Open topic. Q – not Q – whatevah! Have at it!

“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert.” –J. Robert Oppenheimer ***************** WARNING: NO UNIDENTIFIED AI BULLSHIT IS TO BE POSTED ON THIS SITE UNDER PENALTY OF MODERATION OR SITE BAN
Open topic. Q – not Q – whatevah! Have at it!
1010 = 10. I just find that extraordinarily cool. Who’s with me on that math joke?
Yes, I’m easily amused. I have to be. I need to amuse myself.
We have an out of control government agency called the CIA that I finally figured out is behind all the censorship. That really sucks. We have a President who is nominally in charge of the agency that is censoring his supporters. And Brennan isn’t even there! AAAUUURRRGGGHHH! Clowns!
“Who’s with me on that math joke?”
What’s your joke based on? hehehe
Ok ok ok ok ok OOOOKAYYYYYYY.
Base 2 (aka binary). vs Base 10.
LOL! Math is some fun!
There are 10 kinds of people in the world.
Those who understand binary, and those who don’t!
Love it!
OK – here is some Q. Latest post – No. 2380 on – there is a discussion of Jeff Sessions at the end, and then on one line Q says “No. 175”
What does that mean?
Here it is:
How do you REMOVE installed BLOCKADE?
How do you navigate around installed corrupt [FBI][DOJ]?
Who must authorize firing of FBI/DOJ officials?
Why did McCabe try to take SESSIONS out?
No. 175
Logical thinking v clickbait.
I left a reply for you at CTH.
“Q says “No. 175” What does that mean?”
From Sep 3, 2018, Q-post #175, also numbered as post #2071 :
The “Experts”
But… SESSIONS should appoint a 2nd SC in DC aka THE CORRUPT SWAMP
But… SESSIONS should appoint a 2nd SC in DC aka THE CORRUPT SWAMP [team of less than 20 typically] & wait 2-4 years [take a gamble]
But… SESSIONS should appoint a 2nd SC in DC aka THE CORRUPT SWAMP because unlike the CLINTON EMAIL CORRUPT CASE [as demonstrated by the FBI/DOJ people FIRED/REMOVED] this will be conducted faithfully and honestly [like MUELLER]
But… HUBER has not ‘directly’ interviewed several witnesses therefore the appointment of HUBER by SESSIONS [and therefore the IG] is not genuine
But… SESSIONS & HUBER are following standard DOJ open/ongoing investigation policy by not discussing [making public] so therefore nothing must be happening [FIRE SESSIONS!]
But… HUBER [ability to prosecute + empanel a grand jury outside of DC [90%+ voted HRC (2016)], who already began the investigation(s) late last year w/ assigned team of 470 investigators (attorneys) + IG + legal jurisdiction across all 50 states, is not a ‘special counsel’ so therefore nothing is being done
But… POTUS is attacking SESSIONS via TWITTER so therefore he is not working on behalf of the people’s interest (or POTUS’) [D’s/LEFT LOVE/TRUST SESSIONS!]
But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are so many FBI & DOJ senior officials being FIRED and/or REMOVED from their respective positions of power? Who is AG? Who must sign off on each removal? DOJ in charge of FBI?
But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are there 50,000+ sealed indictments across the US [what % = USA v. X?]? Coincidence vs. HUBER start?
But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are many ‘powerful’ CEOs, members of Congress/ Senate, resigning? Coincidence? Example: Pre_POTUS did the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE indicate wanting to leave politics?
But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are human trafficking arrests SURGING?
Clickbait & opinions vs logical thinking.
Direct communication necessary.
Trust yourself.
Think for yourself.
I think you’ve got it. He’s replying to all the people complaining that nothing is happening, or not happening fast enough. He seems to do that every couple of months. There are a lot of complainers on 8chan and voat about how long it’s taking.
Yes! Good – I got it – and replied a “lightly” as I could at CTH, since the Q-haters are out in force. Best we discuss it here I think!!!
Yes – it makes a lot of sense.
Glad that Q was a little wider in labeling those who disagree as “clickbait and opinions” – because SD is definitely not clickbait.
I don’t think there’s actually that much difference between where Q is and where SD is, TBH. I sort of see them both looking at the same partially filled glass of water and taking sides on a description.
Wolfe I agree, I did squirm a little when I caught the Q comments and thought, oh, oh, jango!
Glad you put up this post.
Thanks! Yeah, we need a Q HIDEOUT here!
