Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181126

This SPECIAL CYBER MONDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments.  Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.


And for guns and Bibles of all types, used a peaceably as we can, in service of defending the above, as well as LIFE, LIBERTY, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.

No illegalities, please, or we get shall ban you and pour merciless scorn upon the proglodytes who sent your hoaxy ass this way.


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Five hundred forty six days (or so) since my first banning at the Old Tree House.
And it looks like it’s going to get crazy real fast at the border, in the Black Sea, and soon in the District of Conspiracy.
Strap in, strap on, and MAGA on.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Looks like I didn’t get banned near the end of May 2017 but rather on May 8.
566 days, not that I’m counting, mind you.


Your count-up clock reminds me of another incident where they were obviously not keeping track. I spent my college undergraduate years in Columbus at Ohio State. Of course this last weekend was the highlight of the football season, which was the Ohio State-Michigan game. This leads me to my story.
Several years ago I was in the Columbus area for one reason or another and I saw a copy of the local newspaper, the Columbus Dispatch, which had as a banner on its front page the following: Today’s date followed by “it has been 1569 days since the last Michigan win.” I am sure they were not keeping track either.


Love it, Steve.


I’m actually wondering if this didn’t have to be the first thing I’m reminded of each day. But then again I have a scroll wheel and I know how to use it. ;).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I messed up. I messed up BIGTIME.
And unlike the Yellow Stream Media, I am NOT going to bury it at the bottom of page A-26.

Well duh…the climate on our planet is always changing…and has been changing since our planet was created.
But the Left thought that changing their wealth-distribution hoax to ‘Climate Change’ would work.
And they are still stroking it, despite the real scientific evidence that proves that the earth’s climate has always been in a state of ongoing change.

When I first read that, I read too much into it. I thought I was seeing the presentation of a fallacious argument against global warming, one that I have seen presented elsewhere. This did not quite go there, but I read it in, and took the author to task for it anyway.
WheatieToo, you have my humble and abject apology.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I have to say though, that if I had gone back and still seen it–I’d be standing by everything I said.


Speaking of misunderstandings……
prenanny says:
November 25, 2018 at 8:10 pm
Depends on what State you are in if you want to obey the law.
Is there any reason you feel the need to involve law enforcement?
shoot, shovel and shut up
Liked by 1 person
G. Combs says:
November 25, 2018 at 9:14 pm
Comment deleted by Admin…


Think she’ll make it over here?

Cuppa Covfefe

Wow, Gail getting a comment deleted. She’s VERY much a person who follows procedures/rules/etc., doesn’t swear, etc., and is very technical and research-oriented (I think she was a research chemist).
The comment hammer(s) has been falling thick and fast over at the treed-house. Something is up, or they have new mods, perhaps. Surprised I haven’t been hit there (OK, I was in a “past life”) as I tend to get snarky at times with the oldskool types…
G. Combs posts at WUWT, sometimes at chiefio, and I think occasionally at NoTricksZone (at least those are ones I visit due to CAGW – catastrophic Anthropogenic Gorebull Warming…


Maybe I will check out a couple of those sites and see if I can find her. Yes, she WAS very much about following the rules, which is why I think she was speaking out against the advocating for violence. Again, why would THAT be erased but not the other? Then, on the next page there was a string of comments deleted, including a couple of hers, yet 2 other comments on the string remained. SMH – VERY, VERY strange, IMO.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wow, I guess I need to see some context on that comment.


Talking about homeowners on the border, whether they were legally allowed to shoot trespassers.


Lots of pressure being put on people to be civil. GWP is threatening to ban if you post wanting to mow people down and the like.


That’s because posting “death threats” on social media is a way to get a site shut down.
So the Agents of Evil go around to conservative blogs and post death threats and calls for violence, in order to ‘blacken’ those sites.
Funny how the Leftist sites don’t get shut down for the same thing.
Just goes to show…how many leftover Obots and Leftist Activists there still are in our justice system.


I can’t think she would be ADVOCATING that – she was replying to someone else who WAS advocating murder. That is what is strange to me.


Ah-ha…..yes, very real possibility and, after that Tweet about looking for a different state to live in, maybe quite literally. SMH


I doubt G. Combs was banned.
If so, the entire comment would probably have just disappeared (no name and date).
G Combs had taken a break from posting for a while, and only recently returned.
She is a very well-informed Treeper whose comments were always well sourced and linked; very informative, and always cordial.
I cannot imagine what she said that caused her comment to be deleted by Admin.
I’m certain everyone will enjoy her company, and she ours, if we could somehow make the connection.


No, she wasn’t banned. I kind of feel like she and I connected, particularly over horses and I always enjoyed our chats. I was wishing for a way to contact her as well to invite her. I can easily see her taking the other poster to task for advocating breaking the law, which, again, was what was so strange – HER comment deleted but the one saying to shoot/bury someone remains? Just makes no sense to me.


