Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181123

This SPECIAL BLACK FRIDAY  open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments.  Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.

Today we continue our Thanksgiving, with thanks that we still have CASH, and don’t have to pay for things via embedded RFID chips in our hands, and wireless transmitters in our heads.


PS – if you do buy a firearm this weekend, consider paying for some TRAINING to go with it.  You can NEVER go wrong with professional training WITH your new firearm.  Put enough rounds through it that you know exactly how it behaves.  Then, make sure you have a PLAN for safekeeping of it.  Have a great weekend!

“Victory begins with a PLAN.”
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I’m kinda annoyed that “Black Friday” is marked as date of importance by my phone calendar.


Other than my trusted Red Rider as a lad, I’ve never owned a gun. Living smack dab in the middle of one of the heaviest fortified civilian populations in the US, I always figured I’d be handed an appropriate weapon if Schitt ever hit the fan. When Obama took over, I did make it a point to ask for dibs on my father’s 30/30 when his time comes. Beyoncé would make for great target practice with that sucker.


Of course, I meant to say a life size Beyoncé cutout would make for great target practice.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Handled correctly, IMHO. You made it clear why, and (since there’s no obvious sign that whatsisbucket is banned) you announced it clearly.
Of course we could all taunt the hell out of him by replying to his other comments in such a way that demands an answer….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I got all Ripley on things and lit up the eggs



Kudos for the catch – and very well explained.
That name was just so sneaky in its suggestiveness. I did not Like any of the comments, cause the name did not gel with the tone – just seemed off.
But I never figured out the stuff you laid out, so as I said elsewhere – bit of a babe in the woods. I will have to get into scout mode from now on – these Refuges and Dens are about as safe as our back yards – Commies everywhere!


things are getting real guys… i was able to do some annual red pill drops at lunch yesterday and the people are getting it also – i was actually asked questions back when some of my one liners usually go “unnoticed” or straight up ignored. and judging by the fact that these folks i was with are actually starting to see the need to ask a question and not consider what i said a joke then i think things are going to get going soon. when certain controllable (and easily so) people are questioning these things you know the leash is slipping out of their hands…
will post again later but my daughter just called and her car will not start!
stay comfy guys…


Totally saw the reason for the ban, but Wolfmoon, you are so amazing, I didn’t catch on at all about the name or any of that other suttle stuff. Good work, and love how you protect the integrity and lawfulness of this blog.
Not sure this is the right place, but since we’re talking on the subject of banning. those of you who saw my post that I thought I was banned from The Treehouse, I wrote to them. Ad rem responded very civilly and told me I have not been banned. I suspect this is the case with some others here who were unable to post there and thought it meant they were banned. I think the problem may be google and the ads. I have an ad blocker, which I do not know how to disable. If I have it removed, iI will no longer be able to read many articles which are cluttered with ads. If I used a mouse with my synthetic speech for the blind, I could just hop over the ads, but I cannot. Therefore, I guess I will no longer be able to post on conservative Treehouse. I think this may account for Some of their drop in posters, and I wonder if it will hurt their revenue from donations. Of course I know some of you really Were banned–just want to ask for comments on the possibility that ad blockers are causing a lot of the problem. I pray it doesn’t happen to The q tree. Thank you again, Wolfie.

Sylvia Avery

And that is why you are in charge of a blog and I am not, wolfie. I passed over it with just a bit of shock at the comment about Beyonce. I mean, I don’t like her either but jeepers she is nowhere near as annoying as a lot of people I could name.
I think you did right, and I appreciate your laying out what you saw and why you did what you did. I’m half asleep so I didn’t even notice the AR pic so I had to go back and see what the heck you were talking about. This would have gone over my head. I’m glad you caught it and used it (hold your noses folks) as a “teachable moment.”


good w


Strange isn’t it…
After a day of counting our blessings, naming all the things we have that we are thankful for,
we are bombarded with messages to go shopping, go get stuff, consume more, upgrade the old.


We went to Lenox Square mall, Atlanta, GA one time on Black Friday – having visited relatives there for Thanksgiving.
The noise was thunderous – like containing a stadium football crowd indoors!
Will never forget or repeat that experience!


On a short errand run Saturday, we were privileged to see a young couple with a baby…whose papa drew my eye for his patriot shirt that firmly advertised the wearer’s position on self defense…but then this young man turned a corner to reveal by what he carried at his hip, that his child will, indeed, be raised as a patriot.
You don’t need “no stinking” CCP in Washington–it is an open carry state. But most folks obtain those unconstitutional permits, especially women who don’t want to advertise what they carry, and the statue says if you want to be able to defend yourself while traveling (eg, “tool” ready to hand and not useless in the truck or back cargo area), you need one of those permits that removes your right and exchanges it for a privilege.
We spoke briefly, after I thanked him for being one of the sheepdogs!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ll be running a boatload of errands, none of which are at retail establishments.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve been boycotting “black Friday” for years. Might do small business Saturday to support local entrepreneurs, but encouraging some of the deadly sins is not my cup of tea.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Five hundred forty three days (or so) since I first got banned at the Old Tree House.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I do NOT want to see that coin in 2020. Only dead people can appear on coins.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He didn’t do an inaugural medal through the US Mint. That really, really torqued off a lot of medal collectors, because now there is this “hole” in their collections that cannot be filled.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not to my knowledge.
I will speculate, though. Some people observed he didn’t have “Hail to the Chief” played as often as was customary. It’s possible he found the monarchial overtones distateful. (A lot of the pomp and ceremony surrounding the person of the President was adopted in the past so we’d look as impressive as a monarchy at ceremonies, etc.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Article on this:
To clarify, PDJT did indeed have a medal (with no portrait) made by a company named Medalcraft, but it was not by the US Mint, so it’s considered “unofficial.” Either it, or some other company’s product, was even offered for sale on PDJT’s site and I bought a couple of them.


Wonder why 1/16 Hottentot – they were the Aboriginals hanging out in Southern Africa when the Dutch rocked up in 1600’s?
The Hottentot were wiped out by whiteman’s diseases not long afterwards, so 1/16 is obviously an extremely fake claim ….
Never mind – just figured it out there 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You were a lot closer to this before you moved, than I ever was. So I’ll lay out my understanding here and invite you to correct it.
The “Hottentot” were a tribe of bushmen, part of the group now called the Khoi San; these are the tribes whose languages included the click noises and some call the Khoi San language family the “click languages.” Sometimes people call these tribes “bushmen” collectively, apparently “Hottentot” is considered a derogatory name, like referring to the French as Frogs, and isn’t used much today.
Zulu is a language with click sounds but is not part of the Khoi San language family (it’s part of the Bantu family that spread out from somewhere near Nigeria over the past 2000 years or so ago). Apparently Zulu acquired the sounds from loan words they picked up from the Khoi San languages.
OK, so how much of that is wrong?


Not bad. The Khoikhoi were more settled than the San, which lead to their downfall. They were essentially the bottom of the pyramid and got attacked by Bantu and Europeans. They became subsumed into a mixed race labelled as Colored (I left the U out just for u), where 1/1000 may still be found.
The San were/are nomadic hunter gathers and I think pure San people can be found to this day in the Kalahari region.
The main character in “The Gods Must be Crazy” is/was San.
The Xhosa and Zulu languages contain some click sounds, but the San “click” away merrily.
Just my recollection, not liable to be any more accurate than yours.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, yes “The Gods Must Be Crazy,” a delightfully silly movie I highly recommend.
“Khoi San” was a term linguists invented to name the family that contains both the Khoikhoi and San languages.


Non PC trigger warning – It all sounds the same to me!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s notable that when the main character speaks, our Western ears, unused to the sound system of his language, are wondering what the heck is making all those clicking noises while he is talking. It’s truly hard to grasp that *he* is making those sounds, they are so unlike anything we think of as “language sounds.”

Plain Jane

The Coke bottle! Versatility at it’s best. LOL.


[This is the farthest-down of your posts in this thread that has a reply button.
This response continues the linguistic and genetic discussion in general. You probably are familiar with much or all of this already, but I thought it makes an interesting train of thought to put in one place, for a variety of reasons.]
Before the linguistic and genetic results were available, it was known that the Khoikhoi and San in that corner of Africa were the farthest race from other humans, based solely on anatomy and physiology.
They therefore break a number of statements found in standard anthropology texts and medical texts. For example, males in the prime of life are normally erect all the time, making the normal diagnostic guidelines for priapism invalid in their case.
(I’ve often wondered if rumors of this fact, filtered through early Portuguese and/or Dutch explorers of the Cape, and passing over to the slaveholding colonial areas on the other side of the Atlantic, were the origin of certain racial stereotypes.)
There are actually several other tribes tucked away in various remote parts of Africa whose languages are also rich in click consonants. These tribes are so far from the Khoikhoi/San, and from each other, in phonology, grammar, vocabulary, overall culture, physical appearance, genetics, and geographical location, that they are completely unrelated linguistically, or as distantly-related linguistically as native speaking Africans can be.
No language rich in clicks is found outside Africa, mother continent of the human race.
So Hypothesis #1 is that all these click languages, as distant from each other as they are, are descended from a single click language spoken in Africa in remote antiquity.
They differ so much because the common origin was so long ago, and they have therefore had so much time to diverge from one another.
See the following to make this hypothesis more plausible.
Linguists have theoretical models and historical examples for how new non-click consonants can be generated in an existing language family, without borrowing.
But there are no models or examples of new click consonants originating in a language (without being borrowed from somewhere else.). All the click sounds in languages that feature them today are legacies of the remote past, at least as far as our linguists know. This is Hypothesis #2.
So, Hypothesis #3 (here comes the rabbit hole !) is this: if all spoken languages have a common origin, and if it is true that new click consonants cannot be generated naturally in existing language families, then, logically, the earliest African click language family (that is ancestral to all modern click languages) must also be ancestral to all non-click spoken languages as well — i.e. must contain the first spoken language, the mother of all the others…
…because there is some time horizon after which no new clicks could be developed, and all click sounds found in the world today have existed as legacies since then (if Hypothesis #2 is correct.) But new non-click sounds could continue to be generated as languages evolved, and existing sounds, whether click or non-click, could fall into disuse and drop out.
So, after many millenia, we live in a world where almost all languages, and all popular languages, have no clicks, and the great majority of people find clicks in speech bizarre.
This is a little like the situation we find ourselves in electronically, where we are surrounded today by silicon integrated circuit chips filled with tiny metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs,) and the only cathode ray tubes we ever see are a few old legacy CRT computer monitors or TVs that were manufactured before they went of style, and haven’t burned out yet.
But, once upon a time, the electronics revolution was launched with machines that had all varieties of Edison-effect cathode ray tubes, and no silicon at all.
Notice that I wrote simply ‘click languages’, but for their complement I wrote ‘non-click spoken languages’. Because there is more than one way to have a language without clicking sounds. As well as a language that consists of just vowels and non-click consonants, you can have a language of nothing but unspoken gestures.
And there are now experts with very interesting arguments that sign languages go all the way back to Africa too, and that, in fact, they predate even the click languages.
[All of these ideas come from linguistics, anthropology, or evolutionary genetics books, but the Hypothesis #1, etc., notation is just a style I adopted for this post, so it would be easier to pick them out from a longer-than-intended post.]


