Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181121

This NOW-DAILY  open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.  We ask that people NOT duplicate material posted to the Treehouse open threads, unless it’s REALLY IMPORTANT.  We expect things that are more relevant to the Q community to show up here.

Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments.  Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.


James Coburn reading a newspaper in a cafe in France in The Great Escape.
We are getting closer to a direct confrontation – not only the FACT that a significant portion of the people in this country (and world) believe that the end justifies the means – but with those PEOPLE themselves.
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Wow. I must be special if I’m first.

A.D. Everard

Yup. You’re special. 🙂


Yup. Verrrrrry Speeeecial. 😉


“Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your God
will be with you
wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9

comment image


Love the pic…perfect illustration of the feeling of the passage…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, that was close!
I thought the Old Tree House might have reinstated me. I liked successfully, posted a short comment, a perfectly innocuous one.
It got deleted, and I am banned once again! Whew!!
541 days or so since I got banned the first time! Not that I’m counting, mind you.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Maybe those automatically reset after one year. Or maybe months ago they did it deliberately, but whoever is watching this site decided I needed the ban hammer (I’ve not been very complimentary to SD).
These are all possibilities whether or not the SD 2.0 hypothesis is correct.


Maybe they dislike you so much that they unbanned you just to have the pleasure of banning you again.
The fact that you commented tells them you want to go back (in their minds) – so they get the pleasure of banning you again. They are currently rubbing their hands in glee at this devious plot of theirs …
Man, this speculation thing is fun …. 🙂


Well, that is funny! 🙂


Funny, indeed.

A.D. Everard

Made me laugh. 😀


I like the Sundance 1 and Sundance 2 theory. I did disagree with One of them on the idea of appointing Chris Christie as Chief of Staff–I said no, he’s a lib. I somehow or other managed Not to get banned–yet.


According to your theory, which SD is the SD of 2016?


Sorry, you let the cat out the bag. You have to start at 1 again. Hehe ……
I’ve been banned longer than Steve – my claim to fame.
Almost forgot – let me be the first to welcome you aboard after being banned “from there”.
PS – I won’t let on that you tried to ditch us for “them”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Errrr…. right.
But you’ll note I said “got banned the first time.” So my phrasing (worthy of Bill Clinton) gets me off the hook.


I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to get you to crow about being outcast the longest – Damn.


That reminds me of one of the old timers at AA that decided to have a drink after 91 years sober.
Had to start over, counting at one day.


OMG – 19 years.

A.D. Everard

I thought he was doing pretty good for 91 years!


yeah holding a glass of anything at that age is quite the accomplishment @

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s murkier than that…because I have no idea when they unbanned me.
So I’ll go with X days since I first got banned.
Or I would, if I were counting, which (mind you), I’m not.


All in good fun. CTH gave us lemons and we opened a lemonade stand.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Best lemonade on Earth!
I wonder why Trump never had a lemonade brand.


I believe he already sold the right to that new movie “Trumpnado!! – Where snowflakes go to melt”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, let’s find a studio that will do that.
It will be about as easy as getting a quality studio to touch Atlas Shrugged.


That may change once China has been bankrupted and no one is watching “Transbusters!!”, or any other rubbish that they are inclined to favour.
They do have a penchant for the green, and a few lean years my force them into reality. I mean, they LOOK like people – maybe one day they will start behaving like people too …

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They must be some really odd species…and one that’s not from Oz!


We have them too, never fear. I really don’t want to fight over WHERE they started out – that is one claim I am happy to leave to you lot over there …

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Maybe they should be sent to Antarctica. After all they don’t believe they belong to any country….


Plus, with global warming, it is going to become the new Riviera. They will go willingly, believing us to be utter chumps … 🙂


I finally got banned today, too, Steve. Which is weird since I haven’t posted since that little confrontation with SD. I can’t figure out why they waited until today to ban me. Does someone go back over all the old threads and start banning anyone who takes issue with anything SD says? Or are they over here taking names and then going through the old threads and banning those names? Very weird. Also very weird that they are that concerned about us. We’re gone. Go back to your lives.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Welcome to the club!
It’s becoming a badge of honor, ain’t it?


“Does someone go back over all the old threads and start banning anyone who takes issue with anything SD says? Or are they over here taking names and then going through the old threads and banning those names?”
Could be a combination.
I was banned while firing on full auto, I think I was on my 4th or 5th (or 6th) post contesting SD’s big anti-Q thread.
Then I went off on his ‘leverage’ theory, pointing out that he never explains this ‘alternate universe’ where Law has no reality and only leverage matters, he just asserts it over and over again, as if repetition makes it true… then my ability to post suddenly stopped.
Then my posts all disappeared.
So I went down fighting, and that’s a good way to go. 👍
And I never ‘lost’, they couldn’t ‘beat’ my arguments, so they just pulled my ‘plug’, like Joe Pantoliano (‘Cypher’), Matrix style.
But you know what they say.
If you can’t stand the heat, bring out the ban-hammer 😁


You get 25 internet points for a movie reference and 10 bonus points for finding something from The Matrix. Good job, buddy.


“I finally got banned today, too, Steve.”
Whoops, I almost forgot.
…and congratulations 👍 😁


I am not conversant with the mechanisms of banning so I would like to ask a few question. How do you know you are banned? Are you just unable to comment or do they send around the UNWELCOME WAGON?
Does WordPress have a popup that tells you to go away?


That’s FUNNY: “send around the UNWELCOME WAGON”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What happens is that suddenly, when you write a post, it doesn’t post, and when you “like” someone’s comments, the like doesn’t “take.” (On my browser the star turns color but it doesn’t say “liked by 3 people and you”)

Plain Jane



“How do you know you are banned? Are you just unable to comment or do they send around the UNWELCOME WAGON?”
You are just ‘frozen out’, suddenly. One minute you could be posting a reply like normal, and the next minute, your replies no longer show up. If you try to ‘like’ someone else’s post, it will still show you how else has ‘liked’ it if you hold the cursor over the ‘Like’ button, but you can no longer click the button, it won’t register your attempt to ‘Like’ anymore.
No explanations.
No ‘Au revoir, mon amie’, no ‘Que sera, sera’, no ‘Here’s lookin’ at you, kid’.
Not even a ‘Hasta la vista, baby!’ 😁
It’s positively 4th street. 😎


Being banned means you can:
– Like a posted article
– Not Like a comment
– Not post a comment
Sometimes I go back and read articles and Like it if it’s really good. That’s all I can/will do.
Because they are professing Christians, I wrote them a while after I was banned with my argument against the alphabet pans-xual agenda. This was to satisfy my conscience and warn them of the apostasy. There is no approval/affirmation of these lifestyles in Scripture, Science research or Statistics (CDC, mental health, crime). Even the pre-Mosaic commandments of Noah forbid these acts/behaviors. God’s prohibitions are always based on love and wisdom. The truth is these behaviors are symptoms and the practices result in drastic, tragic incidences of disease, injuries, etc. and the lifestyles are fraught with unstable and abusive relationships, violence, murders, suicides, etc.
I will never ask to be reinstated I will never ask to be reinstated due to our great difference over this issue – which has cost me too much grief due to dysfunctional family and churches that split over this. The gay moderator at CTH who banned me is a very skilled/practiced activist. I cannot and will not ever compromise on this. I spent a decade after the Episcopal gay bishop thing studying Scripture and theology and have a foundation of knowledge to back me up. The Boy Scouts and Catholic priest horrors confirmed my convictions.


The seven laws of Noah preceded the Ten Commandments and Leviticus by centuries – and were very specific about sexual sin/prohibitions.
The seven Noachide Laws, as traditionally enumerated are:
1 Do Not Deny God
2 Do Not Blaspheme God
3 Do Not Murder
4 Do Not Engage in Incestuous, Adulterous or Homosexual Relationships.
5 Do Not Steal
6 Do Not Eat of a Live Animal
7 Establish Courts/Legal System to Ensure Law Obedience
By the time of Moses, the Israelites already understood that ‘adultery’ was any act or relationship that crossed the line of these Noah laws.


Sorry I didn’t edit the repeats in that first comment….it’s hard to talk about the issues and being banned….I was trying to just get it out after all this time. It really hurts to be suddenly cut off from a community and not able to say goodbye/why you must leave.


GA/FLA, I pray being Here helps that hurt to heal, at least in part. Thank you for your wisdom and info.


It HAS helped so much to be with so many of the people I came to love and respect at CTH. It’s such a blessing – plus – to read Wolfie’s astute insight/analysis of political issues is a double blessing.


I think it is very kind and generous of you to start a blog and invite the lost folks in to be able to come back to enjoy MAGA fellowship. Flep wrote me about your blog, so I came to read as soon as I had a chance! Wolfie, you have always had good insights and depth of research on the issues.


GA/FL, blessings indeed. So wonderful to treasure new friends here and find old ones, and wolfie has given us such a gift.
P.R. I never knew all that history about Lifeline and Facebook–have never been on any of them, but get curious.

CM in TN

You were missed. I just thought that you had left over people giving you grief about Jeff Sessions. Glad you are here with us and commenting. Same thing with Steve in CO. If I remember correctly, he had internet issues where he lived and just figured that was why he quit posting.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My internet issues were simply that I was with a provider that would charge you extra if you went over your data limit, and I seemed to be constantly crowding the limit, and having to cut back severely towards the end of the billing cycle. Sometimes they’d bump me over the line anyway after the fact and charge me fifteen dollars for a 200KB overage (that’s 2 hundredths of one percent of a GB, if anyone here doesn’t know that).
The ban just happened to hit shortly after I announced I’d be scarce for a little while because of this, so you weren’t the only one who thought my internet was to blame.
One time (well after my ban), I stopped well shy of the limit several days before, and they still “found” some delayed usage and hit me with the fifteen dollar charge. I went into one of their stores and told them what had happened and how I was on internet famine for over a week about 50 MB shy of the limit and they had still done this…and I told them, I’d go over to the kiosk and pay the overage and then leave, or they’d cancel the charge and I’d stay.
I ended up switching carriers.


GA/FLA, totally with you on all of it, and more importantly, so is Scripture. One of my friends in Britain thinks this is the plumb-line the Lord is using to separate a people unto Himself. I tend to agree.


“One of my friends in Britain thinks this is the plumb-line the Lord is using to separate a people unto Himself. I tend to agree.”
One of many, it seems.


I self-banned from Gateway Pundit when the Florida niteclub shooting (49 homos murdered). I refused because Jim Hoft decided that he would stand on the corpses of 49 Americans and declare that he was queer (and implied that killing queers was worse than killing mere peons). I was disgusted and told him (and everybody else) that it was a serious blunder to “out” oneself at all and especially making his sexual deviancy somehow relevant to terrorist murders.
Won’t even click on links to GP.

Elizabeth Carter

pgroup, I missed that about Jim Hoft. Things like homosexuality and adultery used to be kept hidden. Now people flaunt them as a badge of honor. They believe sin sets them above the rest of us. I really don’t want to look at someone when I know that about them and have to try not to wonder as I watch them speak, where else their mouth has been lately. I would prefer an exchange of ideas instead of a request for approval based on just how disgusting they can be and still be considered superior to everyone else. I feel the same way about the women who say they want respect and go out in public, strip naked, spit at others, hit them, moon people and scream at others. I do not find it attractive or appealing in any way. I feel the same about women or men who brag about the celebrities or wealthy people they have had sex with as a way of proving they are better than others. We are in an upside down world.
I decided to become a Guardian ad Litem several years ago. One of the questions they asked in training was whether I would be okay with letting a gay couple adopt a child. I said no. It was one of those “blue ribbon committee” type of things where they have you in front of everyone and try to force you to compromise your values. The facilitator asked if there was any circumstance I could think of where it would be okay. I said, “No there is not. If you want a yes to that question, then you will have to ask someone else.” She moved on at that point and started asking the other 20 or so participants. They all said it was okay. She finally got to a minister and asked him and he pointed to me and said, “I stand with her.” People find it hard to stand up to disapproval. I don’t. I stand on my convictions.
They approved me for the position anyway. When our state decided a couple of years ago to allow same sex marriage, I quit because I knew that was a trap to get me to go along with something I consider to be an abomination.
I walk the walk too. I have been celibate for 27 years now because fornication is also a sin.


Elizabeth, it is good to see how you stand by godly convictions and doctrinal stands.


“The facilitator asked if there was any circumstance I could think of where it would be okay. I said, “No there is not. If you want a yes to that question, then you will have to ask someone else.”
You set a strong example, glad the minister stood with you.
God’s Word is very clear on these subjects. There is God’s way, and then there is every other way, which (by definition) is of men.
I find that people usually want to personalize the issue(s) so they can vent their spleen at me — which I don’t mind, I have an excellent spleen-venting deflect and return device — but it’s equally entertaining to turn the tables on them.
If they ask what I think, I say it doesn’t matter what I think (except to me, of course). What matters is what God’s Word actually says.
And if you disagree with God’s Word, then your argument is not with me, your argument is with God. Right?
But it raises an interesting question. If your intention is to penalize me, or persecute me, or discriminate against me for being on God’s side… then whose side does that mean you’re on?


