
The fact that this meme – Fearless Girl – was STOLEN from The Conservative Treehouse does NOT mean we can’t steal it back and make it our own.
This is part of the beauty of memes.  They serve TRUTH better than they serve LIES and DECEPTION.  The truth will come out, and we must not be afraid of it.
Here is where “Fearless Girl” came from (in my spy-versus-spy opinion) – a meme that SUNDANCE used – the picture borrowed from somewhere else, no doubt.  As the other side watches CTH like a hawk, I have caught the Democrat Marxists raiding OUR intellectual property many times.  Makes me wonder if the Democrat intellectual property theft factory isn’t actually IN CHINA.  But that’s another post for another day.  For now, just know that Fearless Girl was very likely born of THIS meme:
Now – where am I going with this, YOU MIGHT ASK…..
“Approved workmen are not ashamed.”
The Lord’s Approved Workman
Remind the believers of these things, charging them before God to avoid quarreling over words; this is in no way profitable, and leads its listeners to ruin.  Make every effort to present yourself approved to God, an unashamed workman who accurately handles the word of truth.  But avoid irreverent and empty chatter, which will only lead to more ungodliness,…
This brilliant bit of Judaism – think Netanyahu standing before the legislature of the most powerful representative body in the world, speaking TRUTH to Obama’s lies, deception, and POWER – is a CORE PRINCIPLE of Christianity.
Christ was UNAFRAID of truth, even the one that killed him by setting his fellow Jew (and early Marxist, TBH), Judas, against him.  Christ was FULL TRUTH, 24/7.
Sundance has SPOKEN TRUTH because he is UNAFRAID.  If our friend Matt Whitaker is on the side of TRUTH, then HE TOO IS UNAFRAID.  Just like another Matthew I so greatly admire – my favorite Gospel.
Do you all see where I’m going here?  Read it again, for clarity.  These are extraordinary times, and we need Biblical strength.
Remind the believers of these things, charging them before God to avoid quarreling over words; this is in no way profitable, and leads its listeners to ruin.  Make every effort to present yourself approved to God, an unashamed workman who accurately handles the word of truth.  But avoid irreverent and empty chatter, which will only lead to more ungodliness,…
This is NO TIME for backbiting, recriminations, or even righteous blame, justly deserved.  It is a time for forgiveness, unity, and CONVERGENCE ON TRUTH.
I had a dream about forgiveness last night – a dream I am sure was from a VERY GOOD PLACE.  It has implications FAR BEYOND just the current situation.
It was VERY Q. 
I will post about it later.  It is a message of PEACE and JUSTICE.  But for now, we need to forgive so that we can DEFEND TRUTH.
Don’t hide from Truth.  That is the other side’s ALINSKY TRICK.  Alinsky fools the side of good by making it FEAR TRUTH, which means it FEARS ITSELF.
ALINSKY FEARS.  Run from them.  Be FEARLESS.
WE are NOW the journalists who FACE THE TRUTH.
Remember that meme?
THIS is why the FAKE NEWS MEDIA came after Cernovich with every tool it had, and every tool the Deep State had, and every tool our own communized intelligence community had.
It’s time to BE THE MEDIA.  Be journalism.  Be approved workers.  We deal in TRUTH, and we don’t cover it up.
That’s THEIR schtick.  Not ours.

“OK, Wall Street.  You want to work with the Marxist Democrats and the Chinese Communists against this President and the American people?  Then you stand against ME and MY PEOPLE, and OUR FREEDOM.  And WE ARE NOT AFRAID.”


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Tammy Evers (@EverEleutheros)

Splendid, Wolfmoon, one of my favorite verses. The TRUTH shall set us all FREE!


And forgiveness is a gift … and by my experience the real gift is the GRACE from Heaven to choose to move towards forgiveness.
“Lord, I am willing.” That prayer.
Not the actual forgiving, but the decision to allow it do enter our hearts and change us. We are the prisoner of our judgements. Christ provides a way out.

