VLWC 04: Why They Did It

In the end, it is really VERY, VERY, VERY simple.

ALL of it.

Everything that was done in the VLWC was done with ONE PURPOSE.

In the end, there is ONE PRINCIPLE that they used to justify doing ALL the things they did without your permission.

Without OUR permission.

Without MY permission.

Without YOUR permission.

They did not believe that ANY permission was necessary.

When they asked, it was deception.

When they said it was something else, they said they didn’t need to ask.

When they didn’t ask at all, they hid the fact.

So they did it.

They just did it.

They did ALL of it.



Climate hoaxing.

Election cheating.

Open borders.




Giving away our secrets.

Refusing to turn over the reins of power.

Destroying the military.


Uranium One.

Missile tech to China.

Colluding with Russia (and then saying TRUMP did it).

Giving Crimea to Russia, while pretending Russia stole it.

Welfare out of control.

Destruction of the middle class.


Black Lives Matter.


Manhattan, New York. The Stop Mass Incarceration demonstration. The film director Quentin Tarantino and Revolutionary Communist Party USA member, Carl Dix with some of the victims’ relatives.

Every SINGLE LAST THING that Bill Clinton and Barack Obama did.














I’m going to let YOU ALL add things to the list.

Add ANY ONE THING that fits into THIS REASON…




































There are things that they did of which I am aware that may NEVER come out.  These acts are probably in the 60% Q talks about never coming out.  This is one of the reasons I “believe in” Q, by the way.  I know that he is right about something that only certain people would know.

I could not understand why they did these things, or why they were allowed to happen.  I could not understand why they WOULD do them.  Now I understand why.  They never even felt the need to ask.  They just did them.


“You know, something just clicked.”
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So, when do WE go on strike, withdraw to Galt’s Gulch? No one has knocked on my door yet, unless this post is the last knock.
Because breaking stuff down is WAY easier than building / making stuff – and the thugs / hyenas are still prowling, seemingly undeterred.
Now the DOJ dealing itself in with our pride of Lions will certainly serve to chase the hyenas off to the shadows – for now.
But as I said in part 3, the cities are the incubators for the hyenas – and countries are continuing to urbanise. How do we restore pride in the human spirit there?


Yup, its easy for me to ID the problem, the other part, not so easy ……


A good start…would be to take away all the ‘free sh-t’ and slash the bloated govt payrolls.
Also, getting rid of the govt pensions for anyone who doesn’t put their life on the line.
Police and Fire Fighters earn the right to a pension.
Bureaucrats don’t.
It may seem like a small thing…but govt pensions create a draw for people to move to cities and take those cushy govt jobs.
This adds to the us-versus-them mentality that creeps into our govts.
We are only here to serve them.
Whenever local, state or federal govts pass regulations that kill jobs…
Then those govts should have to Decrease their Own Payrolls…proportionally to the number of jobs they kill!
I’m just getting started…so I’ll stop here.
It would all be different if I were queen!


there are very common sense ideas abounding to achieve the old “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” idea and the conundrums it creates in real life, but people have to ACTUALLY have true empathy for those in real need, and we need to actually construct this “safety net” and “method of getting back on your feet” in a correct and efficient manner.


pjasond, Dinesh D’Souza in his Hillary’s America movie said the Democrats simply moved the plantation to the inner cities. Looks like U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson is addressing this issue.
His hometown of Detroit has the nation’s first EnVision Center. Last year, Carson announced HUD would be launching EnVision Centers that would be located on or near public housing developments and would act as hub centers for what it calls the four key pillars of self-sufficiency: character and leadership, educational advancement, economic empowerment and health and wellness.
Today, Carson announced the first round of “EnVision Center” designations in 17 communities around the nation. He then took to Twitter to “celebrate the growth that’s going to happen here.”


Dinesh rocks – need many more like him …




If the prophesy about stadium revivals comes to pass, the transformation will occur in the hearts of many in encounters with our Redeemer. Then we will be asking ourselves if we “prepped” enough to handle 24/7 discipleship/mentoring of new believers.
Ever read the book “Annointed for Burial” about the Cambodian revival just before the fall to communism. The problem is brought sharply into focus by the experiences of that time.


Haven’t heard of that book, will look into it.
When I said that no-one had knocked on my door, I was perhaps not being very clear. There has been persistent “knocking”, over an extended period. It took me a long time to figure out what was going on – that is what I will be blogging about next year.


Looking forward to your writings!


“I’m going to let YOU ALL add things to the list.”
I would add…Multiculturalism.
Which was designed to devalue the culture of any Western country that is foolish enough to embrace it.
The hoax of ‘Diversity’ is the handmaiden of Multiculturalism.
It is insane to claim that “diversity is strength”.
The word, Diversity, became a new rallying cry for the Progzis.
But in reality…
Diversity = division and dividing people up into groups, then encouraging them to ‘celebrate’ that division.
It is a divide-and-conquer tactic.
The USA was stronger back when we celebrated the things we have in common, rather than what divides us.
Did anyone ask us…before they declared that ‘Diversity and Multiculturalism’ are good things?
No. They didn’t.
And even worse, they declare anyone who dares to speak the truth about it, is “racist”.
Another excellent post, Wolf.


