D5 Advance Warnings

Q just dropped 4 posts – 3 on D5-related matters and 1 on the border.

Here is the border / caravan / immigration post, just to get that out of the way.

Or in text….

!!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4b8e5c No.4031007
Nov 25 2018 21:37:32 (EST)NEWBorder Security = National Security.
FY 2019 Defense Spending Bill
>>Budget Overview
Budget Reconciliation
What if the House fails prior to majority change?
What vested auth does the Constitution grant a sitting President re: matters of NAT SEC?
Thank you, Mr. Soros.

Q Post 2502

Looks like Soros, Venezuela, Russia, China, and the Communist DNC just walked into a trap.  By turning the border into a legitimate crisis – their WET DREAM – they unintentionally turned it into a bona fide national security issue – perfect for our VSGPOTUS to deal with in a more straightforward and Communist-proof fashion. 

Notice how the Communists JACKED UP the problem, and then when it got here, realizing their MISTAKE, they tried to tamp down all messaging – all photos and videos?  Seems like they figured out too late that they got set up.

Trump Boomerang Effect.  The Democrat Fake News deserves no less.

Now we go on to those other 3 posts.

Here is the image of the referenced Q post within Post 2499, shown more closely.

That post (the “Nothing can stop what is coming.” post) contained a reference to the well-known “Trump vs. The Establishment” video.  The post also put the CLINTON FOUNDATION straight in the crosshairs.  WELCOME TO FBIAnon.  I always thought that FBIAnon was the beta test for QAnon.  Now I think they were more like Part A the warm up and Part B the SHOW.

Back to the rest of the post.

Or in text:

Everything stated has a purpose.
Think timing of Tweet (above) v last drops [HouseOfCards] re: Maggie NYT re: WL ‘Maggie’ drops re: WL attack re: ‘Q’
Do you believe in coincidences?
Be ‘extremely’ vigilant in Dec.
See something.
Say something.

Q Post 2499

Note that a Trump tweet is referenced:

The same tweet as an active text embedding, for those who need text.

An amazing tweet.  Trump calls out the Clinton Foundation, and basically says (by quoting Andrew McCarthy) that the STATE DEPARTMENT was at its beck and call.

Remember who became Secretary of State AFTER Hillary’s embeds RESISTED former SoS Rex Tillerson, in regard to providing evidence to investigators.  No such problems with Secretary Pompeo. Note that this picture was taken during questioning of Secretary Hillary Clinton.

Now we understand ONE of the reasons that Tillerson was replaced.  The WITCH could not be prosecuted without STATE providing EVIDENCE to HUBER.


Next, Maggie Haterman, the Politico flack (“Tee-em-up Maggie”) elevated to the NYT just for Hillary Clinton’s use before Hillary’s ascension, is referenced.  Q calls attention to the timing of the tweets.

Maggie, Minion of the Hildabeast, was allowed to attack Trump, Q and the prosecution, and NOW Trump and Q drop bombs to show that THE MEDIA is not journalism, but (IMHO) DEFENDERS OF COMMUNISM.

Lastly, a very disturbing warning.

Be ‘extremely’ vigilant in Dec.
See something.
Say something.

“Extreme panic in [DC]”

This means the PANIC is bigger than it was earlier. The first “Panic” posts were made around 9/11, and those were “frisky” times.

Huber testifying.  Comey testifying.  Yeah.  This means a LOT of people are worried about skeletons in closets.

And THAT explains the WARNING to be “extremely” vigilant.

Thankfully, we have this EASILY WATCHED venue called The Q Tree now, don’t we?

“See something.  Say something.”  So much EASIER to do that, now that we’re free of the troublemakers at CTH, is it not?  Why, it’s rather remarkable in hindsight.  Maybe we’re SUPPOSED to be here.

It’s worth considering.

Next, the very monumental Post 2500.

This post quotes the prior one, and includes THIS new section:

Or in text…

CORSI > [attempt infiltrate] Q
Re_read drops re: WARNINGS

Q Post 2500

The post deals mostly with Corsi, who is stated to have attempted to infiltrate Q, and it looks like he was doing so on Mueller’s behalf.  This is then linked up to the idea that many of the people who “left” the White House did NOT have a choice.  They were FAKE NEWS, FAKE MAGA. 


Patriots united.  BOOM.

Finally, Post 2501.

The first part reviews what we know about classification NOT being able to hide crimes, errors, inefficiency, etc.  Surprisingly, OBAMA make this Executive Order in 2010.  There is indeed a bit of karma there.

The second part is the new information:

The big picture here is that Q is saying that Whitaker and the OIG (Horowitz) have approved the release of the FISA documents as requested by the HOUSE and ORDERED by Trump.

But will they be released BEFORE or AFTER the D5 testimony?  Yeah.  Think about THAT STUFF.  There is useful ambiguity here – which may INFLUENCE testimony.

Finally, the points of conflict with the UK and AUS are noted – that these countries were in truth only allied with PART of the United States – “selected divisions”, as Q calls them.

The Dems?  Deep State?  Let me tell you, I actually *KNOW* about this selective collaboration – these “selected divisions”.  I was never regarded as part of them – I do know that.  In fact, I was TARGETED BY and USED BY those “selected divisions” and their foreign allies.

So things are going to be interesting to me in particular.  VERY interesting.

I do NOT think that [Koala] means Cuddly Kudlow.  I know that much.  Pretty sure it’s a PLACE and maybe a COUNTRY and maybe SELECTED DIVISIONS.

One final point.  Post 2499 references Post 2498 containing a link to THIS Maggie Haberman tweet:

Or as an embedded tweet:

The basic meaning (where OH = “overheard”) is as follows:

Overheard on the intercom in the Q train: “Attention passengers. The intercom phone is for emergencies only, it is not for asking the conductor questions.”

Maggie Haberman, Twitter, Nov 20, 2018

Maggie MAY just be toying with Q supporters – the usual NYC snark.  I thought it was cute and funny.  But this woman is a friend of Hillary Clinton.  She can’t be so stupid not to realize that Hillary Clinton is not a nice person.  So it could be a “code-speak” message.  And if it IS some kind of code, OH could be OHIO.  But I can’t really see much more than that.

