We are at a very interesting time.
I had a great Twitter conversation with a fellow Treeper, which explains WHY this moment is interesting, and I’d like to share my side of it – more or less – with everybody.
The subject was the recent FBI/DOJ plea bargain with James Wolfe.
Discussed at the Treehouse HERE:
and HERE:
If you paid attention, we had a small potatoes win – a cheap plea bargain for lying to the FBI – with little or no jail time – no prosecution of the leaks per se. People who were hoping for MORE were not seeing it.
The current state thus seems DEMORALIZING in many ways. But should we be demoralized? Or should we FACE THE REALITY of the situation, and double down to CHANGE IT?
Here you go. First my quotes – then my expanded thoughts.
IMO Sundance is just interpreting the current state of affairs, before the election, exactly as it is – pure REALITY. He wants people to realize that WHAT WE ARE EXPERIENCING RIGHT NOW – small wins – is exactly the way it STAYS if the House goes to the Democrats. If you want ANY of this stuff to change, then we need to keep the House, and GAIN SEATS in the Senate. Only then will we see the stuff Q is talking about. If it stays like this, it STAYS CORRUPT.
I put a nicer face on that reality, but SD and I believe the same thing. DOJ and FBI are NOT filled with Untouchable types ready to bust all the crooked politicians – FAR FROM IT. Q is telling us the truth, but all the prosecutions of the SpyGate gang will be a small sideshow to fake commie impeachment proceedings if they win the House.
I intend to work my BUTT OFF to win in November.
I have a post on the Treehouse explaining how the Wolfe plea deal probably worked – WHY it is proceeding like it is. We are at a junction. If we win, you will see STUFF from Wolfe’s testimony to the FBI. If we lose, you will see nothing more – a COVER-UP.
YES. There can be no complacency. The ONLY chance we have of getting prosecutions on this stuff is to WIN and BEAT THESE CHUMPS BADLY.
They want us divided. Q is right. I think I may put parts of what I just told you into a big post on my site. People need to understand this.
Now – not everybody is even as “optimistically gritty” as I am about this election, but they are every bit as realistic.
Listen to Joe di Genova explain HOW MUCH LEVERAGE our VSGPOTUS has – just from the FISA stuff that does NOT include the SSCI and Dianne Feinstein.
But also warnings about what happens if we DON’T KEEP THE HOUSE.
Our President has massive leverage. If Sundance is right (and I think he is) about Trump’s new leverage over Senate Democrats AND Republicans, thanks to the FISA leak, AND if POTUS adds that leverage to what he already gets from declassification of the BAD FISA WARRANT – well – VSG Trump is sitting pretty good.
Imperator Rex ALSO sees massive leverage coming from Papadopoulos, much like what Joe diGenova sees. Check out the entire thread on Twitter:
I am going to assert what is pretty obvious, but what you need to understand will determine the course of the next two years.
We are at a junction. If we LOSE THE HOUSE, the winning for the next two years will be there, but it will be small potatoes.
But if we keep the House and gain in the Senate, the WINNING will be YUGE.

Been doing some searching & reading about plea-deals-being-kept-private…
And there seems to be a line drawn between state courts and federal courts.
In state courts…plea agreements must be made public.
At least, that’s the assertion of the ‘legal experts’ whose articles turned up in my searches.
But in federal courts, there is a lot of blah-blah-blah…which tells me that, Yes, plea agreements can be kept private in a federal court.
There doesn’t seem to be any definitive hard & fast rule on this.
Which tells me that it’s possible to keep plea agreements secret in a federal court — and no one wants to talk about it.
If James Wolfe has made a deal to testify…or has already given his sworn testimony…that he was instructed to leak documents to the media, by Senators on the SSIC, then it makes sense that the white hats would want to keep this under wraps.
For now.
Sundance seems to be convinced that ‘plea deals must be made public’.
I don’t want to confront him on this and contradict him.
But I thought I would let you know, Wolfie…that there seems to be a difference in fed court.
