Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181119

This NOW-DAILY  open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.  We ask that people NOT duplicate material posted to the Treehouse open threads, unless it’s REALLY IMPORTANT.  We expect things that are more relevant to the Q community to show up here.

Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments.  Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.


James Coburn reading a newspaper in a cafe in France in The Great Escape.
“VSGPOTUS?  I’ve never seen THAT in a crossword before.  Maybe it’s an acronym. I’ll ask Mr. Tesla when I return the paper.”
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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

539 or so (but who’s counting) days ago my branch at CTH:
So here I’ve been….comment image
And man, my arms are tired. But look, here’s another tree with this odd crossed circle spraypainted on it. And a number 17.comment image
What a relief! It’s good to be able to perch sometimes.


I desperately need a love button for your post. This will have to do…..❤️

A.D. Everard



Hi Q followers! I am a long time reader & sometimes poster on CTH. Was disappointed with Sundance’s position on Q. Visiting the site less. I read Neon Revolts article and learned that many of you moved here to post. I am thinking that board owners are afraid to be persecuted like gab and/or never-Trumpers are coalescing. Will be stopping in and reading the posts.


Countdown time (of a different kind). Happy days are here again 😁.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Weelllll…. this would be a count UP.
If I were counting, which, mind you, I’m not.


LOL! I stand corrected, then!


People over there at CTH are getting a bit feisty about the banning nonsense, and are starting to fight back. Even the non-Q believers. This is but one example I found in the comments:
“Rick says:
November 19, 2018 at 7:52 am
I don’t have a firm position on Q other than that his predictions are no more reliable than a random sample would be from any informed person. That said, if SD plans on continuing to attack Q believers, it’s cowardly to ban them from the comments section. Also, there is no consensus among Q believers that Rod Ro is a white hat. In fact, that appears to be a very minority view. So, not only are Q believers being banned from the comments section, but they are being misrepresented.”
This thread:
You know, most Conservatives are BIG on free speech. I think Sundance is shooting himself in the foot on this one. I’m not even sure we are dealing with the same person anymore.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Glad to hear all of this.
If it really is a different Sundance (I remember someone recently called him Sundance 2.0) maybe the real Sundance will see something and figure out a way to let us know. Unless SD 2.0 is a pod person and killed the original SD.
(Hmmm… the Pod Person metaphor could have been used just as easily as NPC, especially as an allusion to what happens to many people in college. But I don’t know how well Invasion of the Body Snatchers is known to the Millennials and Gen Z.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In more serious topics, I did a Duck Duck Go on “Adam Schitt” to see what the media’s response was, and one article pointed out he’s about to get subpoena power. Trump truly isn’t worried about pissing the little Schitt off, is he?
little Schitt did respond, apparently: “Wow. Mr. President, that’s a good one. Was that like your answers to Mr. Mueller’s questions or did you write this one yourself?” So I gotta give the little Schitt credit for being scrappy.
And utterly shameless. This is the man, after all, who would leak while taking a leak.

A.D. Everard

Why I’m here! 😀


Well, no doubt those EYES can leak very big tears – that is the kind of leaking I am hoping for from “The Schittster” in the very near future, like the late afternoon of Dec 24!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Why Dec 24th in particular, though? I must be missing something.


Christmas gift!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I figured as much.
I had fun a couple of years ago imagining a re-opened coal mine sending PDJT the first lump of coal mined as a Christmas present, with a note saying, “Please don’t take this the wrong way….”


Steve, also remember the 9/12/2018 Executive Order about foreign interference in U. S. elections. It states not later than 45 days after the conclusion of an election the DNI and the DHS should provide a detailed report on amy possible foreign interference. This means we should see their report by 12/21/2018. That I believe will be better than any Christmas present any of us have likely ever received.


Would the DNC be considered “foreign interference”??? 😉


If it’s Graves Disease (hyperthyroid) he more likely to suffer from dry eyes.


I was indulging myself in poking fun at an “enemy” – not very generous of me, I know. I am guilty of this from time to time and will seek be better than that. I will most likely not always get this right.


pjasond, I remember finding some research on what was revealed by “the wide eyes” when Evelyn Farkas was doing interviews about encouraging her colleagues to get all the Russia information they had to the hill as quickly as they could.
There were articles about Stormy’s eyes revealing she was on drugs in that first televised interview. After taking cocaine, marijuana, or amphetamines, for example, your pupils get noticeably larger (Mydriasis), while opiates such as heroin constrict the pupils (Miosis).
Now we have wide eyed Ocasio-Cortez. I haven’t noticed any conservative wide eyes but there may be some.
It was such a stand out feature that I knew it must reveal something but I can’t recall where I found it or what it revealed – just remember it as a “fun fact” – definitely not a high IQ or being rational or grounded. Will post it later if I find it. Google has scrubbed sooo much interesting information


Liddle Adam’s tweet is:
Giving a shout-out to Mueller…
Hoping former HawkEye tight end (#46 btw) Matt Whitaker is a nightmare that he’ll soon wake from
[I bet he does a lot of spontaneous leaking these days]

Sylvia Avery

I listened to most of Maria Bartiromo’s interview of Ray Blount for some reason today. One exchange made my ears perk up. Maria was asking him about the new Commie House and their plans for investigating PDJT, and Blount kind of chuckle/snorted and made some comment along the lines of being careful what they wish for because he could see PDJT handling investigations by a hostile House WAY different than any other President. He felt it highly likely that PDJT will handle their investigations in the most transparent manner ever seen and that he might be dropping a whole lot of truth bombs on their heads (like Widdle Adam Schitt). Okay, those are my words but that is what I got out of it and that is way more than I ever expected to get out of someone like Blount.
Let the games begin. When I start to feel worry and despair building up inside me, I remind myself we have President Trump. He can handle whatever they throw at him. He just can. He’s that good. Thank you, Lord.

Sylvia Avery

Snicker. Ah well, I’m sure Nancy will survive. Sort of.


Oh yes – HER. The new mega brain of the House of Representatives.


Was that spelled a-m-o-e-b-a brain?


GA/FL, yes the one who can’t name the 3 branches of Congress! Not the Government-Congress!!


I damn near fell over laughing when I saw “Adam Shitt”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That just happens to be my favorite creative spelling of “shit” (as in, for example, “Jacques Schitt”) so I was gratified to see it get some publicity.


Along with his twin sisters, Fulla and IWannaTakeA.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Keep scrolling, someone posted a whole family tree.


I believe we met their father, you must remember him from the campaign of 2016, his name was “Spreadsome”.


“little Schitt did respond, apparently: “Wow. Mr. President, that’s a good one. Was that like your answers to Mr. Mueller’s questions or did you write this one yourself?” So I gotta give the little Schitt credit for being scrappy.”
He may be scrappy, but he’s terrible at this game, while DJT is great at it.
There is a very good way to reply to DJT’s tweet that would have been like a gut punch, but the little Schitt doesn’t know how to play this game.
DJT no doubt was baiting him, was prepared for the gut-punch that never came, ready to deliver a counter-punch knockout.
Little Schitt should stick to his strengths, like crime.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Now you’ve got me wondering what that “very good way to reply” would have been.
OTOH if you don’t want to help them by publishing it where they might see it, I understand.


“Now you’ve got me wondering what that “very good way to reply” would have been.
OTOH if you don’t want to help them by publishing it where they might see it, I understand.”
That was my initial thought, i.e., why help them out if they should happen to see it, but it’s not a big deal really, and I have no doubt DJT already has a reply in mind anyway, he was baiting little Schitt to do it, but he couldn’t.
The way to handle a remark like DJT’s, at least initially, is to use it against them. Always use their own words against them, if you can.
So I’ll use myself as an example. Suppose someone said something like that to me.
The initial response is to expose how childish and immature that is — because it’s true, so it’s a tactic that will be received well:
‘That’s hilarious Mr. President, I remember the first time I heard that joke about my name, in 1st grade. It’s just as funny now as it was then, the only difference is, you’re not in 1st grade, you’re a septuagenarian… so what’s your excuse?
Is that really the best you can do, to make fun of someone’s name? I mean it’s fair game I suppose, but how small do you have to be, to make fun of something about which people have no control over?
Do you make fun of short people too?
Do you make fun of [fill in the blank] because their [fill in the blank] is different?’
Most people slink away in shame at that point, so you don’t even need a follow up. Or better, they double down and reinforce my point, digging their hole deeper.
If the person you’re conversing with does something other than options ‘A’ or ‘B’ above, it usually means you’re dealing with someone who is experienced in this kind of game, and that’s what you want most, but rarely find.
Because it’s boring to just beat people all the time. So you end up looking for someone who can challenge you. Because that’s NOT boring. That’s interesting. That’s when the ‘move – countermove’ begins in earnest, as you circle each other, looking for an opening to attack, while protecting your own flank.
It’s a lot of fun if you enjoy that kind of thing, pitting yourself against others. It’s just another kind of ‘contest’, and you’re always looking for someone who will present a challenge.
I haven’t engaged in that type of exchange nearly as much since I found CTH and left Breitbart, so no doubt I’m a little rusty, but I’ve gone through periods before where I didn’t play the game for a while, and it’s like riding a bike. It comes back pretty quick. 😁


“Most people slink away in shame at that point, so you don’t even need a follow up. Or better, they double down and reinforce my point, digging their hole deeper.”
The key is to remember that you’re not really going to ‘defeat’ the other person unless you get inside his head, and one way you do that is to engage the ‘audience’ rather than your opponent.
You are addressing your opponent, but you are really appealing to the unseen ‘audience’, the other people reading along, and you allude to that periodically to make sure your opponent knows that he’s in an arena, and this is a performance, and he’s losing.
And when you get inside their head (one way or another), it causes them to make mistakes, to provide more openings for attack. So you just keep the pressure the on, and when they ‘crack’ or expose a vulnerability, you go for the kill shot.
People always say “don’t feed the trolls!”, but I think that’s because most people don’t know how to beat them, to embarrass them, to mock them with their own words, to humiliate them.
If they are ‘bots’ (if troll ‘bots’ exist, I don’t really know), it won’t work, but a ‘bot’ can’t play that game anyway. And if the troll is a real person, I don’t care who it is, they’re susceptible to humiliation and ridicule.
And these are nasty people I’m talking about, Leftists who go to Conservative websites to pick fights. I’ve never understood that. It has never even occurred to me to go to a Leftist website to pick fights, but Leftists do it all the time to Conservative website comments sections.
To quote an old Beatles song, If you want it, here it is, come and get it… make your mind up fast 😁
My attitude toward those people is that they are predators, like wolves who prey on the sheep. And it always seemed unfair to me, especially the way they pick on people who are not good at defending themselves.
And it occurred to me that generally speaking, the wolf is able to do his work without needing to look over his shoulder. He is focused only on the attack, against essentially a defenseless prey. It would be a lot harder for the wolf to do what he does if there was a disrupter, if he had to look over his shoulder.
So how do you change that equation?
Wherever the sheep are, the wolf will be also.
Wolf hunts the sheep.
I hunt the wolf.
And that’s the ‘game’. 🙂


edit / correction: It’s actually a Paul McCartney song, ‘Come and Get It’, which he wrote for the group Badfinger, which was a group signed to the Beatles’ new self-produced record label, ‘Apple’.
It sounds like Paul McCartney, the way Badfinger sings it.

And Paul sang it with Badfinger:

And Paul sings it without Badfinger (with the other Beatles actually, on Anthology 3):


i think there’s another quote in that song that you can also ascribe to your theory also:
“will you walk away from a fool and his money?”
*this statement is not endorsed by either the site owner nor the stater of the statement. closed road. professional driver. do not attempt this on comment threads except at your own risk.


