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They’re still forming the anti Trump narrative as events unfold, expect the unified mockingbird response post 4am tomorrow.

Cuppa Covfefe

Would be kind of funny if that “reponse” was, erm, adjusted, before it was circulated…


Wolf, so true.


Exactly, I’ll get my beans ground up and start my first pot of coffee and then check you all out in the early am here instead of the tube.
God willing…..sweet dreams all


They know damn well that if they cover this, then it will completely vindicate POTUS (and sway more Americans to join our side against this invasion).


Food for thought Mr. President.
conclusion: lying YSM


link to live stream at border. Note: fence opening to the left goes to a mall.





Sadie Slays

I want to give a shout to Paloma for Trump. She was covering the Tijuana unrest long before the media picked up on it. She warned us days ago about a looming organized skirmish at San Ysidro. Her reporting is far more accurate than anything coming out of the media. Although I hate Facebook, but I strongly recommend checking out her Facebook page where she is reporting all of this.

Sadie Slays

Since I wrote the above comment, Facebook shut down Paloma’s livestream from Tijuana (what a surprise). She’s using Periscope now to livestream from Tijuana if anyone cares to watch.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Ignore the story” is their default strategy. They prefer it because they can’t be busted for an outright lie, and deciding what they do and do not want to cover is in fact something they have to do. Thus, they have plausible deniability when someone complains about bias. “Bias? No, it just wasn’t newsworthy.”


Expect lots of this Fake News:

Poor innocent silent seekers; Women and children???
Who brings women and children on an invasion? Mexican child protective services (if there were such a thing) should arrest parents for endangering the welfare of children.


Asylum; far from silent, obviously;)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve been wondering what those rolls of carpet are for.
It dawned on me just now it might be an attempt to counter concertina wire.


Keen observation. Highly possible.
Don’t know how well it works; probably okay for Barbed wire.
Concertina wire on the other hand is a whole ‘nother animal.
If you look at it wrong, you’ll bleed.
Good stuff.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They’ll figure out quickly and painfully.


NOTE: What is being recorded as “tear gas” Is probably NOT tear gas, but SMOKE.
Obstructs visibility and scares the hell out of ’em!
Military/ law enforcement grade guns that are similar to paintball guns that fire balls loaded with Pepper spray liquid are likely being used. Stings like hell from both impact, and the pepper spray-a two-fer!
LEOs/BPAs likely also carry pepper spray for close quarters.
Anyone who has ever been exposed to tear gas KNOWS; It’s an experience you never forget!
Can’t wait to see some of the newer high-tech non-lethal/less-lethal weapons Battle tested:


Interesting, somehow they are censoring Drudge. Before I went out to work in the yard Drudge was all up in this, the Ukraine situation, but now after coming back in its all rolled back to Friday. No more Saturday and nothing for today. How does this happen?


you know as well as i do that the www is 100% run by them down to the backbones so whever they say the word like if something is to happen soon, they will be doing some major house cleaning. slowing a site down or removing content through filters on their end is extremely easy to do – much easier than most would imagine.
the fact is there are zero independant internet providers. all infrastructre is owned by the same people that own the msm, and the tech companies.
even if you have a “local” isp, they dont make their own bandwidth they have to pass through the big boys routers and switches at some point. they just re-sell it to you.


oh believe me i am with you on that. just wanted to point out that anything on the web NOW is there because they allow it not because we have some inherant right to have it there as opposed to what some might think of the internet. like when people claim it is some kinfd of public utility or that there shouldnt be censoring by these tech giants. well, no, common sense agrees there should not be censoring but we have no right to that by way of fakebook or twiter or google. we let them have this power and did not even want the government to control the internet because we wanted it “free”. it just so happened that people became addicted yo the same 5 websires and they suckered us all. and as a public utility concept – again, there is no legal binding however most people would argue that because they would go absolutely bananas without it.
the big scam though started when we flocked so much to their new media platform got rid of our landlines, stopped reading printed material, moved all our contact with folks to the web, stopped shopping at real physical stores, and made it so we are now dependant since ,ost now cannot contact family without internet/cell networks, everyone gets news online, etc. so if you took it all away people would say hey that is a public utility! the internet was best when it was a frivilous luxury some people had. now peoples lives depend on it in less than 20 years.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

And every business in America has migrated its financial records to the net, and we citizens need the net to access our money.