Research it for yourself, though.
I simply couldn’t find anything definitive about it.
I just think it is way too early to accuse the Trump Team of engaging in a “coverup”.
And it is disappointing to see SD making that accusation.
As a side Note:
There seems to be some kind of pernicious malware or something, infesting the CTH right now.
Been going on for several days now.
It’s affecting my ability to access Reply Notifications there.
The list that drops down when I click on the little Bell icon, will not open…and I keep getting the rotating blue donut from hell, over a blank sidebar where the list should be.
Doesn’t happen here…or on any other WP site.
Only at the CTH.
Has anyone else been having this problem, or am I the only one?
That problem happens if THIRD PARTY COOKIES are not approved for the page. The notification on any WP-based site needs access to the cookies from when you log into WP itself on wordpress.com, so just make sure that your CTH settings haven’t been tampered with. I believe there is some malware that can make your browser revert to default settings of NO third-party cookies, and THAT is how the notifications get messed up.
Thank you for researching the plea deals, Wheatie. That’s been on my mind ever since that Sundance article. It just didn’t smell right. Would Sessions even have set up a leak task force if he were just going to do a coverup? Much easier not to catch anyone in the first place, because it’s all now in the public. And then Sundance made the opposite assumption today on the guy not being prosecuted for accepting sports tickets. He assumes that is Baker and he’s singing. I’m assuming the same about Wolfe until I know different.
I have a question (or 12) to ristvan over on CTH about this, after he (fairly nicely) told me I was wrong for thinking these cases were alike. It was what he DIDN’T say that bothered me, so I was blunt in asking him pointedly – is it likely or not that they got any useful information out of Wolfe?
But now I think that is immaterial, and THAT FACT is what nobody wants to say.
So I’ll say it right here.
Part of me thinks DOJ and FBI are PROTECTING SURVEILLANCE by the usual PARALLEL RECONSTRUCTION – and that they would rather let the small fish off with minor crimes than fight it out in court, where prized surveillance assets would get revealed. Wolfe and his lawyers knew this, played hardball, and Wolfe walked with a MINIMAL case where the parallel construction was strong and convincing enough to go to court and stand.
Stated differently, Wolfe can’t give DOJ much more than what they already know by surveillance, now that they have it. Wolfe knew DOJ and FBI didn’t want to give up info about the surveillance, so he and his lawyers held firm for the minimum, convinced that the FBI had him on THAT MUCH without mentioning the wiretaps, etc.
That’s an interesting thought and could very well be right. But if this is how they are playing it, that would mean an awful lot of lower level corrupticrats getting off with a slap on the wrist in order to use surveillance to get the higher level ones. I definitely want to see the higher level ones imprisoned. But the problem is, there is such a system wide atmosphere of corruption in the federal government that if they don’t slap it down hard from the top all the way down, that they’re never going to get rid of it all. These people need to understand that when you participate in this crap, that you’re going to pay the price. So I’m a little bit upset that this guy isn’t paying a higher price if he isn’t giving up anyone to get leniency.
Yes. I think there will have to be an optimal clean-up strategy that rinses out the lower levels. BUT I THINK I SEE HOW THAT CAN WORK.
There is a DEAL/NO-DEAL strategy at play here. Most people are NOT going to get deals. Q made that point early. They wanted people to know. BUT I think that making a few early deals AFTER THAT for a few people leads to a lot of information AND higher-ups in the food chain. So maybe for the lowers, DEALS NOW but NOT LATER.
See how that works? MOVE UP, then back DOWN. A few deals going up. A LOT of NO-DEALS going back down after the plot is laid bare at the highest levels, and they start filling in the minions.
I have that problem periodically, but after rebooting, it goes away.
Hi W and friends.
Praying Medic notes the reality facing the Dems this Nov.
Hope it posts ok!
I don’t want to sound over confident as your article rightly points out the effort need, but it’s a well constructed analysis by Larry Scheiwart that provides a good deal of positive info
Excellent article! Thanks for that!
