O. M. G.

Child trafficking in VERNON, CT, revealed through mainstream media.  Check this out before it goes away.  Clearly this reporter didn’t get the message that this stuff doesn’t happen, and that PizzaGate is a myth. 

OK – I’m being a bit cynical there.  This case IS starting to get some heavy coverage.

However, there seem to be details here that I expect to vanish.  Whether they vanish for good reasons (follow the network) or bad reasons (hide the network) is unknown, but I expect them to disappear.

Now – where was I?  Oh, yes.

O. M. G.

I will report a bunch of tweets.  You all take it from there.

Here are several links to articles by FOX61:


I have not yet seen the police report, so I don’t know if the detail about “training” is meaningful or hyperbole (the implication perhaps being that he was networking or offering victims to other pedophiles), but the entire case sounds shocking already.

I find it interesting that the reporter largely stumbled on the story through a tipster viewer who spotted investigators on the scene, because I doubt that the story would have been as lurid or socially shocking if it broke to We the People LATER in the game.

A FOX 61 News viewer noticed the Connecticut State Police Major Crimes Detectives at a business on Rt. 83 in Vernon Wednesday. FOX61 learned that the State Police Computer Crimes Unit was conducting an ongoing investigation into prostitution and human trafficking.

Doug Stewart and Brian Foley, FOX61

Anyway, there you have it.  Very nasty.  Vernon, Connecticut.


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Finally dropping the hammer on PedoGate would be huge.
Could this be the “something Big” that Q was talking about?
The pedo thing is so far-reaching into all the elitist circles, that the ripples of it would take out a lot of the enemies of our President and the enemies of our freedoms.


Andrew Breitbart knew something about the big name pedos.
Remember…he tweeted out about John Podesta being a pedophile.
Andrew announced that he was going to release “something big”…but he died and whatever that was, was never released.
I still think that Andrew’s death was very suspicious.
The way that the medical examiner died too, was suspicious.
[Scalia’s death was also very suspicious.]
Pres Trump also tweeted out about ‘missing children’, years ago.
I think he ‘knew things’ about some of the big-name elitist pedos, years ago.
Maybe from being in the hotel business…or from things said at some of the elitist gatherings that he attended, I dunno.
I have thought for a while, that the way to take down the cabalists is to expose all these vast pedo-rings…first.
This would cause public opinion to shift; people would then be more receptive to believing that these elitists are capable of their other crimes.
HusseinO was not just ‘lax’ about allowing it to flourish…there are clues from the WikiLeaks drops that suggest that he was one of them.
The guy in charge of human trafficking and pedo-ring investigations, was a friend of James Alefantis.


Could Andrew Breitbart’s death be related to this tweet:


I have wondered about that, Linda.
We don’t know what the ‘big release’ was, that Andrew teased about in the weeks leading up to his death.
It’s always been a mystery…even though the Breitbart site offered up something that they “thought” Andrew was planning to release…but it was lame as I recall, and nothing earth shattering.


“Maybe from being in the hotel business…or from things said at some of the elitist gatherings that he attended, I dunno.”
Going out on a limb here:
I would guess that as Trumps fame and fortune grew, so did his invites to social affairs with high profile people, directly proportionally.
He was probably never “approved for initiation” into the “Big Club” because “They” couldn’t get him to drink the Kool-Aid.
Even when “They” drink it RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM, to show him it was okay. “They” ALL drink it!
“They” could not coerce him to the “dark side”, although I’m sure they tried.
“They” could gain no real leverage over him.
But I would bet that he has LOTS of leverage over many of “Them” now!
Just look at some of his tweets from the past, sometimes years ago, occasionally re-posted, that are related to CURRENT EVENTS.
These people are sick
These people are evil


Evil…yes, absolutely.
But it is a ‘sickness’ for which there is no cure.
So I hesitate to call them “sick” because that somehow excuses their horrible behavior.
Some people are just flawed to their very core.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Some are broken and just need killin’.


I believe in redemption.
I also believe in restraining evil.


The FIRST thing one goes after … is the LAST thing to complete.
The noose is wide.
The plan is long.

Elizabeth Carter

Wolfmoon, It is the most important thing they are doing.
I found it interesting that you chose the motto, “LET THERE BE JUSTICE, EVEN IF THE SKY SHOULD FALL”
Q often references SKY FALL


WM, THANK YOU for posting this!


