it seems…

Cuppa Covfefe

Could be they want that in their scuffle with India….

More likely they’re using it as a cover 😡 😡 😡

Valerie Curren

I wonder if this is where the rumors of thousands of Chinese troops in Canada originated…

Valerie Curren

Totalitarianism touted–tres tragique!


Building up their resume for the Goon Squad.

Valerie Curren

Sadly, yes!


Another HISTORIC breakthrough today! Our two GREAT friends Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco have agreed to full diplomatic relations – a massive breakthrough for peace in the Middle East!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 10, 2020

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Morocco carries an unusual amount of clout in the Islamic world, because the King can claim descent from Muhammad. He’s the only ruler in the world who can do so.


Ric Grenell on Nevada Election Integrity and Intel Issues in DC


BREAKING: President Trump and 18 States File at Supreme Court

Valerie Curren

Parler poison


JFK Jr on Imus program asking about China


Here’s that clip:


Thanks much Wheatie. It’s not earth shattering but interesting


You’re very welcome, Molly.

It’s significant, because JFK, Jr. probably talked with PDJT back then, too…about the Clintons and Dems taking money from China.

The Clintons hated JFK, Jr…and this could be part of the reason for that.

This could have been part of the reason he was killed.



Cuppa Covfefe

Twenty as in 2020???

Valerie Curren

Israel Morocco Peace!!!


COVID-19: NY Sends Mask Enforcers To Hudson Valley, Other Areas In State

The cavalry is coming to ensure that New Yorkers are adhering to the state’s mask mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic.

New York State Department of Health officials are sending “mask enforcers” to the Hudson Valley and other parts of the state to see to it that facial coverings are being worn as the number of COVID-19 cases surges.

Deplorable Patriot

I was talking to my mom earlier and she witnessed a Karen just belittling someone in a store in Pinellas County, Florida. The State may be open, but that county is not. This is just stupid and emboldening bullies.

As an aside, we went to get a tree today at an outdoor place which is really a farmers’ market, and masks were required. Of course, that particular muni is crazy liberal and I would flat out refuse to live there no matter how historic and well preserved it is.


CNN Cuomo had a pulpit style plea..”Brothers and Sisters”…blahblah


When I see this comparison it reminds me that we went to war to stop more 9/11s from happening and yet China remains unpunished for wuflu.

The comparison reminds us how many excess deaths we are having due to wuflu, over and above what was typical for seasonal flu.

H1N1, 2009-2010, was a horrible flu year and yet only ~60K died the entire year of H1N1.

this wuflu attack is just horrific!

Cuppa Covfefe

The reason we’re having “excess deaths” is because EVERYTHING is being attributed to WuFlu.

Seems there’s a monetary bonus for reporting it as such. Same thing here.

Unfortunately, there’s a severe shortage of TRUTH and REAL SCIENCE accompanying the rotten reporting.

Shades of John Cook’s fraudulent “survey” with “97 percent of all scientists…..”…


It is simply not true nor is it logical to try to explain excess deaths “because EVERYTHING is being attributed to WuFlu”.

False attribution to Wuflu for deaths does not explain excess deaths in total.

WuFlu is Real and we have excess deaths in 2020 because some people who are dying of Wuflu would otherwise not have died this year. They may have been in poor health and may have died in the next few years but they would have not died in this particular year from their comorbidities. Some would have died this year but some would not have died this year.

Excess mortality shown by contrasting 2020 #s with 2019 #s.
More people have died this year than the previous year.
The #s below are total # of deaths from all causes.

First # is deaths for specific week 2020 and the 2nd # is deaths for the same week in 2019. We can’t yet compare later weeks with the surge of deaths because we do not the totals.

2020/2019 deaths for specific weeks. Roughly late June – mid November
wk 26: 58,247   52,209
wk 27: 59,556   52,344
wk 28: 61,589   51,931
wk 29: 62,785   51,649
wk 30: 63,883   51,662
wk 31: 63,873   51,410
wk 32: 63,236   51,747
wk 33: 63,075   51,023
wk 34: 61,862   51,022
wk 35: 60,168   51,162
wk 36: 58,706   51,836      
wk 37: 57,432   51,633
wk 38: 57,104   51,757
wk 39: 57,936   52,757
wk 40: 56,814   52,564
wk 41: 58,233   53,090
wk 42: 56,628   54,338
wk 43: 57,608   54,049
wk 44: 57,483   54,087
wk 45: 58,384   55,699
wk 46: 54,873   55,886

I expect the #s for 2020 to increase over 2019 significantly for the last 6 weeks of 2020 as we continue to see a surge in cases. I am so greatful the death rate of those with WuFlu has decreased from the spring when it was new!

When we downplay the impact of WuFlu on our fellow Americans (the disease itself, not the lockdowns and rules, etc.) we are only helping China’s cause by minimizing the impact of the virus they released on the world (whether accidently or purposefully).

If we deny the deaths due to WuFlu (and yes, there has been some over attributation) we help China and lessen their responsibility for what they have done to us and the rest of the world.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I find myself thanking you once again.

When the news came out that there were a grand total of 9000 (or maybe 12,000) deaths of people who had WuFlu but NO comorbidities, there was a huge irrational rush of people declaring that WuFlu only killed 9000 Americans.


Basically by this standard, WuFlu ends up not getting blamed for killing, say, diabetics five years before they would have died anyway. It robbed someone of five years of life, but it doesn’t get blamed. Wrong. By this logic I can fatally shoot someone (who would have died eventually anway) and NOT get charged with murder.

I note that you said, and correctly so, that there IS some over-attribution. Certainly, if COVID is found in a big red smear on the ground, it’s not the cause of death, skydiving with a defective parachute was.

But it’s flatly wrong to say things like, “oh that guy weighed 350 lbs, therefore the COVID didn’t kill him.” And I’ve seen people here take such positions.

Cuppa Covfefe

Chew on this for a while:

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nothing there is even germane to the point I’m making.


So we have moved passed the claim that there are no excess deaths in 2020. Good. There are excess deaths. Your own link above admits and discusses excess deaths.

Some excess deaths are *because* of the shutdown.
From your link:
“Up to 30% of all additional {excess} deaths may have been caued not by covid, but by the effects of lockdowns, panic and fear”

What does that mean? That 70% are Not *because* of the shutdown. 70% of the excess deaths are directly and indirectly related to WuFlu infections according to your link.

Food for thought: we will probably end up with fewer road accident deaths/fewer deaths in some categories because of the shutdowns and we still have significant excess deaths/mortality rates.

(Note: I am not in favor of mandatory shutdowns other than the initial 45 day shutdown in the spring and even then I am not in favor of it being federally forced + think it should have been more voluntary, if possible, even on the state level but it served a Very Needed function.)


I’ve read and seen stats from more than one source tracking the total US deaths over 10 years. It’s usually in the 2.7 – 2.8 million range I think. Both sources I saw indicated we are below the numbers for 2019, this was through October. I might actually have seen this posted here.


Feel free to confirm the numbers that I quoted. That is why I posted the link from where I got my #s.

Would love to read your link to lower #s … ?


You’re waiting with bated breath I’m sure. It’s nothing more than total number of deaths from say 2010-20. If I stumble upon it again I’ll retrieve.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, and praise for knowing the difference between “bated” and “baited.”

Every time someone says “baited breath” I wonder if someone has been eating earthworms and one can smell it on their breath.




Understand that much is yet to come as we go thr peak season.


If you have links to what you saw I would be happy to read them. I am not glad that the death #s are higher, that wuflu is killing US citizens or to be “right”. I am merely sharing accurate info. If the info I share is inaccurate, I want to know so I can learn.

I assume all commenters/posters here would want to know accurate info as would other readers which is why I post when I see something I know, according to the sources I have read, to be inaccurate.

“According to the report published on Friday, 299,028 more people died from January 1, 2020, through October 3, 2020, than they expected at the beginning of the year.

The raw number of deaths in 2020 increased by roughly the same amount when compared to 2019. By adding together the weekly observed deaths reported by the CDC, it comes out that 2,486,273 Americans died in the first 40 weeks of 2020. By this point in 2019, only 2,181,385 people had died in the U.S. — showing an increase of 304,888 deaths.”

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Whenever I see a flurry of “fact checking” articles appear from the MSM borg, I am suspicious. And all you have to do is a cursory search to see that “death toll is less in 2020” is a very popular topic, that contradicts the narrative.


The death rate in the link is inaccurate. They are dividing deaths into total # of cases. The majority of the cases have yet to be resolved. One can not figure the death rate by dividing how many died of those who were infected in the past into the # of those currently inflected to get an accurate death rate.

The death rate is the rate of death v. recovery of resolved cases.

Of those who have had wuflu in the past how many died and how many lived? That is the accurate death rate and it is much higher.

Dismissing a higher death rate for those who are 70+ is revolting. Everyone that I know who contracted and died of wuflu who was in the older category were active and leading full lives or partially full lives. I promise you they would rather be alive right now and their memory is disrespected when we downplay wuflu and let china off the hook!


This goes along with what your link said, 2 out of 3 excess deaths are due to wuflu


Just a little personal experience. Within our close relatives, 10 have come down with covid — one died. Three of those cases were early, as in the beginning of April, when the disease was, from all indications, at its most severe. These three were parents in their late 70s and their son, in his 50s. He had serious pre-existing conditions, diabetes, dialysis. He was on a vent for a long time, and died. His parents were given HCQ in the hospital, improved immediately and were discharged after a few days.

Fast forward to the last two months — the remaining 7 cases. Covid for these folks has been nothing more than a nuisance. (My two nieces who tested positive are still teaching remotely.) Fatigue, some body aches, loss of and/or metallic taste, headaches, a cough, perhaps a fever – or not. NONE of these people were given ANY meds by either their PCP or the health dept. doc who was in contact with them. No HCQ, no Ivermectin, nothing. Take zinc, C and D. And here’s some breathing exercises while you’re at it. It’s like the twilight zone, I have never seen anything like it. There literally is no outpatient treatment with meds, unless you’re one of the rare docs willing to think independently and go with your gut. Like the wonderful doc I had an appointment with today.

Hospitals are NOT overrun with patients. We have cases, but that’s about it. At this juncture. I’ve read too many articles over the past 9 months about cases being classified as covid – especially from states like NY – where the person died with covid and not of it. And within our family, the single death was a man who was VERY ill already.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And that last is the key point.

Obviously if one is on their deathbed already and they “catch” Covid an hour before they die of cancer, that’s a death “with” COVID and not a death “from” COVID. No disagreement there.

I’m disagreeing with the casual dismissal by some of ANY death in a patient with a comorbidity as being due to the comorbidity. take my 350 lb guy. He’s not in the hospital, and will probably live 5-20 years. He comes down with Covid, ends up in the hospital with clear symptoms and dies. There are people here who would insist on blaming the overweight for the death. That’s wrong–COVID took years off his life.


There are regions and healthcare systems that are filling. I see the #s every day in my husband’s line of work. Also note when looking at stats of available hospital beds that not all of the beds are able to be staffed because of healthcare workers becoming ill. Healthcare systems have admin switching over to care due to being short staffed.


Any specifics, or perhaps some video — as was posted everywhere the last time they were claiming to be “overrun”. I have nurse friends who were/are laid off, period. Posting a lot of “beach day” pictures on FB all summer.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

When we lessen the threat of WuFlu we let china off the hook which is spitting on the grave of the many who would be alive right now if they had not been infected by wuflu.

Yes, many have comorbidities …. but so do MOST Americans!
Comorbidities do not mean deathly ill.

Yes, some who have died of wuflu were very ill and perhaps only weeks/months from death and might well have died of the flu or even a cold as those also tend to develop into pnemonia for the very old, frail and already ill.

But many who have died of wuflu were overweight &/or had diabetes and or high blood pressure … and at least one of these 3 conditions describe well over half of adult US citizens! Comorbidities due not mean deathly ill.

Heart conditions, those with cancer and other diseases are also vulnerable but that doesn’t mean that might not have had a number of years left if not for wuflu.

WuFlu SUCKS! And the death rate, although it has come down, is still significant for the 60+ crowd.


I wonder if you can get Wuflu with no msg?


BREAKING: President Trump and 18 States File at Supreme Court


My 8yr old gs has the grit of a patriot . Reacting to yet more new school rules slammed down Monday..he was irate that only 1 kid allowed on play equipment at a time. “What fun is that? Monkey bars, one kid, that’s not fun” . Also said he didn’t want to cut his hair until no more masks. It’s past his shoulders now. It makes me happy he hasn’t completely been brainwashed into the mantra..’it keeps me safe’


Well i agree. Playgrounds and libraries should be open. Kids deserve to live life, but they are killing them slowly, on purpose. My 7 yr old hates corona stupid, and those who promote it.


Corona stupid !
We had a minor victory in my corner of SD. Miraculously we have a councilman that’s level headed. He fought to allow park playgrounds to stay open recently and won.


Are they closing crap there too.
Moving to South Dakota in Spring or summer next year has been part of what has made me able to to survive some of this crazines.
If its not too late and Democrats don’t manage to complete the steal, I ‘m out of this crazy state of Oregon for my final retirement. There was a time I was thinking of retiring back in California with my family, but I don’t even want my ashes in that state anymore,

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest

Allbplaygrounds are supposed to be open per state, so any closures now are local.