First let me just say that Larry is clearly in the know, because he has Ohio right. The Senate TAKEOVER by Renacci will be a nail-biter, and he’s probably right that the House seat in OH-12 is safer now that it’s a general election and not a special election, and massive independents will come in for Balderson, although I am still worried about that one, because the Dems are still organized on it and are pushing HARD in the urban areas.
Just saying BEWARE overconfidence. We ALMOST lost that OH-12 special election. Were there not some PANIC as it approached, and TWO visits from VP and POTUS, we would not have gotten that squeaker recount victory.
Keeping Tiberi’s seat is a kind of moral victory, if we can do it. The Dems need to know that sending in a LYING prog like O’Connor as a FAKE MODERATE is not going to work. And it’s ONE seat, and every seat counts.
The HOUSE is critical if we want BIG WINS that clean out the dirt. Critical!!!
Oooh Aaaaa’men
I may have got my tin foil hat on back to front and inside out but I think I just tumbled on why you got us here. Oh wow.
Thanks! I think it’s a lot easier for us to discuss these things here, than it is to discuss them on CTH itself. Also, in a way, this SPREADS THE TREEHOUSE THINKING. That can be nothing but a good thing, IMO.
Sites tend to lock in a kind of “courtesy to the owner” that can be targeted by the opposition to wedge people off a site. My observations of Trump gravity dynamics showed my why this move would strengthen, not weaken, the Treehouse. It seems to have worked, knock on wood!
It was a comment I read that sort of triggered me, I might have done 2+2=5, but it makes no odds it’s still better having Q stuff on here, for whatever the reason.
Hey W … as “old timers” on CTH, I say we must always reflect on Howie’s rule for the upcoming election. We will hear more and then again, yet MORE about how far behind and screwed we are. Then, the new rule applies:

We Win … They Lose.
Howie’s rule of polling results: Add at least 10 points to whatever the manufactured poll results say … just to start!
Love it! MUH RED TSUNAMI! And I hope to be a small part of that, again. Time to get out in the field!

If we can win big enough to force the REFORMISTS in the Democrat party – and I mean AUTHENTIC MAGA reformists – to take over and KICK OUT THE COMMIES and STALINIST PROGS – then even better. A really BRUISING VICTORY could do that. A victory where SANE DEMS turn to real independents who support MAGA and try to get them to run, instead of sending out sneaker progs in moderate clothing.
Although Trump is right – Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton are great for the GOP. I’m worried that Pocahontas is erasing herself from the guaranteed loser column, however! We must support Pocahontas just enough that she stays powerful in Democrat politics!
OK, maybe not really. We’ll win EITHER WAY!!!
“OK, maybe not really”
I would say it’s an emphatic “No!” for fake Pocahontas.
IIRC, right after the 2016 Election win, there was a meeting (a “retreat” or whatever) with a very small circle of people … with Gyorgy S.! I believe the purpose was to strategize for how to combat the Election results.
Thin Lizzie attended. She is one of the highest pols on the S**** payroll, second only to HRC (who now is out of direct power, so far less valuable to the cabal).
One must be careful not to over-think things. I know that the Kavanaugh debacle ended up working in our favor, so in retrospect it was a good strategy to give the D’s et al enough rope to hang themselves … but it doesn’t always work.
Supporting such a high-ranking traitor, in ANY way, isn’t a good idea, IMO. She just torpedoed herself, and now I’d like to see her go down.
I will NOT vote for her, and I do NOT wish for her to retain ANY power at all. Let her political epitaph stand as it is – we’ve got no more use for her.
Good luck tends to backfire, when one pushes too much for more good luck. I say it’s time to take our winnings and cash out.
I will vote against her 3 weeks from now … and I hope most MA residents do the same. THAT would be the way to FULLY realize the benefit of her self-implosion, and move forward.
IMO, of course!
Get her out!
Quite a pithy translation of my rant …
HA! LOL!!!