In context, prenanny was responding to:
Ken Maritch says:
November 25, 2018 at 7:59 pm
Serious question:
Can landowners next to the US/Mexico border shoot people trespassing on their land?
Liked by 2 people
Further down the string, G Combs responding directly to Ken Matrichs’question:
G. Combs says:
November 25, 2018 at 9:13 pm
Yes in Texas.
I looked at up and Texas is a Castle State. It extends to your place of work so if you have a ranch it would allow you and your ranch hands the right to defend yourselves.
Liked by 1 person




Notice the timestamps:
Deleted comment 9:14 PM; the existing comment 9:13 PM.
Possibly a duplicate?


i was following that thread yesterday with some confusion on my part because i couldn’t understand why it was starting to get a little testy because i thought everyone was really on the same side, with only slight variances of wording 🙂
another great moment for inter-poster relations!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I thought I was seeing Wheatie engaging in a logical fallacy, and I don’t like to see our side doing that (if we have good arguments, we should use them instead of fallacious arguments people will simply (and rightly) dismiss) so I tried to point it out. Of course it’s a lot easier to point out something that actually exists, than something that doesn’t, so she was confused and (understandably, in hindsight) a bit hurt when I reacted to what I thought was huge obtuseness.
One gigantic misunderstanding and ENTIRELY my fault.

Sadie Slays

Strong chance of a false flag this week. The videos coming out of Tijuana are enough to make even Democrat voters demand border security. The Deep State will deploy some sort of distraction to keep these videos out of the news cycle.


Will do, Wolf.
But I would want you to have a chance to deal with it yourself, before I did the FBI thing.
You never know if you’ll get a good guy or a bad guy with the FBI.
I figure it’s luck of the draw.


I think THAT is what Q was talking about! “Be extremely vigilant in Dec” “See something, Say something”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That would make sense (assuming you intended your comment as a reply to Sadie).
I couldn’t figure out why I had to be vigilant during congressional hearings and the other fecal tornadoes coming up.
But watching out for an active shooter or something like that? Yep. Makes sense.


Yes, I meant to reply to Sadie. This makes a lot of sense, IMO.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Especially since “See something, say something” is one of the mantras in areas they expect terrorists to target with a bomb or something like that.

Cuppa Covfefe

Was just over at chiefio – G20 is next week. Forgot about that.
And Davos is coming up soon, too… oddly enough, no matter how good or bad the weather, it always seems to snow the week of Davos (the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland) – think CFR, Bilderbergs, Trilaterals, and illuminati all rolled into one…


Foremost in everyone’s mind should be that none of what we think we know about our govt is accurate. What is now taken as a given is really a mixture of disinfo and info, intended to steer thought patterns by instilling foundation concepts that are primarily for serving the enemy. GIGO is not just for coding.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s because they’re not reporters, they’re urinalists. Actually the better way to put it is that they are not reporters, but rather narrators. Narrators narrating the narrative.


I believe they are pitching for the role of propagandist in the hoped for soon to be declared globalist utopia.
Just like Strzok and co were planning on being rewarded by shilling for Crooked – same same.
They are virtue signalling (declaring their allegiance) for the purposes of getting noticed for future plum roles …



Another traffic cam for San Ysidro>>>. . Pick the type cam you want and then wait for refresh and then hit the cams giving. Most choices seem to point in the same direction, but they do have two active cams on the pedestrian crossing place. Right now San Ysidro is open. Lots of cars. Very busy.


Amen.comment image


Gab feels like a clean slate or maybe open territory. You are free to build out your own content with few distractions.
I am still learning how to do the basics. Mute accounts that aren’t meaningful to me. Find good accounts to follow. Stop the unhelpful bots from following my account. (That’s not in the FAQ, BTW)
I tried to send you a private message asking where @BigMamaTEA had the private channel. But then remembered something you wrote about maybe you didn’t have time for DMs.


What sort of ‘false flag’ event could the Agents of Evil be planning…
Whatever it is, it will likely be designed to make our President look bad.
Or something to shore up one of their other false narratives.
‘Scary black assault rifle comes to life and goes on shooting spree at Mall. Guns bad, must ban all guns.’
They’ve already staged a Show going on down at our southern border.
The situation is ripe for a false flag event…to make our Border Patrol or our Military look bad.
Not sure how they would do it though.
But these cabalists are diabolical.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Here’s a site satrizing the whole guns come to life thing.
They have cams pointed at three “assault weapons.” It has been years and so far they haven’t moved.
Oooh, an HK-91 style!!!

CM in TN

Wondering if the Ukraine/Russia thing could be one. Deep State Victoria Nuland types intentionally kicking the hornets nest. If things are getting bad for the DS, I would expect them to activate several FF senarios like this around the same time. Attemp to monopolize the news cycle…


Just found this site and was happy to see some familiar names!


Hi Tonawanda!
It’s good to see you here.


I have debated whether I should post this comment or not, but decided to post anyway. When I saw the name wheatietoo my heart leaped for joy, and reading your comments in the archives confirmed why.


Aww…Thanks, Tona.
You’re very kind.


Well, some of us do leap for joy when Wheatie comments, so don’t be embarrassed. Welcome, Tona, nice to have you among us.


All the great people are here!


Yes, they are, though there are a couple I think haven’t shown up just yet.


Every comment I have made is awaiting moderation. I just read W’s post that moderation is strictly a WP function, not W’s doing. Wonder what I am doing to trigger moderation?




More caravan news:
1/ Not many families (like, none?) …

2/ Meek asylum seekers /s …


I’ve been looking at this photo and can see so many things wrong with it:
1/ What adult is going to let a child walk or run in bare feet on sharp, stony surfaces?
2/ Where is a bag or rucksack (backpack) with their belongings?
3/ How is it that an adult allows children to be dressed so skimpily with adult men around when everyone else we’ve seen in the caravan has new, clean clothes?
4/ Is this really a ‘family’?
5/ What are the circumstances behind this photo?
Feel free to add your insights.