I was not harmed not sitting on Santa’s lap. That was never don when I was a kid and I never missed it. My kids hated it and refused to sit on Santa’s lap and I did not force them.
The dehumanization comes not allowing kids to be with family and friends. Kids are quit resilient when one explain what is going on. I do not wear a mask in my front or back yard or walking. My neighbor kids do not wear one neither their parents and I wave and smile and speak. The only time I use the mask is in a store and doctor office to make them happy and I can do that for a short time.
One can find to lead life as normal as possible. One has to have the will and thank God no one here is a Karen. I would tell Karen Bless you  😇 

Cuppa Covfefe

The problem is, mask wearers rebreathe CO² and other “waste” gasses expelled, as well as bacteria and viruses. The lower O² intake has a negative effect on both growth and brain function (and this is documented in Pediatric literature). Gail probably has some documents (as she does on everything! )…

Forcing children to wear masks is child abuse. Pure and simple.


I agree forcing kids to wear mask is silly. I just do not see kids where I live.
I think if I had a small child I would make a very breathable mask for them when and where it’s required.
Actually I see no point complaining unless I want to take action and I do personally.
I wear the mask as little as possible and have taken a stand where and under what circumstances I wear one.
More parents and others need to take a stand and say this is what we are willing to do and that not. Doing this is taken the control back into our hands and take them from misguided politicians.


Correction: I do not see kids wearing masks where I live.


Seen at least 75% or more of the kids you would not consider toddlers in masks. What as shocked me is that I have seen around 10 to 20% of what you would consider toddlers in some sort of mask.


Well meaning
I agree toddlers should not have masks and those parents misguided.
My neighbor have a 3 year old and an 8 month and one that is 12. Non wear masks the parents wear no masks. Couple of houses from me they have a 5 and 2 year old that walk with parents and non wear a mask. We are fortunate to have sane neighbors up and down the street.

Deplorable Patriot

We have several neighbors who have their kids in masks more often than not. The one exception is the family where mom is a nurse practitioner. I’ve never seen their girls in masks. Or her or her husband who was in my one brother’s wedding.


This is what is the most horrid part about how the politicians are abusing COVID. They are killing our kids figuratively and literally. Our children are being robbed of their childhood. Regardless of what your childhood was like, it was 100 times better than what our children have been forced into because of political greed.
I could go on, but I won’t except to say that every time I see a child in a mask I almost break down thinking about what is being done to them and all the children in America & other countries with similar mandates like ours.
Yes it is demoralization and ” Dehumanization on a global scale. To touch and to interact is what makes us social animals.” and makes us human beings.

Deplorable Patriot

Totally agree.


I just had the best time!!!
I went back to the welcome thread and greeted and got to see all the new people (well maybe not new but new to me!)

so many names I did not recognize…so many I did…

thanks Wolf…I felt like I just went to a party!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you, Pat – I really appreciate you shaking hands with and hugging all the new arrivals!  😍 


my pleasure!!

it’s always great to meet new people…
and hugs are my thing!!


There are A WHOLE LOT of lurkers!!!
And this is just the group that says howdy.
Just like those who follow que, those who visit us are many.


I thought there would be some…but there’s a lot!


Yeah, it’s nice. Sometimes forget that it’s not just us. We were all lurkers at one time or another.

I followed a link to CTH, (OT), from either Nebraska Filly or Fauxscienceslayer from Breitbart back in ’15. Didn’t make an account until later on though.


Some of us just leave one daily comment and others many.
Some of us comment on a daily basis and then due to all the craziness around realize we need a break.(that is me and I believe some others)
Then there are those who we go oh I remember them because they mostly lurk.
I do believe that we all welcome and love them all. At least that is the way you all make me feel.
Most of all Wolfie makes all who come on here in good faith feel warm & fuzzy all over, along with feeling that we are all a part of Wolfie’s big huge loving family.

comment image


The forum is growing and buzzing   :wpds_grin: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have moved the annoying but kinda useful [consider my position] “so-and-so is now online” pop-ups to the UPPER RIGHT CORNER.

See what you think. The “comment bubble is still in the lower right.

Note that right-hand positions were chosen because we have the sidebar on the right, and the right side thus has more dead space.

I can also change the appearance time of these pop-ups – they are now 10 seconds.


I find it interesting to see when people come on line . . . I’d just like to see that notification be less obtrusive.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Same here. If I could make it half the size, I would!!! I may try some creative hack of the message – there are very few things that it allows me to customize.


At least make it transparent. That way it is easier to tolerate while you keep reading the main page.


Invisible would be better!


I salute all you multitaskers. I barely can keep up with posting and reading/liking much less the other stuff. It’s like pop ads to me but I’m getting better at tuning them out!


I usually ignore them, but watched them some yesterday to figure them out.


Me too. The thing I don’t understand is that many (all?) are people that have been on posting …so why the box to give a snippet? It doesn’t direct us to that comment. It’s weird to me


The ones that are now at the bottom are people that are currently posting. So if you want to look at or reply to that comment, I think you are supposed to be able to click on the comment and it is supposed to take you to the comment, but you need to be quick. The ones above are people that are popping on, and I think it displays the last comment they made which is why the lurkers’ comments are mostly from Wolf’s roundup post.


Thanks … all of it out of my comfort zone! I like mellow, no distracting boxes of different sizes and colors, no poster distinction…BUT it’s not my house and will go along with what everyone likes best


It will be okay, it just takes some adjusting. Some people are naturally more chatty than others and some are more quiet and reserved.

Some of us are like cats, a lot of cats adjust to change slowly. But the main thing is that this tree house is a safe place to come for sharing real news, sustenance, and camaraderie.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. We can always try things for a while, and if something gets old, we can change it. We have a lot of freedom now.


I’m old; can you change me?


Hmm, I think that would be a very popular change!😅


Your sharing list forgot to include random sarcastic faux insults and unscheduled nerfball battles.




Youre really having fun with this…🤗

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am!!!  😜  😂  😇 


Look, if you’re going to have Cute Chipmunks, and Foxes, what about Penguins – let’s not have discrimination!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! We may be doing more new categories if we keep these silly badges! If you want Penguins someday, then you will need to vote FOR “Stinkin’ Badges” when the time comes!  😉 

Deplorable Patriot

Can I be a sea otter?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s TWO out of five aminals!


Raccoons! (Just kidding. It doesn’t matter to me.)


LO. I love the animal names – makes things fun, especially when we have so much serious stuff.


Yes! I really like peguins! Will aspire to be one if Wolf includes that category!


I’m not sure I understand the need to further divide us up tho…

you’re the admin
then we got the authors
then we got the commenters…

we also have online and offline…

we’re not liberals here…we don’t need subgroups and more subgroups do we?

Last edited 4 years ago by patfrederick
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It would just be regroups for entertainment. We have FIVE levels of posters – which I’ve arbitrarily set at 1, 100, 1000, 10000, and 100000 comments (in the new system). I just changed the names for fun. We can pick whatever categories of the week seem fun – or stick with one forever. OR just turn it off. I’m open!


I was just teasing…lol…
whatever suits the host suits me…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I say let’s play with it and then make a decision as a group!


…..or movie characters, like Gen. “Buck” Turgidson, Col. Bat Guano, and The Gimp

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Bat Guano is the one who shot the Coke machine IIRC.


I don’t want to be any of them…


My vote is either turn them off or go with names like “leering
lemur” and “flatulent flamingo”.

”cute chipmunk” and “fox” is leftist ghey.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, but we’re mostly chicks here. However, I will intersperse with 5 favorite WWII pinup girls! 😉


One set for the gents and one for the gals.
\_ 😐 _/

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If I was writing the code!

The problem with modifying other people’s code is that it’s always an uphill battle.

We’re not here to code. We’re here to keep the truth alive!


What about the other 57 genders?

Deplorable Patriot



What’s with this “we” shit, soy boy?


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Three wolves and a moon can have a lot of genders! 😀


If it will keep the freaks from messing with us …

Sort of like a Biden/Harris sign in your front yard in Portland.


I vote you go with bacon|nachos|french toast|pimento sandwiches|beer, the Fibonacci sequence for demarcation points, and that the names rotate positions randomly on a weekly basis.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Clearly “Wolf” should be at the top of the heirarchy

“Eagle” should be in there.

What about “Bearded Dragon”? Or even just “Dragon”?


Wolf, Eagle, Dragon, Lion, Badger (in no particular order, following Wolf)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Flying Dinosauroids”, “Residual Proto-Dinos”, and “Mythical beasts” will all need their own weeks! 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hah! There we go, theme week! Mammals one week, birds the next…and if you really want to mess with people, change the thresholds too!

Just, whatever you do, don’t EVER put “shrew” on the list. That would go poorly.


Cool. 👍 
I like it better up in the top corner.

What’s odd is that sometimes those things are all across the page.
But that’s only about 20% of the time.

Usually they appear much smaller.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Do you think a shorter display time would help?


I like the new position and yes a shorter time would help. imo

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just shortened it to 5 seconds! See how that feels.


not till you buy me dinner first…LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



my apologies to Mrs Wolf…lol

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ANY suggestion for dinner out will be seconded by her – trust me!  😃 


she’s a KEEPER!!


Feels like 5 seconds too long.


Do you think a shorter display time would help?”

Yes…that helps!
Thanks, boss. 👍 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good – I may increase from 5 to 6, because I’m losing 2-3 seconds for some weird reason, and thus I get about 2 seconds of screen time, or nothing at all. But 10 was definitely too much.


It looks longer than just 2-3 seconds, to me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Platform and load, methinks. I have oodles of tabs for admin reasons!


I am occasionally seeing the same online notifications doubled or tripled. The shorter duration is much better for me. I read fast, so longer is more distraction.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! I upped it to 6, and that seems about perfect. No higher.


I’ve seen the same “lurker now commenter” notification at least a dozen times! LOL


Wolfie, I can’t edit my comments, nor do I see replies to my comments, unless I’m right there.

Ok, so now the window popped up. Editing test. 🙂

Last edited 4 years ago by ladypenquin
Gail Combs

I do not know if you will see this…

The edit button is hidden in the bottom right hand corner. Move your cursor around that area until an icon pops (a gear). Click the icon and it says edit. click edit.

It is pretty finicky so it may take a couple tries of chasing the darn thing.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

That is an improvement, it’s easier to differentiate between comments and people popping on line. I think the people that complain about it are using phones and tablets. I know when I’m looking on the tablet, those notifications cover some of the comments, but they don’t last long. If one is of an impatient nature, they would be more annoying.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

May have to logoff/login to receive these changes. I do.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

For my platform, doing a full page refresh seems to be enough!


Both irritating as hell.


The little green bubble is kind of nice if you want to make a brand new type comment..
But having trouble figuring out the little orange bublle that is on the right inside corner of the green bubble,
The popups are a bit buggy, almost said damn popups cause while I was typing this about 6 popped up covering what I was trying to type. ‘
Since it was brought up thought I would at least put in my two cents of things I can live with overall if it means we have a place to feel safe and actually cared about to voice our opinions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Your thoughts are appreciated! 😀


Except….it’s now early evening and mine are still at the lower right.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – let me explain some things first:

(1) You may need to refresh the page completely – I do.

(2) Some people have to log out and log back in – not me, but just reporting it.

(3) Some notifications, with more orange, are still in the lower right. Those are live notifications about new comments.


Thanks for the tips. Wolf. My iPad is an older one and I know has limitations, I forget to turn off, refresh…all the things I should be doing that probably would solve some of the minor issues. A good reminder.

Valerie Curren

It’s always time to fight back!


LIVE: Georgia House of Representatives Hearing on Election Irregularities 12/10/20


Watch LIVE: March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in Pittsburgh, PA 12/10/20

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow. CommieTube took that down FAST.
comment image


On the LifeNews channel – the commenter said YouTube kicked RSBN off – something about infractions – 3-4 – off you go.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Soviet. Pure Soviet.


I think that brings them up official to their capricious perma-ban rule.

Once Section 203 is revoked, they’re going to be a lot of lawsuits over BS banning.


With all this media hype lately too, many Americans are not seeing the big picture anymore. Politicians and media are terrorizing people by hyping up the supposedly COVID death numbers so much on a daily basis that people are NOT able to see the whole picture of what is actually happening around then. With all the COVID hype, politicians with the help of media have been and are hiding the real truths of what is going on in America, and the world for that matter.
Meanwhile the death toll for the US is actually really no different than it has been in the last decade with some years even having a higher death toll Due to the terrorizing COVID 19 hype too many people are not stopping to look around and realize the real truths and what the politicians and media are doing to them. Too many Americans are NOT seeing how Politicians with the help of the media are slowly taking away their constitutional rights and freedoms while destroying what made America a country that people were so very glad they lived in!
Meanwhile the number of babies murdered by abortion in the United States each day is almost triple the number of people who they claim die daily with COVID-19. Oh yes, I went there, for if people truly cared about the lives of people as they claim they do, then they would care about the 812,830 murders by abortion so far this year! FYI-as I am typing and you have been reading this, the numbers are going up, for there is one murder by abortion every 26 seconds.
As I say sometimes—Grannie’s rant over for now
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 NIV


President Trump thanks God for sending His son to redeem the world

Deplorable Patriot

Watch Live: First Lady Melania Trump Participates in a Toys for Tots Event 12/8/20


John Schneider says…”Be not discouraged.”