The local talk radio rino whore was going on today about how trump owes pocohantas a $1,000,000 check because she proved him wrong. 1/16 barely gets you a seat at the pow wow let alone 1/1023 These people are stupid.
New video about Q…was just posted a few hours ago.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRtEgdgj_XQ&w=560&h=315%5D
I noticed a link to this in a tweet, so I clicked on it.
Then when I went back to click on the tweet to read the replies to it…I got a “Tweet does not exist” popup.
But then, lotsa weird stuff happening these days.
“lotsa weird stuff happening these days”
Twister shadow-banning, and deleting accounts, and disabling re-posting on other sites.
Fakebook on a rampage, censoring as they please to shut down conservative discourse.
The coordinated attack on Infowars – with Fakebook deleting, YT erasing, Paypal cutting off transactions, Disqust de-platforming comments, Apple dropping their apps … and then yesterday, vis recent OS / browser “updates”, cutting off access for about a half-hour for many users.
The social media giants are leveraging their power, weaponizing their near-monopolistic position against We The People, in an all-out bid to CONTROL the mid-term elections.
This is why I think it extremely important to be vigilant in noticing all the different “weird stuff” … and reporting it, AND documenting it! Copy and permanently (hard-drive) save posts, for use later in the avalanche of class-action lawsuits to come.
We must weaponize their weaponization-against-us against THEM!
We ain’t playin’ for peanuts …
Yes, Emeraldstar…absolutely.
Youtube went down for a couple of hours last night.
I can’t help but wonder…who did that?
Could it have been the Q-team at work?
I remember how they took down the Clowns’ servers…which took some major skills and access.
“Could it have been the Q-team at work?”
That’s a beautiful thought … and I don’t necessarily believe the explanation offered up in this ZH article:
In sum, the report is from the LSM, and cites what is for all intents and purposes a technical “glitch” from Paki. This type of vulnerability seems a bit too convenient – a Paki Telecom can bring down YT globally?
In the case you’re right, the proffered explanation would be just what a Goolag CYA move would look like.
I like the demonstration-of-power, retaliatory shot-across-the-bow idea much better! Of course, we cannot know for sure … except that the LSM always LIES!
I like it – great video.
It was a fun video to watch, but there were a few sleeper lines in it.
The most jarring ones I remember concern Russia as an alleged foil to the globalists, specifically to their tool North Korea.
Putin is a vicious Communist thug who willingly climbed over the bodies of his friends to rise in the KGB before the renaming of the Soviet Union.
Russia is currently, and has been continuously since his ascendancy, if not since the renaming, at least a junior partner to China, if not an equal partner, in the totalitarian axis. North Korea and, to a lesser extent, Iran and Pakistan are vassals of China in that axis.
The military assets of Russia and China are designed to complement one another in a nuclear war with America, NATO, and the West, and they recently conducted the Vostok 18 war games together in Siberia to prepare for such a war, using 300,000 troops, and with Putin himself personally playing the role of the Russian political leader.
There may very well be a globalist plan for the US to fight a devastating war with Russia, but that in no way means that the Russian government consists of good guys, or that they are not integral members of the conspiracy.
Well said, and agreed with everything you are saying!

It’s not like Putin and friends ever told us that they had an Obama planted. They stuck to the game plan of the Soviet Union. What they call themselves matters little – especially when their planted communists here seem to be following the old program to the letter. Do the math.
Communism, as practiced by Russia and China, is FAR more nationalistic than their foreign dupes tend to believe.
People need to study very carefully the anddegree to which Russia is “Russia First” and China is not just “China First” but “China Uber Alles”.
All that said, I never get knee-jerk about dealing (positively or negatively) with either known or stealth communists. Negatively controlled opposition is still controlled opposition, and I always avoid being that lower level of intelligence, if I can avoid it. Understand the situation, then deal with it honestly and realistically – that’s what wins. And don’t necessarily deal with it predictably.