One of the greatest gifts our President is doing for our country and our kids is going after each and everyone of these POS. He is truly doing God’s work. He is saving lives and destroying Satan’s plans.

Deplorable Patriot



Hi Flep, great to see you!

Sylvia Avery

I know we are not supposed to look away. But some things I struggle with really hard. I read your post Wolfie but I’m not sure if I can read the supporting material. Maybe later. Right now just so sick and sad.

Plain Jane

You are right Wolfmoon.
Don’t look Sylvia.
I have a friend whose daughter is a cloistered nun. They aren’t exposed to news and such. The mother superior gives them just enough information for prayer petitions and prayers of thanksgiving but not so much info as to destroy their serenity so as to distract their prayer.


Wolf, thank you for understanding ZSylvia on this–and me.


I hope there is a special place in hell for these people who do unspeakable things to babies and little children.
There are things I have seen and read about, Syl…that I wish I could un-see and forget about.
As bad as you might think it is, it is worse.
So I do not blame you at all, for not wanting to know the horrible details of what these pedos do.
It’s bad.
It is very bad.


Sylvia, I don’t know about we are not supposed to look away. Q said, “the choice to know will be yours” and I believe each of us can allow in to our psyche disturbing, unfiltered truth in many ways and in varying increments over whatever period of time and whatever life experience brings us to it. It allows us to understand others when we have allowed in more than they are able to. I recall that “sick and sad” feeling after watching the first video interview of the Dutch Banker, Ronald Bernard. It took me to another level of understanding because like the Kay Griggs interviews, you do not come away with a shred of doubt they are telling the truth. God Bless You! 🙂


Judy, I remember the Kay Griggs interview.


Sylvia, I am the same, I cannot get tooo far into the details of the abuse.


I glance at articles like this also without going into the detail because it makes me so angry & sick. I find it so hard to believe that such evil exists and people know about it but keep quiet out of fear, but children are the most vulnerable!


The human trafficking problem is HUGER than we can imagine. Especially minors.
It’s the most valuable world-wide “currency” – more than weapons, or drugs, or anything – that the deluded, self-appointedly “elite” use amongst themselves.
They AREN’T elite; they’re amoral, debased humans, without any compunctions for any actions at all. As much as they cry “We’re BETTER than you!”, that’s how much they’re LESSER.
Q posted some trigger info, which the Anons at 8-chan dug deep on … and there were even pictures posted, ostensibly from Ep****n’s Isl***. THE. SICKEST. STUFF.
I remember a few posters on the prior site (and I’ve a few new ideas about “why” things changed – for another time) BRAGGING about how they’re adults, and can take the truth, and so, they brazenly advocated for EVERYTHING to come out.
When one looks into the abyss … the abyss looks BACK INTO YOU.
Time for another Tolkien quote! (or how ’bout two, lol!):
[Faramir speaking to Frodo, upon the revelation that Frodo possesses the Ring … and Faramir has the “golden” opportunity to take it, by force]:
“But I am not such a man. Or I am wise enough to know that there are some perils from which a man must flee. Sit at peace!”
[Elrond, speaking to the Council at Rivendell, in re Saruman’s treachery against them]:
“It is perilous to study too deeply the arts of the Enemy, for good or for ill.”


You’re on target EmeraldStar…
and so right about the “Elite” – scum of the earth…
and the enormity of the problem…
#1 source of funds for all their bad deeds…
Immigration issue in this country is not just about free loaders coming into our country…
it’s about the human trafficking comin’ cross the border…
I would wager most of the children are coming w/ people who claim to be their parents, but are traffickers…
90% of the females are raped on their journey to the border…
Most at the site we all used to frequent have no idea… heck, you’re hardly allowed to say “Deep State” there.
(Which reminds me… does anyone know if S[ ] believes the DS exists? He never gets beyond talking about D.C., as though that is the limit of the swamp… )
It’s my belief that connections to human (esp. children) trafficking is what will bring down DS… it is the under-pinings of their organization. They think they “thrive” on it…. some will know what I mean.


And former AG Sessions was ON IT!
I saw the beaming smile he had, when leaving the DOJ.
A happy man! Duty fulfilled, job done, and well-earned reprieve!
I wish DanO64 could be here to read this!

Plain Jane

That reporter obviously, from the police report that wasn’ sufficiently redacted, knows more busts are going down.
Bravo AG Sessions.


