I have decided to create a special BRANCH where those who are both Treepers (posters at The Conservative Treehouse, a.k.a. The Last Refuge, a.k.a. CTH, a.k.a. TCTH, a.k.a. https://theconservativetreehouse.com) and followers of the QAnon movement (Q-tards – whatever they want to call us) can discuss QAnon topics in peace and harmony.
I will work out the rules as we go, though I will err toward Free Speech within the limits of UNIMPEDED RESEARCH (very important) and productive discussion. Growth will be slow. Please be patient. I have never done anything like this before.
Part of my motivation is to keep QAnon fans in the orbit of CTH, and to help keep QAnon posting OFF of CTH. There is a strategic reason for this. Sometimes I will explain why I do things. Other times I will not. People are welcome to try to guess why I say things – this is ALWAYS a good exercise in understanding – something Q is trying to teach us. Why would I want to draw QAnon posting away from CTH?
I have no connection to Q other than a desire to understand Q. As Q says, there is only Q, although Q+ appears sometimes. When I call myself W, it is homage to Q – nothing more.
PS – can you guess what WQTH stands for? Yes! Easy! I wanted SHORT, SWEET, and most of all EASY TO REMEMBER.
WQTH = Wolfmoon Qanon Tree House
Close enough!
Thank you! I lurk at CTH every day to get real info. So glad you have made a place for us Q people to come and congregate.
And thank you for dropping in! Hopefully the auto-approve will kick in soon on your posts.
PS – you are my very first comment – so THANKS!!!
Wolfmoon, further down you alluded to how much you suspected and how scary it was to see the evil. As I told you, I saw that interview on a Saturday afternoon on FOX BEFORE Obama was nominated. The gentleman who said he was part of Chavez inner circle warned of the massive evil that Obama would unleash on America and he laid out in great detail what would be upcoming. He said that the Clintons looked like boy scouts by comparison…and I do not believe that he was under any illusions about those Arkanciders.
As i told you, I have not been able to find ANY mention of this guy since but because of that interview nothing that has happened has been a surprise to me and then a chance encounter with an old boyfriend who is a multimillionaire globalist confirmed that Hillary was to have removed all of the borders and these globalists had for 8 years been operating as if already in place was the blueprint for them overseeing the one world order, which entailed all the nightmare aspects of population control, master race, selective breeding, programming out the ability for people to be independent and to worship a God rather than bow to these evil pawns of Lucifer.
It’s very odd to be so unsurprised by all of the evil and yet to still be fighting cynicism. To believe in the founders’ loathing of career politicians and yet to know that we have to navigate the swamp too in order to save this blessed City On The Hill, this America.
Thanks for that – very helpful to see the SCALE of what we are up against!
God Bless America! All I can say in response! We need it, we pray for it!
Hello, Wolfmoon. I read and sometimes post on CTH but I also read Q drops. Qanon is definitely a pro-Trump movement and no more a “cult” than the Treehouse. Like the Treehouse, Qanon is a diverse group but at the core of it, the Qanon “weaponized autists” have made a significant contribution by engaging millions of people in the pro-Trump anti-globalist movement both here and internationally. The Qanon movement is, in my opinion, the primary threat to the tech giant’s corporatist (fascist) control of the internet by FB, Twit, etc., hence Reddit’s recent banning of “The Great Awakening”. Anonymity is and always has been “where it’s at”. Thanks for starting this blog.
Couldn’t agree with you more! I think the QAnon movement is a REAL threat to the enemies of freedom, and the conflict is going to intensify soon.
You’re welcome! I hope to begin stimulating some great Q discussion in the next few posts, later tonight and tomorrow.
I am wondering if Mr. Gilder’s book, Life After Google, which provides a great deal of evidence that the movement to bury big, invasive Tech has them running scared, owes anything to Q Anon or if the two of them know each other. Mr. Gilder’s confidence is very high and his evidence is substantive..
Oh, and Wolfmoon, thank you as always. You are a torch for truth.
Thank YOU!!!

I need to check this out!
I first heard Mr. Gilder himself being interviewed on a Saturday tech radio show on 560 AM in the Bay Area. I have since seen Glenn Reynolds and a few others also mention him in the last two weeks. He says that they have over 200 billion generated toward a technology that takes back privacy and destroys the invasion of big tech and there are many many businesses that are in place. He said that this craziness we are seeing is Big Tech KNOWING that their 15 minutes is coming to an end. I have it on order and want to read it soon, the interview was fascinating.
I’m new to WolfMoon’s Q Tree blog so decided to check out the beginning of all things here. I don’t know a lot about the Q Movement but am curious. You mentioned in your post ” the Qanon “weaponized autists” “…would the word you used “autists” refer to people on the autism spectrum?
Best Regards & Blessings
That poster hasn’t been around for a while, so I’ll answer. Many “anons” on the “chans” (basically GEEKS on the WILD WEST INTERNET) are “on the autism spectrum”. Autistic or not, the anons collectively admire autistic behaviors, and thus proudly refer to themselves as “autists” and their strength as “weaponized autism”.
That’s interesting…& given that I live with an actual autistic rather fascinating. There are a lot of “autistic” behaviors that could be considered “admirable” in certain contexts. There are also many that make living in their vicinity nearly unbearable…
I’m thankful that for the most part our son’s autistic “perseveration” (fixation on a topic) can often be steered toward things of the Lord. He has the heart of a warrior, a psalmist, & godly compassion. He also has a Very Hard time processing things & his impulsiveness could mean that in the heat of the moment he could say or do something pretty out of line. We encourage him to keep his battles more in the spiritual warfare domain for he is very strong in the Lord–which is a blessing & inspiration to all that live with him & to many that encounter him in either the real world or online…
I’m thankful, challenged, exhausted, overwhelmed, & blessed being the parent of someone on the Spectrum…but only God knows the price, the pain, & the profound glory of this place…
Valerie, glad your family and your son are so strong in the Lord. So wonderful to read this from you. Blessings.
Thanks Zoe–Blessings!
Hi Zoe ……………
Have missed seeing your posts here at Wolf’s sanctuary… glad to see you back.
Hi, PR. Thank you and so good to chat with you, too. Have missed everyone but seem to be having a Woordpress problem. Thought at first it was my new computer, but evidently not. I have thouble commenting and even reading here. Hope to be back more eventually.
I think there’s a lot of stuff you and I could disagree about but right now we are engaged in a war for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore it is imperative that we to unite with all who share our common goals. Whatever may be our differences, they are are of significantly lesser importance than winning this war that is all about re-establishing our Republic. To be sure, history will sort us out.
Yes – the Treehouse really is a bunch of conservative “misfits” – I’m certainly one of the most mis-fitting. But all who agree that honest government is a MUST, and that we must return to it now or never, are united in the current struggle.
MAGA is truly the call of our times, and all who seek it are my allies and friends in battle!
I believe you fit there better than I! lol
For myriad reasons, I do… but mainly because you’re nicer than I am.
I found this page to have the notify button. Good.
Excellent! I didn’t know it had one!
I wish WP had private messaging, but I need to check my twatter, I was down for quite a while and “gave up”…
But, I shall have some fun here and perhaps I can keep from getting the ban hammer too.
This was a GREAT idea, thx fer building it.
You’re welcome! Bring your Q talk here. Heck – bring ANY talk here!
I reckon you’ve read my comments enough to know that I will, unabashed.
SO much to talk about… much needing to be spoken, but seldom is it. The swamp is global, but we don’t talk about that. Etc.
No matter what, Q is real, as there Q is all the time. It’s like the guy at the rally asking Trump if Q is real, and his answer after a healthy pause. “I don’t know…” ANOTHER PAUSE “But, I know they’re great people!”. And Q is many, Q is +. We are Q. All of us.
Think about it.
Thank you for doing this, Wolf. I think Sundance may be starting to get a little bit peeved at all the Q comments (which is his right. His blog. His rules). I’m liking the idea of a separate blog for Treepers. I went to the Reddit Great Awakening forum almost every day and miss it now that it’s been axed. There were some great discussions there. I hope to see the same thing here.
Thank you! Yes, the closing of the reddit board was horrifying to me, even though I am a very rare poster on reddit. That sickened me! So if I can help make up for that at all, then GREAT!
I think it’s important for SD to keep clear of Q – certainly for the moment – maybe later as well. But it’s his call. I like that he follows a different line of thinking. I really feel that makes us stronger! I know that both are patriots in their own way – that’s all I need to follow both!
Yes, like one is prepping in front of the house and the other prepping the back of the house–same house different views.