The VSGPOTUS, of course, understands all this better than anybody!
Another great piece of analysis on where the mid-terms appear to be heading from Larry S
Great thread!!!
Hey, our friend Q got a nice shout-out from Mark Taylor.
I read through SD’s twitter war against Q and Q fans…and it is very disappointing.
At a time when we need to be unified and work as one to get out the vote, I do not understand why SD is doing this.
It serves no useful purpose.
Q has never said anything derogatory against SD.
On the contrary…Q has put up links to SD’s articles a few times, as good sources of research.
So I don’t understand why SD would be so hostile towards Q and the Q movement.
Why would SD want to divide us at such a crucial time.
I thought SD was a bigger man than this.
But I guess I was wrong.
Our President is working his butt off, night and day, to unify us and get us energized to get out the vote.
This sort of petty squabbling is embarrassing…and serves no good purpose.
Shame on SD for doing this right now.
I am thinking SD anticipates a hot seat for all things Q. Sad.
I think you may be right. Gotta keep the Treehouse open. Also good to have an independent perspective, IMO.
Is this a single thread? I guess I haven’t seen it. Not sure if I WANT to see it, so I’ll just take your word for it.
Not a thread, it was a series of tweets to various Q-peeps.
Ridicule and snark is a good weapon to use against our enemies…but it’s sad to see it used against our fellow Trump supporters.
Here a couple of examples:
Thanks, Wheatie, for posting a sampling of SD’s recent tweets.
I had no idea it was this bad.
A few observations:
First, the phrase “Trust the Plan” is, in fact, a direct quote from Q – they have said it multiple times. For SD to query whether it is indeed a direct quote leads me to believe that maybe, he hasn’t even read the drops. It’s eminently understandable that he has only so much attention and time, and his stellar research on the granular topics may not have afforded him the opportunity for “due diligence” in this regard.
So either he HAS read them, and is being egregiously disingenuous, or he HASN’T read them, and so, shouldn’t claim expertise AT ALL. Neither possibility is fun.
Also, “firing squads” were NEVER mentioned, although execution IS a possible outcome of military tribunals. I would add that the EO PDJT signed seems to allow for a rather “hybrid” circumstance, wherein what we know as military tribunals would be converted somewhat to handle the massive participation of CIVILIANS engaged in enemy combatancy (new word? lol) – aka REBELLION.
What I take from the tenor of the posts is STRESS – perhaps along with a bit of DESPERATION to save his site. I wish it to survive as well. Yet, as Tolkien’s character Denethor (a tragic figure) said, “Much must be risked in war.” I wonder how things will turn out, in the case that Q is right, and SD wrong. From my perspective (which includes game-theory [basically, figuring the best course when one hasn’t all the info]), he’s setting himself up poorly.
One of the definitions of wisdom that I have is that one must ALLOW for what one doesn’t know. Unfortunately for all, SD seems NOT to espouse this credo. Sad.
I’m also VERY leery of those who use virtue-signaling – it isn’t only applicable to the left, but to the right as well. Arrogance doesn’t discriminate against political leaning. Self-congratulatory words / phrases like “discernment” et al – meaning he has it, and others don’t (esp. those who disagree) – are a big red flag. The ridicule and smugness against these others is also a problem.
I’ve lived with narcissists my ENTIRE life; I recognize the signs. And yes, I believe that SD exhibits some of them.
With all that said, I wish SD the very best. I’ve gotten TREMENDOUS value from his site, and I gladly participate to give whatever benefit of thought and research (paltry in comparison, yes!) I can. I hope I’ve added value there.
Again – I’d like to believe that it’s stress. None of us here really has any inkling what it’s like to be in his shoes, at this time. This is a time of WAR.
I have a growing suspicion that, in order to preserve his site, he may be accomplishing the exact reverse. One must adapt to the times … or get left behind. We are in a SINGULAR time: old patterns will be broken, and new ones will emerge.
I hope he succeeds, whatever betide; and I wish him the very best of luck.