Sylvia Avery

Thank you, ttt. You put your finger on it, I believe. Wise and astute observation.


Interesting teaser about that future post. I look forward to reading it.
Since you have fostered a Biblical theme I will follow with my own. I have a confession. At this moment, as I type, I am beginning to understand how Elijah must have felt in that cave when he was hiding from King Ahab. The future, politically speaking, looks rather grim. In every direction I look the foe to my America is on the march. My frustrations are melding into desperation and dread. The election of last week has clearly been co-opted on a national scale. Republican politicians seem content to sit on their hands and watch from the sidelines. I am hoping for a righteous rain to begin falling soon. I am hoping that someone will report seeing a cloud, about the size of a man’s hand, on the horizon Then I will shout and begin to run, for victory is on the march.

Cuppa Covfefe

The pic of the bull reminds me of Europa riding the bull (Greek Mythology). Lots of symbolism there, including “The Woman Riding The Beast”…
I’m hoping for Europe to dissolve before the events of Revelation play out… In any case, we’re praying for the Rapture before things go much worse (Merkel et. al.)…


i am from a heavy duty fundamental independent bible believing (baptist) background. i am well versed in the bible. i was always the top student of everything in the school. i knew my stuff. well, as it was my brain asked questions that my heart could not stifle and i started down the road that led me to readily accept questioning official events (conspiracy theories and the like) because i already was neck deep in what i considered already the greatest mystery happening in the entire universe!
i appreciate every bit of the bible and i only know the kjv versions (we were super elite – kjv was the only true translation – but thats another part of my rebellion) but i can hear that version in my head when i read other translations…
so in regards to cuppa’s comment about europe and the reference to revelations which has got to enter anyone’s mind, what are others thought on that? not saying i buy into literal translation and i am more inclined to think there is going to be some bad times (tribulation as it were) but the rapture is a whole other topic and just some of the other prophesies there we could maybe to a little look see. this is just for fun of course as i am not proposing any such trumpet sound to be happening but it could be fun to throw a modern look at what we are dealing with. see when i was a kid they made it very clear and real – but i viewed it in late 70’s eyes, then 80’s eyes, then 90’s eyes – because we were placing the context of a thousand year old book into modern times. back then we had no cellphones for example – they told us we would probably get a chip. but i have found while we wait in fear of the chip we have already put the chip freely – and actually with much pleasure – in our back pockets! just a tiny example.
so anyway in the calm before the storm threads back on four chan was the first time in a LONG time i had the feeling that holy crap there is some revelation-ish about this here story. and one thing caught my eye was story about awakenings and movements. there would be one in middle east (that happened, mbs, arrests, money cut off) then in asia (north korea big star in this one) and then europe. all of these would happen and then there would be one in america. i feel its been going on in europe for a while especially that last dust up before trump met putin and got the bugged soccer ball, and its pretty well culminated with macrons speech friday.
so did this 4 part awakening/movement idea keep going with q along the way?


Food for thought……
In reference to the “Chip” thing… Yes that is a theory, but the Bible states in Revelation about the “Mark of the Beast” being in the hand or forehead…… Hand could equal fingerprints….. Forehead could equal retinal scans…. neither would need a “chip”. Just a registration of fingerprints and retinal info.


i have had exactly that same thoughts on both of those over the years. when john had the vision he was describing what he saw in the context of the world he knew. placing your hand in a scanner or looking into a retinal scanner or having it scan you from distance with a light could easily fit the bill here.
and think of how many people started years ago using their fingerprintsvto log on to devices and now the last couple phone gernerations give you that retinal “convenience”
so like i said these modern day equivalents already exist. and people already use them a lot even though they think they have control.
big brother was always the bad guy and we are so past that now it is mind boggling. literally everyrhing we do.


Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Added back “singular” to the name I use, hoping wordpress will like me better as am still “singularZoe” elsewhere.