Great post, only one quibble, or host has associated with the wolf 🙂
So I had a period in the TH where I associated leftists with hyenas, which matches in several areas.
Hyenas are pack animals and are cowardly when confronted individually
They cackle and jeer like a mob of antifa
They are filthy and smelly from eating largley other’s kills – carrion. Commies live off other peoples’ money and antifa look dirty and smelly 🙂
They are led by a matriarch, who has a fake penis – all the males are beto’s (purposeful typo)
All females actually have the fake penis and have to give birth via it – leading to very high infant mortality (abortion) and death of the mother through complications (narrow passage).
Hyenas hate lions.
I am sure there are more correlations …


“Great post, only one quibble, or host has associated with the wolf 🙂
Yes, I was not meaning to include Wolfmoon in the example 😁
The concept originated years ago in online debates (arguments really, on Breitbart or and elsewhere) about religion, about false teachers, about false doctrines, about ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’.
For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.” (Acts 20:29, KJV)
And those arguments would often shift to politics (or vice versa), and it would often be the same personalities arguing for Leftist viewpoints as were arguing for false doctrines. The enemies of truth (generally) wear many masks, but it’s often the same people behind those masks.
“So I had a period in the TH where I associated leftists with hyenas, which matches in several areas.”
Agreed very much, I have frequently thought of Leftists as hyenas, for the reasons you mentioned.
“Hyenas hate lions.”
It is a very interesting relationship between Lions and hyenas, from the nature shows I have seen. If I remember correctly, the hyena is one of the few animals a Lion will kill, just to kill it.
And after observing the hyena, I cannot fault the Lion in any way. 👍

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Schitt was at least somewhat similar to that, sarcastically asking if Trump had actually come up with that all by himself, meaning of course that any idiot could have done it and it was nothing for Trump to be proud of.
Your response was much more fine tuned but might not have fit in a return tweet.


“Schitt was at least somewhat similar to that, sarcastically asking if Trump had actually come up with that all by himself, meaning of course that any idiot could have done it and it was nothing for Trump to be proud of.”
Agreed, but it lacked any ‘sting’. There was nothing to make the audience reading the exchange go “ooooh…. that’ll leave a mark!”.
“Your response was much more fine tuned but might not have fit in a return tweet.”
I am accustomed to unrestricted formats, as opposed to Twitter’s 240 (I think?) character limit. So I would have to adjust to shorter, sharper comments.
The first part turns out to be exactly 240 characters:
That’s hilarious Mr. President, I remember the first time I heard that joke about my name, in 1st grade. It’s just as funny now as it was then, the only difference is, you’re not in 1st grade, you’re a septuagenarian… so what’s your excuse?
The objective is to put your opponent on defense, to make him use his ‘turn’ in the back-and-forth (if he decides to reply at all) to defend or explain himself, rather than counterattack.
One way to do this is to present your own attacks in the form of a question. There is a certain pressure to ‘answer’, because it’s like a tennis match. The ball has just been hit into your court, and the entire audience is now looking at *you*.
If you say nothing, if you do not reply, that speaks volumes; it is tantamount to conceding defeat. The ‘ego’ doesn’t usually allow that course of action, unless there is reason to fear that it’s only going to get worse if you continue — and that doesn’t usually happen in the first volley.
So there is an expectation to ‘answer’ when one is asked a question, and the natural instinct is to ‘answer’, when you should ignore the question and counterattack instead, putting the ball back in your opponent’s court. But most people will attempt to explain or justify, to ‘answer’ the attack you posed in the form of a question.
To do so in the context of an attempted ‘smack-down’ is to be losing.
The remaining two comments could be held in reserve, in a comment length-restricted format like Twitter. And ideally, it is best to start with your longest attack, with successive attacks shorter and more direct. Your opponent’s longer explanations and justifications will appear more desperate by comparison.
So unless my opponent answered the first attack above in a way that provided an even better avenue of attack, I would follow up with the second Tweet, refocusing the attention on the immaturity of the original attack:
“Is that really the best you can do, to make fun of someone’s name? I mean it’s fair game I suppose, but how small do you have to be, to make fun of something about which people have no control over?
Then wait for the opponent to ‘answer’ or ‘justify’ his original attack again. The trick is that there is no way to ‘justify’ it, and the more your opponent tries to do so, the more ridiculous he will look. That’s why the better move is to ignore the question and reply with another attack of your own.
However your opponent responds, unless he provides an opening for an even more devastating attack, refocus the attention on the original error — make him keep paying for it, until he figures a way out, lol!
“Do you make fun of short people too?”
If a line of attack is working, don’t fix it if it ain’t broke.
Imagine the position that puts a ‘prestigious’ person in, being confronted by that kind of question, after ignoring OR trying to explain it away, TWICE.
The best move is to go over-the-top, exactly as DJT did when Megyna Kelly tried to pin him down about calling women ‘pigs, IIRC.
That’s a bad spot to be in, on national television, LIVE, and the person asking the question had weeks to come up with a carefully devised ‘kill shot’.
DJT didn’t hesitate, he immediately diverted the focus of hostility against himself to Rosie O’Donnell, and did it in a humorous way, which completely diffused the attack.
It was brilliant.
And Megyna knew it, you could see it in her expression. That was her best shot — it would have derailed just about anyone else, but he deflected it like it was nothing, and won the audience over in the process.
That’s when I knew this guy (DJT) could handle himself in any tricky situation. It was masterful, as well done as anything I’ve seen (or done), and I’ve never been under THAT kind of pressure, in that kind of a spotlight. It looks easy, but it’s always different when you’re in the hot-seat.
It has to be fast. Timing is everything (just as it is in comedy), so you don’t really have time to ‘think’ about it, it has to be a reflex.
And it doesn’t become a reflex without confidence.
And you don’t gain that confidence without a lot of practice, trial and error.
I don’t believe for one second our president just ‘turned out’ this way. He has put in a lot of time and effort, and no doubt made some embarrassing mistakes along the way to developing this skill.
And it is a thing of beauty to watch someone who has attained his level of skill, and to do it ‘live’, without a net.
It is a rare and amazing thing, the likes of which we’ll probably never see again… so I intend to enjoy every minute of it 😁


i honestly just got home from work and getting caught up. what’s happening here?


Andrew, there is no way to reply to your post, the ‘reply’ button disappears after so many ‘follow ups’.
Nothing big happening that I’m aware of.
If you were referring to my posts to SteveInCO, just dissecting DJT’s tweet to Adam Schiff, his reply to DJT, and the dynamics of any potential ‘back and forth’ contest. I made up an example reply to DJT’s tweet about Schiff, for an example of one way to respond by going on offense, that’s all 😁


thanks man 🙂
i just skimmed over those at first and i thought something was up!


I’m here in Mt. Saint Helens territory (I’ve climbed that old girl 7 times and I’m going up one more time if my knees will hold out)……she got really quiet for a couple of hours before blowing her top on May 18th. I keep wondering if that might explain some of the silence since November 12th?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I seem to find myself, as a tourist, in the presence of volcanoes a lot (Sicily, Crete, Iceland, Craters of the Moon…and Mt. St. Helens). All I did at the “old girl” was take the helicopter ride. I didn’t realize she’d been active recently.
I really need to drag my sorry ass over to Yellowstone sometime. And the Big Island.
Anyhow as to your question, one can only hope!!
PS: an interesting sidelight, apparently the ancient Greeks believed there’s a Titan buried under Sicily, and when he twitches, it causes an earthquake. Even today they’ll say the titan is restless. This burial happened when the gods and titans had their big war, apparently Athena dropped the entire island of Sicily on the titan.


I’ve been wanting to ask you if Colorado will ever go back to deep Red again or even Pink. Robert Redford was one of the leaders in defiling that great state. Convinced a lot of Libs to move there.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I have no idea.
Cutting out voter fraud will help.
Will it help enough with all the Kalifornikators moving here? I don’t know.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We also lost our R secretary of state…which means we have a Dem in charge of our elections. 🙁


That is not good. But cheer up, our AG has sued Trump countless times and the NRA just filed a Second Amendment lawsuit against WA for the disgusting, sweeping gun control referendum that just passed. I’m giving them another donation tomorrow.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Good luck with that.
We now have a Dem governor, a Dem house, and a Dem senate, and they’re pretty pissed off at “gunnies” for losing them the senate a few years ago. We’ll be taking it in the shorts.


We just voted down for the second time, a devastating carbon tax law that would have been a final death knell for this state. We have all Dems too.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Good! We had an initiative that would have effectively banned frac’ing in this state. It went down in flames.
We did pass two things about an independent commission for redistricting. I have no idea who was behind that one (I really don’t pay a lot of attention locally).

Sylvia Avery

Shannynae, are you in WA also?



Sylvia Avery

🙂 NW


John Denver also didn’t help…with all that “Rocky Mtn High” stuff he was always crowing about.
And then, there was Gerald Ford who encouraged people to go to Colorado.
They should’ve kept their mouths shut!


You are right! I forgot about them.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I sometimes want to tell people bragging about CO somewhere else to just STFU. Also, I think we need some hard winters, Right Now, to scare some of the Kalifornians out of here.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Clearly the forest fires we had didn’t work….seemed too much like home to them, perhaps.


Hey, now – don’t be bashing one of my favs! When I lived in Pueblo and worked at the FBO at the airport, celebrities often came through on private jets. The absolute NICEST celebrity I ever met (to include Lee Majors – put his arm around me (kicked myself later when I realized I could have snuck a kiss), WAY hung-over, Farrah was a b*tch – and Bob Hope) was John Denver. He had ordered sopapillas from the restaurant and wanted some honey. I offered to run over and get him so and he was so very kind about not wanting me to go to all that effort. Got an autograph from him that I still have to this day.


“for your free version of the new consumer information guide, send a stamped self addressed envelope to New Guide, Pueblo Colorado, 81009”


Yeah, from what I hear, I don’t think I would want to go back. Read somewhere recently that it has quadrupled in size or something like that. I hate going back to visit and finding it all changed.


I have had some truly unique experiences, I think. I have often been told I should write a book. Would definitely have to be under one of those nom de plumes, tho! LOL


A bit Off Topic here……..Wow! I have climbed Mt St. Helens myself circa 1976. I used to live in the small town of Yacolt (of recent bridge jumping fame). We moved to Arkansas the year before she blew.


I know exactly where Yacolt is and been there lots. You dodged a bullet! It was crazy when she finally went. Miserable…. One if the times that I was up there she was still active and rumbling but not spewing anything. You could look down on the dome and see the glowing lava. It was a very intense but awesome day.


love the picture in this thread’s opening wolfman1776! that whole sidestory is just such a bonus with all tthe “real life” known gems that trump has delivered all of his life! 😉


Someone two generations back in my family had a higher IQ score but did not develop that into changing the world nearly as well as our Lion PDJT. And he looked down on his son for having a lower score (which was stlll in top 2% range).
I found ths very sad as his son did develop his gifts in a way that has been life giving to multiple generations of young people. His joy has been so influential that babies in his church turn their heads his direction when they hear the sound of his voice across a room.
Just sayin’ … intelligence and outcomes can be asymmetric.




That’s a great picture!


Hi Linda, saw your “smackdown” of rsmith over at the TH – Banned yet?

Sylvia Avery

Oh my gosh, I have to go check that out! rsmith has been needing a smack down!
I wish someone would take my shovel and go smack feralcatsblog.

Sylvia Avery

Is it on the Pres Daily thread or where do I go look?

Sylvia Avery

Probably just as well.

Plain Jane

Oh thank you. He can still get my BP up. Once or twice I gave him pretty good, but subtle karate chop to his adams apple and got a good amount of likes from people I respect.

Sylvia Avery

Linda, I just found your comment over there about SD and his foolish swipe at “Trust the Plan.”
If I could hug you, I would. What a dignified, classy, fact-based comment you made and follow up post to SD. Bravo! And your posts were such a contrast to the idiocy people responded. Good for you!
It may have been your final post there, that certainly wouldn’t surprise me, but if it was you went out in style.


I don’t know much about him/her, but TDU_Weight posted under Linda in the same thread, and it was a real smack-down.
People are MAD over there. Pretty soon, there will be no “old” posters left.
Here’s a snippet of TDU’s comment:
“Projection much?
What makes me think you are talking about “Q followers?
Fact: “Trust the Plan” does not mean “trust sessions.”
“Trust the Plan” means “Trust the Plan.”
“Trust Sessions” means “Trust Sessions.”
Q never conflates the two. Why do you?
You wrote “trust the plan” in your commentary. You did not write “trust Sessions” in your commentary. Here’s the snark part, read your own request about being specific about what or who you are referring to in your writing.”
Oh, and P.S. I guess I am out again. I can’t even click “like.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Welcome to the club! Founded 539 days ago by me.