I’m interested in other interpretations.  This is somewhat unusual.  Maggie NYT may actually be passing information of some kind to somebody.  So your thoughts are appreciated.

That is all.  Let’s discuss.


Because God not only HAS a plan – God IS a plan.

In fact, GOD is THE plan.
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Remember that ‘caravan’ back in the Spring?
A lot of those people were ‘let in’…and it was maddening to see.
But was that part of the Trap?
Did they let that happen, figuring that it would encourage Them to go whole hog and do an even bigger one?


I’m thinking that the good guys on our side, have had some deep embeds in the whole ‘caravan’ operation.
I’ve seen little blurbs here and there.
And it would make sense.
Thomas Wictor believes that the Trump-team has had embeds in the Antifa operation.
And also in the crowds of people that show up at the Antifa demonstrations.
He did some threads about it…because he had noticed what he believed to be some undercover guys, in the midst of a couple of Antifa groups.
Putting some undercover guys into the ‘caravan’ op would be something that a VSG like our President, would do.
Dontcha think?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A lot of what (seems to be) about to happen seems predicated on the presence of undercover people or informants. So someone certainly has a specific style…

Sue Mcdonald

Regarding the Maggie tweet, An Anon on 8 chan had put together something very interesting about her tweet and 11,11. her tweet started with OH which could mean overheard for sure but the anon tied 11,11 and OH in her tweet with an IP address in of all places Ohio and to a defense building in OH. 11,11 was a day some thought some big thing was going down but maybe not. it is possible that 11,11 is the IP address to this defense building. If I remember it involved DIFICHISPY.could it be Maggie was sending a coded message to Di or others in the secret not so secret plot? some decodes are tough for lil ol me to figure out but I’m trying!

Sylvia Avery

I sure hope so. It is frustrating and discouraging to be out here in the hinterlands watching stuff happen and it always seems like the good guys are pushing a boulder uphill. Satan and his imps always seem to be ahead of the game.
But, PDJT is smart. He is strategic. He is God blessed. And he is strong. I keep hanging on by my fingernails hoping and trying to trust that the good guys are way ahead of the bad guys.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A very interesting thought. A VERY interesting thought.
Maybe the same idea is at play with the voter fraud we saw.


“Future proves Past”
Q started saying that waay back…and people wondered what he meant by that.
I posited one time, over at banhammer central, that Q may be referring to ‘Catching people in the act’.
It’s one thing to have some past evidence of wrongdoing, and you Might be able to win a case with just that.
But it’s even Better…to catch them in the act of doing it again.
Getting irrefutable evidence in real time…proves the past evidence.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

banhammer central

LOL!!! Well, glad to have you on the bannedwagon with me.
CTH = Contrarian Talk Halted.

A.D. Everard

“Bannedwagon” LOL. Excellent.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

I think you have hit the nail on the head Wheatietoo. The rats are going down not because of things they did prior to the time PDJT took over; rather he has caught them in the act. Case in point — DiFi. I think PDJT has had a national security warrant on DiFi’s office for the entire time the Kavanaugh confirmation process was underway because of the Chinese spy who worked as her driver. Following this, I think PDJT has evidence that Ford, and all the other sexual assault accusers, were an organized smear campaign that included Senate staffers, activist lawyers, journalists and several sitting Senators.


Totally agree, A
Only our FISA is legal.

Cuppa Covfefe



POTUS makes every possible ‘event’ a teaching moment
Americans on the whole were pretty low-info on immigration laws and the border and numbers coming in.
iirc he tweeted about all the bad immigration laws passed by the Dims… went through alot of verbage to educate about ‘catch and release’ and ‘chain migration’…
He talked about tent cities along the border being built… ‘catch and release’ is dead he said. It’s ‘catch and detain’ now. He talked about the agreement replacing NAFTA giving leverage in this respect.
POTUS is not just a leader, he is a teacher. Americans are not ‘dumb’ – they have been lied to, manipulated. He is removing that bondage to disinformation.
When Lindsey is onboard with POTUS wrt immigration, you know the times they are a’changin’

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, I just about fell out of my shoes when I read that Lindsey Graham tweet! Didn’t we call him Grahamnesty?
Tent cities?
How about a Tent Megalopolis near Yuma, without air conditioning!


Great comment, phoenixR!
I totally agree.

Sue Mcdonald

We have been in bondage for many years! I had my moment about 20 some years ago after reading a series of articles on the Rothchild’s, Paysours and the central banking system. then I stumbled onto Alan Watts website, out of the Matrix. he changed my life forever. I dumped the tv stuff after that and never looked back into the matrix. being free in my mind is the best thing ever! Q is amazing and easy to believe with our minds freed.


Agree Sue…


Q smacked ole MaggieNYT pretty good back in April, in a series of posts.
He raised questions about her getting money from EU sources, as I recall.
Pres Trump also slammed Maggie in a tweet.
WikiLeaks exposed Maggie for being a ‘pet’ of the DNC and HRC.
I’m thinking it’s all connected.
Has Maggie been used as a ‘funnel’ for payoff money to other media nozzles?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Has Maggie been used as a ‘funnel’ for payoff money to other media nozzles?

Like maybe money to run Fusion GPS sourced stuff???


Yeah, that’s what I was wondering too.
Ole DiFi certainly was ‘concerned’ about everyone getting to read what Glen Simpson said in his testimony.
So the others could all get their stories straight!

Cuppa Covfefe

wrt “watch the wives/spouses” … who is she married to?


Something else Q said in the past is that these media people use burner phones and get new ones every week. Then they use alternate Twitter accounts to pass along coded info to each other. He also said that FISA goes both ways and that they have it all. So Maggie may be telling other rats to be careful what they say on the burner phones, that Q is listening.


Yes, exactly.
As I recall…Q mentioned something about the ‘burner phones’ in those April posts about Maggie.


