Q sent out a final post before I was ready to go to bed, and it struck a nerve.
Or in text:
APART, we are weak.
There was a time when our children stood at attention, put their hand on their heart, and in one UNITED voice, recited the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.
There was a time when STRENGTH and HONOR meant something.
There was a time when standing for our FLAG meant something.
There was a time when our history (heritage) was taught with PRIDE and RESPECT.
There was a time when respect was given to those who serve(d), bled, and died to protect and defend our GOD GIVEN FREEDOM.
There was a time when we were GRATEFUL.
There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, decided our future.
There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, had a voice.
There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, were UNITED and STRONG.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
“You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, “There is a price we will not pay.” “There is a point beyond which they must not advance.”
“We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.”
-Ronald Reagan
It is time, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim what is rightfully ours.
Will you answer the call?
Your Country needs you.
Your VOTE matters!
“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”
– 1 Corinthians 16:13
I remember this time. This time of which Q speaks. I was there.
It was before everything that came after.
And NOW, I can see what it was. I can see it all clearly now.
I understand WHO these people were. I understand WHY certain people were WHERE they were and WHEN they were there. It all makes sense now.
Prepare. Prepare to vote like you’ve never voted before!

Great post, Wolf.

Yesterday was action-packed, wasn’t it?
Three rallies and lots of Q-drops, too.
Did you see the AirQ thing that happened at the Ohio Rally?
That was waaay cool.
I guess there are a lot of Q-peeps in Ohio.
I found this over at the 8chan board…it’s another brilliant little creation from the Anons over there:
Let’s hope that tomorrow will bring forth rivers of tears from the screaming snowflakes.
The reminders of why this is critical are coming fast!
Will have to do some memes, folks! Or at least collect the best ones here and on the Treehouse!
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 47eb2e No.3754365
Nov 6 2018 02:25:29 (EST) NEW
We are counting on you.
Garrison is on fire!
Wow…Q is still making drops…or at least he was until a few minutes ago.
Are you watching it, Wolf?
Just got back from voting! Yes – it’s going to be a wild day.
Reblogged this on RedLegLeader Blog and commented:
W – I knew you’d be on this. We are of “that” generation; we must recapture it for our future.
And there was a time when we respected and cared for one another. Last night’s rendition of Amazing Grace literally brought tears to my eyes.
Same here!
Thank you Wolf for all you do in support of this great movement.
My polling place was packed at 10 AM this morning.
I’m thinking Red tsunami.
Same here. We went in that “late morning polls are usually empty” window, and it was MORE PACKED than the usual night-time crowded window. I was SHOCKED. We also had LEOs from multiple venues present – it was great. I felt VERY safe.
PS – you’re welcome!
I was just asking a friend of mine if she saw that while watching the rally on TV and it made me cry all over again! It was a very very very profound moment…..
Yes it was!
W – go and check out #2440 (420). Check out the name of the flag pic!! I’m thinking we’re solid.
Wonder how Flep is seeing this? Is he here?
Flep hasn’t stopped in here yet, but maybe he will at some point!
Just posted this on other thread. I’m a bit down about election returns so I checked QAnon and found message 2444 which made me feel better:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.424
Nov 7 2018 00:55:31 (EST)
We got what we needed.
Thank you, Patriots!
Senate means everything.
Think Judges (SC) & Cabinet.
DECLAS overrides all potential House blockades.
POTUS has ultimate authority.
Shift to Senate Judiciary (oversight) from House to now occur (stronger position and held in reserve for this scenario).
Lower chamber (House) used as 2-year starter.
Upper chamber (Senate) will be used next 2-year closer.
Military planned.
No impact re: ongoing investigations
Team is stronger [PRO].
Thank you for posting this. Helps me immensely. Have been a little down.
The other thing that helped today, was VSGPDJT ensuring senile Nance that she had R support for speakership. Bwahahajaha! Can’t wait for the Dem internecine comedic wars to begin.
Yeah, no kidding. There’s no way Nancy can keep that clown car of House Dims on the road and out of the ditches!
I love the visual poetry of your words, Sylvia.
