Jan 19 2018
Q !UW.yye1fxo No.44
Jan 19 2018 16:53:00 (EST)Why are we here?
Why are we providing crumbs?
Think MEMO.
Not convinced this is spreading?
You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.
You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.
APART you are weak.
This is more important than you can imagine.

Given the nature of this battle, and the reality that just about all of us hanging out at the Q Tree come from very different places in life, the nation, personal experience, not to mention personalities, an article on psy-ops that came to my attention might be worth a read. It begins:
Are You Following the Wrong Guru?
by Lane KellerWhat’s with the ‘Truthers’ who are only giving part of the story?
Are some Truthers deliberately providing wrong info?
Are they offering some facts while obfuscating others?
Are they subverting facts on purpose?
If so, are they compromised?
Is this part of some larger PLAN?
If you realize the ‘guru’ question is a trap, congratulations, your instincts are correct! You shouldn’t be following ANY guru other than your own well-cultivated intuition. We’ve gone through this before: your best prevention against lies, distortions and ‘mistruths’ is to develop your personal, finely-tuned BS Meter. (See the video below for more on this.)
It’s important to keep something else in mind:
The ‘guru’ you follow may be part of a calculated PsyOp (Psychological Operation), sidelining or otherwise misdirecting you towards some ineffective or dangerous outcome. This is done by:
~ cultivating dissent within the movement
~ redirecting to a less threatening outcome
~ creating diversionary distractions
~ misrepresenting the movement’s real purpose
~ a variety of other methods that will compromise the movement’s direction, cohesion and momentum.
Given so many different experiences in this group, it would be interesting to know the various members takes on it.
In the meantime, some videos have popped up on the possibility that we really are watching a show have surfaced. (Thanks to some of our friends over at Marica’s Place.)
And then there is this one from Bit Chute of a whole lot of vehicles with rolling red and blue lights pulling up to the Capitol Building Tuesday night.
We’re watching a movie that’s for sure.
With a polar vortex on the way to many of us in the next week, sending some warm vibes.
Redoing the rules a bit today.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
This is not from today’s Mass readings, but needed.
From the Gospel According to St. Luke, Chapter 15:
[11] And he said: A certain man had two sons: [12] And the younger of them said to his father: Father, give me the portion of substance that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his substance. [13] And not many days after, the younger son, gathering all together, went abroad into a far country: and there wasted his substance, living riotously. [14] And after he had spent all, there came a mighty famine in that country; and he began to be in want. [15] And he went and cleaved to one of the citizens of that country. And he sent him into his farm to feed swine.
[16] And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks the swine did eat; and no man gave unto him. [17] And returning to himself, he said: How many hired servants in my father’s house abound with bread, and I here perish with hunger? [18] I will arise, and will go to my father, and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee: [19] I am not worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants. [20] And rising up he came to his father. And when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and was moved with compassion, and running to him fell upon his neck, and kissed him.
[21] And the son said to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, I am not now worthy to be called thy son. [22] And the father said to his servants: Bring forth quickly the first robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: [23] And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it, and let us eat and make merry: [24] Because this my son was dead, and is come to life again: was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry. [25] Now his elder son was in the field, and when he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing:
[26] And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant. [27] And he said to him: Thy brother is come, and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe. [28] And he was angry, and would not go in. His father therefore coming out began to entreat him. [29] And he answering, said to his father: Behold, for so many years do I serve thee, and I have never transgressed thy commandment, and yet thou hast never given me a kid to make merry with my friends: [30] But as soon as this thy son is come, who hath devoured his substance with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.
[31] But he said to him: Son, thou art always with me, and all I have is thine. [32] But it was fit that we should make merry and be glad, for this thy brother was dead and is come to life again; he was lost, and is found.
Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here as well as our families are welcome.
No fighting in the War Room! Keep that shit on the other thread, our temporary U Tree.
Thank you!
Yeah? Yeah?!?! YEAH?!?!
You wanna piece of me?
Come right on over here and tell me Joe Biden won!!!
Well, we do have to have certain exceptions.
If you get to the “Biden won” idiot before I do, please be sure to leave some unpunched punchable space for others!
Hammer marks don’t take up a lot of room.
I think somebody here is way ahead of the game. LOL!
The new defense secretary must have heard you. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/biden-defense-secretary-orders-military-wide-stand-downs-address-white-nationalism-rid-military-extremists-racists/
People have NO IDEA how dangerous this is. This is how Hitler sealed the deal on the destruction of Germany.
When the military is politicized – and the excuse of “eliminating some extreme or anathema” is always used in an Orwellian fashion to accomplish this – then the military becomes blinded to what it will do later. It is dumbed down – a blind spot is introduced – and “PC kills” jumps from individual to organizational to national.
This is a terrible, terrible thing. Balance – TRUE balance – will be removed to favor the left. The military will be used to enforce CCP will against Americans.
Wolfie……..big hug for you. You do a great job and I appreciate you so much.

I had the styptic pencil ready to stop the bleeding from the very beginning, but sometimes it helps to allow some natural clotting to get started. The new thread was my limit. A brief sting and it’s over.
Okay, I had to listen to the ADHD song first. DH is ADHD, and the keys….. DH has had to get a locksmith out at least twice that I can recall because he couldn’t locate his car keys. At one point I had a key to a building that I only “loaned” out to him because he’d already lost 2 other keys. Add in the “where’s my wallet?” Another thing is that caffeine tends to “smooth” out people with ADHD. One time we were on a trip, he was driving, it was late, and he was getting sleepy. So he stopped and picked up some No Doze. About a half hour later he had to pull over and crash. We didn’t know back then that caffeine has the opposite effect on people that have ADHD. We’ve laughed over that several times over the years.
Yeah, the Fiancee is like that. She’s perpetually mislaying her keys, her wallet, her purse, her glasses…. When we go to an event that has tickets, I always carry them.
Oh, yes, the reading glasses too!!! He must have a dozen pairs, well some of them are missing an earpiece, LOL, but he uses them anyway as backups.
Haha. That, too, sounds familiar!
My mother has about three dozen pairs of reading glasses, and when she leaves here to go stay with my one brother, it takes me two weeks to find them all and put them in a single gathering location.
Yes, that video is hilarious. Have had some experience with ADHD in the family….DH, oldest son, youngest daughter, MIL. So I have sometimes felt surrounded by craziness. But I can tell some stories about keys! When DH would run around on a rant looking for his keys, I could usually tell him where he would find them. Was not too hard to figure out where he may have laid them. After 30+ years of marriage, he now USUALLY hangs them on the hooks by the front door….unless I have to drive somewhere in a hurry. Then the keys to MY car are in his jacket pocket, his jeans, on the bathroom shelf…..
Once we thought we had a solution. The kids bought him a key ring for his birthday that would answer with a peep tone when someone whistled. Problem was, our youngest was about 2 at the time and prone to wailing whenever any little problem came up. Yes, she would set off the key ring every time. The batterie went dead before DH ever thought to whistle for his keys. Oh well.
Wallets, too, and credit cards. Never really lost, just in very creative places
4 of 6 of us in our family have official ADHD & the other 2 probably do too, but slightly less intrusive in our lives. My husband is one w/ ADHD & I once had to drive about 200 miles to take him the spare key to our vehicle when he lost the key he had with him while at hunting camp. Now I send him w/ the spare key, but usually have another passenger in the vehicle carry it, just in case! Our ADHDers are Lots of fun, in fact my husband invented the word “chaoticness” for a lyric in one of his old band’s songs based on our crazy home-life. & frankly the autism in our one son makes the ADHD he has seem fairly tame by comparison!
Breaking — Liz Cheney survives secret republican ballot…
Bless their little hearts…
That was right on cue.
Secret ballots and all.
Of course. They’re such cowards they don’t want us to know how they voted.
And with Fake Elections, how the heck do we remove the liars?
Answer – we can’t.
It had to be this way.
There was early talk this tactic might be deployed when it comes time to vote for impeachment. I might be wrong but I believe its just a procedural vote and then the’d just do it. I’d say it’s unlikely only because it is so cowardly but I’d not cross it out given how desperate these people are to damage the Real President..
They’re monsters. Congress – SCOTUS – the enemies of America have RUINED them.
Speaking of the impeachment trial, I’m steeling myself for a travesty that will not allow Pres. Trump to provide evidence. We all want this to be our time to show election fraud, but I can’t see Dems allowing that under any circumstances. And yes, they will do anything to damage him and protect their nefarious schemes.
Yes, absolutely. This is going to be rigged. I’m not even paying attention to it. I expect it to be rigged. I expect it to be filled with betrayal. I expect him to be impeached by both parties. A shocking betrayal of America.
it will be commie propaganda theatre…all staged…
…with free popcorn for ALL KANGAROOS

Not sure how much evidence he’ll present, but it does need to be explained that 3 states wanted to rescind their electoral votes and that’s all POTUS asked of Pence, was to let them.
secret ballot … smh
This is an example of the way the trial can go sideways and I support not having the trial if it can be avoided.
The only way I want the trial is if MASS ARRESTS happen right there and then.
Secret ballot. RepubliCONs ARE cowards.
The Babylon Bee’s List Of Updated Terms For Journalists, Now That Biden Is President
February 3rd, 2021
The nightmare is over! Now that the evil racist dictator Trump has been removed from office by the power of democracy and a 30,000-man standing army, journalists can now resume their normal routines of napping on the job and writing about ice cream.
But the last 4 years have taken their toll. Journalists have been using over-the-top hyperbole to heroically remove the president for a long time now. We here at The Babylon Bee want to remind journalists to STOP using the terms you have been using for 4 years, now that a compassionate and wise leader like President Biden is in office!
As a handy guide, here is a list of terms you have likely been using, and what you should replace them with now that our President Biden is here to make everything ok.
Where have I seen those last three?
Or rather WHEN. Oh, about 37 years ago…
1930s Germany
Those last three are actually the three party slogans from 1984. Ignorance is strength, war is peace, freedom is slavery.
thanks for sharing!
The Kitchen Table 34 – Are You A Fascist?
February 4, 2021
In our post-modern, post truth society, words are losing their meaning. None more so than on social media and in politics – where the term fascist is frequently used to describe anyone we disagree with. But what is fascism? Who is a fascist anyway? Are Christians?
Fascism = forced unity.
It is the forcible suppression of opposing views.
and “unity” is nothing but fascist newspeak for compliance.
work is freedom
‘Unity’ is only good if it is voluntary.
That’s why [They] are so terrified…they see millions of us unified behind Trump and against them.
Can we trust this? Too good to be true? What about the immune system effects outlined elsewhere by Delores Cahill?
Russia’s Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine gives around 92% protection against Covid-19, late stage trial results published in The Lancet reveal.
Really? Are those proven?
I wonder if this is a mRNA vaccine like the definitely unsafe Pfizer and Moderna versions, or a more traditional ones? I also wonder if they used aborted baby parts as the other ones do.
Russia is much too moral for that! Use Gulag internees, instead!
If it were China, we’d know who they were using.
It looks like Sputnik is a cDNA vaccine using 2 different recombinant adenoviral (common cold) vectors and the full natural spike protein as the payload.
This is a smart way to do it, and it looks like they side-stepped the problems of the other currently available vaccines which use synthetic analog mRNA and various liposome strategies.
To me, that means that (1) synthetic mRNA has risks and/or (2) liposome delivery is causing problems.
Now – here is the big thing. I think this tells me that the Western vaccines are being deployed as they are for hidden agenda reasons – likely to push the TECHNOLOGY, as opposed to giving the the most effective and safest vaccines. JMO. I think they really want the mRNA tech for some reason.
Also, it will be interesting to see the long-term effects of the Sputnik vaccine, because if the 2P mutation is not used there, and that vaccine has no long-term problems, then that really says the whole 2P idea may ALSO be problematic, perhaps because something else in the recipient is being hit by friendly fire due to the 2P sequence.
Good coverage here:
Thank you for this info.
Just to be completely clear here, the common cold viral vectors are protein, and the vaccine makers stick the DNA coding for the COVID spike protein inside the vectors. So what they’re giving are common cold viruses with the wrong DNA inside. They infect once and cannot reproduce, giving instead real spike protein to which the recipient can become immune.
Not a bad idea. Goes along with Torba’s article about not giving to those businesses that hate us.

If we keep giving our kids to the system we will keep getting the same results.
Public schools are the reproductive organs of the State
Marshall Fritz (paraphrased), founder of Separation of School and State.
If you give your children to Ceasar don’t be surprised if they come back as Romans.
Even if one can’t homeschool or private school, changing one’s private life is still possible so that we don’t simply abondon our own children to the commons of public school.
The movies, magazines, books, hobbies, read alouds, family discussions over meals and while working together around the house, more books, summer learning projects, Bible studies, travel/vacations locations and/or side trips and more books …. all are part of a child’s life and help to counter balance the materials/curriculum taught in school.
The entire “education” system is a dangerous cesspool having very little to do with education.
John Dewey INTENTIONALLY changed the education system to produce good little Commies. He was highly successful.
Dumbing Down America
by Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld
I highly recommend the Blumenfeld book. I read it over 20 years ago, and it was a real eye opener during my own red-pilling and awakening.
Same here. It was a big part of why we sacrificed to homeschool.
One car, always on the edge financially, but I have patriots now and they have born more.
That’s awesome!!! We had most of our kids in Christian school K-8 but then public school for HS. Our special needs son got limited Christian education, Pre-K & 1 month of K…his special needs were beyond the Christian school’s ability to address (& were frankly beyond the public school’s ability too).
We did a lot of home influencing them & were pretty involved in church &/or Christian rock music regionally, for most of their formative years too. We must have done something right because all of our kids are great Christian patriots influencing their worlds each in their own unique way. Grandkids still pend for us but hopefully we’ll keep the faith & truth tradition going forward!!!
God bless you & yours
Good mama and daddy.
Well we made our home very fun though pretty strict from a biblical standpoint. We weren’t being uptight Christians & legalistic, which helps a lot (at least for me). We also instituted a forgiveness routine that helped us all deal w/ major special needs upheaval w/out as much bitterness. Oh & we admitted our faults in front of our kids too (something that was Not modeled by our families of origin). God is so good!!!
We tried. You succeeded.
Well hold on to “train up a child in the way he should go & When He is OLD he will not depart from it”…so hopefully they will catch a massive clue before they get too much older!
I have a lively hope. Two of three are believers.
Praise the Lord!!! Keep praying “you & your household” & all.
My husband’s mother dedicated him to the Lord when he was a baby, & she wasn’t even a believer herself back then. He’s got 2 older half-brothers, the eldest got saved through their step-father, who also lead Michael & his mom to the Lord. His other brother is still not a believer yet, but in our prayers. He’s also got an adopted out sister, about my age, who he only found out after his mom’s funeral–we know nothing about her.
At some point I need to be praying for her more actively & that the Lord would guide our footsteps in finding her, if it’s His Will. He helped me find my mom’s birth-family 60 years after she was given up for adoption. One of Mom’s half sisters is a believer & the other is seemingly fearful of God. some of the cousins on her birth-mom’s side have vibrant relationships w/ the Lord too, which is such a blessing!
One of my granddaughters was dedicated to Mary. She is an extraordinary individual.
God honors our intentions.
My husband’s name, Michael, means “one who is like God” & our special son’s name, Josiah means “God will heal & protect”!
I love that name! It is in our family, too!
Who is like unto our God?
Yes! & my husband is regularly good at sacrificial love, way more than I am…
My prayer.
Amen, praying in agreement w/ you for that…& that you may see this longing fulfilled in this life!!!
Dispatches from Flep:
This man is picking up the mantle left by our incredible President! We need to support him in any way possible.

Yeah, this guy is great. 2024 material for sure, if we had fair elections.
Agree. He is a great Republican to support.
no…he is a great patriot to support.
never vote for the party…
vote for the man.
You are right Smiley.
He is Literally a Republican.
He is Literally a good person to support.
So, as I said, he is a great Republican to support. An example of why we ought not leave the party because of some GOP as we would leave other GOP who are MAGA/Conservative, etc. unsupported.
Not all Republicans are bad and we ought not vow off of all GOP … he is proof.
Electronic voting machines will not float

SNORT! I love you, RAC!!!!
I watched part of the Castle Rock White House video(s). Can someone tell me what the theory is? I know that Castle Rock was mentioned in Q posts, like this one, 4414:
RED1: POTUS twitter removal
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1
Have they built a White House replica for some media production? I want to know what people suspect could be happening.
As some people describe it, Castle Rock Entertainment has a mock up Oval Office that can be used for film productions. Bannon and Mnuchin have ties to Castle Rock, and others have seen odd habbenings with “Castle Rock” hats on Jan 20th, etc.
Meanwhile, there are lots of reports of the White House being dark, and even reports of the Castle Rock facility being lit up even at night, with the same Biden WH portraits on the wall.
A good example of this oddness is the “Diet Coke button” story. The media ran with a story that Trump installed a “Diet Coke button” on the Resolute desk that whenever he pushed it, someone would bring him a Diet Coke on a silver platter. Supposely Biden had it removed immediately. The whole thing was so ridiculous it didn’t pass the smell test. Why would they run with that story? There were pictures of Biden in the Oval Office behind the desk but the button wasn’t present. The real button, of course, is USSS emergency call. This begs the question, why wasn’t the button on the desk with Biden, and why did the media run with an idiotic story to try to explain away the button?
Depending on one’s interpretation:
1) It could all be BS.
2) It could be that “we are watching a movie” and scenes with Biden are pre-staged and pre-filmed under controlled conditions due to his deteriorating condition. (I tend to think this is the simplest explanation, given the wretched hive of scum and villainy that is D.C. and their overwhelming need for narrative control.)
3) It could be that arrested Team Biden are required to be cooperative and go through the motions, with more action coming later.
So take from that whatever you will, because I’m not buying the Diet Coke story, it’s obviously garbage.
Thank you for that. Yes, garbage on Diet Coke.
Regarding scenes of Biden being prestaged, that would have been done at the Castle Rock WH back before PDJT left the real one?
I find theories that they have all been arrested to be wishful thinking.
Yes, prestaged to fight the dementia/basement narrative. Showing him as energetic as possible during the first days of his fraudulence was important.
Can’t have Joe showing up late to work and then having him take naps, followed by calling for a lid just after lunch, thus the Castle Rock thing.
The other thing is the windows behind the Resolute Desk are not the same, exactly, between the two different presidents.
You may already know this but there is someone named RadioPatriot.net who also has the same Q post up (4414) and he references Castle Rock on a map in Colorado, has the same for EAM.
The account seems to be in WP (7,500 followers) and he also has twitter. It might be a good thing if we fish out some of these groups that we could connect with for the future.
Castle Rock is also a chess move..
One thing I’ve never figured out about that drop is – what does EAM mean? Probably something really simple.
I’ve never seen an explanation for it, either.
This would be the most likely acronym.
Watch for anything “Red 6” from Scavino recently or now.
The recent statement by SecDef that they’re going to make the military stand down for political discussions of extremism (IMO the beginning of political purges) could be that red line.
If it’s not, it SHOULD be. As a veteran, that really burns me. I think it would even if I wasn’t a veteran.
thank you for your service Linda!
Not to worry, comrade! Political Officer will be attached to every organization of troops to ensure purity of will!
During Trump’s Presidency Many Refugee Agency Affiliates Closed – Refugee Resettlement Watch
However with Biden now in office you can expect them to reopen. Time to keep a watchful eye.
Two maps. One at the close of the Obama years and one at the start of the Bidenese Republic so you can keep an eye on what’s going on in your state.
Ann’s pretty good on keeping this information fairly current. No one else does it. Remember the numbers of legal refugees will be climbing dramatically in the country with little pockets popping up here and there. They can be rebuffed from your local area and sent packing down the road if your community makes a case for it and resists, but you have to be aware of it first.
Iranians arrested by Border Patrol jumping U.S. border in Arizona – Washington Times
Border Patrol agents arrested 11 Iranians Monday after they snuck across the border into Arizona.
The five women and six men were traveling as a group, and were nabbed on a bridge near San Luis, a border crossing point. Agents said the group had just crossed the border.
OK, this is getting ridiculous.
Why weren’t they shot dead in a firefight? Asking for a vague acquaintance.
No need for a fire fight when capture and release is back.
Big if true. Well – big to us – not the Biden DOJ.