Last edited 4 years ago by wheatietoo

This was just posted on the official ‘Donald J. Trump’ youtube channel:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent test – let’s see how long it lasts!


so not just amicus briefs…they are enjoining the suit?

“The States of Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Utah (“Intervening States”), through their undersigned counsel, respectfully file this motion for leave to intervene in this action and *JOIN* Plaintiffs’ Bill of Complaint.”
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) December 10, 2020

JW in Germany

Okay! THAT IS HUGE! Not just amicus briefs of support…they are actually INTERVENING as co-plaintiffs!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


CA GOP Chairwoman on the Golden State’s flip

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks, DP – Dunno why the video would not post – had no trouble since this feature was implemented – any ideas about what I might have done wrong?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I see the video in both comments!


I’m running win7, and duchess’s just shows the link, while dpat’s shows the video.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, that’s interesting. Platform!



Deplorable Patriot

For YT, I usually go to the “SHARE” option and copy and paste the link from there. It’s simplified.


That worked, DP!!!


Pelosi looks as though she’s auditioning for a spot in Phantom of the Opera in that mask.


“Please, add your own dance favorites in the comments.”

Okay. This one is a classic:

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🦋 🤸‍♀️ 💃 🤸‍♀️ 🦋


Da best!


… hello .. 😃🤚‼️ … anyone here know how to get these … ❓



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey – you posted without a bin release!!!

Do you see the yellow and green items in the comment tools below where you type the text? Those are emoticons and stickers!


Rep. Mooney offers resolutions to support President Trump in election probes

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This cannot go on. I won’t live under Chicommunism.


The great dance moves of Christopher Walken:


I had no idea he had danced so much in movies.


Walken’s first gigs in show business were as a dancer.


when i think of Walken…


well that’s not the video i wanted to post…


Wow! He’s really really good. Another reason to be a Walken fan!  😍 

Deplorable Patriot

They’re plumb out of ideas.


just Obama’s third term in the wings

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely SICK. The COMMIE CABAL back in power.

Deplorable Patriot

They’d like to think so.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I act as if they will TRY, so that when the time comes, I can do what is needed.


Nothing less than bringing the shadow admin back in the public domain

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. These people were running the “#Resist” “Lawfare” faction, and they stole the election. And now they assert that they’re back in.

I have no sympathy for whatever happens to them.

NONE. Put me on guard duty, and I’ll take care of escape attempts.

Deplorable Patriot

You’re too smart to be on a Grand Jury.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I strongly suspect I’ll be required to appear at tribunals.




wait…are you…can it be…JUDGE JUDY???????

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Think of me as a small character actor – the “surprise witness” – in something far, far greater.


as long as you stay safe…GIVE THEM HELL!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks – and WILL DO to BOTH!!!


if you do get called in, could you get a few autographs for me?
you know, just POTUS…General Flynn…if you see them…LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Seriously, I expect that the only people I would recognize would be other witnesses that I would not even know were there, or who had been called in to testify.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

However, some names you WOULD recognize would likely come up in testimony. It would be interesting as ####, that’s for sure. 😀


can’t wait to hear the retelling!!


Again, you intrigue me!

One day, dark bar, all the tales.

It’s gotta happen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I sure had hopes for this inauguration to mark an end to all the cloak and dagger crap, but it looks like the commies are making sure there is no “normal” there, either.

At this point, I figure my story will likely be told either in a foxhole / barracks or in front of a jury. And nobody is ever interested in the WHOLE TRUTH in the courtroom, despite making people swear to that effect. They’re only interested in proving some part of the truth is true enough.

But we can hope. Someday.


It always seemed clear because the Kalorama house that Ozero rented continued to be occupied even though he and his beast wife had bought their estate and weren’t even there. Seemed like it was the HQ for the operation to me.

Concerned Virginian

I see any “Biden administration” as Kamala Harris being the front / mouthpiece for ValJar + Dictator Xi — going well beyond Obama, who is himself a front / mouthpiece.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I think Xi would begin dictating policy under Biden.


I see dead people. Actually, I don’t, and I don’t see any “Biden administration” either.


All because Republicans in 4 states did not stop the steal andd did not do their job. We can blame democrats for cheating but republicans let them and then did not stand up. I am not happy


Not so.

Clearly, Biden’s admin intends to be Obama 3.0

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

With Obama the puppet master?


Apparently, they’re going to send her in to clean up after herself.

The first course of action, delete her 12:15PM email.


Good article~


Let see if this works. Some of Grsnnie’ saved Christmas songs
May you be blessed with them as I have and am through the years.
Please excuse the amateurishness of Dylan’s song video. There were no videos out there, so I made one for my friends on FB!
Last one should bring back some memories of the sparkle we had as a child, and how we see children’s magical vision of Christmas.

Let There Be Peace On Earth – Vince Gill
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me.

Aselin Debison– Dylan’s Song
Christmas is a special time
There’s magic everywhere you go
While Santa’s busy making toys
Tell me did you know
God he watches over me

John McDermott: Old Tin Star
And my son looks up at that old tin star
And it shines so pretty, diamonds in the sun
Nothing but good things will ever come
Little boy don’t grow up, stay as sweet as you are
So you still gaze in wonder, at that old tin star

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest

Jumping ahead to post this.

(Rumble says they are listening and now working on live streaming. Youtube eat your heart out before we tear it out of your chest!)

Now jumping back down. Geesh lots happening today.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We need to get ready to support Rumble being deplatformed by CABAL FINANCE. That is exactly what is happening to BitChute.

POTUS may need to strike this shit down HARD.



hmmm…the switch to Firefox from MS Edge seems to have cured my posting issues

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! Firefox is increasingly leftist, but pretending to be neutral. I don’t trust them at all anymore.


What is a good no left browser?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Brave and Dissenter, IMO. Both of them are descended from Chromium, the core of Chrome.

Deplorable Patriot

Seriously, did Swalwell bang Fang?


Enquiring minds want to know…and those concerned with national security. His wife might be a little curious, too.


All inquiries of this type are referred to B.J. Clinton for answering.



Deplorable Patriot

Now THIS is a jam session.


reading the replies to the tweet…PA can’t spell temporary correctly…LOL…AND the first time anyone’s used the phrase “in a nutshell…” in a brief before…LMAO

also someone’s interpretation of it: Texas has no jurisdiction in PA ( 😂 ); so many other court cases have failed, ( 😜 ) and it’s too late, we certified ( 😛 ).

mostly a rehash of the Parnell suit rebuttal


“Texas hasn’t been harmed.” The argument, I think, is that when there is cheating that changes the results of an election, any and all states are harmed. The country is harmed.


their rebuttal is disingenuous…


And – demonstrates IGNORANCE OF THE LAW!!!


As Roseanne Barr said on her interview the others day, you never find Arrogance without Ignorance and it is their downfall.

JW in Germany

RSBN on Periscope covering the VP Pence rally in Georgia. LIVE!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great rally!



RSBN also has videos linked on their own website!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pence is delivering a BARN-BURNER!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Lifesite News is airing the Georgia hearings on election irregularities live…


Report: Dem Senator Dianne Feinstein “Seriously Struggling” – Cognitive Decline ‘Evident For Several Years’

Interesting timing of this New Yorker story as it is being revealed that many San Francisco politicians were targeted by Chinese spies…

One of Feinstein’s former aides came to her defense and said rumors of her cognitive decline are exaggerated. 

Another aide however said Feinstein is “an incredibly effective human being, but there’s definitely been deterioration in the last year. She’s in a very different mode now.”

  :wpds_unamused: Any cognitive decline is a concern for someone in Congress, especially someone serving on committees like the Judiciary.




Didn’t she resign from some Committee recently?

I think she is in deep tapioca, Truths!!! Not just cognitive decline – but jail time.


It seems like she was forced to resign. It looks like one of those situations where people hold on and won’t retire even when they are no longer capable of doing their job effectively. I have no doubt that any number of leftist Dems are ready to step in when she steps down, so she need not worry. But a major change like retirement from a job she’s held for millennia  😂  might speed her decline. She could have retired earlier and enjoyed her golden years.


Not if she is complicit in Chinese exploitation, Truths – guilty as sin!


Bye-bye, Diane.


She’s in a very different mode now.”

Well heck yeah, she’s in CYA mode.

come to timmy

Now the far left ruins internet enjoyments, just like they ruin everything. Especially if it is fun. Fun itself is probably a racist privileged something or other. They have to inject their fucking ideology into everything. They are really pissing me off.


Of course it’s privilege to have fun, laugh, sing, have a home, etc etc etc….however lecturing about said privilege, twerking, yelling, looting, destroying property and threatening life and limb perfectly natural and worthy of applause and praise from the far left. The far left has infiltrated tv, advertising, movies, internet, print media to reinforce it all………….F’em

come to timmy

Yes it’s the LECTURING by total HYPOCRITES, liars, and now we can add a confirmatory CHEATERS & THIEVES.



aren’t they all CNN rejects at Lead Stories too??


lol, can’t make this stuff up


Lots of news coming out about the Georgia SOS ‘s brother China connections….boom!


Fredo — a Tokyo Rose, or maybe Beijing Rose, of the day. Pure propaganda.

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths

He is a bad actor. Maybe that some things come out about China connections is hiding to close? Is brother managed to kill more old people in NY an anyplace else and he said nothing and that alone tell me his condition of his soul.


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Pennsylvania Legislature also files Amicus Brief for Texas SCOTUS case:



i think it’s 20 states, 2 territories and dc…

so battle lines are being drawn…


«The undersigned AmiciStates therefore seek leave to file this brief in order to support defendants’showing that this Court should deny plaintiff’s motion for leaveto file.»

So they argue that the Supreme Court should not take this case, if I’ve understood it correctly.

But if the SCOTUS does that, the breach of law will stand, and that might put all law into question, maybe even vitiate it: If the SCOTUS itself decides that breaking the law is fine and well, the consequences of that are serious.

Serious enough for needing an override of some kind.


we will never be able to trust or question our elections!!


Well, if the Supreme Court won’t make a ruling on a direct violation of the Constitution by four states that resulted in a fraudulent election, we have truly crossed the Rubicon.

If I hear/read one more pundit stating “if the Court rules solely on the law and the Constitution, it’s a slam dunk,” and then go on to say why the Court may not DO THAT, I am going to scream!

Why would we even HAVE a Supreme Court, if it can’t fulfill its ONLY PURPOSE?

I hope the Court is aware that if the Demons have their way, the influence of the Supremes is going to be quite diluted. Nine judges is a very few to share the glory. 24 or more is a big club.


This could get messy – however – in my mind – the rule of law must stand!!!

These errant states are obviously determined to trash our Constitution – it is the goal of the radical left!!!


Pennsylvanis Legislature shouldn’t ASK to take their power back–they should just RECLAIM IT!!!!!



Sedkulow posted this regarding the Texas lawsuit. approx 7 minutes….important to watch…


LIVE: Georgia House of Representatives Hearing on Election Irregularities (DEC 10)


JUST IN – 106 Republican House members just filed an amicus brief in support of Texas’ bid to overturn Biden’s win in the Supreme Court.

— 🚨 (@disclosetv) December 10, 2020


There are now 21 States supporting Texas in the Supreme Court.

This is picking up speed.


Isnt it like 2/3 to make what they call a constitutional convention!
If what your are saying that there are 21 states plus Texas, we only need 11 more for a constitutional convention
Sad that it took a fraudulent presidential election to get some of our politicians to stand up, but I guess better late then never.


Unfortunately, 20 other States have filed a brief opposing the case of Texas.

so there are not enough States left for a constitutional convention.


Don’t flame me for being one of those igmodes that get dissed because they don’t know civics and how our govt operates but I own it, I’m really ignorant about it……………Can’t We the People demand anything? Our votes were canceled out through fraud.


Yes seems like it. As I understand the real person electing the President are the electors that the state legislators appoint. We are a republic not democracy. Being a republic actually if it works correctly protects us from what happened in 2020 election.
The left knows where the true power is and wants to convince people to go with democracy instead a democratic republic and do away with the electoral college..


As long as you are wlling to say hey wait a minute, and then do some research. You see thst is the problem now adays. if the media says it, then too many that it must be true.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

That’s kinda what the Texas suit is about. We all followed the law. Those 4 states did not. By breaking the law, they harmed the rest of us and our votes.


Greed, corruption, Chyneeze influence and $$$ have spread.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Newsmax reporting 23 against. BUT 70 members of PA’s own legislature ARE supporting. Hope to see more from AZ, WI, and long shot GA.


That’s great. Lends yet more legitimate grievance to the suit.


been complaining and offering “helpful suggestions” to my Rep every other day in emails…


He must know you really well by now  😂 


we’re on a first name basis…
he laughed at the gonads and vertrebrae suggestion…


You are a gutsy lady 🙂


I’m trying to do my part!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



At least PA’s legislators are moving into the right direction. Now the have to grow a spine.


Not surprised! I happened to look over one of my abortion stats and 29 States and D.C. Permit Murder by Abortions of Healthy, Full-Term Babies! That means we have 29 states that have very liberal governments, or governors that are able to overrule what the state’s citizens want to enact executive orders for these types of murder by abortion.