W – if you don’t want to completely lose it, don’t read this:
What’s happening over on the CTH? Is Jim Acosta writing for Sundance?
He started being down on Sessions months ago and has lately been making snide references to Q. What’s funny is that he must read Q or he wouldn’t have been able to make some of the comments he did. I’m taking it with a grain of salt. Sundance is great at drilling down and finding hidden bits of information, such as with the Spygate stuff. But he also seems to not be able to look outside his own biases.
Yeah. Well, I’ve been through far worse attacks, and been vindicated years later. The longer the wait, the stronger the vindication.
But it’s becoming very unfriendly there. The greatest pain is watching the Russian trolls kicking up the hate. THAT just burns. It’s bad enough that they set up POTUS with their cunning Democreep partners, but then to see them split up the Treehouse – just nasty.
I am disappointed in Sundance. Again.
Instead of drilling down on this new ‘acting’ AG, Whitaker, and giving us some insight into what we might expect from him…Sundance posts a scathing hit piece on Q.
It is not cool to be picking a fight with the Q peeps.
They are good people.
They are patriots who are fighting for our beloved PDJT, just like we all are, in our own way.
I didn’t see that post to you, Wolfie, that was deleted.
Sorry that you got attacked.
I’ve gotta go finish making dinner, but will be back soon.
Much love.
Stay strong, my friends.
Be back later.
Cheers and thanks!
“What’s happening over on the CTH? Is Jim Acosta writing for Sundance?
My sentiments exactly, redlegleader.
It’s really sad to see.
It serves no useful purpose for SD to do such a hit piece on Q…and is very disappointing to see.
Totally agree, Wheatie. I felt like I’d been kicked in the gut when I read that article. The condescension just dripped from the page.
I don’t understand why Sundance focused on Q rather than continuing to drill down on Sessions. I wish he hadn’t allowed himself to be drawn in. The gorilla would have been brought up in the comments by Treepers and could have been moderated.
We saw the end of Sessions coming thanks to Sundance’s research and writing. This was his moment and unfortunately he chose to share it, by attempting to disprove a psyop.
A psyop by definition, IMO; black white or grey propaganda, we aren’t sure.
From history: “Psychological warfare involves the use of different kinds of propaganda: white, black, and sometimes, grey. White propaganda openly identifies the source and uses gentle persuasion and public relation techniques. Black propaganda is misinformation that identifies itself with one side of a conflict, but is truly produced by another opposing side. Grey propaganda is the most mysterious of all because the source of the propaganda is never identified.”
Sundance has a particular bias. His position aligns (and I suspect SD allies) with Joe DiGenova.
Who doesn’t love Joe?
Without Sundance’s particular bias, tenacity, work ethic, and passion for the truth, there is no tree house. IMO, he should publish a book.
I’m curious if anyone, anon or other, has attempted to dox Q? Since Q is ok with researching for one’s self, it shouldn’t be a problem to focus research into the history of American propaganda, its use domestically, the govt. organizational structure in which Q clearances reside, propaganda and US law, current administration policy regarding domestic propaganda, etc.
IIR, there were serious disagreements between Robert Sherwood and William Donovan regarding the wearing of White and Black Hats at the creation of our modern intelligence agencies. (IMO, if a tripwire exists, it runs parallel to and crosses this history.)
Q is a real phenomena with impact. Ask anyone with a Twitter account that Q has called attention to. The question for me is, “What is Q’s source?” If it is, in fact, our government, I’d like an explanation from outside the Twittersphere.
Agreed – I think the discussion of Sessions in a civil fashion from all sides on the Treehouse would have been extremely enlightening. I have some excellent theories which explain WHY all of them – Sundance, Q, Trump and even Sessions were wrong about Sessions – absolutely fascinating ideas. And there is NO WAY I can articulate them in such a smoke-filled shoot-out bar-room environment.
I may discuss them here, if I come to believe that it will be helpful. I’m not sure right now. Leaving our dear POTUS with greater misunderstanding by his enemies seems useful for good at the moment.