Re: we need a Q HIDEOUT here!
mines ready LOL. I have been stressed lately and not able to understand well enough to comment intelligently. Do enjoy everyone’s insights.
house family is the best! Treepers are strong believers and this warrior is battered by the winds and is tried. Lift me up so I have the strength to carry on and get my eyes off of the storm. This too shall pass. Thanks for the prayers and thoughts.
Do we use the secret knock and our decoder ring to get in?!?!
I tried sharing your reactionary disinformation article with my pastor in AUS. His response was to try and send me back to qmapdotpub for better or more information! LOL like Wolfmoon needs to be sent somewhere else to get better info! Oh well, people get stuck in their ruts. He is at beginning of the awareness phases.
I ask for PRAYERS as hubby fighting leukemia (not the fast acting kind, but chemotherapy is kicking him in the butt), son facing jail time due to false accusation by ex wife, and I am stressing. I know God is bigger than all this and prayers change things. God is good all the time!
I’m sorry to hear of your pain. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. I pray that things go well for you, on all fronts. God Bless.
Kalbren, I’m so sorry you and your family are going through these rough times. Am ssking God to hold you, your DH and your son in His loving hands.
Agree with the others – will be praying hard for you and yours!
The pastor share thing was funny. Keep working on him.
Meanwhile, Keep the faith and God Bless you and yours.
I want to thank Wolfmoon for this place of safe harbor! Also, thank you all for your prayers. I am feeling stronger, more at peace, and family is working better together to plan and face the future. God is good all the time and fellow warriors are great to have as support. It is real and heartfelt! God bless you all

So sorry to ask, but what does “jango” mean? I looked it up, but the meanings didn’t seem to fit context for me. Obviously, I’m not literate in slang or acronyms.
Could be an inside “joke” but the closest I came up with is JINGO in relation to Rosie_Memos at threadreader aka @almost jingo
Temporarily known as Rosie Fights for Kavanaugh
Maybe this will provoke someone’s assistance.
Thank you NUTHA-VYOO.
Lol, As a young lad I’d use that whenever trouble was around the corner!
Wow let me see, If I remember right, it was what Jai (Tarzan series) used to say when trouble was about. Or maybe it was “oh, oh, chongo!”?
Lol, either way, hope you get the point Plain Jane
OMG I REMEMBER THAT! Had completely FORGOTTEN that! Oh wow, that’s a whole lifetime away…
Thanks Johnny. Got it. Guess I didn’t see enough Tarzan. LOL. We didn’t have a TV until I was about 8. I also missed the Captain Video and the Video Rangers era. Unfortunately those video tapes were destroyed.
I believe that people are NOT being patient enough for ALL of the miscreants to be located, identified as such, method of extraction from job, etc. Once Mid-Terms come and there is a Republican Majority with wider spread than what it is now…WATCH OUT!!! PDJG is playing footsies with these morons and as Q states – “They are stupid” AND I truly believe that…
Totally agree. It’s also frustrating how many people believe that nothing is happening just because they can’t see it played out in front of them.
AMEN. And it’s not like the FAKE NEWS is helping, either!
It doesn’t help that MAGA people are ripping each other apart over it either. It’s one of the reasons I really appreciate your site, Wolfmoon! A refuge from the madness!
We don’t all have to agree over here, but at least no one is ripping up anyone else over their disagreements. Especially when no one really knows what’s going on behind the scenes.
Exactly – people in the dark arguing with other people in the dark about stuff they can hear – kinda.
I try to avoid gonzo talk about Q on the Treehouse, but it’s a temptation to make a few related posts and wink. I may need to rethink that strategy.
I understand entirely. I find it very uncomfortable there sometimes. I have respect for SD, but when he starts on “why people who follow Q are wrong” plus about Sessions, RR and Mueller, I sometimes find it hard not to just quit.
People forget there’s a war underway where subterfuge is necessary and those “for certain” black-hats might well be playing a role. Even if they are doing so unwittingly (or not at all), there is more going on than meets the eye and I will not demand anyone’s removal just because nothing seems to be happening.
You provide a great place just to come and just Be. Thank you again, Wolfmoon. I feel I can at least breathe here and my blood pressure gets a chance to go down.
You’re welcome! That was why I made this place.
The Treehouse is being pinned down by a sequence of (1) enemy divisive action, (2) SD is taking certain positions for certain reasons, and I believe he cannot share ALL of those reasons, (3) aware of this, the enemy enlarges the division, and pins down the Treehouse even more.