The LBGT issue is a political/legal issue as well as a moral/spiritual/medical/mental health issue – because the activists have made it so – changing laws, prosecuting/persecuting/lawsuits against Christians, even vandalizing, making it impossible/difficult to have a job, run a business, etc.- such as their campaigns against Hobby Lobby and Chick-Fil-A.


It is globalists that are targeting Christians. Again, yet another plank in the Communist Playbook. I am uncomfortable with the “Zionist Communists” tag here by Jeff Rense but this lays out much of what is in the book, including: “The Original Complete List Of The 45 Declared Goals For The Communist Takeover Of America,” Submitted By Greg Swank, 12-4-2″
I will post a few that are relevant to the subject matter:
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch.”
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.


Thanks for the link, Nebraska Filly. Saved!


Nebr., thank you for posting these, just yesterday was wishing someone would as I could not. Thank you. Amazing how far they have been largely implemented.


YW – Isn’t it truly frightening what they have accomplished?


Nebr., it truly is frightening and sobering and hope and feel we may have been saved from the jaws of it just in time. I pray by God’s mercy this is so.


It’s great seeing you here at the Q tree. I remember your being a staunch Sessions supporter at the time (even going against other Treepers, which I admired). I, too, thought you bailed due to the incessant Sessions-bashing. I didn’t know you were banned because of the LGBTQ issue. If it means not compromising on your convictions, though, then it was probably worth the sacrifice. Still, I’m sorry to hear how it truly went down.


“Because they are professing Christians, I wrote them a while after I was banned with my argument against the alphabet pans-xual agenda. This was to satisfy my conscience and warn them of the apostasy.”
“I will never ask to be reinstated I will never ask to be reinstated due to our great difference over this issue – ”
I had no idea CTH was pro-LBQTLMNOPXYZ. I don’t recall reading anything SD wrote about the subject, one way or the other.
“The gay moderator at CTH who banned me is a very skilled/practiced activist.”
I had no idea that any moderator at CTH was gay OR a gay activist!


Neither did I, Scott, until GA/FLA and several others informed me. It makes me kind of sad.


Zurich Mike is only occasionally active as a moderator, but has been part of CTH from the beginning.
ZM is also a very skilled activist with all their best arguments at the ready. I remember him from the blogs during the 2003 gay bishop conflict when the Episcopal church split.
At CTH, we got into a long argument about the changes in the Boy Scouts when Rex Tillerson was in the national leadership. The evening I was banned, ZM was on duty that evening, ‘looking for trolls’ he said.
Someone brought up the subject of why the military banned ‘transgenders’, so I posted the study done for the military, the CDC statistics, and other links. That got me banned at CTH…ostensibly for being off-topic.


GA/FLA, thank you for filling me in about CTH and what happened. Missed all of this.


“Zurich Mike is only occasionally active as a moderator, but has been part of CTH from the beginning.”
I recognize the name, but don’t remember getting into any discussions with him about anything, even though I have not hesitated to talk about homosexuality, or racial issues, for that matter. Not to cause problems, but because subjects deemed ‘taboo’ by the P.C. Police NEED to be discussed frankly like any other.
The only reason they are ‘taboo’ is because ‘the powers that be’ want to use peer-pressure to control the narrative and negatively label anyone who disagrees with their narrative in order to silence them. It’s part of their whole control scheme.
And the only way I know of to blow that scheme out of the water is to talk about those issues just as directly as we would any other. With jokes, with facts, with honest arguments, however we would talk about other subjects, we should talk about so-called ‘taboo’ P.C. subjects the same.
It’s the only way (that I know of) to have an honest discussion about them, because if you self-censor, giving special deference to certain subjects, then you are playing ‘their’ game.
And their game is oppression and suppression of any viewpoint they disagree with. It is the most extreme anti-freedom, anti-free speech position possible, and they have been getting away with it unchallenged (at least in propaganda media) for so long that they are arrogant about it.


“ZM is also a very skilled activist with all their best arguments at the ready. I remember him from the blogs during the 2003 gay bishop conflict when the Episcopal church split.”
That is a great argument/debate to have. I’ve never seen even a plausible argument for a gay bishop that could withstand even casual scrutiny.
Their argument is with God’s Word, pure and simple.
The qualifications for deacons and elders (a.k.a. bishops) are plainly and specifically given in God’s Word — not once, but twice.
They must be *qualified* according to God’s Word, Whose qualifications for deacons and elders (a.k.a. bishops) are given for the position of bishop in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 (posted at the bottom of this reply) and again in Titus 1:5-9, and for the position of deacon in 1 Timothy 3:8-12.
Some of the qualifications are clearly judgment calls, e.g., “vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach” (1 Tim 3:2b). But some of the qualifications are matters of fact. Biological fact (male), relationship fact (married), reproductive fact (father of at least one child).
Among the qualifications given by God (all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, cf. 2 Timothy 3:16) in order to be a bishop (a.k.a. elder), one must be:
A) a Man,
B) he must be the Husband of ONE WIFE
C) he must have at least ONE child, and
D) his child or children must be FAITHFUL and under his control
God is under no obligation to explain His reasons for these qualifications, but in this case, He does:
“(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)” (1 Timothy 3:5, KJV)
So the first issue that can be settled is that a woman cannot, by definition, be a bishop. It has nothing to do with men being sexist — God has chosen different roles for men and women, and if anyone wants to accuse God of being sexist, let him or her take that up with God and leave the rest of us out of it.
The second issue that can be settled is that a bishop (who must be a man) must be married. Not according to me, it doesn’t matter what I think about it, but according to God. Error is error. And yes, I am well aware that one church in particular is known worldwide for their unmarried bishops, and it matters not at all what I think about it because I don’t make the rules. God does, and He has.
So if anyone claims to be a bishop but does not meet the qualifications given by God, then do they not occupy the position and office of bishop illegitimately, by definition?
And we have not even arrived at the subject of homosexual bishops yet, so let’s do that now.
Marriage is an institution created by God, between a man and a woman. This clearly excludes male-male and female-female unions as far as God is concerned.
And sexual relations outside of marriage is fornication.
So being human, there are a number of ways people seek to get around God’s Word, and all of them fail.
1) one cannot even be considered for the office or bishop unless you are a man, which necessarily excludes women
2) one cannot even be considered for the office of bishop unless you are a man who is married to a woman, which excludes homosexual unions AND unmarried men. “The husband of one wife” (cf. 1 Tim 3:2b, Titus 1:6).
3) one cannot even be considered for the office of bishop unless you are a man who is married to a woman (one wife) and you have at least one child, and your child (or children) is under your subjection, ‘not accused of riot or unruly’, etc.
And even IF one meets all of the factually verifiable qualifications (a man, married, with child or children), he must still also meet all of the OTHER qualifications, according to the judgment of the congregation where he would serve.
And if any church openly defies God and His Word, and will not repent, is that church not apostate, by definition?
I don’t know what argument Zurich Mike could offer in favor of homosexual bishops that overcomes or supersedes the Authority and plain language of God’s Word. I have seen many try, but I have never seen one yet that could get past ‘go’.
Not because of any skill or ability on my part, it doesn’t matter what I think about any of it. It’s not about me.
If it is the Lord’s church we are talking about, then without controversy, the Lord has power and authority to set the rules for His church.
And if anyone contradicts what God has plainly said, who (or Whom) are we to believe and obey — man, or God?
“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29, KJV)
If there is any context wherein that verse is not true and applicable, what context would that be?
And here are the two passages containing the qualifications necessary in order to be a bishop:
“This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. [2] A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; [3] Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; [4] One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; [5] (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God? [6] Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. [7] Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.) (1 Timothy 3:1-7, KJV)
“For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee: [6] If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly. [7] For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre; [8] But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate; [9] Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.” (Titus 1:5-9)


Scott, I really appreciate your ability to use sound judgment and logic and how you abide in and uphold God’s word and teachings so faithfully, without waivering. Thank you.


Thank you for your kind words, Zoe 🙂
I am very fortunate to be a member of a congregation that teaches God’s Word just as it is written — not more, and not less.
The proposition that God is the highest Authority there is (or can be) is an easy one to establish. It logically follows that the God’s Word carries the Authority of God.
By comparison, the words (and doctrines, and traditions, and commandments) of men are without Authority. The words of men are the source of extensive and widespread error, but always without Authority.
So, generally speaking, it is a fairly simple matter to compare what God’s Word actually says to what false teachers are saying. To draw a big, bold, bright red line between the two, for everyone to see clearly.
Then follow up by asking who it is that we are to follow and obey… men, or God?
Sometimes, when you post the affirming answer to that rhetorical question (“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” – Acts 5:29, KJV), someone will object by saying that I am taking that verse out of context.
Sometimes I wait until someone tries that approach, and sometimes I preempt the objection, by asking the follow up rhetorical question immediately after citing Acts 5:29:
If there is any context wherein that verse is not true and applicable, what context would that be?
There are no answers to these questions which help the argument of the person who seeks to contradict God’s Word.
There is nowhere for them to go, nothing they can say.
For all intents and purposes, it either ends the debate outright, or exposes the errant individual as being intellectually dishonest and/or unwilling to accept God’s Authority. An intellectually dishonest person loses their credibility, and it is not logically possible to claim that one is a Christian while simultaneously rejecting God’s Authority.
This approach is very effective on every subject I have encountered so far.
Simple, direct, and ultimately, incontrovertible.
The ‘secret’, if there is one, is to remove oneself from the argument as much as possible, so that the person seeking to contradict God (whether intentionally rebellious, or due to a sincere misunderstanding) is confronted by the Authority of God’s Word, rather than by me, or anything I might think about it.
Because it’s really not about me, it doesn’t matter what I think about it (except to me, of course), I am only the messenger. My ‘job’ is to present what God’s Word says on the subject, and then get out of the way, to let him (or her) wrestle with it — and, hopefully, come to the obvious conclusion.
Or think of it like a game of ‘whack-a-mole’, except you plug up all the holes but one. And when the mole pops his head up out of the only remaining hole, he is confronted and surrounded by the Authority of God’s Word, and nothing else.
By removing oneself (as much as possible) as a ‘target’ for the errant person’s ‘argument’ (or potential hostility), it leaves them (as much as possible) ‘face to face’ with the actual Authority at the source of their dispute — i.e., with God.
And who can withstand God? (cf. Acts 11:17)
“But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.” (Acts 5:39)


edit / correction: “It logically follows that the God’s Word carries the Authority of God.”


Scott, you have established a conclusive case in Scripture.
There is not one affirming/approving verse in all of Scripture regarding homosexuality.
The ‘gay’ bishop the Episcopal church just ‘had to’ have in 2003 – had divorced his wife to be ‘gay’ – after he was made an Episcopal bishop, he ‘married’ another man, and they were divorced a couple of years later after revealing he was also an alcoholic.
All that broke my heart – having just lost mother, marriage because of husband’s unfaithfulness – then the church fell apart the next year. On top of having a daughter with a longterm progressive disability. But as the old saying goes – when GOD is all you have, you learn that He is all you need.


“The ‘gay’ bishop the Episcopal church just ‘had to’ have in 2003 – had divorced his wife to be ‘gay’ – after he was made an Episcopal bishop, he ‘married’ another man, and they were divorced a couple of years later after revealing he was also an alcoholic.”
I remember that, hard to believe it was 2003, it doesn’t seem that long ago, but I guess it was. I didn’t even start posting on Internet political/news forums until around 2006.
It all seemed so contrived, like the Episcopal Church was shoving it (acceptance of homosexual conduct, homosexual marriage, homosexual bishops) down their membership’s throats, the exact same way the Left tries to shove all of their perversions down America’s throat.
And they were more than willing to wreck the Episcopal Church to do it, just as they are eager to wreck our country.


They not only split the Episcopal Church, but the entire Anglican Communion – because the Church of England and Archbishop of Canterbury were also part of the push of the LBGTetc pansexual agenda.
However, there is a beautiful new, Biblical Anglican movement allied with the conservative Archbishops of Africa and Asia who are as Biblically Christian as all get out!
As I wrestled with this mess, I learned a lot of theology, ecclesiology, etc.
Will never forget St. Vincent of Lerins saying – “What was believed always, everywhere and by all” concerning the Gospel of Truth.


PS – Copying your Scriptures and comment to save.


“PS – Copying your Scriptures and comment to save.”
Please note the punctuation error in my Scripture quote, I originally intended to post 1 Timothy 3:1-5, and then I added verses 6 and 7 for completeness.
When I did so, I inadvertently placed the cursor before the end-parenthesis ‘)’ at the end of verse 5, so that end-parenthesis was moved to the end of the entire passage, i.e., ‘snare of the devil.)’ where it doesn’t belong.
So the meaning of the passage did not change, but the punctuation is incorrect.
See below, highlighted in boldface:
“This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. [2] A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; [3] Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; [4] One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; [5] (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God? missing end-parenthesis [6] Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. [7] Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.) (1 Timothy 3:1-7, KJV)
The corrected passage is this:
“This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. [2] A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; [3] Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; [4] One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; [5] (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) [6] Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. [7] Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.” (1 Timothy 3:1-7, KJV)


Something tells me that Maggie is scared her number is coming up…
Nah, I’m just imagining things, right?


