This NOW-DAILY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. We ask that people NOT duplicate material posted to the Treehouse open threads, unless it’s REALLY IMPORTANT. We expect things that are more relevant to the Q community to show up here.
Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments. Keep it civil. Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.

The Sinema campaign and the DNC accused of voter fraud?
Investigation opened?
Anyone heard about this? Is it true?
I hope it’s true!
I heard that DNC headquarters had a secret illegal voting plan with a code-name running in something like 7 states, and Arizona was one of them.
Yep, I heard that too.
I just hadn’t heard about anything ‘official’ happening yet in AZ, though…as far as an Investigation.
I clicked on that link in the tweet to a FB site with “details”…and got a blank page.
Since I don’t do FB, I thought it might be a ‘private’ page, or something.
I managed to get on that FB page, but I had to log in, so that was probably your problem, Wheatie. Here is an article that page points to:
It Is Not Over, Arizona Election Results Being Audited For Election Fraud
But I didn’t hear anything about the secret democrat illegal voting plan. Do you have some sauce on that, Wolf?
Thanks, Linda!
That’s encouraging, isn’t it…even though it is just the AZ GOP doing it, it could lead to the govt getting involved.
Wheatie, when I opened that FB page, it had this article posted so I am reposting it here:
Thanks, Sylvia!
Looks like lots of shenanigans went on there…by the Dems, of course.
Let’s hope they can get that race flipped back to McSally.
It would be nice if McSally came out of her hidey place and started fighting.
Have you heard any more news on the flipping of Orange Co. to solid blue? That was such an in your face fraud!
AZ GOP is opening an “audit” looking for problems in Maricopa county.
Code named Shadow Wagon is what I heard. I have no independent verification.
This is encouraging too:
That’s really encouraging, but I wish he’d given a link to were he got that information.
I posted some info on it below.
I sure hope so!!!
That would be HUGE and it would actually make a difference that might outlive PDJT’s tenure in office.
I noticed when I did a google search for the words in the first sentence of the tweet, this came up 1st:
about cheating or voter fraud? LOOK BACK at his posts. Also, Sec DHS echoed his warnings. and he had retweeted the Florida Guy tweet which is circular. Don’t know their connections but generally 1st place google search results cost $.
Comments in the expanded link below may be useful but there is still no source so his opinion may be formed by general info…I don’t know…this comment I found interesting from @srkelly5
Our President is the Source. Does anyone recall? POTUS tweeting repeatedly-in the lead up to the elections-with a CLEAR
Yeah they are in DEEP TROUBLE and he warned
Here’s an expanded link
So that link is the same as the one originally posted and I learned something…you click on the “people are talking about this” link and you get the comments…
This is crap. It’s in the constitution. Congress cannot get delayed unless POTUS declares a domestic emergency that prevents convening the Congress.
What fact (not opinion) exists showing the country to be in a situation where convening Congress is not possible? Answer: no such fact exists; therefore no domestic emergency can be declared.
Oh yeah, fed govt has very limited jurisdiction into state elections. See Bush v Gore (2000)
It’s well and good that we seem to have rescued Florida and Georgia…but dammit I want AZ and MT back.
I seem to recall having the Colorado governorship slip away from us that night too, but I could be wrong about that (a lot of things were happening all at once). And I know we’ve seen House seats slip away too.
As I said elsewhere, it’d be interesting for someone to do a detailed study of how often a close race breaks Democrat…versus how often it breaks Republican. If it’s usually Democrat and it’s lopsided enough, it’s an indication that many close R victories were flipped to close D victories by cheating.
I know what you mean about these ‘close races’ that end up as a win for a Dem.
Here in OK, our previously very red state now has a blue blob right in the middle of it.
A female Dem won a Congressional seat that had been held by R’s for the last 4 decades…and won by a slim margin.
For example, my congressman, Frank Lucas, won by 73.87%.
All of our other congressmen won their races by large margins, too.
But in that one district…it was strangely close:
Steve Russell [R] — 117,811 — 49.30%
Kendra Horn [D] — 121,149 — 50.70%
That particular district is the east side of Oklahoma City.
And the Dems have been doing a “Turn OK Blue” operation here, moving in a lot of Dems from out of state…so there could’ve been a concentration of them in that district.
The Dems targeted Steve Russell because he is Gun Shop Owner, who even manufactures custom rifles.
He is also a Veteran and a very popular guy.
There has been talk of a recount in that district…so I am keeping my fingers crossed.
All one needs is ONE demoncrap chief of elections in a fairly populous county, and they can swing statewide races by stuffing the ballot boxes in their county.
I’m in Muskogee, and have wondered about the oddity of that race in Oklahoma. Also, trying to see if I’m allowed to post on this site, since SD seems to have blocked me on his site for calling him on his mistake on the Kavanaugh hearing. He thought the Kavanaugh vote should have proceeded after the Ford/Kavanaugh hearing with no further FBI investigation (what the President allowed), and I argued the President should not throw Kavanaugh under the bus after he had just fought for his judicial life. Was polite in my rebuke of SD, and respectful of his opinion.
Welcome, fellow Okie!
And yeah, that race is fishy isn’t it.
Sorry for the late reply…I just got a notification of your reply in my inbox.
Thank you W2!!!
I’m an adopted Okie and this bothered me, We are the reddest state and OKC is the reddest metropolitan area yet they someone flipped it? The whole state went red in 2016, How can any of it go blue?
Welcome, Wesley.
Yes, it makes no sense that Steve Russell lost that race.
Very fishy.
Sorry for the late reply…the notification of your comment just now showed up in my inbox.
Just some links from the official White House petitions site.
I see this as a tool to be used by citizens to exercise their first amendment rights (“… to petition Congress…”).
I recommend reading the language (not just the title) of the petitions, as some are similar. That does not prevent one from choosing one petition over another, as one can choose to sign any or all of them.
For example, in the last two links below (concerning National voter ID), one may choose to sign both, as the former provides a long-term solution (a longer process), and the latter provides specific language for an immediate action followed by a permanent action:
PS: Our more informed citizens who are capable of crafting language in the spirit of our founding fathers might consider submitting petitions (hint hint!0.
That last is a damn good idea, and very, very important.
As an example of this, I read Mark Levin’s book with his proposed constitutional amendments, and I noticed a lot of them would have unintended side effects (such as naming otherwise-unconstitutional agencies [at least if you’re a strict constructionist, they’re unconstitutional] in the text of the Constitution, meaning they’d go from unconstitutional to required), and in at least one case the grammar of the amendment was wrong, wrong enough that an amendment would have required supermajorities of ALL state legislatures approving, instead of a majority vote of a supermajority of the state legislators.
It was bad enough I seriously questioned whether his proposals were deliberate Trojan horses, and to this day I wonder if he’s really what he claims to be.
Oh SteveInCo, in light of where we are today and have been for probably more years than I know the thought of messing w/our Constitution in any way scares me to death. That is huge and who’s going to validate the vote counts? I, too question Levin’s positions and his credibility seems partly tied to Hannity who promotes him incessantly but since he got him the spot on Fox, Levin has dialed back the volume of the rants….
I didn’t even want to touch on whether a Constitutional Convention was a good idea or a minefield full of nuclear warheads. The point I was trying to make was that even if I could singlehandedly ratify his amendments, I wouldn’t have done so, because of how they were written. I’d want to edit them first because his (claimed) intent was usually good.
It seems that you need to be an editor of something, for sure.
He has his own blog – people need to check it out! I would put it in my “Followed (WP) Blogs” widget, except that this widget has been hacked by the leftists and/or black hats. I may add a link to the other blogroll widget instead.
Steve, I think you are onto something regarding Mark. I have called in on his program twice, and he has sent me two of his books, but I have to agree about Trojan horses, and I question what his real agenda is. Deep state. I also worry about something else, though, that the voter fraud has been allowed to happen to bring in national ID. Hasten to add I do think people should have to show some kind of good ID to vote, just not onboard on national ID. Papers, please. Can you say Nazi Germany?
A national voter ID law could simply say “Must show a driver’s licence or other state issued photo ID, or a passport” rather than mandate the Feds create a new ID.
I love our President!
Thanks for posting this…brings chills…was the first I had actually watched…I looked at the length..1 min…and said to self…you can do 1 min….and what we know is that Trump knows his passion is validated and they will stop at NOTHING!
Loved this one!
I want to know if Sassy Trump Chick is married. I like her attitude and she won’t complain about my guns.
Heheh…the perils of doing a Live show.
I didn’t watch Judge Jeanine’s live show this evening, but tuned in for the replay…and they edited this out.
I’d actually like to see the opening statement (rather than these six seconds of oops)…but I can’t find it anywhere.
It’s usually on Youtube.
Did you search for “Judge Jeanine” and filter it for “today’s” uploads?
I had tried finding it with Duck Duck Go, and for some reason they didn’t have it. But going directly to Youtube, I found it–and it had the oops still in it.
It didn’t stand out from her others, so the stuff about it being most compelling ever was clickbait for the tweet, methinks.
Heh, yeah…I think it was sarcasm on the part of the twitter-er.
Field McConnell runs the gamut of exposure of evil in this video of one of his speeches at Operation Classified held last weekend. I found this on John B. Wells You Tube Channel and I hope he posts other Operation Classified speeches from Field and other speakers. I purchased the livestream but it was a 3 day event so will take me months to get through them and they can’t be shared so am happy to share this.
I love this man’s heart. He rambles with his entertaining way of nailing the traitors and he names them all. He speaks here briefly about the uninterruptible auto pilot that wreaks such havoc, Malaysian Flight MH370/MH17, flying events of 9/11 & the treasonous acts of John McCain & his family, the Bushes, all of them, of course the Clintons, Obama who attended the same school Field did in HI. his sister Christine Marcy who established the SES and he says is Hillary’s handler, Theresa May, Tony Blair….
The parents of one of the Navy Seals killed in the helicopter crash in Afghanistan were in the audience and from and earlier meeting the mother’s description of the body returned to them, he was able to identify how it happened and who was responsible and the likelihood of the innocence of Afghans who unknowingly brought the explosives on board.
We need elephants for ‘crowd control’.
The entertainment value of seeing little Antifa scumbags getting chased down the street by elephants…would be something, wouldn’t it.
Gored by bulls would work for me, too.
(Hmm…I just used Gore and bull in the same sentence, but in a totally different way….)
That was sure funny thanks!
Great video!
Some useful reminders:
Hitlary Rotten Klinton is Nacho President.
John McStain is still dead.
We have an unrecused acting attorney general.
MAGA moves onward!
Celine Dion now hooked up with some satanic unisex weirdo children’s clothing brand and OMGOMGOMG just check the tweet and the article out OMG.
Wow, that is really disturbing. These people are getting more and more open about their satanism. It’s like they’re laughing at us, daring us to do anything about it. They really turn my stomach.
Yeah, it’s getting strange. Satanism is now “cool” among the progzis. I just find that horrifying. Imagine if Hillary was President, where that would have gone. WOW.
The Left has finally exposed themselves as the ones who are actually ‘anti-science’.
For years, they have declared that us conservatives are ‘anti-science’ because we dared to question their Global Warming Hoax.
But they are the ones who are actually Anti-Science.
Our species, like most mammals…has two genders!
It’s a biological fact!
Once again, the Left is trying to ignore facts in order to push their insane agenda.
They’re not just anti-science.
They’re anti-reason.
It’s not “progressive” as in “progress,” it’s progressive like in “cancer.”
Not only is the left anti-Science, they’ve come up with a load of Mandatory Myths™ they are trying to force everyone to ‘believe’ and support or you are a ‘denier’
Global Warming/Climate Change is one.
Homo/Trans/bi/etc. as a healthy/happy/holy alternate identity/lifestyle is another.
Anti-Capitalism is another.
Mandatory Myths™
Ugh…yeah. Saw this mess on my Twitter feed. If you check out OR (site for the original brand), it gets even weirder.
At least she and the brand are getting a good amount of negative feedback on the official FB page. As if people can’t see through this crap.
WM, I saw that, the “desperation” of the dark side Q speaks of came to mind. Do we really think she chose this or “was chosen” to play this role? That seems to be a new filter I put things through like this that simply don’t fit these days….chose or chosen…below are some articles and info that may spark more questions …about the recent events leaving “new positions” open in the fashion world.
Remember L’Wren Scott was found dead in her New York apartment in March 2014, hanging from a door knob with a scarf around her neck. She was 49.
Fashion designer Kate Spade, 55, was found hanged at her Park Avenue home in June 2018 and next to her body, was a heartbreaking suicide note addressed to her 13-year-old daughter and her only child. The note read, according to TMZ: ‘Bea – I have always loved you. This is not your fault. Ask Daddy!’