It wouldn’t have been big for the other DOJ, either. Tragically.
THAT is the saddest of facts.
Can this be PROVED???
MEMES can’t be trusted these days.
I’m just reporting. I agree – that’s why I said “if” – but she’s got a record that way, although I think Feinstein’s is worse.
It’s as though Politicians get an exemption from our laws – unless they get on the bad side of the PTB.
Yup. The Big Club don’t worry about getting caught. Not any more.
At this point the FLAUNT IT IN OUR FACES. To make SURE we know we now have a Ruling Class we had better not cross.
They are not comfortable, however. The light shines and whatever conscience they have left is hit hard. That’s why they will hit back hard. We just need to be ready for it…and keep standing.
Here are the facts admitted by AP in a “debunking”:
“It’s true that Pelosi’s husband invested up to $1 million in call options for Tesla stock in December, according to financial disclosure documents.”
ANY time post-shamlection will be sufficient to IMPEACH THE BEECH!!!
right…but those EO’s were produced way before hand…not just produced when biteme got installed…
yeah. proven.
I posted the article about it when it happened.
Great to know!
I’ve been burned so many times by fake conservatives/fake maga/fake patriots that I’m a post-doc level suspicious cat.
You be careful or you’ll end up with permanent side-eye.
btw, her husband is the one who buys the stock…she claims ignorance of his business…
believe that? I got a bridge i wanna sell you
TYVM!!! Yuda best!
you’re welcome!
Actual dates I dunno. But it was reported Nanzi’s husband made the Tesla investment. Then the EO was signed. Itr was a day or two apart.
Nothing to see. Swamp being swamp.
Note – the meme overstates, but not by much.
“It’s true that Pelosi’s husband invested up to $1 million in call options for Tesla stock in December, according to financial disclosure documents.”
So, if I understand the green scam – or one aspect of it – is they take a useless product, one that a free market would price at junk value, and create value through government fiat.
So government action sets the price. This is why all the big government types love this so much. They create the virtue through fake science, then turn shit into gold through government fiat, aka Green New Deal.
Oh, I am so going to love the gnashing of teeth when this gets Nuked!!!!
Trump jostled all the fake apple carts based on phony dictats to create fake value, and they had to have a fake election to get rid of him. It’s still just mind-boggling.
The father of lies is slithering out of his lair into the darkness that has descended.
He thinks he has won – yet surely he must know that he can’t. When all you can do is lie, then self delusion is the logical result.
The self deluded cannot win – they will delude themselves that light is actually dark – and that is where we get out opportunity.
The climate scam is the trojan horse that brings this house down – watch my story ….
I was thinking recently that this (hopefully) temporary evil ascendency could be similar to how the demons were gloating after Jesus’ death. Their party got cut short 3 days later & they still haven’t gotten over it!
Modern day alchemy.
Rumor has it….
It’s supposedly true. What I want to know is if it is true that Congress is exempt from insider trading laws. THAT would be a MOAB that ordinary Americans would definitely NOT accept. IT violates our cultural concept of FAIR like not much else can.
They’re not supposed to be exempt.
There was a bill called the STOCK Act, signed by Hussein in 2012, that was supposed to make it illegal for members of Congress to profit from insider information.
But they are apparently getting around it somehow.
husbands and wives–
nanzi, difi, etc…all claim not to be involved in their husbands’ businesses and not a part of any deals they make…
Yeah, and that STOCK Act is full of weasel words…worded so there are ways to get around it.

“nanzi, difi, etc…all claim not to be involved in their husbands’ businesses”
It’s called pillow talk!
Yikes did I just put that image in everybody’s brain?
Sorry guys, can’t imagine waking up to that every morning….
but they looked fine while I was drinking my 8th bourbon.
Frankly, Hollywood has trained us to the idea that some people deserve royalty. The Hollywood-Washington axis has extended that to media-favored politicians. I think it’s far less of a MOAB than it should be.
Yes, it should be HUGE. But it’s not.
We can only reverse this by making the favored into SCUM culturally. Their sins must be regarded as sins by the People.
Mass excommunication of top Democrats would, I believe, get their attention. Are there any potential popes who would move forward with that?
It’s not the pope’s purview, actually. It’s the local bishop.
And…the thing about excommunication is that it really is meant to be a pastoral remedy. In order to have the excommunication lifted, one has to meet with the bishop and then receive the Sacrament of Penance. It’s not about kicking people out. It’s about bringing them back into the fold.
In the past, excommunication has been used as a bludgeon and there has been an effort to refrain from doing that.
Yeah, then that option is gone.
Truth be told, they’ve excommunicated themselves “by the act” of defending abortion. The Church, though, can only speak in condemnation tones unless it’s their own bishops doing the talking.
I think everybody deserves royalty – from their peers and IN PRIVATE. The problem comes when they think they’re entitled to special dispensation in their dealings with non-peers.
If Joe Blow wants to bring breakfast in bed and massage his wife’s feet every morning, that’s between them. But neither one of them should expect any recognition of such treatment BY ME, if I even know of it.
It’s this diversity effluent that’s screwing up this country. We need respect of our differences, not being ordered to get into the blender to force homogenization.
Red Raggedy is finding she’s not the only one circling back.
“Newly resurfaced tweets from President Joe Biden’s White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki show that she pushed the Russia collusion hoax and claimed “Trump supporters are the worst.”
Grandma in TX – now that you have been suspended on Twitter – have you gone to Gab or Telegram?
I’m on GAB. Same girl.
Well – I’ve tried to find you several times and can’t.
Let me go see if I can find you.
What is your handle over there? I will try to find you.
Hi Grandma – I’m not there yet. If you don’t want to post it – Maybe I can find you through Alison, Aubergine, MichaelH or WeeWeed’s. Those are the only folks I know over there.
Let me check out my handle over there.
The persecution of Christians is here. There is a great deal of misinformation in this article, and illustrative of how every thought and action will be filtered through a communist lens.
They won’t win. I hope to see the day that disgusting rags like the Daily Mail close their doors forever.
Yup. It’s getting ugly.
nobody does ugly like the left
So, on a website functionality note, sometimes when I refresh the page I don’t get the green comment count floater on the lower right…..and don’t get a comment box at the top of the page to introduce a new thread of comments.
I can then re-refresh the page to find the comment count jumped from 48 to 52, of which none are in the orange “new comment count”.
North Dakota!!
“Republican legislators in North Dakota are taking a pro-active – and constitutional – step to push back against unconstitutional executive orders coming out of the Biden administration, and they are doing so with the power of the US Constitution in their corner.”
This is really huge, and I’m mentioning it everywhere….
Thank you, Brave Conservative State Lawmakers.
Our FL Governor is on a similar warpath!!!
I guess Texas is so big that it takes time for ideas to spread.
What the Heck! Doesn’t Texas have the Internets!
Lets Go Texas, Lets Go!
Lets Go Texas, Lets Go!
Lets Go Texas, Lets Go!
On a completely different note, I believe that I am finally done with the upside-down [behind the sink basin] part of the faucet replacement in the master bath.
I spent a day cleaning residual corrosion off the deck Tuesday, but was running low on time for moving further — I’d be looking to apply silicone sealant, and if the Fiancee could smell it when she went to bed, I would catch all kinds of grief…..and she goes to bed around 8:00.
The faucet sits on a custom solid piece of plastic that sits on the sink. The installation instructions say, “place a bead of silicon here during install ->” — but you can’t tell whether the diagram is referring to the sink deck / gasket surface or the gasket / faucet surface.
In addition, the deck’s faucet holes are really close to the sink basin, so you want to mount the faucet away from the basin as far as you can and still pass the faucet tubes through it.
I ended up doing a “dry placement” of the faucet + gasket in the holes, used a pencil to outline where it was, then put goo on the bottom of the gasket and stuck it in place. I cleaned some of the excess goo until is started getting a bit tacky instead of just liquid, then ran a bead of goo around the top and stuck the faucet on it.
There are two “hold-down” disks that spin on the faucet tubes and hold it down to the deck. I took them, two extra-long water hoses, and the sink tool and laid down in the contorted position where I can work on things in this bathroom — feet in shower, hips under bowl of toilet….
Did the hold-down disks by hand, spun up to the bottom of the sink deck, and tightened alternately with the sink tool to “strong hand tight”. The mechanical advantage given by the sink tool’s diameter should be plenty. Got the water hoses started to the faucet stems by hand, then tightened using the sink tool to “strong hand tight” — ditto. Besides, the new washers in the new hoses are 30 years younger than the old ones and shouldn’t need as much oomph to seal.
Extracted myself from “the slot” and got back on top to clean up excess silicone while it was still workable. Tightening the “hold-downs” had squeezed more out, but that’s only to be expected. It’s positioned well and set nicely.
The goo is advertised as being safe for water after an hour, but I decided I’d give it overnight. Accordingly, I didn’t reconnect the water to the stopcocks (which, BTW, have been dripping about 1/2″ of water per day into the basin I’ve got stuffed underneath them. I’d have to shut off the house water to open one up, replace the washer to improve the seal, and repack the valve, so I’ll let it get away with a minimal internal drip……but not onto my curing silicone). Tomorrow is reconnect the water at the stopcocks, turn it on, and look for leaks. I’m contemplating an attempt to blow out crud into a bucket before I connect the faucet — there’s so much crud in the lines that it’s ridiculous.
Construction plumbing is much nicer — nobody whinges about unavailable showers and everything is more accessible.
Anyway, I’m peeling back the overlaying crises and finally getting things done. I’ll be glad when this one is over — I was not meant for Cirque du Soleil.
Ah, coothie, I missed a day or so. Glad I didn’t miss out on the latest installment of “The Sink Repair.” I don’t know why, but it amuses the heck out of me.
Prolly because you’re doing it, not me.
Of course because it’s coothie. If not, it would be BORING!
Sink repair without coothie would be uncooth.
Ah yes, the leak-though-shut-off-fully problem. Not a problem for me for very long.
Took a trip over to Home Depot and amazingly they sell a brass cap that threads onto the wall shut-off fixture. When tightened firmly – no more drip.
Or watch it here….
RAC, Thanks for posting.
I’ve been waiting for someone to fully document the election fraud. Thus far, we have bits and pieces of fraud. A compilation would be very helpful.
Will be looking for Mike’s three hour video Friday.
Hope it is well produced.
UPDTAE. Have it playing in background. Will be on OAN. He said OAN on loop.
Mike said it s/b on his website by 10:00 am ET on Friday.
Enjoy some trolling of all the villains in my latest cryptic commentary. Thanks to all of you whose posts here helped contribute to it.
This Christian Pastor’s blog on Gab – https://gab.com/thisisfoster
This on-the-ground tour of DC by a guy who used to work there and knows the place – made on 2/1/21
Two car-jacking attempts in DC within blocks of this guy’s home.
Shame on Democrat Bowser – who glorifies criminal BLM and condemns Trump and conservatives. Communists always do.
Posting in 2 parts ….
As has been noted recently, comment count is down. Darkness apparently abounds, and the gloom is oft accompanied by doom. I suspect that I am regarded as a purveyor of said doom – though my heart actually feels light. My recent posts have been aimed at enquiring after the truth of the matter – questioning pre-suppositions in the light of apparent failure.
Though my heart is light, I was hoping not to have to deal with a cocky China. Evidence of the infestation of their ideology in Western institutions are concerning enough, without having to contemplate the expansion of their physical presence, which always accompanies these moves.
Nevertheless, we must deal with the hand we are dealt, no matter how much we had hoped for better. So my motto now is, plan for the worst whilst hoping for better. Regardless, I think we all here agree that the enemy has spread into the hearts and minds of countrymen, neighbors, family even. This is a spiritual battle – although ALL battles are actually spiritual, when you understand that your body is a bag of meat animated by spirits / ideas / programs (whatever word works for you, though I am NOT suggesting that these concepts are directly equivalent – they are higher or lower representations of the key understanding).
So if it is a battle of spirits / ideas, then we are in the right place. The internet is kind of like a fallen heaven – where our disembodied selves engage in the sharing and jousting of ideas. I say fallen, in that it is a material realm in which immaterial patterns are engaged. It is also fallen in the sense that it is filled with much of the evil and filth that we are capable of. Being earth based, under the current command of the prince of the power of the air (satan), this can perhaps be regarded as his “heaven”, namely a virtual hell. Which would explain the dominance of porn, the fact that it is used to exert thought control, tracking our every thought and mood, etc. Censorship is rising at rates that make our continued presence here questionable in the very near future. Hell in the making ….
And yet this hell has pockets of light, like here. Its reach is global – so the right weapon, launched at the right time, can do wonders. So the potential for good is massive, and actually increases as the darkness spreads. But time is not on our side. The age of the digital warrior is at hand and the fate of the world is at stake. Too dramatic? The events of the past year are offered as evidence in support.
Part 2
Steve asked for plans, Wolf recommends plans being held close to the chest. Both are correct, depending on the plan. My plan can only function in the light, and is intended to combat the darkness. I have seen it in action on family members in the past year – this gives me the courage to proceed. I trust that if an adversary encounters this plan, it will change said adversary into an ally. That has been my experience so far, albeit at a very local level.
Tomorrow I hope to outline the broad scope of the plan. What it is based on and what it hopes to achieve. It is rooted in my own spiritual journey, so I will be doxing myself. Full names, date of birth, where I grew up, etc.
I have heard it said that one can think of a person as a story. Our cells are continuously replaced and genes switch on and off as we go through life, we engage with biological re-coding entities as well as spiritual recoding entities (the world at large AND Heaven). One of the constants is the story of our lives. It is how we relate to God, in effect, through the Bible. Stories are ubiquitous.
So, in this period of darkness, made darker still by a supposed dearth of comments, I will tell my story. Feel free to scroll on by if this is not your thing.
PS. I strived to avoid the event of yesterday, with FG&C’s exit. I was not a fan of his style of engagement when he got pushback, to say the least. He and I had largely avoided engagement, so perhaps the feeling was mutual. And yet, DePat was absolutely correct. It turns out that FG&C may possess a specific skillset that would be of great value, which will become apparent towards the end of my story. The pile-on was intense – I don’t know if bridges can be mended. I am not claiming any specific virtue here – my “likes” give me away. That is why I said “strived”.
I should get a post in tomorrow, though I have a scheduled engagement relating to this story during prime “posting” time. We’ll see. This writing gig is not easy for me – so a hat tip to our authors who pull this off every day for us – your efforts do not go unnoticed.
Do what you feel you must! Happy to provide a forum for you!
Thanks! You have “many arrows in your quiver” including the U Tree and the boot, so I will be treading carefully
Boot don’t get used much, and the U Tree is pretty much Alcatraz any more – ain’t nobody there. Not much to worry ’bout in these parts!
the q tree would be the forum for, hmmm, shall we say risque memes? cuz in my search, i have found a several that made me roar…
I need to add the forum That would be even better. Maybe I’ll start that right away.
funny you mention turning an adversary into an ally bc I was just thinking about that exact approach, a few days ago, with regard to the current status quo and unsettled feelings of being marked for extinction (so to speak).
it is a good approach…sometimes it actually works out : that enemy can become a friend…and sometimes a true friend, trusted, loyal…
but…at the risk of sounding doomy gloomy , we have to be careful about it…
we have to be able to really trust that person.
that person would have to show some remorse …as we would, as well.
true sorrow for the bad vibes and hostilities that may have tarnished the relationship.
otherwise it’s all pretend….
it could flip and…circle back…to pre-existing hostilities…made even worse after we have mistakenly confided in our new ally, in our haste to make amends and make a friend.
appeasing the enemy can be risky.
like thinking you have made a friend with the wild grisly bear…or the gator in the lake…or the jackal in the shadows…
only to have it suddenly turn around and rend you.
pearls & swine type thing.
but it is definitely worth an effort…if you know you can trust that former enemy.
jason – been enjoying everything you write since the beginning. haven’t posted here in a LONG time but figured i would just go ahead and get it over with. as i mentioned years ago, i do not post online, and on the WQTH site when wolf started it i could not help myself. you and i had many posts back and forth back then and it was great.
one thing we always had in common was the “realist” attitude. absolutely zero rose colored glasses, and you put it best above to sum it up: hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
while i applaud everyone that eschews “negative” thoughts, it is IMPERATIVE to keep on guard at all times. such as yesterday, i hear the fox news radio lady giving the 2 minute top of the hour headlines and blurts out unassumingly that a certain group from the US has now been labeled an international terrorist org in canada. to me i read between the lines and this is another set up to get foreign troops an excuse. so it matters not what we think or how positive or how energized, we have to remain vigilant. obviously posting online is not being truly vigilant, but i digress
not sure what happened yesterday on here, but i hope all can see that this whole thing the last few years is the culmination of hundreds of years of planning, demoralization, and false hope in something that people THOUGHT was the country of united states – but it is or should be apparent now that it was all a veneer of birch on some crappy particle board laminate. and we the people (and the people of the world) are the ones under attack. we have been used, abused, tricked, lied to, and no matter what HUMANS need to come together. there are no sides in this if humanity is to come out on top in the end.
keep up the good work my friend. and wolf and all here, thanks again.
Hey Andrew – awesome to hear from you after all this time! I remember our back-and-forth’s very well. You did warn us that you were ducking away from posting, so I was not too worried about you. Glad to see you’re keeping in touch.
I’m finally laying out what what I said I would back then. Every other time I thought I was ready, moar stuff kept happening that was part of the journey.
Drop in when you can – its always good to chew the cud and ruminate on what the bastards are trying to do to us ….
i just got home had to make an office run unexpectedly, but i am typing up a message in a text editor right now but just wanted to get back and see if you were getting “alerted” that you got a reply
will post in a few… thanks for remembering me man, i appreciate it.
jason –
thank you very much for remembering me, our posts, and just that time in general which seems like an eternity ago. this post, while in response to you, will obviously be available to all. and by all, let’s include
you know who
since this is to be to all here, let me start by saying why it’s been until today that i have not posted. beside the obvious that i do not post online for a reason, footprint and all, and if anyone even close to thinking that everything around us is not listening, seeing, compiling all metrics on all of us whether we post or not then the events that have transpired should have answered that doubt 100%
here’s why i posted today though… and it’s a matter of a few events that have happened in the last couple weeks that led me to this moment. and the reasons, while very mundane and probably not things most people would even consciously realize and put together – not a slight on anyone whatsoever – it is a “blessing/curse” that some are able to do all the time, but something everyone CAN do… so a couple weeks back i had mentioned this site and the “former” site that everyone was at. not by name, i just mentioned “some sites”. the reason was we were in a conversation about something and i used the analogy of “conservative” websites in a conversation and i talked about “real” conversations – real people – as good as you could get to the old days of the internet…
that same night i kind of got the feeling again that i was conversing about truth but some of the topics kind of sounded – you know – kind of negative if you looked at it in a certain way. i knew what i was trying to convey and it wasn’t bringing me down but i felt later that i kind of brought this friend down a little. and the next day i felt like that meme we’ve all seen where it says “that moment when the man who thought all hope was lost realizes there more hope to lose”
so i was thinking of this site (and i have lurked here the whole time since last post) and then i was thinking about how much has transpired, and we all have lived through some of the most crucial years in any of our lives, and how so many have realized that something was certainly going on for hundreds of years, maybe thousands, but just realizing things were not as we were told is so important for all people. with that in mind i thought of some of the first posts i made at this site – saying things that i never said before online. talking with you and the original crew about stuff that had nothing to do with fake politics or governments. how people were finally openly realizing that the crazy stuff we saw in movies or read was ‘programming’, how people realized the news and hollywood was fake, curtains flying back all over the place. the problem i knew though was that i had been honestly having my mind blown if i had not been doing this thinking since i was 5 years old. so now 41 years i have been on this path.
but the biggest thing, over all the stuff we’ve seen and lived through, and i can’t go into all of it or this would be a small book, but i am not surprised even a tiny bit about everything that has transpired. if you remember some of my first posts i talked about dreams, dejavu, freezing time, “gut feeling”, then it moved to full body feeling – to where we are today – so far beyond anything i had ever prepared myself for – because even though you know, when you see it, holy cow it hits you even harder than those still desperate to understand what’s going on. now, the feeling is very advanced. what is going to transpire is well beyond anything i can even think of. as fun as fringe theories leading to research and knowledge always was – now it is just “there” and so obvious that it only can be leading to that moment. we’ve been on a roller coaster car going up that first incline… click click click click… and you get closer and closer to that peak where you know what’s about to happen. and we have to be close because i cannot imagine how much longer…
there has to be hundreds of divisions of people now between race, creed, sexuality, gender, politics…this is going to be the distraction that could seal the deal of our final fate. human beings need to get on the same page. there can be no faith at all in anything other than ourselves and our desire to survive. there are no corporations, governments, organizations, clubs, schools, nothing unless people realize we are all humans. the divisions – all of them – are contrived and pushed to incite, “radicalize”, and sow nothing but contention to hide the truth from us all – that we are being taken advantage of. all of them on “this side”, and all of them on the “other side” – forget the “controllers” – all of us people on all sides should realize we have to be a team.
i do not have much faith this will happen, my realistic side speaking here – but we will have to decide soon to see what is happening and no amount of keyboard mashing, or refresh page hits will help us at all. i am not saying it’s over or humanity is lost but shedding the “status quo” and realizing that even systems we’ve come to be told about as necessary are actually a treachery of our existence.
be prepared my friend. be steadfast in your beliefs. common sense will tell you which way to go. and frankly, as i have said many times i wouldn’t trade this timeline we are in for anything because this is going to be a time like none of us had ever imagined! we all can do it, and all i have to say is do what your guy says. if you want to get prepped, do it. if you want to get metals, do it. the only thing you have to lose is nothing. and if we fail to plan then we plan to fail. food, medicine, fuel, electricity, communication – if you take any of that for granted then you are braver than me
Hey Andrew – good to see your style hasn’t changed . Nice free flow of thoughts, as is your want!!
Yeah, the status quo is gone – big moves in the works. The world is being turned upside down and sideways. Dualism – separating things from is each – leads to fragmentation / disintegration / death. Humanity ate from the wrong tree, and is now addicted to viewing things as separate from each other. If you SEE the world in a certain way, then that is the world you build. This is the end of the road that Adam and Eve set us on aeons ago. BUT, the world that will rise from this – which we will see far sooner than than many imagine – is going to be something to behold. That is what the signs have been telling / showing me.
So I am not worried – the story that I have finally started telling will reveal why. And yes, I agree – wouldn’t want to be alive any other time. We were made for this, and it is going to be one hell of a ride!
Thanks for the kind words, and you keep an eye out for what’s coming down the road. Don’t go quiet for quite so long – I have always been energized by our exchanges. Cheers, Jase
Anyone else remember Type A personality and wonder if it got relabeled ADHD? (With a lot of help from sugar, caffeine and no exercise.)
Type A personalities are essentially ENTJs in the Myers-Briggs world. My one grandfather was one. My aunt is one. My sister is one. There’s nothing attention deficit about them.
ADHD, actually, is now considered to possibly be one of the side effects of vaccines. Given the number of people in my family with it – and it didn’t pop up until after the 1950s – there might be something to the hyper-active aspect of it. I have read that HCQ is effective in treating it.
Attention deficit on the other hand…did you see the discussion on the keys and reading glasses above? That’s a real thing.
My husband is A personality. What his mother told me he never could sit still stay in bed when sick.
Yes they would have labeled him ADHD. My youngest son is the same. Neither had meds for their A personality.
This is insane!
Head’s up that /r/WallStreetsBets moderators were forced out and replaced. Treat anything going on over there with extreme skepticism. The original WSB community is re-grouping here:
/r/WallStreetSilver is also okay for following the silver squeeze:
I haven’t been spending much time online over the last few days, so sorry if I’ve missed anything. Focusing on real life for now.
After reading the above comments, it appears I’ve missed some Drama. Of course.
It’s not good drama.
Consider yourself lucky.
I ducked the flying brickbats and thrown crockery, but it still upset me.
It was VERY upsetting. I didn’t sleep night before last. And then yesterday, some masks came off and it was, frankly, reinforcement for some of my observations.
the pile on was unsettling
It was. It just confirmed for me that the specific commenters here that were a tight knit team about a year ago…someone out there wants us separated online. Not going to say anything else, but too much information about oneself given is being used against us.
not nearly as unsettling as his incendiary posts.
where there’s smoke….
He’s just a pilot hot head. I’ve known so many over the years, it didn’t phase me.
What was disturbing was the nastiness from people claiming to be Christians, IMO. That’s always been a turn off for me.
the disease of conceit is toxic.
it contaminates everyone it touches and brings out the worst in others..
as it’s calculated to do…to diminsh others by shifting all the blame onto others bc conceit can do no wrong.
the best thing to do is to ignore it.
avoid it…move away from it.
but conceit always has to have the last word…one upmanship…and won’t let things be…it keeps digging that hole…keeps pushing the buttons…keeps provoking, keeps it up..
until we’ve had enough of it.
and, eventually, it gets what it’s asking for..
a little bit of its own medicine.
We Christians are human.
AMEN. And we have to try not to be.
That’s what’s Christ’s message was all about. Be less worldly, and understand that the human condition is frail.
In death we reach perfection. I was taught that.
About the human we become the more we become the way we were created. I was taught that in Theological Seminary in Decatur Georgia.
He participated in many other “pile ons” with glee and much ugliness. The “pile on” was just another pile on in a long list of pile ons on this blog. Nothing particularly unusual other than it was actually rather mild.
Yes, sad (as in pathetic)…really reminiscent of our (the first wave of refugees) last days at the OT (not the content, just the venom that was spewed so easily)
Don’t get me wrong FG&C could be a pompous ass, but as the saying goes he was our pompous ass, part of the family…with great insight and passion.
He chose to leave, to die on the hill for what he thought this site should be, leaving behind chard timbers of what was once a bridge back – his call, but it certainly exposed people who I thought highly of .
..not so much anymore, they’re no better than what they thought of FG&C.
That’s my take, I’m a bit player here at best, wish I had the time to post meaningful content and to expound on what others post. Its all I can do just to absorb all to info here and elsewhere so I can reasonably intelligently discuss our world view with those not in it.
So with that, take my take with a salt lick, I’m just a fly on the wall after all
Have I missed something? Did the stuff continue on? I think I made one or two comments but then got busy with life.
It’s done other than some people taking victory laps.
Wasn’t on yesterday…said my piece…I will not comment further in general about this subject or to my post…
Fair enough.
Thank you!
Oh DPat! I’m so sorry.

