I’m probably one of the few people who loves Exodus because it is BOOK TWO – and 2 is the only even prime number. I should note that this little tautology is a purely PSYCHOLOGICAL uniqueness, since evenness is really just divisibility by an arbitrary prime number – TWO – and we could define “evenness” as clean divisibility by THREE if we wanted – and THREE would then still be the only EVEN prime number. See how that works? Two is special for a lot of other reasons, but I love it for a stupid one that makes no REAL sense. But that’s kind of the way beauty is. Anybody who has ever found a person attractive for a stupid physical reason like odd eyes or even dentition knows what I’m talking about.
Women are just a good thing. Even the bad ones!
OK – where was I? Ah, yes. EXODUS!
Our little exodus from The Conservative Treehouse – in some cases incomplete, in others probably temporary, and in any case not absolutely necessary – intrigues me.
Bear in mind that the reason I created this site to BEGIN WITH was that I sensed that Q would be used to divide the Treehouse, and I wanted that DIVISION to be minimal. Kinda like choosing the lowest prime number other than UNITY to define evenness. (In that way, TWO actually is special. Just sayin’.) The way in which I hoped to stave off division was to keep Q talk OFF the Treehouse. That is STILL my plan.
If we can, that is.
A fellow Treeper asked me about the exodus in another venue, and – of the many theories I have about it – I gave them the one I would probably choose as number TWO, but growing toward number ONE even now:
“Not sure what’s going on there – this may be an important way to secure the Treehouse. The libs are going to go after Q in a big way once the indictments are unsealed. Anything Q will be shut down, is my opinion. I think SD is smart to kick us off. We are going to be the whipping boys and beat-down girls of the left at that point. Not a problem for me, but the Treehouse must stay open.”
Now, in some ways, this is just another tautology. I created the site for reason of a theory of its eventual division, and now I’m citing that eventual theoretical forced division as the reason for the current anticipatory division. In other words, one more self-fulfilling prophecy. Maybe not the EXACT one I originally envisioned, but close.
Nevertheless, I think this really is an example of BOY SCOUT PREPARATION – or at least it will be if “Qews” are kicked out of every Silicon Valley platform, as Q expects.
17) pic.twitter.com/LHSr2kB89U
— Praying Medic (@prayingmedic) November 10, 2018
A close up for those who can’t see the image:
Notice that Praying Medic is now using IMAGES to thwart automated censorship.
This is one of the reasons I retired from IT. I did not believe that my work was in good hands. I believed (and still believe) that IT, and AI in particular, was largely in IMMORAL GLOBALIST HANDS.
By the way, Praying Medic HAS taken notice of Sundance’s views on Q, and he respects them – but does NOT take them as an expert opinion. With no disrespect toward Sundance, I tend to agree.
Sundance at Conservative treehouse is one of the premier experts on the FBI, the DOJ, and FISA. He's spent thousands of hours learning about these subjects which makes his opinions on those matters among the most informed.
Sundance is, however, not an expert on Q. pic.twitter.com/DcbjBMXyul
— Praying Medic (@prayingmedic) November 11, 2018
If Praying Medic would have consulted “Wolf Moon who spent 3 hours trying to figure out Q posts”, that person would have told PM that Q was most likely a very sharp, almost cutting-edge LARP, having a LOT of fun.
But “Wolf Moon who read hundreds of hours of Q posts until he was actually DEBUNKING bad Q interpretations” – well, that guy pretty much agrees with Praying Medic. In fact, “Loose Q Proof Face-Palming and Debunking Wolf Moon” is quite proud of his debunks, one of which gave insight into how Google Book searches may work. And I didn’t have to work for slimy Democrat-helping, election-cheating, red-diaper Google to figure it out, either.
But in the process of all that stuff, I came to believe what I have repeatedly said – that Q is a brilliant freedom-of-information PSY-OP, using the anon-captivating language of LARP, that is going to work around the Marxist Fake News media when that media goes FULL BORE FAKE – very soon.
SO – here is the deal.
I think there really IS a good chance that “Q-hovah’s Witnesses” a.k.a. “the Qews” are gonna get kicked off every platform. The REASON is that Q will be countering a NARRATIVE that has been planned by the Soviet American media and crypto-Soviet “deep state” for some time – a narrative to CHALLENGE prosecution of those crypto-Soviets who “crossed the line” and broke the law. A narrative that Q knows and that Q has actually TESTED. (*WINK*, *WINK* – see, I really did read a LOT of Q posts very deeply).
Why would we expect anything else? They probably won’t call us “running dog bourgeoisie“, but I am betting they will have some angry names for us.
So there you have it. I expect that we will eventually be closed down for being a kind of “Trump propaganda“.
Good. Because “Trump propaganda” will be TRUTH, and I LIKE ME SOME TRUTH.
Enjoy the show.
Excellent! Agree! I don’t read comments on Tree House very often except for some of the “old timers” once in awhile, but I never miss the articles. I am an avid fan of Praying Medic and Neon and you are the third one of the Trifecta. Haha. I think that Sundance is brilliant in his analysis but I admit that I disagree at times. Appreciate all that you do in this battle of evil vs Righteousness. We will win.
Thanks and AMEN! We will win. WWW! -W
So Wolfmoon are you saying that you think even the new Q tree will be taken down too, or “kicked off” as you say?
Yes. If senior Democrats are indicted for anything, I believe that the media and social media will do everything they can to shut down all messages other than their own. They will REVERSE their message on Q, with clutched pearls and breathless gasps – “It wasn’t a hoax – it was – oh my God – it was TRUMP!”
See what I’m saying? They know it’s real. They know its purpose. They will strike out in RAGE at Q and anything that touches it. They will say it is terrible propaganda from the out-of-control Trump madman, etc., and that it must be stopped.
We will all be on 8chan. WordPress already practiced when they took down FOTM. They are READY to take down all Q blogs. Q posting and discussion will be highly censored on leftist platforms. There will be intense pressure on even FreeTalk and Spreely. Gab is the practice for them.
Fun times. Firebombings of Trump supporters will not be reported as such.
Not a problem. For everything Soviet Democrats do, PUNISH CHINA in the exact same measure. Those tariffs are gonna be SWEET.
Bring on the PUNISHER…fun times indeed.
It’s my understanding that NYT and Wacompost are both involved in conspiracy to unseat the president, additionally a huge number of reporters… wouldn’t they be indicted BEFORE those further up the food chain? (I’m out of my element here, really don’t know what I’m looking at…)
What’s to prevent the Gov’t seizing the very platforms they provided R&D for?