This place (wqth) gives us FREEDOM OF OPERATION. Very important.
Bear in mind, if they are pinning down the TREEHOUSE, just imagine how much the White Hats are pinned down in some places like DOJ and FBI.
Much of what SD is saying is quite true. There are other things I am aware of that I choose not to divulge, which give me some confidence despite what SD says.
I trust both SD and Q, but choose not to say why exactly. If others figure it out, they will automatically understand my choice.
We need to listen to the truth from both of them. We need to also WORK HARD and take action to help Trump WIN. Our support for Trump and Republicans in this election is the BIGGEST thing we can do right now.
You are so right on all of this. I do trust SD and he is right on a lot of things. Not all things, though, and I’ve seen recent inability to see outside of one concept to ponder on the possibility of any other. Such as a sting going down or that things might be used in a court of law and cannot be openly discussed in front of a committee that will (or may, depending on which committee) supply information to the Bad Guys.
I’m actually at the stage where I trust Q the most for information. His emotions don’t get in the way and he doesn’t demean anyone else. We ARE stronger together. He and his team have a good handle on things and are on the inside, knowing more than we ever could.
Being stronger together is why I will continue to participate at SDs treehouse, although I’m not so active at the moment. I also know that all will be revealed very soon and all mistaken ideas – everybody’s, mine too – will be sorted out, putting a stop to all the bickering.
I read draw and strike on thread reader. SD doesn’t like it but he lays it out. Either Pres Trump made a monumental mistake in appointing sessions, arguably the most important appointment of all, or sessions is quietly neutralising, building the cases to take them all down. They have been defanged and are now desperate. Special K was the big nail. But times are dangerous now as desperate people do stupid stuff. Already the calls to violence from the left are escalating. I read a lot of people’s takes on stuff and try to get a well rounded input.
Good for you – I try to do the same!
That’s the best way to do it, looking at and understanding multiple viewpoints. There are a great many things we don’t know. I know how I would LIKE things to be with Sessions and RR and even Mueller. I know how I THINK they might be, but until it’s all revealed, I don’t know and can’t know. That’s why I can’t join the bash-Sessions crowd. I do understand, though, that people are frustrated.
Yes, dangerous times at the moment. Probably THE most dangerous.
I’m so glad “Special K” (great reference) got in. Either just before or just after the midterms things are going to start really moving.
As to desperation, look at the BS story floated yesterday about Crossfire Hurricane being a backup plan in case Trump failed to respect the election outcome. This tells me the truth is going to come out, else there would be no need for a cover story.
Good call. These people really ARE evil. So now we know what ValJar has been doing. Thinking up EXCUSES.
Driver!! Great to see ya here …
Great To Be Hear…glad there are others from CTH here…love the atmosphere much better!!!
I don’t think that SD has animus about Q as much as he doesn’t desire to have his board overrun with all Q all the time when he’s also painting a story for us to actually see whats going on behind the veil in our government. SD and Q as you said do not have that much difference between them. just 2 different layouts leading us to same conclusions.
This drop is also the clearest statement we’ve seen from Q about what Mueller’s role is for the Deep State. I keep hearing people talking about how Mueller could be a White Hat. Not a chance! He also said in the past that if Mueller is dirty, Rosenstein is dirty – and vice versa. They’re both dirty and the declass will expose it. So why is POTUS waiting? Will he do it before or after mid-terms?
Yes – very much agreed – it’s very clear, isn’t it?
Hi Linda. Yeah, I’m one of those people who swap from thinking Mueller is a white hat to a black hat and back again. It’s reached the stage I am really looking forward to finding out!!!
I do think the reason President Trump hesitates to declass is because some of what’s there is being used (or will be) in a court of law. So there’s that.
That said, I agree with you about Q’s post being the clearest statement we’ve heard from him regarding Mueller to date. So as long as it isn’t deliberate misinformation as is necessary in war, then, yeah, I’m with you on all of it.
Hey thanks, Wolfmoon, for this open topic thread. It’s a place we can pop into and chat regularly. It’s good to see the group of people turning up here at this site and it’s great to have a thread where we can say hello and bring up new thought every now and then. Cheers!
Cheers! Thanks for the suggestion. Not sure how often I’ll refresh it – weekly at a minimum, I suppose!
That would be great!
It is a welcome bolt-hole W
My thought too, Johnny.
