Logical Thinking

I want to directly address Q’s latest, very long post (number 2381 on qanon.pub).  I believe that it is critical for sorting out what is happening right now – not only with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, but also with FBI Director Christopher Wray.
Jeff Sessions is directly addressed by Q’s post.  However, it was by focusing on somebody who is APPARENT in the post – but not named directly – WRAY – that I can now understand what is happening, and more importantly, WHY.
We begin with Q’s post.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.373
Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1]
General Statement:
We understand that there is extreme fatigue and frustration re: the wheels of justice [slow].
Exclude emotion and personal desire, instead use logic and critical thinking based on situational awareness [undo a lifetime of evil & corruption [infestation] in the span of less than 2 years w/ a corrupt DOJ & FBI in place?].
[Process & Planning – Law and Order]
[Military OP]
How can you make arrests [non military] prior to first fully cleaning out corrupt elements [at the top] of those departments [FBI][DOJ] that oversee ‘investigation & prosecution’ in the United States [they [themselves] are the very ones engaged in the illegal treasonous acts]?
James Comey, Director – FIRED
Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director – FIRED
Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED
James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED
Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – Cooperating witness [power removed]
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED
Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED/FORCED
Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SECHRC email invest] – FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division – FIRED/FORCED
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General – FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division – FIRED/FORCED
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x – cooperating witness [power removed] – TERMINATION IMMINENT
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein – FIRED/FORCED
[Batter’s Box]
Michael Steinbach
John Glacalone
Randy Coleman
Trisha Anderson
Kevin Clinesmith
Tashina Gauhar
Sally Moyer
How do you ensure those prosecuted [non military] would receive an impartial judgement based on the RULE OF LAW?
Think Federal Judge rulings [obstruction] [POTUS’ granted CONSTITUTIONAL authority].
How do you ensure ‘appeals’ to the U.S. Supreme Court are evaluated impartially > based on the RULE OF LAW?
Think Justice K (5 to 4).
Military Law v Criminal Law
“Enemy Combatant”
How do you navigate around installed BLOCKADE?
[MUELLER] designed to take-in evidence needed to ‘expose’ DS [DOJ block re: Mueller ‘evidence’ ongoing investigation].
[MUELLER] designed to limit POTUS’ ability to maneuver.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘stall-for-time’ until MIDTERM ELECTIONS to TERMINATE all HOUSE / SENATE ongoing investigations.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘safeguard’ D_PARTY_BASE false narrative re: RUSSIA COLLUSION [POTUS CHEATED – EVIL – SKY FALLING] in effort to DIVIDE and MOBILIZE for future protests, riots, threats, violence, FF’s, etc.
[MUELLER] designed to provide FAKE NEWS w/ ammunition to sway public opinion, obstruct foreign + domestic agenda, fuel impeachment/removal, fuel anti-POTUS [DIVISION] [prevent UNITY], etc..
[MUELLER] designed to demonstrate to foreign players that OLD GUARD still pulls strings.
[MUELLER] designed to mobilize D_PARTY for MIDTERM VOTE WIN.
[MUELLER] designed to push D_PARTY backers to DONATE [GOFUNDME – D_PARTY].
[MUELLER] designed as PUBLIC OUTCRY EXCUSE should criminal charges be brought against them [‘we are being ‘politically’ attacked because MUELLER…].
How do you REMOVE installed BLOCKADE?
How do you navigate around installed corrupt [FBI][DOJ]?
Who must authorize firing of FBI/DOJ officials?
Why did McCabe try to take SESSIONS out?
No. 175
Logical thinking v clickbait.


That is what this is all about for me.  That includes a lot of work with unknowns and uncertainty.  Don’t just TRUST Q.  Apply some LOGIC.
I’m pretty good at that.  I’m not saying others aren’t, but this is a GROUP EFFORT.  Nobody is going to have all the pieces.
We are entering a very weird time where we will get MORE of some specific reliable but unproven (and thus uncertain) advance information through “authorized anti-media” sources like Q, than we will through our own efforts.  We will have to juggle some very fuzzy objects to do it, too.  If we refuse to accept certain items from Q, that we can’t immediately prove, we won’t be able to make some extremely important leaps.
This is a strange and uncomfortable situation, but once we accept it as a possibility, or even a necessity, we can do a lot WITH IT – all the while keeping our DOUBTS about the reliability of “Q”.  REMEMBER: Q cannot read Trump’s mind, and it can make mistakes, or even more specifically may not be fully informed by POTUS – with REASON.
Are you with me?  I’m not TRUSTING Q.  I’m TESTING Q.  And I’m using a combination of my own research, GOOD TESTING DOUBTS from the Treehouse, and STATEMENTS by Q to figure out where I want to be on Christopher Wray and Jeff Sessions.

