This intermittently re-posted open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. We ask that people NOT duplicate material posted to the Treehouse open threads, unless it’s REALLY IMPORTANT. We expect things that are more relevant to the Q community to show up here.
Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments. Keep it civil. Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.

Just a quick note – I want to warn people that I’m going to start missing comments directed to me, and don’t worry if it takes a while for me to see your comments. I’m being inundated and will need to start being a bit more brief and sparing in comments, and replying later. Just a warning so you don’t worry if I don’t answer soon. Thanks!
S’all good, Wolfie.
And thanks for making James Coburn the site mascot!
Haaaa. I love it.
One of the most under-appreciated actors, evar.
Great pic! Saving that one for later!!!
Oooh yes, Wheatietoo.
James Coburn, Lee Marvin and Ernest Borgnine have there photos in our bowling alley and there favorite hotel The Village Green in my town. They were on location here quite a bit in the 70’s. the one movie I remember the most was emperor of the north, they did a couple of other movies too I just dont remember which ones though. I do remember seeing them as they were filming it was a fun time. also Animal house did a few scenes using our main street every year our main street is closed so a annual toga party takes place. Buster Keaton filmed The little General in our town also but I wasnt born yet ,the side of our old hotel has huge mural of him pretty cool too.
Me thinks that you are going to get flooded by friends – good luck
Hope you don’t get over run by a friendly horde ….
LOL! Yeah, I keep getting messages “Your stats are booming!” LOL. Yeah, tell me about it! Half the comment notifications fly by unseen!!!
Thanks for providing a forum for friendly discussion, I hope you have good troll defenses as it won’t take long for them to try and sneak in.
I noticed that Wolfmoon posted both Picture and a text version Q posts.
I know that we have at least one Q Treeper who uses some type of computer program for visually impaired persons.
Can this program “read” the picture?
Or should we consider posting the text version as well?
Just in case, i’ll try posting the above image in text:
Text helps some people, but I’m not going to make any types of rules. I will say this – good OCR tech makes images less and less different from text, because it can convert pictured text to digital text so fast. But memes also have humor – not yet easy for pattern recognition and AI.
Thanks Wolfmoon.
I obviously didn’t do that right anyway. Tech skills are severely lacking.
Well that didn’t work.
Does Watch CA mean watch California? Anyone know what that is in reference to, other than we could have all predicted California would be stolen….?
Fox trying to change the outcome there is another possibility. They got that right.
“Does Watch CA mean watch California? ”
Good question, that’s what I thought initially, but we may find out later it stands for something else. Or it may have a double meaning.
The good news is that Q reaffirmed that the ‘midterms are safe’, which clearly (on the surface) they weren’t, so that would seem to indicate that everything was watched closely, anticipating fraud, and once all the fraud is complete / finished, THEN the evidence for all of the fraud will be revealed, and the fraudulent election results will be overturned.
If that doesn’t happen, then Q has boxed himself into a direct contradiction, and he didn’t need to do that, he didn’t need to bring up the old post about the midterms being ‘safe’, so I suspect we will be seeing evidence of fraud just as soon as the criminal Left stops adding fraudulent votes and the fraudulent vote totals are ‘certified’ by the various criminal secretaries of State.
Done properly, this ‘sting’ or ‘dragnet’ operation could practically wipe out the Demonrat Party in just about EVERY deep blue state and many of the red states, because they’re ALL committing election fraud wherever they have been getting away with it for generations.
And what a BEAUTIFUL thing to behold that would be! And probably deeply shocking, too. Those of us who have paid attention through the years have been aware that it is an issue, but I suspect much like everything else about the swamp we will have our minds blown (as they used to say when I was a child) by the vastness of it. Much, much more than we ever feared.
To avoid confusion of dates and relevancy , I should have included the text above and below the screenshot. You can see that the Q screenshot is dated Apr 19 2018 and the new Q text is dated Nov 10 2018.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.449 2475
Nov 10 2018 15:36:04 (EST)
Screen Shot Apr 19 2018
News unlocks.
Wolf, i really, really appreciate this site. I’ve felt so discombobulated the last couple of months. I’ve always enjoyed reading Thomas Wictor and Imperator Rex on Twitter – they have some great and interesting insights – and they’ve both been banned. All the Reddit Q groups I used to enjoy are now gone. And now this big sea change at CTH. It feels like a lot of the voices I’ve checked in with daily are now gone, so this site is a God send. If you need any help with comment moderation or whatever, please let us know.
Thanks. At some point I may look for moderators, but at the moment, I expect heavy attacks, and the fort is most easily defended by me alone. I’m an extremely hard target.
We’re gonna have incoming. Buckle up.
Hmm…I posted a meme for you, but it’s not showing up.
Tried again, and WP stopped it & gave me a blank screen message:
“You have already posted this.”
Let me look…..
I can see it now in the notifications – the gleaming thumbs-up Trump!
Nope. It was a different one.
It said “The Shills Mostly Come At Night… Mostly.”
Trying again:
I can see it in notifications.
And I see it on the page, too!
It posted this time.
When I tried posting it twice before…I didn’t add any text from myself, just the meme.
Maybe adding some text is the key?
Maybe I just learned something.
Interesting – thanks for that tidbit.
OMG Wheatie!!!!! That’s creepy but so on point!
Wheatie, maybe it needs a line gap between the pic and the text. LOVE the meme by the way. Most excellent.
One of my favorite movies. I still remember the first time I saw it, on VHS tape, 19″ color TV, with about 8 or 9 of us crammed into a shoe box college dorm room that was designed for two people.
Some great quotes came from that movie
Iam so thankful for wolf giving us a place to land and now we can talk about Q all we want lol. Q hasn’t lied to us that I can discern he says there is a plan and to trust the paln, plans can change due to things unforeseen happening but the plan still remains. and with the way the msm and other outlets attack Q shows me Q is a threat to them therefore he is a real person or persons. sad that many who havnt even read the drops are jumping on a bandwagon to no where. oh well I am aware and watching the show as its playing out. besides even if Q is a LARP so what! he has started us on a journey of research and digging that has outed a world wide nest of evil we may not of otherwise discovered! along the way he has also united us in common goal! to save our country. to me that is a worthwhile fight.
I agree, Sue. It amazes me the levels of attack coming from MAGA people. Makes one wonder about what’s important to them. Q has always been respectful and has always called for unity. He has never TOLD people what to think either, but to think for themselves and do their own research.
I’ve reached the point now where Q and Q people are highest on the list of who to trust, next under President Trump himself and his team, of course. It makes no sense for real MAGA people to attack other MAGA people. Someone somewhere is being played and I don’t think it’s the ones saying “Together we are strong”.
I found Wictor over at Gab, and Imperator Rex has a Gab site too, though he doesn’t seem to be using it. The one I have been checking on a regular basis recently is Neon Revolt, both his website and his Gab site:
(Wictor’s site doesn’t seem to be working at the moment…?)
What does that mean?
“What does that mean?”
I think it means 5 x 5 or ‘Five by Five’.
Generally, it means that communications are coming through loud and clear. It is also one of many quotes from the film ‘Aliens’ (a.k.a. Alien, part 2) that Wheatie referenced in the “Shills mostly come at night… mostly” meme.
“We’re in the pipe, Five by Five”:
Thank you Scott. I didn’t see Aliens, so I didn’t even understand the meme either. My age is showing.
If you like Science Fiction movies at all, even a little bit, then I could not recommend Aliens more highly. It is a sequel to ‘Alien’ (1979), and the original is also an all-time great. One of the rare occasions where the sequel lives up to the original. The original is more of a suspense thriller, while the sequel has much more action (plenty of suspense too!).
Since the title is somewhat generic, and there are so many movies with the word “Aliens” in the title, this is the one I mean:
Rated 8.8 out of 10 at
The original, from 1979, was titled “Alien”
It’s rated a ‘9’ out of 10 on, which is very high. I have never seen any movie rated ’10’.
For context, here are a few other movies rated ‘9’ or higher at (the figures change as more people vote, these numbers are from when I added the film to my list):
12 Angry Men – 9.1
Apocalypse Now – 9.0
Casablanca – 9.0
The Godfather – 9.3
The Godfather, part II – 9.2
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly – 9.1
Goodfellas – 9.1
Pulp Fiction – 9.1
Rear Window – 9.0
Seven Samurai – 9.0
Shawshank Redemption – 9.1
And here are a few that don’t even reach the 9.0 or better rating (but should, IMO!):
The Big Heat (1953) – 8.2
Blade Runner (1982) – 8.8
Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) – 8.7
Citizen Kane (1941) – 8.9
Cool Hand Luke (1967) – 8.2
Double Indemnity (1944) – 8.7
M (1931) – 8.7
The Third Man (1949) – 8.7
Unforgiven (1992) – 8.6
I think all of these films (including Alien and Alien part 2) are on just about every “Top 100 Movies of All Time” list that I have ever seen.
Having said that, the last thing I want to do is get your expectations so high that if you decide to watch it, it turns out to be a let-down.
So in that case, let me say this. It’s a terrible movie – bad acting, bad script, bad story, bad special effects, horrible ending. And yet I really do recommend it
P.S. ‘Aliens’ (a.k.a. Alien, part 2) stands alone just fine, you don’t NEED to see ‘Alien’ (1979) first, or at all, to enjoy ‘Aliens’ (Alien part 2).
But they are both such great movies… very different (suspense thriller vs. action thriller), but same theme, same lead character (and actress, Sigourney Weaver).
I would watch them both
Thanks Scott. Will add them to my watch list. DH and I both like Sci Fi, but haven’t seen any in several years.
I have always taken 5:5 to mean “Message received loud and clear” – or as a question, “Are we clear?” or “Do you understand?” That seems to work very well with Q’s posts.
Thank you Wolfmoon.
Found this over at the Qresearch board.

This is Nancy Pelosi with JFK:
Did you know this? …I did not know this.
So this is why she is so ‘revered’ amongst the Dem establishment.
Thing is…JFK would be rolling over in his grave, to see the fascist stuff that Pelosi has done.
OMG – if you read the Mimi Alford book, you have to KNOW he was all over that stuff. I kid you not – that guy was Bill Clinton before Bill Clinton. The stuff he did was JAW-DROPPER. Made that cigar thing look TAME and proper.
Now you know secret Dem history. She HAD to be one of his girls. I would bet money.
Yeah, the Anons are figuring that Pelosi was one of his ‘conquests’, back in the day.
I did read the Mimi Alford book and I’m sorry that was my very first thought when I saw that picture. He was a predator. Or at least in today’s rules he’d be considered a predator. Eek.
Wasn’t Nan’s old man a Mafia don?
Think I heard something like that.
Wow, great picture. I love looking at her vintage dress and gloves. I wonder if she and JFK…
And yeah, you’d think JFK would be rolling in his grave over what his party has become. I prefer to think that, anyway, than to think he would have just evolved long with it like San Fran Nan and Teddy Kennedy and the like.
“I wonder if she and JFK…”
The male Anons are looking at his body language there…and are all pretty much in agreement that, yeah, he hit that.
I made a dress with the identical lines in blue (Vogue pattern) for my sister, but my sister rocked it. My sister is still very pretty at 77. Never had face surgery nor botox. Hee, hee, hee.
I’m sure she is MUCH prettier than San Fran Nan!!!
Gosh, I had such a flash of nostalgia when I read about you sewing the dress for your sister. I used to sew quite a bit when I was in high school. Back then you could save money and make cute stuff that way. But then the cost of patterns and fabric went through the roof and the cost of ready made clothing dropped and I just quit. Even if the quality wasn’t there because everything is made in countries I can’t pronounce and who on earth knows what sizes mean anymore!!
Sylvia, you are correct. The next downer about making clothing at least for where I live, was the closing of fabric department at the Marshall Field’s store near where I live, then two other great fabric source stores.
The only option now is a three hour drive to north of Chicago on the Dan Ryan Expressway (yikes) or buying on line, plus buying samples before the main purchase. Joanne Fabrics from China doesn’t sell any fabric worth the time of real garment construction.
Back in 2013 I wanted a Sophia knit for a special occasion in a shade of purple (eggplant). I finally found it but had to drive 3 hours each way.
I know what you mean about the fabrics. High priced and low quality. Definitely doesn’t make me want to put the effort into sewing anything. Too bad. I used to enjoy it.
I still have a 5 yard cut of vicuna colored camel hair coat fabric and a 6 yard cut of black cashmere coat fabric in storage that I refold every year. Major life issues got into the way of making the coats.
I’d love to sell those cuts, but think I will just take them to a Black church about an hour away, hopefully still there, where the older ladies teach the skill to women who are trying to lift themselves up.
Oh, how beautiful! I bet the ladies would appreciate having such nice fabric to work with.
They were real appreciative a decade or two ago when I took two station wagons of fabrics, notions and my mom’s sewing machine there.
Only problem is it’s in the heart of a district where no “honky” should go, but I think I may have an interim drop off point. Nuns at a place called Sojourner Truth House train the street women and those who had to leave their homes for safety, in computer, office skills, etc. Another group of nuns nearby offer sleeping arrangements in their convent for these women.
I buy tons of underwear for them monthly, but just have it sent direct. My SIL volunteers for their pantry/closet and told me of their plight. Most of these women come there with just the clothes on their back.
That is really terrific! Good for you!
Those nuns really do good stuff.
Thrift stores did in my sewing! That and no longer having babes I did not want in “flame retardant” sleepers.
“And yeah, you’d think JFK would be rolling in his grave over what his party has become. I prefer to think that, anyway, than to think he would have just evolved long with it like San Fran Nan and Teddy Kennedy and the like.”
Law of the Universe #1: Power is the original opioid.