Jason and Steve, like learning this history. Just loved “The God’s Must Be Crazy.” It was fun and thought-provoking.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

For what it’s worth a very small number of linguists claim to be able to relate all of the languages of the world in one big superfamily. I’ll say this again, it’s a small group, the rest of the professional linguists think these people are full of it. Anyway: The KhoiSan languages are the most distantly related to anything else in their view; the split between the bushmen population and the rest of the human race is therefore the oldest split in our family tree. Interestingly, genetic studies done AFTER these theorists did their work agrees with that.


“If we find that its uncontrollable,” he said, “if we find that it gets to a level where we are going to lose control or people are going to start getting hurt, we will close entry into the country for a period of time until we can get it under control.”
“The whole border,” he clarified. “I mean the whole border. And Mexico will not be able to sell their cars into the United States where they make so many cars at great benefit to them, not at great benefit to us.”

[That’s our POTUS… you want hardball, we’ll give you hardball.]
lifted from comment section:
… “The Mexican government thought they could pass the invaders to America so they didn’t stop them at their southern border but now they have already been let into Mexico and Trump won’t let them in to the United States! LOL! The Mexican government thought it was not their problem but now it IS their problem and the citizens of Mexico are starting to get pissed becasue rather than America getting invaded, Mexico has been and the Mexican government let it happen! What brilliance on Trump’s part! You might say the Mexican government thought they were playing hot potato with Trump but found out after they got the potato that Trump is not playing!” 🙂
… “Think about it; The Mexican Mafia now has its Backyards and Marketplace Invaded by Destitute Drifters beyond Compatibility for Food and Bunkspace, Trump Trumped the Illegal Guns for Illegal Drugs Trade. The Eagle Has Landed and Now Mexico’s only solution is a Mexican Wall on its Northern Border with America to halt the Caravans Insanity. For to Make America Great Again required making Mexico compliant with a Walls protection from invasion by nomads, And the Mexican Mafia is Cornered, American street Drug prices have Skirocketed, in short order, the real Red Wave is Addiction Treatment becomes cheaper than Using Illegal Drugs! The only Time bomb is the Mexican Mafia War against Invasion, because our Razor fence, backed by our Military force has completely shutdown Both the Nomads from crossing the border between the Ports of Entry, and the Guns and Money for Illegal Drug trade.
The Worlds busiest border, at a Million crossings daily, has been Compromised, and the Brunt of Pain falls South of the Border, Luckily South Texas has over 100 Square Miles of first Tent City ( Jail ) Land, then Fertile easily irrigated, mostly level, wasteland for creating farmland to surpass the Napa Valley ‘ Bread basket of America’ fame!”/i>


Dontcha just love it?
He will do it too!
Take that, Mexico…you could’ve stopped this weeks ago.
Think of all those Mexican trucks that come across our border each day, filled with things that used to be built here.
It would hurt Mexico, bigtime, if the border were closed…even for a day.


Love it! He should close it until Mexico agrees to fork up the money for the wall. Incidentally, Phoenix, I think that poster meant the Central Valley, not the Napa Valley. Wine in Napa Valley. Everything else in Central Valley (or it was before the idiots shut off the water).

Sylvia Avery

“The Eagle Has Landed and Now Mexico’s only solution is a Mexican Wall on its Northern Border with America to halt the Caravans Insanity.”
Oh gosh, I didn’t even think of that.
Thanks for posting, I really enjoyed reading that!!!


The Entitlement Invaders are not giving up.

I don’t see women and children in that mob.
Notice how they have ditched the Mexican flags…and are waving White Flags.
Are we supposed to think that they’re ‘surrendering’?
Phttt…if they were surrendering, then they would be turning around and going back home!
I’m so proud of our President for remaining firm and standing up for us!


Oh…I should’ve added that this video was from yesterday, at a Tijuana border bridge where the mob tried to march across.


In case you didn’t see it…our President spoke with the press weasels at Mar A Lago yesterday, about the border situation.


Thanks for posting this wheatietoo…
I posted zeroHedge’s article above, but their writing is a bit biased, coming from Bloomberg I think…
rather have it straight from POtUS’ mouth !!!


You’re very welcome, phoenixR.
I took the day off from the news…have been catching up, now that the turkey-coma is wearing off.


President Trump: “If [border troops] have to, they’re going to use lethal force. I’ve — I’ve given the OK. If they have to. I hope they don’t have to.”
55,871,294 followers – 9:43 am


Wolf and I have been batting the ball back and forth on “Unstoppable” re in response to Zoe’s question re “Who is Erika T” (PapaD tweeted out this partial name in a list of 6. The thread has maxed out, but it occurred to me to ask the followin …
So, having heard PapaD do interviews, he sounds somewhat ordinary. …?
So my question is, which white hat group is “running” PapaD?
Giuliani, Whitaker, Huber or way out there in left field, the dark horse Rosenstein?
Because the info being delivered by PapaD is NOT being collected by him. IMO


Ah, Carter Page, an enigma …
As much as interviewers tried to him to condemn him personally being illegally spied upon, he always (as far as I saw) deflected to some general condemnation.
I recal Bartiromo and Hannity being deflected this way – I am pretty sure I saw a couple more examples.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

I think Papadop married well. I think his wife knows how all this works, and she doesn’t want to be a young widow. Remember when he first started the go public and go loud strategy, she was right there with him. And she was very talkative.


Maybe Papadopoulos is working with Gen Flynn?


I think he’s getting most of his direction from what he reads….thinking Dan Bongino.
…wouldn’t say he is being run though


Wouldn’t know. Its just that he is doing a lot of interviews. He had an article about his story in The Australian newspaper a few days ago – he is constantly tweeting.
Today he attacked Comey in a tweet, then tweeted out a list of suspect Brit connections. One in the list was this Erika T – he obviously knows who it is, but he is not making the full name public – seems like a signal to Comey and/or others. He seems to be saying – “Look I know this woman is connected to this plot. You did not not that I know, did you?”
He is not acting like a private citizen who has already copped a plea and is going to do time. JMO


True…Maybe he is MAGA at heart and trying to fight the good fight. Also think it helps him if he ever decides to file a law suite so I’m sure he is running this through his legal team at the least


Yup, no doubt his legal team is OK’ing everything he does. It just seems to be MORE than a PR exercise in preparation for a future suit.
Let me put it this way. If there is a coordinated plan in operation, and many here think so – then they would have considered approaching PapaD as a vector to disseminate info / disinfo.
It is the nature of the info that got me speculating along this line. But yes, only ever speculation for us outsiders.


I’ve got a Gab account up now.


Was wondering if the picture would show up.
Here is a second try…comment image


Here’s a clip of our President and family, having dinner this evening at Mar A Lago.
It’s nice to get a glimpse of Baron.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On yet another note, last year on Black Friday I did indeed buy a gun. Between membership pricing and the sale price on the gun, it was a screaming deal!


Was it one of those black and scary-looking guns that liberals think sprout legs and go on shooting sprees all by itself?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A handgun, but those apparently sprout legs too.


I sadly had to get rid of all the farm’s g_ns that I inherited when we left South Africa . I had not registered them, so I disassembled them and threw the bits into various parts of the lagoon bordering the property. My personal sidearm, which was registered, got handed in for demolition …
Included in that was a beautiful old piece, dated 1889, a 410 shotgun that I learnt to hunt guinea fowl with at age 6. It generally hung above the fire place when I wasn’t out and about with it.


Turning in guns….., makes my heart heavy.


JasonD, I cannot imagine how your heart aches at what is happening now in SAfrica!!! I ran into two S. African guys at WallyWorld in the spring – I asked if they were voting, they said they weren’t from here, etc., and I asked them about it. They were very steadfast that they would return and fight for their country and their farms. I understand they have signed the law authorizing confiscation w/o payment. Bad, bad news.

Plain Jane

So sorry about those guns, especially that 410. DH was ecstatic when he reacquired the 410 he hunted with as a child. He went out to the woods before school at the crack of dawn, get squirrels, skin them, for his mom to fry for dinner. He said her squirrel gravy was the best gravy ever.


I was officially banned from the CTH on Thanksgiving Day !
Below is my post to the wqth 50 thread before I was banned.
Essentially, I was banned for replying to WSB and Patrick Henry.
Sylvia Avery,
Treepers WSB and PatrickHenry were wondering were you have been.
I did not mention that you and others are banned from CTH.
I will probably be banned for replying to their posts.
CTH will not accept wqth links. So I left a creative reply to WSB and PatrickHenry .
The above link to my replies has been scrubbed.
WSB’s post asking the whereabouts of Sylvia and PatrickHenry’s asking about Phoenix and others has been scrubbed too. A few other Treepers replied to the subject matter and there comments were also scrubbed.
My reply to the somewhat sophisticated troll Oldschool was scrubbed as well.
My only regret is not giving Oldschool and Tom ‘multiple usernames’ Feral Cat >>>pic below.comment image


Man, they are digging that hole deeper by the day. This is not the way for conservatives to flourish.
I don’t get it, by my tendency to give SD a pass is waning rapidly.
I guess you are stuck with just us now.
The one thing they can’t seem to block, is where WP bloggers “Like” at the top. Maybe we can use that facility to lead a few sharp eyed friends here. Of course, trolls can also enter this way …


Wow…you didn’t do anything wrong, Chicago->Arizona.
I don’t see anything in that post you made, that violates their ‘rules and guidelines’.
That is just creepy.
Well consider it a Badge of Honor, C->A.
You’re among good company, my friend.
I guess this is just further confirmation that they are reading here.
Or maybe just posting Wolfmoon’s name…is a banning offense now?
Hey, Wolfie…you’re like Muad’Dib.
Your name has become a banning word!