Found the problem. This has never happened before. Drudge link is always drudgereport.com however I kept going to the page as described above and I was seeing Drudge from two days ago. Like I said, never happened before and I knew what Drudge had posted earlier in the day.
So I just clicked the address bar and this shows up next to the link. /?sc=0.5 So I didn’t put that there. Not sure how it got there. But once I erased that off, Drudge was good to go and the world continues to come to an end… Yeah!
Anyway must be a new way to hinder, I get a lot of these little pestering things. I must be an easy target.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So is there any word on whether any made it through?


Be nice if there was some video of all those people returning though. Makes one wonder.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“None” would be the desired answer, of course 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

At least some places are posting that…MEXICO will deport the several hundred who tried this.
Presumably back to Honduras or Guatemala or wherever, not to HERE.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Even though I know Mexico has harsh penalties for busting into their country, this still just seems hilariously ironic to me; MEXICO deporting illegals!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I’ve said before, he broke ONE promise he made.
He said we’d get tired of winning.
So far no sign of that one coming true!



just took my daughter back to school and on the way back i had the absolute privilege of listening to npr. hilarious. their spin was incredible. the anchor sounded as if she was shocked how this all happened. she asked the reporter what happened today to bring this to a head and why are the migrants trying to do this. repirter goes on about how desperate they are. he says they have travelled all this way and now to be within sight of freedom only to be denied. they are desperate. he says they all want asylum but it takes so long and now they cannot wait any longer and also the conditions are so bad they find themselves in they have no choice. he said they were rebuffed at gates and so regrouped and went diwn into a drainage ditch and tried to rush in that way. he said there are MANY people on the US side of the border gathering to give supprt to them and cheer them on.
he cited a tear jerking story of a family with young chikdren there to support the migrants and it was windy and some tear gas got blown their way and hurt them… i almost had to pull over laugh my ass off. my sympathy level for them and their little children is at zero percent.


DJT: “The news media is a absolute joke! No coverage while all of us are watching our border get stormed online. What is the news media hiding?”
What we need is a split-screen image, one side showing the criminal alien invasion of our southern border, and the other half of the screen rotating between CNN / MSLSD / NBC / CBS / ABC / Fraud News, et al doing holiday recipes or TMZ celebrity gossip or whatever other meaningless drivel they’re all showing today.


OT: Q just made 2 drops.


Yep. Q has a lot on his mind it seems. New posts.


Yep…he’s fired up, isn’t he.
I’ve been trying to digest what he’s saying.


btw sure most know but happening in ukraine, uk getting sol out on fake brexit deal, the border issue here, france and germany ratcheting up the rhetoric…
the tweets online about this migrant thing also just over the top. lists of “countries that have used tear gas” going up, people calling this basically a chemical weapons attack by the usa.
things getting good!