Yes, wolfmoon1776.
At least WEEKLY.
Nice thread-count here! lol
I just got bumped off my Q site with a big red screen that had the caption, “DECEPTIVE SITE AHEAD”…….anyone else getting this?
Which Q site are you viewing? QMAP is okay for me. I don’t know about the others.
Yep. I got it for the first time today. Here is what it says:
“Deceptive site ahead
Firefox blocked this page because it may trick you into doing something dangerous like installing software or revealing personal information like passwords or credit cards.
Advisory provided by Google Safe Browsing.”
It figures it is from Google. I just went to a different browser.
Google Safe Communist Browsing.
As to why Rosenstein still has his job, I have been giving some thought to the possibility that Rosenstein may be cooperating. I believe (although do not know for a fact) that based on his involvement in Crossfire Hurricane and the SC while at DOJ, as well as his activities associated with Uranium 1 while US Attorney for Maryland, that he is a traitor to the US. And given the fact that he has personally met with PDJT on numerous occasions, he must know what he is up against if he attempts to continue with his seditious activities.
What are the odds he has determined that he has backed the wrong horse, and decided to amend his ways?
I’m certainly looking forward to finding out. It would take extraordinary measures and some very good people in very dangerous situations to uncover it all and properly ensnare those involved. What is unraveling is the biggest crime in all history and the villains are playing for keeps. No way things are what they seem like on the surface.
I suspect what is going down now in all its forms will be taught in schools for centuries to come.
I think Pres Trump has turned him. See comment above
Hi y’all. I’ve watched a couple of the Rallies from this week.
Our Lion is ON FIRE.
Been picking up on some very interesting comments in his speeches.
And his body language. When candidates for local elections are speaking,
he is watching them, watching the crowds reactions, listening, sizing up.
Very interesting!
I’ve watched some on video – he is fantastic. Very much in his stride. I reckon that upsets the Dimms even more, they can’t rattle him.
HEY WOLFMOON !!! You opened up this thread with an interesting mathematical fun-fact. Here’s another one for you:
101010 = the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything.
I love it! Although that was also BILL CLINTON!
Okay, you’ve lost me on the Bill Clinton reference… WHAT was also Bill Clinton?
As in Maxine Waters: “IMPEACH 101101”. We hear about the horrors of 101100 by his number, but never about 101010.
Ah. I’m with you now. Of course. My excuse is that it’s just coming up to 4:00 am here and I’ve only had two cups of coffee.
Yes, but at least you’re a day ahead!
LOL. Yep. Coming to you from the future.
( New thread, for responding to A.D.E posts in the “Seventh Lane” (above) )
“I find it very uncomfortable there sometimes.”
I do, too. It’s one thing to tell posters to avoid Q (unverified, anonymous, etc.), and quite another to ridicule them into avoiding Q. Is mockery and derision necessary? I think not.
“I sometimes find it hard not to just quit.”
I’ve felt that way as well.
“I trust Q the most for information.”
Once again, same here. Consider: things are moving SO fast, that we don’t have the time to prove everything 100%. Put another way, by the time we have that deductive, granular “proof”, it’ll be WAY too late to ACT on that knowledge.
I could go on, but “Discretion is the better part of valor”, ’tis said. (OK, can’t resist: (in Brooklyn accent) “Scintilla? I got yer scintilla RIGHT HERE!” lol)
Glad that we think alike on this, ADE!
Be well.
Good stuff right there.
I don’t know if you saw my post on the Treehouse, but I just defended Wray in the most civil way that I could.
It struck me last night and then finally this morning who is behind this anti-Sessions, anti-Wray crap.
Yes, I saw your posts.
I understand, btw, that you’re threading the needle, as it were.
I wonder whether others, who don’t thread this needle so accurately, will recapture their lost viewership and participation down the road, when all has been made clear.
I think you’re spot-on about C. I sense that the entire cabal wishes for communism / totalitarianism – so, traitors are aligned with C, which has the same goal as Wahabi, which partners with EU socialists, and the Redshields, along with the arrogant, self-superior, narcissistic useful idiots we call the “left”.
The battle-lines are coming into sharp focus, yes?
YES!!! Yes they are.
I’m going to do a post on Wray shortly which may change SD’s thinking. We will see.
Be careful, soldier!
Keep to your mission statement …
Well, it’s not THAT likely to change his thinking!