Yes, ‘VERY SNEAKY’, indeed.
And the concept was originally sold to us — at least in Europe — as ‘communitarianism’.
The Economist said in the 1990s that communitarianism was a great thing because it would foster communities. For ages, I thought that meant we would have stronger towns and cities because we would all be brought together to support the places where we lived — and each other.
A good friend of mine said, ‘No, communitarianism to foster separate identity-based communities. It’s nothing to do with bringing diverse people together under one banner’.
How right he was!


It’s actually…colonization.
They came up with new names for it, in order to fool people into thinking it is ‘something good’.


It’s also communism, and the U.N. spreads it like fertilizer all over the place. Now when I see the word “community,” which I remember as a child thinking sounded so friendly, I run the other way.


And incidentally, before we feel too good about having caught on to their language, just remember that as soon as enough people catch on to these buzz words, they’ll trot out new ones to try to trick us again, so look out. The “thought leaders” (despise that term) have been hard at work churning out their shape-shifting garbage. They never give up. Neither should we.


I totally bought into communitarianism for years. During that time, I did not believe my friend, who turned out to be correct.
Afterwards, I stopped my subscriptions to The Economist and to Forbes (which also went really globalist about ten years ago).

Tammy Evers (@EverEleutheros)

Agenda 21
Taking over our education system, the “dumbing down” of America


Tammy, you’re So onto it.


Not sure if many here are familiar with Dr Jordan Peterson – he’s been a bit of a phenomenon since he refused to bow to the SJW attempts at compelled speech in Canada. Anyway, here he is doing a very concise dismantling of the post modern / marxist alliance – worth a look if you have the time.
If you want to skip the intro, start watching at at 4min 30 sec’s in…

A.D. Everard

That was excellent. Thank you for posting that, Jason.


I hope to have time to watch this evening. Been meaning to check into this courageous man.

Sadie Slays

In their own sick way, they probably believe they have the public’s consent to these things simply because we haven’t stopped them. They’ve been “telling” us their plans for decades now through Hollywood, the news, Georgia Guidestones, and so on. It’s not like they ever truly hid their plans to sell America to China, depopulate the planet, and create a One World Government. It’s just that most refuse to listen, think for themselves, or even care. In their minds, if they “warn” us and we do nothing, then it’s our fault and they’re absolved of any guilt or karma from our destruction.


So, in unison – “Lock them up”
That should serve to stop them. It seems like they are daring us to, so …


Locking up will never do, they will be pardoned or eventually get out and do it again, and now Florida has given felons the vote, which is so wrong. The leaders have to be executed absolutely.


While that’s true, that they have been telling us their plans…
They’ve been telling us how ‘great’ it’s going to be…sugar-coating it, making it seem like their plans were going to solve all our problems.
Well, except for the Georgia Guidestones.
Those things call for genocide.
People who have tried to sound the alarm on the Globalist Cabal/NWO agenda, is declared a “conspiracy theorist”…or a “tin-foil-hat-wearing crazy person”.
So the public’s “consent”, whether implied by their silence or verbally expressed…is not what could be called an Informed Consent.
The SoCom cabalists have actually worked hard to Hide their real Agenda.
For example, if you even mention the Georgia Guidestones these days…people look at you sideways, like you’re ‘one of those people’ who believes in ‘conspiracies’.

Tammy Evers (@EverEleutheros)

They don’t give a damn what we think. I remember well how ole Billy boy would shake his boney finger at us on the tv. They know what’s best for us, and they want to be like gods. They are of their father the devil, there is no truth in them, they speak lies as it is in their nature. Spawns of Satan, the father of lies. We live in an age of postmodern relativism, where there is no absolute truth. It is as they say “my truth” or whatever dribble they spout. Spit!!


So you don’t like them, then?
We are obviously in the right place 🙂

Tammy Evers (@EverEleutheros)

Yes, well that was my tame version. For some reason the Clintons just make by blood boil. Need to get to bed but I look forward to reading the conclusion of this tomorrow and wolfmoon’s summation of the one principal. I know they live by “the ends justify the means” but don’t know if that is where this is going. Could be up all night adding to the list of the things they’ve done though.


I would add that Americans generated $ “they stole” to set up a duplicate economy in the undisclosed shadows similar to the way a man with two families that do not know about each other runs both families on the same budget.
I probably made a mess of the description but this interview explains it from the time Catherine Austin Fitts first discovered the missing $ when she left GHWBush Admin.
This is a fascinating and extremely clear discussion of the nature of the $21 trillion of “unaccounted discrepancies” in the Pentagon and HUD budgets from 1998 to 2015. Catherine argues that the fundamentals in how we look at the U.S. federal budget and spending is completely wrong, and our society is bleeding money on a daily basis to fund unaccountable programs that do not benefit the people.
Catherine Austin Fitts is one of the world’s leading experts in “black budget economics,” and has been investigating U.S. federal government financial discrepancies totaling in the trillions of dollars. She was Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1989 to 1993, and is an investment analyst and advisor. She has authored many articles on financial fraud, missing money, and the structure of power in our world. See her websites at:
Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end, but of the all-important question: what happens next?