Thanks again, Wheatie.
“So either he HAS read them, and is being egregiously disingenuous, or he HASN’T read them, and so, shouldn’t claim expertise AT ALL. Neither possibility is fun.”
Yes, exactly, Emeraldstar…that’s what struck me as well.
The wise thing to do would be to just remain neutral.
Especially right now, when it is self-defeating to be attacking each other.
SD repeatedly dismissed the idea of military tribunals and ridiculed the idea, in other tweets.
I guess he forgot about the recent exchange between Lindsey Graham and Judge Kavanaugh on that very subject…
Graham quizzed Kavanaugh on the subject of military courts being used for civilian enemy combatants…and Kavanaugh agreed that it was indeed possible to do this.
We can only ponder as to Why Lindsey Graham chose to even bring up the subject at all.
Lindsey is an ex-JAG, so he was the perfect one to do it.
But the ‘timing’ of it was…very interesting.
We won’t have to wait much longer to see if things come to pass as Q has foretold.
But there have been so many ‘proofs’ that have happened…that I don’t find it hard at all to believe that Q is working from within the Trump Team.
My current feeling is that military tribunals are the back-up plan that .mil LOATHES to do, and that “the plan” is basically to accomplish what SD and us have wanted all along – to get some justice through the civilian system. THUS, what Sundance is doing is exactly what is needed. Get people to ENGAGE VIGOROUSLY and make the civilian system WORK.
Want to help Q? HELP SUNDANCE.
It will take years to clean up our civilian justice system.
Right now, it is so infested with corrupt leftist judges that our only hope for any real ‘justice’, any time soon…will be from military courts.
At least for the upper echelon coup-plotters, that is.
The number of Trump-judges is growing and this is good.
But there are still hundreds of leftist judges out there.
So all these folks who are sooo impatient to see some justice done, are not taking into account how corrupted the civilian system is.
An example is the Awan case.
That guy should be in jail for a long time…and yet he was allowed to walk.
We only get one shot…and there are no do-overs.
I want to see justice served too.
And the sooner the better!
But I also know how swampy the whole civilian system still is.
It will be interesting to see if some of the judges don’t (1) change behavior, or (2) resign, as things move forward. I think some patience there will show that the situation is somewhat social. When center-left judges feel safe to rule on LAW and not with deference to mob opinion, things may begin to accelerate in a white-hat direction.
I believe the same Wheatietoo.
Good post! You can see my response to Wheatie, thinking along the same lines in some ways.
I’m personally glad that SD has gotten me to re-engage on some of my old Treehouse theorizing in the non-Q sphere, AND that Q is taking a hiatus so that people can ENGAGE FOR THE MIDTERMS. To me, that shows Q’s smarts. While I would love to hear more from Q, I think it would distract me from defending the good-guy pols and buttressing Sundance’s work.
Rush today campaigned like I have never heard him campaign. He went all out for the FL Rs.
There is a huge consensus of focus on all the conservative radio talk to which I listen.
Yes, Emeraldstar, you have definitely added value to this discussion. With the huge uptick in the commenting newbies who mostly add zilch to the actual discussions, and the anti Q ness of some of the long time posters, I have mainly just been reading SD’s commentary and looking for comments from long time commentors.
Sometimes SD’s fickle rhetoric on Sessions and Q, make me cringe and even wonder if someone else took over for the brilliant SD. I always go back to assuming he is protecting CTH.
“assuming he is protecting CTH”
That’s my thought as well. It seems that this is the general conclusion we’ve all come to.
And thank you for the compliment!
Totally agreed!
Well, Sundance is RIGHT that 90% of what is stated by the “Q movement” is what I would call “encouraged speculation”. That is the POINT of the psy-op (which is “real”), but there is a LOT of nonsense that IS being generated by people who follow. I do NOT believe it all. When people backwards-associated Google Books with Q post hashtags as search terms, even *I* had enough of the nonsense, and complained online – albeit NICELY – that a certain very interesting “Q effect” was being misinterpreted as “Q plan”.
