Last night – a SMALL but very public demonstration of Q’s growing power over the Fake News media. And you saw it here first, people, in the Q WORLD.
For the visually impaired:
“We will be voting this week.”
Heading to TN now.
Heading to TN now.
This looked very similar to other Q posts that gently mention POTUS movements – sometimes ahead of schedule, sometimes after the fact, and sometimes playing games with timing, as a proof of Q’s insider status.
But this time was different.
Does POTUS normally Tweet “Heading to X” prior to a rally?
Today, for the 1st time, we IDEN where we would be.
Q then spelled it out even more clearly by confirming an anon post.
Q is saying that Trump normally tweets when he is going. Today he didn’t. Today Q POSTED WHERE HE IS GOING.
In other words, if the media was looking for an easy tip on when Trump was leaving, they would not be seeing it on Twitter. The would have to look at Q. Hilarious.
Another anon fact-checked this, and Q confirmed:
solid confirmation of POTUS on Q team
I could potentially argue that Q is on the POTUS team, but whatever. I think the other way around is more Trump. Our VSGPOTUS feels PRIVILEGED to be ON THE TEAM – and quite possibly in the worst position of all – the CiC – who bears the cost of every dead patriot. Thank GOD it’s Donald J. Trump there.
Here is a close-up of the image showing that Trump/Q typically announce using Tweets:
Why is this relevant?
The media has just spent a YEAR denying Q. They have been calling Q a LARP – a conspiracy theory – a sad effort of Trump supporters to believe in something while the Trump administration (under General Kelly, no less – LMAO) descends into chaos!
Do you see what is happening here?
Right before the election, the VSGPOTUS is preparing to utterly destroy the KGB-CIA media’s credibility without even acknowledging them. The same media which has DENIED Q is now going to have to GO TO Q for information.
Utterly devastating. The KARMA – the SCHADENFREUDE – is out of the park.
I keep saying that President Trump is TOYING with the American Soviet Fake News media. It is truly amazing. I just love it.
This is extremely reminiscent of The Drudge Report during the Clinton administration. While all of Washington was officially calling Drudge a disreputable rag printing the ridiculous and unbelievable, it was common knowledge that The Drudge Report was not only bookmarked by all Washington journalists, but was frequently their HOMEPAGE.
Exactly HOW the media chooses to backpedal on Q should be precious. Get your popcorn. But the bottom line is that the Trump administration found a way to engage the patriot community right under the nose of the FAKE SOCIALIST DEMOCRAT NEWS, and help that fake news destroy its own credibility at the same time.
And it will only get better.
To finish, I include a cut-up of a New York Times piece denying Q. Let’s look at it now (gently – more later – MUCH MOAR later) in light of what is coming.
Here is an intentionally poisoned link so that the scumbag rag Slim’s Slimes does not track their hideous article back to here using the WordPress New York Times plugin.
If you want to follow it, copy the embedded URL, paste to a browser, change (COLON) to an actual colon, and go to the URL.
I am saving a copy for posterity.
Who in the hell is Mattathias Schwartz? Let us look at THAT first.
- “Contributing writer”
- Former staff writer (at a different NY publication)
- Livingston Award recipient
- Last feature there about John Brennan!
I leave the first two items for those who knows what they mean. The last item is also self-evident. The award is, however, the biggest indictment of all.
The Livingston Award should be renamed the Christiane Amanpour Award. It is specifically designed to INFLUENCE young Fake News journalists to genuflect to the agenda. You can click on this link:
…to see what the award entails, OR you can simply look at the list of JUDGES:
- Christiane Amanpour
- Ken Auletta
- Dean Baquet
- Charles Gibson
- Ellen Goodman
- John F. Harris
- Clarence Page
- Anna Quindlen
- Mike Wallace (former)
Will they hide this article eventually? Will Mattathias Brennan-Schwartz do a correction? An “update”?
Who knows.
Note that Slim’s Slimes did NOT bury their commitment to the narrative – they are calling us conspiracy theorists right in the title. Hey – WE are not the ones who are going to have to backtrack.
Read the piece if you want, but be careful, because it IS socialist propaganda.
I personally minimize my own undermining by enemy propaganda by reading it in several VERY careful ways. I either disarm the booby-traps by reading very slowly and questioning every single idea, or skim in a rapid and circumspect way that fails to trip the hidden ideas meant to weaponize psychology and try to work around my logic.
It is, however, worth a look if you realize that it is PROPAGANDA. Everything about it is propaganda. Even the literary allusions are propaganda. The tone – the sneering superiority – everything.
The point is clear, though, that they will soon have to SHIFT THEIR NARRATIVE on Q and the Q movement. I could speculate on what they will do, but frankly, I think letting them do it by trial-and-error and VERY BADLY is deserved, so I won’t help too much.