Cuppa, I won’t get into a lot of prophecy here on Wolfmoon’s blog exept to say I’ve always believed the last days will probably involve a revived Roman or European superstate and that antichrist will set himself up ijn the third temple, and people of all “faiths” will run to worship him. I won’t be there. Still use KJV but not believing it is the only version people can use, just like a word for word rather than a thought for thought translation. Nice to see you here, and I promise to stop my chatter on last days.


One way to do that is to get FISA things released. No doubt Trump has that as part of the plan, but to deliver it it would have more power if people were demanding it.
Meanwhile there is this… I’m sure your looking over it as I type.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.464 📁
Nov 12 2018 12:36:45 (EST)
FAKE NEWS > [optics] ‘FALSE’ majority > BLUE WAVE
BLUE WAVE [optics] > No Voter Irregularities > Nothing to See Here
FAKE NEWS > Voter Irregularities Challenge > CONSPIRACY
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.463 📁
Nov 12 2018 12:30:42 (EST)
[Placeholder – OIG Report & Findings]
[Placeholder – OIG report > FBI, DOJ, & Media Coll]
[Placeholder – OIG report > Exe B_ABCs & Media Coll]
[Placeholder – OIG report > Foreign ASST_D1]
[Placeholder – OIG report > Foreign_Insert(s)_ORec & Info Diss]
[Placeholder – OIG report > FISA Abuse DIR_INDIR_Source_DIS]
[Placeholder – OIG report > Umbrella SPY & Targeting]
[Placeholder – OIG report > OTR_C_]
If it all comes out as Q says it will do much for getting the outcasts back in the tree house. What is important though is that it comes out. If it doesn’t we loose our voice, our guns, our property, our means of life. All in short order.
Oh on the lighter side.. I found a new way to make a correction in Word Press.
para59r says:
November 12, 2018 at 12:31 pm
ackkk! the public at large does “not”.
TPW says:
November 12, 2018 at 12:31 pm
Oldschool……..That is the obstacle we have to over come we have no big guns on our side with a megaphone to organize us ……..has been my complaint about the Hannities and Rushbo’s fanning the flames but have no remedies or actions……..I like the Bikers idea they certainly have the balls……it has got to start someplace and for those who work….it could be arranged to have rolling protest non stop.
Liked by 1 person
para59r says:
November 12, 2018 at 12:30 pm
They spied on Trump as a candidate, as president elect and as president. We know it the public at large does. This is a well. Our voices need to be heard out side the well. Release FISA and give us the morale authority to be heard and prevail or we perish.
Liked by 1 person
See how that worked? I corrected the mistake before I made it. Which was actually just another mistake but hrmmm maybe it works..
Anyway.. off to work.


Lisa has a THREAD on Q’s latest drop… just click on tweet


There’s that word again: Placeholder


I wonder about the “double-meaning” ploy in re the term “placeholder”.
Obviously, it can refer to the AAG – an UNRECUSED Acting AG. This is how I think the cabal will interpret it. Score!
Also, it can refer to what the PF board should partially become, as repository for the impotent intel we the people must be kept aware of, like a scorecard of progress in draining the swamp. Perhaps these are instructions for the BO.
It can be something else, as well – I seem to remember that there is another interpretation, but can’t put my finger on it right at the moment. Even without remembering, a third take is definitely a possibility. (I like to allow for what I don’t know!)
Perhaps the impending KICK-OFF??? A football metaphor?
How FUN!


Obviously, I hope, I meant “important”.

Cuppa Covfefe

Cannons to the left of them,
Cannons to the right of them,
Into the valley of swamp,
fired the 600,000…
(OK, a little, erm, lot of poetic license there)….


“These are extraordinary times, and we need Biblical strength.”
Your post overall is very uplifting; however, this part jumps at me the most, because it is the truth.
Although I am not a Christian (but I am very supportive of my Christian brothers and sisters), I can easily translate this to mean that you need spiritual strength and/or unwavering faith. The closer you are to awakening, the more important this concept becomes. The road does get lonelier, as not everyone travels at the same speed to awakening. That’s why faith becomes even more crucial in remaining strong.
Regarding everything that is happening, I can’t say, with honesty, that I am in a forgiving mood right now. However, if others on here are making the effort to move from anger to forgiveness, then I can try to make that effort as well.


