Plan Q From Router Space

YES!  Q is back!  Three posts on November 1, and one post so far on November 2.
Here you go – in order!

Number 2382.
Or as text for the visually impaired:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.374
Do not let them DIVIDE you.
Your vote matters!
Re_read drops re: Polls

Something to do with the Hatch Act and polls.
Not sure what this is – I have NOT yet re-read any drops on polls.
I note that the ENERGY DEPARTMENT isn’t listed as forbidding political action by employees, but still, I should note that Q never seemed overtly political to me, since quite a few Republicans have graced the “posts of shame” regarding resignations.

Number 2383.
The image of earlier posts, close-up:
As text…..

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.375
Nov 1 2018 20:01:23 (EST)
“We have to bypass the media in order to get straight to the people.”
“We’ve gone around them like no one in history has gone around them.”
-POTUS @ tonight’s rally
Think MSM attacks re: Q (We, the People).

Discusses bypassing the media.  And totally agreed that Trump’s bypass is unique in history – absolutely nothing like Twitter and Q.

Number 2384.
Or as text:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.376
Nov 1 2018 21:48:04 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.375
Nov 1 2018 20:01:23 (EST)
“We have to bypass the media in order to get straight to the people.”
“We’ve gone around them like no one in history has gone around them.”
-POTUS @ tonight’s rally
Think MSM attacks re: Q (We, the People).
Power shall be RETURNED to the PEOPLE.
“…returning power to YOU, the AMERICAN PEOPLE.” – POTUS

Power is being RETURNED to the People.  Yes.  Totally Jacksonian!

Number 2385.
The images with more clarity:
Top image:
Next image:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.377
Nov 1 2018 23:47:08 (EST)
Mathematically impossible or every detail planned?
1 Year Ago.

Mathematically impossible or every detail planned?
Time to discuss.

I don’t know about IMPOSSIBLE – but I know about PROBABLE.  It is extremely improbable that some group tracking POTUS this closely, and acting in the interest of the office, is NOT actually associated with the office in some way.
I think that, at this point, it’s very obvious that there IS a plan.  Like all plans, it changes.  Like all plans, not all of it is given to the enemy.  Like all BATTLE PLANS, some disinformation may be required.
But I think at this point, it is VERY CLEAR that there is a plan.

“A plan, you say.  Yes.  That sounds like a wonderful idea.”

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“I don’t know about IMPOSSIBLE – but I know about PROBABLE. It is extremely improbable that some group tracking POTUS this closely, and acting in the interest of the office, is NOT actually associated with the office in some way.”
Let’s just say that Q does not fall under the Hatch Act. 🙂


As to the rest. Plans are a step toward a goal. The plan may need reworking along the way but the goal remains. Not something new, you know that part.


There have been a few more Q-posts now…
In No. 2388…Q asks why “select members of the D party [6]” sent a letter to Don McGahn, claiming that Q had violated the Hatch Act.
Q includes this graphic:
comment image
If Q is a Larp…then why are the Dems trying so hard to shut him/them up?


At work and can’t read everything clearly, however it appears Q is taunting the Dems.


Yeah, it’s really rich that the Dems would even bring up the subject of the Hatch Act.
Their Dem operatives in the FBI/DOJ went way farther than just ‘electioneering’…they actively plotted to sabotage a Presidential candidate!
They abused their power and used the full resources of the fed govt to affect an election!
I hope they rue the day that they brought this up.


They will, Wheatie. I’ve noticed that everything they throw at Trump comes back on them 100 fold. I would bet this one will, too.


I hope so, Linda.
They have no shame…none whatsoever.
And so many of them should be in jail or facing a noose!

Sylvia Avery

I can’t believe the gall of these people. Similarly, I caught part of BOs “rally” in Florida Friday and he was bringing up Hillary’s emails in the context of Trump was so crazy to care about that and he uses his own phone. I hadn’t intended to watch him or his stupid rally, anyway, so I grabbed the remote as fast as I could and turned it off…or I was afraid I’d chuck it right through the screen.