Q linked to a snarky tweet that Maggie Haberman…NYTimes Maggie…had tweeted out today:

The QArmy has shown up and is barraging her with tweets of “Q sent me” and all sorts of memes:


Ha ha ha! I love that last meme. How did Angela Merkel get in there?


She took one left turn to many? ….

Sylvia Avery

PDJT manspreading on the subway in hilarious. I love it!


Think about it, Wolf…the Q-haters over at the old tree have aligned themselves with the likes of Maggie Haberman and a whole slew of Trump-haters, who have been attacking Q and the Q-peeps.
I wonder if they’ve ever stopped to realize that.

A.D. Everard

I sure hope SD didn’t take leave for a month and hand over the reins to a trusted friend to look after. He’ll get back with half his people gone and the rest trolls and Trump-bashers. That would be one heck of a shock.
I agree something very strange is going on, but whatever it is all his mods are in line with it.


A.D., I want to add another possibility to your thoughts about the mods. They may or may not agree or be in line with it but it was likely made clear to them years ago who owned the site…and I say owned not owns or at least I haven’t seen that addressed but could have easily missed it..
As I haven’t frequented CTH for some time for reasons totally unrelated to the current shift from all I ever knew it to be from about 2012-2017, I am seeing this from a different (not better or worse just different) vantage point. .
The people who comment on that site more than any other I’ve known added value in relation to the value of SD because of the quality of the people, their ideas and information about their real life experiences posted thre that expanded the knowledge base of people like me who sometimes saw a headline and skipped to the comments when my time was limited.
So, if you are thinking you want to sell your site which is a “business” generating $, you may not realize the value of the comments but you know the value of what you have created so you must prove to a buyer that success is not dependent on your day-to-day involvement. But how can you start to remove yourself from the business? There must be steps to take to become operationally irrelevant to what you want to sell and in an expanded view, you cannot announce your plans to people who could be negative affected as it may never happen. Not saying any of this is happening, just random thoughts about where the focus lies in an exit strategy.


What Judy said:

“The people who comment on that site more than any other I’ve known added value in relation to the value of SD because of the quality of the people, their ideas and information about their real life experiences posted thre that expanded the knowledge base of people like me who sometimes saw a headline and skipped to the comments when my time was limited.”

A.D. Everard

To JudyW and thinkthinkthink (and all others, of course). The quality of comments was certainly what drew me in. A bunch of smart, active, deeply involved and committed people with a passion for freedom and what’s right – all in one place, all with thoughts and ideas that aligned with mine. It was like Christmas for me. I moved in straight away and lived there daily until the branches of the tree started getting lopped off.
Whether SD sold up or not – no idea. I don’t think he would have treated us all as a product (like facebook does), but none of us really knows what the motivations of another.

Plain Jane

An email friend I met on another site tuned me on to the limb house. She rarely posted there in quite a while for reasons of time, and she was blown away that I was banned, and what was going on. She suggested that possibly [ ] sold controlling % of the site. Plausible.

Plain Jane

It sure seems so.


Agree, Wolf.


“Think about it, Wolf…the Q-haters over at the old tree have aligned themselves with the likes of Maggie Haberman and a whole slew of Trump-haters, who have been attacking Q and the Q-peeps.
I wonder if they’ve ever stopped to realize that.”
I don’t remember if I said it here or over at CTH before I was banned, but it very much reminds of the Cruzlims during the 2016 election campaign.
They drove EVERYBODY away who didn’t support Lyin’ Ted, on, on Erik Erickson’s, and everywhere else that is corporately owned by Salem Communications.
Must be a ‘witch-hunt’ gene in their DNA.


Yes I remember you saying that, Scott.
Good analogy, too.
Thing is…Sd used to rail against the Cruzlims and the CTH used to be a refuge for the Trump faithful.
It’s bizarre that it has turned into, that which it used to rail against.

Sylvia Avery

I really love the Q sent me deal. I didn’t know that was a thing, but then I started running into it occasionally on YouTube or on someone’s tweet. I think is funny and a great little advertising bit.
Our side is so much smarter and funnier than those angry, pouting, lecturing dolts on the Left.


“OH on the Q train intercom: “Attention passengers. The intercom phone is for emergencies only, it is not for asking the conductor questions.” ”
That reminded me of “the White Zone is for the immediate loading and unloading of passengers only, there is no stopping in the Red Zone”… 😁


The tweet-replies to Maggie Haberman are just great.
This one should give her some heartburn:
Some of the others are spectacular:


Uh oh…that Wikileaks passage got truncated.
Here it is, so you can see the whole thing:
comment image


She be shillin’.


Forgive me for being so proud of myself, but I am 54 years old this coming Sunday, and I figured out how to make memes!
I sent one to Maggie. I hope this works so it shows up here!


Dang it, trying again!
[urlcomment image[/img][/url][url=]via Imgflip Meme Generator[/url]


That one went into moderation! I have GOT to improve my technical skills!


Thank you!


Thanks! Another year older, and thanks to you and others here (and Q), somewhat wiser 😉

Elizabeth Carter

Happy Birthday.


Thank you!


Happy Birthday Aubergine… !!!




Happy birthday, Aubergine Nice name. I like it.


Thank you! Purple, my favorite color.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We’re darned close to the same age, Aubergine. Happy Birthday!



Plain Jane

Happy Birthday Aubergine. Love the color, and the vegie.


Thanks, me too!


Happy birthday!! I am 2 months older than you …
Just copying Steve, who like to brag about how many more days than us he has been banned! 🙂




Happy birthday! You are still a youngster!!!! I will be 66 this coming February and I STILL can’t post a picture!!!! LOL – I managed a couple back in the spring but haven’t been able to do it again.


Thanks! It took me a while to figure out how to do a lot of this stuff, and clearly I am still learning! Keep trying!


Two more Q posts. This time I’m not going to post them since they have a lot of links. I wish I knew how to take screen shots of just the posts. Anyway, he’s going after Maggie Haberman.


my goodness Linda, I just posted about Maggie, right above you.
Thanks for the heads-up wrt two new Q posts…


Lisa has a THREAD including latest drops

Deplorable Bcootz

First and foremost, I want to Thank You Wolfmoon for this site. As a lurker at CTH for a few years of which I only posted a few times, as of late I’ve become discouraged with that site. I couldn’t wait to get home from work to get on CTH and learn from not only Sundance but from some of the posters. Over time you learn who were the intelligent posters were and you would look for their posts. There were quite a few posts that I would look for. Then I started noticing that I wouldn’t see their posts anymore or it would only be once in awhile. I also started seeing the discourse on the site and was shocked! It used to be everyone got along and respected each other’s opinion like a close family. I often wanted to write to Sundance concerning this but then I thought; what for, he’s allowing this nastiness on his own site!
I don’t remember how I found your site Wolfmoon but I am so thankful to have found your site. You were one of the posters I would look for on CTH and to my surprise a lot of the posters on this site are the ones I always looked for too! I’ve not been banned from CTH but I didn’t post much anyway so ther would be no reason to have been banned. Instead I banned myself not 100% but close.
I am so happy to have found another home if you’ll allow me.


Just make sure he knows that only you are allowed to howl at the moon.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wait, WHAT!?!?
I regularly howl at the Galilean moons. I hope that’s not an issue.

Plain Jane

Sounds a little 2001ish to me.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hah! Do you know how my friends and I celebrated New Years Eve, 2000/1? I cued up that movie and timed it so that at the stroke of midnight it went from apemen to orbit. Welcome to the 21st century!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Now you talk about something you only have ONE chance to get right….that was it. I was within a second of having it right on.

Plain Jane

Loved that movie. Saw it on the big screen in Chicago when it first came out.
For your listening pleasure:

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Needs to be played at eleven at 330 watts per channel on B&W 808s. Or Klipschorns, if you really must be plebeian.

Plain Jane

I blew a good set of speakers back in the day. Maybe JBL, not sure, can’t remember. Needed to hear music in the far corners of the house while I was cleaning. 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

808s were audiophile, heavy speakers. When I saw a pair, used for $1800 I just about tore the pocket off my pants reaching for my wallet.

Plain Jane

Our sound system is a tad tamer. DH isn’t as much into our music as he used to be since his hearing has gotton worse. Although he can still hear a distant motor and tell you everything about it. The motors in a steel mill are enormous and beyond loud. No ear protection until a couple of decades ago. Too late for him. He was E.E. mgmt.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah well. I lost an inner ear, myself, so I don’t do nearly as much with the system as I used to. I suppose, rationally speaking, I ought to sell it off.

Plain Jane

Don’t sell. You will miss it more than your first car or truck. 🙂

Plain Jane

Night, night all.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hah. I kept my SECOND car for over 25 years. I had to give it up when it finally blew a valve at 407,000 miles.
I miss it.

Plain Jane

I am beyond impressed with that mileage. Holy schiff!
DH had a white Sunliner rag top when we met. I had a Ford Falcon. I miss both of them, many cars in between, but nothing compares in fun to the Sunliner.
Right now I’m still driving a white van we bought new in ‘07. I want a small SUV, but they all seem to have gear shifts on the dash. I have severe arthritis everywhere, Including wrists and thumbs so I couldn’t easily change gears without severe pain. Bummer. Have cash in hand, can’t buy because of asinine design. Glad I haven’t put many miles on van. DH has older still, large SUV that I really don’t drive.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It was an Acura Integra, 1992.

Plain Jane

Sweet. Youngest son’s first car was a used red Honda. High mileage, but it was red. Ha, ha.
Looks like you can still find them.


“Hah! Do you know how my friends and I celebrated New Years Eve, 2000/1? I cued up that movie and timed it so that at the stroke of midnight it went from apemen to orbit. Welcome to the 21st century!”
Don’t miss the brand new 4K UHD Blu-ray release, it’s supposed to be spectacular 😁
Available in 4 more weeks:

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’ll play really well on my 720p TV! 😀

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Sylvia Avery

Welcome, glad you are here!


Deplorable, I’ve seen lots of “like minded people” split up because they were “like minded” but I have to say this is the first time I’ve seen such a seamless regrouping and it is absolutely beautiful! 🙂


Brian has a THREAD


Should be “Will you chip in $5 to ……and show him you stand with a schitt”
What is that old song “Chitty Chitty bang bang”
Maybe time for an updated version – “Schitty Schitty poo poo”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I am a 180-Trillionaire. Yes, $180,000,000,000,000.
In Zimbabwe money, alas, or I’d pay off the federal debt, buy up the entire entertainment industry and news media and fire a schittload of people.
I suppose I could send Adam Schitt five of those dollars, but he will have to make change, I don’t have anything smaller than a ten trillion dollar bill.


Some MAGA blogsters have coined funny phrases in Schiff’s honor such as….
– I don’t give a schiff.
– when the schiff hits the fan
– the little schiff

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Just about every variant has appeared in comments on the Old Tree House.

Deplorable Bcootz

Thank You Wolfmoon!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Even though you weren’t banned, I think I can wangle you an honorary membership in the “I Got Banned From The Old Treehouse (and didn’t even get a T-shirt)” club.

A.D. Everard

Hi Bcootz. Good to see you come aboard.

Deplorable Bcootz

Thank You everyone for welcoming me. Btw Wolfmoon I’m assuming you have an adoration for wolves am I right? If so I’m another wolf adores myself. I’ve owned 2 wolfhybrids, the most loyal pet I’ve ever owned and I’ve owned a lot of pets.


Welcome, Bcootz!
I too, am an admirer of the wolf species.
They really are a noble creature, which values their pack/family and have an instinctive set of rules that they live by.
Funny story about that…I may not have met my wonderful Husband, if not for the wolf.
He is from Canada and had a farm in northern Alberta…and had a full-blood wolf as a pet.
Well, ‘his wolf’ was more of a friend, since Shadow was free to roam…but chose to live with my husband.
It still brings tears to his eyes to speak of how he had to leave him, when he moved down here.
I was out at a rock & roll bar one night with friends…and was wearing a t-shirt with a nice graphic of Wolves-Howling-At-The-Moon on it.
My future hubby spotted that t-shirt and gradually worked up the courage to come over and ask me to dance.
It was love and first sight, for both of us…and two weeks later he proposed.
We’ve been happily married for decades now, and who knows what might have happened if I hadn’t worn that Wolf-shirt that night.
Anyway, glad you joined us here at the new hangout that Wolfmoon has created for us.

Deplorable Bcootz

What an awesome experience for your husband to have had with a full blooded wolf! I know from my hybrids how beautiful of an animal they are. I couldn’t imagine how much more with a full blooded wolf. How sad he had to leave him but, the sliver lining to it is he met you!
As for the t-shirt; God had a plan for you and him to meet.
Thanks for telling me about that and how I love to hear that couples have been together for years! I have so much respect for that.