Thank you, Wolfmoon, for doing this. It’ll make a whole lot better for those who wants so badly to share ‘Q’ latest news/posts. I was following in the beginning til we had health problems, and lost track for several months. I tried to catch up–it wasn’t possible, so I relied on Treepers to share…nope that didn’t work, either…and now your sub-site…Yay!
Is it possible for you to post somewhere here a list of ‘Q’ abbreviated letters and their meaning? I have a feeling it will be a very long list.
God Bless you in this work. I’ll try not to tease you too much here.
LOL! You tease me all you want! Treehouse rules!
Sorry to hear about the health problems – will keep y’all in prayer.
I will go looking for a good list of abbreviations, but if somebody posts a link, I’ll be glad to create a post about it, too.
Thanks again!
Hello, Grandma Covfefe: you will find the list of Q abbreviations in the 3-part “Legend” section (pages 27-29) of the following PDF available for downloading at:
Congrats, Wolfmoon. This will be great. I have loved your thoughts at CTH. Looking forward to continuing the fight for FREEDOM!
Awesome! Very glad to have you aboard!
Glad to join the Q tree so I will not continue to irritate and be irritated by negative comments at CTH
Welcome aboard!
Thank you for taking on what might prove to be a full time job.
We’ll see! Could be fun!
Thanks for doing this. I’m curious about Q and it gets too intense for me at CTH sometimes. I’m stuck in blue California so I need a daily fix of conservative reflection to stay same.
You’re most welcome! Yes – hopefully this will be a place of relaxation and reflection, with occasional excitement!
Glad to have you aboard!
Correction: to stay SANE. Have to turn off autocorrect again!
Welcome neighbor, Same here, BoomerCat. Stuck in SoCal.
Boomer, just remember that you’re not alone here. I have to work IN Silicon Valley (and live in the area where they reside – gag) and having a tendency toward too much thinking and depression it surely has led to me hanging on to my faith and the honest insights of Sundance, Wolfmoon and others. I confess to not knowing as much about Q, possibly because I’m probably overloaded in perusing all of our ‘fake’ news sites.
you have my prayers and the reminder that we who remember that California was once very red and very midwestern still have that same endurance and integrity…and God is not relativist. One side is for evil and one side is for good and yes, GOOD CAN BE named and so can evil, it is not squishy. Being the capitol of baby killing in the country makes this a state that God SURELY is watching and wanting to aid. Our prayers and our courage, our very lives, are MEANT for these times. We were born with a purpose and we find these oases of good through grace. Hang on there!
Excellent, wolfmoon, congratulations!!
Looking forward to your seeing your posts, thank you!
You’re most welcome! We will have plenty of great discussion with NO FEAR! One of my goals here is to support the Treehouse – both Sundance and those who post there – all TREEPERS! But what has been largely off-topic at CTH can now be on-topic at QTH.
Wolf you might want to check this out
Great stuff! WOW. That social media scrub is a very bad sign. My policy is to leave stuff up. If I said it, I said it. Period.
I have only deleted a post because I screwed it up…I am notorious for omitting “n’t or not “‘
Or deleted to get out of Twatjail that is what you have to do.
LOL!!! Yeah – I want to say I never deleted a post, so I just do corrections. Love the edit feature on Gab, though! And you can SEE the edits, so it’s still a solid record.
I miss no edit….
ok bed time I sub tomorrow….
Have spread it all over for I do believe it is something that needs to get out there…
FYI–A thrump hater threw an Anti-Trump meme at me–not in response to anything just at me–not sure if i should feel honored or what. Then he blocked me..
Good night and pleasant dreams!
Thank you for doing this! I have been following TCTH for about a year, but I never post anything. I started looking into Q after someone posted a link to The Praying Medic and I continue to follow him as well. Anyway, I believe that Q is real and as much as I love TCTH, it is hard to read the negative comments against Q, Jeff Sessions, etc… and not feel dismayed. However, I strongly believe that God is in control and He raised President Trump and everyone around him for such a time as this. May God continue to expose the lies & corruption and reveal the truth because He will see to it that justice is served. Thank you once again. God bless you and everyone here at TCTH.
Thank you, love your post. Praying Medic is awesome – I’ve defended him from attacks by journalists who I respect. He’s very humble and an easy target. Can’t let that happen! He’s a good guy. He has basically turned Q into a job, but he’s not getting rich – just surviving. That’s OK to me. God bless you and yours!
I would encourage those who get dismayed at the negative comments about Jeff Sessions to let it roll off like water, I keep in mind that the President has all of this under control and if he thought Sessions was doing such a bad job he would be removed. I believe Q as he has told us to trust the man. remember disinfo is also in play here.
God is in control over all of this. we are seeing a ripping of the veil of deceit, treason , and other evils that we must not look away from as Sundance says. all of this will be laid bare for the world to see and I cant wait!
100% agreed! Trump’s smartest move now – which will make sure MAGA succeeds no matter WHAT happens to Sessions (and things are getting HOT), is to plan for his firing after the mid-terms, if things are not better by then. Trump is following THE absolute BEST path! He’s a VSG. This is not a surprise.
This is military logic. SOLID logic, where a good soldier expects to be FIRED UPON by the artillery when overrun by the enemy.
I will continue to disagree with any talk of firing Sessions. He has been part of the long range plan from the very beginning. He was specifically chosen and he has played his part brilliantly by pretending to be a bumbling, do nothing idiot while working his tail off.
Did you know that there are over 57,000 sealed indictments? The average in 2009 was only 1,009. This is Sessions and Huber working underground together to drain the swamp. The 470 attorneys are Sessions/Hubers small army.
No problem! We need people defending Sessions. The more drama, the better!

Someone honest, constitutional, and patriotic has to be left standing when the s hits the f.
Trump trolls way past 9000.
Just sayn.
Sessions recusal was all part of the plan all along. Think logically. Expand your thinking. Q would tell us those two things all the time. Sessions needed to be removed from any involvement to be able to covertly work with Huber OUTSIDE of DC. Also, the Left needed to be convinced that Sessions and PDJT were constantly at odds. It has kept the focus off of Sessions and he has been able to accomplish remarkable things without the Left interfering because they thought that there was no risk.
Also, who do you think has been leaking the posts from Page/Stzrok? Only Sessions had that authority and this came from Q….not me. Trust the plan, trust Sessions, trust Wray, trust Huber and trust the Q team.
This was not specifically directed at you Sue as I think you probably already know this. Just trying to educate those that are not quite up to speed.
Hi Wolf!!!!
“Grandmaster Trump now appears to be readying to sacrifice Bishop Sessions on Level 2. The question everybody is asking, is simple – will he? Nobody I have talked to is able to see how Trump can checkmate without it. But remember – this is TRUMP we’re talking about.”
I’m sure you have seen this but it is terrifying to see how close they came.
[The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]
Hussein [8]
Install rogue_ops
Leak C-intel/Mil assets
Cut funding to Mil
Command away from generals
Launch ‘good guy’ takedown (internal remove) – Valerie Jarrett (sniffer)
SAP sell-off
Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency)
Target/weaken conservative base (IRS/MSM)
Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.)
Blind-eye NK [nuke build]
[Clas-1, 2, 3]
Blind-eye Iran [fund and supply]
Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41]
Stage SC [AS [187]]
U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity]
KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) – RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS)
[CLAS 1-99]
HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]
Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov’t/MIL
KILL economy [starve/need/enslave]
Open borders
Revise Constitution
Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal)
Install ‘on team’ SC justices> legal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187)
Removal of electoral college [pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines]
Limit/remove funding of MIL
Closure of US MIL installations WW [Germany 1st]
Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1-59
I will decode any part of this for anyone who has questions…..I hope. Hahaha
The scary part for me is that I knew or suspected most of that – but thought I was alone. The MSM really did a number on us.
Not alone, but our numbers are still too few.

All we need is 3% though.
I concur. Great comment!
I struggle with x-wray though. Need to put in more time on him with research and attention to detail.
That thing that Wray said about ‘un-ring that bell’ was an indicator to me that Wray might be playing a role in this movie.
I forget which congressman asked him the question, Goodlatte maybe…but it was about re-opening the investigation about Hillary’s server.
Wray said:
“If he were to conclude that that’s what happened, then I think at that point we’re in a situation where we have to assess what else might need to be done to un-ring that bell if you will…”
Wray was referring to the IG Horrowitz concluding that there was political bias going on in the FBI, during the Hillary email investigation.
IIRC, Wray then said that he would elaborate further behind closed doors.
That was before the IG report came out…and as we know, when it came out, Wray beclowned himself with that stupid statement about “bias training”.
