OK, people – it’s time for us to be rational about Q. We need to GET AHEAD of Q. Put Q to the test. Put OURSELVES to the test. We need to be PREDICTIVE about Q.
Here is Q post number 2491 – primarily about the fact (INTERESTING) that Q is now the number TWO target of the Fake News Media, AFTER our dear VSGPOTUS.

Here is the only prediction:

What is it?
It is now THREE days later and almost the end of the week. It doesn’t feel, to me, like “whatever it is” has actually happened.
Democrats in Flori-duh do seem to have been slow-walking vote counts. Are they DELAYING the “SOMETHING BIG”?

In Arizona, Sally McRINO inappropriately – in McCain style – CONCEDED to Code Pink Tutu-Wearing Pedo-Protecting 60’s Stewardess despite the clearly fraudulent vote. Did she thereby SNUFF OUT the “SOMETHING BIG”?

Secret Democrat Jeff Flake ALMOST passed legislation protecting Robert Mueller. Have the combination of Democrats and RINO Fake Republicans forced “SOMETHING BIG” into a holding pattern?

Or are the doom and gloom crowd RIGHT? Is it a fact that there IS NO “SOMETHING BIG”?

But seriously – what do you think? Has Q blown this one? Or is the opposition DELAYING THE GAME? What is the “SOMETHING BIG”, and when does it get here? Or did I miss it?

WolfMoon, you are a good man. Brilliant idea. What could the “big thing about to drop” be?
I note: Q said is was “about” to drop, so maybe this week?
2481-2489 refers to the “Placeholder” which, I guess is Whitaker. Since these posts preface 2496, the chances are good we might see something from Whitaker. Specifically, Q talks about the OIG reports in 2489, it might mean the OIG investigation on FISA is completed.
I’m guessing it’s either Whitaker or something to do with Vote Fraud, although, Prison Reform was pretty darn big.
I think this Q post may be key:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.444
Nov 10 2018 12:52:21 (EST)
FL & AZ attempt(s) to ‘steal’ the election(s) — DO NOT LOOK HERE
CA shooting & Fires [same location(s)] — LOOK HERE
“Dark to light” was clearly POTUS_Schedule poetry – referring not only to the big picture, and (presumed) upcoming moves, but also to the Diwali ceremony (Hindu + others, triumph of light over dark) that was coming up. Whoever Q is, they really get POTUS and his strategy.
Then Q talks about election fraud, then the DISTRACTIONS.
THEN we see the kill box on [NEXT WEEK]. We have TWO MORE DAYS until “next week” is even centered.
Since the main focus in this post is election fraud, I’m thinking they timed it out, that THAT was expected to be the “something big”, and that it should be soon.
what about the info in news that DHS report on voter fraud due in 45 days?
is “45 days” a ruse?
Is idea of “report” a [placeholder] ? as in, “referrals for prosecution have been sent” is the deal, not the report?
Phoeniix, I believe there is a 45 day time limit on the report.
Doesn’t necessarily mean to take 45 days.
I’m hoping it happens very soon.
You’re correct…
I missed that little nuance.
I probably misread “due WITHin 45 days key being with…
Agree in hoping it is sooner than 45
Help me out here please. Probably a “duh” question but first, who/what is [R + D]] ?
UNIPARTY would be my guess.
Point of clarity:
R= Republican
D= Democrat
[R+D]= Uni-party
Thank you, Nor’Easter.
Repubs and Dems. Think Jeff Flake…..there are enemies in the Repub camp that hate Trump and his agenda. You can probably add Ryan (leaving soon) and Romney to that list for sure. Also, “conservative media”.
Thanks. Unfortunately it became fairly obvious to me after I sent my question. Lol. Thank you.
Been there and done that too! That is when I really wish there was a delete/edit button.
Sometimes I think of things an hour after I post. I think my brain is overstuffed and needs defragging.
kind of like remembering your home phone from when there were party lines or the color of a hair ribbon when I was four.
Party lines were awesome!!! Hahahaha….what memories.
I have some stories about that. LOL Bet you do also..
P.S. No worries about Duh questions….we all learn from each other.
Another LOL. I learn from you all here, but I certainly don’t think I have much to offer to teach. Hee, hee, hee.
You’d be surprised, Sensei Jane.
I blush. You are sweet.
So WM what i think is overshadowed by what I dream….Trump bringing out the one who knows better than anybody how election fraud occurs and the Dems thought he was dead. Would it not be nice to see Seth Rich live and in person?!
Oh, wow. THAT would be something. WOW. Yeah, that’s a heck of a dream!
Well a girl can dream and I’ve held that dream that there would be some high level important meeting of the DNC where they are discussing whatever it is they discuss and Seth just walks into the room with that big smile on his face and greets them like he was invited to attend but was running a bit late Still working on more details but that’s it for now….you know he grew up in NE where I believe some of the leverage held over the family to zip up their lips and anyone attempting to talk is related to…
PDJT sure sent out a bunch of quite strongly worded tweets today about Mueller and the Coup plotters at the FBI and DOJ. Stronger than I have heard in a while. Made me wonder if there was a tie in…..
So, WM were you just out if front of the news cycle with this observation of a Q post?
Nov 10 2018 12:52:21 (EST)
FL & AZ attempt(s) to ‘steal’ the election(s) — DO NOT LOOK HERE
CA shooting & Fires [same location(s)] — LOOK HERE
Published 2 hours ago on Nov 16, 2018
A Democrat from California who trailed by just over 6,200 votes after election night tallying has now overtaken Rep. Mimi Walters (R-Calif.), and will win yet another Congressional seat.
“On Thursday, the Associated Press projected that Democrat Katie Porter has defeated two-term GOP. Rep. Mimi Walters in the race to represent the county’s inland 45th Congressional District,” according to The Orange County Register.