You work really hard to make this place sparkle. I appreciate it so much.
Thank you.
Not going to relive the last 36 hours, but, wow.
A lot has been put on hold for me since COVID and the election. I have to get back to some of it.
I hope someday, we can hear you sing!
Sing for joy!
Good for you on the real life stuff. GTFO of Blueville.
This is amazingly Orwellian. They’re going after that Ricky Vaughn guy for “election interference”.
Election interference. Really. A successful meme guy. An “influencer”. What a crock.
This shit is just SOVIET.
In a sane just world, the social media outlets would be arrested and assets seized for ACTUAL MASSIVE ELECTION INTERFERENCE!
Unequal Justice = Injustice.
Yup. Exactly right. And they had the social media outlets interfering in the name of cracking down on interference.
Oh, I see what they’re doing.
Here’s a great thread, copied entirely here explaining CV viral immunity naturally!

Yardley Yeadon
1h, 19 tweets, 4 min read
Save as PDF
My Authors
I’ve been in touch with five U.K. university professors in departments which means they’re knowledgeable about immunology. All of us agree that the variants will not meaningfully alter immune recognition by our bodies of the virus. If you’ve been infected by the Wuhan…
… sequence, you’re immune, not only to this original sequence but to all variants.
The reason is that the number of point changes (17 is the most in one variant) is irrelevantly small compared with the size of the entire virus, which is 10,000 amino acids long. The most…
… mutated virus is 99.8% identical to the Wuhan sequence.
It is possible that much smaller changes in spike protein could alter infectiousness. But that’s not what I’m talking about here, which is immune recognition. That’s not going to change overall, because we don’t only…
… recognise the part which has changed, but dozens, perhaps scores of parts of the virus. The vast majority of these parts are unchanged.
As a practical example, the original SARS virus from 2003 is around 80% identical to SARS-COV-2. Research has looked at immune…
…recognition of various parts of SARS & found vigorous responses to multiple parts of SARS 17y later. What’s also amazing is that these same people showed strong & unequivocal responses to SARS-COV-2, even though they’d never seen this new virus.
In other words, a virus…
… which is as different as 20% from SARS was easily recognised as already known by an immune system which had memorised common sequences in a earlier virus to which it’d been exposed.
The 0.2% difference between the Wuhan sequence & any of the recent variants isn’t any…
… kind of issue for our immune systems.
No question, if you choose to focus upon just one (of very many different) antibodies which are raised to the virus, then if the sequence that one type of antibody binds to has changed, that antibody may no longer bind well.
But that’s…
… not what protects you from illness: it’s the multi-locus nature of the immune response that does that. And most of those loci have not changed. Recognising & defending a person against those variants will not be problematic. And this sole focus on the profile of antibodies…
… also completely ignores the panoply of T-cell responses, which are also created against dozens or scores of parts of the virus.
It’s worth noting that variants arise normally by error-prone replication by viruses. It’s how they evolve. Apparently around 40,000 different…
… variants have already been identified, each a tiny amount different from the original sequence. Why we’ve decided to get over excited about a small subset of variants is inexplicable. As argued above, it’s not necessary to “keep foreign mutants out of the county”. In any…
… case, a negative PCR test eliminates people bringing in a copy of the virus (whatever it’s sequence). It’s a head scratcher why the idea has arisen that it’s necessary to keep out foreign mutants and why what amounts to a brief period of imprisonment is an appropriate…
… method for doing it. More important still, as mentioned already, variants are arising right now, within U.K. Even with reduced daily cases, there’s a lot of replication going on in U.K. & requiring inbound travellers to have a negative test would almost completely…
… eliminate any possibility of importing an irrelevantly tiny number of imports compared with those forming spontaneously in the country anyway. Variants are not only inevitable (& have occurred in great profusion already) but are “way points” as the virus comes into…
… equilibrium with its human host.
As respiratory viruses move through a population, there is selection pressure favouring variants which are more easily transmitted from the person to person (they out compete less transmissible variants). They’re especially favoured if…
… they’ve less harmful to the infected host (because an ill person or a dead person is far worse at spreading the virus). Over time it’s therefore entirely normal & predictable that variants get selected for which are easier to transmit but less dangerous. That’s how this…
… virus is highly likely to finish up being added to the existing four endemic coronaviruses which are causative agents in around a quarter of common colds. Indeed, it’s probably how those four got to their current status. There are probably other coronaviruses we’ve yet to…
… characterise. SARS-COV-2 mutates very slowly compared with influenza & so it’s highly unlikely that we’d need a new vaccine annually, as we do with ‘flu. These university professors with deep knowledge of immunology are fearful these days even of talking about basic viral…
… immunology. Apparently they’re concerned they might end up in the bad books of the Wellcome Trust, which is one of the top sources of research funding in U.K. So I’m telling you instead. If you want, you can contort the science such that what you’re being told fits the…
… narrative. But you’ll notice lots of things that are being said simply don’t fit & that’s because the tale they’re telling isn’t true. There’s a pattern. Lots of things that don’t make any sense. Why, I’ve no idea.
& here’s a link to one of the tweet in case anyone wants to dig deeper into the conversation:
Oh, that is awesome! Thank you for that!
You’re welcome!
oh wow!
This is great news — that I can’t get that corona-sickness ever again. Once was plenty thank you very much…
Much good and fun news to be found here and there in the corners and niches today.
(Epstein didn’t kill himself, and Biden didn’t win.)
& this immunity should keep us safe from vaccine nazis, or at least we can hope so!
Yes, this is a good base for arguing against that.
Seeing how the vaccinations have started with the old and frail — how many stories now of someone in their 80s having taken the vaccine «jab» and then died two weeks or so later?
And even if this Russian vaccine is safer than the others, do I really want to put anything called Sputnik into me? That name used to mean something else back in the days of the Cold War… and later vernacular has been to refer to a moonshine still as a «sputnik». Seeing how the whole covid-19 sickness resembles russian roulette from the start: one gets the sickness, and the final outcome can be anything from nothing at all to death… and no-one knows until it’s been tried.
So I can see why people don’t want it and make all kinds of contortions, masks, lockdowns, etc.
I suggested people take zinc and hydrochloroquine to avert the sickness, on a different forum, but all I got was vicious blowback, so the panic has gone deep.
(Epstein didn’t kill himself and Biden didn’t win)
There seems to be very little sense related to CV in the general public. My liver transplanted son got a letter from the transplant department recommending the vaccine even though they admit they don’t know what the outcomes might be but basically their best guess is that it will be better than getting CV itself. People are insane & very deceived!
Amazing that they don’t think his body has enough to do with foreign DNA already inside it. Let’s just insert some more DNA-altering crap.
What could go wrong?
Excellent resource and author!!!
Thanks GA/FL!!! Probably worth looking into his twit world page further!
Have copied both his twit and thread reader to my links page.
Nice! Displaying my ignorance here, but what is a “links page”?
It’s an email draft page in my Outlook Drafts folder. That’s how I organize informations – Outlook folders. I use a macbook pro laptop for everything – do not have an ipad or smart phone. my cell phone is a 2002 Nokia that stays in my car for road trips and emergencies.
Thanks for the clarification. You & Gail must have some amazing information organizational strategies!!! I only fantasize about organizing & then make things too complex, like in trying to make sense of lots of random family history research
I am not in Gail Combs class at all. No way José !!!
Gail studied and practiced/worked in science/technology. I studied art – drawing/painting and art history, with a bit of English and psychology/social work. The rest of my education has been theology and politics on the blogs!
Interesting on the background stuff. I studied science in college & did some minor PT work in a couple science arenas while still a student. As a pre-med undergrad my degree course was very scientific w/ few elective options until my senior year when I took some psychology classes, which were intriguing. I was in a science fatigue mode by the time graduation hit & didn’t even apply to med school, even though I took the MCAT. I ended up going back to my university to complete a 2 year Christian Counseling degree as opposed to second bachelor’s in Psych as I’d been contemplating. That masters training was in a seminary so I got decent exposure to theology there, though coming from a strong Christian family had plenty of informal awareness in that domain too. Online self-education is an ongoing challenge & often a delight here too!
Oh yeah – and like you, I’ve gotten a practical degree in diseases, disability, genetics, home health care, etc.
School of hard knocks!!! Most of mine centered around my majorly special needs son. Were yours personal or family adventures (if you care to share)?
I have a daughter, age 49, with Friedreich’s Ataxia – 36 years post Dx – it’s a recessively inherited neurodegenerative disease – a GAA repeat on the 9th chromosome that causes a deficit in a protein that causes the cells in the cerebellum to die – gradually – one of the more common inherited ataxias – side symptoms can be hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, vision impairment, diabetes. Her repeat is moderate and she’s done well, compared to some of the kids who die with the disease in their teens. She’s one of Jerry’s kids – under the MDA umbrella. She also has a mild form of Sclerodema. She has had some heart symptoms in the last couple of years. Spent a week in ICU, a week in cardio wing, a week or two at a critical care facility with sepsis-caused heart arrhythmia – then another couple of days with something like a heart attack. She’s been stable for almost a year now, though.
Thank you for sharing your son’s story and your struggles…victories too.
Wow, thanks for sharing that! Are you still caring for her? She was just 13 when diagnosed–did you get some of those years where she seemed relatively healthy/normal or was it a long difficult journey until diagnosis? They’ve always presumed my son has some type of genetic syndrome but everything they’ve tested for has come back negative…
My son has congenital heart defects & has had 2 open-heart surgeries so far, at 2 months & 4 1/2 years. He’s having some cardiac symptoms now & overdue to see the pediatric cardiologist.
He has a bi-cuspid aortic valve (should be tri-cuspid) w/ dilated aortic arch & a hypertrophic left ventricle. Whenever he needs another surgery they anticipate putting in an artificial aortic valve.
I used to obsess over when heart surgery #3 would occur since after the second one we were told “it’s highly unlikely he’s going 35 years without another heart surgery & next time I’m replacing the valve!” We’d been told he might need the valve replaced around age 40 (he’s 25 now). Asking the nurse to interpret that statement by the surgeon she thought Josiah might need another heart surgery when junior high age.
All that took a major backseat when he was found to have a brain tumor & masses/tumors throughout his liver. All that info fell on us within a couple days of Thanksgiving in 2009. We were in-patient on Christmas Eve since the liver biopsy was complicated by puncturing the diaphragm so he got a partially collapsed lung/pneumothorax. That was one of the worst &/or best Christmases in family memory, depending on who you ask.
The following summer was the brain tumor surgery, which was thankfully able to be done through the nostril so he has no visible scarring. Unfortunately he had to suspend using his CPAP because they didn’t want air forced up there for months following surgery & he hasn’t been able to overcome his behavioral & habitual challenges to get back in regular CPAP usage yet, helps w/ his sleep disorders & attention…
Anyway for a season we were told he wasn’t a candidate for liver transplant, which I naively thought meant EVER when it just meant Then. So I had a brief respite from chaos & thought open heart & brain surgery were the worst it could get…silly me!
Being on the transplant waiting list was infinitely worse, at least for me, knowing that some other family would lose a loved one in order for my son to get the necessary donated organ, for he needed a whole liver & couldn’t just get a lobe from family…I don’t know if I’ve ever prayed harder than for that family who would eventually donate their deceased loved one’s liver for my son. I so wanted them to be Christians who had that peace & assurance of seeing their beloved lost again in Paradise. I also prayed for their memories together & no unresolved issues so they could be at peace as much as possible when their loved one was taken…It’s so much worse when some other family’s tragedy is tied to your kid’s medical outcome…
Anyway sorry for going down that road too far. I get it about medical complexity & learning to roll with whatever punches. It’s a different universe. I hope you had some healthy kids too to ease that burden just a bit.
…that last bit of our education was involuntary!
Same!!! Trying to look back on that trying time (not that it’s completely over) as hopefully I did the best I was capable of at the time given what I had to work with…I hope my husband & other kids can forgive me for how far I fell short in caring for their needs (let alone my own) as I kept choosing to leave the 99 & search for the lost sheep…
When they ask for your papers, give them THIS.