So, since I’m not a die hard Q person (but apparently this is the hill I’ve chosen to die on anyway) who do you all like for “Q intrepretation?” I’ve just relied on Praying Medic and he’s okay, but I feel like I could benefit by someone who goes a bit deeper or maybe just that I’d benefit from checking with another source because that would give me greater depth.
I have found Q to be comforting, I guess because it provides hope there’s a method to the madness and that this will all come together eventually. Maybe that makes me weak, I don’t know, but I appreciate that aspect of it as well as the encouragement about WWG1WGA and sticking together.
I like Praying Medic, but I also read Liz Cronkin and a couple of others. PM is the most reliable, IMO.
Roger that.
I listened to several, regularly, before settling with Dave. Others I listened to just reiterated what I could read for myself at the Q board, with no interpretation. Another had waaay too much “this is what I think, but I really want to know what YOU all think” for my taste. With Dave, I get solid research, someone unafraid to tell us what he thinks and why, humility to admit he has changed his mind, or has missed something, and that wonderful attitude of not really caring if someone else wants to follow Q! Oh…and my spidey sense groks to his work.
Sylvia, I go directly to 8 chan from the Q posts and there is 10 times more information than you will find on any of the videos. You can click on the numbers at the top of the post if they are long numbers or just go to . I check He has a lot of good information sometimes. I just prefer going through 8 chan because I get to see a lot of ideas and interpretations that don’t come up elsewhere.
I have studied so many of these areas over my lifetime and I find the internet such a wonderful tool compared to libraries and index cards. I like to have resources and make up my own mind.
I get annoyed when someone like sundance tells me what to think. I like to get other people’s ideas and opinions but I give up on them when they start telling me I can’t think for myself or am not allowed to express my own opinion. I like a discussion. I discuss things to find the weakness in my own thoughts or arguments and I change my mind when new information overcomes old information and move forward. Changing someone else’s mind is not something I spend time on. If they are locked in to an idea, I might ask a couple of questions that shake their foundation a little so that they might rethink something. I don’t want to destroy their belief system entirely because I don’t want to take the years that would be necessary to help them rework it.
I don’t lock in until I have explored something to the point where I am convinced of the truth. I believe in Jesus. I have looked into practically everything else and Jesus stands up to every test. I have a personal relationship with him now that is deeper than I ever had believed possible because I am no longer confused or conflicted about my belief in him.
I really like Q and I have found nothing there that makes me doubt the movement. There are shills who try to destroy the movement but they are usually easily brushed off. That said, Q is a way of expanding my own mind. Q never tells me what to think. Q asks questions that shake my foundational beliefs and offers some different viewpoints. That is exactly how I use my own mind to arrive at the truth so I consider Q as someone who has some information that I don’t have who is offering to help me grow in my own thinking.
Repeating what someone else says is true for their approval is often required in school to pass a test or at work to keep your job when you know they are wrong but you need their credit to move forward. Most people never get past the stage where they prefer the truth to approval. Truth during times of change is never going to receive the approval of 99 percent of the people you are around. Learning to stand up for the truth is necessary for change to occur. When the change occurs then the sheep will all be with you for your approval.
President Trump is a leader and he understands this completely. He makes the necessary changes and keeps moving forward. As more and more people see him succeeding, they start changing direction and follow him. For lack of a good leader, the sheep starve or are destroyed by the wolves. President Trump’s approval ratings are going up because the sheep are feeling that he knows where he is going and that they will be safe with him. They will never really understand what has happened. That is okay because the leader does not require their understanding or approval to function. He just wants the satisfaction he gets from taking good care of them and seeing them safe and happy.
Great post!
I’m a little scared of the chans, so I haven’t spent much time there. I’ll check out Neon Revolt. I like to have different points of view. It helps expand my vision.
The chans are fascinating and informative but one can get lost in following the links and comments and forget real time responsibilities, especially if one doesn’t punch a clock for income. If your filters are firmly in place, your discipline high, and if you refuse to be “offended” by whatever, you will do fine.
8 chan is amazing! I go there at least once a day and get totally lost in the Anons research of the world wide cabal. the things they unearth is mind blowing to me. the crass talk and all that I just skip over,its worth checking out .no need to be afraid of it.
Kind of worried about getting viruses and stuff, just from what people say. And heaven knows I don’t need another time suck, LOL! But it sounds pretty interesting, I admit.
“I go directly to 8 chan”
So do I.
The problem with so many of these Q-interpreters is that they are each only ONE voice. They don’t have the benefit of the crowd – that is, many many pairs of eyes, and all of them interacting among themselves to arrive at conclusions.
This is what’s so great about a blog (btw, I detest that term! I like “forum” much better.). Although most of the video-blogs have commentary, anything posted on YT et al is usually swamped (ahem!) with noise, rather than helpful insight. It isn’t always true, but it takes a ton of effort to weed through everything bad and find the good.
I do the same thing as Wolf says he does – I look FIRST to the Q-posts themselves, and try to figure them out by myself. Lately, there hasn’t been much “decoding” to do, and the posts are more straight-forward.
Then, I go to the 8-chan board. IMO, it has THE BEST security, and the autists can ferret out a shill / clown in a NY-minute. And, if or when all else goes dark, or becomes compromised, still the Patriots Fight site (where Q posts) will be there, likely along with the 8-chan board.
BTW – don’t EVER post on the 8-chans. And I mean NOT EVER!!!
The Q-interpreter site I like best is Patriots Soapbox. It’s on YT (for now), and runs 24/7 live stream, with video (one can see the moderators / hosts), and with two chat forums – one called “Discord”, mainly for the administrators, and one based in YT, “YT chat”.
The hosts (almost always at least two or three, live, at any one time) go over news-worthy articles, and give their takes, while the viewers get to see the running chat-commentary. They also, at times, go into deep dives, and I’ve found out a LOT of info / theories I’d never come across before. I like it!
So there it is: for me, it’s Q first, 8-chan second, and PS / Q-tree third. I often have the audio of PS running in the background, as I read and post on written forums [fora? sounds weird!].
Thanks. I will try Patriots Soabbox. It sounds interesting.
Because it has content 24/7, it’s a bit tough to be there at the right time for the best discussions.
Usually, one of the best times is right after a new Q-post – no matter who the current hosts are.
The hosts I like best are first, the two proprietors – a married couple, using the handles “PamphletAnon” (husband) and “RadixVerum” (wife). I think that they’re on the evening shift, say 7-9pm, and sometimes later (especially on weekend nights).
Others I like have the handles “Deadcat” and “Thumper” (2 guys), and I think they’re on mid-mornings.
Also good are “Yoda” (guy) and “Gran Torino” (guy), who’s from Ireland. There are others, but these are the ones I remember being in on PS right from the start.
IMO, of course, and FWIW!
A local woman told me she depends upon PS on the morning she pulled into my rural driveway (off of a farm road) to introduce herself as a Q follower. “My [children] told me, ‘Mom! There’s a house with a Q flag and a Q hanging over the garage!”
They just finished saying a prayer (Host[ess] “she7anon” – she’s great!). They also recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning.
They also play historical clips – right now, one from JFK.
One may scroll back in time, on the bottom bar, to listen to anything previous in the 12-hour (usually) telecast – and the “reverse” time is indicated for convenience.
Enjoy, if you’d like!
There are a myriad of items that come up when Ilook up addy for 8 chan. Is the correct one a dot net?
i believe it is a dot net. i think elizabeth carter posted a link earlier in this thread that ended with qresearch … but again, be cautious with ads, and as you already know about chan sites you cannot be too thin skinned. just read what you want and don’t be bothered by stuff that may initially shock you if you are sensative to “bad” words etc…
Thanks Andrew.. I’m not shocked by words or visuals. Only thing that can throw me off for a second or two is when I hear blasphemy of my Lord God. I say a little prayer and then carry on.
You have just described ME!
I also prefer going to the research board…
“…I get annoyed when someone like sundance tells me what to think. I like to get other people’s ideas and opinions but I give up on them when they start telling me I can’t think for myself or am not allowed to express my own opinion. I like a discussion. I discuss things to find the weakness in my own thoughts or arguments and I change my mind when new information overcomes old information and move forward.” ~ Elizabeth Carter
I could have written those words, in fact, you have succinctly stated why I left the TH …
Looking forward to reading your comments here…
Nicely said.
I’m beginning to believe that internet personalities do not like having their authority undermined or challenged and for some reason they are interpreting that Q is doing that. It’s human nature, actually (so is everyone who takes the time to post being in alt with their own opinion, a manifestation of the age of narcissism). What I have noticed is that the people who are warning us all off of Q, without having explored the messaging all that well, are the same sorts who are adverse to alternative narratives, i.e., Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy and in no way acted alone.
All most people know about the events in question is what the 4 am mockingbird media tells us happened. Are they telling the truth? My background in communications challenges that notion.
I’m not going to abandon the TH, BUT will refrain from posting quotes from Q. There’s too much valuable information there.Q is one of many voices in this. I follow NeonRevolt, although his youth is getting in the way of deciphering at this point, the chan boards like pol, qresearch, etc. I also visit and get some info from reddit/the_donald/ even if Q is verbotten there as such. Also some of SerialBrain2, but not the convoluted numbers stuff. That’s too complicated for Q’s intended audience, IMO.
In the meantime, keep the faith. This is war. No one ever said the enemy was going to cooperate while its ship was going down.
Sorry this was in moderation so long – I have NO idea why it was there!
No worries.
I’m a blogger on a different site in another part of my life. I get it. It’s all good.
“I check He has a lot of good information sometimes.”
That’s what I have been reading for the last month or so, in addition to Praying Medics videos.
Also his Gab site, which is updated more often (like a Twitter feed) than the website, which may only be updated when he has a new article, which may only be every few days.
I personally follow Praying Medic, JustInformed Talk, and Truth and Art TV. Out of the three, I find Praying Medic to be the most resourceful.
I occasionally read Neon Revolt, as well. I also used to follow the Great Awakening until the Nazis of Reddit wiped it out of existence.
I have checked out the boards, but not religiously. Will start going a little more often.
Thanks! PM seems to be highly favored here, and I like him too. I just wanted to check out some others, too, so I will check on some of these and see what I think.
Absolutely. I’m a new “covert” to the Q phenomenon, so my sources are limited for now, I’m also trying to find more decoders to check out.
Covert could apply in the current CTH atmosphere. Unfortunately.
Yeah, true that. The new “in the closet”
Please note PM’s work today, Sunday. Q has wiped all posts from Patriot’s Fight and changed the banner picture from the firing cannon to the gavel of justice. Both filenames are”Justice.”
My thought was: two forms of justice, one from the barrel of a gun, one from the gavel of a judge. Both are needed.
Explanations re Patriot’s Fight can be found in Q drops and more succinctly and explicitly from PM. Looks like Q is getting ready for all Q comms & discussion to be on Patriot’s Fight.
“Q has wiped all posts from Patriot’s Fight”
They’re still there for me – I just checked.
Did you misidentify the name of the place where posts were wiped?
I agree, though – Q comms are being reset, in advance of what is to come … SOON!
I need to correct that comment. It appears that it is the posts from today that have been removed…..
Thanks Roberta, I did see that and wondered at it a bit. What you said makes sense. I long for justice like we all do!!
I like praying medic too, also just discovered serialbrain2 which looks good too.
I first became aware of Praying Medic from CTH and I found his explanations interesting. In my research since then I have found that I like the commentary from X22. His only identifier is his name, Dave. I don’t know anything more than that. He has a pretty comprehensive daily brief (every day but Saturday) on Q and MAGA-related topics. He concentrates heavily on the Fed and the economy but his analysis does not seem to be in the realm of fantasy, so far. He is on YT and also has his own domain site.
Thanks for this, I’ll check X22 out (already with Praying Medic).
Yes, I’m also a fan of X22! He had a few odd facts from Clintonworld that really helped me put some things together.
Oh goodness Sylvia! I enjoy PM very much but theres a few more I listen to also . x22 report is great for Q drops and they give geopolitical and financial news that are helpful in understanding a lot of what the President is doing. blessed2teach is very good and justinformedtalk and IPOT are outstanding. truthandart is good also.I dont want to overwhelm so I will stop there
but there quite a few more.
BRILLIANT. Thank you for all these.
I am getting so many interesting leads! Thank you! I’m going to enjoy listening and reading to these.
Love this…hope it posts okay:
Love it!!!
Perfect! Love it!
Oh that’s wonderful! Perfect smile on his face too. Love it.
Checked in at TH a few moments ago and have decided I ain’t gonna read anything there that from the title suggests speculative musings. Waste of my time. My attitude has nothing to do with what has gone on the past 24 hours. I have never had patience with folks speculating on future events without solid evidence. To echo POTUS, I think we should let POTUS and his team run the eventual AG appointment nomination and once we know who it is we can dig in and research the person. I see no point in bashing the potential nominees presented by the mockingbird media. I like to think I learned a lot of lessons back in 2007-2010 when I read diligently and listened on many platforms in my political initiation period. Pretty heavy filters in place since then. And little patience with folks who think from their laptops/armchairs they are better coaches/CEOs than the one with the job.
Ha, Roberta. I looked in, as well, and saw the thread about the media musings over who will be AG. Waste of time. Lots of opportunity to bash Bondi so folks are enjoying that.
I have no idea who he’ll pick. I hope he picks someone really good. By now I’m sure PDJT has learned a few things about whose recommendations carry weight with him and whose don’t. That Congressman might be good, Robert whoever he his. But I don’t have the energy to sweat this. PDJT will pick who he thinks is best and I’ll pray for guidance for him. That’s the best I can do.
I feel the same way. I learn more after he makes a pick than by trying to guess. But one thing I have learned – he likes to interview a broad talent pool by putting in some odd choices like ROMNEY. He looks at some NO WAY choices – maybe just for comparison – but he looks at them.