But I think there is a chance…just a chance, mind you…that Wray could’ve been an unwilling player in the widespread wrongdoing that has gone on in the DOJ/FBI under the previous administrations.
Q hasn’t said a lot about Wray, but he hasn’t put him in [brackets] either.
If Wray is helping the good guys clean up the mess, by telling them what he knows…then they may be giving him a way to redeem himself.
It takes Two Witnesses to prosecute a traitor for the crime of Treason.
And the higher up the food chain those witnesses are…the better.
Great comment. I am still holding out some hope for Wray. This seems like a reasonable explanation – that he was not so much a black hat as a dupe – and DUPES can be prize informants once they become aware that they HAVE been duped.
“Duped”…or forced to go along with what their superiors were doing.
Being a whistle-blower gets you dead, when you are looking at the high-level treachery that was going on.
In the years before Trump, there was literally nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
It is still very dangerous to ‘know too much’ about what these traitors did.
But at least now…whistleblowers can get some protection.
Wray may have already let it be known, that he has signed affidavits attesting to what he was witness to…affidavits that will be admissible, even if something ‘happens’ to him.
In which event, Wray’s untimely demise would only serve to strengthen his written accounts.
Exactly! Wow. He could have gone before a GJ already.
Great output wheatie, and nice attention to detail on wray. Still lower case for now, lol.
One thing that’s certain, with our VSG President there will remain a lot of mystery until the hammer drops. I feel near certain that it will be Sessions who drops it, but… that amount of mystery intrigues me too. I really hope it is. We will need a true Patriot left standing, and TWO would be much better. Here’s to hoping Wray is standing beside him. Cap for hope.
Trying to soothe the savage beasties, hey Wolfie? The Treepers seem to be the most united set on the Internet, but have a go at it!
Q and the Anons appear to me as another marketing force to inform and/or attract present and/or potential PDJT supporters who may be disappointed that real life politics doesn’t work as quickly as The West Wing or Scandal or the latest crime novel. It is, like Twitter, a newer tool for communicating, especially when the LSM has shut down ANY attempts at conservative dialogue. Frankly, I’ve been amazed at how many lifelong liberal Democrats and Rockefeller Republicans are fervent supporters of President Trump, if not prior to his election, as of 2018.
Good wishes with your new venture! The battle for MAGA goes on…!
Thanks, and much appreciated. Great thoughts there.
Yes – Q has an interesting audience, but it’s clearly good for MAGA, and I have sympathy for those in Theater 17, when I see people trying to stop the projector! I need SD far more than Q, but I have learned SO much from Q, too, that I think it’s possible to help both this way.
Yes! The battle goes one!!!
I agree–I love CTH and have learned so much from Sundance. But I have learned much more about global and international issues from Q. It seems most Sessions holdouts on CTH also follow Q.
Sundance has said little about Q until the last day or so, and I was disappointed at his disparaging comments about Q today. So I will not comment about Q on CTH again. Glad you made this blog available Wolfmoon. Thanks !
You’re welcome! Yes – I’ve learned so much from Q and SD, and a lot of others who have issues with each other – that’s OK – I’m good with them all! They get along nicely in my head!
I really like & appreciate your perspective here. I have a number of eclectic viewpoints that pollinate the corridors of my mental garden…but I’ll never be satisfied with just one crop flourishing in only one season!
Congrats and thanks for founding this site, Wolf. While I can’t say that I understand Q, I totally enjoy reading others’ interpretation of his posts, and sometimes even try to figure them out myself.
Thank you! And really good, because I’m a great explainer of Q, but rarely on CTH – usually in personal discussions on Twitter. This way I can help people understand some of the things that maybe don’t make as much sense. And I do think a lot of fellow Treepers will be able to explain things much more fully here, and without worrying about drawing FLAK from Soros trolls, who I will boot immediately. We won’t allow any of that here.
This is not a site for basic decisions about whether or not to “stop making fun of Q-tards”. This is a site for advanced understanding of Q. Many of the people who mock Q on the Treehouse will be banned instantly.
Treehouse standards. Q is the center of focus. Very simple.
So glad to hear you say that Wolf.
God Bless you and yours.
This is an excellent idea, Wolfmoon. Q people need a place to chat. I no longer do twitter or facebook, so a blog is great for me to interact on. While I like the Treehouse a lot, I find it somewhat disturbing that more people (admittedly trolls for the most part) now hit at each other over their disagreements rather than pass a comment by.
I’ve been following Q for a while now and we tune into Praying Medic regularly for his insights. I very much appreciate that you have made a space for Q followers.
BTW, WordPress has a good history for leaving politics out of it. Anthony Watts of Watts Up With That (WUWT – fighting climate change nonsense) talked some years ago of how hacks and other attacks can’t get through to a WordPress site and also how they can handle large volumes of traffic, which is why he uses them. That stuck in my mind. As far as I know, he’s never been foiled by the enemy.
Cheers to you. I have bookmarked this site and will be a regular. Now to look at and appreciate your other link…
Thank you – great post! Hope to see you here regularly! And totally agreed about WordPress security. If it worked for the climate guys and Sundance, it will work for me. I mean US!!!
Hey Wolfmoon – Just saw your contact page. Haha – Neat! I love it. Okay, any chance of an open page every week or so for open chat? Or just when nothing much else is happening? I don’t want to go off-topic on any thread already up. I sometimes just feel a need for my buddies here and to be able to talk within the realm of general topics or just say “Hi”.
Will do. Can’t right now, but soon!!!
Thanks, Wolfmoon. That’s good enough for me.
I just saw the contact page also. It cracked me up.
I gotta go take a look – I forgot what I put there!
“You’ve got to be kidding.” paraphrased maybe
LOL! Oh, yeah – that was fun!!!
Hello A.D.!
Nice to see you here as well…
Thank you. Great to see you here too.
AMEN!! Esp about booting out the trolls. That’s a relief! They are really annoying.
Thank you for this Q site.:)
I fallow prayingmedic for the Q stuff and now there is another site. Good to have a truth filter in wolfmoon.
You’re welcome! I tend to be cautiously speculative, which I think is a good thing for filtering truth, but allowing people to explore possibilities. As I tend to think a lot like Praying Medic, there is some chance we’ll end up sounding dittoish, but still I hope that we will overall bring something new to the table, and thus sharpen the vision of MAGA as a whole.
Wolfie! It’s great of you to take this on besides all your great contributions at the Treehouse. I just happened to stumble onto Q at the very beginning and thought, “What a great way to get young’uns involved and contributing.” And shame on reddit for banning all Q subreddits. Never thought I’d see something like that in the good ol’ USofA. So ThanQ for picking up the banner. And best of luck!
Thank YOU!!! Very much appreciated.
Yes, we’re probably causing SOMEBODY a headache, but honestly, for closing that subreddit, the DESERVE a new headache!
Hey Wolfmoon, just letting you know I think you will make (for them) an excellent headache.
Yep. Things just got worse!
I can hear all the Howling in DC—–

And the reddit ban seems to have gone completely unnoticed by the allies…sad that.
And while I’m posting to you EV will give thanks to wolfmoon for the site because I have to get to bed. I’m not a great follower of Q but I’ve sympathy for the Romanov’s and I’ll try not to be a burden to all.
Ackk! WordPress is so unforgiving… once posted it stays… edit is always another post.
wolf, I have been branching on CTH for ab two years. I have an interest in Q, but I confess I have been confused by Treeper reactions, to include both the derision and enthusiasm of many long-timers.
I welcome this opportunity to explore the Q postings in a friendly micro-environment.
I have inhabited The_Donald for the enriching comments, and remain open-minded to the idea that different forums address many potential audiences which are all essentially MAGA.
Thanks so much for this your effort clarify and enhance our perspectives.
And thank YOU for a great post there! Hopefully some discussion will help lessen some of the confusion. A wonderful possibility!
wolf, I am looking forward to the type of clarification/discussion I have grown to love on The Treehouse.
Again, thank you for this effort.
And yes – we need that kind of discussion. I think in some ways that will help validate thinking. My prediction now (current hypothesis) is that our interpretations will be closest to Praying Medic overall, but will a lot of Treehouse perspective. Not a bad place to be, IMO.
Hi Wolf,
I have to say, I have just a few places of refuge to get clear and concise information. CTH, TGP, Praying Medic, TW, Rex, James Woods, the Pres etc.
I’m fascinated by the opposed views about Q amongst treepers. There is real tension between believers and non believers. SD has his position and tbh, I wouldn’t want a debate him about why he is right or wrong on Q.
So it makes sense to me, to have a place to discuss Q, without feeling I am disrespecting SD great site.