Wolf, perhaps you could expand on this somewhat in this article?
found this at PM
How does one get to8chan without using search engines?
Or using Mozilla or Yahoo , etc
“How does one get to8chan without using search engines?”
By bookmarking the site – once one is ON the site – to ones computer. Usually, there is a “short-cut” to book-mark (i.e., to put on one ones computer a direct icon, the clicking of which will bring one directly there) the sites.
That is, one needs the ability to go there directly, without using middle-men, like search engines.
Also, use pen-and-paper: physically WRITE down the URL address (found on the very TOP input bar, on most browsers), and then, when one wants to go there, physically TYPE the exact character-string into that input bar. To see what the actual URL address is, click on a blank spot in the URL address, and the full URL address appears. THAT is what one needs to copy, physically, or digitally (using cut and paste). The same procedure is what one uses to post pictures / videos, cut (and pasted) from other sites.
I know it sounds complicated – it really isn’t: once one does it a few times, it becomes almost automatic.
This assumes, of course, both that the internet is still “up”, and that ones internet-provider hasn’t done something strange to block it (dis-allowing the request, re-coding servers, etc.).
Also, one usually has access to ones browsing history. Scanning all the sites one has visited, from this history, one can usually just click on the site name, and one will be directed to that site.
Thanks Emerald Star. I didn’t realize that using th e bookmarks skips the search engine.
No problem at all!
I recommend the pen-and-paper technique, as a back-up, though – who knows what the internet / wi-fi connection allows the middle-men to do!
Just yesterday, YT “refreshed” my history, so that it was as if they didn’t “remember” any of the sites I’d visited!
And, Apple seems to FORCE OS updates – if, having been reminded to “up”grade, I don’t do so within a specific time-frame … the updates are installed AUTOMATICALLY, without my consent.
Turning off Wi-fi, every time while I’m away from the computer, seems to foil this. For now …
Should you not perhaps remove the link from your Wolfmoon site to this one? That way, if they take out “Q” sites, your main site should not be targeted if it does not reference Q. Just a thought. Likely you are all over this, so please excuse me as I am not second guessing you!!!
You’re absolutely right about the time coming where Q posts get banned everywhere. It’s already in progress. Reddit already did it. Twitter is shadow banning posts with #qanon hashtags and will probably start finding excuses to ban accounts like Praying Medic and others. I’m not sure they can get to Voat. It’s not owned by globalists as far as I know. But we may eventually be down to Voat and 8chan. i worry about you being on WordPress. They ban sites, too. Don’t forget that they recently took down FOTM.
Linda, they can’t take down 8chan, correct?
(((They))) already tried to mess with 8chan…but were unsuccessful.
The Q-team retaliated by shutting down the big C_A mainframe and cutting their satellite feed.
It was glorious to watch it.
And funny too.
That was such great fun! One of my favorite memories.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bd6786 No.2805326
Aug 30 2018 17:52:12 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bd6786 No.2805260
Aug 30 2018 17:48:47 (EST)
And thanks for pulling that up and posting it.
That was such a great evening.
wheatietoo, that satellite takedown was the team at it’s finest moment demonstrated by the forced gathering of the ones who feared they were next on the “list”. No Name’s self-planned final celebration of himself showed them passing notes among themselves like teenagers who had their phone privileges zapped by parents…such fun!
if wolf was in IT and if any of you are – or even study about the tech companies – and now how the evolution of the public internet has worked – computers, tablets, cellphones, public gps access, and of course the www and all our “apps”. over time they have gotten every piece of information and driven people to use their network. even cash for clunkers i feel was a way to introduce cars with electeonics that would aid them (slight tinfoil there but possible). nobody uses cash anymore. they know what we eat and how often we buy gas.
consider this: how many people even have land lines anymore? all our communications go right through their pipes directly. think about it – they had strozh and page text messages from their non fbi phones and we saw them.
they have mannafort using an encrypted messaging app.
they have everything on us and can doxx us at a moments notice. they even kmow my real name and that i have posted here because my google account is used to set up my tablet that is registered with samsung and their samsung keyboard app even keystrokes me to them. they have every email. every file you have in the cloud.
so most of us unless we started years ago being extremely careful and have been encrypting absolutely everything are all stored safely in their little boxes just waiting.
they can just query their database and find all the people typing certain words and they have you. it is an entirely scary thought and i can only wonder what will happen in the near future.
Oh yes. I think about this. And I don’t like it, not one little bit. I have friends who say, “Oh well, I have nothing to hide!” Drives me nuts. That’s not the point. I have nothing to hide, either. But I don’t like being spied on. How far I drive, what I eat, who I know is none of Jack’s business or Bezos business or most definitely not goggle or fakebook.
Let’s not forget that the NSA is an “Agency” and is a part of the “DOD” in the same way that DIA is a part of the DOD. Someone said recently, if I remember correctly, “MIL planning at its finest” or something like that. Just sayin’ …
number 1 answer on the board: i don’t care i have nothing to hide!
that one gets me every time
i point to their giant iced coffee beverage filled with sugar and their awesome iphone app for dunkindonuts loyalty and say so when you get the diabetes and you put in your insurance claim and they say “oh what have we here? 12 iced coffees a week – sorry we can’t cover that!” they call me a paranoid conspiracy nut.
Yeah, no kidding! And it is hardly conspiracy theory land, we are right there!
So many of the dis-eases of aging, so-called, are self-inflicted, albeit often ignorantly self-inflicted. When (((they))) finally admit grains are poison, they’ll be looking at your Subway loyalty account, how many pounds of rice you purchased a year, and…,too.
Besides, the onus isn’t on US to respond – it’s on THEM to have a reasonable reason of a crime to search us.
I believe the legal phrase is “articulable suspicion” (of a crime committed, in progress, or about to be), for police in most states to LAWFULLY detain someone.
I’ve heard the “nothing to hide” malarkey plenty of times, here in the “liberal” Northeast.
Companies have trade secrets to hide – that’s how they earn money. They protect their recipes, for instance, whether for pharmaceuticals or for, say, the KFC spices.
And the pejorative term “hide” is bogus, too. Replace it with “protect”, and I bet EVERYONE has “something to protect”.
“Unreasonable search and seizure” applies not only to physical things, but also to information as well.
exactly. and i am in the liberal northeast too and this place is driving me nuts with the people so fired up to lose allctheir rights they cannot wait! it is so popular to want to have refugees come in as long as they don’t get invited over for dinner. people want to just keep on pretending there are no problems in the world except that big bad mean orange one in the white house, and the sooner they are rid of him we can make america great again! just had a guy tell me last week “america was awesome before trump – now that he has ruined it all we will be forced to make it great again”.