Officially, Porter is now winning the race by 6,203 votes after trailing by 6,233 when votes were originally counted. Porter reportedly won 58 percent of votes that have been counted since the night of the election.
Well, all we need now is a FF, say a school shooting to take focus away from never-ending vote count in Fl… and then a tie in to a Q supporter…
Wait, what’s that I see on the horizon ??? can it be… ?
Hey guys, don’t forget – the hordes will be scaling the walls at the border tomorrow…
and here are some stats for how little FAKE NEWS is now believed:
oops, forgot link:
psst: Did you notice the link from Lisa… to a Rothschild…?
‘course we all know that’s a conspiracy, right?
PhoenixRising posted this tweet not long ago on the daily thread:
BREAKING: Federal Prosecutors have clear evidence of over 25 Democrats in 4 Florida Counties altered Absentee ballots illegally. The evidence points to every Florida Democrat Party leader.
Could that be it? Or am I not thinking big enough? I suppose it is going to have to be big enough to force the media to cover it but I can’t even imagine any more what would be required to draw their eyes.
Lockdown lifted at Wekiva High School after no weapon found
Lifting of lockdown occurred about Noon…
Something big ?
W, you’re correct about Prison Reform being something BIG… although Mockingbird press won’t even cover it.
With regard to the Voter Fraud… word is Homeland Security Report on same is due in 45 days… I assume 45 days from start of Dims extension of the election… if so, coming sometime before Jan 1st.
Attacks on “Q”? They could escalate.
Hordes attempting to cross the border has been obvious for a few weeks now. Friday is said to be the day they arrive.
POTUS has said there would be changes in the administration. After 2 yrs. that’s pretty routine, and for POTUS whenever he feels job not getting done.
I think even the Dims are thinking Mulehead is winding down. That would likely involve Whitaker IF Mulehead doesn’t close shop himself. Closing down SC would be BIG.
Ruth resigning SCOTUS is coming… Nominating new justice would be BIG.
I thought FLOTUS firing a member of administration was BIG.
All comes back to Q and comms and social platforms. I keep remembering though that internet won’t go down, it would cripple world-wide economy.
There could be some kind of voter fraud bust – THAT could be big news. I agree – the media won’t look, but if it’s big enough to shock and awe US, then I’m calling it big, even if CNN never touches it.
Ignoring the Fake News Media means we don’t care what they say AT ALL. I’ve cut the cable. I don’t care WHAT their robots say. Stepford News Hens! Keep ’em away!
Pffffft! Propaganda!
Stepford News Hens. Ha ha ha! I’m stealing that!
I sure hope DHS did the job it was supposed to do regarding vote security. Hope dropping the ball in any way is why she is being replaced or do I have my departments mixed up.
No, you are correct that it was DHS, and I’m thinking exactly the same thing. If she left the voter job up to Obama retreads, and they are why there was no “catch” on this voter fraud, then I say get her out and send every Obama holdover DHS official who FAILED with her! But if she nailed these cheaters, then BIG PROPS and REWARDS!
Exactly. I do hope she did a great bang up j
Hope she did a great bang up job, but am fearing not.
“Is she a CONFUSED one, Master?”
“Yes, Grasshopper.”
Eric Clapton: “It’s in the way that you USE IT!”
FWIW, and don’t know how reliable the source is but, 3 FL whistleblowers found dead.
Broward is an Americommie, Clown, Soviet sewer. When Mueller indicted those Russian ladies living almost next door to Nikolas Cruz, and they skedaddled back to gun-grabbin’ Putin’s arms, everything CLICKED. Total REVERSO plot. And the reason gun-grabber Vlad was sending Butina at the NRA is utterly obvious now.
Once you sort out that the Dems and Russia are on the same side of international socialism, with puppet globalists fronting for them as they “lead from behind”, the whole scam is broken.
SOVIET regimentation went away. NOT international socialism. But the fakery from Vlad is OUTSTANDING.
“Muh Russia” – meaning “Trump collusion” – more than just blaming Trump, is GASLIGHTING of the most severe kind.
Isn’t it utterly ingenious how the plot FRACTURES “#NeverTrump” into being OPPONENTS of Trump? Oh, it was so smart. Mugabe-loving Susan Rice is “anti-Russian” in complete cover with every truly “anti-Russian” anti-dupe that they can find, while Trump is isolated as the chump of the plot. SINISTER is not even close to what this plot was.
I think the only reason I see it is that I’m not reflexively anti-Russian, and still think they own every inch of Crimea. But why bargain for it, when they can steal it for almost free with Obama, and just pay him some sanctions to maintain cover? It’s almost too easy! Oh, they’re good! LOL! So sneaky!
Great rant Wolfmoon.
Regarding the commies: Practice makes perfect.
Yup. And they got PLENTY of practice. EVERYWHERE.
I have a feeling that whatever it is that’s about to drop is going to come out of left field. There’s been so much of a smokescreen thrown up with the gossipy clickbait stories, the seventh fleet could be hiding behind it and we wouldn’t know until it’s too late. It’s the Sun Tzu in the plan.
It’s not like Trump and team haven’t introduced things out of the blue before. What, though…maybe nationwide voter fraud, maybe not, maybe decoupling from the Federal Reserve, maybe a move to repeal the 17th amendment, maybe not.
I’m willing to be patient and wait.
Good for you! Patience is indeed a virtue! *thumbs up*
Speaking of patience… PM is always calling for it.
This brings up a really good point. I’m not exactly a fan of the idea of delivering PAIN, but I am a fan of delivering TRUTH and JUSTICE – two things sorely lacking under SOVIET CLOWN OBAMA and his entourage of socialist lackeys.