29 States and D.C. Permit Abortions of Healthy, Full-Term Babies

Cuppa Covfefe

Would be interesting to match that list against the DEMONRAT states and territories going against the Texas lawsuit…

Tragic that almost 60 percent of our states permit this hideous murder…


slowvreek. I am not so sure a Constitutional Convention is a good idea.
There is nothing wrong with our Constitution, and I am unconvinced the marxists would not hi-jack the convention…and if they do, we will lose everything dear to us. That would be their goal…just as it is right now.


I wasn’t thinking of a Constitutional Convention, that was brought up by kinthenorthwest, and I replied with the numbers.

I don’t think it is necessary or even relevant as far as the election process goes, I was just noting that there wouldn’t be enough States available for one.

The constitution is fine as it is, now the issue at hand is to enforce it.


sorta like gun laws.

Deplorable Patriot

We’ll take it.


Yep…add these to my list above…FEAR is setting in. NO WAY House Reps join unless…GIGGLE. BYE JOE


Well, don’t mean to be borning but I’ll just say it again. I have loved being able to tell who is currently online. I used to be on a Christian blog, and we had that ability, and it was fun, because we got into live chit-chat and virtual festivities and even little silly games. I just enjoy knowing I’m on here at the same time as certain other people.


That’s interesting. I will sign in, leave the page open, and sometimes leave for hours, so the label “online” doesn’t always mean I’m reading and paying attention. But I’ve been here and am here in spirit!  😉 


Same here.


TheseTruths, I wrote a reply to you but not sure it ended up in the right place. Glad you’re online in spirit anyway.


I will watch for your reply.  😃 


Same here!

Elizabeth Carter

I came back to the internet just now. My Bing home page was full of GOP Congressmen whining about President Trump. They are trying to throw him under the bus. Most of them must be corrupt. WOW.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Approved from the bin!

Elizabeth Carter



Wolfie—I not a cute chipmunk–I’m a Grannie Chipmunk LOL
Got me a title though LOL comment image


“Most of them must be corrupt. WOW.”


Liz, I would say all of them are corrupt, except the 10 or so who fought for Trump during the impeachment scam.


tougher lock down measures from gov wolf…no more indoor dining…restrictions on retailers and gym and salons…AND he has since tested NEGATIVE for covid.
The governor announced the steps as COVID-19 cases have soared in the commonwealth. Wolf said Wednesday he has tested positive for the coronavirus; he spoke via video from his home. During Thursday’s news conference, Wolf later said he has since had a negative test for the virus.


Enlighten me. Anyone. How the hell does “having” covid one day and then about two days later not having it constitute any kind of big deal ? They’ve got the message down so good that merely saying I tested positive is grounds for more dictates . Who cares? It’s like a carnival game..git ur covid, spin the wheel and you too might get it.

So sick of hearing one word about it.


well it was big news that he tested positive, but testing negative 2 days later (meaning a FALSE POSITIVE PREVIOUSLY?????) was hidden in the article…

Cuppa Covfefe

They also hid the fact that he had an IQ test and it came back negative 😀


and they even spotted him 50 points to start with  :wpds_lol: 

Last edited 4 years ago by patfrederick
Brave and Free

Called that out yesterday on him. Freaking sleaze ball he is.

Deplorable Patriot

I have a new theory given the inventor of the test claimed before his untimely death that the test would not and could not yield accurate results:

Whoever manufactured the tests had two stacks: positive on the left and negative on the right, and they shuffled them before packaging.


Not that hard to explain.

The tests are not 100% accurate. false postives and false negatives happen.

Many people take more than 1 test to confirm they are infected and many take more than 1 test to confirm they are virus free.

Many nursing homes require 2 negative tests in a 24 hour period before they will accept a wuflu patient coming from hospitals. Why 2? false negatives happen.


But they’re happening on a big scale. How many times have we heard umpteen people tested positive, they have no symptoms and then test negative. however during that inbetween time, there’s wailing and fear, contact tracing…………WHY are we still giving heed to this? If you’re sick go to the doctor.

People who, in the olden days of last year, felt like they had the flu went to the doctor, took a test and started treatment. Very simple.
For nursing home people the concern is valid and it’s also heightened concern for them regarding ANY communicable malady.

Cuppa Covfefe

The PCR test is probably not even one percent accurate, according to a number of physicians and researchers who have asked for Drosten’s paper to be withdrawn. See also the tweet (no threadreader, sorry) below.

The test requires a large number of passes in order to adjust sensitivity (and supposedly selectivity, which has also proven to be a problem).
This number is around 30. More, and false positives become abundant. Fewer, and false negatives, or questionable results increase. Hence the inventor of the test saying it wasn’t reliable as a clinical guideline.

Sort of like having to adjust the spark or timing while driving to keep your car running, as they did in the early 20th century. Neither feasible nor accurate in the 21st century, especially when lives are at stake (because of the horrid vaccines currently “available” or planned)…

Elon Musk got tested four times: twice negative, twice positive. What does he do, take a fifth test as a tiebreaker??? No one with any knowledge of statistics, medicine, or lab practice would do that.

They’d probably get a fifth, of Scotch, make a hot toddy, and curl up and rest.

All of this hue and cry for what is usually a mild infection, and only a problem for folks with comorbidities, who would be equally stressed or compromised by the flu. Or even the flu shot, which kept my fitness-freak sister off work for three weeks. First and only flu shot she ever took, or will take.

Add to that the “fact” that it’s only effective for three months, then needs to be readministered. Great revenue stream if you can get it. Force 7.5 Billion people to get vaccinated every three months at, say $30.00 a jab. Bill Gates must have sore hands from rubbing them together in anticipatory glee…

Tweet referenced above re: Drosten’s paper (Drosten is Merde-Kuh’s pretty-boy proponent of lockdowns and destruction of businesses, morale, and honest science):


Wish I could. Seems that this whole mess is so crazy. First off, yes COVID is real, but like any other virus of past flu seasons, what there was of it is burned out as some say.
Wish I knew what came first, (1)the virus and then political use of the virus, or (2)the politicians using a virus given to them from China. Prior to all this China interactions with the Democrats coming down, I would thought my (1) was right, now I think there is a very good chance that Democrats and NWO have been behind it from way before it was released unto the world, especially the hyping up of it and purposefully skewing of numbers.
OK this sounds out to lunch, but when you put 911, Las Vegas, Sandy Hook and other similar type events into the equation it doesn’t. Were all those care facility deaths COVID or ??, especially the ones on the east coast. If they were COVID was COVID infused into the Care facility homes in some other manner besides just housing people who supposedly had COVID in the care homes. Was COVID infused into the home to purposefully kill these people. Like I said, it out to lunch, but it very much seems like the Democrats and NWO have no respect for anyone, except for those they can use and then toss under the bus or gravestone. One that sounds a bit nicer but still would be bad; could some of the 50,000 plus deaths have been manufactured with fake records and lists?

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest

The big tipoff, to me, was

Last minute review of The Plan before execution.


Oh that been in back of my head too..
Hate it when I get these gut out to lunch thingies as I call them. Swesr on a stack of Bibles, I was getting a slew of the “gut out to lunch thingies” and damn if 90% didn’t turn out right. Call them out to lunch because they can’t be true, or can they.
One I remember the most was when Beau signed the arrest warrant for Sinclair, and sent his LEOs into arrest him at Sinclair’s press conference in June of 2008!. Said to myself, Biden is going to be on Obama list for Cabinet or higher. Sure enough, Biden got the VP nod.


WOW!  :wpds_shock: 


🧐 … how do you see replies to what you post? I keep asking how you get those emojis but haven’t been able to locate where any responses are … ☹️🥺😞


well, I log in with my account like i used to do..I can see replies there–but there’s a lag.
I am on a laptop so it might be dependent on the device you use…but there’s a notification bell in the upper right corner that shows replies.
right below the comment box, there is a list of comment “enhancers”–like B (for bold), I (for Italics) and so on…there are also 2 emoji options there…


what device are you using???

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nikki – you need to get “JetPack” linked to

Do you have the black bar? Go to the left end, click it, find an item called JetPack and click that. Then click “Link to”.


It’s Michigan — not SCOTUS.

Source — an Epoch Times article covered here:


This is interesting.


Not surprised…Hated media’s constant omission of one or more of the protestors having weapons. Even the video showed at least one protestor with a weapon. There was/is so much wrong with the case.


Glad to see the FBI is finally finding some evidence. 🙄


I think this is the same crazy AG that says she’s going after POTUS when he’s out of office:

Cuppa Covfefe


OVERWHELMINGLY, in FAVOR OF VSGPDJT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Giggle…MORE FEAR. PSST, NY does NOT have a dog in this hunt, to do so means you MUST pick a side. PLEASE side with the fraudsters, then NY ccan get looked into TOO.

Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well that did not work..LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I reduced it to the URL of the video, and it worked!


TY Wolf, my video skills are lacking. Hope you do not mind the video posts…i find them precient LOL…


Maybe Texas and the states with Texas should also go after the NY Attorney General for allowing mass murder to happen in his state. You know the 50,000 elderly.

Brave and Free

She’s just one of King Andy the Elder Slayer’s hatchet men…… oops women.
Taken orders from her masters



Look, when they, after a MONTH of simply
IGNORING the FRAUD, and LAUGHING and GLOATING, begin to WHINE, cry and ATTACK, they KNOW the end is NIGH.

Want MORE proof.

Hunter Biden, investigated, taxes…money laundering…HI “big guy”
James Biden SAME
Eric Swalwell compromised and revealed sleeping with a Chinese SPY
FBI admits they have the Seth Rich laptop (guess what Seth was investigating when he was 187’d..VOTER fraud on Bernie in the 2016 primary.

Today we get the Feinsten ” has been in decline, and may hgave to retire article. BS, she had no problems questioning during shampeachment, she had NO problems during ACB. She is getting out while the getting is good, or so she THINKS. She too had a Chinese spy.

This list will GROW, and I will keep updating it.

They KNOW the Texas suit is gonna FLIP the election. They KNOW Trump is getting RIGHTFULLY re inaugurated.


ALL MAGA business is coming DUE.


Get ye to the popcorn store!


Things are coming to a head. There’s blood in the water…”These people are stupid”.




They are all in at this point, like Zuck and @jack. It’s do or die at this point for a lot of these grifters and traitors. They stand to lose everything if they don’t win.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hope every able-bodied patriot male is ready for military duty! Even us old farts can man a terminal, guard a cell, or whatever is needed.  😉 

The time to end this CRAP approaches!



comment image


Grannie is ready comment imagecomment image


Sorry Wolfie — I don’t know what happened…can you get rid of that mess. I couldn’t even find the edit button

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Hey, now. I’m a patriot female, but I can guard a cell, or (wo)man a terminal, or shoot a traitor, too!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I immediately realized my mistake there, and kinda waited to be called on it, rather than fixing it.

Oh, we’re gonna need a lot of ladies. Somebody has to have Pelosi duty! And I pity whoever might have AOC duty! 🙄


Some are born to laugh and enjoy the show. I nominate Pat F.


BINGO, and THAT was the point. Trump made EVERYONE reveal their true allegiences, and CHOOSE a SIDE.

LOOK at the Texas suit. EVERYONE is picking a side, NO fence sitters will be permitted, even those like my Own state, Ky, ands AK WILL have to CHOSE. Trump is BRILLIANT

NO ONE saw the texas suit coming, just as planned. STATES rights, Article 2, and EQUAL protection.

Trump BAITED them ALL with tall the states stuff, but SHOWED enough FRAUD that Texas et all HAD to act, or let it stand.

Trump KNEW this, in fact I think it was PLANNED.

Trump has them now, and all the news on dems getting invesstigated is a tell, but the BIG tell is the sheer unadulteratred PANIC now being exhibited in the MSM.

SOMEONE has figured it out..too late. They are FOOKED! Q said, NOTHING can stop what is coming…NOTHING. Well, RIGHT again!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Corrected election.
Trump as President.
GOP Senate.
GOP House (?).
Massive fraud proven.
Chinese interference proven.
Media collusion proven.
Social media collusion proven.
Section 230 removed.
Asset forfeiture begins.


BINGO. I predicted it. We ONLY need FIVE House seats. WHAT happens in PA, GA, WI, Mi, to the House AND the Senate when the FRAUD votes are REMOVED…Can you say operation CLEAN sweep.

I think SOME are starting to REALIZE just WHAT is happening, hence PANIC.

They are about to have a REAL bad month…ALL those best laid plans, ALL that insurrection, sedition, FRAUD, and TREASON.

ALL that money and “capital” spent (Fox news). ALL that EXPOSURE.

ALLthat WILL be L:OST $$$$$, big tech censorship, and MORE.


IT is going to be BIBLICAL…and a LOT worse for them….GITMO is a callin, and that 2018 EO on asset forfeiture looms LARGE…Zuckerber and ALL his interference is going to COST him DEARLY…think the END of Trading Places, and Ralph Bellamy…”My God. wer’re ruined”


“Turn those machines back on!! Get those brokers back in here!!”



LOL, yep…Mortimer, your brother is very iill..FUCK him..LOL I told you not to risk everything, you IDIOT…WHere iss beaks, where in the hell is Beaks.