Emerald, I think you Are right on target. Where Is DanO64, still on the Treehouse?


We must pray hard for these children. They live in hell on earth.


DEGinTN, your post brought tears because I know the power of prayer for these children. I see an octopus-like world-wide structure composed in ancient times with continual refining and more secretive ways of using them for many nefarious purposes. What they do to indoctrinate children, I believe strikes at the core of the being of those who have joined together and are today fearless in pushing this into the open where is can be openly known, discussed, examined and will be removed from societies making a better world for all of us.
Here are 2 videos of interviews with children giving testimony to the Police in the Hampstead Christ Church child abuse cover-up in England. Sweet, precious children…just view what you can and leave the rest for a later time.


Deplorable Patriot

It’s not just cultural marxism, but moral relativism has done a tremendous amount of damage to civilization. “Live and let live” was not supposed to include vile crimes against other human beings.

Plain Jane

Something Big, I’d say.

A.D. Everard

This is shocking and sickening. Not just this. All of it. Sex rings, slavery, the lot. Satanism too. When you think of these things you think medieval times or small sick groups. But this is all MASSIVE and it ties into some extremely powerful people. Also been going on for years, right under our noses. This sort of organization doesn’t spring up overnight.


A.D. Associating these thing with medieval times is exactly what I did. Believing it is happening now, today was way out there and the existence of the Church of Satan and practicing Luciferians, well that was the absolutely most unbelievable for me.
After I watched the first interview of the Dutch Banker, Ronald Bernard I worked for days on how to process what he had shared. You could just see the truth surfacing through his emotions so there was no doubt in my mind that he was telling the truth but I didn’t know what to do with it in my own life. His description of the reason he left the financial realm he worked so successfully in seared my soul. I knew about the abuse of children but sacrificing them in ritual ceremonies was new information.
I remember finally calling a close friend whose family included uncles who were Ministers and Bishops and she had provided me in the past with some valuable insight when I was in the midst of a serious confrontation of church hierarchy. I had known her since childhood and my first question was, “Tell me what you know about the Church of Satan”. You can likely imagine the moments of dead silence but the conversation deepened and was helpful and continues as a topic we can discuss openly and we have brought it up when other mutual friends are together from time to time.
I honestly cannot think of another human alive today that would confront these powerful people more effectively than President Trump. It brings to mind how deeply he understands Luke 12:48, “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required”.


I don’t believe justice can be served for these kinds of crimes by some painless execution behind closed doors. For the nation to believe that the sickness is cleansed there must be public hangings on the Capitol Mall. I know that may label me as a barbarian but there are some crimes so evil that the public soul is infected merely by being aware they exist. The world and the American citizen must see that good men and women are serious about destroying such crimes utterly, without mercy.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’d be satisfied with tying to a vertical post then giving each one bullet to the gut. Could take days for them to die.


Hi Steve !!!!!
So glad you’re here…


Hi Steve…it’s good to see you here!
And as brutal and grisly as your suggestion sounds, it is mild compared to the horrible things that some of these pedos have done to their innocent little victims.
I would be for burning them at the stake.
Why waste a bullet.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Burn them???? Good Grief, what would that do to the environment!?!?!
I’ve known about this site for quite some time. I’m not really into Q though, so I don’t generally have much to say on most of the threads.

Plain Jane

I LIKEd you anyway. 🙂
Please come here more often.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I will (ahem) count on that. 🙂

A.D. Everard

Good to see you, Steve. Yeah, it’s pretty comfortable in here. Wolfmoon is taking good care of us.

Deplorable Patriot

Burn them???? Good Grief, what would that do to the environment!?!?!
It would clean up some of the wildfire fuel, and give these people a taste of where they are going before they get there.

Sylvia Avery

Glad you found your way here!
Concur with the bullet to the gut.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Like I told Plain Jane, I’ve been aware of this place since Wolfmoon first started it…but really don’t have much to say about Q. Other topics, I can talk about (and he seems to be posting more of those lately.) So I am glad I came *back* this evening.
Bullet to the gut is mild compared to some punishments I’ve heard of. I will *not* describe them unless someone really, really wants to know…

Plain Jane

This makes me wonder how many of these child victims will grow into mass shooters.

A.D. Everard

I don’t know that many of these child victims survive, not unless rescued.