Glad to see you here, Sylvia.
BO – I like calling him “Obozo” (although “Obola” is a close second!) – and he exudes desperation! His handlers won’t let him rest, and his druggie persona can’t handle the superlative pressure..
I LIKE seeing him squirm, and sweat, and choke, and stutter – and miscast whatever drivel he thinks will enchant his zombie horde.
The period from the mid-term EXCLAMATION POINT, through the Jan 1, 2019 D-DAY for the cabal, will be something to be seen.
I know everyone wants to see the top doggies get their due … but I’m actually pining for the media bobble-head NPC’s to go down.
Aiding and abetting. Complicit in REBELLION (and sedition, treason, and what-have-you on the law-books).
They are ALL “shovel-ready”.
I’m willing to cede to you the first thwacking! lol
Have a good night!


“Together We Win”
Pray, vote and pray!

Sylvia Avery

Hi Minnie. Are you okay? We haven’t seen you for awhile. A lot of us Treepers are hanging out on Wolfmoon’s The Q Tree blog. Things got so ugly at the CTH. We miss you!

Plain Jane

Wolfmoon, thank you for putting the Q posts in text, and for alerting us to his new posts? I was starting to really miss Q. 🙂

A.D. Everard

I’ve been watching for a Q post every day. I had started to think that he wouldn’t post anything until after the election. Glad he has though, it feels that everything is under control and I like that. 🙂

Plain Jane

Yes, it’s somehow reassuring.


Q is telling us to have hope for the big win on 11/6. imo

Plain Jane

Also, I can’t believe I’m a 73 year old groupie of an alphabet letter. Hee, hee.


The choice can not be clearer. On to the final frontier or back to the seventh century.

Sylvia Avery

I know what you mean, Plain Jane! I can’t believe I am following this either, but I do and I am. Just trying to keep an open mind and see what is what.

Plain Jane

That’s where I’m at, plus I tend, a lot, to believe Q knows of what he’s speaking. I find the messages fascinating.

mary morse

Digging this one:
Nov 4 2018 12:18:15 (EST)
When you can’t discredit this movement using logic and facts, you resort to comparing it to ART?
Is Q is calling attention to the reemergence of the “long leash” ?
From Frances Stoner Saunders in 1995…

mary morse

It’s wonderful to see you here, Sylvia.
This Q thing is fascinating, isn’t it.
And I am so grateful to our Wolfie for creating this place where we can speak freely about Q without getting attacked for it.
I saw a great meme over at the Qresearch board, that said:
“If Qanon is a Cult, then it is the first Cult that brainwashes you to Think For Yourself.”

Sylvia Avery

Glad I stumbled on it. I stopped making any reference to Q on the Treehouse because it really seems to irk some folks.
I don’t know what to believe about Q, frankly. But I am interested and check in often to see what is new and check in with Praying Medic to see what he has to say about Q.
I definitely don’t rule Q out or dismiss him as a LARP. And it is nice to see what Treepers that I already admire and respect think, so yeah a big TY to Wolfie!

Sylvia Avery

Hugs, Wolfie, thanks for making a place for us.


I know, it’s kind of sad how there’s this thing we are sort of ‘forbidden’ to speak of, at the CTH now.
Why does Q irk some people?
I think it’s mainly because Q has said to “Trust Sessions”…and the Sessions-haters do not like that.
I’m doing a wait-and-see on Sessions, myself.
But some people are so obsessed with hating on the guy, that anything less than condemning him puts you into the ‘heretic’ category.
Back during the campaign in summer 2016, a lot of people at the CTH wanted Sessions for the VP pick.
They were quite adamant about it.
I was one of the few who said…”No, bad idea.”
Sessions sucks at making speeches and is a lukewarm campaigner.
I thought our Lion needed a fighter who could at least give a rousing speech.
Now, some of the same people who were irked at me then, for not wanting Sessions as VP…are obsessed with hating on him.
Go figure.
One of the things I *do* like about Jeff Sessions is his strong stance on illegal aliens…and on enforcing our Immigration Laws.
He’s also been sort of a boy scout type, which is good in an AG.
I do not think he has been “corrupted” as some people think now.
So ‘The Plan’ that Q has mentioned makes sense to me.
I hope it works…because it will be glorious if it does.