You mention climate hoax but, I would add hoax in general.
It’s my opinion that 911 was a hoax. I remember being at home watching it on TV. This in when the curtain was pulled back for me to expose the man behind it. I was already starting to wake up but this was where I felt I was right that I was living in a matrix of lies.
I was listening to the tv telling me that there was a plane hitting the tower. Every time I looked a huge breaking news banner was not at the bottom of the screen but in the very center. So as they were telling me I was seeing a plane hit the tower and then another plane hit the tower I was looking at banner saying it was a plane.
I turned the channel, looking to see the plane hit on another channel, every channel was the same things still no plane hitting the tower only banners. They were lying to my face and I knew it, so let me ask you if you were watching the event LIVE. Do you remember seeing the plane hit the building? Or do you remember seeing it after?
Below is a good video of what I’m talking about I cued it up to what I’m talking about, but the video is worth watching the from start to end.
911- No planes hit the towers – JUST CRAPPY CGI COMPOSITES
So once again, did you see a plane hit the building?


The time didn’t work start at 15:08


You mean, you think the nose ‘did’ come out the other side?
This was a compelling video…I had never seen that bit about the “ghost plane” before.
But I know this; I have talked to a couple of people who were there that morning.
They both said they “saw planes hitting the buildings”…one guy said he saw both planes, another said he saw the second one.
They would have No Reason to Lie about it.
So I am just…confused.
I don’t know what to think at this point.
I happened to be watching Fox that morning…and I was watching John Scott talking about it, with the live feed of the two towers behind him.
I saw the second plane flying into the second tower.
In real time…as it happened.
This footage was not used in the above video…but it’s probably still out there.
With all the various amateur videos and still shots of the planes hitting, it’s hard to accept that it was all done with CGI.


I saw the second plane hit live on TV in South Africa. I have also seen some of the material on the internet questioning the official version, including the ghost plane theory, ant the fact that the engine parts recovered did not match the engines fitted on the type of plane, etc.
My take – the planes hit. Don’t know about building 7 and the demo theory – possible.
IF DJT could for see something like this in his book beforehand – WTH where the alphabets DOING? That is where I can believe a lot of very bad stuff went on.
Just my very uninformed view.


i was standing in my moms kitchen when they announced they were going to take down 7 because of unsafe conditions. all day long they were crawling all over that had a headquarters set up fbi office all there. i read somewhere could be false but there might have been an emergency control station there with citywide comms set up, networked workstations etc. in case of mass transit or shipping or whatever catastrophe that might happen. portvauthority nypd fbeye mayors office statepolice etc all had members of this preparedness and disaster team if you will. but main point i heard them say reports from the scene say buolding 7 is so compromised that it threatens first responders is structurally not sound. havecto take it down controlled now before it falls willy nilly and damages surrounding structures. they piped versions of that a certain amount of time then bang there it goes. reporters wonder what happened? did they do it? did the building beat them completely or was it only half willy nilly? then they quickly said we will get back to building 7 later look we hear they might hear sounds like a banging on metal over to you…then they said wait for the report and heal people…
report writer. bob meuller.
fast forward to today.
hahahahaha 🙂 incredible.


Didi you see the video where a reporter claimed that WTC7 had ALREADY fallen … 20 minutes before it actually fell?
Have you heard the term “dustification”? Or seen the video of the instant (a few seconds, max) disintegration of the falling rooftop antenna? ALL doctored? In fact, the doctoring itself, if true, actually substantiates the so-called “conspiracy theory” (thank you very not, Faux-Comrade Dulles!).
I don’t care which of the lies (or truths) is a lie, and which of the truths (or lies) is true. It’s the fact that there’s any doubt whatsoever – in either regard – that bolsters the hoax / FF perspective, IMO. And the phrase “any doubt” is FAR too forgiving a description.
There are enough reporting, and scientific, “anomalies” (a euphemism) to toss the ENTIRE narrative we were fed about 9-1-1 into the trash, IMO.
Dozens, and dozens, of lies – nested, co-dependent, and intentional.


All I know is that my mother and I were watching cnn that entire day, and I remember about five minutes before they brought down building 7 they announced it was coming down. I was so shocked, but I decided they must have decided to demolish it because it might collapse on people. I found out later it takes time and planning to do a building demolission.


( For Zoe )
“it takes time and planning”
It sure does!
Especially to cue the media to conspire with them ,,, BEFORE the event even occurred!
The whole thing was planned – orchestrated, for purpose.
I think ALL of us either saw, or read soon after, things that made us take pause and wonder.
I also think we’ll all find out the truth. What better way to dose a wake-up call to the masses of self-involved?
Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday, Zoe!
Take care! (And don’t worry about typos! No problem – we get it!)


