Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181113

This intermittently re-posted open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.  We ask that people NOT duplicate material posted to the Treehouse open threads, unless it’s REALLY IMPORTANT.  We expect things that are more relevant to the Q community to show up here.
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JamesCoburncafesceneSo Jeff Flake’s seat in the Senate was transferred to a Code Pink activist.  I’m starting to see how these Stalinists work.  “Who counts the votes” really does make a difference.
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I can’t believe McSally just gave up and let the Corrupto-crats steal that senate seat!
She should be fighting that!


Well she threw in the towel waaay too easily.
I’m holding out some hope that there will be some scrutiny into those ‘late-coming votes’…and that that race will be flipped back to McSally.

A.D. Everard

I agree, Wheatie. The problem I see now with McSally is that she’s made herself look weak! People are fed up with weak, they want fighters. I wish she’d asked “Why is it all the new-found votes are Dem votes,” and waited out the findings.


I know it is off topic…. but I have a formatting request.
Do the pages have to shove off to the right with each reply?
Any way to fill the screen right to left so we don’t have to read 3 word wide columns 24″ down?


Thanks for looking into it….. BTW, Thanks again for one of very few PATRIOT sites around.
ps. I Like your comments, scholarship, spirituality humor and wisdom.


Oh, wheatietoo, I am with you on McSally unless there is something bigger that we can’t see…hmmm!


I just left McSally a nasty reply to her concession tweet. About how if she can’t fight she doesn’t deserve the seat. Grrrr! That seat was definitely stolen.


Incidentally, on that thread tons of libtards were congratulating McSally for being so “classy” by conceding. Grrrr. No self-awareness at all.


It is hard not to wonder…if ‘something else’ is going on.
McSally was not exactly a big Trump supporter, although I had hoped that she had come around.
This refreshed my memory about her:
A fighter pilot who doesn’t fight.
It makes you go…hmm.


And Krysten Senema was raised LDS and is a lawyer who had a history of defending pedo clients.


“…. a history of defending pedo clients.”
If I recall, that is a distinction she shares with Hillary Rodham Clinton. I think Saint Paul said, ‘ Bad company corrupts good morals.’


There was this article in the Daily Caller about her:comment image


It’s just a screencap from over at 8chan…so yeah, a URL from there.

Sylvia Avery

I know. Really disappointing. She just rolled over. Where the heck was the RNC? They should have been so proactive by having professional trained expert poll watchers or what have you and fleets and fleets of lawyers ready to go.
The GOP seems to be acting so reactively, and slow to react, too. I’m sure you can hear my teeth gnashing.
And then there is Matt Gaetz. I honestly cannot even imagine having a Congressman representing me like that. He said there is no way he was going to stand for the voters of his district having their votes diluted by ineligible/illegal votes in Broward County. I may have to sell everything and move to the FL Panhandle. Except for those hurricane things, and tornadoes, and don’t they have alligators? I was there once and it was beautiful, but I don’t remember alligators.

Deplorable Patriot

A member of this household described Martha McSally as a Todd Akin sort of candidate: weak. Plus, there were three non R or D challengers that siphoned off votes. That’s not helpful at all.
Truth be told, I really wonder if it isn’t better to have the obvious crazies around for a bit to show the rest of the country why they should not voted for them.

Sylvia Avery

I didn’t form that great of an opinion of McSally. She kept PDJT at arm’s length. I don’t think she wanted any part of him. At all. And that Sinema, well, she is barking mad. Poor Arizona. Poor USA.

Deplorable Patriot

Todd Akin is an idiot. The reality was that year, 2006 with embryonic stem cell research on the ballot (supported and sponsored by the Danforths, and I can be a material witness to this) there were two Republicans on the primary ballot who would have beaten Blondie, aka Claire Bear, and because we have open primaries in MO the Dem operatives walked in, asked for Rep ballots and submarined the other two. They wanted to run against Akin because sooner or later he was going to put his foot in it. He did, and unfortunately, it was on the rape/abortion issue using information that is decades old and no longer accepted as true.


Akin’s problem was that he agreed to be interviewed by a known leftist. Said leftist knew Akin’s weak skills at articulation and his calm demeanor (read lack of aggressive instincts). So he set him up with a question that Akin answered exactly the way the leftist wanted. I don’t remember the details but I remember several GOP campaign managers wondering what his CM was thinking letting him do that interview. All agreed that the interview request should have been politely declined.

Plain Jane

Yum. Had the best fried alligator ever at a bar shack in the Everglades decades ago. I’d move there in a heartbeat but it would be too far from the kids and grangkids.


I can’t say that I’m terribly upset, although I’m not thrilled about the seat going to a Democrat. McSally reeked of RINO (of the McCain/Flake kind). Had she won the seat, would she really have been an asset or would she have just continued No Name’s legacy of being an obstructionist?
The fact that she didn’t even put up a fight speaks volumes. Based on Q’s recent post, there is something fishy about the results; yet, McSally didn’t even attempt to try and challenge it. We don’t need quitters like her.


I’m terrified by all the election fraud, and want to see all the perps perp walked.
But in this case, I’d feel a lot worse if Old Flake’s seat had been stolen from Kelli Ward.
By putting New Flake in the seat, the Dims may have done themselves few favors.
An open witch is, in some respects, better than a stealth Manchurian. Especially a Manchurian who, like Petain, has military experience.


Concur. Neither candidate is an ideal choice, but I prefer an in-your-face enemy than a backstabbing fake ally.
At this point, we can only hope that enough evidence of voter fraud can be presented w/o contest.


MysticRose80, I’m with you preferring an in-your-face enemy….saves me tons of time that might be spent questioning myself.
Here’s a link to a great article that makes McSally’s run make sense .. muh placeholder!
Mark Levin Says McSally Refused to Go on His Show, Didn’t Want to be Tied to Conservatives –
Then Lost to a Marxist


WM, I remember reading/hearing early on after Comey was fired that his tweet calling for “FBI Patriots to continue to stand tall” was a signal to the “FBI secret army of MKUltra controlled victims” across the country.
I’ve always thought the “mass shooters” were under mind control. You can just look at their eyes and see that blank stare. It is my hope this currently widely used technique will be a part of what is revealed and these people can get the real psychological support they need exiting the program, not the compromised psychological support now offered to ritual child abuse victims that try to convince those victims all is well and normal and they should just go back into the world of abuse.


Watch Kingsman: Secret Service for MKUltra writ very large.


Thanks for these terms – “advanced psychological techniques” and “advanced mental programming”. You are right about the value of being current with terminology and they have a much lighter touch…not so heavy and foreboding if that makes any sense. Pointing to the reality of scientific progress is looking forward and encouraging more understanding instead of backward in a dark place no one wants to hear about.
Your reference to mental patients brought to mind the changes just announced by HHS Secretary Alex Azar saying CMS is giving states more flexibility to enact inpatient mental health treatment for Medicaid beneficiaries, reversing a rule known as the “IMD exclusion.” When I heard that I thought it could be a 1st step to provide help to those people who have been treated previously with behavior modification for other reasons.
You are right about listening because people with mental impairments are probably more conscious than most people understand when they encounter someone who actually listens to them so there is a sort of invisible bond that just listening makes possible and so it is reasonable that they speak freely. I recall a conversation I had before an exercise class at the Y with a lady who had a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and she had resisted her husband’s insistence she come to the class with him and participate. I decided to engage her in a private conversation to soothe and encourage her and it was one fascinating conversation with a ton of family information they had no idea she was aware of and she laughed about them thinking she didn’t understand!
I am interested in learning more about the Voice to Skull Technology especially the ability to embed mind control into the 5G range that is discussed in a patent referenced in this link:


Thanks so very much for taking time to weed out the disinformation. This is interesting in attempting to envision our future and it is way over my pay grade but I love learning about it. Disinformation seems more widespread now but likely it’s just that we have easy access to more information and connect with more people who actually know what is credible and what is not.

Plain Jane

Judy, thanks. Extremely good. A keeper and something to share for sure.

A.D. Everard

Wow! Thanks, Judy. Powerful stuff.


Fox News hasn’t tweeted anything out since Nov 8th…this is their last tweet:

Word on the street, according to the Anons, is that Fox is boycotting Twitter because they left up Tucker’s home address for so long.
If that’s the case, then good for Fox.
Fox News usually tweets out tons of new tweets…every day, 24/7/365.
So this is a pretty big show of support for one of their own.

Deplorable Patriot

Kat Timpf was also run out of a bar over the weekend. It’s open season on the Fox people.

A.D. Everard

Very much so, remember they don’t want to see “his kind” rise again. If they get back into power before all globalism, socialism, Satanism is dismantled, the whole Western World goes down.
They were sooo close to having it all, total control of the world, their backlash would be extreme to say the least.


Given the new ownership this will likely be a flash in the pan. Likely false atonement for the early west coast call.

Sylvia Avery

I had read that FOX was doing that in support of Tucker, but honestly I thought they’d be back on Twitter by now.
Good for them. The guy deserves support.


Q just weighed in on Arizona:
12 Nov 2018 – 8:50:47 PM
R Gov won by 328,000 votes.
D Sen is winning by 32,000 votes.
R Gov won Maricopa County by 325,000 votes.
D Sen winning Maricopa by 32,000 votes?
[350,000] vote swing to D Sen?
12 Nov 2018 – 9:12:14 PM


Something big is about to drop!
12 Nov 2018 – 8:13:00 PM
#1 attacked person by FAKE NEWS [+swamp [R+D]]?
#2 attacked entity by FAKE NEWS [+swamp [R+D]]?
As of 3:02 pm est today, “Qanon” is now the #2 most attacked entity behind POTUS within the U.S.
Logical Thinking > WHY?
Congratulations, Anons!


The new Q posts might explain McSally’s concession, Holy Moly!


But after the election is certified, can it then be overturned? That’s what I’m not understanding.


Certainly, if a party is caught cheating, committing criminal acts, committing ELECTION FRAUD, their candidate is automatically disqualified, regardless of whether the ‘candidate’ is actively involved in the election fraud?
If not, then there is no reason not to cheat, and no reason not to commit election fraud every single election.


But wouldn’t such an ‘automatic disqualification’ law be a Gift to the Dems?
The Dems are good at framing people and manufacturing false evidence.
Look at what they’ve done to Pres Trump with the Russia-Hoax.
All they would need to do it frame some GOP people…making it look like they had committed Election Fraud…and voila!
The R-candidate is disqualified.
In a perfect world, that sort of ‘disqualification’ law would be ideal.
But sadly…we are dealing with people will literally Do Anything to gain power.


….All they would need to do *is* frame


“But wouldn’t such an ‘automatic disqualification’ law be a Gift to the Dems?”
I’m sure there would have to be some kind of ‘due process’ involved, but if we’re so far gone that blatant election fraud is rewarded with victory, then we don’t even have a country anymore.
The election fraud is so blatant, there is VIDEO of all kinds of criminal activity. The Devilrats have even disobeyed a COURT ORDER, for crying out loud.
Any candidate who accepted victory under those circumstances would be illegitimate before he ever uttered the oath of office — which ITSELF would be a fraud.
How can you swear to uphold the law and Constitution, when you committed blatant crimes to get into office?
It’s a farce.
There must be lawful recourse.
And that is where ALL of this is going.
There has not been ANY lawful recourse for We the People for generations now, because they have corrupted the system so thoroughly and completely, WE have had no ‘lawful recourse’.
So either DJT does what we elected him to do — and FIX it — or what other option do we have, what recourse is left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all forms of positive government?
Tench Coxe said: “Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American. …The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.”
George Mason settled the question of militia by asking and answering: “Who are the militia? They consist of the whole people, except a few public officers.”
Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition:
Definition of EXCEPT
Not including. In reKelly’s Estate, 153 Misc. 445, 274 N.Y.S. 488.
Other than, In re Nelson’s Estate, 152 Misc. 245, 273 N.Y.S. 268; Ingram v. Stat~, 241 Ala. 166,3 So.2d 431, 432;
To exclude from an enumeration, the scope of statement or enactment, a privilege, etc.;
to leave out of account or consideration. In re Garvin’s Estate, 335 Pa. 542, 6 A.2d 796, 800; Rickman v. Commonwealth, 195 Ky. 715, 243 S.W. 929.
Noah Webster said, “The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops.”
“And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. … The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” — Thomas Jefferson
Writing in the Federalist Paper No.46, James Madison said, “The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation … (where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.”
In Federalist Paper No. 28, Alexander Hamilton said, “If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all forms of positive government.”
Richard Henry Lee said, “To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.
Joseph Story (Supreme Court Justice) said: “The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a Republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers…” – excerpt from ‘Commentaries on the Constitution’ (1833).
“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.”
Abraham Lincoln, inaugural address, March 4, 1861
Declaration of Independence:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
Definition of Unalienable
1: impossible to take away or give up
• unalienable rights

Deplorable Patriot

So, if it’s certified and proof is offered in court that conspiracy was there, or cheating, they do a runoff or something? I admit to knowing little about election law after the fact.

Sylvia Avery

We may be getting into uncharted territory with “election law after the fact.” I don’t honestly know but I bet we haven’t had much experience with this before in our legal system.


It’s funny. People were predicting that the mid-term elections would be historical. At first, I took that to mean the red wave.
Now, I think that prediction may mean something else altogether. Correct me if I’m wrong, but can you recall, in modern history, the results of several races during a mid-term election being overturned?
I can’t.