It’s good to have a zero-tolerance for the death threat stuff.
The other tree used to do that…but that stopped some time back.
I was amazed at some of the blatant things that were allowed to just sit there like a clump of toxic waste.
If I spot one some time when you’re not around…I may post a rebuke, just so it doesn’t sit there unchallenged for any length of time.


wheatie, I think we ALL should jump on anyone who does such a thing. Up to Wolfie, of course.

A.D. Everard

Wolf, I’m glad you’re taking care of it publicly. It teaches all of us what to be on the lookout for. The one at the top of this thread, for example, I didn’t see it for what it was until you explained all. Like others, I saw it as a bit extreme, but saw none of the danger such a comment brings to this site.
You are on top of this and I for one appreciate the education.


Oh, my! I hadn’t thought about the Dune books for many years! Loved that series – gonna have to put that on my to re-read list. Working my way again through the Cave Bear series and also on a book about a MotoGP driver for now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I read the Daily Thread on Turkey Day and didn’t see a sign of Mr. Feral Cats or any other rude asswipes there. And without them it was a much shorter daily thread.
Does this match your perception?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

(I did see a Feral Cats post on the thread for the 23rd. I almost didn’t notice it since he wasn’t crapping all over Mattis.)


Maybe he’s/she’s/it’s constipated. Too much turkey will do that. 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Feral Cats is too much of a turkey. Got it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, and welcome to the club!

Sylvia Avery

I’m so sorry to read this. It just makes no sense to me. And yeah, Oldschool and FeralCat whatever really deserve the big finger and so much more.
I was interested to read Jean2nd’s post about SD’s twitter followers dropping. I assume that is because Twitter is doing it’s thing of cutting off followers or something.


That drop in followers could also be Q-peeps unfollowing him.

Sylvia Avery

That was my first thought, too.


Too much tryptophan = grammatical errors 🙂
Something very strange is happening. The trolls are hiding in plain sight.
Tom Feral has 3-4 usernames, I traced one back to The_Donald where he trolled. He is not as old as his “cover story”. Oldschool has multpile usernames or has a team.
The new CTH trolls are much more sophisticated than past trolls. For example, Oldschool butters up to and has defended Gunny because he is a likeable poster…Oldschool knows how to gain trust and credibility.
The new sophisticated trolls use just enough innuendo to disparage President Trump.
There is very little policing of the obvious trolls.
Why are the trolls getting a pass ?
Who is behind the implosion at CTH ? …seems like a PLAN !

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But Oldschool has been called out over and over again for being nothing but an Eeyore. I would have to say s/he is one of the more unpopular people who has been on that board for a long time.
As a more general comment, some of them are going there, they’re finally starting to criticize PDJT, not just his underlings, for the “nothing” that has happened so far.


Wow, C-A, I am obviously a babe in the woods, not steeped in the Dark Arts!!
Thanks for that. We definitely do not want to do anything to encourage THAT over here. I will cease and desist from making suggestions to encourage WSB and co to come over here if they get tossed – too risky.
Agree, the fact that this is playing out unchecked leave one to conclude a PLAN is being executed.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Howie would be bad news too; he was the earliest Sessions basher and he was absolutely obsessive about it, clogging up the threads with repeated top-level comments. (I saw WolfMoon call out his name either yesterday or today for some reason, so that’s why I’m mentioning it here.)k
WSB is one who was around when I first came to the Old Tree House, and hasn’t struck me as too much of a negative even today. Certainly there are others like that, I’m not sure who you meant by “and co”,
Gunny was anti-Sessions, but he wasn’t obnoxious about it; I’d consider bringing him in if I were WolfMoon, but, of course, I’m not.
Regardless, if someone is brought in and turns into a bad egg, they can always be catapulted into orbit without a space suit.


Be patient Wolf. The news of your site will get around. It will grow organically over the coming months. The pursuit of truth never ends.

Sylvia Avery

Howie, Gunny, and I think (although not positive) WSB are all down on Q, so I doubt any of them would like it here. They seemed to be happy at the Great Purge because they seem to find it all an irritant and a waste of time.
That’s okay, that doesn’t make them bad people in my book, but I’m not sure they would be willing to open their minds to looking at Q in any depth before deciding he’s not for them so I just don’t think they’d be comfortable around Qews.
Just my opinion and we all know what that’s worth.
Sigh. I miss each one of those guys. For me that’s part of the beauty of Free Speech. I don’t feel the need to censor someone just so I am not irritated by their views. I change the channel, skip the post, whatever. And I can be amused by people I disagree with, or even charmed by them. And I don’t think that is unusual, is it? Or has the world changed that much? Never mind, too philosophical. Time for coffee and just maybe a bite of pie…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I start drawing lines when someone starts trying to monopolize and shout everyone else down…which Howie was doing. I liked the rest of what he did, but he simply *had* to beat the anti-Sessions drum constantly.
I’d probably be OK with WSB and Gunny here.
As I see it you don’t have to be pro-Q to be here (if I am wrong, Wolf, let me know) but rather, willing to consider it a reasonable topic of discussion and not try to shout the Q peeps down.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So…if I understand it, you wouldn’t have any problem with a stubbornly anti-Q person being here, as long as they weren’t militant and disruptive about it. Is that a good summation of where you’re coming from or not (I don’t want to put words in your mouth).

Sylvia Avery

Steve, I agree with you completely on every single point.


I miss those guys…the way they were Before all the Sessions-bashing.
Before all the bickering and insults and forcing group-think on everybody.
If someone had set out to create division within Trump supporters…they could not have devised a better way than the Sessions-bashing.


Found this original gif over at Qresearch…you may recognize it from it’s frequent use over at that other place.
Seems appropriate for this discussion of the bizarre goings on.
comment image


Well, I have been watching over there, and attempting to like and post, and I have come to a theory of what I think is happening.
My ability to like comments comes and goes. So does my ability to post. Some people are stating in comments that they are having “issues” posting and liking comments. They think it is a WordPress issue, but obviously we know better. It sure looks like temporary bans are being implemented, against some fairly innocuous posters.
I have thought for a year or so that there was more than one “writer” called SD. The tone of occasional articles was just “different” to me. I think there are several moderators, and it looks like the number may have expanded recently.
The on-again, off-again nature of my ban has led me to believe there is some sort of power struggle going on over there. I have written here before that I hope SD is ok, because I have to wonder if he really isn’t. If he is ill or incapacitated in some way, that might be what is precipitating the “uprising.”
I agree with the sentiments here that we really don’t want a lot of those people over here.
Wolfmoon, if I read a post which is threatening or seems bad, I will do the thing with four or more links as a reply to it, and hope it goes to moderation. Also, as you ask, I will call the FBI if it seems at all credible. What a shame we all have to be so vigilant against the loonies.

Sylvia Avery

Wolfie, remember SDs post recently where he was excited about following some aspect of “Spygate” and then he mentioned he was “getting help” with the story? Many were guessing who that might be.
That wasn’t but a few days or a week before The Purge. In hindsight, well, one wonders what THAT was all about. I usually at least scan some of the articles now but I haven’t read any more about that.


yes i noticed this immediately and have mentioned in posts where i referred to it as the mouse hanging over the cheese image post. i can tell you the name but a hint is adding pieces onto a rudimentary underwater breathing apparatus… something happeded that night 100%

Sylvia Avery

Oh yes, the hanging over the cheese image. That was it, that was the big transformation. There were some other things before that here and there, but that was sort of the “jump the shark” moment I think.


Yes, but the ‘thing’ that he wanted help with…was doxing the White Hats who had leaked the juicy evidence to us.
That is what hit me in the forehead.
I was like, ‘Dude, wtf. Don’t do this. Why would you want to hurt the good guys?’
He made a List of all the good stuff that we’d been given.
Just in case the bad guys didn’t already have it.
There it is!
A List of it.
Then said “Let’s find out who gave this to us.”
Like it was some sort of ‘noble thing’ to find out Who had been helping us.


Wow, Wheatie and Wolfie, I see how very naïve I am. Good thing I’m not trusted with any info I shouldn’t have. I could be so easily misled down a dangerous path this way. Scary.


Sylvia wrote: “Wolfie, remember SDs post recently where he was excited about following some aspect of “Spygate” and then he mentioned he was “getting help” with the story?”
I remember. It was the story about who his “source” had been, for all the information out of the DOJ over the past year. It was when he “outed” Whitaker as the source.
SD hinted at Whitaker in the first article, but stated he wanted “help” with how to present the information. Many people didn’t get the “hint,” it was hidden in a link. I got it, and posted a bit about it in comments.
Then, the next day, SD outright named Whitaker, which I found shocking! I mean, the guy was already being attacked by the left and the presstitutes, why add fuel to the fire?
Weird stuff going on. Wolfmoon may be onto something with the “shiny object” theory. They lured SD in and burned him.


Yes, but Sd said that he was researching a ‘group’ who had been working on behalf of the Pres behind the scenes.
That means…they are good guys.
If you are a Trump supporter, why would you want to hurt those guys?
Just to get some sort of ‘brownie points’ for being good at researching?
I cannot think of any Good Motive for doing that.
Unless, of course…his family members had been kidnapped or something.
Which I certainly hope is not the case.

Sylvia Avery

The whole thing was so extremely off kilter. Looking back on it, I’m still shocked by it.


“Who is behind the implosion at CTH ? …seems like a PLAN !”
I dunno, but the whole thing is just bizarre.

Cuppa Covfefe

The night the “who moved the cheese under me” and Whit-doxxing occurred, another dox happened within the comments of a thread, by a VERY aggressive troll, including a pic, and a few folks saw it, were (naturally) shocked, made comments to that effect, and, shortly afterward, most of that comment sub-thread (along with the doxxing) disappeared (thank God).
The Satanic left is obsessed with “name ’em and shame ’em”, either in their efforts to expose, neutralize, and hassle “the other side”, or to avoid any questioning, culpability, responsibility, or oversight when faced with the truth (e.g. evidence of criminal activity).
I see the same thing here in Germany and Europe (and, sadly, in the UK, too). The thought police are “oot and aboot”, and what one says will follow them. Of course, the perps can say and do what they will. But, the good news is, folks are “woke” (cf France and their gas strikes, which will probably happen here, too).
Good that there’s a refuge from the refuge and the bridge-dwellers. Something is definitely up, and I agree, the Sessions-bashing (I think) started it. I really, REALLY, got sick of all those roadkill possum pics. The “Roadkill Cafe” can have them. I’ll pass. Give me a good pizza any day…


I still peruse the site, skim the articles if they aren’t to negative…haven’t posted since I thanked someone for posting a link to this site last week I think….mighta posted something about the Huber hearing or the house handing over docs to the senate as being a net positive.
But yea, the negativity drove me out and the last week the activity is waaay down. My main nemesis from months back in the “sessions throw down days” I thought had disappeared but I did see them post a few days ago.
…..I hope Sessions in the end when the dust settles gets his reputation back and some recognition for whatever hand he had in how all this plays out.