EmeraldStar, you are so kind, and do have a blessed Thanksgiving.
It is sad how many people simply believe whatever fake news they are fed, and when one tries to get them to question, even a little, they just close off and don’t want to know. I have trouble coming to terms with what I think actually was done regarding 9-11. I remember when I trusted certain people, that even when I didn’t agree with them, I believed they wanted what was best for our nation. It was hard for me to start to seriously question their actiions and motives.


good footage with provenance is kind of hard to find probably nowaday. not talking official (add your own quotes if desired) network footage.
with all due respect to the families of the dc aircraft – any footage of the building in the capitol would be good to view in my opinion.
it was a moment for me when the footage starting disappearing off tv. they all agreed one day that it was time to stop seeing this. time to heal people. quick, never forget about what happened here and never remember what happened here. the narritive changed to survivors and cleanup and first responders and you name it.
but you will not be able to see the planes hit. you cannot see the people leap. you cannot witness the moment of a humans death anymore lest there be questions and demands and investigations. you see we must clean this up quickly so you can heal and honor the brave souls.
and as we clean this up very quick and you would never dare question your good stewards of the constitution. no you would never dare question what we let you see for a week on television while we cleaned up and cordoned off the area for your right to freedom.
and just in case you are remembering what you were not supposed to forget to remember lets proect you more. protection is about freedom too. if you do not have a right to be protected then they’ve won. they stole your freedom. but freedom is patriotic and this protection is named just for that. see, you realize the threat to your freedom and any good patriot would be willing to give up his rights to freedom in order to protect that freedom from being lost. am i right patriot?
i truly feel for every one of the people that died that day. this is not on them their families or anyone affected which includes us all somewhere on the ripples edge.


Powerful video !
It is fantastical that people who adamantly believe in Spygate and Crossfire Hurricane use Alinsky tactics to dismiss 9/11 truthers… Yet they believe that our government (deep state) and five eyes would spy on a presidential candidate and sitting president ?… mental gymnastics


Clarity please Chicago,
Your concept of Deep State is that it is our government?


over the seconds, minutes, hours, days week months and years following i saw many stories changed names omitted details missing or added. and these were things i immediately remembered and had saved. first time i remember an old school internet scrubbing … had a talk with a friend who has always been a, well leans left now pretty hard left i think. smart guy. he knew all about the server and benghazi and filled my in when i fell back onto the conspiracy wagon. he and i talked at the time and we both said this is like real life 1984 man. we saw news stories come out exact same time different outlets, feeds from heretofore unbiased news services if you know what i mean. same freaking services have regional releases all differing in names, witnesses referred to in the story, bylines changing with reporters in more than one place at the same time for different country regions. then as thd story would heat up it would be replaced by another sizzler so you forgot for a minute…then that hole in your memory gets opened. with six months you can only find one story 200 places all the same. granted things happen fast story details unconfirmed fluid situation etc etc. the different copy info for regions from same service? … ok i gotta stop with the stream of consciousness stuff.


Wheatie, there’s no way possible a jet aircraft nose could go through a steel reinforced building. They’re basically fiberglass. They would smash and shatter on contact. In fact, there’s no way a 747 could go through those buildings either. Airplanes are basically a giant pressurized tin can. They are made of aluminum. When something made of aluminum hits a concrete steel reinforced building, they would crumple up like a tin can. I used to work on cargo jets when I was in the Air Force, so I know of which I speak. Planes could not have penetrated and gone through those buildings. And they couldn’t fly as fast at that altitude as what they claimed either.


Linda, I have heard that before–you are very convincing, thank you. Also thanks to you, Wheatie and to Judy for your insights.


Lots of people lie about this stuff that’s part of the plan.


Wolf, my take …
You do not need to take the deception to the level of creating actual fake footage, for something that happened live in the middle of a mega city – too risky. I am not saying they (the media) don’t do this kinda stuff on small scale regularly, and yes, manipulation did likely occur on the day, but …
We know that you have Islamists who are willing to die for their cause – so real planes were hijacked, by real people – with the PLANNING by the alphabets. This is that Occam’s Razor thing, again.
If you accept this, then everything else follows. Pre-placing demo charges in ALL the targets hit, plus B7, etc – easy peezy. If the alphabets were in on it, what was included in the cargo of the plane that hit the 5-sided bldg? Easily arranged, and simpler than smuggling something into THAT bldg. Many possible explanations for the same malevolence.
For me, the simpler way is the easier sell. We know the DS is real. That is all we need. With that understanding, the veil is lifted.


Fair enough, the problem is with this s**tshow, how are you ever going to get to the truth? You will need evidence, else its just speculation. Anyone getting even near such evidence , assuming it existed, is not going to be allowed to talk about it. We will wonder what happened to you, with fond memories of this site …
Tread carefully here. Just my amateur advise


1. a humorous or malicious deception.


i have a couple, i guess they were “documentary” type dvds from back then that i need to dig out. i have zero doubt the details do not match the narrative. i have always felt something there and granted from filling up a crapload of time believe me. i was not there and lost no relatives. i knew people there but talked to no one live while it occured. my job at the time gave me excellent access to 2 T1’s, 2 business class cable lines and full television in each of our main office areas. so i was at this from the second it came out. i could get all the information i could handle and i made use of it. still four hard drives from computers at that time i have stashed.
the bottom line is it happened. there was a reason it happened. an agenda was inevitably furthered by that day and we all came into a new age so to speak.
you are wise to believe your eyes and your gut and find the truth that will satisfy your threshold. also, not everyone is on board with every theory especially ones that happen right before our eyes and thats cool. in other words some people may get initially offended if you say nine 11 was real, or what kind of aircraft hit the fivesideagon. but just be patient if this is to come out to us it will come out.