Let’s look at the first part:

Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1]
General Statement:
We understand that there is extreme fatigue and frustration re: the wheels of justice [slow].
Exclude emotion and personal desire, instead use logic and critical thinking based on situational awareness [undo a lifetime of evil & corruption [infestation] in the span of less than 2 years w/ a corrupt DOJ & FBI in place?].
[Process & Planning – Law and Order]
[Military OP]

I think we’re supposed to take the “[p_AUTHORITY1]” token (clearly a real OR ad-hoc made-up or derived symbol meaning “highest Presidential authority”) as the idea that the VSGPOTUS approved this preface to a bunch of stuff which is largely known and repeated, but which, IMO, NEEDS to be repeated.  What’s the actual provenance of this stuff?  Who knows.  Uncertain.  Even if it’s a story, it’s a sensible one.  The timing is right, and sniffs of reality if this actually IS a legit psy-op.
Now I’m going to inject some opinion here.  The stated need for this POST is here, in the second sentence:

We understand that there is extreme fatigue and frustration re: the wheels of justice [slow].

This is a KNOWN vulnerability of the Q *psy-op*, because it is a core REASON for the Q psy-op itself.  The Q psy-op was designed (in my opinion) in part to combat the misleading and division of the Trump base by the Democrats and their foreign allies.  Why is this going on?  Because IMPATIENCE has ruled the roost as JUSTICE grinds slowly.  That impatience has allowed the Democrats to DISTRACT THE MAGA BASE very intentionally.  IMPATIENCE allows for DIVISION.  Note that Q understands the role of division very well, and has been CONSISTENT on this point.
Self-consistency is a bona fide.  Remember that.
One of the reasons the Q psy-op was CREATED (IMO) was to keep those IMPATIENT laser-pointer-susceptible anons from being misled – to keep them following TRUMP and not chaff and countermeasures – by providing a MAGA laser pointer with deniable but convincing VSGPOTUS signature, that would BEAT OUT the enemy laser pointers.
I don’t just think that was brilliant – I think it was NEEDED.
One of the first and earliest deployments against impatience was the early generation of “Twitter gurus”, who theorized very close to what Q is saying now.  Note that the Twitter gurus were SAVAGED by the New York Times in the VERY SAME attack article that was going after Q.  There is a reason for that.  The same groups of people attacking Q are against ANYTHING MAGA.

The Twitter gurus are convincing, but have also asserted some things that are almost unbelievable – possibly by design.  I still don’t accept everything they say as gospel, or even close to reality.  But I do believe they are 100% MAGA, and are telling some BIG TRUTHS that will prove correct in the long run.
NOW – what is being said next by Q?

Exclude emotion and personal desire, instead use logic and critical thinking based on situational awareness [undo a lifetime of evil & corruption [infestation] in the span of less than 2 years w/ a corrupt DOJ & FBI in place?].
[Process & Planning – Law and Order]
[Military OP]

Look – let’s be reasonable here.  COLD LOGIC.  The direction of this explanation just keeps working toward what Q has been saying all along.  Military OP.  Put all the pieces together and the entire history of the Trump candidacy and administration makes TOTAL SENSE if we proceed from the following scenario:

The military and particularly the NSA watched and waited, as they saw things going bad – as the CLOWN Deep State began to abuse IC resources more and more – as it became clear that the control panels of government were being ABUSED for political ends.  The Snowden LEAK was one of the last straws. 
A TRIPWIRE was constructed.  I tend to think the basic tripwire may have even been constructed long ago – perhaps as long ago as GENERAL Washington.  But the modern interpretation of the tripwire is simple in this theory. If NSA data was used to go after candidates in a Presidential election, the military would STOP IT and begin countering – within limits – whatever forces were behind the abuse.  I like to believe that General Washington left some kind of orders that the military would automatically self-correct if it was ever abused BY a President to control a Presidential election.
So you know what that means.
It is also likely that the black hat conspirators were AWARE of the tripwire, or at least “a” tripwire in theory, and ACTED against Adm. Rogers based on the knowledge that they had likely crossed it.