Kinda looks like a day at the beach to me instead of trying to illegally get into a foreign country (USA)!!! Where are the beach towels??? 😉


Thank you very much, Elizabeth! That made my day.
There were staged photos from Mediterranean migrations that took a week or so to be revealed as fake.
I am relieved this was uncovered early on.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. It’s fake news. There’s a Twitter threat about it – here’s an annotated pic:comment image


What’s a twitter threat? Is that when someone who thinks like us sends a tweet?

Cuppa Covfefe

Yeah. There’s a disturbance in the chair-keyboard interface, as if a million electrons were shifted in the wrong key…shift happens (to quote Dogbert)…
Sometimes I think that my keyboard has become self-aware, or at least a bit of the Leprechaun in it…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

D and T are identical in all but one respect: with D the vocal cords are vibrating during the stop. If you form the two sounds and pay attention to what your tongue and mouth are doing, you’ll see this. The only difference is the vocal cords are vibrating with D and not T (you can feel this by placing your fingers on your throat).
So J isn’t that far off, at least in this case. 😀
B and P, and hard G (as in “guts”) and K are also paired like this, all are “stops.” And for non-stops (“fricatives”), V and F, Z and S, Zh and Sh (Zh is an English sound but we have no consistent way to spell it; it’s the sound of the s in pleasure), and the two different sounds for th (in “that” and “thing”) are voiced/unvoiced pairs as well. That leaves the “affricates” J and Ch, another pair. (An affricate is a combo of a stop and a fricative; J is d+zh, and ch is t+sh.)


Yes, it Is fun. And the French form their D and I think their T by putting their tongue against the back of their bottom teeth, as I think the Spanish do, too, but am not sure how this affects the vocal part.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Most speakers of English put their tongue against the alveolar ridge, that ridge behind the teeth of the top jaw. Some put it against the top teeth, which always sounded a bit indistinct to me, but speakers of languages that do that (like Turkish) swear we are the ones who are indistinct. To each group, the T and D sounds of the other group are slightly off but you can’t quite put your finger on why.
Japanese forms F entirely with the lips (instead of lower lip, upper teeth), which makes it sound a bit odd to us. Linguists, in the International Phonetic Alphabet even give it a different symbol, φ (Greek letter phi), a V formed the same way gets the symbol β (Greek letter beta, currently pronounced like a v in modern Greek)
I don’t know if Spanish and Turkish D, T have special symbols in the IPA.


@Steve, fascinating, isn’t it?


they followed these people around, i saw at least 4 photos with that woman and at least one of the kids. you could tell by their clothes. so it appears those folks were picked to be featured and photographed at different stages of the day to get some awesome action shots.
one pic has one kid with their finger stuck in one of the holes of a whiffle ball.


Click on photo to see the anagram: An Arab Backed Imposter


Yesterday, I posted an article by Corey Lynn about the Arkansas swamp draining.
Apparently, she has had problems with her website since, so has issued an archived copy of the article, for anyone interested:


Excellent video of a municipal policeman in Mexico warning ‘men’ (he calls them ‘pretty boys’) against putting children at the front when they get to the border.
He says that the children will be hurt, through no fault of their own. They were brought on the caravan and had no say in it.
One of the organisers keeps arguing with the policeman.
The policeman says not to listen to the leaders of the group and ends by asking, ‘Why don’t they go first, then?’

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. That was a great video, and I think the guy is a great policemen. He basically asks “what kind of MAN would put women and children in harm’s way?”
I could see him as advocating MMGA (Make Mexico Great Again). The fact that the “leaders” (Satan Soros puppets) are hassling him makes it obvious that this is a bogus “caravan”…




The old “leading from behind” strategy!


Preview of 2019 — a new, baseless accusation:

Elizabeth Carter

Do you know why I can’t post a picture here? They used to post. I use WP


Have you tried highlighting the URL — the link — then copying and pasting into the comment box?
Remember that you cannot copy an image from your own device. It has to be uploaded to the Internet first.


On WP (in my experience) you have to use a link – that ends with .jpg or .png – but it can’t be from Pinterest or Wikipedia…for some reason those won’t post.
You can go to one of those link makers such as to get a link for your image if you don’t have one.

Deplorable Patriot

Project there much, Schitt-y?


School in England takes issue with parents and pupils who question male refugee student’s age. Photos at the link:
As we know, the same thing has been going on in Sweden, where they put adult males into schools as students.
The article says the refugee admitted he’s 25 and has a wife and family.
I do not understand why Swedish and English councils do not analyse dental records, which, apparently, are reliable in determining age. Perhaps that would be immaterial since councils must consider adult refugees as minors until they reach the age of 25. (sighs, shakes head)


Chris Wallace interviews Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie about their new book, Trump’s Enemies.
Highlights follow.
Sean Spicer and Gary Cohn, among others, were dubbed The November 9 Club, because, the day after the November 9, 2016 election they notionally turned into Trump supporters. Corey and David doubt whether The November 9 Club voted for Trump.
Trump’s main enemies are (no surprise) the Republican establishment, the intelligence community, the DoJ (including the FBI) as well as Dems, the media and the non-political establishment.
General Kelly, they said, is also a problem. They interviewed the President, and he asked why he wasn’t getting any phone messages. They didn’t come out and say it, but they implied that Kelly is blocking communications to the President.
David Bossie says that notional supporters of the President care more about their own jobs than they did the mid-terms.
Danger points for 2020 are Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, they said. He must win those states, otherwise, he does not win re-election. They will be doing all they can to help.
Conclusion: President Trump is surrounded by enemies both on the Left and the Right, some of whom are working closely with him.