i don’t want to write a book here but just image for a minute a couple scenarios:
trumans world.
blade runner.
capricorn 1.
the dead zone.
wag the dog.
total recall.
independance day.
the book of revelations (+similar)
each has a theme to be applied to our life right now and we cannot be allowed to know about it.
sometimes battle is hidden deep (way deeper than that even) and our reality will not compute the layers. its like that old saying don’t look away. but is there you might not want to look at.
man, i will be honest, i see something so different then everyday life go about our business go to a save meuller rally at the square or visit the treehse and then all meet at the pub after go home and watch netflix and probably trump will get impeached or trust sessions. not what is going on.
this is like some kind of different ramped up voracious movement going on that is actually harder and more viscious than we think. we have to be open minded informed and prepared. easy to say and i would be f’d if shtf tomorrow and i am ashamed. my only hope would be to see an obvious sign early and try and beat you to the store…
anyhow, i could be full of crap too. and i hope that is the case.


As I said months back in the TH, we are living in archetypal times – and deep “right brain hemisphere” (Jung’s collective unconscious) knowledge of “end times” is encoded in us. This bubbles to the surface under the right conditions – that is what you are seeing – we are living in such times again …
Doesn’t mean its definitely going to go south – but the necessary conditions are lining up for the shtf …
Your subconscious and your gut are cluing you in to this. I am getting it also. No doubt others on this board as well.
Stay safe.


ok we are on the same page for sure then…
not sure how i feel about the first person who i think knows what i mean about that feeling is on a commemt board full of people who just got kicked off another comment board. 🙂


You ever run across Jordan Peterson’s psych vids – the Maps of Meaning series in particular?
Also he did a biblical series on Genesis, from a Jungian archetypal perspective. The dude filled massive venues with paying audiences, 70% young men, listening to him laying out what he thinks Genesis means 17 or 18 lectures of well over an hour each.
He basically explains why you are drawn to particular types of stories – why kids under 10 got so caught up in Harry Potter – our hunger for meaning and our unconscious mind’s understanding of archetypal stories that you cannot put into words without a lot of work – it all makes sense.
I can post links if you are interested.


Learning to hear, interpret and act upon the inner knowings may take a lifetime. I do remember checking in with that prior to Y2K when tons of people were getting into preppng for the first time. Felt like it might be bumpy but not the collapse of civilization. Based on my location and access to resources I choose to stock up on water, candles, books, TP and chocolate. 🙂


/chose/ not /choose/ … sorry Steve …


much appreciated. i will check that out.
honestly i have always known there were people who felt all kinds of things that others did. vibrating wavelengths and other such things (not talking about a jimmy page theramin solo, which could serve its purpose i guess) some are psychics. some can divine water. some people see spirits. some people this thing.
i never did spend a lot of time trying to decipher why i did/felt/thought what i did. probably figured if i had time after i felt it was ok to take a break i would check out the theory behind the psycological research so maybe the time is now.
need some stuff to check out right now anyway. i will report back man.


Alright Wolf – going for the home run. The answer is more cowbell, in the sense of …
Ever increasing lust for power (the cowbell), fuelled by the deadly sins, including envy, greed, hatred, etc
The cause – your place on the bell curve – not just intelligence, but personality type as well – a blend of these 2, influenced by your upbringing.
The vehicle for this is government / bureaucracy – AKA, the deep state.
Need is the generic drug, which government / bureaucracy (G/B)) ABSOLUTELY THRIVE ON.
G/B are only incentivised to increase need – that way the B remains secure, and G gets reelected. Who needs a government if there are no problems to solve – thus they MUST ensure that there are problems. “Globull” warming is exhibit A – the first prize in problems – the mother lode, so to speak.
Now, this process, which always occurs where government is to be found, gets to be turbocharged when overt corruption enters the fray – voila, the Clintoons. Then you get the Deep State – the current state of play.
This is what DJT took on. I pray to Almighty God that he new how big this tiger was BEFORE he took office – cause he poked it in the eye on inauguration day.
So, as Ronald Reagan so famously said, government is not the answer – it is the problem. THE problem.
The need is secondary – it is the deadly sins that select the participants – they create the need and offer you and I up as sacrifices to fill this need. But the source of it, that which animates them – that cannot be stamped out. That is why they keep crawling out of the slime, all. the. time.
And they crawl into government and bureaucracy – just like pedo’s hid in the churches. They go to the source of what they seek. Bank robbers hold up banks. Commies crawl into government, etc
As you said – it is very simple, in the final analysis.
Sorry about the cowbell, after I heard Wheatie use it in the TH a while back, I HAD to find somewhere to sneak it in had not heard this saying – it cracked me up. 🙂


Heheh…the “more cowbell” thing came from Christopher Walken.
He was on Saturday Night Live one time, and acted as a ‘music critic’ for a skit.
It has become legendary.