Sylvia Avery

Wheatie, great analysis as always. I think you put your finger on it. It is the Sessions element of Q that drives some people crazy.
I have been all over the map on Sessions. Like you, I didn’t think he had the right stuff for VP. I thought he’d do fine as AG. But when he recused himself I became alarmed.
When Rosenstein appointed Mueller I just about lost my mind I was so distraught. I got called troll more than once during that period of time.
I’ve gone back and forth on Sessions. I finally just gave up. I don’t know and that’s the truth. I’d love for him to still be a hero, somehow. I love happy endings. But accepting that I don’t know eventually became very freeing for me. I no longer worry about it obsessively.
I believe PDJT knows what he is doing and is doing the best he possibly can, and eventually this will all sort itself out somehow. And wherever Sessions ends up, I’m going to try to accept that as well.
The Sessions insanity on CTH is unbearable at times and I just have to step back awhile so I don’t get drawn into it. The level of intensity is mystifying.
I don’t think Sessions is corrupt, either. He may be so hidebound by thinking that the DOJ is a near holy institution and that it must not be sullied or something. I could believe that, I guess.
Like you, I really appreciate his work on illegals because that is so important to me.
As for Q, I have gone from being super annoyed by the cryptic communication style and puzzle solving stuff (NO patience for that) to just sucking it up and checking it with Praying Medic to interpret for me, LOL. I am always interested to hear what Q has to say, what he is highlighting now, etc. There is enough there to keep it pretty interesting.
What is the Q Research board you mentioned???


[I’m moving this reply over here, Sylvia, because we were slamming up against the border over there.]
Qresearch board is on…here is a link to their main catalog page:
It’s a little tricky to navigate there and I am still a bit of a novice.
They have their own jargon too.
Here is what I’ve gleaned so far:
A “Bread” is an organized recap of a thread’s worth of research topics.
A “Baker” is an Anon who works on it.
BO = Board Owner
BV = Board Volunteer
Here are the latest threads covering the most recent Q postings:
These threads fill up pretty fast when Q is active…or when there are news events going on.
They limit the threads to a certain number of posts, then shut them down, Bake a recap and create a new thread.
Warning…there is nudity, profanity and guys talking like guys talk amongst themselves.
There is also brilliant meme-ing, excellent research, and hilarity that will make you pee your pants.
I do not post there. I only lurk and marvel.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Wheatie, that sounds like fun to peruse!!!


It really *is* a fun place to lurk and read.

Plain Jane

I can’t wait to check those links out tomorrow.


Oh…and when you are on that Catalogue page, the Research threads are the ones with the picture of the soldiers holding up an American flag at an angle.
It says: Q_ANON RESEARCH beside the soldiers.
The title of each thread will give you an idea of which Q drops were covered there.
There is some over-lapping though, between threads.
Yesterday, it looks like they filled up over a dozen new threads.
It’s been an active 24 hours.
I haven’t had a chance to look at very many of those yet.
The Anons watch the rallies, just like we do…and they find amazing things and notice stuff that most of us don’t.
Like Q proofs and Air Q’s…and weird people in the audience.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks! It sounds great, and any insight I can pick up into Q will be wonderful.


“a […] groupie”
Sure, but that isn’t the main thing.
The MAIN thing is that you have perception. (IMO)
And – and this is important – you can have FUN with it.
These clowns are going DOWN.
Lefties never have any FUN. 🙁
Poor little blighters! lol
Pardon my French, but SCREW ‘EM!!!
Hah … saying that felt good!

Plain Jane

EmeraldStar, yep, screw them.
I speak the same language. 🙂

Plain Jane

P.S. I “met” a female associate of DH today, via the phone. DH was telling her about CTH, and offered for her to speak with me. During our conversation she asked me if I ever heard about Q. Immediate bond! Hopefully she will be reading and commenting here.

Plain Jane

Hate to give the big demon too much credit, but we know who wants to derail humanity.