“Money isn’t everything.”
“Oh. grow up!”
“Mother always said you were greedy.”
“She meant it as a compliment!”



LOL. “Five dollars, maybe I’ll go to the movies, by myself…HALF of it is from ME…thank you Mr Mortimer.”


(… then mouthes: “mother f**kers…!”)


“Biden is the FIRST LARP PEOTUS.”


Best title for him EVER!!!!!




And all of the confiscated property and wealth from the coup plotters and conspirators. 🙂


COVID relief?


“ALL that money and “capital” spent (Fox news).”


And reputation spent.

Even the normies now see that Faux News is really Fraud News.

And that nasty Martha MacCallum… I am very disappointed in her.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

I was never disappointed in her as I never had any expectations of her!!!!


“I was never disappointed in her as I never had any expectations of her!!!!”


No expectations, but she seemed likeable, so it’s disappointing to know she’s a dirty rotten traitor too.


Trump has a KNACK for getting hgis enemies to expose their true selves doesn’t he!


He sure does. 👍

JW in Germany

Gitmo expanded.
Death by hanging and firing squad.

Important additions to the list. 😎 

Gail Combs


Think about this.

Dianne Feinstein and now Fartwell have been linked to Chinese spies.

Pompeo mentioned Governors and Mayors with Connections to Chyna.


Insurrection/Treason is a darn good reason to be removed from office.

Brian Kemp, a republican may be the first for the sake of optics.




All of them, of course.

Chinese nationals wouldn’t be spending time with them otherwise.


Every Patriots’ Christmas list!

Brave and Free

The thing of it is that Zuck and Chuck, or @Jack and Jill (Hiden) could care one s*** about the underlings that are going down. Always will be about $$ and power with them.


That is just IT, once this FLIPS, and it IS, they will have NEITHER power, NOR MONEY (thanks to 2018 EO) AND the cherry on top NOR FREEDOM.

Gail Combs


prognosticatasaurusrex ESCAPE money either.


Would be great if we could have a “prison cam” so we can see their miserable asses in jail. Many awaiting execution. HUGE deterrent. Folks like me would take pleasure in watching the prison cam.


Hell with that, I want a lottery to see WHO geets to pull the lever…it will be a BIG list.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



He has a punchable face.


His brother too.


SOON wolf, he will WET his wittle depends. Like I told Mrs Rex, ONE is maybe a “CYA get ahead” TWO, and there are more examples, is a PATTERN. They KNOW what is coming now, someone figured it out..TOO LATE!

Did you read that LAME shit from PA. LOL They have NOTHING.

I figured Trump’s play was equal protection, and I was right, BUT, I NEVER saw him using the STAES to do it. THAT my friend is SUPER GENIUS level, and the dems NEVER saw it coming EITHER…do nort for ONE second think that WAITING till AFTER Dec 8th, an arbitrary “safe harbor” deadline was NON PLANNED, it MOST certainly was.

We are IN the end game my friend…it will be GLORIOUS. It MAY even exceed all I predicted and MORE…Even I with my ultimate confidence was not that BOLD. Trump is TRULY one of THE greatest Presidents EVER.

The RELIEF that SCOTUS MUST give if we are to have a Constitution FLIPS the states. I STILL say it goes back to 1 30 AM on the 4th, the LAST REAL VOTE COUNT…because they were ED and early votes..IE REAL.

DISCOVERY in the case is going to be EPIC.

Alito, SHOW us that your votes are REALand NOT what Texas et all allege.

Thomas, PROVE that the legislatures and NOT the GOVs or election officials enacted election law for this year and that it was FOLLOWED

Gorsuch Can you PROVE the providence of the mail in ballots? The cahin of command? the SANCITY?

Kavanaugh Why did you PROHIBIT any candidate scrutiny of the mail in ballots in ONLY these areas, were OTHER areas granted the SAME privlidge?

ACB for the KILL shot. Can you PROVE that PA, WI, MI, and Ga treated their votes, and their voters to the SAME scrutiny and protections according to LAW and the states compact on elections as ALL the other states? Can you 100 % guarantee the standards and laws and practices provide and follow the Equal protection clause provided under the Constitution?

BOOM, PA et all cannot prove ANY of fact,. I BET they will say, when ASKED for ballots to be examined, that they were lost or “destroyed” against the law…and END GAME..Watch!


…and that yeast-infected gape that calls itself Mika.

But then you know how much my flesh hates, loathes, and detests the presstitutes.


MORE than wittle Mika. A LOT of the MSM are going BYE BYE.

Gail Combs

Their new home.
comment image


Yep, a luxurious 6 x 9 room in a picturesque tropical location, with 24 7 security on site, 3 scrumptous meals a day included, as well as private bath rooms, a spacious exercise facility, and outdoor activities like soccer all included for free!

Brave and Free

Thinking you’ve hit the nail on the head, to many rats starting to run for cover…… Plus the sacrificial lambs are being exsposed for the naritive change. Going to be hot over the next week better get the sunscreen….


Yep, but i suspect they are gonna have a pretty f’n BAD day unless they have sunblock spf 1 billion.


Taking your word for it on the video guys –After that Johnson video threathening all of us I did not sleep well last night..


Sleep WELL. These are the LAST flails of the Cabal. Would they NEED to do this if there narrative was TRUE? NO!

They are LOSING, and acting out verbally, because that is ALL they CAN do…WINK

Where is ANTIFA these days? Gee, they are AWFULLY QUIET…Have the LEADERS been roundedd up? WINK.


They still burning here and there in Portland..
Whats new–I do bielve they think they own Portland and have owned it for since 2016


LOL wait till the army comes in…WINK…they will run like RABBITS.


Police Chief in Portland instructed police to use all legal force to evict antifa from the HQ being used to establish their autonomous zone. A bldg willed by relatives of one of them and they were first evicted in 2018.


“Where is ANTIFA these days?”


I think the remnant is all holed up in New Chazchopichaz 😂🤣😂


I THINK the leadership, has been QUIETLY, VERY quietly, rounded up. I ALSO think the money sources have mysteriously ALSO dried up. Now, WHY do you think that might be? WINK.




For me this is an OH Crap..
Pray that we don’t end up with millions of people getting screwed up medically or worse dying.
I just can’t get the drugs of the 50s and 70s off my mind. Remember in the 50s and 60s a miracle drug called thalidomide. Then in the 70s there was another so-called miracle drug called Diethylstilbestrol! Millions of lives were destroyed by these drugs.
Thalidomide was barely even tested

FDA panel recommends approval of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine for emergency use|twitter&par=sharebar


yeah, contracting Bells Palsy as a result possibly isn’t a chance I’m willing to take and what else might crop up? The idea of mandatory injections for every man,woman and child is reckless


I would imagine that Guillian-Barre Syndrome (autoimmune) is high on the list. Even the flu shot can cause that.


holley, I have a friend who contracted Guillian-Barre from a seasonal flu shot.
She was out of work for 5 months. It was Awful!!! She almost did not make it.


If anyone can figure out another way to load this please do. Was send to me by a friend and I can’t find it on youtube
This is warnings from a guy in Italy on the vaccine.

Linda Harrison

I went in to facebook to try to pull it up and nothing shows up.


Found it at another site that downloaded it… Took a lot of searching around because of course it has been removed from Youtube and FB.. If only 10% true run from anyone that wants to give you a shot of the vaccine. Since Youtube and FB dumped it I tend to believe it even more.

Italian Physician, Dr. Roberto Petrella, Warns Citizens About COVID-19 Depopulation Vaccine (VIDEO)


Thanks. Makes perfect sense to me.


“The idea of mandatory injections for every man,woman and child is reckless”


There won’t be mandatory injections.

The government cannot inject your body with anything against your will, it would be assault & battery.

And considering the deadly nature of the vaccine, you could defend yourself with deadly force.

And Trump wouldn’t allow it anyway.


The main problem will be with schools and all the snowflakes employed by the school districts.


… but they CAN and DO use it as terms of employment for all health care workers.


I know people that are “free” to decline vacination. They will also be “free” of a job.


The thing about thalidomide is that it was a perfect storm of f***ups. It was invented in Germany and eventually sold over the counter there from 1957-1961, after which the birth defects became obvious and, in overreaction, it was totally banned worldwide. The FDA had never gotten around to approving it in the first place because they were lazy, bureaucratic, officious, market-meddling b*****ds. The FDA finally got around to approving it for the US in 1998.

In between, people with leprosy, certain cancers, and various other diseases were just screwed because they couldn’t use it.

So regulators managed to (a) recommend its use for morning sickness (!) and (b) ban its use for leprosy for a span of about 40 years. Like Governor Cuomo patting himself on the back for his adventures in mass murder, the FDA patted itself on the back about how slow their approval process was and proceeded to make it even slower….and, arguably, even less effective….throwing a pall over the entire pharma industry. Y’know the thing about “orphan drugs” — ones that seem to be effective, but who have so few patients that pharma companies can’t afford to play footsie with the FDA for a decade? That’s because of thalidomide. You know the recent “right to try” legislation? That’s because of thalidomide.


Sadly thalidomide got re-marketed in some other countries, yes it was for leprosy but the they were not made aware of what could happen if you were pregnant. They even made a documentary film on it.
This is just it with medications, especially the re-marketing of medicines.

Brazil’s new generation of Thalidomide babies
“A new scientific study seen exclusively by the BBC indicates that the drug Thalidomide is still causing birth defects in Brazil today. It’s been given to people suffering from leprosy to ease some of their symptoms, and some women have taken it unaware of the risks they run when pregnant.”


This is what I don’t get….Yesterday Upstate Medical (NY) asked children ages 12-15 to participate in a trial and get the vaccine to see if it’s safe. Now one day later the FDA is recommending it?


Damn any parent that let their child participate needs to be draw quartered and shot. oh wait that is s threat now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t trust this sucker at all! No vaccines for anybody of reproductive age until we have all the crooks in prison.


It’s not like 12-15 is a high risk age for the virus. So why?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They need fast turnaround on sterilization of the NEXT generation. If they give it to TEENS now, they can begin medically looking at their OFFSPRING.

Are you seeing it now? It ALL ADDS UP. This is all about reducing the population surreptitiously.


BINGO. The TELL, is the RUSH..they RUSHED the adolesant, but NOT the MOST at risk SENIORS…RED FLAG!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The depopulationist progzis are worse than Hitler!


Yep, Hitler was a PIKER, he just committed millions in genocide, these fools want to kill BILLIONS. They have a FAKE Pope pushing it too, along with elders in Rothschild and Rockefeller. I cannot but HOPE that this plan Trump is into rolls them ALL up in a nice little ball and STUFFS them, penniless, in GITMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you’re TRYING to sterilize the next generation, giving it to girls who have just gone fertile but are not quite bearing children is PERFECT TIMING to begin checking for STERILIZED OFFSPRING. They will want to monitor those kids (OBAMACARE) from the moment they’re born.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That post by Dep Pat changed my entire outlook on what these people are doing. It is SMART.

I will never look at the DES scandal the same way, either. THAT was the precursor for this. That was likely where they got the idea of second-generation sterilization.


Oh my wolfie are you talking about Diethylstilbestrol!
If you look at a couple of my posts, I have also mentioned it but not due to the sterilization issue but what some so called miracle drugs that are not really tested can do, sometimes decades later. it took a few decades to discover the side affects, but they feel that millions of people were affected by Diethylstilbestrol!
As I said before, when they first were talking about the vaccine without even a year of testing my mind flew back to the 50/60s and the  thalidomide babies. Couldn’t really remember the name of the drug and Diethylstilbestrol popped up too.
I will not be taking the vaccine, but not because of those drugs, but because I don’t trust the people that have their hands in the vaccine pot and that is too little of a time for testing any drug.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Something is very wrong here. There is too much rush – too many lies – too much hoaxing and misrepresentation. There is an AGENDA.

IMO the best explanation for everything is that socialism is being USED as a tool to manipulate humans into clearing themselves off the planet. Eugenics, genocide, and God knows what else.


12-15 have the highest level of survival like 99.99999999% . However, this age group are at the puberty age which makes them vullable to other factors that can affect their reproductive organs not to mention other factors like growth. .

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest

BINGO. THEN, NO “vaccine” will be NECESSARY… I TRULY believe Trump is going to REVEAL that fraud too.


“There is no free lunch ” that is so true everything has a price. The vaccine will not be different there are going to be people who can tolerate the vaccine and others who do not.
I remember babies born without limbs. We all make choices I refused meds being pregnant and rather suffered with some of the discomfort.
I dislike needles and meds and avoid them like the plague.
I do understand for some meds are life and need them still the side affects are not always good.


Those were the  thalidomide babies of the 50/60s.
Appears that  thalidomide is good for leprosy but they forgot to tell people not to use it while pregnant. Brazil now has a new generation of thalidomide children.


Heard breaking


Damn I lose–I was thinking if they managed to get Biden sworn in, the earliest would be summertime…Damn….Do believe that even some of the Biden voters have to see through this.. Is thinking 5% too much??


Cannot trust those Marxists they will take anyone out who stands in their way.
Harries was the chosen one by Obama and Biden is the vehicle to get her there.
No one liked her but she must posses something that Obama can use to make her the puppet for his ideology agenda. These people hate this country and its white people.