Uncle John’s Band

The false reality has been under construction for centuries – at least since the Renaissance and gaining steam in the Enlightenment. I’ve been chipping away at the culture, history, and philosophy in my blog. It is deep and tangled, but at the core it is always fake ideals masking the pursuit of power.
What we are seeing now is a coming to a head.


This is how they’re brainwashing children to be haters.


Texas? TEXAS??!!


It doesn’t say where the video is from, I don’t think.
Did you see something in the video that showed it was from Texas?
Don’t make me watch that again.


The twitter handle says “Super Elite Texan”, so I did some conclusion hopping – a very poor form of exercise. You generally see your @ss 🙂


Reblogged this on RedLegLeader Blog and commented:
Just read it …


Crony capitalism is rarely mentioned. It is the precursor for all the isms.
For example The Dem Machine in Chicago was based on crony capitalism and has evolved to survive…VLWC .
IMO , the Clinton Foundation is an example of crony capitalism on a global scale.


First you remove that which inspires the heart to live with a clean conscience. And only after this has been accomplished can the corruption begin in earnest.


But of course! Killary learned from the best – Saul Alinsky and the Rockefellers!


The Dem Machine in Chicago and the Clinton Foundation are both examples of corruption…bigtime corruption.
Cronyism is also…corruption.
Making backroom deals, greasing palms and favoring each other’s business enterprises based on anything other than ‘merit’…is corruption.
I don’t see how we can blame Capitalism for corruption.
Those two examples are good examples of Cronyism, yes…but not examples of Capitalism.
Cronyism occurs in all types of economic systems; it flourishes under socialism and communism.
The term ‘crony corruption’ is probably a better term for those two examples.


WM, I believe we will all find your writing about this of value..”I have my own take on 9/11 which I think will be borne out very soon.” I know it is seared in my psyche and stored in the same brain space as the day Kennedy was shot.
What you think will be borne out very soon could be the first piece revealed as those arrests would shake the core of our Nation’s consciousness and allow space for truth to surface where collective memories of “wrong” coalesce into unstoppable powerful support for further actions coming in clearing out the evil.
Just the process of bringing this truth (and I know that I do not know the truth but there are people who do know beyond the shadow of a doubt) out into the open is the one piece I see that would unite us in more ways than we were brought together as the event initially unfolded. It was a time where we seemed to set aside our differences in favor of uniting for a common end and we “felt” it.


It took 5+ attempts to post this before I finally closed the tab and reopened so if anyone else is having difficulty posting reopening and posting worked for me this time. Word Press had logged me out! Nice and helpful Word Press! /sarc 🙂

Tammy Evers (@EverEleutheros)

This is a great post judy, and I agree that the truth would unite us, but it has to be so out in the open that the whole nation will see. It has to be so big that it can’t not be reported on by all the “enemedia”. We really need the Nation’s consciousness to be shaken. Again, though, it has to huge. I do waffle on believing it is actually going to happen though.


Tammy, I see waffling as a good thing until you find your balance. Just going back to check in with what’s been given to your heart of hearts and validate the authenticity of what you think…not what anyone else is saying/has said or writes. You’ve obviously developed a vision “it has to be huge”!
I hope you understand the importance of that vision. 🙂


this is all part of some of my posts on this page. many were made at like 4 oclock this morning so sorry if i sounded like a strung out ranter. but thoughts were just coming out fast. in any case, as jason and i alluded to earlier in this post if you are getting that giddy, hyper feeling about stuff, go with your gut.
to me, the whole thing is this: the premise of this post, all of the pictures they represent something – what we have been shown in the power structure. the incompetence, the sketchy characters, the unbelievable corruption – but real and things we can relate to. because a person is a person. a building is a building, a statue is a statue, and so on. but when i look at all this i know for a fact that is all a well constructed veil covering over things that would astound you – i am sure some people would have mental breakdowns, panic attracts, whatever you want to say. heck, i might too when finally face to face with it.
it’s well beyond any lock her up, way beyond a wall, way beyond a holocaust, way beyond a communist underpinning, way beyond a label and party. voting has nothing to do with it…


We are all on a continuum between fully rational and completely irrational. Yet another bell curve. Yet another skill set. Learning to stabilize oneself after a shift in paradigm.


truth be told that irrational side is a hell of a ride i don’t even want to get off sometimes! 🙂


You saying crazy is like a drug or something? Hmmmm.