I was reallllllly trying to avoid weighing in (so as to avoid making the negative no-names more relevant than they need to be), but I just have to say this:
After reading your comments (as well as comments from other posters), I am so glad that my suspicions about OS were/are warranted, after all. Pure vindication here. I used to wonder if I was being too judgemental or intolerant of OS’ “concerns”. Not anymore.
Why the mods are unable to see the seasoned troll for who she is baffles the hell out of me. Unless, of course, she is left unchecked for a reason.

Sylvia Avery

I agree. I thought I had just taken a visceral dislike to OS and then I was partially confused by the sometimes good posts followed by the many neutral or negative or “concerned” sorts. Eventually I concluded she must be an embedded long term type troll of a fairly sophisticated sort.
I admit to feeling a lot of relief at getting validation on OS here because there were times I really really thought I was imagining things.


Yep. Shows that our instincts were on the mark.


Can I add to this? I thought I was imagining things too and I could never figure out why OS was so concerned all the time….to sew discord I guess. She often would tag team with a character named paulraven, or something. Two trolls at once …so I just scrolled on past since every post seemed to just depress any happy thoughts of POTUS’ successes.


Yup, you’re right, 2 Major Eeyore’s they are. I wonder if all that negative trolling affects their real moods?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You misspelled “reflects/”

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. OS is “shovel-ready”. Having said that, on other sites (e.g. BB, Twitchy, and those that can be accessed via “Disqusting”, you can almost see the shifts changing, with new batches of trolls coming in. Sometimes a particular handle is manned by different people, other tiems a few trolls take many identities, with scripting to help keep their threads/fake viewpoints straight. Then, there are outright bots, one of the more nefarious uses of AI. Pointman has covered stuff like this in his blog (as well as the kind of attacks one faces as a blogger/mod/etc.).
One thing the “new and improved” trolls over there have done is complain constantly about things not happening fast enough, and “Trump should immediately release ALL information, with no redactions”.
Those folks have obviously never worked in a situation where relaxed or cancelled privacy (e.g. “material information”) and discretion could kill a business, or worse, people. Better to do it right, than have to do it twice. And doing the right thing takes time, preparation, a good plan, and the right people in the right places (at the right time). That latter point is the hardest, and I think getting the judiciary and Senate built up is crucial, as are the (probably many) grand juries, whether secret or not.
Perhaps the trolls wish to dox the process and the people involved, in order to fashion a defense, or to find some spanners to throw in the works of VSGPDJT’s team. I hope and pray that GOD shines HIS light on the Globalists and their dirty deeds so they can be prosecuted and brought to justice, and that others are discouraged from following their errant ways…

Sylvia Avery



This is why I have retained the same screen name on every single internet account. I have never had another one. SMH – I am such an open book……..naive, no doubt, potentially dangerous I suppose (altho, I can’t for the life of me imagine why anyone would consider me worthy of so much as a nanosecond’s concern) but……IDK……in my adopted family, life was all about hiding everything……literally EVERYTHING… include sexual abuse. I just want nothing to do with hiding things any more.


Though you have made me see troubles,
many and bitter,
you will restore my life again;
from the depths of the earth
you will again bring me up.
Psalm 71:20

comment image?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=2&h=650&w=940


comment image
(forgot to trim off the code after the .jpeg on the photo)

A.D. Everard



I agree Oldschool is unpopular among active Treepers.
However, I think she is very effective in trolling the thousands of readers who never post.
I believe she may be more than an Eeyore…a “conservative” nevertrumper ?
She has multiple usernames or trolls in teams…tells me there is an agenda.
The bottom line is she trolls or eeyores at will …very suspicious…a negative for MAGA.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What are some of her other names?


This is good.comment image


Oh, and hello and a belated THANK YOU to all for sharing your warmth, kindness, quick wit and sage thoughts here in the Q Tree. The day was spent in the great American tradition of food preparation, the giving of Thanks, food consumption and recovery from excess of the same while enjoying conversation with loved ones.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, some confused smattering of the concepts of “Bed” and “Ridiculously late (2AM Local Time)” is running through my mind. I’ll let the Oz contingent take it from here. Later, Q-Treeps!


I don’t feel comfortable naming people. I just named two and should leave it at that.
I grew up on the South Side of Chicago and snitches get stitches is the code…I still live by that code.
If you read enough of her posts you will see a pattern with likes ,replies and time stamps.


Poor kitty…you may have to wait till spring to get that one.
Hey, he got the top one.
He prolly thought that was what he was supposed to do!


He’s thinking…
“I want that. It’s just. right. there.This has gotta be the way to get it.”
“Wheeeee. Again. again. must do that again.”


Slow night shift?
That doggie was pretty cool …


Which doggie? The one on the slide?
Yeah…that was fun.
Love the one who grabbed the top rung and ran with it. Haaa.


Yeah, only watched that one so far.
Trying to do to many things at same time …


The other day a few of us remarked that we hadn’t seen anything from cripto ‘over there’.
Cripto did post on today’s Presidential thread, so is still around.


Yeah, I posted a follow-up to that. Cripto had said that all his comments the previous day had not posted – just vanished. We speculated that he may have been banned for 1 day …


SD has odd policies. One never knows what will trigger the ban hammer and for how long.
Agree with those here who said that, instead of banning Trump supporters, now is the time to bring all of us together.
He could have just a) had a post requesting that no one comment on Q, and b) add ‘no Q posts’ to his commenting policy.
Easy and polite, right? But, no. He had to go down the inflammatory route, with 1,000+ comments. SMH.


Yup, we’re all shaking our heads – can’t get a sense of what its about.


Agree. Whatever happened over there has divided instead of united. Perhaps that was the goal.


Quick suggestion –
Q uses “cohdde”. So should we, when referencing posters from the compromised site, or using profanity, or doing anything else similarly suspected to be ver-BOT-tag-N. Also, we needn’t use complete sence-sence-ezz.
It’s easy enough to avoid specific keywords, by using asterisks or other inserted substitutions, or by purposefully misspelling (either straight, or as a “dis”) and still get the meaning expressed clearly enough so that humans can get the picture.
For example, I distrust Dump-Roll, part deux. Think Aye-Eye can de-cry** that? Maybe only the most sophisticated ones, but not the v1.0’s.
I’m always suspect of anyone who asks for n# a^ @m e.Z.
Besides, it’s actually kinda FUN to tin-****DaBotz and CON fyooz
It may take an extra few seconds, for comms either way … but IMO, it’s worth it.
Good job with fawty-, -too!
Ve-gots to up R sqillz!
“Ebotics” lol


I stand with Wolfie’s comment below for extreme free speech. I will NOT hide from them, altho I won’t give them entree into my home either except as I so choose. Still, I have to say, I do keep some personal things hidden here in my home state since my adopted family was QUITE influential in my home town. I am settled enough within myself on the past that I can let it go and see no reason to denigrate others’ public reputations to sooth my own angst.


I understand, Wolf (and Filly).
A lot of points to digest; but, before scaling all of them, I wonder about the timing. When one is right – but at the wrong time – it’s as though one is wrong.
My goal was to protect against premature banning, by whomever (PW reversed, or others).
There seems to be a small space of time, which could be taken advantage of, IMO, in terms of NOT inviting censorship, prematurely. Also, I think it wise, to try to foil this scourge called “AI”. Whatever happens, it ISN’T going away. Terminador (sp) stuff, in real time.
I’m also an inveterate proponent of free speech, btw, of whatever kind – like both of you! I just feel that we’re just not yet at the goal line.
Complicated business …


This is in reply to hidden words/meaning…
this ol’ woman has enough of a problem with all the abbreviated words, i.e. SMH … still don’t know if LOL is ‘Lots of Luck’ or ‘Lots of Laughs’ .
So, please… don’t force me to have to learn a new language!
Besides, communication online is difficult enough with folks often misunderstanding your words… no body language, no voice for tone change, etc.
I’m in favor of as much clarity as possible when it comes to communicating.
btw… don’t know where I saw it, but someone was pontificating that within a year the Algorithms would be gone.
As qanons say, MEMEs are where it’s at for fooling the computer…
Perhaps the banning at the old watering hole is strictly capricious… I’m beyond caring myself.


It’s “Laugh Out Loud”! (And “KEK” means the same …)
And no, I don’t intend to sacrifice clarity! I meant a work-around for tagged words, initially, so that one may post without the hassle of wondering why it goes into “moderation” … which probably causes more frustration than a coded / edited word or two does.
And I don’t like the water (bad taste!) at the old watering hole, either. I’d rather focus on what’s happening now, and what will happen in our future.


Thank you for that info Emeraldstar…
(I would see KEK on the research board and wonder what the heck it meant… I thought it was the name for the frog, or for an expression of delight the frog had. !!!)


Perhaps so. Why, at this critical point in history, remains to be seen.
I’d want to be doing what wolfmoon and Q are doing, drawing Trump supporters together.
You know, that was the first time I’ve ever been banned from anything. I’ve never been fired, either. And I’m nearly 60.
Remarkable. :/
That’s saying something, isn’t it?
Hello, SD and friends. (Waving.)


Yes churchmouse,
that is saying something… alot actually, about you and who you are.
I’m convinced at this point that 95% of the banning is capricious… perhaps there’s a desire to terminate the blog. Who knows.
But you should know that not one of us believes you did anything to justify a ban…
I hereby proclaim that deed negated !
Go forth banless… not a mark on your good record.
Shame on you SD… (shaking my finger!)


Thank you very much, phoenixRising!
I really — greatly — appreciate your heartfelt comment and finger shaking at SD!


Well, not much into finger wagging as for one thing it reminds me of Clinton/Obama, but as I already said, who could ban a church mouse, and I never saw you do the least uncivil or improper thing, even if we don’t agree on Jeff Sessions. We’re civilized adults, and we don’t mind a few minor disagreements–I mean minor as in we’re on the same team.