Nah…didn’t get the impression you were forcing forgiveness. I knew where you’re coming from 🙂

Sylvia Avery

I didn’t even get banned and I have been angry. I guess because I feel the acceptance I used to feel over there withdrawn, and not because I was attacked for anything I posted. I was not (at least not recently).
In some way I feel rejected for being who I am and thinking what I think. Thus, every attack on another person just because they wrote something I agreed with I experienced as an attack on me, too, and a rejection of me.
And I guess worst of all it is that feeling of betrayal. Kind of like having the rug pulled out from under me. Very sudden, very disorienting.
However, I am actively working on “moving on” as the lefties love to say (but only when it suits their purposes otherwise they resist for years). I’ve identified the source of my pain, and I’m working to heal it. I will probably end up at forgiveness even if I’m not there quite yet because it is a state of peace and sanity for me.
So clearing all that emotional debris aside and getting down to the heart of this matter, I not convinced it was right to out Whitaker like this. But like so much else, I don’t know that. It may already be well known in certain power circles and thus not really be an “outing” at all except to us.
And I only care about Whitaker being outed because I fear for his safety and his ability to carry out the MAGA agenda if by being identified he is stopped or his efforts spiked by the cabal.
(Side note: I always feel so silly saying “the cabal” like I am living in the middle of a pot boiler of a novel, but what else do we call it? And actually, it seems we ARE living in the middle of a pot boiler of sorts, unfortunately.)
Finally, arriving at Wolfie’s main point about the truth not being something to fear but to stand up to and reveal…. Well, I need to think about that. But I suspect where I am heading is that once again this is a matter of faith.
If I believe that God chose PDJT for this place and time to do this work, then I have to go all in and believe that God will (as I have been praying endlessly) provide him with the tools and advisors he needs to accomplish that work.
If Truth stands up tall and strong against the Father of Lies, I’m going to do my best to trust that Truth will prevail. Thy Will not mine be done.

Sylvia Avery

Ha, ha, Wolfie, The Q Tree is cheaper than therapy!
I’ve been working through my thoughts and feelings kind of publicly ever since I showed up here on your doorstep.
So glad you left the light on.


Lol, yes it was a great comment to a great post. I tried to post another comment that forgiveness in no way precludes or negates justice, and it may not involve reconciliation, either, in my opinion.


sylvia – almost 100% i am a lurker everywhere. one day i slipped and post at cth and then i kept going very sporadically after that. i never did though care if i got a reply or not. i was not on email alert to post, i do not have an official wp account or anything like that.
and i also know the dark places of the web and the pristine clean ones, and i know for the most part if you post somewhere you are doing so at your own risk and almost always better to just watch in many ways.
but i do sometimes get a feel for regular posters and the characters i imagine them to be…
but please never take anything on the web too seriously. your intense inner thoughts and feelings can come out before you know it and that is a lot to trust everyone on the web with.
anyway thats me, and here i am posting so take it with a grain of salt 🙂 long story short – be yourself and be confident and never be scared to ask questions or defend yourself! and i know you are not scared you are a strong patriot among us and well valued.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks andrew. I appreciate your post. And I have never been completely comfortable with what I disclose on the internet whether it be facts, feelings, or a bit of disinfo intermingled. If you can believe this, years ago I actually did share quite a bit on FB when it was just me and a few friends. As my circle grew I became more cautious but as we all know now it is far too late. The Chinese, John Brennan, Susan Rice, who KNOWS who now know anything and everything about me if they choose. Sigh.


Wonderful post! Thank you for expressing how I feel, as well. Rejected and dejected. But working on moving on.
And I am with you on outing Whitaker. I just don’t see how that could possibly be a good idea! But, as always, I could be wrong.