How 2017 Turned Céline Dion Into an Icon—Again July 20, 2017
(Notice the political undertone of this Vogue article-Not Pro Trump)
There is no question that Céline Dion is having a moment. The Québécoise songbird is posing for Vogue in the latest couture creations, owning the front row at the Paris shows, stealing the show at the Met Ball, and being fawned over by no less than Drake, (who informed her backstage at the Billboard Awards that he’d like to get a tattoo of her face).
Celine Dion on Late Husband René Angélil’s Final Years ‘of Agony’ February 20, 2018
Two years since she lost her husband, René Angélil, Celine Dion has shared how much Angélil suffered during his final years of life, and the relief that came with his passing. “He had a little heart attack; it’s so quick, he didn’t even feel anything,” she continued. “I thought that he was like liberated from his pain.”
Dion also confessed that Angélil was the only man she has ever loved or kissed.
“He taught me everything,” she said in the emotional interview, which aired on Sunday. “He’s the only man I’ve seen. He’s the only man I’ve loved. I’ve never kissed another man in my life.”
The songstress met Angélil, her manager, in 1980 when she was just 12 years old and he was 38. They started dating in 1987 when she was 19 and he was 45, were married in 1994 when she was 26 and he was 52 and had three children together, René-Charles Angélil, 17, and 7-year-old twins, Eddy and Nelson Angélil.
Dion’s world was devastated when Angélil passed away in 2016, having battled throat cancer, then suffered a heart attack. Tragically, his death came just two days before Dion’s brother, Daniel, also died.
A Timeline of Recent Life Events:
2013 – Celine Dion’s husband’s cancer returned after being in remission
since 2000 a year after 2 surgeries to remove tumors in his throat.
2014 – Celine’s childhood home was demolished and was replaced with
a building that now houses her charity, Fondation Maman Dion.
2016 – Celine Dion’s husband died.
His death came just two days before Dion’s brother, Daniel Dion, also died.
The phrase “uttermost discretion” in the ET article is interesting….
Celiné’s rep confirmed the news to ET on Saturday that Daniel — who was one of Celine’s 13 siblings —
passed away after fighting brain, tongue and throat cancer.
“Battling cancer for a few years, it’s in the uttermost discretion and surrounded by his family that Daniel Dion, 59, died today, January 16,” a statement given to ET read. “He was the eighth child of Thérèse and Adhémar Dion, brother of Céline.”
2017 – Celine Dion posing for Vogue
2018 – Céline Dion Launches A Gender-Neutral Clothing Line For Kids
Born Céline Marie Claudette Dion March 30, 1968
Born René Angélil January 16, 1942
In 1980 at age 12, Dion collaborated with her mother and her brother Jacques to write and compose her first song, “Ce n’était qu’un rêve”, whose title translates as “It Was Only a Dream” or “Nothing But A Dream”.
Celine’s brother Jacques sent the demo to Canadian producer René Angélil, who managed Canadian star Ginette Reno at the time. Along with the demo, Celine’s mother wrote a note: “This is a 12-year-old with a fantastic voice. Please listen to her. We want her to be like Ginette Reno.”
Of course, the two went on to marry in 1994.
Pieces are dropping in place, day to day. Understanding ensues. These people are sick, to quote our POTUS.
That’s a really good one…one of the best memes I’ve seen on what a Trap socialism is.
Dr. Gina Loudon: “This President is quite possibly the most sound-minded President to ever occupy the White House.”
Very Stable Genius is quite literally true, and it BUGS THE HELL out of the HATERS and LOSERS!

By the way, Brett Kavanaugh is a VSG, too. Neil Gorsuch as well. POTUS had to pick them. He realizes how important VSGs are on SCOTUS. Even #NeverTrump sees clearly there, because there is no way for our VSGPOTUS to “fake”, “distract”, or “sneak” in a VSG nominee for SCOTUS. He has to do it in the open. The left tries to stop, the right gets behind Trump. Those are moments where people show their true colors. The left wants politically manipulable courts. The right wants law to be as intended, and politics to be in the making of the legislation. Very smart to put VSGs in to deal with the complexity!
I wish the left could see the wisdom of VSGs to protect “liberal” legislation (much of which I tend to think is not very constitutional, but is duct-taped heavily by precedent, and the VSGs can clearly see that, too. Duct tape and surgical adhesives have their uses!
Hope this will print the image … shows why so many people think “Orange Man Bad”
What’s absolutely hilarious is how few people understand that this graph is true, although I have serious doubts about that media average.
That’s funny, that was my first reaction also.
That’s not the reason, not by a long shot.
He “dumbs down” for people not in his range. He’s very good at that, in fact.
The ones that STILL don’t get it don’t WANT to get it OR they are so confused by an ass-backwards worldview that they’re not even on the same page as he is.
Ihave a grandson who at age 5 tested out at Trump speed. The school in Seattle demanded meds for hyperactivity because he showed the teachers what imbeciles they were. He was too young to know how to talk down to them. Thank God his parents are in same area of the bell, and told the school to shove it.
New school, new state because of job transfer put grandson in gifted program from the git go. He flourished.
Plain Jane, and for those who do not believe in Divine Intervention …. great story..took me just seconds to read past my anger “demanded meds” to joy “new state because of job transfer”. Thanks for sharing.
Judy, yep! He is great. We all know and have experienced Divine Intervention in the family. God has His Hand on us. I pray that others know Him and trust Him. It’ a wonderful trip.
One of the Anons posted this over at Qresearch a few hours ago.

I thought it was nice…sort of an affirmation of where we’re at, what’s going on and where we’re going.
Oh dear, this would feed anti-Q people for weeks.
Nov 1, 2017 — ‘The initial wave will be fast and meaningful.’
Nov 8, 2018 — ‘Enemy at the front door … Buckle up.’
This is an aside, also from Qresearch (or I think its where I was, someplace on voat) Its for diggers of information and offers up quite an array of data bases for serious research.
This makes me sick.
In this video, there is a white truck with a Red Cross on it, with workers wearing white shirts with Red Crosses on them…and they are helping the Invaders.
Is that a part of the Red Cross organization that is here in the US?
Because, if it is…I will never donate to the Red Cross ever again!
wheatie, That is who they are and what they do. I stopped donating to them over 20 years ago.
Thanks, Elizabeth.
Well they will get nothing more from me, then.
Yes indeed. Very sad.
Elizabeth, and my mother is rolling over in her grave as I type. The countless hours she donated and the $ she helped raise for the local chapter (the local paper editorial memorialized her as “The Red Cross Lady” when she died) did help a hundreds/thousands of people locally but they had no idea of how the $ they were required to share with the larger organization were put to use. I cannot tell you the shock than ran over me when I discovered this global organization’s part in the totally opposite side I had grown up seeing. It does provide me an understanding though of how you view things from the position of where you in whatever it is you are seeking to understand, if that makes any sense. Helping a soldier get a leave from his base to come home for a family emergency is quite different than helping people commit crimes of crossing a border of a country illegally.
Once upon a lime in my life travels, I temped in a number of different gigs with the Red Cross. It is a pseudo-government agency. Honestly. Officially, there are no strings between the two, but the government had a HUGE say in how various departments are run.
I don’t remember if it was Q or someone else, but the RC is essentially the piggy bank for a lot of cabal operations, too.
As for charity, having worked in non-profit, go local and then only if the org checks out with admin at less than 10% of the expenses. The national 501c3s with local chapters are really corporations who use guilt to their advantage.
alkost all of the big non profit “aid” orgs are probably not out for your best interests. and what better cover for them working right in broad daylight! look up USAid or ant of the others and make a naughty and nice list. i bet the nice side only has a couple listed probably with question marks after them so you remember to look deeper after you make the lists.
the tugging on heartstrings has been a MAJOR winner for all these places over the years. you see an image or hear a story, as a good “christian” (or not) person many want to help and they are invested in emotion… it is most likely a trap folks.
So true Andrew. I keep my heartstrings local.
Well said. Another org that dupes people is the March of Dimes. Their search and destroy mission of pre born children for birth defects was nothing but a push for abortion. Defects could not be repaired in the first trimester but that was the time period they promoted for testing. Doubt they changed their ways.
Someone once told me the International Red Cross is quite different from the American Red Cross.
And this was likely the Mexican Red Cross.
Now it may be that they’re all horrid. But be sure before condemning a specific Red Cross, that it’s not for things a different RC organization did.
I stopped donating to Red Cross during 911 when they collected millions and only used a fraction of it to help victims!
Welcome! Just found your comment in moderation. Next one may get out!
I never give to them. I can remember vets, when I was a kid, saying that the RC had coffee for them and asked for a dime when they came off the battlefield.
Trudeau is now ‘insisting’ that the LGBT Agenda stuff be included in the new trade agreement.
Perhaps he feels emboldened since the Dems
stolewon some races in the midterms..

He tried this before…in the negotiations for NAFTA…and Pres Trump turned and walked away.
With what Mexico has been doing to assist the Invaders…and now this new ‘demand’ from Trudeau…
It would serve them right, both of them, if Pres Trump just walked away from that new USMCA trade deal.
Ack!…I screwed up the Tag on that strikeout thing.
Sorry about that.
Maybe our all-seeing and powerful host will take mercy on me and fix it for me?
Something going on down in Haiti.
This is a thread…she has included a lot of stuff about the Clintons and their Haiti connections.
Here is the Thread Reader for her thread:
Thanks for the link. I am so glad to see this finally happening.
@wheatie: someone said the military photo is from 2013 —
In any event, it will be interesting to see how the situation in Haiti develops.
Sometimes people use a ‘stock photo’ in their tweets…it doesn’t mean that the story is fake.
There are other tweets about ‘troops in Haiti’ that I’ve seen, I just didn’t save a link to them.
The Anons over at Qresearch have been talking about it too.
Haven’t seen any of them say the story is ‘fake’.
This screencap is from there:
We will know soon enough, I think, if these reports are for real.
I noticed that ‘Micah Burnside’ also tweeted this:
It’s misleading, though.
Agree with his tweet:
‘I’m not saying this is a fake story. I am saying that we don’t have all the pieces yet, so we need to weed out the stuff we can’t verify, until we can.’
When people use a ‘stock photo’ they should say that.
It avoids confusion and misunderstandings.
I noticed that Micah Burnside is a videographer and photo-journalist.
That’s probably why he is being a stickler for accuracy.
Can’t blame him.
Yes, people should either indicate representative photos as stock or omit them altogether.
Eh…I kind of like the pictures, even if they’re stock pics.
The ‘News’ sites and networks are the ones who are the worst offenders in this.
They all use stock photos all the time…and are pretty lackadaisical about labeling them ‘stock photo’.
Yes – if we want to replace the lying fake news, we need to grab the standards they abandoned, fix and remove booby-traps, and use them to win.
That looks like snow on the mountains in the backround, and I don’t believe Haiti has snow. So yes, clearly a photo of something else.
Looks like sand to me. JMO
I at first was going to point out it could have been in any temperate zone since I didn’t see palm trees. But looking closer I think I do see some, so that can’t be snow, at least not at the lower elevations.
I jumped to a conclusion I should not have. Thanks for prodding me into looking again.
Happy one week’s anniversary, everyone. Thanks again, wolfmoon, for giving us refuge.
It should be easy to remember the date: the centenary of Armistice Day — November 11, 2018.
One week anniversary?

Do you mean…anniversary of the Q Tree blog?
I believe that Wolf started this back on Sept 18th, 2018.
So this would actually be the ‘two month anniversary’.
No, I meant our getting shuffled out of CTH if we mentioned Q again.
Ah. Okay…sorry, I misunderstood.
No worries.
I should have been clearer.
I was with you! I was thinking about it earlier today.
Cool! Great minds … ?
I do enjoy our exchanges at this time of day/night, Sylvia!
Me, too!
Hi Wheatie, replying re Blade here as the other thread bottomed out.
I was a fan of Blade and totally agreed with his view that the DOJ should not be used as a political weapon- which he copped a lot of heat for.
I am pretty sure he disappeared before I got banned – I just assumed he had better things to do. How naive I was!!
Blade! I was trying to remember that name. He was the one who would write detailed rebuttals to the Jeff Sessions bashers, particularly on the recusal. And the obsessive bashers would ignore him, move on and repost the same attack further down page.
I hope (s)he makes his(er) way here.
(S)he seemed a particular independent thinker / hardy type – not sure where they like to lurk other than the TH?
Welcome to the “I Got Banned From the “Last Refuge” (and didn’t even get a T-shirt)” Party!