Plain Jane

I imagine some do. The kids who are loaned out in exchange for drugs or whatever locally are messed up

Elizabeth Carter

A. D. I often think about the ones who have been tortured and terrorized in addition to all of the other things they have gone through. I am sure it takes them a long time and a lot of love to heal after they are rescued. I pray for them.


Shepherd’s House in L.A. spent much of three decades helping survivors recover. There is a CD series by Jim Wilder called “Joy Bonds” that really explains the keys to recovery. Not sure if you can find a copy these days.
Four minutes introduction to the dream of healing the brokenness in the world.


Great video.


I’ve listened to many, many hours of this man. He has a big heart. Grew up in a So American country where (IIRC) 250,000 were killed during his childhood. He says their strength in adversity gave him a kind of hope that can’t be extinguished.


A.D. …many of them are kept around to serve the ‘masters’, by taking care of the new victims.
The older, teenage victims, are so thoroughly damaged and ‘programed’ into submission, that they are used to groom the younger ones.
They comfort them and play with them…and give them first aid to help them heal up from the abuse.
They win over the trust of the little ones.
It is so very evil, what these adult pedos do to these children.


If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, read Fritz Springmeier’s “The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Mind Control Slave.” Most of it is reprinted on this site:
But don’t read it unless you really want to know. It’s horrifying.This is what the elite, such as the Rothschilds, do to their own children. It’s basically satanic ritual abuse. It explains a lot of these crazed mass murderers. I used to know a woman who escaped from this when I lived in California and had a hard time sleeping for a long time after hearing some of her stories. As Q said, “These people worship Satan.” They love no one, not even their own children. They program them and use them. And then they grow up and do the same thing to their children.


Thanks, Linda.
I have watched videos about that and read about some of it, too.
So I have already been down that rabbit hole, to the point that I’m not sure I need to see more about it.
It is pure evil.


I recognize the Springmeier name, that was one of Neon Revolt’s information sources, where I first learned about some of this stuff not long ago.

Plain Jane

Thanks for the link Linda. Most of my reading on the subject was class requirement plus supplemental, and you probably know the universities will not, do not go anywhere near political or powerful entities as perps. This should be very enlightening reading.


This is the one I read at Neon Revolt:
I haven’t read the actual Springmeier book yet (292 pages, pdf, included at the link).
And this one:
Hard to believe a lot of it at first, but there is just so much information available, and when the pieces start fitting together, it begins to make sense.

Plain Jane

Thanks Scott. Emailed both links to myself and bookmarked them.

A.D. Everard

Wheatie, a lot of them are killed. Pedo rings and Satanic rings merge and they have no qualms about getting rid of them when they are done (and yes, it might be years). These people are monsters.


Yes…sadly, they are killed because they ‘know too much’ to let them go.
And yes.
These people are monsters.

A.D. Everard

What so shocks me is how large it all is. I know a lot of people don’t agree with the death penalty, but for this sort of thing, it really must be done. As is evident, they spread and grow.
I’m not trying to be flippant, but it reminds me of vampires infesting a town. One cannot invite vampires in and expect them to behave. Every last one of them deserves a stake through the heart.
Already the Left are trying to normalize and legalize pedophilia, normalize and legalize the death of babies (even claiming children as old as 5 years can be killed without guilt because they “don’t have awareness”). They will undoubtedly claim religious freedom for Satanism.
It won’t end politely. They don’t know polite.

Plain Jane

Reports filter back to pro-lifers for years that practice of satanism during abortions and with the dead baby is not uncommon.

A.D. Everard

Plain Jane, yes. I had no idea it was so wide spread. It’s sickening.


A.D. It is my belief that we will be seeing and hearing more and more of them as they can now skip past the referral framework of “compromised mental health professionals” whose role is to convince the victims seeking help out that all is well and normal and they should return to the world of abuse.
The Trump administration Tuesday allowed states to provide more inpatient treatment for people with serious mental illness by tapping Medicaid, a potentially far-reaching move to address issues from homelessness to violence.

Plain Jane

There are so few in the profession who are not well mentally themselves, it’s astounding. Many of the so called mental health professionals and social workers go into it to try to heal themselves.
Thank God, there are many though who are in good mental health and right with God.
I’ve heard some first hand horror stories over the years.