Sue Mcdonald

It took me many years to forgive a person I trusted who hurt and betrayed me. forgiveness is good for us in the end because hate will destroy your soul. once I came to understand through life itself showing me how necessary forgiveness is I was able to forgive and move forward. that being said what is happening in our country has left me quite dispirited today. I see our country being torn asunder with no remedy in sight. All I desire is the truth and not seeing the truth but lies day after day has me feeling tired and afraid of where this is all going to end. I still trust Q and the President it just seems like they are fighting an uphill battle with no reinforcements to help them with this. tomorrow will better I pray.


A powerful prayer I’ve used in many important situations goes like this: “Lord, this hurt. But in obedience to you I forgive this person. I release them from my judgements. And if YOU want to bless them, that’s OK by me.” (or something like that)
Often this kind of prayer is painful to pray, but if I can manage it, life is so much better.
You see, I am not God. I don’t have the real power of judgement over someone else. And I am working from a smaller set of information than God is. To quote our beloved head treeper, “See how that works?” Well, many years and many miles since I’ve started on this trail, my ability to trust God with the predators, the slothful and the downright wicked is much stronger than when I began.


Ah, MysticRose, that’s how world peace begins! Wow! Remember when Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize, she was asked, “What can we do to promote world peace? ” She answered “Go home and love your family.


I’m in a JUSTICE mood. I believe the country needs justice.


Hi Wolfmoon, great lead post! This “notion” of truth is at the essence of humanity’s current malaise! Hence Wheatie’s discomfort with Adam’s persuasion schtick – Wheatie recognises truth when she sees it. Problem is more and more people don’t have a clue what truth is, cause they have bought into the “everything is relative, there is no god” poison that is being sold in these times.
Will post more on this later, heading off to work.

Sylvia Avery

Excellent, Jason. You just gave me more to mull over!