We know what Q says, but I would like to see a discussion of what Q is. If it is a US government psyop, definitely not white, grey at best, and possibly black, I’d like to know why our government believes this is a legitimate way to communicate with the public. Slippery slope, in my opinion.
Follow what can be traced in the psyop’s communication paths. It leads to some suspect one world places, IMO. Big Architecture, meet Big Architecture.
Follow the paths: one leads to the Phillipines, two lead through silicon valley via google, to Washington State, to Toronto, with, by association, a bit of Hollywood, and to another obscurely important locale.
(My own confirmation bias, no doubt, but it seems that all roads lead to Bingo 10/Ninths in my world.)
There is a history of the use of behavioral sciences in the US to support military objectives. It’s a history that I’ve never been comfortable with, and, IMO, Qanon drops need to be considered within this historical context if it is, in fact, a US military operation. Remember this from Ms. West? http://dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/3719/More-Red-Threads-JFK-LBJ-Had-a-Valerie-Jarrett-Too.aspx
The subject of her essay was a significant contributor to this history.
As is apparently, our former President…
For entertainment, since it’s acknowledged that Qanon is okay as entertainment, something that I found following the paths noted above:
Everything is a psy-op. Some of us are open about it.

Fortunately, all my handlers are dead, so they can’t back out of the mission. Well, one might be an exception, but that gets into some pretty deep theory, which then questions the death of the others.
I’ll definitely talk more about what I believe Q is, because that’s WHY I “believe” in Q. But not immediately. I have a bigger project along similar lines (shades of Diana West) that needs to get started today. I think you’ll like it.
i like where ypu guys are going with this. i will have to pay attention to the posting list since my manual not official wp account (well they have all my details) means i have to hunt and search through threads for new stuff or replies!
I was where you were, in terms of distrusting an actual WP account, but ultimately I discovered that signing up for a WP account divulges no more information that signing in every time, so I just went with an account.
Seriously – I see as much information about you as everybody else who DOES have a WP account, and I doubt that you gave them any more than that. A WP account is basically safe, IMO. Probably no more unsafe than holding an email address and having basic access to the internet. You do sign away some rights by any kind of sign-up, but that seems pretty tame IMO, and is mostly to protect them from customers, not to levy harm on customers. Using the site itself automatically gives up certain rights, but it’s not much.
Hi all. I just found this blog and recognize most of the posters from CTH. I made the decision tonight that I will no longer be a treeper. I’ve cut
off my branch. It has become too acidic for my taste. If it is ok to ridicule those of us that chose to follow Q, even the agnostics, then we should be able to ridicule those who believe in Sundance. Both are anonymous posters that claim great knowledge. Sundance has written that Jeff Sessions is working in stealth mode and now he’s a pariah. Somebody on CTH called him Jeffrey Bergdahl Sessions. That was uncalled for and beyond the pale.
I have rarely posted there or even read much the last few months because so many took it upon themselves to be the”comment monitor”. How dare I post something that was addressed 559 comments ago! Don’t I know how to use the search function? Sylvia, I wanted to borrow your shovel on a few occasions! Lol. Well, rant over. Can I stay?
LMAO! Love it! You are of course welcome here, but you will need to make two or three posts to get past the automatic moderation. But welcome and feel free to comment everywhere as you wish. I will try to get a fresh post up tonight!
Thank you so much Wolf. It’s nice to be among friends. The way I used to feel in the Tree.
You’re welcome. Just wait it out here. There is going to be some turmoil, I’m predicting, and the Q people may need to NOT BE in the Treehouse when it goes down.
I’m not sure if they’ll take down this site, but I have studiously avoided doing anything which gives Deep State plausibility to take it down outside of forcing WordPress to take it down. If WordPress refuses to deplatform us, then we can’t be deplatformed.
Ah, our lives depend on WordPress. I feel as secure as if I was in a safe room.
Unfortunately, the Prog Nazis are everywhere online. Google, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, WordPress, ad nauseum. Don’t forget that all the Q boards on Reddit got wiped. And Q originally had to leave 4chan for 8chan. But somehow we all get the message out anyway.
You do have a plug-in for backing up the site, right?
My backup is called the NSA.