Now comes a serious question:

How can you make arrests [non military] prior to first fully cleaning out corrupt elements [at the top] of those departments [FBI][DOJ] that oversee ‘investigation & prosecution’ in the United States [they [themselves] are the very ones engaged in the illegal treasonous acts]?

This is not just a self-consistent admission that the military doesn’t want to do this task – it is a POINTER of how to approach this logically.

  • Clean out the top in a civilian way (takes time, but is largely, not completely done).
  • Clean out below after that (very problematic – WE ARE HERE)

After that, comes a long litany of FACTS supporting this, in terms of PROMISES KEPT and PROMISES TO BE KEPT, vis-à-vis “draining the swamp”.

James Comey, Director – FIRED
Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director – FIRED
Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED
James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED
Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – Cooperating witness [power removed]
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED
Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED/FORCED
Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SECHRC email invest] – FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division – FIRED/FORCED
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General – FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division – FIRED/FORCED
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x – cooperating witness [power removed] – TERMINATION IMMINENT
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein – FIRED/FORCED
[Batter’s Box]
Michael Steinbach
John Glacalone
Randy Coleman
Trisha Anderson
Kevin Clinesmith
Tashina Gauhar
Sally Moyer

This is an argument for MORE TIME based on the sizes of two groups: (1) the bad actors we KNOW about who HAVE been scrutinized, at what we are likely to admit is a previously acceptable rate, and (2) those people ( [BATTER’S BOX] ) have not yet been publicly scrutinized, inviting us to EXTEND the acceptable period of scrutiny.
Is this REASONABLE?  That’s a good question.  YOUR CALL.  I entertain the idea that, with reasonable guarantees of completion, it IS reasonable.
Next, look at some questions:

How do you ensure those prosecuted [non military] would receive an impartial judgement based on the RULE OF LAW?
Think Federal Judge rulings [obstruction] [POTUS’ granted CONSTITUTIONAL authority].
How do you ensure ‘appeals’ to the U.S. Supreme Court are evaluated impartially > based on the RULE OF LAW?
Think Justice K (5 to 4).
Military Law v Criminal Law
“Enemy Combatant”
How do you navigate around installed BLOCKADE?

These are all reasonable arguments for (1) do this OUTSIDE the military as much as possible (BRAVO!), and (2) we might REASONABLY need to allow more time.
In particular, look at the BLOCKADE called [MUELLER]….

[MUELLER] designed to take-in evidence needed to ‘expose’ DS [DOJ block re: Mueller ‘evidence’ ongoing investigation].
[MUELLER] designed to limit POTUS’ ability to maneuver.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘stall-for-time’ until MIDTERM ELECTIONS to TERMINATE all HOUSE / SENATE ongoing investigations.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘safeguard’ D_PARTY_BASE false narrative re: RUSSIA COLLUSION [POTUS CHEATED – EVIL – SKY FALLING] in effort to DIVIDE and MOBILIZE for future protests, riots, threats, violence, FF’s, etc.
[MUELLER] designed to provide FAKE NEWS w/ ammunition to sway public opinion, obstruct foreign + domestic agenda, fuel impeachment/removal, fuel anti-POTUS [DIVISION] [prevent UNITY], etc..
[MUELLER] designed to demonstrate to foreign players that OLD GUARD still pulls strings.
[MUELLER] designed to mobilize D_PARTY for MIDTERM VOTE WIN.
[MUELLER] designed to push D_PARTY backers to DONATE [GOFUNDME – D_PARTY].
[MUELLER] designed as PUBLIC OUTCRY EXCUSE should criminal charges be brought against them [‘we are being ‘politically’ attacked because MUELLER…].

So where does this go?

How do you REMOVE installed BLOCKADE?
How do you navigate around installed corrupt [FBI][DOJ]?
Who must authorize firing of FBI/DOJ officials?
Why did McCabe try to take SESSIONS out?
No. 175
Logical thinking v clickbait.