Personally, I would not be unhappy if NOBODY went to jail, but enough truth came out that not a single one of these people was ever trusted in government or media again.
HOWEVER, that will not restore rule of law. We need trials, and people given proper justice, to restore Rule of Law. In fact, the PAIN may be OURS. Delivering justice is painful for many of us.
See what I’m saying? This is PAIN for everybody.
I could be a good juror for Hillary, believe it or not. Let’s be theoretical and goofy about it – she is facing death penalty charges for revealing UFO stuff to China and Russia, without authorization, by negligently and possibly intentionally putting the stuff on her server. The law may have fine points about that, but I’m guessing intent doesn’t matter. Still, I’m willing to hear both sides. I may have politically despised the woman, but the law is the law, evidence is evidence, and I can actually imagine scenarios where stuff was given bizarre “legal” approvals that by proper interpretation put the blame on Obama and not on her. She could theoretically SKATE according to the law. I’m a rule of law juror. It is entirely possible that either, both, or neither side would want me on that jury.
The problem under Obama is that rule of law was intentionally broken. Secrecy and propaganda were used to impose stuff on Americans. NOT COOL.
Yes – be careful what we wish for.
Wasn’t there a billionair couple murdered just before testifying on U1? I think if the top echelon is allowed to “skate” then they will be stronger and likely to retaliate against POTUS, his family and anyone who supported him when they get the chance?
Yes – murder is murder – NO DEALS. Gotta clean up all the murderers for sure.
Greg, are you speaking of the Shermans from Canada? They were connected to the Clinton Foundation and Haiti but not sure about U1 so you may have another couple in mind. Here’s an article about the Shermans.
A source with knowledge of their probe confirmed to the CBC that the investigators are confident the Shermans were murdered by multiple killers. Well known in Canada, Barry made billions in the pharmaceutical industry —
Yes Judy, you’re right, I was conflating that one with the Seth Rich case, thanks! It is interesting that Uranium One is also Canadian.
Yes, Greg and it’s all Clinton connected!
Following orders does not absolve a person of guilt, and if the guilty are not punished, and I mean severely under Law, it will continue to happen. Also, the public will believe what many already believe–that there is one set of laws for most of us and another for the few favoured. In my state of Illinois, quite a few of our governors have gone to prison–at lease justice was done. The rule of law needs to be resored and upheld and respected, and it never will be respected if those at the top are not held fully accountable and allowed to live like kings, even if never trused again.
My guess is it has something to do with all the voter fraud, though.
In the meantime, catching up on videos and crochet orders.
Oooh! Whatcha crocheting now?
Here another angle to consider: which audience is Q addressing this time, us or “Them”?
If the latter, the “Something Big Is About To Drop” is likely disinformation for “them”. ‘’They” read it. “They” react to it. “They” fall for it. Rinse, recycle, repeat.
Q always says that these people are stupid. Maybe he has a point.
In all honesty, I don’t think Q will ever let us know of timelines for events to occur. If you think about it carefully, it would be foolish of him to be that obvious,
Just a thought.
Disinformation! I like it. The timing may have been very useful. Indeed. Sun Tzu.
Yes MysticRose,
We must consider to whom Q is directing his message. Often times it is the other side.
This could just be a Q-incidence but I thought you might find it interesting. From 8 chan
55 years ago, family time… Anonymous 11/15/18 (Thu) 12:38:55 a8ea91 No.3914753
Here’s the coolest part of history for 2018… Thanksgiving lands on November 22, 2018… 55 Years Ago… “On Nov. 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated while riding in a motorcade in Dallas. Suspected gunman Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as the 36th president of the United States.” —NYT… It seems the clock runs out on 5:50 this year (55 years to date). How many coincidences until it’s mathematically impossible? Never will this happen again, I don’t think. 11 (month), 11×2 (date), 11×5 (years), common number is 11.
11 is a “Master/Teacher” number… first level in Freemasonry. Before Freemasonry, 11 was considered a mystery number. 11, 22, 33 – all have significant value in ‘mysteries’
And… 55 (5+5) = 10 or 1 … beginning of a new cycle
I think the “3:02 pm” time reference is a BIG CLUE.
The 302s which the FBI altered to frame Michael Flynn come to mind. He still has not been sentenced. Coming up again in December. Am I confused, or did I read somewhere recently he was in D.C.?
The 302s and no video or recording of FBI interviews should be unconstitutional in my view. Maybe that is about to change.
His sentencing date has been pushed up to 12/18 …
you’re not confused.
This has been a fascinating scenario for me. I have wondered if Mueller was forced into being a white hat to save himself and the whole Flynn episode was used for a specific purpose. We know that Q has posted several necessary”misinformation” crumbs about Flynn. There something more there…..can’t figure it out.
Also, I have wondered if the phony indictments against the Russians was for the purpose of keeping the investigation going and not for what you might think. Remember, PDJT has never been found guilty of anything.
Now, before you tell me I’m crazy concerning Mueller…..yes I know about his past history and he is not a nice man but I think a deal was struck. Q said that they were allowing some to make deals but that number was very small and I remember the post where he said that the window was closing. I’m sorry, I should post proof of my statements but I am being lazy. Forgive me.
That wouldn’t be the first time I heard about the theory of Mueller being a “reluctant” white hat. Heard a similar theory regarding Rod Rosenstein (for some reason, I am more inclined to be open to this theory. One has to wonder what those closed door meetings with POTUS are really about).
well, I’m going with the story that Mueller found a horse’s head in his bed…
and he’s been “yes boss” , “anything else boss” – ever since.
So, White Hat through “persuasion”.
here’s some serendipity for you Aubergine…
how is that for 302 ?
Wow. That is crazy!