It’s amazing isn’t it?
How seemingly normal, intelligent people came come to the EXACT WRONG conclusion.
And, tout it as gospel.
I’ve heard the phrases “aggressive stupidity” and “intellectual idiots” to describe the mental / psychological disconnect.
Also, when they say that they have nothing to hide … are they thinking AT ALL about others, who may very reasonably HAVE something to hide? Or are they only concerned about themselves.
emerald, ironically the person that said that to me is a psychiatrist.
Oh, Andrew that was my best laugh so far today! And, I’ll add it is also not that you have nothing to hide. It can cost a fortune to prove that what is made up about you isn’t true if you don’t just instead turn it on the ones who made it up by giving them something more serious to disprove but that just costs you time instead of $!
absolutely correct on that. i just marvel every day over how much thing “appear” to have changed in society and what people care about since i was a kid. or else i have hit the get off my lawn kid! stage in my 40s
Oh, and btw it seems God has given you the gift of discernment.
The discernment message was meant for Wolfmoon.
Thank you! I prayed for various things to serve – not necessarily discernment – but I think it may have been a “required dependency” of some of the other software.
Well, I may not be tech savvy but I am “text” savvy. God works it all together for good. Dark to Light!
Good one Wolfmoon.
Just ask for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and any other gifts He wants to give you, and to please help you to use those gifts for His Honor and Glory.
And may God bless us all with wisdom, discernment, and the steadiness that comes from His strength.
“Bear in mind that the reason I created this site to BEGIN WITH was that I sensed that Q would be used to divide the Treehouse, and I wanted that DIVISION to be minimal.”
Yep. I remember, Wolfie.
It was a very noble move on your part, I must say.
You did a sort of…’Let’s take it outside’ move…to gently lead the Q-inquisitives to a place where they could voice their inquiries and thoughts about Q, without being attacked for it by the Q-haters.
I hesitate to call Q a LARP, though.
Because that term is so often used to call something a ‘fake’…and I don’t think that Q is a fake.
Agree about the “psy-op” thing, though…but not that there is any malevolence in it.
A lot of what Q posts could be to ‘trigger’ the bad guys into doing dumb things.
And I think it has probably worked to do that…but we will have to wait and see about that.
I think a lot of other stuff that Q posts, is a way to put us Trump Supporters at ease.
Not complacency…but for comfort.
To let us know that ‘something is being done’, but they just can’t reveal it all yet because then the bad guys would know too.
Exactly. Q is a comforter. Or in my case, a beat-up but tough sleeping bag in the back of the truck. Not something that makes me complacent. My Q knowledge may have even been helpful when I was working on election activities in 2018.
I know what you’re saying about calling it a LARP, but I prefer to be “in their face” about the term “LARP”. The idea of making something real look LARPy is actually WHY Q captured people’s imaginations.
CLOVERFIELD. Victor-Victoria. Alien Autopsy.
It’s that borderline of “Is this real?” that really captures the imagination. Diagnosis: PSY-OP!
This was in [ ]’s twitter stream, RT’d… they are blaming Qanon for GOP losing the House
I happened over to peek at recent article… instead of Deep State, Administrative State is being substituted.
WolfMoon, I wonder if you have read any of the latest articles at the TH? The ‘voice’ has changed … in my view. Very bitter, strident and defeatist… no mention of POTUS having any power to thwart new House…
I’ll go take a look. Last night on CTH, everything was great, because a lot of the division trolls and shills were GONE!!!
But that’s not the latest stuff. So I’ll check….
Well, this morning, Sundance OUTED Matthew Whitaker as the source of the “breadcrumbs!” All the information we have gotten about the Deep State over the past year or so, he says came from Whitaker.
I am pissed! What the heck is Sundance doing?
This is just another piece of ammo for the bad guys, in my opinion. Whether or not, as some people are saying in the comments over there to defend the article, he was doing anything illegal. The Deep State will use it to try to force a recusal.
I’m just gonna say it; fame corrupts. This is just unreal.
I commented a couple of times after the first post Sundance made about this that he outright named-without-naming Whitaker in that case. I don’t know how so many people missed it then, but they did. But this time, he just put it right out there.
I can explain away a lot, but not this. This one is a shiv to the ribs of our President.
Sadly, I have to agree with this assessment. How else can you explain away the hypocrisy of actually doing something that you accused the Q movement of allegedly doing?
A) The person known as SD has allowed ego (possibly mixed in with bitterness from the elections) to cloud his judgement of Q and other possible theories.
B) The person posting as SD is not the real SD; thus, there has been a takeover of CTH.
I was really hoping that B) (or a similar scenario) would have been the case. However, after reading comments about past actions and the atmospheric shift predating the now infamous “Q be bad” posts, it’s looking like A) is the case.
i have not been over there to check out that post but i assume we can expect even more direct or indirect distancing from the situation because the there seems to be hedging on that site about who will win this battle – and i am guessing the heads over there are figuring this might be it for trump this time for good! i mean the guy has to keep making a living when the globalists take over am i right?
Quite possibly the case. There may be others following suit, especially with things now heating up.
A) The person known as SD has allowed ego (possibly mixed in with bitterness from the elections) to cloud his judgement of Q and other possible theories.
I’m inclined to believe this. Really. SD is not the only one out there who has exhibited this tendency, either. It’s like their authority and credibility is undermined if they admit that maybe, maybe, the official version of events is a story made up to keep the peace. SD, the real one, is an actuary. Those people are a bit nerdy, but they are in no way dumb. Willfully blind to the conspiracy…that’s another story.
It was when he said there are not tens of thousands of indictments (they are really court motions) that I knew something was wrong. That one is easily provable. So is Huber having all the lawyers working for him. Honestly, it’s like SD and/or the site has been hijacked.
Concur in that he isn’t the only one guilty of this behavior. Gorka and Scott Adams are no different (and, like SD, I respect their voices).
I think Praying Medic said it best. You have people trying to be experts on Q without zero understanding of Q. Having an opinion is one thing; using your platform to influence others to shun a movement crosses a line.
It’s almost as if it’s a crime to admit that you’re stumped and don’t have all the answers. Instead of sitting back and reflect, you try to drown out voices that may encourage a different way of looking at events. Not cool.
MysticRose80, I agree with you and Praying Medic. That was why I posted encouragement to Sundance to actually spend some time reading the Q posts because his post demonstrated he had spent no time there and that was before I knew others saw what I saw. Using what other people were saying as documented evidence was something I’d never seen him do.