Okay, I find I can even snicker a bit over that! The healing is progressing nicely.
Steve, remind me again what you did to get voted off the island?
Criticized SD’s writing style.
OBTH I’ve noticed he really loves the word “granular” lately, even worse than he used to be with “construct.” Words he didn’t know well enough to see they were superfluous or even subtly wrong the way he uses them.
(Another pet peeve of mine is he would reference EST even during Daylight Saving time.)
Oh that’s right. That struck me as a funny thing to get a person banned. Still can’t believe it. Oh yes, granular and construct, construct and granular. And I frickin’ hate the way he uses semi colons. I know, I am being petty.
I love “granular” and “construct”. Sadly, you may be tormented a bit by the latter here. “Theresa May is a globalist construct.” is like a verse from the Bible with me!

Is posting a Bible verse verboten here?
Absolutely not verboten! The more, the better! We are enriched by wisdom only if we share it!
Get granular on those Biblical constructs!
What is this ‘granular’ you say?
Post Bible verses until the snowflakes melt!
I guess this means that NPCs are themselves granular! And here I thought they were chaff and not wheat. But the Lord can turn chaff into wheat, as I can attest!
I’ve never used the word granular, so did not know what it meant (to give a fine level of detail)
I love the word! But then I love PARTICLES, too!
You may have decamped the branches before this word began appearing on a daily basis, or sometimes hourly.
Okay, I feel a little cheap and shamed for poking fun at TLR. But not enough to stop. I am a bad person.
Ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!! XO Wolfie for making me laugh.
People on CTH would run into problems, for some reason, with the name of a particular book of the Bible (but the abbreviation was OK: I’ve seen both Prov and Pvbs). For some reason that simple word, the title of that one OT book, would cause a post to fail.
I suspect the same is true here, posting that one word will make wordpress barf.
But Wolfmoon clearly welcomes such posts, just be careful naming that one book or your post will fail.
Wild! Let me try it.
Proverbs something:somethingelse
I’m betting that somebody was posting proverbs daily, and SD or one of the mods stopped them by using a block word. They did that with “rape” for a while.
Quite possible.
Eh…but the word “construct” is an odd word to apply to a person, becuase it implies something put together out of smaller pieces, and the cells and parts of her body simply aren’t germane here.
It could have been “May is a globalist” (implying the word is used unnecessarily) or “May’s ruling coalition is a globalist construct.” (Implying the real subject of the sentence isn’t May herself and it’s just sloppy construction (ahem) of the sentence.)
It IS an odd word, I will admit. The oddity is very intentional, and pointed to a specific audience who (ab)uses language similarly!

I love language. I love using it – I love abusing it. It is truly a gift within this universe!
Well, sand can be described as granular.
Maybe his overuse of granular was to tell us to pound sand!
I’m starting to worry that I might be suspect by you all. I can still “like.” I haven’t tried posting, because unless I can find a remnant of us types there, I really have nothing to say to the trolls.
I figured if I waited long enough, it would be fashionable to be banned from CTH but for a year or so, it sure was looking like a sign of Tree loserdom.
The site has lost a lot of its verve since the Q people left.
The site lost its verve a bit before that. It had turned into page after page of nothing but arguing over Sessions, before Q even became an issue. Some people (like Howie) were obsessed and would make top level post after top level post on the subject so you’d see nothing but Sessions arguments on a page. (I am talking, of course about the daily presidential thread.) Other people eventually picked up that baton.
Odd how, almost as soon as Sessions went, our former host picked up on Q for no apparent reason.
Maybe he thought that Sessions posts would be replaced with pro-Q posts, because Nature abhors a vacuum.
Notice how, once Sessions went, the people who kept taunting anti-Sessions commenters about eating crow never returned.
In the end, the anti-Sessions people were right all along.
I’ll TRY to leave it at that and save my Sessions polemic for other sites.
For what its worth I think the truth about Sessions was somewhere in between and that both sides were actually right (they weren’t directly responding to each other’s precise arguments)…but I think I’ve already explained it twice elsewhere yesterday/this morning.
He wasted two years.
That’s all I’ll say (maybe).
Sessions is a really sore topic with me.
Two years (well, actually, about 21 months) were indeed wasted. But the what and why aren’t what the full-on bashers were claiming. Sessions wasn’t a back-stabbing black hat; we just got outplayed by the opposition this once. They manipulated him into recusing; he thought it would only cover about 10 percent of the corruption so he went along with it (probably with Trump’s tacit approval), then it turned out, as SD pointed out, that in Deep State investigations all things led to Russia so he was unable to do anything about it. He did great work on immigration, drugs, and pedos, but on the Deep State stuff, he was like a pinned chess piece, rendered powerless by the Oppositions position but willing and eager to help if only he could.
THe fact that he resigned, rather than forced PDJT to fire him (which would have left Trump unable to put an acting AG in place), and the fact that he hired a chief of staff who could replace him and had fire in his belly for Deep State issues, indicates to me that he is on the good guys’ side, even if he couldn’t do much.
You have outlined my principal concerns in your second paragraph. Add to that: he wanted the AG job and no other.
Hmm. He had been in DC long enough to know how it worked.
I’ll draw a benign conclusion: he was in over his head. He should have known better.
He would have been better placed at DHS.
My position was always sort neutral on Sessions.
A wait-and-see position.
I tried to point out…that Judges were the big issue.
If Sessions hadn’t been recused…then everyone would’ve expected him to start arresting & indicting people.
With all the corrupt Leftist Judges on the bench, how would that have turned out?
Look at what happened in the Awan case!
He got off scot free.
Here we are 18 months later…and we’ve gotten a lot of PDJT’s Judges confirmed, with more in the pipeline.
Session’s recusal served as a sort of ‘postponement device’ for delaying prosecutions until we had a better chance of having honest Judges on the cases.
All the Sessions-bashing became so repetitive and juvenile.
It was scapegoating and beating it into the ground.
I found myself fleeing from it more and more.
Q said “Trust Sessions”…but he didn’t specify what he meant by that.
We still don’t know what-all Sessions did while he was there.
All those sealed indictments will help to tell the tale.
Must those of us who still believe in Sessions listen to more of this? Respectfully, I ask that we not repeat the mistakes from CTH, eh? I will say this again: HAD IT BEEN A DEM, WE WOULD HAVE INSISTED ON RECUSAL!!!!!
I hope you’re not upset with ME about this; part of my current working theory is that he had no choice but to recuse.
Not at all – I am not upset with anyone here at this point and don’t expect to be in the future. I think we can all remain civil here while also getting our point across, gently. I am with you – he really had no choice.
‘In the end, the anti-Sessions people were right all along.”
Were they?
Much of the President’s agenda regarding crime was put in place by AG Sessions.
He was recused by necessity. You cannot tell me the President did not know.
Who immediately opened to door for Mr. Hortwitz to investigate the on goings in the Justice Dept?
MS13 (who were the enforcers for the dems) a problem now?
Initially I was guilty of taking the bait too frequently, though I wised up over time and engaged less later on. The RR thing was equally divisive, and I was not prepared to shut up when I felt I had evidence to present.
That got me banned, which is feeling like a win nowadays – this site is much easier on my blood pressure!
I’ve already had a few discussions here, where I obviously DISAGREED with people. Those same arguments would have been quite uncivil on CTH–even back in 2016 when I first lit on a branch.
Yeah, as others here have pointed out on other threads, funny how the civil posters got banned.
Disagreement is interesting, that is how we figure stuff out. It is the tone of the disagreement that matters.
I think most people here are honest enough to accept that we don’t know the truth of it, so we dial back on the CERTAINTY that we express. This keeps it civil and prevents the animosity that the TH seems to be cultivating
Ha, how very generous of you, when you know you’re wrong and I’m right.
(Just kidding, of course!)
“Disagreement is interesting, that is how we figure stuff out. It is the tone of the disagreement that matters.”
I couldn’t agree with this statement more!
So, no shovel for me then, Whew …
In the interest of WWG1WGA I prefer to apply the shovel to our mutual enemies!!
It was Rosenstein that got you banned? Wow.
Yup, wow indeed. I still feel sick about Dan, feel like it was my fault – I was the most vociferous poster on “his” small branch. We got banned together, it seems.
You get bad for Rosenstein. Steve gets banned for criticizing SDs writing style. Someone else, Scott maybe?, got the boot for disagreeing about “leverage.” GA/FL got banned for her Biblical view of homosexuality. And a whole bunch of us got banned because we came over here to post.
Idiotic, really. Especially when you see the stuff that they permit people to post over there every day.
*banned not bad
Sorry. Trying to do about three things at once and doing none of them well. Sigh.
Did people get banned @ CTH over defending or condemning Sessions?
Good question. I don’t know. I am finding out all sorts of strange reasons people got banned. Still scratching my head over most of them, frankly. Especially when I see what is posted there by trolls, rude trolls, who continue on their merry way quite obviously not banned.
Not to my knowledge, which is pretty limited about this.
I think it might have stuck me into moderation a few months back. I got out, but am back in again.
Good to see you here GA/FL. I didn’t know what happened to you over at CTH. People were concerned, but nobody ever told us anything. I am really disappointed by that. To let people worry for someone’s well-being, when they know dang well they banned you from the site.
Childish, in my opinion.
It ended up that I could not in all good conscience agree with their religious/social political views. I broke their written/unwritten rules by posting what they considered off topic, by disagreeing with the moderators on Natural Born Citizen, the lbgtxyz issue, and maybe a few others.
I’ve been a lot happier at other Christian-based blogs that haven’t gone left on social issues….and aren’t so rigid about off-topic comments.
Likely need to break the computer habit too. Blogging/commenting can be an addiction. Hours and hours can pass reading online. :8-(
There was a poster named “Blade” who has a picture of Wesley Snipes in the character, Blade, for his avatar.
Blade posted several comments in support of Sessions.
Lengthy, well thought out comments.
He was usually attacked for it.
He got into it once and fended off the attacks…and I think even Sd joined in, but not sure.
I didn’t see Blade post any more comments after that.
Don’t know if he got banned…but now I’m thinking that he probably did.
I remember Blade – smart guy. Sorry to hear that.
Oh, and another verve-loser was the whole Roy Moore/Luther Strange thing. Over and over and over again, the same ground, page after page after page, one side screaming that McConnell like Strange and therefore he was evil, the other side saying Trump liked Strange and Moore was a Bannonite plot. I wanted to reach through my computer screen (I had been banned already, I guess) and demand of the anti-Strange people why they hated McConnell more than they liked Trump. Even after Trump PLEADED for people to vote for Strange and said he didn’t think Moore could win, the McConnell hatred overruled everything.
That was, I think, the first time the damn trolls got what they wanted there.
Please cease and desist from replaying the TH wars – my blood pressure is creeping up again …
My turn for some kidding
Oh gosh, you’re right. I had blissfully forgotten the Roy Moore/Luther Strange thing.
And now that you mention it before that there was a lot of controversy over Steve Bannon, saint or sinner.
Wow. Looking back there was a lot of backbiting.
Come to think of it, THIS is where we belong. Hope it doesn’t get too big – sorry Wolf
It feels really good here. I truly believe that the Big Rift happened for a reason. We were supposed to end up here for some reason. My thoughts are more focused here because there is less distraction. Somehow we’re supposed to learn and move to the next level. Not that I have any idea what I mean by that, exactly.
Visit my blog next year – when I figure out how to do all this – I will offer one possible answer to your last sentence …
I look forward to it!
I got so sick of the Sessions wars. It just never ended. In fact, it still sputters up with people making obnoxious cutting comments about Sessions and people who supported him. I don’t especially care, except I thought the comments were a waste of space and designed just to be nasty and hurtful.
It was the sheer damn repetitiveness that got to me. The same two or three points made over and over by one side and ignored by the other, and they’d just pick the same fight again later down the same page.
It was trolling. Seriously, it was arguing just to argue and be unpleasant.
Exactly. An argument without end. No one could win, no one was willing to let it go. You’re right. Trolling.
I noticed that most of the time the anti-sessions people ignored good arguments put forward by the pro sessions people (one guy in particular would write long explanations of the recusal issue), instead just going off and making another top-level post. I think they were the trolls, even if (eventually) they turned out to be largely right (I won’t concede Sessions was black hat, not without more data).
Naturally! I mean, without us…..

It’s true, though.

Think about it, what is the draw to a blog site?
Information put together to elucidate a better understanding of our world and how we fit into it? Or the excitement of “exclusive” insights? Certainly those can be part of the draw.
And yet what keeps bringing me back to this format is the synergy of thoughtful interchanges with others that are curious about their world and bring a rich history and knowledge of things I’ve not encountered before.