Now – in my opinion, this is all a great and obvious argument for:

  1. Sessions is OK, though impeded, and is a HUGE target of the black hats
  2. More time is OK

There is also something else.  Notice ALL THOSE PEOPLE IN THE FBI who WERE fired.  I’m not even talking about the ones on deck – I’m talking about the ACTUALLY fired and removed people.
This is a whole lot of DRAIN THE SWAMP, in my opinion.  This means that Q is also arguing….
3.  Wray is OK
It’s not stated explicitly – most of the effort is defending SESSIONS.  But by implication, Q is saying Wray is OK, in my opinion.
But how does this jibe with all the other arguments we’re hearing – many seemingly very valid – that Sessions and Wray have NOT cleaned out DOJ and FBI?
Can it be true that they ARE cleaning out the BAD TOP, but that they ARE NOT cleaning out the BAD RANK AND FILE?
Absolutely.  And we need to look at this more closely to see why it is happening.
The easiest way to see what is happening is to look at WRAY, not SESSIONS.  For Sessions to be valid requires a certain amount of “stealth” on his part – that is a very uncertain situation.  We don’t have that problem with Wray.

To begin with, I found it very helpful to look at Chris Wray’s background.  If he’s “Deep State”, that’s our problem right there.
My assessment of Wray is as follows.  Some of it is highly speculative.  The references are included in various places.  Many of the ideas listed appear in multiple references, or are derived from my thinking on information in multiple references.  Don’t take reference location as definitive, or the references as the sole origins of the ideas.
The purpose of this is to prove that Christopher Wray is or is not “Deep State”.  I will skip to the end.  He is NOT Deep State.  In my opinion.
This is all a bit of a hodge-podge, but if you don’t like it, I think you can gain a similar understanding by simply clicking on and reading some of these references.

All of this, I found very troubling.
What?  Why?  Why on earth would I find an excellent background troubling?
Because Wray is too good.  I cannot explain the situation at FBI based solely on Wray.  The problems at FBI would require Wray to be incompetent in ways he is not.
Sessions is different.  He has a MUELLER around his neck.  There is a REASON Sessions is in trouble, and the “BAD RANK AND FILE” at DOJ are running loose, undermining him everywhere.  Mueller has Sessions pinned down.
Wray does not have that problem.   And consistent with a competent leader, Wray’s background is VERY consistent with that long list of FIRED top people at the FBI.  He’s the perfect guy to have done exactly what he did.  If we also accept Q’s proposition that these things take time, then I think Wray has to be doing a good job.
BUT – how do I reconcile that idea with Wray not providing required documents to Congress in a timely and complete fashion?
Even weirder, how do I reconcile THAT incompetence or noncompliance with EXCELLENT FBI work in the investigation of Judge Kavanaugh?
Stated differently, the FBI has been SWAMPY toward all House investigations, but was NON-SWAMPY for the Kavanaugh Senate investigation.
Logic tells me that the simplest explanation is that FBI is PARTIALLY CLEAN.  Stated differently, only a SMALL part of the FBI has been cleansed.  That small part is:

  • the top chain of command that was REPLACED
  • the special DOJ/FBI group that has been going after leaks, including the Wolfe leak in the SSCI
  • the group supporting the OIG (but definitely NOT completely cleansed, based on Sharyl Attkisson’s laptop)

These are the places we have seen ACTION against the swamp in any significant way.
This is in agreement with the idea that THE SWAMP is still deep in FBI.  Only PARTS of the FBI swamp have been drained.
THAT is OK.  I can live with that, if we CONTINUE THE DRAINAGE.
So WHY all the impatience now?  We are actually SEEING PROGRESS with the Kavanaugh confirmation and serious FBI push-back on FAKE WITNESSES, and yet people are calling for Wray to be replaced.  That could actually be BAD, unless we KNOW of a better replacement.
Does anybody believe that the NEXT FBI Director would be as tough on China as WRAY has been?  I seriously doubt it.
That is what went through my mind the next morning, watching a news report about yet another FBI BUST against CHINESE SPIES.  And then it hit me.