“As for the t-shirt; God had a plan for you and him to meet.”
That’s what we both think as well.
Funny thing is…neither one of us wanted to get ‘out’ that night and had to be coaxed out by our friends.
Neither one us have ever been ‘party animals’ and enjoy staying home.
But we took one look at each other and it was like:
“We’re from the same planet aren’t we!”
He is tall, 6’6″…and I am 5’11″…so we had both experienced the downside of being taller than most people.
It’s a blessing in some ways, but not so much in other ways, such as finding clothes that fit or furniture that is comfortable.
We talked night and day after that, as much as we could and still work…saw each other each night and stayed on the phone to each other after we parted.
At the end of two weeks when he proposed…
I said “Yes. If we don’t get married we will never get any sleep again.”
So we both thank the Good Lord that we were allowed to find each other that night.


Being tall is great when you’re young……. as I get older (56)…. those shoes keep getting farther away and harder to tie 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On the plus side, your arms have further to shrink before you find you can’t hold the book far enough away to be able to read it.


If I may, Bcootz……PLEASE do not call them “hybrids.” I know that is the general term used but it is wholly inaccurate. As usual, TPTB change our language to change the landscape. A “hybrid” is a cross between two species – the wolf and the dog are the same species, therefore, a wolf/dog cross is NOT a hybrid. Some years ago, I was living in Loudoun County, VA and owned a wolf-dog cross (3/4 GS, 1/4 wolf). Some in the state tried to institute a registry for these wolf-dogs, which was really just a prelude to confiscation. I was interviewed for a newspaper article and went to Richmond to testify against this proposed registry. Same thing they did with pit bulls – registry first, confiscation later. This was also complicated by the fact that TPTB were unsure whether the rabies vaccine would work on wolves – which is nonsense – canine is canine, regardless of the branch.


>> Some in the state tried to institute a registry for these wolf-dogs, which was really just a prelude to >> confiscation.
so what you are saying is the county didn’t was to ban or take your pets, they simply wanted common sense cross breed dog laws right? 😉


No, they wanted a permitting system – if you wanted to own a wolf-dog, you had to get a permit. As I said, it was just a prelude to confiscation, as it was with pit bulls in VA.


sorry i am replying so late just getting back from picking up theckid at college. yes i knew whatvyou meant and i made a poor attempt to sarcastically link that to the gun grabbers “for our safety” no doubt 🙂
when i was a kid there was a movie “the journey of natty gann”. she had a cross breed companion. great scene where this neerdowell gang boss tries to get fresh with her only to be met by a growl and glistening teeth emerging from the shadows…
boss guy say feigning confidence “nice dog”
natty replies deadpan “he’s not a dog. he’s a wolf.”


Ah, yes – I remember that movie! Loved it! Sorry I didn’t pick up the /s.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Do these crosses themselves breed? In other words, do two wolf/dog crosses ever have puppies?
That’s generally the gold standard for deciding whether two organisms belong to the same species or not.


I don’t see why they wouldn’t…..I don’t know of any directly, tho. They are ALL the same species – Canis: From Wikipedia:
“The term “wolfdog” is preferred by most of the animals’ proponents and breeders[citation needed] because the domestic dog was taxonomically recategorized in 1993 as a subspecies of Canis lupus. Recognized wolfdog breeds by FCI are the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog and the Saarloos Wolfdog.”
“One of the issues that many researchers and wolfdog communities are faced with is identifying wolfdogs from pure dogs and gray wolf subspecies. The most common method used by various wolfdog communities is phenotyping, a method that involves observing the animal’s physical features.[8] This method is often favoured for many in determining the degree of wolf and northern spitz-type dog that is in a wolfdog. However, a lot of criticisms have been made by opponents within some communities who tend to point out that phenotyping cannot always determine the wolf-contents accurately. Another challenge involves determining exactly the domestic breeds and wolf subspecies involved in the admixture due to the fact that dogs are known to come in various breeds while gray wolves in turn come in various subspecies with many different regional ecotypes hence have different physical features depending on the subspecies used in the breeding.[citation needed].”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If the biologists are using terms like “subspecies” then I’d imagine they know of cases where it has happened. They’re sticklers for that sort of thing. (And it’s a change from the old view too, so something changed their minds.)


They discuss specifically inter-breeding between wolves, coyotes and dogs.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I dug a bit and your first sentence is very slightly misleading. Dog and wolf are part oft the same species, all right, but the species is not “Canis” it’s “Canis lupus,” the gray wolf. Canis by itself denotes the genus (closely related group of species) that the dog and wolf (and coyote and jackals) belong to.
The dog subspecies is “Canis lupus familiaris” and the (other) gray wolves number thirty seven (!!!) subspecies.


Yes, I am aware of that. They are STILL both “canis,” are they not? SMH

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, but “Canis” isn’t a species, it’s a genus. That’s all I was trying to clarify.


Sorry – just got off work and not in the mood for people who want to split hairs.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Fair enough. Have a happy Thanksgiving!


Same to you. Sorry for getting snippy with you.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Fatigue does that to you. No worries.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But I found it fascinating that there are 38 subspecies of Canis lupus, all of which can interbreed…on top of the breeds of dogs which are legion.
A lot of different types of pooches out there!


Oh, my, yes. Imagine the cats!!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hah, I should look into that. I remember reading cats came from some Libyan wildcat (that looked a lot like a tabby from the one pic I saw) but I don’t know if they’re a subspecies still capable of breeding with that particular wildcat.


Hmmmm…..I thought it was Egypt but I have never done any research on it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s right next door so it could be part of the range of that wildcat.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The prairie falcon here has the scientific name Buteo mexicanus (or something like that) but it lives here anyway, and this was never part of Mexico.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well so much for my memory. It was the Near Eastern wildcat.
From Wikipoo….

Because cats were venerated in ancient Egypt, they were commonly believed to have been domesticated there,[14] but there may have been instances of domestication as early as the Neolithic from around 9,500 years ago (7500 BC).[15] Results of a genetic study in 2007 showed that all domestic cats descended from the Near Eastern wildcat and diverged around 8000 BC in the Middle East.[16][14][17] The leopard cat was domesticated independently in China around 5500 BC, though this line of partially domesticated cats leaves no trace in the domesticated populations of today.[18][19] A 2017 study confirmed that domestic cats are descendants of those first domesticated by farmers in the Near East around 9,000 years ago.[20][21]


Ah, thank you. Saved me from looking it up.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Worth a look anyway, and follow a couple of links to the European wildcat. So help me looks like a tabby.


Ahhh, aren’t you glad you wore that t-shirt that particular night!!!
Hey, some of us have even more in common than we first thought!


Yes, phoenixR…and that’s another weird thing about that night — I had never worn that shirt before.
It was fairly new, a long-sleeve black t-shirt that I had ordered from The Wildlife Conservancy catalog…and it was something that I couldn’t wear to work.
Business wear wasn’t casual back then.
I had washed it and put it away, thinking I might wear it ‘someday’.
So many little things ‘came together’ that night, that led to me meeting my dearly beloved…that I truly think that God had a hand in it.


Wheatie, what a wonderful story! Made my day! Hugs to you and your hubby.


Thanks W,
Nice photo…

Deplorable Bcootz

Both of mine were all white with just a little speck of beige which you could hardly see. My second one I had for close to 15 yrs. She was the smartest and most loving pet. I named her Accootha she had 1/4 Shepard and 3/4 wolf. I was heartbroken when I had to put her down a few years ago. Now I have 2 little pomaranians that were rescues. I would’ve gotten another wolf hybrid but Michigan banned owning them. I think any animal if they’re treated right can be great pets.
Thanks for the pic, what a beautiful wolf.


As with all animals, you must match the animal with the person. Certain breeds have certain tendencies – Aussies are VERY high energy and need a job in order to be happy – same applies to Border Collies. Poodles are good for some, not for others – tend to be neurotic. This also applies with wolf-dog crosses. I had Spirit (my wolf-dog cross) and Precious (a black cocker spaniel) – in the end, I had to have Precious put to sleep because she was vicious (bit my roommate’s son completely out of the blue, with no provocation), whereas Spirit never, ever bit anyone. And THIS came about because my hubby at the time thought Precious, as a puppy, was “just too cute” to discipline. I had my Spirit until she was 12 and had to be put down because of cancer.
People have a phobia about wolves, unfortunately. Here in my small, small town, we now have the most draconian Dangerous Dog Ordinance you will ever find anywhere, all because someone in town had a litter of wolf-dogs and were letting them run loose, frightening people. Interesting side note – the dog with the strongest bite – second only to a lion – is a Mastiff. Hmmmm – one would think THAT would be one breed on the list. But, no – one of the “elite” families here owns a Mastiff! No doubt you can imagine my Letters to the Editor over THAT one!!!!


welcome DBcootz…
Ohhh I envy you with the 2 wolfhybrids…
I adore wolves and have been howling at the moon most of my life! [except for here, that’s WM’s job!]
Get comfy, lots of good people here… you will love it!

Deplorable Bcootz

Thanks PR, you made me chuckle! You’re right there’s a lot of good people here. I recognize a lot of you from CTH.


Hi ! Can I just tag along here? I know I’m late to the party, but I just found this site today and Wow! It’s good to see you all again, I am mostly a lurker type at CTH and have been wondering where the regulars were… Is it ok if I take a small branch on this new tree and read for a while? I am interested to learn more about Qposts, kind of sad that SD is so negative on the subject. Thanks!


Hello, and Happy Thanksgiving!


Welcome, Prairie123. Pull up a branch and enjoy yourself.


Well this adds another wrinkle to the D5 question:


Here’s link to list of reporters who conspired either w/ DNC or HRC during the 2016 election
April Ryan’s name is there… I had forgotten her. No wonder she is so nasty to POTUS… she knows he has her number. Just before he departed for Southern White House today, he spoke w/ press on the lawn. April asked about Ivanka emails. POTUS pointed his finger at her and walked away. Her time is coming.

A.D. Everard

I like that! Good stuff.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

April Ryan’s name is there… I had forgotten her. No wonder she is so nasty to POTUS…

Many of the rest of the gaggle of yapping geese are on the list too, but they are at least somewhat more civil. So there’s another factor at work with April Ryan, though it may be as uninteresting (to sleuths) as a bad upbringing.


phoenixRising, watch Shep putting on makeup during a live interview…at least we can know he’s prepared to “look good” at a moment’s notice when his name is revealed…


I just saw this tweet from POTUS … about 11:00 pm – his last today.
It really strikes me as sayin’ more than the words do. It’s in all caps.
With an exclamation point.
My spidey side is tugging on my rational side… Pay attention it says.


I’m waiting with bated breath …
The suspense is killing me 🙂


Omygosh Jason…
I got so mesmerized I forgot to post the tweet !!!! Past my bedtime.


I always feel so left out.
Why will no one put Australia first …. Not Fair!!! 🙂

A.D. Everard

We’ll be MAGA2.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

MOZGA. Hmmm, it could be made to work.

A.D. Everard

Sounds like another one of those weird creatures… Yeah! It COULD work. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

MOZGA-burra sits in the old gum tree,
Making OZ a better place for all to be
Laugh, MOZGA-burra, laugh MOZGA-burra,
GREAT your life must be…

A.D. Everard

LOL. I love it, Cuppa Covfefe.


Help me out here folks, not sure if this recollection is correct ….
Further to Steve and my talking about Nunes in the old thread a bit earlier …
Remember Nunes was the FIRST guy who backed POTUS after the tweet about “Just heard that Obama had my wires tapped” …
Nunes went to the WH SCIF, then held that press conference that there was evidence of unmasking etc …
Nunes was subsequently forced to step aside as chairman of house committee for a while …
Now we know that POTUS had not JUST heard about his wire being tapped, because Adml Rogers told him in Nov. Plus Nunes was part of the transition team.
This smacks of a Plan being brought into the public phase.
Nunes being on the transition team knew about the spying since Nov …
He pretended to be shocked in that press conference, POTUS claims he had just heard.
Are my recollections sound? What say you’all?


I have always believed a Plan existed…
I think you’re on to something wrt Nunes.
Q has made many references to “watching a movie” …


Of course a plan exists. Look at everything we know about private citizen Trump, and how he operated in the business world prior to becoming President. We have no idea how detailed or dramatic the plan might be, but I would bet the mortgage PDJT is not one to allow his enemies to roam free.
On top of that, we KNOW how detailed military SOP’s are…., we KNOW how much military intel hates the CIA and other alphabets, and we KNOW how the military feels about protecting the President.
On top of that, we remember PDJT’s ‘chapter on revenge’.
Recall the story from the guy who runs True Pundit. His name is Mike Moore. Moore was former intel and was in the dossier biz, kind of like Manafort was. Moore told the story of the time he was working for Steve Wynn in Vegas (mid 90’s). Apparently Wynn and Trump were competing for a casino there. Moore waxed poetically about Trump and Trump’s team to ‘always be one step ahead’ and “no matter what we did we could not outsmart Trump”. Compliments like that, from former rivals, are the best endorsement.
Remember when Citizen Trump was facing bankruptcy for a few of his businesses in the early 90’s? The NYC banker were closing in for the kill but Trump owned the downside. He said, paraphrasing, “When a regular guy owes the bank $100K on a mortgage, the bank owns him. When someone like me owes the bank $900 million, I own them.” Trump took a hit but became a multi-billionaire AGAIN. Always thought that was why he hated the Bush family. It all happened in about ’91-’92. And Bush budget of killing REIT’s cost the construction industry 700K jobs and about 500 billion as the recession spread. It was bad business and Bush would not admit the mistake. His budget took away the tax incentive for REIT’s because an intern needed 7 billion dollars from SOMEWHERE to balance the budget Bush was submitting.
As Q says, “these people are stupid”.
Of course, our President has a plan.