Praying Medic brings clarity. I was never sure about Gorka but I remember Scott Adams was no Trump fan and he only started his persuasion series to stop the flood of readers/$ leaving him and he said as much
No one or one group knows everything but the sheer beauty of the QTeam is they have it all and can access what they need when they need it.
I have recently noticed the about face by the anonymous “SD” against the anonymous “Q”.
If “Q” is a LARP, Then “SD” may be also. “SD” sure had a lot of us going for quite a while with his/her seemingly accurate articles….. but now? And Covfefe999 is his/her greatest defender.
rayzorbak, that’s an interesting thought and IMHO not out of the realm of possibilities. And I would add he might not have even started as a LARP or even a Limited Hangout. This war did not start yesterday or even a few years ago.
And regardless of when you entered the arena, there is a tipping point when a struggle ensues over who built that vs who owns that? I want to believe SD is fighting the biggest battle he’s encountered so far and if that is true, he is the only one who can call the shots until he declares victory or allows defeat. IMHO, it remains his choice.
And it is good to remember there is nothing permanent except change.
I agree with you about the tone. It is quite a noticeable shift.
I never liked the way Scott Adams kept claiming that Pres Trump was a “master persuader”.
“Master persuader” is what you call a con artist…or someone that is trying to ‘sell’ you something…or take advantage of you.
Pres Trump speaks the Truth.
He speaks plainly and says the things that a lot of us have been thinking…but have no voice to say it.
Pres Trump is not trying to ‘persuade’ us into believing some new point of view.
He is affirming what so many of us have thought for a long time!
I know a lot of people are ‘followers’ of Scott Adams and seem to put a lot of trust in what he says.
Sorry…I am not one of them.
I like his Dilbert cartoons, though.
I feel much akin to Scott Adams because his Dilbert comic was my world in many ways.
I was in IT, and saw all of that. I loved Dilbert, and related to it deeply. But I suspect that Scott doesn’t know much about dirty politics, having stayed out of it, and not having been victimized by it until more recently. Dilbert never gave me the impression that Scott knew about certain “bad stuff”. There’s a level where he is more “C’mon, man!” Jeb, than “been there” Trump. There is a side of Trump I don’t think that Scott understands. And that’s probably a good thing. Most people should not be exposed to too much bad stuff.
Hi Wheatie
I check Adams out occasionally – probably every third or fourth periscope. You and I discussed the persuasion thing before at the TH some time back …
My take on it is that POTUS supporters do not need persuading, obviously
Dims cannot be persuaded by this POTUS, – they are ideologically possessed
Some (former?) Dem’s – old style liberals, pro free speech – are potentially persuadable to support this POTUS.
Swing voters are, by definition, persuadable. They move from R to D to R as their priorities / circumstances / whatever changes. Sadly, what a Christian recognises as truth is different to what a modern secular person would call truth. To many of them these days, they now refer to “their truth” (I know, ridiculous). Scott Adams is one of these people. So he is talking about persuasion in context of people who have a malleable core value system – and there are ever increasing amounts of this type of person in the modern world. Some of these people will be called to become Christian when they are touched by the Holy Spirit, they will then begin the long journey home. Alas, they are likely to be few in number. The bible intimates this, and this is my own understanding as well.
Just my take on it. POTUS does appreciate Adams, hence his visit to the Oval Office some months back.
For “we” know, that ALL things work TOGETHER for GOOD…. for those that love the Lord…. AND… are CALLED according to HIS purpose.
Reblogged this on RedLegLeader Blog.
W – when you check out CTH today check out the top story, “The Cleaner…”
(off the work!)
Reading between the lines, seems that SD has now “discovered” a “Stealth Bomber,” or something like that!
Q referred to “stealth bomber” …
some Q followers have suggested this IS Matt Whitaker…
See my post there! Please, people – get on CTH and give SD the support he needs! Guess who is on the same side as Whitaker? Yeah. This is why the left’s hair is on fire. Good guys are winning, and by implication, guess where Radium Rod is? OUCH!!! Forgiveness is needed. We just see stuff that others don’t….. YET.
wow have to check this out. so you are saying that sd is legit and all this to get q out was only to spare CTH from getting taken down but at the same time its good to go to name whitaker as the source of the info?
The left is DESPERATE to get us into some weird Alinsky cover-up mode. FUCK THEM. AWANA.
We are journalism. We are Truth. We uncover the truth, and face it, and if it is on the side of good we PUSH IT IN THEIR FACES.
What’s annoying as well is that “The Cleaner” was Neon Revolt’s name for Whitaker. Did SD appropriate?
Maybe so. I haven’t looked at NR. Using it is pure Q theology. SPREAD THE MEMES. See where I’m going?
I had a dream about forgiveness last night. Very important for us to win. I will post about it later. We need to dump MASSIVE SUNLIGHT. WE ARE JOURNALISM NOW.
I still read CTH every day. I will continue to.
I am just more skeptical now about comments, and the overall “vibe” that is going on over there.
The mission to be salt and light was never canceled.
IIRC, Q warned us, pre-election, that the enemy was going to amp up attacks on Q and Q supporters. He empathized that attacks would come from all directions. You’re starting to see that come to pass. For example, YouTube would punish certain Q videos through demonetization in the past. Now, YouTube is starting to outright ban channels (just look at what happened to Praying Medic).
I’m sure that the enemy has just started too.
I pray that this blog remains untouched. However, it’s good to start preparing for the worst-case scenario. If we end up having to take temporary shelter at 8-Chan, so be it,
I need a primer on how to get to 8chan without search engines that will certainly block us.
Jane, here is a link to the 8chan catalogue page, where you can click on the various Qresearch threads, plus all of the other recap threads of their research and their memes:
The ongoing Qresearch threads fill up quickly…especially when things are happening, or when Q is making drops.
They limit those threads to a certain number of posts, then cap the thread and start another.
Those threads have this pic as the header on the catalogue page:
Feel free to ask me any questions that you may have…and I will try to help.
I’ve been lurking and reading there, more and more as time has gone by.
But I have never posted there.
Thank you bunches Wheatie. I’m pretty much a klutz with the internet since our geek son went to college. He comes in periodically with the family for a couple of days and goes straight to the pc to fortify it. But I seldom have an opportunity for any tutorials from him.
If Jane or others ONLY want to read Q drops without going on 8chan, they can go here: we-go-all.net
Thanks, sallyal.