“This makes me wonder how many of these child victims will grow into mass shooters.”
More likely ‘groomed’.
Neon Revolt has done some deep dives on the sick psychological destruction of children, splitting their sense of self through various tortures and sexual abuse, ‘planting’ alternate personalities that can be triggered by a specific word or phrase, all supported by what seems like a lot of research and testimony from a few survivors who have come forward.

Plain Jane

I totally believe it. When I made that post, I was thinking about the Adam Lanza.


Scott, the horror is so far beyond anything expressible in human language.


Victor Hugo’s horrifying nonfiction portrait of the comprachicos (lit. “buyers of little ones”, in Spanish) in his novel L’homme Qui Rit (The Man Who Laughs) is apt here in understanding the psychology of the perpetrators.
What you claim here seems very much a modern day recreation, using updated technology, of the medieval networks he described, which faded from history after the 17th century, but with the current ones focusing on psychology vs. physical appearance.
The anti-conceptual, “progressive” style of the government schools, which is responsible for so much of the socialist orientation of our society today, is probably also responsible for churning out so many graduates who would seek such cruel power over helpless children. And its learning methods probably served as models of how to break the victims psychologically.
Ayn Rand used Hugo’s description as a metaphor for “progressive” education in her takedown of the 20th century school system, “The Comprachicos”, an essay found in her collection The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution, or as a later version of the collection was titled, The Return of the Primitive.
IMO, anyone wanting to understand the sick mentality behind the creators of Pizzagate should read Rand’s brilliant essay, which quotes at length from Hugo.


They must first survive the pedo rings They generally don’t allow them to be found alive. Some of the things I have read and seen are just pure evil. Satan works hard on the earth and targets the most pure.

Plain Jane

Yes. I very much admire the men and women who are fighting to rescue those poor victim souls. God bless them.


PUBLISHED: 01:09 EST, 15 November 2018
TOLLAND, Conn. (AP) – Like many victims of a Connecticut sex trafficking ring that preyed on troubled young men and teenage boys for more than 20 years, Samuel Marino never told his family or police about being coerced into sexual relations with much older men.
Marino ended up carjacking vehicles from two different women in 2009 and leading police on a chase that left him dead at just 26 years old. In a handwritten note found years later in a raid on one of the suspected sex trafficking ring leader’s homes, Marino wrote he was angry, ashamed and disgusted at how he was taken advantage of.
Police said they identified at least 15 victims of the Connecticut trafficking ring but believe there could be dozens more. The operation appeared to date to the 1990s and was discovered only after a state probation officer reported it to authorities in January 2016, police said. One of the victims had told the probation officer about being trafficked, officials said. Two men have pleaded guilty to trafficking-related charges and a third is expected to go on trial early next year.
One bright spot for me was at the end of the article, a photo of Colorado Judge Robert Lung in Castle Rock, Colo. Lung, a survivor of child sex trafficking, is a member of the U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking and is calling for more recognition and services for male sex trafficking victims. (Robert Lung via AP)


[…] more HERE […]

Elizabeth Carter

President Trump, Ivanka Trump, Jeff Sessions and Steve Scalise made this their primary goal and have made tremendous inroads into the problem.
Steve Scalise was shot because of working with President Trump to stop it. President Trump, Ivanka Trump and Jeff Sessions have been under constant attack and threats of assassination because of this focus. It is only partially about illegal immigrants being brought in for trafficking, it is about stopping it all over the world. Most of the people in our country being trafficked are legal citizens.
We cannot allow human trafficking to continue to thrive. It is the number 3 source of illegal income in the world now. It is worse than you can even imagine. It is the epitome of evil.
This is the main reason they hate President Trump so much and are trying so hard to stop him.
This is the main reason I pray for President Trump and the ones working with him on this. They have literally put their lives on the line to stop it. This is the war between good and evil.
The other things President Trump fights for are very important to MAGA, but the worldwide trafficking in persons is the keystone that will bring all of our enemies down when it is removed.
A keystone (also known as capstone) is the wedge-shaped stone piece at the apex of a masonry arch, or the generally round one at the apex of a vault. In both cases it is the final piece placed during construction and locks all the stones into position, allowing the arch or vault to bear weight. Keystone (architecture) – Wikipedia


From the article below.
“We are blessed and will continue improving and designing to match your needs/expectations. Customer Service, cleanness, safety and uniqueness is the priority here at my property.”


That’s creepy.
I mean, the way it’s worded…is just creepy.