Just to reiterate, I thought Wolfmoon hit it out the park with his lead post. Perfect sentiment and guidance after what has been happening to get us “outcasts “ discussing our woes and hopes as well as trying to redirect our focus outward to the state of play in our fracturing civilisation.
So, truth … (warning, I get lost in the weeds here, so those with better things to do should probably not read this !)
Astonishingly, this has become a nebulous concept in these archetypal and biblical times. Something monumental is afoot – a war for truth / life has already commenced and there appear to be many camps, although ultimately only 2 sides resolve out of the chaos. Those fighting for truth and life, and those that fight for blindness and death (religions of death – ROD), although most of these are not aware that this is their cause – they are blind to themselves.
Everyone is religious, and we/they judge truth according to their religion (I obviously use the word religion here in its broadest possible sense). This has lead to the notion that truth is relative – a very post modern idea. The ultimate arbiter of truth is God (for the Christian and Jew), whereas the materialist atheist would point to reality (whatever that means to them as informed by the modes described below). For the post modern atheist “reality” would be their “god” that decides the truth of the moment – the bible refers to this type of god as false idols. Let me speculate on these a bit, and anything you can add to this notion here would be great – I am still very new to all of this …
I have thought about this without much formal reading, so here goes nothing (feel free to shoot me down in flames)
Lowest form of false idol is oneself, manifesting in a persistent ego. Most people used to grow out of this stage, now more and more adults seem to remain stuck here. This is where YOU are the centre of your universe. This “person” may well desire to take revenge on being itself when he/she realises that that they are ultimately powerless – ROD
Next comes the notion of communism, where all should be equal, and those that disagree with this are either sent off to re-education camps or simply sacrificed for the greater good. So communists will sacrifice individuals with no problem, and quite possibly other whole cultures that do not submit. The problem with this is that this philosophy will only run out of people to sacrifice once everyone (bar the last man standing) is equally dead, if allowed to run to its logical conclusion – ROD
Next comes pantheism, placing nature, or the universe, at the top of the hierarchy. They will sacrifice most of humanity to “save nature”, and paradoxically espouse “green” tech, such as a wind generator on every hilltop, to save nature. Thus they want to industrialise nature to save it – the stupid is very strong here also. It has often been stated by greenies that the earth really cannot sustain more than a number of people somewhere around 750 million worldwide. I got educated into this craziness during the peak oil craze, and read many posts on the “Oil Drum”. People would glibly talk about reducing the world population by some 6 billion without ANY conception what this meant in terms of human mortality rates in order to achieve this nirvana – ROD
Materialism has been all the rage since the 90’s or so. These people reckon the ends justify the means, but can’t really articulate any ends that were not born out of Christianity, except they are pro abortion, cause individualism (a misappropriation from Christianity) is the order of the day. Since there is no ultimate truth, feelings rule the individual. I could go on and on describing what we all see every day, so I won’t, except for abortion. Because the individual is paramount, materialism encourages women to “chase their dream”, and don’t let motherhood hold you back, so abortions are recommended. They don’t seem to realise that if most women adopted this philosophy society would simply cease due to lack of a next generation. Also, this philosophy directly implies that your own mother was foolish to have you rather than follow her own individual dreams, so ultimately this logic mercilessly concludes that you are ‘post hoc’ advising against your own birth – ROD
Other false idols then in no particular order include Budhism, Hinduism, Islam, …? Other than Islam (definitely a ROD), I don’t know enough to conclude whether they are ultimately death cults.
Now in fairness to the above, these ideologies very rarely get the opportunity to get carried out to their logical conclusion, cause some strongman dictator type ends up at the top of the hierarchy. These people, obviously stuck in idolatry of the self (note all the statues and pictures of themselves everywhere Mao, Stalin, Saddam,the Kim’s etc), do not descend into total nihilism because they actually wield power over everyone else, so they “believe their own press”. Thus you have the lowest form of idolatry co-opting another one in order to get the useful idiots to enslave themselves – a mix of idols seems to be the norm in the “real” world.
Christianity is the only religion that I can categorically state is a religion of LIFE. It preaches love of all, including one’s enemies. This tenet is the hardest to accept, yet the logic is inexorable. At face value, it seems that you have to battle to beat your enemy through strength, and this works in the short to medium term. However, you have just demonstrated by example how to dominate and win, which will surely be done to your civilisation in the future as others learn from you. The hardest thing to accept is to love your enemy as yourself, especially since you very possibly will not survive the encounter. I need to think about this a lot more. In any event, a religion that preaches that every single soul is precious to God is self evidently for life, and thus the opposite of a ROD (religion of death). We seldom, if ever, live up to this ideal, but that is what we are called to enact.
So, back to truth. To me, truth is that which leads us straight to God, and is necessarily in service of life. That which is not in service of life, leads to extinction ultimately. Extinction means the end of truth as can be perceived by us. This is actually by definition (I think). Ideas such as truth exist in the realm of human consciousness (leaving God out here for sake of argument only), which requires life. So without life, there is no consciousness that can perceive truth, or anything else. So truth must serve life, which must serve God in order to flourish. So any idea or concept is not the truth if it does not serve God / life.
Wow, did I get lost in the weeds on this one, my apologies. I am going to post it only because I was stupid enough to shoot my mouth off …..
(I intended to add a bit about the axiomatic tenet under girding logic systems, from which all else flows … ugh)
PS. Wolfmoon is correct in calling for forgiveness. One of the things I really struggle with is hypocrisy, and I felt injured to be banned for refusing to kowtow to group think at the TH. Then Sundance attacked Q,. So I see it as hypocritical for Sundance, a free thinker, to seemingly (that is how it appeared, and how the many in the TH responded) demand group think . This pushed my buttons. Now, if I am fair and honest, I will have to admit that I do not know what Sundance is aiming at, and his past record should carry a lot of weight. So just as I am not prepared to throw Jeff Sessions under the bus, nor will I Sundance. I harbour no ill will towards him and will certainly refrain from judging him (Judge not lest ye be so judged!).
PPS Sorry again for the above ramble, back at work this week and I did not have the time to do this justice. It is obviously incomplete, but any feedback would be much appreciated. Fire away, I am still building my understanding here, so I want to learn this stuff.