For over 35 years, the RNC has been prohibited from combating election fraud, due to a “Consent Decree” judicial order issued in 1982.
This past January, that Decree expired. So now, the GOP’s hands aren’t tied anymore, with respect to challenging elections / results.
I think that this may be the meaning behind the “historical” remarks. And if not, perhaps it should have been!
Here’s the article:


Thanks for sharing, Emeraldstar! This certainly explains a lot of the inaction with voter fraud over the years.

Plain Jane

Wow. Thank you Emeraldstar. Didn’t know all that. Apparently I missed that on CNN. Ha, ha.


“But after the election is certified, can it then be overturned? That’s what I’m not understanding.”
If there is any logic or reason to the process at all, it would have to go something like this.
So long as the results are uncertified, correction could be made. It’s like an unsubmitted application for asylum or citizenship filled with fraud and lies, but so long as it has not been submitted, it’s just a piece of paper.
Once you sign it, attesting to the ‘truth’ of all the fraud and lies within, THEN a crime has been committed, a criminal or fraudulent representation to the court or government agency with the purpose and intent to deceive.
The same logic would apply to election certification.
Clearly lots of crimes related to the election have already been committed, and should be prosecuted.
But until the results in Broward County are ‘certified’, it might be considered a ‘crime in progress’, and proper authorities are essentially waiting for whatever the legal term is for ‘committed’.
Like when a woman hires a hit-man to kill her husband, and a FBI agent is posing as the hit-man. There are multiple opportunities for the woman to back out, but once the cash changes hands, that’s the ‘go’ signal for Authorities to rush in and make the arrest.
I don’t know who the individual is that is responsible for ‘certifying’ the vote in Broward County. But whoever it is, everyone is waiting for that individual to ‘sign the document’ to make the crime ‘official’, so that person can be arrested along with everyone else.
I wouldn’t want to be that person.
They have to know the whole country is watching them, and they have to know that this election isn’t like previous elections. This time, EVERYBODY KNOWS.
So imagine, sitting down at your desk, and contemplating signing the ‘certification’ document. Knowing that the crime you are about to commit won’t just wreck your career, but will almost certainly land you in prison.
And knowing that the whole country is watching you, as you ‘certify’ your crime.
How do you DO that?
No matter how corrupt that person is, you’d have to be either insane or suicidal to certify what’s going on in Broward County right now.
That may be why there has been no certification yet.
It could be that NOBODY wants to be ‘the one’ to do it!
Like a hot potato, lol!
‘Here, you sign it.’
‘I’M not gonna sign it, YOU sign it!’
‘Let’s get Mikey, he’ll sign it. He signs everything!’
(a tribute to an old cereal commercial from my childhood)


In Broward County…I think ‘that person’ is Brenda Snipes.
She’s the Broward County Supervisor of Elections.
So wouldn’t it be her job to certify the votes?comment image


At least for federal and statewide races, the paperwork from all the counties goes up to the Florida Secretary of State in Tallahassee.
He is Ken Detzner. In 1984, at approximately the age of 32, he switched from Democrat to Republican.
For federal races, he would send his paperwork onward to Washington.
I don’t know who certifies the election in Broward County. But I’m pretty sure it has to be someone else in Ft. Lauderdale that Snooker Snipes sends her paperwork to.


This is answering the question about certification of the election in Florida.
I forgot to use the word ‘certify’ in the opening paragraph.

Sylvia Avery

There’s another piece to this that might be useful. Note I say MIGHT. I read something, somewhere, in the last several days that a candidate may be elected to the Senate but the Senate doesn’t have to seat them if for some reason they feel it would be wrong or unseemly or something.
Obviously, I didn’t pay much attention because I didn’t think I would need to know it, and because I can’t see the Senate ever doing anything the slightest bit controversial.
But that was several days ago. In light of what has gone on since then, good heavens who knows? I wouldn’t have thought the Republicans could stir their stumps and take a stand for Kavanaugh in the Senate Hearing, either, and look when happened. Still can hardly believe that.
Anyway, I’m headed to bed or I’d look into the particulars of the Senate seating newly elected Senators. Probably there is some useless provision like you have to have 60 people or two thirds of the Senate or something agreeing and that of course would never, ever happen.
G’night all!


Here it is:
Excerpts (emphases mine):
‘The question of judging the qualifications, elections, and returns of Members, and the issue of exclusion, may arise in the context of both a contested popular election, as well as in an appointment by a governor to fill a Senate vacancy. The issue is generally joined at the time a Senator-elect or Senator-designate is to be sworn and seated, by an objection raised to the taking of the oath based on questioning the “qualifications,” the “election,” or the “returns” (credentials) regarding such individual. At that time, the Senate may decide to seat such Member-designate or Member-elect “without prejudice,” or may seat unconditionally such individual during the pendency of the committee and Senate review of the issues. On less frequent occasions, the Senate has refused to seat one presenting credentials while the issue of qualifications or selection is referred to the committee of jurisdiction (currently the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration) for investigation and recommendation. The Senate may, alternatively, decide not to consider an objection, and seat the Member with no referral of the question to a committee …
‘The Senate treats inquiries into those appointed by a state governor as elections cases; and on numerous occasions in the past the Senate has considered the legality or validity of a gubernatorial selection. Additionally, the Senate has from time-to-time examined the selection process (prior to the adoption of the Seventeenth Amendment in 1913, Senators were “chosen” by state legislatures) to see if corruption or bribery has so tainted the process as to call into question its validity. In such cases the Senate is not judging the “character” or “fitness” of the individual (as it may in an “expulsion” of a Member, requiring a 2/3rds vote), but rather is judging the validity, propriety, and lawfulness of that person’s selection or election.

Sylvia Avery

Oh bless you churchmouse! I’m bookmarking it to read in the morning as I am most curious about this and if it would be something our Senators could use or not.


You’re most welcome, Sylvia.
Send it to the Senators anyway, as a reminder. They probably think that American voters are unaware.


“Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.
“Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two-thirds, expel a Member.”
US Constitution, Article I, Section 5, first 2 paragraphs


One small correction to your excellent analysis, Scott.
“…or suicidal to certify…”
I suggest the following correction: “…or Arkicidal to certify…”
Just sayin’ … 😉


I would suggest it would be more Arkancidal not to certify.

Plain Jane

Five out of five stars for that explanation Scott. Thanks.


Heheh.comment image


The only winner in all this is thus far is George Bush. This cleans up that election tremendously. Meanwhile what kind of example is Broward County making for dems. More pillory please.


Wow! Ocasio-Cortez has that “outside the box thinking” totally refined…when you win a NY House Seat and discover you can’t afford a DC apartment and don’t know how to find one if you had the $, you just set your sight on the WH with a known address, fully furnished and staffed. There she fixed that temporary apartment problem!

Tammy Evers (@EverEleutheros)

She can’t run for President in 2020, she’s only 29 years old. She would have to wait until 2024. Good grief though,
what a s&&t show!

A.D. Everard

You forget, there are no rules for Left. It’s all about feelings.

Sylvia Avery

I concur. I’ve been grumbling about that all weekend to anyone who would listen. Mostly the dog. She’s a captive audience of sorts. She listens carefully, though, in case I utter the words walk, snack, din-din. Okay, the last isn’t technically a word but we communicate nicely anyway. And I’m confident she agrees about the National Guard!


Hmmm……triggered a memory…..ah, yes – here it is:




Wolfie, I have to commend you once again. It is wonderful for us to be able to conduct what I consider REAL, deep conversations here without being bashed about the posts being too long. I don’t think many people realize that some of us literally have NO-ONE else to discuss political issues like this with, at least not in any depth. After my years of living in NOVA and all my experiences, I am highly selective of who I accept into my personal space now and will NOT waste my time with nonsense, insinuations, gossip and backstabbing. I have one long-term close friend who lives back east still (from TX originally) and one truly close friend here in NE. That is it. My family situation is such that both my birth and adopted families’ pictures should be in Webster under the definition of “dysfunctional.” Very large extended siblings, only one of whom is a full sibling. One sister I never even met before she died and 2 other siblings I have never met – who knows? Could be others, for all we know – SMH. So…..what a joy to have a place where I can take the space to explain myself, my motivations, and my reasonings. ‘Tis a blessing, for sure.

Sylvia Avery

My circumstances are different NF, but the result is the same. I have very limited outlets to discuss politics and as it interests me deeply I feel sad about that.
This IS really nice! A joy indeed.

Sylvia Avery

I love this!


Charged with WHAT?
Whatever it is, it can’t possibly have anything to do with DJT.
If Corsi chose to talk to Mueller, that was mistake #1.
If Corsi lied to Mueller under oath or something similar, that was mistake #2.
Either way, it has nothing to do with DJT.


Except unless Corsi *is* Q, Corsi cannot have any direct information about Q — so at best, all Corsi could provide is hearsay about Q.
Q !UW.yye1fxo No.4 📁
Jan 8 2018 23:29:38 (EST)
NO private comms past/present/future.
NO comms made outside of this platform.
Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately.

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: e0bc1f No.6658 📁
Jan 6 2018 13:08:49 (EST)
NO comms w/ anyone privately.
NO comms outside of this platform.

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ab7ad6 No.248629 📁
Jan 5 2018 17:18:47 (EST)
One post today.
No other platforms used.
No comms privately w/ anyone.
Don’t get lost.



Criminal impersonation? >>Corsi>>Fake Q >> PAY-triot


Reply meant for scott467 re: “Charged with WHAT?”


“No way Corsi is Q, IMO.”
“So yes – hearsay only. However, Corsi can be asked direct questions about what he knows, thinks, or said about Q.”
Yes, but that would be like asking me what I think about the Kennedy assassination. I think all kinds of things about it, every last one of them irrelevant, because I wasn’t there, I wasn’t part of it, and I had nothing to do with it.
Likewise with Corsi. He can be asked questions about Q until the cows come home, but he doesn’t actually ‘know’ anything, all he can do is speculate. What he ‘thinks’ is irrelevant, and there is nothing Corsi might ‘think’ that Mueller couldn’t come up with independently anyway.
And what Corsi has said about Q would also be irrelevant, as far as ‘discovering’ who Q is or as far as DJT is concerned, because whatever Corsi may have said about Q was self-serving and not speaking out of personal knowledge.
Suppose Corsi has said that he ‘knows’ who Q is, or that he has spoken to ‘Q’ so some such thing in the past (he may have made or implied such a thing at one point). The fact remains that such a claim must be untrue (if Q is to be believed), because Q has stated emphatically and repeatedly that there are NO COMMS OUTSIDE THE BOARD, no doubt for precisely this reason, i.e., if anyone outside of the Q team knows, that person could be ‘leveraged’ by the Deep State to squeal.
So to prevent that possibility, it was determined from the beginning that NO COMMS would be made to anyone outside the 8-chan board.
Corsi can testify only to his own deeds regarding Q. Beyond that, anything Corsi testifies to is necessarily speculation and hearsay, and Mueller’s team doesn’t need Corsi for that.
“It’s information that the communists want, I’m sure. I’m assuming they can mine it for anti-Q propaganda.”
No doubt they could, but they don’t need it. They have proven time and time again that no ‘pretext’ or reason is required. If ‘we’ don’t provide them an opportunity to create propaganda, they will simply make one up.
Making one up is actually better for at least several reasons:
1) they would be ‘acting’ instead of ‘reacting’ which gives them complete control of the ‘narrative’
2) making it up themselves also gives them control over ‘timing’
3) making it up gives them control over the target
If you are waiting around for the enemy (us) to slip up or provide an ‘opening’, that might never happen, and they can’t afford to wait.
If we DO slip up and provide an opportunity for them to exploit, it may not be their preferred ‘target’.
Either way, they would be dependent on ‘us’ for their next move.
By making it up, they control everything.
So making it up must be not only the preferred method, but almost necessarily must be standard operating procedure.
That doesn’t mean they wouldn’t capitalize on a slip up or a ‘wind fall’ opportunity, but they can’t COUNT on that — that is a matter of chance.
They need to force the issue, and the only way to make sure the focus is on the right target at the right time is to make it up.
Ergo, I think they make it up, whatever they need, and justify it however they want, because they are conditioned to know that they will never be held to account anyway.
Or if they understand things are different now and they WILL be held to account, then they’re going all-in, going for broke, so it doesn’t matter if they get caught anyway. Either they win or they lose, zero sum.
No need to worry about any consequences at that point, you just pull out all the stops and go full bore until you win, or until somebody drops you where you stand.


Oh, WM I totally agree with that reasoning. I listened to a few of Corsi’s “Q-Decodes” and he clearly stated that he was asked (can’t remember by who but of course high in the food chain) to decode Q messaging. I don’t recall that he ever said he knew Q but that doesn’t mean he did not say that. The statement that he was asked to broadcast Decodes was before Q put out a post to “squash” any ideas that any outside comms were possible. But now that I think about it, he could have been telling the truth and he did or did not know the person was using him to eventually bring down Q and everything/everyone Q had gathered along the way.
He was so incredibly inept and out of his element that it was hard to even listen to because there was a sense of trying to project an image with a faulty projector and it just wasn’t working.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll repeat what I said on another thread last night. I get the gut feeling this is optics to keep Corsi and AJ and the other InfoWars people top of mind when it comes to who is the “far right” and who disputes the official narrative.
The problem with that for those of us in the Q movement and who have researched the conspiracy for decades ( I started in the early 90s) is that Corsi and Jones and Co., DO put out false info. Everybody in the community back to Ezra Pound has from time to time, usually unknowingly, but this was stuff that is easy to find and correct.
Corsi even being involved is some sort of psy-op unless he’s exposing who is paying him. It’s very fishy.