Of course my all time fav: “These people are stupid.” 🙂




An imaginary conversation between Podesta and Maggie.
PODESTA: Come, come my pet. Surely you can put in a good word for us.
MAGPIE: Of course, Poddy. You know you can always count on your MagPie.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

New Daily Thread!!
(But of course four Q drops is a Big Bright Shiny Object.)


No doubt I will have further questions but this particularly: who is WL re: Haberman? Any ideas? As for [Koala] – I just took that as a reference to Australia….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The picture of what has been going on will koalaesce.




Ah – but, of course! Sheesh! See what I’m saying – I suck at this!!!!

Sylvia Avery

Heh, so do I!!!


Guide to Qanon abbreviations:


That’s why I’m here, staying frosty and praying for the patriots. May God bless us all.


Question–what about the situation with Russia and Ukraine? I am reading it could be a flashpoint for world war. Is it a distraction or what is Russia really doing there?


I think someone here posted a “rumor” that there may have been a bomb on the cargo ship in an attempt to blow up the bridge? Wouldn’t surprise me in the least – just the kind of thing the Clowns would cook up. Yet another disaster engineered by OUR State Department!


My take on Mr. Tillerson is different. His job was to sell energy and he did a wonderful job. He had contacts all over the world & contracts were signed for oil, gas, and coal. And the USA was now on top of the energy situation and on the way to dominance. The speed was breathtaking.
As for a cleaning up State he reduced/eliminated staff, but the arm twisting……not his forte.
Mr. Pompeo was waiting in the wings.


“just the kind of thing the Clowns would cook up”
Do you mean that the C_A would cook up the idea that the Ukrainians should destroy the bridge by putting a bomb on the ship?
Or that the C_A would tell the Russians that the Ukrainians had a bomb on the ship, so that the Russians would stop the plan?


I mean the Clowns would set up the possible “attack” itself to draw Russia into this.


Guide to Qanon abbreviations:


Not endorsing this information, but a poster at QRV had this suggestion about Koala relating to child trafficking:


Hey – welcome, Tonawanda! Good to see you! Thanks – will check it out.


right!!!!!! so happy to see you Tonawanda!


Just read it – In conjunction with PDJT’s Tweet mentioning Podesta? Sure looks like it!


Welcome aboard!

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

I read Koala to be a reference to an arrangement existed prior to FVEY that not merely an agreement with “selected divisions” of the U.S.


Probably so – I always look for the simplest explanation and NOTHING about the IC is simple!


Not me – the simpler the better, which is why you and my fellow den members are so very much appreciated by me. I would be WAAAAY out on the tip of the limb all the time without the assistance. Thanks again!

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe more obscure – Koala “I HATE Quantas” – homophonic to Quantico…
(OK, punners minds think like that)…


PM has THREAD up on Q drop – I posted Lisa’s on Invasion, I think…

PM also has a periscope up just before this THREAD… he mentions M-Law might be coming

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

M-Law would definitely be a double-edged sword.
While it might be needed to get around all sorts of deep state embedded blockers and ensure people go to jail for what they did, others will maintain it’s Trump being dictatorial just like “they” always said he would, and THAT might ring true with a LOT of people in the middle of the spectrum, including those who reluctantly voted for PDJT last time instead of YouKnowWho.


PM makes mention on hordes at the border, or riots in US streets – feels it may be necessary and certainly for a brief time.
Reminds me of the border situation Steve. Sometimes strong measures HAVE to be taken. Tear gas was used today and it worked. ‘Course Twitter was ablaze over the evil of it.
I’m just glad that if we encounter ‘untidy’ situations, we have a president who will STAND UP and DEFEND US.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, I definitely see the arguments in favor.
I just don’t look forward to all the people saying “See, he was just looking for an excuse to take full control, just like Adolf Hitler!!! We told you so!”
(I almost typed “trolled you so!”)
Brief, I sure hope so.
And I think he would need to get on network TV and make a “My Fellow Americans” Oval Office speech, to get directly at the YSM audience that doesn’t tweet or do the internet or OAN or even Fox. (This is in addition to the avenues he already uses of course.) It would have to explain exactly why MLaw is necessary.
I wonder if PM is thinking this is to deal with the border, or to deal with the Deep State and the Klinton Kabal?


here’s link to his periscope wherein PM discusses … he says he has NO details on it, just … well listen

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I get “ended 6 hours ago” and silence when I hit play.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Never mind, I finally figured out I have to go to the tweet and listen from there.

Sylvia Avery

Maybe so. If the sh*t is really going to hit the fan though to the point where ML is needed, we will definitely be at A Time For Choosing to quote Ronald Reagan. We will be separating the men from the boys, the wheat from the chaff, patriots from traitors, and thinking people from low fo dunces.
I’m sure if ML is put into effect, things would be very, very serious indeed. I can’t imagine PDJT taking that step lightly. After all, he is well aware they have been calling him a dictator before he took office.
When I stop and think about that particular characterization of PDJT and how early that seed was planted and nurtured about him I really have to wonder. I think that was a deliberate choice to try to discourage him from taking any strong action against the cabal.


Trump was going to be called every bad name in the book regardless and there was going to be an ongoing Narrative constructed to further promulgate every name called.
Trump was elected to restore America. The “complicated business” about restoring America is that America had long since passed beyond restoration using free and fair elections. That would require free and fair elections.
The irony facing Trump is that Americans who want America restored have been ostracized and made powerless, except for the miracle of Trump himself.
Personally, as long as we have a genuine leader, my conscience is 100% clear in supporting whatever Trump does, including use of ML. St. Thomas said one requirement for a just war is the reasonable probability of winning (so lives are not sacrificed futilely). Trump gives us that probability.
Patriot Americans (and Christians in particular) have had war made on them for a century. There is nothing wrong participating in a war forced upon you, especially when you are on the brink of utter and disastrous defeat and enslavement, which is where we were two years ago.