#AOSMOLLETT After her tearful Instagram drama, it was shown that She was nowhere near the protesters.
She appeared on the today show on Tuesday, to recount her drama. They gave her considerable air time, and then the requisite concern banter among the anchors. AOC also threw in reference to a previous sexual assault for extra triggering. It wasn’t believable, and not an example of a courageous leader in trying times setting an example for the American people.
Lots of unwatchable fear porn across the broadcast that included this ad, camouflaged as a public service announcement:
Here’s what the company founder told THR:
…””This is meant to take the form of a PSA-type of feel. There is no consumer transaction here. It’s not like something’s being sold. This is a general awareness campaign to educate the public on what that seal means and how they can feel when they’re entering spaces with that seal on it,” he added before praising his boldfaced name partners. “It was just a great experience having folks, each and every one of them, who exhibited such authentic emotion and spirit and belief in the message they were saying.”’…
Here’s what he told Forbes:
….”Scialla is selling a “Well” building certification that real estate developers, employers and hotel and resort operators can display in their lobbies and use in their marketing materials. Modeled after the well-known LEED green building standard, which is administered by a nonprofit, Scialla’s project differs in one key aspect: Delos is very much a for-profit company. Over the last five years, he has raised $237 million at a valuation, most recently, of $800 million. “…
…”Backers include Bill Gates’ personal investment office and Jeff Vinik, the former manager of the Fidelity Magellan fund. The New Age celebrity doctor Deepak Chopra sits on Delos’ board, as does actor Leonardo DiCaprio. Scialla even persuaded Rick Fedrizzi, a creator of LEED, to put off retirement to run the International Well Building Institute, the part of Delos’ business that evaluates buildings.”…
Other documents reveal a connection to the Clinton Global Initiative.
Anyone over 18 can be certified as a WELL health safety agent/inspector. All that’s required is $299 and completion of their exam. No background in engineering, architecture, or interior design required.
Delos, the parent company sells air filtration units, air filters, nonproprietary water filters, and sensors.
One WELL health safety criteria measures monitors and documents CO2 levels within the building.
Science you know.
I wonder what happens for the health safety of certified building occupants of they’re required to wear masks?
Frank said it best…
MASH was ahead of it’s time wasn’t it?
Klinger certainly was!
Thanks for that one…just had to share!
This is so good, I’m posting the whole darned thing. (Please put the bill for the bytes on my tab.)
Steve Cortes – ‘The Navarro Report’ should be the cornerstone of the Trump defense – not the narrow Lindsey Graham Strategy
“On Nov. 3, 2020, countless Trump supporters cheered on early election night returns that appeared to make President Trump a lock for reelection. Florida came in as the new Big Easy, Ohio looked equally strong, and Democrat hopes were quickly dashed that the Lone Star State might tilt blue.
However, as Tuesday night rolled into Wednesday morning, key battleground states inexplicably suspended vote counting. When these tabulations resumed, implausibly Democrat-heavy vote spikes produced razor-thin apparent Biden victories. In Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia alone, the total combined Biden differential was a mere 42,703 votes, or 0.003% of the 11.5 million total votes cast.
As I studied these bizarre returns at Trump campaign headquarters, and after decades building statistical trading models for the largest banks and hedge funds in the world, my mind fixated on the utter improbability of the results. My intuitive suspicions soon found numerical validation.
For example, Mr. Trump won 18 of the 19 “bellwether” counties in America. For the past 10 elections straight, these counties amassed a perfect record of predicting the national winner.
Among key Hispanic voters, Mr. Trump showed remarkable gains. He earned 50% of the Hispanic vote in Florida and rallied double digits on margin to 40% of the Hispanic vote in Texas. Moreover, in the 100 majority-Hispanic counties in America, Mr. Trump rose from a mere 8% to an astonishing 44% of the total vote.
In the harsh light of the statistical day, President Biden outperformed ONLY in the places he needed to — despite material shifts demographically and geographically for Mr. Trump nationwide. This was tantamount to Mr. Biden throwing four perfect games in a row for a World Series sweep.
As I have parsed and pondered this statistical impossibility over the last 60 days, my most valuable resource has been the three volumes of the Navarro Report published by the former White House assistant to the president and Harvard PhD economist.
Mr. Navarro’s reports are highly sourced with hundreds of citations from thousands of documents, including court filings, county election results, and sworn affidavits. He demonstrates unequivocally that election irregularities across six dimensions in the six most contested battleground states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — resulted in what he describes as election theft “by a thousand cuts.”
Mr. Navarro has now consolidated his three reports into one easily digestible volume. This consolidated report should be required reading for every member of Congress AND for every state legislator in the battleground states. The Navarro Report should also be required reading for every American citizen concerned about the integrity of our elections and who are readying to watch the upcoming impeachment trial.
Many Americans intuitively grasp the massive problems that contaminate the official returns. A post-election CNBC survey showed that only 3% of Trump voters view Mr. Biden as a legitimate winner. A Jan. 14 CNN poll found that, despite three months of constant media maligning of skeptics, only 19% of Trump voters see Mr. Biden as a valid victor. No wonder Axios polling reveals and astounding 92% want Mr. Trump to be the 2024 Republican nominee.
Despite the strong, data-driven matrix of malfeasance documented in the Navarro Report, as well as widespread skepticism among regular citizens, America’s corporate media and Big Tech have aggressively and punitively suppressed even a discussion of possible election irregularities. To fight back, Donald Trump must aggressively embrace his Impeachment Trial opportunity to prosecute his case that the election was indeed stolen.
By basing the impeachment on the question of election theft, Nancy Pelosi and her partisan cadres have unwittingly done the country a great service by providing Mr. Trump a clear opportunity to emphatically address the “election irregularities” elephant in the American living room.
The Navarro Report, with its meticulous accounting of the theft, should be the cornerstone for the Trump defense. By embracing the granularity and statistical “receipts” of the Navarro Report, Mr. Trumpcan stand boldly in the well of the Senate and methodically and emphatically make the case that there was nothing false about his statements. Therefore, he must be found not guilty.
If the former president dives headlong into this challenge with courage, imagination and the charisma that only he can command — and if he resists the temptation to pursue a narrow “Lindsey Graham” due process defense – he will transcend the absurdity of this tainted tribunal, crystallize his own political potency, and propel the populist nationalist cause forward into 2022 and beyond.”
LINK – https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/feb/3/the-navarro-report-should-be-the-cornerstone-for-t/
Steve Cortes has remained a loyal, powerful Trump warrior post fraud election and post faux inauguration. He hasn’t skedaddled off to Fox or Heritage, etc.
His twitter feed motto: “Happy warrior. Deplorable. Hispanic. Trump campaigns 2016 & 2020. Born for a storm.” = https://twitter. com/CortesSteve (remove space to activate)
We. Will. Never. Forget.
Election 2020 Fraud
EVIDENCE – https://hereistheevidence.com/
NAVARRO REPORT – Parts 1-3 – https://navarroreport.com
We will never forget how our lawmakers, courts, justice department, multiple agencies, ignored the evidence and allowed this fraud stand.
As far as we are concerned – they are all frauds.
The 2020 Election fraud was obvious, provable and ignored by courts, congress and the media.
Unless the 2020 Election fraud is rectified – we cannot ever trust another election, congress, court, or politician again.
Unless the 2020 Election fraud is rectified and measures are taken to prevent it happening again – we do not have a free country or freedom.
Funny, I attended a school named after Lindbergh in Metro Detroit but never knew he was actually born in Detroit, as were many in my family…
Lucky Lindy was going to run for president. THEN ‘They’ kidnapped his child. (His father was very much against the Federal Reserve.)
Interesting…didn’t know he had the banksters after him. I believe he was also an admirer of Hitler & his efficiency before WWII. My grandpa had a small bust of Lindy at our family’s Cottage, the only bust in the place…hmmm…
After 4 years of “searching”, the DOJ finally has found a use for the RICO Act.
Of course it’s against Trump people mostly…
Charging Capitol rioters under RICO would be difficult – prosecutors would have to prove that a group is a “criminal enterprise,” organized the Capitol riot and was connected to at least two additional crimes. Events like the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally could be used to prove the case.
I read that Yale donated a heap to Biden. Don’t know if that is factual.
now covid is decreasing men’s fertility…depopulation either from the disease or the cure…or get them both ways! gates’ wet dream realized
Just when you thought the future couldn’t get much more dystopian, scientists have issued more stark warnings that COVID-19 is reducing fertility in men, and could contribute to depopulation of the planet.
Scientists say that there is increasing evidence in patients of testicular damage and lower sperm counts and mobility, with initial studies revealing the presence of the virus in semen samples.
Researchers at the Justus-Liebig-University in Germany. along with scientists from Allameh Tabataba’i University in Iran have reported significant inflammation markers in samples of testicular tissue from 84 Covid-19 patients.
They discovered that the inflammation and cellular stress were twice as severe in the Covid-19 positive group as in a control group.
Researchers also noted that sperm was three times slower in COVID patients, and sperm count in general was much lower.
The study found that sperm concentration was reduced by 516 per cent, mobility by 209 per cent and sperm cell shape was altered by 400 per cent.
The researchers further noted that this represents oligoasthenoteratozoospermia, one of the most common causes of subfertility in men.
I don’t know what they are in an all fired hurry about. Birth rates have been down for about 50 years on a volunteer basis to the point that replacement levels aren’t being met. In the next 50 years, the population is going to shrink. A number of popes warned about that, and humans didn’t pay attention.
gates doesn’t have 50 years
neither does the WEF’s Agenda.
9 years, max.
why they’re moving a lightning speed.
Maybe the Elite’s panic to REDUCE the human population drastically and swiftly is because they KNOW more about the coming Ice Age and its timing then I thought.
The Little Ice age was numerically right on schedule for the return of Glaciation.
A History of Solar Activity over Millennia, a 3,000-Year Record of Solar Activity, showed a GRAND SOLAR MAXIMUM, which has occurred only once in the past 3,000 years, arrived in the nick of time to yank the earth out of glaciation.
AND it was a step-change.
Ice cores from the Freemont Glacier show it went from Little Ice Age cold to Modern Warming warm in the ten years around 1850
Dr. Evans’ Solar Notch-Delay Theory predicts a delay of about 11 years from a change in solar conditions to a change in earth climate.
So what happened around 1840? Solar Cycle 8. It began in November 1833 with a smoothed sunspot number of 7.3</b> and ended in July 1843. Max sunspot number ~210. The prior Solar Cycle 7,began in May 1823 with a smoothed sunspot number of 0.1 and ended in November 1833. Max sunspot number ~105. And thus began the Grand Solar Maximum, highest in 3,000 years which has just ended.
Now IDIOT Bill Gates and some other loonies from the Marxist HAAaavard University plan to tackle climate change by blocking out the sun
GEE, And just in time to boot the coming Landscheidt minimum into a FULL BLOWN ICE ACE What a deal!
Here is a ‘brief?’ look at the data gathered that refuting ‘Gore Bull Schiff Warming’ aka the ‘Green House’ and showing we are on the brink of either the ‘Ice House’ or the ‘Mad House’ (Bumping along between to interglacial peaks of a ‘double precession-cycle’ interglacial.) Geologically the ‘Green House’ is NOT on the table.
Geologist William McClenney looked at it from the perspective of geology in a series of posts at WUWT. His posts are gathered together HERE:
The End Holocene?
He used multiple papers from geologists such as this:
” The operative quotation being found in the landmark paper by Lisiecki and Raymo (“A Pliocene-Pleistocene stack of 57 globally distributed benthic D18O records”, Paleoceanography, Vol. 20, PA1003, doi:10.1029/2004PA001071, 2005) being:”
Note the Loutre and Berger model looked at model results (They played around with computers instead of getting off their butts.) While Lisieki and Raymo took an exhaustive look at 57 globally distributed deep Ocean Drilling Project (and other) cores In other words they looked at real data not models.
This movie was released in 2013. Its plot is based on the exact scenario described above – sudden cooling of the earth resulting in an ice age.
It’s a wild fairy tale but the fairy tale incorporates much criticism of the social strata in which we live.
Hmmm – was the Chinese custom-made disease attacking persons with co-morbid conditions, elders, and lowering fertility – intentional – to lower cost of Medicare/Medicaid and do the ugly on population – all the cold-hearted leftist goals?
Was the Communist Chinese custom-made disease, initially developed at the research labs of the UNC, and with the involvement of Dr. Anthony Fauci, before the raw virus was sent to the lab in Wuhan, then followed by mRNA vaccines that can likely alter fertility, — intentional?
Can all that be traced/verified? I haven’t kept all the links.
Sure can.
You know, this seems like propaganda. Just a hunch.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, February 4, 2021
“Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”
Psalms 16:11 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Be My Voice
morning duchess!
looking at a warm up today…near 40* maybe…
then another system coming in…
have a Blessed and safe day!!!!!
Hey, Pat!!! We have glorious golden sunshine – God is Good – a reprieve from the daily snowfall – but, the weekend promises more snow – and more muscle-building!
God Bless Your Day, too – Angels Watching Over You – Hugs!!!
HUGS back to you!!
* Received and Appreciated *
That is just glorious! A preview of heaven!
Yes, Georgia – once in a while we get to see it – and long for the day when we can live it!!!
Arizona Senate steeling itself…
The Arizona Senate is set to pass a contempt resolution finding that the Maricopa County Board has failed to comply with a subpoena demanding access to elections equipment and ballots cast in the November election, with the potential threat of arrest alluded to in the sure-to-pass resolution.
democrats gonna democrat
“Depicting the first Black lieutenant governor as Ku Klux Klansman. It’s something we cannot stand for, folks. It’s something I’m not going to stand for,” Robinson said. “What I want to know from WRAL is that who you are? Is that who you want to represent yourself to be in this state?”
The cartoon by Dennis Draughon stems from the state board of education’s upcoming meeting regarding K-12 social studies curriculum.
Last week, members of the North Carolina Board of Education discussed whether the concepts of systemic racism, systemic discrimination and gender identity should be discussed in class.
Robinson, a Republican who made history as the first Black man to hold the office, took a strong position against it.
“To call our system of government racist, that is an untruth as far as I’m concerned. I truly believe that is an untruth as far as history is concerned and it does a disservice to our students. It puts the idea in the mind of our children that they live in a nation that has promoted racism,” he said at the time.
The cartoon published this week shows the Elephant Klansman representing GOP board members who are against the use of those words.
The elephant’s caption reads: “We prefer a clean sheet.”
first Trump appointee files a lawsuit…(i copied the whole article…)
Before leaving office, President Donald Trump reappointed Roger Severino to the Council of the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS), where he is to carry out a three-year term. Severino received his commission on Jan. 16, just days before President Joe Biden was inaugurated. In a newly-filed lawsuit against the Biden administration, the Trump appointee claims he was threatened with termination from the board if he failed to resign, something Severino says is illegal.
“Yesterday, Mr. Severino received an email from Gautam Raghavan, the deputy director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office. The email was sent ‘on behalf of President Biden,’ and it asked Mr. Severino to resign from the Council by 5:00 p.m. today. Mr. Raghaven warned Mr. Severino that if he did not resign by that time, his ‘appointment to the Council will be terminated,'” the lawsuit states.
According to Severino and his team, the appointment is no Constitutional basis for the appointees removal.
“The statute governing ACUS provides that Mr. Severino’s term on the Council lasts for three years, and the statute makes no provision or allowance for at- will Presidential removal,” the lawsuit reads.
Severino, who has been on the board since Aug. 2020, previously served as the head of the Health and Human Service’s (HHS) Office of Civil Rights. In that role he was responsible for carrying out President Trump’s socially conservative agenda, including protecting health care workers who objected to providing abortions and upholding religious liberty.
According to the Trump appointee, the administration’s move to get rid of him lacks the “unity” Biden has called for.
“President Biden’s attempt to remove me contrary to law exposes his lofty promises of healing and uniting all Americans as nothing more than cynical manipulation,” Severino said in a statement. “Because I am not one to be bullied, not even by the President himself, I will not resign my duly commissioned post and look forward to seeing how President Biden tries to justify his vindictive actions in court.”
Normally, I wouldn’t just wholesale copy things from Marica’s, but since so many here don’t hang out there, our old friend LadyPenguin posted this and it is worth considering, IMO.
February 4, 2021 at 5:53 am
I promised to bring Wictor’s latest thread over again to today’s post. It fits the theme of “looking up” –
Remember, I bring input if I think there are plausible tenets and in support of our direction. Nothing is 100% right, (none of us know the true answers or outcome – except POTUS) but if it keeps us going in a good direction, then it’s worthwhile.
Sharing tonight and will repost tomorrow. I love Wictor’s comment, they “hid his records to hide his (Trump’s) abilities!!!
Kids, I’m telling you:
The Pences moved to Virginia and opened an office IN TOTAL SECRECY.
Trump has disappeared.
No temporary flight restriction (TFR) over Mar-a-Lago.
No leaks.
This guy is a conspiracy theorist, but he confirms the lack of a TFR over Mar-a-Lago. (he’s referencing MonkeyWex)
He also confirms–without knowing it–that all the spy aircraft returning to Beale Air Force Base are not registering on ANY tracker.
9th Reconnaissance Wing.
They report directly to the president.
I see them fly over my house. I never use trackers. All I do is go outside, tilt my head back, and look.
Trump’s enemies are biting the dust.
Alexandra Ocasio-Smollet.
The House plan to blame Trump and only Trump for the Capitol building raid is political suicide.
Trump’s lawyers specialize in FRAUD and CRIMINAL LAW, not constitutional law.
Arguing unconstitutionality is a nonstarter.
Everybody already knows that it’s unconstitutional.
But the Democrats NEVER change direction.They can’t.
Why is Pence across the river from DC?
WHERE’S EZRA A. COHEN, as he’s now known?
All of SecDef Austin’s decrees don’t take place for months.
Trump and Pence can disappear at will.
Craploads of inexplicable things are happening.
Biden and his morons are too arrogant to even be aware of the military branch that PROVED the election fraud.
I know it’s easy to say, “It’s all over.”
That’s because you REFUSE to engage in critical thinking.
Why would Trump and Pence disappear at will, and how the hell do they do it?
Why did Trump make all those dramatic personnel and policy changes at the last minute?
Why the “most important thing I’ll do in my presidency” address?
If you going to tell me that it’s all over, you need to come up with convincing explanation for all of this.
You can’t simply dismiss it because you have no answer.
If you have no answer, your claim that it’s all over has no value.
Why get criminal trial lawyers to argue a case based on the constitution?
And STOP TELLING ME that Trump is finally realizing that he got bad advice and is now belatedly making the right decisions.
You’ve done this for his entire first term.
YOU NEVER RESEARCHED TRUMP, so you know nothing about him.
If you know nothing about a person, how the hell can you tell me how he thinks?
Everything happening now is following Trump’s lifelong pattern of clandestine actions.
Despite everything written about him, we know almost nothing.
How do I know he studied Russian for four years?
I had to find an ancient paper that listed schools with mandatory classes in Russian.
When Trump attended the New York Military Academy, it was one of only three schools in the country that mandated the study of Russian.
Trump’s records were buried to HIDE HIS ABILITIES.
We saw with our own eyes that he understands and certainly speaks Korean.
He reacts BEFORE the interpretation. Twice.
I myself am the only person so far that found EVIDENCE that Trump knew the Saudi royals since 1980 at the latest
Mohammed bin Salman has spoken English in public ONLY TWICE, both times to Trump.
Why would he do that?
I’m sure it’s because Trump speaks to him in private in Arabic.
Melania speaks English, but Barron’s first language is Slovenian. I’m sure Trump, Barron, and Melania converse in Slovenian.
All the Trump kids born of Ivana have a very slight accent when they speak English. Listen carefully. You’ll hear it.
So to conclude, NOTHING Trump and Pence are doing is NORMAL.
Don’t dismiss that.
If you’d researched Trump, you’d know that it’s VERY significant.
He and Pence promised to get the REAL vote count.
Did they just sit on it? Or did they do something so astonishing that nobody have ever thought of doing it before?
Supporting documentation:
We just had three military transports fly north over the farm. Noisy enough to wake the dead! Or at least shake the windows.
Yeah, those big guys…there was one day there must have been a lot of activity out of Scott SFB, ’cause it was NOISY and the sound was bouncing off of all the houses.
Thanks, DePat.
I hope Wictor is right!
I’m seeing a lot of supporting information that President Trump is MIA. Where? That’s a good question.
A very good question.
He has homes and hotels all over the world.
He has his own long range aircraft.
He could be anywhere.
Wherever he is…I pray that he is safe.
he’s safe on AF1.
AF1 747 could literally be anywhere, including sitting on the ground. It’s essentially a flying office building, telecom hub, and mil base all in one.
…dozens of properties worldwide – and may have more than one airplane, helicopter, autos, trucks.
Remember – he was recruited by many resourceful, trained, experienced, brilliant people.
ok, I’ll bite…
why is sixpence across the river in dc?
Yeah, that one has me scratching my head, too.
Interesting to note that Wictor has always maintained that it is TRUMP and Trump alone (with his unknown personal confederates) who are doing this. And that makes the most sense, in addition to being the sole circumstance his supporters can hope for.
Trump is not using his army of supporters, nor does he need his army of supporters. What his army of supporters say, do or think is irrelevant to what Trump is doing, at this point, per Wictor.
It is sufficient that we stay supporters of the President, and that does not seem to have changed one iota, regardless of disagreements on the subject of what is or may be happening.
All Patriots are brothers and sisters, and all Patriots are equally in the know.
From Michael DeLauzon
Seven Steps to bring about the New World Order:
1. All Governments
2. Private Property
3. Inheritance
4. Patriotism
5. The Family
6. Religion
7. Create One World Government
https://twitter. com/MichaelDeLauzon/status/1357268307787743232 (take out space to activate link)
It’s all out of order. They are gonna lose. The family is a divinely instituted ‘organization’ and cannot be destroyed.
Even the worst totalitarian tyrants have failed.
Keep your families strong. They can overcome the worst tyrants.
as a PA resident i am ashamed of the asswipe in our governor’s mansion…that being said–he has lost his mind. clearly. he cause millions to lose their jobs and income and our budget is in the red by billions. PA has to balance their budget–state law–so he proposes MORE TAXES. so if you have a job, your state income tax will increase…but that’s not idiotic ENOUGH for our governor. nope, he’s going to INCREASE SPENDING!!!
Many, many months ago the good Governor shut down the state of Pennsylvania with a series of ill-considered and poorly executed executive orders justified vaguely by the existence of a so-called pandemic. Strangely enough, when businesses were shuttered and people laid off, tax revenue, which is based on income, plummeted. The State of Pennsylvania is now drowning in red ink.
And, so Wolf has decided that in order to make up for the shortfall caused by the fact this his constituents don’t make any money – he will make them pay higher taxes – on the income they don’t have any more. The Governor is proposing an increase in the personal income tax rate from 3.07% to 4.49%, starting July 1. That would be the first increase since 2003.
That would seem bad enough. Undeterred, though, Wolf is determined that he will make an already catastrophic situation worse. He is not just proposing to raise taxes. He wants to increase spending. That includes a 20% increase in aid to public schools and all sorts of things he wants to do to provide aid to the poor; it never having occurred to him apparently that there might not be so many people in need of public services, if the economy was open, folks had jobs and businesses were not imploding all around us.
Have you heard this news Pat?
StormyPatriotJoe – Channel
“Follow The Resignations” – Q
PA Secretary of State resigns due to “mishandling” of matters around:
1. Child Sex Crimes
2. Election Fraud
Kraken Wood
Pennsylvania secretary of state resigns amid scandal
Stormy Patriot Joe
oops… forgot my manners…
Good morning Pat,
Hope you are staying warm… not too much snow…
As for PA… I”m praying it will be cleaned up like everything else… very soon!
got another email from our local rep…told him not to bother until they grow a set and take back their rightful power from the governor and SoS and AG…
our legislature allowed a lot of this crap to happen…not getting my support anymore.
and I hope you are safe and warm!!
There are people who have rental properties in PA who are putting them on the market. They want out not only because the state income tax is gong up, but local taxes are going up. And rents can’t really be raised enough to cover the increases.
i did see this and i’ve been wondering how this effects REALPOTUS’s SCOTUS case against her…altho the briefs have been filed and there is a “conference” scheduled for 2/19…she won’t be SoS then…
do you know if that causes the case to be moot or does PA still have to defend her position?
I don’t ‘know’ … but I would expect the case still stands… fingers crossed.
february 3, 2021 the marshall report
Ann Vandersteel – host of “Steel Truth” was kicked off social media along with President Trump et al, for telling the truth of breaking news as it unfolded with her boots on the ground. So, she teamed up with Producer Liz and together with their 30 years broadcast careers have created the best online broad-cast style primetime show to bring you the LATEST NEWS AND HIGHLIGHTS from around the globe!
Watch Vandersteel as she brings you the real unfiltered news!
Fishers of Men – 20210203
Another reason to skip the shot. Do other vaccines actually do this?
Side effect of COVID-19 vaccine mirrors breast cancer symptom, doctors say
Posted: Feb 4, 2021 / 07:48 AM CST / Updated: Feb 4, 2021 / 07:48 AM CST
CLEVELAND (WJW) — Doctors are reporting a side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine that mirrors a symptom of breast cancer.
“We have been seeing swollen lymph nodes for a couple weeks now,” said Dr. Holly Marshall, with University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center.
“It’s actually a normal response that the body has to the vaccine,” said Marshall. “It means that the body is making antibodies to fight the COVID-19 infection.”
Marshall said breast radiologists have encountered axillary adenopathy, also known as swollen lymph nodes, on screening mammograms of patients who have been vaccinated. It’s a side effect that could be mistaken for breast cancer.
How’s this for expensive fire starter? [snort]
It’s a way to launder money.
or is DONG more appropriate? asking for a friend
Bong, actually, in this case.
You must have been one serious hottie, back in the day.
[wistful smile]
a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste…wink, wink
Wish I could find that disgusting photos of hunter from the laptop – the ones showing him as he is now.
adam schiff for brains resigning his seat to become CA AG? (and maybe after a brief stint there Difi’s seat in Senate?
Is there another source for this?
not that I can find…never heard of e milita either…
I’m still looking though
I didn’t see it on any other outlet, and the reality is that news this big would be plastered everywhere if it was true.
not if difi doesn’t know she’s being replaced yet…LOL
AT has some opinions trying to back this up…it’s not schiff-for-brains first attempt at getting a CA senate seat…
hmmmm…the urgency to pass another spending bill when $1 TRILLION still hasn’t been spent from the previous stimulus bills???
As scored by the Congressional Budget Office, the total cost of stimulus laws enacted over the last year amounts to $3.7 trillion. More than $1 trillion of available budgetary resources remain to be spent. Notable examples of remaining funds include:
Source: House Budget Committee, 2021.
The obvious answer is that the Dems want to designate spending for their own pet projects and graft, which the prior act did not accomplish. (Which was pretty much the whole point.)
you’re right I think
Since I don’t own jeans and don’t drink beer, I guess I’m out. Please, pass the Chateau St. Michelle and the Saint Andre.
Rep. Jim Jordan
The Republican Party is no longer the “wine and cheese” party.
It’s the beer and blue jeans party.
3:52 PM · Feb 3, 2021
Heheh. Maybe not the best metaphor, but I get his meaning.
Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz and some of our other fighters, are trying to wrestle the R-party away from the pucker-faced Rinos who have been in control.
I see this as a good thing.
Ronna McRomney has got to go!
Kevin “liz may I kiss your ass” McCarthy, too.
All the faux-Trumpers need to be thrown off the train…..
That boy’s having a rough time. If he keeps my girls Greene and Boebert, though, I’ll give him a pass. He’s a smart cookie on keeping unity right now. He knows the Dems and CCP have maneuvered him onto thin ice.
Plus I bet he knows that Wyoming will take care of her azz.
Evict the Whigs!
I still sport my natural hair, thank you.
Follow the resignations.
Jack Posobiec Flag of United States
BREAKING: CNN president Jeff Zucker to step down at the end of the year
9:35 AM · Feb 4, 2021
Not soon enough!
Maybe Zucker has a contract that AT&T is unwilling to break.
I dunno.
But CNN’s ratings are in the crapper and that falls at Zucker’s feet.
One possible explanation is that the Biden win was a Pyrrhic victory for him. He “almost destroyed” CNN to get Biden in – and somebody is saying “never again”. But they don’t need to fire him, if there is “nothing coming”, because there would be “never again” if he stayed there.
Somethings is weird here. Maybe he’s throwing a head fake.
I have to admit, there is no good explanation for this. Zucker helped get Biden elected – he should be on a pedestal now.
What did he do? The Veritas stuff was nothing. He just shrugged it off.
Something we’re not seeing is going on.
To brighten your day. (From Thomas Wictor)