I bet I have been BANNED from CTH longer than you 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I just saw you posting over there a few days ago. Unless you got reinstated after a long ban, then I beat you by several hundred days.


ps – just to clarify i should have specified the trump/tesla mashup… that’s the one with the great story that is fun to indulge in occasionally for me… (see pic filename for those wondering what i am talking about)


i’ve been waiting for a response to this for 22 hours now.
“so i went to the duck search typed trump time travel in to see what all this was about.
suddenly, 10 hours later.
i believe in time travel now.”


Psalm 36:7

How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.

comment image


Hey Wolf! I’m pretty sure that I have referred to you as Wolfman…take it as a compliment.




hahaha. just realized i was a pusher of that moniker in my last (technically next to last) post also.


If you’re pressed for time start @ 6:40 SerialBrain2: Q2493 53-47. President Trump confirms Q. Again.
How do you defeat a cheater? 2 Brilliant Strategies…the FL play and the AZ Play…Remember “Every dog has his day”…McSally seated next to her dog during concession speech…Do you see it? The AZ temporary sacrificed piece will be the Electoral Hero allowing the promulgation of a Voter ID Law and the setup of a special corrective election that will bring the AZ Senate seat back to the GOP! Power returns to the people!


Tonight I especially appreciated the prayer with bag pipe music at the end.


Oh, and I’m always pushing back against criticisms of “the voters” choices,
when the election fraud #crimewave is nothing new.


How do we find SerialBrain2’s direct youtube site?
It seems like all the SerialBrain2 videos are reposts by other people, is that correct?


I’ve been wondering the same thing.


Scott, It is my understanding that SB2 blogs on reddit and other people read the posts on their youtube channels and here’s a link to a site that has all the posts that Shannynae shared last night and I love the format:
I’ve listened to a couple of other people read the posts but prefer “And We Know” Channel that I posted.
[Quote from /u/SerialBrain2 in Post # 27]
​…”I have just one motivation: raise enough questions in the minds of intellectually honest people to make them THINK, find a way out of the prison of falsehood and enter the House of Truth. I can’t walk for them, I can only show them. I am not a teacher”…
Awesome Patriot IMHO! 🙂


Thank you Judy!

Plain Jane

Thanks Judy. I’m really liking SB2’s videos. Just got a chance to watch. Wiish I could figure out a way to watch good stuff at the gym while on a SciFit.


Plain Jane, I listen to youtube videos on my phone everywhere, in the gym, in the car, walking. I actually rarely watch and likely miss some awesome visual effects but budgeting time is like budgeting $ in how to get the most out of what your are spending… 🙂

Plain Jane

Sometimes time at my age is more valuable than $$. LOL.


Plain Jane, I absolutely agree and have operated most of my adult life on the premise that you can steal my $ and that will agitate me but I can earn more $ to replace that but, you steal my time, and you will find yourself facing the full force of anger I didn’t even know I could generate. 🙂

Plain Jane

Now that made me laugh, a lot. I react that way to the incessant calls from telemarketers, some of whom aren’t even on the like when I hobble over to answer the calls. They not only stole my time, but also took my focus away from my task.


I’m not sure how many like Serial Brain2. I am an avid fan and the whole Gematria thing is fascinating to me. I finally got around to reading his latest post and it answers a few of my questions.. Here is the link….if you are confused about the number thing, click on the Gematria tab for a good explanation.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Gematria was a natural outgrowth of the way most ancient cultures in Europe and the Middle East rendered numbers before we had “Arabic” numerals. The Roman culture is actually an exception to this.
In Greek, A=1, B=2, Γ=3, Δ=4, and so forth, up until the tenth letter of the alphabet, Ι=10, but then Κ=20, not 11. The letters went up in increments of ten until Ρ=100, Σ=200, Τ=300, and so on, all the way through a symbol that came after Omega, which was worth 900. (There were two other added letters for this purpose, digamma, which looked like an F and was 6, and Qoph, which looked like a Q and was 90.)
Greeks would sometimes play the game of adding up all the letters in someone’s name to see what the number was; in fact that appears to be what references to 666 in Revelation were about (some sources give 616). It turns out the Emperor Nero’s name in Greek added up to 616; if it was spelled “Neron”, well the N was 50, so the total became 666.
Many other cultures did exactly the same thing, Russia, Georgia being examples.
Rome was a bit different with only SOME letters having numerical values and allowing for subtraction (e.g., IX for 9, from X=10 minus I = 1).
This video, I noticed, simply assigns every letter in the English (Latin) alphabet a number equal to its position in the alphabet, without trying to go 1-9, 10-90, 100-900. Since this is an arbitrary and totally different convention, I tend not to take it (or any other form of gematria) seriously for revelatory purposes. But as a code, it’s possible.


Very interesting post…thanks!


i just looked up the terms – have not watched the video yet… but i found that qoph was 19th leter of the aramaic hebrew alphabet (gemetria value 100) and the greek koppa (or qoppa) which had a numeric value of 90. both seem to “derive” from the phoenician qoph.
so not trying to pick at anything you said, on the contrary this seems like some good venture back into a little numerical play just for fun. i like reading about this stuff and it usually leads me to dejavu synchronicity and coincindence and all kinds of fun mind twisters!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I thought about making a little joke about qoph in my post and decided to skip it. Sure enough, right on Q someone picks up the ball I dropped. 😀


glad you made that post because i might have forgot about the video but now that looked that stuff up real quick becuase you posted those details i will definitely not forget. thanks again and to shannynae for the original post.


Found it!
Ivan Panin. Studied numerical “watermark” found in Hebrew texts.

Vital research on this numeric seal was completed by a native of the world’s most reknowned atheistic nation, Russia. Ivan Panin was born in Russia on December 12, 1855. As a young man he was an active nihilist and participated in plots against the Czar and his government. He was a mathematical genius who died a Harvard scholar and a citizen of the United States in 1942.
Panin was exiled from Russia. And after spending a number of years studying in Germany, he went to the United States where he became an outstanding lecturer on literary criticism. Panin was known as a firm agnostic—so well known that when he discarded his agnosticism and accepted the Christian faith, the newspapers carried headlines telling of his conversion.


A Russian man some generations ago did this with the Hebrew Bible and reported some very interesting findings. Wish I could remember his name. It’s a very busy day and I won’t have time to dive deep tonight. Waves Hi and ducks out–T*3




Those are mind-blowing numbers and I am sure that there are many, many more.


Lord help the Golden State.


I just saw what those pricks are saying to you now at CTH.
SD KNOWS you are right, and keeps his silence, allowing rsmith1776’s false charges to stand and appear as true.
rsmith1776 says:
November 19, 2018 at 2:01 am
Silly girl, I’ve been here since *2012*. You keep lying. You are not worth shining Sundance’s booth, your intellect is sorely lacking even for that task.
SO: where are the “whole bunch of regular treepers who have been here for years banned for even mentioning Q” ??
Or was that a LIE like everything you utter?
NAMES. “A whole bunch”. That means 8, or 10, or 12, or . . .
I’ll settle for six.
Come on, show you are not a little rude, slightly unhinged “Dr. Ford”. Demonstrate it.
Or go and worship at the altar of your prophet Q. Stop polluting this space.
There are certainly more than six.
Feel free to use my name, and tell rsmith1776 to come here and see for himself.


And since when did CTH become about Sundance worship and shining his boots?
rsmith1776: “You are not worth shining Sundance’s booth, your intellect is sorely lacking even for that task.”
Another Sundance worshipper, with brown all over his nose, straight from SD’s backside.
What an embarrassment.
And so far, SD is accepting this false idol worship, and not denying it or renouncing it.
His silence, if it remains, is implicit consent, i.e., acceptance.
It is a universal age-old Maxim of Law that silence means consent.
Qui tacet consennire videtur, ubi tractatur de ejus commodo: “He who is silent is deemed to consent.”
The maxim is Qui tacet consentiret: the maxim of the law is “Silence gives consent”. — Sir Thomas More
Maxim [mak-sim]
1. An established principle or proposition
2. A principle of law universally admitted, as being a correct statement of the law
And they call ‘Q’ a ‘cult’?
Q encourages everyone to think for themselves and to their own research.
While the Q-haters at CTH engage in royal ass-kissing and boot-licking, as SD eliminates diversity of thought or opinion…
I don’t know how that can actually be SD who is doing all of this and allowing it.


This 11/14 tweet made me think something was not right.


Sounds to me like someone or a mob is targeting him.


All right then.
But the truth would set his sorry ass free, and the truth is that CTH has done exactly what Linda said, and we could prove it, right here, and shut his mouth.
So if you change your mind, let us know.


I agree, Wolf. I was really, really tempted to go back there and really lay into this troll big time. But then I thought, is he really worth it? He’s obviously a troll or a shill, and that’s exactly what he wants. I’ll just get angrier and angrier, but nothing I say will change his twisted little mind.
I agree that this can’t possibly be the Sundance I’ve been reading for the last 6 or 7 years.


This guy is not Worth Time and energy.
I saw your exchange.
Farther down the comments I also saw this exchange:
ForGodandCountry says:
November 19, 2018 at 12:08 am
rsmith1776 says:
November 19, 2018 at 12:26 am
For God and Country is another Treeper who rarely posts anymore, probably because of the attacks he received for his strong opinions in support of Jeff Sessions and Q. His comments seem to be suppressed, which is not like him at all.
rsmith1776 is just a d-bag, along with several others.
Leave them to their own demise, as it is inevitable.
PS: I’m almost certain that For God and Country must be “spending time” elsewhere besides CTH, I just don’t know where. I would like to see an invitation to this site extended to him.
Same goes for DeborahUntamedinSD (similar situation to FG&C).
Deborahs Twitter (I am not on Twitter):


“Seriously. LYAHF is a sick game, the left wants us to get into it, and I want no part in it. ”
I had to look that one up.
LYAHF = Let’s you and him fight.
I wasn’t meaning for Linda to fight in my place or for me. I’ll fight any and all of them myself, no different than I always have, but I can’t do that at the moment unless they come to me, while Sundance is protecting them behind his skirt.


Just sayin’, I’m pretty good at that kind of fight.
Like undefeated in over 25,000 posts in the Breitbart free-for-all comments section.
I did end up in what amounted to a Mexican standoff, once.
The whole point of the exercise was to defeat your opponents, to force trolls to resign from the discussion out of repeated embarrassment or flat out proving them wrong. It was often vicious and always entertaining, and with effectively no moderators, there were no holds barred.
And it was a blast.
You can’t know if you’re arguing religion with an ordained minister, or arguing politics with doctors and lawyers or ditch diggers or anyone in between. Take on all comers. Doesn’t matter if you’re 6’9″ tall or 4’3″. Everything else neutralized, all that matters is what’s between your ears and the ability to communicate it.
To dominate.
The only thing that matters is truth, and your ability to argue, to attack while not leaving an opening for your opponent to effectively counter-attack.
So long as you stand on the truth and do not leave it — whether that means God’s Word or verifiable facts and evidence — you cannot be defeated.
And once you learn that, so long as you’re willing to pay the price for speaking the truth, you have no fear 😁

Plain Jane

I was able to post still as of this evening. I gave likes out to a few people for their posts. All my posts went through since this all started, except for the post that included wqth link of the pedo takedown.

Plain Jane

Got it.


maybe keep it that way – you could use it sparingly to post bread crumbs to those who are looking vulnerable over there that you would like to see here.
Andrew disguises links to that are not clickable – maybe disguise them to the max, but make it understandable.
Just an idea 🙂

Plain Jane

Yep, in other words, speak Polish. (I can say that without cultural appropriation along with one other ancestral country.)


Are some protecting the pedos? Maybe that’s why some have it in for Jeff Sessions.