Steve, Sylvia, Tonawanda, Wolf,
You all make very cogent points.
Our situation is dire, not only for our nation, but for our entire civilization.
Tonawanda’s point about the “complicated business” involving “free and fair elections” (which the Dims have rabid enthusiasm, decades of experience, and professional expertise in stealing through Full Court Press methods,) reminds me of an issue from the English Civil Wars.
Oliver Cromwell, having curtailed, and eventually imprisoned, a king who was a would-be tyrant, found that this king was communicating secretly from his captivity with hostile foreign powers. (Mainly the Scots, but, iirc, also Spain and France.) They were plotting to overthrow Parliament, not just to restore Charles I to the throne, but to give him the kind of dictatorial powers Catholic monarchs of the time had, and to force the English Protestants to convert to the Catholicism that Charles secretly favored.
England was undergoing profound social, legal, and economic changes then, driven by the Puritan Protestants, whose political and military leader was Cromwell. For example, up to that time choir boys in England were routinely castrated, not as a punishment, but so that their pretty voices wouldn’t be damaged by normal deepening during puberty. The churches and courts were thus graced with the music of professionally trained adult male sopranos.
The Puritans cleaned up a lot of this disgusting medieval nonsense to build the kind of modern, decent nation that we have always thought of England as being, (that is, prior to its corruption by Communist traitors to turn it into the kind of Islamic hellhole that it is currently becoming.)
Anyway, Cromwell and the other Puritans in Parliament arranged a trial for the treacherous Charles I that resulted in the king’s conviction and a sentence of death.
But when the sentence was written up as an official death warrant, no one wanted to be the first one to sign it. If you put your name on a document calling for a king’s death, and the king, or someone from his dynasty, eventually came back into power, you and your whole family will be wiped out. Kings have long memories for that kind of thing.
Cromwell somehow managed to get enough to sign it to make it valid, and the king was in fact beheaded. But the moment trying to get the signatures had apparently been a bit of a fiasco, and an instant in which the Puritan Revolution could have failed utterly, as you can see in the movie Cromwell.
[Somewhat OT:
Our Founding Fathers were all very familiar with this history, which had occurred not much more than a century before their time.
A man who was very cognizant of the whole death warrant signature scene, despite not having seen the movie, was John Hancock. So when he signed the Declaration of Independence before anyone else, and very large, and made his joke about King George’s spectacles, he wasn’t just adding a bit of levity to the room. He was demonstrating the courage of his convictions, and setting an example for others to follow in signing, so that the American Revolution could succeed.
Recall that all of the Signers were pursued by the British, many lost everything they owned, and not a few lost their lives. So even with an eventual military victory, a signature was extremely risky. In defeat, it would certainly have been fatal. This makes John Hancock’s action one of the bravest single political acts on record.]
Cromwell did a tremendous amount to bring about the Puritan cultural revolution, including inventing totally new systems of military strategy, tactics, and training, leading to the creation of his New Model Army. He was able to promote democracy over royalty, win two civil wars, make England the most respected and feared military power in Europe (for the first time in history,) bring an unjust king to justice, solidify the position of Protestantism, create the basis for the British Empire, and achieve many other lasting results in English life.
But in doing these things, he and his fellow Puritans became so unpopular that winning elections would be problematic for them. The High Court of Justice that tried Charles I (an adhoc body created for that purpose,) was authorized by a parliament called the Rump Parliament, because it was what was left over after disloyal members had been purged. The parliament that lasted through much of Cromwell’s administration was called the Long Parliament, because it sat for a very long time, elections having been suspended.
For an England of respect for traditional authority, and universal horror at the idea of fighting royal power, Cromwell was able to shift the Overton Window far enough to bring down and behead a king.
But he was not able to keep it shifted in that direction for very long. When he died, the people lost confidence in the rule of his son, Richard Cromwell, and the Stuart kings were rapidly brought back to power.
In fact, Charles I’s son Charles II came to power with revenge in his heart, and cruelly wiped out the remaining Puritan leaders, and their families. Charles II is the king that the French writer Victor Hugo accused of bringing the hated comprachicos (Spanish: “buyers of little ones”) from the Continent to punish his enemies’ children with surgical alteration. Please read Hugo’s historical novel L’Homme Qui Rit (The Man Who Laughs) for more horrifying details on this incident.
Applying these lessons to today, we must remember that Mr. Trump cannot remain POTUS for more than eight years. Two of those years are almost up. Whatever EO has been signed, the Overton Window in American politics has not yet shifted far enough to allow public figures, however evil, and however much evidence is against them, to be brought to criminal trial before military tribunals, especially if the accused are left-wing Democrats.
IMO, if justice is to be done, DECLAS must happen before any trials of civilian members of the Soebarkah regime, and certainly well before any military tribunals. This goes double for celebrity Democrat members whom the public recognizes from TV.
Further, I would say that DECLAS must be followed by major controversial televised issues that wake up even luke-warm Trump supporters, independent voters, and low information Democrat voters, before any trials of publicly known leaders of the cabal.
The voters who are not on our side now must be shaken awake, and given time for learning, heated discussions, and red-pilling, so that they realize the dire predicament we are in, and the terrible responsibility that rests on Mr. Trump’s shoulders.
By “major controversial televised issues”, I’m thinking of something of the magnitude of the OJ trial or the George Zimmerman trial, that as many people as possible follow. The scenario I have in mind is DECLAS, then pedo trials of some lesser-known officials, or campaign figures of the big names. And hopefully of some Hollywood figures to add context, create outrage, and boost public interest.
It doesn’t matter in the big picture if the courts are not perfectly prepared, the yellowstreams are not fair in their coverage, and some trials wind up with acquittals like the OJ trial. The point is, they would be covered, and get people talking.
I mean, of course each unjust acquittal would be an outrage to the individual victims involved, But a series of big trials, or other events of that magnitude could shift the Overton Window far enough to make other things possible.
Then we could move forward against the facemen and big wheels in the Cabal.
All this takes time. It has to start soon, if the final act is to happen at all.