While Islam is the rule of Imam’s it is also the rule of the strong man. Those that escaped Paris to Brussels want their aristocracy back. Whether it’s socialism heavy or Islam makes no difference to these people as they will be on top. We’ve entered an age of technology where those on top can realistically be expected to stay there if there are no comparable counter prevailing forces.
I would vastly prefer the choice of a thousand small ant hills to climb than just the choice of a small scattering of huge ant mounds. Totalitarianism is their goal and they almost cinched it with Hillary. A large middle class is a threat to these people, they want as small of a middle class that can serve them intelligently and no more. The rest get crumbs and you can be assured they don’t want us out there on the final frontier out of their control.
Shorter answer would be these people have lost their critical thinking skills (yep duped) and / or are all about themselves (“me”).

Plain Jane

^^^The selfish rabid desire.^^^


Looks like 8chan is down…at least for me, it is…I get a “cannot access” blank screen when I try to go there.
Strange things happening on Twitter too.
Q posted a tweet from @ABOwarrior.
But when I tried to access that account…I get a blank white screen.
Same with other Q-related twitter accounts, like PrayingMedic…a blank white screen on those too.
Anyone else having this trouble?


Thanks, Wolf.
Both PrayingMedic and ABOwarrior are still blocked to me…all I get is a “cannot access” with a white screen.


I’m getting PrayingMedic and 8chan just fine. I’ve heard, though, that Twitter suspended a lot of conservatives last night. Imperator Rex was one of them. I’m about ready to dump Twitter. Imperator Rex, Thomas Wictor, and of course our POTUS were just about the only ones I read much.


>”I’ve heard, though, that Twitter suspended a lot of conservatives last night.”
So to put it in Spanglish, Nov 2 was el Día de los Twitter Accounts Conservadores Muertos?


Smiles, ’cause they’re just tossing mud at the sun hoping to block out our view, but it ain’t working!

Plain Jane

Wolfmoon, if this post is too outlandish for wqth, please bump it. Thank you.
Off topic, and also possibly off my rocker by posting this on qwth, but, I think you guys would care.
This evening DH, one of our sons, one of our grandsons and I were invited to a whistlestop rally for Mike Braun. Gov. Holcomb (IN) was there along with other ranking state people. It was held in a large auctioneer’s barn. Perhaps 400 of us showed. The Indiana Braun team is traveling the state by bus, wearing boots and jeans, Real people.
It wasn’t a fundraiser. They didn’t charge for the brats, dogs nor anything else. The organizers just wanted to open it up to the workers and people who didn’t want anything more than to see Braun as our senator and meet him and the governor. They didn’t invite people who expected something in return.
My son took a great photo of a sincere, smiling Braun and the back of my head, with wind blown hair. Cannot identify me. But the photo of Braun is great enough that I’d love to share it. How do I do that?

Plain Jane

Thanks Wolfie. No, I don’t have an account, and never used one. I just posted my blurb on the Pres.daily thread, but there, I didn’t ask how to post the pic.

Plain Jane

Will give it a try tomorrow morning. Thanks loads.

Plain Jane

You gave me several options though, so providing I can get the time tomorrow, I should be able to do it. Thank you again.


Plain Jane –
Please be careful about posing a personally-taken photo.
Depending on how the photo was taken (i.e., with a “smart” phone, or a with 20-year old stand-alone camera), there may be what’s called “meta-data” attached to to it. This meta-data is basically administrative data, and can include a whole bunch of stuff you don’t want to upload to the whole world.
For example, when I take a photo with my iPhone, not only is the date and time included, but also my exact location. There may be info attached to the photo that I don’t even know about – like the exact phone type, the serial number, and perhaps even the purchaser (me). I just don’t know.
From reading the 8chans, what many of them do when Q posts a photo is to scan that photo for this meta-data … but Q has already scrubbed it clean, so there isn’t any opportunity for “doxxing” the photo-taker from this info, because it’s been “wiped”.
There are so many electronic ID-tags in today’s technology that we aren’t aware of! One work-around may be taking a scan – or even another photo (from a different device) – of the original photo, so that the only meta-data is from the scan. A printing shop may be able to help.
I don’t have any of these technical skills – but I think it’s worthwhile to ask around to make sure your personally-taken photo, before internet-uploading, is free of personal info. I also think that the procedure to convert your photo is pretty straight-forward.
Hopefully someone else here can explain it better! (I think there’s also a website which allows one to find / view the meta-data attached to images …)

Plain Jane

Oh my, thank you Emerald Star. Had not remembered that.