Yes, Jason…your recollections are sound…and spot on.
Our President learned military planning as teen when he was a cadet at a military school.
He has planned out the building of skyscrapers, major resorts and hotels.
It is absurd to think that our VSG President hasn’t had a ‘Plan’.
I think it is a Plan that he has thought up over decades.
Like all good plans, I am sure that he has had to tailor it as events occurred…he probably had contingency plans for anything that he could think of, that might happen.
So when a certain blogger at that other place, declared that “The President doesn’t have a plan” and it was “dangerous” to say that he did…then I had to flee that place.
Because I knew then, that there was something wrong going on there.


Hey, Wheatie, recall a while back in the “other place” there was some speculating going on as to whether it was Gen Kelly that was Q, some thought Melania etc?
I said then, in response to you (I think) that if the theory re Q is that it is another way to raise public awareness re Spygate and that it is an op being run from the VSG’s team, then it all gels – this idea works for me. It is inventive and very mysterious – designed to catch the public’s attention and hold it. Spygate is so big that, if it is to be believed, it will take a long time to simmer in the public’s consciousness, especially in the light of the MSM’s complicity …
See, now even Maggie is talking about it … 🙂
Curry once speculated that SD was pretending re his change in mind re the plan – to keep it hidden. If Curry was right, then SD is helping to raise awareness about Q with his action – maybe SD is taking one for MAGA, just like I think happened with JS?


I said one time that I thought the Q thing might be “Gen Kelly’s op”…because it makes sense.
Not that PDJT is not aware of it, but because Kelly is our President’s right hand…and I’m sure he has vast contacts within Mil-Int, which is who the Q-team is.
Our enemies fear Gen Kelly, that is why they are working so hard to bring him down.
I think that Kelly would take a bullet for our President and would probably knock a SecServ agent out of the way to take it.
As far as what’s going on over at that other place…who knows.
If Sd wanted to “raise awareness about Q”, though… he could’ve done it in other ways.


Reminds me about that pantomime at No Names funeral …
POTUS “needsta” (I missed those 🙂 ) get Genl Kelly to go and “MAGA’nise ” Sen Graham – it looked like Lindsey got a tad nervous with the Genl “eyeballing” him …

Deplorable Patriot

It wasn’t just Kelly giving Graham a talk that was impressive. It was the generals, Kelly and Mattis, flanking Mrs. No Name. That right there was a message. What it said, and who it was meant for is a mystery right now, but that was a message.


Agree with Wheatie’s analysis.
Furthermore, if SD were secretly pro-Q, we would not have been banned. We would have been allowed to flourish over there.


‘Some deception may be required’
Just sayin……
Hard to understand how all through Travon and forward CTH has been our guiding light and now??
Where would this movement be without the CTH?


‘Hard to understand how all through Trayvon and forward CTH has been our guiding light and now??’
I know, right?
What bets he comes out for Cruz or someone equally reprehensible in 2020?
Yeah, talk about ‘some deception may be required’ … hmm.


Churchmouse were you banned? And wheatietoo, I have missed you! And SA (Ms. Avery) ….is this where you have been? I’m so glad I found you all!


Yes, I was banned earlier this week.
We’re glad you found us and that you are here.
Were you banned, too?


Luke 14:28 For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it?

A.D. Everard

Yes. Things have to play out publicly in a way that people can watch it unfold. There’s a lot of unmasking to do. Fortunately President Trump has a way of making the villains unmask themselves – the bad players, the media, Hollywood. It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever witnessed.

Sylvia Avery

Yes he does. I’ve never seen anything like it, either, nor have I ever heard of anyone having that particular gift. I never get tired of watching it happen.


excellent post man.
i posted in fhe last thread something very similar – my ted stevens devin nunes post. look at that lawfare link or take the link and sanitize it or whatever.
story breaking out and bam they nailed nunes quick on ethics and got him the hell out fighting that and waiting to get reinstated.
while nunes is exiled, brennan meets with gang of eight – which nunes is one but on detention so brennan does not have to meet him. nunes knows of the spying, they get nunes blocked…
(some months ago now a bunch of prosecutors and gen kelly and other lawyers met and discussed / reviewed this timeframe with most of the people involved.)
during nunes time off schiff starts his big play in the spotlight also and creates more and more barriers for the rebublicans. like chasing someome and they are thowing chairs left and right into your path and any item they can find to hinder the path.
check out that blurb of the lawfare story it gives context of their mindset.


Thanks, I will

Deplorable Patriot

Going out on a massive limb here. While your recollection of the timeline is correct, there are a few things that need to be pointed out.
It is assumed that what Admiral Rodgers told President Trump in that Nov meeting was that they were being surveiled. I think Trump and company knew that was the case, may well have planted information knowing that reality, and used the visit as cover to very publicly move the main operation away from Trump Tower and any danger having the whole group so concentrated in one spot posed. Just an idea, but we really do not know what was said.
The Plan. I have my doubts that The Plan was Trump’s in the beginning. Looking at timelines that begin with the trio of REALLY troublesome foundings of institutions (CIA in 1947, official state of Israel (okay the jury is still out on this) in 1948, and the United Nations in 1945), I think formulation of The Plan begins decades before anyone knows, when military people caught wind of what the cabal was up to.
Recently, and unfortunately my laptop was being rebuilt when I read this so I didn’t save it, there was a chan post explaining that the UN was sabotaging American forces in Korea in the early 1950s. The military set a canary trap, and proved it. In 1952, Eisenhower was elected and put a stop to that particular war. He most likely knew more about it all than his public comments ever revealed. He did warn about the military industrial complex, though. What that post said, and it makes sense from a sky high view to at least consider, was that the plan was purely military and was five inches thick by the time Kennedy was elected.
And JFK made a fatal mistake, and the plan went underground.
My guess, and this is just a supposition, is that the military guys who knew who they could trust, because not all people who claw their way to high brass status are trustworthy, kept their eyes open for public figures who could help them pull off either a coup or actually execute the plan. Trump would have been on their radar 45 years ago. I did see a story that he was part of a group of military and other big wigs who used to get together in New York back in the 80s and 90s. If that is the case, he would have been known to them. And Trump was in a position to know who in the Big Club were members in name only. He didn’t just ask Steve Mnuchin and Wilbur Ross to help out on the spur of the moment. No way, Jose. He had to know they were more patriotic than not.
But that’s just one part of it.
Q said the July 1999 JFK J. plane crash was “The Start.” The question is was it the start of formulation, or execution of The Plan, or the start of something else. At this point, we do not know, but there is one curious aspect to that incident: why would a pretty smart guy and master troller make the exact same fatal mistake his father did and tell the world what he was going to do (challenge Hillary Clinton for the Senate seat)? That question has not been answered.
I am of the belief that “The Plan” has been in motion for years as assets and people were moved into place for specific purposes, and others were recruited. There are some truly disturbing aspects of that notion, and I won’t go into some of the REALLY awful thoughts I’ve had about the moves made, but I do think the Tea Party wave in 2010 was used to put people in place, as well as recruiting men and women who were betrayed by the deep state and compromised along the way. One big name that is almost universally considered to be a black hat, I think was given the task of keeping the Department of Justice under Obama from contaminating and/or destroying evidence against just about everybody. Once Trump was in office and the DoJ had at least a few trustworthy people in place, that person moved on to a new role.
Whatever the real truth is when it comes to the plan, we haven’t seen it yet. We do know there are a lot of faceless, nameless assets who are putting their lives on the line for its success, though. That being the case, they deserve our thanks and prayers. Maybe someday the whole story will be told.


Thanks. We will very likely never see the long term plan – this war between globalist hyenas and patriots will never end – it is different aspect of the human spirit manifesting and warring, so releasing deep strategy will be unwise.
I just assume that whatever I type is taken with a large dose of salt – certain knowledge of what is playing out here does not exist amongst us “peeps”.


A question (and anyone can jump in): Is The Plan restricted to America or is it global? Unless my understanding of certain drops is completely off, there seems to be players outside the USA (SA comes to mind).


IMO, it is global. I don’t see how anyone can possibly say it isn’t.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Trump’s main purpose is to restore America. That can’t be done/won’t last unless the rest of the world changes somewhat; I don’t picture him expending effort to change the rest of the world unless it’s absolutely necessary to what he’s doing.
But of course if people abroad decide to push further, he ain’t going to complain!


Of course his purpose is restoring America, which REQUIRES changes in the rest of the civilized world.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s global. To really set the people free, the central banks need to go away. That’s a much bigger part of the plan than is appreciated. In that effort, Russia and China are right with us.

A.D. Everard

What a great post, DeplorableP. Aspects there I hadn’t even thought about that make perfect sense. I hope we will get to see and understand at least the basics of what happened once all is done. It’s a story that certainly ought to be told.

Deplorable Patriot

In the end, I’m hoping it does come out. I also think that The Apprentice was all about our VSG developing The Donald into a character of sorts that the man can slip into without thinking. It does fit the timeline and kept Trump in the spotlight so that name recognition was not an issue when he announced.


I think it is Bongino who argues that Nunes (within the WH SCIF), was able to read the Presidential Daily Briefs (PDB) between Brennan and Obama revealing the plan to take down Trump went all the way to the Oval Office. Since the PDB are kept solely at the WH and must be viewed within the SCIF there, Nunes had to go to the WH to view the documentation of Obama’s involvement.


Yup, but I am suggesting that he used that opportunity to reveal knowledge that he likely obtained during the transition team stage.
His press conference was used as an opportunity to support POTUS’s allegation and get that message to the public. He “pretended” (I think) that he had just found out about the spying, whereas he should have known for months IF that is what Rogers conveyed.
No doubt he used the opportunity in the SCIF to peruse the PDB, and whatever else.
My point was made to convince myself that there was a PLAN in place by POTUS, seeing as SD and others are hell bent on denying this.


Wolfmoon said:
“We are getting closer to a direct confrontation – not only the FACT that a significant portion of the people in this country (and world) believe that the end justifies the means – but with those PEOPLE themselves.”
If they do force us into a civil war, Wolf…they won’t like it.
That is not a War that they can possibly win.
Right now…it is a War of words and legal/political maneuvering.
Like Andrew Breitbart said: This is a War.
But if it escalates to a ‘fighting war’…we will stand…we will fight.
And they will not like it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The contents of my car’s trunk would cause DiFi to defecate a cinder block.
Just in case I find myself near a riot.


They really have no idea…what they would be getting into.
Conservatives tend to turn the other cheek and avoid unnecessary confrontation.
So this may make them think that we would not Fight Them, if it came to it.
Well they would be wrong.
Conservatives are fierce when pushed too far and forced to anger.
They will not like us when they push us too far.
And you are welcome in my foxhole anytime, Steve.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They imagine the military would back them because Trump is a tyrant destroying the United States, as anyone can see.
Errrr….. no.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Between the election and the inauguration, I was a tourist in Vegas (one guess which hotel I picked) and went to Battlefield Vegas, where you rent guns, even full auto (I crossed quite a few off my bucket list). It’s completely owned and operated by veterans, and they were just raving over the rumors that Trump would pick Mad Dog Mattis.
Two days later, he did!
That convinced me, the military is largely if not overwhelmingly pro MAGA.


DJT has been pretty consistent with his HUGE support for the military. He made sure everyone new that he only passed the ’17 budget cause of the 750 B it had for the military …
The other day he said he would never forgive OZero for what he has done to the military – he is pushing that messaging hard. I’m not saying he is faking it – just that he uses every opportunity. The National Anthem kneeling thing is another example …
If it gets ugly, he would have every reason to believe the military would back their current CIC over the previous dolt.
So yes – I have no doubt that they are MAGA all the way

Deplorable Patriot

I honestly think one of the biggest things that the Obama administration did to the military was force out the best of the high brass. Notice where a number of them ended up working.


Yup, they were not playing tiddly winks. These people have an active agenda in place which is implemented where ever and whenever their hands are on the levers of power.
They never sleep, it seems. This malevolence cannot be stamped out by human hands – it emerges yet again. You cannot kill it – it is part of being human.
Thus we were made.


Yup. Bloggers like yourself provide an invaluable service in this regard – Kudos


Just buttering you up so you don’t “banhammer” me!! 🙂


Yep, I think that the majority of our military love this President.
So the raging Leftists shouldn’t count on any support from them.
And then…there are the hordes of pissed off Deplorables, who are well armed, unafraid and have resources of their own to bring to the Fight.


Just one note of caution here – do NOT forget that O.B.A.M.A. purged ALL of the “good” generals in our Services. There still remain far too many “globalists” at the top, IMO.

A.D. Everard

True, but the Good Guys will know who those globalists are.