“Never, ever, talk to, or trust, a prosecutor like #Mueller.”
Next question: Which prosecutors are NOT like Mueller — and how would you be able to know?
So it seems like the best advice is a shorter sentence.
“Never, ever, talk to, or trust, a prosecutor — period.”

Sylvia Avery

Yes, right there. I think I’ve learned my lesson. If that time ever happens to me I plan to look like the most sullen hard timer ever arrested and say LAWYER and then zip my lip shut. Maybe superglue for good measure.


Love your sense of humor, Sylvia….such a way with words you have! 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Don’t often read The Hill, but the headline caught my eye and it is Jonathan Turley who at least isn’t a total lunatic, so I clicked.
I decided to post it because when PDJT was having his little presser in front of Marine One before leaving for France, he answered a question about Whitaker/Mueller and how Whitaker must not be legal because he hasn’t been confirmed, blah blah blah.
I distinctly remember PDJT telling the reporter, “Mueller was not confirmed. Mueller was not confirmed.” Repeated it twice like he does and it was just a passing thing, or so I thought. But you know how our VSG has a way of planting little snippets of info…. Anyway, you all can be the judge. FTA:
“…But what if the greatest threat to Mueller is not Whitaker’s personal views but Whitaker’s government position?
As an official who was not confirmed by the Senate to serve in the Justice Department, Whitaker could prove to be a type of Mueller antimatter. His appointment makes the status of a special counsel, as one unconfirmed official reporting to another, more problematic. Whether intended or not, Trump may have just sent the Mueller investigation into a serious constitutional challenge. For those hoping for a shazam moment where Trump somehow makes Mueller disappear, that is not likely. However, he could pull off quite a show in having a court shut him down….”


Read that, too, and it is very interesting. Suggest all give it the once over.

Plain Jane

Ya know, the info gems given on your site by you and your commenters runs circles around another website of late. It is a shame the peeps on other website are not seeing these gems. There is too much noise there, and not enough thoughtful relevant posts in comparison.
Back before the noise, the posts by your current commenters stood out so they were read. So grateful for wqth. Thank you wolfie.


I agree Plain Jane about the info gems here…reminds me of this image.comment image

Plain Jane

Love it. Yes, we are home.


“Remember Alinsky and his wicked “teaching” that fear of the thing is greater than the thing, therefore gaslight the victim into fear. ”
Maybe this is a different context, but every time I see people post that we can’t do this or we can’t to that because of how the Left (or the media) would react, I think of exactly what you said, that the “fear of the thing is greater than the thing”.
Instead of fretting over what the Left might say or think or do — which leads to paralysis and nothing changes — take ACTION, force the Left to react, and when they do, knock them off-balance with a follow-up.
The Left would be so SHOCKED that we ever did ANYTHING that they would be bowled right over.


Mark Levin had gone off on that issue several times, deep, in the last couple of months about “Mueller not being confirmed” and saying that Mueller’s powers are unchecked.

Sylvia Avery

TY for posting. Levin has a sharp mind and I like hearing what he thinks on issues.


Yep. Likes that he puts all his podcasts up for free. Levin is the collage dean of talk radio and quite hysterical often. One way to listen If you do go there, shut off the white play button on the bottom of the screen after it starts and use the play button in the center. Also don’t touch the widget thing if it pops up. Click away and it will go away. seeeshh! all these conservative sites have bobby traps now a day.


Ackkk! That advice was for others Sylvia, you apparently don’t need it or have another way of listening.

Sylvia Avery

Yes, I caught a little bit of that argument. This takes that unconfirmed issue and pushes it a little further down the road.
I guess some court in Maryland is challenging Whitaker on his status so there will be some kind of decision I guess.

Sylvia Avery

And one final thought before I fall asleep sitting up. Listening to a video earlier in between tending to the dogs many urgent needs (more food, more play, more food, potty, drink of water…..she is like a little kid) and it was by IPOT (In Pursuit of the Truth) about the latest Q drops. Something Lisa Mei Crowley tweeted out.
Anyway, in the video (gosh I hope this is where I heard it) he said something about it not being well known that BO pardoned everyone involved in Election Fraud in 2016, so these people couldn’t be punished.
This is my first time listening to this guy and as noted I was REPEATEDLY AND ANNOYINGLY interrupted while listening but I don’t think he sourced the material about the Presidential pardons, although I suppose it could be researched without a lot of effort. If factual, no wonder Rick Scott didn’t kick that Brenda’s caboose out of office. It starts to make some sense, doesn’t it? Talk about tying hands in advance!
This is probably one of those things that all of you guys already know and it is old hat but this was the first I had heard of it.
Anyway, it is way past bed time and I was going to be asleep an hour ago…..


“My first question is whether such a thing is even real.”
How could we find out, if they’re classified?
Person in the gov’t with the authority to classify info can abuse classification (to make it “secret”) to cover up their crimes (like Ogre-Face, JB).
I’d read the possibility that BO, as one of his final acts in office, did just this – so all crimes pre-Inauguration 2017 were wholly insulated. Pardon, then classify the pardon. Hey Presto! – all clear.
Kinda puts the “sting” hypothesis in a clearer light, that they had to be deked into committing more crimes, post Jan 2017, to be taken down.
I wouldn’t be surprised at all, at all.

Sylvia Avery

Ohhhh…..I hadn’t considered that they would classify them. That is so stinky, but it would explain a lot, wouldn’t it? Honestly. Talk about over classification. Mr. Most Transparent Administration in History my foot!

Sylvia Avery

No idea. I haven’t heard any other mention of corrupt 2016 Election workers getting a Presidential pardon. But I also haven’t gone looking yet, either.

A.D. Everard

I figured the Good Guys didn’t go after the fraudsters of earlier elections because things weren’t in place for a successful prosecution. Didn’t think of pardons. Makes sense to want solid evidence of further crimes this time around. They should now have that in spades.


WM, when it comes to anything BO did or said, I stake my claim on the meme with POTUS’ words, “When I’m finished, it will be like you were never even here.” I seriously believe everything will be null and void when O’s true background with all the players that placed him becomes public.

Sylvia Avery

And yet here I am still awake, if just barely. Couple more thoughts on the elections.
I saw Dan Bongino on Lou Dobbs Tonight. Dan is a Florida resident. In discussing the election mess, he said he thinks the prize the Dims are angling for is the Florida State Agricultural Commissioner or Secretary or something like that. This office was won by the Republican, but has magically been flipped to the Dim during the secret amazing vote harvesting and production engaged in by the Dims after the election and now the Dim is leading by 5k votes.
Apparently this is important in Florida because it is this position (oddly) that is responsible for issuing Concealed Carry Permits. The Dims want that power real bad in Florida.
And in other election news, remember the special election in Georgia for Newt Gingrich’s old seat? I forget who was the Congressman but I think he got picked to serve in PDJTs administration so we had a special election for this Republican district. The Dims almost lost their minds over it. They recruited some hipster doofus who didn’t live in the district and they pumped gazillions of dollars into the campaign and flooded the zone with Hollyweird endorsements and did everything but promise a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage. The Republican, Karen Handel, eeked out the win.
Fast forward to the mid terms. Karen lost. She got beat by a black woman with no political experience who is a gun grabber.
I just pray that Q is right and that all this election horse puckey comes to light and there is justice. I just saw a clip of San Fran Nan yapping about how PDJT is supressing the votes and it is all projection with him–whatever he is accusing someone of is what he himself is up to. I thought I was going to have a brain bleed. For reals.


Sylvia, I live in GA6. Karen H is a very poor candidate.
GA6 is basically made up of three distinct “areas:” 1-Cobb County; 2-Part of Fulton County [North]; and, 3-Part of DeKalb County [North].
From the get go, Karen conceded my part of DeKalb county (yes, it’s VERY blue, but come on!). That left #’s 1 & 2.
So with Lucy carrying the #3, and sucking a lot of votes from #1 WHERE SHE LIVES, and, doing well with a lot of transplants in #2, you can see the problem and the reason. Remember, this is the old Tom Price district.
The GA GOP basically sucks running candidates in the Metro ATL area.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks for the info. I wondered if Karen was any good. Too bad. Sounds like it was close.


Yes, it was very close. But you can’t just give up on 33% of your territory. Also, the winner had a compelling story to tell in Cobb County where she is from. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that the more affluent women voters there didn’t really check her issues, but rather went with straight emotion. In my little red outpost in the deep blue area (Emory U + GA Tech + many Fed/State, upper level workers) we got swamped by 73%. My point is, what if she hadn’t given up on us and gotten some more votes from us?


Wolf posted this definition above:
“Definition of Unalienable
1: impossible to take away or give up
• unalienable rights”
To better understand the word, in its original meaning, it helps to pronounce it the proper way.
It ISN’T “un-alien-able”, with the stress on the second syllable, and with a long “a” (like the word “alien”).
Instead, it’s “un-a-lien-able”, with the stress on the THIRD syllable, and with a SHORT “a”. Like tax liens, or liens on property, the word “lien” is the root of “unalienable”, and uses the long “e”.
“UN – ah – LEEN – ah – bull”. The rights may NOT be attached to, or encumbered by, something else – like a provision, or a qualification, or a moderation.
Also note that it isn’t “in”alienable, but “un”alienable”.
These differences, while seemingly minor, have meaning in law. Even using upper-case, v. lower-case, makes a difference in legal writings.
It used to be the “united States of America”; now, the first letter is capitalized. IIRC, this change goes all the way back to the 1871 Senate Resolution.
The corruption goes WAY back …


It was scott467 who posted this – pardon me, Scott!
I need more coffee!

A.D. Everard


Elizabeth Carter

Emeraldstar, Thank you for this. Words have meanings.
I pay a lot of attention to word definitions. I had never seen this pronunciation before. It makes perfect sense. I just went online for pronunciation and they all do it wrong. Then they confuse it with “Inalienable” and both are pronounced with the same wrong pronunciation.
I have looked up many words that everyone “knows” and found that I did not really know them.
I could not understand why the term “Fear God” was used when we know that God is Love.
By tracing the word meanings, I discovered that “fear” means to “hold in awe”. Awe means to “respect”. Respect means to “consult”.
Scripture says “Fear not” and I was confused until I learned this. When confronted with a decision that affects myself and others, I remember to pray about it, consult God and respect His guidance. God has all of the information and I have limited information and understanding. God is my Father and when I ask him I submit myself to His guidance because I know that His love for me is perfect and perfect love casts out (worldly) fear so that I can face the world’s threats without fear because I know I am doing my Father’s will and I will be protected by Him.
I have stood up to many worldly fears and threats that I thought would really hurt me and watched them just melt away as if they had never existed or work for my benefit.
This does not mean that I will not have to go through terrible danger and loss. It means that God is growing me up to stand firm in the battle and go forward to victory.
1 Peter 2:15-16
For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: as free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.
Matthew 7:7-8
7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.


Thanks Elizabeth.
“By tracing the word meanings, I discovered that “fear” means to “hold in awe”. Awe means to “respect”. Respect means to “consult”.”
I’d never known this about the word “fear”. You’re right – tracing words back to their original meanings provides a wealth of understanding. I can see how “re-spect” likely meant “to look again”, which fits right in with “consult”, taking in someone else’s “per-spect-ive”.
I also found out, during a slew of “deep-dives” leading up to the 2016 election, that it’s likely when a judge asks a defendant if he/she “understands” the charges et al, that replying “yes” means something very different than the modern-day meaning. In (speculative) fact, the defendant cedes authority to the Court … by “standing UNDER”!
I’d wager that there’s a TON of this legalese lexicon-trickery on the law-books.
Knowledge truly is a great power!
Glad you’re here …

Elizabeth Carter

Glad you are here also.
What would be the correct way to answer if they ask if you understand the charges?
Could you say, “Not exactly. Could you please explain them in detail?” and then take up a lot of the court’s time asking questions about them?


My opinion (I’m not a lawyer) is that it could open up a huge can of worms, and unless one knows EXACTLY what one is doing, one is likely to fail, and make matters much worse. Yet, a couple posters (elsewhere) have claimed to have done it. It has something to do with side-stepping the Court’s authority – very dangerous, IMO!
It’s one of the “rabbit-holes” that I’d looked into, and it ties in with a whole bunch of other stuff about corruption. Best not to get into it right here, right now; also, I haven’t verified it for myself (it could take thousands of hours to do so!), so for now, it’s only speculation on my part – not advice!
But I find it intriguing …

Elizabeth Carter

I hope I never have to go there but it is an interesting thing to know.