If people realized what I have figured out about this stuff, they would be asking how THEY could help Q – not how Q is going to rescue them. Why did I create this board? Not just to help Sundance – it is also to help Q, and to help Q followers GET REAL.
My best insight into Q came from the Q follower who asked Trump about Q and who posted his response. Here is my paraphrase of my opinion derived from that response, and everything I know about Q.
Q is the military figuring out how they’re going to deal with the situation, and preparing a receptive part of the population for the inevitable Democrat/Communist/enemedia outcry when ANY of these people start seeing justice.
The Q folks want what is best for America, and they want it to happen through the civilian process. The fact is, they are aware of such a high level of criminality among the Democrat establishment and their foreign allies, that they are not going to let it slide. The military is prepared for things to get ugly – the BIG UGLY – as we have been calling it.
Did Sundance think that he could forecast (very correctly) The Big Ugly and the military sworn to defend the country would not actually want to DO SOMETHING to protect our most fundamental and revered American institutions?
Praying Medic says it best, IMO, when he talks about the “guardian” personality. That is these people’s JOBS. I think that a lot of people are trying to figure out how to make this all work and not end up with an exploding toilet. All the while having forces like Obama and his old entourage of American Commies trying to drag us back into a lot of SICK alliances and globalist caca.
Sundance is also RIGHTLY FRUSTRATED with the idea that we just need to TRUST that this is all going to happen miraculously. No. If citizen journalists and the core of the “new journalism” were not digging into Khashoggi, that horrific globalist PLOT would be forcing this administration into kowtowing to the wicked ERDOGAN and his globo-nazi friends. Q cannot rescue us there.
We MUST be engaged. No sitting back.
TRUST OURSELVES – as Q says. TRUST THE PLAN – in so far as we must trust that the military is trying to assure us that justice WILL come, but that we must be patient like THEY were patient.
I trust the plan – to do what it can.
I trust myself to do the rest – by working hard and NOT trusting the plan to do everything. And I trust our VSGPOTUS most of all.
“Future proves past.”
What I take this to mean is that there are things which are facts, TODAY, which we won’t know are facts until tomorrow. But when we find out, tomorrow, about these facts, it means that they WERE TRUE ALL ALONG. The only difference is our knowledge of them.
It’s tricky, but basically the dictum says that our LACK of knowledge / surety today hasn’t anything to do with the facts today. It’s a way to de-emphasize OUR perspective, so that it isn’t the be-all and end-all of TRUTH. When we find out about all this stuff later, we’ll know that it was the TRUTH all along, even back when we didn’t know it for sure.
Lemme try again! What today we call “speculation” refers only to our knowledge (or lack thereof) of the truth, and not to the TRUTH ITSELF.
I make a distinction between Q themselves (and their direct posts) and all those participating in the “Q movement” (indirect sources). Also, Q said that there would *necessarily* be some disinfo posted.
All this makes for a very high noise-to-signal ratio: we won’t know until later; much of what is posted is indefinite (questions; ciphers; sentence fragments; double-/triple-meanings; etc.); and some posts are lies (“disinfo”). As I mentioned in one of my CTH posts (or, was it here?), I have a very high tolerance for this type of informational mish-mash. I used to solve ciphers – for fun – as a teenager (the “Cryptogram” bimonthly), and got quite good at it. This helped me in college, sifting out bogus data from lazy classmates for the term-project in a tough astronomy course.
VERY few people have this sort of experience, and comfort, working in this area. I hope I don’t sound vain! It’s just something I’m used to, so it doesn’t faze me. The Q-code ISN’T fake, IMO.
One of the CTH posters – who had MORE experience with codes than I – left the site. Sad.
Q is teaching us (Socratic method) to HELP OURSELVES. It’s the main point – we won’t always have a teacher to lead us, we must take up the banner ourselves.