The media calling Trump a dictator is all a part of the propaganda campaign to a fearful world. Even so, ML is not a move to be considered in a cavalier manner.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Very well put!


That was fast.
PM has been a bit slower recently, with getting doing his threads on the Q-drops.
I’m reading through it now…
He thinks that [Koala] is just a reference to Australia.
That seems a little ‘too easy’ doesn’t it?
I’m going to do a wait-and-see on that.


Ack….*with getting doing his threads


Okay, my ‘strikeout’ tags didn’t work.
….*with doing his threads (minus the word ‘getting’)


Thanks, phoenixR.
That is verrrry interesting stuff.
We never know what all Q might be referring to when he makes those cryptic little additions to a post.
As an aside…
I noticed that Twatter has banned Liz Crokin now.
Liz Crokin has been working to expose the pedo rings and child sex traffickers for long time.
I have been amazed at some of the stuff Liz has found in some of her deep dives.


Cool. …Thanks, Wolf.


An Anon at qresearch also picked this up. More detail but no graphics. He left it off with out detailing anyone significant. Can’t find the post now. Thinks I found it in one of the secondary boards (clicking one of those numbers taking me to a new window). Lots there now, too much to wade back into. It would explain the kill box but I think the FVEY thing weighs heavier as its in context. JMO.


Perhaps in the same way that Q used “NEBRASKA” to refer to an individual (we know who, yes?), he’s using “KOALA” to refer to JA, the WL source (who was/is in embassy exile).


I just realized that I’d used the wrong state – thanks for correcting me!
I’d been on other threads, and I guess reading so many of Filly’s posts worked some subliminal suggestion stuff on me!
But I’ve got my coffee now …


Ah – I was racking my brain trying to figure who was meant by “Nebraska,” which I hadn’t seen. LOL


Like I said …


ROFL – I fully accept the blame!


Also, a thought on the MH tweet –
Because all the comms are being recorded, she may be advising all those “assets” to, hmm, STFU unless it really IS an emergency. Being “worried”, or unsure what to do, probably doesn’t count as an emergency. Betcha this will add to the PANIC! lol
And, the people on board the Q-train, to whom she’s speaking, are all the traitors caught up in the net. That is, traveling by FORCE (unhappy to be riding!), rather than by CHOICE (and happy to be aboard, like we are!).
(Unlike my previous post, this thought is mine alone – no Anon help!)


Yep, I just noticed that a lot of the Anons think it’s Assange, too.
That’s certainly plausible, isn’t it.
If Q was referring to just “Australia”…he’d probably just use “AU”, wouldn’t he?


“… he mentions M-Law might be coming”
Was he talking about ‘Martial Law’…or ‘Military Law’.




The Left is doing whatever they can to push Pres Trump into using Martial Law.
But I think our VSG Potus knows this.
So things would have to get really, really bad, before he declares it.
And I think it would only be for ‘certain areas’…like along the Border, perhaps.
Martial Law permits the use of the military to Restore Order.
Under Martial Law, the military’s mission is also to ‘maintain law and order’…until such time as the situation is back to conditions under which normal law enforcement can handle it from there.

Cuppa Covfefe

Look up the “Packard Memo” with regard to Posse Comitatus… Wacky seems to think that it could allow ML, but in point of fact, Dave Packard’s memo refers to the US Constitution and Posse Comitatus…


Jerome Corsi.
Not sure what to think about this guy.
Is he a disinfo agent?
I remember all the hype he did for that ‘Obama Nation’ book in 2008.
He went down to Kenya…and hinted that he was going to uncover proof of HusseinO’s birth.
Then that book turned out to be a big nothing-burger, full of stuff that we already knew.
I had preordered the thing…and wished I could get my money back.
The Anons over at Qresearch did a deep-dive on Corsi and linked him to Mossad.
They uncovered some pretty compelling stuff.


Yes, he went on a Twitter rant today saying that you have to be Jewish to be Mossad.


So as Church Mouse showed us in the other thread, Corsi posts on his twitter thing “Lets see how smart Q is in the next few days”
From that I’m thinking how he may of outed Q to Mueller. Basically a threat and it’s going to come to the surface soon.
However his next posts and there are several, are all about how he’s still in Trumps corner lada lada lada and that basically he’s calling Q a larp. Which what? Means nothing is going to happen? No D5?
Or and there I guess there is always an or, did Q rile Corsi and Corsi responded with a threat and then tried to cover it up with his lada lada lada’s.
For now I’m going with your theory with Corsi being “butthurt about that stuff that turned up about Corsi’s ties to Mossad” and Q calling Corsi out with the money chaser thing.
Corsi twitter thing : https://twitter.com/jerome_corsi?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1066871457362440192&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwqth.wordpress.com%2F2018%2F11%2F25%2Finvasion%2Fcomment-page-1%2F%23comments
9th down. is the “Lets see how smart Q is”
All that said, it seems Corsi is alluding to something else is about to happen? Another counter punch in the works?


“Is he a disinfo agent?”
I say yes, emphatically.
I saw the whole thing happen, where he went on Patriots Soapbox to hawk – and hawk, and hawk … – his book. Meanwhile, almost all of his decodes were useless.
Q has mentioned that almost everyone associated with AJ, or promoted by AJ, has compromised loyalties. I count AJ, Corsi, Cerno, and Posobi among that bunch. They’ve ALL lied about Q, and wound up right where they were at the beginning – very anti-Q.
Q, from March 10, 2018:
“We are saving Israel for last.” […]
Q, from Oct 4, 2018:
“Israeli intelligence – stand down.
Media assets will be removed.