Plain Jane

Never thought of that.


This is in reply to Nor’easter…
I had an exchange on CTH sometime ago with Deborah in SD…
She had not been at the TH and told me she preferred twitter.
A number of people prefer twitter (it seems to be where the action is)
WolfMoon is correct imho…
wrt arguing w/ posters at the TH


I’m all about keeping the peace, agree with Wolfmoon.
It will take all of us to help our Pres and our country. None of this makes any sense. I still have no idea why I was banned. That said, I am overjoyed to find friends, here, who are patient and like-minded.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It has evolved into a place that’s not just for talking about Q (and to be honest, I don’t care about Q; but I will defend to the death your right to), but a beyond-the-last refuge from the last refuge.
Some people kicked out of The Old Tree might even be reluctant to come here, fearing that it’s All Q All The Time.
So if I can throw an idea out there, it might be time to do a little rebranding (e.g, modifying the home page banner whose text makes it sound like nothing but Q), but that’s (obviously) entirely up to you.


I would do it myself, but whoever kidnapped Sundance is too afraid to allow me to post there.


i am nothing but a a lowly internet poster, but i would say end the replies to that post immediately if notvsooner and not engage further would be a wise course of action. just my opinion.

Sylvia Avery

The longer away from there, the better things get. You could tell I was initially quite upset by what had happened and I still am to a degree. But time and space helps, as it always does. I’ve skimmed the comments over there but less and less because most of the opinions I liked are here anyway, so…
Someone made an interesting point earlier today about SD and his latest mischaracterization of Q’s position on something that is just so completely false, and whichever one of our friends here made the post said it made them feel like giving the side eye to anything SD says now. Because if he could get this so terribly wrong, what else is he wrong about?
Yeah. Rearview mirror time, baby. And please don’t let those trolls in. If Mr Spock, feralcatsblog, or franklin show up please please please hit the eject button or show them the door or something.
Wolfie, you are doing a great job here. I’m so grateful to you.

Sylvia Avery

Hee hee hee! Sounds like a great plan. I may even Trust The Plan. TY WM.


Oh, we really don’t want those people over here!
Thank you so much for this refuge. I went to read there this morning and I am utterly dismayed by the comments section. Also went to see what happened with Linda (I posted upthread about that) and jeez, what a mess.
I am genuinely concerned about Sundance. Something bad is happening. Can he really be the one in charge over there right now? I can’t believe he is.


Sylvia said exactly what my husband first thought, “What else was he wrong about?” and “who else has been censored?”
I’m still fearful of the safety issue, for an old friend – because there is no rational explanation.

Sylvia Avery

I keep trying to think of a rational explanation, a logical explanation, something that makes sense and I keep coming up with unsatisfactory answers.
And not just wrong. Deliberately, willfully ignorant supported by outright flimsy lies that spending five minutes time to look into it would tell you it isn’t worth repeating. I admit I am finding it hard to get past that or find excuses for it. Lies are never good, but if someone is leading you astray out of their own lack of knowledge that is one thing. Deliberately putting false garbage out there that deliberately inflames people and divides them is something else.
I’m still shocked, and still trying to make this all fit in my head and I can’t.

Sylvia Avery

That is so ugly and so uncalled for. What a jerk.

Sylvia Avery

And you can certainly tell them I have been banned. It is true.


Good grief.
Who would ban you? Hmmph.

Sylvia Avery

LOL, I know, right? The nerve!


ChurchMouse, that’s what I think. Banning Sylvia–I never would have believed that could ever happen. In fact, at one time, thought thought she was rather a favourite over there.


Sylvia was a favorite, absolutely. We all WERE.


Me, too, which is why I found her news of being banned astonishing.


don’t engage maverick! don’t engage! 🙂


“don’t engage maverick! don’t engage! ”
That’s a negative, Ghost Rider 😁


i took some creative license with my post but was thinking of that scene right after i posted. pretty awesome movie to this day for sure…

Plain Jane

Love that movie. Another favorite movie is Firefox – flying over and through the mountain range.

Plain Jane

I was just going to look for this film clip. Glad I scrolled down.


Oh, Shannynae, thanks for the link. I bookmarked it for future posts. I have loved the youtube videos reading them. I have to skip over the Gematria info for now due to limited brain space available for processing but it’s nice to know some have it figured out. LOL


Thank you, Wolf, for using that IQ graph on the header of this thread!
Heheh…the term “IQ” also serves as a sort of ‘statement’ for Q-peeps, if they want to say “I Q” as in, ‘I read Q’.
The subject of IQ is very interesting, especially the way that high IQ levels will pop up in a family that doesn’t have other ‘geniuses’ within it.
Is a high IQ…genetic?
Or is the combination of genes that happen to come together in a new life, just a random occurrence?
Or…did the Hand of Providence intervene to grant such a high intelligence.
If a genius-level IQ is genetic…then why do other family members and siblings, not possess the same high IQ?
Donald J Trump was blessed with a genius-level IQ…but what about his immediate family?
I’ve never heard anyone say that ‘he comes from a family of geniuses’.
comment image
It’s interesting how a genius-level child will start to ‘signs’ of that genius, in the things that they do and choose to play with.
My brother tested very high on the IQ scale…and his ‘favorite thing’ as a toddler, instead of a blankie, was a big crescent wrench that he drug around and even slept with.
He later became a NASA engineer.
But he was socially retarded, as in…was completely lost when figuring out the subtleties of social interaction.
I often had to explain to my brother Why someone said what they did, or Why they acted the way that did.
He was totally baffled…and also impatient…with the behavior of other humans.
Here is our VSG President as a young tot.
Is this an early sign of a him being a Builder?
It’s interesting that, instead of leaving his shoes behind…he chose to carry them with him in his little wheelbarrow.


…*will start to show ‘signs’ of that genius


I do too!
And thank you so much for fixing that little disaster I created when I screwed up the strikeout tag on that post.
I really appreciate it. 🙂


A stoopid mistake on my part…and one that I tend to repeat when I’m not careful.
Thanks again for fixing it!


Uh oh, I’ve landed meself in ‘moderation’ again.
I forgot and posted 4 links for photos, stupid me.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I Q?
You’ll probably need to get in line… you know, Q up.


Think my comment disappeared Wonder, steve, if that means we can’t say q-ng or even cueing or IQ now on cth. Sorry, I know youan’t. You are so clever, it’s their loss. Our gin.

Plain Jane

Don’t like gin. Sorry I couldn’t resist.


Jane, lol. Guess you know it was a typo, it was supposed to be “gain.” I find it hard to correct on here.

Plain Jane

Yes, I knew it was a typo right away, but I also knew from reading your comments, that you have a sense of humor, Therefore… 🙂
I’m turible with typos on the iPad, pluzz nos spell check. Hee, hee, hee!


Jane, haha.


Really a great post, Wheat and that picture is priceless. I don’t know if it is true or not but I read an article last month that said that intelligence is passed to the fetus from the mother.
Hubby prefers land lines, VCR’s ……
I have had to teach him everything about anything to do with technology from 1990-2018.
My son is a computer programmer…writes code….hmmmmmm. HAHAHAHAHA 🤣


Wheatie……sigh…….spell check got me again.


Having a genius-level intelligence may have gotten our future President in trouble as a kid.
I’m thinking that he was probably outspoken and was given to blurting out his thoughts on things, without knowing yet how it would be received by others.
comment image
Is that a camera he is holding ^^there^^?
Having a natural tendency to blurt out the truth, can lead to a little unhappiness and frustration, when you learn that you have to ‘hold your tongue’.
And DJT doesn’t look all that happy in these childhood pictures.
Maybe I’m reading more into it…and my perceptions could be total wrong…just guessing, after all.
But I noticed that same ‘look’ on my genius-level brother’s face, when he was learning to ‘hold his tongue’ as a kid.


As our future genius President entered his teen years…he may have been bored by the tediousness of everyday school life, and engaged in things that were frowned upon.comment image
Just speculation on my part, of course.
But for whatever reason…young DJT was sent off to New York Military Academy.comment image
And once there…he seemed to take it in his stride:
He not only took it in his stride…he excelled there and became the Top Cadet, in a leadership position:
comment image
That’s him, front and center up ^^there^^.
He has mentioned that his time at the military academy was a great experience for him at a formative time in his life…and that he is grateful to his Dad for sending them there.
It certainly left him with a reverence for our Military, that is evident today in the way that he values them.


Thanks! And thank you for getting it out of limbo.
I think that PDJT’s time at that military academy instilled a sense of order and discipline that he has used to his advantage, in his adult life.
It had to have helped him in learning the merits of good planning, too.
Which we are seeing being played out right now.

Sylvia Avery

That is so cute!

Deplorable Patriot

IQ…. To be honest, as one who comes from a big family of engineers (grandfather, dad, two brothers, one first cousin, at least two cousins once removed, and more), intelligence, IMO, is the luck of the draw in the genetics crap shoot at conception. Really. On that side of the family, there are the REALLY smart ones, and then the others none of whom one could really call dumb.
And to be honest, there are several types: math oriented, problem solving, strategy, people oriented, large memory capacity, creativity, etc. For example, my sister scores higher than me on standardized tests, but when it came to finding a way to hang fresh, homemade pasta to dry, she was stymied. I got out the stackable cookie drying racks, and made an improvised high rack. But, I’m the problem solver. She’s the one who refuses to admit that the mainstream media is not telling us the truth, and is really into Korean pop culture.
There’s just a difference even if we were both in the honors classes through school.
That doesn’t make any one person greater or lesser, just endowed with different gifts that should be developed and celebrated.
As for really smart people being unhappy in childhood, again, it depends on the kind of smart, and the sort of support one gets as a kid from family. And, due to the reality that the percentage of high intelligence individuals is limited, yeah, it can be lonely if one’s interests do not align with a social group. Been there, done that.
Eventually, with age comes wisdom, though, and that is the one thing that those who really don’t know what they don’t know can’t seem to grasp.
It’s all controversial, but there is some truth to it, that’s for sure.


I have never had a formal IQ test but, from what I was told, the score on your entrance exam into the military reflects your IQ score – mine was 130 and I scored highest in mechanical reasoning. I haven’t a clue what that says about me, tho. At one point, I was going to take some college courses and took some aptitude tests at NVCC. My top 3 jobs? A bus driver, a military officer or a police officer. Fancy that! It would seem I function best in a well-structured environment.


Any chance that those aptitude test results that you were given were tailored more towards necessity of filling job vacancies than actual potential for fields or jobs that one would most likely excel in?
This can be further compromised by instituting “quotas”.


No, they were generalized tests that are used all over the country.


Okay. I’m not very familiar with how this works.
Trying to reconcile the Military aptitude test results (mechanical reasoning) versus NVCC test results (especially the bus driver).
Seems to be a bit of a disconnect, no?
It would make sense to me that if for example, one had a commercial drivers license (bus driver), and prior military experience for the other two (makes perfect sense), but that information would have to be factored in to one’s test score.


I think they are both, in their own ways, general aptitude tests. I took the results of both to mean I am more comfortable with straight-up “mechanical” issues vs. more murky “intellectual” issues and I do tend to be very pragmatic and prone to focus on the “common sense” angle. I also HATE surprises, i.e., being caught unprepared, and I am most comfortable with clear lines of authority and well delineated rules of the game. And I LOVE being in charge! LOL – there ‘ya have it! Me, in a nutshell! ROFL


I’m thinking that aptitude tests, if utilized correctly, would greatly enhance the vocational training necessary to bring the countrys workforce back to where it should be.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve never had a formal test, either, but the informal ones have put me in the 145-160 range. I hesitate to think of that as accurate, but there are times I do wonder just how stupid other people can be when I read their commentary, and sometimes that’s from people with advanced and professional degrees.