Wray has been talking about China more than any other FBI Director in memory.  And not just talking – Wray has been DOING.  He is actually ARRESTING Chinese assets.
Bear in mind, I had recently seen Wheatietoo’s post, where SHE put it all together on China on a bunch of other things.  All I’m doing is throwing ONE MORE LOG on that fire.
Just like Trump and his “team of killers” on trade – just like Trump’s defense people on navigation in the Pacific – just like Trump himself on TARIFF after TARIFF after TARIFF – not to mention calling out CHEATING on North Korea sanctions – not to mention the “Save Our Seas Act” – not to mention upending bogus climate change – not to mention booting out Confucius Institutes – and see Wheatie’s post for more…..
Yes.  Wray is ON MESSAGE with Trump on China.  AND he is the guy who has ACTUALLY been going after China.
Why in the heck would China put up with that?
NOBODY can start a whisper campaign against their enemies like CHINA.
I immediately went to the Treehouse to spell this out:

I just figured out last night that CHINA is targeting Wray. Oh, these ChiComs are so sneaky. They will pull crap when you’re looking right at them.
I did a deep dive on Wray last night because of this post. Things didn’t make sense.
Everything is telling me that Wray’s basic nature is MAGA, straight-shooter, and that he is the antithesis of what the other side wants. In particular, he is the first guy in a long time to actually GET the China problem. BOOM. That is when I realized what is happening.
SO – in my humble and slightly opposing opinion – the whole “turn against Sessions and Wray” movement is striking me as a highly skilled ChiCom product. The ChiComs are amazingly good at hiding the China hand. They push American faces as actors and actors behind actors to get their goals, and most people never see it, but I smell the invisible Chinese hand like very few can, and it is all over this push against Wray.
So why is Wray being ineffective to Congress? It’s a VALID QUESTION. In some ways this is also CLASSIC CHINA – they always try to move a situation very quickly to a state where their enemies BLAME THE VICTIM. Very few people are as SNEAKY and SKILLED as the ChiComs in getting their enemies to shoot each other.
China’s method of undermining institutions is A THOUSAND CUTS FROM BELOW, AND AN KNIFE TO THE THROAT AT THE TOP. So every Holderite, McCabian and Canklebot in FBI is foot-dragging as hard as they can, many not even realizing who “The Resistance” really serves. And all that is being used against Wray from below, IMO.
I’m sorry, but I will not blame Wray for Chinese black-hattery. We MAY need to put an even tougher fighter in his place (thinking Wolf Moon wearing an AR-15 to pressers), but until somebody SHOWS ME THE GOODS, I say Wray is our best fighter already. The only two people I know who are tougher on China are Peter Navarro and ME, and there is no way Peter is qualified, and no way I would be allowed into my own Senate hearings with an AR-15 on my back (among other reasons 😉 ).
I think we need to see what Wray is like AFTER THE MIDTERMS IF WE KEEP THE HOUSE. Will he be more cooperative with Congress? I think so – for MANY reasons.
If I’m correct in my thinking, then Wray will be MORE FORTHCOMING when President Trump has greater operational freedom. I think we are seeing this to some extent already, but not completely, for valid reasons.

I can expand on that thinking a bit more.  CHINA knows that it is going to have to use every asymmetric advantage it can to come after Trump.  I am sure they are pressuring, cajoling, and calling in the chips EVERYWHERE to get AMERICAN FACES to get Trump to back down.  One of those methods is to get their Democrats back into power by ANY method they can.  Removing Sessions and/or Wray has to be at the top of that list.  The ChiComs UNDERMINE THE ORGANIZATIONS to do it, too.  Possibly through SURROGATES.  Exactly what we are seeing.
[DSA looks a bit flush lately.  Just sayin’.]
It ain’t gonna happen.  If the Chinese Communists think they can return the situation to “Obama Normal”, they are SADLY mistaken.
SO – bottom line – this is WAR.  And war changes everything.  Sometimes, war is a PAIN in the butt, and right now, that’s the way it is.
WAR may mean putting up with ineffective people for a while.  WAR may also mean FIRING THEM completely out of the blue.  War may even mean FIRING ON YOUR OWN PEOPLE.
I am TRUSTING TRUMP.  I see Sessions and Wray as GOOD SOLDIERS in the FIGHT against Chinese communism, Soviet leftoverism, and nasty dupey globalism.  Our VSGPOTUS may indeed have to BOMB OUR OWN POSITIONS at some point to free up the AG position and put a TOUGH GUY BASTARD into FBI.  That’s WAR.  I don’t like it, but if either man gets overrun in his position, then we may have to nuke them.

MAGAPOTUSAURUS is on the loose!