Well, to be fair, I have been saying it was ALL Obama for YEARS. “In the END they ALL had only ONE Boss, Barack Hussein Obama”

As for the Biden setup, THAT is what the 25th was for. THIS is something ENTIRELY diffferent, and comes from TRUMP..NOT Obama. I sense a GREAT disturbance in the Cabal.


I think you are correct, rex.

It is too soon for theCabal to be getting rid of Biden. I think this is part of the “show” for the American people. It will show the morons still watching MSNBC, et. al. what was not told to them before they voted, and will crush the mainstream press once and for all.


Did you SEE the reporter today ask Joe if Hunter had committed a crime?

I wonder, is the WORM turning, are the RATS, who are smelling the smoke, beginning the preperation to ABANDON the SS Biden Harris. Looks like that iceberg is a LOT bigger than they thought!

Cuppa Covfefe

Remember the researcher talking about an HIV spike in the virus?
Seems that that is probably “confusing” this test…

Romans 1:22: 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – here is the deal. THIS is what I thought originally – that the HIV-like segment of the spike protein in the vaccine was triggering HIV tests, but THAT’S NOT THE CASE – read this!!!

The UQ vaccine candidate used a protein and adjuvant platform, containing the COVID-19 spike protein and a “molecular clamp”. A small component is derived from the human immunodeficiency virus, known as HIV, that is not able to infect people or replicate.

The “molecular clamp” is likely something similar to the “nano-ball” in the Novavax vaccine, which holds the spike proteins in a ball with the spike pointed out.
comment image

This means that the “small component derived from HIV” is very likely something similar to HIV reverse transcriptase. It’s designed to get genetic incorporation of something ELSE being added as an adjuvant.


wow…what language IS this?


All I know is that they going to have to give to my ashes, they not getting near me with ti.


Did not Fauci play around with HIV vaccines? Wonder if there is a connection?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes he did. BIG TIME. Oh, there is a HUGE connection. And they had to get rid of Mikovits because she was catching onto the larger problem of viral upload to the genome, and oncogenesis, and viewing it as a PROBLEM, and not an OPPORTUNITY, like Fauci and Gates did.


Yep, and NEVER a cure despite HUNDERDS of Billions spent..what were they REALLY researching, a “final” solution for us all perhaps?


They cannot hide and leave their prints behind. I hope POTUS gets his 4 years it will be ugly for them.


She is a true champion. As a Believer she has the courage of her convictions, the boldness of the Lord and 40 years of experience with this exact thing. Her work, Plague of Corruption, is the best and most trustworthy read. Her other latest book, Masks, is also co-authored and easily read. She is absolutely the best resource for accurate info on Fauci, his corruption and all the dangers of Chinavirus as well as the remedies. She uses HCQ and zinc, sunshine and fresh air.



Deplorable Patriot

So…this would be like the one Batman movie where the Joker spiked a number of different products, and it took a combination of say deodorant, hair spray and make up to kill the subject?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Linda – I believe this is related to that leak from the whistleblower that Dep Pat told us about – the one that alleged two adulterants were being added to the Moderna vaccine to cause sterility in female offspring of recipients:

(1) mRNA for two mutant versions of reproductive proteins, which cause sterility

(2) a component to induce reverse transcription (like HIV reverse transcriptase) to upload the genetic misinformation to the genome in the gonads of the recipient, to be passed on to female offspring and make them sterile.

It sounds to me like this supposedly legitimate HIV inclusion is a cover story which is basically failing, not because people understand the deeper problem, but because HIV activity of any kind is inherently scary, and people are worried.
comment image

Sylvia Avery

So evil I can’t even begin to grasp it. Horrible. Just horrible. I have to wonder about anyone willing to have this mess injected in them. Scared out of their wits, literally.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It really angers me, because I think vaccines are a great idea – a beautiful concept – and I love the thought of quality vaccines that are clearly beneficial relative to whatever disease they’re designed to prevent.

Honest vaccines are a BLESSING!

But GREED and murderous TREACHERY have clearly RUINED yet another part of science.

Sylvia Avery

They ruin everything they touch.



She’s still talking. She’s one scary lady


She looks baked.


Oh, yeah, really baked/ drunk/ whatever. I’ve seen that look before in a close relative. Trying really hard to look like they have it all together.

Brave and Free

She’s going to look better in the zip cuffs when she’s arrested


GOOD, LOOSE LIPS sink Cabal ships. LET her rant, she is digging her OPWN grave. Trump will simply hand her a shovel.

The Cabal itself WILL silence her, lol IF they are still around in a few weeks that is ..WINK>

Gail Combs

That’s the problem when you elect people with an IQ of 85 and a vicious streak. (Maxine Waters is another.) They can not keep their mouths SHUT.

She is doing a great job of waking up the LO INFO Sheeple.


Yup, ignorant + arrogant is a bad combination.



Rob Pyers (@rpyers) Tweeted: INBOX: The latest attempt to recall California Governor @GavinNewsom has hit the 10% threshold required to get county registrars to begin verifying signatures. That would indicate at least 149,571 signatures have been submitted, so far.

The guy should be grategul if all that happens is he gets recalled.
I say confiscate 100% of all his assets then try him fir embezzlement and treason.

Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted: Those close to Governor Newsom are reportedly growing concerned that the current recall effort against him could gain steam and make it onto the ballot amidst ongoing public frustration over his handling of the pandemic & recent negative headlines.


Fingers crossed for you guys!

Cuppa Covfefe

Hope they’re not using “Dominion” to do their tallying… 😡




OMG…great news!


Now listen the big recall has 800k signatures, needs 1.2 in total to hit the special election zone. Still this is great.


I think that would be easy. the original original recall petition and maybe even the second version was a pain in the butt..IIRC you had to actually copy the thing yourself and send it in. That little extra step probably eliminated some


Did they n ot recall Brown and elect the Govinator?


Me thinks Gray Davis. Then Arnold arrived as a D-Rat claiming to be conservative.


I think you’re correct.


Yes you are right.


Recalled gray davis not brown.


Great job DP! Very interesting week indeed and you had me lmao with the fang bang, tyvm!!


Moar Sidney


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And it doesn’t matter what the Soviet media thinks. If the facts stand up in court, they stand up in court.

Gail Combs

Note she is letting out even MORE information.

Dribbling more info for the Sheeple to slowly take in.

This is very well played.


Whistle blower FBI harassment..


God bless Lou, it’s time for him to retire. He is struggling cognitively. Has been for the past few years now. It’s getting worse.

Gail Combs

He is now seventy-five. I think he may retire as soon as POTUS is inaugurated. He is one of the few mouth pieces for POTUS so I think he is hanging in there for that reason.


I think you’re right. Seems like I remember him making noises a few years ago about retiring, about that time when he was having health problems and wasn’t on fox regularly because of them — heart if i recall?


House republicans call for Special Counsel to investigate election…
Posted by Kane on December 10, 2020 6:26 pm


LOL TOO LATE, there already IS a Special Counsel investigating this election..his name is Durham…WAIT FOR IT…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GOOD! Personalize it!!!


Foreign interference? Or, are they just paid mercenaries and can’t be tied to a foreign government? Why would these four men “plan and execute” the efforts to steal the election? And…where are they?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

In Venezuela, likely paid by China.


Several years ago my wife and I were part of a missions group that went to Venezuela. We attended a dinner party one night and were seated with the Housing Minister and his wife. Having seen some of the poverty there I asked the Minister what was the most difficult factor in doing his job? After a thoughtful pause he said it was seeing the legitimate need for housing for his people and lacking the funds to be able to address it.

Seems he forgot that he had told me earlier in the evening that his wife had returned home that day from a 2week shopping trip in Rome. That would be Rome Italy. Thankfully I resisted the temptation to point out the irony of his comment.

Gail Combs

A former Minister of a foreign country is not a mercenary. He is an actor FOR that country.


Well, then is he acting on behalf of that country? If so, there’s all kinds of international legal implications. That’s my point (and I agree with you, BTW).
I would guess the country of Venezuela denies any “official” connection and would call them rogues or mercenaries to CYA. Be difficult to prove…the China payment, etc. then, of course, it continues to drag and drag out.
I guess what I’m curious about is how those names came up, where they are now and can there be any consequences. Powell wouldn’t have named them without good cause and it will be interesting to see what, if anything, happens.


Ep. 2350a – [DS] States Panic, Sometimes You Must Show The People
X22 Report Published  December 10, 2020


Ep. 2350b – Impossible To Clean, Military Support Ending, [C]los[I]ng [A]ctX22 Report Published  December 10, 2020

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎





comment image

hmmmmmm. 🤔


Is he saying that Nixon won in 1960?


Was wondering that or was it an exaggeration? Sometimes Trump does exaggerate, but in this case, I’m not so sure.


8 Nov 1960 – There’s some story/speculation, someone else can fill in the details, that LBJ used his Texas voter fraud machine and some other states to swing the 1960 vote, which should have gone to Nixon. At the time Nixon believed that challenging the vote would have caused a national crisis so he decided it was best to concede to JFK.

17 Jan 1961 – Eisenhower’s Military-Industrial-Complex speech shortly thereafter.

Depending on how the speculation goes, JFK was not aware of the rigging of the election at the time, possibly learned about it in the course of his Presidency. Exactly what he knew and when he knew it is lost, however, due to the events of 22 Nov 1963.

Insert can of worms here. LBJ ascends to Presidency.

Note Trump cheerfully opening can of worms above.

Oct 2017 – 1992 JFK Records Collection Act required files to be released to National Archives. 2,800 are released but President Trump halted further release for six months.

28 Oct 2017 – Odd chatter on 4chan

25 Apr 2018 – Release date for JFK files. Large numbers released to national archives. Much material held back from public by order of President Trump.

26 Oct 2021 – Next JFK files release, deadline set by Trump.

Date Coincidence?

Date Details:


I always thought it was the Cook County dead vote?  😁 


Via CommiePedia:

1960 United States presidential election in Illinois

Chicago mayor Richard J. Daley, head of the Cook County Democratic Party, promised to deliver Kennedy the support of Cook County’s delegates, so long as Kennedy won competitive primaries in other states.[9]

Oliphant, Thomas; Wilkie, Curtis (2017). The road to Camelot: Inside JFK’s Five-Year Campaign. Simon & Schuster.


Unfix TX 24
Unfix IL 27
D 252
R 271


TY – I missed that last 4/25/18 bit about the material being held back. Think that was when BIL was having large health problems due to cancer, and we were otherwise occupied because of that. We were providing him a lot of support, being his only family.

Last edited 4 years ago by jamcooker

Family comes first!


Note too, if above is correct.

Nixon showed himself weak in 1960.

He would show himself weak again 9 Aug 1974 presumably to keep the country from tearing itself apart.

That’s the problem with setting a bad precedent.

Hillary is so corrupt, she got kicked off the Watergate Commission.

How corrupt do you have to be?


Looks like an early iteration of a kind of switcheroo, an attempt at which we are looking at now, 60 years later.

Then: JFK elected without the three signal states, (Iowa, Florida, and Ohio). Possible fraud; Nixon is aware of this, but no-one could tell. Then JFK is killed and replaced by LBJ.

Now: Biden attempted elected without the same three states. Fraud is evident; Trump is aware of this. And Biden is obviously feeble, and looks likely to be replaced by Kamala Harris.

The Two-step procedure is: 1. get the placeholder candidate into the White House by fraud. 2. Replace him with the real operator of less charisma. (granted, the order of magnitude is different for the two pairs, but similar ratios between elected and replacement can be seen)

As was said (think it was Mark Twain) that history rhymes. The difference this time is that Trump isn’t letting this slide the way Nixon did.

A can of anything opened after 60 years would smell, usually not good. But it is kinda nice the smell of this particular opened can of worms.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Repeating this worthy cause, with just a few minutes on the clock!!!



Is it possible to understand and acknowledge the tremendous damage and death to US citizens by wuflu/china without supporting government enforced mitigation?

Is it possible to support protection for the vulnerable (as the vulnerable choose to be protected – many 70+ yr olds are not in nursing homes and are making their own choices) and retain freedom for those who are not vulnerable?

Is it possible to realize the virus is infecting 1,000s upons 1,000s while questioning the accuracy of the testing? Is it possible to acknowledge that the tests are only 85-95% accurate while realizing that means 85-95% of the tests are accurate and give real results? That they are only wrong 5-15% of the time?

Is it possible to believe that some states/cities/hospitals have inflated their wuflu death #s by including those who died *with* wuflu in their system but not *because* of wuflu and at the same time realize that most wuflu deaths are people who have tested positive, had complications and died because of the wuflu inflection and the subsequent complications?

Is it possible to know for 100% certainty that the media is Full of Spin regarding wuflu, its origins, the Trump admin’s handling of the pandemic and who is to “blame” and yet still deal with the reality of how terrible the illness is and the increasing number of cases and deaths?

Is it possible to fully disagree with government enforced shutdowns and yet agree that many ought to be cautious, that it is highly contagious and that many of the recommended precautions, when taken together, do reduce the spread of the virus or at least slow it to a pace the medical system can handle?

Is it possible to be for individual freedom while we are also pro precautions by individuals and while we take the virus Very seriously?