Hi Emeraldstar. Thank you for your post and I’m pleased to find you feel the same way. I keep thinking about how Q says the swamp wants us divided and that together we are strong and divided we are weak. You’d think others would get the message – especially people like SD – and not try to tear us down. I haven’t found anyone who doesn’t, except for Q people. Q people understand it’s okay to have different opinions and that no one is an enemy for it.
It might be that SD is being beaten down and swayed by trolls, but then again, he’s as a soldier in the field, I’d have thought him immune.
When it comes to Q – and Wray, and Sessions and Rosenstein and Mueller – really, why should it bother anyone if others believe something elese might be going on? Since when did we all have to agree to be on the Trump Train? So long as everyone is pro-Trump and pro-MAGA, the rest shouldn’t matter.
I am so thankful to Wolfmoon for putting up this site because here, I feel, we can actually talk about these topics without being attacked automatically for stepping out of line.
I like Sundance and his treehouse, I’ve learned a lot there. But – Jeez – Innocent until proven Guilty! That ought to apply to everybody and not just Justice Kavanaugh, Sessions and Wray and Rosenstein and Mueller deserve that too. Some of the contributors over there sound like a lynch mob forming, they want them fired, locked up or executed on no basis but assumptions.
Cheers to you, I’m glad you’re here!
Amen to that A.D.
On Sundance and his reaction to Q I’ll give you an alternative theory, not that I hold to it, but only because it should be considered after which you can file it away in the trash.
Sundance’s sudden attack on Q seemed to come out of the blue. You can understand his supposed point of view, that being he puts in the time and work (ground pounder/grunt) only to have a fly by phantom come in and usurp his work. I think that would be the prevailing opinion however what if it is something different. What if Sundance is worried that Q is going to get doxxed or dox himself. His actions then while seeming somewhat ruthless are actually protective. He see’s a can of worms that need not be opened as they might upset the larger objectives thus he puts the damper on Q talk.
On “I trust Q the most for information.” So do I, however while Q maybe in the information loop I don’t believe he’s in the decision loop. Which translates to Q, while having inside information does not know everything that happens.
Totally agreed with your post, actually.
One of my concerns is that when Q self-reveals (most likely case, IMO, barring doxxing earlier, as CIA and media surely know who it is), the media and Silicon Valley will adopt a new approach to Q which involves “shutting down [insert blame words here] propaganda” or some such nonsense. Sundance’s best bet is to stay Q-free, IMO. That prevents them from using his “Q association” as a reason to shut him down.
I wish people would bring MOST Q talk here, although I prefer not to allow CTH to become an anti-Q propaganda mill, which it would if ALL Q talk came here, so SOME Q talk on the Treehouse seems advisable.
It’s SD’s show, however, so he can do what he wants, and I’m fine with it. We have this place now.
Gate Way Pundit is certainly going through the wringer so I don’t doubt what you say. Also as a side note Dan Bongion’s podcast ( ) is coming up 401 right now. Got him (his show) on twitter though. Consider that my MIJI ( Meekoning Intrusion Jamming and Interference) Report for the night. Expects these things to get worse.
Oh, and I posted this at the CTH, but anyone else notice this?
See our Lion’s tie choice for Justice Kavanaugh’s swearing in ceremony.
He is the master of re-branding!
Perfect tie. Perfect speech. Can there be anymore doubt about VSG! Rare.
Ruth looked oh so frail. Kennedy gets forced fun. Must of felt like a fool for what he had said last week. Meanwhile happy happy family. Thomas sits with Ruth while every one else stands, perfect gentleman while Gorsuch is beaming at the thought of new help.
Thanks TTT for putting this up… I saw it but hadn’t watched till now. I see it was something I didn’t want to miss. ty.
That looks like a “BLUE THROUGH THE SHREDDER” tie to me!
Seriously, I use f.lux to filter out of blue light on my computer screen so I can’t say for sure, but I thought t was PURPLE with white stripes. Prison garb? Light overcoming the revolution of a particular color? Yeah, shredder sounds good too.
What I saw in this video was our great Lion MAKING THINGS RIGHT. Making them right for Justice K, for his wife, for our freedom fighters in the Senate, and especially making things right for Judge K’s daughters.
I have seen the President wearing a purple tie. A lot of others on his team too. At first I didn’t like it, but now I think it’s deliberate to confuse the message out there on purple and who is a Bad Guy and who is not.
I trust this guy to know when a peace pipe is the best weapon!!!