After running scans, doing a defrag and reboot, I finally got rid of whatever pernicious little nasty was causing the blank screens for me.
It got really bad too…even the CTH was going blank screen on me.
So anyway, I was lurking over at Qresearch at 8chan and ran across this weird vid of ole Robert Byrd:
Who knew?
I had never seen that before and didn’t know the evil old coot could play the fiddle.
Then someone else posted this screencap:comment image
Something about this^ picture of Byrd looked familiar…reminded me of someone.
Then it came to me. Peter Strzok!
What do you think:


There was a notable Q event today…at the Ohio Rally…Potus pointed to a green Q sign.
And not just a single pointing, he did a triple pointing at it.
Here’s a clip of it, but it’s an MP4 video, so I don’t know if it will post:
[video src="" /]
Some screencaps of it:comment imagecomment image
That one included the Q-post about it, which had a conversation with PDJT about it.
Pretty cool.


Well drat, that mp4 video didn’t post.
If I see another video of it, on a different formatting, I will try to post it.


Thank you, board master Wolfie!

Plain Jane

Yes! Thank you Wolfie and Wheatietoo. That was neat. I watched the rallies but didn’ see it.


Yeah, it is pretty great, isn’t it.
Weird how WP automatically added that stuff before and after the mp4 link.
Hey, did you notice how Pres Trump said, repeatedly…that “There is something going on.”
But he was referring to the magic, the excitement that is in the air.
He could also be referring to the Q movement…and The Great Awakening.
But then, it’s all connected isn’t it.


I love this new Ben Garrison cartoon:comment image
Ben is a Q-peep, too.

Sylvia Avery

Kinda down about the election returns. Went to check QAnon and saw message 2444:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.424 📁
Nov 7 2018 00:55:31 (EST)📁
We got what we needed.
Thank you, Patriots!
Senate means everything.
Think Judges (SC) & Cabinet.
DECLAS overrides all potential House blockades.
POTUS has ultimate authority.
Shift to Senate Judiciary (oversight) from House to now occur (stronger position and held in reserve for this scenario).
Lower chamber (House) used as 2-year starter.
Upper chamber (Senate) will be used next 2-year closer.📁
Military planned.
No impact re: ongoing investigations
Team is stronger [PRO].
So that helped reassure me a bit. Hopefully now I can sleep!


It will be a circus in the House. I loved the POTUS tweet supporting Pelosi as Speaker. With her as speaker, the circus is going to hurt the Dems every time she opens her mouth. Her Altzheimer’s is going to be more and more apparent to everyone.
I’m a little depressed about it, too, but let’s not forget that POTUS said the declass will happen this week or shortly thereafter. That should really get the fireworks going.


Do you have a link, Wolf? I missed it in trying to avoid the huge Sessions pile-on going on there. That last thread is pretty much unreadable.

Plain Jane

Linda, so sorry, I just nearly duplicated your comment. For some reason I didn’t see your comment after Sylvia’s comment. Now I don’t even “ see” mine.
Do-do-do-do… to the tune of Twilight Zone.


Ha ha! Sounds like we think alike on this mess. Watch out – your comment will show up at the least expected moment.

Plain Jane

I’m not sure, but now I think I saw mine on another thread, just as I was hitting the up page icon, but it didn’t register in my old tired mind until after I then hit the Home button. Then I forgot what thread I was just looking at. LOL.


We now have a Q post about Jeff Sessions:
7 Nov 2018 – 1:02:17 PM
Thank you for your service to our Country, Mr. Jeff Sessions!
Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.
I’ve always thought Q+ is POTUS.

Plain Jane

I had to get out of the TH just now. SD and others just serving up more crow than one sees in a harvested cornfield in the fall. We’ve even been told to get the f out of the TH. Is anyone still monitoring TH?
Really disappointed, but most of the nasty comments seem to be coming from people I don’t recognize or the more newbies.
Anyway, SD really laid it down against Q.