I’m not kidding, actually.
This site has no value outside of it’s ability to let us communicate in real time, as well as the NSA snapshots for historical records. If it was all gone tomorrow, I would just start over discussing the current Q posting.
I have no desire to compromise it in any way by any form of complexity. It’s an anonymous (yeah right) site on WordPress. If WordPress destroys it, I start over.
I have nothing to steal. They can take nothing from me. It’s wonderful!
Interesting. Passes something on since you mentioned trusting Sundance. In 2017 before Mueller was selected as Special Council (May 17th appointed), Sundance was much in favor of having Mueller as SC and pushed that idea at CTH ( you can search Muellar around the date of May 17th and before to see it). Sundance has also not supported declass of FISA before the election. A fair inference of these two things would be that Sundance is fallible like anyone else.
But I don’t go to CTH to read about Sundance. I’m not at his alter. I go to read about people reacting to the news. Still a great place.
Meanwhile these attacks on Q coming out the blue leave me a bit struck too. Like WTF… where did this come from? Knowing that Trump did a photo op with Lionel is more than enough for anyone I’d think to get off the Q bashing. Guess not.
Oh.. tosses this in too. Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems like Sundance is trying to distance himself from Sessions and is using Q as his scape goat with this last CTH post redlegleader68 gives us from above. I’m pretty sure I recollect Sundance having pulled much for Sessions, Horowitz and Hubert too in the past.
I hope you realize how annoying it is to the short-term memory peeps to be reminded of a 180 position of sundance. I was wondering that myself, like maybe sundance just wants to provoke some of the sleepwalkers into doing a little sparring with each other.
It would not be the first time some associate of mine changed position very quietly because it would be embarrassing to say I WAS WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING.
Yes. To all of that. Others have mentioned it, too. We have almost ALL been “Trust Sessions” at some point, and some of us were, up until the end.
II think things are about to get interesting. Declas is coming. Buckle up!!!
Agrees its coming. New reasons, not all, is that the media is pushing resist and investigate and the dems will be just too happy to go for it. Meanwhile Trump is setting himself up to counter punch. He will.
Thanks, para59r.
Yes…to your recollections on Mueller; I remember that as well.
I also remember SD saying that we should think of Rosenstein as a “referee” in this.
People were smelling a rat…and SD didn’t agree…at least not back then.
But we’re not supposed to remember those things, I guess.
Sigh. Saddened to have SD apparently seeking to divide us this evening. He can follow Q or not. Who of us would care? SD does excellent research in the weeds and we have all gained much insight. But for some reason there is an incredible confirmation bias in play here regarding this prime number. Whew! No one expects someone to do the deep research SD does and also dig deep into Q. Wish he would read this:
APART, we are weak.
Welcome! Yes, it’s a sad night in Treeperville for us “Qtards” or whatever they want to call us! BUT I think things will be OK. We’ll see – hopefully this will be the Refuge within the Refuge for us folks!

Agreed! Together, we are strong!
Wait a second! Is it better to be a Qtard or a Deplorable? I’m old; don’t confuse me.
I try to be safe by being both!
SD’s assertions were weak but it’s what many subscribe to. Not sure what SD is up to here but on face value its petty.
It’s almost as if Sundance considers Q to be a rival. Which is silly on it’s face. Sundance does his research. And changes his/her stance on issues at will. Q just tosses out his crumbs and says “talk among yourselves” and let’s the Anons do the research.
I’ve often considered that Q was amplifying Sundance, but tempering that with additional inside information. SD tends to have better DOJ information, and Q has better .mil information, but both are not TOTALLY wired up – just having good perspective.
If the idea of ‘military tribunals’ is so laughable, as the Q-haters claim…then why was Lindsey Graham bringing up the idea to Judge Kavanaugh in the hearings.
And Graham did that two days in a row, didn’t he?
Kavanaugh didn’t think it was an outlandish idea, either…he concurred with Graham’s assessment of it, which was that it could be done and is appropriate in some circumstances.