I’m not familiar with that one.
I’ve always just used this one for the Q-drops only:
I had problems getting to that one. Maybe something on my computer blocking. Found this other site and it provides links to 8ch, Twitter, etc.
Oh yeah…that one you suggested is the ‘Patriots Research Channel’.
Good site!
I already had that one bookmarked…but haven’t had time to explore it very much.
Uh oh…the picture I was trying to post didn’t show up, and instead linked to a recent Qresearch thread.
The pic to look for, that is always used for ongoing Qresearch threads, is a picture of soldiers leaning into holding up the Flag.
It has “Q_ANON RESEARCH” on it.
Great. Again thank you Wheatie.
Now I must warn you…there is a lot of profanity and nude pics posted over there.
The shills post the most offensive stuff.
They’re trying to make that site look bad.
The regular Anons post nude girly pics to each other as a sort of ‘currency’ to thank or reward each other for doing a good deed or a good dive into research.
It’s pretty much a free-for-all there.
The Board Owner or BO steps in when things get out of hand.
The Board Volunteers or BV, also try to help out.
But it’s a great place for Info…which is why so many other people use it as their ‘cheat sheet’ and poach stuff from there.
I’m talking about ‘big name’ internet writers, bloggers and twitterers…not us little guys.
I don’t get offended except when someone blasphemes my Lord God. If that happens face to face, I speak up. If I’m lurking, as I would absolutely ONLY be doing there, I’d just apologize to God, and say a little prayer for the offender. No worries, but thanks Wheatie.
I’ve not visited because I’m very visual and I don’t want to load my memory up with defiling stuff. I did see the praying medic video from October where he shows how to turn off images in your settings. I filed that away in case it gets to that stage.
Good thinking.
Exposing oneself to the cultural Marxism not only does the intended direct damage – it dulls the mind. I have found this to be true despite being able to “shut out” the messaging, or while mining it for ammunition. Thus, I like to avoid even incidental exposure.
Yeah, I haven’t figured out how to use that ‘filter’ yet.
If I filter out ‘images’…then I don’t get to see the images that are non-porn.
And a lot of those news-related images are good info.
Great point. Gotta be careful both ways.
Hayden is looking at jail time, IMO. Maybe worse.
Totally agree WM…
It sure looks that way.
Praying Medic is right. He’s just not famous.

Scott knows a lot of stuff, but if he didn’t figure out which of the people around him at ATT were working for NSA (even tougher, the others), then he can’t see what’s going on with Q. Scott seems to have a lot of knowledge of persuasion by hoaxers after the fact, but the next level of persuasion is persuading persuaders and using them like idiots. If you haven’t BEEN the idiot and figured out WHEN you were the idiot, and when you let yourself be the idiot and when you don’t, you can’t see it.
Complicated business.
OMG, WM you nailed it succinctly!
I have great respect for Dutch Sheets. He was part of a 50 state prayer tour, weeping over our nation’s sins and asking God to send another great awakening. I believe he’s the real deal when it comes to prayer.
Here’s the direct link to the video PM posted. Text was originally posted on Elijah List towards end of September of this year (28th?)
Our POTUS is on fire this a.m – tweeting away!
Wow! Trump is ON FIRE!!!
This is great. The Democrats are unleashing the boomerangs like crazy! Keep ’em flying!!!
He’s quite smart on this. Call the Knot of Broward what it is, so that justice will not be afraid to cut it with a sword. I love this guy! Everything he learned over his lifetime went into his quiver, ready to use!
G’morning (at least for me). Thanks for providing a site for alternative perspectives.
Thought for a future article: “To qSkeptics: Why Are You Skeptical?” Not sure if that would be of interest; would get very acrimonious I would guess. But if the qTeam is legit, encapsulated feedback might be useful from parts of their target audience who are not buying what they are selling.
My broad categories would include issues with the —
qTexts themselves
nature of the psyop
behavior of qFollowers
Not sure it is worth the time, but just a thought .. Fighting about qAnon seems to play into the hands of the globalists.
I will add another category: Results
In my opinion, Q skeptics have the Treehouse. I don’t need acrimony here. I get your point, and I may indeed do something interesting that way, so that the sane people we’ve pulled into here can present some great pro-and-con on Q, but I’m not going to let the cray-cray anti-Q Democrat Troll Bullshite of the Treehouse get into here. The Brock Trolls, the poorly camouflaged Russians, and the Assorted Democrat chocolate-covered pieces of excrement, who are right now trying to bring down the Treehouse, are NOT going to get into this place and cause trouble.
RAUS go the prog nazis!
I hope everybody is clear with that. This is a HARD TARGET against the Prog Nazis. They get in here, like Terminators, they DIE (in information universe, of course). BANNED and GONE.
Now – I think what you are asking is a great idea, and my lessons from IT would be that you need to create a separate blog for such discussion. This is like a DMZ site somewhere out there, where our enemies can come in and debate Q folks. A server OUTSIDE OUR FIREWALL.
Fine – sounds like a good idea. But not here. Research boards infiltrated by enemies of Truth are unproductive, and the rat bastard progzis are ALL enemies of the Truth. They don’t come in here. If they do, they get BANNED as soon as I can identify them.
But yes – set up another Q blog. The more, the better. I will link to it and give it life if I can.
You’re most welcome! You have entered Treehouse Cannon Room #2, where the cannonballs have a “Q” on them!
I remember that recently, over “there”, you did a very good job of collating the attendance numbers on the PDJT rallies – so that people could see for themselves how many supporters he has. Another poster there asked in re locating your posts, and I provided the spot.
IMO, the “issue” of Q is now moot, because it diverts from the more important stuff going on (i.e., the impending “Hammer”, and the mid-terms election fraud, among other flash-points).
There isn’t much time, IMO, before the SHTF, for real. The 8-chan / Patriots Fight board may be all that remains, and even then, if the internet goes dark for a bit, all e-comms will be down.
Make the most of your time! Plenty of info / intel here now on this site, and Wolf is an excellent host!
Happy reading!
YES. SHTF will happen soon. People are going to start believing the legitimacy of Q very soon, and when the Fake News media inverts the narrative to “Q = Trump, OMG, Bad Orange Man fooled us poor honest liberals”, all hell will break loose.
I’m slowly coming to the conclusion that any talk, or promoted hypothesis, which tries to connect PDJT with you-know-who, does more harm than good.
I think that the Q-team has been around for DECADES, through many Presidents. Remember what PDJT said himself, when asked whether “Q” were real?
He said “I don’t know.”