“OK – I’m being a bit cynical there. This case IS starting to get some heavy coverage.”
I think that the reason this is taking so long to go ‘Boom’ is because the good guys at DOJ are working their way up the chain of pedo offenders.
In Operation Broken Heart, they arrested over 2300 people…but that was just online pedos and child pornographers.
There is another ongoing operation that has more wide-reaching ramifications.
I saw a little blurb about that…but now I can’t remember what the other operation was called…but iirc, it mentioned thousands of additional arrests.
By methodically working their way up the chain of pedos, it will show that they arrived at the charges against the ‘big name’ pedos…by normal and usual investigative procedures.
And NOT by politically targeting the ‘big name’ pedos.
This is important.
All the usual leftist narrative engineers in the Enemedia will of course try to dismiss any pedo charges against the ‘big name’ pedos…as just political targeting.
As we know, the Left is very familiar with ‘political targeting’…it’s what they do, when they are in control of the govt.
And they always…always…accuse others of what they themselves are doing, or have done.


Wolf…l also think that the pedo thing is the Main Reason why the Dems/Enemedia has been so hell-bent on defaming and destroying Q and the Q movement.
Q has posted a lot about the subject.
There was even that exchange about ‘Alice’ and ‘Wonderland’ being what HRC and her thralls called their disgusting activities in SA.
Our President chose the KSA for his first state visit as President.
I’m thinking that he had several good reasons for doing that.


One thing to remember, Wolfie…Prince MBS absolutely hates Iran.
So while he may be displaying a ‘closeness’ to Erdogan, it may only be a means to an end.
And I agree with your take on the whole Khashoggi plot.
It was done to drive a wedge between us and MBS.
Funny how all the usual suspects immediately called for an end to us selling the KSA any more military hardware.
Gee…it’s like they already had that narrative cued up and ready to launch.
The main reason MBS wants to beef up their military…is because of Iran.

Plain Jane

How on earth did I miss the info about our people vindicating MBS!!! So glad to hear it. Thanks Wolfmoon.

Plain Jane

Well, if the bigger news is that all the black hats around the world have been arrested and already in Gitmo, I’m good.
Looking forward to your post Wolfie.


“Yes. Their habit of accusing others of doing what they already DID is very useful in figuring out what they’ve been up to.”
Yes, it’s so prolific that it has practically become a form of collective ‘confession’.
Whatever they are accusing others of doing, ALWAYS turns out to be what they themselves are, in fact, doing.
THAT is why they thought about it, or of it, to accuse others — it’s always on their mind, because THEY are doing it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, that makes a LOT of sense.
“Gee we were rolling up pedos and we were shocked! Shocked, I say! to discover Senator Bleauharde was part of the ring.”


Posit that [ ] wants to quit. Become invisible. Get away, with no debts to ANYONE.
The stress must be massive!
What better way, to save the true posters, than to kick ’em OUT. For their own good (who would want the hassle he’s suffered lately?).
Tough love.
Protect the faithful.
Again – find a way to kick ’em (us) out.
Perhaps he’s trying to protect us, in the only way available to him.
Just like former AG Sessions, he wishes to leave – and leave the GOOD he created as protected as possible.
And while so many RAIL against the effrontery – borne of vanity (Why ME!!!) – we misconstrue his motives, and do further damage.
[ ] is a GOOD man. Facing something he didn’t bargain for. WAR.
Let’s all say a prayer, and give thanks, for what he’s provided us! Knowledge, evidence, thought, analysis, a window into the cabal, honesty, hard-work, faithful grounding, and a means for fellowship among us all.
I want that he FIND his own, personal refuge. He is seeking it.
Let us help him.


Forgive me …
He wants OUT.


“He wants OUT.”
How do you know?


I don’t, Scott.
But it’s an extremely simple hypothesis, and it explains all the evidence.
I just landed on it yesterday, so I haven’t had much time to sit with it.
For now, though, to me, it fits. We can NEVER know what’s in another person’s mind. But we’re all motivated by basic drives. When we WANT something, then we use our intellect to try to figure out how to get it done.
Descartes figured out the only thing we KNOW. “I think, therefore I am.” (translated from French) Everything afterward is at least partially speculative.


WM, a thought occurred to me this afternoon that may or may not be a puzzle piece to “connections”. Remember the videos he posted more than once, very professionally done that were about some of his investigations/research/some really hot topic? IIRC SD said they would be used on a national level of the rollout of ___There were 3-4 of them but I don’t recall the topic or if they were published elsewhere.
Is there a way to find those posts with the videos? I believe there may be some helpful info in those posts. And there may be “nothing to see here”….but it’s just a thought.