And yes, I am also intentionally using the public exposure of my thoughts to inspire, encourage, and perhaps influence those reading, even when it’s just a short reply to other commenters online.
A DIL’s sister has been watching that site since PT announced. We had a long conversation today, and mentioned the change she saw there for quite a while.
She would only read posts from people she grew to respect. She wondered why she hadn’t seen normal amount of posts from the familiar people, but lots of posts from unfamiliar people who were just negative. She got turned off.
She was thrilled to see your website Wolfmoon when I sent the link to her. She has little time, so she had no idea who Q even is.
This all tells me that there must be others who went there just for [ ]’s perspective and the perspective of thoughtful commenters who won’t click much any more. Such a shame. Someone’s ruined a great site.
CTH isn’t really a ‘make yourself at home’ place. They don’t seem to like anyone to get too comfortable or be too much of a fixture.
One also must constantly watch out for those written and unwritten rules. Especially, do not disagree with any of the moderators.
One time, as Hermine was approaching FL, I corrected Sundance about a type of oak tree that grows here in N FL. He called Live oaks ‘Silk’ oaks. There are Silk oaks, but they are up north, not in FL.
For several hours, my account was frozen and I could not comment – evidently, I was given a little ‘Time Out.’
Thanks, Wolfie, for letting us air our thoughts and feelings here. It’s a relief to find the lost friends again and have fellowship among ‘The Vanquished.’
Ouch. Stealthy passive agressive maybe? Or method for keeping trolls in line but accidently catches the good guys in a net? Missed a lot of trolls of late. Still want to believe it’s temporary and for a good reason.
Lifeboat theory!
GAFLA, the irony of being temp banned from the treehouse over a prohibited tree comment is so striking. Lol.
FLAGA. sorry, got name backwards. Not sure my last comment posted. The irony of being temp gbannned from Treehouse over a tree comment is striking. Lol.
Irony for sure! Maybe it was some of that ‘double secret probation’ from the movies!
GA/FLA, lol.
No problem! This place almost runs itself! I just need to get more posts up pronto!
You got a popular spot, Wolfmoon. Have the trolls/sickos/creeps made problems for you yet?
More on the mid-terms:
1/ Mia Love might win Utah’s District 4 Congressional race:
2/ The Dems’ voter fraud project this year was called Shadow Wagon:
This could be grounds for a RICO investigation, at least in Florida:
It would be nice if there is some strong scrutiny applied to Montana and Colorado.
I couldn’t believe that Tester won in MT!
Agreed, wheatie.
There’s a very slim margin of victory for Tester, about 15,000 votes:
Colorado’s votes look more normal — wider margins of victory:
More Dems moving in to the state, maybe? MotorVoter? What do you think?
Probably all of the above…the Dems do everything they can to steal elections.
In Colorado, it could also be stoned easily-led voters.
Yes and yes.
I’m not at all sure what to think about Colorado
What little pre-election analysis I saw seemed to indicate we were in pretty good shape, at least with early voters. On election night, as usual, the Rs had an early lead and the lead disappeared (that’s always the pattern here).
Doggone it, it’s 3AM!!! Gotta hit the sack.
Just like old times at the No-Q TreeHouse!
Same here, I’ve got to shut it down and get some sleep.
Too late…the early risers are now up and I’m talking with them….
Well…. Sleep is highly overrated. Just one more thing I’ve learned from PDJT. (Although he handles short nights better than I do!)
No swinging the shovel while sleep-deprived! You might hit someone you didn’t mean to.
Yeah, most likely my foot!
Seems to be a running pattern with Dem votes.
Then again, their votes are coming from cities, e.g. Denver, so take longer to count.
It would not surprise me if the Dems have a long-term strategy of turning every metropolitan area in the country blue, thus turning those states from red to blue.
On the other hand, maybe there is no strategy at all because so many Dems live in urban areas anyway.
They’re probably not deliberately encouraging the takeover of large cities, but it does seem like any fairly large county that goes democrat starts showing signs of taking forever to count their damn ballots. Which to me indicates some, er, creativity could well be occurring.
If you get my drift.
I do, indeed.
Oh, and I just don’t buy the larger counties take longer to count.
Larger counties have larger staffs, too. Unless there’s some compelling reason to suppose that a large county must necessarily have fewer vote-counters per capita I don’t buy it.
(For similar reasons I never buy the rationale for bigger cities/counties having higher taxes either–sure, it’s more expensive to provide services, but the tax base is bigger too. The real problem is they try to provide MORE KINDS of services, many of which government should keep its grubby paws out of.)
‘Larger counties have larger staffs, too.’ Great point.
Agree with you on taxes, too.
On the taxes, cities are supposedly MORE EFFICIENT, so taxes should be lower. Yup, when pigs fly ….
I am so glad pigs don’t fly.
I am especially glad they don’t fly over me.
Birds are hazardous enough.
More seriously, it’s actually true in many cases. Mass transit is MUCH more viable in a densely populated city than it would be in a small rural community; the denser the city the better. (It’s not worthwhile in a city like Denver, which is big but not dense.)
Anywhere but, say, Manhattan or maybe Chicago, mass transit is a service that should have gone away but government insisted on forcing people to pay for. And in those cities the government mismanages it greatly in any case.
Yup, as a certain other president said – Government IS the problem.
Oh, yeah, that must have been Barrack Obola.
(Ducks for cover.)
Tester should have been culled from the political gene pool, but instead he “won.”
Yes, I will go there. He should have been the Testercull.
That Shadow Wagon thing…I’m no lawyer but doesn’t that have some hope of being a criminal conspiracy???? I wish, I wish, I wish.
Me, too.
Sounds like a RICO case.
Since its implementation was planned to occur in several states simultaneously it most definitely was a conspiracy, For practical purposes collusion and conspiracy are synonyms describing the same activity (plot). There may be some legal distinction but both terms could apply.
My latest update on The Caravans. First article describes the excellent planning and PR the organizers of the invasion put to good effect, but now the wheels are starting to come off (forgive the transportation imagery!)
Second article talks about the current Caravan problem: Tijuana is deeply unhappy with the unruly hordes taking over their city. The mayor is beside himself. He wants the whole lot of them deported. Ha , ha, ha! I’m sorry for TJ, but I’m glad they are getting a taste instead of shoving the whole mess over onto our laps. By all means Mexico, DEPORT THEM! You can do it!!!!! (How awesome would that be?)
Okay, now I’m feeling a little giddy! We get more PDJT rallies! Sweet!
Yay! More rallies!
Best news I’ve heard in a while.
I had no idea he was going to rally in Mississippi. I really happy about this. I could use a good dose of PDJT.
I still remember on CTH someone asking the day after election day, “Hey, there haven’t been any rallies! Did something happen?”
I wanted to find a video clip from 2010 the movie of Bowman or HAL saying “something wonderful” but there was no isolated clip of that line.
I saw that comment and thought it was meant facetiously, then read it again and thought, ‘Maybe not’.
That was BEFORE my time there, so I can honestly say that it wasn’t me
“I wanted to find a video clip from 2010 the movie of Bowman or HAL saying “something wonderful” but there was no isolated clip of that line.”
IIRC, there is a way to edit video clips; YouTube has its own editing tool, and there are other editing tools out there.
I tried to do it a couple of times, but couldn’t seem to do it right (using both YouTube and other tools; I am not a YouTube subscriber).
Because I’m so not-a-tech-guy. Those more tech savvy can probably do this with ease.
There’s supposedly an option to cue a video to the right place when you embed it in a comment. I’ve never been able to get it to work.
Here you go Nor’easter!
Thanks for the info.
That’s another close race — and in a red state. From the article:
‘On election night last week, neither of the top two finishers, Republican incumbent Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith and her Democratic opponent, Mike Espy, received 50 percent of the vote, forcing a runoff set for Tuesday, Nov. 27. Hyde-Smith received almost 1 percentage point more than Espy in the midterm elections, and she is favored to win in the runoff.’
Let’s hope she wins.
It is another of these where it shouldn’t be close at all, it seems to me. I don’t get it.
I know, right?
This kind of thing worries me for the present — and future — elections.
I think the whole issue of election integrity is one where I thought I was pretty savvy and pretty sophisticated about what has been going on.
I have come to the conclusion during this mid term election that it is so much worse than I could have ever imagined, and believe me I have imagined it to be bad.
This is just one more horrific rape of our society and system of government. President Trump must have shocked the system by winning to a degree that I can only dimly comprehend.
Divine intervention is the only thing I can attribute it to and I just keep praying that intervention will become apparent in more areas of our government moving forward.
God is America’s (and Western Civ’s) only hope right now.
I hope that, come next year, the demonic madness of the Dems will be on public display for all to see once they take over the House.
‘This is just one more horrific rape of our society and system of government.’ I couldn’t agree more.
“Mike Espy” now there’s a name from our [recent] past. Anyone remember this, or it is me doing too much thinking on a Sunday morning?
Who’s Mike Espy?
Sylvia – quick review:
His current website:
Tagline: “Empowering Grassroots Activism”
Appointed by Bubba way back when … just sayin’ … rotten to the core …
One more:
We need the President here in MS. Everyone thinks this Senate seat is a layup and I’m telling you, it is NOT. Soros and his band of organizations are pouring money into Mississippi to turn out the vote. Kamala was here Saturday; Booker is coming in a few days.
Central to the problem is the Repubs who voted for Chris McDaniels (remember the fight over 2014 with Cochran). They are refusing to come out for Cindy Hyde Smith and threatening to vote for Espy.
It’s a bloodbath here.
HUGE knockdown fight in our little Republican Club this week over the election.
Difficult to forget this one:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.467
Nov 13 2018 00:12:14 (EST)
Oh no. Oh no no no no. Not again. I’m so sorry to hear that.
Okay, I’m going to be praying about this going forward.
There was a good segment yesterday on The Alex Jones Show during Joel Gilbert’s segment on whether PDJT will be the last Republican president.
Gilbert, an ex-lefty who has researched O (44) in depth, pointed out that the Republican victories in crucial states were quite narrow. He is pretty sure that this voter fraud was a dress rehearsal for 2020, and, as we saw from Wheatie’s info and Florida Guy’s above, that seems to be the case.
He also had on a physician who wrote a good article for American Thinker a few days ago, Dr Brian Joondeph, ‘Will Trump be the last Republican President?’
Dr Joondeph thinks we will not have another Republican that strong in our lifetimes. He thinks that if another Republican wins after 2020, they will be a McCain or Romney type.
Yuk. I think we’re probably going to see a lot of stuff like that…”Trump will be the last R-President”.
Personally, I think it’s just clickbait…people looking for something to write about.
We’ve got some really good guys out there moving up in the ranks.
Matt Gaetz, DeSantis, Jim Jordan…to name a few.
Pres Trump is going to continue to edumacate the idjits on How Things Should Work.
The vast majority of voters are Not going to want to go back to No Jobs and the globalists running roughshod over us.
When the big ugly Truth comes out about what the Dems have been doing…
I would say it more like:
“There will never be another Democrat President in the White House.”
[And that is a ‘stock photo’ that I shamelessly stole from the Qresearch board. Heh.]
…*would say it’s more like
Oh, I like how you think Wheatie. The young Turks like you mentioned could be strongly influenced by PDJT.
Yes, and there are also some Cabinet members who are learning from our master VSG President.
I’d say the future is pretty bright about our prospects for candidates-who-will-carry-the-torch forward.
In 1988 I couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to go back to 1979. Four short years later people were screaming about the worst economy since the Great Depression (which was bullshit; 1979-1980 was far worse than 1992). Memories of how bad the other side was are appallingly short.
That may be a feature of our psychology. I hated aspects of my conscripted military service – a few years later I was sharing happy memories with fellow sufferers.
What is that old saying – “you don’t miss it until it’s gone?”
I agree Wheatie. The Spygate affair has motivated the Dems to go all out to steal these mid terms.
Let us review – the evidence for Spygate appears to be overwhelming. The Dems bleating about JS’s “resignation” and trying to force a Whitaker recusal seems to confirm that they know trouble is coming …
We also have pretty clear evidence that they did not respect the rule of law during the Judge K fiasco …
We have strong indications of actual vote rigging in Florida …
Putting all this together – It seems pretty clear to me that they would have remained true to form and gone all out to rig the elections in far more places than Florida.
Now, if only I can argue this in front of the SC – I reckon we have a slam dunk
Yuk. I think we’re probably going to see a lot of stuff like that…”Trump will be the last R-President”.
Psy-op to demoralize. Part of the divide and conquer strategy, and it’s out in the open. Dumb move, IMO.