IMO, anything that impedes that process is counter-productive. It’s been well over a century since we Americans have done our due diligence in running our Gov’t, in holding to task those whom we elect. We are WAY out of practice!
I get your points (I think!), and it’s all good. I just wish that we would all heed Ristvan’s advice, that since no one knows for sure, one shouldn’t discard alternate theories (especially those of Q and of AG Sessions). The advice is eminently logical.
Btw, I suspect that we may have had our last Q-post until AFTER the mid-terms. The latest post sure seemed like a (temporary) sign-off, as detailed a summary of the current situation as possible.
(P.S. Geez, I hope I don’t get the boot from CTH!)
Great post! And don’t worry – SD isn’t going to be booting people who are trying to help and don’t unecessarily oppose whatever he is doing at the moment. For example, those who repeatedly post stuff that the mods remove will be quickly booted. Those who persist in opposing a point directly FROM him instead of pondering, understanding, and responding DIFFERENTLY also tend to get the boot. No reasoned response and good-willed poster will get the boot, as long as they don’t “perist” in things which make SD’s job harder. Short version – you’re safe!
“Q is teaching us (Socratic method) to HELP OURSELVES. It’s the main point – we won’t always have a teacher to lead us, we must take up the banner ourselves.”
That is pure Trumpian.
Exactly. TRUMPIAN.
“You are fighting for the truth – collectively.
Will of the people.
Trust in yourself.
The choice will always be yours.
God bless you all.
Where we go one, we go ALL.
The video ends with “Be the Plan” and that’s exactly the way it should be.
No need to be discouraged. Sundance sees things that way Sundance wants to. And I’m grateful for the welcoming tree branches he has fought to create. Taking a cue from our Lion, I will celebrate all those fighting for the Trumpian vision of America. I don’t need everyone to walk in lack step in order to serve that vision.
“I don’t need everyone to walk in l[o]ck step”
Nor do I.
Know what this means? That Diversity is our Strength! lol
The irony is sweet! Sparkle-socks uses the mantra as a lie, and we use it as the truth!
And, the Dems all vote in unity – NOT “diversity”! Lack of diversity is their WEAKNESS!
The cabal tries to corrupt EVERYTHING. If life were a two-way street, they’d be going the wrong way – in BOTH directions!
Glad you’re here, TTT!
Love it!!!
Wheatietoo I wouldn’t be too down on SD, he may have good practical reasons for not wanting a lot of Q stuff on his site. Fake news, on directions from their masters, had been attacking Q and if CTH came under attack it would inrefere with SD’s work.
Thick fingers.. interfere
Just received this in an email:
Rumors on 4 chan
Shooters at dem rallies…set up as Q and Trump fan
Sorry I can’t get this to print out.
I would not be surprised at another Vegas-type false flag. I think they’ve dug pretty deeply through their “Roof-bots” after they used that one bomber to set up narrative for Khan’s speech in Texas. This mid-term election is their LAST CHANCE. I can totally see them doing something THIS DESPERATE.
We really have to double down on the CHILL. I know they are trying to anger us over and over and over, but we just have to avoid it as much as possible.
OH – BTW – deep state is getting weirdly active on stuff right now. They’re up to something. Something that I suspect is NOT GOOD. They were very quiet for weeks, and now they’re throwing all kinds of odd crap into my universe.
I probably pissed them off. Good.
You have my prrayers Wolfie.
Thanks! Very much appreciated!
May the good Lord diffuse every evil plot, turning their plans against themselves.
Amen. Have not been getting any email updates from wolfmoon1776 at all.
Have you gone into Reader Mode from the WordPress banner (black ribbon at the top) and then clicked on the “Manage” button in the “Followed Sites” menu? That will let you directly set the notifications for all of your WordPress visited sites, provided you are following them.
Beyond that, I would say that Gmail is more reliable for notifications than some of the others, although the notifications may be sent to the wrong folder. Microsoft is notorious for hiding notifications from sites.
Thank you, wolfmoon. I see those I have subscribed to. I will see what I can do.