It is possible that it referred to voter fraud in CA but any operation that uncovers fraud can’t happen until all counts are certified, probably including FL to ensure all fraud is picked up, it would be funny if enough was uncovered to reverse the house although that’s probably wishful thinking on my part.
I had the same hopeful pie-in-the-sky wish!
I like that idea.
Interesting you mention California. I watched someone yesterday on FOX talking about the California House races in particular and there are five or six of them that are being given the Georgia/Florida legal treatment. They were so close that declared winners, like the first Korean American woman elected, are being undermined and reversed.
So frustrating.
i will say one thing that is always on my mind:
you HAVE to have one eye always looking ahead of you and your head on a swivel.
like everything in life you cannot believe everything 100%. i know people dedicate their lives to god, get saved, are going to heaven, are 100% sure, etc. i get that.
some people do not believe in god, i get that.
people believe there is no q and it’s a fake 100%. there is zero doubt in their mind. i get that.
some people believe 100% q is real and are all in on it.
the key is preparing, knowing how to trust your instincts, realizing if you do go 100% in on something that you do not do harm to others by your pursuit of it (i think people will know what i mean there) and conversely not abusing those that are not with you 100% (be it religious philosophy or q acceptance/denial)
there might never ever be anything that comes out of this at all – i have accepted that as a possible outcome.
and if the TRUTH as i believe it to be comes out we are probably all in for a sketchy period to say the least.
we have to stay vigilant. that’s about all i can say about it.
Wise words.
I am just on a quick lunch break, so will post more about this later.
Dr Ian McGilchrist published a great book on his life’s work called “The Master and His Emissary”, explain the functionality and integration of left and right brain hemispheres. He has a bunch of YT videos up, unfortunately he is not the most dynamic speaker, so you have to tough it out. There is gold there, IMO!!
This works explains the difference between the “known” and the “unknown”, and also explains the schism that has just occurred in the TH, with the move of the Q’sters to here – I will definitely post more later and should not have to get into the weeds on this (I hope)!!
“work” NOT “works” – ugh!
Sounds interesting!!!
I have posted my promised comment down thread as a new comment (at 3.04 am)
I need a volunteer to be temporarily “banned”/blocked and to test out like / reply / post during that few minutes. Who will volunteer? Please respond IMMEDIATELY if you have even seen this message.
ME! I volunteer!
OK – in just a couple of minutes after you see this. Try getting in and I will watch. Soon……
A.D. is now blocked – the only option I have, and “cannot comment on the site”, according to the user interface.
Trying to reply…
Found in “Trash”!
Hey, I’m back in. I posted three replies, one post, one like. None took.
Excellent. I have one option – block – and your posts go into “Trash” directly.
I found a LOT of posts in “Pending” and “Spam”, and released them. So people who have experienced disappearing posts, that’s where they went.
The mysteries of WordPress – solved.
At least you and Wolfie understand the mysteries of WordPress! As for me I’m still circling out in the asteroid belt looking on thinking maybe one day I’ll get there.
Sylvia, most I just bumble about.
Okay – Can’t like or post a comment. don’t know if you see this…
Found in “Trash”!
Like didn’t work. Reply didn’t work. Next reply didn’t work. No message to me at all – it just takes me to the top of the page.
Found in “Trash”!
Trying a post now, rather than the reply button…
Found in “Trash”! A.D. should be unblocked now!
Oh you got ’em all.
Okay. Does that mean if you unblock someone that ALL their comments spring into being? That might be something to watch for, unless you delete any unwanted posts.
Nope, you found each in trash… Answered my own question.
Actually, it’s a good question. I sprang the posts from Trash and THEN unblocked you!
I suspect that any blocked posts stay in Trash – that way the complains, pleadings, and general offline stuff don’t appear automatically when a person is unblocked.
Yes, makes sense. And now you know that the troublemakers will end up where they belong. In the trash!
(as us suhthuhn ayukscents sayuz.)
LOL. I like it!
I checked out this site for the first time today on my iPhone … and while iMac shows A.D.E.’s posts (retrieved from the bin), the cellular did NOT show them (~5pm EDT).
This whole WP cross-platform inner workings seem somewhat opaque. so that only trial-and-error can yield insight as to what to do, when and where and how, to achieve a desired goal.
Perhaps continuing a few tests – for a few OS’s, a few browsers, and a few devices – may be a good idea, to get a template to rectify comms problems which seem always to come up.
I know, I know – as if you didn’t have ENOUGH to do, Wolf.
Happy hunting! lol
I hate being in the trash lol
This went into moderation (“Pending”) for some reason! LOL
Very nice lol
This one, too. Do you have a WordPress account, or are you on the email every time plan? If the latter, you may have to answer a verification email to get out of continuous moderation.
I just created a wordpress account, but when I replied I used email, maybe once I have a wordpress account it does not like me email.
Try signing into WP and having it remember you. Then, delete all tabs to here and open a fresh one. Log in here ONCE if needed. Make sure that your browser accepts third party cookies, so the wordpress login can be used. After that, don’t log out – just kill tabs. You will be fully automatic here.
testing again lol
That worked!!!
I finally got an email from wordpress my first ever and finally it did not say I was in moderation. When I did not have a wordpress account it just went straight to the trash, no moderation notice.
“OK, people – it’s time for us to be rational about Q. We need to GET AHEAD of Q. Put Q to the test. Put OURSELVES to the test. We need to be PREDICTIVE about Q.”
I’m searching the prophetic route.
November 10, 2018
I heard the Lord say, “Watch what I will do in the coming days in the state of Florida. Yes watch the election votes, but watch for someone great will begin to shine from the Sunshine state. A woman will arise from this place to bond the nation back together again. She will take her place and will fight to make America great. She will be strong and courageous to fight the battles, watch her closely for she carries a mantle of Justice and Righteousness upon her shoulders. She will carry a double portion of the anointing of Joseph and serve in the court of Pharaoh. She will advice and even Interpret the American Dream. She will not bent or even brake, but will bond, mend and restore. She will fight for America and bind up its wounds. Where there has been victimization in this nation there will be victory! In the days ahead she will stand and be strong. She will fight. She will win. She will be a part of making America great again!”