You know, SD’s turn almost seems like a test. Would not surprise me, TBH. We are entering a tricky part of the game. See who is “real” on Q and who is a sunshine patriot. But even if it’s not a test, it’s a test. That’s pretty cool. BECAUSE DATA.
Eh…I dunno, why bring up Q at all.
Covering the Sessions resignation does not automatically necessitate bringing up the subject of Q.
Except to give in to the urge to do an “I told you so” and act like ‘I am smart and you’re not’.
SD has made his sentiments about Q pretty clear to the world at large, on Twitter.
True. SD would have been more complete to have admitted having BEEN all “Trust Sessions” at various times, and then “Don’t Trust Sessions” at others.
The Q-peeps think that Declass is eminent.
That Whitaker is going to slay that whole beast swinging the jawbone of an ass…and that it will be epic.
There’s this Daily Caller article that just came out, speculating this as well.
“Trump Opens Door To Declassifying Russia Docs, And His Acting Attorney General Could Be On Board.
President Trump is “very seriously” considering whether to declassify a slew of FBI and Justice Department records related to the Russia investigation, he said Wednesday. That controversial proposal, which Trump has toyed with for months, may have a backer in Matthew Whitaker, the acting attorney general.
“Declassification, we’re looking at very seriously,” Trump told reporters in a press conference on Wednesday, just before Attorney General Jeff Sessions was forced to resign.
Whitaker, who served as Sessions’ chief of staff, will take over as acting attorney general. In that role, he will oversee the special counsel’s investigation into Trump associates’ links to Russia. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had directed the investigation because Sessions recused himself due to contacts he had with Russians while working on the Trump campaign.”
Q says the Pain is coming.
I’m hoping it’s finally going to happen!
SD should get behind this. If he equivocates it he’ll get a nefarious check off in my book.
Heheh…I love this:
Hat tip to the Anons over at Qresearch.
That’s our new acting AG, Whitaker…and if you haven’t seen him yet, standing beside other normal-sized people, the guy is mountain.
Looks to be at least 6’5″, maybe 250 lbs, and all muscle.
Correction…that link should be:
More from the Anons:

Orange man bad, strong man worse. OMG – hilarious!
Heheh, I know…aren’t these great.
Sorry they’re showing up so large, they post them smaller over there but then they open up when I post them here.
Hey, it’s better to get them full-sized, IMO!
They are very generous with them over there…and encourage people to pass them on.
This is a clip of that conversation on Military Courts, between Lindsey Graham and Justice Kavanaugh:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_gmOsnjrZw&w=560&h=315%5D
This is a gif of Acosta the Assaulta…doing a karate chop on that poor intern:

I hope it posts okay.
Just saw some tweets…apparently CNN is now trying to claim that this didn’t happen and the footage has been doctored.
Yes. really.
Gateway Pundit has a piece about it:
CNN really makes me hate the CIA.
CIANN. Just think – Acosta is under 5 Kevin Bacon units from church and synogogue murderers. And now bar murderers. They’re using old .mil for a reason.
I’m putting it ALL together today.
Careful, Wolfie…(((they))) don’t like it when people ‘put it all together’.
It’s a complicated business, I’ll say that much. When I learned to drop the parens, things started solving.

Sorry – I cannot resist a multi-level math joke about the associative property!
More seriously, conspiracy theory (the science) works because it avoids simplifying assumptions and mirrors certain physical principles which I have found sound for other reasons. I tend to avoid using any known groups for “them” (or language which can be misinterpreted that way) because fronting by dupes is one of the best dodges and deceptions in the game. It is CRITICAL to avoid deception by equating scale with causal probabilities. One consequence – avoid naming variables and just SOLVE FOR RESULTS. “Them” solves more when undefined.
You’re right. They don’t like it. But they are losing leverage and position continuously. Gotta keep pushing. There is no direction but forward to victory.
There ya go…that’s using your noggin.