I think so too. He’s taken over so many brands. “Fake News” “Republican Party”
Yes! I especially loved the fake news takeover. He was super fast with that and then the other side didn’t have a chance of taking it back again.
VSG has definitely worn diagonally striped ties (he generally avoids them) as color negations in victory laps. The times it’s been pointed out were very convincing, just like the “water bottles off the table” stunt. Somebody had an explanation of how it works, and I thought it made sense.
Yes, that whole thing was a great moment. I could watch that all day.
Yes. I loved the water bottles off the table! I watched that repeatedly. I didn’t realize the striped tie thing though. See? I’m learning all the time.
He seems to wear the diagonally striped ties for very auspicious occasions.
A two-color striped tie, especially black/white, has traditionally been considered more ‘formal’ than a solid.
Multi-color stripes are considered to be more casual wear.
And his striped ties seem to always be a right-to-left diagonal…rather than the opposite, left-to-right diagonal…no matter the color.
He wore a similar tie to the National Cathedral Service, the day after the Inauguration:
Also for the release of the North Korean hostages:
These are just two examples, as he has worn a similar dark-two-stripe tie for other special occasions.
The one he wore for the Kavanaugh swearing-in looked like it was black & white to me.
The color black can show up in photos sometimes, with color tones depending on the fabric or the surface.
The shine on black patent leather, for example, can often look blue.
When I watched the Kavanaugh swearing-in live, on our large screen tv, PDJT’s tie looked black & white
…and that screen tends to enhance red tones.
Yeah, that tie looks very close to black and white, but at least on my screen, it looks more like a really dark blue that almost matches the coat.
On ties: I learned this when DH came home from a business trip somewhere in Europe a few decades ago. The company that was designing a motor or generator gave him a European tie as a momento. Sorry it’s long, but the basic info is in the first paragraph.
“Dr. Neil Lazer
“It is true that the “Rep Stripe” tie is different in Europe. I believe that it is a military uniform influence. The “American Rep Stripe” will cross the chest diagonally with the stripes pointing from the right shoulder towards the waist. The “European Rep Stripe” crosses the chest with the stripes pointing from left shoulder towards the waist.
“If a rifle were to be carried in sling strapped over the shoulder, the American soldier would carry his weapon over the right shoulder. The European military sling would carry over the left shoulder with the strap crossing the heart. American rifles eject shell casings to the right and the European rifle ejects shell casings to the left. As for American military; considering people are mostly right handed the soldier would have and easier access and feel for the rifle carried over the right shoulder.
“American Rep Striped Tie
In dress, the uniform would flow better without converging stripes. I am sure if you view West Point or other officer photographs you’ll see this. Before the turn of the twentieth century the British came to the conclusion that their soldiers were easy targets in bright red uniform. With the issue of camouflaged uniform that would not make a soldier so easy to spot in the field the only way to dress up with color and style was a uniquely designed striped tie, with each division or regiment adopting their own colors. These ties not only preserved the traditional colors, they provided the only creativity for the drab new uniforms.”
Very cool! Thanks for that!
Uh oh, that first video is blocked…sorry about that.
Let’s try this one:
Yeah, that tie definitely looks blue to me – no question about it. Knock-me-over blue. I usually beat my wife on blue/black when we check tags, and she’s calling it navy blue here, although she calls his coat black and I’m calling it dark navy blue, versus true black colors in the crowd (mostly on women).
Great question for Trump!
The coat looks black to me, too.
I could be wrong, though…but that’s how it looks on my screen.
Have you ever noticed how black ink on a piece of paper looks blue or purple when it gets faded?
Or if the paper gets wet…and the ink gets washed out…what remains is blueish or purple-ish, or even reddish?
Or sometimes even greenish.
There are different types of black, too.
Have you ever put a black shirt with a black pair of pants…and noticed that, even though they are both ‘black’…they look a different shade of black?
That’s because there are different types of black die.
There is:
Carbon black — grey tones.
Blue black — blue tones.
Eggplant black — purple tones.
Black cherry — red tones.
Black forest — green tones.
I think the camera’s eye picks up on the color tones…and then our screens pick up on the color tones, too.
So the ‘black’ that we’re seeing in photos and video footage, has been filtered.
That’s the only explanation I can offer.
I don’t think there is a ‘right or wrong’ answer here…because this is what we are each seeing.
To know the real color of PDJT’s coat and tie, we would have to see them in real life…not filtered through a camera and then a monitor screen.