Is it possible to be wise about the virus v. fear? Is downplaying the virus the opposite of living in fear or is wisdom the improvement on fear? Fear ought to just be the beginning from which we learn, investigate, analyze and take steps for safety. Living in wisdom about a dangerous virus is not the same as living in fear even if some of the actions/precautions look the same.

We do not have to be all or nothing on where we stand on the virus related issues. It is a Horrible virus and China is …. (Steve can fill in that blank! ha). We have lost 1,000s and 1,000s of US citizens lives to Wuflu, people who would be alive today if they had not contracted this all too frequently horrific virus. Don’t we disrespect them when we downplay the virus and its impact?


Just a thought, Maga Mom. Go through your post and replace all incidences of Wuflu/Covid/etc. with Flu and see if you still feel the same way. Covid is no more lethal than flu.


Agree. The flu statistics from this year tell a tale


Flu is low this year. Almost 200,000 patients tested in Oct & Nov with less than 1,000 came back positive.

Flu is cases are down this year as all of the mitigations for wuflu are also reducing the less contagious strains of influenza.

By “mitigations” I also mean that so many of us are being much more vigilant with our handwashing, staying home if any systoms, taking care of our health, etc. + the reduction of socializing and being in crowds. (not saying I support gov forced mitigations)

And yet we still have some flu circulating showing that no matter what we do, viruses will spread.


“Flu is low this year. Almost 200,000 patients tested in Oct & Nov with less than 1,000 came back positive.”

If you believe that, you’ll believe anything.


Am I not to believe the 200,000 tested or the 1,000 came back positive for a strain of the flu? On what basis do we not believe that?


If you actually believe that 200,000 people were tested for the flu in the MIDDLE of flu season, and only 1000 had it, you are as gullible as a three year old.

What part of COVID SCAMDEMIC are you missing?

Seriously, the pretend “concerned” schtick has gotten really old. You can’t possibly read here and believe what you are selling. So why are you doing it? I have my ideas about that.

The numbers you are spouting are as suspect as your motives, given that they come from the CDC, ground zero for Fauxi and his merry band of social-control elves.

The number of people dying in the U.S. this year is the same as every other year, maybe even a little less, depending on the next month totals.

So far in 2020, 2,706, 508 people have died:

In 2019, approx. 2909,000 died (number listed as 2909 thousands):

This data was a pain in the ass to find, because they do not want us to have it. I had to total all the state’s deaths together, because that number wasn’t provided by the World Death Clock. And the U.N. document was published as a .pdf prior to the need to fudge numbers for the SCAMDEMIC.


Hard to find is correct. As soon as people zero in on something they make it impossible to get hold of – no matter how exacting your search.



I’ve already shared it with the broken record.


LOL! And it skips, too!


And the World data is flatlined.

Says source is CIA World Factbook.


From your link:

“Note: Numbers on this page do not include deaths due to COVID-19. Our estimates are based on deaths reported before the pandemic started. Check our coronavirus section for information about daily and total deaths caused by the virus.”

Your link is Not a count of actually deaths. Your link takes previous year’s deaths and projects expected deaths for this year. Your link literally states that the numbers are not real, actual deaths but are projected/expected deaths. This is not a list of facts but of expected deaths based on pevious years.

SMH … Facts mater and that is now what these posts are.

If this is a source you trust, here is there Covid 19 data which only addresses wuflu deaths and not excess deaths.

It is not fear porn to correct information.


From your link:

“Note: Numbers on this page do not include deaths due to COVID-19. Our estimates are based on deaths reported before the pandemic started. Check our coronavirus section for information about daily and total deaths caused by the virus.”

Your link is Not a count of actually deaths. Your link takes previous year’s deaths and projects expected deaths for this year. Your link literally states that the numbers are not real, actual deaths but are projected/expected deaths. This is not a list of facts but of expected deaths based on pevious years.

SMH … Facts mater and that is now what these posts are.

If this is a source you trust, here is there Covid 19 data which only addresses wuflu deaths and not excess deaths.

It is not fear porn to correct information.





You’re damn right. That stat is complete craziness.

Deplorable Patriot

No, flu is not low this year. I had an Influenza A bug in March which resurfaced this fall and is being labeled COVID due to “testing” which I now believe is all fake. It’s the EXACT same symptoms. And it is NASTY. I do believe in people with compromised immune systems, it will kill them.

And all the mask wearing is contributing to the secondary pneumonia that people are getting with the flu. The immune system is already stressed and it can’t handle the load.

Just like what happened in 1918.


Wuflu is deadlier than the flu so no, not the same.

WuFlu has killed more since last Feb than seasonal flu has killed in any given year in decades. example: 2009-2010, H1N1 ~60K dead.

Even if (I think it is likely) the current number of Wuflu dead is inflated, the majority are still dying of wuflu or of complications from wuflu (such as pnemonia). Our US excess deaths for this year show. 2/3 of our excess deaths are from wuflu or complications associated with wuflu such as pnemonia, heart failure (weak hearts can only stay ventilated for so long).


Spanish flu was bad. This not so much. The vast majority who die have two or more comorbidities, primarily obesity and T2 diabetes. Both fixable through diet and lifestyle changes. Unfortunately most people got this way following the gubmint nutritional guidelines.

Average age of death is 82. Which is actually a few years older then the average live expectancy around 78. So yeah, dieing sucks but this thing is not the black death. 99.9999% survival rate.


~40% of Americans are obese and 32 million have diabetes (probably much overlap between the two groups). Those two comorbidites are a large portion of the US citizenry.


And both fixable through very low carb diets.


Average age of death was 75 in the spring. Not sure what it is now. Do yo have a link to the average age being 82?

Survival rate is not 99.9999% for most age groups. For 65+ yrs it is 94% survival rate. 1 in 20 die, many of whom would otherwise be alive if not for wuflu.

Their age does not make them disposable


Locking down the healthy to try and save old and sick people is not an exchange that makes sense. The damage being done is not worth it.


And the majority are in long care nursing facilities already.


The diet provided is probably not optimal either. A lot of those people stay indoors most of the time, are likely low on vitamins C and D as well as other essential nutrients to help keep their resistance levels optimal.


Yep. They feed them like 50 g of protein at best when they should be up at least 1g per lb of body weight. Mostly cheap carbs or the standard diet. Walking through one of those facilities is pretty depressing.


One goes their to die.




People I have known moved into assisted living fairly healthy but after two years I did not recognized them they had grown weak and older, This was before covid. The diet in those places is horrible and everything is don for them. The true killer are the nursing facilities as well meaning of places kids want to take their parents there. Loneliness in the places are real. I have known other people staying in their homes even during covid and doing well.
Yes one needs to be mindful but also keep living and enjoy life at any age.


DH was supposed to go to a facility for about a week for PT just before all the wuflu crap, and I was told to not let him go by his doctor when 24 hours before he’d been supportive of that. He knew what was coming but couldn’t say, but I LISTENED, and got him home. I just had a feeling that if I didn’t he was going to be literally “jailed” there for who knows how long.

DH fusses sometimes about being a “burden” but it is not hard for me, and I’ve been told that I’m doing a really good job about helping with his PT. It is slow (his improvement), he’s impatient, but I’m wondering if God isn’t giving him lessons in patience.


You are a Blessing.


A bashful TY


Is it possible to realize the virus is infecting 1,000s upons 1,000s while questioning the accuracy of the testing?

I don’t think that is possible. The latter prevents us from knowing the former for certain.

Gail Combs

The Common Cold (some of which is a corona virus) is still with us. The Flu is still with us. And now Covid will be with us.


That is life.

Good nutrition and washing your hands are going to do a heck of a lot more than wearing masks or social distancing. Otherwise we should ignore it and get back to normal.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs



Valerie Curren

Commie coup continues

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep, that’s how the Soviets used to roll.

Back someone with some charisma, then after he’s in power, off him and back someone with NO charisma who is utterly dependent on them to maintain power. This happened in many countries in Eastern Europe and it happened in Grenada as well. We invaded right after the original founder of the New Jewel Movement was pushed out by McCoard.

Valerie Curren

All of that is new info to me. The darkness of commies’ hearts & souls appear to exemplify the “power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely” truism. God (literally) help us!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hopefully we will not have to rely on THAT, and we can take care of things Down Here.

Valerie Curren

Seeing things restored in this life is very preferable. I Know things will be restored in the Life to Come, but that is little comfort for our sufferings down here, or to those who don’t believe 🙂


Ah, of course. It makes sense.


Could be that but it seems premature. Possible they could be there now forced into trying to give him a bath using a corrupt FBI and Justice Department to get him clean. In other words they let it drag out and try to make it all go away saying it’s been looked into and everything is honky dory and the conspiracy nuts need to chill.

Valerie Curren

Are they really conspiracy “nuts” if the conspiracy is real? 😉

Valerie Curren

rim shot resounds




Valerie Curren



Valerie Curren

Smack down!

JW in Germany

Excellent interview with Dr. Shiva.

In the 1st half, David Harris Jr. asks him about the voting machines weighted race feature and how BOTH parties have benefited from voting machines.

During the 2nd half, they start discussing COVID…including Fauci, pharmaceutical industry and how the Kennedy’s (including RFK Jr. who “talks a good game but is a pro-vaccer”) protected the industry…and how D’s AND R’s protect the industry. The pharmaceutical industry will go broke without new vaccines to force on us.

Dr. Shiva goes on to discuss how masks have caused a 50% increase in gum disease and other oral illnesses among people who have never had problems.

Last edited 4 years ago by JW in Germany

The pharmaceutical industry is So Powerful and a huge money-maker. Love Dr. Shiva. Thank you, Valerie.


I have not watched that yet. I am interested in evidence that Robert Kennedy is pro-vaccine.


I’ve never seen anything by RFKJr that’s pro-vaccine. I thought I just read something here by him – warning about Pfizer.

Valerie Curren

King George vs commies

Valerie Curren

Here is the Patriot scene embedded in my above tweet

above is the site & below is the embed code, hopefully at least one works 🙂

<iframe width=”735″ height=”551″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>


Some one has an aha moment  😀 

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Cyber Pearl Harbor

Valerie Curren

Let there be Light!!!


Pray that lady had a slew of security on her back, along with I actually hope she carries too
Think we all know what the Democrats would like to give her and a few other Trump people for Christmas.

Valerie Curren

A lot of patriots could use prayer covering in addition to earthly security!


Tarrant County Flips Blue due to fraud per Sidney Powell

Tarrant County is FORT WORTH

Do you really, really think that Fort Worth completely flipped blue??

Last edited 4 years ago by michaelh


Valerie Curren

I would guess this is similar to what happened in was it Orange County, CA in recent years…& perhaps in Many other places. If this is a “center right” country philosophically it’s possible that we have All been duped by the alleged blue slide since they seem to control nearly all megaphones!


Pretty much!

Valerie Curren


Sylvia Avery


Instant GOAT tweet. I am a Cruz skeptic (policy and willingness to fight the swamp/system) who has always thought he was sharp, quick, knowledgable and very capable. I enjoy him at his best.

Sylvia Avery

I agree. He is pretty witty!


H/T – Lots of Videos


Here we are once again – the COVID LIARS ARE CAUGHT!

The entire planned covid is out in the open and people around the world are awake. They know the entire plandemic was and is a farce created by globalists to break the backs of the people, cripple economies, destroy civilized societies by creating anarchy and usher in their new world order.

It is no secret that China has openly allowed their videos on concentration camps to instill fear of what is coming to the rest of the nations as world leaders follow in lockstep on how re-education is done. Well, America is watching and they don’t like what they see.

After a Chinese state media reporter called Marsha Blackburn, Senator of Tennessee a “lifetime bitch”. Yes they called her that. Well Blackburn then set out to exposed China’s concentration camps and took it to the senate asking or shall we say DEMANDING TO KNOW what the UN’s International Human Rights Organization intends to do about it? Then lays in to proving her case of their inhumanity and rips- heck tears through their evil acts!

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


Dang and I thought my #2 theory was out to lunch and not,,,

Valerie Curren

Here in my area too—Ive been sort of put at back of the line to help in other areas, but I’m loaded..

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Valerie Curren

New electoral justice map in American colors (vs the the Chi-Com red & gold shared earlier)

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Iowa, Ohio, Kentucky, Both Carolinas need to get it in gear. New Mexico and Minnesota too!


I thought OH is participating in the TX suing the four states?


This came out today:
Ohio AG Dave Yost files brief criticizing Texas’ lawsuit challenging Biden win

Attorney General Dave Yost on Thursday filed a legal brief with the U.S. Supreme Court opposing a Texas lawsuit’s goal to effectively delay the Electoral College from voting Joe Biden the next U.S. president.

Yost, a Columbus Republican, stated in the brief that the Supreme Court lacks authority to order state legislatures in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to appoint presidential electors. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s lawsuit argues such a move is needed because coronavirus-related changes to election rules in those states opened the door to voter fraud (claims of which have so far been unsubstantiated).

“The relief that Texas seeks would undermine a foundational premise of our federalist system: the idea that the States are sovereigns, free to govern themselves,” Yost stated in the brief, adding later: “The courts have no more business ordering the People’s representatives how to choose electors than they do ordering the People themselves how to choose their dinners.”