I’m also pleased to come aboard your new site, if you’ll have me, and add it to my fave places of refuge/sanity!
Thanks, and remember, from little acorns, grow great big oak trees!
Thank you and God bless – love your comment! I think we are following the same people – you will fit right in here, I’m sure!
And YES – maybe this acorn will have an exciting future!
Btw, what views do fellow posters here have about the crumb about Jeff Sessions seeking clarification from the SC on requesting clarification on when it would be appropriate to unrecuse himself?
That’s a great topic for a post tomorrow, as well as some discussion right here. I’m not sure about that, but I think it has HUGE bearing on what is happening right now.
Dragged this post over from the Tree house where I posted it tonight.
para59r says:
September 19, 2018 at 12:25 am
In Q’s case being absolute could mean exposure. Ever notice that his proofs can only run so far. That his drops are are just a tad off from someone elses? He needs the validation but can’t really afford it. Does it really bother anyone that his bombs don’t seem to have the desired effect when neither do ours.
Trust Sessions, Trust Wray is not really the point. It’s trust the VSG in the White House who has trusted Sessions, and has trusted Wray.
If we remember back far enough at one point the Tree House thought Mueller was a good idea. Times change, fog clears and when it does we get ourselves back in order and push on. Some though might seem still to far out on the flank, still running with the old plan, or working with a copy we don’t have, seemingly out of touch but they’re watching from their lofty heights and laying down what fire they can as we saps in the trenches grind on toward the objective.
Q’s a phantom force and just like an army we have a certain antipathy for the air force, their objectives vs ours. They’re carving up a larger swath of land taking the battle deep in unwinnable territory to soften the enemy’s support, to disrupt what they can, as opposed to our closer more defined objectives, where the battle grinds on and success is measured daily in meters and yards, but its all the same war and were all on the same side.
Now when we finally take that hill, Q and others are going to point out the other hills yet taken. This fight has no end.
That is so true…This fight has no end. We will always have to stand guard….be the gatekeeper of the Constitution…Stand at the gap….etc.
It is why we almost lost our country. People rather play than stand watch at the Federal Gov’t.
I found Sundance one month after Candidate Trump announced his run for president and said that magic word, “WALL”.. Sundance’s articles saved our sanity.
A couple months later I saw FBIAnon and followed it, too. It’s where I found out about pizzagate. I couldn’t sleep for several months, but we had to know the truth or else we wouldn’t be able to accept the truth later when all h*ll will break out..
FBIAnon stopped posting and WHAnon showed up for a short run. It faded away, then Q made its entrance, giving us hope to move forward. Whether Q is real or not, it did help us to understand what is happening. But I wasn’t able to stay with Q due to distractions in life. This site will help me and others to catch up, and understand it better. too.
I have thought that FBIAnon was an alpha or beta test for QAnon. A lot of overlap and general continuity of themes. FBIAnon really helped me see a LOT. I was very grateful for that poster.
This might be way out there, but during Obama’s usurpation (I’ve never referred to BHO using the P word unless in quotation marks) I used to read some fascinating articles at Canada Free Press by Doug Hagmann (sp?) who had some compeling & alarming info from various insiders like DHS insider, I think. I wonder if some of the material he was unearthing was/is along the lines of Q material. If memory serves he had archives of his material in several locations with “dead man” triggers in case he was taken out–another form of “insurance policy”…I think the Haggmans, father & son, have some type of podcast/internet radio program now? called “The Haggman Report”–in case you’ve never heard of them…
Valerie, I have listened to that program. My friend Brannon Howse of the ministry called Worldview Weekend has appeared as a guest there. You might like Brannon’s ministry. Wolfie, I have never heard of fbi anon. Wonder how I missed him.
Interesting & glad to hear of a real world connection. I’ve never heard the program myself, just ran across info about it elsewhere. I tend to be partial to reading rather than watching or listening online…Blessings!
Replied back to Wolfmoon–yes, looking back I felt it was a dry run to see how well the people would take it, and to fine tune their method (oops, there’s that word from “source and method”-ha) of catching our attention and staying with them.
Do you mind if I just put this into a post under your byline for people to discuss? It has some nice general ideas to think about!
Back late. But no, I don’t mind.
Thanks! Will try to get it up later!
“If we remember back far enough at one point the Tree House thought Mueller was a good idea.”
Yes, I remember…and Rosenstein was a good guy & acting as a “referee”.
Wheatie, it couldn’t have been more than about five minutes that I thought either of those was a good idea. It was over with me in the blink of an eye when I saw where they were going.
Keeping my hat on until validated or not, but if it is true and JS is making enquiries, wow, that would blow my hat and socks off!
Apologies, this post should have followed on from WM’s reply to my question re Jeff Sessions wringing to the Supreme Court
Yes. Very much so. BOOM!
That will be fun to watch, as long as your pants stays on….LoL
Don’t worry GC, Ill hitch my belt up a couple o’ notches, I wouldn’t want to scare off the natives lol :0)
HA! Oh, my!
Whew! But then if the natives are Dem-Coms…..maybe…aaaah… naah…
You’ve thought about this I’m sure.
Oh yes. But I’m not the only person who has thought of it. And some of those who are thinking of the problem – their toolbox – it dwarfs my world.
Best of luck with your endeavor Wolf! I’ve appreciated your insightful posts @ CTH, and look forward to open-minded discussion of Q’s posts. Bet you will be kept busy, but it will hopefully be rewarding work. MAGA/KAG!
Thank you! Yeah, I think I just bit off a mouthful! But MAGA and KAG are rewarding, so yes – let’s do it!!!
Thanks for stopping in!
Hi Wolfie!
I just posted a comment below…but it’s in Moderation.
No idea what I said that displeased our WP overlords.
Anyway…thanks for creating this place for us to discuss Q!
No problem – hopefully your auto-approval kicks in shortly. That’s a WP “feature” for a new site. I’m starting to see all the “behind the green curtain” that Sundance has had to deal with! Also see why WP is such a great choice for a site, too!
Very glad you’re here – please make yourself at home!!!
Be careful what you ask for …you’re going to be a very busy man (forgive me for assuming your gender).
This site will definitely fill a particular niche. For example , I subscribed to Reddit’s The Great Awakening and found the group think to be unhospitable to debate. Likewise , I witness the ridicule Q followers endure at my favorite site The Conservative Treehouse.
My personal view:
Is Q a legit IC member(s) ? Maybe ….I would read the Q posts regardless if a claim to IC was made.
To me, Q is all about the enticement of research…the crowdsourcing of individuals who want to destroy the deep state and MAGA.
The Q movement may divide some conservatives while on the internet …however , I believe Q will have a net positive at the voting booth.
The Q movement , like Alex Jones (who was also ridiculed by some at the CTH ) played an integral role during the primaries and election. Infowars motivated many apolitical listeners to vote for Candidate Trump. Infowars may have made the difference in Wisconsin , Penn and Michigan …hard to quantify.
I quit listening to Alex Jones prior to Q’s dismissive posts of Alex .. which I find fascinating…future discussion.
wolfmoon1776 , I thank you for providing this site . MAGA !
Great comments! I look forward to your contributions!!! And yes – busy. Yup. I think you’re right. LOL!
Thank you so much for doing this, Wolfie!
It will be wonderful to have a place to discuss Q drops and try to figure out what they mean.
I lurk over at the 8chan Q-research board…but I don’t post there.
It’s a great place, though.
Something I noticed there today, about the Docs and Text Messages that were ordered declassified…was speculation that there might be some talk about “assassination” in the texts.
The Anons were remembering that Nunes had said one time, after being pressed about what was in them…and was it about ‘treason’.
Nunes had said…”worse”.
Plotting to remove a President by framing him for a ‘crime’ he didn’t commit, is bad.
But plotting to assassinate him would be even worse!
The Dems are definitely in a Panic…and trying everything they can to stop the release.
So…it must be bad bad bad.
Thanks again, Wolf…for creating this place!
This will be great.
You’re welcome!
If what you are saying is true, then the other side will be glad I created this site.
Why? Because I’m extremely good at ferreting out TRUE INTENT – at reading between the lines. If people were “just joking” about things like assassination, I will call them as I see them – not for fake political gain. My final check on things is always the saying “There, but for the grace of God, go I.”
It’s not really a completely defensible thing for professionals to joke about such things, although people do it. If I was in such text convos, you would likely see me being the stiff reminding people that it was our job to defend [whoever] to the best of our abilities. Probably followed by a lot of jokes and laughter, including my own. So I can’t guarantee that I would never be flippant, too, about this or that. I can be very cynical and sarcastic in text messages at times. I have to be honest about that.