-Prophet Charlie Shamp
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi maybe?
Very interesting! Very curious what SD’s take on her is.
WM, I’ve tried to remember how Pam Bondi played her part in the Trayvon Martin case but haven’t been able to. More currently though, there is information available to support that she plays a leading role in the human trafficking in FL.
Timothy Holmseth (YouTube Channel Terminated for violating community guidelines which IMHO increases his credibility rating not that he needs it) Timothy is an independent journalist who uncovered a 9-year cover up of an FBI/CIA child trafficking ring. There are some powerful people selling babies, and other horrible and unimaginable crimes most of us would not dare to imagine, or report on. Timothy is an American hero.
Holmseth was arrested and jailed on February 19th, 2017 and released the following day. This video explains the circumstances around his arrest and case. It also includes case evidence that caused MN judge Tamara Yon to VACANT the restraining order.
The restraining order kept Holmseth from researching or publishing any information on his findings surrounding child trafficking. After the judge Vacated the order, Holmseth was free to continue his investigative reporting into the case.
You can do a google search of his name to get other videos of interviews he’s done on other channels.
Here is is twitter link:
This is a case he worked on
Wasn’t sure how that would print but here are the words:
Jacob’s last words were spoken during a satanic ritual in Minnesota. I’m quoting a witness. “Daddy, daddy, don’t”. Jerry Wetterling is implicated by an occult accomplice as the man that murdered Jacob. Several adults present. Kidnapping planned.
These people need to rot in prison for the rest of their miserable lives.
They need to be executed.
Judy, I looked at TH’s site either just before, during, or just after, he got in serious trouble.
One of the videos still available at that time was of an unsolicited call he received … and he posted it, even though the caller asked him not to. He must have had his guard up, because it showed in his responses to some of the questions the caller asked.
The call lasted about an hour. It was really freaky stuff, but with a ring of truth to it. It was stunning.
I went back a few times to read the comments, over a 2-3 months period, and the caller actually REPLIED to several of the comments. He was doxxed, but didn’t care. The stuff he claimed he knew was pretty wild … but his comments seemed consistent with what he said.
Does this ring a bell with you? Did you listen to it, or see it, on TH’s site?
I’m tempted to go back there now, to see if the video (audio, really) is still up, and the comments are preserved. I found the entire episode absolutely captivating, and if even only a THIRD of what this caller said was even close to the truth, it’s amazing.
Emeraldstar, yes I listened to everything he published when I first encountered his story and like a lot of things, I have no idea how I came across him as he was not connected to other people I knew working to expose the child trafficking/ritual abuse. His story was so compelling and it fit the pattern of people who are willing to put everything on the line and use their God given skills to expose wrongdoing regardless of the issue…wrong is wrong and besides that, it’s not ever nice!
I even recruited a few people to pray for him when he was arrested until he was released because I knew the law enforcement personnel were scared and reacting erratically and he was not safe. Whitey Bulger would be the most recent evidence of how safe one is in custody. Timothy had just posted online court documents that validated his story about the research he was engaged in and they wanted him under their control immediately when the case against him was dismissed.
The case against Timothy who lives in MN was a restraining order for domestic abuse granted by a judge in a FL Divorce Court to a female who lives in FL and had never met him in person. This was to keep him from pursuing his research into the whereabouts one of the prominent missing children, Haleigh Cummings where he had found a connection to the murder of Caylee Anthony. In his role as a journalist, he had interviewed her by phone and that was turned into domestic abuse even though she had called him. I believe that was his inspiration to record and publish the phone calls so that everything was public.
You likely have his website where it shows the path he’s traveled since 2009 and I observed attempts to co opt his mission by offering him “positions” of false power and international prestige. I hope he continues to follow his mission until justice is served and that he avoids an ending like Monica Peterson who was on the radar of the same people who are watching him.
SD had some pretty harsh things to say about her during the Trayvon Martin mess.
oh, thanks so much for that….usually when I try to think of something & can’t, I just let it go and it drops down pretty soon but this has been a question I’ve pondered a really long time.
IIRC, SD loathes her.
Thanks, Sylvia…2 people w/same memory so it must be true!
Something Big?
Judges in DC are mostly Dims, right????????????????????
BOOM! Yep, it’s a boom.
WeeWeed posts the cartoon.
seems like the democrats in florida are trying to give up and “lose gracefully”. one reason is they probably think they will skate by and people will forget what was going on.
snipes will retire, they will say hey guys, let bygone’s by bygone’s can’t we all be friends now in our democracy? for the good of our DEMOCRACY let’s be friends ok?
ah shucks guys, i can’t be mad at you forever! the nice guys will say, let’s just not and say we did with those lawsuits alright?
sure thing! wow! you’re a peach! the dems will say…we promise we won’t do it again!
btw, i see my state being the first to use an algorithmic method of electing a congressman by ranked choice! what a win for our DEMOCRACY.
I read the article about the algorithm deciding the election and almost swallowed my tongue!!! I have no words that could adequately describe my disgust and outrage. I hope you are able to push back on this. Just disgusting.
so many people i have talked to since 2016 when this new “system” was voted on are so happy about it! they get the really good feels when they think everyone’s vote counts. the strangest part about this though is: it’s only for races outside the state! it is not for state officials or bond issued. only for congressional reps and senators.
makes absolutely no sense. and i mean, who knows if this will ever come back on the ballot to overturn – it is darn hard to get anything good done in maine. the amount of money out of state organizations (aka $oro$ type orgs) is unreal.
this year they are all declaring they will start the beginning of disarming maine also and they cannot wait.