From what I’ve gathered from the 8-chans, and other sources, the Q-team may be ABOVE – or at least co-eval – with the Presidency. They ARE separate.
Somehow, I think that’s the crux of the matter. When Q says “Trust the Plan”, it’s the Q-plan. Because our POTUS is honorable, and truly a patriot for our Republic, the Q-team decided to ENGAGE their plan to restore it.
Neither party – Q-Team or POTUS – directs the other. The over-arching GOAL is the same, but the two paths to that goal are substantially / predominantly independent from one another.
It may, in fact, be the WRONG tack for us to take to link them, when there is no causal link. Just because two parties are traveling toward the same destination – and at the same time – doesn’t mean that they are linked.
It’s a subtle point – but the upshot is, things are serious enough for us to be EXTRA careful about drawing inaccurate conclusions.
The best analogy I can come up with, on the spot, is two cars going in the same direction on a highway, headed for the same city. Along the way, sometimes the one car passes the other … and then, later, the other passes the one. Both parties see each other, and guess that each is headed to the same general place … but does this mean that they’re in league with one another? Or staying at the same hotel?
The answer, of course, is no.
I understand this logic is subtle – but the POINT is that there needn’t be ANY direct connection at all … and by PUSHING that there IS a direct connection, we may not be doing ourselves – or Q or POTUS – any good.
In fact, it’s likely harmful.
I saw on 8-chan where [ ] was called out as a “tard”. But the couple sentences the Anon quoted, to make the claim, were actually likely TRUE – under the context I’ve just outlined. (Or butchered! lol)
Food for thought. Perhaps WE should make sure we’re doing no harm, first.
The Hippocratic Oath.
See my latest post. Pursue truth. THAT is how we do good. Sunlight.
The other side is ABSOLUTELY DESPERATE to get us to start covering stuff up. That was the whole Mueller thing. REJECT! AWANA! Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed!
I want the truth. Period.
did anyone ever say the president was q or that the president was coordinating or involved 100%? in my mind i always thought the president was an important chess piece on the board mainly because he was true honest and not beholden to the swamp.
The chess analogy is very apt here. The weak king is defended by strong pieces of differing abilities, and yet it is the KING who must be unseated to win. Democrats are good at CHEATING in chess.
It’s fair enough not to want to do harm, but that is almost impossible. Who defines what harm is? Avoiding offense (or harm) is the root of all things PC. So it can be used to manipulate you into silence or inactivity, or into any other thing, which is why the Left have been using Guilt for decades!
Q is there and he’s talking about stuff. We give away our freedom if we muzzle ourselves in thought or voice just because someone else claims it might hurt POTUS. What we say or think is independent of Q or POTUS.
The Left is trying to divide us and silence us.
THIS! Alinsky fears and self-imposed forms of guilt, churned up on our side by progzi trolls, fake news, and deep state, are all they have at this point. Not falling for their tricks any more.
Yes! Exactly.
I understand where you are coming from but it seems Q goes out of the way at times to show proximity, at the very least, to the President. Showing us the Presidential pen as one example.
AWANA. Screw the leftists and their Alinsky fears. Q, POTUS, and Matt Whitaker are APPROVED WORKMEN. If we tell the truth, we are, too.
“Q goes out of the way at times to show proximity, at the very least, to the President.”
This is why I agree with Wolf’s assessment that the whole operation is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL psy-op (and done for the benefit of our country).
We point to those things you mention and say “Proof!” – and others point to the same things and say “Not Proof!”. To thread this type of needle, to hedge between neither side having the ability / evidence to prove or disprove, is an amazing thing to behold.
No one gets in trouble, legally – we’re all responsible for whatever inferences we make. I – me personally – am satisfied that Q is real … but I could never prove in in Court. The same goes for those who would seek to prove that Q is fake.
It’s called “triangulation” – neither the one side, nor the other … but something in-between. In this case, EXACTLY in-between.
Q isn’t just “on” the fence – they’re DANCING on it!
The professional dancing gives much away.
LOL! Oh, I’m having a great day!
and 1 thing is absolutely true – the forces of the powers that be and even those behind the powers that be are big and powerful and deeper than anyone’s mind can even imagine. this is real life conspiracy theory coming to play out before our very eyes and if you cannot accept that – if people continue to call occam’s razor on everything they will never come around to understand the complex machination behind things. one of my buddy’s favorite lines is “occam’s razor” its like his mic drop. and i always let it go at that point. if people want to think that the world just kind of goes on each day andcthings happen here and there and there is really no planning or scheming going on then fine, i cannot convince them it. but it is going on. it has been going on. even people on CTH get all fired up about globalists and george soros and then cant imagine how much goes on behind the scenes of international money markets, espionage, spying, etc.
Yes. It’s big. It’s been developing for decades. No wonder they dodn’t see Donald Trump as a threat. They thought they controlled everything! And then the Monster Vote happened. Must have been a heck of a shock.
Andrew…the thing about Occam’s Razor is that, for it to be useful, you must have all the facts.
If you do Not have all the facts, then how can you determine that you are making the ‘Simplest Conclusion’?
Wow, Wheatie. That is one of the most obvious, and most overlooked, and most profound statements about Occam’s Razor! You are so exactly right. Everything has to be reviewed in terms of do I have the facts, all of them?
Thanks, Syl.
And that is why people’s use of Occam’s Razor is so often flawed.
They are not in possession of all the facts.
Just a brilliant observation. You have an eagle’s eye, Wheatie.
I need to do a post on this. I did a Twitter thread on Occam’s razor a long time ago – I’ll try and dig it up. Thanks for point this out. Very important in dealing with Democrats!
Re CTH and Q people pushed out in order to save the tree house… For me anyway, that’s not a recommendation to go back there. A lot of good people here have been treated badly and unfairly. Now everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect, but there seems to be rather a lot of these good people kicked out and a lot of bullying going on with approval by SD. Maybe he just needs a holiday, who knows.
Yes, I know, forgiveness is divine and that’s all good and well, but forgiving the unrepentant generally just brings about more of the same behavior.
Outing Whitaker as the leaker of info without proof is not helpful, in fact harmful. And SD was worried about our chatting about Q?
Why do I get the feeling that many sources are setting up Q and/or his followers to take the blame if something happens? Wasn’t there a supposed attempt on POTUS’ life while he was in France? What if something HAD happened? With that sort of timing, would Q and Q followers be set upon and torn into for “being responsible”? Would that have destroyed the morale of the very group of people who might otherwise have stood firm and looked for the real reasons and real cause.