Yes, he does. He has an interesting way of evaluating talent. As an administrator that was one of the activities I invested heavily in developing my abilities because it is so important. I learned a lot and developed some really good techniques. I’d love to be a fly on the wall and shadow PDJT working through his process. What he asks during an interview, what he uses to evaluate candidates. I bet it would be fascinating.
I’ve come to believe that sometimes Trump interviews a person, and files away what he learns for a later date. Romney is a case in point. Watching him for the first year in Congress might yield some surprises. We simply do not know what is said behind closed doors or what someone with Trump like instincts knows that we don’t.
I don’t really care who he chooses because as he has had to point out recently, PDJT is the president, and I trust him because he has earned that trust.
Have you seen this?
Yes… it is mesmerizing to watch that, but it also serves as a visual metaphor as to why We Should Not Be Sheep.
Sheep are easily herded.
This is why (((they))) want us to be sheep…and why they punish people for thinking for themselves.
To add to your metaphor …
I grew up on a farm in South Africa, mixed operation, with 1000 head of sheep amongst other things. We had a small group of wild rheebok (antelope), a group of between 6 and 10. And we had leopard in the adjacent mountains.
The rheebok population remained pretty stable, and the sheep …..
Well, it did not happen often, but when a leopard got in amongst the flock, it was just carnage. The stupid creatures had no idea what they were dealing with, and the leopard would have been equally confused, since the sheep just would not run away. So to lose 20 sheep in one night to a leopard was pretty much the order of the day …
Yes, good analogy, Jason…and a good point.
Being a sheep makes you vulnerable to Predators.
That is why the elitists don’t want us armed.
We’re supposed to be good little sheep…and expect the police to protect us.
And then, they launch an operation to demonize the police…so that the police are afraid to do their job!
Correctomundo! The left is deploying a multi pronged strategy to defeat humanity – make no mistake, they hate people (including themselves, ultimately, they just cannot look inside themselves).
1) Get rid of Christianity, because it teaches that God loves us, that each human being is precious.
2) Dumbed down “education”, to produce orcs (SJW’s) and sheeple
3) Keep the sheeple imprisoned in mental cages with leftist TV/movie poison after 1 & 2 achieved
4) Disarm the free thinkers and demonise police as per your points
5) No doubt many more points to add ….
I posted a link on the other thread to the Communist Playbook – will post it here as well:
The overwhelming majority of American’s consider Nelson Mandela a hero…they have no idea that he was a Marxist and paved the way for the current white genocide.
Was he a Marxist , Maoist or … ?
Were the Chinese his puppet masters ?
Thanks for asking. My take – In short, he was a mixed bag.
He was the Marxist / Communist in his early years, but no doubt 27 years in Robben Island changed him. When he came out of prison, as the leader of the ANC, the official policies were Marxist. He got called over to the US and got told how things were going to work “economically”, came back and moved away from a policy of a centrally planned economy where every major industry was set to be nationalised. So he convinced the ANC to move away from their Marxist economic model. Score 1 for Nelson
Then he single handedly lead the ANC toward a reconciliation with the Afrikaner – see the story told in Clint Eastwood’s Invictus – that is a pretty fair reflection. So score 2 for good Nelson.
This is borne out by the fact that he was essentially estranged from his entire family – particularly the viper of vipers, his ex wife Winnie. This tells you much about Nelson, that he would have nothing to do with Winnie, who makes Hillary look quite pleasant by comparison (not in the respective outcomes of their influences, just the sheer vileness of their “personas”). Score 3 for Nelson.
But ultimately he failed to effect any meaningful change in the ANC – this was best demonstrated by their approach to Mugabe. Nelson tried to interject himself for the good, and got swiftly pulled into line – this was after his Presidency. That was the beginning of the ultimate end for South Africa – Game set and match, Marxists.
I do not blame him for this ultimate failure – he tried, but was an old man by then. So I give him a pass – he ended up being pretty good – its not his fault what is going on today.
This probably does not gel with Stefan Molyneaux’s take on him, but so be it …
I think the fact that Mandela did not follow the standard path of all leftists MUST come down to 27 years in Robben Island – that experience would definitely deconstruct a person’s ego.
My understanding is that ego deconstruction is essential for effecting change – just my 2c.
Ok, that was interesting. I didn’t know all of that, esp. about he and his wife being at odds.
Wasn’t she the necklacing queen of the ANC?
She was. What a horrible person.
Jason, thank you. Didn’t know all that after he got out of prison.
I have never seen Mandela as anything other than a Marxist. But then I am often out of step with the rest of the country it seems.
I know, I know – I said I was going to bed. Just had to come and post this to give y’all a laugh – this is in regards to Macron’s statement that they need an EU Army – from “pearson” at BB:
“Europe will not be able to raise an army of fighting men…there are none left in Europe.
Europe will raise an army of cucks, transgender and fat lesbian chicks with blue hair and thick ankles whose only ability is to scream at the sky.
Besides, France’s military capacity is severely diminished after their white flag factory burnt down during World War One.”
Oh my gosh. Glad I didn’t see this in the middle of the night. I would have awakened DH with my giggling in bed.
Q said we will find out who is in charge of the Democratic Party. This is on Breitbart. We are going to find out a lot of things.
The Commies think they are still in charge. We have a new Sherriff in town. Cuban Commies better go back to Cuba while they still can.
Thanks for posting. Tucker said in an interview that he believes one of the guys in the mob is someone that Tucker has had on his show.
If you have watched his show, you know he has a never ending line of losers, lunatics, and leftoids that he brings on to debate with them. I almost always FF through those segments.
Really awful. I hope Mrs. Carlson gets some serious range time under her belt.
I wonder if it was this guy:
I have seen it mentioned, that the Antifa group that hit Tucker’s house, were the same ones who hounded Ted Cruz and his wife, at that restaurant.
And people linked this guy Mike Isaacson, to that group that hit Cruz.
Sounds like Tucker may have some sort of security cams at his house…for him to have been able to have seen ‘one of the guys’ in that mob.
I had hoped that he did.
In Tucker’s line of work, it seems like having a good security system would be the wise thing to do.
Probably time for an upgrade, too…with more cameras, high-res and infrared!
Even a low res camera system will pick that “guy” out – gotta love that neck! Ostrich comes to mind – not sure why …..
Or a Llama. Haaa.
That guy, Isaacson, lost his job as a professor after Tucker exposed him as such a douchebag on his show.
So he probably harbors a grudge against Tucker.
Isaacson taught…get this…courses on law enforcement, that a lot of prospective police officers were taking.
And yet, Isaacson had been tweeting out anti-police remarks about ‘dead cops’ and how that’s not a bad thing!
I thought that was a photoshop done on his neck. Holy cow even. That’s a handicap when it comes to being stealth in one’s misdeeds.
Oh no, that neck is the real deal. Never seen anything like it.
As much of a misfit as this guy appears to be and apparently is, the thing I could NOT get over is he taught at John Jay College which is a college for law enforcement. And yet he was tweeting about cop killings being good and cops bad or something similar. Jaw dropping. WHAT was the hiring authority smoking? He did lose his job after this all went on Tucker and went really public. But it shouldn’t take that kind of publicity to make it right.
Maybe John Jay is following some kind of affirmative action program for long necks. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
It IS a Photoshop here – check the top of the head – they left the badness as a joke, and it’s HILARIOUS. His neck was long, but not that long. But it was long! OMG, was it long!
Dittos on tht LOL.
OMG THAT GUY! I had forgotten him. I did see him, and well you must admit he is memorable. I doubt even a turtle neck could disguise him!!! And he was an idiot.
If I were Tucker I’d probably not only spring for an upgraded system but at least for awhile some high quality security guards.
And maybe machine gun turrets….. DEFINITELY a panic room as opposed to the pantry for crying out loud, although that was probably good thinking.
Lawn sprinklers loaded with idelible dye so it looks like they robbed a bank?
PhoenixRising had posted a link to Praying Medic’s Nov. 10 thread on Q. I’m ALWAYS late to the party so you guys have probably already read it.
If not, it was quite interesting. It was all about Q preparing us for future communications as individuals who provide Q communications are being shut down one by one. Praying Medic was identified by YouTube as providing hate speech, so I think he took down his YouTube account.
But as the discussion moved along about censorship of Q related information, of course you know my thoughts went to SD.
And after PMs thread, someone posted this:
“Interesting. I just read an article positing that Q is now a “danger” to PDJT. Request was made not to discuss it on the site again in order to protect him.”
Pretty sure I can guess what she was referring to….
The timing is all very interesting, isn’t it.
Ack…my reply to you dropped down below.
Sorry. I hate it when that happens.
Not yet. PM has only one strike (he had trouble a few months ago and go that resolved, but here we go again). We just won’t see him uploading to the tube for a while because, as he said, he wants to be very careful what he does right now.
PM also has some prescient and well presented comments concerning what we all were bamboozled over in the last 36 hours…and he isn’t referencing just that, but others who do the same. As usual, a calm, reasoned voice amongst the screeching that saps so much energy.
“The timing is all very interesting, isn’t it.”
Yes it is…very interesting timing.
Praying Medic has backed up his videos on Vimeo, which is a good thing:
He mentioned some time back, that he would be doing that…it was when Youtube started purging conservative videos.
Melania. Lovely FLOTUS.
Leaving DC with her plaid coat and those fabulous boots!
With Madame Macron. I love it when Melania wears her hair up. Very flattering.
Thanks for those, Syl…yes, I love it too, when FL Melania wears her hair up.
Dressed in an all black tailored suit-dress, very fitting for the occasion.
We are so fortunate to have such a beautiful, poised and graceful First Lady.
I feel so proud of her every time I see her representing us. It is really a thrill and an honor to have her represent us.
A picture is worth a thousand words.

Our President looks like he is resisting the urge to slap that little weasel.
I saw footage last night, when Pres Trump arrived there and was greeted by Macron.
Macron was all handsy…patting on PDJT and putting his hands all over him.
PDJT didn’t seem to appreciate it one bit.
He is NOT happy. I don’t blame him. The little weasel. And now he is busily speaking out about the evils of nationalism. I think I could take him without my shovel.
So insulting to get down into the muck in the middle of a ceremony like this. I hope this is the last time PDJT has to go to France.
Love you and your shovel.
The globalist TOOL speaks the words that the socialists put into his happy humanist hymnal!
I’ll help with my cane. Clear acrylic. Nearly invisible. He wouldn’t know what hit him.
Wow, sounds swanky! (And stealthy!)
It was quite cheap actually. Looks swanky though. LOL
Yup, POTUS is no longer inclined to play nice with the globalist hyena’s based on that pic – LOVE IT!
Time to call them out. Man, if the hammer gets dropped on the Spygate scum soon, just watch the reaction from the EuroTrash – it will be very telling.
Right now they probably regard him as wounded – dropping the Hammer on Comey et all will certainly disavow them of that.
Well that tears it. I’m off to Paris. Macron has made my Shovel Ready Hall of Fame. I just caught part of the ceremony and he is babbling away about patriotism being the opposite of nationalism. ” The rise of nationalism destroyed the path to peace.”
Oh you miserable little POS. I think it is pretty sleazy to put down the US and our leader that way.
I think they’re trying to provoke him…provoke our President…in hopes that he will say something in anger.
Then they will declare that he is an ‘angry madman’ or some damn thing.
Grrrr. How quickly they forget.
France would be speaking German right now, if we hadn’t come to their rescue.
My grandfather and grand uncles were over there in France in WW1 saving their behinds. It’s a little personal for me.
Macron. Spit.
Yes, were it not for WWII vets, we would be putting up with smarmy …. little…. French…. Nazis…. OK, never mind.
And, playing “Frogger” … All … Day … Long …
With a standard-issue white kerchief, ever at the ready.
lol (please forgive me, Sylvia!)
Wheatie, that’s a very good point. They are all globalists, all working to one end, the end of freedom. It would be like them to try and trigger some adverse response. Fortunately President Trump is too wise for that.

For anyone who may not know…this is the Broward County, Florida, woman who has mysteriously ‘found’ thousands and thousands of vote ballots.
She’s a Dem, and her candidates for Senate and for Governor…lost.
So she gets busy ‘finding’ new votes.
Lock her up!
She belongs in jail!
You will get no argument from me on that call – couldn’t agree more.
The law breaking is beyond brazen AND widespread. Antifa, “finding” ballots, smearing Kavanaugh AND Roy Moore with false testimony (not putting them in same category, just no doubt in my mind they did the same to him), sanctuary cities, and on and on and on ……..
The good thing is that it is all so in the open now, not one of them will be able to go back to hiding who they are. Same foes for the media hacks. And Dem supporters are being turned off by it all big time. The Walk-Away movement shows those who are vocal about it, but there will be millions more who are stealth-leaving.
GOES, not foes. Dang.
Great picture! I like it better than the one of Susan B Anthony’s headstone covered in those stickers. This reflects current reality much more. Sadly.
Sorry, I can’t resist.
OMG, that’s scary. Good, but scary. LOL.
Judge Jeanine had a New Mexico Rep. Congresswoman on. She, too, had been declared the winner but now the Dim SOS has found boxes and boxes of ballots hidden away somewhere. Gasp! Why looky here! Isn’t that something? Where did these come from???
This insanity has got to stop. It is obvious. It is deliberate. It is a defined in your face strategy. Why doesn’t the RNC have a fleet of top notch attorneys on tap just ready for this??? Or what about the (yeah, sigh, I know) DOJ? Surely they could do something?
Jeanine also said in Florida the Dims are trying to get illegal alien ballots allowed to be counted. I’m so confused. I have heard repeatedly that there is no way illegal aliens can vote and to even THINK that it is possible is racist, nativist, xenophobic, and demonstrates my white privilege.