Deplorable Patriot

Wonder who financed the writing of this. Sounds awfully gossipy.

Deplorable Patriot

Follow the money. ALWAYS follow the money.


this is their second book together if i remember correctly.


vegas… i hope we get to see the surveillance videos. especially ones with campos.
we never will though.


I remember Laura Loomer’s tweet from 2017: ‘A Jew in search of Jesus’. 🙂


vegas was the first time i became aware of loomer for the most part.


EVIL deeds in Mexico – traffickers picking off the caravan inside Mexico.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if the Klintoon Foundation is, erm, helping out… or maybe the Paedostas…


Where Soros goes the Clinton, Podesta and all their cabal go.


i can see the press using this as a jab at the president saying if he would only let them in they wouldn’t have gotten kidnapped. we will know if suddenly the other side is worried about human trafficking.


@GA/FL: Thank you very much for this. I had been wondering and waiting for such a report.
Prayers up for those sold and abducted. Will this never stop? How horrible.


Slavery is still alive and well in the 3rd world, among the Islamists and even the elite first world….in the US and UK.


Indeed it is.
It’s a pity it never gets a look-in from MSM! Grr! :/
Yet, the MSM and elites worship these ‘heroes’ of theirs whilst denigrating the rest of us.
Who ended slavery, BTW? The West, as in civilisation.


Thank you, ChurchMouse, for stating the plain truth so well. We need to be bold about this and try to educate people. The msm only wants to talk about slavery in the past in certain countries and then tar the entire U.S. with it.


You’re welcome.
Your last sentence expresses it all so well.
We have the same situation in the UK, leaving me shaking my head and asking, ‘Anyone heard of William Wilberforce?’


Yes, I almost mentioned him.


I found my way here when looking for my favorite Treepers whose comments I hadn’t seen in a while. I’m a busy Momma and I don’t have time to read all the comments at CTH. A quick google search for Wolfmoon1776 + treehouse brought me here.
I’m not brilliant and I don’t have a lot of time to research, hence my reliance on CTH and why I don’t follow Q. I’m just a patriot trying to do my small part for MAGA, and I am saddened by the loss of so many familiar faces and brilliant comments at CTH. It doesn’t feel like a Refuge like it once did.
I’m sad that a disagreement and misunderstanding between patriots could cause rifts or make some feel unwanted or cast out. It hurts my heart to think I may have caused some of it with my own comments. I am not anti-Q, but I do see the danger coming from some who have attached themselves to the Q movement, and that was what Sundance was warning about. I saw a cult like mentality in my sister, she followed Q as if it were some kind of guru. I’m not saying anyone here does the same, but I could see Sundance’s side as well. I’m so sad to see that the nastiness and division the post and the comments caused.
I’m so, so happy to see Sylvia, Wheatietoo, Wolfmoon, SteveinCo and PheonixRising, BigMamaTea and others here. You were some of my favorite posters at CTH, and you have been missed by many. I’m going to be lurking here now if you don’t mind :). I don’t have much to contribute but I appreciate the brilliance of this group. I hope some of you will continue to comment at CTH. Sundance is human, he makes mistakes from time to time, but the CTH is such an important asset to MAGA. We patriots need to unite for the upcoming battle.

Greg Cox

I’m in agreement with your theory. In fact I had something very similar typed up the other day, and then decided against posting it. One thing though, I was leaning toward “the plan” wasn’t done willingly, but rather unwillingly, or even forcefully.


And, for those reading along, here ya go 🙂
“A Seldon Crisis is an inflection point in his (Isaac Asimov’s) plan, where a convergence of dramatic internal and external crises jeopardize its progress, and compel resolution that often entails political upheaval.”
Pretty sure W’s point is: “…and compel resolution that often entails political upheaval.”


I remember sd commenting ” yes I have been threatened”/. sorry, old guy that duly noted but not bookmarked.


The patriots on the front lines attract the most fire


The Lord works in mysterious ways, and everything has a purpose. I’m so thankful to know you that He is working through this situation! God bless you!


I sensed a cultish following of SD there, and believe we should never elevate a human being above what they are— beings that fall short of the glory of God continually. We are fallible— the Lord isn’t. Wolf has made a nice place here— welcome!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And as good as he is at what he’s doing, he’s very human and very much fallible.


Aren’t we all?


Deb, I’m glad you stopped by here and for your post. But you mentioned hoping that some will continue to post sometimes at CTH. Unfortunately, that won’t happen because we were all banned. Some of us are still shaking our heads wondering what we said to get banned. But whatever the reason, I’m glad to be here and very much appreciate Wolfmoon and all the great commenters here.

Greg Cox

I still lurk over there some. But it’s so frustrating being unable to comment, I don’t last too long there.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Having been banned from there 566 days ago, I have no idea what you mean by this.
(/s of course)


Steve, how sad they didn’t let you romaine.


So much fun. I once dated a punster. I was a lot younger then, and I didn’t appreciate it as I would now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Instead you find me romaine around the internet.


Steve, you beat me to it. I’ve been just roamaine all over this blog.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I did get badly burned by CTH. One might even say chard by Banhammer Central.


Yes, you did. So very sorry, but your sense of humor you’ve used to deal with it all is wonderful–and infectious.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You should have seen how my brother dealt with getting a foot amputated. Pun after pun after pun, both me and him. It drove our father nuts which was part of the fun, of course. Only if you lose your sense of humor are you truly de-feet-ed.