I read the Sundance’s latest rant on Q. It’s not worth getting all in a twist about it. Like what else is new? And who the hell is Sundance anyway? When I first found the Treehouse a few months before the 2016 election, I scoped him out on the internet. He had been “doxxed” for his involvement in the Trayvon Martin case. There is an actual person “Sundance” but I think “nom de plume” has evolved into the persona for a tight, relatively small group of people who are “connected” with long-established networks in Florida. Definitely the Sundance guys are Reagan Republicans. Fine. All political parties and intelligence organizations are comprised of factions sometimes in alliance and sometimes not. In actuality there is no “left” and there is no “right”; that’s simply anachronistic terminology that conveniently serves to describe political factions that are constantly in flux. Sundance’s networks feed him some juicy stuff not found anywhere else. Content-wise most pro-Trump blogs are lame in comparison.The comments pages are better than other blogs because some really cool and knowledgeable people post there but it’s infested with trolls spreading demoralizing negativity as well. On the flip side, the comments pages are full of ridiculously sycophantic Sundance “fan” trolls who jump on, run with, and other maximally exaggerate any off-the-wall or ill-informed opinion by-lined “Sundance”. Case in point: Q. Now “Sundance” is not stupid. He/they know the difference between “Q”, “Q Research” (the weaponized autists), and “QAnon” (the movement). “Sundance” does not like “Q” because the former and the later each represent different intelligence networks serving the interests of different political factions that support the Trump administration, patriotic factions supporting Trump that nevertheless wouldn’t feel very comfortable in bed with each other. For the “Sundance” network, the “Q” represents a game-changing challenge. Well, that’s my take on it.
WhoIs for reagan.com
Network Solutions?
From Network Solutions wiki:
…”Network Solutions, Inc. (NSI) first operated the domain name system (DNS) registry under a sub-contract with the U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) in September 1991. NSI gave out names in .com, .org, .mil, .gov, .edu and .net for free, along with free Internet Protocol (IP) address blocks. This work was performed at the Chantilly offices of GSI, the primary contractor, a corporation formed by Infonet to avoid foreign ownership of U.S. government contracts.[citation needed] The Network Information Center at SRI International had performed the work under Elizabeth J. Feinler since 1972.[14]
In 1992, NSI was the sole bidder on a grant from the National Science Foundation to further develop the domain name registration service for the Internet. In 1993,[2] NSI was granted an exclusive contract by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to be the sole domain name registrar for .com (commerce), .net (network) and .org (organization) Top Level Domain (TLD) names, a continuation of work NSI had already been doing.[15] NSI also maintained the central database of assigned names called WHOIS. A contract was given to Boeing to operate the .mil registry, and was also performed by NSI under subcontract. “…
And Elizabeth Feinler’s wiki:
Re: This mass shooting that just happened in CA…
Oh man…what are the odds.
People who survived the LasVegas massacre, get killed in a ‘random’ shooting in a bar?
The Anons are going nuts with this.
Some claiming that this was a ‘hit’ to take out more of the witnesses who reported multiple shooters at the Vegas massacre.
At this point, it’s hard not to look sideways at these ‘coincidences’.
Agreed – something is wrong here.
To add to the ‘weirdness’, this happened at a bar called Borderline, in Thousand Oaks, CA…which is in Ventura county.
The badges from Ventura county have that ‘boy lover’ logo on them:
Some of the Anons have posited…’Borderline’ = BL = boy lover?
Hrmmm… What’s SD going to do when normies at CTH bring that up? Wouldn’t it be some kind of social appropriation from Anons?
There is actually a lot of that over there, except the Q-haters don’t know where it’s coming from.
“a lot of that over there”
Yes – I’ve seen it, too. Isn’t it a hoot?
The most obvious example I’ve seen is THR (I like his posts / perspectives, EXCEPT those in re Q.). He’s posted plenty of non-attributed intel from Q as though it were his own, but absolutely lambastes anyone openly posting pro-Q perspectives. One time, in fact, when I got into a back-and-forth with him, another poster hipped me to his deceit (a petty, personal deceit, not a factual deceit).
I’ve actually tried it a few times, to see the different reactions. When I’ve posted something WITHOUT citing Q as the source, I’ve gotten praised. But when I’ve posted something WITH citing Q as the source, I’ve gotten pilloried (present company [et al] excepted).