The Creepy Porn Lawyer Michael Avenetti “announced on Twitter Saturday afternoon that he is “investigating” an alleged assault on a “gay latino immigrant” by (Tucker) Carlson and “members of his inner circle.” The 2020 Democratic hopeful shared video from his personal YouTube channel of what appears to be Carlson telling someone to “get the fuck out of here.”
Tucker’s statement:
“On October 13, I had dinner with two of my children and some family friends at the Farmington Country Club in Charlottesville, Virginia,” Carlson’s statement begins. “Toward the end of the meal, my 19-year-old daughter went to the bathroom with a friend. On their way back through the bar, a middle aged man stopped my daughter and asked if she was sitting with Tucker Carlson. My daughter had never seen the man before. She answered: ‘That’s my dad,’ and pointed to me. The man responded, ‘Are you Tucker’s whore?’ He then called her a ‘f*** c***.’ ”
“My daughter returned to the table in tears. She soon left the table and the club. My son, who is also a student, went into the bar to confront the man. I followed,” Carlson continued. “My son asked the man if he’d called his sister a ‘whore’ and a ‘c**t.’ The man admitted he had, and again become profane. My son threw a glass of red wine in the man’s face and told him to leave the bar, which he soon did.”
Carlson said he notified the staff at Farmington Country Club immediately following the incident, prompting a three-week investigation by the management. Juan’s club membership was annulled last week, the prime-time newsman told Concha. “I love my children. It took enormous self-control not to beat the man with a chair, which is what I wanted to do,” added Carlson. I think any father can understand the overwhelming rage and shock that I felt seeing my teenage daughter attacked by a stranger.”
This is awful. The Creepy Porn Lawyer goes on to tweet out that Tucker’s underage daughter was drinking in the bar and being facilitated in that by Tucker, and that Tucker told this poor gay Latino man to go back where he came from. This is not on video and Tucker denies it. AND Creepy Porn Lawyer accuses Tucker of being intoxicated. However, people who know Tucker says he doesn’t drink.
One wonders…if this is all coordinated.
It’s all coordinated, I’m sure. They’ll be going after everyone who speaks up for President Trump and shows the world the truth. I think “winning the House” (if they really did and I doubt that) has emboldened them. They are lining up payback.
This AT article lays out the suburban women issue we face in 2020.
From the AT article linked below:
“Did suburban women cost the Republicans the House of Representatives?
Most suburban women can be easily persuaded to vote for Democrats because they do not think seriously. Serious thinking in the political sense is concerned with where we are going as a nation, our moral values, our long-term prosperity, our security, our freedom and its inherent responsibilities. G.K. Chesterton said, “Thinking means connecting things, and stops if they cannot be connected” (Orthodoxy, 1908).
Don’t get me wrong – there are many intelligent, serious conservative women in Fairfax County (not to mention the nation as a whole), but they are sadly in the minority. From my limited and unscientific perspective, the reason most suburban women voted for Democrats can be divided into three categories:
They don’t have to think seriously.
They have never been taught to think seriously.
They really don’t want to think seriously….”
Divide and conquer. “Let’s blame suburban women”. We all know it was more likely fraud that won them the House. Like everyone here, I was avidly following reports on the ground. There was massive turn-out of Republicans and low turn-out in Dem areas. There was massive turn-off from all sides on the attacks on Kavanaugh, a huge Walk-Away going on and much Waking Up going on. Then the Dem votes came out of thin air or illegals. More likely both.
It is as though every day reveals more and more voter fraud. If I had to guess, I’d say that was likely the biggest factor in the final disposition of the election. But it is so horrifying no one wants to reallly look at it squarely and call it for what it is. Even most conservative media prefer to avert their eyes.
It’s so obvious that despite the averting of eyes, everyone sees it. I’ve got it in mind that President Trump knew exactly what they would do and that he allowed them to. Now he can slam down the hammer and undo all the cheating… Of course that has to happen for me to be right in this theory. I’m hopeful though that it is a massive sting operation.
If nothing is done, then 2020 will see President Trump removed because voter fraud will be on a scale never seen before in the history of the world, even outdoing what they’ve done here in 2018. They didn’t see the Monster Vote of 2016, they will take no chances in 2020. It is inconceivable to me that President Trump could not know that. I’m sure he’s got this.
Yes, if we know he HAS to know. And he has to know far better than we do what is at stake. God bless PDJT.
So reading through the Daily thread, I’ve come across two instances where someone brings up Q. The first one I made a brief response to. The posters were unknown to me, except Gunny who stuck his oar in.
This one I did not comment on, but thought some of you might find it interesting as it was a bit longer and more developed exchange and repeated the pattern we saw so much of a couple days ago:
27m ago
In a post yesterday, the anonymous nom-de-plume “Sundance” slammed the anonymous non-de-plume “Q” and those who read, digest, comment upon and give credence any Q posts, or any portion thereof. Many of those jabbed by the anonymous nom-de-plume “Sundance” also read, digest, comment upon and give credence to Sundance posts, or portions thereof. Anonymous nom-de-plumes have a rich and storied history in our national conversation, e.g. Ben Franklin. Unfortunately, the anonymous non-de-plume Sundance diminishes and undermines his standing when, having picked the fight, he withdraws from the fight by “closing” comments on the post by which he picked the fight. I, for one, will henceforth filter my review of posts herein with much greater skepticism and jaundice as I now perceive the author to be influenced by petty, personal emotions which inevitably influence his comments on matters of gravity.
17m ago
In that post, Sundance was quite respectful of all persons no matter their position.
Anyway, his blog, his rules. Don’t like it, tough. Start your own blog. That goes for me or anyone.
Respectfully submitted,
11m ago
You appear to also be influenced by emotion. My comment specifically criticizes Sundance for hypocrisy and emotion. Hypocrisy: don’t write under a nom-de-plume and criticize another for writing under a nom-de-plume. Emotion: He is not substantive in his criticism of Q; but, rather, is upset that many of his audience are interested in and/or find substance in Q. Sundance has always encouraged all opinions until now. Apparently, you, too, are influenced by the same emotions. Telling someone to “take their ball and go home” is hardly intelligent or probative.
Cuppa Covfefe
9m ago
Sundance’s blog. Tough nuggies if you don’t like it.
IOW, suck it up, buttercup and go back under the bridge. And collect your 25 pieces of Satan Soros tin…
Cuppa Covfefe
7m ago
That would be Exhibit B. Apparently Sudance is now also attracting those who will use reasoned disagreement within the group to sow acrimony and ad hominem garbage.
Cuppa Covfefe
5m ago
You beat me to the reply. Thank you for showing the big baby the door
9m ago
Yet your comment is not petty?
Do you own this site?
Here you are wanting sling mud.You could not resist stirring the pot could you? You are like a child. Grow up, show respect for the owner of this site. No one is perfect. But we can show respect when we enter someone else’s home. If you come back, wipe your feet before entering Sundance’s home.
3m ago
Exhibit C. Please explain how my disagreement is (a) disrespectful, (b) childish (c) “slinging mud”. Have we reached the point where Sundance is an “icon”, and “idol” somehow not subject to criticism? This is a public forum, not some temple of Sundance. My comments are not personal or emotional. They are directed at what I, in my opinion, view as unreasoned emotion and bias. If that offends your view of the Temple of Sundance, then I leave you to your emotions as well.”
Poster’s Exhibit C. says it all for me.
For many of the longtime Treepers it is a temple, not a public forum.
Question one might ask then is, is it in SD’s opinion a public forum…
or… ?
Morning, everyone. Agree with you, PR. I got slapped down there more than once early on. Yes, there were some cases where it was helpful but there were other times when I really didn’t think I deserved it but didn’t want to get kicked off my branch, w/no reasonable alternative. Now I have an alternative, thankfully. I jumped over there and did a quick scan and yeah, people are still jumping down others’ throats. Disgusting, really. rrick’s comments were dead-on – he said it much better than I did when I asked if SD was a hypocrite.
So thankful I found this Q Tree, read CTH everyday but have only commented maybe twice but with all that was happening I wanted to come here and throw something out for all of you. Do you suppose with all the Q sites getting purged that Sundance is just trying to keep that from happening to CTH. Maybe trying to get ahead of it so his site won’t be taken down, or his site won’t be considered part of the Q conspiracy sites. I’m really not buying this whole idea about Whitaker and Q connection hurting Trump. Makes no sense to me. Thank you wolfmoon and thank you to whoever put the post in over at CTH that lead me here.
Hey Tammy! Sorry for the delay in getting your post out of moderation. First two or three posts will go there. Great to see you here.
It’s possible that there is something up to save the Treehouse during a coming “purge” of Q sites. There have been rumors to that effect based on posts emanating from Q itself, so “getting the Q out” makes sense.
Thank you, will start adding more comments so I can get out of the moderation station, ha ha. Glad we have this new site and hopefully things will settle down over at CTH soon. I did see some tweets a couple weeks back from Last Refuge where he was being pretty rude with Q posters and I wondered then what was up. Just seemed unnecessary to cause division with MAGA people and assumed it would lead to people leaving their tree branches and well, here we are today. Seems many are actually getting pushed off their branches, ouch!
Ooops – not rrick – yzest5121.
Bless yzet’s heart, but he/she should just let it go. Not that I don’t agree with him/her, but it is quite clear that CTH has decided to take a hard-nosed stance on Q.
I know I said that I am willing to give SD of the doubt; however, the more I sift through various comments, the more I wonder just how long SD has been harboring these anti-Q sentiments.
*the benefit of the doubt
That ‘Cuppa Covfefe’ poster is in Europe somewhere…Germany, maybe.
I had a convo with that one, back when PDJT slammed Merkle for that Natural Gas deal with Russia.
I said something like:
“Hey, need some LNG? We got lots. We’ll make you a great deal on it.”
She replied back, giving reasons why that wouldn’t happen.
I ‘think’ it’s a she…I could be wrong.
Yes, she’s in Germany. I think she’s a she. Don’t know why I think that…. I haven’t had much interaction with her.
I just found this on 8-chan, from yesterday.
Unreal! (Yet, REAL!)
Heh. Nitwit Eric Swalwell is thinking of running for Prez. Jump in, doofus, the water is fine!
Fake News? It is all anonymously sourced, so it may well be. The claim is PDJT is going to oust Wilbur Ross by the end of the year and possibly replace him with Linda MacMahon. No reason given, just that he has “fallen out of favor” with the President even though he continues to support the President’s agenda. Yeah, I’m going with fake news for now.
The globalists want Wilbur gone and they want it badly.
CNBC is a propaganda nozzle for the globalists.
I know the globalists have been gunning for Wilbur steadily trying to take him down because he has been so effective. If he goes, I would think it is because he is 80 and maybe would like to enjoy his much younger wife, LOL. But I’m not sure the big kahunas like Wilbur ever really retire, and he may be having the time of his life. I adore him. And I think we owe him an awful lot for working so hard to MAGA.
Yes…and he is doing it for free, just like our President.
Wilbur doesn’t need this job.
He’s doing it because he loves this country.
It really bugged me that those rat bastids were trying to get him on financial conflict issues. I finally calmed down because Wilbur gives off such an air of quiet confidence. I bet he eats people like that for breakfast. And besides, as PDJT has said, he’s got more money than they do and a prettier wife and so on. Living well is the best revenge!
At CTH I posted a number of times how he saved one of our steel mill and tons of jobs. The millwent bankrupt, he bought it, turned things around. The biggest bonuses we ever saw for all employees in 50+ years DH had been at the same address under 5 different ownerships.
That is so cool!
We love him.
I found this graphic – a dynamic one (like a gif) – in a current article on ZH. It portrays the top GDP countries in the world, from 1960 through 2017.
It’s a great visual portrayal – posted first on Twister – of the enduring dominance of the US economy over all others, for many decades, including the current ranking. American capitalism is bad??? Not a chance!
(I hope it posts well – my first time linking anything from JackA** Dorkey’s site … lol!)
THAT is an amazing graphic. I’m going to watch that over and over and over, because it perfectly shows the LATENCY of the global socialist plot relative to the geopolitical moves that enabled it.
That was neat! Yeah, I could watch that again and again too. Thank you.
Cool – glad you liked it!
It struck me as well …
It’s actually quite beautiful and shows the strength of the USA. For years the Left have tried to make believe America was weak while the rest of the world raided the piggy bank. It’s only Donald Trump who stood up and said, in effect, “Look at our country’s beautiful strength and see what we can do with it.” Now he’s bringing peace through economic leverage.
That chart shows clearly just what a leader of the world the USA is. Steady as a rock!
A very prophetic Bible teacher, Rick Joyner, has spoken about the power of America’s economy. It’s like Gulliver in Gulliver’s Travels when he was tied down but it didn’t work. I’m wondering if I can find that. It was in a prophecy given before 2008. In the vision he saw, the economic future was going to bring enslavement to much of the world. Only those in “hospital ships,” that is, those doing the Lord’s work would have unlimited freedom and resources during that period.
Nice! I like it.
WOW. Thanks, that visual packs a lot of punch.
OMG! I am stunned at the level of negativity oldschool is now exhibiting at CTH!!!! Seems he/she has been freed to bash PDJT by the departure of so many of us. And even long-timers are agreeing and not taking him/her to task. Shameful!
That one….I personally suspect that she had an agenda from the start. Very passive-aggressive in her methods. When the atmosphere is positive/upbeat, she tones down the negativity. However, once there is confusion and worry, then she shows her true colors. At first, I thought she might have been a regular worrywart and Eeyore (but with good intentions). Over time, I started to wonder if she was one of the “embedded agents”. Especially when she used to tag-team with another individual.
I’ve seen a few treepers call her out repeatedly but to no avail. CTH is usually pretty good with weeding out such posters, so it shocks me that she continues to go unnoticed.
Not only unnoticed – many are piling on now. SMH
Wow….so her dark cloud has completely consumed CTH.