A very enjoyable read!
“(I intended to add a bit about the axiomatic tenet under girding logic systems, from which all else flows … ugh)”
Be careful with that! I would add the word “known” as a qualifier, before “logic systems”, and I would delete the words afterward – except the “ugh”!
One must allow for what one doesn’t know, and I firmly believe that combinations / permutations of ones and zeroes aren’t even CLOSE to describing thought, existence, life, the universe, deity, et al. In fact, I believe that they NEVER will. Also, there are problems that “logic” cannot solve.
In short, the “logic” we know isn’t right ENOUGH. (Einstein himself used the phrase “not right enough”, when speaking of the then-current state of his own field – physics. Smart cookie!)
IMO, the same phrase applies to mathematics.


Concerning place holder (under arrest):
Q has already posistioned himself as that little girl staring down the bull that Wolf wants to steal back just by putting out all of those place holders regaurdless if any of them get filled. It is what needs to get done.
Getting them filled though would be so
much the better.
Mean while hard to see most of the posts from my phone as they are pushed to the side. Akkk!



LOVE what you did there!!!!!!!


Eagle eye, eh? Is this a subtle hint that the good players are closely watching the bad players (as it relates to these recounts)?
I’ll eat crow if I’m wrong (wouldn’t be the first time), but I’m more convinced than ever that we are witnessing a sting operation by the good players. If this is the case, is this what Q meant by Boomerang Suicide?


with you on this one Mystic… if necessary we can split the ‘crow ‘ dish…
our guys are just waiting for them to overreach, as they surely will….



Looks like PM is on the same page.


This looks like a good place to ask my question. Q said mid-terms were safe. I’m feeling pretty glum about the outcome of so many “close races. Could it be a sting? This plan seems fraught with danger. I guess we will know before January.


At the risk of sounding like a Democrat, I’ll take my “fair share” of crow if there is no sting.
It’s a chaotic situation, yet, there is a strange calm….if that makes sense. Something is going on behind the scenes.


From PM’s twitter feed: (I’ve pulled the text out to save broadband)
“Sometimes it’s best to look at the 40,000 foot view.
There’s been corruption in US elections for centuries. It’s become institutionalized.
POTUS knew how bad the corruption was and he developed a plan to fix it once and for all.
Unfortunately for those of us who voted in this election, the crooks had to be given the opportunity to cheat one more time. But this time it would be under the watchful eye of Homeland Security.
As expected, the corruptocrats filled out thousands of illegal ballots to push their people to victory.
It’s tempting to be angry and disillusioned after we were promised things would change.
But the evidence had now been gathered regarding election corruption. That evidence can be used to put corrupt people in jail.
More importantly, it can be used to change the election process of the future.
The press will no longer be able to say there is no evidence of election fraud.
Allowing the election to be tampered with this year will lead to a nationwide voter ID law.
This election set the stage for election law reform that will last far into the future.
I don’t know about you but it always helps me to look at the big picture.”

PM then suggest the following thread which lays out what was done by Homeland Security:


PM is being very conservative, very close to the chest here.
Saw where Ms Bunny tu-tu, the one who supports the Taliban has been
declared the winner in Arizona.
Have to say that I’m STILL hoping the hammer goes down on this BEFORE
Jan. 3rd. I’m patient too… B UT, this is really so “in your face” theft…


Lmao@Ms. Bunny tu-tu
So here is my question (for anyone, actually), and I hope that it’s not a stupid one. I’m a late Gen-Xer (barely made the cut) and have no recollection of a case of a mid-term election being overturned due to proven voter fraud. I tried doing some research online but was unable to find any past examples. If this is proven in Arizona, for example, and the results can be overturned, will it be a historic first?


Election results*


i am in my mid fourties and this is the biggest election story, well taking top three with 2000 and 2016, in my life. and those were both presidential years. so i think this year is number 1 all time (my life time anyway)

Sylvia Avery

phoenix, I just wanted to say thanks for the lisa mei crowley tweets with links to IPOT and gettingtrump.com. I bookmarked all that stuff earlier and saved it to read/watch tonight after all is quiet and I got a LOT out of it. Thanks again for doing what you do. It helps me a lot.


you are most welcome Sylvia !