However, I don’t think we’re there yet.  So I am going to continue to support Jeff Sessions and Chris Wray up to the very moment (should it ever arrive) that Trump sees their replacement as necessary.
This is #WAR.  In the meanwhile, WE have a HOUSE to deliver.
Sometimes you’ve gotta trust that the people up top know what they’re doing.  Scene from MIDWAY – why is this relevant?  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074899/characters/nm0000336?ref_=tt_cl_t3


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A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

Excellent analysis. I too am thinking China, and posted some additional stuff following Wheatietoo’s lead a few hours ago.
One question I have been pondering is the resistance to congressional inquiries, both by DOJ and the FBI. Perhaps compliance with the demands would not fit with the overall information release plan, but this would tend to indicate that many of the folks in Congress that we think of as on the team may not be fully read in.

A.D. Everard

I agree that things were way worse than was realized. I’m kinda glad we didn’t know, there’d be a lot more fear out there and too much fear on the ground can get in the way of winning.

A.D. Everard

Not only is VSGPOTUS really good at that, he’s very good at teaching everyone else how to do it as well. I am so pleased he is at the helm. We may have a long way to go as yet, and it might not seem it, but the world could not be in safer hands than it is right now.

Plain Jane

Enemy smells fear.

A.D. Everard

This enemy thrives on it.

Plain Jane

Absolutely. You said it. That’s why the enemyto freedom is so against Q.
Q makes people think, and thinking people aren’t paralized by fear.

singular Zoe

Wolfmoon, thank you for explaining about the blockade, about the trip-wire and George Washington, and about Wray and Sessions.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

And I would not discount the possibility that Hillary’s email server may also have been a mechanism to “accidentally” reveal US secrets to the Chinese.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

I have been talking about this stuff for decades now. I wouldn’t say Global Socialism was working, but it was advancing relentlessly on multiple fronts.
Its success was hugely dependent on controlling information flows to the masses. Thus, gaining control of the news media, education and Hollywood were hugely important to their cause (people forget how the advancement of communism in the movie industry drove Reagan’s views). I still rail about Jimmy Carter creating the federal Department of Education in order to push groupthink through our society. If you look at how accepting young people in the US are of socialism, I’m pretty sure I have been vindicated on that one. And our so-called news media isn’t even trying to hide the fact that it is actively complicit in this effort. I pray PDJT is working on addressing these issues once the traitors are neutralized.

singular Zoe

Great post, A.D. Dept. of Ed. disaster for our country, and I have friends, one of whom voted for Pres. Reagan, who now think socialism is wonderful because “it will help a lot of people.” Makes me want to tear my hair out.

Sue Mcdonald

My stepson’s GF was visiting yesterday and I was stressing to her the importance of trusting yourself, think for yourself ect.. she is HS senior, what she told me was quite disheartening. she said how can we think for ourselves? we haven’t been taught that. we think what were told to think, she was taken aback that I was telling her to ignore all that crap and groupthink they fill young minds with, dare to be a free thinker. I told her to self educate, its easy once you start, she seemed almost afraid of the concept. now I have something else to worry about…. the terminal generation is here. I did tell her to go get the matrix movie and watch it carefully and maybe she might understand.

singular Zoe

My nephew loved that Matrix movie. Hardly ever watch movies, and as I am blind, think That one is extremely visual, not sure if I could follow enough of it, but I understand its message is important. Good advice you gave the young lady.

A.D. Everard

Amazing comment right there, Wolfmoon. This could be its own article! Fantastic insights. What a shock Trump winning the election must have been!!! Yet even with that, they still feel invincible. Your comment just explained why!

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

Session’s today announced a SF Grand Jury has returned indictments against one of China’s key “2025” companies for stealing US DRAM technology. Perhaps a reason why China might be seeking to undermine Sessions and Wray?
And for those who may wonder how US companies could be so foolish as to get into this position, remember how environmental regulations in CA drove the manufacturing of all sorts of computer components offshore, creating “fabless” semiconductor manufacturers in the US? Where were they driven to?


Thanks Wolf.
Hoping you are right.
A breath of fresh air.
The Treehouse has become infested.
Not the fault of Sundance.