So, if the intent was to hijack CTH and cull out the more sensible (and positive) treepers, then congratulations. Mission accomplished. The Pandora’s Box has been opened.
Seems to me that Sundance should take control over his moderators so that they weed out the negatives. Currently they seem to be weeding out the positives and leaving the trouble-makers free rein. Going by many people’s experiences expressed here, if one goes in to bat for the good guys, they are likely to be kicked out as well. Hence the silence.
Does the site have moderators?
I was under the impression there was “Ad Rem” –
and she apparently went on vacation for almost a month
and there was no one.
I understood there to be a handful of them, but not sure of their names. It might be that I took some of the article contributors for mods.
Good point. And then to find out that Ad Rem plays favorites was discouraging to say the least.
At this point, I’m not even sure that [ ]R is [ ]R, or that [ ]D is [ ]D.
High Jack! mebbe so …
I’ve made a “no decision” decision.
Prayers, yes? The only thing …
Enjoying your thought process.
Definitely prayers.
Read the foreplay before the comments very closely, then, if you can go back several months, read such and compare.
I think Wee Weed and Big Mama Tea have some role when Ad Rem is off.
Sharon is a mod, too – right? And one other I can’t remember.
“Seems to me that Sundance should take control over his moderators so that they weed out the negatives. Currently they seem to be weeding out the positives and leaving the trouble-makers free rein.”
CTH may be experiencing what I have labeled the ‘Drudge Paradox’, a tack in their philosophical heading.
Could be. Could very well be!!!
MysticRose, I’ve had my eye on her for along time, too. At first it was confusing, sort of like all the covfefe handles, because there are at least three different oldschools with variations. So it took me a bit to key in on her, but once I did I noticed the exact same pattern of behavior.
And yet, she continues.
Senile or devil’s now got full hold of their typing fingers after his demons gained strenght via the bitterness exhibited by management lately. Curious.
I saw that, too, NF. Awful.
From oldschool: “influenced by petty, personal emotions which inevitably influence his comments on matters of gravity” yzest, if I may respectfully suggest that you do the same with Donald J. Trump. That last sentence applies to Trump’s behavior much more that Sundance.”
Woah. Sounds like a never-trumper.
Q has a new post up:
Enemy @ the Front Door.
USSS ‘stay’ alerts prevent travel.
A Week To Remember.
Very interesting! That would apply to the Clintons, Bushes, and Obamas.
THIS is what I worry about the most – you just have to know they will do ANYTHING to take out our President!
Hmmmm…..guess I am not reading that right? In any case, I sure hope USSS is able to protect him.
It’s understandable, NF, these are terrifying times, especially as we don’t know all that is going on. President Trump is fully aware, though, and so is his amazing team. The military is on his side and love him. And literally millions of prayers daily don’t hurt either.
What is a ‘stay’ alert? I did a search and couldn’t find any good results.
Could the stay alert be the real reason that DJT did not go to a cemetery visit planned yesterday?
I don’t know, but I’m guessing it means the protectees are like under lock down or shelter in place or something?
hmmm could it be ? how many of these evil demons are going to try to run? maybe thats what the stay is about?
11 Nov 2018 – 9:58:18 AM
Let the unsealing begin.
Let the DECAS begin.
Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH.
We, the PEOPLE.
my last post at CTH was in reply to someone who said they thought we were under an invasion, well DUH I thought that was fairly obvious. then Q says the enemy is at the front door. how many proofs do some need?? cant they see things right in front of them? sheesh
Imagine the shock if martial law has to be put in place. Lord help those who cannot see what is transpiring. When the President said to prepare I took him at his word and started preparing. ive been preparing most of my adult life though. I know how to make beans a whole lot of different ways!
In the run-up to the election, I also prepared – have 3 months supply of survival food (well, 1 month if I have to feed my family as well), along w/some other useful gear, like a Red Cross radio, water purifier, compass, water-proof matches, propane heater I can run in the house, etc., etc. I am hopeful I never need it, tho.
my childhood I grew up farming. I know how to milk a cow and take care of farm stock, and hunting is key to survival. we live out in the sticks and live a lifestyle of always being prepared! we run propane for heat due to outages in the winter ,have kerosene lanterns for lighting, a creek runs through our property ,plenty of wild turkeys ,deer and other critters around. we raise Muscovy ducks for food and chickens too. I hate canning but will do it when I need to. always buy food in bulk and keep a months supply of beans rice ect.. at all times. it just pays to be prepared all year round you never know what may happen. we have an old cast iron wood stove we can pull out for cooking and butcher a half hog or beef for the freezer. Remember what Hank Williams jr. says ,A country boy can survive! or woman hehe.
Sounds wonderful and just like home!
Smart! I’ve prepared, but not nearly enough.
I neglected to mention the most important acquisition: my S&W 380 Bodyguard w/laser. I bought that, tho, when I first moved into my house. Had a groundhog acting REALLY weird and thought he might be rabid.
An essential acquisition, groundhogs or no….
Linda, why does that apply to Clintons, Bushes, Obamas? Because they too get USSS protection?
Q said a long time ago that the people protecting those 3 are now their jailers. They are watching them and can take them at a moment’s notice. So I’m thinking that the USSS have been ordered to prevent them from traveling. When arrests start being made, you can be sure that they will attempt to flee the country.
Oh gosh, I didn’t look at it that way. Wow, that could tie in with this whole “Justice” thing, and PDJT’s comments at the presser as he was leaving for France about BO….
Okay, so there is a recent Q-drop that I’m trying to decipher. Can anyone make sense of the following:
[Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/10/18 (Sat) 13:04:58 No.445
Who was removed?
Sealed > Unsealed
A few folks guessed Omarosa; however, I recall the heavy leaks ceasing way before she was given the boot. I personally assumed either Preibus and/or Spicer, but, then, I don’t see the connection between them and “sealed>unsealed”. Same thing with Bannon.
Comey, maybe? I’m kinda stumped with this one.
My guess is Preibus – never forget: he, Scott Walker, and RINO Ryan are known as the “Wisconsin mafia.”
See….I would think Preibus would be the most likely suspect. I think the thing that is throwing me off is the sealed>unsealed line from Q. Maybe I’m reading too much into the post by thinking that there is a relationship between the person and sealed>unsealed. Or maybe I don’t see the connection between Preibus and sealed >unsealed.
The contenders seem to be four:
Given PDJT’s excoriation of Bannon (including the explicit accusation of being a leaker), I’d say he’s a top contender.
My #2 choice is Priebus – he had all the connections, and was privy to all the info, as CoS.
Bannon was early, and IIRC, the leaks – while slowing after he exited – continued. Spicer was too inept to be such a power-player (and Omarosa could NOT have been an “insider” in any conception of the term!), and we know that Comey already leaked, but was also, like Bannon, gone quite early.
If I had to bet, I’d lay odds on Mr. P.
I think both Spicer and Preibus were leaking. Bannon wasnt making a big secret of his leaking imo. Comey was and is running his mouth so it could be his indictment has been unsealed. Or Preibus .
There was actually a long list of Leakers…and they were gradually removed.
“Who was removed?” <— could be referring to All of them.
Things seemed to finally get quiet when McMasters left, but I'm not sure.
The 'Leaks' were all of a different nature, different types.
There were gossipy leaks and then there were policy leaks…and some leaks were out and out lies.
This is one of those Q posts that can really make you scratch your head.
OK – I am now done, done, done with CTH. There are more and more comments now bashing PDJT and blaming him for everything and NO-ONE is saying a word against it – except me, of course, but I am now finished with them.
Wow, I would never have thought that from CTH. I was there early this morning but left and came here after the hair on fire remarks I was seeing. didnt stay long yesterday either. such a shame too. I can go lurk at Free Republic like I used to.
Perhaps the site is compromised? Co-opted? Other?
I’m glad I left, just under the wire before all this SHTF.
And thank you, Wolfmoon! VERY timely …
I swear, that is WEIRD AS BLANK. Makes me wonder if indeed it has been compromised. Some kind of weird MITM plot.
“I am now done, done, done with CTH”
I posted this on the “Am I still … ?” thread: I ALWAYS will have been a Treeper!”
This is the Q-Tree, right?
Hot off the presses, a slew of new Q-posts!
From the source:
The most substantive one – # 2 of 10, so far (the quotation marks are mine):

“Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.453
Nov 11 2018 13:36:43 (EST)
1-Election + D party officials filled out many thousands of blank ballots?
2-Election + D party officials removed and destroyed ‘legal’ ballots?
3-Election + D party officials deliberately organized non-citizen voting?
4-Election + D party officials in [XX] locations across the US [under lock & key] stored many thousands of ‘blank’ ballots for purposes of ‘altering the vote total’?
Who safeguards ‘blank’ ballots?
Who issues ‘blank’ ballots?
Who controls ‘blank’ ballots?
How many ‘blank’ ballots are generated vs. total county pop?
Why did the same counties [under dispute today] REFUSE to turn over voter registration information upon request to the Voter Fraud Commission?
Why was the Voter Fraud Commission disbanded and turned over to DHS?
What vested auth does DHS have compared to a commission body?
Enemy @ the Front Door.
And here’s the included jpeg (comparing concentrations of illegals (estimated), with voting patterns / results:
It’s gonna be a FUN week, whatever else happens …
Yes. I live in one of those garden spots where illegals are heavily concentrated, Perkins Coie introduced the technique of stealing elections through “found ballots” and we have moved further and further into the wild blue yonder.
But today, as we were leaving a restaurant honoring us with a free meal b/c military a fellow walked in and held the door for us. He was wearing a red MAGA hat. I smiled broadly, thanked him, and said nice hat. Behind me I heard, “Hey, nice hat!” It’s the little things some times! As I live and breathe, it is the first MAGA hat I have seen in the wild.
Great story! Thanks!
Now, wouldn’t it be something if this turns out to be one big sting? Since there are people who still mock the idea of voter fraud, then this is probably the only way to show them the truth.
“mock the idea of voter fraud”
Look at the wording! Words matter!
It isn’t just “voter” fraud – it’s also “voting” fraud, and the umbrella term, “election” fraud.
All three are in play, from top to bottom. In light of what Q posted, the key is who controls the blank ballots. With Gaetz’s video, and the one from a concerned citizen (vote boxes transported by individual drivers, with no other present in the car for security (breaking chain-of-custody), and SO MANY more instances of irregularities VOIDING the integrity of the ballots … it isn’t any wonder that PDJT tweeted about “shady” goings-on!
When the entirety of America can see for themselves the brazenness of election fraud, that will give him the leverage he needs to step in.
I’d love to see Elias / Perkins Coie on the hot-seat about this. We’ve got a new sheriff in town … and the law prohibiting challenge to election counts just recently expired.
I think VSGPDJT is holding a winning hand … AGAIN!!!
Re: The concerned citizen. Are you referring to the teacher who “just happened” to stumble across a box of ballots or is this another person?
I agree that POTUS is trying to gain leverage to fully expose the fraud. The one thing that some on our side seem to forget is that we have a large segment of society who are, simply put, not on our side. Sure, swift action is nice….will make our side feel good…..but, optics-wise, it WILL be perceived by others as political and vengeful on the administration’s part. We know that there was rampant fraud. Try verbally convincing that side to accept that fact, though, and see the backlash.
No, folks will need to see it for themselves.
” Are you referring to the teacher who “just happened” to stumble across a box of ballots or is this another person?”
Another person – she took a video, about 2min long, wherein she taped a few cars whose occupant(s) were unloading blue duffle bags, and then loading them up into the back of a large rental truck.
It may have been the transport of what you mentioned … except there were multiple, heavy and full duffle bags, containing way more than would have been in a single ballot box.
I’m still searching for the video I saw … will post when / if found!
Hmm….yeah, def. another person. I didn’t hear about the lady you mentioned.
If you find it, great. Will definitely check it out!
Finally found it!
It is still posted on Citizen Free Press (had to look at almost a dozen sites I’ve visited today) –
“folks will need to see if for themselves…”
Sigh. This is where I get discouraged a bit. When people don’t want to see and who lie to themselves so they don’t have to see, how do they ever see for themselves?
YES!!! Still need the FBI/DoJ cleaned up completely. Otherwise, indictments can move forward only to get stuck in DoJ… IF Justice Dept does not prosecute… nothing happens. ex., HRC emails
In my view (worth 2 cents) it is Whitaker’s job to finish the cleanup… much of which will never be known to public.
J. Christian Adams worked in the Civil Rights Division (I think) when he was at the DOJ. He says the people he knows inside the DOJ tell him it has not been cleaned out at all yet. All of the wild eyed radical lefties Holder brought in are still there.
Go Whitaker! Get em, big guy!
“One big sting.” My thoughts too.
Since a number of people seem to follow Praying Medic, I thought that I would pass this interview with PM along. Enjoy
My Journey Into The Q Movement:
That was a great interview, Mystic Rose. It gave me even more of a sense that Q is real, and that things really are going to happen. Thanks for posting it.
My pleasure
Thanks for posting the interview. It gave me more perspective on PM.
I never followed any one de-coder but would just try to glean what I could from Q’s posts, and usually my iPad would freeze up on the first “page.”
A couple of TEA party people would send me a video by a decoder sometimes, or I would watch a de-coder video whenever someone would post one.
Strange things are afoot at the Circle “Q”
Just went to check and holy moly! Q is dropping like crazy.
He also wiped all the PatriotsFight drops prior to today and the Cannon pic has been replace with a Gavel! Things that make you go, Hmmmmm!
From War to Justice….or at least that what it symbolizes to me. Wonder if this means that FISA is getting ready to be declassified.
I really, really like the sounds of that.
Praying Medic has a THREAD
This thread appears to be an extension of previous one…
and includes Q’s latest drop
Thanks, phoenixRising! A lot to digest today!
I don’t know what platform PM is using, or what browser … but the ENTIRE contents of the Patriots Fight board is STILL available to me – as of one minute ago.