And another…

Love that one.
awesome–had to share!!!
A long and beautifully detailed description of how China rules us in conjunction with their subservient American allies. And that is not an exaggeration: China has conquered us and rules us. That is why the military is the only answer. Also, our ruling class thinks it is doing us a favor by employing the least harsh means. But (IMO) if we do not graciously accept their beneficence, things will get bloody:
This is an incredibly astute view of the situation we are in, and how we got here.
The best intelligence favor that anybody could do for the “17 intelligence agencies” or whatever, would be to send a copy of this article to their top people.
And I guarantee all of them would go “But this isn’t true, because [whatever].”
It’s kind of like putting a lens in front of light and a diffusion gradient.
You know what the correct output is, and you can use incorrect distortion to know exactly what the problem is with the lens surface.
IOW, it’s a Rorschach test that tells you more about the person than about the article itself.
JØɆ ฿łĐɆ₦ ĐłĐ₦’₮ ₩ł₦.
Not even close!
Conspiracy for what?
Trying to pass off as either sentient or intelligent?
Summary of all election cases brought after 2020 election debacle:
That’s great, thanks!
Very well organized.
Great find!
A Thomas Wictor Thread
[Begin QUOTE]
For @Bob _H
You wrote:
“If Trump really won in a landslide, then why do we have Biden sitting in the WH, reversing everything Trump did? Why are competent people in key positions now replaced with those chosen primarily for their race, sexual preference or “gender”?
Why is much that was accomplished in the last 4 years being allowed to be destroyed by these idiots? I hope there’s some good reasons and it’s revealed and reversed soon, before it’s too late.”
It happened because Trump is a big-picture guy.
Trump TOLD US not only that the election would be stolen, but he also told us exactly how it would be done.
So why didn’t he stop it?
Because by allowing it to go all the way to the conclusion, he trapped everyone involved.
That includes ALL of Trump’s enemies, foreign and domestic.
Now, I’ve figured out a way that Trump could’ve defeated the election theft. It was EASY.
The reason I’m not telling you is that nobody else on the planet has written about it, so I refuse to be the first, in case I’m right.
All it required was the ego structure to allow it.
No president has ever done anything like this. They were thinking only of themselves, not the country.
Trump would not only had allowed it, he would’ve facilitated it with Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs).
Not one PEAD has ever been declassified or leaked.
Trump told us several times that he has powers that nobody knows about.
He always warned his enemies to think twice.
The Democrats have been trying to get Trump’s PEADs since he took office, but they’ve been unsuccessful.
Given the national emergency of an election stolen with the help of foreign powers, Trump was able to defeat it.
He told us how.
By getting the REAL vote count.
In order to steal the election, the Democrats needed to have the real vote count so that they could overcome Trump’s victory.
Hence the pause in counting, the ballot dumps, and the rescanning of the same fake votes.
Getting the real vote count was a piece of cake, since the Democrats very stupidly hired a company that stole the election by using the Internet.
There are so many ways to hack into a system that I could tell you of 20 off the top of my head.
The Democrats were not just STUPID, they were EXTRA-CRISPY stupid because they used wireless systems in the central hub for the theft operation.
So any number of cyber warfare technologies could’ve been used.
Ground troops could’ve set up a temporary network nearby and boosted the signals from the wireless devices.
They were collected in a server, and that’s all she wrote.
A temporary network can consist of hovering autonomous nanodrones outside the building.
You could bug the building with nanodrones that land on somebody’s back outside, flatten out and mimic the pattern of the clothing, and then hop off inside and find a perch from where it can record.
It can be done with satellites and high-altitude electronic-warfare aerial platforms.
Since much of the counting was done outside the country, the NSA vacuumed up all the communications.
On January 6, the cellphone conversations of the Oath Keepers [Wictor dislikes them.] who went into the Capitol building were recorded in real time.
These people were NOT under targeted surveillance.
ALL cellphone conversations outside the Capitol building were recorded.
Nobody knows how it was done.
The conversations identified the conspirators.
Read the FBI affidavit. They were on nobody’s radar screen before January 6. [OR so the FIB says, can’t have their Agents Provacateur IDed now can we? –GC]
So there’s cyber warfare technology we don’t even know about.
People think that the current situation can’t be REVERSED.
If I’m right, it was ALREADY DEFEATED.
Legally and constitutionally.
During national emergencies, the president has powers nobody else has.
You can bet that Trump used them.
But the way he defeated the theft was by going first through Congress and then through his cabinet.
Pence–who has disappeared–is key to the defeat of the theft.
That’s why Acting SecDef Chris Miller publicly thanked him.
Pence was everybody’s anchor.
So the short answer is that by allowing the theft, Trump destroyed EVERYONE.
And he had a foolproof way to defeat the theft.
It APPEARS that Trump will first go through with the Senate trial, just so that nobody can say that he stopped it because he was afraid of the outcome.
Since conviction is impossible, it’s another giant waste of time and money, but it’s also another trap.
He always has good reasons for doing what he does, and he always wins.
I think the BUFFALO JUMP (that ended up a dud for the Left) was actually another POTUS trap.
HOW do you SHOW the country just how EVIL our politicians are?
Step One:
Do NOT interfere with a State’s Handling of ANTIFA & BLM
Step Two:
Make SURE everyone KNOWS the corrupt politicians, DAs, and Judges are letting DESTRUCTIVE THUGS off the hook AND EVEN FUNDING THEIR DEFENSE.
Step Three:
Make SURE everyone KNOWS International Corporations (who can not donate) are donating to BLM whose money collector is the PAC, Act Blue. (Can you say MONEY LAUNDERING in plain sight?)
Step Four:
Make SURE everyone KNOWS the head of BLM was a CONVICTED Weather Underground leader who BOMBED THE SENATE and was pardoned by Bill Clinton.
Step Five:
ALLOW the Capital ‘Riot’ to happen in a more or less CONTROLLED MANNER. (Little actual damage by MAGA & most by ANTIFA)
At this point, we have ANTIFA let of the hook — AGAIN and MAGA arrested and held based on an UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW, the anti-protest Trespass Law, that violates our first Amendment rights.
Can there be ANYTHING more egregious than MASSIVE election fraud and INTERFERENCE by foreign countries AND THE REFUSAL OF AMERICAN COURTS TO HEAR THE EVIDENCE?
It (hopefully) is the ultimate Buffalo Jump
Where the buffalo have a very soft landing on the bodies of their tormentors.
Would be nice!
This short clip from the movie Little Big Man sums it up …

let all the futher mockers “Go down there .. “
buffalo sauce?
mmm, spicy.
Why wait a year? Go…
That’s actually interesting.
Co-dependent loser of a father making excuses for his rapo-pedo-son.
It is SO SICK. And CCP inflicted this crap on us.
HE’S not deciding or initiating anything.
It’s the CABAL behind the curtain.
The Meitryx
Forwarded from
Gateway Pundit
Dan Bongino Reveals REAL Story Behind Firing Of Parler CEO: The Story You’re Hearing Is Not Correct, Don’t Believe The Hype
The Gateway Pundit
Dan Bongino Reveals REAL Story Behind Firing Of Parler CEO: The Story You’re Hearing Is Not Correct, Don’t Believe The Hype
Dan Bongino breaks down the most recent story coming out about the firing of the Parler CEO, John Matze, and Dan wants everyone to know that they should not believe the hype. Fox News obtained a memo sent by Matze’s staffers reported by Daily Wire and Bongino…
Lisa Mei Crowley
John Matze trash-talked Q people…and basically said they weren’t welcome on Parler.
So I tend to believe Bongino, that Matze wanted to ‘bend the knee’ to the Big Tech Censors.
Very interesting!
Translation – and this CONFIRMS my suspicions all along.
Matze was primarily in it as a CAPITALIST targeting an OPENING for a “free speech” site, but he was NOT a free speech advocate per se. This conforms with all his statements that always argued for FREE CAPITAL and not FREE SPEECH. Thus, when confronted by market realities controlled by the left, Matze was willing to compromise.
In contrast, Bongino and the other backers did NOT want to compromise on free speech.
And THAT is where the “platform stability” stuff comes in. This is, to some extent, a euphemism for “resilience to DEPLATFORMING” – basically a LACK of dependence on technologies and providers who are or were RISKS for possible deplatforming.
Gab is ANTI-FRAGILE because it has become highly resistant to deplatforming. Bongino and the Mercers saw this risk – they understand the many attempts to deplatform Breitbart over the years, as well. But these people want something more “normie” than Gab, and Parler provided that.
Matze, for whatever reason, was always BLIND toward deplatforming risks. He was also BLIND toward the technical debt incurred by clunky tech – in my opinion because he was not really good at growth thinking, and wanted to stay cheap and continuously profitable in bucks, not bits.
Eventually, after being deplatformed and floundering, only getting to Epik with some difficulty, when it became evident that Matze had insufficient forward vision, and in particular suffered a kind of knowing BLINDNESS toward downside risks, the Mercers realized that Matze was a liability.
That is a very reasonable assessment. The fact that the software was too AWS dependent was a big tipoff for me. I wonder what their pipeline and CI/CD processes look like – probably like making sausage if I were to guess.
The fact that the entire operation WENT DOWN 100% when AWS pulled out – WHOA – boy, sounds to me like every single disaster planning/recovery meeting (assuming they had any at all) was a joke.
LOL like every single BCDR planning meeting I’ve been a part of. “This isn’t going to happen, we can’t afford the cost, we just need something on paper…”
I am proud to say that ours worked like crazy. Massive disaster on a 24/7/365 operation and not only did everything kick in as planned – to smooth out the bump, we improvised in what looked like a scene from a science fiction war movie.
Our over-preparation for Y2K in a Y2K-super-sensitive operation made that one not even a BLIP.
We had (and probably still have) amazing people. We inherited a lot of real talent from the early days, and got lucky on a lot of later acquisitions. But nothing could stop a 4GW attack with insider help in Washington. Future could only prove past.
From Joannenova.com.au comments:
Database of all HCQ COVID-19 studies. 240 studies, 173 peer reviewed, 197 comparing treatment and control groups. Submit updates/corrections below. HCQ is not effective when used very late with high dosages over a long period (RECOVERY/SOLIDARITY), effectiveness improves with earlier usage and improved dosing. Early treatment consistently shows positive effects. Negative evaluations typically ignore treatment time, often focusing on a subset of late stage studies.
HCQ for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 240 studies (c19study.com)
Treating Dogs Humanely is Racist, Says Leftist Professor
Yes, being kind to animals is white supremacy.
Here’s the link for the whole story and just reinforces the libtard victim college ass hat.
Wonder what the PETA crazies think of that.
Yeah, PETA, ASPCA, and others are not what they make themselves out to be.
Treating animals well is a mark of civilization, but the relationship is complex. Marxism tries to constantly oversimplify and accuse, to tear down whatever structure is created.
Muzzies don’t like dogs either.
Dogs have a nose for human deceit. Just sayin’.
A very clever person works there…
i thought so…lol
“No, my friends, there is no systemic racism in America. Just systemic marxist elitism — an EVIL that uses, abuses and discards anyone for POWER.”
Gold and silver getting hit HARD.
Kitco Ask prices gold 1,789.20, silver 26.31; these represent rougly 2.5 and 3 percent drops since yesterday, which was already down from the peaks earlier in the week.
Any thoughts on what that means?
Anything I have to say would be a guess.
The guess that’s consistent with the zeitgeist here would be that the banks are forcing the prices down.
To be sure someone I know who is NOT into “conspiracy theories” says its a well know fact that the bankers, etc. have been forcing precious metal prices down for years. Another individual who lectures on this a lot at coin shows, etc., claimed–about five or ten years ago–that gold SHOULD be at $5K. And that’s as of the time I heard him speak, who knows what he’d be saying today. I wasn’t sure I believed him.
The problem with that sort of market manipulation is it can’t go on forever.
There are people who seem to think, for instance that silver *should* be at a price that’s 1/16 or 1/15th of gold and anything else is a sign of manipulation, but if so the manipulation has been going on for over a hundred years, since silver began to drop relative to gold in the 1870s if I’m not mistaken. Which is why what William Jennings Bryan wanted in the 1890s would have been a inflationary mess.
So, essentially, this is not natural and hang on to physical precious metals.
I’m hanging on to mine, but not because of this.
Because as I said up front anything I have to say is a guess.
But I know people who back in 2000 or so ran up their credit cards buying PMs because they thought that This Was It. It wasn’t. 1980 wasn’t either. There’s no particular reason in my mind to think that This Is It this time.
But then, I’m just using the same logic I used to know nothing was going to happen on the 30th, so you might disagree.
<——— [ I’m with smartypants. ]
Totally uneducated guess here, but the DOW just closed above 31,000 (2nd time) at 31,055. It’s still a Trump Economy even while the Bidense are dropping manna from heaven with all their spending, also the Bidenese short sellers are not going to try to interfere, while Yellen makes plans against those Game Stop rascals, plus that CCP wall is being torn down. Good news for stocks are normally bad news for metals.
While no one thinks the stock high will last forever it’s seems to be the only broad hedge against inflation which is gearing up and could easily go out of control at which time I full expect the Bidenese to tell their electorate to buy stocks. At which time the collective’s jaw is going to drop wide open cause they can barely do the funny math and haven’t the prerequisite spare change nor discipline or knowledge on how to begin if they did and will likely end up relying on that Charles Dickens expression from “Great Expectations”, Portable Property. ‘cept that at the kind Dickens meant. and it continuous from there and not necessarily in a good way, would be my guess. Which means hold on to your metal, but get ready to spend some lead, cause this is still the Kali Yuga and that thing lasts about 145,000 years and we’ve only done about 5,000 of those.
Wolf Version: we pushed them into lowering the price of silver – therefore hold the line – the line at the BUY WINDOW.
In the past, I have not always favorably viewed platforms like Gab. Their first impression was horrible, and I certainly perceived that they pandered to a bad crowd. However, there is a different story at work surrounding Andrew Torba, its CEO. He is a man who has been a pariah to Big Tech despite his talent. He was expelled from Y Combinator, the Silicon Valley grooming program.
Since then he has built Gab which has been barred from “25+ service providers including both app stores, PayPal, dozens of payment processors, hosting providers, email services, and more.” Torba is leading the charge and has taken blows in doing exactly what No Retreat is about. In his article “The Silent Christian Secession” he articulates this need.
— interesting article about Torba and his Christianity,
‘FREE SPEECH’ should be FREE as long as it is not porn or illegal or inciting illegal acts.
I may not like it but I WILL defend a person’s right to say his mind. (I will just argue with him or scroll past.)
Exactly. It SHOULD BE. But, it isn’t always.
All of us have to self-censor in some way in life. When it comes to music, the circles of people involved are not all that big. Keeping your mouth shut is essential to working.
It’s like anything else, you have to measure the choice of speaking freely against the consequences of it.
I get a look when i am holding my tongue…hubby recognizes it very well…and he also recognizes the oh-NOW-I -gotta-say-something look…he usually directs me away before then…
but I too pick my battles.
From CNN:
I had read earlier that he DID have a preexisting medical condition.
And here is the CNN coverage of the RIOT… (Same article)