Cuppa Covfefe

Life is like a salad; you never know what will Turnip… not too much, on my celery, though, but I don’t carrot 🙂

A.D. Everard

Spot on, Linda. I know I will not go back there. I know some see SD as somehow saintly in his act of kicking Q people out (for talking about Q – ON ANOTHER SITE), but I see him very differently now.


Deb, welcome, and please lurk on–and post when you can. I will always be grateful to Sundance for all I have learned from him, also many other posters there, and I still read there when I can–so much to read, so little time, and as I’m blind and cannot use a computer mouse, it takes longer to read so much.


Maybe it’s just me but I find it very inspiring that a blind person goes to great lengths to read stuff. I was going blind from cataracts and recently a skilled eye doctor made that all a memory by restoring my sight. I have a clear appreciation for my sight and you have all my empathy and love for persevering through your situation. May God bless you and keep you in His Hands.


PGroup, thank you for the kind words and the encouragement–it means a lot. I just wish I could read every comment on every page here. Had the same problem on CTH. It just is slow but worth it, love and blessings back to you.


can you read the likes?


I can see how many likes there are, which is fun. I like youor question. Lol.


Had to redo this comment to PGroup. Said first time around so happy you regained your sight. Wonderful.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Maybe it’s just me but I find it very inspiring that a blind person goes to great lengths to read stuff.
I knew a blind coin collector once.
Coin collecting has to be one of the most profoundly visual hobbies out there, second only to collecting paintings or stamps, but he enjoyed the heft of precious metal.


Steve, I get that–totally. I love British hallmarked silver, and gold sovereigns are nice.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nice and heavy, aren’t they?
A favorite over here are our old double eagles. Almost a troy ounce of gold, and (from 1907 on) one of the most beautiful designs ever. They ceased making them in 1933 (and the 1933s are essentially unavailable). The obverse design was put on our current gold bullion pieces, which at least you can handle directly a bit without wrecking their numismatic value. My blind friend liked to collect those.


Nice to know.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, and another factor: high end coins with a lot of value tend to be “slabbed,” which is to say enclosed in a tamper proof plastic container by a service which both authenticates and grades them. The slab both protects the coin and is a guarantee of the coin’s authenticity and (to many people) the grade is authoritative.
But it completely removes the tactile element from things. The slab may be heavy if it’s a crown sized coin, but it’s not as heavy for its size. And you can’t actually touch the coin. Fortunately there are still a great number of “raw” coins out there, generally in lower grade so handling them directly doesn’t diminsh them (as long as it’s very occasional–don’t carry them in your pocket unprotected).
I guess I was thinking of slabbed coins when I said coin collecting was profoundly visual.


Well, thank you. UI know what you are saying, my father was a coin collector and he had both. Of course we all love to have those higher grades, too.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I prize higher grades, a good sharp strike showing as much design detail as possible, originality (coin hasn’t been cleaned, or at most only very lightly in the distant past), and eye appeal, which often comes from colorful toning.


Yes, thank you. I do remember one is not supposed to clean coins. Other silver or antiques can also be ruined by removing the patina. People can gently clean old silver but should not use harsh cleaners like dips or Tarnex.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Alas a lot of people give a coin a gentle dipping. If not done too much (making the coin “dipped out”) it can SOMETIMES not be too harmful and might remove something really ugly. I’d never want to try it, myself. But very few coins from (say) the 1800s have never, ever been cleaned so the market discounts this and even a lightly cleaned coin can be worth a great deal of money.

A.D. Everard

Deb. Good to see you. I will not return to CTH. Sundance threw a tantrum and as far as I can tell continues to throw one, refusing to see or admit any error on his part. There is no logic in throwing good people out – long time posters and financial contributors – and no logic in seeing Q and his followers being any kind of threat to POTUS.
On and off (it seems) trolls are out of control over there, oftentimes unchecked. There have even been anti-Trump rants, yet people like Steve and Scott and Sylvia (and many others) get BANNED? No word of announcement either, which to me is very underhanded.
No. Sundance himself is tearing apart the unity that used to exist there and is refusing entry to those who always have been loyal. Q is the one arguing against division, Sundance is the one employing it. I do NOT see it as any ploy on SD’s part to somehow save us or save himself in any kind of honorable act of sacrifice.
I have my own take on what is going on and it’s not a pretty picture. I no longer trust the tree house.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I have to agree and I have my own take as well. He likes an appreciative audience that follows and agrees with his opinion. There were “enforcers” on the site, people who would jump you for disagreeing with the generally optimistic “Trump Is Doing It Right” tone there.
When his opinion changed, suddenly he had a ton of people on his site who didn’t agree with him, and he used the trolls as enforcers to drive them off.


Hello and Welcome Deb. Nice to “see you.” 🙂
I too felt a deep loss when we all began discovering we had been shown the way to the door. I was no longer posting about the forbidden topic, but after I had posted here for a day or two I suddenly discovered that I no longer could post at the tree house. I had already had another email go unanswered and so I didn’t even to try to find out why.

Plain Jane

Welcome Deb. I am hardly up to snuff on Q. I find the deep musings of a possible insider to be stimulating to my thought processes more than plated thought. I absolutely don’t discount Q, nor do I fall on my sword for or against Q. I like to see all possibilities.

Plain Jane

Deb, I forgot to also mention something I posted on another thread here on wqth. I told DH that between Wolfmoon and the brilliant commenters here, my IQ goes up several points every time I log in here.


Lol, Jane, works for me, at least I like to think so.