Thank you very much.
I agree with all you say, especially about the maturity to disagree about something, yet still being friendly and on the same team.


This is a little better clip of the dinner at Mar A Lago…not as shaky.
Barron’s hair is looking just like his Dad’s.


Some still shots…comment image
comment imagecomment image


Ooops…sorry, that bottom one was supposed to be this one:
comment image


Looks like he’s holding court …


In that one photo above?
Heh…maybe, a little.
But overall…just being a gracious host.


A bag full of cuteness.
These puppies probably have all kinds of toys to play with…but they’d rather play with an empty bag.
Of course, it also prolly smells like treats.
Reminds me of how kids will end up playing more with the box that a toy came in…rather than the toy itself.


Almost like watching a taxi in Africa “disgorge” its passengers – you are left surprised as to how many fit in there!! 🙂


Evidence of political targeting, right there:

Yes, please.
I hope PDJT goes after these social media tyrants for Anti-Trust violations and political persecution against conservatives.


POTUS should make a deal with someone like Peter Thiel – tell him that if he can negotiate a deal with Gab whereby Gab accepts an investment from Thiel, then POTUS will switch to Gab .
That would destroy Twitter, likely within a year. And then, to rub in the salt, hit them with an antitrust suit, to vaporise them.
I know this is unrealistic – but one can dream. The TH experience has taught me how messed up this area of online speech is. If the free flow of ideas is eliminated, the West is cooked.


Heh….talk about leading the lemmings off a cliff, think of all the Libscum who would go to GAB just to continue their obnoxious trolling of the President

Elizabeth Carter

Peter Theil is into young human blood as a source to keep people young. I don’t think we want to be associated with him.
Peter Thiel Is Very, Very Interested in Young People’s Blood
The contrarian venture capitalist believes transfusions may hold the key to his dream of living forever.
I would not consider him anyone to be trusted.


Hi Elizabeth, I did no know that – thanks. I don’t know much about the man other than that he was one of the few Silicon valley types that openly supported our VSG.


Look at this amazing bird…it almost doesn’t look real.
Wow. That was a close call!




Fox is taking a lot of fire for this.
As they should!
Because this is gross…that looks like a baby that the turkey is about to eat.

Elizabeth Carter

wheatietoo, That is horrible. Thank you for posting it. I would not have seen it otherwise. These people are sick.


You’re welcome, Elizabeth.
Yeah there is nothing ‘funny’ about this.


Fox has officially gone over to the dark side (though some may argue that they’ve crossed over long ago). Whose insane idea was this?!?

Deplorable Patriot

And some of us now think they were created by the dark side to give the appearance of MSM balance.


Bet Christian Shannon Bream did not approve this graphic.


Look very, very closely at pretty much ALL of this kind of crap and one finds subliminal messages embedded within, as with so many children’s cartoons and movies now.

Cuppa Covfefe

The elites’ view of children, and controlling them, is nothing short of horrifying. Then again, their view of just about everything is horrifying, because their master is Satan.
Here’s a look at the UNICEF Masquerade ball from this year, supposedly “for the children”:
and (yet another) scary/odd children’s video series from the UK:
Finally, and quite disturbing, is what is making its ugly way onto YouTube, and, oddly enough, not being banned by them (as many Christian and/or conservative videos are) [n.b. this is shocking, but true]


I appreciate the links. Haven’t checked them out yet but re: YT – my son-in-law allows my 9 year old granddaughter to watch YT videos on an I-pad. I have warned him and warned him and warned him, yet he is still QUITE complacent. It is, according to him, “supervised” but he sits in his chair engrossed in the TV while she sits at the far end of the sofa with the I-pad. Last spring, I was at their house and walked into her bedroom to see what she was doing. She was lying on her bed with her I-pad in front of her and VERY quickly closed the video she was watching, looked up innocently and said “Hi, Grandma!” So I asked her what she was watching and to show it to me. It was a YT that, on first appearance, was a cartoon. Within 30 seconds, it had morphed into a bedroom scene, with a desk and a man sitting behind it, with females in the background, with some garbage about “hooking up.” I sternly instructed her she was to NEVER watch things like that again and she acted so guilty, she KNEW it was something she shouldn’t be watching. I told her Father and his Father and literally begged for at least one of them to monitor CLOSELY what she is watching and doing on-line. I arrive on Thanksgiving and she is on the couch with her I-pad *sigh* Sure enough, I found her watching some stupid video about dieting like a pregnant woman or something to that effect. And, of course, she uses earphones so you have to go LOOK to see what she is doing. Grrrr…….I tell you – these people are SICK in the head who put these things out there specifically targeting children!!! And I’ve got the perfect antidote: a bullet through their brains!!!!


Her Mom was my daughter who died. Piper has been exposed to Christianity since her birth and was, of course, baptized. When Piper was spending so much time with me, I took her to church and Sunday School (which she loved), bought a children’s Bible for her and special religious-themed books, etc. Her Dad is a Christian, tho, and they go to many, many NA/AA meetings and functions, many of which are in churches. And she knows Jesus, there is no doubt of that. She attended pre-K at a Lutheran school and continued going there after regular school up ’til last year. One of her favorite movies to watch when she comes here is “Heaven is For Real.” It is a matter of him just not paying enough attention and being too permissive, altho, bless him, he tries so hard. Thankfully, he really is a great dad and has been sober for over 3 years now.

Cuppa Covfefe

YouTube is a haven for predators and other miscreants. That ‘with some garbage about “hooking up.” ‘ video almost sounds like what is called “grooming”. Might make sense to put some sort of parental control app on the device, even if it’s only in “keep track of what’s being watched” mode. Then again, there are websites that show people how to defeat that… then we get into the world of router blocking…
The third link is well worth reading in this case, also for your son-in-law. There is HORRIBLE stuff out there that the MSM/YSM don’t report (as it would cut into their profits and agenda). The first time I saw the article I was shocked, and I already knew (from Christian sites like that YouTube was a sewer, but, wow, it’s even worse than I suspected.
This “always online” society needs to question the value of that. I guess I’m a little old-fashioned in that regard, but if folks can’t/don’t/won’t control their internet/social media, it will control them (cf. Farcebørk)…

singularZoe is a goldmine of info. I could read there forever.


I read all the links and did forward that article to him with a plea to read it and pay attention. He said he activated the parental controls but I don’t know what parameters he set. I also refuse to be constantly tethered to the internet and this is why I keep my old flip-phone and refuse to get a smart phone.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, same here. My wife and son tease me about my “dumb phone”, a Nokia 6210 from 1998, but like the old Timex watches (or at least their ads) it takes a licking, but it keeps on ticking. It’s survived being dropped, having a bath in the loo, being kicked in the snow (by mistake, natch), and being used for 20 years now; with only a replacement battery along the way.
And it has a standby time that leaves i-Thing users in tears (of jealousy). Plus it works perfectly as a PHONE, which most of the new devices do as an afterthought… Finally, it doesn’t have GPS, so other than pinged cell towers, it doesn’t track me, and its internet connection is so slow it’s almost going backwards…
In short, a phone that phones. Nothing else…
And why sign up for €8,00 per month just to use “WhatsApp” or “Telegram” once in a while… if I need a camera, I have four of them, two of which are quite good; if I need a computer, I have 16 of them (blush) or various sizes and functions; and if I need a phone, I have my trusty Nokia. And a couple of “newer” ones (only 10 years out-of-date 🙂 )…


“The cartoon human was carefully crafted to look exactly the way it does.”
The color was PINK.
NOT like a cooked turkey – among other tells.
And the “head” was reversed – facing UP, not down (see the “nose”, also in pink).
I also note the “x”s for the eyes.
Truly Luciferian. If anyone had any doubts about the allegiance of Fox, with the Globalists – THIS should dispel them.
These people are SICK!

Sylvia Avery

Hm…doesn’t seem to be available any longer.


They must have deleted the tweet!

Sylvia Avery

Perhaps they got blowback?


Well they were certainly getting slammed on twitter about it.


Living in a sh!thole, with cheap fuel. Life is cheap to, based on that.


Some different animal vids
Big boy

Angry boy

Brave lady at 6.55 and 11.55, although it is all interesting


Very nervous American family in Africa


“Roll the windows up.” <– Haaa. Like that is going to protect you.
Seems to me like the right thing to do…would be to put it into reverse and s l o w l y retreat, then whip around and speed off in the other direction.
That elephant looked to be making a stand, as in 'You shall not pass'.
There may have been some babies off in the tall grass…or maybe a pregnant female or two.

Elizabeth Carter

I posted this on the previous thread. After reading the comments, I think it is appropriate to post it again because we are under attack.
I was asked: “If you have a clear understanding of Zionism, please post. It has me bewildered and googling isn’t helpful on this subject. Thanks bunches and God Bless.”
Q says to do our own research and I do. I suggest we all do. This was my response:
When I research something, I always go to the original source if possible.
Thousands of books have been written about Jesus. He was a man of few words. I always refer to the original Scripture in the Bible as the touchstone to verify the information in the other books.
For matters related to Judaism, I go to the Jewish Encyclopedia. You can use the search engine at the top of the page.
Is the first article but there are many in the search box.
My opinion is only that, my opinion and was often arrived at by misdirection or osmosis. When I start looking things up, I try to arrive at the truth by throwing my opinion in the trash and start over with actual sources. The truth stands up to extreme investigation. If something is not true, it starts falling apart and goes into the dustbin of history.
One of the funniest things I found is when the Jews were in the wilderness for 40 years, Christian leaders were often referring to our personal hard times as being “in the wilderness.” One day I was reading Scripture about that and found this:
Deuteronomy 2:7 – For the LORD thy God hath blessed thee in all the works of thy hand: he knoweth thy walking through this great wilderness: these forty years the LORD thy God hath been with thee; thou hast lacked nothing.
Nehemiah 9-21
“Yea, forty years didst thou sustain them in the wilderness, so that they lacked nothing; their clothes waxed not old, and their feet swelled not.”
Some of the tribes did not enter into the Promised Land because they had accumulated too much during the 40 years in the wilderness to be comfortable in the space they had been allotted but they agreed to help the other tribes obtain their Promised Land.
I had read those Scriptures many times but somehow once someone you trust interprets them differently, it is very difficult to see what they truly say. When I saw what God actually did for them in the wilderness for 40 years, I don’t dread being in the wilderness anymore because I know that it means that the Lord my God will bless me and take care of the things I need and I will lack for nothing. Now I look forward to the wilderness times when I will actually be walking even closer with the Lord.