That is very suspicious to me. Also, as awesome as technology is, there are somethings that only humans should be allowed to do.
the strangest part is they were supposed to have a method to this, and i am not seeing it really in these reports i have been seeing. i would seriously like to see a detailed breakdown and example images of some ballots because i know what they looked like and i know you could decide you might not want to vote for other people “vote for as many or as few as you wish” i believe it said.
i personally know of 4 people, 5 including myself, who did not fill in more than one, OR filled in only one other. i did the one where i voted for my candidate and then put a second choice as the one i figured least likely. some people i know only filled in one bubble period. now the problem there – if you filled in only one bubble you left TONS of room for them to cheat because they just have to fill in their candidate as second choice. if you even filled in 2 like me you still had a margin of trying to get something on the third or fourth runoff.
what i can say is this: they were supposed to take the last place finishers votes first, and give the SECOND CHOICE marked on that ballot to the person bubbled as second. then they were to take the next to last (if 50% majority still not met) and give those second bubbled candidates those votes.
what i HAVE to see if the amount given in both rounds because if the amount given and the possible amount to give are exact that would mean EVERYONE voted for a second place person, and i am thinking that is highly unlikely. not impossible, but unlikely.
What is this about an algorithm deciding elections? What fresh hell is this?
I was happier when algorithm was a word I only heard about once every five years. I just wasn’t made for these times.
called “ranked choice voting” – it ensures Everyone’s Vote Counts! even if a little bit.
preserves our democracy and stuff.
It sounds like “fractional voting”!
Sample scenario:
For all the candidates one voted for, if one voted for ANY D, then the proportion of those D votes, when compared to the total votes (i.e., the # of candidates one may choose, for all races), gets ADDED to the D total.
10 choices? 6 R votes, only 2 D votes, and 2 blanks? The algorithm discounts all your R votes by 20%, and counts “blanks” as 20% D. The “6 R” is demoted to 4.8 R, and the 2 D is promoted to 3.2 D. Voila! 8 total votes, algorithmically altered toward a 100% D bias.
Do we REALLY believe that the bias is 50/50, instead of something to favor D’s? ANY bias toward D’s would work. All one need do is tweak the percentages to what the D’s want it to be.
Whatever algorithm is used (i.e., a formulaic code, assigning weights and analytic methods to produce a “value” [just like AI – which is programmed by HUMANS, ultimately!]), should have its source-code made public.
Splendid. I don’t think that’s how it is supposed to work, however. Teeth grinding.
“Democrats in Flori-duh do seem to have been slow-walking vote counts. Are they DELAYING the “SOMETHING BIG”?”
Possible. White hats may be waiting on official ‘certification’ of the vote-crimes. I read somewhere about reports that the Feds are going to raid Broward County on Friday, so we won’t have to wait long to find out.
“In Arizona, Sally McRINO inappropriately – in McCain style – CONCEDED to Code Pink Tutu-Wearing Pedo-Protecting 60’s Stewardess despite the clearly fraudulent vote. Did she thereby SNUFF OUT the “SOMETHING BIG”?”
I don’t think so. Apparently McSally is a Never-Trump type, probably in the tank for the Left like McShame was. No way Q makes their plans based on what she did or didn’t do, IMO.
Besides that, if Q is a military operation (or even if it isn’t), they must have multiple scenarios mapped out. I read recently that if Q is military, they are almost certainly using Artificial Intelligence Predictive Analysis, which apparently the Cabal has been using against We the People for quite some time now. Finally, the good guys (apparently) are using it AGAINST the Cabal.
Either way, I don’t think McSally could influence Q’s plan one way or the other.
“Secret Democrat Jeff Flake ALMOST passed legislation protecting Robert Mueller. Have the combination of Democrats and RINO Fake Republicans forced “SOMETHING BIG” into a holding pattern?”
Don’t think so!
Q is always several steps ahead of the political criminal class, just like DJT.
“But seriously – what do you think? Has Q blown this one? Or is the opposition DELAYING THE GAME? What is the “SOMETHING BIG”, and when does it get here? Or did I miss it?”
We won’t know until it happens… until then, we’re in a holding pattern.
Didn’t mean to copy your term ‘holding pattern’!
I don’t think Q is in a ‘holding pattern’, but we are (as usual), waiting for the next event.
The Q-haters would say “See! You’re not doing anything, you’re just sitting on your hands waiting around for the imaginary Q to do something!”.
To which I say “What are YOU doing, besides complaining about what other people are doing? And doesn’t that actually make you TWO steps removed from actually doing anything?”
I use the non-posting time to go back and review and reread crumbs. There is so much to remember and I find little things that I missed.
Somebody please tell me how one senator with zero support can “almost pass” a bill?
The jerk has used Mitch’s refusal to give his dumb bill any credence has led Flake to huff and puff and threaten to take his ball home. He says he won’t vote to move any judges forward during this lame duck session. Important in that he has a seat on the Judiciary Committee. Hopefully Mitch can handle him.
Mike Pence will break the tie if there is one.
I think Mitch has already handled Jeff…
Jeff unabashedly stood on the floor of the Senate and threatened blackmail. They don’t come any lower.
I used to wonder WHY the Marxist Democrats needed fake Republicans like Jeff Flake. Now I understand. DECEPTION. Sun Tzu.
Yes, I think the big fear is getting them out of committee if Jeff tries something nasty. However, Mitch is smarter than I ever gave him credit for with regards to the arcane Senate rules, and he clearly wants to get judges approved so he is motivated.
In short, I’m willing to bet Mitch will make sure somehow that those judges come out of committee and get to the floor vote where I’m sure they’ll be approved.