Apple iMac, Safari browser, updated ~ 1 month ago.
My mistake!
I’d confused the name of the site where Q posts directly (which I thought was PF) with the name of the 8-chan board (the ACTUAL PF).
Sorry ’bout that!
An observation: Praying Medic’s Twitter following is 128K (SD’s is 114K)… you’ll notice his other sites posted atop his account… he also appears on numerous radio shows under his real name… so he’s not anonymous. He IS all about Q… And you all know there are countless Q follower websites, twitter accounts, etc.
And you still wonder why [ ] considers Q dangerous??????
Thanks PR, worth noting for sure!
Tweets above are part of a THREAD
Wowsers! I am feverishly trying to catch up but hadn’t gotten to PM yet to read the rest of his thread. Thanks for the preview, and what a fabulous and dignified statement by PM!
Finally had a chance to go through this thread.
On one hand, I cringe at the idea of the division between pro-Q MAGA supporters and anti-MAGA supporters being so out in the open. As if we need to allow our enemies to see this public splinter.
On the other hand, Praying Medic makes some valid points. Gorka and Adams have expert knowledge in specific areas due to time invested in study and research. They can have an opinion about something outside their expertise (in this case, Q) however, neither are in any position to declare their views as the gospel. Additionally, neither of them should use their very public platforms to denounce something of which they have no understanding.
Q is a phony? How so? Provide concrete examples. Oh, because some fraud name Microchip/Microwave?Microbrain claims he was Q? Or something Q said didn’t pan out? Or because Q dare warns people to use discernment when following certain people (i.e. which is NOT the same as demanding that people stop following certain people). Most of the time, those denouncing Q haven’t even taken the time to thoroughly anaylze the drops or research the whole purpose of Q.
Look, I understand that Q is a really hard red-pill to swallow. It took me a while to open up to Q myself. I certainly wouldn’t try to ram Q down anyone’s throats. However, I am getting a little tired of this elitist MAGA mindset that I am starting to see among my fellow supporters (which includes those I follow and respect). I stated it once and I’ll state it again (but covering a broader group). It is very ironic that those who rail against elitist conservatism are now turning around and championing elitist MAGA through their actions.
Mini-rant done.
Anti-Q MAGA (grrrrrrr….typo)
Bravo! I am standing up and applauding loudly! Beautifully, clearly, and profoundly said!
Thanks! I think I will do a post about this!
Hey guys, I’m still trying to find my footing here and figure out what works so I can fit into this community.

I posted the whole story, complete with link, at the end of the Am I Still A Treeper? thread so if any of you are interested you can go there and read all the gory details. But I kind of cut my Treeper ties today. At the end of the whole long exchange I posted this:
“Hey steph, not really sure what my status will be. I haven’t been one to post much about that letter of the alphabet that has no name other than to ask a few questions occasionally about that topic, so I guess I’d describe myself as an interested observer rather than a close follower.
But despite my dreams of shoveling the Left into submission I find that brickbats flying overhead, screeching, lecturing, and monkeys flinging poo kind of harshes my mellow. I am frankly alarmed at the way Treepers are treating each other. What are we now, antifa?
But maybe now that the hated Sessionistas and the single letter of the alphabet adherents have been successfully purged from polite society, civility can return. At least that was Hillary’s proposition, wasn’t it?
A chill wind is blowing, so I’ll just bundle up and hibernate a bit. I’m sure I’ll drop in here and there unless I, too, am banned.”
After checking in and out a couple times on the comments today, I think it is best for me to stick to reading Sundance’s opening posts that interest me and for the most part stay out of the comments.
Okay, enough of my online angst about the TH. There is a whole boat load of Q stuff happening and I need to go read up/catch up, so I’ll be busy doing that!
Wow. Very interesting. Thank you for the update!
Having a look now…
I think you expressed yourself perfectly. I think I’m out as a treeper. I don’t want the hassle. If Sundance was fighting for his blog and fending of the trolls and the anti-Trumps, we’d probably all be in there fighting with him. The CTH has been a remarkable place. But the trolls, the haters and the intolerant seem to have taken over. Even Sundance seems off.
I don’t know what’s going on over there. It seems crazy to want to split us all apart when we’d all be MAGA anyway. I guess that’s it, keep us apart and isolated and then we don’t get any news. As Q says, divided we are weak.
I admire Emerald Star’s “clean break” decisiveness. I hadn’t intended to burn my bridges over there, and don’t know if I have exactly.
But you know, this fight between good and evil is hard enough and I can get overwhelmed with despair and discouragement easily enough all on my own.
Several months ago, [ ] D posted something that brought me lower than low after all the build up for the big ugly. I felt like well, why doesn’t he just tell us all to go jump off a cliff? It is like you might as well all abandon hope.
I don’t remember what it was, but it sure hit me hard and I was so struck by [ ] D’s attitude. It was shocking. That’s when I started to pull away. I was busy, anyway, and it just seemed like a good time to put some distance in there.
I don’t need a cheerleader or someone to hold my hand, but good heavens the gloom and despair has been so thick. That combined with the unfettered troll action is just not the right atmosphere for me right now.
I’m better off with my deerstalking cap and magnifying glass examining breadcrumbs with you all.
Thanks Sylvia.
We’re HERE.
Bravo Sylvia.
This young lady, vet… is also good source for discussion of Q…
check out her twitter feed today for Q
note the bottom tweet with def of “Placeholder”
Wow, that is super interesting, thanks for that, and thank you to everyone adding these new sources for Q help.
Sounds like it’s all happening.
I am going to have to start paying loser attention to Snake Plissken. The last several tweets of his have really said to me, “He GETS it.”
Or maybe I just like him because I agree, LOL.
POTUS included one of Snake’s tweets in his tweet…(Snake says he’s going to frame it !)
And that’s how I discovered this great thinker… I agree “He GETS it”. Apparently POTUS
thinks so too.
Wow, talk about the highlight of your life!!!! That would be the coolest thing!
PR, if you can, for twits like me who are tweetless, would you keep posting his goodies? Please?
Am I the only person posting? Feel like I’m talkin’ to myself !!!!
About that prime number 17…
I’m out here trying to catch up pR!!! You’re not alone, we’re just not sharing the same place on the space time continuum, or something like that!
I know Sylvia… it just got so quiet – not used to the quiet. Can adjust, learn to love it.
You are making me laugh, pR!!! I know how you feel. Partly why I’m posting so much. It’s QUIET as compared to that other tree! Gosh, I’m glad you are here. I’ve always enjoyed your posts.
mutual admiration society!
enjoyed your shovel too (did you bring it with you?)
Never leave home without it!
“Am I the only person posting? Feel like I’m talkin’ to myself !!!!”
No, you aren’t the only.
But this site has – maybe – only 1-2% of the posters of the site you’re used to. I actually don’t WANT to get swamped with a horde (look what happened over there!).
What’s that song? “Slow Ride! (add the guitar licks in-between) Take It Easy …”
Take time to adjust. Best is to wait for replies, to give Q-pers a chance to finish their daily lives’ exigencies, and then turn here for news and relaxation.
Put simply – WAIT a bit!
It’ll take a minute to have the “feel” of enough posters participating – at the time you are.
Keep posting, all you want! We don’t have Pam, or Citizen, et al., to fill up space.
I nominate YOU! Do I hear a second? hahaha!
Have at it, with blessings. We’ll catch up!
I was feeling guilty about posting so much… !!!!
Info: For those who may or may not know, I fell (slipped actually, wearing new slippers!) down a couple of stairs, broke ankle, had surgery and leg cast (gone now), so have been housebound since September. Which is why it seems not only to you folks, but to me, that I live on the keyboard! (That and the fact that I am passionate about this Republic and intend to keep it !!!)
And, l am a Gemini, like our POTUS… so I seek info and love dropping it off for others to chew on!
Emeraldstar, I accept your nomination and will fulfill the duties of my ‘office’ to the best of my abilities !
Seriously, as long as no one thinks I’m hogging the broadband, I’m game!
Blessings on you also…
And the motion is passed, without objection!
Tag – you’re “it” lol!
Nice to see you here … welcome!
I always liked seeing PDJT’s tweets from Citizen, and Pam’s updates and the stuff you post from the Twitterverse, pR.
I am not on Twitter and only go on to read PM or others, so I personally value the service others provide. It is like my own little news feed, you know?
I had forgotten about your ankle. I broke mine a few years ago. It was a way worse thing than I could have imagined. The recovery was a bear. Eventually surgery. Tons and tons and tons of rehab. And a lot of time. I do okay now, but I always cringe when I hear someone has broken their ankle and my heart swells with empathy. I hope you’re doing well.
I’m recovering… bionic woman now. starting pt in a week. Cabin fever is the problem!
about twitter… I don’t tweet. You don’t have to be on twitter to read and/or copy tweets. You can click on any twitter handle and it will take you to their feed, where you can read as much as you like… try it when you have time. It seems to be where all the real discussion is happening, which is why I bring so many. I mean one can go to articles and websites for in depth analysis, but… tweets give you instantaneous news with images and links… all in one beautiful package… who needs anchors or reporters telling you what to think about it? Do you remember political debates decades ago? When you would have Peter Jennings etc. on afterwards telling you what they said in the debate, and you wanted to throw a shoe or something at the TV because you didn’t need his two cents… ? Well, with twitter they eliminated the filters, those Ken and Barbie dolls on the borg. Screwed themselves royally they did.
Phoenix, for the record, it NEVER seems like you are hogging the board or posting too much. Anyway, we’re ALL in chat-mode at the moment and it’s great finding each other here. Here we can breathe easy.
Sorry to hear of your accident, but pleased you are recovering. You’ll be up and dancing again in no time!
Ah! A fellow Q per AND a FogHat fan! Was just scanning and trying to find a spot to thank Wolfmoon for the groovy new digs. Don’t post a lot and prefer lurking but sooooo happy for another
tree to climb, so Thanks Wolf!!!!
Last couple days have been so disheartening what with the election fraud and then cth kind of exploding with venom-WOW.
Just want to get back to winning.
Oh wow! Fantastic. I love it.
Another Q follower I read is a Brazilian… Paul Serran. You all will recall the recent
presidential election in Brazil? Brazilians are crazy about Q… I have bookmarked most of Serran’s
threads on Q… the one I am offering here is the one he put together for Newbies or Normies
He usually chews on Q’s drops for a couple of days, then puts his thread out on twitter.
Thanks pR!!!!! Very cool!
PM thinks highly of Paul Serran and has re-posted Paul’s discourses on Q
thanks for that nugget Roberta…
I had no idea. Affirmation… always good!
from Praying Medic’s STILL IN PROGRESS thread today…
Please pray for President Trump… for his safety and well-being. The coming week
is full of risk for him and his family. Qanon once alluded to the fact that
there are less than 10 people around POTUS that he can really trust. If you count
members of his immediate family you can quickly use up that number ! There are
few I am sure. There are also the heads of other countries that would do him harm,
and I’m not talking about China or Russia… some of our “Allies” are in that mix. The
French soy boy was in the spotlight this weekend and showed he’s in with the DS/
Globalists. Again, pray, pray, and pray some more.
I just went on that thread and saw a comment about an attempt on POTUS’ life in France. Saw this claim in another group I follow on FB. I hope to goodness this is just fake news.
Praying. It hurt my heart to think he has so few he can trust.
OK – wait a second. I really am starting to think Praying Medic missed that one. You know? So many really love POTUS. I think that “decode” is just off. If Q REALLY meant that as PM says it, I would almost think that’s propaganda from the other side. Just being honest.
When I saw that, I was thinking PM went too far. So I’m thinking it’s not THAT BAD.
I think that “crumb” means something else.
Heads up
More from PM’S still growing thread… and this is real treasure… something I was unaware of,
don’t know about others here… I knew Homeland Security was monitoring, but had no ‘flesh’
on those bones…
One More:
PM has been posting on this thread for over 7 hours,,,
What’s that you say? Q is a LARP !!! People only involved for the money.
A lot happening… Now I don’t wanna sleep!
Thank you Lord, for this man Thou has given us…
this man who loves America and her people, who
loves those brave men who died for our country,
shine your Light on him, hold him in your hands,
keep him safe as he walks his path. Amen
Thank God they’re back home!
Thank you, Dear Lord, for watching over them.
Amen. I’m so relieved they’re back home.
Thanks for all these postings, phoenixR…I’m loving it!
You are doing a wonderful job.
And no…you’re not alone.
you’re welcome wheatietoo…
no, wwg1wga, right ?
hope you are feeling better about all this…
WWG1WGA! <— Yes, absolutely, phoenix.
And I am feeling a bit better.
Still in mourning though, for the sad state of affairs over at the CTH.
Haven't been back there…and don't know when I will.
Wheatie are you going to read the articles and staying out of the comments, or not going at all?
I went through some comments on the Whitaker and the DOJ/FBI pieces tonight, but it left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I didn’t learn anything and feel like acid was washing over my soul as I read. Very unpleasant. I had thought I might lurk a bit, and I may, but as of tonight I’m thinking time away will be better for me. It is so completely different and NOT in a good way.
I did make one short post tonight because Curry Worsham had posted and Jason was anxious to try to get word to him and I was just oh Curry’s heels by the time stamp so I dropped him a hello from Jason and the link here but I don’t see myself doing that again at least for awhile. It hurts.
But this, over here? This helps a lot.
I posted right after that! Wow.
For now, Syl…I’m not going there at all.
Haven’t been there since Sat morning and feel much better for it.
Wheatie, the article outing Whitaker that you have been anticipating posted. Whitaker is who S believes was the source of all the info.
I hope he has good security.
It is both sad…and creepy.
Whitaker is a good guy.
Why draw a Big Target on his back?
What possible Good could come of it?