Despite my attitudes toward commie Obama, there was never even a question that I would have taken a bullet (or a lot of them) to defend him. The office of POTUS *IS* the Constitution. Anybody who would not defend Obama is not worthy of defending Trump, either.
All that said, we may see nasty stuff. We have to be TRUTHFUL about it. If we are, this may be good for everybody, in that cleaning up the damage will be good for all.
SO – “bring us the body of the text”!!!
I am more concerned about the actual plot to frame POTUS, not about such jokes, ALTHOUGH I think it’s a good thing to get those out.
WHY? Because doing so will cause hidden plots to be CALLED OFF. That is my belief about why it’s crucial to show this stuff.
Seeing Drudge’s Putin sniper rifle pic doesn’t add to any comfort on this. Not a dig on Drudge, he just posts things that people should be aware of (my take).
Thanks! I had missed that! Snagged a copy for posterity.
Late comer to the party.
Great idea W. Though we’ve probably all done it, it wasn’t really fair going against SD’s wishes and posting Q stuff on TCTH.
And it the competition is still open ………. QTH can also mean location, so WQTH could mean Wolf’s place.
“Wolf’s location” – THAT is pretty cool!
TBH, an accident, but not completely. This is a pretty interesting insight into how human logic works. One person’s unconscious mind expresses the conscious logic of another.
I did add the W because QTH was already “taken”, so in essence you are correct – I followed the path of looking at “QTH” and then added “W” because QTH was “used” by Ham Radio and I wanted to move away from that. I didn’t bother to see what it meant – I just reacted to it being used. WQTH seemed to be unused as a radio station (perhaps for the same reason), so I grabbed it for us.
Outcome same, but hidden reasoning followed ONE PATH to get there.
Ham radio mentioned & all I see is Nellie Ohr & her “5 mile” radius activities…by the way, there’s amazing info on that & much more at Ya’acov Apelbaum’s “Mechanics of Deception” post…If you haven’t seen it here’s the link:
This was/is pretty ground-breaking work that deserves detailed examination by people with skills & knowledge beyond my own…Regards!
This is great! Im about sick of the q bashing, disinformation & bad vibes of the treehouse. In less than 1 year it has become a sewer. Hopefully sylvia and her shovel join the party to! Keep up the good work wolfie! Your message is getting through into the rural cornfields of eastern iowa!
I’ll just say in defense of the Treehouse that it is under tremendous assault, and one of the enemy’s tactics is to use Q as a wedge issue, THEN as an excuse to shut the Treehouse down, thwarting research. THAT cannot be allowed to happen, and it cannot happen now.
Have a great day!
We now have a place for Treepers to discuss Q without fear of Soros trolls. If they shut US down, they are only shutting ME down. NOT the Treehouse.
Speaking of Sylvia, I haven’t seen her nor her shovel at CTH in quite some time, and I still look through most of thr Presidential Daily thread.
Thank you Wolfmoon1776 for adding another full-time job to your repertoire. I believe including Q is very, very important, if done so without unthinking allegiance. My understanding of Q is that “it” (he/she/they) is to open (blow open) the closed avenues for feeling, thinking, acting — but especially for exercising that American virtue, the Epistemophilic Instinct, the passionate, never=ending,often painful, search for truth(s). I have appreciated Q, and Praying Medic for taking the time to attempt to explore Q’s possibilities. I am looking forward to visiting this blog daily, too. Treepers are awesome.
Thank you, and welcome aboard! Great comment! I think we see this very similarly. I hope that TREEPERS discussing Q in a place where it cannot be weaponized against the Treehouse will bring a lot of smart thought to the subject – WIN, WIN!
Welcome fellow autists!

Trust the plan
Follow the wives
Ahh its nice to be in the friendly
confines. This word press is going to take some figuring out but its worth it. I never posted on the cth because of the fear of reprimand. Hopefully that wont be a problem here.
No reprimand here! We will follow Treehouse rules, to a large extent, but our focus will be Q. Because we’re allied with CTH, I won’t allow enemies of CTH to weaponize this site against CTH – defending CTH by providing a “Q space” is the whole idea of creating the site. But I will still encourage people to speak freely but respectfully regarding our alma mater.
I applaud your raison d’etre for this endeavor. I scope out a variety of sites but rarely read their comments section, but quite recently I just happened upon a random comments page with a post that favorably mentioned the Treehouse that was met with a response that said “Sundance is Q”(!!!).Now if there’s one shill out there spreading this poison, there must be many more grinding the same axe for their paymasters. As we know, there are lots of faux pro-Trumpers and faux pro-Q shills out there earning a living by spreading disinformation, divisiveness, defeatism, and other negativity. It’s these pernicious trolls who engaged in unrelenting efforts that eventually cost us The Great Awakening. So it’s no coincidence that we’ve seen these past few days a marked upswing in ostensibly pro-Q posts on Treehouse comments pages, postings that are actually shill-troll provocations intended to sabotage and “tar the Treehouse with the Q brush”.
Yes! You see the conundrum clearly. I hope people read and re-read your post here to understand how this works.
Timing is everything, and trying to trip up the timings of different streams of support for MAGA is definitely a “thing” from the other side.
MAGA unity must adhere to MAGA values – particularly INDEPENDENCE – to remain MAGA. We are chain mail, and we will not allow them to find, create, or target any breaches. I trust my gut on things, and my gut says don’t allow them any opportunity to sow division. Instead, take it on OFFENSE and create TWO PROBLEMS for the other side.
“We are chain mail” presumably you mean this kind…Blessings!
Great news, Wolfman. Congratulations and may success be your reward.
I see many familiar names on this initial posting. Imagine that.
The CTH has been my go-to since Mr. Trump announced and convinced me that he would win.
Enjoyed all your comments on CTH and look forward to following your newest endeavor.
Thanks! Very much appreciate your comments! Yes, CTH will be my home base, but I view this a bit like spreading the Treehouse influence – cannot be a bad thing at all! Please feel free to comment here often – hopefully your auto-approval by WP will commence shortly!
Best of luck with this launch!!
After reading SD’s take on Q, I was floored.
Further down the page, I agreed with Redleg.
I do hope that SD had good reason for doing so (i.e., protecting the site from those wishing to smear all platforms which post Q, or using disinfo for some unknown coordinated plan, or something else).
Thanks for launching this “sub” site! I’ll be checking in …
Thank you for stopping by! Hopefully “auto-approve” will kick in momentarily!
Yes – there is much game afoot. I will do my utmost to keep ALL channels of truth open, even as we critically evaluate all of them, working toward greater MAGA.
I wonder if anybody here knows about Puppet String News, a pro-Trump, MAGA blog, “Anti msm news, Created by a US NAVY vet.” It’s one of a handful of sites that I look in on regularly. It frequently cites and sometimes re-posts Q drops and doesn’t conflate “Q” with “Qanon”.
What a great site! I LOVE that the State Department (as in TRUMP State Department) is referring this to the OIG!!! OMG – THAT is wonderful.
That means DSA infiltration is GOING TO HUBER!!! WHOA!!!
Wolfmoon or anyone else, can anyone post info about Betsy DeVos and G20 and how she is pushing the U.N. internationalist agenda for education, which is communism? This is very dangerous, same sort of thing as was done under Reagan (see the book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America). I wish I could post links.
I’ll talk about DeVos later. She is a very difficult topic. There is an enormous amount of smoke and mirrors there. It will take an entire post to clear it up. My only advice until then is to watch her HANDS closely, particularly in regards to the TRUMP agenda. Watch those KEY items. Analyze the BIG DECISIONS (often STAND-DOWNS) that she has made. Don’t accept what is SAID of her, either pro or con. That is the only way I have found to cut through the smoke and mirrors. Look at the undeniable outcome of key decisions, and see what that does.
We should be due for more soon. She’s like a volcano. Periodic random eruptions of MAGmA, but often concealed in smoke and ashes.
Thank you, Wolfmoon. I don’t know wht to think about her. I very much dislike the U.N. and agenda 21 2130, but I believe I can trust you so will go with your advice until I have reason to question it.
I keep a very wary eye on anything “UN”, so if I felt she was promoting their agenda, I would be setting off alarm bells. I get the feeling that DeVos’ strategy is to pick her battles VERY carefully.
The way she fired that horrible Obama Marxist James Runcie (brother of the #Parkland conspirator Robert Runcie) was by simply not letting him get out of testifying to Congress when they asked him. Runcie QUIT rather than testify. THAT was pure DeVos. She goes for big wins by small moves that don’t leave the other side any actionable options. She allows the ground to fall out from under the leftists, but she leaves up wallpaper that soothes them. The thing to watch for is whether the UN stuff is ground or wallpaper. If it’s ground, my bet is that it will take a fall into the abyss at an opportune moment.