Jeff Flake. Spit.
In re the “something big” Q-post:
If WE are so unsure what, or when this will be … imagine the PANIC from the enemy about the same thing!
How many BIG things could it be? It’s gotta be over a dozen.
WHEN could they happen? This week, or by Nov 20 (the election certification deadline), or by the Dec holidays, or just after the New Year (when the Dec ’16 [was it ’17] EO on human trafficking kicks in), or …
The combinations are nearly endless. Dec[L]as? Indictments unsealed?
It’s like being surrounded on all sides, and not knowing what to prepare for … ’cause they can’t plan their FRAUD plans in every direction! It takes preparation, which there won’t be time enough for.
We may not even know when it DOES happen – maybe it’ll be behind the scenes, to us, for a bit.
One thing I’m sure of (as sure as I can be, in re the future) is that the PAIN is coming!
That’s enough for me. I relish their frazzled, omni-directional PANIC!
Hahaha, scumbag LOSERS! Having FUN yet?
Well I for one am delighted these scumbags have so many things to worry about. Look at all the things they threw at POTUS at once: caravan invasion at the border, massive voter fraud all over the country, wildfires in California, the shooting in California. And yes, they had something to do with all of those. Unlike them though, our POTUS can walk and chew gum at the same time. He can be working on dozens of different things while scaring them to death with his tweets.
About those “wildfires” in Cali….. Why are the homes disintegrated and the trees still have green leaves?
DEW. Know the acronym?
See Wheatie’s posts (pictures) from the general thread today.
And, sometimes, the beams aren’t in the visible spectrum.
The weapon tech we (and they, temporarily) have right now is un-frickin’-believable.
Could be doctored photos / videos … but I like to err on the side of SAFETY. Could also be real.
We’ll know, I suspect, before 2020 Nov.
I wouldn’t have a clue what is coming, but whatever it is I PRAY that it involves the Justice Department sending a massive signal that they are now fully operational as far as MAGA is concerned and able to deliver blind and impartial justice to any and all evil doers that appear on the radar screens.
That would be enough for me for a little while
Out of all the wrong things, it is possible restoring the rule of law or the belief that we have one set of laws for everyone (which was probably never as true as I wanted to believe) instead of this blatant two tier justice system is probably the biggest or one of the biggest things needing remedy.
I don’t know how we move forward to deal with other things if our FBI and DOJ are corrupt, not to mention the judiciary. I’m encouraged by the progress within the judiciary, but boy there’s a lot of work to do at the FBI and the DOJ.
I don’t have a Twitter account and am very ignorant about Twitter. I do go read Praying Medic. I don’t know how to post a tweet, so I’m trying to copy and paste.
“Praying Medic
What would happen if members of ISIS & the Taliban were in the migrant caravan?
What would happen if they were captured?
What would happen if a press conference were held?
ICE & military hailed as heroes for keeping us safe?
Boomerang suicide.”
my gut tells me more and more each day that we have reached a point in time that i am not sure we can overcome to “claim victory” or what not…i know i always say “not to be negative” but as you’ve probably realized i am a bit on the “pessimistic/suspicious/lowexpectation) side of the scale, so take that as you will

in my opinion, and no blame assigned, there has been too much time past between the 2016 election and now to not have 1 huge victory at least in the way of law and order, and very public at the least. there has been no time when the president has not had to be on the defensive. the most logical and simplistic saying “make america great again” is actually interpreted by so many as being BAD.
once two years goes by almost and there is nothing (and think – q even is just barely over 1 year old!) and the crimes that we knew of BEFORE that. crimes that had gone on for YEARS. and then the avalanche that we have seen laid out since the election of the blatant corruption…i just really feel like at this point there has to be some cataclysmic explosion and since there has been none to now ANYTHING done will be so put down and protested, even so many other countries now are not pretending.
ok, i just talked myself off the ledge… as you were!
Syl, here’s how to post a Tweet:
In the top right corner of a tweet, there is a little ‘down arrow’ thingy.
It looks like one of these: ^ ^ ^
But it is bigger…and pointing down.
Click on that.
You will get a little drop-down menu.
The top thing on that little menu will say “Copy link to Tweet”.
Click on that.
You will see a drop-down white thingy appearing across the top of the tweet that says:
“Link copied”
Then come back and open a comment box…do a Right Click…choose ‘Paste’, and you will see the Link to that Tweet appear in the comment box.
Thanks Wheatie!
You’re very welcome, my friend.
Ian McGilchrist’s magnum opus, The Master and His Emissary, may offer an understanding of the schism we have just been part of in the TH.
I will try to lay a very brief description as a sweetener, so that those whose interest is piqued can follow up.
The evidence points to brain hemispheric specialisation, with the left brain hemisphere (LBH) dealing with tasks that have been / are being mastered, whilst the RBH deals with meaning making, trying to understand / interpret the world at large. Because the world is essentially too complex to comprehend, the RBH has evolved to enable us to function in what is called “unexplored territory”, when we encounter something new or unexpected, it is primarily processed by our RBH, especially initially. When something is mastered or repeated , the LBH adopts that. The right hand is connected to the LBH, and the left hand with the RBH. That is why focussed tasks are generally dealt with by the right hand (in right handed people, who make up the majority).
A lot of work was done on birds, (not birds of prey, who have binocular vision like us), where the left eye is connected to the RBH and vice versa. It was found that birds use their right eyes to search for food (seeds on the ground, a goal directed activity that requires accuracy, narrow field of focus) whilst their left eyes were scanning for predators (a horizon wide, non-directed activity).
When looking for this correlation in humans, it was found that the LBH is scanning the narrow area of focus in the centre of your visual field of BOTH eyes, whilst the RBH is scanning your PERIPHERAL vision. Anyone who has been to game parks looking for animals know that your peripheral vision is way better at spotting – any movement is noted by your RBH, which directs your attention (and LBH) at the source of movement or anomaly.