Fun times. Grab your popcorn.
There’s nothing like a Trump rally – even over the Internet.
Enjoy the show. It will only get better!

Wolf, when you combine the Q drops with PDT actions it is reassuring.
On another level, PDT with Q is like apple pie with two scoops – yummy
Yes, it’s a wonderful little game. This is a LOT of fun! And tasty, too! YUMMY POPCORN!
Wolf, just love this essay or whatever you call your writings. Just saw this one and it is superbamento.
Thanks for the insightful commentary on this Wolfman. Clear and concise.
Thanks! I will confess that I tried to make up a bit for the head-scratchiness of the last one!
Calling it a “media credibility sting” is a good way to describe it. By the time PDJT is out of office, the media is going to be in ruins, if not completely taken over and changed. I do think that POTUS is one of the Q team who occasionally posts. I’ve always thought he was Q+. And then there were the drops signed 4 10 20.
Thanks! And very interesting on POTUS posts. You could well be right. I think there will be entire BOOKS written about this operation. Amazing times we live in.
Wolfmoon, I hope someday you are one who writes a book about all this, and I want a signed copy, and I want to know it’s You. I can’t stop smiling.
LOL! You never know!
Me also. But unfortunately I don’t know what you mean by drops 4 10 20.
that I’m not nuts.
I just surmised severel months ago,what you stated, because of observation and intuition or hunch. Now I need to learn, just to prove to me, myself and I,
Linda, thanks, you’ve given me a foot up.
“4 10 20” is a coded signature (initials only)
4th letter (D)
10th letter (J)
20th letter (T)
Ooh! Thanks bunches. I keep forgetting about the numericals to the alphabet.
Oh, Erm
PlainJane, I don’t think you’re nuts, but if you are, you’re in the best company on God’s green earth.
We’re “good nuts”. Nobody ever allows for that possibility.
Thanks singular Zoe. I like this company.
A couple points –
First, Q mentioned a little while ago that the “proofs” (which, like you, I have long ceased to need) would be getting more and more direct. This, of course, is the case – one major part being what you highlighted in your post, that PDJT did NOT tweet beforehand about the rally, and Q did.
Second, there was a request that PDJT tweet out something with a misspelling using the letter “Q” – and, lo and behold, he did so. He tweeted “acquisitions” instead of “accusations”, and even though he corrected it within the hour (20 minutes, IIRC), the confirmation held.
I read quite a bit of derision elsewhere (ahem!) about a previous confirmation – to wit, for POTUS to use “tip top” during his SOTU address. He didn’t use that occasion to do so, but some time afterward, in re the “cleansing” of the WH, he did in fact use the phrase. Remember “tip-top, tippy-top” shape he described the security of the WH as being, after the intense sweep?
We all know the expression – but honestly, who has used it – even once – in the past 5 years? I know I haven’t!
Not just too many coincidences, but WAY too many coincidences. And, the credibility level is increasing, with each new coincidence. As Q once asked – and rightly so – how many coincidences must there be in order to conclude that they are NOT coincidences? Even at only a 10% chance of any one of them being true, when one stacks up 20 or more of those events, the probability of them ALL being true becomes compelling. It’s a math thing.
People don’t like math. I understand. Also, people like deductive reasoning (100% surety) over inductive reasoning (never 100%, but can get to 99.99%, or more, surety.
I drew the conclusion many moons ago about Q, and I haven’t been disappointed IN THE LEAST in supporting them.
There’s no way, IMO, that PDJT would have let this “Q-thing” go on unchallenged (Q is talking about POTUS and the inner machinations of our political system ALL THE TIME!) unless it were something he both didn’t want to challenge, and wanted to support.
IMO again, it’s the highest level Intel EVER shared with the populace. We all should be grateful as all get-out that we’re getting the inside scoop – even though it hasn’t been presented to us in the way we might have wished, at first.
It couldn’t have been done any other way. And how it HAS been done is simply brilliant.
Great post, and totally agreed!
It really is a brilliant operation. They kept the credibility level VERY finely tuned, so that patriots would believe it, and the Fake News could self-deceive and carry out its own discreditation. It was set up so that honest people would believe it, and the dishonest would self-discredit.
Only PROS can do this kind of stuff on such a massive scale!
And think about this – if the MSM is so sure Q is a LARP, why haven’t they asked POTUS about it in a news conference? If Q is a LARP, it would be a great way to discredit POTUS. My conclusion – they know Q is real, they just don’t want us to know. Way too late for that.
“Second, there was a request that PDJT tweet out something with a misspelling using the letter “Q” – and, lo and behold, he did so. He tweeted “acquisitions” instead of “accusations”, and even though he corrected it within the hour (20 minutes, IIRC), the confirmation held.”