Ah, might you be talking about the National Liberty Alliance that is allegedly forming Common Law Grand Juries around the country? Yeah, I got involved with them and almost swore the oath to be one of the Admins in Pierce County. Terry Trussell, in FL, to my knowledge, still sits in jail for following their advice so one must be HIGHLY wary of them, IMO. The guy heading it up is very suspicious to me, having changed his name for some reason or the other as well.
Jason Hoyt followed Terry’s situation closely:


“Ah, might you be talking about […] Common Law Grand Juries”
In part, yes.
But it goes deeper!
I’m glad you didn’t swear that oath! The time isn’t right, for a variety of reasons. And, “Timing is everything!” Being right – but at the wrong time – ends up being wrong, too. Perhaps by 2024!
Thanks for the link …


Yep! Didn’t feel right to me either. Very interesting premise but much more work needs to be done.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

If I am reading your comment correctly Wolfie, I would respond that I am more militant on the need to be precise with language irrespective of your personal experience or beliefs. Orwell’s Animal Farm illustrates the dangers of a society that allows its language to be malleable. Our enemies know this, which is why we so often discover words that are being redefined.

Elizabeth Carter

Animal Farm is one of my favorite books. Words to live by. We are all equal except….
Solzhenitsyn – The Gulag Archipelago is excellent.
It turns out that books I started with early like all of the Oz Books and Alice in Wonderland were actually political. I read all of the Oz books in 4th grade.
Orwell’s 1984 is spot on.
And of course # 1 is the Bible, but we keep saying, “Jesus didn’t really mean that.” Then we find out that he meant exactly that.
A lot of people have tried to red-pill us for a very long time, so I don’t expect anyone to “get it” overnight. Their heads would really explode.


Some time back, I read an article that claimed the Wizard of Oz was a political play on the change from silver to gold as the “coin of the realm”. That’s why the yellow brick road was yellow – to simulate gold leading to the Emerald City (D.C.). The upshot was that the Wizard was a front for the PTB.
Look up the Cross of Gold speech for a good idea of just how intense this subject was, back in the days of real money.

Sylvia Avery

Thank you for explaining that, Elizabeth. I always wondered about the “fear God” thing because it never made sense to me. Now it makes complete sense.


i remember thecfirst time as a kid when a preacher gave the “fear god” sermon and everyone seemed perplexed that it didn’t not mean “be absolutely terrorfied of god”.
word origins and translations are extremely important especially when interpreting past writings – be it religious texts or something as recent as the constitution. the language even then is not like it is todayvand can be easily manipulated to mean something else.
someone mentioned animal farm, and the concept of garbled words in language that had ambiguous meaning also came up in the 1984 writing.
these days cursive writing and recognition is not taught and in some places violently fought against. children are not exposed to old writings because it is too boring (for the example memorizing the preamble forget it) and even translations of the bible (kjv for one) are almost completely unreadable to anyone under 40 with some exceptions of couse.
tower of babel type stuff.

Elizabeth Carter

I had a nephew and a niece that graduated with 4.0 from OH state about 10 years ago and they print everything like little typewriters.
The good news is that if we ever have to go into survival mode, we can just write letters to each other in cursive and they won’t even know how to translate it. LOL


Just look at the difference between “Gross negligence” and “extremely careless”..
Sounds the same to the average Joe, what has of the WORLD of difference in a court of law
Even had Judge Nap “fooled” when he came back from his “time-out” from Fox news.
Or so he try to convince us 🙂


A couple of links for info – I have several so I will post them separately, ok, Wolfie?


Now, this one I am not sure of – not familiar with this “WorldTV” so would appreciate some input. However, the general premise follows the previous videos I posted for the most part and other documentation I have seen. I have a hard-back copy of both the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist Papers but it is SOOOO difficult to read the vernacular of the time!

Elizabeth Carter

I read them all around 10 years ago. I was totally impressed with all of the consideration that went into creating our Constitution by very intelligent and reasoned men. We need to keep our Constitution intact and go back to the Original 13th Amendment.


Agreed – the FORGOTTEN 13th Amendment!


If you do have a problem pronouncing the word or can’t remember it “God given” works too 🙂

Plain Jane

This is where I have great respect for Latin, the “dead” language. People were done a big disservice when back in the dark ages of my youth when school did away with it. It really was the study of the root words of many languages.


Recon mission Intel report:
Did a quick flyover at CTH presidential thread.
Looks like PJ suppressed an ardent supporter-flep.
fleps eternal optimism, well-sourced research, and proactive style through social media, comments, etc.. has been painted as the kiss of death.
Shameful for one who was more than a cheerleader, but a great spirit and morale booster especially for those in doubt or despair.
Not fleps fault that many things just don’t pan out in these troubled times.
I hope I did not just witness fleps spirit just get broken.
That would be a tragedy.
Following one of the fleps posts from CTH (not sure how to post a link to the exact comments-not the whole page):
Peoria Jones says:
November 13, 2018 at 7:00 am
Are we back to that again? I heard for weeks prior to the midterm that it was going to be different this time. Red tsunami, et al.
All these statistics are manipulative, and becoming quite cumbersome. I think I’m going to have to go back to relying on common sense and the magic 8-ball. 🙂
Liked by 3 people
fleporeblog says:
November 13, 2018 at 7:05 am
I think 🤔 your right! Time to take a break until the election results are done in Florida and Georgia.
Will continue to read articles and comments but won’t post much.
Liked by 2 people


More on PJ;
This exchange gnawed at me so much that I went back just now and threw down the gauntlet.
I do not know if it will even post, considering my history with WP and comments at CTH (maybe here too); nor do I know how it will be received/ rebutted if it does posts there, so I’m posting a snip and including my comment here, along with the link to the page (it’s approximately one third of the way down the page [where this innocuous comment spirals out of control (thanks to PJ)]:
Phil says:
November 11, 2018 at 10:26 am
On the lighter side, there is a picture of the world leaders,(saw it on Drudgereport -{{yeah I know}}]. It just reminds me of a jr. high school picture. Putin or the lady just let out a loud fart and everyone is looking at them!
Peoria Jones says:
November 11, 2018 at 10:55 am
We know what the {{brackets}} mean. Shame on you for trying to bring disrepute to the treehouse.
JW in Germany says:
November 11, 2018 at 11:04 am
I am in the dark about the brackets. ?
Liked by 1 person
wyntre says:
November 11, 2018 at 11:17 am
Me too.
Liked by 1 person
TatonkaWoman says:
November 11, 2018 at 11:17 am
Me too. Please explain so I err not.
Liked by 1 person
Peoria Jones says:
November 11, 2018 at 11:23 am
It’s an anti-Semitic indicator, used in online forums. It’s referred to as an “echo” symbol. It began as 3 parentheses like (((this))) which often contain the name of someone Jewish. It’s been adapted with brackets, etc., but the intent is always the same.
Liked by 2 people
To which filled replied to PJ:
Phil says:
November 11, 2018 at 12:47 pm
I am clueless about this. I do not read many forums at all. I was just trying to emphasis a comment in an aside! I assumed I was using proper punctuation.
To which PJ replied:
Peoria Jones says:
November 11, 2018 at 1:29 pm
BS. Nothing about your post indicates that you care about proper punctuation. You cared about making a point about Drudge being a Jew. A lot of readers here are fed up with the guy, but it is NOT because he’s Jewish.
Liked by 3 people
To which I (just now) replied to Phils INITIAL comment:
nor’easter says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
November 13, 2018 at 9:32 am
Sorry for the late post. This has been gnawing at me. I don’t know if you get notifications for your replies (I do not), I just felt the need jump in here.
While your comment maybe fit for editing for punctuation, some commenters and readers are being not just dishonest, but ridiculous, in their insinuations, considering the context.
Beware in these times of liberal PC [political correctness (in case anybody didn’t know)]. You may also want to familiarize yourself with the following terms:
Concern trolling
Virtue signaling
Alinskys Rules for Radicals
Just had to get that off my chest.
Thanks for listening.
PS: Note the timestamp in my comment here. It may not show up for hours on CTH; it may not show up at all!


I’m probably just “SPECIAL”!!!
TPTB probably has a “list” (a “SH!TLIST”).
I’m on it!!!
That and “Murphy’s Law”. Murphy is my shadow!


I am not “on” WordPress, just using username and email.
I rarely post anywhere (just CTH and here). Only started posting a few years ago, only occasionally, and I don’t recall having that issue until more recently (maybe a year or less).
I’m fairly new to computers and all things tech and what little I know is mostly self taught (mostly trial and error; emphasis on the error!).
If I did get an email from WP for verification, I do not recall. It’s possible that it also wound up in the spam folder and was automatically deleted after 30 days (?) (another lesson learned the hard way-check your spam folder!).
What if I didn’t verify with WP, would I be able to post? Or only after moderation?
Perhaps in the earlier days of my posting history at CTH, the traffic was lighter, and the moderators were on it before I went back and checked. I was not in the habit back been of refreshing the page, and I visited many other websites back then.
On this site, the “N” in nor’easter is capitalized; not so on CTH.
We’ll figure it out…


I’ll keep an eye out for that email.


Great comment, Wolf. And I agree – I’ve always seen the use of triple brackets as hugs on many, many forums. I’ve never heard anything about it being anti-Semitic. Sounds like another leftist PC hammer to me.

Elizabeth Carter

We prefer to think of it as “sharing”, not stealing.


it is ridiculous. political correctness is an absolute destroyer.
remember the president said globalist and suddenly like minutes later that was a “well known antisemetic term”?
remember the president mentioned soros in a tweet and within minutes the president was being antisemetic by attacking soros because he is a jew?
strange about all that. but not surprising.


Re: “Soros” as a Leftist PC hammer against alleged antisemitism
I believe that Soros is an evil and powerful man, and guilty of all the currency manipulation and Leftist NGO funding that conservatives routinely accuse him of.
But ever since I started studying him I’ve always had the idea in mind that he is the “faceman of the band” — that there are others he works with or, more likely, works for.
The goals he works towards are too vast and multiple, and have been accomplished too successfully for me to believe the pyramid of his schemes and organizations simply stops with him at the pinnacle.
Also, he got out of Hungary during Occupation, when it was controlled by Krasnaya Armiya. That means he was either smuggled out, or had Soviet permission to leave. But if he came out with the train carrying the loot stolen by the Nazis from the Jews that he is said to have started his fortune with, postwar, then it was definitely with permission. Meaning he has been a Communist agent this whole time.
The globalists’ purpose for having him out in front is to have a visible fall guy to throw under the bus as their plan’s implementation reaches the phase of everybody talking about it, and the NWO reaches peak opposition. He looks and talks too much like a Bond villain for me to believe anything else.
When opposition is great enough, their plan is for all corporate media to suddenly switch to the narrative of big, bad Georgie being the cause of everyone’s problems, and an Enemy of the State.
He will become the object of universal hatred, like Emmanuel Goldstein in 1984.
Of course, Sen. McCarthy, Pres. Reagan, Speaker Gingrich, and Pres. Trump have slowed down the NWO project so much that Georgie Boy might not live long enough to assume his designated role. I don’t know if he was smart enough to figure out what the other band members had planned for him.


Covadonga – i agree that he is just a piece in their chess set just like you say. just like this dr. snipes in the election debacle – a “face” to be used and cut loose if the heat gets too hot.
i first heard of george years back, but knew of others that seemed to be smaller bit part players. it is interesting how he has always been put out there as the big boss, but that’s another topic i am sure.
one thing i will say though is the amount of these benefactors and the size of their system has become so well known over the last couple years that people just don’t even care almost. also with the trick of naming all their orgs and causes with friendly, humanitarian sounding names that you can’t argue against unless you sound like a jerk – that trick alone is huge in pushing their agenda. tug on the heartstrings and you will get people throwing money and support at you in a heartbeat.


Thanks for that.
PS: I saw that my comment DID post at CTH (but I don’t know how long took)!


I’ve never even noticed anyone using triple brackets for anything, at least not until Q used it and the back of the photo of DJT with the guy who reads the Q board, that was signed simply (((+))) on the back, if I recall correctly.
So if I was posting on CTH, Peoria Jones would be jumping down my throat, claiming I was an anti-semite if I had used triple parentheses!
That’s insane!
She wouldn’t get away with it though.
That I can tell you.
I’d fix her wagon real good 😁
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.390 📁
Nov 4 2018 12:18:15 (EST)📁
When you can’t discredit this movement using logic and facts, you resort to comparing it to ART?
How many articles has the WASH POST released attacking the ‘Q’ movement?
Why is the WASH POST dedicated to attacking this movement?
If we aren’t a threat, or real, or simply just a conspiracy theory, why the [constant] heavy attacks?📁
[Information Warfare][IW]
[Destroy the Controlled Narrative]

Elizabeth Carter

Nor’easter. Glad you are here.


Thank you ma’am, much obliged!

Elizabeth Carter

I went over there and looked. I haven’t bothered with it much since the Q ban. I am surprised at how mean a lot of the comments are now. TCH has a much different feel to it. I saw Wolfmoon’s, Nebraska Filly’s comments and Greg’s but could not find flep. It is interesting to see just how different it is now.

Deplorable Patriot

I am surprised at how mean a lot of the comments are now.
Sorry to say I am not. It’s human nature to be triumphant when one side claims victory, and IMO, that gives license to nastiness in some people’s minds. I see it a lot in religious arguments and with those who refuse to think beyond the news reports when it comes to events like 9-11.

Sylvia Avery

I know. I went to look at the link nor’easter provided and scrolled down for a bit until I just couldn’t take it any more. So ugly. So vicious. People have been set one against the other is such short order. My head spins.


…”but could not find flep”…
Use this link, and scroll down the page. About one third of the way down:
I have not yet figured out how to post a specific comment, as opposed to the whole page of comments that contains specific comment.
A little help? Thanks in advance!