Plain Jane

I still don’t understand why some are rabidly against Q. It’s one thing to say they think it’s baloney, but another thing to suggest that anyone interested in Q is worshipping Q.
I knew SD was above that, but CTH is allowing and seems to be fostering an atmosphere of contempt for those of us who are just curious about Q.
With the exception of a number of long time readers, everyday, the commenters are sounding more like people who comment one yahoo. Just blow off what comes to mind. Sad.

Plain Jane

I have an intermediate + background in psychology. Plus I have a decades long interest in motivating behaviors, analysis of behaviors, conditioning or manipulation. In other words, I hear you. 🙂 The stuff just fascinates me.

Plain Jane

I just made a couple of posts in the Sessions’ thread… very nice ones, but will see what happens.


I’d love to read your posts, Jane…but after reading the first page of that thread, I to flee from all the garbage there.
Very disappointing that SD would do such a hit piece on Q.
The Q peeps are good people…patriots who love our President, like we do…and it irks me to see SD belittling them by trying to make them seem foolish.
Very disappointing.
It’s not like Sundance has never been wrong, because he has been, several times.
And unlike SD…Q tells people to think for themselves and “think logically”…and Q doesn’t have a ‘donate’ button.
The groupthink against Q that is going on over at the CTH is turning it into a dumpster fire.
I will continue to lurk there…but it’s not the great place that I used to enjoy.


I just saw this over at the Qresearch board…and thought of You, Wolfie:comment image
Because you are awesome.
I don’t know if SD wants you off his board or not, but it’s His Loss if that’s true.
Thank you again, for creating this safe place for us to speak freely.

Plain Jane

Agree on EVERY point you made Wolfie. Plus also want to thank you for this site. Fresh air!

Plain Jane

So well-said Wheatietoo. There have been times, since his first JS diatribe, and definitely today, that I had thoughts that there are more than one SD. Like establishment is under new management.


I know exactly what you mean, Jane.
I have been noticing things over the past year, that are uncharacteristic of the SD that we ‘used to know’.
I dunno what to make of it…other than I no longer enjoy the CTH like I used to.
And I have been ‘following’ the blog since the early days.

Plain Jane

I feel like I lost a friend with CTH being the friend. But now, I have a new friend in wqth. 🙂
p.s. shhhh! But I still have hopes that the rift between JS and PT is a huge charade for a purpose. Yes, I am a Pollyanna. (Smile.)


I’ve been lurking & reading over at Qresearch…so no, I haven’t seen what you’re seeing.
Yesterday, I noticed that Flep was MIA, not even any tweets.
But didn’t check on him today, I figured he was sort of in mourning since his predictions didn’t pan out.
I’ve been wondering about Huber lately…and almost posted this question in that dreadful ‘Sessions resignation’ thread:
‘What about Huber, is he not to be trusted now?’
But I didn’t.
I just fled from that thread and haven’t gone back.
Which thread are you seeing this in, Wolf?
Can you post a linky to the page?


Yeah, I do believe Q, Wolfie.
So far, Q has been right about a lot of things…and the ‘proofs’ are too good to ignore.
I think a lot of what Q posted has been to do a psyop on our enemies…to scare them and flush them out, make them do stupid things.


I suspect that we were wrong about former AG Sessions being the “stealth bomber”, although PDJT was exhorting him to step up to, and into, a significant supporting role.
I admit, I wanted to believe it … but this is what one does in war, because “no plan survives the battlefield”, and adaptations have to be made, usually on the fly.
Disparaging characterizations like “moving the goalposts” are just silly, in this war context.
My new theory is that it’s been Huber all along, playing the stealth bomber.
Also, in re Sessions, I wanted to believe that there was a plan behind his recusal, even in the face of the ostensible position – and tweets – of PDJT to the contrary. Funnily enough, I think that PDJT also WANTED to believe that ex-AG Sessions would realize his error, and step back in the game.
PDJT absolutely HAD to get rid of the RECUSAL. Because the ex-AG held on to that hot potato, he had to go. VSGPDJT gave him EVERY chance to rise, but alas!
Amazingly to me, Q praised Rooster today – I had no idea that his resignation was a patriotic act, and that he agreed to play this role. I’d always seen him as a DS play-along in truth, rather than just in seeming.
Huber ain’t a fake, IMO. And I’ll allow Flep a mistake, or twenty … but I think it IS a mistake on his part.
And we all made a mistake by confusing sealed “proceedings” v. sealed “indictments”. But the sheer number of them is very noteworthy – unprecedented, in fact. I’m ok with having “only” 15K of the 60K+ being actual indictments …