This is why, I don’t care how many times Trump says it is, 2016 wasn’t a landslide. (If this is the biggest disagreement with him that I have, we’re doing good.)
No landslide could be reversed by flipping a few tens of thousands of votes in certain places.
It was an upset. It was a brilliant strategic victory. If we are really lucky and enough MAGA reforms are enacted and “stick” after he’s no longer POTUS, it will come to be regarded as a watershed. But it was not a landslide; a landslide is a very lopsided electoral victory, 400 to 100-something or greater (and invariably accompanied by a wide margin in the aggregate popular vote). If it was, then so were Obola’s two elections, which he won with greater margins both electorally and popularly.
You’re right. PDJT uses very imprecise language a lot of the time. I think it is deliberate, at least in this case. He is selling a story.
But no, that was sure no landslide. It was a DELIGHTFUL and magnificent victory, but it was as you said a strategic victory. Very sweet, even now.
Hmm, time to watch a meltdown video or two.
(Incidentally, did anyone catch one of us melting down and post it to Youtube?
I didn’t think so.)
I think, too, he sometimes deliberately makes a mistake just so the media will spin themselves up covering it. I have to remember that sometimes when I want to argue against him on something minor.
Yup, Scott Adams does pretty good analysis on this stuff – it seems to work!!
Steve, Today President Trump just called Adam Schiff “Adam Schitt” on Twitter!!
Yes I just noticed. He Actually Went There! Heads will explode. I know many PDJT supporters who might actually be offended by it.
Personally, I am happy just so long as some schitthead doesn’t explode near me. Dreadfully unsanitary.
Too bad that’s fake….
Actually, that reminds me. I was banned only a couple of days before “covfefe” came out. I remember going to CTH and noticing many people (including Georgia Grace) had added covfefe to their names and had to read for about five minutes to find out why.
I had just been banned, or I’d have gone with SteveInCOvfefe.
Oh, that would have been awesome!
I need to do a full post on covfefe. Very interesting story there. But tonight it’s something else!
Can anyone remember what day the covfefe “mistake” went out?
For all your COVFEFE answers known by the fake news media!
May 31, 2017 apparently…so I got banned around May 27 or 29 or so.
Using the 29th, it has been 538 days
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
For fun, check out TW on the covfefe question…
I am giving PDJT a standing ovation. No one deserves the name more.
And PDJT hasn’t taken the tweet down or fixed it.
I said fixed, rather than corrected, because fixing it would the way a vet fixes a dog.
Yup, DJT likes hyperbole – It SEVERELY trolls the snowflakes, keeps him living rent free in their heads.
And they will NEVER get him. Ever.
Don’t necessarily agree, but I do think we’re getting at the same conclusion; although, the only reason I believe to view the votes in certain jurisdictions as close was due to fraud.
PDJT is Prez and she’s NOT!!
I’m much more of a “Monster Vote” kind of guy (where did I hear that before?)
Anyway, I truly believe the fix was in for HRC, and that the DNC et al tried every trick in the book to insure her election … including massive voter fraud.
Had it not been for the “landslide,” “Monster Vote” their criminal acts would have insured her victory.
But, we do end up at the same place.
I agree. The internals were either not accurate, or the Dems chose to ignore them. The vote for Trump was so big, it overcame the cheating in a lot of states, and with the Midterms we are seeing the adjustments being made.
If I recall, SD was predicting something like five million more votes in the aggregate popular vote total, than Trump got, votes hidden from pollsters.
The (slight) difficulty with positing that the monster vote was real in 2016 is that it predicted a certain absolute number of votes for then-Candidate Trump that never materialized. We fell well short of the predicted popular vote total for Trump.
Fraud usually seems to involve ballot box stuffing in choice areas, a method which doesn’t remove votes for the other candidate. Removal would have had to have happened if the monster vote theory was true. For the monster vote to have really been there, millions of votes would have to have been altered (not outvoted by fakes) all over the place.
We saw many indications of ballot box stuffing, in a panic late at night on election night trying to prevent Trump from flipping MI and PA unexpectedly. We heard anecdotes of vote flipping but nothing really solid.
Or to put it another way: we know for absolute certain one kind of fraud occurred in 2016, but for the monster vote to have really been there as SD predicted it, a totally different variety of fraud would have to have been there and in MUCH greater quantities than the kind we did see, yet there was little sign of it.
Now, you could go with a “little monster vote” theory which would be that less than a million unexpected votes unexpectedly put the “Rust Belt” in play, and Trump exploited that.
As an aside, the pollsters actually called the official aggregate popular vote pretty much correctly. The problem (for Hitlary) was, they were asking the wrong question as the aggregate popular vote doesn’t decide the election.
(I say “aggregate popular vote” rather than just “popular vote” because every electoral college vote is in turn decided by a popular vote over a limited geographic area; in other words our elections actually do run on a weighted sum of the binary results of more than 50 different popular votes. That’s why our EC usually follows the APV, but not always; this has to be a recordsetter election for the largest APV “loss” accompanying an EC win. (And aren’t we all glad of that!)
‘Provisional” votes can remove a lot of “for” votes…
During the recount in both Arizona and Florida this was evident… extremely evident.
Question wrt signature tossed lots of ballots…
Purging voters from the rolls can also eliminate votes “for”
Eliminating polling places/stations at the last minute can also remove a lot of “for” votes.
Actual shredding of ballots can remove “for” votes. (Broward County is famous for this.)
Oh and a point you touched on that I didn’t reply to:
Indeed, fraud is done in close races. I’d love to see a statistical analysis of closeness of race vs. who won it; I’ll bet it shows that D’s win really close races disproportionately, which would be a red flag for endemic fraud.
Great point!
The PS YT link I posted yesterday evening is now scrubbed.
The link I provided then, takes one now to a video covering a different time period, and the list of archived broadcasts substitutes a different video right at the spot where the proper video should be.
It’s the only video in the sequential listings for the past few days which is unavailable / deleted.
PS is over the target … and obviously, Goebbles Goolag YT is paying close attention.
OK – here is my laugh for the day: PENIS STUDY
In 1993, the American Government funded a study to see why the head of a man’s penis was larger than the shaft. After one year and $180,000, they concluded that the reason the head was larger than the shaft was to give the man more pleasure during sex. After the US published the study, France decided to do their own study. After $250,000 and 3 years of research, they concluded that the reason was to give the woman more pleasure during sex. Canada, unsatisfied with these findings, conducted their own study. After 2 weeks and a cost of around $75.46 and 2 cases of beer, they concluded that the large head of the penis was to keep a man’s hand from flying off and hitting him in the forehead.
Just in! True Doh! approves of this message.
Hope no-one’s sensibilities were insulted….
I THINK we’re snowflake-free …
Oh Canada!
There’s a lot of people on our side who cannot abide any profanity or “dirty” jokes in public. They probably won’t be happy with Trump referencing Adam Schitt in a tweet today.
We all must attenuate our priorities.
Profanity exists – and, in the final analysis, it’s only words … and further, I cannot believe that ANYONE feels it inappropriate to call Liddle Adam a Schitt.
Callin’ it like I see it …
Schiff is one of the most despicable of all Congress critters, and he has earned much MORE than this slight slight.
“slight slight” I see what you did there.
Oh, I’ve certainly called him that! And no doubt PDJT went there in his head long ago. I just was a bit surprised to see him go public like that.
Anons are aware of typos in President Trumps tweets that were later corrected.
Wonder if he will do it this time.
Therein lies the answer as to whether or not it was a “mistake”.
You know what’s weird? When it changes BACK, it’s FF. “False Flag”. That’s intentional, IMO.
” When it changes BACK, it’s FF. “False Flag””.
And therein lies the difference between a “normie” and an “autist”!
By now I suspect most have become aware of PDJT’s sometimes coarse language. I doubt that it will cause any to “walk away” from supporting him. Some will be offended, some may not feel it is appropriate or Presidential, others will be glad he did it.
However one feels, this will pass in a few days at the most.
just to be clear, I personally loved it!
LOL I had no doubt!
Thank you for this penetrating insight!
Ha-ha – I see what you did there!!! LOL
NF, you started my best laugh so far today and then others added to it!
This is either going to be a lot of fun or start a war in the democratic party (or both):
Ocasio Cortez Launches Far Left “Justice Democrats” – Calls for Overthrow of Incumbent Democrats

OMG, this crazy woman is so much fun!
One would think she’s a ‘plant’ –
I mean… she couldn’t be more of a help if Trump supporters had designed her!
Occasional Cortex took out the Pelosi successor earlier. And now she’s either going to NUKE Pelosi or SAVE her – and I can’t tell which!
OMG – load up the popcorn!
Little Adam Schitt (as POTUS tweeted this a.m.)
was campaigning for Speaker. Don’t know if he’s given up,
or just being quiet. Either way, it appears the State of CA
believes it is entitled to one of its own being Speaker or
Minority Leader. Liddle Adam (as many have called him)
is carrying a lot of baggage. Most would consider him too high
a risk to be Speaker, but not Dims apparently.
As for Pelosi, she can no longer cover up her dementia, which
may be Alzheimer’s. iirc some 17 Dim Congress critters signed
letter opposing her leadership. That’s a small number, unless
they are influential critters.
Nancy and Ryan ran and covered up the Awan/Wasserman
crimes… with free rein of 45 Dims computers, I’m sure Nan has
enough dirt to cover those of the 45 returning… and then there;s
always the sexual predator slush fund which implicates some
more. Having served in Congress some 31 years, she has more
than enough dirt, more than enough connections to control the
But, Occasional Cortex is truly a WILD CARD… !!!
Watching the show !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[btw, luv that name you gave her!]
Thanks, but credit for that name belongs to BIG FUR HAT, I believe!

LOL – oh, this is wild. The Treasonous Bug-Eyed Russian Anti-Russian FREAK is running for Speaker! Hooray! Let’s have some SCRUTINY on him!
Wow, he really did say “Adam Schitt” in a tweet.
Man that will make a lot of heads explode, including some on “our side” who will find it unpresidential.
My only concern is I don’t want to be around when some Schitthead explodes. Dreadfully unsanitary.
Yes it was BFH of fame.
Still went into moderation!
Yeah trying to figure this out.
Looking at:
Other comment settings
Comment author must fill out name and e-mail – Check this box as a way to force spammers to do a bit of extra work. In reality, the name and e-mail address are not verified in any way prior to the comment being submitted. Most legitimate commenters are more than willing to fill out a name and e-mail address.
Users must be registered and logged in to comment – If this checkbox is checked, only logged in registered users will be able to write comments on your site.
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These settings provide you even more control over the instances of when and how comments are posted.
An administrator must always approve the comment – Select this option to force comments to be approved by a blog user or owner having the proper Role to approve comments, even if the comments appear to be spam . See the Comment Moderation options below regarding spam.
Comment author must have a previously approved comment – Check the box to insure comments are only posted if the comment author’s email address matches the address of a previously approved comment, otherwise, the comment is held for moderation. Comments from blacklisted email addresses (those listed in the Local Spam Words Text Box) are held for moderation regardless of whitelist status.
PS: I am not a registered user
Yeah, I think you’re going to have to register to use the site without moderation each time. I’m never going to turn off that requirement on registered users, because that’s like turning off computer security on your home PC – it just lets the trouble come flying in.
You don’t have to give up any more personal information when you register, other than that your email is checked for validity by a verification email. Not a big deal, IMO.
Roger that.
Still moderated, but the first registered post always is.
BTW, it seems that I was able to “Like” your comment; something I was unable to do before.
Yes! Liking comes with “membership”!
Just a comment on this:
From what I understand, it seems that blog administrators and possibly moderators could set Word press to Automatically put comments in a spam bin and alert admins and mods, based on keywords/ links, etc.
This is what probably led to some of the banning (in my case, I provided a link to this site).
I hope that Sundance and others realize that I was not trying to “steal” anyone way from CTH; rather, I was trying to “steer” someone towards this site; i.e. to “share” it with them, that they might share with us..
You’re in!
i helped someone earlier this year with with an issue similar to this is seems. it was the apostrophe in the username and something to do with the comment plugin. apostrophe was not e
getting encoded properly in the db, so when the user posted again the username was not found when it checked for approved posts, and so comment was sent to moderation. i have a link somewhere that pointed me in the right direction but if you search for wordpress username apostrophe moderation you can probably come up with it before i dig it out from whichever computer/browser combo i saved in it (in other words it could be on any one of 4 computers or two tablets)
E X C E L L E N T .
So much for the continual arguments that “oh, no they’re not allowed to go on welfare” that I got from friends of mine.
I pay my property tax in person. When I go to the county building almost NO ONE who is there and not behind a counter actually says anything in English.