This thread and comments are right on!!! I’ve been prepping for over a decade! PT knew he had to have military covering his 6, otherwise, someone would JFK him!!!!


comment image
from Brian’s THREAD… if you haven’t read it, I suggest you do, esp. the comment. One poster said he had gone through about 200 comments to Liddle Adam’s tweet and he couldn’t believe they were all MAGA folks. He posed the question if that’s the case, how did he get elected. (I think we know the answer to that one.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I went to the Schitt tweet itself, and it’s true, maybe two replies to comments were pro-Schitt.


Is he not from a fairly famous family?
I wonder if his family have any creeks named after them?
I think he will be feeling like that is where he is heading to …
The family creek, I mean 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We just need a paddle for him. One with rusty spikes in it.


Don’t be such a schitt towards him …
Man, these have got to be on the lame end – I’m sure the “chans” are running groaning at these 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Absolutely! A veritable schittstorm.


Last one!! When A Schitt is being a schitt – is that him doing a mini-me, or is he just being himself?


Jason—think he might be from the Schiff banking family that was contemporary with the Warburgs and that bunch. All globalists, and in bed with the Morgan’s, Rockefeller’s (sp), Dulles’s—all Council of Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission scum!!!

Sylvia Avery

Hey Wolfie and friends! I wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a really warm and loving Thanksgiving.
I don’t have much family left so holidays are pretty stripped down to the basics for me. Still, even the small dinner I have planned has required a fair bit of preparation and things will likely be crazy the next day or two so I don’t know how much, or if at all, I will be able to hang out here.
I didn’t want to miss the change to wish you all a wonderful holiday and to thank Wolfmoon for providing us the place to gather and to you all for being here. I’m incredibly grateful for all of that this year.
(And, you know, if I got so busy I didn’t have time to post I didn’t want anyone thinking Wolfie had located his ban hammer and tested it out on me…)
XOXO Sylvia
PS I’m so excited about the new Q drops!


Happy Thanksgiving Sylvia…

Sylvia Avery

You, too, my friend!


Happy Thanksgiving to you too, my friend!
I know what you mean about the ‘preparations’ for the next few days.
And I will likely be up to my elbows in it, as well.
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
We’ll see ya whenever you have time to join us.

Sylvia Avery

Heh, you know I’ll have to go put my feet up and have a cup of coffee at some point and check in! I’m a little keyed up with new Q posts to ponder and I’ll be wanting to see if anything is going on.
Have a wonderful holiday, and I enjoyed your story about meeting your hubby so much!


Aww, thanks, Syl.
I try not to talk about myself much online…but Bcootz’s story about the wolf pets ‘triggered’ something and it just came pouring out.
My hubby’s wolf-friend was a rescue.
He rescued him from a horrible guy who’d had the young wolf chained up.
He rescued the wolf…and left the guy laid out with a broken nose.
It took me years to pull the whole story out of him though.
He’s like that.

Sylvia Avery

It sounds like you got a real keeper! I’m glad.


Wheatie, you picked the right husband. Good for him.


Happy Thanksgiving, Sylvia!!
We’re having a small dinner at our house, too, but, as you say, it still requires a lot of preparation.
Have a great day!

Sylvia Avery

Thanks churchmouse, enjoy your celebration!


Thank you, Sylvia! 🙂


Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving, Sylvia!

Sylvia Avery

Thanks, I hope you do as well!


Ah, the benefit of adult children! For so many years, my daughter, her hubby and I all lived together. Once we moved back to NE and we had our own residences, my daughter took over the holiday meals (hurrah!). Now, my son-in-law prepares the meal (I always do the sweet potatoes). There will be only 4 of us this year.

Sylvia Avery

“Four biscuits and the four of us, thank the Lord there are no more of us.”
My dad used to jokingly say that for grace sometimes.
Have a great time and enjoy eating someone else’s cooking. I know I always do!


Happy Thanksgiving to you and all here! Seems almost all my favorite posters from the “other” site are here…haven’t had the time to post since I signed on earlier in the week but hope to get more involved, especially seeing Q has reappeared.
Still getting used to the format, not sure why but it seems harder to read and follow than the “other” site

Sylvia Avery

Are you reading it on your phone? Other phone people have commented on that.
I’m on my laptop and using WordPress reader so it seems the same to me.
Have a great Thanksgiving and I’m glad you found your way here!


Happy Thanksgiving to Sylvia and the whole crew. Wolfmoon, we are forever grateful for your effort.


Have a wonderful and peaceful Thanksgiving, Sylvia!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK I’m out of here for the night. MAGA on! Keep your powder dry! And here’s hoping “Q” is onto something!


Our VSG President kicked another nest…the WHCorrespondents nest.

But I hope he doesn’t go to that dreadful event.
Those people are horrible!
They do not deserve him.

A.D. Everard

My first thought too. Then I had another… Only if the anti-Trump element of the media has been cleared out… yeah, I know, wishful thinking, but it was pleasant while it lasted. 🙂


This is the document that Q mentioned…the “[SC] ‘special articles’ inserted by [RR] re: expanded scope v2?”
This was basically when Rosenstein gave Mueller ‘official permission’ to do what Mueller had already been doing.
Which was outside of the scope of the original task/purpose of what the SC was supposed to do.comment imagecomment imagecomment image
This is what Q said Whitaker had “removed”.
It will be interesting…to see if any Anti-Q bloggers write about this.


Like all of you and the rest of the Q-Army…I am ready to see some cans of whoop-ass unleashed.comment image


Okay, okay…I’ll calm down.comment image


Methinks we’re getting close to that “whoop-assing” time – so don’t calm down too much – maybe JUST for Thanksgiving.


I think the D-rats sense that something is coming.comment image


That heheh of yours is is perfect for this … 🙂

A.D. Everard

LOL. I love this one, Wheatie. Ooh yeah.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Be assured that you don’t have to be in the Q army to want to see the schittstorm hit.

A.D. Everard

I get the feeling that everyone will see the schittstorm hit whether they want to or not.


I bring this to you purely for entertainment purposes.
Strangely enough…these two things go together.
You may want to turn the volume down to halfway, on the video.

And this dancing fool, is dancing in sync with the music in the video:comment image


Our former host is discouraged by Huber’s upcoming appearance and put a cartoon of a guy kicking a can down the street at the bottom of the post. Remember how gung ho he was about Huber and Sessions playing 64D chess?
Looks as if he is reversing his positions now, one by one. Wonder where he’ll be by 2020?
Speaking personally, something will happen at some point, God willing, during the President’s first term. He is not in the WH (and losing money) to maintain the status quo.


I remember when that former host did a post on Maggie Haberman.
He wasn’t too keen on her at the time.
But now…they share the same disregard for Q.
Anyway, it is interesting that Q brought up Maggie Haberman again and posted a link to her tweet where she was mocking Q.
I say “again” because Q had posted about Maggie last April:
No. 1221
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: f49c4b No.1131191
Apr 21 2018 11:56:16 (EST)
Right on Q.

Hello Maggie.
Trust funds (3).
Deposits routed from EU.
Why are deposits ORIG from EU being transferred into [3] TRUST funds [children]?
How do you get your talking points?
Why do many DC journalists (yourself) use & replace ‘burner phones’ every week?
How do you pass the new number out?
Tweets are very important.
Do you feel safe?
No. 1222
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: f49c4b No.1131254
Apr 21 2018 12:01:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 6dfa66 No.1131247
Apr 21 2018 12:00:56 (EST)
Who does Haberman follow?
Think public & private Twitter accounts.
They all have them.
These people are stupid.
We have it all.
No. 1223
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: f49c4b No.1131266
Apr 21 2018 12:02:17 (EST)
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: f49c4b No.1131254
Apr 21 2018 12:01:36 (EST)
Think public & private Twitter accounts.
They all have them.
These people are stupid.
We have it all.
Think private email addresses.
They think they are clever.
No. 1224
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: f49c4b No.1131328
Apr 21 2018 12:05:51 (EST)
Anonymous ID: bc1d04 No.1131287
Apr 21 2018 12:03:08 (EST)
pet.PNGcomment image
Think Wendy.
Coordinated – the “Awakening.”
Every detail accounted for.
Every scenario planned for.
Enjoy the show.


Thank you for detailing Q’s Maggie posts and for the reminder about SD’s post on her.
Oh the irony of SD siding with the likes of Maggie now.
Gotta wonder about SD’s MAGA bona fides at this point. Is he that upset about the mid-term House result that he’s gone to the dark side? Is he a fair weather warrior?
He would have done well to set people’s expectations and run a bit of historical analysis for us in the run up to November 6. They’re never very good for any sitting president. President Trump did well to gain the Senate seats.
BTW, Q told us before the election to ‘FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!’ I took that to mean ‘VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!’


You’re welcome, Churchmouse…and yes, the irony.
You’re so right about Q; he always said to “fight” and even before the midterms approached, he encouraged the Anons to make memes and take the fight to the D’s on social media.
So anyone who claims that Q caused people to be complacent, is wrong…and has obviously not read what Q has been saying.


I haven’t read anything by the anti-Q element that suggests they ever personally read Q outside of the first week of drops in October-early November 2017.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Someone here put it as “I must have missed the ‘sit on the couch’ memo…”


That was me who missed the damn memo.
We were ALL working like crazy during the midterms.
The idea we were sitting on the couch is a foolish and desperate whim.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

More evidence that the Q bashers didn’t even understand the issue.
It’s OK for people to disagree with my ideas. But disagree with my ideas, not some phantasm of my ideas you built in your head.
And likewise for Q any anyone else.


(reply to Daughn)
“a foolish and desperate whim”
Or, a calculated and despicable LIE.


How true.
Q-deniers. What a bunch of know-nothings who, nonetheless, pontificate like gasbags.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, but what’s a know-nothing, who’s afraid of being thought an idiot, to do? Well, of course he’ll open his mouth and prove it.
If he’s a bright BSer it might take years for people to catch on.


And, from that, we’ve all learned an important lesson.
Do you think he will fold up? I wonder, given the severely reduced (and purposely limited) comments.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If he “only” gets a few hundred comments a day on his blog–that’s still a mighty busy blog! He wouldn’t have to quit. He may even come to prefer it; he actually can read all comments when it’s a few hundred instead of thousands a day.


That’s an interesting perspective, Steve.
Everything’s relative. Speaking from my own perspective, I’d rather have dozens of comments rather than a few or none. That said, I’m grateful for those I have, which are very good, indeed.
Comment and subscriber numbers take a long time to build. They are the Holy Grail of blogging.
Wolfmoon was already well known — and trusted — at CTH, as we well know. Thank goodness he opened his site to us (Refuge refugees) when he did. I know wolf’s site was always open for comment, but his was a pivotal move at exactly the right time. It shows how much the nature of the MAGA conversation is changing.
In general, a newcomer on the blogging block has a tough row to hoe. Commenters and subscribers are difficult to accumulate — and incredibly easy to lose.
However, I’ll definitely keep your point of view in mind in watching and reading over there in the weeks ahead. I maintain our former host will be very disappointed with what he’s wrought.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If my theory about him is correct, he’ll be disappointed in US, not himself. We should have seen the wisdom of his new view and fallen in line.


He’ll come to see the truth in time.
And, he’ll be all alone.

A.D. Everard

I had completely forgotten those Q posts! I can’t believe how!!! So much happening, I guess.

Deplorable Patriot

Wolf, I switched emails again. This time I’m hooked into my main one.

Deplorable Patriot

I think we’re good now.


Been sitting on this question for a few weeks. Q followers/believers camp here. This site is about Q.
Q states on multiple occasions, ‘Trust Sessions’
Why then are there comments contrary to the Q post?
Seems hypocritical, no?
Full disclosure: I trust Sessions.
I refer back to the send off Mr Sessions received when departing the DOJ.
Those folks who were applauding were glad to see him go?
Or acknowledging his contribution to restoring the rule of law?
Mr. Sessions took one for the team. You’ll see.


Hi Tom, I am not an active Q follower, and am relying on the others here to interpret for me. That being said – I do assess Q to be a big PLUS for MAGA (it is getting the message out and drawing enemy fire), so I am a fan in that sense.
I am also a Sessions fan – my take is that this 2 year timing was always the most likely (after Ristvan, a lurking lawyer, spelt out the realistic time required to stitch a viable case of this type together).
I am convinced that there was a plan (so trust the plan works for me). I am also convinced that Sessions is as patriotic as they come and would never jeopardise the US if it was in his power.
I also think his recusal was foreseeable, and likely foreseen – others disagree and we will likely never know. Since this is the case, I will give him every benefit of the doubt. This point is in any event moot since Sessions is off the chessboard. We should probably not harp too much on Sessions in order to avoid the division that occurred “over there”.
PS I suspect that Ristvan has been cast out as well.