“And while so many RAIL against the effrontery – borne of vanity (Why ME!!!) – we misconstrue his motives, and do further damage.”
I’m not upset about being banned — I mean sure, it’s frustrating and I wish I hadn’t been banned, but I don’t have any ill-will toward CTH or SD — quite the opposite. I just would like to understand what is going on, and WHEN or IF he gives the ‘all clear’ signal that we can go back.
It’s not understanding WHY all of this has happened that is the hardest part (for me).
Doesn’t make me angry at anyone, I just hope whatever the issue is can be resolved, so that things might go back to normal.
Maybe they won’t, maybe they can’t, but they could… we don’t know!

Sylvia Avery

Yeah, I think maybe half of us were banned and half of us fled the scene when the crap started to rain down. Now that we’ve left, we find out we’re banned because we came here which strikes me as really peculiar. I’ve expended all the anger and hurt and betrayal I have, but I am still left with puzzlement. Curiousity. WTH happened and why?
Emeraldstar’s theory is as good as the next, I guess. I doubt if we will ever know why. Did he burn out? Was he threatened? Did he fear what was coming next? Did he and his wife split up and he just wants to move away and forget it all? Mid life crisis? Shrug. I’d like to know. Doubt I ever will.
Sad to say, I don’t think there will be any going back to normal. But that’s just rank speculation on my part.


Sylvia I agree with you completely about there not being any going back. ( Nice to see another that is up “at all hours of the morning” as I am.)


“Sylvia I agree with you completely about there not being any going back. ( Nice to see another that is up “at all hours of the morning” as I am.)”
Good to ‘see’ another familiar face!
I was just thinking, since we don’t KNOW what has happened or what’s really going on, there’s no reason to foreclose on the possibility that we might go back at some point.
As Wolf has said, there could be a good reason for all of this, it might even be that SD is doing this for our benefit.
That’s the thing about not knowing… we just don’t know 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Yeah, I’m a night owl anyway and then when I have trouble getting to sleep all bets are off!


I just found this site yesterday and am glad to see familiar names I used to see “over there.”
Regarding theories about what happened, here is the Occam’s razor take. I am not saying this IS what happened; just my observations.
From the time I started lurking at CTH, I noted the milieu fostered there, that [ ] has the best insight into all topics, that those who have a different take are not welcome, and that fawning posters are always welcome. I saw [ ] himself reply to people in a rude, condescending way. Some were just asking innocent questions.
I saw other people’s posts getting deleted. Then, in a discussion about Milo’s controversial remarks, I took the position that they were not good for the conservative movement. The majority were of the opinion that any conservative must be defended, no matter what. I made it clear that my understanding of standing on principle is that you are consistent across the board.
So then my posts got deleted. I politely emailed three times to find out my status, but got no reply. My point is not that I’m upset — I’m not; the site can do whatever it wants — but that the practice of getting rid of people whose opinion is a little different is nothing new at that site.
Q is seen as a threat by some who want to be THE place their readers go to for answers; hence some people’s animosity and dismissing Q out of hand. It is probably annoying to have people commenting about Q on your site when you don’t welcome that.
So Occam’s razor: This is business as usual. “Problem” posters get banned for not toeing the line. Maybe there’s more going on that I can’t see, but maybe it really is that simple. If [ ] is going through hard times or wants out, I’m sorry for him, but doing it at the expense of good people is a strange way to go about it.


i would be worried if i was anyone who was anyone in this day and age. i mean, they can come get me i guess if it comes down to that, but i don’t try and advertise all over the web for a reason. even posting here is something i’ve done in knowing there are some risks. but i also feel like if i feel a need to type out monstrous run on sentences spanning 12 paragraphs what better of a place!
i have a feeling sometimes like we are in some kind of sick plotted high school 3 act play. with the players all lines up against each other and you can’t tell who is who, who is good, who is bad, who is in league with each other, or that giant elephant in the room – the “controlled opposition” – the most dangerous of all.
something got me feeling weird at one point about some of the investigative journalism, the tick tocks, the dragging on and on of these absolutely incredulous story lines. but as sd once mentioned offhand, the john solomon’s, the sara carter’s, etc, they appear to be a front to distrbute information under the guise of real sleuthing gumshoe reporters. endless pots of coffee and chain smoking while you wait on the corner to hear from your rented van lookout to alert you to the mark’s movement…
something is fishy with reporters on both sides. almost too fishy. enough that i have wondered out loud at least three times – are we being punked here? is this whole thing a complete giant trap that we can’t even get out of and we play the characters ourselves one force battling another actually alligned to the same course.
again, mega blackpill moments have kept me keeping, i guess the posters on the other site always call “suspicious cat” hair on the back of my neck double triple take…
don’t want to get all kind of crazy, but something sure seems strange sometimes to me.