Never ceases to amaze that actual facts mean nothing to pols and media…..LOL even when it’s them reporting the facts.
So the grand narrative continues..dedicated LEO fallen by extremists under orders from Trump
𝕵𝖔𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖉𝖎𝖉𝖓’𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖓.
am I the one who finds it creepy the way cameltoe hovers over biteme???
like a vulture
Yep, I noticed that too.
She lurks in the background…and yes, like a vulture.
What did one vulture say to the other vulture?
Patience hell. I’m gonna kill something.
Think I didn’t get around to sharing this . . .
Is current ‘cancel culture’ fantasizing about drone strikes now?
Monday, February 1, 2021 | Billy Davis, Steve Jordahl (OneNewsNow.com)
The so-called “Cancel Culture” is coming after people of all stripes, which is not surprising when the goal is forcing adherence, and there is no bigger target right now than conservative Evangelicals.
The tactic is not new. Far-left Democrats and their media allies claimed the tea party movement (pictured at right) was racist because Barack Obama was living in the White House. More recently, those same left-wingers, blindsided when Donald Trump entered the White House, concluded the hinterlands of America must be overrun with “white supremacists” to cast such a vote.
“This was a ‘whitelash’ against a changing country,” CNN analyst Van Jones concluded on Election night in 2016. “It was ‘whitelash’ against a black president in part. And that’s the part where the pain comes.”
It’s not clear how pained Van Jones was when exit polls showed more blacks and Hispanics voted for Donald Trump last November than in 2016, however, or the record-breaking Election Day votes. Despite the public’s support for Donald Trump, including from Jones himself two years later, the new emerging description is “Christian nationalism” to describe conservative Evangelicals who love their country but fear their government, and demand national sovereignty over borderless globalism.
Dr. Richard Land of Southern Evangelical Seminary says “Christian nationalism” is the newest “boogeyman” of the Left that is meant to defame opponents without engaging in debate.
“They want to use it as a boogeyman to try to suppress people,” he says, “who bring their viewpoints, that are based upon Christian beliefs, into the public marketplace of ideas, which is how laws get passed.”
Pushback from conservatives over name-calling is not new, either. In a brief and profane video, combative journalist Andrew Breitbart, who died in 2012, said he had declared “war” against the left-wing media that was calling conservatives racist and “potential Timothy McVeighs,” referring to the Oklahoma City bomber whose 1995 terrorist act killed 168 people at the Murrah Federal Building.
. . . MORE . . .
It’s not just evangelicals. Conservatives of any stripe are targeted for cancelling. It’s done through peer pressure and intimidation from communities more so than the government, though. I can only speak to my own experience in religion, but the sneers from the social justice crowd toward those who adhere to Sacred Tradition and who prefer to avoid folk music in Liturgy is palpable.
Same with the ultra trads who don’t seem to remember that Satan regularly tells exorcists that the greatest sin, and the one exploited to steal souls, is pride.
I love traditional Catholic Liturgy.
I also love the mystics of the 15-16 Century. I have studied them all and feel most comfortable in that time frame.
Dan Bongino Reveals REAL Story Behind Firing Of Parler CEO: The Story You’re Hearing Is Not Correct, Don’t Believe The Hype
By The Scoop
Published February 4, 2021 at 7:15am
Dan Bongino breaks down the most recent story coming out about the firing of the Parler CEO, John Matze, and Dan wants everyone to know that they should not believe the hype.
Fox News obtained a memo sent by Matze’s staffers reported by Daily Wire and Bongino called out how there were 2 separate visions for the future of Parler.
Fox reported, “On January 29, 2021, the Parler board controlled by Rebekah Mercer decided to immediately terminate my position as CEO of Parler. I did not participate in this decision,” Matze wrote. “I understand that those who now control the company have made some communications to employees and other third parties that have unfortunately created confusion and prompted me to make this public statement.”
Dan Bongino said they could have brought Parler back up in a week if they ‘bent the knee’ by following Big Tech’s guidelines and the statements from the memo are false. Bongino reveals he and the other 2 co-owners are the ones who prioritized free speech in their vision. Dan said he warned and advocated for more product stability instead of Matze.
Matze has said he did not participate in the board’s decision to remove him and claimed he wanted to maintain his free speech principles but the investors had other ideas about moderating content.
Bongino wants everyone to share his message and for people to know that Parler is absolutely committed to free speech and other investors are the ones who want to maintain the free speech principles. It is alleged that Matze was the one who wanted to “bend the knee” to Big Tech in order to return and not pursue the same vision as Dan and the other 2 co-owners.
Rumble Video of Dan:
I’m not sure I believe any of it at this point. The Mercers being involved is a HUGE red flag for me. HUGE.
Arizona follows Texas lead…files suit against deportation EO
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Feb. 3 over a memo from the Biden administration that ordered a freeze on the majority of deportations for 100 days.
The DHS released the memo on Jan. 20 (pdf) that imposed a 100-day moratorium on most deportations and outlined categories of immigration offenders who will continue to be subject to arrest and eventual removal, including those who pose a national security risk or are suspected of terrorism or espionage.
Brnovich, a Republican, announced the lawsuit in a Twitter post late Wednesday, stating that he believes the policy “puts Arizona public safety at risk.”
I heard today on Brennan ” that about 800 illigals come into the country and are bussed to the middle of US and they did not get a Covid test.”
Yes it is
so now we need to be vaccinated so we aren’t carriers to others?
troubling turn of arguments for forced/mandated/required vaccination
Oh, just in case any clueless person is lurking…
Joe Biden Didn’t Win.
Just thought I’d clarify.
Jσҽ Bιԃҽɳ ԃιԃɳ’ƚ ɯιɳ.
Cracking up here.
Cracking up?
Well, I’ve failed at doomfagging then.
Never thought I would say this, but….
And we get back to real normal, when, then? The closest I’ve felt to normal in the last almost a year was Christmas Eve after Mass where I sing downtown. The available seating was sold out, and no one cared about social distancing or masks and were busy greeting each other. And all of us said, literally, this feels normal.
We want normal. Real normal, not any BS “new normal.”
yeah I can’t see the powers that be releasing us from their control for the foreseeable future…
they hate to give up power or control
That is what my son told me. I ask him ” why get the shot?”
He said “in case you get the Covid if will not kill you and you have a better change surviving with all the nasty side effects.”
I said “in that case I wait.”
Red Jen can go to hell with her boss Red Dude.
Love Melania’s dress. They both look good and happy.
that was from their welcoming the Girl Scouts at the WH I think last year…
collected those awesome images together! Thanks for sharing them!!!
I apologize for the length of the material below but proper evaluation requires context. As someone who has struggled with the concept and the necessity of prayer for most of my years I find such discussions of immense personal value to my spiritual growth. It is certainly not light-hearted fare but it may be worth picking up your curiosity shovel and doing a little digging. I am beginning to understand the admonition, “pray without ceasing.” It is wisdom to the disciple but foolishness to the worldly-minded.
“Who would engage in a struggle if he did not have the hope of being victorious, but who would not joyfully engage in a struggle if he was sure of victory? So, my listener, stir up the contender, call him forth to battle and make the conditions of the struggle so favorable that the expectancy of victory becomes a certainty. Tell him that he is the stronger. But see, the victory is still uncertain as long as it is not won! Tell him that the mighty ones are his friends, prepared to help. But see, despite that, the victory is still not yet won! Tell him that the opponent is so weak that the struggle is just for the sake of show. But see, the most certain victory is still doubtful as long as it is not won! So, then, is the victory never certain as long as it is not yet won? So, then, does the contender always go into the struggle with a certain doubt? Not at all! There is a condition of the struggle that removes every doubt, consequently a condition of the struggle that makes the contender truly joyful and intrepid, and this is the condition: if he loses, then he is victorious. Would thought, no matter how long it pondered, be able to think out a greater certainty of victory than this—that the loss is a victory!
If a man were to call the people together and say, “I am, to be sure, inviting you to a struggle, but the victory is certain,” what a crowd would turn out to take part in the struggle or, rather, to join in the victory. If he added, “The victory is so certain that a loss is a victory and to be overcome is to become the victor,” what envy would be awakened, since only one individual would be given the opportunity! If, in order to calm and pacify the tempers of the many, he said, “Everyone can take part; no one is shut out,” how expectantly and in what high spirits the whole host would gather around him. But if the one speaking were to be a little more explicit and to the questions of the combat-eager about “the place, the battleground, and the provocative situation” were to answer, “The battleground is in the inner being of everyone, and therefore it is best that everyone go to his own home, so that the battle can begin,” probably only one individual, scarcely the multitude, would follow his advice to part company, but they would look at him with different eyes, would stand there like a curious mob to whom a fool by his speech gives something to laugh about. Furthermore, if in reply to the question “What is the nature of the struggle?” he answered, “Praying,” no further evidence against him would be necessary, since praying is indeed the very opposite of struggling; praying is a cowardly and fainthearted business, left to women and children, but struggling is to a man’s liking. If in reply to the question “What is the nature of the victory?” he answered, “Realization that one has lost,” then probably even those less inclined to laughter would not refrain from smiling and from listening with a smile to what the speaker added: that it was correct to use the word “loss,” that this was not a figurative expression but simply and plainly designated what human language and the human mind understand by a loss and a defeat, that on the other hand “to be victorious” had to be understood in a high and noble and, to that extent, figurative sense. Then when the multitude was tired of laughing, its spokesman would probably end the whole episode with the presumptuous and not unwitty remark that he held the very opposite view and for his part would rather be the victor in the literal sense and lose in the figurative sense.[1]”
[1] Søren Kierkegaard, Eighteen Upbuilding Discourses, ed. Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong, trans. Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong, vol. V, Kierkegaard’s Writings (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990), 377–378.
Great stuff!
For me to live is Christ, to die is gain!
To find your life you have to lose it; he who loses his life for My sake will find it…
God causes the foolish things of this world to confound the wise & the weak things of this world to confound the strong!
And the swamp self-perpetuates some more.
Former Vice President Mike Pence Joins Heritage Foundation
Former Vice President Mike Pence is joining the Heritage Foundation, he and the conservative organization announced on Thursday.
Pence, the former governor of Indiana who became former President Donald Trump’s running mate in 2016 and served as his vice president for four years, will be a distinguished visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation.
The news first was confirmed by sources familiar with the matter to Breitbart News, and subsequently confirmed by the former vice president and the Heritage Foundation.
“The Heritage Foundation is a flagship of the conservative movement and I am profoundly honored to join them as a distinguished visiting fellow to advance conservative policies that will benefit every American,” Pence said in a release. “The Heritage Foundation helped shape my conservative philosophy for decades and played a pivotal role advancing conservative policies throughout the Trump Administration. I look forward to rolling up my sleeves and working with the all-star team at Heritage as we continue to take the case for a strong national defense, free markets and traditional values to policymakers across the Nation and to every American who cherishes our Heritage of Freedom.”
DePat comment: since when is the Heritage Foundation anything more than a mouthpiece for the billionaires who want to control conservative Americans by getting us to think like they do?
Explains why the Pence’s are said to be in Virginia.
A Visiting Fellow is just an invitation to come give lectures occasionally.
Heritage Foundation has lots of them.
Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank on Massachusetts Ave. in DC.
I haven’t taken time to learn much about the group, but have read some of their articles occasionally.
YIKES!!!! – “The health insurance mandate in the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, is an idea hatched in 1989 by Stuart Butler at Heritage in a publication titled “Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans”.[26] This was also the model for Mitt Romney‘s health care plan in Massachusetts.”[27]
The Heritage Foundation IS NOT CONSERVATIVE!!!
Exactly, but they still want to dictate what conservativism is.
I heard on Bannon that “Heritage Foundation is heavy funded by big business and corporations.”
I see them as a controll group to controll what conservatism is.
You’re spilling the secrets again.
I guess this means that Pence is going to be too busy to do a damn thing about fighting off Biden and the Bidenese. I think we all pretty much had that figured out.
if i got put one one for occasions…it’s gonna be a “biden sucks” one…
Is it not up to states?
If they could they would but they can’t, (yet), so no. Hype for this guys money trap.
And…𝓙𝓸𝓮 𝓑𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓭𝓲𝓭𝓷’𝓽 𝔀𝓲𝓷.
Well…they have been trying in the name of “safety.” The only one that seems to be holding is spouses not testifying against each other since it is rather convenient for the swamp creatures in arranged marriages.
They’ll start breaking that selectively. Just like everything else.
Michigan Election Officials are Ordered to Hand Over Records Of Communications with Tech Giants, Dominion Voting Systems
Finally some accountability?
Published 19 hours ago on Feb 3, 2021 By Shane Trejo
Michigan election officials are being ordered to hand over records of communications they had with tech giants such as Google and Facebook with regards to 2020 elections that were marred with credible fraud allegations.
Antrim County Circuit Judge Kevin A. Elsenheimer is forcing Michigan election officials to produce all communications with Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple related to the 2020 elections.
Elsenheimer has also ordered Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and her Bureau of Elections to produce communications with Dominion Voting System and Election Source, the companies responsible for computerized voting systems in Antrim County and much of the state.
Attorney Matthew S. DePerno and his client, William Bailey are the patriots who sued to get these records produced. They hope this is the beginning of real transparency regarding the vast amount of irregularities that occurred on election day in Michigan and other battleground states across the country.
“(Benson) had funds available to her to spend on training counties on how to use Dominion Voting System,” a court filing from Jan. 4 said.
“It is plaintiff’s understanding that (Benson) chose to spend zero dollars on training. Instead, she spent money and resources installing so-called Zucker-boxes throughout Michigan, including Wayne County, Ann Arbor, Flint, Lansing, Muskegon, Pontiac and Saginaw, in conjunction with Facebook, Dominion, Center for Tech and Civic Life, Google, Amazon and Apple,” the filing continued.
Big League Politics has reported on the heroism of DePerno as he has fights back against election fraud that corrupt elected officials want to sweep under the rug:
Even though President-imposed Joe Biden has been installed in the White House, the fight for electoral integrity continues in the grassroots. The many concerns with the 2020 presidential election still need to be addressed and investigated.
Project Veritas:
As you know, Project Veritas is suing The New York Times for defamation.
Their lack of integrity and sense of moral superiority has no parallel to any other media outlet.
Due to that fact, I decided it was time to confront The New York Times’ Executive Editor, Dean Baquet, and get him to answer some very pressing questions.
Project Veritas senior journalist Christian Hartsock met up with Baquet in Los Angeles and asked him about The New York Times’ usage of Wikipedia to justify their defamation of Project Veritas:
Hartsock also questioned Baquet’s intentions in a recent New York Times front page piece, where they defamed Brave USPS Insider Richard Hopkins:
It’s quite concerning that the man in charge of the “paper of record” reacts in this manner.
The erratic behavior of their Executive Editor appears to validate our suspicions of lack of professionalism and integrity at The New York Times.
Unfortunately for Baquet, we are just getting started in this battle for truth. He will be seeing us a lot more often than he wishes.
In Veritas,
ᒍOE ᗷIᗪEᑎ ᗪIᗪᑎ’T ᗯIᑎ.
“Orange woman bad” indeed.
Joe Biden didn’t win.
From the OMG Department™©
h/t – Doug Ross – Top 20 Tweets – a nightly feature!
Now what is different what happened in Russia and in DC?
Concerning race even in Russia they differentiated between different white ethnic groups.
The tension between groups even in same racial groups always have been.
I took several classes of Anthropology and one sees it.
See the Stranger….
Hate the Stranger….
Try to KILL the Stranger…
With horses, they stiff noses and then swap ends and start kicking. Often it ends in broken legs which is death in a horse (I have seen it happen twice.)
THIS IS NATURAL. ALL herd mammals (including humans) have groups and the groups do not mix well.
Heck in my ponies I even see color preferences. The palominos (blonds) and the greys (white) hang together. The darker browns/chestnuts hang together and the Black/black-bays hang together. It is rather fascinating to watch.
I never knew that about horses.
I used to have a Siamese cat she lived with our domestic cats they never mixed never became friends.
I now have a Russian Blue cat and my calico and black and white do not mix with her either.
Good thing I stocked up on popcorn.
That is a trap. I keep hearing at Bannon even on Rush guest host that Trump should defend himself and make his case. Bannon thinks Trump will loose supporters if he does not . I am sticking with my President Trump come thick or thin.
Amen. Same here. I will not abandon Trump. And that includes if he has to abandon me. I will understand. I learned a lot from Trump’s other warriors.
Trump will win the impeachment and he knows he has us deplorable with him all the way
allow me to translate…
we’re scared shitless of what you’re gonna say and we don’t want to be caught with our pants down around our legs…it’s not a pretty sight…spare us! tell us ahead of time what you’ll say so we know which lies to tell ahead of time!!!!!
This is part of why I’m wondering if things are going to go down this weekend.
Either that, or there will be BIG bombshells in that testimony.
since they used past president’s testimony as a general rule of thumb…I’d tell them I’m taking the same position as clinton…gonna challenge the definition of every word you use…LOL
I am feeling a disturbance in the water.
Dreams, waking for prayer in the middle of the night, others telling me they feel something too.
Yeah, I had a dream last night regarding working on a specific piece of music I’ve been avoiding. I get the idea it’s time.
I dreamed last night of being among people in the military. There was busy activity, of people moving around preparing for something. I didn’t see any guns or helmets–no violence in the activity, or implied.
I don’t recall ever having the military in any of my other dreams.
Would you believe I had a dream the other night about a NG unit?
This is nuts.
Yeah, it could have been all National Guard in my dream. Except for me, everyone I saw was wearing camo BDU’s and matching soft hats.
I hope it’s all good.
See my reply to DP.
Where? I’ve been to the dentist today…
I’m not myself.
Mike Lindell said in a video someone shared that he would be putting out a 3 hour video detail all the election fraud & it would play on his website
MichaelJLindell.com (I believe) & on OANN on a loop starting Friday, or possibly today. Perhaps that info will have bearing on what happens next week…
Something is approaching. I am getting MASSIVE pings on my IRL information sources and contacts. I suspect FIB, local and regional government, LE and media, DNC and their surrogates are ALL setting up a coordinated strike on me and this site, in conjunction with impeachment. Get ready.
No. Just no.
It’s OK, though. Don’t worry. I’ve been prepared for this a LONG time – and we are now actual FIGHTERS. I’m looking forward to scoring some REAL points.
PDJT’s lawyer’s response is entertaining:
The purge of the military. No white conservatives allowed.
Look at the bright side, young conservatives are not going to die if war breaks out. Let them send some of their own and see what happens.
Actually no one should have to die in war but the left keeps sending young people to war.
Send the White Alpha Males so they do not breed or CHALLENGE their ‘Betters’ in commerce or politics.
THANK GOODNESS FOR HEEL SPURS or they would have killed off POTUS as a young man.
This was nothing but a test for the Democrats. And now that they are successful, they will move on to other targets. All the pro Trump reps are going to be gone. And I blame Kevin McCarthy for his weak ass total lack of support for this.
And I hope it makes it to the Senate so that McConnell can get his ass kicked too, Because he’s a total piece of shit.
the conservatives were gonna try the same tactic against omar…don’t know if they did tho
No.it was all talk. The ones that were calling for it didn’t have any support from the worthless RINOs.
Democrats do not do that to their own but republicans do not have the spine not to go after their own.
This is how they will convict Trump. Nancy, or one of her lackeys, well let out the veiled threat that if you don’t vote with your conscious and convict, you lose your committee appointment.
Does not work anymore because 45 republicans already said the impeachment process is not lawful. This theater a clown show for democrats trying to dirty up Trump in the eyes of his followers.
Engaging in Dialog Can Dissolve ‘Cancel Culture’: President of Summit Ministries
BY ELLA KIETLINSKA AND JOSHUA PHILIPP January 16, 2021 Updated: January 16, 2021
The wave of suppressing people’s voices which spreads widely in the American society has its root in cancel culture which seeks to resolve the differences in views through forceful silencing of opposing opinions, said Dr. Jeff Meyers, president of Summit Ministries. People should engage in a civil debate to hash out the issue and discover the truth instead of stopping others’ voices, Myers told The Epoch Times.
Myers studied Marxism in order to prepare thousands of young people every year to go into college campuses. Through the study, he realized that Marxist doctrine teaches that if you try to hash out others’ viewpoint that you disagree with you are giving in to the other side.
The only thing Marxists can do is to eliminate the voice of those who they disagree with, Myers said in a recent interview on Epoch Times’ Crossroads program.
Some people who engage in cancel culture say that they are not Marxists but when asked about their world view, for example, whether they think about god, what they believe in, about the nature of reality, what constitutes right and wrong it may turn out that they actually embraced the Marxist view, Myers explained. Those people only do not embrace the Marxist label, he added.
The battle now taking place in America is not a battle between republicans and democrats or conservatives and liberals, Myers said. It is a battle “between people who believe that truth exists and can be discovered and people who believe that truth does not exist” so they have to use words to speak truth, he continued.
“The people who want to discover truth are always trying to learn more, sharpen their knowledge so they can find the truth, the people who believe that they just speak their own truth are always looking for ways to sharpen their words that’s all they care about, [they have] no point in looking deeper for the truth,” Myers explained.
To seek the truth, Myers advocates starting “the conversation with questions not with challenges.” This way, people with a different view have to defend themselves in the normal course of the argument, they have to defend their underlying assumptions, Myers said.
Engaging in Dialog
At the root of a lot of cancel culture is the Marxist worldview which assumes “that only the material world exists, there’s no God there’s no truth there’s nothing out there,” Myers said.
“If only the material world exists there’s only so much to go around,” and all people are equal, so going further, “if anyone has more than anyone else it’s only because they stole … so taking it back is not wrong” Myers continued explaining Marxists worldview.
Therefore Marxism advocates throwing down the institution of the economic structure, the government, the family, the church, Myers said.
It is very important to ask questions in a dialog with a cancel culture person “because you have to uncover those false underlying assumptions or you’ll go nowhere,” Myers advised.
Myers believes that cancel culture creates a sense of fear in the society but advises to seek the truth in a conversation.
“If I know I’m supposed to be bashing the other side but I don’t know what to say then I just remain silent. But if I understand that I’m not here to bash, I’m here to seek the truth and I can invite other people alongside of me in seeking that truth then we end up with a completely different understanding of the world,” Myers said.
Cancel culture is “largely a younger person phenomenon, 18 to 34-year-old,” Myers said adding that, “half of them say that they’ve engaged in cancel culture.”
The phenomenon of fear exists largely among conservatives, he said adding that 75 percent of them “have said that they have hold opinions that they are afraid to share because they believe they might be shamed or even lose their job.”
Filmmaker Daphne Barak presented in her documentary cases of several celebrities who faced consequences such as losing jobs for openly expressing their conservative political views and support of President Donald Trump.
Myers believes there is truth, it can be discovered and can be pursued. Most of the people with a leftist view can be persuaded, he said.
“People on the left have got to relearn the art of civic discourse and people on the right have got to learn to stop fearing the boogeyman of the left,” Myers said.
According to Myers, face to face conversation is more effective than social media. This is because words account for only 7 percent of communication, Myers said citing American psychologist Albert Mehrabian.
In 1967, Mehrabian concluded based on his research that 55 percent of communication is the body language and facial expression, 38 percent takes place through tone and voice, and only 7 percent is through words.
“That’s why it’s so important to just get off of social media, and go have coffee with somebody who disagrees, and talk about it; ask that you can share your viewpoints, and ask to hear theirs—this is what our founders did,” Myers said.
“According to Myers, face to face conversation is more effective than social media. This is because words account for only 7 percent of communication, Myers said citing American psychologist Albert Mehrabian.
In 1967, Mehrabian concluded based on his research that 55 percent of communication is the body language and facial expression, 38 percent takes place through tone and voice, and only 7 percent is through words.”
The Marxists must be terrified. They have:
The Marxists still cannot win because they cannot keep Christians from being united because Christians are led by the Holy Spirit.
John 14:16-18
16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever- 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
Romans 8:35-38
32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? 33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth. 34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. 37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 38For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
“The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.” ~ John Gilmore, co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
dump her Gump!

D-day dingbat

vive la fraud

copied from OT

sorry…h/t joe fine
President Trump’s feisty fiery ferocious new attorney has also written a MOAB letter!
somebody just got his ass handed to him!!!!!!
Hafta say – I love his letters even more than his tweets!
Where did he post it?
Or did Dan Scavino do it?
It’s not on this Trump site*: https://www.45office.com/root
*(not 100% sure it’s his new official site)
It’s not on Scavino or the Trump War Room.
Click ‘Home’ on the http://www.45Office site and this very subtle message is found at the bottom of the page:
“About Us
On November 8, 2016, the people’s voices were heard. Hardworking people who wanted a greater America – an America where our nation and its people are once again, first. And while we have made tremendous progress, there is still much to do. Together, with your support, we will no doubt, continue to Make America Great Again!”
YAY – President Trump has a brand new 1/4/21 video up on his DonaldJTrump.com site and his YouTube side as well!!!
Peace Be Still – 20210204
Love of Spirit and walk of Truth.
Storm Dispatch – 20210204-1
Federalist paper #12.
WARNING – The House Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy has released a report concluding that high levels of toxic metals including arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury are found in several top baby food brands (Wall Street Journal).
I don’t have a WSJ subscription, so can’t access the article.
Caveat. This IS the (out)House of Reprehensibles.
Q: What does “high levels” mean? Dangerous? Toxic? Or normal?
Q: Was the origin of the baby food taken into consideration as part of the testing, ie. Made in China?
Q: Are the Dems proposing another round of regulation fix this problem? If they were, wouldn’t that be considered immediately suspect?
Q: Is this about putting a huge regulatory regime on baby food?
Q: Is this part of the Great Reset?
Q: Is the intent to hyper-regulate baby food, drive the prices through the roof, and dramatically decrease availability?
Q: If so, does this increase the likelihood for infant and toddler malnutrition when fed baby food?
Q: Last time we had a lead scare we had the CPSIA, which put small American toy companies out of business because they couldn’t meet the lead testing requirements, while the Chinese toy companies WHICH WERE THE WHOLE PROBLEM just added lead testing to their supply chain. Are they trying to put on-shore baby food manufacturing out of business to the benefit of their Wall Street Multi-national baby food manufacturers as another way to stick it to the American worker?
Q: Does anyone actually use baby food these days? My wife just made her own by pureeing whatever vegetables we were eating at dinner. It’s so easy I don’t know why anyone would bother with the hassle of messing with those tiny glass jars. It’s much cheaper, and you know EXACTLY what is going into the baby’s food. There are even products for freezing ice-cube sized portions of baby food, which we would store in a baggie in the freezer, taking out a cube and thawing it before dinner.
Q: Does this seem like just a bunch of noise and yet another consumer panic targeted at mothers for no reason, like the BPA baby bottle scare? (BPA being one of the most highly tested and safest consumer container products ever devised.)
Good points, Michael. I like homemade better. Haven’t read the WSJ article, because I don’t have a subscription.
Yeah I’m really curious what’s really up here. It doesn’t feel right to me.
Feels like EXACTLY the same stunt they pulled with the food safety Modernization act.
One lab I worked for did mercury testing on fish and that was way back more than 3 decades ago.
– snickers like mutley –
Another useless federal agency it is time to put out to pasture.
Unless they have a “problem” to solve, these big bureaucracies have no reason to exist. No incentive to fix things.
just sharing fyi, not sure why it’s bubbling up in twit world…
Angela Parmelee replied

Esoteric Exposal
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998: permits government to grab all means of transportation and have total control over all highways, seaports, and waterways.
Angela Parmelee
Werent these signed by JFK? I remember doing research on a few of them years ago and I was in shock when I seen it was him who wrote them.. absolutely shocking
Where are your papers, comrade?
they will control commerce and travel.
toward Agenda?? where they herd the masses into the cities, blow up individual transportation, & then make the vast rural areas no go zone for the great unwashed…whatever!
NanXi getting the message to her bish mitch….
graphic evidence that Vitamin D works!