Yeah, there seems to be a pattern with that crew…
If they can’t cash in on something/someone, then they kick sand on it…try to discredit it and turn others away from it.
It’s a shame too.
They’ve each done some good things and were helpful in the Effort to get PDJT elected.
But since then…


“They’ve each done some good things”
I agree – I’ve gotten knowledge from all of them.
But, this seems to be the nature of sophisticated IC work – gotta gain trust, before breaking it.
Luckily for us, though, we’ve taken that good, and have discarded the bad.
Somewhat like our migration from the ban hammer site?
We just “Keep On Truckin’!” 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

I knew Corsi and AJ were anything but advertised when they got some basic, and very easy to find, information wrong on the target that has been positioned as an antagonist. That particular entity has been infiltrated – AGAIN – in an attempt to destroy it. But, that doesn’t stop people like Corsi and AJ from throwing red meat to the conspiracy crowd to throw them off the scent.


I spent a few weeks intensely following Corsi when Q first came out. I have no idea who he really is and what his connections are, but my mind was continually shouting “charlatan.”


Hi, Tonawanda.
It’s nice to see you here!


I did not know the site existed until early today. So wonderful to see so many familiar names and great comments! Yay!


When things were going off the rails at CTH I would remind people from time to time to re-read the Classic Wolfmoon Post to put things in perspective.
Little did I know that the sentiments you expressed would eventually become a thought crime!
TY so much for creating this site.


Wolf, you will be in my prayers now. That is scary. What Brock do you mean? The only one I know if is David Brock, and he creeps me out totally.


I want to send you a lengthy specific reply, and wonder the best way of doing that. I have already written it. Can I do it through your “contact” button?


Hi Tona!
We spoke a few times “over there”, yes?
Glad to see you – welcome!


Yes. So nice to see you!


Hi, Tonawanda – we comrades in arms on the battlements fending of the Eeyores a while back – good to “see” you again.


Oh yes. Loved your posts, so thoughtful.


It’s a shame that Posobiec is so Anti-Q…he does some pretty good stuff and then spoils it by being a butthead about something else.


Sounds like your average American to me. 🙂


Looks to me like the white hats are Q-ing up to take their turn.

Elizabeth Carter

You might want to read this article. It explains a lot about Martial Law and why it will be enacted by President Trump now. It makes a lot of sense to me.
“In case anyone wants to know how effectively martial law has been used by the United States in the past to protect its Constitution.”
The 13th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States was enacted in 1865 by Martial Law, The 14th Amendment was enacted in 1868 by Martial Law. The 15th Amendment was enacted in 1870 by Martial Law.
Also Jim Stone said on 11/21/18 Begin Excerpt
BOOOOM!!! Trump has activated the Intelligence Advisory panel
This panel has been dormant for a very long time, but was there to be activated. The job of the panel is to root out corruption in the intelligence agencies. This is very good news.
From the Washington Examiner:
With Republicans poised to lose control of investigatory panels in the House of Representatives, President Trump is resurrecting a potentially powerful board capable of intimately reviewing intelligence agencies
The White House announced five appointments to the Presidential Intelligence Advisory Board on Tuesday evening, after selecting a chairman and vice chairwoman earlier this year.
The dormant board created by former President Dwight Eisenhower has no formal powers, but derives significant authority directly from the president, operating as his surrogate to smooth over agency rivalries, investigate misconduct, and evaluate intelligence collection policies.
My ( Jim Stone’s) comment: Right when the Dems stole the house and thought they were going to nail Trump with the intelligence agencies, they only activated his “Trump card”!!! End excerpt

Sylvia Avery

” “See something. Say something.” So much EASIER to do that, now that we’re free of the troublemakers at CTH, is it not? Why, it’s rather remarkable in hindsight. Maybe we’re SUPPOSED to be here.
It’s worth considering.”
I’ve been considering this very thing as soon as the sting from the ban hammer started to fade a bit. It almost seems like it was meant to be. For some reason.


But some people, such as Sylvia, had done nothing to break the Rules over there.
So they were banned for no other reason, than the fact that they had been posting over here.
It’s hard to see that as anywhere in the vicinity of ‘reasonable’.


Folks were evicted from CTH? Interesting.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A LOT of people here got kicked off of CTH, including yours truly. Most of the time it was for either talking about Q or (apparently) just because they posted here.
I call it the “bannedwagon”


I wasn’t banned.( I think ) Too much info out there and it was easy to see the change happening. This a good place to get a stress free start on the day.


Like it was planned!


I was a follower of cth but when I posted here suddenly I was not receiving any new post on WP. Had to start following again,,,, just strange


In reading over at Qresearch…many Anons think that [Koala] is a reference to Julian Assange.
Since Assange is Australian.

Elizabeth Carter

wheatie, I think this is more likely. It is from 8 chan also
[Koala] = Operation Koala?
Link https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/news/stories/2009/february/jointhammer_020909
“Here is what happened: Authorities in Queensland, Australia came across a pornographic video online showing a young victim. This victim was determined to be Dutch with a Flemish accent. Authorities in Belgium were contacted, and the ensuing European investigation became known as Operation Koala
Anons recall that recently
the Australia apologies to institutional child sexual abuse victims
POTUS tweeting about the Clinton Foundation.
Q dropping a name of an Australian child sex abuse operation.
Might be Q pointing to the U.S. going to have its own revealing.
YT link


That’s very interesting stuff, isn’t it Elizabeth. Thanks.
The DOJ, under Sessions, has been doing a systematic crackdown on pedo rings and child sex traffickers…and has arrested thousands.
It has gotten very little mention in the media.
It would be great to see the roundup of some of the big-name pedos at this point.
That would be a huge ‘Boom’.


And wow…that video you posted a link to, was just posted a few days ago.
Posted on 11/23/18:

I wonder if there were any ‘big-name’ people arrested in that roundup.

Elizabeth Carter

This is really interesting from 8 chan. It seems there were 100,000 Central Americans coming our way. WOW
Interesting stats from end of article:
Mexico’s Interior Ministry said Sunday the country has sent 11,000 Central Americans back to their countries of origin since Oct. 19, when the first caravan entered the country. It said that 1,906 of those who have returned were members of the recent caravans. Mexico is on track to send a total of around 100,000 Central Americans back home by the end of this year.
US agents fire tear gas as some migrants try to breach fence
November 26, 2018


Found this over at Qresearch.
That Screencap that Q posted in post no. 2499 and then reposted in no. 2500…is from one of this guy’s videos.
And he is Australian.
At the 1:50 mark, you can see the same thing as the Screencap:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOQwxlSlgjk&w=560&h=315%5D
That little picture icon down in the righthand corner…is a Koala.