Plain Jane

🙂 I mean it too.

Deplorable Patriot

Interesting mention of Podesta here:

Deplorable Patriot

Or a trap is snapping shut.
At this point, we still don’t know.

Deplorable Patriot

While I completely agree on the Democrats-Russians of some sort “collusion” I have a differing view on Mueller’s mission. Given the lawyers involved, I openly wonder if he wasn’t given the task of keeping them busy while work was being done elsewhere, and the convictions of a few set up future prosecutions of many more.
The three hour meeting between Mueller and VSGPDJT AFTER the White House was debugged had to be about something other than interviewing for a job for which Mueller was not eligible.
Remember one thing about this whole plan and the people executing it: revenge is a dish best served cold. Robert Mueller, along with James Comey, was betrayed/double crossed/forced to backtrack on a moral position in 2004. It happened during a closed door meeting with W in March of that year when the Attorney General was in the hospital. They went into that meeting in solidarity with AG Ashcroft (who could not be compromised) over the Terrorist Surveillance Program – the three wanted warrants enforced – and both Mueller and Comey came out changed men.
Something happened, and my guess is whatever that was may well be a point of revenge for the pair. I could be very wrong, but too much is not adding up for payback to not be on the table.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, complicated.
Reading through FBI anon again with new eyes. The second session is especially interesting.


the only way i even consider anything about mueller in my mind is that they have him cold on all his past crimes (MANY CRIMES and COVERUPS) and they have offered a deal to clean up stuff and save his life.
other than that he gets off easy. comey the same way. these guys were never good. and if they were they need to have statues made of them 100 feet tall and we all need to pay our respects! 🙂
but i am still holding out judgement because what can we do right?


Ukraine-Crimea-Russia, oh my.
WAR – what is it good for?
Absolutely NOTHING, unless you’re the UP/DS Globalpuss intent on diverting from the Mega MAGA truth bomb about to detonate.
Trust President Trump 🦁
Wishing all posters a blessed, glorious, faithful day.


And the same heartfelt wishes go to you, too, Minnie. 🙂


😊 so glad to be back up and running


We’re equally happy for you, too!


Finally, someone in UKanistan is standing up for their parental rights!!!
“A UK primary school threatened with legal action over an LGBT pride parade for young children has been accused of intimidation after a concerned mother was met by a member of staff wearing a T-shirt which “belittled” Christian views.
When Izzy Montague met with the head of Heavers Farm Primary School to discuss concerns that teachers’ promoting of LGBT lifestyles conflicted with Christian beliefs, she was confronted by a member of staff wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the slogan: “Why be racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic when you could just be quiet?”
“Given the nature of my complaints it was obviously a deliberate act to wear the T-shirt. I believe it was intended to belittle my views and intimidate me into silence,” she told the British Mail on Sunday tabloid.”


these people are unbelievable. nobody has a right to have a different opinion of them.
it is coming here to america soon folks unless something changes.
jason mentioned last week about the forced lgbt education in the schools where he is, and scotland just last week announced full curriculum support of lgbt education. from pre school all the way up. and they bragged about it. and were congratulated by all sorts of do-gooders.


It is already here in America, sadly.



Most interesting THREAD – click on tweet



Ho, ho, heh, heh, it’s off to court we go! Interesting……
“Former Infowars D.C. bureau chief Jerome Corsi will reject a plea agreement offered by the special counsel and fire back with a criminal complaint, accusing Robert Mueller of “Gestapo” tactics in attempting to pressure the author into pleading guilty to one count of perjury.
“They can put me in prison the rest of my life. I am not going to sign a lie,” Corsi said in a brief telephone call with CNN. Asked what Mueller office will do next if he does not agree to the plea deal, Corsi replied, “I don’t know.”
Corsi told NBC producer Anna Schecter that a plea agreement would involve the author of pleading guilty to one count of perjury. “I’d rather sit in prison and rot for as long as these thugs want me to,” he told Schecter.”

Deplorable Patriot

Candidate for the fake news awards?


This Corsi-Mueller thing could end up being the **accidental** catalyst for something greater: the spotlight that could be shone inadvertently upon the Mueller ‘probe’ to break it up.
One small, seemingly insignificant event can lead to chaos/breakdown (e.g. the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by an anarchist/nutcase that triggered the the First World War).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The beginning of WWI is like watching one of those insurance commercials where one little accident causes a cascade of other things resulting in utter chaos. Or any time near Jacque Clouseau.





Okay, something chilling. Not that we don’t already know but it helps to see it all wrapped up in one place and how it’s already impacting us here: China’s Social Credit system.


For got to hat tip that to Dan Dan over at CTH.
This next one goes hand in hand with the last.
Again nothing you don’t know but its nice when all put together in a package.
Hat tip Wyntre


Wolfmoon, maybe I’m not understanding what you are saying, but if the government can dispense so-called privileges according to a manufactured social score, I think it’s very dangerous and totalitarian. I know we have Fico scores, but that’s a pretty narrow measure. If being a Christian who attends a non-registered house church lowers one’s “social score,” or if particular beliefs lower it, things which are no one’s business but mine, it’s dangerous.


Well, Wolf, have to admit you make some good points. I’m not against profiling when it comes to terrorists and likely beheaders and so on. Just don’t like the idea of everyone having a “social score” that follows them around everywhere. It’s creepy.