These are dangerous times and it seems the enemy is everywhere. NOT saying the Tree House or SD, but very suspicious timing all of this. The attack on Q is everywhere. Why? Because the Deep State is running out of time to bring down POTUS and to destroy (never to rise again) his followers.
Right now, rightly or wrongly, I don’t trust very many people, no matter their record in the past. Too many undercover agents!
Trust the truth. That’s all I’m sayin’. It’s gonna set us free.
Truth, yes.
wolfmoon, “Trust the truth” is a powerful statement and learning to recognize it is a journey every one us takes every single day in simple small things so we can stand on it when “big uglies” step out of the shadows to test our skill set.
“I don’t trust very many people”
Trust yourself!
POTUS is a patriot.
Q is a patriot.
People on this forum are patriots, from everything I can tell.
One doesn’t need to figure it all out – it’ll become clear, in short time.
The mid-terms were a trigger, yes? That’s why things are seeming so convoluted, IMO. The Hammer is about to fall, and the wielder of the Hammer wants as much confusion and doubt as possible, to zero the target without the target seeing it coming.
Funnily enough, they KNOW it’s coming … but they don’t know where from! One can’t constantly watch all 360 degrees, and from above and below, all at the same time. They know they’re in a thunderstorm … but they cannot predict the lightning strike! (“Panic in DC!”)
An unfortunate by-product for us, who are only slightly in-the-know, is that we’re unsure as well.
That’s actually a GOOD thing! Because we know that it isn’t WE who are being targeted, but THEY.
Hope it helps …
I think you have misunderstood me. I DO trust myself, no fear there. And Q. And POTUS. Oh, and Wolfmoon.
I’ve been around a long time.
Right now I DON’T trust SD or CTH. There’s a war going on and sometimes it’s hard to tell the sides. He’s probably a good guy, but it’s better sometimes not to be so free and easy with trust, that’s what I’m saying.
Trust the Truth – and anybody who is pursuing it. Right now that is the best thing. JMO!
That’s my point. When someone else – anyone else – tells me not to look there, think that or associate with someone else, there’s a reason for it, and it usually isn’t openness and truth.
That’s also why I value Q so highly. He encourages people to think for themselves and do their own research. He also doesn’t get into a snit if his followers follow other people too.
There are plenty of good people out there who respect each other, such as your good self, Wolfmoon. Praying Medic too and many others. Hopefully SD will take his needed holiday and come back refreshed and in good cheer. That’s be great. I just detect something badly amiss there and I trust my intuition.
That means I plan to hunker here for as long as you’ll have me. I see you have a sofa and a television set and a fridge and a coffee pot…
Great post – and thank you.
In the meanwhile, the Treehouse has doubled its firepower pending the PURGE of the Qews by the Resistance Inquisition.
What a historical mix-master! I love it!
Amazing times all round.
Is someone rounding up the sceptics and antagonists to eventually pass out pills complimentary to green on the colorchart ?
We’re gonna need MOAR PILLS!!!
I likely overstepped a bit – I read doubt in your post, but misidentified of what.
Sorry – no offense meant!
What I brought up in my original post was a way that [ ]’s action may be understood, while holding on to the belief that he is, still, a patriot.
A possible resolution of seemingly contradictory behavior / words.
Also, I betcha I haven’t been around as long as you. Experience counts!
No offense taken, Emeraldstar, not ever! Yes, we are all Patriots here and there on the Tree House too, at least most of us (I know some aren’t).
A month or so ago when SD began to sound despondent, I thought then he probably needed a break. He’s been at this a LONG time. I suspect that may even be the reason various people over there have been playing up and getting away with it.
The attacks on Sessions and others seemed a bit much (innocent until proven guilty, right?), but now the attacks on Q and Q followers seem more harsh. Coming here and reading people’s accounts of being banned… Wow! Some of that just blew me away, I was recognizing names of people I’ve long respected over there for being intelligent and thoughtful in their comments. Then they were gone overnight and I didn’t know why.
The whole of it has put me into watchful mode with regard to that site, that’s all. There’s more happening there than I knew. I suspect SD is just swamped, no pun intended.
LOL at “swamped”! OMG – too true!
I have been of at the TH a couple times today to check for new articles. I’ve been short on time so I haven’t been able to read or digest all of them.
In one of them that I skimmed, S[ ] spoke about his cynicism with regard to politics and that he had allowed himself to hope or believe that the IG report was going to bust things open but since then (these are my words not his) he realized it was false hope and he was an idiot for believing things could change.
The despair runs deep apparently. This may explain a lot.
He has ‘predicted’ a lot of things that didn’t happen when he thought they would happen.
I have noticed a gradual slide into the despair-level that is on display now.
What’s been going on there recently has just been ghastly.
Hope he takes some time off from it all for a while.
Yes. His despair affects the board. It affected me. I can’t have that in my life.
And I am upset about how it impacts a bunch of MAGA people who may now stop believing that PDJT can work change in the system.
I think you’re right, Sylvia. I noticed despondency over there building some months ago and more and more people were added into the Black Hat camp. We’re all waiting for action. Let’s hope when it starts happening, it’s made clear to all and SD can feel fired up and strong again. He’s been in the fight a long, LONG time.
Right now I DON’T trust SD or CTH. There’s a war going on and sometimes it’s hard to tell the sides. He’s probably a good guy, but it’s better sometimes not to be so free and easy with trust, that’s what I’m saying.
I’m in that place A.D.,
I don’t have any ‘facts’ w/ regard to it… just my gut, and that’s proved to be a good measurement for some decades now.
There’s really no reason I have to ‘trust’ anyone now, other than POTUS. Q says justice is coming… not when. So, I ‘trust’ … and pray. Same as I did yesterday and the day before.
SD can be wrong. SD can also play games that I personally cannot. I play differently. But we are all playing for the truth about the Obama administration to come out! That is where I’m steering.
Dare to be righter than Sundance! Yet on the same side!
Speaking for myself, I understand my being a pawn in someone ele’s game and that’s fine if it has to be played that way, but that doesn’t mean I’ll come back for another round later.
Yup. I hear you.
Thanks, Phoenix. I pray too, every day, for POTUS and his family, for his Team and their families and for all his supporters.
“They know it’s coming”. Heck yeah! That makes this the most exciting time to be alive. When else in history would we get front row seats?
“… What I brought up in my original post was a way that [ ]’s action may be understood, while holding on to the belief that he is, still, a patriot. A possible resolution of seemingly contradictory behavior / words.”