However, while Yost disagreed with Texas’ call to hold up the Electoral College vote on Dec. 14, he encouraged the Supreme Court to rule on whether the election changes made by the states are unconstitutional.


Yost what an idiot. Wonder if he is related to the Yost in my neck of the woods that would explain him. OH GOP needs to slap him around a couple of times. He does not understand the constitution or wants to water down law.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

If they are, then the map needs to be updated. I was going by it.


You were right Yost is opposing for TX to sue 4 states. I do not understand all the legalism.
I am sad the GOP in OH is so weak or compromised by China.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Oh No! Maybe some of their state GOP reps/senate will get together and join. 🙏🙏

Valerie Curren

That would be awesome!


BIDEN UNDER INVESTIGATION! Financial Dealings With Ukraine and China Sought!
December 9, 2020 – the marshall report

Joe’s Hunter becomes the hunted as the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware released a statement about a legal investigation into Hunter Biden’s “tax affairs.”
Hunter is acting confident that there’s nothing here to see, perhaps because China is his backup or so he may believe and he feels his daddy will be the president. Or so he is being fed that daily. Well, now the tide is turning and the optimism is fading from fake news as the public wakes up to all the fraud and propaganda. People have had it with lies and the more the truth is seen and heard the angrier the American public is becoming.

Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings — particularly in Ukraine and China — are finally under investigation.Read full story here: U.S. Attorney’s Office Announces Hunter Biden Under Federal Investigation Over ‘Tax Affairs’ – American Action News


I wonder if auditioning is underway for the official Biden inaugural entertainment events in January. Will the photo-op for the chosen few (and inclusive) look anything like this?

comment image

Gail Combs

CDC Covid and the Flu.

Doctor visits for ‘flu’ up to the last week of September (no newer graphs. … 🤔  )
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Pneumonia and ‘Flu’ Deaths up to the first week in 2020. Note 2017 spike and lack of spike at end of 2019.
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Pneumonia and ‘Flu’ Deaths up to October first 2020. Note deaths have gone down TO NORMAL!!!
comment image

Pneumonia and ‘Flu’ Deaths up to December first 2020. Note deaths have gone up and then down. Useful fear mongering just before the election???
comment image




The two graph seems to show a peak of 16% of death caused by Flu + Pneumonia (Second to last graph) and a peak of Flu + Pneumonia + Covid of 28% of deaths.

Is that peak due to the use of ventilators, and shoving Covid positive people into old folks homes? Are we starting to see ‘Herd Immunity’?  🤔 


Thank you Gail.
Anyone with a brain knows that the new flu season is what they are trying to pass off as COVID.
Problem is that they have so many so terrified to the point that even many people that we felt would not fall for this crap literally can’t think straight,


CDC and states are still testing for flu as usual and tracking flu cases as usual. Flu #s are listed together with Covid and on their own so that we can know how much is flu and how much wuflu.


Posted above: “Pneumonia and ‘Flu’ Deaths up to October first 2020. Note deaths have gone down TO NORMAL!!!”

Deaths drop at the end because the data lags. Sadly, deaths have not returned to “normal”. 🙁

The early peak was back in the spring prior as treatments were still being figured out and before the most vulnerable in Dem run states were protected. Deaths have dropped as the most vulnerable have been better protected and as treatment options have improved.

Many wuflu cases end in death from pneumonia just like flu deaths often in pneumonia. that is why they are combined – just like flu/pneumonia were combined prior to wuflu.


Its all combining into one big battle Royale!


From the above link, listed among the many examples of election “irregularities”
“Disparate impact: Mark Zuckerberg and spouse funding of $350,000,000 through non-profit to state and primarily urban election officials; Zuckerberg-funded drop box created disparate impact within states for access to voting and different absentee balloting standards were applied for different parts of state (e.g, curing absentee ballots versus non-curing).”


I suppose we can all hire lawyers and submit Amicus on behalf of this case  😎 


…..with cheese 😉


Where’s Leonidas?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

  :wpds_smile:   :wpds_oops:   :wpds_cool: 



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

come to timmy

I’m not generally one to give a lot of attention to news/politics, but enough to vote for Trump in 2016 and be greatly relieved that he won. Shortly after that I returned to doing the things I enjoy doing (playing guitar, writing/blogging poetry and a bit of fiction, messing around with photography, you know the usual suspects), occasionally checking in on political topics but quickly ducking back out. But since the morning of November 4, all focus has been zoomed in on these wild times. Not to only keep up but to also catch up. Went searching for allies and credible sources. Youtube was prominent until today or yesterday, but now it’s down to bouncing back and forth between here and Gab. Wild shit happening. Wild, wild, wild… almost like the whole world suddenly veered into a movie.


Dr. Michael Yeadon, the former vice president and scientific director for Pfizer, has come forward with evidence that widespread SCIENCE FRAUD was used in the 2020 race for a coronavirus vaccine.In pursuit of speedy regulatory approval, Pfizer abandoned all scientific integrity. The study design for new mRNA injections is based on fraudulent diagnostic protocols that manipulate data endpoints and conceal the short and long-term adverse events inflicted by their vaccines.

Dr. Yeadon is joined by German lung specialist, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. The two brave doctors have filed an urgent application with the European Medicine Agency, calling out the BioNtech/Pfizer vaccine study because it’s based on FRAUD.


I hope more doctors come forward. I do know even some scientists are fooled by faulty data Pfizer resented.

Deplorable Patriot

A Merck whistleblower, Brandy Vaughan, was found dead this week.


Pompeo’s speech yesterday in GA concerning China and US colleges & universities.


Mom, this is most excellent…and the Q&A was even better.
Kansas knows his stuff.
thanks for putting this here.


If this has been posted, I apologize. A thread by Duane Cates, a.k.a. Soulwar, without the pics.

Thread: An article by @DBCopa that lays out WHY the Texas SCOTUS Case is a Game Changer & what President Trump was angling for from the beginning=…

SCOTUS would have to review THE EVIDENCE since no lower Court has done so.


Trump will reveal the most damning evidence during SCOTUS proceedings NOT included in any revealed affidavits to the lower Courts as it’s not required to submit ALL evidence, just what you believe is sufficient to prove the Case.

President Trump intended SCOTUS to be his Battlefield all along & that Texas would have standing whereas, incredibly, the sitting President who was cheated did not.

The PROOF BOMBS Trump’s going to reveal have not yet been reviewed by ANYONE outside of his Team & I must stress…

…none of the State Cases required Trump’s Team to submit ALL of their evidence for that Case. They submitted compelling affidavits they KNEW the Judges would ignore. My thinking is Trump has some Thermonuclear PROOF BOMBS that he’s been waiting to drop since Nov. 3rd

Here’s just one I believe will be presented to…

Yes, it’s just ONE Tabulation Machine in One County THAT’S BEEN ADMITTED TO.

How many more Machines does the Trump Team have possession of?

How many have the same or similar algorithm?

Trump couldn’t prevent THE STEAL, but he could prepare to ANSWER it.

It’s now clear WHY Biden’s campaign was non-existent & WHY the Democrats didn’t fight ACB’s nomination to SCOTUS=they intended to CHEAT & INSTALL Biden then pack the Supreme Court.

So Trump TRAPPED them all.

So because of what happened on Nov. 3rd (The CHEAT & it’s aftermath) we have been smashed by WAVES of Gaslighting #FakeNews as the MSM desperately tries to FORCE millions of Americans accept our NU NORMAL.

As the DC Democrats hide under their Beds.


The MSM & Social Media Giants are clearly not as politically savvy as the Swamp Creatures.

The Charade they are demanding everyone participate in is looking more & more bizarre as President-Elect Doddering Puppet obliviously makes cabinet appointments in La-La Land.


This isn’t about TRUMP!

This is about DESTROYING A WORLD the Enemies of America, both Foreign & Domestic built to RULE & ABUSE us.

Trump is going to PEEL their corruption like a rotten, stinking Onion.


Know what that means?

The relentless pressure of the Social Media to conform to CRITICAL RACE THEORY over the past 15 years, the linking of ANYTHING pro-American SPIRIT to WHITE SUPREMACY, the Pandemic, the RIOTS & Lockdowns all have ONE ORIGIN.


China IS at WAR with us.

This is HOW the Fourth Estate was turned into a Fifth Column against our very Republic.

This is HOW our children’s education was warped into indoctrination.

Our Courts became Bastions of Judicial Activism always protecting unconstitutional Leftism while swinging HARD vs the Right

Trump isn’t positioning himself to win just a 2nd Term we all want, he’s FIGHTING to restore our Republic by positioning THE ENEMY to the Time & Place of their UTTER DESTRUCTION.

He’s used their penchant for cheating to SET THEM UP.

The DC Democrats realized this TOO LATE.

The MORONS in the Legacy & Social Media are “soldiering on” completely unaware what Trump is about to drop on them.

When you realize how audacious, the SCOPE of where Trump is going to go with this, your jaw will hit the floor.


All of the Left’s most carefully & stealthily prepared schemes that brought OUR Republic to the brink of it’s irreparable loss are going to come to nothing.

America WILL restore our Electoral System.

We WILL restore our Education System & Culture.

NOT overnight….

because YOU are going to have to FIGHT your Fellow MARXIST Americans to do it.

& they WILL fight you every step of the way.

They are determined to destroy the Republic, 


The Enemies of America managed to put down Marxist ROOTS.


President Trump does have a Plan to recover America.

You won’t recognize America by 2025 & you’ll be THRILLED.

BUT full recovery will take at least a decade.

Which means Trump’s successor will be CRITICAL.

The CCP INFLUENCE in the GOP was partially successful in Trump’s 1st Term,

The REMOVAL of CCP Influence in the GOP!

or did you think those 40+ GOP Politicians who decided *SUDDENLY* to retire was just a coincidence?

The PURGE of the DNC’s CCP isn’t going to be VOLUNTARY.

So be it.

Let me be clear=I don’t hate Foreigners.

I HATE Foreigners conspiring to destroy my Country.

Because the Torch of LADY LIBERTY troubles their DARK Dreams of Empire & Tyranny.

Their peoples SEE our amazing quality of life & success.

So rather than emulate that success they want to burn America to the ground.

“Freedom is a LIE.”

They want to “Solve” their America PROBLEM.

President Trump is about to solve their HUMANITY PROBLEM.


The World WILL remember his name. 


& as for those that tried to stop him?

Forgotten, because the Universe is a MERITOCRACY.

(You Marxist Bitches)


come to timmy

This is damn good.


I agree! It ties some things together.


thesetruths…thanks for posting this…I can never find him…and when I do, I forget how I did it!


YW! He is Brian Cates’s brother. Now I can’t remember how to find Brian!


TheseTruths…it’s a real luxury to find these links right here!!!

JW in Germany

Excellent analysis! This should be carried over into today’s open thread. So much of this makes sense! Great find!


I just realized that Deplorable Patriot made a thread including this and some important vaccine and testing information. Here’s the link:

Valerie Curren

another one for the Matrix meme thread 😉


Great news. And a shoutout to Dr. Z

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

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Not really relevant to anything in particular . . .

Stumbled onto this old article online at Psychology Today

Why Liberal Hearts Bleed and Conservatives Don’t
Why politicians have trouble listening to each other.

Coming from a typical leftist much of his analysis fits well the narrative bubble elite.

He considers the right and left two different worldviews. Not bad, but of course he ascribes fear as the overriding conservative trait.

That makes a lot of sense, to an idiot psychologist, who presupposes that every person starts from emotive reasoning about the world.

Leftists presumably are more optimistic and less fearful.

Of course, a major reason he fails here is starting from a fallacious psychogenetic starting point. He doesn’t consider that a better explanation is the leftists are emotionally immature toddlers, while the right represents those who have developed into healthy adults who understand the necessity of responsibility with their rights and don’t aim to live as self-indulgent tyrants.

It is precisely this maturity that brings the situation into focus. A myopic view incorrectly perceives the right’s occupation with taking responsibility as fear-driven. Most of us know that fear is not the motive for the political right – and this fact has been amply illustrated by the fake COVID-19 panic and the left’s fear-driven narrative. I know of no one who is on the political right who is living in fear of the virus the way leftists are.

However, where this article is helpful is that it shows how the leftist worldview truly is grounded on emotional reasoning – pathos, in the rhetoric of Aristotle.

Worldview is one way of describing the differences, but human development and maturity is a richer paradigm that explains these kinds of left perceptions perfectly. Conservatives have a cognitive style built upon a combination of logic and experience – resulting in logos and ethos reasoning. Leftists start from immature emotive reasoning – pathos – and base their ethos on the demand of their inner child-tyrant. “Everyone ought to have health insurance, happiness, and a puppy, and if they don’t, it’s injustice! Defund the police – those meany-heads!”

Anyway, just some comments, FWIW.

come to timmy

Upcoming Breaking News: It is reported via reliable sources that a multitude of governors and mayors were discovered to have ancestral lineage alien to the human race and thus cannot be held to the standards of widely recognized decent human behavior. Investigations are now pending to determine the possibility of a sizeable slice of them being full-fledged clones having undergone extensive programming and thus incapable of communication with that walk of life known as regular human beings.

Deplorable Patriot

Just two more and I get to 1,100.   :wpds_grin: 


[…] I think it was These Truths who posted this on […]