You can get a link to a specific comment by putting your mouse over the date underneath their username. Then just copy that link.


TY Linda!
I’ll give it a shot first chance I get.

A.D. Everard

Does anyone know if flep knows about this site?

Sylvia Avery

I’m going to try contacting him.

A.D. Everard

Thank you, Sylvia.

Elizabeth Carter

I contacted him on his blog and gave him the link. I hope he shows up.

Elizabeth Carter

I really liked flep. Maybe I can find his blog. I learned a lot from him.


Here is his twitter feed… I admire him a lot… He always made me feel positive.
This is a THREAD – click on tweet
Elizabeth, I wasn’t aware he had a blog. Hope you’re able to find.

Elizabeth Carter

I follow Baba but I did not realize it is flep. I just find good information there. Nice to know it is flep


Here is link to his blog:

Elizabeth Carter

Great research!! You should be on 8 chan!!! Thank you so much.


You’re welcome Elizabeth…
and thanks for the compliment.

Sylvia Avery

Oh no, not Felice! He kept me going through the presidential campaign with his numbers and stats, and he was right.
I did see a lot of nasty comments last week along the lines of “Where’s flep? Notice he’s not here. I’m sick of him and his Pollyanna stuff” blah blah blah. It felt like a knife in my heart.


Speaking of moderation,
while frequenting said site, I frequently thought there was NO site moderation. Does anyone know if this is true?
wolfmoon, you frequently affirm my belief in your sagacious observations (which are certainly not limited to he prime number 17 😉


Did you know that if you use a word ‘three’ times, it is yours!!!!


From Schoolhouse Rock, long ago:




As a few of us here can attest to….. YES CTH does Moderate and BAN (Censor?)

Sylvia Avery

Moderation seemed to be done with a VERY light hand. Except as it turns out Wheatie has stories that involve favoritism from moderators which was pretty darned dismaying to me.
I skimmed the articles over there today and there is one up reminding everyone about the ground rules and reposting them and warning that the moderators will get you.
It must have penetrated someone’s consciousness that there is a problem, not to mention a serious troll infestation.

Sylvia Avery

I think that’s good. The hurt, anger, and betrayal I have felt are feelings I have let go of for the most part by now. Sadness and grief are mostly what I’m feeling about it.
After clicking on Nor’easter’s link to the comments earlier, I am so struck by the sudden, drastic personality change in the tone of the comments section. It is stunning.
For me the midterms were brutal and I have to fight against being discouraged so it just isn’t a good place for me right now. I can’t dive in and try to help restore that community because I have to look after myself right now.
I’ll go check in on the articles. I will pray for S[ } and whatever he is going through. The TH has done so much good I’d hate to see it destroyed, so perhaps he can get it on track. I certainly hope so.
Meanwhile, I really admire the folks here who can still go over there and post and who want to try to MTCTHGA (to ahem steal a slogan).

Sylvia Avery

Evidently. ( Or you could say we classed up the joint, ha ha!)

Plain Jane

DH and I sent so many MAGA people to CTH, I am embarrassed that it declined to the point it did with the strutting trolls and the anti-Q and Sessions comments.
I even made up small index weight cards with CTH addy and a short description of CTH as an all Trump, crowd sourcing site, and always kept them in my purse. I discarded the rest of them with the last JS and Q bashing thread.


Wow, I always looked forward to Flep’s post. He was really a ray of hope, especially when we were experiencing some bumpy roads during and after the general election.
I also saw those mean comments and felt so sorry for Flep (whose only crime was being optimistic….the horror!). I see that he has both a blog and a Twitter account, though, so I can still follow his analysis.


this from unseen (whom I have followed for some time):

Seems Reps don’t know when we’re winning…


That’s because they’re not accustomed to it. Battered Conservative Syndrome (BCS) has always been their default mode.
Well, they better learn to wean off that doom-and-gloom stuff fast.


Exactly MysticRose…


Unseen must have heard you Mystic… THREAD here on BCS – click on tweet


LOL. What a coincidence…..or maybe BCS is just that darn obvious.


PM has Q drop — THREAD (or extension of past) – start reading at #142

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

I pray the 302 reference is indeed a reference to the Flynn 302s, which I believe were doctored by Strzok in order to enable Flynn’s prosecution. I think the white hats know this, and that the Flynn ordeal was allowed to play out in order to gather evidence on all the perpetrators. Thus, I believe Flynn is not done with his service to America.


worrisome thing … new sentencing date is scheduled for late December, just BEFORE new Congress is seated. .. and about the time the Homeland Security Report on voting fraud is due (45 days from ED)…
I agree about Gen Flynn not done… worried he will be restrained from testifying –
Then again, will Mueller still be around then? (rhetorical question of course, one of many that constantly buzz like flies around my head!

Elizabeth Carter

Hi phoenix,
If flies are really buzzing around your head, you might consider getting your brainwashed. It has done wonders for Congresswoman elect Ocasio-Cortez. The C_A even wiped it with a cloth and used bleach bit on her gray matter. I mean, like, you know, just pay for it, no, really, I, whatever. If she really wants to rise to the next level, she could bleach her hair blond and inhale helium.
I hope she becomes speaker of the house. It is her turn. She is the blue wave of the future of America. She definitely speaks as well as Obama without a teleprompter and she even dances while she speaks. Unless she changes her mind, we know which gender she is and that she was actually born in the USA. What could go wrong? Just sayin.
I think I will have another glass of wine now.


A bonus tweet… words of sagacity from PM


There is more of that language manipulation again: “our democracy!” The US is NOT a “democracy.” It is a Constitutional Republic, which is a democratic form of governance. I am sure many of you have seen the link I post frequently from Bob Livingston at Personal Liberty about “Democracy” being the most deceptive word in the English language. If you haven’t read it yet, let me know.


“Democracy” versus “Constitutional Republic”
When used to describe these United States, needs to be corrected EVERY SINGLE TIME.
I cannot stress this strongly enough.
Really pisses me off.


I am repulsed by the word ‘democracy’ because it is inseparable from democrat, which is now inseparable from demonrat, which is now inseparable from devilrat.
And I don’t want people calling our country a devilrat.

Elizabeth Carter

Please link it. I haven’t read it. I often make the point that we are a Constitutional Republic, but it great to have a good back up link. Thanks.


Bob Livingston and I went head-to-head over theology and we disagreed on the subject (don’t recall now what that was) but I still recommend him highly. I used to spend a lot of time at Personal Liberty, his website. He also has a number of very revealing articles about Lincoln and what REALLY happened in the Northern War of Aggression.

Plain Jane

Thank you bunches NF.


Would the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Presidential Oath of Office, suffice?
“I Pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic
for which it stands,
one Nation under God,
with liberty and justice for all.”
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Plain Jane

NF, If you have the link, please post it. Would like to pass it tothe grandkids.

Plain Jane

Oops, should have read below your post. Would have seen that you linked. Thanks.


I posted that link and wanted to post another from the Red/Green Alliance but their site appears to be gone now. This is an interesting analysis re: Frankfurt School:

Plain Jane

Thank you NB. I had to stop reading that for now – company coming tonight, but this is totally up my alley. Learned some about the Franklin School decades ago.
What I see, so far, in the first few paragraphs is reflected in a book how homosexuality can be Morally accepted. Think the sitcom Will and Grace among other newer sitcoms. The book is out of print, but is called After the Ball.
The other reflection is seen in the true story of the communist infiltration of the Catholic clergy via installing agents into the Church. There is a slightly fictionalized version and a shorter supposedly non-fictionalized version. It is
I just started reading the short version, although through all the decades I re-read this longer version several times, especially when the priest scandals were brought to light.
My copy of School of Darkness, the storry of Bella Dodd is on my desk, waiting to be opened by me..
The first few reviews at this link seems to provide much of her story.


Thank you – always looking for good reads. Avid reader here.

Plain Jane




Excellent tweet wolfmoon… and I really like “reporters not retorters” –
be sure Sara Huckabee Sanders gets your tweet !!

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

In the interest of saving fellow Treepers time, I thought I would comment on the CNN lawsuit against PDJT on the revocation of Acosta’s press pass. In short, this is merely a stunt concocted by a spoiled brat to get attention.
The fact that we have rights as citizens does not necessarily mean we may exercise our rights on the White House grounds. Try carrying your sidearm there, for example. So legally, the claim is frivolous.
I looked at a portion of their filing, and the manner in which CNN presents what happened at the press conference is very misleading. (I watched that press conference live.) A transcript of what actually took place should put this entire episode to bed.
Now Treepers need spend no more time on this silliness.


Actually, POTUS can decide who has press credentials and who doesn’t… right?
POTUS can move the press corps out of the WH if he chooses…
He doesn’t have to accommodate them on AF1 if he chooses…
The MSM promotes the dumbing down of Americans, has been doing so for decades.
Apparently they have succeeded.
btw… anybody else noticed that Wiki has stripped its pages to the bone? Try looking up
the history of WH press corps on wiki… disgusting. After training students to look no
further than wiki for info for decades, they have now reduced info on their pages to
bite sounds


Wikipedia has never been trustworthy, IMO.


you’re correct NF, however it’s used as gospel by people younger than myself…


*sigh* I know – too many people believe Snopes as well, unfortunately.


snopes isn’t real??????????
just kidding, the best fact checker is the one on hillary’s site that started up during the debates. that one is top notch.


I thought this interesting…
anyone have any thoughts on it?


I am sick to death with these settlements – that’s what I know! These huge companies have millions – sometimes billions – set aside in separate accounts to cover settlements like this. All it will do is drive them to find yet another way to break the law!!!! Past time some top people get prison time for this crap, IMO.


So, you think this movement by DoJ is progress? It’s a little out of my element…


SD is sounding decidedly less sure of himself, apparently. This seems to be filled with mea culpas on his part.

Sylvia Avery

You know, I read his recent odd piece about Sessions recusal where he stops every sentence and asks the reader if he is still there, still getting it.
Then I read the stuff on Whitaker. I had a hard time concentrating because I kept wanting to ask, “Wait, what? Which is it? Sessions good, Sessions bad, Sessions good, Sessions bad???? What is your theory of the moment?”
I kind of felt like the character Faith Hill played in the remake of the Stepford Wives some years ago when she is lying on the floor with wisps of smoke coming out of here ears still valiantly trying to achieve her programming.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

I waded through the first two pages of responses (starting with the earliest) and did not find anyone willing to challenge the orthodoxy. I think its possible RR may turn out to be a good guy (although I admit this may turn out to be merely wishful thinking on my part). Given the way CTH has changed however, I think I will keep my theories to myself.


Elizabeth Carter

Real life… Yep


Perfect illustrations. It’s been frustrating trying to explain to people that the plan isn’t an Law and Order episode (in that justice happens within a set timeframe).


*a Law and Order

Deplorable Patriot

Not all of them are by any means. There’s a big fight going on right now where the good guys in the American hierarchy are being suppressed by any non written means possible.
And please don’t confuse the Jesuits who crave power with everyone else. THere are actually some truly good men in the order who are not the face of it.


THREAD – click on tweet
I recall reading during the ABC interview w/ FLOTUS in Africa – FLOTUS expresses
her concerns and opinions to the President. I admire her spirit… she’s feisty, and pretty
expert at trolling herself!!!



Reports now saying she has not yet been escorted out, still in the building.
WSJ owned by same who own Fox, so you’d think they would get it right 😉


Sylvia Avery

What did she do? And why is FLOTUS commenting on it? Seems unusual. Something here I don’t know about???????


I’m wondering the same thing. It must have been big for her to get involved.


maybe you missed the tweet in the thread that explains…
go back and read the tweets again…
bottom line… she insulted FLOTUS, and FLOTUS fired her!
She brought it up with Kelly who brought it up with Bolton,
and apparently neither one had the cajones to do it, so she did!
again read all of the tweets… there are others commenting, apparently
Ricardel has been playing hard ball on interagency matters, so no
love lost as she goes…
only thing is this:


I have to admit The President keeps everyone around him bouncing from one foot to the other.



so read replies on that tweet. first it was at the georgia capital building…but that is beside the point.
this is what we are dealing with. the replies there say it loud and clear. whiile we are crying election fraud THEY are screaming election fraud. we are calling it a banana republic – they are screaming about being in a banana republic. we are really hoping something will be done – THEY are already organized funded and deployed.
let the irony sink in reading those replies. they are all from the other side. they are claiming the conservatives are the intimidators and suppressors.
to me i see no good in this at all for “our side” because when the vote fraud story comes out in the media the narrative is 180 degrees from what we see.


apologies in advance for my comment but overall i am seriously blackpilled after eating years worth of red pills, and sometimes reality sets in a little.

Sylvia Avery

I know what you mean. I try really hard to keep hope alive and sometimes I really falter and think it is no use, all is lost. But we just have to regroup and carry on my friend. No other alternative, really.