I’ve spent most of my life trying to “understand” other people… my advanced age prohibits the luxury of the use of my time in that exercise except for a few instances. Additionally, I don’t have the resources required to understand this dustup. We’re invisible to each other online.
In the past few days a number of us have come to this site for refuge. We must be ever mindful of our gracious host who has welcomed us with open arms – to discuss all things Q and otherwise.
I sense a conflict within you, a need to explain the dustup, to maintain your relationship with SD and to shelter those who follow Q. Please know that I feel no need for an explanation from anyone, certainly not you. I honor your take on the situation whatever it is, as yours. Unfortunately, Humpty Dumpty has fallen… we cannot put our image of the TH back together again. We can however, restrain from bringing up the matter in a way that bashes or disparages SD or the TH. We all seek to protect ourselves… SD is no different, he is doing what he deems best for him. I wish him blessings and Godspeed.
Like most, I am on the edge of my seat wondering what the Deep State will throw at our POTUS and how he will react… sensing that something momentous will happen BEFORE Jan 3rd.
Extremely well-said – thanks for that!
Ohh, forgot to mention.
Love the title of this article… Stormy…
Yes, the Storm is upon us. (Even literally here in my neck of the woods, gonna rain all week!)
Thanks! I was definitely thinking that the STORM metaphor – played out earlier – is finally here, and in a big way.
We had snow flurries today. Yuk!
Same here, Jane…but I’ll take snow over an ice storm any day!
So true Wheatie. In ‘98 we had no power for eight (8) Days because of an ice storm.
Brilliant comment, Phoenix.
Thanks A.D.
I am constantly amazed at the wisdom I have read here since I arrived. I think part of it is that it is a smaller group and the luxury of sharing a little more combined with the turmoil of what happened.
Your post really touched me deeply.
This is true. A great observation about the smaller group and the turmoil of its birth.
The Treehouse used to be that way, before it took up the mission of solving all that WE THE TREEPERS had beayatched about, by pushing for Trump in the 2016 election. With that success came the downsides – more people, more expectations, less time for “small” discussions and “small” projects, and exposure to BIG CITY POLITICS.
BUT if the Treehouse can launch a bunch of new, fresh, child-like research blogs, THAT is a good thing. That old Treehouse mentality can renew and spread.
Wolf, for the millionth time I’m glad you’re here and took me in. I was kind of a mess, and distraught, and vented a lot.
This is your place and you have a vision of what you want it to be, and I am pretty sure that is not a 24/7 bashing of the TH.
If any of my posts have made you uncomfortable or given you pause in the atmosphere you are working to create here, I really hope you will delete them.
I know you don’t need my permission to do that, I just want you to know that if I stepped over the line by being excessively critical, or I spoke too strongly, or WHATEVER, I hope you will delete them forthwith. I sure as heck won’t feel bad about it in any way.
People will continue to find there way here and I don’t want them to see something I may have said give the wrong vibe about your board.
I may be critical, or snarky, about things over there at times. But I am working hard to turn the page on that experience and focus on what we have at hand here and not dwell ceaselessly on the past.
Don’t worry! And don’t worry about me wanting to delete any posts. I absolutely can’t stand deleting posts! I have never deleted a Twitter post that I can remember. I think I considered it at the beginning, once, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t give in to the temptation.

Only if the author asks me to delete, or other valid reasons (doxxing).
Watch for me to blow my stack on a few posts! I just leave them up. It’s the truth. That’s how I felt. We’re human. It’s OK!
Lisa recommends this THREAD
BOOM (goes the trapdoor).
THAT’s the other interpretation I was referring to!
Well done!
PM is tweeting again… since so many here do not tweet, I am going to
post his tweets in their entirely… see how that goes, if too lengthy will stop.
In PM’s first tweet, I wonder if events in Europe forced a change in strategy? Seemed to be a DS pincher movement w/ France’s Macron bellowing out the script, bashing POTUS, and here at home, Dims stealing elections in plain sight… daring our POTUS to do something, anything, hopefully out of control?
Not sure where to put this on this site, but why is Corsi getting top line billing on the Drudge Report? Curious.
Mueller charges are what the Communist Fake News Media wants. Corsi seemed to be a fruitful way to get some charges.
He’s too old to deal with this stuff, IMO.
Drudge’s boyfriend dishes it out when Matt is a good boy, and giving Mueller top billing via Corsi is “good boy”.
The question is whether Drudge will toe the line when Hillary is indicted, and take the most left-wing tack possible. I’m betting so.
Love this site much better. Drudge is lost! Here’s the replacement!
While that is true, I really think that part of the issue is that there is some serious $$$ sunk into the pushed narrative that Corsi, InfoWars and Alex Jones, among others, are the face of the right, and the conspiracy crowd. Frankly, some of them make us look insane. Would pushing out a possible Corsi indictment or something by Mueller be a way to try to maintain that facade?
There’s something going on if Corsi has resurfaced with a headline. Never could reconcile Alex Jones, but did listen to Corsi until he said some things I knew were not true, and were very easy to find online. Yes, it was about the Catholic Church, but he was still wrong on a fundamental level. That told me he was less than advertised never mind the over selling of his own books. I don’t do that and I self publish novels.
I like the Citizen Free Press, too.
It’s also a good alternative to Drudge, imo.
Kane is a good guy and a straight-shooter.
DJT is immune to the attacks of the Envious class. Remember when he said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight yet not lose a single vote? What the bitter Envious class hates is his hubris. They NEVER challenged whether his shooting remark was true, only that he said it out loud. That is a mark of the Fake News – they get riled up and sputtering over something that is true, not over something that might be or could be.
Right now in Florida is the dry run for the commie Envious class, They are testing how far they can control/manipulate the news cycle and the reactions of the constitution class (that is us).
In my youth, they started teaching us that America was a democracy. I knew what it was so I wasn’t fazed and just took it for trying to shorthand the whole mechanism of elections & govt service. When Ann Coulter started saying that democracy was mob rule, my light went on.
They have been trying to convert this country into a democracy, from a federalist representative republic. IOW, precisely because we were NOT a democracy was why they called us a democracy. A sick version of name it and claim it. They almost succeeded. Even our beloved POTUS has called us a democracy. I have behaviorally modified my mind to actually have a reflexive disgust just hearing the ‘D’ word.
Back to Florida. They are trying to prove that we are a democracy already. The proof is the attorneys for the crooks demanding a court order counting all votes, even illegal votes.
Yes, I know I’ve been roaming all over. Don’t sue me.
Love it! So true. Florida is in the process of being made socialist. UGLY.