Thank you for the link.


Spent some time in seminary in the 70’s. Was studying to be a seminary professor–didn’t want the pastorate gig. Anyway, not all Israel is Israel. Israel, scripturally speaking as far as the chosen, is most always a remnant. Paul speaks to this in Romans 11:4-6, “a remnant according to God’s grace…not by works.”
As early as 90-100 AD, Jesus Christ Himself refers to Jews who say they are Jews but lie and are of the “the synagogue of Satan” (cf. Rev. 2:9; 3:9). In other words, not all of Israel is chosen Israel. Judah was/is the chosen line of Israel (and Benjamin was in close alliance with Judah) through which Jesus Christ came to earth. Generally speaking, the northern ten tribes went into the Assyrian Captivity of 721 BC, and biblically speaking, did not return to the Promised Land under decree. Judah and Benjamin were removed in the Babylonian Captivity of 586 BC, and were allowed to return to Jerusalem under the decree of King Cyrus in 536 BC.
Further, one will need to distinguish between Ashkenazi (Khazarian) and Sephardim Jews. Secular Zionists are generally lumped into the Ashkenazi batch which came out of eastern Europe and the Caucasus Region (the dominant group); as opposed to the Sephardim who remained in Spain and Northern Africa. These are generalizations, but Judah would be of the Sephardim, or biblical Jews.
My point is–not all Israel is Israel, which is Biblically a “remnant” chosen by Yahweh by His grace.


I know Elizabeth–your request was made to Wolfmoon, and I certainly don’t want to be intruding upon your discussion with him. Just putting down some thoughts…sorry!
Prophetically speaking regarding the Old Testament (and New), Israel was destined to be dispersed (the diaspora) out of the Promised Land (the final act occurring circa 70 AD with the Roman destruction of the Temple, Jerusalem), to be scattered throughout the earth. However, the Lord also promised the children of Israel that He would return them to the Promised Land (for lack of a better term) “in the latter days” or “latter years”, or “the last days”; which prophetically speaking refers to the period of time preceding the return of Jesus Christ (His Second Advent), His Second Coming (Parousia).
We read– “And the nations will know that the house of Israel went into exile (the diaspora) for their iniquity because they acted treacherously against Me, and I hid my face from them; so I gave them into the hand of their adversaries … Therefore thus says the Lord God, ‘Now I shall restore the fortunes of Jacob, and have mercy on the whole house of Israel … When I bring them back from the peoples and gather them from the lands of their enemies, then I shall be sanctified through them in the sight of the many nations’.” (Ezekiel 39:23-27). “… in the latter years … whose inhabitants have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel which had been a continual waste; but its people (Israel) were brought out from the nations, and they are living securely, all of them.” (Ezek. 38:8).
Therefore, if you approach Biblical prophecy and its interpretation in the “futurist” method; then the return of Israel as a sovereign nation in 1948 fulfills a “futuristic” interpretation of Old Testament prophecy. The Lord promised the children of Israel He would restore them to the land in the latter years and bring them to the land from all the nations in which they were scattered.
That said, again– not all Israel is Israel– a remnant throughout the generations according to God’s grace “who have not bowed the knee to Baal” are the chosen. Secular Zionist Jews are of the house of Lucifer, the synagogue of Satan.
Doubt this helps you, but perhaps it might.


Pete, I have had similar confusion as Elizabeth and others over the Zionism issue and find your teaching on this extremely helpful. I have had friends who talk about the Sephardic/ Vs. Khazarian Jews, and I think it’s interesting but don’t want to give a cloak to hatred of particular people groups. Thank you for making it all clearer.


When all the fog is cleared, there are only two houses on Earth, whether Jew or Gentile (goyim)– and they are the house of the Lord God, or the house of Lucifer. Every Jew or Gentile resides in one of those houses– and to recognize that most of the Jews are secular (anti-God) Zionists in no way is anti-Semitic!!!
Whether Jew or Gentile, the gate is narrow to the house of the Lord — “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14). As such, “the few” who find it are always “a remnant”, whether Jew or Gentile– whether through the Son, Jesus Christ (New Testament), or through the Lord God the Father (the Old Testament)– “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God; not as a result of works, that no man should boast.” (Eph. 2:8-9).
Interestingly, the children of Israel were called to be the witness of the glory of God the Creator to the peoples of the earth in the Old Testament– and likewise, the Church (the body of Christ) was called to be the witness of Jesus Christ on earth to both Jew and Gentile in the New Testament. And both programs have missed the mark and come up short because they become secular and human-centric.


Thank you, Pete. Appreciate my godly brothers instructing us on here. Also love to learn about “types” of Son of God in the O.T., do think he may have appeared there acting through the Father. Some day we will find out if that is true.


So true Zoe—“types” abound in the OT.
Yes, He appeared in the OT. Remember, Jesus declared—“I and My Father are one.” (John 10:30). We are given understanding regarding this declaration by Jesus by the Jewish religious leaders themselves—“The Jews answered Him, saying, ‘For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy, and because You, being a Man, make Yourself God.’” (John 10:33).
So when we come to the personages of the Godhead—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—in part, this breakdown is done for our benefit and comprehension as finite beings.


Yes, thank you, brother Pete.


To me, Zionism points to two things:
First: Isaiah 2:3 – The LAW/COMMANDMENTS OF THE LORD PROCEED OUT OF ZION – The true religion/law of the Lord has been given to the Jews to live and display among the nations. With the birth/death/rise of Jesus Christ and the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost – the people of GOD entrusted with the witness of GOD is complete.
Conversely – Sharia Law/Islam are not of GOD – not the true Law and Spirit of GOD – but quite the opposite as Islam’s fruit reveals. Islam’s fruit is the polar opposite of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Islam is (one of many) a spirit of the anti-Christ.
Second: Zionism relates to the right of Israel to exist on the land given to them by GOD. Israel has a right to the land – as did the Children of Israel – of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Israel held the land throughout the Old Testament – except when they fell into sin and disobedience – then they were attacked and taken captive by pagan nations, particularly the Assyrians and Philistines (the same spirits modern day Islam).
Coincidentally, the land of the Philistines is located approximately where modern day Gaza is today.
Modern day Israel is like other Western nations – in rebellion against GOD and His Commandments, especially in the realm of sexuality – abortion is free in Israel and homosexuality is also permitted to the point that Tel Aviv is a ‘gay’ mecca.
Western nations are experiencing the rise of Islam because they have forged laws that enable people to break all of GOD’s Laws and some that would force us to do so. We can’t break GOD’s laws without consequence.


Eric Braverman is an interesting fellow, and would be a fascinating witness.
Braverman is gay and his wedding made Page Six, socially noteworthy.
Braverman was chosen by Chelsea Clinton to head the Clinton Foundation. At the time, Braverman also taught a class at Yale. Braverman’s goal was to weed out corruption at the Clinton Foundation (according to Chelsea) and make the Foundation more productive (instead of a layover for cronies). Braverman met with a great deal of resistance from old regulars and friends of the Clintons.
John Podesta thought Eric Braverman was the leaker of the Podesta emails according to Podesta’s own email released by Wikileaks.
Braverman then disappeared in October/November of 2016.
Sorcha Faal reported Braverman was seen entering the Russian Embassy, which led to rampant speculation.
I personally called Braverman’s office in DC and at Yale – no answer, no returned message.
When asked about Braverman’s disappearance, his father replied, “That’s ridiculous, he’s fine.”, but no further details were given. Quietly, SNOPES changed their entry about Braverman to “unknown”.
Well, Braverman reappeared in January of 2017 with a new job.
Yet, instead of resolving the mystery, his new job only fueled more speculation.
Eric Braverman took a job as the head of the “non-investment side of the Alphabet Family office”. What does that mean? It means he works directly for Eric and Wendy Schmidt.
Eric Schmidt was mentioned many times throughout Q’s postings, and Schmidt’s resignation from Google was a pivotal event. We still don’t know why.
Yet today, Eric and Wendy Schmidt are funding “Schmidt Research Fellows” and Braverman is the public face.
Within this link below, is the link to Braverman’s Twitter feed. So, I checked out his feed for the past 6 months.
The Schmidt fellows are all doing cutting edge research at mostly Ivy-League institutions. Braverman is beyond liberal, obvious in his postings.
I’m left with more questions than when I began.


Enjoy building my own M4’s from scratch in order to customize all the components. Prefer to install gas piston systems instead of direct gas impingement. Great platform and weapon with the right system and ammo, and easy to maintain operationally with spare parts if things go south. Must be prepared—never know what the NWO globalists have in store for us! They can easily destroy the stock market at their whim if they so choose. President Trump even warned of that scenario during his campaign days, saying he hoped it would not happen a few months into a new administration. The Lord be with us, because the Luciferian powers of the world are definitely against us!!!


WARNING – Holiday Fraud has already started!
Just got a notice from PayPal that some sleaze in Asia tried to buy a 69” TV from Ebay using my account.
Therefore – I changed Email, Ebay, Amazon passwords and bank passwords as well.
Since moving to my current city 12 years ago – I’ve had to get 6-7 new credit/debit/checking accounts due to hackers/crooks/burglars – such as the HomeDepot and Target hackings!
– Keep a list of current passwords
– don’t use the same PW for every account/site
– reset passwords 2-3 times a year
– before paying bills, clear cookies/files/reset Safari, etc.
– clear cookies often when surfing internet – be OC about it!
– don’t use password auto shortcuts or store passwords.
If you have any other tips – please let us know.
If this happens again – I’m going to get an Israeli (Safe-Mail) or Swiss (Proton Mail) email account.

Deplorable Patriot

If you use Chrome, opening an incognito window is an option. Simply hold down ctrl and shift and press the letter n and a window will pop up, Nothing done in that window or the tabs generated from it will be saved.


I’ve not used Chrome – I have an old Mac Laptop.