Great analysis, Wolf!
Yes, we definitely have an enemy-inside-the-wire situation with China.
And rather than freak out about it, our President and his team of Wolverines have been quietly and systematically going about the herculean task of remedying this situation.
Pres Trump has been deploying a 360-degree Sun Tzu strategy.
He engages in deception when he has to…but does it deftly, cloaking it with the necessary plausible deniability.
I am hoping that they can nail a lot of ChiCom operatives with FARA.
Foreign Agent Registration Act.
This is one of the things that Mueller crucified Manafort with, violating FARA.
When I was doing a little research on David Laufman…the ex-Asst DAG, who was hired by Dr. Chrissy Fraud’s bestie, Monica McLean…I noticed that he had posted a link to this article:
“Washington’s FARA Frenzy Spurs New Legal Business”
Hmm…now why would there be a ‘frenzy’ in DC about FARA?
I didn’t make the connection to the ChiComs at that time.
But…now…I’m thinking that, yeah, there are probably some ChiCom operatives and their various straw men, who are seeking legal advice about FARA.
As far as Christopher Wray…I think you’re right about him being targeted for trashing by the ChiComs.
Makes sense.
What I am unclear on, is whether the ChiComs are a part of the globalist Cabal that seeks to bring down our President…or if the ChiComs are a separate cabal unto themselves.
There may be a sort of unholy alliance for the time being…since they have the same ‘goal’.
Back to Wray.
I watched Praying Medic’s latest video last night.
And I think you would enjoy it, so I will post it below.
Praying Medic zeroed in on the same Q-post that you have here, Wolf…but he didn’t really delve into the China thing, not like you have, Wolfie.
He titled it “Logic and Critical Thinking” and went into the impatience that so many Trump supporters are suffering from.
One point he made about Wray was a good one though:
He pointed out how Wray had set a ‘leak trap’ for Jim Rybicki…and when Rybicki fell for it, Wray fired him.
You can watch him make that point, starting at the 12:09 mark:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAnguoKPgAk&w=560&h=315%5D
Bottom line:
Trust Sessions. Trust Wray. Trust the Plan.


Oh, and thanks for the deep diving on Wray, Wolf…that is much appreciated.
I also love the “MAGAPOTUSAURUS is on the loose!”
Haaaaa. Good one.

A.D. Everard

Excellent analysis, Wolfmoon. Well thought out. There is a heck of a lot going on behind the scenes, a great deal they cannot talk about. I’m certain there are White Hats in the thick of it and posing as Black Hats. Stands to reason.
The reluctance to share reports and intel with Congress makes sense to me as not everyone can be trusted there. I believe Wray doesn’t want the enemy to know exactly what they are working on, plus whatever it is that can be used in a court of law or a military tribunal.
I hadn’t thought of China being a heavy force in all this, but that makes sense. They wanted to rule the world economically, and the globalists were happy to let them think they could and would. The war is getting down and dirty now, so anything goes. We’re also, I think, entering the most dangerous part of it as the midterms approach and everything is on the line.

A.D. Everard

Oooh, yeah… (Where’s that video?! You know the one anyway.) 😀

Plain Jane

Great work Wolfman.
Important thread.
We are out of state this weekend in a home with 9 family members. It’s difficult to put two thought together before interruptions. Will be re-reading hopefully tonight if I still have energy after travel.

Plain Jane

Thought this is somewhat interesting about China cronies.
Saw this over at iotwreport.com . It’s from American Thinker.
“Vox found shilling Chinese state propaganda
By Monica Showalter
Vox, the smarmy Obama hipster “explainer” news site that purports to know how the world works better than you, has been found shilling Chinese political propaganda. “

Sylvia Avery

Well, I am sure late to the party but I’m really glad I found this thread to read. The Wray thing. It is long, it is complicated, but it does provide an explanation that fits. Very, very interesting. I’ll keep my Suspicious Cat eyes trained on Wray, but I’ll stop dismissing him as a loser who needs to be jettisoned.
Really interesting stuff, Wolfie. Thanks again.


Wolfmoon, so if you disagree athe Treehouse now, will you be banned or just becomes very ugly? I go there less often than I used to, just get tired of the Sessions-bashing.


That is interesting. I have not yet even read Sundance’s post on the Session’s resignation as I don’t want to read all the gloating. I just want to thank Jeff Sessions for his service to our country.


Not surprised as I am sure we still have allies over there. Will have to look later.

Sylvia Avery

I haven’t been paying much attention to posts about Wray. I will start observing now out of curiousity. Has talking about Wray become like talking about Sessions? That’s when I first noticed this emergency of supercharged opinionizing. And because I have a fairly good memory for names I first noticed user names disappearing.
It will be interesting to see what happens now. But I’ll particularly pay attention to Wray discussions.