I’ve been doing a Vitamin D3 complex since the Covidschina began, I hope that’s the right one.
It is.
Good for you. my special needs son has been prescribed Vitamin D since his 2013 liver transplant but now our pharmacy is having a hard time getting it from their supplier. The transplant pharmacy can get it but the insurance won’t cover their version…it’s getting kind of weird in medication land from my myopic perch…& has been for some time, like when our pharmacy couldn’t get his main anti-rejection drug in the 1mg version…this lead directly to his major rejection issue & hospitalization this past summer…
Get some winter sunshine, too. Sunny days, warm the bare hands and face with strong sunlight. I watched an expert advocate BOTH supplements and solar exposure, b/c exposure does not have the absorption issues that supplements do.
He was advocating 8000 iu/day [edit – see correction below -Wolf] for most adults, more for obese.
Looks like I’ve been taking 1/4 of that.
Just a second – let me correct that! It’s 4000 units for 8 years old and older, and then you multiply based on body weight. So for overweight, the factor is 1.5, and for obesity, the factor is 3.0. There is also an age factor, but I don’t remember if he specified that exactly. Older people need more.
You can jump to around 50 minutes on this video – the charts I mentioned are at around 52 and 57 minutes.
“CUED” OR “Q’d” IN?
february 4, 2021 the marshall report
What if I told you that Q was a Pentagon Program? Would you believe that? What if I told you it was a sham? Would you believe that? What if I told you it was to prepare a people to be able to connect dots and do research to see what is taking place? Why would you even care?
Nope. Dems would of known about it. Easier explanation but no one has latched on to it because it’s a bit incredulous so it never gets considered.
Byrne’s 4th article is out at deep capture.com. The term JFK’ed is used. I’m not able to do a link, I’m on my phone. Easy enough to access if interested.
Here’s the website – https://www.deepcapture.com
Painful to read….
I don’t agree with him. I think he was surrounded by a pit of vipers from before he got in until he left office. He’s planning the pay-back now…and it ain’t gonna be prettyville.
I still wonder if he or his family were threatened or if China threatened to use those shipping container nukes…. or to unleash an ebola type disease on our country.
I was just pondering a positive thought now…
I would imagine that if REALPOTUS came on and asked for money, I bet he could raise a f-ing BILLION in a month….as long as it wasn’t shared with gop (GOPhukurself)
what say you?
I’m sure not giving to the GOP!
Do we hear much from Flynn these days?
I wouldn’t be surprised if President Trump and his entire family’s lives have been threatened, if he prevails.
I’m not big on Byrne’s. IIRC, Byrne came out of nowhere shortly after 3 Nov. Had a good story – election was stolen. But lacked details. At least I didn’t see the details.
Then I heard little from Byrne for nearly two months. He resurfaces in January…but I still don’t see the details of the election theft. Byrne yammers about people not doing their best to stop the election steal.
At this point I am looking forward to Mike Lindell three hour video on OAN.
Don’t you think Byrne would have been cut off at the knees by Flynn if his stories were BS? I find his writing more believable than not.
Well, I would like it t be. At this point it is hard to tell he is 100% honest, mostly honest…
Mike Lindell’s three hour video, IF done properly will be well produced and 100% factual. Ideally each of the six primary states addressed. Maybe others.
One state at a time. WI, MI, PA, GA, AZ and NV.
For me, it is odd we have never seen an organized, professional compilation of the stolen election. 100%, President Trump knows this IS needed.
Read Byrne’s other articles. He’s says exactly what you just did. Disorganized (Rudy) and insider sabotage.
“Read Byrne’s other articles. He’s says exactly what you just did. Disorganized (Rudy) and insider sabotage.”
This is not DJT’s first rodeo.
If Rudy is a drunk, Trump would fire him in a heartbeat.
If insiders are sabotaging anything, DJT would figure it out before anyone else did.
Who was tracking down all the leaks, telling different people different info, and then waiting to see which info turned up in the news, to identify the leaker?
If it wasn’t DJT himself, it was his team.
It is not possible to be a very stable genius and Chauncey Gardiner at the same time.
Either he’s a genius or an idiot.
It can’t alternate on odd days and even days of the week.
Sorry, I don’t believe that the ONLY possibilities are the outer points of the pendulum swing. It is NOT either/or.
You don’t think there have been inside posers sabotaging Trump from the get go? You don’t think he sometimes misjudged people, or trusted the wrong people upon occasion? Or was it all just carefully planned disinformation, 7-D chess? You TRULY believe he is incapable of a misstep?
As I’ve said before, in my gut I believe that this fraud will not stand. Gut only. And I have no idea how it will come about.
Byrne was there, on the scene, in some capacity, at some points. Unless you’re willing to say he’s flat out lying about even being there. Wouldn’t you think that Sidney or Flynn would have disowned him by this point? Or said SOMETHING to distance themselves from it?
“Sorry, I don’t believe that the ONLY possibilities are the outer points of the pendulum swing. It is NOT either/or.”
Neither do I as a general matter, but when you are AT the outer point of the pendulum swing, ‘either/or’, black or white, right or wrong takes on a lot more significance.
Also, we can think all kinds of different ways, there are multiple paths to the same conclusion, but when it comes time to express those thoughts in as compact and clearly understandable way as possible, if the objective is to communicate, then ‘either/or’ is very efficient (brief) and effective.
“You don’t think there have been inside posers sabotaging Trump from the get go?”
Of course, but you are making my argument for me now. The fact that there have been such people means DJT is hyper-vigilant about it.
One of the great things about DJT being an extremely successful businessman, and then going on a TV show where he literally evaluated human beings and fired them, is that he has a tremendous amount of experience in ‘reading’ and evaluating people, and taking swift action when he detects someone who is either not doing their job well or worse, sabotaging the enterprise.
All of which argues against the ‘isolated Trump surrounded by bad actors giving bad advice’ scenario.
“You don’t think he sometimes misjudged people, or trusted the wrong people upon occasion?”
I’m sure he did 40 years ago, maybe even still 25 years ago, occasionally.
But now?
Anything is possible, one or two might get through, but the chances that he is surrounded by bad actors, while he remains blissfully unaware, are zero. He would have to entirely give up his gut instinct, his analytical mind, his experience and everything that has made him who he is, in order to leave himself wide open to such infiltration.
I don’t think it’s even possible to essentially abandon your life experience like that, even if he wanted to.
“Or was it all just carefully planned disinformation, 7-D chess? You TRULY believe he is incapable of a misstep?”
No one is incapable of a misstep, he just catches and corrects them a lot faster than most people, because he has been playing this game at a much higher level, on a much bigger playing field, for a lot longer, than most people have or ever will.
He is an “apex predator” who has survived and thrived in a shark tank for 50+ years.
Unless he rose to the top by accident, he’s not Chauncey Gardiner.
“As I’ve said before, in my gut I believe that this fraud will not stand. Gut only. And I have no idea how it will come about.”
“Byrne was there, on the scene, in some capacity, at some points. Unless you’re willing to say he’s flat out lying about even being there.”
I don’t think he’s lying about being there.
But I also don’t have any idea WHY Patrick Byrne, former CEO of Overstock.com would be there.
I don’t know what he has to do with anything, or why DJT would give him the time of day. Same thing for Mike Lindell, to a lesser degree.
Lindell seemed to enter DJT’s orbit via the rallies. I have no idea how Byrne got there.
Lindell has been nothing but positive, and Byrne has been nothing but negative. So at least by appearance, it would seem plausible that they each volunteered for the cause. Byrne’s role is negative disinformation, and Lindell’s role is positive info/disinfo.
In evaluating Byrne, we have to take into account our entire knowledge of DJT over the past 4 years, in addition to whatever we may know about him (from his books, independent research, etc.) from his past.
And compare that to what we know about Patrick Byrne — which for me, is practically nothing. I have no idea who this guy is, besides the former CEO of Overstock.com
In weighing those two people in the balance, Trump wins the benefit of the doubt by roughly infinity.
“Wouldn’t you think that Sidney or Flynn would have disowned him by this point? Or said SOMETHING to distance themselves from it?”
Maybe, maybe not, who can know?
Flynn is a spook, Powell is a very successful attorney, so their public actions are certainly based on optics and achieving objectives over personal likes or dislikes.
And if Byrne’s role is disinfo, Flynn and Powell would be aware of that, and play along.
In the middle of an information war, what people say is the least trustworthy, and even what they do has to be suspect.
The only thing we have to really judge or go by is their past history. Everything else is misdirection intended for the enemy.
We will have to agree to disagree. And leave it at that. No essays required.
I’m now going to see if I can find a site that will do something other than buffer, so I can watch the last 20 minutes of Mike Lindell. No speculation there.
How does Anthony Scaramucci factor in? Is there an upside?
“How does Anthony Scaramucci factor in? Is there an upside?”
No idea. From what I recall, DJT used Scaramucci for a specific role and then cut him loose.
At the time, it seemed like a pattern of doing this was developing, and then it appeared to stop.
Was Scaramucci a case of bad judgment, or did Scaramucci play his role perfectly?
We won’t know until DJT’s biography or autobiography about his time as President of the United States is released.
Which will probably be the best selling book in the world, after the Bible, because everybody wants to know what in the world was going on, and how he managed to pull it off.
Too much hiding behind the “we can’t know” excuse.
Evidence of election theft…
See Chapter 2: CAUI EXORD
…”I am retired from the US Army where I worked as an Air Cavalry Officer, a Psychological Operations Officer, and Information Operations Officer. I specifically conducted Special Technical Operations, analyzed and applied All-Source Intelligence to operational requirements. With a specialized team of military members, I helped author the Joint Urgency of Needs Statement for the CAUI EXORD (Countering Adversary Use of the Internet) and stood up the first two special category cyber-enabled operations under a unique Secretary of Defense authority. “…
Interesting claim unsourced claim about Chris Miller:
Byrne may be after $ and fame. I’m much more impressed with Dr. Peter Navarro. He’s got the goods!
NAVARRO REPORT – Parts 1-3 – https://navarroreport.com
And so do these people:
EVIDENCE – https://hereistheevidence.com/
Byrne doesn’t need money.
I don’t know much about him. Do you?
I know nothing more than what info is generally available. Lots of $$$ from founding overstock and his dad was CEO of GEICO.
Sounds like lots of money.
Whether it is true or not I do not know, but IIRC he had his brilliant general working on fraud from August. And the general’s report in part two was just scratching the surface BUT was quite devastating.
It was strange to me how all the kids were there – except Barron. If Byrne’s info is true, he’s the family member who was threatened.
More, please. I missed ^^^ the part where all present except Baron. Where, when, setting…
Without knowing above, Baron a minor has most always been kept out of the spot light.
Barron was the only one missing when POTUS left for FL that morning.
Safely tucked away from the lime light. I don’t read anything into that.
Melania surely protective of Baron. Had been the entire four years. Thankfully.
A minor. confusing as hell for him, I am sure. Maybe there is more. Maybe not.
Probably traveling with her parents.
Good thought!
And Melania is not some 1950s melodrama actor tugging on her husband’s shirt to save the family and abandon the country.
It’s ludicrous.
He ran a billion dollar real estate and business empire before he ever met Melania, and while I have no doubt she is very smart, he is not relying on her instincts to run either his business interests or the country.
This Byrne narrative reads like a bad episode of the Beverly Hillbillies…
Again, Flynn and Sidney Powell are everywhere in the articles. Either one of them could make his house of cards tumble with the flick of a finger if they so chose. So perhaps it’s not a house of cards.
“Again, Flynn and Sidney Powell are everywhere in the articles. Either one of them could make his house of cards tumble with the flick of a finger if they so chose.”
Yes, they could, but if Byrne is playing a disinfo role, and Flynn and Powell are aware of it, why would they burn (expose) him?
“So perhaps it’s not a house of cards.”
Yes… that could be exactly what they want us to think…
My point is that we can’t know. If we knew, the enemy would know too.
The best we can do is go by the character of the players involved, and their past history, before the information war started.
So if, like you keep repeating in every reply, we really can’t know anything about anything with regard to Trump, and all we’re doing here is one-upping the other guy’s speculation . . . then why talk at all?
To me Byrne just comes off as terminally restless, impatient and frustrated with it all, as he feels he’s got some receipts. Navarro’s got receipts. Jovan Pulitzer’s got receipts. Gateway Pundit’s got receipts. Lindell’s got the animated receipts that everyone can understand. It’s now reached critical mass.
All that matters is where it goes from here.
Barron’s mother is a Mama Grizzly where Barron is concerned. She sued some magazine and won 2 million for their lies about Barron – paid for his education!
Very grim point of view.
I say it was either BETRAYAL by most everyone.
Or as some conjecture, he let them win to catch them in fraud/treason/sedition and is ‘fixing to’ crack down….just seems so far out.
We don’t have the faintest indication that Trump – or the Constitution – has any support in our military, congress, agencies and even our courts.
I had a really down day today about the whole thing.
Am feeling better now.
Our President entered the White House alone and, unfortunately, he left alone.
Meanwhile, the Swamp carries on.
The major problem with Byrne’s narrative is that it depends on the literary device of Trump as Chauncey Gardiner.
IOW, Trump is an idiot who has no idea what’s going on.
As for the claimed threat that if he was president for a second term he would be ‘JFK’d’ and the Secret Service wouldn’t be able to protect him?
POTUS has threats on his life every day, we have no idea how many serious attempts were made on his life over the past four years, or how many serious attempts were made on his family members.
So to think DJT would back down or back off because of that is insane, and if the Secret Service ever said anything like “we can’t protect you” then the Secret Service would be FIRED and replaced with someone who could.
Byrne’s narrative comes across like an old dimestore novel.
He’s either a plant or a lunatic.
What hole did he crawl out of?
How did Patrick Byrne and the My Pillow Guy (Mike Lindell) become the two guys who are trying to save Trump from himself?
And if anything Byrne said about Flynn in that article is correct, then we need a serious re-evaluation of Mike Flynn and what in the world his function is or ever was.
For crying out loud, he was Trump’s National Security Advisor, not some outer orbit hanger-on who gets bumped from speaking engagement while Don Jr. struts around with his ‘chest puffed out’ talking about branding.
If Byrne’s roll is as a disinformation agent, he’s doing a fine job.
If he’s serious, if the information he is relaying is serious, then DJT was out to lunch, a lost ball in the tall grass, and shouldn’t be anywhere near sharp objects, much less the presidency.
Steve, Good analysis. It is amazing how many people think they are smarter than President Trump. I agree with you.
Very interesting. I haven’t read Byrne’s articles because I suspected something like this. Everyone thinks they are smarter than PDJT (see Steve Bannon, et al.).
In his own telling of the Russian girl/spy story, he explains how he can spin the longest yarn, tell the tallest tale if it will push the adversary (deep state) to do what is needed to expose them. So your disinfo role for Patrick makes a lot of sense.
This is a new Dr. Steve Pieczenik/Alex Jones interview for those who are interested. I don’t believe he would jeopardize his reputation by reporting something that he was not certain was the truth.
I really wish Alex would NOT interrupt and had let Pieczenik TALK. I was itching to use a roll of duck tape ….
Me too! AJ always interrupts and blabs on and on, just when Pieczenik is about to say what I wanted to hear. Pieczenik looked peeved too.
From the HELL YEAH Department…..
The Meitryx
Forwarded from
Gateway Pundit
House Democrats Vote 218 to 209 to Remove GOP Lawmaker Marjorie Taylor Greene from Committee Assignments Due to Her Past Social Media Comments
The Gateway Pundit
House Democrats Vote 218 to 209 to Remove GOP Lawmaker Marjorie Taylor Greene from Committee Assignments Due to Her Past Social…
Democrats want to cancel Marjorie Taylor Greene Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene spoke out today in her Congressional struggle session before the Democrat-Marxists hold their vote to remove her from her committee assignments. This is an unprecedented move by Democrats…
Lisa Mei Crowley
The stupid — it burns!!!
This has “guaranteed petard hoist” written all over it.
The beginning of the implementation of the Communist Chinese “Social Media Score” in this country. One assumes the DemCommunists in the House have a list. Rep. Boebert is assuredly on this list. So are Rep. Gohmert, Rep. Biggs, and any other Republican who sayy ahything contrary to the DemCommunists Party Line.
Now that the Senate is also controlled by DemCommunists, look for the same thing to start there. One assumes they have a list also. Sen. Dr. Rand Paul is assuredly on this list, along with any other non-Establishment Republican Senator.
We have a chance to vote the dems out in 2022 and that is not long away. Take the Rinos with them.
Wondering if 30+ states will still have Dominion and SmartMatic counting votes.
Asking for a friend. A friend who believes our votes do NOT matter.
ONLY thing that matters is who or what counts the votes.
Thinks will have to change if we demand it.
We need to hammer our representatives until the cows come home.
If you have representatives that require hammering, your hammering won’t matter.
If the fraud on 11/3 is not overthrown, you will never have another legit election for anything higher than small town council.
I know this is very blackpill, but I tend to agree.
No surprise at all. Am i too cynical to believe that the DemChiCom regime wouldn’t work with any R’s on any committee anyway . They have no intention of listening to any conservative input whether it’s her or anyone else
They are moving into a very narrow, Soviet-thin, Overton window. Dems are now VETOING Republican members.
This is a perfect example of a GOP that will not stick up for us. The GOP can use this vote against MTG to absolutely lay waste to the Dems between now and the election in 2022. They can call them Soviet, one-party, dangerous, radical, party line, censoring, thought crimes, kangaroo courts – THE WORKS.
The GOP can absolutely go nuts on labeling the Dems as “extremists” – no, wait – extreme leftists, approaching Nork status, supported by DOMESTIC VIOLENT EXTREMISTS – BLM and ANTIFA – and punish them with that until MTG is allowed back on committee.
But sadly, Minority Leader Wolf Moon is not there to go BRUTAL on them.
She spoke about QAnnon in 2018 and they hold it against her. That they the democrats were pushing a fake Russian conspiracy is ok? Greene seems a nice person and honest person we do not find many in Congress any longer.
The problem is that QAnon cannot be defended by any kind of “whataboutism” like saying “but what about The Hoax?”, because the left just blocks that out of their minds. You can literally watch them zone out and then break out the “antisemitic” card, again, wrongly applied, but what do they know? Kevin McCarthy understands NOTHING about what QAnon actually is/was, because he watches Fake News.
One has to defend QAnon with weapons that only come from actually understanding it – which few actually do.
Don’t worry – when things break our way, there will be panic and shock.
The Meitryx
Shared by Gen Flynn…
Link to article:
https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/the-thirty-tyrants – Join the conversation on @clouthub
Lisa Mei Crowley
This is so awesome. Flynn KNOWS. Generals understand HISTORY and strategy, and this is a wonderful article that GETS IT – not just the history THEN, but the hidden history NOW.
The Dems are a lot more nervous than us. WHY? This is a hint.