Something that I thought was interesting about that one…is that it wasn’t really a ‘misspelling’ using the letter “Q”.
The word “accusations” even has the Q-sound within it:
So if PDJT had wanted to…he could have typed “acqusations” instead of “acquisitions”.
But he didn’t.
I mean, it would have been an understandable misspelling, because the Q-sound is in the word ‘accusations’.
So it would have been easily explainable.
Whereas, typing the word ‘acquisitions’ instead of ‘accusations’ is kind of strange.
Sort of a head-scratcher, really.
That is…looking at it from a normie point of view.
So I can’t help but wonder, why PDJT used the word ‘acquisitions’ for that proof.
Our VSG Potus doesn’t miss a thing.
He would’ve known that he could’ve used a Q in the word ‘accusations’.
So…maybe he wanted us to be thinking about the word ‘acquisitions’?
Interesting. Acquistions fits in with my theory of Swetnick.
I think she was “acquiring” shakedown leverage and blackmail material. Her targeting of the obese weatherman, and trying to talk him into group sex, sounds like she was a “factory” for individual compromise, and for corporate shakedown by compromise of individuals on company properly.
Hey, there ya go, Wolfie…that’s probably it.
And creepy porn lawyer Avenatti, is the one who brought Swetnick into this.
We are learning about all of his connections within the Cabal.
Avenatti even has connections to the missing Joseph Mifsud character, who was a player in the Russia Hoax.
And…Q even said:
“Sentence formation matters.”
Q keeps saying that they ‘have it all’.
We can only guess about what means, but I hope they have everything they need to bring these people down.
I think they do. I think this is going to be huge.
OMG – I just realized something.
Creepy Porn Lawyer got his start in DEMOCRAT OPPOSITION RESEARCH under Rahm Emanuel. This would have been LONG AFTER the Democrats had used Stefan Halper against Nixon and Reagan, so that their FACTORY of SCANDAL CREATION for Republicans was already well in place.
This means that the CREATION OF OPPO has long been a tactic of the Democrats – even when Avenatti was getting started. Now I’m sure. Swetnick is dirty, not crazy. She uses crazy as cover. She may even be crazy. But she is an oppo creation magnet – a Venus Fly Trap to gain leverage over government and media. And she has enough experience in flat out LYING that she can even operate in that realm.
And did you catch that little blurb about how many ‘election campaigns’ Avenatti worked in while he was in college?
It said both D and R campaigns.
I wonder if Avenatti acted as a spy and a saboteur in those R-campaigns.
It would be interesting to know whose campaigns those were…and if the candidate won.
YES. Very interesting. And even if they WON – as long as there was LEVERAGE.
I keep thinking somebody on the left, or CHINA, has leverage on Kasich. He just seems controlled. As if he HAS to oppose Trump.
Yeah, Kasich has been acting like a Jack-in-a-Box, hasn’t he.
‘Someone’ has control of his crank.
Question is…how far back does it go?
I think he became ‘owned’ a lot further back than the 2015-16 election cycle.
Kasich had a show, briefly, on Fox.
He was a pretty good guy back then…outspoken…and slammed the Dems on a regular basis.
Then, his show was dropped and he ran for governor of OH.
Guess who was a big stockholder of Fox back then…
Prince Alwaleed.
Oh wow. THAT would explain a lot.
I know that during the 2016 Republican primary debates (which happened mostly in 2015), Kasich attacked Trump in the first debate (not TOO hard), but Trump hit him back fast with “Lehman Brothers” and Kasich shut up FAST. After that, Kasich was respectful, but his usual mailman self, sometimes almost siding with Trump. HOWEVER….
THEN Kasich made some trip to the CFR near the end of the debates. THAT is when he got weird as hell and went totally anti-Trump. He acted COMPLETELY CHANGED. I always figured it had something to do with that trip.
OK – now I found the dates, and THIS is making sense.
This fits with my belief that PLANS against Trump began earnestly in December of 2015, and were READY FOR A GREEN LIGHT at the end of February 2016.
Republican Primary Schedule:
Kasich Trip to the CFR:
I do not know if this means the CFR was involved in the plot, but I do believe that they may have facilitated the international plot by providing secure logistical support to the plotters.
The CFR may have also “approved” Kasich in some way at that time, and THIS was why Kasich’s behavior changed so visibly, and he became so committed against Trump, which CFR would have WANTED and EXPECTED.
Well…’someone’ recruited him to be a splitter in the primaries, even before the CFR meeting.
Kasich had to know that he never had a chance of winning the nom.
Did he have some hope of being named VP?
But yeah, that trip to the CFR is suspect, isn’t it…and you’re right, that would’ve been about the time when Kasich went rabid against Trump.