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a3d1d2 No.4030351 📁
Nov 25 2018 20:55:51 (EST) NEW
DnNy9tdXcAI4Dqj.jpg ⬇
WHITAKER (in conjunction w/ OIG) approved the release of CLAS docs 1-4 as requested by the House Committee and as ORDERED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
Will the release occur prior to scheduled testimony?
List advantages.
Will the release occur post scheduled testimony?
List advantages.
If those testifying ‘know’ select CLAS docs will become public [self-incrimination] how might that alter/change their testimony?
DC has become RAT infested.
Executive Order 13526
Sec 1.7
“Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to:
(1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;
(2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;
(3) restrain competition; or
(4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security.”
Does UK stand w/ the US or only select divisions within the US?
Does AUS stand w/ the US or only select divisions within the US?
Will immediate action(s) be ‘publicly’ taken within each country to REUNIFY THE BOND that was once held PRIOR TO…….[CLAS 9]?
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 59308a No.4029544 📁
Nov 25 2018 20:06:45 (EST) NEW
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 59308a No.4029281 📁
Nov 25 2018 19:52:38 (EST) NEW
HouseOfCards.jpg ⬇
Everything stated has a purpose.
Think timing of Tweet (above) v last drops [HouseOfCards] re: Maggie NYT re: WL ‘Maggie’ drops re: WL attack re: ‘Q’
Do you believe in coincidences?
Be ‘extremely’ vigilant in Dec.
See something.
Say something.
CORSI > [attempt infiltrate] Q
Re_read drops re: WARNINGS
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 59308a No.4029281 📁
Nov 25 2018 19:52:38 (EST) NEW
HouseOfCards.jpg ⬇
Everything stated has a purpose.
Think timing of Tweet (above) v last drops [HouseOfCards] re: Maggie NYT re: WL ‘Maggie’ drops re: WL attack re: ‘Q’
Do you believe in coincidences?
Be ‘extremely’ vigilant in Dec.
See something.
Say something.
Do others read this post the way I do? It seems Whitaker and the Inspector General have approved declas. Did this happen today or earlier?




CNN and MSNBC desperately searching for the ‘perfect’ photo of a woman and child at the border. Need it for a continuous loop b/4 4:00am drops.


good ones already making the rounds. the “mother” has on a disney frozen t shirt. they got their shots!


Here we go, BBC is reporting group that stormed the border will be deported by Mexico.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Group will be kicked out of Mexico, for trying to get out of Mexico.
But they did it the wrong way.
Gee, it seems like the rule of law is good somewhere one wouldn’t have expected!


Hey Steve, don’t you wish we knew what PDJT said to Obrador?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, if I had a nickel for every time I wished I was a fly on the wall somewhere in DC (etc), I’d be rich enough to fund a counter-deep-state.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As a total aside I replied to your post on your time in school (but it was at the bottom level of the reply tree); I hope you saw it.


Latin America and South America failing to combat human trafficking, exactly what then-candidate Donald Trump said one year earlier, in 2016 on the campaign trail.
From 2017, map at the link. Excerpts follow, emphases mine:
‘The latest annual Trafficking in Persons Report from the US State Department, released on June 27, found that the majority of countries in Latin America still do not comply with the minimum standards of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), a law the United States introduced in 2000 to combat human trafficking …
‘Seven countries in the region were placed on the Tier 2 Watch List, which is reserved for nations that showed increases in the number of human trafficking victims, and that also failed to provide evidence of efforts to combat human trafficking, among other things.
‘For the third year in a row, Belize and Venezuela continued to be ranked in Tier 3, the designation for countries that have not met the minimum standards of the TVPA and are not making significant efforts to do so, according to the report.
In Central America’s Northern Triangle (El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras) the report found that the countries’ gangs often subject children to forced labor by pressuring them to sell and transport drugs. Migrants traveling through the region are also susceptible to forced labor and other human trafficking-linked activities, according to the report.
Women, children, indigenous people, migrants and LGBTI individuals continue to be the groups most adversely affected by human trafficking in the region, the report found.’

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In case anyone wants to set some context, this should show the overhead view of both the river that was being crossed (the Tiajuana) and the zillion-lane port of entry.
A pedestrian can presumably cross at the place to the upper left; however that’s probably closed as well.


Will the Carvel Express (indicated, upper left) serve them ice cream cake and coffee? 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I do wonder if they tried to rush that pedestrian entry as well.
The shots of them going at the fence; I have no idea where those are, probably somewhere off the screen.


Yes, the map is difficult to reconcile with the video.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I have no trouble finding the river crossing–which put the people right near the Mexican port of entry, near the overpass. And of course the US port of entry is quite obvious. What I haven’t found is where the scenes of people near the fence came from.