Here’s a zoom-in on the little Koala:comment image


I believe that is the image that “Stroppy me” uses on his YouTube channel……..
It is a Q related Vlog


My comments are awaiting moderation, and I hope they make it through.
I surmise from the comments here that some seismic event took place at CTH. I have not been there in months.
Is there a Classic Comic Book version of what happened? Enquiring minds want to know!


So happy to have found the place!

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve been reading boards this morning minus SB2 and NR who have not posted on the latest drops yet, and have some notes on these Q drops, and even some other stuff plan and Q-related:
First, a goat at VOAT pointed out, that with her tweet, Maggie confirmed Q. Oops. No denying it now for people in the know. What it sounds like is that the panicked in DC were talking amongst themselves on whatever their private network is, and Maggie told them to can it. Forcefully. She gets it. Their communications will be used against them. (These people are stupid.)
Corsi – as noted above Corsi tried to infiltrate Q, meaning he was snooping around as to who is involved. The question is why, if that is the crime (interfering with a military op or whatever the real statute would say) would he negotiate with Mueller? What power does Mueller have over this? The implication is that Mueller is somehow involved, but his investigation was supposed to be about Russian collusion with the Trump team in the 2016 election. The two don’t reconcile. The Mueller angle looks to be a smoke screen of some sort. Corsi probably is trying to save his thick, barely discernible neck, though. The question is who is he REALLY negotiating with, and why did he try to get ahead of the story by making a statement that he expected to be charged?
Testimonies and upcoming hearings – what is missing from the stories on James Comey is that he is giving a deposition, not testifying. A deposition is not the same thing, exactly, even if the statements are made under oath (yes, I’ve given one, AND I have sat on a jury. Lawyers do like to put on a show in a courtroom). As of last evening, once again, he and Trey Gowdy are playing good cop/bad cop. Comey wants to avoid leaks and the whole thing televised. Gowdy wants to avoid the grandstanding that happens when politicians get in front of a camera. For a deposition. Okay. Will wait for this one to play out. I’m not convinced, as so many others are, that Comey is going to take the fifth. I have my reasons (and I watch too many spy movies).
Thank You Mr. Soros – yep, he’s trapped, and gave VSG an excuse to get the wall built, as well as the evidence needed for election security. Whether it’s just the invasion, or all the voter fraud that was recorded as it was happening, doesn’t really matter. Take the Capone route and arrest and prosecute what is provable, unless some other nation gets to him first.
Clinton Foundation – it’s pretty obvious at this point, that we are seeing Bill and Hillary’s last stand. But this is interesting: https://www.coreysdigs.com/clinton-foundation/arkansas-swamp-bleeds-as-clintons-circle-the-drain/ Is the government peeling the onion and savoring the fear and panic? Hmm. Trapped like rats, humans make mistakes. Even the Clintons.
Other things that have come up both in this post and comments, and the other last night:
FBI, MEGA, Military Anons – yes, the Beta test. I recommend going back and rereading the full FBI Anon transcripts. Some is disinformation, but some of it is emphatic enough to make one wonder who is really a double agent in the whole mess. Also, there are helper anons, as I think it was NR called them that, who appear when the research gets stuck and point the anons in the right direction, and to throw out previously unknown crumbs like the plan actually dating back to the Eisenhower administration at least.
Which brings me to the Presidential Intelligence Advisory Board that has lain dormant since Ike authorized it. (Amazing coincidence, isn’t it?) From the Wash Examiner article:
“The board can do whatever the hell the president wants it to do, and really it’s about what the president tasks it with,” said University of Notre Dame professor Michael Desch, co-author of the authoritative 2012 history of the board, Privileged and Confidential: The Secret History of the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board.
“If you really had an agenda and were willing to pick reliable people that are also people that are smart and knew enough to be dangerous, you could make life miserable for the intelligence agencies through the board,” Desch said. “If the president were really a competent political warrior, there would be a way to constitute the board in which it could really serve as a gadfly or a prod to the intelligence community, because it has a lot of access … if the president were willing to task it in a serious investigative way and then follow up, the board could be quite useful. But I don’t see President Trump being that serious and that bureaucratically savvy.”
It’s almost as if one General Dwight D. Eisenhower knew it would be needed one day.
And one other thing regarding the Secretary of State office – it’s looking like Pompeo was the pick all along, but “they” knew he’d never be confirmed outright, so he stepped into that office through the side door. CIA was a weigh station for him, after a fashion, just like running him for Congress out of Kansas rather than his home district.
Okay, have a lot to do today. Will check back in later and see what further decodes the hive finds.


Not only did Maggie confirm Q, Maggie confirmed that she follows Q.
Coded message hidden in plain sight. CIA asset(s)?
One more thing-there’s no way in Hell that Maggie takes the subway with the unwashed masses.


I read somewhere today that there are 17 words between the quotation marks in the Maggie tweet. It is a code. She confirms Q, that she follows Q, and that she is aware that 17 is code for Q.
I think she may be letting other presstitutes and media whores know that they are not to ask the “conductor,” who would be PDJT, about Q. Many have suggested that if Q is a larp, then just ask the President directly to confirm or deny. That would put the issue to bed immediately. But they don’t ask.
Maybe the DS powers-that-be are afraid someone will break ranks and do it anyway. And Maggie is the vehicle for the message. We know she “tees up” for the bad guys.


Technical point:
In the New York City Transit system, for each train, there is a Train Operator and a Conductor.
The Train Operator “drives” the train. The Conductor Controls the doors at station stops, makes announcements, and communicates when to stop (at the proper position in the station), and when to proceed, or hold the position if necessary, to the train operator via “buzzer” codes, as well as voice intercommunications.
The train operator is at the same time in constant contact with Train Service Supervisors located at control towers, who control the movement of all the trains traversing all the tracks in their zone. They have control of the track switches, and they can see the location and movement of all trains in their zone.
An asset may not know that.
But an operator might

Tammy Evers (@EverEleutheros)

DP, thank you for your summation of things, it was very helpful. I don’t have time to post and read as much as I would like. Very thorough and logical explanations.