Yes, forcing anyone to receive others into their homes is so creepy. And wrong. The only thing I must say about Islam is that I believe it’s more of a political system with conquest at its heart than a religion and that is very problematic. Someone, a woman, wrote a novel about a future Britain where people are forced to share their homes with strangers, and eventually a woman and her family end up sleeping on their kitchen table and eventually they leave their home and start walking Somewhere. I just read about it, but I could never forget.


Brilliant observation, also true.


True and it already has arisen as the capitalist system is a form of social credit. Live by the soft and hard rules and you have the opportunity to excel. Obstacles of course, but you surmount them and even have the chance of trying again. Lots of pit falls and traps like corruption and nepotism, but by and by they get fixed and fade till some new chancery occurs, but it’s the freest system to date and is largely self correcting.
On the other hand this Chinese system or any other tyrannical system can cut you off totally if you buck it and control becomes total.
Meanwhile the most perverse system I can think that ever existed is the Hindu Caste system where if you object you are simply told “Well in your next life… ” and you accept that.
Which was the total reason for writing back. The Hindu Caste system. Always wanted to get that in somewhere.


spot on. it is a no win situation and they can control you completely. “no man could buy or sell without the mark” wolf and i spoke about the mark anotber time. either way it was electronic info in the mark determining your freedom.
imagine if you did a bad thing and your score went way down. they could make your life so miserable. you could only go to certain stores or be allowed to buy certain items. can only get into certain bars or hotels. you can do things like community service but you only get a few points each time so yohr score doesnt come up enough…
then they say hey, how about you narc out this guy, your friend, you know he looms down on you anyway right? you think he is your real friend? you cant even go to the ball game with him. he wont hang out with you in public. but here is thw deal if you say this about him then we might be able to get you a LOT of points. you can be regular person again. you can even get on the dating site for non felons…
so what do you do when you live in this world?


And it can get more nefarious than that. Imagine if while with a low score your still making noise.
Have a doctors appointment they know. Get in the car they know. Shut off the phone, they can still track you (need to leave it behind).
What will they have waiting for you when you get there?
Joanne Rivers comes to mind. Ackk!
But that’s a lot of lifting so not to worry just now. 🙂


see this woman’s face looking at her phone? this should be one of the reasons we get rid of all these devices. honestly, as a parent who has a college age child, the last 10 years has been a complete nightmare with these devices and the facebooks and snap chats and instagrams… that generation is going to be having some repercussions from these things at some point. and the surrender of my parent’s generation to them now has almost become complete…
i got a kick on thanksgiving day, someone at dinner was saying they are not falling for the big brother thing and they are not getting an alexa. then their phone beeped, they took it out of their pocket, they then replied to the text with a voice to text. then they searched the web for something with voice.
i said, hey, how’s that not falling for big brother thing going for you?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA is working on a phone with a hard mechanical kill switch for both the microphone and camera. To say nothing of the fact that their software will be entirely open source and thus, it’ll be possible to NOT have apps on that phone that spy on you.


there is no doubt at all. and not to mention, i’ve never had more “software updates” from carrier and phone maker since those strozk page texts came out. i kid you not, that afternoon there was a software update on my phone. and maybe i’m paranoid – but every time there’s some new item where you think they might want to take caution, boom out comes another update.
the last three phones i had (same brand) hardly had any updates at all…probably for good reason meaning they were in full control so why update? 🙂
what wolf also said there reminded me of something – about 5 or so years ago i loaded a new version of ubuntu onto one of my laptops. now i had been using that and debian for the most part (well, i use all the softwares because of my work, including windoze and the fruit also) and so i get the new version installed and i start it up and it makes this weird sound. and it was like a jungle drum. and so i research and low and behold ubuntu is starting to name it’s software with trendy, earthy, type names that all the sjws would like. i never used it again, but they have continued with the feel good naming.
also, if you follow open source you know the plague that is going around now that started a couple years back but really ramped up hard core when the EU passed their internet censoring/spying/social policing policy in the spring/summer. the latest ridiculousness was the SQLite debacle.
open source is absolutely a group now being controlled and manipulated and they are VOLUNTEERING to police their users and contributors – 100% against where they should stand and the irony is completely lost on them. they are asking to be controlled more and more.


And I would imagine if it comes from China, it can’t be trusted.


Y’all don’t forget…
Mitch starts cracking his whip at 5:30 today… setting up cloture for POTUS’ nominees…



Explanation: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were never a First Couple.
‘Some animals are more equal than others.’ — George Orwell, Animal Farm


POTUS is talking about State TV…..
Isn’t that what BBC is, or used to be?


NO! He’s talking about Worldwide…
(talking to myself, who seems to be having a reading comprehensive problem!)

A.D. Everard

We all get like that. Have another cup of coffee? 🙂


honestly, i don’t really care for anything state sponsored whatsoever. i don’t care for “protected areas” like websites that are protected from censoring or whatever. maybe it’s that little rebellious, i guess you might say libertarian strand i have, but i do not think anything good can come from “official. protected.”
not trying to get flamed for this, but just my guy reaction. i do not like it. we should have enough sense as individuals to navigate stuff. if we don’t like the site, leave, if we don’t like certain language, go somewhere else, if we don’t like the show, change the channel. there will always be stuff we do not agree with we will always be able to ignore it.
rules and laws and official channels are not in my opinion the best way to do this. it sounds great now, but it gives the “other side” a built in excuse to say it is all lies – and then when “they” get in control again they use it the way they want…


Government broadcasting/government propaganda, not such a good idea–I admit to enjoying some BBC programming, but BBC is really very left wing and very biased. Wouldn’t the Clintons or Obama love to get hold of a government broadcasting organ? Radio Moscow anyone? No thanks.