Phoenix, If they don’t receive public assistance, they will not be able to work for slave wages. Somebody has to pay for it.
exactly. most of the public assistance states the recipient can only work so much. they being in “workers qho will do the jobs americans will not”, the american wlrkers are displaced and replaced by up to three impkrted workers to make up the 1 full time job. thus every 1 american worker is replaced by three imported, therefore the need for increased worker imports. the businesses win also by only having part time workers (no benefits, vacation time, etc) the imported workers win, they get benefits hojsing food medical education) send money back to home cou try instead of putting it back to local economy, and the american worker who will not do the job is unemployed.
I’m sorry, but that is an insult to all breeding bitches. Female dogs might be moody, but they are far better behaved than that man.
This might help.
OMG! That is a HOOT!
Apparently there is a Fraud Party 2020 candidate and entrepreneur in NYC that wants to implement a form of China’s Social Credit system here in the US and wants the backing of congress to get it done.
I’m sure while the Senate will say no, the Socials like Face Book, Google and others will think it’s a grand idea and attempt to implement it some form. On the surface now it looks like the goodies handed out right now seem childish, but it will help raise their base to further their activism and could even dig into the nonvoter block considering the incentives they’d offer by getting involved in social causes. Once the beta testing is over, for that is what this would be, a beta test, and once power turns to back to the party of Fraud, then wham. Full blown social credits at which time there will not be one thing the Fraud Party won’t come after from speech to guns, to religion, to property.
Hey, maybe another Thanksgiving topic if you want to keep the subject narrow and plant germs in your guests head. So many to choose from, like Fraud, the Hoard, maybe even having a list handy of the president’s accomplishments might be handy too.
Interesting! I know that the clowns REALLY WANT people of Racebook / Fakebook / Commiebook / Changebook. Getting the app off one’s devices is SMART, IMO.
I meant to say they really want them ON Facebook.
I’ll believe that. The place is a ghetto anymore.
I like the numbers, hoping the discontent with these Socials grows. Meanwhile its still a double edge sword as it takes us from the “common” where our voices are no longer heard.
Para 59r, Did the “common” ever hear our voices?
Social credit. Chinese communism. WOW.
so obvious this stuff. the people that fall for it will be our downfall. also the framework for this is already in place 100% because it is done already in theory (likes, reputation score on certain sites like reddit or stackoverflow etc) and it just has to be turned on here. they already know our “scores”, bringing the public into it makes it credible in regular peoples mindsets and normalizes it.
That Net Neutrality scheme was part of the speech censorship/blasphemy laws/hate speech picture.
Some of the left want the US to be like the EU/UK and be able to jail people for speech.
Like Obama/Clinton did to D’Souza and that video maker who was blamed for the Benghazi massacre.
The one time aiming for a low credit score is a good thing.
Para 59r , I hear that the Fraud Party is offering Grow Lights for Mom’s basement so they can grow their own Pot.
In Colorado, it’s a good idea to verify the nature of the festivities before RSVPing for a pot luck.
As PM noted… tweet went out with Congressman’s name misspelled !
I think there is at least some scrutiny on little Adam
Very good!
phoenixRising, I would say more than “at least some scrutiny” …. Here are excerpts from just one article and I notice it was written by Jerome Corsi which brings forth the question if this could be related to his current expectation to be indicted in the Mueller witch hunt.
On Jan. 31, QAnon posted at timestamp 22:22:52, approximately 10:23 pm ET, noting a helicopter crash that happened in Newport Beach and involved an unnamed hotel general manager.
A few minutes later, QAnon suggested that Schiff had an unspecified problematic relationship with something that happened at the Standard Hotel, such that Schiff’s attempt to block and counter the release of the “Nunes Memo” was Schiff’s unspecified repayment perhaps for covering up whatever it was that happened at the hotel.
In the next post, QAnon suggested at timestamp 22:46:51, approximately 10:47 pm ET, that Schiff was being blackmailed over “a death cover-up” that occurred at the Standard Hotel.
Then, in a final post, QAnon suggested at timestamp 23:00:51, approximately 11:01 pm ET, that Schiff was concerned he might be implicated in a pedophilia ring that an anonymous poster suggested was being run out of the hotel.
In an earlier post, QAnon on Dec. 10, 2017, suggested at timestamp 23:29:56, approximately 11:30 pm ET, that Schiff was “a traitor to our country,” a “leaker” of national security information. In this post, QAnon called Schiff “evil,” taunting Schiff that QAnon hoped the “$7.8 million dollars was worth it.”
This QAnon post appears to reference a report published two days earlier, on Dec. 8, 2017, that the Orange County District Attorney’s office had obtained a $7.8 million settlement in a civil lawsuit against two Yorba Linda medical communities accused of profiting illegally from the sale of fetal tissue and stem cells.
On Monday, Feb. 5, QAnon posted at timestamp 19:55:43, approximately 7:56 pm ET, that a recorded phone call exists between Adam Schiff and Valerie Jarret, lasting 42 minutes and 13 seconds, that constitute evidence of treason under Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution.
Later that same day Trumo tweeted: Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper! Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information. Must be stopped!
4:39 AM – 5 Feb 2018
Nice review to refresh my memory Judy. Thank you.
Yeah, he’d leak while taking a leak.
I remember some of that. Thanks Judy.
Oh darn, says PT. Covfefe.
This is my first time here, I was a CT follower but became disillusioned. I still read his articles because he is an excellent writer. Anyway, heard about this site from Neon Revolt. I saw someone comment that they saw an article about the DNC planning the voter fraud. I don’t know if it’s true. I saw it on Twitter posted by “Florida Boy” I think. This is what he posted: “BREAKING: The Democrats at the National Party Headquarters coordinated illegal voting in Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Montana, and Colorado. They called it “SHADOW WAGON “. No proof, no link to search it, nothing. Just thought I’d let you good folks know.
Welcome, Christine! Good to see you. You were moderated for the first post, but that will likely go away soon. I love Neon Revolt!
Yes, uncertain if Floridaboy is just wishcasting or has some scoop. We’ll see!
I’m also a long time CTH dweller who learned about this site last night on neonrevolt where I was shocked to learn from a commenter there that many of my fellow branch sitters were banned, including Sylvia Avery and her hammer for Gods sake. It’s nice to be amongst you once again in a Q friendly place!
Looks like the honour falls to me to be the first (?) to welcome you!!!
I was banned over a year ago. About time you showed up!
Welcome, sapfromthegap!
It’s good to see you here.
I posted the twit link yesterday.
Was from someone that I’ve seen comment on TH many times.
Found it on the twt timeline of weeweedtx as a retweet.
Unfortunately…I don’t think anyone has been able to verify this.
I’m scrolling through his timeline now.
Lots of link-free news flashes.
I noticed that too.
All hat, no cattle, methinks.
Not necessarily. Not enough data to discern yet. But I’ll be looking.
Even if he turns out to be right on this, it’s still problematic that he’s just nothing but a headline spouter. Where’s he pulling them from? Rectal database? He seems to be trying to sound knowledgeable about things, but there’s no reason to think he knows anything.
That’s why I said, all hat no cattle. Now here’s hoping he was right about this one in spite of appearances.
Christine, you posted:
Where did Neon Revolt link to here, if you don’t mind me asking?
Never mind Christine, I found it easy enough.
Apparently the lack of due process when revoking the pass was an issue too. There weren’t clearly stated rules that Accoster violated, so the yanking of the pass could be construed as arbitrary.
So now Trump was “forced” to write rules that they can be held to, and kicked out for violating. Bwahahaha! If he had tried to do this BEFORE the court prodded him into it, the press would have howled in outrage. Now one of their own forced his hand. Throw me into the briar patch!!!
Ah! I hadn’t thought of that. Smart.
Ha, I was discussing this with my brother at dinner last night. Came to the same conclusion you did. Due process? Seriously? Well, alrighty then! Let’s sit down and write some rules! You know those journos are just going to LOVE LOVE LOVE new rules. Who doesn’t love rules? Ha, ha, ha, ha! Pretty funny.
SteveInCO, it is an amazing expansion of our knowledge base we can get just watching how Trump operates to get what he wants. And that is why I continue to say he is a mentor to all who watch him. We all feel the huge “shift” of consciousness that has/is occurring not only here but worldwide. He is amazing!
I am a better person for learning at the (youtube) “knee” of our VSGPDJT.
We must always choose to maximize the value of the tools, however imperfect, that we find at hand.
Phoenix, “Tiny Jim Accost Her” got a hard pass until the WH Press Corps and Sarah Sanders SWAT team finishes writing up the DECORUM RULES for the press to abide by until they reach the age of adulthood.
Then, if they don’t behave, President Trump will turn off the cameras and give them a “Time Out” and “Walk Away” until they learn to behave like reasonable people.
Amazing how the opposition almost always falls into the Br’er Rabbit trap…
Shows how little the idiots read. And how few synapses they have going.
If after the ‘due process’ rules are enforced, and compliance falls short, there’s always the SCOTUS to educated the masses about the option to not allow the WH Press Corps into the WH… or aboard AF1…
New interview.
I give Chris Wallace credit for actually bringing Hitlary’s feet into the same room as the fire during the third debate. Unlike Lester Dolt whose bias was unrelieved and blatant.
First one went into moderation! Welcome!
Another CTH refugee happy to be here!
Feel free to speak freely!!
Welcome aboard!
I got kicked off CTH over 500 days ago.
Glad to see I was a trendsetter!
All kidding aside, welcome!
We are possibly the final-last-only-etc refuge for conservatives!
A happy little back water eddy with some very nice sized trout in it.
Or an incubator for something really big! Time will tell.
We can borrow my state’s favorite motto:
We are the last, best refuge!
I come from Montana, the last, best place.
I sincerely apologize if this has already been discussed but I was looking at one of Q’s recent posts and I noticed his reference to 3:02 PM EST on the 12th of November. And then…..on Thursday the 15th Broward Co uploads their voter results at…..3:02 PM, on purpose of course. I just found it interesting. Definitely a connection.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.465
Nov 12 2018 23:13:00 (EST)
#1 attacked person by FAKE NEWS [+swamp [R+D]]?
#2 attacked entity by FAKE NEWS [+swamp [R+D]]?
As of 3:02 pm est today, “Qanon” is now the #2 most attacked entity behind POTUS within the U.S.
Logical Thinking > WHY?
Congratulations, Anons!
Free Speech.
the great irony is the left defending the censorship. believing this a great thing they are fighting for. it will not come to their defense later when they themselves are victims of the censorship they so valiently fought for i am afraid.
Another irony.
Googunists or Gazis.
Here is a fact I was not aware of from our own Wilbur Ross.
(a bit after 13 min mark in video interview from 11/13/18)
I had no idea the number was so high, but just anecdotally I’ve been aware we have a LOT of people who aren’t working, aren’t looking, and don’t want to. I’m not sure it it is skills mismatch, but Wilbur is a lot smarter than I am.
I have a friend who insists there are lots and lots of trust fund babies. Maybe. I’ve never met one, but I suppose they are out there.
I have sadly read about the destruction of our young men who get sidelined at school because they display toxic male traits of short attention spans or whatever and get medicated, lose interest or never have any in the educational system, and end up sitting on the couch like a lump playing video games and smoking weed all day. I’m curious about these wondering how it is they survive? It can’t be all welfare dollars. But another friend insists they are living off their girlfriends.
I don’t know the cause, but I’d sure like to root out and scratch up every possible American worker before we throw open the floodgates and import foreign labor. Especially if automation removes all unskilled jobs in a few years. That outlook is particularly grim.
If you can achieve that Sylvia, then you would have played a major role toward achieving MAGA and ensuring KAG. Those non working people are currently likely NOT supporting DJT – they are probably mainlining dRat poison.
Trust fund babies. Interesting. The other thought I had was what about those that have done well in investing (or gambling). That’s not really work-force participation either.
We are also not a healthy people 60% of Americans are diagnosed with a chronic illness. If many of the underemployed are over 50 years old and have been shut out of the labor force for the last 8 years, don’t feel all that good as well, their motivation isn’t going to be very high.
I know that there are now more incentives for employers to allow people to work from home and that might pull some number back into engagement. Retraining seems to be more for young, healthy people, but maybe I’ve got that wrong.
“We are also not a healthy people 60% of Americans are diagnosed with a chronic illness. If many of the underemployed are over 50 years old and have been shut out of the labor force for the last 8 years, don’t feel all that good as well, their motivation isn’t going to be very high.”
ttt, I do think this is an important point. During the BO years, I remember reading that a pretty sizeable number of people who were no longer in the first bloom of youth but not what I’d call old, either, had been showing up to work for a long time battling a variety of chronic illnesses. Illnesses that would mean they could probably qualify for Social Security Disability but even though they had problems (bad back, chronic migranes, whatever) they preferred to work for all the reasons most of us do.