Making a gross assumption that scotus knows their own law.
if this is true, how can it be enforced?
It’s obvious Jason Miller and Matt Gaetz are going to be ‘ball carriers’ with the fresh Trump news and bylines – so we had better bookmark and keep hot links to both of them!
“The former President”?
Miller didn’t say former. At least I didn’t hear it – and I went back to it again for the 3rd time.
The “former” is an insertion / projection by NewsMax.
On the other hand, Miler did say that “the weight of the world is off the President’s shoulders” and “there are only 45 individuals who have had that honor to serve as President of the United States”.
It all sounded to me like putting President Donald J. Trump into “he’s gone”.
I think he said ‘the President’ one more time…maybe 3 times in all….
this kind of fight better suits the little creep…Hogg wants to start a pillow fight with Lindell…bwahahahahahaha
David Hogg tweeted on Thursday that he and software developer William LeGate are launching a pillow company to compete against MyPillow. Hogg wrote that he and LeGate hope to “sell $1 million of product within our first year” and to launch in six months.
Mike Lindell told Axios in a text Thursday morning, “Good for them…. nothing wrong with competition that does not infringe on someone’s patent.”
Hogg is too nasty and self-centered – never even seen him smile. He’s as grumpy as climate change Greta.
Lindell is generous, gracious, compassionate humble and a patriot!
Hogg is another one with nothing behind his eyes. Rather, whatever was there once has been replaced.
Another MkHuman.
Made me think McHuman, like McMansion or something. Definitely not McGuffin!
As intended!!!
Just saying. I don’t think Hogg has really thought this through. This Pillow Fight is going to damage Hogg’s ambitions to be a death camp commandant.
That’s what he looks/acts more like…esp his facial expression – and he’s only got one – angrry
Maybe he can secure special chinee foam for the commandant job..the toxic pillow filler would help with his duties
he thinks building a company and product loyalty is easy…
He’s a perfect match soul mate for Greta.
Can’t stand this weird skinny troll.
he is full of himself
Potential product lines from the Hogg pillow company:
“Pizza Party”
“Antifa Insomnia Combatant”
“BLM Blackout Special” (with matching drapes)
Betcha he’ll arrange it that a percentage of each sale will go to “environmental” / “sustainable” / “social justice” causes.
One wonders how much salary Hogg will draw from his new enterprise. Betcha it won’t be minimum-wage amount.
My guess would be start up cash from any one or more of the anti Trump orgs and then he’ll use this as his internship requirement at Harvard which will of course be praised as brilliant.
six figures
I don’t know how he thinks this could hurt Mike Lindell. No conservative is going to buy Hogg’s pillows instead of Lindell’s, and I doubt that any current Leftists are buying Lindell’s pillos and would switch to Hogg’s.
I’m not convinced he really “thinks”.
He seems programmed.
he will find a leftist who buys them to hand out to the homeless
Could be money laundering….
A certain LeGate was one of the big leftist anti-Trump repliers to his tweets.
Not sure if this is the same one.
President Trump has set up a PLAYLIST – the Gaetz video – (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcTw54KOQzA)
is followed immediately by this one by Levin – !
and there are more!
PDJT is trying to educate us – and MAKE HIS CASE!
This is good. On YouTube, though. I wish he would also set up on Rumble or others.
Yes, he needs a Rumble channel as a backup.
If YT dares to mess with him – he will – he just activated an account on GAB!
Yes! Here is his channel page!!!
Chiefio asks: What, if anything, can an “average Joe or Jane” do?
2 Years Of Hell, Or What?
If I’ve read the linked article correctly, Chiefio has ceded the stolen election to RobberJoe and there is no option to prove the massive vote fraud, remove RobberJoe, and replace him with the real POTUS, Donald J. Trump.
Once Congress certified the election it was over. Trump had zero support after November 3rd and it just got worse. If there was any plan, there was no one to execute it. And the military brass has ensured that everyone knows where their support is by putting the Guard in DC for two months. They fought Trump when he asked to use the Guard. But no problem for Biden.
Chiefio is looking at the situation from a more pedestrian perspective, and asking the question for the average Joe on the street. Regardless our opinions here, it’s a legitimate place to be and start from.
From that position, I would encourage anyone interested in contributing to the discussion with helpful suggestions, strategy, or advice. He gets read by a reasonably wide and influential audience for an amateur blogger.
“From that position, I would encourage anyone interested in contributing to the discussion with helpful suggestions, strategy, or advice. He gets read by a reasonably wide and influential audience for an amateur blogger.”
scott467says:Your comment is awaiting moderation.
5 February 2021 at 10:03 am
The system is wholly corrupt.
If the system did not work for DJT, a billionaire incumbent POTUS, then what are the chances that you or I will get a fair shake?
That should be a rhetorical question, but since so many people seem to be in abject denial, the answer is ZERO.
I believe DJT is waiting for the right moment to FINALLY reveal and expose all of the evidence (declass) that he NEVER used, i.e., Hunter Biden laptop, Hitlery’s servers, Huma’s laptop, Epstein blackmail evidence, evidence of Hussein and the entire administration’s guilt in FISA, the 4+ year long coup attempt against DJT, crimes committed by Clintons, Hussein and Biden, evidence of massive election fraud, and a whole lot more we don’t even know about.
He never used ANY of it.
It’s his leverage.
If he had used it before, he would have nothing to use now. I think there is a great argument to have used it before January 20th, but the longer this goes on, the more masks are dropped and traitors are exposed.
And they’re not going to allow DJT to live out his days in peace, or his family, they are going to go after DJT with everything they have, and he knows it, so it’s far from over.
And he won’t dump all of the ‘declass’ all at once — if he did, the MSM would just ignore and memory hole whatever tiny bit they covered. The drip, drip, drip approach is how he has kept things in the spotlight and increased the pressure daily, so I expect that to continue.
When he picks his time and place, I expect he will start with the massive election fraud proof, which will completely de-legitimize the JB administration.
DJT won’t have to do anything after the big reveal, except sit back and watch the illegitimate JB administration implode.
When the whole world sees incontrovertible proof of massive election fraud, the game is up. JB becomes the incredible shrinking man, the rats begin to abandon ship, and government officials stop following orders from an illegitimate president.
Fraud vitiates everything.
Once DJT proves fraud, and the whole world sees it, the JB administration is done. They may exhaust themselves in histrionics for a week or two, and that’s fine. Then they will be spent, and it will all be over but the crying.
Then the arrests and prosecutions begin, while DJT is sworn in to his 2nd term, to the relief of nearly everyone on both sides of the Uni-Party aisle.
But if none of that happens, if we’ve been had, then our military is the most disgraceful pack of traitors to ever put on a uniform and lie an oath, having given up the Republic without even a fistfight.
And they will deserve to be the most hated institution in the land.
We the People did our job, we did everything that was in our power to do, we gave DJT an historic landslide victory, and the military allowed the CCP to steal the Republic without even raising their voice.
So the military becomes the scapegoat, and never will there have been a more deserving scapegoat — IF that turns out to be the case, which I don’t think it is.
The thing we do next is NOT to reapply ourselves to a rigged election system.
We need to STOP reacting like a spouse in an abusive relationship, thinking if we just try harder, maybe next time they won’t send us to the hospital again.
Just stop it.
If people want to live in their own private hell of never-ending abuse, then so be it, but stop dragging the rest of us into your chosen private hell. I’m not an anti-boomer like many are, but the boomers sure give the anti-boomers all the ammo they could ever want or need.
If the 2020 election results are not corrected, then we NEVER have another election to worry about again.
Please go back and read that again, a hundred times if necessary, because I have noticed that a lot of people simply cannot grasp that concept.
The next step is doing something about it.
The easiest, most effective idea that could enlist the greatest number of people while requiring the least amount of effort from them, and have the greatest impact, almost immediately, is for 80+ million Trump voters to go on strike.
Grind the entire country to a halt, and WITHDRAW the CONSENT of the GOVERNED.
If you want to stick it to the Treason-class in D.C., that’s the way to do it.
And be prepared to see it through. That would mean losing your job for many people, not that any substitute workforce of that size and skill level exists to replace it.
It will mean depleting savings, possibly until the electricity gets cut off and eviction notices are received. Though I don’t think it would actually take more than a couple months at most.
Whatever ‘pain’ it requires, it would be infinitely less than General Washington and his troops endured.
This is something everyone can do, the participation morale will be off the charts, it will be immediately effective, it’s completely non-violent, it will unite patriots of every background, there is no travel involved, you don’t have to do anything except stop participating in the theft of our Republic.
Stop giving our consent to the illegitimate fraud sitting in the WH.
If we stop playing along, the whole corrupt system grinds to a halt.
All of the military and all of the police adds up to maybe 3 to 3.5 million, and a good percentage of them would refuse to turn against their own families and neighbors and fellow Americans. So it would be somewhere around 120+ million Americans (80+ million voters plus children) vs. less than 2 million modern-day brown shirts.
We are the many, they are the few.
When the many stop fearing the few…
And all we have to do to pull it off is go on vacation (i.e., on strike).
Is that really too much to ask, to save our Republic?
Post is still ‘in moderation’ at chiefio, many replies posted since.
What next..official Gov issued masks?
^^^ Nuts.
If one comes in the mail box, for now thinking, three options. 1) trash, 2) mark package or 3) mark package return to sender.
I choose # 1
I will return to sender with a note.
Received ACL you survey replied “Biden didn’t win”!
Everything should have this motto!
Our supplemental health insurance send us mask and then we got mask from government for free.
Blue Cross sent me a mask also. It is safely stowed in one of my totes with emergency supplies.
Along with masks (N95, N100 and cotton surgical looking masks), that I purchased when I thought we’d need them for Covid.
And likely the “government issued masks” will be manufactured in Communist China.
Absolutely. Kickbacks!
We’ll i guess Musk is officially putting his toe in the water to see if it’s safe to jump into the 2024 race.
EIon Musk
I bought a MyPIllow
People are supporting the MyPillow guy
He is doing great business. Conot wait for his video even though it is 3 hours long.
We need more people like him.
We have told you what’s coming; Q
Hold On.
Mel K Interview, on The Right Side
Posted on February 4, 2021
duchess, I really liked this interview. Thanks for linking it. Liz
Most welcome, Liz!!! Still on the same page – we are – Have a Blessed Day!!!
The military is starting their purge to identify the white supremacists ie Q supporters. Not sure the military is all in on this guys mass arrests scenario.
Yup. PURGES begin.
LOL you have to look closely behind buffalo guy’s head or read the thread to get it… The FIB is a lost cause…they grabbed this altered pic off the internet .
HA! Look at the way those CRETINS at FIB use “disbelief quotes” around the word “rally” at every opportunity. They’re either Soviet freaks who really believe this stuff, or they’re knuckling under for the pension.
What TURDS. Wray needs to issue black trench-coats and monocles to his “boys”.
Remember, 93% of DC voted for NeverTrump… that is a reflection on the makeup of the ‘rank and file’ of the FBI
I continue to have zero interest in a Covid vaccine.
Single shot vaccine…. FTA
Johnson & Johnson requests emergency use authorization of its COVID-19 vaccine
Johnson & Johnson on Thursday filed an application for emergency use authorization for its single-shot coronavirus vaccine, bringing it one step closer to helping the U.S. fight against the virus.
The next step is for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to convene a meeting of its vaccine advisory panel to review the evidence, which could happen in as little as two weeks.
In a statement the company said it “expects to have product available to ship immediately following authorization,” but did not specify how much. It still expects to meet its commitment of supplying 100 million doses by the middle of the year.
Don’t know how USA Today published this but Merck stopped their vaccine because they said it was more effective to get the virus instead.
Yup. Merck stopped their vaccine research and development.
Wisely sidestepping the inevitable class action law suits in the future
Vaccine companies have their liability waived. I believe there is an insurance pool provided by the gubmint for people who suffer damage from a vaccine.
Really ? They have CYA lawfare on it. All the more reason to say no to vax.
I don’t do vax. But any company that needs a liability waiver for their product tells me I ain’t buying it or using it.
Ep. 2396a – Trump Was Right, V Recovery, [CB] Unveils It’s Currency Plan
X22 Report Published February 4, 2021
Ep. 2396b – The [DS] Just Opened The Front Door, War-Like Posture Activated, Thank You For Playing
X22 Report Published February 4, 2021
Brilliant analysis, Dave!!! Made me smile BIGLY!!!
Wictor holds forth on the Impeachment trial and it’s a doozy!
I am highly skeptical that the Dems will allow any evidence of election fraud. They are not that stupid, to invite Trumpian lawyers in to show the world the very thing they want covered up. Wictor says this:
How do we know this?
I don’t know what this means.
I don’t expect him to testify personally. And correct, we have NO IDEA what will happen except that the Dems are crooks and liars and cheaters who WILL NOT follow the law or Constitution. And I don’t think there are any Repubs in the Senate who will stand up for what is right. I hope I am wrong.
The dems opened the door for voter fraught to be brought forth in Senate impeachment. Goetz said”one only needs one senator to bring it up during the hearing and it becomes acceptable to lay out the fax.” I think somone will do it do not know if Goetz is really going to give up his seat to represent Trump. Goetz said” he never lost a case.” Something is going to shake loose at Bannon show, I am eager to find out what?
At least PDJT’s lawyers are not afraid to give it right back to the Dems. That is entertaining.
I’m leery because we get our hopes up with the dates…Nov. 3, Dec. 14, Jan. 6, and now Feb. 8. And we get kicked down and slapped in the face, every time. We get betrayed and are gobsmacked by the brazenness and temerity of the Dems and the betrayal of the Repubs. I’m not being a downer, but a realist based on what has happened and the nature of the
s we’re dealing with, to whom the rule of law means nothing. (“You knew I was a
before you took me in.”) I REALLY hope I’m wrong and that it will be fireworks the likes of which we’ve never seen, in our favor. It would be great if this were part of the plan and if it would open things up. I also think we could be setting ourselves up for another huge disappointment.
I am guarded also. I am hoping some republicans have fight in them. I really do not want Trump there that would leave him open, His lawyers and senate republicans need to do the heavy lifting and I hope they break the rinos and aggressive dems. I will not be watching because I just cannot stand the crap.
I don’t think I will watch, either. If something good happens, there will be video to watch later.
Yup. Won’t watch it either. Just another D-Rat shit show. As you say, we’ll get video of anything that may be worth watching.
Ditto, no watch.
Roller-coaster excitement wore off. Popcorn events just make me vomit.
Guessing Leahy, presiding shitbird can shut down anything he wishes to. Just as Robert’s did in shampeachment 1.0.
This is what will happen – unless Trump pulls a TRUMP CARD that cannot be ignored.
Georgia: Do you know where I can find the document the Democrats filed relative to the impeachment – think it might have information about charges – or even election fraud
Thanks, in advance, for any and all assistance.
It can be found here: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-resolution/24/text
I see “Article I,” but no other articles. The door is wide open to talk about election fraud. If Dems do not allow it, they will not be allowing a full and fair defense.
The Constitution provides that the House of Representatives “shall have the sole Power of Impeachment” and that the President “shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”. Further, section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution prohibits any person who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the United States from “hold[ing] any office … under the United States”. In his conduct while President of the United States—and in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed—Donald John Trump engaged in high Crimes and Misdemeanors by inciting violence against the Government of the United States, in that:
On January 6, 2021, pursuant to the 12th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Vice President of the United States, the House of Representatives, and the Senate met at the United States Capitol for a Joint Session of Congress to count the votes of the Electoral College. In the months preceding the Joint Session, President Trump repeatedly issued false statements asserting that the Presidential election results were the product of widespread fraud and should not be accepted by the American people or certified by State or Federal officials. Shortly before the Joint Session commenced, President Trump, addressed a crowd at the Ellipse in Washington, DC. There, he reiterated false claims that “we won this election, and we won it by a landslide”. He also willfully made statements that, in context, encouraged—and foreseeably resulted in—lawless action at the Capitol, such as: “if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore”. Thus incited by President Trump, members of the crowd he had addressed, in an attempt to, among other objectives, interfere with the Joint Session’s solemn constitutional duty to certify the results of the 2020 Presidential election, unlawfully breached and vandalized the Capitol, injured and killed law enforcement personnel, menaced Members of Congress, the Vice President, and Congressional personnel, and engaged in other violent, deadly, destructive, and seditious acts.
President Trump’s conduct on January 6, 2021, followed his prior efforts to subvert and obstruct the certification of the results of the 2020 Presidential election. Those prior efforts included a phone call on January 2, 2021, during which President Trump urged the secretary of state of Georgia, Brad Raffensperger, to “find” enough votes to overturn the Georgia Presidential election results and threatened Secretary Raffensperger if he failed to do so.
In all this, President Trump gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of Government. He threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transition of power, and imperiled a coequal branch of Government. He thereby betrayed his trust as President, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.
Wherefore, Donald John Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security, democracy, and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law. Donald John Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.
Here is the Trump team’s response.
Thanks, Truths!!! Looks like they ‘opened’ the door to the ‘voter fraud’ debacle – like pandora’s box – it may be their undoing!!!
I think this is it.
The Democrats – and Republicans have made our government into a criminal enterprise and a clown circus.
Thanks, Georgia – Appreciate the Assist = Truths posted something as well – trying to figure out if the Trump Team is going to address Voter Fraud – because the Dims opened the door – what do you think?
McCarthy was ahead of his time.
POTUS Trump is back!
From gab
Thanks for posting this. I’m passing it on.
No wonder they do not want us to use cash in the future so they can spy on us what we buy , With phones they know where we go. This is turning into a police state. I am serious. Cash is the way no i Phone. I will forget mine from now on.
Go to a protest. Don’t take your phone.
Don’t purchase anything however the Tucker report on B of A cites the bank going through customer’s records for ANY transaction in a 3 State area around DC during the rally time…as well as flight payment info.
I never use my phone to purchase anything, ever. But I think they can track the phone’s location, so it doesn’t matter. Bank of America was turning over records of purchases made NOT on phones, too.
Even when the phone is “off”, the phone CAN be tracked.
Even if you change sims, the phone can be tracked.
They have us on electronic leashes and it is pretty much too late if you are interacting with society in any way.
Some of us are less leashed than others.
Maybe but you are online here so you are not unleashed enough if you want to be truly anonymous and try and disappear. If you go shopping, go online, have a phone then they can track you. Use electronic payments. When you are out and about in town, paying cash for things, you are on camera more then likely.
But notice the tools they are using here against MAGA folks they have not, will not use against antifa.
As I’ve mentioned before, there’s avoiding leashes in the first place — and there’s fuzzing the leashes. For example, I own a cellphone. 99.44% of the time, it sits at its billing address, where the reception is so poor that it makes and receives no calls. Someone going “AHA!!!! We got his cellphone!” is going to be despondent when he actually sees what’s on it.
Mike Lindell got on Gab !
Critical Race Theory Is Coming for the Dogs: Katja Guenther’s “The Lives and Deaths of Shelter Animals”
Yet, in her recent book The Lives and Deaths of Shelter Animals, Katja Guenther claims that dogs are being killed because of “capitalism, anthroparchy, white supremacy and patriarchy.” She argues that allowing dogs to sleep inside is a privilege reserved for the white and wealthy and that policies against keeping dogs chained up in backyards are intended to oppress people of color by imposing “middle-class norms of animal keeping in which companion animals are considered family and treated accordingly,” which ignore the fact that people of color “are themselves trapped in poverty, may have few options for legitimate income generation and possibly rely on their dogs for … status.”
When a rescuer laments the condition of a dog “with sagging belly skin, elongated nipples, and enlarged genitalia” and expresses dismay that the former owners “confined their dog outdoors” and “used the pit bull primarily for income generation through breeding,” Guenther dismisses the criticism as “the animal practices of white rescuers.”
Moslems hate dogs.
Muslim Brotherhood operatives work their agenda with remarkable ingenuity.
Storm Dispatch – 20210204-2
News… Patriot style.
I just saw a Gab from Mike Lindell
Mike Lindell
I’m going live on Flashpoint tonight at 7pm CT! You can watch it via this link: https://www.govictory.com/watch/
(not familiar with the source… Look for him to post something else on Gab about this)
On Telegram: https://t.me/s/linwoodspeakstruth
Lin Wood
Sidney Powell has informed me that she will NEVER agree to my suggestion that she pay Dominion and Smartmatic fifty cents to settle their collective $4 Billion defamation lawsuits.
Her exact words were “they can pound sand.”
Man oh man, Sidney is one tough cookie. Dominion and Smartmatic better watch out. She is going to Kraken them.
Pain Free! Neural Therapy for Nerve Pain, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia etc 2-4-21
duchess, I have never heard of this. Do you know anything more about it? Liz
I was aware of this prior to this broadcast, yes, Liz – and it makes sense to me – since the nervous system is the purveyor of pain – however – I have not researched it thoroughly – will let you know if I find anything – I am a ‘naturalist’ so I do not trust medical science – nor am I big on drugs to cure all ills – lidocaine can be used topically – but, injecting it I believe is risky. People who suffer extreme ‘pain’ for any length of time are desperate for a ‘cure’ – and I can understand that – just not sure about this.
Thanks duchess, I am a naturalist also. I don’t go to doctors and I don’t take drugs either. I fell over a year ago and have a lot of pain in my left knee and hip when I get up and down or stand for more than a few minutes. I use Biofreeze and baby aspirin sometimes. It would be nice not to hurt so much.
I had polio when I was 2.5 and was paralyzed for 6 weeks. I was never supposed to walk again. My parents did not take me to doctors after that. Over the years I learned to walk and even run.
I have torn some tendons and ligaments since I was 50. It takes 6 months to a year for them to heal. It is very painful when that happens. I live alone and take care of myself.
I was surprised when I decided to study pain on the internet and found out that “science” doesn’t even know what causes pain. I have been on a low carb, high fat diet since 6/2015. I am not overweight. I don’t have other medical conditions. I will be 80 in September. My mind functions well. I am happy and blessed.
Sorry to hear about your pain, Liz – hopefully, something in the links I shared will help you – also, a relative of mine had great success with a holistic md – they do not use drugs – and use a holistic system approach – pain in one system causes a malfunction in another system of the body – she was such a blessing – and healing occurred.
I will pray for you – that God will guide you to a solution to relieve your pain – in the meantime (sometimes, God does not move right away) – I am sending Comfort Angels, Healing Angels (who pour healing oils all over you) and Inspiration Angels to assist – God Bless You Real Good!!!
Also – before I go – check our Praying Medics Website – he has videos about healing – becoming a healer – and assisting in healing – I thought they were not only interesting but, educational as well.
Thank you so much duchess for your advice and comforting words. I appreciate the Angels you are sending.
I would never have made it this far without God. I will check the link you sent.
God Bless you.
Most welcome, Liz!!! Angels Watching Over You!!!
2.4.21: Money. Power. Control. Enough is ENOUGH! Pray!
And We Know Published February 4, 2021
Morpheus MAGA@AQemini17
They are trolling the hell out of us
REALLY?!?!? I used to get excited but now I am leaning troll. I hope I am wrong.
How hard would it be to find who is the exact person who sent that tweet and discern their intentions? More than one person knows who…
….and biden didnt f-ing WIN!
We Got It! TGP to Release SMOKING GUN Video from TCF Center in Detroit! …Update: OH BOY! Our Report WILL SHAKE the Political World!
Excerpts from the article:
The part I find *interesting* is that no one bothered to look at this video until now.
What we need is not 80 million awake Trump supporters. We need a bigger boat. We need 140 million awake Trump supporters. Then we CAN overcome their voting ‘irregularities’ AND have the numbers to make their phones light up and make meaningful peaceful marches on whatever building or group that is needed, State or Fed.
I am seeing that REALPOTUS may have had to step away due to lack of support…from the awakened, or more correctly, not enough awake. If there were enough awake, things like Cheney’s WY instate censor would be more common, and swift. But we are seeing her skate in Congress with little pushback from The People. Similar (but opposite) with MTG, she isn’t getting the support needed from The People so The Swamp marginalizes her. She’s a fighter, so let’s work to keep her there.
Our goal should be to continue to awaken those that are still asleep. (((THEY))) are helping with their rules and policies that are anti-American. The sheeple ARE slowly awakening. It may take some time. Maybe a thread on ways to make that happen for each of us to ‘grow’ our ‘flock’ of normies and sheeple who we interact with.
It is a scary time right now. Things look bad. Almost like a scare event….;)
….and biden didnt f-ing win!