Yes – and it’s even more complicated than just the transmission stuff! The biology, psychology, cultural history and linguistics of colors are all amazing.
To my eyes, black dyes with large amounts of violet actually look black, whereas those based primarily on blue or indigo don’t.
For reasons I don’t quite understand, I’m one of those people who sees a gazillion shades, despite being a guy, since most people who see more colors than average are women, and nearly all people who are color blind are guys. Part of it may be training – I did a lot of color programming, working with named colors, so I was basically trained to “official” terminology and small differences in colors.
Take a look at these colors – particularly the blues and blacks – and see if you agree with them as being blue or black.
Yes, that’s what I was trying to say…there are several variables in play, on how we ‘see’ colors.
That paint chart is a good example of the different variations of ‘black’.
To my eyes, the blackest of the black, is the one that is based on grey…with an absence of other colors.
I know from experience that different fabrics ‘accept’ dies in different ways.
For example, Silk accepts color differently than Wool or Cotton.
Synthetic fabrics are challenging too, and sometimes have to be died while still in liquid state.
So unlike painting a metal surface…dyeing fabric presents a different set of variables.
That’s why a black silk tie may look like a different shade of ‘black’ than a black wool jacket.
I just ran across this…the footage looks real.
Not sure when this award show was on, though.
There are other tweets after this one; it’s a thread.
Spirit cooking, pedophilia, satanic rituals.
But…***Warning***…there is some really graphic stuff in those other tweets.
Liz Crokin tweeted out the above tweet…and I found these replies underneath Liz’s tweet:
Yeah, a lot of “yikes” there! But the fact is, there are people who do nasty things.
“Spirit cooking” seems like a kind of soft satan-porn to get people tolerant before they get sucked into the nasty.
Speaking of which…while traveling for 6 hours on Thursday and back home for 6 hours on Sunday I devoured a book that someone on CTH recommended after I made a comment about the CIA.
The book is CONFESSIONS of a D.C. MADAM, by Henry W. Vinson. From about chapter 5, he really starts to lay out the names of compromised dead politicians, gov officials, newspapers and how the CIA manipulates, blackmails and destroys people. He points out child trafficking and how CIA assets set people up for blackmail. But not just them, but also SS and FBI.
I kept thinking of Maniforte while reading the last third of the book, and how they get someone who is not squeeky clean and try to get the subject to turn on another to save the subject’s own butt.
The last chapter was a a killer of an analysis by him.
Excellent – that’s a great recommendation. I will check it out!!! Thank you!
And glad to hear you arrived back safely!
Looks like a “Q post” got a flat-out deletion at the Treehouse. Be warned, people!
(Note that this is what it looks like when a top-level post is deleted.)
A picture:
I remember talk of Q post 2381. Was that his last post for now?
Anyway, I received this in an email and thought it interesting.
“It’s unbelievable all the coincidences related to Q. This last one, the Federal Criminal Code # 2381 deals directly with Sedition and Treason. The last Q post from almost 2 weeks ago was #2381 , and it discusses treason and crimes against the country. Even if Q is a fairy tale, someone has gone thru an enormous amount of work to put the story together.”
Q has gone quiet, and I think with good reason. I believe that Q had intel that the leftist mafia was going to try to frame Q with some kind of violence.
THIS explains Sarah Sanders making that weird response to the press about disavowing violent groups when asked about Q and Blacks for Trump (media called them “fringe” groups at Trump rallies). She was signaling to us that the press and Dems had a plan to frame the Q movement as violent.
Q and Trump had intel on that. It’s almost another proof, IMO. They KNEW that the Q group would be framed.
That also might explain the stance about Q, taken by the One who rhymes with stance.
Yes. I think that some people with access to the best rumors got a very good tip some time back.
Does anyone know the veracity of a website urled: I’m not linking the story at this website now, because the article is hugely long, and someone will came and take me away to the funny farm. I didn’t read yet, but what I did see made my socks burn. It’s about M, judicial bribery and some female author who had the hots for dead female children.
How does one check on websites? Of course Snopes is the left’s darling and they are fake.
I think that anybody can upload stuff there. Just because anybody can put stuff there doesn’t mean its false, but there is little that can be done to fact-check some of the stuff that appears on such sites. “Beforeitsnews” is a bit like that. I’ve seen a lot of fake, but also some good real stuff that’s just a bit obscure.
Thanks Wolfie.