Thanks, Steve.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Part of the video even shows the Mexicans putting up some sort of red-orange metal barrier to their port of Entry from the Mexican side, probably in response to the mob showing up.


It all looks so built up there, I can’t figure it out from the map. Will have another look later today.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

(The Mexican port of entry is on Via de la Juventud Oriente, and at the bottom center is the overpass you see them congregating under, and that small plaza is where they brought the orange barriers across.)


Thank you very much — greatly appreciated!


bunch of them got up inyo the fenced in catwalk there and headed to the left. not sure if that was a dead end or not but thisvwasvafter they waled along the top of that drainage ravine and then backed off came back then went into the fenced in walkway

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It can be really difficult to interpret a Q post because he can be very cryptic at times, but I am going to throw caution to the wind, go ‘way out on the limb I’m perched on, and venture to guess that he doesn’t like Mr. Soros.


when the name is named that is always a good thing!


I’ve been thinking about that “Thank you, Mr. Soros.” Hmmm. Could Q be saying that because of Soros’ funding of the caravan causing the national security issue at the border, that POTUS can now use some of the already passed military funds to go ahead and build the wall?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I took it as a Gee Thanks…but maybe you’re onto something!!
Build it!!


I definitely think you’re reading the message correctly…


Yes, Linda…I think that’s exactly what Q is saying.
Soros funding the Invasion —> Invasion creates the perfect ‘reason’ to now use DOD funds to build the wall.
“Thank you, Mr. Soros.”


Hmmm. That sounds to me like if the House fails to pass a budget, the military is still funded. POTUS has all the cards right now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And perhaps it could be interepreted to say that even if it’s not, POTUS still has constitutional authority to Do Something about an invasion.


Far left caravan invaders freaking out lefty priests (excerpt follows):
‘What’s lost is just how hard, hard, left the organizers of what has become this humanitarian disaster are. Even the leftist liberation-theology-oriented rifles-and-cassocks crowd are is getting concerned. Their agenda is hard-left, pro-Chavista, and drawing the fringiest leftwing groups. It’s not a humanitarian mission in the slightest to them, it’s a by-any-means-necessary political mission. A look at the caravan organizers and their allies shows that’s it’s all about confronting the U.S. The moms-and-kids are window dressing.’

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It does look like Cue has a bunch of posts Qed up tonight.




MSM’s response: ‘He misspelled “separation”‘. /S

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think even they are smart enough not to call attention to a tweet calling out Fake News in detail.
But then again….


You know how they latch on to any misspelling from the President to get the message across that he is somehow stupid. (Yeah, right, media morons.)
He’s using this to attract attention. I put a sarc tag on the end to indicate that MSM will ignore his message and focus on the spelling error.
Meanwhile, everyone of sound mind will focus on the message.
This has happened before, which is why he does it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, I know all of that…I should have said so.
Since the thing they’d be calling attention to is a direct attack on them, I was thinking they might just manage to restrain themselves, just this once, this time.
I actually hope I’m wrong.


Uh-oh, this just happened an hour ago. Not sure where to post it. Russia seized 3 Ukranian Naval Vessels. Nikki Haley already requested immediate meeting of UN Security Council. Ukraine Parliament meeting now.


yup. mentioned this ukraine thing briefly in a post. we must exit the UN and NATO now because they are trying to draw us in. very very interesting time we are about to enter guys!


My apologies Andrew for missing your’s. What a mess.


oh no problem! i wasn’t insinuating anything at all – and you provided a link even. i just said to say i knew about it also and was with you thinking about it.
i really feel there will be a serious effort going on soon to have the UK get into some trouble, france is badmouthing them. also dragging us into a skirmish that we are tied to by the UN or NATO is a very real threat right now.