It’s like S is so concerned with getting kudos for doing another research piece…that he doesn’t care who it Hurts in doing it.
This is a Q formed on radar. They are saying a flock of birds taking off for ½ hour from a football field in Woodbine GA caused this.
I have seen huge flocks of birds taking off and none took 1/2 hour to do it.
I don’t know if the Anons could do this, but I do think our military could be able to manipulate a radar signal to cause this effect.
It’s fascinating, but I do think it’s what they say. The explanation is very logical.
But you are absolutely RIGHT that there is NO WAY that radar image is 30 minutes.
I believe that what we’re seeing on radar is just the beginning of the flight.
The image of BIRDS was likely visible for 30 minutes, but increasingly broken and fragmented until it disappeared.
FAKE NEWS is not a very good science teacher, and often not even a good reporter!
From Patriots Soapbox, an original song by the current guest.
Scroll back the time (bottom scroll-bar) to read 21:39:38, to hear it from the beginning.
It’s a great tune, modern country, unifying and patriotic.
It’s called “Stars & Stripes”, by group Country Rumble:
Have a good night!
I was concerned about an attempt on President Trump’s life today. I am so glad he is home safe. When Macron made his speech accusing President Trump of treason for being a Nationalist, it reminded me of what Trudeau did as soon as President Trump left Canada after the trade meeting. They were certain that he would be assassinated then because they had arranged it.
Anons posted the picture of the missile that was fired at the President’s plane from a submarine located at the islands off of Washington State where a lot of the Silicon Valley and Deep State moguls live. His plane changed course and the missile was shot down. That was on 8/16/18. PDJT stopped the NAFTA negotiations with Canada. He has said the EU is our enemy. This is actually called The Second American Revolution.
On 8/30/18 PDJT took down the Fiv eyes satellites and they lost their ability to track our communications and military in real time. From what I can tell, he has threated to cut the undersea cables if they don’t straighten up.
On 9/25/18, in his speech at the UN PDJT declared war on the UN.
The media did not report on these things. Q and the Anons on 8 chan did. The speech at the UN was broadcast on live stream and no one focused any attention on what President Trump told the UN. Nikki Haley “resigned” shortly after that speech. It seems that she has been working behind his back to keep the Globalists in power.
All of these things are happening but nothing is said in MSM or on CTH for that matter. President Trump stops them and says nothing about what he has done or why unless you are really paying attention. He is a man of “nice” words and strong actions.
I pray without ceasing for President Trump, his family and the people that are helping him fight the Globalists. We are in a life and death war that is treated as if it is a paranoid delusion of fearful Nationalists and all of these things are just Q-incidences. Do you believe in coincidences?
Thank you Elizabeth. Most informative.
In all fairness, CTH did have the transcript for the UN speech. I watched the video and read the transcript. It is very definitely a statement of war with the UN.
From the transcript
So the United States took the only responsible course: We withdrew from the Human Rights Council, and we will not return until real reform is enacted.
For similar reasons, the United States will provide no support in recognition to the International Criminal Court. As far as America is concerned, the ICC has no jurisdiction, no legitimacy, and no authority. The ICC claims near-universal jurisdiction over the citizens of every country, violating all principles of justice, fairness, and due process. We will never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy.
America is governed by Americans. We reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism.
Around the world, responsible nations must defend against threats to sovereignty not just from global governance, but also from other, new forms of coercion and domination.
Excellent. EXCELLENT!!!
I am alone now. My children died in 1992 and 2004. My son was born on Veteran’s Day in 1961 and died on Memorial Day in 2004. He never served in the military but he was a good man. My daughter was 33 when she died.
I have a lot of spare time now and I feel that God has given me this opportunity and the training for this time in our country. I have studied these things since I was 18 and I am 77 now. My journal usually runs around 3,000 to 3,500 pages a year since I put it on computer in 2008. This year I am already up to 5,974 on Word. I have prayed all of my adult life that we can stop this Communist takeover of America. If you need help with something or research done, I would be happy to help you for free.
I really never trusted TCH enough to post these kinds of comments because sundance seemed to lean towards the Deep State. He was saying we should fight the DS but they are going to win so maybe we should just give up. That is how the Tea Party lost out and was taken over. Now at least people are beginning to see how much the Communists hate us. We can’t just get along because they will never let us do that.
I am so glad you have given us this opportunity. I hope Cozette finds us. I always enjoyed her comments.
I pray for you also. God Bless You.
Sorry for the loss of your children.
God bless you… so glad you are here.
wow what an awesome post. you just said the exact feeling i got from CTH, and Sylvia mentioned it earlier also – that the treehouse stated their was the deepstate thatvit was all out to get us, and then one day it was like oh well we can’t win… keep up your extraordinary work elizabeth and never give up the faith! i wish i was as dedicated as you are.
Oh, Elizabeth – my heart breaks for you – what is left of it after I lost MY 34 year old daughter!!! Bless you, friend! My goodness, what a treasure you are with your deep trove of information! Have you considered putting your journals together in a book(s)?
As for CTH, I never once felt it was DS. In so many ways, I am a true Nebraskan (considering both my adopted and birth families settled Norfolk, NE in 1866) – we tend to be naive and believe people, we take people at their word, we follow through on OUR word, we believe in honor, integrity, kindness and trust. It is simply our nature. Oh, not everyone, of course. There are always some bad ones in the bunch but, overall, THAT is your typical native Nebraskan. We live, for the most part, in farm country, which is an entirely foreign concept to urbanites. There is a simpleness about life and things are pretty black and white, like the weather. It is what it is and you do what you have to in order to deal with it and survive. And everyone helps each other.
Really glad you felt free to post here and I look forward to some interesting conversations, for sure.
Hi Nebraska Filly,
I have often thought I would write a book or a blog but every time I start to, I feel it is not time for that yet. I have been through so much and spend most of my time alone and praying. I trust the Lord to guide me. Patience has been a difficult thing to learn, but over the years I have found that timing is everything. We are told to watch and pray and to wait upon the Lord. We are to build on the rock (Jesus) and stand firm in the storm.
I am happy and blessed. The loss of my children was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. Losing one tore me apart. Losing both of them was unbearable. It takes time to heal. I thought I would never get over it but eventually I did put it to background. I don’t really think we get over things as much as we learn to get up and go on through things.
My plan for my life was to get married, stay married, be a wife, mother, grandmother and have a close and loving family. “You don’t always get what you want, but if you try, sometimes you find you get what you need.” Now that I am alone, I can take risks that I could not take when I had others to protect. I would not post on the internet if I thought it might hurt someone besides myself.
Apparently, God’s plan for my life was very different. I am mostly alone, but never lonely.
I was born in Ohio. I was living in CA and went to a swap meet one day. A woman selling things said, “You must be from Ohio. My husband is from there and you are like him, open and trusting.” She described the traits you listed about yourself. It was very hard for me to learn what an evil world we are living in and I went through a lot of Cognitive Dissonance for a long time. I would get physically ill from it sometimes.
When I realized I was living in a country where killing 4,000 babies a day was acceptable, it broke my heart. I got horribly burdened by it and I was praying a lot. I became President of a Pro Life group for a while. I was so overwhelmed by the reality of this world it made everything seem dark. Then one morning, I woke up smiling about it. God showed me that most of the ones who advocate abortion don’t reproduce and eventually things would change but He was in charge and I didn’t have to carry the whole burden, I just had to do the part I was assigned to do.
From December 1991, I laid down my own life and took care of all the people I loved the most during their illnesses for 20 years, one after another got sick for years and died. There was nothing I could do to prevent it. I just held their hand and did what I could to help them through it. When my Mother died in 2011, she was the last one of my close family. I was so devastated. God showed me that He was working in their lives and that He loved them more than I ever could. He showed me that if I could save them and protect them from what He was doing in their life, then they would not need Him. I released them all to Him, finally.
At first I thought that I had to tell people what horrible things were happening in the world and somehow save them from themselves. Now I believe that when the time comes for me to write my book, it will be about how to build a new and beautiful world after the Cabal has been destroyed. In the meantime, I write comments mostly about encouraging others to remember that we are winning this war and we must fight on to victory. It is a war for minds and souls. I have read the end of the Book and we win.
Thank you for that. I share your sentiment and aims in life, though I have been extremely blessed in not having to suffer anything like you have. Your strength is clearly evident in your writing. May God bless you. Jason
My life from childhood consisted of building things and relationships and having them destroyed due to circumstances beyond my control
Instead of destroying me, I learned how to pick up the pieces and build again. In that process I became very good at building relationships, companies and doing turnarounds.
One of the things I have found is that when you have been very traumatized, it is difficult to believe things can ever be okay again.
I realized that the most difficult part in the story of Job was not all the losses he suffered but the part when God gave it all back and more. When the bad part is over and good things are now happening, there is a fear of losing them again. It is hard to take the good things with a grateful heart and commit to going forward because you don’t want to ever suffer like that again. The tendency is to protect yourself and avoid attachment. A lot of philosophies actually teach that you can only be happy if you are not attached.
God tells us that He has a purpose and plan for our life. We are to trust him and go through the process whether times are good or bad. We are to live our life fully and with total commitment to God, not commitment to ever changing circumstances. He grows us up to fulfill our particular purpose.
Isaiah 30:20-21 (NIV)
20 Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. 21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Paul said:
Philippians 4:11-13 (NIV)
11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
When my son was in great pain, a Chaplin came into his room in the hospital. I walked in just as the Chaplin was saying, “This must be so hard for you. No one knows what is wrong or how to help you.” My son looked at him calmly and said, “I am sure God has a purpose and a plan for everything that is happening to me.” The Chaplin said, “I wish I had that kind of faith.” Witnessing that helped me a lot when my son died months later.
A couple of years ago, I was looking for something to do at home to make some extra $$$ after our local American Legion Club closed (I was the Manager). I answered an ad in an area paper for a work-at-home editor position for a retired nun. She had also written a number of journals over the years (what a fascinating history!) and was pursuing a possible book publication. She wanted someone to assist her in preparing the documents for submission to the publisher. Amazing woman, really – I was disappointed I never heard back from her after our meeting. She is almost paralyzed – has MS, among other ailments – and had some serious family difficulties on-going – even to the level of possible murders having occurred and a brother of whom she was frightened. Sad, but, again, a truly amazing woman.
Wow, NF, our daughter, pro-writer, worked with a ME woman who wanted her story published before she died. Unfortunately, after numerous months of interviews and recordings with the woman, she became totally incoherent and died. Not enough material was yet gleaned for a book.
Aw….too bad. I often wonder if the woman I met with might have passed as well. She also painted some beautiful landscapes. So very talented and intelligent, and struggling so physically, yet with an almost light-hearted attitude about it all.
Good memory of her. Sadly, The one of whom I wrote was very dark.
second time posting on this thread by elizabeth and i have to say i am crying right now. i am always the one to cry (my daughter hates it) but there are just times when it is appropriate! your attitude and outlook is what is 100% needed these days. people all fall into victim mode and then medications to lift them out of their depressions and medications to lift them from their meds and then depression again – and they just need to take some time and think about it.
i am sure your faith has been a solid ground amist all the sinking sand around you… i always loved the story of job that you mentioned.
You are awesome

I never used that word much growing up, but sometimes it’s just the right word.
I am so glad that you are here, that all of us are.
I searched for Cozette on CTH, to see if she had any contact info available if you click on her avatar, but nothing happens when you hover your cursor over her avatar or try to click on it.
It took a while to find one of her old posts, so I don’t think she has posted recently. I checked 7 or 8 recent threads going back a week or so, searching each page for ‘Cozette’, and found nothing. Then I searched DuckDuckGo for ” ‘Cozette’ the conservative treehouse” and found this thread from May:
I thought maybe that’s what happens when you have been banned, that your avatar goes ‘inactive’, so I checked my avatar, and it is still ‘clickable’ on CTH even though I’m banned, so there must be some other reason why her avatar is not a ‘hotlink’ of some kind.
There must be a way to contact her.
Here’s an idea.
When you ‘like’ someone’s post on CTH, it sends that person an email notification.
If everyone here (who isn’t banned) suddenly ‘liked’ Cozette’s post from back in May at the link above, she would receive a whole bunch of ‘likes’ notifications in her email, which would get her attention.
That would almost certainly cause enough curiosity that she would check to see why everyone is suddenly ‘liking’ one of her posts from six months ago.
Elizabeth, if you replied to her May 2018 post (before everybody ‘liked’ Cozette’s post) with a link to this blog, and just wrote “We’re over here now, come and see”, I think she would be here right away
We could use the same tactic to alert anyone to Wolfmoon’s blog, come to think of it. And since we would be accessing OLD threads, it would be very unobtrusive.
Sundance/Ad-rem would know, but I don’t know why they would mind, and they wouldn’t be active threads, so it wouldn’t be drawing any attention from the rest of the Treehouse.
Cozette HAS posted here, once.
So she knows …
I hope she’s lurking, and will post on occasion (like she’s done over there).
Great, I was a fan of hers over “there” …
God bless you Elizabeth. Thanks for telling us about yourself and what is motivating you.
Elizabeth, I’m sorry that you are alone now, but you know that God is holding your children in His Hands.
He prompted you to keep a record that is beneficial in the fight. I so respect what you have to say. Please keep teaching us. We never know, while we are following His desires, how He will use us and what we did. I hope you at least have an inkling of the importance of your work. God bless.
I certainly hope my comment is understood to mean no malice, no harshness…
On one level, I am grateful for the recent dustup… before posting here I had no place PERIOD to discuss Q.
Oh of course there were numerous places I could read commentary on Q’s drops… but nowhere to ask questions (I don’t tweet, so couldn’t reply to those I read). Total absence of feedback.
NOW… I am positively giddy with the joy of interaction about Q… not even with strangers either (well a ‘few’
but with folks I have already been talking with about our VSG POTUS.