I loved Ristvan. He was a stellar poster. Brilliant guy.
Funny story.
I’m also married to a former ivy league Boston trial lawyer who posted occasionally on CTH.
We have 11 lawyers in the family and you know how lawyers are…. there’s probably 962 sectors in the law and while they know they cannot possible be an expert in every field, they still voice their opinion — even if it’s a referee making a call during a football game.
Remember when we were uncertain whether or not Cruz was a natural born citizen?
One weekend, about 15 of them (they bring friends too) were on a chat line, all discussing Cruz and the grand question of “natural born”. Apparently, “natural born” is the grand question no one has ever solved. They were fighting as fast as their fingers could type. It was extraordinary because they KNOW all the other lawyers involved and they were crapping all over the other lawyers with audacious locker room bravado.
I was wide-eyed. A real “through the looking glass” moment.
I was folding laundry, thinking to myself, it was probably a $10K/hour chat room but natural born is still unsettled law.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I got into a lot of arguments over this issue on the Old Tree House. I tend to maintain that it could be the case that a natural born citizen is anyone who didn’t need to be naturalized due to the circumstances of his/her birth. That’s a literal reading of the words. At the other extreme were a couple of people who insisted both parents had to be born in the United States and you had to be born in the United States (ixnay on being the son of an ambassador or something like that).


This is something I feel VERY strongly about! From what I understand, it is unsettled law because it has basically not been challenged – it certainly should have been with O.B.A.M.A. However, there are SCOTUS cases that back up two US citizen parents (not specifically, but the use of the plural within the ruling makes a compelling case for it) and being born on US soil.
“So! This Act of the First Congress implements the Principles set forth in Vattel, embraced by our Framers, and enshrined in Art. II, §1, cl. 5, that:
A “natural born Citizen” is one who is born of parents who are citizens.
Minor children born here of aliens do not become citizens until their parents are naturalized. Thus, they are not “natural born” citizens.
Our Framers rejected the anti-republican and feudal notion that mere location of birth within a Country naturalizes the children of a foreigner. 8
The distinction written into Our Constitution and implemented by the Naturalization Act of 1790 is between someone who is born a citizen, by being born of parents who are already Citizens, and someone who becomes a citizen after birth by naturalization. Only the former are eligible to be President.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I went and looked into Vattel back the last time I got into a discussion on this issue (on the Old Tree House), and interestingly, he didn’t care whether the mother was a citizen at birth or not, he specifically mentioned fathers but never mentioned mothers. Which would still have excluded Obola…I think. (To be honest I think there is some controversy about who his father was and where he was born and…In the heat of the moment over eight long years of his crap, I never cared nearly as much about where he was born than what that SOB was doing that day.)
Now based on what you’re quoting, an overseas birth might qualify…provided the parents are citizens. That’s a lot like current law; you generally don’t need to naturalize your child if you give birth while stationed overseas, for instance. On the other hand, he specifically denounces anchor babies…which is not like current practice, unfortunately.


I would have to look it up but I think if someone in the military has a child overseas, they have to fill out a form – smh – doesn’t the government/military ALWAYS want a form? US Embassies, however, are considered to be “US soil.” And yes, the Fathers were the critical factor back in the Founders’ days. There was (and is, in my mind) incredible controversy as to who his father really is – I submit it is Mohammed Subud, head of the Indonesian Subud Cult, to which both O’s mother and Loretta Fuddy (of HI fame who died in a VERY suspicious plane crash) belonged, with US HQ in Chicago. O is the spitting image of Subud in every way and we know he went to a madrassa when he lived in Indonesia as well, when he was Barry Soetero. I did a heap of research on this. Watch this video and then tell me you have any doubts about who he looks like. I cared because I could see that a precedent was being set that could very well be the end of the US as we know it. I TRULY believe that!!!! Just wait until one of those anchor babies comes back after having been raised in China or Japan or Venezuela or Iran and tries to run for President. Who will stop it????

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On one level…it’s the constitution and it should be followed.
On a second level, I understand WHY they wrote this rule. It was to avoid the kind of crap that happened to Poland, which had an elected king and all of Europe would maneuver to put their own nobility on that throne.
On the third level, I recognize that I’d much rather have Melania Trump be POTUS than Michelle(?) Obola, and that therefore this isn’t the best rule to accomplish the task. I wouldn’t MIND an immigrant, if they were an American in their heart, and I would detest a man whose entire family tree came over on the Mayflower, if he wasn’t.
As far as Obola’s real father…I should think the most important factor would be who he thought his father was. I am FAR more concerned about that Madrassa than I am over whether his mother played around behind her husband’s back.
But then…back to that clause in the Constitution. It’s in the Constitution and this is supposed to be a country ruled by laws, not men, and therefore I will uphold it even if I think the clause is a suboptimal solution to the problem.


Ask yourself this: why would the citizenship requirements in our Constitution for President and Vice President be differentiated from those for Congress critters? Why the difference in verbiage, i.e., US citizen vs. natural born citizen? (House: must be citizen for 7 years; Senate: must be citizen for 9 years; President: natural born Citizen, been fourteen years a US resident)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s pretty obvious. Other members of congress can act as a check on a disloyal one, outvoting him if nothing else. But there’s no check within the executive branch on a President.
I understand WHY they wanted a tight requirement. I don’t think they picked the best possible tight requirement. BUT (I say this again) it IS the requirement they instituted so it MUST be upheld.


Good point – I had not thought of that, TBH. In any case, I wish someone with “standing” would pursue this all the way to SCOTUS, so this can then be “settled” law.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I do agree with that!


I think you are also missing the point that O.B.A.M.A. was SELECTED by the NWO cabal.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As were they all from at least Bush 41, up until now.
When I read this comment, I realized we seem to be talking past each other…I’m not getting the relevance of this point to a discussion on the citizenship requirement as such (to the question of Obola, yes, to the requirement, no). And I’m not sure you’re hearing what I am saying either (I don’t expect you to agree, but you’re arguing heatedly against things I’m pretty sure I didn’t say).
We’re talking past each other. I’m going to bow out.


I understand what you are saying but I truly think THIS one (O) was a critical stage in the globalism battle to bring the US to it’s knees. I REALLY do. When he first got into the race, I (as was probably the case with many) was pleased we finally appeared to be over the “racism” issue. That is, until I bought and read a couple of his books. After that, I truly believed he may, indeed, be THE Anti-Christ.
In any case, hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He was certainly the worst racist we’ve had since, possibly, Woodrow Wilson. Just in the other direction.


Steve, agree Obama is a racist, just in other direction and about Wilson, too, and although there has always been racism in our country and really in every country, we are not overall and never were a racist country, and it has been part of the communist playbook to brainwash people into thinking we were. That in no way excuses slavery or racism, and people of any race can be racist.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, and if it’s any reassurance at all, Obola wasn’t nearly smooth enough to match the description of the Anti-Christ.
But he was pretty darn awful.


It think it was a miscalculation on the globalists’ part – it was too soon in the process – people hadn’t been brainwashed enough yet (or not enough invaders yet?). And when the fascist Pope was “elected,” it just screamed “False Prophet” to me as well. On a side note, phew – when do you guys sleep??!!?? LOL

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I could ask the same of you! You were up pretty late last night.


Nebr., So right about it all incld. fascist pope false prophet, Jesuit Francis as well. I believe all that was planned very long ago.


Being from Illinois, I always knew what Obama was, and the citizenship question does matter. He is, if born in Kenya, Not qualified. He also prevented Illinois from passing a partial birth abortion law when he was in the Illinois Senate. Much else about how he got into the Illinois Senate to begin with very bad.


Three aspects that do not pass the NBC smell test: (1) born in Kenya (or more likely Indonesia); (2) non-citizen father; (3) was his mother old enough to convey citizenship to him when he was born?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, and an anchor baby raised elsewhere would have a very large chance of not being an American on the inside…so I absolutely agree with you there.


Poster Ristvan was absolutely fantastic.
Once I read for the first time one of his posts, I actively sought him out, and read every single word of his subsequent submissions.
I found the value of his experienced perspective to be inestimable … and the fact that he charitably volunteered it – to keep us on the right path of legal thinking – to be extremely laudable.
I hope he finds his way here, where his input will garner the appreciation it deserves.


“Full disclosure: I trust Sessions.”
As do I. Then, and now.
People confuse the assessment of the MAN, with what we can see about his ACTIONS. Most of which of the latter, IMO, we haven’t yet seen.
But what I HAVE seen, over his tenure, is enough to convince me that we owe him our allegiance, and our gratitude.
“You’ll see.”
I hope I already do!
Nice to see you here, Tom.


Rudy Giuliani was interviewed on Hannity couple of months back when he was doing a lot of media – Hannity asked him a question re Spygate (I forget the specifics), to which Rudy responded (I am paraphrasing from memory) “I can’t answer that right now, but it will all make sense in the end” – The Plan
Very shortly thereafter, Rudy stopped doing media (as far as I have noticed, anyway).
The tea leaves don’t lie – my optimism, which took a hit after losing the MT’s, is BACK!


I appreciate your comments about former AG Sessions, Wolf.
Let me take you back to the first time President Trump disparaged his recused Attorney General.
The President arranged an interview with the NYT for the occasion.
Maggie H (and another) was the reporter he chose.
Knowing all we now know about Maggie…….Why Maggie?
Because he wanted the readers of the NYT to read how knee capped he felt by the recusal.
Some disinformation may be necessary.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
We have much to be thankful for.


I suspect cripto has been cast out into the wilderness – not seeing him. Hopefully he finds a den …


Mark Meadows reproved for chief of staff’s behaviour. They’re going after him because Meadows has a pair:


Depressing factoid about the Dems’ increased House seats since Pelosi:

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And that ENTIRE gain was in this last election. Before, she was running a loss. Now she’s got a gain, lots of it fraudulent, not that that matters once seated.


How awful.
She’ll really be on her high horse now. (Ugh.)


What Chuck Grassley’s move to Finance Committee means:


Lindsay Graham on his bid for Judiciary Chair:


L.G. worries me, I do not trust him.


Just get Genl Kelly to keep an eye one him – remember the funeral scene 🙂


Nor do I.
He and Gowdy are in the same basket.
Notice how Republicans are presented with the same tired, ‘connected’ (let’s keep it safe) names again and again and again.


ChurchMouse, I know.


Test under original name


I’m baaack!! Just happy to get my name back after my banishment messed things up 🙂
Hope this does not cause mass confusion and chaos. There is enough of that already.

A.D. Everard

Hey, Jason! I recognize you. 🙂


Happy “Thanksgiving Eve”!
Here’s your daily dose of As the Dem House Turns:
Nancy Pelosi Puts Down Marcia Fudge’s Rebellion After Wife Beater-Backing Letter Supporting Alleged Murderer
Looks like Pelosi is already starting to deal with the opposition, one hapless soul at a time. This is the woman that the naive socialist, Ocasio Cortez, is trying to challenge. Good luck to her, because Pelosi is ruthless.
My belief that the House Dems will eventually implode still stands.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah…but supposedly she’s suffering from dementia?
If that’s actually true, then there’s a power behind the throne amongst her staff, and s/he will wield the true power.


I’ve heard about her possibly suffering from dementia. It could be true. Whether she’s acting independently or at the behest of a hidden power, though, it will be interesting to see how the rest of the opposition will be handled.


OMG! This is BEYOND disgusting!!!!
“A federal judge is facing a public outcry after he threw out federal charges against several Muslims who are suspected of cutting girls’ genitals to minimize future sexual desires.
“Outrageous,” said a tweet from Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a U.S.-based advocate, who was born in Somalia and underwent Somalia’s severe form of the Islamic practice, dubbed FGM for Female Genital Mutilation. “Cutting girls genitals is a crime and must be prosecuted,” she added.
“Wait! What? Judge dismisses key charges in genital mutilation case,” said a tweet from Trump supporter Katrina Pierson: “I had no idea that we needed laws against #FGM in the United States.”
Our new country’s going to be GREAT! Detroit: Judge rules genital mutilation law unconstitutional.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) November 20, 2018″


i wonder what us based advocate means in code… someone who pushes the somali plight so we side with them thereby making them a sympathic group who needs more of our protection? how abput some detailed explanatipn how their form of islam is different and friendlier than that form of islam. a us based advocatecsounds like someone who spoke up several years ago about women being forced to wear head scarves americans got all up in arms and demanded these women be able to be free and started the full on acceptance of islam here with us defending it.


Oh, and BTW – this trope that this is no different than circumcision is a wholly specious argument. The purpose of FGM is to remove all sexual feelings in the girls. The only way it could be comparable would be if the penis was removed in it’s entirety, with only a small urine stream remaining.


What’s even more disgusting is the defense of Dr. Nagarwala, A wonderful human being? Any doctor that engages in this barbaric act is, most certainly, NOT a wonderful human being.

Deplorable Patriot

If you read the opinion, the judge has a point. The crime should be a local criminal matter, not federal in his opinion. He tossed the law based on the tenth amendment and states’ rights even if he considers the practice to be abhorrent.
Misguided…unfortunately, the way the laws sit in the USA, one can see the argument.


Many of the replies on BB cite this as well. The problem seems to be that the prosecutors “mistakenly” tried this case under Federal law (commerce, interstate), rather than under State law.
I’m NOT willing to give these prosecutors the benefit of (my) doubt, small though it is.

Deplorable Patriot

I doubt the court chosen was a mistake.