Deplorable Patriot

You’re quite welcome. The pieces to the puzzle are now starting to come out. Questioning everything and asking “does this make sense” is helping the untangle. I really think the MSM is being used as a shiny red ball to keep the distractions going while the real work is happening elsewhere. Believe what you see when the cameras are rolling live, not what you read and hear. Even some of what is seen is faked for the cameras, I’m convinced.
And never, ever, forget that revenge is a powerful motivator. There’s at least one reported black hat who I really think is a white hat playing a part. And it is not Rod Rosenstein.


Thank you, wolfmoon, for presenting and breaking down Q’s posts.
Being a certain age, I’ve lost the edge of deciphering (need to resume the daily crossword puzzle).
You you and all posters who spell out the messages alleviate much angst.
The PAIN, it’s real and it’s coming.


Guide to Qanon abbreviations:


Thank you 😊


That was a helpful list.
This was had me stumped yesterday.

WRWY – We are with you


@Minnie, so glad to see you here, Minnie. some of us were wondering how you were and wishing you were here with us.


Thanks Zoe, all is well. Life often gets involved but things are (thankfully) calming down on the homestead.
Missed you guys, too.


Thank you, minnie, we missed you, too.




Minnie! So happy to see you here!
Now I am SURE there is a divine hand at work, bringing us all together on this new site.


Thank you!
Grateful to be here, where truth is not only pursued but also encouraged.
Feeling blessed 😊


Whoever hacked Podesta’s email account should be given a medal, not an indictment.




i agree because this was the key to the whole thing – the dems had to be in with russia thats the only way they could blame them! because they knew there would be no huge reaction from the russians and then they put trump in a hard place with them.
crimea, ukraine, syria, saudi networks, uranium one, all of it and more were democrat/russian co-ops.



Wolf be like… Seer



Cuppa Covfefe

Where’s Preem Palver when we need him? 🙂
Or maybe Han Pritcher or Salvor Hardin?
Wondering who has access to the Prime Radiant… think of the “orb” (without thinking of Woody Allen)…


“OAN EXCLUSIVE – Mueller extends plea bargain of a SINGLE COUNT OF PERJURY to author Jerome Corsi for what Corsi says is a faulty memory, not willfully and knowingly lying. Corsi calls Mueller’s tactics “GESTAPO” like.”
Then take it to trial, and expose Mueller and his tactics.
Call hundreds of witnesses who have been railroaded by Mueller, and let them tell their story to the jury. Let the whole world see what kind of monster little Bobby Mueller grew up to be.


“The first part reviews what we know about classification NOT being able to hide crimes, errors, inefficiency, etc. Surprisingly, OBAMA make this Executive Order in 2010. There is indeed a bit of karma there.”
They never thought the Laws they pass would apply to themselves.
That’s why they feel free to appear ‘virtuous’ by making laws, rules and regs that are intended to force ‘transparency’ and ethical conduct.
They can crow about it to their partners in crime (mass media) and can pat themselves on the back by bringing it to everyone’s attention whenever it serves them, while ignoring those same laws, rules and regulations completely.
The Uni-Party Government Propaganda Department (G.P.D., a.k.a., American Pravda) would never expose them, they do whatever they’re told (4am talking points drop every day!), because they’re all part of the same Treason Cabal.
Everything is about opposites with evil. ‘Mirror’ image.
Always wanting to appear as angels of light when the cameras are on, while doing the exact opposite of what they proclaim as soon as the cameras stop.
Always accusing others of what they themselves are doing (though that one has been abused to such an extreme that their accusations of others are now being interpreted as confessions, causing people to investigate the accusers).
Everything is a mirror for them: up is down, left is right, right is wrong. Good is evil, and evil is good.
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20, KJV)

Cuppa Covfefe

11…9…13… Wonder if Beezlebubba planned it on that day on purpose…


This is all over tweeter… CNN is nothing but fake…


There, you have it. zero’s Nuland and others set up puppet government in Ukraine. Nuland is as DS as they get… they very much want to go to war with Russia… U1 was huge plot to do xyz and blame Russia, then US (HRC as president) would attack Russia. Deep State plan.


iirc, POTUS and Putin agreed when they were in Paris that they would get together at the G20 (this week)…


“OH on the Q train intercom: “Attention passengers. The intercom phone is for emergencies only, it is not for asking the conductor questions.” ”
First, what is “the Q train”?
Is there any train/subway called the ‘Q’ train in NYC?
If not, if it is not a literal reference, if it *IS* a coded message, then it seems to be a warning to their partners in crime.
Who is “the conductor”?
I would guess that means Valerie Jarret, HRC or one of their assistants.
The leadership / conductor knows their communications are being monitored, so stop calling unless it’s an emergency. Which of course means don’t call unless it’s an emergency for the leadership / conductor, something that endangers THEM — nobody cares about any ’emergency’ for any lower-level criminal who might be calling in for help.


Yes…there actually *is* a ‘Q train’ in NYC, Scott.
And Maggie and her crew were quick to point this out.
The “Q train” is a subway line in NYC between Manhattan and Brooklyn.
The subway system there uses the alphabet to designate routes…and that particular route got the ‘Q’ designation.
So Maggie did that tweet with ‘plausible deniability’.
The question remains, however…as to Why she chose to do that tweet?
Q also operates in plausible-deniability-territory, with the cryptic way that he writes his posts.
So in that regard…Maggie was mirroring Q.
The timing of it and the fact that Q and Potus have both poked at Maggie, tends to make the case for it to have been a ‘coded message’ to her circle of DNC operatives.


PM has a THREAD on most recent Q drops… extensive comments on Koala and pedo rings