Relational skills are developed just like other things that take time and practice. Has very little to do with genetics. Has a whole lot to do with how relational the caregiver for first 18 months was. Little babies grow a brain to match the brain they are looking at all day long. We are pattern matchers. If our caregiver’s face is showing us how to recover from big emotions, we will learn to do so ourselves. If our caregiver gets stuck in a big emotion, we will fear getting stuck there are well. We grow what we see.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, forgot to mention that there is a difference between being really smart and having ambition, drive and a solid work ethic. There’s a lot of really smart people out there who are serious under achievers.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, a person’s temperament has a lot to do with it. A “go getter” might turn into a Donald Trump. Someone less ambitious but with a lot of curiosity might become a scientist (most are very smart, and even those who don’t become Nobel laureates can do very important work–but they won’t become rich and famous for it).
And there are those around them who look at all the idiotic hoops (regulations written by idiots, dealing with idiots on a daily basis, etc., etc.) they have to jump through to start a business, etc., and decide it’s not worth it.


“Donald J Trump was blessed with a genius-level IQ…but what about his immediate family?”
I believe that the President’s brother is or was a professor at MIT.


She told the truth, reading between the lines.
“I think I have served the purpose that I came here for, which was to provide a credible
election product for our voters,” said Snipes last week during a press conference.


Yeah, she ‘served the purpose’…of Vote Fraud!
I agree with others who’ve said that resigning shouldn’t exempt her from being prosecuted.
Lock her up!


I absolutely agree. This garbage must stop and arresting and conviction is a good start. Quitting your job should not and does not clean the slate.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Perhaps the arrest is coming.
Her resigning stops her from committing fraud and was quicker than going through the process of trying to convince a grand jury in a liberal county that a liberal black woman needs arresting.


Oh, please, please let it be!!!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

HOw about that other turkey, Adam Schitt?


Question…….Am I seeing things or are those “papers” floating from inside the car ballots?


Hard to say…some of them look like they could be ‘forms’ of some sort.
But others look like just sheets of paper.
Hopefully, if there *were* some ballots in those papers, that someone noticed and is looking into it.


I used to watch WGN news. Are you from Chicago ?
A reported homicide in my old neighborhood.
CHICAGO — A 39-year-old man was fatally shot in his head in front of his wife in Gage Park early Sunday, police said.


I’m in WA, unfortunately. We are turning into the new CA.


John Trump the president’s uncle was a brilliant electrical engineer and physicist.
He was a MIT professor ,the author of 80 scientific publications and reviewed the Tesla documents.
John Trump received a number of awards including:
1947: The King’s Medal for Service in the Cause of Freedom (KMS), given by George VI
1948: The President’s Certificate of Merit, presented by President Harry S. Truman
1960: The Lamme Medal, given by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers
1983: The National Medal of Science, presented by President Ronald Reagan
It is difficult to find articles of John Trump without a derogatory political bend towards our President.
Physics Today a publication for the scientific community exhibits subjectivity and bias…unbecoming.
IF,IF,IF,IF,IF,IF,IF,IF… Obama had a brilliant uncle.. he would be on the forever stamp…forever !


Thanks, Chicago->Arizona.
I had read that PDJT’s uncle was an engineer and scientist…but I hadn’t looked into it.
So there is another ‘genius-level’ Trump in our President’s family.
Thanks for the info!

Sylvia Avery

I just finished watching the always annoying Chris Wallace interview PDJT. It aired today on FOX. Other than wanting to throttle Chris Wallace for being an idiot, boneheaded, and a shill for the Left, it was a pretty good interview. I came away thinking once again how well PDJT handles himself in these adverse situations. He is very cool, very poised, and always worth listening to. And he does a pretty good job of getting his viewpoint out no matter how hard the pressitute tries to interfere.
I also just finished watching Mark Levin spending his Sunday evening hour long show talking with Victor Davis Hanson. I am a fan of Levin’s Sunday night show. He does a good interview and has a guest for a long enough period of time you can get some thoughtful, reflective answers.
And I adore VDH. Apparently he ruffled feathers by not being on the Trump Train with an early boarding pass waiting for it to leave the station (or something) but as I often say I was late for the Train myself so I can hardly fault others for not being the first on board. If my thinking can evolve (like BO’s was known to do, gag) than I imagine other’s can as well.


Yeah, call me a fan of VDH. It takes courage (or just maturity) for a man to change his mind, so the fact that he did so is a very healthy sign.


Found this over at the Qresearch board, heheh:
comment image


Hope that is not the TH they are sitting in – may explain the recent “ahem” changes that have been observed 🙂

Sylvia Avery

That is pretty funny!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Follow the lines. There are closed loops, meaning inbreeding.


The meme is priceless.


Sweet little kitty…so happy to be rescued.


Cripto has his (her?) gimlet eye on our former host (see thread on VDH interview), referring to the ‘original’ S D and saying that S D does not give readers all the good information about the Trump administration.
Cripto says that Wray has replaced 7 FBI field office heads (one example that we never read about). Hmm.
Cripto also summarised what happened between S D and Mark Levin during the 2016 primary. Hmm.


Even GB Bari had a crack at SD re SD’s characterisation of Rush. I remember Bari patrolling threads and admonishing posters to stay positive and cohesive – NOW he’s digging at SD. The TH is changing, and it don’t look good ….

Sylvia Avery

Wow! I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. After all, it would make sense that more people than us have noticed the change. And yet, I’m still surprised.


Yup, like a switch has been flipped. The fact that we are all here proves it is not a dream 🙂

Sylvia Avery

REALLY? Wow! Now I’m curious and I’ll have to go look for this!


See the November 18 comments, but not the ones for the Sunday shows.
I did not bookmark them.

Deplorable Patriot

Is there a link for this? Thanks.


You can see the comments (several) on the Presidential thread or the one before or after.
I didn’t bookmark it, but it would have been for November 18 — not the Sunday shows posts, IIRC.


Wray has replaced far more than 7 FBI field office heads

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nope. Nope. Wray is Deep State! Wray is Deep State! He’s doing nothing! He’s doing nothing!
(crams fingers in ears)
You Q-uisling!!!!
(And yes, all is sarcastic.)


Steve, lol.


An ex-Dem site — The Trumpet (never mind the Hillary URL from 2008) — has been taking issue with our former host for months now, mainly around the issue of Jeff Sessions. Someone posted the home page link on a CTH post today and got shouted down (probably because of the Hillary reference). I explained why, and, just now, got a like, which is good.
In any event, The Trumpet’s author, ‘admin’, is spot on. Big rant, interesting reading, even if admin is not in the Q camp. I’m posting the following excerpt for the S D element. Emphases mine below:
‘Let’s repeat that: it was Sundunce who promulgated the lies and the wacky theories of “white hats” and “black hats” and the nonsense about Huber and Sessions and even Bob Mueller being a “white hat”. Everything we attacked Conservative Treehouse for has been proven correct. Yet instead of an apolgy from Sundunce we get blame shifting.
Sundunce should have written: “I was entirely wrong. All my theories have been proven as absurd childish fantasies. What’s worse is that because of my “Trust Jeff Sessions” nonsense we did not organize to force Jeff Sessions to resign. Further we never mentioned the Vacancies Reform Act and why Sessions has to be forced to resign not be fired. We were entirely wrong and because of our actions we hurt President Trump and helped the Deep State.”
‘That is what an honest person would have written.
Sundunce did everything a Trump hater would want even as Sundunce pretends to be a Trump supporter. Because of the “do nothing” policy of Sundunce of Conservative Treehouse actions that should have been taken were not done. The same goes for Q-Anon.
‘Abrams and Avenatti are scum and filth. But at least Abrams and Avenatti proclaim for all to hear their hatred of President Trump and in that they are honest. But vipers like Sundunce and Q-Anon are the dangerous “friendly fire” traitors that Trump supporters must be on guard against. As President Trump has warned, beware of snakes.’
I have been reading hillaryis44 ever since June 2008. admin came out supporting McCain, Romney and Trump. No going back to the Dems for him/her.


You’re right: this is complicated stuff.
The Trumpet’s perspective was that CTH readers could have been writing to the President for months asking for Sessions’s removal, but SD kept telling us to be patient. He was every bit as much on the ‘trust the plan’ theme as Q was, but using hat colour instead.
Now he blames Q followers.
I can see where you’re coming from, but, IMHO, Sessions wasted a lot of the 21 months he was in office.
Ex-Democrats could see what a danger he was. Conservatives couldn’t.
Ex-Dems are a pretty reliable marker. If something’s going haywire, they’ll say so. Our side says, ‘Patience, grasshopper’ and ‘Wait until the mid-terms are over’. (Sigh.)
I spent days writing about Sessions’s time as AG and have posted those on another site. I will post the series on mine after Thanksgiving. It does not flatter the former AG.


Thank you, Wolfie, for this explanation, very helpful, also thank you, Curchmouse for the info.


You know, I’ve been reflecting on why my disappointment over the loss of the House has morphed into a strange calm. Then I see articles like this and I find my answer:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Declares War on White, Moderate Democrats
I highly suspect that Ocasio-Cortez is going to prove to be very beneficial to our side…and a pain-in-the-derriere to Ms. Moonbat Crazy Pelosi. Already, she is reducing her chances of building political capital by going rogue.
I genuinely believe that the House Dems are going to self-destruct….and I am standing by with popcorn to witness it.

Sylvia Avery

This little Commie girl is a source of ongoing amazement to me. Every time I see her/hear her in action I have to stop what I am doing and watch. And marvel. I do tend to get distracted by all those teeth and find myself staring in fascination.
But mostly I feel as though I am listening to a friend of mine from high school when she was running for student body office. Except my friend sounded more serious and substantive than this Commie gal.
As a Congressman, Ocasio Cortez sounds like she’d make a great retail sales clerk, or a cashier at the car wash, or to be really fair maybe a manager at a fast food restaurant. Nothing wrong with any of those occupations. She just sounds oddly lacking in knowledge or gravitas or substance or policy ideas, but she takes herself very very seriously.
I wonder if she has the toughness to withstand politics. She strikes me as incredibly superficial.


I think you “misunderestimate” her – I am sure she plans to “like” save the world, or something “like” equally important … 🙂
Sorry, so very sorry. I am SURE I have broken a snowflake rule or two, surely?

Sylvia Avery

Yes. She is so very earnest about doing good as she gazes out at the world with those huge eyes and all those teeth.
Just watch your back and hang onto your wallet.

Plain Jane



Perfect assessment of Ocasio-Cortez. As far as her being tough enough to survive in the swamp, let’s just say that a fellow MAGA supporter (IRL) and I have placed a bet on her tenure.


she appears to be a hand picked agent for some group – though i am not sure if that will grant her protection and longevity in congress. lest we forget when we first learned about her, she has been groomed for many years and is steeped in the philosophy of the group that is backing her. she is “grassroots” by that i mean, she grew up in the grooming of a new paradigm for the left meaning large organizations fronting “causes” from a young age, working in / leading massive protest groups (occupy protests, especially in boston where she was based at the time) and since then constantly being involved in one group or another. she comes out of nowhere and is elected to represent NY immediately after being a bartender… so while the memes of her are hilarious, i tend to think they mask some of her potential and we should not take her lightly. she is not the only one that was elected at the state and national level this election that holds the views she does.
that being said, i am not sure which side of the bet you were on!


Interesting follow up on my LBH / RBH post and related reply to Nebraska Filly re evolution ….
Just watched the Joe Rogan chat with Eric Weinstein. Eric just dropped a little nugget in the final quarter of the show that his brother Brett, an evolutionary biologist (and atheist) just smoked (destroyed) noted atheist Richard Dawkins, using Dawkins’s own evolutionary theory to demonstrate that this theory concludes that religion confers a benefit to humanity …
So, it can be said with some authority – Belief in God is good ….. More to follow next year.
This is exactly what I argued in my reply to Nebraska Filly. Talk about Dawkins being hoist by his own petard, after all these years ….
Apparently the Weinstein / Dawkins event has yet to be posted, just happened a few days ago.