There’s a difference NOW though, because the interaction is complete… I don’t have to avoid bringing in the “Q” piece to the puzzle. And wouldn’t you know, the puzzle is moving together… bit by bit.
Thank you WolfMoon for this Q tree… God bless you for being in the right place at the right time.
Yes, phoenix, I am excited about this Q tree for the same reasons, the interaction and feedback on Q stuff is fantastic. Heck, I’ve been reading CTH for 2 years and have posted more on this site today than I have the entire time I’ve been reading over there. Just feels more comfy here I guess. Liking the wolf’s den very much.
I also took some time before commenting there – it was kind of intimidating – all of those commenting (those who are coming here now, I am glad to see) were so smart and experienced. When I did start commenting, in my naivete, I posted links to long-debunked people/sites and kind of got jumped on. Actually, now that I think about it, I got PO’ed and left CTH for a while – but, I wasn’t in the best frame of mind either so… least I can still read SD’s outstanding articles and will just avoid the comment threads, I guess.
I love reading the comment threads, but I guess I’ve always been more of a listener than a talker, I like observing. Guess you could say I’m more of an introvert by nature. I’m sorry you had a rough time of it over there but I don’t think you will have the same issues here.
I don’t expect to at all. But, I also have changed my approach – at least, I am trying to – I tend to be very blunt and outspoken and only wish I were a better listener.
Sounds just like my experience at CTH
Over there, I would comment occasionally, I but mostly enjoyed reading comments from posters who were very knowledgeable in certain subject matters. I’m not sure what your background is, but I am an ex-lefty (not the radical kind, more like the “I’m a lefty because, hey, environment, and everyone else is”). For me, reading CTH was like taking a daily dose of red pill to undo traces of indoctrination.
I’m still in a red-pilling phase; however, the difference is that I am now in an environment where everyone is learning together (regardless of their background).
I can’t even begin to tell you how appreciative I am of Wolfmoon for this blog.
But I mostly* (good grief, you’d think I would have learned by now that WP allows no editing of posts)
Sounds like we were pretty much the same, altho my family was always on the right/GOP. I also just followed along without knowing one danged thing about any of it. However, I had firmly established myself as a Libertarian-leaning Constitutional Conservative before I found CTH. Hmmmm…..what would be the military acronym for that? LLCC? LOL
LLCC….well put
Unfortunately, with the exception of one parent and a extended cousin, most in my family are dye-in-the-wool lefties (although, they fall under the low-information kind rather than the Antifa supporting kind). So, if the average person on our side needs to take 1 dose of a red-pill, my family would need to double the dosage.
I used to think of myself as a centrist; however, seeing the shift in this country has pushed me closer to the right. Right now, I consider myself unaffiliated. At one point, I did consider changing my affiliation to Libertarian….then Gary Johnson happened…..and so did the influx of people who only were attracted to the Libertarian platform because of the lure of “free weed”
I would register as Independent but here in NE, if you want to vote in the GOP primary, you have to be registered as Republican. Gary Johnson – what a nitwit! “What is Aleppo?” SMH
Good afternoon Q treepers, up late last night and just saw your comments. I fit right in with the Libertarian leaning Constitutional conservative. Was a Ron Paul supporter and before that mostly third party candidates and had no use for the GOPe party. Have always been somewhat of a conspiracy theorists so I guess the Q stuff just naturally resonates with me. Never would have believed I would have been a Trump supporter but, here I am and him coming on the scene has been the best thing to red pill so many people I am just so thrilled about that. The Great Awakening is very real. Besides my husband and I, no one around us has had a clue. Just the fact that the term “deep state” is know main stream is a miracle to me.
Perhaps my imagination is working overtime, buy style seems very off from past style if you get my drift, unless that person(s) acquired a new set of brains.
Yes!!! And tone…..
It is great to have the interaction about Q. That was missing for me, as well.
Hear, hear, pR! I am also thrilled to have others who can help me understand the riddles and such. I am terrible at it, TBH.
I like feedback! Never before had it wrt Q… and I’m not good at thinking outside the box. Get plenty of that here.
Oh, me too! It is great to get so much information here and be able to ask questions. I can’t believe how much I have already learned!
You’re most welcome!
You know, funny you say that pR. I was out walking my dog yesterday in the cool November gloaming and thinking about the situation with Q the the T-house.
I tend to talk to God a lot when I walk. As I walked and prayed I felt a lot of peace, and I could see that while I had been curious about Q and interested, I was suspicious and uncommitted.
A lot of things have clicked into place for me over the last couple of days and I realized for me this all needed to happen so that I would delve deeper into Q so that I could plan and prepare for what’s ahead.
My path seems to have moved from The Great Awakening to Patriot’s Fight just as Q’s has. And out of what I have seen as a mess has come something good.
Did that one get deleted? I’m getting blank on it.
page does not exist is the twitter claim…
Me too.
Sorry, it appears in his tweeter feed… but won’t link here…
PM may have scratched it… it’s snark wrt SD, Gorka
Woah-ho…the plot thickens.

It’s coming out now, that the rental car that was filmed with ballot boxes, was rented by a someone who contributed to Gillum.
I visited our former stomping ground today and noticed a few things:
1/ The atmosphere from some of the commenters is turning anti-Trump in a mild, doubtful way, e.g. ‘If he runs again in 2020 …’
2/ There are a lot of new commenters there all of a sudden, like, within 24 hours.
3/ The comments are not very interesting.
Not sure why there was a post there about the media’s picks for AG. It’s far too early to tell and all of the ones they chose are absolute duds, no better than Sessions. Of course, the media would put forward absolute duds because it helps the Dems.
Anyway, I really enjoyed reading this thread and once again thank wolfm00n for this terrific site.
Yup – I lurked for a while and saw the same. TBH, I am disappointed with SD’s article about the probability that Whitaker was a leaker. SMH – talk about Q possibly damaging PDJT! That article will give the dems even MORE ammo to use against Whitaker since we all now know CTH is on the left’s radar!!!
Thank you!
I’ve been pondering those two points for 24 hours now: a) Whitaker was a leaker and b) Q could be damaging the President.
Both are equally absurd and uncharacteristic of our (former?) host.
‘That article will give the dems even MORE ammo to use against Whitaker … ‘ Yes, agreed. I thought S was a better tactician than that.
Something’s going on with that site. It seems to have changed within 24 hours.
Great to hear all the others thoughts on navigating 8chan. When I realized I would rather go there and dodge all the shilly stuff than read latest comments at cth I knew something was off . Also hoping to come out of moderation soon?I
Just saw this – sorry – new posters always get moderated!
This comment on navigating 8chan prompted me to think I need to up my game. I have located the Q drops, but I believe there is a lot more content I would find interesting. Is there an 8chan for dummies I can consult?
Good question! I have set up links to the board, but I’m certainly not used to posting there.
The anons have put this together, I had not read it. i just jumped in and after being offended initially I read a smidgen . It is an online culture with their own language.
OK – just watched a portion of Steve Pieczenik’s video posted at CTH. At the 4:28 mark, after saying Parkland was a FF, he states “ten people did not die. There was no killing there.” IMO, that does it for me with ole Stevie boy. Huh??!!?? Of COURSE people died!!!! Am I wrong here? What do y’all think of SP?
FF does not mean “no one died” … In my view, Parkland was a FF… the “lone gun narrative” is the FF in this instance.
Steve Pieczenik’s statement is WRONG.People died at Parkland. I don’t know anything about him as a person.
Pollack family lost a daughter and a sister. Father and son have become advocates for school safety and defend w/ every fibre of their being 2A….
Meanwhile, David Hogg seeks fame and fortune opposing 2A.
Oh, I know that – an intentional set-up using Cruz, IMO. SP has a long record within the intelligence community – CIA, I believe. Most would call him a conspiracy nut, probably. But, there is no denying his factual history. IDK – Wolfie would probably be the best source on this one but he is pretty busy right now, no doubt. Bet this place is growing by leaps and bounds!
IMO, SP is the quintessential master at psy-ops.
Everything true that he says is part-false, and everything false that he says is part-true.
Btw, the “false” in FF doesn’t mean that anything that happened actually didn’t happen (although that can be true in many instances), but rather it means that the entire event was ENGINEERED, and planned, for some sort of gain (financial and/or political).
He’s quite convincing and persuasive – but remember, he is a psychologist, who worked (does still?) for the clowns, and likely has done plenty of psychological profiles on the clowns themselves. A clown handler, if you will, but not one to direct what their ops / actions were to be. What was that TV show – “Criminal Minds”? I see SP as a profiler … even as a profiler of profilers.
I’m just providing what I think is a very generalized snapshot of him.
If the left is lying, make them eat their own lies. THEY KILLED THOSE KIDS. They are free to admit they didn’t kill them at any time.
The bodies are real. The news is fake.
Personally, I FULLY BELIEVE they killed them. That is why Holder is FREAKING OUT.
Steve P. doesn’t realize that Holder and his Stalinist friends have gone utilitarian in their fight. It is NOT THE CIA HE THINKS. They tell themselves that 10 dead innocent kids is an OK price to pay to save thousands from “gun violence”.
This is pure STALIN. It is modern Singer utilitarianism, and Obama is a FAN of Singer. Obama is a Stalinist. And Putin’s Russia is totally copacetic with it. TOTALLY. Ask yourselves why those Russian chicks lived almost on TOP of Nikolas Cruz, and then Mueller indicts them for lightweight trolling bullshit and they FLEE BACK TO RUSSIA. They were using KGB-CIA tech on Cruz to help their Dem friends.
Explosive. Get ready for EXPLOSIVE.
Wolf, your comment on KGB-CIA tech brought this research video to mind and you are likely familiar with much of it.
Wow! I just watched that again so if it doesn’t post here, is there a way I can send it to you through maybe a website email addrress?
OK, try typing this in the address bar

after typing in
and see if you can access it.
This is the channel Dana Ashlie – 68,326 subscribers
and the 3rd video from the left on the second row is what I tried to post above.
The title is “Interrogation tapes now show…Nick WAS a victim of Directed En3rgy W3APON!”
Right off the bat this woman is sharp and gets the use of disinformation in the strategy. I love it! She’s smart as a whip.
One of the things that led me into a fruitful view of 9/11 as more SOVIET DEMOCRAT ABUSE OF INTELLIGENCE was the BACK SIDE of it – protecting the actual event. I was looking at “flat earther” images being used to discredit Gab and Trump/NASA simultaneously (they are nothing if not efficient), because those image memes were “too smart”, “too professional”, and the trolls using them seemed like the same “fake antisemites” being used to take down Gab. It was clearly some kind of op. So I dug in and found that the images were linked (won’t say how – too strong evidence – beautiful proof) to a specific 9/11 “Truther”. But this one was interesting, because he was BUSTED by his fellow Truthers as some kind of movement infiltrator. The guy had tells (to me) that he should not be a Truther – all wrong – and that tells me that he was a disinformation and discreditation operative. For all I know it was the same flat earth guy, but that doesn’t matter – it was extremely professional.
Why would anybody BOTHER jacking up 9/11 Truthers and making their tales MORE outlandish?
Cover-up. This strengthened my larger theory on the event. The MASSIVE PWNAGE of our IC, which was then TURNED AGAINST US to subvert America from within.
Go back to Yuri Bezmenov. The BIGGEST part of the KGB was its disinformation operation – NOT the “James Bond” division.
Did Russia throw that stuff away when the SU “fake disappeared”? Of course not. It got BIGGER – because DISINFO was the way of the future.
The beauty of my larger theory of the Soviet Democrats is that it obeys certain information principles that seem to be widely applicable. So I’m very solid on it.
OK – where was I? Ah, yes. Done with the first MINUTE of this great woman’s video!
Thanks – I’ll see corrections below and take a look!
exactly. we have suspected as much for years. they started by killing one or two, then three r even more. then a dozen ot two. all the way to vegas. and if you are like me you might think of one more episode that took thousands of lives…
and what this psychologist does, as wolf points out, is give truth/untruth mixed together. but the underlying story is there.
cruz was partvof stuff probably similar to things ac keebler posts about all the time. nobody on the other site cares because most of them do not want to think whacky conspiracy stuff is even remotely true.
they have no problem at all sacrificing people in their quest. it is part of the facts of life to them. it is not but a drop in the bucket. and that is just public things we hear about – not counting all the mysterious deaths of people who might havecinfo on them.
and every single incident bar a couple that has happened since boston bombing (well san bernadino if that was before) has involved contact with an alphabet agency in one way or another. we still havent comfirmed that on the fake bomber and the synagogue shooting but time will tell on those…
New Q up…more on placeholder and a lot of IG REPORT. Thoughts?
Thanks for the heads-up.
Two of them – here’s the first (again, the quotation marks are mine):
“Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.463
Nov 12 2018 12:30:42 (EST)
[Placeholder – OIG Report & Findings]
[Placeholder – OIG report > FBI, DOJ, & Media Coll]
[Placeholder – OIG report > Exe B_ABCs & Media Coll]
[Placeholder – OIG report > Foreign ASST_D1]
[Placeholder – OIG report > Foreign_Insert(s)_ORec & Info Diss]
[Placeholder – OIG report > FISA Abuse DIR_INDIR_Source_DIS]
[Placeholder – OIG report > Umbrella SPY & Targeting]
[Placeholder – OIG report > OTR_C_]”
And the second:
“Nov 12 2018 12:36:45 (EST)
FAKE NEWS > [optics] ‘FALSE’ majority > BLUE WAVE
BLUE WAVE [optics] > No Voter Irregularities > Nothing to See Here
FAKE NEWS > Voter Irregularities Challenge > CONSPIRACY
So OIG report coming soon?
I will bet so. I will bet there is downfall for the other side EVERYWHERE NOW.
I pray it is so. I am so ready for the “hammer” to fall.