Plain Jane

France trying to take heat off their fiery protests?


spain looking to take over gibralter nowvfrom britain as part of brexit…
also read at least twice that maybe ukraine situation was more ukraine and a “partner” trying something against the russians and the plot was foiled… so in other words maybe FF type occurance…


This really is a show.
Way past my bedtime, but here the US has an invasion and Whitaker could release classified documents imminently. Wow!
Luckily, I have most of a delicious squash pie from Thanksgiving to see me through late nights this week. After that, it’s popcorn.
On a serious note, prayers up for President Trump, his family and his administration. This really is serious stuff.



Mine, too!
Thanks for the meme!


you’re welcome!


Haaa…I love that one.
I saw it on the Qresearch board last week and almost posted it here.
The Anons really are masters at creating memes.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

If you look at his weight lifting pictures, his chest and arms are bigger than those of that computer generated super hero. So while the meme is cool, I think he looks more bad ass in real life.


It includes this tweet from Dr Corsi … Hmm:


Sounds like Corsi outed Q to Mueller? If so stand back because ‘Nothing can stop what’s coming. Nothing’ and threatening to out Q IMHO will only hasten what’s to come. GOD FAMILY Country!


Corsi could be butthurt about that stuff that turned up about Corsi’s ties to Mossad.
Trying to remember…if it was in a Q-drop or if the Anons came up with and asked Q about it.


Corsi has definitely spent most of his life in “intelligence” — he even bragged about it when he started with Q followers… like Jerry be saying ‘trust me grasshopper… I know all about military decoding’
Heck, I think he was involved w/ sea eye aye… and you know the firm is like the Hotel California, you can check in anytime but you can never leave.


You could be right. Corsi has been busy with several more posts that look to tilt toward what you say.


Thanks, para…Wolf has a new thread up about the new Q drops.
This post you just made would be nice addition to it…so maybe you could post it over there too?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Whitaker could release classified documents imminently.

My interpretation is the only issue right now is whether it’s strategically advantageous to do it now or after the Huber hearings. Which it seems more and more like Q expects will be explosive (and not just “explosive” like every YouTube video taken off of Fox News was, back before I got banned).


Loretta Lynch and Comey are scheduled to testify, too, at right about the same time. So that could be what he means about giving them a heads up before they testify.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A couple of people who should NOT be running around free.
I don’t expect anyone to argue with that, but sometimes it just bursts out, which at least keeps my brains from squirting out through my earholes in frustration.

A.D. Everard

I know that feeling well.


But what has he — or the President — got to lose?
We’ve waited nearly two years. Let it go, bring it out into the open and see what happens.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I can see waiting until after Dec 5 if it would be more damaging to them for him to do so.
There’s certainly no reason not to release them at some point, it’s just a matter of timing it for maximum blast effect.
Not Boom, but KaBoom, or better yet, KaF*ckingBoom.


We’re always waiting.
I take your point, but has it been more damaging to them up to now at any time when we have urged patience, and when the Trump administration took no action (e.g. the person who recused then recently resigned)? No.
Prolonged waiting has given them increasing advantages.
It’s high time for that stuff to stop.
Unleash the dogs of war (figuratively) NOW.


POTUS (&FLOTUS) will be out of the country 11/30-12/1

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I certainly understand the frustration. One wonders if it will EVER be time.
If my reading of Q is correct, the time is during the next two weeks one way or the other. Not just after. During. I’ll be happy either way.


‘… the time is during the next two weeks one way or the other …’


Agreed, release now before they find another wrench to toss into the works. Either way Deep State is going to do all they can to distract, but if they declass you can point to that and say with more confidence that is what they are doing: Distracting.
Meanwhile likes that Q is way ahead of Sundance on this or will be once declass happens, catching SD flat footed.
Fill the Place Holders!!!