Sylvia Avery

Dan Crenshaw is the newly elected Republican Congressman from Texas. He’s the former Navy SEAL who lost his eye to an IED and wears the rakish looking eye patch. He’s the one the doofus with the fake gray hair on SNL made some “joke” about looking like a hit man in a porn movie. Crenshaw tweeted a pretty good reply. It was dignified and strong but reasonably civil.
SNL invited him to come on and he the weird guy with the orange hoody and gray hair did some kind of a sketch together and made nice. It actually wasn’t bad. It showed at least some people still can rise above offense and hysteria to apologize and forgive. Pretty amazing these days.
So NOW this Crenshaw turns up on a panel on Face the Nation or one of those shows I never watch. I only heard a tiny clip, but they were all emoting over how PDJT attacks democracy or some other claim. Crenshaw took his argument to them. He said how? Where? When? “Well, he attacks the press.” Crenshaw goes on to say something like I have literally been attacked. That does not compare to what is going on here. If you want to say you don’t like the guy’s style I can give you that. But he’s not attacking the press or democracy.
I hope he ends up being as good as he is starting out! I can’t help but compare this guy, a serious human being, with the Commie chick who Instagrams herself making macaroni and cheese and plans sit in’s in Pelosis’s office…


Dan Crenshaw needs to be the next James Bond. Is he a hottie or what? OMG, a real man with gravitas. (sigh)

Sylvia Avery

LOL. I saw a clip of him again on TV this morning. For some odd reason I find the eye patch and beard appealing. Possibly a pirate vibe going on there that is attractive in some weird way to me? Don’t know, but I was laughing at myself and thinking if I am not careful I’ll be ripping photos of him out of magazines and pinning them over my bed. I may be venturing into girlish crush territory here!


PapaD just made it to the front page of The Australian (our national daily, owned by Murdoch) re his meeting with Downer, our not so esteemed High Commissioner (like an Ambassador) in London.
He is describing details slightly differently to how he did it on Dan Bongino’s show – not sure what to make of that. Not sure if it is important – he is just mentioning stuff here that got no mention on Dan’s show. He may be embellishing …
Behind a paywall, sorry.


i am so skeptical of papaD because if his story is true, then it should be a open and shut case. the fact he is spouting stuff all over the place makes we wonder what the heck is going on.


I have been reading Jim Kunstler’s blog entries along with the comments.
Kunstler is really anti-Dem now, but still far from MAGA. (Lucille at CTH reads his stuff. I haven’t dipped in for many a year, so, thanks to her, started doing so a few weeks ago.)
Anyway, in the following thread (pardon the language in the link, but I don’t do …
… there is a comment about Robert Mueller historically. I will post the comment, which includes a link to an explosive testimony, should it be true. A must-read.
There seems to be no way of verifying it at this point, so take this for what it is worth.
Here’s the comment. The link is at the end:
‘Brabantian November 5, 2018 at 10:51 am #
‘Something else for the post-Tuesday civil war in Washington –
‘There was a 28 page filing against Trump-badgering Special Counsel Robert Mueller on 25 October, at the office of the US Department of Justice Inspector General Horowitz, involving Mueller-misconduct when he was FBI director – link below
‘The filing talks about how extraditions requested by the USA are being denied, as other governments have files on the crimes involving Mueller – including Russia, ha! – even tho Mueller’s friends at Google, another ‘swamp’, are hiding the crime scheme from internet search results
‘The report charges Robert Mueller with being a compromised, paid agent of a British criminal group – involved in US federal corruption, two federal judges bribed, with Mueller and another famous former Special Counsel, Patrick Fitzgerald, selling a ‘comfort letter’ to criminals in the middle of a string of felonies
‘Mueller is said to be involved in helping his law firms defraud millions in client funds, and getting a share of this, in a scheme manipulating a crazy Hillary friend and donor with some racist proclivities
‘The filing describes how key anti-Trump media aka ‘Resistance’, are motivated by of fear of indictment in the schemes involving Mueller, how the Boston Globe, New York Times, UK Guardian, CNN, all were bribed to create past ‘fake news’ in the Mueller-tied federal corruption scheme
‘Here is the 28-page US Dept. of Justice filing made last week with DOJ’s Inspector General – and Trump’s counsel and Congressional committees – by an ex-DOJ employee who now presents reports to the EU Commission … it has the ‘3rd rail’ forbidden topic of US judicial bribery, so the filing has been under the media radar, tho apparently Trump’s lawyers and the Republicans in Congress have it ready to deploy:’


We can always hope!


It will be interesting to see how this develops.
It could be groundbreaking, especially if the President’s personal counsel know of it.



this is good stuff right here. my gosh, i hope something at least fairly large drops soon even if it spoils a few of our turkey dinners!


forgot this, from 2015

look at the faces on these guys!


the first trade center bombings for me as a teenager were the first hint that there was a widespread “terrorist” web inside of america. in fact at the time it was all over the news, they had the blind imam guy, the undercover ops, i mean it was everywhere and started to shake us out of the happy little time we had been in since berlin wall falling / ussr “dissolving” – we were no longer at peace we had a new enemy and this was was embedded within our own neighborhoods!
the more you piece this stuff together over time, going back to way way back (and i mean pre ww1) you really start to feel like the absolute fool who was so easily convinced everything was all fine as kind and the good guys are looking out for you! (well, some of people didn’t see it that way and paid the price socially or otherwise of course)
they just lead you around from one “crisis” to another. they are strung between a D president and a R president and then to a D president… they help each other out furthering the ultimate goal (which we have no idea about because it isn’t any goal we would seek for our own good) and we comply.


I’m cooking and buzzing around for the holiday, but the news is driving me crazy. How about you?
#1. Suburban women. Can we outlaw the phrase? We ran the number on these women. Suburban married women vote for Trump. Single women are leaning feminazi. How is the President supposed to convince a feminazi?
Besides, this is about 3-5% of the electorate.
Here’s what I think.
The tax cuts bill took effect in Spring of 2018. Taxes won’t be filed until April of 2019 for the year. I think blue states with high state taxes are terrified about losing the deduction for property taxes. Remember everyone rushing to the county clerk to pay off property taxes a year in advance?
Yeah, well….
Recall during the formulation of the tax cuts, we added 700 billion in tax cuts to give the extra WIDE cut for kids. That was Ivanka’s idea and it helped get the votes needed for passage. As a result, the state tax deduction, over $10K, went out the window.
Bottom line, people will not know where their tax situation really stands until April of 2019.
Let’s hope they are worrying about nothing.
BUT – I believe this is the reason for losing Republican districts in places like New Jersey, the burbs of Chicago, and California – all, notoriously high tax states.
Never mind that the states, themselves, have a problem with higher than normal taxes and should be blamed.
#2. All journalists have to sit at the kids’ table for Thanksgiving.
#3. Love to all during this Holiday.

Deplorable Patriot

As an urban, single woman, I cringe when we are pigeon holed.


Just perusing the comment thread at CTH – wish Smurfette would join us. Posting uncomfortable truths about the Rockefellers and being slammed by lemmus1 as “needing therapy!” SMH – Got me to thinking about one of the ultimate deep staters, John Foster Dulles:
“It would not be the last time that an action of the then 31-year-old Dulles would lead to “blowback” on his country. In fact, famed journalist Alan Stang concluded in his book The Actor on the career of Dulles — the ultimate “deep stater” — “Dulles deliberately did more damage to America while masquerading as a conservative Republican anti-Communist, than Gus Hall [long-time head of the American Communist Party] could have imagined doing.” Although the term was not in use at the time, John Foster Dulles and his brother Allen were key architects in the construction of what we now refer to as “the deep state” — the permanent state behind the visible government in D.C.”


As well as his brother, Allen, who was Director of the Clowns!


allan was involved with so much stuff (allegedly of course) that it would take you a week to get out of that rabbit hole.


i believe that user you mention is the heretofore user known as a c k33bl3r (change the 3’s for e’s). not a bad thing necessarily, but just wanted to mention that.


Re: smurfette (formerly, Keebler AC):
He does definitely have some interesting stuff, but I think some stuff goes well into “tin foil hat” territory.
But I’ve never seen him get upset when people point out.


exactly – actually i have been turned onto some newer information in a few areas that i had not studied in a few years from links that ac posted. and truth be known to all of us – tin foil hat territory must be entered and considered. some of us have been living there comfortably for a long time, some of us have just started to dip our feet in because of what we’ve come to know over the last 3 years.
the things that ac posts are the type of thing that you have to really think about and consider the alternative – like do you believe in microwave technology? ok what might it be used for? go back in time, look who spearheaded the technology, what it morphed into. think about recent times and the issues down in cuba…remember that story that just simply got memoryholed?
a tin foil hat theory is like instant grant material to the deep dark recesses of tbtb – they love that stuff and especially researching it while we think it’s science fiction novel material!
we have cloaking ability these days – it’s documented. remember start trek and the transporter room? believe it or not that is even possible (well from what i know that is possible you don’t move humans yet, but the science is there) .


Yep – some of these claims, I am slightly less than 50/50 on, such as 9/11 – same with the CA fires being directed and intentional. Maybe I just can’t make myself accept that our own government would do that to us, altho there certainly was a boatload of negligence, IMO, and an awful lot of coincidences involved.


in my opinion you have to go back a bit in history and follow things along that were once “tin foil” and/or “science fiction” that are now commonplace in our minds to start getting into this type of stuff. at that point you can begin to look at events that have happened in the last couple decades and put them into perspective as suspicious or not.
some people have no use for any of this, but i will say, if we do not think there are things going on that would blow our minds, things so wild and bizarre that you would not even talk out loud about them to another human, than we are doing ourselves an injustice.
hopefully without offending anyone i will make a statement that i have made in the past to others – especially those that are 100% believers in god, believe the bible 100%, believe they are save and are going to heaven, believe the devil is real and is wreaking havoc on the world as we speak and is going to lead all those that follow him to eternal damnation, that believe in the rapture, that believe in the tribulation, armageddon, the great white throne, the casting into the lake of fire, streets of gold, mansions, the new heaven and new earth… is ask those people when they question some tin foil thought i have – if they believe in all of that other stuff and expect others to believe them, then why criticize me for some thoughts about a secret society wanting to take over the world! 🙂


Thank you. I have been avoiding – and will continue to avoid – deep religious discussions for a reason. I was born into the WELS community and steeped in Lutheran teachings. As with the political realm, I have done some deep dives into the history of Christianity and the Bible and, also considering my travail over my daughter’s death, my beliefs have, shall we say, evolved accordingly. I do have to say, I would prefer a more secular comment thread (or perhaps a separate religious thread? I just don’t like to couple religion with governance) but in the interests of comity here, I will refrain from voicing complaints about others’ posting about their beliefs. I do ask that the thread not be completely overwhelmed with it, however.


NE – just to let you know – you will see me mixing all kinds of crazy topics with scripture references, and then what some might also consider absolute blasphemous statements! 🙂
i use all the tools at hand to try and make sense of things. to me there is no easy explanation to anything. there is no just absolute faith and belief that to me explains questions i have. for years i would perplex older teachers/pastors in my church by asking questions. people kept telling me those “questions” were a sign that i needed to trust more in god, release all that, then i would see his glory and plan and all he had prepared for us. but they were questions that were real, that kept me up at night, that i couldn’t just release and say, well i will trust this or that. this very much pained me for many many years. i won’t really get into the “pain” because it’s all relative and my pain is not worse than anyone else’s for sure.
i continued to keep an open mind until i was almost or just barely 18 years old. i had at the time let loose some of my thoughts on a child of the pastor at the church we were going to. these thoughts got back to the pastor (he was not very keen on me at the time – let’s just say the child was his daughter) and he challenged me to meet him for coffee and discuss some of the things he had heard.
so it began, at first it was a nice cordial meeting. he asked me a couple things, i answered. easy enough. then he started leading me in a path of questioning that at first i started going down happily because, hey, i was getting my point across to someone finally someone would listen! it wasn’t that i wanted to question god, i just wanted to know the theory behind a couple things. a little into this conversation i could tell this guy was attempting to lead me into a trap, and so i quickly was able to gather my thoughts and not talk myself into the circle that he was trying to lead me in. i could see the wheels in this guys head turning as he continued to try and get me to bite, and i could see the frustration building every time i did not bite – and when i came back with something new to confront him with.
to make a long story short, at one point he said “so what is one thing you think you want to confront god about right now? and i said, i simply want to ask a question, not confront, but i would like to know…” and with that he puts his fingers in his ears and goes “la la la la la” or whatever that sound is when you are pretending not to hear someone. so here i am, sitting in a public establishment, 18 years old, with a man well known in the area, and who was “my pastor” at the time, with his fingers in his ears making that sound.
i said, hey, what’s that’s that about? and he says that is what god is doing to your fooling questions all these years and you do not even know it. he does not want to hear these cowardly excuses as to why you will not trust him. he does not want to explain to you things you do not need to know. it is enough that you surrender to him and trust unconditionally. so i said i don’t think you understand – if you consider me to be cowardly and full of excuses then why am i hear right now sitting in front of you trying to make me look like an idiot when all you have done is completely show yourself to be an idiot. if you don’t want me to hang out with your kid that’s one thing, say so like a mad, but if this is how you really feel about what i just laid out to you and what god is doing, then i think you should honestly go home and look yourself in the mirror.
ever since then (and i know this is just one example, but he was the LAST time i gave a “man of god” the privilege of seeing my soul laid bare) i have been on a quest to find links between all things. i have even over that time come to accept things i rejected out of hand because i know there might be a small amount of knowledge there…
so please, don’t be offended by anything i say – and that goes to everyone!