The CFR globos may have actually tested the “Muh Russia” narrative on Kasich – tried to see if he bought it – told him he was “important” to stop Trump.
Personally, I think Kasich had a chance of becoming VP with Trump, and I was very disappointed when he turned against Trump so hard. Being a budget guy, Kasich could have really HELPED the MAGA agenda. But THAT is why I think the Globos recruited Kasich AGAINST Trump – not just to sabotage TRUMP, but to sabotage Kasich TO THE LEFT and toward the Globalist agenda.
The globos were willing to sacrifice ANYBODY to stop Trump.
My first thought was that he wanted to have “plausible deniability” – spell-check, auto-correct, what have you – to fall back on.
But the phonetic factor you brought up is icing on the cake – it’s like a double confirmation, and using those two specific words was an inspired choice.
Isn’t is fun – and a relief – to be able to speak Q without harangue, and without the risk of posting on 8chan? I will NEVER post there – it’s infested by clown-shills, and I assume that everyone without a de facto MASTER’S DEGREE in IT is as good as doxxed. I just browse / read / “lurk”.
Some of the Reddit posters initially thought it was just another “blog” … which is why Q asked the Board Operator (BO / Code Monkey is the best!) to create a different site for this Reddit Refugees to post as regular bloggers, instead of as artists and experts.
The 8chan boards ain’t no “blog” for the masses to post on …
You are a brilliant Emerald, and anyone who uses ahem! and to wit in the same comment is automatically a favourite of mine. You’ve got q and JDT pegged.
Oct 01 2018 14:28:04
[THEY] call in threats prior to each rally in an effort to diminish reach of message.
When one shirt is not enough..
TWO becomes the solution.
[THEY] try to discredit Q.
[THEY] try to make us fear Q.
Reconcile [THEY]?
All for a LARP?!!
“To be or not to be?”… THAT is the question!!!
love the way you made that link not “linked” … very astute. reminds me of the good old days when you never used any identifiable info about yourself let alone your real name or email. then things changed and they glt everyone complacent and hooked. keep up the good work and stay vigilant.
Thanks! Vigilance on 11 as always!
“Media credibility”…?
What’s that?
At this point, I think every time the media uses the term ‘conspiracy theory’…they are trying to get us to Not Look at something that is actually True.
They’ve even been calling the White Genocide in South Africa, a ‘conspiracy theory’.
This lets them off the hook for not-reporting on it.
I still think that Gen Kelly is in on this whole Q thing.
He may be the Q-team coordinator…with Potus being team leader.
I really like Gen Kelly and it gives me comfort to see the way he is so protective of our President.
He’s like a German Sheppard…the way he’s always scanning for threats, wherever they are and especially whenever they are on the move.
I have suspected that Kelly and Mattis have been coordinating the military intel operation that has been going on.
That scene at the McStain funeral…the Lindsey-Huma hug…was an indicator of this, the way that Kelly & Mattis seemed to be on the same wavelength.
It seemed like the Kelly-Mattis wavelength was SOP and has been for a long time.
Yes. And General Flynn, too. Check out the changing of his twitter banners ever now and then.
One has to realize that when the military realized the FBI had been utterly corrupted, it was time to step up. Good grief – they are CHICAGO corrupt. This latest thing Dr. Fraud of CIA with Monica McLean of FBI seals the deal for me – there need to be massive firings at FBI, DOJ, and CIA.
You can watch one of those Whitey Bulger documentaries and come away asking yourself “How do we ever come back from this”.
It’s deep. You can’t clean it up bottom up unless you have help from the top down. To make sure it gets clean and stays clean will mean all the power we can take from them they can never get back.
POTUS means what he says. They are all criminal. Democrats at all levels, MSM, Hollywood, Higher Ed, Bureaucrats and their operatives, essentially all institutions of power above us have been deeply corrupted. DJT knows this too well as he himself came out of this rejecting these self serving predators and all their thieving, conniving, cannibalistic ways.
Meanwhile on a lighter note.. Buffy the Vampire Slayer stands with us!,d_placeholder_euli9k,h_1440,w_2560,x_0,y_0/dpr_2.0/c_limit,w_740/fl_lossy,q_auto/v1538516976/181001-torres-maga-hero_j7ohbf
Ackkk! wanted the image.. couldn’t get it. Meanwhile this (Buffy the Vampire Slayer thing ) does personify the epic struggle we are engaged in. Funny how the arts work with some going to the good.
Great article! Here you go on the image:
It’s a weird one – it really has to be downloaded and re-uploaded so that it gets an image extension.
Really enjoyed that. TY, Para59r.
And we know the plotters are doing everything possible to separate the generals from Pres. Trump.
Yes. The leftists in the fake news are ALWAYS deploying bogus stories that way – disgusting.