Elizabeth Carter

Andrew 1979
I know that the Marxists are very confident.
However, we are led by the Holy Spirit of God.
Think about the facts. We never talked about it. We never answered when the pollsters called. And yet, on Election Day, 2016, we all got up with one accord and voted in such numbers that the devil himself could not stop us and we elected our leader President Donald J. Trump.
Take a deep breath and realize that they are just trying to make you afraid. They want you to give up. If you do give up, their every intention is to destroy you and all of us. Suck it up. Stand up and fight, fight, fight. Let the tears run down your face, let the fear shake you until you think your teeth will break from the chattering, wet your pants and beg. When you are over that, just remember that you are not the only one you are fighting for. You are fighting for all that come after us. If you don’t fight, they win and we will never get this chance again.
When you are in a real war, and you are, everyone is afraid. Courage is not arrogance in the face of danger, it is that knowing the danger you are in and you still get up, stand up and fight to victory or death.
This is not easy. This is just simply where we are at this point in our history. You can run over to the other side and beg for shelter, but just know that they will not shelter you. You stand with us or die with them.
Choose sides. God says He has set before you this day, life or death. Choose life.


elizabeth – thank you for the reply. there are many great points there and i appreciate it. good advise and words from the heart i always take in because i never will stop learning new things and there is knowledge to be found everywhere.
i should clarify – i definitely know what side i am on and i am not scared. i have imagined this and more as a possible scenario in my lifetime as i said in a post last night when i talked about the book of revelations. by the time i was 12 probably i had viewed more end times theme movies than hollywood movies. i had read books that vividly described the scenes. and many many nights for years i stared at the ceiling and thought a great deal of thoughts.
as i grew older i managed to come to a rationalization of sorts about this kind of stuff (and by then conspiracy theories galore i “knew about”) but i never forgot the feeling in my stomach going back all the way to childhood. that was a baseline and since then certain times i get that same feeling when finding out certain stories or theories as it were. there were always ones that would give me that unique feeling.
so i file all those things together and with an open mind try and resolve how they fit while still being sane enough to pass under the radar in life!
knowing these things and ascribing that feeling to them makes me know there is a “there there” unlike the russia investigation – so if it is all coming then i already have been able to imagine that for a long time. that is why i call myself blackpilled because i am resigned to the fact that tjings are going to happen and we all do need to “trust a plan” generically, but it has to be our plan based on what we see unfolding…
what we all have in common is we can see things with different filters and except that some are standard filters and some are specialty filters that we have availed ourselves of along the way. the other side is looking through the filter of supposed equality for all and in reality they are creating the opposite.
sorry for the long post

Elizabeth Carter

Andrew, You are definitely on track!! I started on this path when I was 11. We go through a lot of things. I am so glad that you shared your story.
It is nice to know what other people are going through and sharing battle stories is always helpful.
I loved your post. I don’t know how long we will have this “safe space” to our selves. It is such a blessing.
I am so glad you are here.


Sylvia Avery

If Thomas Homan can manage people and institutions the way he communicates I am all for him. His speech is blunt and honest like PDJT. He also seems unswervingly loyal to MAGA. I could get a bit excited about this!


Saw a comment in the YT chat over on PS just now::
“Ruthie McRib”
hahaha …


This is from CTH. Note the last paragraph.
G. Combs says:
November 13, 2018 at 8:01 am
I for one am in awe of what President Trump has accomplished especially given ALL hands are raised against him.
What I have seen of late are the traitors moving within our ‘gate’ freely. Their “sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” — Marcus Tullius Cicero
Have we not seen a great influx of new voices here, whispering the poison of despair and hopelessness? Suggesting we surrender without a fight?


i just posted a semi negative but realistic comment above so hopefully i am not ban hammered! but sometimes i do not ignore all and tunnel vision victory and i like to measure the waters and feel out the reality.
we have to understand the enormity of what is against our values. i mean yeah i can be all macho man poster on a forum and criticise negative nancy but i cannot even put a trump sticker on my car or wear a maga hat in public or even really let on to some friends how i really feel.
so please always know if i complain or rant it is aways out of getting regrounded!


Rant all you please… it’s good for you! No need to apologize.
PM mistakenly thought it was DC…
As to your take on the video… I see it differently.
What the GA Senator is saying is NOT reality…she is misleading, creating a ‘narrative’ – that is psyc ops!
Happens 24/7 on the Borg.
First of all, know that Atlanta particularly and Georgia esp. is NOT Arizona or Broward County.
In the GA Capitol when one is told to leave the floor, to disperse, one better believe THEY MEAN IT.
All Legislative Houses have mechanisms for pre-empting bedlam, preventing riots on their floor. That’s why a police force is there to start with.
What you see in the vid above in Georgia is EXACTLY what should have been seen in the Kavanaugh Hearings when that b-otch was screaming and kicking — she should have been cuffed and escorted out
Now, this GA State Senator will be arrested and Kemp’s people can explain that what was done was necessary and legal.
Jack Prosobiec posted this on his tweeter feed… he is second generation Polish and posts alot about what’s happening in Poland –
What would have happened in Portland if they had done the same as in Poland? Why do you think the Mayor of Portland tells LEO in Portland to stand down? This is how the Globalists fight. They are NOT going to give up easily. We have to fight back with our votes and with our words.
I recall that people living in the USSR seemed to be smarter than we are in this day and time… at least when they turned on the TV they KNEW it was STATE propaganda. The Globalists figured that out. So they have manipulated and programmed Americans for decades. (Why do you think they call them “programs”… you know, those little narratives they show 24/7?)
I posted somewhere on this thread a stat – something like 72% – Americans say MEDIA is dividing America. It’s the Globalists who can’t grasp that we don’t believe their propaganda.
Andrew, don’t despair… work in the yard, go fishin’ or read a favorite book. We are winning, believe it.

Elizabeth Carter

Phoenix Rising
Good advice.
Hang in there Andrew. It took 100 years to get into this mess and we have only been in a position to overcome it for the last 3 years. We are winning.
Drop by here for comfort anytime. That is what we are here for. We support each other. We are not here to beat you down, that is their job.
You have come to a safe place. Relax, tell your battle stories, ask for advice if needed and realize that there are millions…millions…millions of us supporting you.
Tell us about the battles you won and the ones you lost. No one wins every battle. You are not fighting this war alone. Celebrating the small victories together is how we get to the final victory. Encouraging each other when we lose is how we gain the strength, solace and support to stay in the battle.
God Bless you.

Elizabeth Carter

I always say that if you can’t feel sorry for yourself, no one else can really do it justice. Sometimes you just need to lie down, let the tears run down your face, whine, scream, lick your wounds, get a hug and when you run out of all the sorrow, take a deep breath, thank God you are still here to complain, get up and go forward again.
Life is not about always winning. Life is about having the courage to get up and try again.


How true…
I look at it as honoring all facets of myself…once acknowledged, those feelings seem to calm.


IIRC, G. Combs is a “Session-ista” (pro-Jeff Sessions; a good thing in my book) and at least open to Q, if not actually a follower.
I have noticed that she had not been posting much for a while as of late.
I unquestionably recall correctly that G. Combs is one of the most well-informed of the Treepers, which is saying a lot.
She always posts concisely and consistently and provides links to support her positions and facts.
Very informative for me, and I am sure, all of us.
I think I shall invite her over!


agree w/ every word wrt G. Combs…
Good luck w/ the invite !


I don’t see that post anywhere in either of the daily CTH ‘open’ threads or the last thread from yesterday. Since the post was from 8:01am I thought it would have to be found in one of those 3 CTH threads.
Has G. Comb’s post been deleted, or am I looking in the wrong place?

Elizabeth Carter

I am getting very attached to this site. I have not been trashed here are all.
I made a couple of comments on discus this morning and was soundly trashed.
I have previously been told that as an old white American Christian woman who owns her own business, supports President Trump, believes Q and was a virgin until I met the man I married that I need to commit suicide and get out of the way of the “real Americans”.
I am getting way too comfortable here. I laid my armor by the door, got a glass of Chardonnay and am cooking a myself a really nice dinner while I interact with “like minded people.”
I am so grateful that you are all here. There are a few that I still miss but I think they will get here soon.
Thank you Wolfmoon for giving us this breathing space. This has been the most wonderful time I have ever had making comments on the Internet.
God Bless you all.


elizabeth – you are an ispiration just reading your posts the last couple days. thank you.


Oh my Elizabeth…
I can’t even imagine you being ‘trashed’ – you must remove yourself from that environment.
Your posts are informative, uplifting…
I feel a bond with you.. having read your posts. We are about the same age (I have a few years on you),
we share some of the same life experience, some of the same passions (journaling – have been since 1968), and definitely the same values.
So glad that you are a part of this community that is forming here in WM’s den…
Enjoy your glass of wine, and your dinner ! God bless and keep you safe.

Elizabeth Carter

Phoenix Rising, You are the one that brought me here. Thank you so much. I really feel a great sense of Thanksgiving this year. I actually bought a turkey for myself and my little dog Sassy. Somehow, I just really wanted to be around family this year and you are all giving me the most wonderful sense of family here.
God Bless you and keep you safe.


Ohh, I was unaware that I brought you here. But thank the Lord you came.
I learned long ago that family does not mean blood relations. My only child was
adopted. Now I have 3 grands and a gr/grand. But they are scattered across the
country except for one.
In the past I have been both the hostess for a family group at holidays as well
as a single invited to another family gathering. We never know what life brings.
The Thanksgiving after my father died, I invited a few residents from the Assisted
Living Home where he lived before he passed. You might consider inviting a
neighbor who is also alone to share a meal with you.
Take care of yourself and Sassy.

Sylvia Avery

One of the things I am enjoying here is there is room and space for the quieter voices to be heard, like yours. There is a sense of reflection here not possible in the hustle and bustle at the TH.

A.D. Everard

I so agree with you, Elizabeth. It’s great finding so many intelligent and kind individuals here. It’s the very place for serious discussion while getting emotionally refreshed at the same time. Very necessary and appreciated.


“This has been the most wonderful time I have ever had making comments on the Internet.
God Bless you all.”
And you are helping to make it that way, for all of us.
Thank you for that.
And thank you for being you 🙂


I used to post using the Disqus system…but then I learned that it is owned by two Chinese guys.
That was about 6 yrs ago.
I tried to delete my account with Disqus and the system wouldn’t let me.
I had had a Disqus account for several years and used it primarily to post at The Right Scoop.
When the Breitbart site did it’s big ‘makeover’ and launched it’s new site…shortly after Andrew’s death…I was glad to see that the new revamped Breitbart site was using Disqus.
So I posted for a while at Breitbart, and started noticing some weird things.
Disruption Bots wreaking havoc, violating posting guidelines and getting away with it.
It is a nastiness that continues…or at least the last time I looked at the comment section there, which I admit has been a while.
Now, I don’t know if the Chinese guys who own Disqus are Chicoms or not…but I suspect that they are.
All I can say is, that commenting system is kind of creepy and it sets off my spidey senses…so I fled from it and haven’t been back.
The computer problems that I used to have when I was using Disqus, also stopped, when I stopped logging into it and using it.
Your experience with it may vary…I just wanted to share this bit of caution.


A judge in GA ruled that omitted birthdates, on registration forms, did not meet the threshold required for rejection.
I paid special attention to the nature of the rejected ballots (unclear whether the total here is with, or without, missing birthdates).
“A full 1,811 provisional ballots in Fulton County were duplicates (49 percent), and 1,556 of them (42 percent of the total provisionals) were rejected.
Three of the individuals were not citizens, 581 were not registered to vote, and 972 did not live in that county.”
I see the first 3, and the final 972, as demonstrable voter fraud.

Elizabeth Carter

God Bless You Andrew1979. I am praying for you and I am sure a lot of us here are praying for you. We are going to win this war. Hang in there and when you are feeling hurt, come on in, lay your armor down, rest awhile and then go back out to the battle renewed.

Sylvia Avery

Heheh. So true!


To cheer you all

Sylvia Avery

They make me so proud.


Ah….thanks for putting a smile on my face after a long work day. So nice to be reminded that Hillary is still not President and Bill is not First…um…Dude. 😁

Sylvia Avery

Ugh. Someday, we will have a woman President. We really need to figure out what we will do with/call a First Gentleman. Or maybe not. Maybe we’ll skip right on by that and go straight to The White House Has Two Mommies or things I don’t even want to consider….

Elizabeth Carter

“Deliver us from evil.”

Sylvia Avery



I have actually thought about this, Syl…
‘First Gentleman’ is actually the most appropriate, since we use ‘First Lady’.
And there are some good abbreviations of it that we could use:
First Gent.
First G…which also could refer to ‘First Guy’.
I’m kind of partial to ‘G1’, heheh.

Sylvia Avery

FGOTUS? Wow, that doesn’t exactly sing, does it?


Well, neither does ‘Second First Lady’, which is what they call the VP’s wife, right?


Oh that’s right!
I knew that didn’t look right — ‘Second First Lady’.
They use “Second Lady”.
Thanks, Wolfie.

Sylvia Avery

No, Second First Lady is horrible. I swear I don’t recall ever hearing that until Karen Pence but I must have. Clunky and awful.

Sylvia Avery

But back to First Gentleman we can’t call him First Dude. Oh no, not that!

Sylvia Avery

Coming sooner than we’d ever believe possible. Groan.