Very telling window into those posters’ psychology … and a testimony to the rampant anti-Q bias of the general population there. I.e., that some pro-Q posters FEAR overt support of Q, and the desire to “belong” and have social cred there induces them to lie-by-omission.
Everyone wants to seem “smaht”! lol
True, you can find some of them using Q lingo and not realize where it comes from. Like it or not, Q has permeated into the political discourse.
Remember how they had victims of Sandy Hook at the Boston Marathon, in the review stands? It’s PSYCHOLOGY. Basic information science and psychology. They use the idea of coincidence to hide this very desirable feature, but if they can GUARANTEE a persistent mental link like that, it makes the memories stick better.
CIA. It’s very ugly. It’s almost a sure sign that this was an “arranged” or “allowed” event. I’m still not sure how they gain mental control of the perps, but I’m positive these things are set up. Dylann Roof – same thing.
Yep…and the ‘shooter’ is conveniently killed, so there will be no investigation.
There were smoke bombs used.
Witness on Fox right now, is saying that it sounded like different types of gunfire but they were hiding and couldn’t see much through the smoke.
Gotta crash – I’ll check back in later. Thanks for keeping an eye on this.
And it’s a Country/Western Bar…just like the concert in Vegas was a C/W concert.
It’s just…eerie.
There were kids from the local college there, it was some kind of regular thing…”College Country Night”…with line dancing.
Several of the kids were killed.
Eleven victims total.
I don’t know if the Vegas survivors were part of the college kid group, or if they were just there too.
The use of smoke makes one wonder if the sicko was trying to simulate a gun fight in a crowded bar as part of a demented message.
Yeah, who knows.
The whole thing is just kind of weird.
Guy with a long beard in a trench coat, walks into a C&W bar…pops smoke and starts shooting?
That’s like an ‘assault’ move that LEO’s use when they’re going in to take down bad guys.
Bars need more non-drinking carriers, IMHO. Not sure what the laws are in CA, but I always feel safer in places where I can trust there are strong 2A types carrying.
The smoke stuff seems VERY weird. We have to catch one of these guys alive and have them interviewed by white hats. This stuff comes from somewhere.
Useful psycho. And I’m starting to see how he was LOCATED by LE with the prior visit. Local LE thus becomes a TOOL of the KGB-CIA. They FIND the people they need. The upward information – Holder will be tied to those efforts to collect the information.
If you have a nationwide database of such interactions, it can be turned into a political tool. I could actually design a system of political influence using this. OMG – it’s brilliant.
All I need is a technology I suspect has existed since the late 80’s or early 80’s, for influencing mental patients. If I have real time nationwide insight into mental patients cross-referenced with gun data, I could micro-target them for hands-on action and readiness. And the ones that are most readily targeted are the ones with DEEP DATA because I don’t need a warrant. OMG – that explains THAT aspect of the pushing. THOSE people are evolutionarily selected by the system. The intelligence of the system naturally selects them. Deepest insight means deepest and most reliable ability to push.
Yes. Our systems have been turned against us. But the larger pattern escapes the system and cannot be hidden.
Ironically, if we STOPPED sending data on these people to the FBI, and dealt with them strongly LOCALLY, the ability of the Holderites, communists, and CIA to abuse them would disappear. Centralization seems like the proper response, but it is the one that allows the abuse. CUNNING. It’s Cloward-Piven.
Beautiful. Cut them off at the fingers. One would think that another option is to make the data so restricted that the people who are capable of pushing can’t see it. But I think cutting them off at the fingers is the best. The abusers are USING top secrecy to hide their crimes, so stop trusting the secret system. If Brennan is blind to mental patients, he can’t use them. Let LOCAL see – not the feds.
Find who and where ANY data on that prior interaction of LE with the guy went in the federal system. THAT is where it cycled around to people who pushed him. Same with Dylann Roof. That one was also given away by timing. There were prior interactions I am positive. They have a nice data system to find people to look for. It explains why they targeted me.
Oh, it’s all making sense now. ABUSE of our most advanced systems. The prevention systems are turned into promotion and justification systems, because they want to survive, and abusers help them survive. There are internal parameters that will grow inappropriately (anti-purpose) toward INACTION because it helps the system survive. And I just found another incidence proving my viewpoint of life and intelligence.