The left has used a VERY sophisticated whisper campaign against her. But not sophisticated enough to stand up to my own scrutiny. She had given Trump HUGE wins on due process. Thus, I think she has earned her keep. But will she keep producing? Trump NEVER lets anybody slack off. So I hope to see her name back in the paper with good news soon. She’s due for more leftist tears.
Thank you, Wolfmoon. I trust you to be on the watch. Afraid it isn’t only some on the left that don’t trust her. Assume you have studied her history, her roots. I’m just wary, but I think you could be right, and you have sources of info that I do not.
I’ve done many a deep dive on her actions under Trump. There is a lot of stuff most people don’t know. But I need to freshen those. Been too busy on other stuff, sadly.
Remember – nothing says that O’Keefe is putting ALL of his stuff from this woman online. I’m sure there will be plenty of stuff to pin her down when she lies to the OIG.
That’d certainly be the smart way to work it.
For exactly the opposite reason (ironically) cops don’t tell the media everything about a case, so when nutjobs call to confess, they don’t know everything and cops can dismiss them out of hand.
Excellent strategy there!
Just checked it out. Now bookmarked. TY 6079 Smith.
Regarding this Q post……………………..
Does anyone know what the 1&2 mean please?
I believe that if 1 and 2 are based on position first and seniority second (the way they are listed in Wikipedia), then it would be Roberts = 1 and Thomas = 2.
Thanks, Wolf…I was hoping that’s what “1&2” meant but wasn’t sure.
I’ve seen comments where people are scoffing at this Q post, saying that it ‘couldn’t happen’.
But I don’t see why not.
Sessions could’ve just been seeking clarification on what constituted grounds for un-recusing himself.
Seems plausible to me.
I commented on the Treehouse how Trump’s approach here is absolutely the best. He MUST aim to fire Jeff Sessions after the midterms. [super tiny print: unless he changes his mind for some reason]
Yep…Sessions is “failing” the Pres because that is what it takes for the Dems to love Sessions.
That could very well be.

Nevertheless, what happens when your man who takes out the enemy guard suddenly has a knife at HIS back? A knife that could not possibly be there?
Sorry, the mission will be achieved. If the man fails to complete his task by the designated time, the MOAB FALLS and the enemy fortress is destroyed.
We will win, and we will win more, and we will keep on winning.
There may be casualties. Heroes know it going in.
Thanks for that information, exciting. The two top men have agreed that in veiw of what is now known Mr.Sessions has grounds to unrecuse himself. Will he anounce his decision I wonder or just qietly get to work in stealth mode.
I don’t know – I think this really depends on the proper reading, and I’m not sure if I’m reading it properly. I’m going to say “show me” on the idea of any kind of grand “derecusal”. I suspect it’s still very specific.
“]Sessions[” may be a very accurate symbolic metaphor on narrowness.
I think the SPECIFIC interpretation of what it allows Sessions to do (or WILL allow him to do) is uncertain, and frankly I would believe Sundance or Joe diGenova on specifics, more than I would trust any specific interpretation from the Q crowd, which is filled with (in my opinion) deflection voices, as well as honest interpretations. I would imagine that whatever SCOTUS either has decided or will decide (timing) is going to be very specific and tied to the evidence that came before Sessions and SCOTUS.
What I’m thinking is that Sessions may have “played the recusal card” which he held onto for a long time and did not use against these people, until a lot of evidence was public, thus creating a firestorm if they try anything. But what that ALLOWS Sessions to do is likely very finely constructed. Q has hinted at that earlier.
Need popcorn. Something is afoot. You may be right about stealth mode.
Just had another thought, the bad people will be following this story too and they’ll now have to assume he’s on their case even if he isn’t.
Good thought.
Personally, I think the WORST of these people are well ahead of Q in terms of knowing their guilt is known to the White Hats, and that the Q thing is all about knowing how much of their stuff has basically become “public”, which changes their calculations. Q is the edge of publicity, and that forces their hand in different ways.
That would be the smartest move.
You are correct and an Anon from 8chan suggested that the discussion on the recusal was not about Sessions but that it may refer to the two Supremes that Huessein appointed because the material that has been declassified may show that they are involved in something nefarious. I am still mulling over that one.
Q didn’t dispute it……but it’s interesting to ponder.
Interesting alternative theory!
That would be a “holy cow!” moment.
Congressman Meadow’s October 31 letter to FISA Court Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer again raised for me the question why no one has been punished for filing false or misleading FISA applications. One possibility is that there are judges who are black hats in this drama.
And while this is probably not connected to Q’s references to SC Justices 1&2, Judge Rudolph Contreras recusal immediately after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea raised questions that have not yet been addressed.
[…] https://wqth.wordpress.com/2018/09/18/the-q-tree/ […]
After the obama care fiasco ive wondered if roberts has been comprimised by the swamp? I would also be curious as to the thoughts on the untimely death of skalia?
I think we’ll be learning more soon.
Thank you and great to see you here! Sorry for the delay in responding – it’s an exciting night! Stuff hitting the fan – every blade!!!
I can’t believe I somehow missed this entire thread until now. Guess I’m a day late and a dollar short.
LOL! It’s getting to be a mess here! Please feel free to browse the archives and find stuff! Great way to navigate for now!
God bless our PrayingMedic.
Enjoy today’s drop (#2210), in which the mighty Q puts the kabosh on the Sessions-bashing “experts”!
That’s an epic Q-post, isn’t it.
It addresses all the various talking points of the Sessions-bashers.
Love that post. Q is clearly of the opinion that a Congressional push for a special counsel is not needed, and his arguments always center on that – on how HUBER is the big deal. Speaking of which…. have you seen Rubio lately? Last time I saw him on camera – STRANGE. I have theories.

The anti-Q demoralization and wedge trolls at the Treehouse really took advantage of the need for POTUS (and Sundance) to go after Sessions, so they could dump on the pro-Q Treepers over “Trust Sessions”. Sundance helped with that reference to Q and the Twitter-thread pundits. But he’s right. We have to prepare for Sessions’ failure. It’s not an option to do otherwise. That is of PRIMARY importance now.
“Trust Sessions” was great when Huber became public knowledge, but now that Trump has to go after Sessions, it’s haunting us. And the Q-hate trolls were just sharpening their knives to start a fight on the Treehouse to egg SD into banning us. THAT was their goal. Sad.
“Well, just wait a week in Trump time. Look stupid and conned by Trump one minute, and you look like a sage three days later.”
Complicated business.
Scott467 posted a nice review of the situation yesterday…
Gonna try to use some new emojis – see if they work on here. I got heart to work!
All of these apply to that post!
word – colons – symbol
heart :heart: <3
beer :beer: none
wine :wine: none
clinking_mugs :clinkingmugs: none
The only flaw in Scott’s post that I took note of is that Trump can deny Q but that could be to protect Q. Only Q coming out could satisfy questions about Q and that time may never come. Other than that, Scott was great!
Good point. As always with covert programs the plausible deniability makes pinning anything down harder than nailing into a wall of jello.
I think Scott’s writing and his range of thought are amazing, even when I disagree with him. He and G.Combs make me think hard about things that matter.
Blade said a few things as well.
I’ve gotten some interesting notions from Blade.
blondegator posted a great meme:
OMG – that’s absolutely hysterical!!!
And you know something? That place next to Lincoln is just PERFECT for Trump!
You have been busy.
Not sure when I’m going to get the time to catch up on my reading.
Hat tip Wolfman for doing this.
Great to see alot of like minded old names from the TreeHouse already on board.
I’ve found Q to be most insightful and without going into detail now, have a strong suspicion that he/she/they know way too much to not being in the know at the highest levels.
Sundance has really turned on Sessions. His most recent negative posts against Q seemed to founded much on his current opinion that Sessions is doing nothing behind the scenes where Q has firmly stated repeatedly that Sessions and Huber have been been very busy and have everything under control.
Q remains all in with Sessions and Q’s credibility will hinge on what ever ends up happening with Sessions and Huber going forward.
I’m rooting for Q and hope Sundance will humbly have to eat some humble pie in regards to Q but only because Q’s stated outcome would be the best outcome for my country.
I look forward to spending time here in your Blog, Wolfman1776 and thanks for doing this..
Thanks! Yes – the play is getting very complicated right now. Somebody will have to say “aw, shucks” later. Who will it be? Some disinformation necessary? Or unnecessary? Many questions!