Lara Seligman: “White House National Security Advisor John Bolton and his deputy are trying to squeeze out U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis by spreading rumors about his imminent departure, according to two well-placed sources.”
Well placed? One placed in Lara’s Editor’s Office, the other is located in Lara’s Hope Chest.
It’s amazing to me that with their credibility destroyed, Propaganda Media still uses anonymous sources and expects people to believe them…
But let’s take a look at it, purely from a curiosity standpoint.
How would Lara’s claim even work, as a practical matter?
I mean, Bolton really screwed up if his entire plan to oust Mattis was just published by Lara Seligman (whoever she is).
Why would Bolton require the assistance of his deputy? Conversely, why would Bolton’s deputy require Mr. Bolton’s assistance for this supposed ‘leak’?
More importantly, HOW is it that Mattis would actually say to himself “You know what, there are rumors that I’m leaving, so… I guess I better go?”
If it was even remotely a concern, all POTUS has to do is pick up the phone, call Mattis, and say “Jim, clown media is claiming that you’re thinking about leaving, is that true?”
Mattis answers “No sir”, and that’s the end of it.
So what’s the point of the entire exercise?
Even if Bolton was committing career/political suicide by trying to oust Mattis via leaking rumors to the media, there is no reason for Mattis to play along.
In the immortal words of Peter Sellers, as Inspector Sidney Wang in the 1976 film Murder by Death… “Is stupid. Is most stupid theory I ever heard!”

Deplorable Patriot

Possible canary trap. That’s how a lot of leakers were caught.
But if Bolton really is doing a whisper campaign, that is disappointing. He always struck me as being one of the better big named choices.


Just a quick question that the flep flap reminded me of concerning the push for early voting that really helped churn out our vote. What if the Broward County issue stems from the fact that Broward was inept in increasing their fraudulent votes based on projections coming out of early voting across the states while the rest of the dem party calculated correctly and inserted their fraudulent ballots in a timely and concealed manner since they knew how much to cheat by?
Just a concern. Thought being that by putting the larger portion of our votes up early sort of made it easier for the dems to calculate how much they needed to cheat by as opposed to our usually action of the bulk of us showing up on election day.

Sylvia Avery

You could be right. I’ve never submitted my ballot early until this election.
I did leave a message on flep’s blog and invited to come visit us here, so we’ll see. I hope he does. I love his optimism (and his pig).

Elizabeth Carter

It was interesting to me that President Trump kept emphasizing that we should vote early. I deliberately waited until election day so they could not be certain how many of us that were voting.


Elizabeth Carter

If it was not for artificial intelligence, neither one of these bots would have any intelligence at all.



I don’t see a ‘newer’ daily thread than this one, so I guess I’ll post this here.
The context is a new Thread at CTH, about Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen, that she might be replaced, with a very odd comment that she’s a ‘package deal’ with Chief of Staff John Kelly, i.e., if she goes, then he probably goes too:
“Last night there were several reports that Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen might be replaced. Those reports evolved today toward “exit likely but timing uncertain.” The issue with removing Nielsen is her attachment to current Chief-of-Staff John Kelly; if Trump removes Nielsen, he would likely also have to replace General Kelly because they are essentially a professional pairing and have been for several years.”
“If it is correct that Nielsen and Kelly are inseparable (most say yes), the issue would then become who would/could replace John Kelly as Chief of Staff. ”
Isn’t SD missing the lede?
WTH is going on between Kristjen Nielsen and John Kelly?
It’s bizarre.
These are grown-ups in the most professional positions imaginable, not kids on a playground saying ‘if you don’t want so-and-so on the team anymore, then I’m not playing!’
So what’s the deal with Nielsen and Kelly?
I checked Nielsen’s Wiki page, and as far as I can tell, Nielsen is her maiden name and she’s not married.
I checked Kelly’s page and he IS married.
But he’s not married to Kristjen Nielsen.
So what in the WORLD is going on between Nielsen and Kelly, that they are a ‘package deal’?
Are they having an affair? That’s conduct unbecoming of an officer, isn’t it? Not to mention prime-time blackmail bait. What is “her attachment” to “John Kelly”?
And if they are NOT having an affair, if they are NOT personally ‘involved’ somehow, then how is it possible that Nielsen and Kelly are “inseparable”?!?
How do we even GET to a place where if we lose the Sec. of Homeland Security, we lose the Chief of Staff too?
That’s at LEAST as big a story as the subject of the article…


I don’t care about if or why Kelly/Nielsen may or may not be a package deal
because I feel they should both go. That’s not your point I know.
Kelly is involved in the fracas today with FLOTUS and Bolton’s #2, Ricadel…
Apparently FLOTUS went to Kelly who then went to POTUS, who told him
to “handle it” – Kelly went to Bolton who balked and FLOTUS did the deed.
Not the first rodeo for Kelly as he has been ‘close to leaving’ more than once.
Talk for several days/weeks re Sec of DHS being removed… Kelly saying give
her ’til her year is up” –
If anyone had asked me 2 yrs ago if POTUS needed a COS I would have
laughed out loud…. someone to keep his calendar maybe. POTUS is his own
COS. In fact Kelly as COS has been a hindrance to POTUS on several
My point is the Administration would not miss either of them. There have been a
few trial balloons for Sec of DHS … Tom Hom seems an excellent choice, a
hammer in the vein of Matt Whitaker. As for Kelly’s replacement, be sure
FLOTUS weighs in… (one of the complaints I’ve heard wrt Kelly is that FLOTUS
and other family members have had difficulty getting time with him…


“I don’t care about if or why Kelly/Nielsen may or may not be a package deal because I feel they should both go. That’s not your point I know.”
I’m fine if they both go, it just seemed that there is an 800Lb elephant in the room (the bizarre ‘Nielsen + Kelly’ package deal) that everyone very purposely ignored.
When everyone seems to purposely ignore the emperor with no clothes, I have a hard time focusing on anything besides the naked emperor.
Sort of like if the whole herd begins moving one direction, I make my way to the sidelines and then go some other way.
I don’t trust ‘the herd’ (the ‘collective’), and it’s a giant red flag (to me) when everyone ignores the 800Lb naked elephant emperor in the room.


I agree with your point… so much so that if it is true they are a “package deal”,
the deal should have been passed on…
As COS, Kelly insisting that Nielson stay or he goes sounds like blackmail (maybe too strong a word, I don’t know).
Amazing FLOTUS had to do the job Gen Kelly could not do…


“Amazing FLOTUS had to do the job Gen Kelly could not do…”
Unless having Ricardel at John Bolton’s elbow servers some purpose of Gen Kelly…
John Bolton is a big name on the list of “people who I was hoping in 2016 would be on Mr. Trump’s staff, but who didn’t get there right away in early 2017.”
John Kelly is not on that list.
Mira Ricardel I haven’t heard of before.
I’m much happier with Mr. Trump’s team as it has evolved than with the original team, though some departures (e.g. Gen. Flynn) have continued to pain me.
Wish I knew more about what is going on behind the scenes, including who the true patriots are, vs. who are the moles, or the extorted puppets.

Sylvia Avery

I’m so glad you zeroed in on that point. As you said, the oddity (and I do find it peculiar) of Kelly and Nielsen being a “package deal” is surely a major point.
Even if it were just that they were romantically involved I tend to think in terms of not my business, but it really goes against the military code so that does kind of make it our business like it or not.
It will be interesting to see how this thing plays out, won’t it?


“Even if it were just that they were romantically involved I tend to think in terms of not my business, but it really goes against the military code so that does kind of make it our business like it or not.”
I just have never understood how to compartmentalize immorality and pretend like it doesn’t have a negative impact on everything around it.
For example, hypothetically, IF Kelly and Nielsen were romantically involved, what an awful thing for Kelly’s wife. If he doesn’t care about her, that would be a reflection on him — but the people in the WH should care enough about her (Kelly’s wife) to tell Kelly to get his act together or get out — and also because the last thing we need is his personal drama affecting the nation’s business, or the example he sets for others by being an adulterer.
I’m NOT implying that is what is going on between Nielsen and Kelly, I don’t know what’s going on between them — I’m just using it as an example.
IF (for example) Kelly and Nielsen were romantically involved, I wouldn’t allow it in my office, and the president shouldn’t allow it in our WH.
It would be a corruption of Kelly’s marriage vows, which would be a corruption of Kelly’s character, and if he was corrupt in that manner, in what other manner is he also corrupt?
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” (2 Cor 6:14, KJV, boldface emphasis mine)
“Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” ” (1 Cor 15:33, ESV)
“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.” (Luke 16:10, KJV, boldface emphasis mine)


Quoting myself: “If he doesn’t care about her, that would be a reflection on him — but the people in the WH should care enough about her (Kelly’s wife) to tell Kelly to get his act together or get out — and also because the last thing we need is his personal drama affecting the nation’s business, or the example he sets for others by being an adulterer.”
See Gen. David Petraeus.

Sylvia Avery

Scott, you are so right. If they were involved in an intimate relationship of some kind it would most definitely be a reflection on John Kelly’s character in a big way.
I’m so used to working in the public sector where it is drilled into you not to judge, never judge your coworkers.
It has a corrupting effect because you are constantly having to negate the signals of your own conscience and moral values. Eventually it deadens ones natural instincts.
Thanks for speaking up.


I know exactly what you mean, Sylvia. And I agree with you 100%, the ‘world’ makes it hard to do the right thing, and is always trying to make us be like the world, and all the pressures to do so that come with it.
And some people in the world are going to dislike us if we stand up for what is right and true.
“If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” (John 15:19, KJV)
So I try to remember things like this:
“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. [11]
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. [12] Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” (Matthew 5:10-12)
With regard to ‘judging’, the ‘world’ is always telling Christians not to ‘judge’, destroying the context of the passage they (knowingly or unknowingly) reference.
Matthew chapter 7 is not an admonishment not to judge, but rather to not judge hypocritically. Which those who misuse the passage would know, if they read just a bit further.
We *must* judge — we *must* discern good from evil (cf. Hebrews 5:14), according to what God has called ‘good’ and ‘evil’ — and how can we ever do that, without considering and rendering judgment about things?
It is not for us to judge any man or woman, only God knows a man’s heart, and He will judge — but we are certainly to judge conduct and behavior, in order to know and do what is good, and to abstain from that which is evil, as much as we are able.
One of the many good things about being a member of a faithful congregation is spending time with other Christians, reinforcing the knowledge of right and wrong according to the Scriptures, and being edified by our brothers and sisters in Christ who face the same struggles and difficulties we do, and strive to do what is right in this world. It can (and should) be a source of great encouragement and strength.
Sort of like re-charging your spiritual ‘batteries’, to better prepare ourselves to face the world each week. 🙂

Sylvia Avery

You are amazing. Thank you for taking the time to post that and for your scriptural references. You stated things that I know, but needed to be reminded of and then backed it up with WHY.
I have become increasingly conscious over the last 25 years or so why it is as Christians we are called to not be part of the world. I admit as a young adult I found that sort of silly and stuffy, but I have certainly seen the consequences.
Really appreciate your post. It spoke to me in a number of ways.


“Kelly is involved in the fracas today with FLOTUS and Bolton’s #2, Ricadel…
Apparently FLOTUS went to Kelly who then went to POTUS, who told him
to “handle it” – Kelly went to Bolton who balked and FLOTUS did the deed.”
I didn’t know anything about this!
Do you happen to have a convenient link, before I go searching?


upthread… my posts (tweets) from The Trump Page… several of them
WSJ broke the story, said she had been escorted out of the building, when in fact, she was being fired and had not yet left the building.

Sylvia Avery

Venturing forth into the world of complete opinion and supposition here with zero facts behind me, I have seen nothing about Sec. Nielsen to convince me she has done a good job. Maybe she has, I just haven’t seen any results.
I’m willing to believe to a large extent her hands were tied by our policies, but I did see a Border Patrol union guy on Lou Dobbs Tonight a month or so ago. Probably about the time the latest caravan story broke or when PDJT announced the military was going to the border with their concertina wire heh heh heh.
Lou grilled that guy MERCILESSLY. I actually felt sorry for him in the end. He wanted the guy to admit, which he finally did, that there wasn’t anything BP could do and they needed the military. AND the guy finally gave up under intense questioning that their leadership sucked, too many Obama holdovers who have a different agenda and that maybe if the powers that be did more than attend dinners and perform ceremonial functions they could have done more.
It sounded an awful lot like the DOJ swamp, so I kind of sighed with regret after watching it.
Next, moving onto the military. I know Q is supposed to be part of or evolved from or working with military intelligence. I easily comprehend we don’t have any institutions left in this country to rely on except the military but I have my reservations there, too.
PDJT was so pleased with his generals. But McMasters….well. And I have wondered about Kelly just because of all the talk which may not be fair at all. To rise to that rank in a large bureaucracy you have to have some serious political chops. These guys were Obama’s men before they were PDJTs. Obama purged the military ruthlessly of talent so that has made me wonder.
I have particularly wondered as it seems like Afghanistan is destined to drag on forever. That is discouraging. I have wondered if PDJT has been sold some very establishment lines of baloney by the entrenched, dare I say swampy? military.
I have no idea. As I said, I know nothing about this at all except to watch and wonder. It has sure been my hope that “the Generals” were keeping PDJT safe, but I don’t know.
Maybe he could bring Admiral Rogers in out of retirement to be his next Chief of Staff….? Heads would explode everywhere.