Andrew, that irrational side remark reminded me of how I used to wonder how some of my “blonde” friends actually functioned and proving to myself how we need to be careful what we wish for….a concussion from a serious car accident provided me a window into how I imagined they functioned…lol


“We are all on a continuum between fully rational and completely irrational.”
Math helps with this.
Three categories – natural, rational, real. The irrational-rational dichotomy is in the middle, and only ONE OF THREE perspectives. It ain’t the beginning of sense … and it ain’t the end, either.
As I’ve said here before (from Kung Fu TV Series): “NOT to understand another man’s purpose, does not make HIM confused!”
What we call “irrational” behavior … seems (I think) to be perfectly rational to the one engaging in it. It’s an example of psychological projection, in that when WE don’t understand something, we shift the blame for our own lack of understanding onto the person (or thing / event) that WE don’t (yet) understand.
Psychological projection = the blame game. Denial of the SOURCE of ignorance / not-knowing, and passing the hot potato AWAY from oneself.
SO MANY people don’t want to own up to their own dumbness, that they project their dumb onto others. What was the statement I remember reading recently? “To dumb people, smart people seem dumb.” (a paraphrase)
Although it’s a survival technique, psychologically, it’s also a LIE, a DENIAL of truth.
I’ve read that centuries ago, the “crazies” (including the mentally impaired, with physical brain malfunctions) were referred to as “touched by God” (or touched by the sun). They were revered, and left alone, because they lived their true selves daily, and were without lie – and so, they were a clearer window into the truth of the human mind than all of us so-called “rational” people.
Food for thought! (Yum!)


Andrew, I agree with your premise. There continue to be many roadblocks, uncharted territories, unseen enemies as well as unknown supporters in our own personal/professional lives but your “way beyond” examples are exactly how I see this.
We can’t know because we don’t know and we don’t know because we don’t have a mindset that sees human beings as cattle to be managed to produce.whatever we want….
And you are right about not knowing your response when we are faced with the facts…we do know it will be a “gut check” with an intensity not previously experienced, though. Your thoughts have brought us way beyond the popcorn stage and I thank you for that. It allows us to move forward in our individual thought processes in increments we can process. And we can still enjoy the popcorn moments! 🙂


Oh, dear – I had suspected as much – indeed, I went back and forth – yes, it was set up/no, it wasn’t set up. I will say this again – the average American citizen is not only blind and ignorant, they are not even capable of understanding the depths of such evil and greed for power. SMH – I simply cannot comprehend it myself…..


It is interesting…how the “9/11 Truth” people got quickly labeled as “Truthers”.
And even mocked, as ‘trooffers’.
Then, when people started questioning HusseinO’s past and his fake birth certificate…they were immediately labeled as…”Birthers”.
Funny how that worked out, huh?
There was already a method in place, to denigrate, dismiss and defame, anyone who dared to question ‘The One’.

Deplorable Patriot

I agree that that Tuesday in September 2001 we watched a calculated event unfold, and the destruction of evidence for a whole host of crimes. There is no way to prove it, though, since the evidence is gone, and the steel was never tested for residues. It was just picked up and shipped out for scrap prices. Follow the money and it gets really ugly really fast, and it’s not just the war machine being jump started with the permission of the American people.
There were other objectives, IMO, that used fear as a catalyst and at the time few questioned the creation of the Department of Homeland Security or the Patriot Act that were passed almost right away. They had to have been written well in advance.
The biggest asbestos trap in NYC was taken down without having to spend billions in abatement.
NYC no longer had to worry about brownouts. (This was the piece of the puzzle I read early on that was the gateway to being open to alternative narratives of the story.)
That day is seared in memory. And after all these years we might find out what really happened. Not holding my breath, but it is possible.


If I remember correctly, q said people would be allowed to know as much as they wanted to learn, and I hope that’s true, but I fear President Trump will be told by “experts” that the American people couldn’t handle the truth, that there would be unrest, violence on a massive scale, and that the public might turn on their leaders, that revolution would be likely, etc. etc. And I’m afraid he might believe them. Hope I’m wrong. Maybe it’s just that we have been lied to for so long and justice has been so long in coming. I so want to believe there will be a new and better day for my country. I pray so.


Hi, Deplorable Patriot.
Love the new avatar, by the way.
Another day that is ‘seared into my memory’…is April 19th, 1995.
That was the day of the Murrah Building bombing, here in Oklahoma.
There were a lot of strange things about that…things that were swept away and covered up.
It happened in the morning, too, at 9:02 am — similar to 9/11.
It was really ‘convenient’ that it happened at a time when Bill and Hillary Clinton were sooo concerned about “militia groups” who were speaking out about their crimes.
There was a Tom Clancy book, and movie, ‘Clear and Present Danger’…that had shown how a drug dealer’s home/compound was targeted by laser-painting for a missile and made to look like a truck bomb.
The Jack Ryan character in that book/movie, was told by a researcher…”A truck bomb doesn’t leave a crater like that, look at that deep crater, that’s from something else.”
There was an 8-ft-deep crater at the Murrah Building.
The rescuers had to cover it over with boards and plywood…because people kept falling into it, trying to get in and out of the bombed out remains of the building.
They quickly came in with bulldozers and bulldozed the whole site, as soon as all the bodies were removed.
It was still a Crime Scene!
But they quickly bulldozed over the whole area…and declared that it was for ‘closure’ and ‘healing’.
Even the local LEO’s thought that was strange.
But the Clintons got to declare that ‘militia groups’ were domestic terrorists after that.
Mission accomplished.
I was 15 miles outside of Oklahoma City that morning.
But the shock wave rattled our windows and shook the walls of our house.
I have read where explosives experts have said…that a ‘truck bomb’ wouldn’t do that.


Wheatie, incredible. Also have read the Clintons got a lot of documents out of that building afterwords.