Just know this – I am 100% behind Sundance on the need to prepare to fire Sessions. His position needs to be NUKED after the midterms, barring massive arrests. This prevents Sessions from being held hostage or controlled.
We NUKE DOJ ON SCHEDULE. Sessions either produces or he’s GONE.
This is #WAR. There will be casualties – people like Flynn, Bannon, Gorka, Cohen-Watnick, Higgins, McMaster, Tillerson, etc. Sessions is next on the hot seat.
This is a hell of a fight, and good people will go down when they are caught behind enemy lines, trapped into inaction, etc. Doesn’t always mean they don’t come back.
Yes, I trust Sessions. And I trust him to understand that the flash in the sky is nothing personal. The contagion will be contained. Then destroyed. ON SCHEDULE.
What side does Sessions want to be on when everything eventually comes out. With his history it sure seems he will do the right thing. However with the massive spying that was conducted on what appears to be anyone in a postion of power, perhaps Sessions has some damaging skeletons in his closets. All should be known in the next 6 months and my money is still on Sessions being a good guy, although I will humbly eat my humble pie when the time comes and Sessions ends up being just another deep state POS.
I think he’s a good guy, too. But I also think he was a honeypot for the other side’s attacks, and they DID attack – BIGLY!!!
Per Q drop #2204 , we can expect AG Sessions will unrecuse.Then we will see that all those who have rushed to judgment about Sessions have been snookered once again into dancing to Trump’s tune. Also, I think Blade’s analysis posted yesterday on Treehouse — that Sessions recusal was the spanner-in-the-works that sabotaged the enemy’s Watergate-impeachment plan — is spot-on.
* * *
September 17
* * *
“Ev’ry morning, ev’ry evening / Ain’t we got fun?”
I think you’ll find that posting an “article” at the beginning of each day will serve you, and us, well.
The follow-up is key! Find a rhythm, and stick to it. And, present a topic for us to focus on and discuss.
Now that you’ve gotten a wonderful initial response, don’t take it for granted!
Happy to see that your trust-quotient carries over. I don’t always agree with you – but the proportion is in your favor.
I’m also glad, along with other “marginalized” Treepers, to be able to discuss Q without fear of reprisal, derision, and smear.
Cult. Emotional. Devoid of science.
I read recently that the Washington COMPOST … seems to agree with what was said “elsewhere”. Again, I hope there’s a good reason!
Perhaps one tactic could be giving your “oversight” of some of the various decode bloggers – a summary, and critique, as it were, of others who are patriots (or PAYtriots!).
Thoughts for thinking about …
Thanks! Very much worth thinking about!!!
Yes. Wolf,
One principle i practice is intellectual humility.
my skills and knowledge base are limited, ergo I am Q agnostic”, but committed to learning.
As transparency continues to amass found findings of fact, a threshold is crossed. A critical mass of knowns rises to synthesis, awakening. This worthy endeavor seems to describe the Q community.
Im not qualified to comment on content, but welcome insights from our Treeper Refuge, a precious trust of people who I know share the greater goal, to unleash transparency, MAGA and support President Trump’s Big Agenda.
a Q illiterate, thus silent, am I welcome to visit?
But of course!

Absolutely. I think you may even find it easier to speak your peace here, than elsewhere.
What I learned from Sundance is that research is the key – that which harms it, or turns it to successful but self-destructive ends, is all that needs to be removed. That is the way a functioning scientific community functions. I may have to prune this branch on occasion, but not of what bears good fruit!
Ann, I for one, hope you Do visit. I like your humility and your style, the way you express yourself. It is refreshing. Wonder if you are a letter-writer.
T hank you. I can be quite naive : curated sites and a community of trusted knowledgeable people whose core values and beliefs i.share, including the freedom to dissent .
ex Ihe early days of muh Russia xenophobia begat a ludicrous cadre of Progressivist Bigots: American traditionalist perspective was/is conflated with Russian Tools. In reality, the Trotsky Left has always been Internationalists ,the DNC Globalists accusers fit nicely under that umbrella in my.humble opinion
Go to top of the page and find the “home” button. This is not it.
Trusts you already did it. This is incase you did not.
Good luck. Sees you on the otherside if i ever get out of work.
Para, kind of you, I shall. See you over there. Thank you for the help.
Posting this under Ann, but its for others as well, though I’m addressing this to Wolf. I don’t think everyone caught your three links up top under “Related Links” that would bring them to the new page (hit one and then hit “home” new site is not what you may have book marked.
I’m not seeing that Ann came over and there are lot of other posters that don’t seem to have come over. I was thinking the page stopped here till I hit one of those… I only found it this morning before I went to work.
Good to know para. I shall not wait for new post notifications to visit wolf’s site.
Para, I’m not understanding about hitting 1. Not tech savvy, I have Windows 7. Oh, well.
Windows 7 was a great OS!
Lol, guess that’s true, Wolf.
Ann, you could be describing me, with the exception that I pretty mich “buy” Q, especially after all the hit pieces on Q.
Dark to light certainly seems to be one of Q’s higher and shared ambitions/themes.
That is pre Q, #TrumpTheEstablishment Speech given sometime before the election. Most are familiar with it. Q and the Qanons go back much farther to reinforce this. It’s a wide net and its pulled in tighter than ever before. I’m not a detailed follower of Q but he passed through this point and returns to it often in one fashion or another. Quarks/y I know, anyway. For all.
This is a speech is as inspiring as the St Crispin’s Day Speech by King Henry the 5th.
Hi and welcome aboard! Sorry your post was in moderation (all initial posts are.)
The most thrilling truth about our civilisation spoken in my lifetime.
THAT SPEECH and particularly that video will be written into history as strongly as the Gettysburg Address.
And that SCARES those who tried to enslave and control the People of the United States of America.
Yes wolf, the speech gives context to the many motives which fuel Resist.
Wow that “sky’s falling” Q post dosn’t leave much to the imagination does it, Hope the IG is working round the clock to get the message out . And there’s others besides the UK and Aus , going to be interesting.
Morning everyone,
I marked this blog a few weeks ago and no just getting back to it now. Have been out on vacation for some R&R looking forward to see what lurks here.
Have followed Q for a while and don’t quite understand it all at times, so this should hopefully be interesting. I stop at the treehouse every day to hear what’s blowing in the breeze.
Hey there! Just noticed your post in moderation. That should end soon. Welcome to the Q Tree! Glad to have you here.
Ha ha “Operators standing by” Has Q been reading Sylvia’s posts about the nightstand. Or maybe he’s making a comment on their obvious and clumsy attack on Judge k and its resulting backfire. I’ll take it as a suggested get out of jail card for them.
I like your version!
Any thoughts on Q post No.345 on the patriotsfight. Is Q saying that someone is trying to frame Russia for that missile. If so it would fit in with the hooha that the UK and Europe is kicking up about Russian hacking, they seem to be intent on boulstering the Russia Russia Russia story, though after the Skripal fiasco their credibility is shakey in the extreme.
I’ll have to look at it more closely. At the moment, I’m staying at 40,000 feet on Russia’s role in ALL things. I try not to be accusatory, but I also remember that Russia created Obama. ALWAYS REMEMBER that they created Obama. That FACT tempers everything. We can forgive, but we must never forget.
Oddly, I agree with an old STALIN speech I recently read. Peace with Russia is important. Voices who want war with Russia are not to be listened to. But I’m also strongly against war-mongers who want war with China. NO! NEVER! And the time to free ourselves from toxic ideas of pre-emptive war cannot come too soon. Such ideas need to be banished. But we also need to start working on SUBVERSION – that is the next realm of warfare, and we see the results right now.
All of that said, I am in favor of a military of unquestioned strength – ready to defend peace in a punishing on ALL levels. But also a VERY SMART ONE, which knows that ECONOMIC RETALIATION is our biggest nuke of all.
And all of THAT said, I think there is a lot of disinformation on MUH RUSSIA – so much that staying Suspicious Cat is simply the best place to be.
Those who have studied it over the years know Russia’s plans for us, and we also know that just because they know longer call themselves the U.S.S.R. does not mean they have abandoned those plans, and that just because the KGB changed names like a shape-changer does not mean they are no longer dangerous. Peace through strength. The bear may sometimes ZSeem to be sleeping. That book, New Lies for Old is really good. Wolfmoon, you must be aware how in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova Etc. the government moves various ethnic people out of their home areas, I think in order to control them and fend off ethnic revolts. It breaks down cultural cohesion and disrupts the social fabric in many ways.
VERY interesting – I’ll check that out! Thanks!