Sylvia Avery

Oh, I’m glad you posted this. I was kind of taken aback my the whole John Kelly/Nielsen thing myself. I, too, am wondering what is up with them and what is the nature of the relationship?
Now, I am totally familiar with the concept of bringing key figures with you when you change jobs. A lot of times you want your team or a reliable counterpart or staffer and that is fairly common at least in some business circles.
But Kelly was military until recently so I’m GUESSING they didn’t develop this simpatico relationship until he went to DHS so it shouldn’t be that long standing, right? And with him as Chief of Staff and her as DHS Secretary it isn’t like they are working hand in glove on projects anyway, is it? That seems unlikely that there would be a lot of critical overlap that would mean they are joined at the hip.
The whole thing seems really odd to me.
And Chief of Staff seems to be a position historically that turns over fairly often because it is a real pressure cooker from what I have read. So maybe he’s getting ready to move on. And if so, that’s okay. At least, it is okay if PDJT is able to get someone effective in that position.
I remain troubled by the fact that MAGA people seem to be thin on the ground in DC so finding a good replacement with the right attitude could be a horrible challenge.

Elizabeth Carter

Sylvia, In my opinion, I see it more as a matter of “collusion” between them. Kelly has a whole different level of information by being inside the WH. He feeds this information to Nielson who is now in charge of the DHS. Kelly had his corrupt systems in place when he was running the DHS. Human and drug trafficking is worth trillions of dollars. President Trump was a problem to their corrupt systems. By Kelly having control of the WH communications, he could tell if the pipelines were in any real danger and exactly what they needed to watch out for. He feeds the information to her and she feeds it to the traffickers. They both leak to the press so everyone can know what is happening and they can undermine President Trump’s agenda. He could not take them down until he had the EO’s, Judges, SC Justices and military in place. He did not have that until after the midterms. Remember all the judges that were just appointed.
I don’t think it has anything to do with sex at all. It is about power and money. They are both Globalists, want open borders and are dead set against President Trump’s agenda. They were just hoping they could get him out of office or assassinate him by now.
Priebis and Spicer had a similar relationship. They were 2 for 1 and actually said so. I think they had more to do with the corruption at the DS and the MSM level.
I really think Mattis needs to go. His whole transgender support is an indication that he wants to destroy our military. He is a Globalist also.
The bad news for them is that we get more rock solid in support of President Trump. He is still alive. Now they are going to have to accept the fact that they are losing and it will get messier before it gets better.
I would guess the whole bunch of them report to Soros and China.


“I would guess the whole bunch of them report to Soros and China.”
Yikes! I hope not!
And I don’t understand ANY member of our military supporting transgender anything, it is so clearly part of the Leftist / Marxist / Globalist effort to undermine and tear down the foundations and fabric of our society.
It’s pure intellectual gobbledygook.
How does any serious person (I have to presume Mattis is a serious person) support intellectual gobbledygook, especially when he’s smart enough (and wise enough) to know the SUBVERSIVE nature of the entire ‘transgender’ scam?
Is it even *possible* to support ‘transgender’ and NOT be ‘politically correct’?
Next, is it even *possible* to be ‘politically correct’ and also be pro-MAGA?
These all seem mutually exclusive.


Mattis was once mostly a warrior. Then he looked around and realized if he wanted to remain active duty, he had to get liberal/leftist. So that’s what he did. He became a perfumed prince.


there was speculation on the internet at various times that there was a “thing” between them. one of the stories actually said that there was tension between kelly and trump because of “jealousy” kelly was feeling in regard to the president and nielsen getting friendly.
but thats about all i ever heard about that. i have no links but i did see this speculation bantered around for sure.

Sylvia Avery

Hm. That’s interesting!


i mean it is all internet speculation mind you.
the following is from a politico article just after operation rip falilies apart at the border.
“While still running her own consulting firm in late 2016, Nielsen volunteered to advise the Trump transition team on homeland security policy. She met John Kelly during that time, and he tapped her to assist him—also as a volunteer—in his confirmation process for DHS secretary. After his confirmation, Kelly hired Nielsen as his chief of staff. Then, when Reince Priebus’ resignation as White House chief of staff rocked the White House and Kelly took over that role in 2017, Kelly made Nielsen his deputy. All of which, eventually, led to Nielsen’s nomination to take over at DHS.”
a couple paragraphs later kelly is called her mentor.
interesting article from a place i dont take a lot from but the intentcat the time was to make her a sympatheetic figure to the left and it describes her lifelong interest in immigration and refugees etc.
also cyber security background.
interesring glimpse into how the other side might view her as a possible ally in the future.
article is on politico with details below:
‘That’s Not the Kirstjen We Know’
DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is the flinty face of the immigration crisis. Her former colleagues don’t understand how she got there.
July 02, 2018

Elizabeth Carter

I thought they were both Globalists for open borders and disagree with President Trump’s nationalism.


that is almost exactly what it appears from that article, and descriptions of her on university of virginia site and plenty of other places. not someone that is 100% fully on board by how she is described.
and i really do not get kelly either. people give him mega credibility up front because his military career and his sons and then you start subtracting other things and you would think the president could find someone better.
my greatest fear for thecpresident has been his staff choices going back way into the campaign. some amateurish stuff seemed to go on even before manafort showed up. even sincecthen its been an absolute roller coaster of a ride and i truly love every minute 🙂

Elizabeth Carter

Scott467 The same thing was said about Priebus and Spicer. They are a team. I never felt comfortable with them there and a lot of the leaking stopped when they left.
I am actually glad when the teams go. It seams dangerous to me to have them gang up on the President when he is in so much danger.
I hope Kellyanne goes soon also. I don’t trust her at all and her husband is poison.


“Scott467 The same thing was said about Priebus and Spicer. They are a team. I never felt comfortable with them there and a lot of the leaking stopped when they left.”
I never trusted Priebus. Spicer I was never positive about one way or the other.
“I am actually glad when the teams go. It seams dangerous to me to have them gang up on the President when he is in so much danger.”
Agreed. Their highest loyalty should be to the Constitution and to the president they serve, before one another. If you are part of a ‘team’ that doesn’t include the president as team leader, then they should take that ‘team’ elsewhere, it will only lead to division.
“I hope Kellyanne goes soon also. I don’t trust her at all and her husband is poison.”
I don’t know anything about Kellyanne to cause me to distrust her, but I don’t know much about her one way or the other. From what few ‘interviews’ (more like scheduled attack segments) I have seen, she seems to be able to hold her own against the media vultures and parasites, which is a plus.
Her husband appears to be a real piece of work. Seems like once a week he attempts to sabotage his wife’s career, simply to satisfy his own need for snark.
And unfortunately (and unfairly) it reflects negatively on Kellyanne, which in turn reflects negatively on the Administration and the WH.
I would not want to be in her position, dealing with a spouse who is either too juvenile or too hateful to stop making your job harder each day.


Kellyanne is good people and trustworthy. Her husband likely feels a little down because she is the star. He is not critical.


“So what in the WORLD is going on between Nielsen and Kelly, that they are a ‘package deal’?”
How do we know for sure that they are?
From ‘unnamed sources’?
From the media?
I think there is a friendship there, for sure.
Nielson comes from a military family…both her parents are Army Doctors.
So there is a potential there, that the Kelly family and the Nielson family could have encountered each other in several ways.
Kelly’s sons are in the military.
One of his sons was killed in Afghanistan.
Maybe there were connections made between his sons and Nielson or her parents.
I don’t know.
Not saying it isn’t ‘possible’ that there could be something untoward going on between Kelly and Nielson…but I just don’t get that vibe from either of them.
Kelly came in and imposed some much-needed ‘order’ on the chaos that was happening in the WH at that time.
— A lot of people felt entitled to burst into PDJT’s office…at any time they wanted to see him.
— People were showing up to work whenever they felt like it, instead of coming in in the morning on time.
— Lots of squabbles and turf battles over petty bullshit.
Kelly put a screeching halt to all that:
“Make an appointment. Come in on time.”
Those were the two biggies…and that meant that even Ivanka had to observe those new rules.
So of course there has been some butthurt going on…and people have had it in for Kelly.
Kelly runs a tight ship.
Which is just what Pres Trump put Kelly there to do!
But Kelly gets to take the slings and arrows for it…leaving PDJT to remain ‘above the fray’ and take care of business.
Personally I hope that Gen Kelly stays.
He watches over our President like a German Sheppard…and is always nearby, keeping an eagle eye out for what is going on.
As far as this latest kerfuffle with Bolton’s assistant…
Perhaps Kelly asked FL Melania if she wanted to ‘do the honors’ of firing that person herself?
We don’t know how their conversation went.
Our President would be hard-pressed to find a better CoS to replace Gen Kelly.
And I don’t know if he could actually find a better one.


Yeah, I think Kelly is pretty awesome too.
I have to say, though…that I have been really impressed with Thomas Homan:comment image
And even though I have had a wait-and-see attitude with Neilson…it wouldn’t bother me one bit, if Pres Trump put Tom Homan in as Director of DHS.
comment image

Deplorable Patriot

I’m going to agree with you. All this Kelly leaving messaging is some sort of a gossipy smokescreen. IMO, so is the dissatisfactions with Mattis. THose two were sent to keep Cindy McCain in line during No Name’s send off. Why? They are Marine Generals. Trump sent them to send a message and not a subtle one either. That may be why there’s a whisper campaign looking to neutralize them. We just don’t know.
Remember, when it comes to high brass, the big fights at the Pentagon are between the Army and the Marines. Army generals like glory. Marine generals like results. That’s a little simplistic, but a member of the family explained it once in relation to the Iraq war. The Marines always go in first and do the heavy lifting. Don’t forget that.
Yeah, I’m more inclined to believe that all of this is canary trap type messaging. Juicy gossip is a lure after a fashion. And how do you catch a fish? (I have cousins with some pretty elaborate tackle boxes.)

Sylvia Avery

I enjoyed this, so I’m sharing it in case anyone else hasn’t seen it. It is the ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe where the King of Morocco was seated next to Melania. He dozes off during the ceremony and this bit of video appears to capture PDJT glaring at him. I thought it was amusing and it just endeared my President to me even more.



I post a reply to a comment (pasted below) over at CTH. It’s sort of a test to see if they have a sense of humor.
Deplorable_Infidel says:
November 13, 2018 at 7:05 pm
“Q Mr. President, do you plan to replace DHS Secretary Nielsen, sir?
Q Are you firing Secretary Nielsen?
Q Are you planning to make a staff change at that level?
Q Do you have any comment on CNN’s lawsuit against you, sir?”
I think there should be a few more WH press people replaced besides Mr. Acosta. Our nation would be better served by some of the real journalists that work for smaller venues that should access to events like this.
pgroup says:
November 13, 2018 at 9:04 pm
How did Q get in there?
[ducks & zigzags out the door]

A.D. Everard

LOL. I like it. 😀


“How did Q get in there?”
I thought the same thing when I saw it, lol!
And if I wasn’t banned, it would have been a race to see who posted something like that first!


… which of course probably would have gotten me banned (again), if I wasn’t already 😁


It’s quiet, too Quite…


ugh, Quiet

A.D. Everard

Heehee. (I have a bad feeling about this…) 😛


should i be scared? is this about the ufo?

A.D. Everard

I thought you already knew there were aliens over the border…


if you mean my undocumented citizen brothers and sisters, then yes 🙂

A.D. Everard

I could guess that you are from another planet, but I’m frightened to… Maybe yours is not the ufo I am looking for.
(Okay, I confess, I’ve had too much coffee today.)


“Go, Alexandria, you wild eyed jackass!”
That one had me laughing 😁

Sylvia Avery

That little Commie gal with all the teeth must be dumber than a box of rocks. I’ve heard some of her profoundly stupid comments but thought, well, she’s young and new at this. But to stage a protest in what is kind of your new boss’s office before your first day of work?????????????? Who DOES that? That is a whole nother level of stupid. That is the poorest judgement I can imagine. I just can’t believe it. Oh, how I bet Nancy makes her pay and pay and pay for that. Her daddy was a Mafiosa. I’m confident she knows how to get even.

Sylvia Avery

“Pelosi gets a genuinely shocked look.”
LOL Wolfie how can you tell? She always looks shocked to me. I thought it was too many face lifts!

Plain Jane

Would love to see it boomerang….like Occasional Cortex (HT/ Big Fur Hat) getting so big in her britches that she goes after Nan herself.


This was covered up thread, however one thing not mentioned up thread was the reason for the rift. That being Ms Ricardel was the go to person for support on Melania’s African trip and she apparently did not provide the support adequately or in a timely manner, treating Melania’s trip as a secondary concern. Sorry no link. Read it deeper from another link with in one of those links provided up top.



Heads up, everyone.

Hearing some rumors on the ground at the #BrowardCounty Supervisor of Elections office that the feds are going to sweep in on Friday and confiscate the ballots. Will be interesting to see what happens… #StoptheSteal— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) November 14, 2018


“Hearing some rumors on the ground at the #BrowardCounty Supervisor of Elections office that the feds are going to sweep in on Friday and confiscate the ballots. Will be interesting to see what happens…”
The very first thing that came to mind was “I want to rock and roll all night, and party every day!”, LOL!
That’s a lyric from the KISS ‘Alive’ (1975) double LP, my first 12″ long-player record LP, a birthday gift for my 11th birthday.
I haven’t heard that song in years, but that’s exactly what came to mind 😁


hopefully nobody at the broward cnty election office saw loomers tweet…do you know why that was said? kind of leaves a while to prepare the the feds sweep in!
great tune also…kiss is going out again for the final final tour i hear. not sure if ace or peter are invited 🙂


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