Interesting comments in the article she linked that are pretty spot on for anyone wondering why some things Q mentions don’t happen:
“The intelligence shared was what an expert would expect: some guesswork, some disinfo, some spot on. True analysts know you have to dig to get the nuggets.
In this business, fooling the opposition is as important as getting the message out.
In WWII, the Allies used their best general to sell the Germans on the invasion (D-Day) being at Pas De Calais, not Normandy. It was a ‘feint’; classic disinformation and the Germans bit hard. It was also what they wanted to believe.
Much has been made of the accuracy and/or predictives, of the site.
This misses the point. It is going to be deliberately wrong at times. It will also be maddeningly vague. This is how the real game is played.”


the more people miss that nuance the better in all probability… it is not a music video with the lyrics playing across the bottom of the screen for you to have no question about.
but it is way to late to listen to the haters now anyway. amd we know one thing for sure – they lie and that is already “proofed” in spades.

Sylvia Avery

Yes. This gets lost from time to time and has to be kept in mind!

Sylvia Avery

This was really good. I’m sending the link to some folks.


This interesting Ken Dalanian has been outed as C eye A… NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.
During the frackas wherein Q suggested we should be careful whom we follow,
without naming a single person…
(several folks were setting up youtubes, spouting off interpretations of drops, asking for
money, etc.)
Jerry Corsi, who has touted his background in intelligence (some suspect C eye A)
took umbrage and after much bruha, dropped off the Q scene…
Mueller is hounding Corsi at the present, and here comes C eye A Ken … the Clowns
get funnier by the day!


Just always knew they were going after Dr. Corsi when I read his book on Obama, and he has written others.


There goes another pie in the sky idea the Dims had…



Speaking of ‘Fearless’…I watched our Fearless VSG President over there with that little weasel Macron…and could not be more proud of how he handled himself with the little rat.
Macron kept touching him and touching him.
The things our President puts up with!
And he’s doing it all…for us.

Sylvia Avery

Seeing the body language in that video is pretty telling, isn’t it? POTUS would have liked to take my shovel and… well, you know. Actually, I would have liked to have been there to do it for him so he could keep his hands clean.


is this comfirmed 85 lgbt migrants that split off the caravan are now in tiajuana and about to ask for asylum for reasons of being discriminated against because of their sexual status?

Sylvia Avery

Oh good. Splendid in fact. I’m gonna have to go get a part time job so I can afford the taxes to pay for all the operations and hormone treatments and therapy and voice, deportment, and fashion training, etc.

Sylvia Avery

Well, they would need to know how to display their assets to their best advantage. We women learn that stuff through trial and error growing up. We MUST provide equal treatment….or someone is sure to think so.

Sylvia Avery

I haven’t a doubt in the world!


Andrew, I haven’t come across the 85 info but the hormone therapy piece would certainly advance the credibility of info I came across yesterday about a 3 step plan to legalize pedophilia with the 1st step being a bill currently being drafted which is to be introduced into the soon to be Democratic controlled House of Representatives in 2019 where “Soros owned” legislators are committed to supporting. “Love A Child In Every Way Act of 2019” In the interest of time, I will not speak about the depth of my being this touches but just say it is an abhorrent evil at the core of all that is now spilling out on the world stage.


I remember when it was just “the gay (sic) pride movement”, then “gays and lesbians”, then “LGB”.
They (the ones better and more informed than us deplorables, who teach us how to speak from their lofty moral position outside of our little basket) are going to keep adding letters until they’re totally discredited, or until the system collapses, Cloward-Pivenlike, or until the Night of the Long Knives comes, and they switch on a diime, and are suddenly against all the things they were for, before.
The European leaders, along with the Mohammedan wing of the current globalist coalition, are pushing hard to add ‘E’ and ‘P’. Based on their Hadith scriptures, the Mohammedans will want ‘B’ and ‘N’ in the queue, as well.