Yes – I’m always wary of Russia, which has a deep bag of tricks on subversion, and a penchant for corruption. All that said, I still think we get more payback for treating Russia honestly and non-hypocritically, than we do from virtue-signal sanctions that keep Russia hungry for easy, dirty money.
The only way to deal with Russia is out in the open, on the barrel-head, everybody watching. Sunshine until the vampires run home. No sunshine, no deal. It’s very quick to sort out the black hats by sticking to that rule. And they’ve got a LOT of them!
I’m very happy with how this administration has been dealing with the Russians – and with their idiot stepchildren, the American communists, as well as THEIR gimps, our fake news media. It’s a bit of a mess, but – well – Moscow certainly has to understand that karma is a harsh ex-mistress who will not be ignored.
Eventually the Democrats will stop throwing a psycho tantrum in Russia’s driveway – smashing things, honking, screaming and making threats. It’s embarrassing, but – well, it’s embarrassing. Eventually they pass out. LOL!
PDJT just ended a tweet with…….A17! anyone know what that means?
Page 17 of section A. But he did it as a hat tip to the Q thing! Hilarious! What a TROLL!
Soon as I saw 17 I thought Q, but then thought no surely not, He is the greatest, bet he had a big grin on his face when he did that.
It’s an irresistible troll. The Failing New York Times may have done 17 intentionally as a kind of Zersetzung, but Trump just does it right back in public, which is the proper response to turn government demoralization propaganda against the “government” (in this case, the Deep State).
Seems Q is telling us s/he is not employed in any of the jobs on this list.
I was referring there to post #374 and I’d totally missunderstood it’s meaning.
The later post #379 is, I think, saying that even if Q did work in one of those jobs, he stayed within the guidelines.
Post #374 had me wondering if Q was PDJT himself, lol, I’m very good at jumping to the wrong conclusion.
Happy to see a theory on this. I was reviewing this particular Hatch Act document when you posted.
I’m new here although a longtime lurker on CTH and following Q for about a year, I am also intrigued by Q’s possible position, I thought that Q might be part of the Secret Service detail working closely with President Trump and Q+ might be the president himself?
just my $0.02 worth!
Welcome to The Q Tree! I would not be surprised if there is a SecServ member in the Q team. And a lot of people think Q+ is POTUS! We will see! Hopefully!
I’m still a little shocked at the animus Sundance displayed with his article. It’s great that you have thoughtfully taken this step, how much better if Sundance had done this before (and instead of) posting that Q piece.
I posted a comment that regardless of content the Q project has created a rallying point for anxious conservatives and also resulted in a fast growing and very loyal Team Trump. When you consider the absolute barrage of 24/7 Trump hatred being broadcast and printed from tens of thousands of sources, Trump desperately needed to set up his own info channel. It’s Q.
What does Q do? Offers clues to discovering (after they have happened) certain actions, operations and info that may be secret or not publicly known. Or news that media will not report, usually because it is positive to Trump. As well as teaching people to think logically and not passively accept info fed to them by the traditional propaganda media. My favourite are the 40,000 foot views. Where Q lays out connections between certain people or groups and events in history. But you can’t stay at that altitude for very long or you’ll be accused of some phrase I refuse to mention.
Most importantly, Q negates a huge risk to Trump. The risk his base will lose faith because nothing appears to be happening to drain the swamp. By that I mean no big names facing justice for well publicized crimes.Whether you believe the content or not, the fact is the Q posts “trust the plan” etc reduce anxiety amongst ordinary Trump supporters. Ask them, in broad strokes, they will tell you Trump has a lot of stuff happening out of public view. And that is true
With the left extremely well funded and organized it’s an act of stupidity to divide Trump support. It is amazing how conservative groups do this over and over. Telling their members that the other group are simply incompatible with this group. Hello…that group are way more compatible than the cultural marxists you both oppose so get over it!
Even the Chinese Nationalists and Communists put aside their differences to fight the Japanese.
Seriously, someone better make the conservative tent a whole lot bigger and stop the denigration of others who share opposition to the cultural marxists.Those who’ve been guilty of this in the past need to just bite their tongue instead of causing division because they feel threatened or jealous or because of petty dislikes or annoyances.
This is a civil war and opposing our very thoughts and way of life are an evil coalition – cultural marxists, their media buddies and the embedded deep state all of whom are funded by the globalists elites and their transnational business and banking empires..They will fight to the very end to stop the US returning it’s sovereignty and national interest. Worse…and never forget this…
These people no longer accept our very existence.We are an inconvenience standing between them and their goal.
I think Sundance should re-think his post and try to unite instead of divide.This board was a good step, too bad it wasn’t Sundance that did it.
excellent post!!!
Chepup gets the award for Diplomacy. Well said.
Hello all!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to see you here.
I will confess to reading Q posts and some of the links he provides have been most interesting. The research has been fun when time allows.
I will happily drop in and hopefully contribute.
I’m also glad there’s a place to discuss, where, if I feel I can offer anything, I’m permitted to add to the discussion.
Gingersmom, glad you are finally ‘home’.
Longtime Treehouse lurker…it was the Jessica Chambers case that brought me to CTH. It’s sad that CTH morphed into something unrecognizable and petty. To me it looked as SD wasn’t thrilled about sharing the title of grand oracle with Q or anyone else.
Welcome to this new tree! Yes, I remember that case. So glad there was finally justice there.
Q is a bit antithetical to what Sundance does. I can see his point of view on Q. But I simply can’t give up my own. I need better reasons not to be interested in what Q says, than the fact that some people say it’s a LARP.
Again, welcome!
Thank you, Wolfmoon!
It’s disappointing that CTH rejects Q, but hopefully the truth will spread from here like spores in the wind. MAGA on!
Hi Joan! Welcome!
I wanted to pop in and say “Thank you!” also to you Wolfmoon, I have been mostly lurking at CTH, but I also am a student of Q and Praying Medic. Lately, the tree house has not been the same. I read SD’s article about Q being nothing more than conspiracy…. but it’s doesn’t seem that way to me. There is much more to learn and read about than what it seems.
Anyway, I wanted to wish you a belated Happy Thanksgiving and thanks again for starting up this new site!
And thank you, too! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and the rest of the weekend, too!
Prairie!!! I know this is an old post and you might never see it…But you are EXACTLY right!! Start posting here!! I just found Wolfie 3 days ago! and am so Happy to find an Eeyore -free HAPPY WARRIOR PATRIOT site!!! Its encouraging and Free speech and NOT judgemental!
Figured that I’ll drop the question here instead of clogging the other posts.
Wolfmoon, is there a way to make donations to this blog?
Finally saw your pots, MysticRose! No – no money needed! I’m keeping it extremely simple so that our free speech is utterly bulletproof. But I appreciate the thought!
[…] https://wqth.wordpress.com/2018/09/18/the-q-tree/ […]
Hello Wolf, I have found you! Hallelujah sanity has returned! I have been on CTH since 2014 and commenting sporadically over the years. I enjoyed some of the banter back and forth since it was civil, but something changed there a few months back, don’t know why, don’t really care but the tone became quite hostile at times. I was one that could never comprehend why some Treepers would trash other Treepers who posted drops from Q; after all we all support our Magnificent President…never made sense to me. For some reason a month or so ago any posts I tried to make went to moderation, then ultimately just disappeared. Continues through today. Not sure why, perhaps some of my critical posts towards Sundance regarding the BigUgly and his changing pov. Oh well, I still go to CTH, just not as much. Happened to see your posts today and thought I’d try posting a comment, but alas no go. I never understood SD’s animus toward Q, and quite frankly some of the fights he would pick with other twitter folks like StealthJeff, seemed counter-productive. I always enjoyed your posts Wolf and assumed you drew the wrath as well. Glad I found your other home..
Hi ! wolfmoon 1776
.. little birdie dropped a crumb- trail , led me here.
Congrats on the launch. Great idea! ..Nice digs!
Been lurking couple days .. lots of familiar faces. Howdy treeps !
..gott’a spare branch ?
Stay Vigilant
Hey, Chris, pull upp a branch.
Well thank you kindly!
… looks like I have a lot of reading to catch up on;; .
Howdy. Checking in. I’m very late to the party. My husband was talking last night about commenters on CTH that he missed and wondered about. If I can get him what he wants I do it, so we were both very pleased when I found you and sent him a link here. He’s 100% lurker and I’m an infrequent poster. We’re both happy to enjoy your uninhibited perspectives again.
WOW! You are the latest to find us! Well, the truth is, I try to keep a low profile here, but we are IN WITH Q (just a wee bit – they know we’re here), so that’s all the attention we need here!
Feel free to make yourself at home!
[…] Jane Offline Reply to wolfmoon1776 October 9, 2018 […]