FYI, Georgia …
The 8-chans just had posts, in the last couple / few days, the “proton” mail was compromised.
We all tend to use passwords that we can remember.
Time to STOP that. Use all SORTS of characters, and make it 12+ characters at least (if allowed).
Best to write them down – with PEN and PAPER – to be off-grid.
Also, although it’s right convenient to pay bills online, consider going back to what it used to be. Written checks, NO electronic payments. Do we want convenience … or SECURITY? Do we take responsibility for our OWN security … or put it in the hands of someone else?
For TV show “Kung Fu”: “Trust is as safe as where you put it!” (may be a paraphrase, but the meaning is the same).
I’ve seen ads now, for people to get rid of their “smart” phones, and go back to “dumb” ones, because of the spying / location IDing, etc., that “smart” phones have. Late-tech phones are SPYING, on all who own them.
Even when the power is OFF (whether phone, or WiFi router, or computer … or even the TV), it ISN”T “off”. The battery power can last for days, despite what the indicators tell one. Most times, it’s STILL spying: NOT off, even when they (THEY) say that it’s “off”.
Have I used enough quotes and capital letters? lol
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! (And, btw, TY for the pre-Commandments Noah edicts – I hadn’t come across them before you posted them! Cheers!)


WOW – thanks for all the great tips – copied to safe and study! Esp. thanks for the tip on Proton mail. Have to say – tech-wise, I trust the Israelis more than the Swiss.
You are right about online bill pay, etc.
I do have ID protect – but use a debit card rather than a credit card – against some advice.
PS – I do not have a ‘smart phone’ – my Nokia candy bar phone is a 2002! I am a technophobe of sorts.


And yes, thanks, I had a great Thanksgiving – though quiet – with daughter who has progressive disability. She requested a seafood dish and key lime pie for dessert. Made salad and two vegetables to go with it. We had a lovely time.



Meet Mini-Donald – Eric and Lara Trump’s baby! Spitting image of his Grandpa!

Sylvia Avery

He’s going to break a few hearts!


Reminds me of the cool teen age guys back in my day – cruising around with right arm slung across the seat back or around a girl.


Now this is interesting:


If that is true, then that bit of data is affirmation for all the “please Donald don’t expose the UK/5eye involvement in conspiracy to spy on you.” She is involved up to her eyeballs. And, here’s more on Deep State Theresa May…

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

Giuliani is interesting. I think he is in his current role because certain NY based LE officials saw information on Weiner’s laptop concerning the Hildabeast that is so damning, they could not in good conscience let it go. Not knowing who they could trust in their chain of command, they picked Rudy to communicate with PDJT on their behalf. (Recall that Comey reopened the email investigation right before the election because the NY FBI field office was considering going public about the indifference Comey exhibited as to the content of Weiner’s laptop.)
Maybe I see the world through rose colored glasses, but yesterday Rudy said “I’m telling you, she is going in front of a grand jury.” Not should go, “is going”. This statement is only true if a grand jury has already been empaneled.
A guy can hope, can’t he?


Giuliani is playing a very big role, mostly behind the scenes. That interview with Hannity, where he said “I can’t answer that now, all will become clear later” (paraphrasing) was a nod and a wink to Deplorables to stay strong and that “our seal teams” were on the job.
The written answers to Mueller (Giuliani’s job) is another milestone ticked off, signalling the advancement to another stage.
Keep the faith. Hope is being systematically killed in the “other place”, that is why we are here.


Further to hope being killed off over there, SD has a post up today that the DS is behind all the release of info such as Strzok texts.
How much further will he fall into despair / cynicism? Not a good way to live. Many posters are leaving as a result.

Sylvia Avery

There has to be some connection to his post about being short on time and getting some big new help involved with his research or writing. People were speculating all sorts of things: Bongino, Sidney Powell, Sharyl Atkisson, Kimberly Strassell.
Something is up, something was up. SD is selling or has sold off/sold out, lost his mind, I don’t know. It is just too bizarre.


Yup, bizarre. This started with him ditching the sting theory – it has been all downhill from there in terms of negativity and cynicism. The tone of the board reflects his tone. This is human psych. …
The fact that he actively banned posters who expressed hope …
THAT is bizarre …

Sylvia Avery

Deliberate not random. I just can’t quite discern WHY.

A.D. Everard

Seems more and more like a psych-ops to lead the positive types into despair, and if they won’t go there, boot ’em out to keep the mood down. Question I have if that is true is why is it so important for pro-MAGA, pro-Sessions and pro-Q types to give up? What can the DS gain from that? President Trump is clearly handling things and DS surely has enough on its plate than to worry about what the “little people” think.
It just seems strange that on the very brink of finding out how all the chips fall, that SD should give up all hope. He should at least see it play out. That said, depression is a nasty beast and it’s very hard to raise oneself out of it. I don’t see blackmail though, the board would simply shut down. It would just not be there one day.
I’m hopeful that when things all land, and land well, that SD will be able to raise his head and see some hope once more. Maybe then he’ll tell us what the meltdown was all about.


Cogently summarised AD. Still stuck at “Bizarre” 🙂

Sylvia Avery

I checked in over there today and read that article. I found it didn’t cut me like it would have before because now I read it somewhat dispassionately with my “What is SDs agenda, anyway?” filter firmly in place. Call in my Suspicious Cat face.


Yup, that was pretty much my mental state!!


Can you stand one more password tip? I use actual sentences…things that I would remember but I also have a safe place where my passwords are written down. Here is an example: “My dog will only eat seven biscuits @ 6 PM. That translates to: MdWoe7B@6Pm. I change up the capitol letters. Hope this helps. BTW….this is NOT one of my passwords. HAHA

Deplorable Patriot

Don’t look now, but another player in the saga announced a brain injury today. Michael Hayden reportedly had a stroke. No further details in the story from Breitbart. Knowing a whole lot of people who have had strokes (and living with one) there would be details by now.
Not speculating in writing about this. Nope. Not going “there” even if it’s an open invitation to do so given No Name, and the number of elected officials who are exhibiting signs of memory loss.


It just never ends. Does anyone have an accurate body count? Forgive the morbid question but I am starting to wonder.



Deplorable Patriot

Oops. Meant to leave this here:
Don’t look now, but another player in the saga announced a brain injury today. Michael Hayden reportedly had a stroke. No further details in the story from Breitbart. Knowing a whole lot of people who have had strokes (and living with one) there would be details by now.
Not speculating in writing about this. Nope. Not going “there” even if it’s an open invitation to do so given No Name, and the number of elected officials who are exhibiting signs of memory loss.


oops….I just looked up Michael Hayden….forgot that he is a black hat so that makes this even more interesting to me. Another McCain situation? “Every dog has his day.”

Deplorable Patriot

Earlier today I was thinking about David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Counsel on Foreign Relations founding pair. Both passed away in 2017 of what were reported to be natural causes related to old age. Could very well be. Honestly as DR was over 100 (the rumor was he had had a number of heart transplants) and ZB was 89. However, there is always the option of voluntary withdrawal of extraordinary measures when one is ready to go. That’s what James Michener did when he refused to continue with dialysis, and died three days later. A cousin of ours stopped life extending chemo when she was ready. Given the situation, it remains a possibility for those who know they will be prosecuted, they let nature take its course if there is a terminal disease or condition present.
Was this the case with Hayden, or was there something else involved? There’s no way to know unless an insider breaks ranks and leaks. If it didn’t happen with No Name, it probably won’t happen in this case.


Allergic reaction to Pb


Sooo….I’m not a blogger but was wondering the benefits of having a wordpress account with features navigating this site – If I’m not a blogger.
Thanks all


I haven’t started a blog page either but as a wordpress user you can see if someone liked one of your comments or responded to it. Also you can read what they said and click and it will take you to the comment about your comment.
You can also change your little picture by your name, Gravatar, so that people can spot your posts east if you make friends.
I don’t know much about it but hope that answered your question.


Sauce, you don’t have to set-up-a-blog to set up a WordPress account.
The feature is there…but you don’t have to use it.
The benefits of having an account:
— You get notifications of whenever one of your comments is replied to, in real time as it happens.
Account holder get a little ‘bell icon’ appearing on the right hand corner of the WP screen-bar, which also appears when you are signed into your WP account.
— When you click on that bell icon, you get a drop-down which shows you the reply.
You can reply back…right from that drop-down space.
This is especially helpful if you are in a discussion that ends up over in the righthand margin.
Because you can still reply from your drop-down…even when there is no ‘Reply’ button out here on the page.
— You also get notifications of when your comment receives a ‘Like’.
It shows you Who has clicked a ‘Like’…and on Which Comment.
— You get to give comments a ‘Like’ when you agree or like the content.
If you change your mind for some reason…or did it by accident…then a second click will remove the Like that you gave.
Hope this helps. 🙂




Comey the leaker projecting again.
He’s a mental case for sure.

A.D. Everard

In a public setting he will be able to refuse to answer some questions, citing security reasons. A public setting will protect him.


Rat-weasel hybrid?


SD just posted an article reversing what he had said months ago about White Hats releasing the Page/Strzok text messages, etc. Now he thinks it’s the Deep State who did it to give everyone time to prepare their defense, since it’s now been a year with no action. This is one of the things that seemed to change about SD in the past few months. Now everything has to be done fast, everyone has to be prosecuted immediately, or the Black Hats are in charge.


Yup – the CTH 2.0 – “Where Hope goes to get poisoned”


That’s sad Linda…

Sylvia Avery

Oh what WILL that goofy court decide? We need more replacement justices. I still don’t trust the court.


I find it absolutely bizarre that such a ridiculous issue is even been considered. I was in the military, and I really can’t imagine serving with transgendered people. Nothing would have gotten done. Maybe that’s the point?


With you on all of it, Linda. Demoralization of our military is a communist goal, as I’m sure you are aware.


Linda, thought I already posted this. Demoralization of our military is a goal of communism, as you know. I agree with all you have said here.

Sylvia Avery

I’m sure that is the point. Constantly stress, weaken, and overwhelm all of our systems. It is what the Commies do.

Sylvia Avery

I was just heading out to walk the dog and I stopped to see if there were any new articles by our former host.
He has posted a Dan Bongino presentation and is quite complimentary about it. I haven’t watched it yet but will later.
It wasn’t that long ago and Dan Bongino was the devil incarnate. Or something. I rather like Bongino.
If interested, here you go.

Sylvia Avery

Kinda depressing, but I think an accurate summary of the culture war of the last 50 years.


Very interesting article. I agree with the overall sentiment that the 60s ultimately won the cultural war. While I am a product of the 80s, I can even see the difference between culture then (80s) and culture now.
Question is, are we at the point of no return……or can we still reverse course? The 60s has, admittedly done a lot of damage to our culture. On the other hand, we seem to have an up and coming generation (Generation Z) that is staring to reject the progressive culture. Perhaps they can succeed where my generation (Generation X) and Millenials failed in undoing the damage (though it will take time).