Hey Andrew, you sound like a “kindred spirit” – we seem to be seeking for answers in similar “places”


jason – couldn’t reply to your post directly sorry – but i think you are right about that!


and when i say “to make a long story short…” in a post, you know it’s already been way too long of a story.


Thanks for the info on the name change. News to me.

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, the family member who started all of it, the nation destruction to rebuild, etc., was John Foster, the Dulles boys’ grandfather. He was a Secretary of State under Benjamin Harrison.
Yes, the shady crap has been going on for a long time, and it does run in the family, which is bothersome when one of the clan became one of the most conservative Jesuit cardinals of the 20th century. Honestly, Avery Cardinal Dulles’s theological work is celebrated by those that Francis and his ilk are trying to silence.


ave no wish to offend anyone, but a jebbie on the right, jebbie on the left–that’s how the Jesuits operate.

Greg Cox

Howdy y’all! Former CTH commenter here, banned about 5 weeks ago or so, for reasons I have no idea of. I did comment, in regards to Qanon, very occasionally. It seems like it was a rash decision, because if the one in charge of “banning” looked at my history of comments, they would not find much in the way of “trouble making”, especially compared to some of the commenters over there now. I emailed CTH back then, asking for the reason, but never got a response. Anyway, glad to find this site. I found it through a commenter, over at the Neon Revolt site.


Welcome aboard!


Hello and welcome to Greg! Glad you are with us all.

Sylvia Avery

I wasn’t exactly a troublemaker, either, and I am now banned. Don’t know why. It seems to be one of those deals like, “you can’t quit this blog, I’m banning you!” Whatever.

Sylvia Avery

Sorry, I meant to say welcome before I hit enter, but I have a dog on my lap licking my hand and it tickled and oh well TMI.

A.D. Everard

Hi Greg. Welcome in. 🙂


After 2024 I doubt we have another Christmas at the White House, unless a Rep is elected POTUS


OK – joke time – SteveInCo, do you follow college football? If so, this one goes out to YOU! Tee-hee!!!
Nebraska vs. Colorado
A Husker fan is having breakfast one morning: coffee, croissants, bread, butter & jelly, when a Colorado fan, chewing gum, sits down next to him. The Husker fan ignores the Colorado fan who, nevertheless, starts a conversation.
Colorado Fan: “You Nebraska folk eat the whole bread?”
Husker Fan: “Of course!”
Colorado Fan: “(after blowing a large bubble) “We don’t in Colorado; we only eat what’s inside. The crusts we collect in a container, recycle it, transform them into croissants, and sell them to Nebraska.” The Colorado fan has a smirk on his face.
The Husker fan listens in silence, the Colorado fan persists.
Colorado Fan: “Do you eat jelly with the bread?”
Husker Fan: “Of course!”
Colorado Fan: (cracking his gum between his teeth and chuckling) “We don’t. In Colorado, we eat fresh fruit for breakfast, then we put all the peels, seeds and leftovers in containers, recycle them, transform them into jam and jelly, and sell it to Nebraska.”
The Husker fan then asks: “Do you have sex in Colorado?
Colorado Fan: “Why, of course we do!” he says with a smirk.
Husker Fan: “And what do you do with the condoms once you’ve used them?”
Colorado Fan: “We throw them away, of course!”
Husker Fan: “We don’t. In Nebraska, we put them all in a container, recycle them, melt them down into chewing gum, and sell it to Colorado.”

CM in TN

LOL, that’s nasty! Funny, but nasty! =)~


Yeah, I really hesitated on that one – really IS nasty……again, my apologies to anyone who doesn’t appreciate gutter humor.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It IS funny, NebraskaFilly.
And of course a joke like that can be altered easily; if I cared to I could reverse the role of the “N for Knowledge” Husker and the Buff fan and the joke would make exactly as much sense as it did before.
I went to CU-Boulder (and yes, I managed to avoid indoctrination there at Berkeley By The Mountains…a long story for another time). I could never manage to give a flying pile of bison dung about the Buffs, though.
My high school football team was pretty good. Then I went to a Buffs game and watched the quarterback repeatedly throw passes at the receiver’s feet, with a consistency that convinced me he was simply a total incompetent. The Buffs did horribly that year, and I could never bring myself to care even when they later became quite good.


In my days of growing up a Husker fan, it would have been the Sooners.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And OBTW if you really did work in the restaurant at PUB, we might have met in real life. I would have been down there once or twice in 2004.


I was there from ’74-’76. Way different back then.



Ques.: WHY didn’t Rick Scott clean this mess up? He still has time, of course now it would appear somewhat nefarious. Why are conservatives such wimps?


I cannot tell you how many times that question has crossed my mind. This appears to be pure lack of will on his part, no? And surely the State AG should have gotten involved at some point? Wonder if there is anything black-mailable in his background? Or is it just politicians scratching each others’ backs? IDK

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We had a term for “Republicans” like this when I was in college: “squish.” As in they’d turn to jelly whenever the left put any pressure on them. (Did I mention I managed to get through four years of CU-Boulder without getting indoctrinated?) At the time, I ascribed it to the left managing to sound more compassionate and altruistic and the squish having guilt they could manipulate. Now I know they’re just RINOs, and were never really on our side.


On the other hand, when a truly good person does go to DC and try to make a difference, they get squashed like a bug, like Tom Osborne (altho he was a bit too much of a bleeding heart). He managed a three terms, then gave up and came home.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This was a reflex at the state and local level, hell, even within our student government, though. I agree DC is set up so the Speaker or majority/minority leader has a lot of power to force people to give him money, and I’d love to be able to reform the way the house is organized. Fat chance, since they’ll never let it be changed from within and I’ll never be dictator.


I hope you are right, wolfmoon.

A.D. Everard

My thoughts too.

Deplorable Patriot

There is a lot of speculation out there on this question. I mean a lot. One theory I’ve seen is that between the 2016 election and the inauguration, Obama pardoned a number of people for election related crimes leading to the conclusion that the 2018 Midterms needed to go on without interference from stopping the cheating so that evidence could be collected that would not be tainted. It’s not the best of explanations, but it is not outside the realm of possibilities.


serious question here, because, well, i just can’t figure something out. on the previous hang out site where we appear to be not wanted at anymore there is a feeling that goes from annoyance to visceral hatred of this mysterious q group…
the #1 reason that is pointed to is the “trust the (fill in the blank)”.
they contend that this q group has paralyzed president trump supporters into just waiting around and doing nothing when everyone should be being doing this, doing that, storming washington, etc…so here is where i am not getting it – did the q group also paralyze those folks and their efforts? did i miss the memo on all the hard work some are doing raising money or protesting or demanding change while the followers of a larp are sitting back eating popcorn?
or am i missing something? i think i might be missing something. i have to be. because you can’t fight logic with facts like that!


I missed the memo where Q said to “sit on the couch”. I do remember the calls to do your own research, avoid those who want nothing but your money, “Fight, fight, fight!”, calls to stay united, and “release the memes” and “VOTE!”.
Gotta say…..
My grandparents started the little Repub Club in my town/county. I was the baby hugged by the politician du jour. My parents were involved as well. When I moved home, I also got involved. Every year, Christmas cards from the RNC, “Thank you for your kind donations”. We worked every local and federal race. Had Senators, Governors, Congressmen in my home, at my wedding, and at my children’s baby showers.
Gee – I thought I knew what was going on.
I thought I was plugged in.
I thought I was being a good citizen.
Yeah —- I was stupid.
Yet……., none of us had a clue until candidate Trump showed up and started to peel back the curtain on the media and various members/organizations/centers of power. The corruption, the establishment, the Uniparty, it’s all disgusting and needs to be gone.
I will admit, I wrote to Trump and begged him to run in July, 2011.
When he announced in June of 2015, I ran through the house, jumping up and down. We were on board immediately. We were all idiots back then but we could feel the wind in our face.
Look how far we’ve come.
The election of 2016 was one for the record books. We’ve never been so involved.
Husband is now Pres of the little club.
We’ve tripled in size and managed to swing state House and Senate seats away from ensconced Dems.
We’re election officers and went to the state convention— when Cruz was trying to steal delegates.
I’m running a 50K plus closed Trump group on Facebook that is 60% women, age 45-65 (target rich).
And now, we are smack dab in the midst of the MS Senate race.
President Trump is due here next Monday night for TWO rallies, one in Biloxi and one in Tupelo (first time Trump double header in a single state).
Sitting on a couch? Hell no!!!!!!!!
Trust the plan NEVER meant to sit home. Oh, no.


I get so sick and tired of the morons on YOUTUBE who think they can explain Q and get it all wrong. CONSTANTLY having to set the record straight.


exactly! you are doing what you can there, and everyone doing something similar is doing their part, and all of us keeping the faith and not giving up is part of it, and continuing to research and get the word out is part of it.
there has never been an idea in my mind where anyone was told to stand down and just relax and it would all be good. quite the contrary.
sometimes over there it felt like being in some church i once attended as a kid. they told me they had the ultimate knowledge that made the difference between people going to heaven and people going to hell. yet they were just so happy to have that knowledge they forgot all about spreading it to those that actually needed it, while they sat and patted themselves on the back for being such great believers.
the truth will set up free i think…

Deplorable Patriot

Good for you!
Personally, being a downstream blogger, I word the posts so that the questions Q raises are asked without mentioning the movement, but putting bugs in people’s brains. It’s not the biggest thing, but hopefully can be helpful.
Now, if the social media algorithms would quit putting the blog sites for which I work out of business, that would be nice.


And a few cut short chuckles:
A guy walks into the local welfare office, marches straight up to the counter and says, “Hi. You know, I just HATE drawing welfare. I’d really rather have a job.”
The social worker behind the counter says, “Your timing is excellent. We just got a job opening from a very wealthy old man who wants a chauffeur and bodyguard for his beautiful nymphomaniac daughter. You’ll have to drive around in his Mercedes, but he will supply all of your clothes. Because of the long hours, meals will be provided. You’ll be expected to escort her on her overseas holiday trips. You will have to satisfy her sexual urges. You’ll be provided a two-bedroom apartment above the garage. The starting salary is $200,000 a year.”
The guy, wide-eyed, says, “You’re bullshitting me!”
The social worker says, “Yeah, well……you started it!”
NEXT: I had the following posted in my work space: “STRESS: The confusion created when one’s mind overrides the body’s basic desire to choke the living shit out of some asshole who desperately needs it!”
“Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill because they pissed me off.”
And, now, to those of you who are grandfathers – HEED THIS WARNING: Do NOT lose your grandkids in the Mall!!! A small boy was lost at a large shopping mall. He approached a uniformed policeman and said, “I’ve lost my grandpa!” The cop asked: “What’s he like?” The little boy replied: “Canadian Club whiskey and women with big tits!”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The guy, wide-eyed, says, “You’re bullshitting me!”