But with the economic downturn and the constant reductions in available jobs, a lot of people lost their jobs and didn’t feel they could compete or maybe didn’t want to compete. It’s one thing to fight a chronic illness when you are doing a job you know well and people understand that you have this health issue but also know that you make up for it in other ways, etc. But then to have to go out and package yourself and psych yourself up to compete with young, healthy, strong people clamoring for work a lot of people just said, “Well, okay then. Time to call it quits.” And they did and headed over to Social Security.
That may well have happened in larger numbers than I would have supposed.
Exactly. And yet there are those not well enough to go at it in the workplace that became online citizen activists. So there is that.
I have another friend who talks a lot about the underground economy, i.e. drug dealing. I never think about that because, well, it has never been part of my experience. But there are a lot of people who are involved in that life that aren’t working at what I consider a job nor do they wish to.
As I understand it the guy on the corner dealing drugs makes a pittance. The big money comes higher up the chain and he’s hoping to get there someday.
The question is – What will he have to do to get there? There is a lot of competition for that spot higher up. Where does it end?
Rhetorical questions all.
I don’t actually recall. I’m basing this on the memory of an article I read on the business model for drug dealing; the author had apparently managed to actually befriend a higher-level dealer and even got to peruse his books.
Again, one of the planks of the Communist Playbook that O.B.A.M.A. appointees and judges enacted:
“I wish to throw the social security disability into the mix of anti-job programs. The disability program is not the creation of the Obama administration, but Obama appointees have set and interpreted its policies for more than three years. Let’s examine their record:
At this time in the election cycle four years ago, 7.2 million workers were on social security disability. Today, the number is 8.7 million – an increase of 1.5 million, or twenty percent. The 1.5 million disability recipients under Obama are “no longer in the labor force.” They are, it appears, safely shelved outside the labor force, which they no longer reenter to potentially swell the ranks of the unemployed.
As disabilities explore new highs, the labor force participation rate (the labor force divided by the working age population) plumbs new lows. Under Obama, an incredible 8.6 million have dropped out of the labor force, 1.5 million of them due to disability. Making disability “the new normal” has contributed almost twenty percent of the declining percentage of Americans available for work.
Why have disabilities increased by 20 percent under the Obama administration? Have Americans have suddenly become less healthy or more accident prone? Under normal conditions, we expect disabilities to rise with the population, which would be a four percent increase, not a 20 percent increase. It should be noted that disability is meant only for long-term health problems. Unemployment insurance and worker compensation are there for short term issues.
A study by the super-non partisan National Bureau of Economic Research explains the reasons for the rise in disability.
First, the Social Security Administration now places more weight on self-reported pain and discomfort, has relaxed the screening of mental illness, and accepts medical evidence from the applicant’s own doctor. The share of awards for mental illness rose from 16 percent in 1983 to one third in 2010, while the share of back pain rose from 13 percent in 1983 to 28 percent. Together they account for more than half of disabilities. Of the 2.7 million workers on disability for mental disorders, 1.7 million have “intellectual and mood disorders.” Even young people can be declared disabled if they get nervous at work or school, have attention deficit disorders, or are not very intelligent.
Second, the application process has been streamlined. Applicants can begin on line, and they are entitled to a free call from a lawyer. Slick law firms specialize in navigating clients through the bureaucratic maze, and their appeals for clients fill the airwaves. If applicant claims are denied, they can appeal to administrative judges, who overturn examiners in half of their cases. Some administrative judges achieved notoriety by never turning down a disability appeal. No wonder. They can be reprimanded and their decisions set aside for “talking down to claimants” or for “lack of respect.” To cite one superior court verdict: “Applicants for social security disability payments, most of whom are truly ill or disabled, are entitled to be treated with respect and dignity no matter what the merits of their respective claims.”
Third, the relative economic attractiveness of disability has increased. The NBER study finds that, for low-income workers, disability (plus Medicare) replaces almost 90 percent of working income. During recessions, wages decline, and workers at or near the minimum wage receive almost as much income through disability as by working. The system itself raises disability claims during recessions.”
Interesting reading. Thanks for posting.
God bless this man. Juan Brown. He does a good overview of the Camp Fire in a 20 minute video. Covers a lot of topics: fire stories, air quality, PG&E liability, Oroville dam work, Presidential visit, forest management funds in new farm bill.
My heart is just breaking.
Another fire story, kind of.
… “After what Judicial Watch describes as a “lengthy hearing” yesterday, Judge Emmet Sullivan ruled that Clinton must answer the following two questions under oath:
Describe the creation of the system, including who decided to create the system, the date it was decided to create the system, why it was created, who set it up, and when it became operational.
During your October 22, 2015 appearance before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi, you testified that 90 to 95 percent of your emails “were in the State’s system” and “if they wanted to see them, they would certainly have been able to do so.” Identify the basis for this statement, including all facts on which you relied in support of the statement, how and when you became aware of these facts, and, if you were made aware of these facts by or through another person, identify the person who made you aware of these facts.”
Red Nation Rising connects the dots to TREASON… Judge Emmet Sullivan suspects it goes that far (read Dan’s piece above to discover WHAT Judicial Watch is still unable to get answers for). The present FBI & DoJ KNOWS (both still belong to zero… it’s like being a little bit pregnant. One can’t be a little bit for zero, still … you either are or you’re not. FBI & DoJ either answer to POTUS or they don’t, because they are aware of risk to zero if they comply (and to themselves, of course). And President Donald J. Trump KNOWS the two are guilty of treason… more than once, actually.
Sundance: “One of the interesting points noted by Nunes is how Speaker Paul Ryan requested the DOJ and FBI declassify internal emails for House committee use. However, DAG Rod Rosenstein refused to provide the emails which highlighted how officials within the institution abused their authority.
It will be interesting to watch how the “trust the plan” group, those proclaiming Rod Rosenstein is the harbinger of DOJ virtue, reconcile today’s interview with Devin Nunes.”
What a curious thing for SD to say.
First, I am not aware of anyone who reads the Q board who ‘proclaims’ that Rosey is any ‘harbinger of DOJ virtue’. That doesn’t mean someone hasn’t, but I’m not aware of it.
And if that is not a position held by any sizeable percentage of Q readers, then it amounts to putting words in other people’s mouths and then arguing against his own Strawman.
Second, HOW is he going to ‘watch’ how Q readers reconcile anything, when he kicked everybody who wouldn’t drink his Kool-Aid off the CTH forum?
All he’s watching — at least on his own blog — is purposely orchestrated group-think. Anyone who disagrees with SD’s point of view, and presents a reasoned argument to the contrary, suddenly can’t post anymore…
And once all of those with whom he disagrees are banned, and can no longer defend themselves… then he takes pot-shots at them?
That doesn’t seem like the SD I have known for the last 3.5 years, but then, SD hasn’t seemed like himself for at least a couple weeks now.
Scott, you have brilliantly honed in on this thing to the heart of the matter. And I don’t have time to comment as I’m running out the door, but I’ll be thinking about this the whole time I’m gone. Excellent post, sir. Glad you’re here.
Not sure that it was ‘brilliant’, but at least serviceable, lol!
Thank you just the same
it comes down to this in my mind: nobody knows what the hell is going on. it is a fluid situation day after day. each path where does it lead. once when i was a kid a couple friends and i went walking down some trails in the woods, got disoriented and one of our group was insistent he knew the way. we would get to a fork and he would say “this way, i remember that tree” and we would walk and walk, he would occassionally say yeah thks is it, this is the way. a couple times we would stop at another trail choice and want to talk it over only to be told no this is the way he was sure. finally it was getting dark and he says you guys pick a way i am sick of you telling me my way is wrong. 20 minutes later we made it out after two correct trail choixes we had not taken earlier. he bragged to his father that he led us out fearlessly and knew which way we were going but just wanted us to feel like we did it after he did all the hard work.
Great illustration of what it looks like when someone doesn’t have any programming for error correction. They have to make stuff up.
I loathe people who make up an answer instead of just admitting they don’t know.
It’s the “Best Buy Associate Syndrome.”
Precisely why I’m here now…..
…and the constant dire drum beat there has grown tiresome.
I just saw that post and immediately left. If he got that one point so blatantly wrong, then how many other things does he routinely get wrong? I no longer trust that his point of view when researching is unbiased. Therefore, it’s no longer of any value to me.
I actually think he is confusing the views of Brian Cates (formerly Stealth Jeff on Twitter), who has insisted for a long time that Rosenstein is a white hat. I noticed arguments between the two on Twitter a while back. However, Cates is NOT a Q follower. In fact, he thinks it’s a big LARP.
I just posted the above at TCH since I haven’t yet been banned. We’ll see how long it stays up and whether I get the ban hammer. At this point, I no longer care.
This is the post URL:
Read your comment Linda – I suspect the ban hammer is being reached for. Let us know ….
there are replies to clarify positions now posted.
Surprisingly, Sundance replied:
“Projection much?
What makes you think I’m talking about “Q followers”?
Fact: That never crossed my mind.
I’m talking about the “trust sessions” crowd (way more than one person), who recently morphed into the “trust rosenstein” crowd (includes Jeff Carlson).”
But he’s sliding again. He said the “trust the plan” crowd in his post, not the “trust rosenstein” crowd.
Yes, it appears that he doesn’t understand the terminology he is using. I just posted about that below (time stamp 10:31pm) and again below that, at 10:55pm.
See my response to Linda just below – SD is denying his very own words from 8 days ago in his “Q be bad” post ….
I was going to respond to Scott’s response to you, but here goes …
Quoting from Sundance’s “Q be bad” post of a week ago, 2’nd last para …
“If “Q riddle originators” and “Q riddle followers” keep pushing ” this “trust the plan” narrative, in any form – …”
Sundance’s own words, 8 days ago ….
Maybe you should cut and paste this in a response to him …
I would certainly do it, but I am… b…bb….bbb….b-b-b-banned…. lol!
Not to be disrespectful to the blog owner, but to set the record straight.
He is the one calling US out.
We have a right to defend ourselves, and the truth is always the best defense.
Linda, perhaps a civil reply in that thread from you where you quote Sundances own words back plus point to the fact that many long time posters have been banned for impure thoughts?
That will either open his eyes, get you banned or …. not.
Agreed, but I would work it very carefully!
So carefully that it would be obviously so, such that it would reflect negatively on SD if you are banned for being so ‘respectful’ in your reply.
I hate playing that game, but it’s the best of what is available when you’re confronting the holder of the ban-hammer — and the holder of the ban-hammer is acting like Llyod Bridges in Airplane! lol!
Steve McCroskey: Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop smoking.
Steve McCroskey: Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.
Steve McCroskey: Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines.
Linda, good for you. I think both you and Scott have the meat of the matter in you, and Sundance is either confused or trying to mislead others, which does not sound like the sundance we knew or thought we knew. I mentioned wolfmoon’s site but not the pages here and could not give a link, but I think motivated people can figure it out. I also did not Say Q.
Who is Boots?
“I just posted the above at TCH since I haven’t yet been banned. We’ll see how long it stays up and whether I get the ban hammer. At this point, I no longer care. ”
Here is SD’s reply, and it’s either a misunderstanding or he really doesn’t know what he’s talking about:
[blockquote]Sundance: “Projection much?
What makes you think I’m talking about “Q followers”?
Fact: That never crossed my mind. “[/blockquote]
1) what’s with the snark? (‘project much’?)
2) here is his original QUOTE: “It will be interesting to watch how the “trust the plan” group…”
The entity that has MADE the expression ‘trust the plan’ a common saying is Q!
So the ONLY way he can reply to Linda as he did is either:
A) pure intellectual dishonesty
B) he literally has no idea what he’s talking about
And neither of those would apply to the SD that we have all known for several years now…
It is option A
Quoting from Sundance’s “Q be bad” post of a week ago, 2’nd last para …
“If “Q riddle originators” and “Q riddle followers” keep pushing ” this “trust the plan” narrative, in any form – …”
Sundance’s own words, 8 days ago ….
Well, hopefully it’s just confusion and/or exhaustion on Sundance’s part, or some other reasonable excuse.
I can’t imagine that he would be purposefully dishonest. That goes against everything we know about him.
At least before he was replaced with Sundance 2.0 sometime in the past couple weeks.
I think he’s stressed out and acting out. I recommended to Linda that she quote his own words from 8 days ago back at him and see what happens …
Your comment is still there, Linda…and Sd replied to it, accusing you of “Projection”.