‘Agreed, release now before they find another wrench to toss into the works. Either way Deep State is going to do all they can to distract …’ Exactly!!
‘Meanwhile likes that Q is way ahead of Sundance on this or will be once declass happens …’ 🙂


comment image


Do you trust the plan and truly want to win this war or are you just wanting to see the fireworks and then watch everything fizzle out? No sarcasm or criticism is intended with these questions. You are only see a very, very small part of the whole picture. I trust the MI and Trump and I am willing to show some trust and patience to win the gold ring. I would never suggest that I am smarter and know more than they do.


Nor would I pretend to know more than the White House, but I do believe that GOPe plants are holding the President back from seeing the Mueller investigation done and dusted.
This is shorthand at a late hour for me to say that President Trump has been wronged enough, along with his associates.
Unleash Whitaker. Get it over with now.


But there I again, I would gently and Kindly disagree. What you may believe and knowing what is actually going on behind the scenes are two different things. If you go back and study past posts from Q, he is very clear on delays, time lags and repeats over and over, trust the plan and FF (flash flags) and disinformation is necessary. We are only seeing a very tiny portion. I repeat (please forgive) I trust the plan.
I am an avid follower and believer in and of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father and sometimes I forget that there is a plan for me and I remind myself during the hard times that I can’t see the whole picture and that’s when I say to Him. “I trust the Plan, give me the patience to get through the rough times.”


Really butchered this post…..false flags not flash and sorry for the bad grammar. My hands can’t keep up with my thoughts.

Sylvia Avery

I have no patience and want it all over and done with as of yesterday. However. Whenever I start grinding my teeth I try to take a couple steps back, a couple deep breaths, and try to remember I don’t have all the pieces of the puzzle, blah blah blah.
That helps. Briefly.


we have to want to make it to the finish line or all will be lost.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Meant as a reply to churchmouse at 10:17pm; I typed in the wrong box.


comment image


Love it! I almost wish I wasn’t way too old to re-up.


Linda, are you a veteran?

Plain Jane

Beautiful. Now Iwant to see that in real time at theborder.


Coming attractions, detailed by NannaLavender:


Thank you. What a powerful video.
Will post on my site this week.


you’re welcome churchmouse.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We hear about portions being upgraded (but not up to the level of those prototypes today) but it almost seems like putting SOMETHING here would be more urgent.
I have to trust that CBP is intelligently triaging things based on traffic counts and saying “this needs improvement more than anything else,” and a rusting barrier in a populated area needs it more than this ridiculous cattle fence.


Rosie RT’d this THREAD —

Sylvia Avery

Who is left in Central America? Can there possibly be anyone left? I would have sworn they were all here, in my county, but apparently they are everywhere. How can there be that many of them?


Oh there are millions of people down in those Central Am countries.
Lots more where those came from.
The SoCom Leftist organizers get help from their local fellow travelers…and know where to go to ‘organize’ groups to come up here.
They promise them all sorts of goodies and make them seem ‘foolish’ if they don’t want to come here and take their “share” of what the evil Americans “owe” them.
They tell them that we have “stolen their wealth”.
So the people will think that they have a ‘right’ to come up here and Take whatever they can get.

Sylvia Avery

Build. The. Wall.



I have had these same thoughts but Praying Medic says it so much better. Pay attention to his comment about “If Huber is testifying on December 5th, then the investigation must be done. There are over 61,000 sealed indictments that will be opened very soon, some already have been opened.


Thank you!


Shan, thanks for posting this.

Deplorable Patriot

I think this is correct. Or at least one of the investigations is done. Which one…..


I think he is referring to the Clinton Foundation investigation. That was at the top of the list.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, now I KNOW my brain is in a vat and being fed a false reality. Gramnesty said THIS!?!?!


LG repositioning himself? Sorry, I just won’t trust him, not ever.


Steve and Zoe,
Agree with both of you!

Sylvia Avery

Okay, this is the real Lindsey Graham and not a parody account, right? I just can’t quite wrap my brain around this information.
Lindsey? Really???? Wow. Those must be some games of golf he is playing with PDJT.

Deplorable Patriot

Amazing transformation since No Name is no more.