Now wait a minute, his first name is “Adam” not “Bull”…..


SMH – “cute”


reporters as celebrities is bad. the adoration and “respect” people in days gone by had for their “favorite reporter/news anchor” was one thing (still not good in my opinion) but the downright worship of some of these folks is scary.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Even if they end up being forced to reinstate Acosta permanently on the grounds that this is ex-post-facto (which I could at least see SOME limited logic to), he’ll end up getting the boot someday anyway, for violating a written rule after it was written. Acosta just can’t help himself, he HAS to be an asswipe.




this actually appears to be pretty big deal. means this stuff NEEDS to get some visibility at the oversight level (SCOTUS Roberts or whoever it is) and some answers need to be forthcoming.


“Those who see Assange as a villain will end the story here. What is typically left out is that WikiLeaks originally released the diplomatic cables in piecemeal form, with names redacted to prevent loss of life and minimize harm.
It was only after a Guardian journalist’s error led to the full unredacted cables leaking to third parties on the web that WikiLeaks published them as well — and not before Assange attempted to warn the office of Hillary Clinton, then U.S. Secretary of State.
In other words, WikiLeaks behaved precisely as any responsible publisher handling sensitive material should, redacting information that could cause harm. The redactions only stopped when they became pointless. Assange is unlikely to have won more than a dozen journalism awards if he were completely reckless in his publications.
The Pentagon later admitted under oath that they could not find any instances of individuals being killed as a result of being named in Manning’s leaks to WikiLeaks, contradicting Sen. McCain’s allegations.”




Told you FBI is still zero’s … no doubt in my mind. When did this happen?
Classification came in 2018… month? and this tidbit from article:
“… The briefing including the Proud Boys was delivered by an FBI analyst, according to information forwarded to the Guardian by McCabe.”
It is my strong belief that there will be no “something big” until the remaining vacancies are filled with POTUS’ nominees for lower court judges. (McConnell will begin pushing those confirmations after Thanksgiving holiday, on Monday, Nov. 26th) ymmv


I forgot to add this:
When is FBI or Homeland Security going to classify Antifi as terrorists?



How SAD.


“The Department of Homeland Security has finally declared Soros-funded far-left group Antifa a domestic terrorist organization.
On the DHS website, the so-called “anti-fascist” group is described as a “subset anarchist movement” who focus on issues “involving racism, sexism and anti-semitism,” by inciting violence across the United States.
DHS reports: Self-described Antifa groups have been established across the United States and in several major cities, including New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and San Francisco. A majority of New Jersey-based anarchist groups are affiliated with the Antifa movement and are opposed to “fascism,” racism, and law enforcement. Antifa groups coordinate regionally and have participated in protests in New York City and Philadelphia. There are three loosely organized chapters in New Jersey, known as the North Jersey Antifa, the South Jersey Antifa, and the HubCity Antifa New Brunswick (Middlesex County).”


Thanks for that info NebFilly…
I’m delighted to know…


So, DHS classified them as terrorist organizations in July of 2017…
why then are they allowed to protest????????????????????????????
never mind… that’s a rhetorical question of course


I do believe I am hoping Nielsen is removed @ DHS.



Replying to NebFilly…
Here’s more on transfer


Human Resources?




Gavin McInnes, the guy in the white shirt and tie, was the one who KISSED Milo, on the mouth, after the Orlando night club shooting. Doesn’t sound like anyone I should be afraid of.


i do not trust the proud boys. i mean, not that i have to trust them at all, but what i do not trust is what side they are on…i don’t trust what side the kid was on in the charger in charlottsville. i don’t trust Milo. i don’t trust spencer. i really don’t trust anyone out there gaining notoriety over this just to gain notoriety…


Not saying we have to “trust” or “distrust”.
Love Milo, he’s still one of the best debaters in the world. Amazing skills.
Spencer was paid a lot of money from The Atlantic. Nah, don’t like him at all.
We may never know the truth about Charlottesville. I personally think the young man was scared and sped away. What happened was a horrific accident. Not sure he would seek out doing harm to a fly if not cornered like he was. Situation was tough one.


Wolfie, we have so many unanswered questions about Charlottesville. I was hoping someone here did a deep dive into the subject. Glad it was you. Will look forward to a future post on the matter (in your ‘spare’ time – hehe).


yes, this post gets to the basis of my post above. (no offense to daughn, my apologies as i was kind of flippant in my statement as i tend to be at times!)
that whole situation was prime target for drumming up hate and controversy. that it was so planned out still i think shocks people to think about. but to me i don’t doubt it at all because it wasn’t “the right” who planned it out. they had nothing to do with it. and yes, there were “some good people there” as a very stable genius once said even though he was raked over the coals for it. so since the right was not even involved in this the other side had both planning and plants all over the place, controlled the narrative exactly as they wanted, and got everything out of it they could have hoped for if not more! whether they actually wanted the girl to die, who knows, but that was totally acceptable to them.
some of the still shots and video captures i have seen from that incident tell me without doubt something fishy was going on.


WHERE would we be if our VSG POTUS did not tweet and keep us informed? Now that’s the way to use concertina ! Wire cutters are useless !!!!!!!


Sec Nielsen has a THREAD

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I still like the idea of catapulting them back over the fence/wall.

Sylvia Avery

Oh yeah, baby, sign me up!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A couple of questions come to mind. Well, my mind at any rate.
Which side of the border is the concertina wire on? (We generally backset the fence so we can work on both sides without violating Mexican territory). I’d love to see that stuff on both sides of the fence.
I’d also love to see what they’re doing at San Ysidro, but I can live with not knowing if showing it off will tell the Invader what to expect.


look at the image… to my eye it is on both sides. Would love for others to give an opinion.

Sylvia Avery

This is a beautiful sight to behold! It makes my heart sing!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Finally, FINALLY, a POTUS who does what he says he’ll do!


Just waiting for “Her” to be locked up!!! Then we are really cooking with gas,so to speak!
The winning will feel real, at last. Cause then you know the DOJ is acting lawfully in the furtherance of justice again.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was thinking a little more narrowly in time and scope; he said just a couple of weeks ago that this caravan positively wasn’t getting in. He’s been calling it an invasion (which it is); for an invasion he doesn’t merely have federal statute on his side, he has Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution as well. Even someone in the Ninth Circus might have trouble ignoring that.
This, he was able to accomplish without a justice department because it fell under national defense.
I agree, I’ll have a much warmer feeling about DOJ when that bunch of conspirators starts going to the Graybar Residence Inn.
Anyhow, we get a new daily thread in about three minutes; see you over there.


I just want to get rid of this gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach, and solid evidence BEFORE the Christmas break, when my family regathers from the 4 corners, would be just what the Dr ordered – might even get me off the acid reflux meds!!! 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Midnight doses of calcium carbonate don’t do nearly enough.


Talk about ingrate!!!!


Hm….can’t understand a word of that…..wish there was a translation.


It’s clear what she’s saying when she shows her plastic fold-up plate.
The food isn’t good enough for her. (Really?)
A true refugee receives any nourishment gratefully.
That woman is doing what African and North African migrants were doing on Italian islands in 2015. Sandwiches and pasta dishes were not good enough for them. Why weren’t they getting tagines and their own home country meals?

Sylvia Avery

I guess it is all a matter of perspective. Refried beans are a staple on the menu at every Mexican restaurant in my town. I love them, but they are by way of a special treat for me so I indulge infrequently.
If I was camping on someone’s lawn strictly because they were nice enough to let me sleep there, and I was hungry and they gave me a plate of beans, refried or otherwise, I’d thank them profusely and eat them and be glad for it. (After saying Grace, that is.)
Has Pieno Nieto left office yet? I hope Mexico decides to stuff them all into buses and take them back home to Honduras and then figure out how to keep them out.


Well, they declined asylum from Mexico, so according to “UN rules” they are not eligible for asylum in the US, so, hasta la vista there asses into those buses!!!




More power to his cranium.



what’s your take on the hot musket? can’t really be secret now but still seems to be sitting in the “unproven” zone on the interwebs. i am sure snopes is telling people nothing to see here 🙂


what i mean by “it can’t really be a secret now” is that is it is happening it really cannot be a secret now as the news of this came out days ago…


They are getting called to Lubbock Texas to get trained on non lethal weapons like lrad.


Yep. I saw that a couple of days ago…and I really hope it’s true.
Don’t know how many of those ADS and LRAD units we have, but we need them All deployed down on the border.


With all this back n forth about retired ADM William McRaven, I’d really, REALLY like to know what Ole Demo Dickie (Richard Marcinko) thinks of the guy.
If you don’t know, Marcinko is the Navy Seal who FOUNDED Seal Team Six. (and had many run ins with “the brass.” Just sayin’ … 😉


just a quick aside, any of you in colorado ever hear of this:
they also tie back to:
they have THREE locations in Aurora Colorado… this is something from a rabbit hole i have been going down, but since i know at least one person in is colorado here, and maybe others might know of their other locations: Greenwood Indiana, Madisonville Louisiana, Alburquerque New Mexico, and Rockwall Texas.
Thanks in advance.


BREITBART having a crack at Fox for OC loss – fair enough, I say.
Also, they seem to be pointing out that dear AOC cannot name the 3 branches of government – bullies 🙂


I thought stars were balls of gas, not rocks 🙂
She must be smarter than me …


Hey, I like the new ‘Rules’ that Sarah Huckabee Sanders has issued for the press weasels.
This screencap from the Qresearch board of a BB article, spells them out:
comment imagecomment image
The WH Press org has already come out and condemned the rule about ‘follow-up questions’.
They claim that “We’ve always been automatically allowed to have follow-up questions!”
Pffft…okay, Press Corps, show us where that is carved in stone.
Just because you guys have been allowed to do it, doesn’t mean it has to continue.
You guys are the ones who have abused that priviledge…to the point of absurdity!




and the thing is, it is perfectly written. only the base amount of common sense is needed to be able to see that this is absolute rules of decorum. no, it’s does not need to be “decorum” like some breakable tea set and they have to ask simple fluff questions and they get nothing to follow up and bow down after.
all that is being asked is, hey be cool. everything will work you. let’s look at it like this, you ask a question. please be willing to let it stand at that, especially if there are plenty of others looking to get in on the action. if you are cool with that, and the question still needs some clarity, etc, it’s obvious, then sure we will go there. your question will not go unanswered.
no hostility, everyone willing to do what they need to get the questions answered, good.
from watching these things since i was a kid: it used to be an almost formal situation especially the ones with the press secretary. reporters might ask for a follow up, there wasn’t a scrum screaming at the podium with the questioner repeating and repeating and talking over and the press secretary saying next, none of this. i mean, sure things have been one way or another on a scale for all this time i am talking about, but nothing at all like it is now.


WM, Saw this, thought I’d post it on here.
Lurker Johnny 🙂
kea says:
November 19, 2018 at 3:55 am
I know I asked this a few days ago but anyone heard from phoenixrising ? I miss her posts. 🙂
Liked by 2 people
nwtex says:
November 19, 2018 at 4:30 am
Have not run into her, kea. Hopefully she’ll drop in soon. She wasn’t out in California was she.
Liked by 3 people
kea says:
November 19, 2018 at 3:52 pm
I’m not sure. I don’t think so. I hope not.
nwtex says:
November 19, 2018 at 11:50 pm
Strike my “California” mention… was unnecessary. I shouldn’t have even gone there…. it’s negative. Guess I’ve just been on fire overload.
kea says:
November 20, 2018 at 1:40 am
nwtex not at all. 🙂
Janie M. says:
November 19, 2018 at 1:11 pm
kea, I miss Georgia Grace, she’s been gone for months. I hope both phoenixrising and Georgia are well.
Liked by 2 people
BigMamaTEA says:
November 19, 2018 at 3:01 pm
You two…..@GeorgiaGrace and @Phpenixrising…..if you’re lurking… in. {pretty please}
Liked by 2 people

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t think we’ve heard from Georgia Grace either.


Someone with a twit account could DM Big Mama TEA?