California is a petri dish of this inappropriate inaction, by the way. Inappropriate inaction everywhere. OMG – socialism in a petri dish. All of the wrongness can be studied. The right drugs can be designed, but people would first have to admit the disease.
Founders were right about higher government becoming a monster. They knew stuff WAY beyond the science of their day. They SUSPECTED things.
The right people will see this post. They will know what I’m talking about.
Inappropriate inaction locally and abuse higher up to precipitate politically. Those are the targets to correct.
It’s come out now that this guy was in the military…the Marines…and he’s been living with his mom.
28 yr old David Long.
Spent 7 months in Afghanistan.
Police searching his home for a ‘motive’.
Police had been called there in the past, responding to a call from neighbors, who said that Long was screaming loudly and throwing things.
He was dressed all in black when he did the shooting.
Death toll now at 12, including shooter.
One of the victims was a LEO, a Sgt. with Ventura.
I believe white hats can gain a lot from this one. I am curious where the information about LE’s prior visit to his residence went. I think that will lead somewhere. I’m betting it went to either or both California authorities and/or the FBI. See if there are paths where this guy’s information went, that align with EARLIER (pre-crime) information from Dylann Roof and Nikolas Cruz. There may also be weird similarities – those need to be looked at. For instance, I’m curious if any single Russian women akin to the Mueller indictees were living near either or both Dylann Roof or this one. That is an oddity I look for now.
There also needs to be examination of why LEOs were not able to act more strongly or usefully at the time of the earlier visit. My guess is that their hands are tied by California laws and practices, preventing many useful and sensible alternatives that might lessen the threat.
I’d say there’s a 100% change this CA shooter was on some heavy meds.
Gavin Newsome is already using this to call for banning guns.
Social changes which make gun ownership by law-abiding people impractical are either themselves illegitimate, or have been illegitimately implemented.
The Second Amendment was all about change not being forced upon us by people unlike us. Americans are not just Eagles, but nuclear titanium poison-arrow porcupines, and certain other animals are about to find out where those arrows in the Eagle’s talons come from.
I am a pacifist until people try to take my Bible, my gun, or the right to say “no”. At that point, I am their most horrible nightmare.
Leave the nuclear titanium poison-arrow porcupines alone. It’s a really good idea.
Chinafornia is going to result in a lot of dead people.
Great theory, Wolf, and I bet it’s true. Your post reminded me of something I read not long ago. They had a tool they used during the Iraq war that would target the enemy and send voices into their head that they thought was Allah telling them to run away or surrender. DARPA technology. Reminds me of that guy who claimed the CIA was sending voices into his head. I don’t remember which shooter he was. But it could very well be true. They could be using this weapon after they target people in the way you explained.
Yes. The KGB-CIA would then be abusing military physical technology in the same way they are abusing NSA (military) digital technology.
The trick on their end is to USE PROBLEMS to demand the tools to solve them, then use those tools to CONTROL the problems and use them (or not use them, or abuse them) for power, politics, and money. All of which fits the M.O. of the Democrats.
This explains why reports (such as Nikolas Cruz) go into the FBI and then nothing happens – inappropriate inaction at all levels – so that control is then selectively reasserted from the top, with the goal of political control.
Yup. CUT OFF THE FEDS – allow local solutions by the most interested parties – and the problems will go away. The exact same thing we’re doing with education, school protection, etc.
Counterintuitive? Angering to DHS? Angering to FBI? Of course. Federal LE is toxically compromised by communists and foreign actors. This is the price of compromise. They are NOT trusted, and NOT trustworthy.
Acckkkk! Radio just said Ruth fell down and has been hospitalized. Drudge linking to this. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/08/supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-85-has-broken-her-ribs-in-a-fall.html
They mentioned that on Varney a little while ago.
Hmm…wouldn’t it be something, if Pres Trump got to appoint another Supreme.
The Dems would set their hair on fire.
She can still make a deal with POTUS. Her pick from his list! Do it, Ruth! Make a deal!