And for me, WM The Hunger Games are also a useful series of fiction books that can provide a framework for culling out space from time to time to be an observer from your own little place that you know. You see it all playing out on the world stage and can be interested, involved now and then, as you are inspired to. You stay engaged at varying levels because of surprises, action, courage displayed and leadership skills of people who are making things happen that need to happen to shape a better world for all.
Katniss, the lead character in the series, was a young girl who found herself fighting for her life in a cruel competition that she volunteered for to save her younger sister whose name was drawn for mandatory participation from having to compete in the Annual Games, her family was in danger, then she took the fight out to a larger space, joining with the rebels in District 13 to try to get the other Districts to unite to overthrow the Capitol filled with useful idiots who set up the games for their entertainment. So many parallels and similarities to the realities of our world today….you never know what is coming next…
Finding Suzanne Collins background and premise for writing the series confirmed my thoughts that there was more to the stories than just fiction. She describes The Hunger Games as a reality television program. “An extreme one, but that’s what it is. And while I think some of those shows can succeed on different levels, there’s also the voyeuristic thrill, watching people being humiliated or brought to tears or suffering physically. And that’s what I find very disturbing. There’s this potential for desensitizing the audience so that when they see real tragedy playing out on the news, it doesn’t have the impact it should. It all just blurs into one program.”


The fiction that always comes to my mind when studying Spygate, Pizzagate, Diana West’s Red Thread postings, etc., is Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time.
It’s a huge, multi-volume, swords and sorcery novel that has a surface theme of good vs. evil, as in Tolkien. But it has a deeper, literary theme of the role of information in human life. So there is a million different times we confront the questions what does this mean?, how does this affect the plan?, how will others react to this?, and, especially, can I trust this guy telling me this?
In fact, trust in others is almost a third theme of the novel. So you have these young people traveling around a medieval/Renaissance era world, learning to run, learning to hide, learning to fight, learning how to use their budding magical powers, and learning the history of their world. But they do this in a context where an unknown number of the villagers, knights, courtiers, mythical creatures, and witches that they meet have secretly committed themselves to Shai’tan (basically, Satan,) a powerful evil being with magical powers.
These bad guys are involved in a global covert conspiracy to release Shai’tan from the prison in which an alliance of good guys had locked him 3,000 years ago when he had last made a play to conquer the world of men.
There are a handful of good guys whom we get to know in the first person perspective, and so implicitly understand that their intentions are pure, however many misunderstandings or other conflicts they have with other good guys. And there are even a few bad guys from which we briefly see the first person perspective, to better understand their schemes and motives. But the vast majority of the enormous cast of characters in this sprawling work are only encountered in the second or third person, so we can’t really be sure which ones are working for the other side.
Even though it is a fantasy, the logical puzzles and psychological suspense concerning trust vs. betrayal have a more realistic feel, and resulting emotional impact, than those in serious spy stories.
The lies and maneuvers of the bad guys are identical to those of real world Communists, and many pages evoke a similar level of tension as Cold War nonfiction such as Peter Wright’s Spy Catcher.
The late Robert Jordan earned a physics degree from the Citadel, the military college of his native South Carolina, and fought in Vietnam as an Army helicopter pilot. The experience of that war first-hand evidently left him with a keen interest in the machinations of crypto-Communists, and an appreciation for the destructiveness of their propaganda campaigns. This background has given his hand a deft touch for this subject.


Interesting! Thanks for posting.


I read them because I was concerned about my young teenage granddaughters being so intensely captivated by them and their descriptions of the political premises. You never know what is being fed to children through thrills and chills but this was a great basis for lots of good conversations…I could not watch the movies…found I process blood written about by skimming over it but seeing it is a whole ‘nuther matter. 🙂