I jumped all over this story this morning and husband (the lawyer) put me in my place. Argument from the government was not a good one. We need more information.


i just typed a whole other response here then went to go grab some details and what i read made me delete…
about what i read – daughn did your husband read the judge’s order? i am only on page 4 but curious if in your discussion the question came up “can this order then be applied to argue the federal abortion rules should be returned to the individual states and let them determine legality.
the statement:
“Congress had no authority to pass this [anti-FGM] statute under either the Necessary and Proper Clause or the Commerce Clause.
That clause permits Congress to regulate activity that is commercial or economic in nature and that substantially affects interstate commerce either directly or as part of an interstate market that has such an effect. The government has not shown that either prong is met. There is nothing commercial or economic about FGM. As despicable as this practice may be, it is essentially a criminal assault, just like the rape at issue in Morrison. Nor has the government shown that FGM itself has any effect on interstate commerce or that a market exists for FGM beyond the mothers of the nine victims alleged in the third superseding indictment. There is, in short, no rational basis to conclude that FGM has any effect, to say nothing of a substantial effect, on interstate commerce.”
obviously abortion must be considered interstate commerce that has enough of an effect on the nation that it superceeds the states right to govern and is federally mandated. thats just one eye opener.
honestly the order is 28 pages and i would encourage people to read this and grasp what is going on.
this practice is going to be called normal and a “cultural practice” these people need to have a right to very soon.
it seems to me this guy is saying ok it is:
“As despicable as this practice (fgm) may be, it is essentially a criminal assault, just like the rape at issue in Morrison…”
but then says:
not federal jurisdiction.
but abortion is federal jurisdiction…
and i am not even one who would die on the hill of abortion (plenty to get working on before that but it is on the list of course) but to me something about it all is just wrong.


And that makes it unconstitutional – that the law should have been a state law? I’ve got to remember what the rational is for SS/Medicare/Medicaid being federal.
Besides, what that says is that he can use the constitution to implement his preferred policy decisions.

Deplorable Patriot

Where has the SS/Medicare/Medicaid law been challenged in court as a criminal matter?
And, yes, the bench has been used for a long time for policy issues. If the law had been written correctly the first time, constitutionalilty would not be an issue.


wolf i made two posts on this thread and misspelled my username and they went to moderation! sorry about that…look for two w’s in the wrong username.

Deplorable Patriot

Neon Revolt’s post today is worth a perusal. Looks like 11.11.18 may not be a date, but part of a group of IP addresses for a Department of Defense operation in Ohio. It also ties into Maggie Haberman’s tweet.
Fascinating if true.


link please…..though I will go and find it…need to bookmark neon

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot
A.D. Everard

Thank you! 🙂


Now, with manners like this – and positivity reigning across these here boards, who in their right mind would be missing TH -2.0!!!

A.D. Everard

😀 I like that! Thank YOU.


The last couple of days I feel like I’m waiting on something, a feeling of both good and bad.
The good is hidden in the newest q drops. I look at these via QMAP
The bad we will have to fill in the blanks when it happens.


Q did say that in the end, we will have the choice to know.


Sad to report that commenters on the old tree house are almost totally negative now. Very depressing!
I read Sundance’s article on Huber’s upcoming testimony, which was negative and defeatist itself, but the comments were 99% negative! Many Seasons bashers, some Trump bashers, lots of “woah is me we lost the house” not one mention of the senate being 53/47 now or that President Trump has this.
I posted a link to Sundance’s March article laying out Huber’s assignment and his 450 investigators and a commenter said Sundance has changed his mind since then and “joined us synical/awakened” and realized nothing is going to come of this!
I think he’s right and as a result he has driven off most of the positive, upbeat and optimistic commenters and attracted the doomsayers!


Yes, you are correct. The negativity is trying on the old nerves. So glad I stumbled here today! Happy Thanksgiving eve everyone!


Yep, went from BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! to doom, doom, doom…
Nothing but a bunch of Eeyores, Schleprocks and chicken Littles

Baris has a THREAD – click on tweet below


What do you want to bet that Iran is actually the group behind murdering Kashoggi?


Linda, think you might be right about Iran–or a proxy of Iran.
P.R, I agree with you.


Hi Zoe,
over 800 casualties of CA fires and the press is talking about some angle to try to make POTUS look bad.
American people, Californians, don’t count… only fake journalists trying to destroy POTUS count.
(rant over) Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Zoe…


P.R., great rant–anything to make Pres. Trump look bad, newscasts nothing But slanted and distorted to do that. Have a blessed Thanksgiving, so glad you on this wonderful blog. Thank you again, Wolfmoon.


You may be onto something Linda…
then again we may never know…
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Linda.


Thank you, Phoenix! The same to you.

Plain Jane

Jane, if you take the “mobile” part out of the URL, it will post the tweet here:

Plain Jane

Thank you much.

Plain Jane

Hope I remember this Linda. 🙂


Larry has a terrific THREAD on
1) Lincoln on conservatism:
But you say you are conservative – eminently conservative – while we are revolutionary, destructive, or something of the sort. What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Almost 3PM and the daily open thread on the old treehouse has less than 600 comments. Only a few days ago it was routinely over a thousand by this time (and that was without my help!).

Deplorable Patriot

Toward the end of the time I frequented the place (it is now GONE from my life), the Presidential thread would be over 2,000. Oh, well.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, it would certainly get there by the end of my workday (Mountain Time Zone). Yesterday’s presidential thread only got to 770.
Someone over there is killing their board, bigtime.


SD 2.0

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m not at ALL convinced this is a “new SD” for reasons I’ve elaborated on before.
On the other hand if it is, the original is going to be very, very unhappy when he finds out what happened.


Well, when a computer gets an “upgrade” (I use this term loosely), the hardware is still the same, but it behaves differently.
You’re not the same person you were 5 years ago – hopefully you’ve learnt some stuff – especially since you’ve had contact with me 🙂
SD 2.0 is likely the same person, with a different mental attitude as his views got affected by events.
I just referred to him as SD -2.0 in another post, since I regard this version as a downgrade.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, *that* I could certainly see. In fact, it’s quite likely. (Others seem to think it’s literally not the same person.)
My current best guess as to what happened is that he changed his mind on Sessions, and likely never liked Q at all, and is running people who disagree with him off the board. In the past this pretty much happened automatically; someone who disagreed about Trump would get run off by the zealots (the board has always had zealots mixed in with the independent thinkers). When SD changed his mind (became 2.0 if you will) he suddenly found himself on a board full of people who largely disagreed with him, and he needed a new bunch of zealots to run them off.


Yup, he has a Praetorian guard – the trolls – who run heavy interference for his ego, which seems to be dictating his behaviour.
Maybe we should label this version SD 0.2 – reflecting a downgrade?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t know. But I’m reminded of jokes about people upgrading Vista to XP when they finally gave up trying to get Vista to work.


LOL – I was one of them

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve had pretty good luck just skipping every other release of Windows. I had 3.1, waited until 98 (which worked pretty well for me). I skipped ME, got XP. Then I got 7. At that point, Microshaft turned windows into a giant piece of spyware (I guess they had to beat Chrome somehow), so I switched to Linux. I use windows 7 for computers that don’t connect to the internet because I worry I’ll be involuntarily upgraded.
At work it’s Windows 10, and I hate it even without the spyware aspects of it.


It’s Thanksgiving Eve… folks are busy cooking and visiting with family.
Probably accounts for the low numbers

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Right, but that doesn’t explain yesterday only having 770 responses rather than somewhere well north of a thousand.


Supreme Court Takes Case That Could End Internet Censorship, Expand First Amendment
The Court decided to take the case on Friday and it is the first case that was taken after Justice Brett Kavanaugh joined the Court.
Perhaps we’ll be hearing something soon on this?


I wonder if the fact will ever be brought out publicly that those very companies (Facebook, Google, etc.) were actually created by the CIA, which is part of the government. Which means in effect that the Deep State in the government is censoring us.


Q Research Board once had info on the original FB which was called ‘Lifeline’ (? iirc)
and how the day after they shut down lifeline FaceBook appeared Of course it’s an outright lie that Zuckie created anything in his dorm. I posted it several times at other place… didn’t generate much discussion.


Hey, I remember the Lifeline discussion. Lifeline was stopped the day Facebook was created, if I remember correctly. Right?


So Linda, does this relate somehow to Hillary having the inscription keys to the internet?


That’s something I hadn’t heard about, Zoe. Can you explain more about that?


The link at the bottom is the story of the guy being interviewed.
Time to break out of Hillary’s Prison Planet
The theft of Leader Technologies’ invention is arguably the greatest financial crime in world history.


Zoom, thank you. Was wishing I could post this very thing.


Linda, I meant inscription keys, not inscription. Alledgedly, Hillary Clinton has control of these keys, which means she can control the internet. I think it is something to do with the fact that the Chinese have built back doors into all computers, but I know nothing about this subject, so someone else may be able to talk about it intelligently.


Incription keys. Hillary, are you watching me?

But anyone… anyone can criticize, insult, curse, whatever… the President of the United States Donald J. Trump… and not even receive a slap on the wrist.
Sharia Law is insidious… Muslims claim once they achieve 16% of the population, they own it.



White House Authorizes Lethal Force At The Border
“… The new “Cabinet order” was signed by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, not President Donald Trump. It allows “Department of Defense military personnel” to “perform those military protective activities that the Secretary of Defense determines are reasonably necessary” to protect border agents, including “a show or use of force (including lethal force, where necessary), crowd control, temporary detention. and cursory search.”



… But it is the USA where Soros is most involved. In that same period, 2009-2014, the guy donated $827 million to far left, progressive groups. That money has done major damage to traditional America.”


Holy Smokes!
PDJT in a smackdown with Chief Justice Roberts. Never been more proud of a President than tonight. Had to come here and check in and see what you guys thought about it. WOW! The masks are coming off fast.


And Grassley coming right back at Roberts! Awesome!!!!


roberts compromised. it was only a matter of time. now every single sector of american corruption including the “supreme” court (and i use that term so loosely it makes me feel sick). every level of state local and federal government has bashed our president. all intelligence agencies have made clear they are not in line with the president. all levels of academia and entertainment are full tilt attacking. and now our precious judicial system – the blind arbiter of justice and preservation of our constitutional integrity – now out to dump trump.
i need a happening really bad! now i have to wait another two weeks with only a couple rallies and a special election in between. how will we ever survive!!!!!
i gotta head to that other site for a while and get myself sufficiently worried enough to revert back to eating my nails to dull the pain of the winning…


We are currently in a Solar Minimum which is getting ‘deeper’ by the week.
This means we are in a time of Lower Solar Activity…and fewer sunspots.
The Sun is basically taking a long nap which usually lasts for a couple of years.
Since those so-called “Space Storms” are caused by eruptions from our Sun…it is unlikely that we will be seeing any Coronal Mass Ejections or CME’s that are strong enough to fry our power grid or cause an EMP.
Not saying it’s impossible.
But it is a lot less likely to happen during a Solar Minimum, than it was a few years ago when we were in a Solar Maximum.


wheatie you realize if they tell you it’s a solar flare because the sun god’s wrath has been awakened by the planet hating trump and that wrath is poured out in the form of a massive coronal ejection, than you better believe it right? sun god wrath at the president of the united states can defy the “solar minimum” by virtue of the US pulling out of the paris climate laundering agreement.
all kidding aside, i would suggest everyone grab some hard drives – the real paranoid also get some recordable dvds for backup backup, and get anything you really want off any cloud service you belong to. then get a box of some sort that is 100% shielded. then bury that as deep as you can in your yard or some location known to you.
if nothing happens then you at least have good backups. if something does happen at least you have something.


You mean…covering everything with tin foil won’t work?
Well then, I’m skrewed.


Andrew, I think that is good advice, just sensible.


comment image


THREAD – click on tweet


Filmmaker Ami Horowitz has been embedded in the ‘caravan’ for weeks.
He was on Lou Dobbs tonight…and discussed what he saw, with Ashley Webster who was subbing for Lou.


Me too.
Along with any other ‘orgs’ that are down there organizing this Invasion.
Saw a little blurb about the US having some “undercover agents” embedded within the caravan.
Hope so!


Michael has been part of the DNC crime syndicate for at least the past 20 years
Obviously all the judges in LA area are Obama judges (take that Justice Roberts)


another one who will not be returning to Congress?


Has anyone noticed a change in the tone of SD’s writing? He (SD2.0) seems to be much more cautious and tentative, perhaps frightened? Strange.
And then…..there is this:
“4sure says:
November 21, 2018 at 5:32 pm
So now we are into ZINGERS as the standard for winning against the deep state.
Got it.
Ken Lawson says:
November 21, 2018 at 5:38 pm
The Deep State can be impacted by the president. But the battle against them and their defeat will only be won by the voters at the ballot box and that will take many election cycles over many, many years. We can work towards it, but ultimate victory will take generations.
Liked by 2 people
hellinahandbasket says:
November 21, 2018 at 5:39 pm
@4sure – Well, no… you don’t get it – I believe I mentioned this feigned outrage anomaly in my comment.
Liked by 1 person
Ad rem says:
November 21, 2018 at 6:58 pm
Your eeyorism would perhaps be more appreciated somewhere else.”
So, I guess people are being warned now instead of just banning them?