Everyone who is even mildly aware of Q, knows that ‘trust the plan’ is a reference to Q-posts.
Yet, Sd claims now that it is not.
He claims that he is referring to the “trust sessions” crowd of twitter personalities.
But “trust Sessions” is also from Q…and there are millions more who have seen it in Q-posts, than have seen it on twitter.
I thought that reply to you was lame and unbecoming, and uncharacteristic of the Sd that we thought we knew.
i think i have it figured out…the tone of the posts the last week, the “abandon all hope ye who enter here” theme – it’s the old reverse psychology ploy! trust the plan
Maybeee…I don’t want any part in it, though.
i was being completely facetious
Anyone that can still post might offer the thought that “trust the plan” came from the boards in a Q post and share this image:
Yes, Sundance’s reply makes no sense, unless he doesn’t understand what he’s talking about.
But to so far divorced from situational awareness that he doesn’t realize ‘trust the plan’ is literally a Q expression — so much so that he declares ‘it never crossed his mind’ — is really kind of amazing…
Sundance: “Projection much?
What makes you think I’m talking about “Q followers”?
Fact: That never crossed my mind. “
Reply to Sundance: All unnecessary snark aside, you said “It will be interesting to watch how the “trust the plan” group…”
The ‘trust the plan’ group is, by definition, the people who are reading and following the Q posts.
Yet you ask “What makes you think I’m talking about ‘Q followers’?”
Because ‘trust the plan’ is a Q expression, that’s why.
And if it ‘never crossed’ you ‘mind’, then you are tilting at windmills without even knowing where the windmills are…
I mean, you are literally using terminology you don’t understand or know the source of, and then attacking people who DO know.
Well I just replied back and said: “Not projection at all. You said “trust the plan” in your article – which is definitely Q. You didn’t say “trust sessions” or “trust rosenstein” in the article. And a whole bunch of regular treepers who have been here for years have been banned for even mentioning Q.”
I’m still, surprisingly, not banned. Maybe this comment will do it. I don’t understand why all of you have been banned for doing very little and he hasn’t banned me.
Now, now – stop fishing for compliments
I took that as it was obviously intended, good-natured humor… but I’m not going to hit the ‘like’ button until after Linda does
Yeah, I thought long and hard before hitting “Send”
Kudos for doing that, Linda!
It will be interesting to see what happens.
I hadn’t been over there in a while…looks like AAG Whitaker is the new whipping boy there.
So much irrational impatience on display.
It’s really disappointing.
The guy has been in office for less than two weeks…what the hell do they want??
I know!
It’s really something, isn’t it.
I remember when Winky bitched the wall hadn’t been built, sometime in early February 2017.
Sorry Scott, I stuffed up! My comment below was meant in reply to you here.
“And pray for those that despitefully use you.”
Scott, I’d give you 100 likes for this if I could. Bravo!
“That doesn’t seem like the SD I have known for the last 3.5 years, but then, SD hasn’t seemed like himself for at least a couple weeks now.”
That’s what I’m seeing, too. Just can’t understand it.
PS: H/T for getting through to Sadie and others.
“PS: H/T for getting through to Sadie and others.”
I saw Sadie Slays and TakeBackOurRepublic over at NeonRevolt’s comments section, and told them about Wolfmoon’s website.
Hopefully they both found there way here, and others who read our exchange of posts
Actually, TakeBackOurRepublic saw my exchange with Sadie Slays and responded to that series of posts, so it’s working to get peoples’ attention just by posting about CTH on boards where other CTH members are visiting.
The problem is, I can’t ‘remember’ everybody who suddenly went ‘missing’ on CTH, so I may not recognize former CTH members when I ‘see’ them.
But if you ‘see’ one, and alert him or her, hopefully others will see the exchange and chime in, as TakeBackOurRepublic did
I don’t know if RR is or isn’t a Black Hat, but I do understand that documents can’t be released if they’re going to be used as evidence in a court of law. Whether that’s WHY the House internal email hasn’t been released, I don’t know. I’m guessing we’ll find out.
Remember the scene in that old movie where the race car driver breaks off the rear view mirror and tosses it out the window? Maybe we are better served not looking back?
Where we go one we go all.
Damn fine point, BUT…if that “citizen journalist” is routinely wrong and never sources his stuff or it turns out his “sources” just make schitt up, it might be time to stop using him and to simply disregard him in the future. There are plenty of good ones out there who validate what they post.
No, I don’t have anything/anyone in particular in mind; it’s just a general principle.
Now for something I find quite amusing…
Hilarious! Praying Medic has mentioned having a lot of Q dreams and a lot of people are reporting the same.
Your mission is pure! However, I think people need to understand what happened in order to get closure.
Hammer meet nail!!
Heya All…took awhile to re-find this place
Our VSG POTUS still has not “corrected” the tweet calling Adam Schitt by his proper name.
I hope he never fixes it. (And by “fix” I mean the way a vet fixes a dog.)
I suspect that Schitty has already been fixed, good and proper.
I think he is likely deeply disillusioned with how things are unfolding – there is an element of bitterness about some of his observations.
He had a snarky crack at the WH about Acosta being reinstated and not having thought of having rules for acceptable conduct in place already. Fair enough, but as Steve has pointed out, IF the rules had been implemented first the “presstitutes” would have bleated about that also – this way the WH points to the judge and says “We follow the law”.
SD has uncovered a lot, with no visible action from the DOJ – James Wolfe being a case in point. Then we lost the house in the mid terms, to which he attributed partial blame to JS (in advance) and Q followers re the trust the plan stuff.
I think he sees MAGA slipping away and is bitter about it.
Now I think SD is incorrect on many of his interpretations of events and I do not share his pessimism YET. I strongly disagree on his interpretation on the JS and Q implications.
I also think the evidence is pointing to the fact that POTUS anticipated losing the house – that he in fact planned for that eventuality. Why? Because it would have been irresponsible not to. POTUS’s campaigning choices (favouring the Senate), the theme song chosen for the rallies (You can’t always get what you want) and history (I think the House flipped in all but 2 prior mid term elections) means that THIS outcome was always the most probable.
In that event, what is the responsible choice? – keep your powder dry, the war is not yet won. I believe that we will be seeing the DOJ stepping into the fray over the next 2 years, preferably during this lame duck sessions (so that my nerves can settle), but the strategists in POTUS’s team will be making this call, together with running the DOJ like it is supposed to operates and NOT a political weapon.
The Senate committees can be deployed as political countermeasure (POTUS has already tweeted on this) but the DOJ must be apolitical. That favours POTUS, because the crime and corruption by the D’s is wide and deep – lots of material their to keep the DOJ seriously busy for a long time.
All of this JMO
Oops,this was intended to be in reply to Scott above.
Great comment, Jason. I think you’ve got it spot on. The war is not yet won, but it’s not yet lost either.
president trump has not even been in office for 22 months yet… think of where we are now and the intensity of the battle and everything that has happened domestically and internationally during that very small amount of time. mind boggling.
i have to even remind myself sometimes that it has’t been like 6 or 7 years already with amount of action and storylines that have come and gone!
I think it is called Trump Speed!!
pj, Trump Speed has an obvious God booster!
Amazing times! Bigly epic!
Prayer time.
Boo Yah!
But RESIGNING is NOT the penalty for CRIMES.
If the only penalty for committing gross election fraud and violating the CIVIL RIGHTS of MILLIONS of Florida voters (every fraudulent vote disenfranchises a legitimate voter!), if the only penalty is you lose your JOB (and no doubt parachute into an even higher paying job thanks to your cronies), that is NOT a ‘penalty’.
That is a REWARD, and an ENCOURAGEMENT for everyone else to commit the same CRIMES.
Agreed, letting this slide will be criminally negligent. Resigning after this disgraceful episode should be seen as an admission of error, if not guilt, and should spur the DOJ (?) to get to the bottom of it.
I think the resignation is an attempt by Snipes to say “That should be the end of it” – I say, “No way Jose, that just means you admit error, and we will investigate to see whether it rises to criminality”
If election fraud is not stamped out …. I think POTUS is well aware of this, so watch this space …
I suspect she is resigning in an effort NOT to be charged with a crime. A sort of a, “I’m not there anymore, please don’t hurt me,” plea.
I don’t think this story is over.
“I suspect she is resigning in an effort NOT to be charged with a crime. A sort of a, “I’m not there anymore, please don’t hurt me,” plea.”
Like a bank robber in a hostage stand-off, releasing the hostages and dropping the money sack and just trying to cross the police barricade, to get to his getaway car… LOL!
This must feel like vindication to a lot of people on this side of the border. Meanwhile, Mexicans must truly be wondering WTF their government is doing.
It would be the most awesome thing if Mexico deported them all and then built a real wall (they could perhaps contract with the Americans building our wall) to replace their fence on their Southern Border. It would be a start.
Better yet, they can give our wall builders some work while they sit on their thumbs up here. Grrr…
Btw the Monday daily thread is up. This one is dying on the vine.
Wow. Does that ever hit the nail on the head.
That’s Cortez? …It doesn’t look like her.
No, someone needed a patsy …
Okay, I am prolly going to hell for enjoying watching this…but I think it’s funny.
The guy whose comment was a picture of a seismograph registering an earthquake made me literally laugh out loud.
Heheh, yeah…some of the comments to that tweet are great.
I liked this one, too:
She’s very lucky that door had a lot of ‘give’ when she hit it, and absorbed a lot of the energy.
A brick wall would have been a very different story
Lucky? Lucky you say? That is going to melt some snowflake or other!!!

Is it not obvious to you that no luck was involved here, that this was a well planned and executed maneuver?
Oh, this is too hard to keep up …
uhhh… what did she THINK was gonna happen?
This is what happens to people when they don’t watch Roadrunner vs. Wile E. Coyote as children.
They do things only Wile E. Coyote would do, not realizing the unfathomable stupidity of their actions, followed by pain.
Next we’ll see this woman lighting ACME rockets attached to her skates…
What could possibly go wrong?

Just wanted to share this little story…
I was taking a nap this afternoon when suddenly, the tranquil silence was interrupted with Loud Laughter coming from the other end of the house.
My usually silent hubby was laughing so hard and so loud that it was rattling the walls.
So I had to go see what he was laughing at.
It was this tweet from our VSG President:
My hubby is a big strong silent type who usually gives a “heheh” or a “hah” when seeing or hearing something funny.
But his deep voice allows for an earth-shattering volume when he occasionally erupts in all out, side-splitting laughter.
“The man is a genius!”, he said when he finally was able to speak.
I love our President!
And so does my hubby, but in a ‘guy way’. Heh.
This is the first time, I think, he’s ever called something by a name a lot of editors will feel the need to cut.
I think it’s a good sign that Representative Schitt’s days are numbered.
“This is the first time, I think, he’s ever called something by a name a lot of editors will feel the need to cut.”
I don’t see how they’ll be able to…if they bring it up, they will have to show what they’re talking about.
“I think it’s a good sign that Representative Schitt’s days are numbered.”
Our President called him a “little Schitt”…and that will stick like glue.
PDJT probably knows that little Schitt is a pedo, so I would love to see him exposed.
The sooner the better.
But I trust that our VSG Potus will know when the best timing is for that.
The fact that he’s willing to call him out this crudely, means he fears no repercussions from doing so. As I said this is the worst nickname he’s ever put out. Puts little Schitt at the bottom of the barrel.
I just love how our genius President likes to ‘kick the nest’…and then watch the Dem’s heads explode.
Best President Ever.
Steve, that was my first thought when I was convinced he would not change it.
Publix has Orville Redenbacher’s popcorn on sale ~ buy one get one free!
Sometimes, very occasionally, you just gotta let go …..
The “board” is running hot today!!
Wonder if Wolf can retire yet?
I’m losing money as fast as I can! I’ll have to UN-retire soon!

Seriousl – already retired! The best jobs have no paperwork. This is it!
If you’re pressed for time start @ 6:40 SerialBrain2: Q2493 53-47. President Trump confirms Q. Again.
How do you defeat a cheater? 2 Brilliant Strategies…the FL play and the AZ Play…Remember “Every dog has his day”…McSally seated next to her dog during concession speech…Do you see it? The AZ temporary sacrificed piece will be the Electoral Hero allowing the promulgation of a Voter ID Law and the setup of a special corrective election that will bring the AZ Senate seat back to the GOP! Power returns to the people!
There’s a new thread for the 19th. You might want to re-post this over there.
Yay! Thanks!
Thanks! This will be the start of the best week ever for everyone who watches it! Love SB2!
Heya Wolf, can ya get me approved?
Approved! Welcome to the Q Tree!
Awesome, thanks! Waited way to long to migrate over here