Sylvia Avery

I surely hope so. Maybe they can look at things, clear eyed, and see what went wrong and chart a better course. I pray this is true.

Sylvia Avery

Caravan Invasion Force Shifts PR Tactics Now. Article is linked below, here’s a quote from it:
“Start with their demands for housing at no cost to themselves from the Mexicans, as the 150 border-surgers just insisted on. Seriously, do you ever travel to a foreign city with no money and expect to be housed by the foreigners? They do. Note that entitlement mentality.
They show up at a border with no money expecting to get free housing, and then they complain about having to sleep under bleachers instead, and, worse still, having to eat, horrors! Mexican food such as beans and tortillas, which are a form of food that “fit only for pigs,” as one Honduran charmer told the cameras earlier. Note also that if they didn’t get all that free housing they expected, then Mexico would be the bad guy because “the world is watching.”
Oh, shame, shame! That’ll shake out what they want from the Mexicans, even though, as ordinary Mexicans tell the press, they have a heckuva lot of poor local people residing right now in their country, including in Tijuana. I’ve been to one of those places, a place where people lived in tin shacks and cardboard boxes and visited Playas de Tijuana once a year as their big vacation day, without bathing suits or a carried picnic basket solely because they could not afford any. The rich ones could sometimes afford a watermelon. I’ve been to that beach.
Now these foreigners march in and demand free housing? The Mexicans can only shake their heads at that one. It’s obvious these people were never poor back in Honduras, given their expensive clothes and inflated expectations. Now they are trying to shake down the Mexicans into providing them with free five-star hotels while they wait for their phony asylum claims to be processed.”


SD, in his latest post, links to a Dan Bongino Spygate presentation – I have not watched this yet …
In his post, he opines that the Mueller SC will NEVER END …
I don’t know what to make of RR / Mueller. On the surface, this was ALL bad. Not a hard concept to grasp, as I have said all along.
Scratch below the surface, look at VSG’s words AND deeds before and since Mueller, and one is left with Hmmm …
Now, RR was perfectly set up to be fired in the NYT “want me to wear a wire” article. POTUS did not fire him or reprimand him …
It was argued that this was a trap …
Well, RR is no longer in charge of Mueller, so the trap is sprung (seemingly). Yet he still has his job. Now if POTUS thought that Mueller was the evil entity that SD says he is, why is Mueller’s creator still working in the DOJ when POTUS has every reason to fire his azz?
Again, things are NOT as they seem, since the accepted narratives do not add up. So, Q and the sting are the ONLY scenarios offering an answer that fits.
JMO, once yet again, and so on and so forth, while us plebeians wait for justice that is surely coming …


From the comments (No Ban???):
superfly007 says:
November 23, 2018 at 8:17 pm
Panic in DC Did Whitaker remove [SC] ‘special articles’ inserted by [RR] re: expanded scope v2? Was the scope narrowed to the original mandate assigned? Item used when walking a dog? Q
Liked by 1 person
sundance says:
November 23, 2018 at 8:34 pm
Please don’t post the “Q” stuff at CTH.
I keep politely asking, but apparently the “Q followers” are quite rude – and refuse this simple request.
Liked by 18 people
Jedi9 says:
November 23, 2018 at 8:43 pm
AGREE! REC 1000x!!!!
Liked by 4 people
dallasdan says:
November 23, 2018 at 8:43 pm
Thank you for keeping the Q trash off your wonderful site.
Liked by 3 people
Amy2 says:
November 23, 2018 at 9:16 pm
Yes! If some of his stuff pans out, use it as your own and look like a hero!! I steal from CTH all the time!
Liked by 1 person
RedBallExpress says:
November 23, 2018 at 9:28 pm
If you like playing with dynamite quote the “upper left” position often.
sweepyjeff says:
November 23, 2018 at 9:38 pm
Wait….Q said “Activate Sessions”! That was a really good one.


When this thread runs it’s course, check out the names of the “likes”.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. You can also tell the “bookends” (or bookshelves, sometimes) by the “like-feasts” between them.
Something is definitely rotten in SDenmark….
And all of the snark against 4D- (and higher-dimensional) chess. The “Gloom, Despair, and Agony on me” crowd have solidified their footprint (even if what they stepped in isn’t so solid…). (Also, RIP Roy Clark, one of the most talented pickers out there. He could play every instrument, sing, act, joke, etc.)…


Q gives people…Hope.
Q tells us to ‘think for yourself’.
Q drops clues to where we can research things for ourselves.
If you were wanting to sow division and create despair…you wouldn’t want people to be paying any attention to Q, would you.
If you were wanting people to come to You as a source for learning what-is-going-on…then you wouldn’t want people paying attention to Q.
With these things in mind, whose behavior also comes to mind?


Do I really need to answer that? I bet you are not offering a big prize to that Q(uestion) … 🙂 🙂 🙂


Heh…it was sort of a rhetorical question, IYKWIM.

Cuppa Covfefe

First prize: a week in Milpitas… Second prize: two weeks in Milpitas 🙂


Being an Aussie, not familiar with Milpitas.
Great place, is it? 🙂


Maybe I shouldn’t say this–maybe Cuppa lives there–but I don’t think you’re missing much. I’ve never been there, but I’ve been in the vicinity.

Cuppa Covfefe

No problem, I used to work near there, long, LONG ago, and there were sewage ponds nearby which, erm, perfumed the area. Those are gone now, and it’s part of the Silicon Valley now, so it’s crowded with all sorts of electronics firms, as well as being overbuilt, full of traffic, etc. Otherwise it’s a nice place 🙂
(I was referring to the sewage pond days – 1970s)…


Also important to add: Like or hate Q, not once has Q advocated for complacency. Hope is not the same as complacency. I hate this falsehood getting constantly thrown around by rabid anti Q folks.


Yes, exactly so.


Sylvia said:
“Deliberate not random. I just can’t quite discern WHY.”
I am replying to this comment here, Syl, because there was no Reply button with it, over in the r/h margin.
Because of public opinion polling.
Several big-name Dems, such as Maxine Waters, have said that “When we get him down in the polls, then we Impeach.”
So there’s been a concerted effort to divide us, make us depressed and in a state of despair.
They want to drive down Pres Trump’s “approval rating”.
The Trump-haters have done everything they can, to delay-delay and obstruct everything that Pres Trump is trying to do.
These are his Promises to us.
He’s been working night and day to keep those promises.
They want to be able to say…”See, he’s not accomplishing anything that he promised.”
I think the Sessions-bashing was a part of the ‘create division’ mission.
It worked too.
The Dems would’ve loved to see Indictments happening right off the bat.
They had the courts packed with their operatives!
Those indictments would’ve gone nowhere.
Sessions’ recusal served as a way to Delay the Indictments…until enough of Trump’s judges could get confirmed, so that we would have a fighting chance of getting some justice.
There are still about 75 of PDJT’s judge appointees that are awaiting confirmation.
Hopefully, a good number of them will be confirmed soon.
Perhaps this is ‘why’ they still haven’t exposed the Mueller WitchHunt yet, I dunno.
There is still the Jan 1st start-date for when the EO kicks in, allowing the expanded use of military courts.
There has been a slow turn in direction at the CTH since the Pres did that EO.
I am not the only one who noticed it…it was subtle at first…but there.


Wheatie, may I say I think this post is brilliant? You brought several pieces together that made what is happening clearer for me. Thank you.


You’re very welcome, Zoe.
I am glad to hear that it made sense.


It made a lot of sense, Wheatie. I’m also thinking that impeachment is very high on the dems agenda for the new congress. Too many of them are super dirty and know that they could be on the indictment list. They’ll try to get him before he can get them. I’m hoping that big things will happen before January. Maybe exposed voter fraud will put a lot of those seats in limbo. Or that the Dec. 5th testimony by Huber will start the ball rolling on indicting Hillary, which should take a whole lot of people with her. It looks like things are going to go right down to the wire. Exciting, but very nerve wracking.

Plain Jane

Bongino doesn’tthink the big players will get the justice that’scoming to them. Are these great pieces of disinfo? For a good purpose? Long stretch, but mayb.

Plain Jane

Made sense to me also. But, it’s difficult for me to comprehend that he would go over to the dark side so completely. Something more transpired.


Maybe threats? CTH has become a high traffic site, so it is definitely noticed by the globalist cabal.

Plain Jane

Possibly. He needs our prayers regardless if he is on the dard side or the light side, or if he is even ther in charge.

Deplorable Patriot

Image is everything. I do agree that the appearance of division has been attempted. The question is how many people fell for it.


Wheatie lays a plausible, indeed the very likely motive.
It should fail, IMO, the minute the hammer drops – Hope will be resurgent, and SD’s cred should fall into the toilet – but of course, it won’t.


Another explanation, which has already being partially discussed …
Huber IS the Hammer, and SD is deflecting to Whitaker, saying, there is no plan, but there is just one, maybe a couple of patriots trying to hold back the swamp. There is no Q, there is no plan, just give up …
Then Huber comes along, from left field, whilst people are sitting back, relaxed (DS) or sitting in despair (us, necessary for deflection) …
Talk about Whitaker got the DRats excited – not sure what the buzz social media buzz was re Huber?
JS’s “firing” also made it look less likely that Huber would deliver – Why would you fire the man who appointed the Hammer that took down the cabal?
So JS’s firing took any remaining eyes of Huber, focused everyone on Whitaker, leaving Huber wide open for … something “Hammer like” (hoping like crazy)


But as acting AG, Whitaker has more power than Huber, who is only a prosecutor.
Huber has been quietly doing his thing, even holding at least one Grand Jury (that we know of) that is being done with little or no fanfare.
So…deflecting attention to Whitaker, for what he has been doing to help us, in advance of some future ‘heat’ that Huber may take?
I dunno, Jason.
Sorry, I’m having a little trouble with that scenario.
Huber may be the ‘hammer’…but the AAG is the one wielding that hammer.
Sure, if Huber reveals some Booms in his testimony, he’s going to be demonized by the Enemedia nozzles and the guilty dogs will be yelping loudly.
But those same nozzles and guilty dogs also know that it is Whitaker who will be the one that brings the hammer down on them.
So the question still remains…Why harm Whitaker?
That is, if you are really a Trump supporter.


I hear you, and have got nothing sensible to offer. Just ruminating aloud …
Not even sure what purpose any deflection serves so late in the game. The die should be pretty well cast by now, one way or the other.
No wonder you are having trouble with that scenario, so do I 🙂
So scratch that.