Thanks so very much WM for laying this out so succinctly. So many facts have been revealed over time and maybe they were even timed and you brought out some I was unaware of. Needing an event though it seems is the core of it all.
And, do you think Rumsfeld’s revelation 9/10/2001 that the Pentagon had lost a whopping $2.3 trillion from its budget.was significant or just a side goal? It certainly needed to occupy only a brief moment in the news cycle and when this event took over the $2.3 trillion was quickly disappeared in reporting circles..
And to continue their success in coordination of event planning and media news manipulation, just weeks before the 15th anniversary of the terror attack there were claims the same department could not account for a further $6 trillion.
Another question, do you believe accounting offices in the Pentagon and WTC were a target so documents could be destroyed?
I loved Beverly Eckert and have to believe her efforts continue today and have never missed a beat! But I’ve never seen anyone posit the setup of Islam which makes total sense given the expanded knowledge that all wars are profitable and keep economies running. Wholesale murder is just a byproduct and you are so right about the enemy of the People. I remember life before the word “enemedia” existed but we can never go back and unsee what we have seen.
I don’t know if you are in contact with Field McConnell but if not, I think you two would have one hell of an interesting conversation fitting together puzzle pieces and more! 🙂


I’ve never been much motivated by most of the usual 9/11 conspiracy theories, but now you’ve definitely made me want to take a fresh look!
“I believe that setting up Islam in multiple ways was part of that scheme. This is part of why they gin up conflicts with it.”
Well, Islam has been grinning up its own conflicts with every other religion it has come into contact with for over 1,000 years. So it’s not like they have to try very hard to gin up conflicts with it.
It’s a totalitarian political/system, like Bolshevism. It seeks to dominate everyone in the world, like Bolshevism. It claims to have the only path to Truth, like Bolshevism. It uses a mixture of false promises, other propaganda, covert infiltration, bribery, blackmail, and overwhelming, brute military force to obtain its goals, like Bolshevism. (To these it adds hijra (migration,) and a higher birthrate than almost any other social system.)
In fact, Lenin, the father of Bolshevism, was born and raised in a city of the Russian Empire where Islam had been common. And he was of mixed European/Asian ancestry himself, so it’s quite likely in that part of the world that, if you gave his family tree a good hard shake, a Muslim or three would come tumbling out.
So I consider it quite likely that he may have added some tactical and strategic thinking from the Muslims to the Marxism that he got from Europe, in formulating his own theory.


I have been misquoted in the media enough times, and seen descriptions in the media of events where I was present that were so wildly inaccurate and unfair, that I have no trouble whatsoever in believing your catch of them redhanded.
Those miserable bast###s
When you have a republic whose citizenry is systematically lied to by the people they trust to inform of what’s happening in the world, everything else is much harder.


This is what I pray will come of the “Great Awakening.” I may be wearing rose colored glasses when it comes to Q, but Hope Springs Eternal.


hey wolf – you got any more pictures of the russian gun chick? i think she needs some more research…


Great article, Wolf, but I think you left out one of the biggest things they did without our (or I should say our grandparent’s) permission – the Federal Reserve and it’s illegitimate step-child, the income tax. Government could never have gotten so big so fast without them. And without big government, we wouldn’t have all these black ops and social engineering all over the place.


Linda, bravo and bravo.


One of the worst things the Fed does to us is that they can crash the economy any time they want. A good book to read is “The Creature From Jekyll Island.” He points to all the times the Fed has put us into dire financial straits, starting with the Great Depression. That period in our history almost wiped out the middle class and hugely affected that generation, and us, their children. They were also directly responsible for the horrible inflation of the 70s and many other recessions of the past. The Creature from Jekyll Island goes into all of these in depth and explains how the Fed caused them. And let’s not forget what Q said about the sinking of the Titanic, and how that directly led to the formation of the Fed.


Excellent, Linda. Another good book is”Tragedy and Hope” by Carroll Quigley.,

Tammy Evers (@EverEleutheros)

Wow, great stuff here, seems we’re all on the same page. Enjoying my perch in this new tree very much.
So many good posts.


Tammy, enjoying being on a nearby perch to yours.


I definitely second this, both the objection to the Fed and the income tax, and the reference to the Jeckyll Island book.
Didn’t know about the Q reference to the Titanic, though. Will have to look that up.


Oh, wow.
For insight into the Hitler questions, read two seminal books by the ex-GRU officer who writes under the pen name of Victor Suvorov: Icebreaker and The Chief Culprit
This is now becoming a widely accepted version of WWII history taught in Eastern European universities, though it is of course rejected by professors in the West.
Also, everyone should read Antony Sutton’s grand trilogy, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Wall Street and FDR, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler.


Here’s something else they snuck in without our permission, the federalization of the college tuition loan system as a stealth clause of Obamacare.
I always thought this was heinous, and as bad as it obviously is now, will have ramifications down the road that are not yet apparent.
My first thought hearing about it in ’09 was that it would be used to pump the universities full of favored minorities, illegal aliens, and foreign exchange (i.e. Chicom) students.
In the long term, in conjunction with exponentially increasing tuitions, and the H1B visa program, it can be used to utterly wipe out the traditional American middle class.