I just read this:
“This is your “Q” Network.”
I can’t stand even to READ the mental contortions in re Q, and Sessions, and others. It’s above [ ]’s pay grade.
“It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”
These were Ronald Reagan’s words. Substitute “arrogants” [intentional spelling, like the word “miscreants”] for “liberals”, and I find a match.
I remember seeing a bumper sticker that said “Arrogance + Ignorance = A Deadly Combination!”. In my experience, I’ve found that arrogance IS ITSELF a form of ignorance.
I don’t mind big egos. What I mind is big egos that are WEAK egos, who constantly need to be stroked – either by others, or by themselves – and who also indirectly stroke themselves by deriding those who disagree with them.
“A man’s got to know his limitations.”
– Clint Eastwood, via his character “Dirty” Harry Callahan in “Magnum Force”.
I look at many, MANY of the comments, and I see increasing smugness, false righteousness, and a claim of logical thinking that would make Aristotle cringe. All fomented, enabled, and allowed.
Those who wish to control … are most likely out of control THEMSELVES.
I’ve had it with the homage to the mentality we see mainly from the left. Arrogance, divisiveness, and vitriol.
[ ] is fallen. Sad.
I effected my own version of “You’re FIRED!” today.


Yeah, there are a lot of comments where the poster says:
“I have never read Q”…but then they say that they *know* that he is a fake.
Why bother to even attempt to respond to that.
They now feel vindicated and energized, because the great all-knowing SD has done their thinking for them…and officially condemned Q.


I just don’t care about the excuses anymore – protection of site, psyop, whatever. I’ve had it!
I haven’t understood why poster “a” “v” “i” has been allowed to snipe CONSTANTLY, without any remediation (and other posters, too).
I distrust the foreigner, with initial “R”. Came out against free speech, a few days ago.
Lotta similar examples – and NOT just honest mistakes / misperceptions, from good-hearted folk who just erred, or didn’t think things through. More like ideologues with an intransigent emotionalism.
I’ve deleted my link to [ ].
I’ll do fine right here, and at Patriots Soapbox, along with the smattering of sites I check in on for news that the LSM then spins.
It kinda feels good, Wheatie – I followed VSGPDJT’s lead. [ ] was good for a while, and served an important purpose … but now, the site is effete, and becoming more and more irrelevant. Like AJ.
I won’t follow misdirection! Nor do I have time to spend hours reading up on the latest “slow news” interpretation of where we are. I don’t want to look in the rear-view mirror, nor do I want to plod along, step by tortuous step.
We’ve gotta skate to where the puck WILL BE – not where it is.


Heheh, the Anons over at the Qresearch board are great at making memes.
I stole this one from over there earlier…and dropped it into the V ‘Jim Acosta Banned’ thread (CTH), just to see if anyone would notice it came from 8chan:
comment image
[If you cursor over it, it clearly shows the “” identifier as to where it’s from.]
So far no one has chastised me…and it has gotten 4 likes, some of them Q-haters.


I cannot promise that I won’t do similar little acts of defiance in the future, too.
Since I’ve been reading & lurking over at Q-central…I’ve noticed where a Lot of People get their material — and their ideas.
Even SD.


It felt good when I managed to post a Sessions-as-Thor MEME (from The_Donald) at the top of a thread once at CTH. Didn’t even care what anyone replied. There it was, making the statement I wanted and my “speech” was seen. Pure delight.


Good for you, Thinkx3.