It has been noted that that which can kill or eat you is by definition AWESOME (fills you with fear and awe). When encountering this, you can get goosebumps, which make your hair stand on end. You ALSOI experience this physical reaction when encountering great beauty, or something spiritual. It has been suggested that our evolutionary need to look out for predators has evolved further into our meaning making and religious impulse. So the arts, music and dance AND RELIGION is governed by our RBH.
So, to recap. Our LBH deals with the known, that which we are sure about and have mastered (or think we have mastered), whereas the RBH deals with the unknown wider world and is essential in our sense and meaning making – it deals with potential, the numinous and the unknown.
So for those that have stuck it out this far, here I come to the point of all this. This band of outcasts (i.e. us) from the TH are those that are open to the unknown, the potential possibilities that could be in play with regard to POTUS’s plans. We are open to many possibilities, and thus do not disparage new ideas or theories – cause that’s our “thang”. We have our LBH and RBH “in balance” (by and large) and are generally classified as open minded.
The people who are sure they know exactly what is going on are, by definition, closed minded. They are LBH dominant – dealing in certitude, and the “corpus callosum” (the connective tissue between LBH and RBH) in these people is in a primarily inhibitory mode. That is why they are so disparaging of us – they are SO CERTAIN THAT THEY ARE RIGHT.
I and others here have often commented on the certainty and name calling exhibited by those that disparage us. With certainty comes arrogance – another trait on display amongst several (too many) posters “over there”.
Q is “the unknown blogger”. Open minded people are intrigued and check him/her out to see if they have anything to offer. Close minded people instantly leap to disparagement. Does this sound like what we have gone through?
PS. I have found direct evidence in my own experience that bears McGichrist’s theory out and I plan to blog about this when I am settled in Sydney. I have been on a wild ride the past 15 years or so, with weird stuff happening that I could not explain. McGichrist has gone some way to provide a material locus for what I have experienced, but it is my view (and his, I think) that the Holy Spirit interacts with us through our RBH – this is where we get our “eyes to see” and “ears to hear”.
McGichrist also offers a theory as to the rise and fall of civilisations. During the “rising” phase, the majority of people are open minded, hence the “great works” produced during this phase. Then people become arrogant in the belief of their own abilities, and close themselves off from the numinous source – decline inevitably follows. Just look at “modern art” and you realise we are on the down slope.
Hope this was of interest.
Yes, pjasond this is very interesting and look forward to more posts. I was “offered the opportunity” to understand my own brain while I was recovering from serious injuries that were the result of a car accident including a concussion and now 20 years later, I notice I still have some residual effects to the LBH and RBH processing functions.
I am not familiar with McGicrist’s work so I did a google search and watched a short video of a TED Talk where he ended his presentation speaking about Einstein’s thinking about the structure of the brain. He said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant but has forgotten the gift.”
Thanks for bringing this forward.
This might be something big
Looks like Vlad is throwing Cankles under the bus! Smart move. He’d just better hope her pockets aren’t filled with uranium nails!
LOL! Good times!
There are so many big things going on it’s hard to keep up to be honest.
I was thinking about that too.
Do an online search for “ormusite home” for an interesting invention re: “air pollution.”
I am trying one as the inventor offers a one year satisfaction guarantee. (I’ve found benefit from his smaller inventions over many years and so trust his work in this area.)
Judgement Day’ Nears: Analyst on Why Clinton May Finally End Up Behind Bars
Sputnik: Why is November 15, 2018 a crucial date for the Clinton Foundation?
Charles Ortel: Under US federal laws, the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation (“BHCCF”) must file a complete, truthful report on IRS Form 990 by the close of business on November 15, 2018 concerning its operations and financial results for 2017. This is the final filing deadline and no extensions are possible.
In addition, BHCCF must file reports with numerous states by 15 November 2018. Many of these states impose tough filing requirements — one example is New York State, which, effectively, is the base from which BHCCF’s global network of purported charities is run.
Have you found Sputnik News to be a reliable source?
It is Charles Ortel’s interview that attracted me to the article. He has done in-depth investigations of the Clinton’s finances for longer than they remember having access to $ and what he has uncovered is astounding. As far as Sputnik News, I would say I know nothing about them except that I believe Charles Ortel would not diminish his credibility by giving an interview to an unreliable source. He does not need publicity. He has the documentation.
Here’s a link to his twitter account:
Not doubting, just curious.
Oh, thinkthinkthink, no worries…a very healthy question and it allowed me to “think” about how I came to be interested in the article which was not the publication but the person being interviewed. That is the really interesting part of all the information/people now swirling around like the most expansive “all you can eat” buffet that I never remember before.
There are people running you tube channels I know to be Deep State “operatives” who interview people who are not and they provide valuable insight. It’s a judgment call to decide whether or not to share a video with good information overrides the fact that some people will consider that I think the channel is a reliable source of information if that makes any sense.
I followed a link from redlegleader over to the CTH daily thread in regards to something else and scrolled down through the comments a ways and found this and thought of our SOMETHING BIG thread so I thought I’d post this here. This is only part of a comment by Ghost (link is below) about the mess Theresa May has been making of Brexit and the turmoil over there in the last few days. It might be a lead up to a “Big Thing.”
“…Second hantec markets are reporting that the deal negotiated by May will probably rejected . Therefore it may by a no deal exit.
The scenarios being played out could mean a pro U.S. leader in need of a quick trade deal. I’m thinking VSGPDJT could make demands leading to a new British leader owning up to their involvement. Laying the whole operation to complete exposure.
Very,very long shot and am very far out on the limb. But what the heck been out on a few limbs in my life.