Beyond a bad idea…..I hope this is just some serious miss direction “look squirrel!!” kind of thing…that’s my guess to light up the MSM


What do you call VOA?
Most movies are created and produced by liberals… they have been shaping our minds for over 100 years now.
Do you watch BBC productions of any kind?
Do you watch TV News or sitcoms… ?
That’s right … just leave the playing field to them. Let them saturate the WORLD with their Globalist point of view. DO NOTHING. Fighting them… That’s beneath conservatives, right?
What’s happening on Twitter and FB etc. etc.??? Conservatives are disappearing, right?
What’s that you say? You want the gov’t to step in and ….

Deplorable Patriot

The BBC did a really good job with a few Jane Austen adaptations. Beyond that, yeah, no.

Deplorable Patriot

Uh, Wolf, I know all that, but the BBC couldn’t mess with Jane Austen. Too many women would be all over them. And really, those productions were much better than Hollywood ever did with the stories. The heroes, anyway, were manly.

Deplorable Patriot

I like the last one they did with Johnny Lee Miller and Romola Garai.

Deplorable Patriot

I have almost all of them on DVD.


That’s all right, Wolf, I argue with myself about the versions. It doesn’t help that I can no longer See the actors, so I do get a bit confused, though I own videos of most of the versions. I did get my photo taken with Amanda Root who played Anne in the Persuasion film, though, and she was very friendly. That was fun.


Well, I don’t know who Idris is, but I shudder to think. As a member in good standing of the Jane Austen Society of North America, I’ll just put in my protest right here right now, not that they are going to listen to me. Lol.


Do agree BBC didn’t dare mess around much with Jane Austen, but they in general have too many fruity-fluty men and masculinized women, and they’ve always been very far left and they’ve had a lot of suttle social engineering going on.


Wolfmoon, so agree with you.
NorEaster, just love G.Combs’s posts. Wish she’d come on over here.


Modeled on Voice for exclusively foreign consumption sure, why not…but we already have that, might as well just augment that.
Modeled on BBC for a domestic audience, no. that’s a product of Euro Socialism IMHO.
And I would like to see NPR defunded as it is along with subsidies to public broadcasting


CNN hurts our foreign policy.


And it’s broadcast all over the world, especially in airports.


i would be all for the undoing of the smith mundt modernization act


Comments at this tweet are good… at least the first ones I read!


And once something is up and running, POTUS can LEAVE Twitter, which will mean its demise?


Yes, Wolf, and I remember Obama did that EO saying they could do propaganda to Americans, or is that the same one? I just remember it scared me.


like i said this modernization of the act got me back to close to full time duty on the suspicion train. i remember playing tennis with my mostly left leaning buddy and he tells me about it and he was incensed (back then he was still for freedom and privacy, long lost on that unfortunately – but only because of TDS of course)


Right Side just came on line with the rally. I’m not seeing anything over at CTH. Could SD be selectively sitting out the rest of Trumps term?


CTH now has the customary links up.


More pics of Christmas at White House here


I knew it. We all knew it. Heck, my dog knew it.
The news is so fake, we can now predict their attempts to mislead the public.
The media was desperate for one perfect staged photo of a woman and child, somehow endangered by border patrol.
Yet, they could not find the perfect shot/video.
Thus, they staged the shot.
LOOK at this comparison.
We see the woman running, frantic, with her children in tow.
The photo is designed to make America FEEL guilty and “orange man bad”.
Look closer….
Why don’t her children have black/brown hair?
Why is she running when no one else in the photo is scurrying in desperation?


Why is there a guy with a camera tripod set up, directed at the woman, in the background?
Why is everyone else in the photo lingering about?
And finally,
Why did MSNBC, NYTimes, WaPost, NBC, CBS, all use the exact same photo?


operation Mockingbird ring a bell?
They read off the same script every day…

Deplorable Patriot

I thought the kid in the diaper being dragged was a bit over the top, myself.
The reason all outlets are using the same photo is that they all subscribe to the service that employs the person who took it….and it’s probably the best shot that person got.


i think i mentioned this same pic on the invasion thread from yesterday because it looked like the one they wanted! 🙂
what i want to know is: what brand are those flip flops the kid has because after 1100 hard miles those are still looking to be in great shape!

Deplorable Patriot

For some reason, all day long the Clinton Foundation keeps coming up. The president tweeted about it, HUber’s December 5 testimony is expected to be on this topic, and back when FBI Anon was posting, he BEGGED anons to look into activity there.
It is no great secret that the donors were, for the most part, foreign governments and people of interest. It is also no great secret that donations took a nosedive after Hillary lost the 2016 presidential election.
Which begs the question, now that the 2017 990 (non-profit tax form) has been filed and published when the nosedive happened, how in H-E-double hockey sticks does the CF hang onto a four star Charity Navigator rating? For those not in non-profit, a CN 4-star badge is coveted, and put in a place of prominence on websites and all published material. The thing is, to maintain it, a non-profit has to have an increase in donations from year to year in addition to all the other hoops CN demands be jumped. The only way for this to have been avoided is if the fiscal year was not the calendar year.
What sticks in the craw about this, though, is that not even five years ago, CF was put on the CN watch list for not meeting any of the minimum standards of transparency.
This friggin’ stinks. We all “know” the place was set up as a money laundering and pay to play operation, but they’re claiming over 85% of funds are spent on programs of helping farmers in Africa, girls and women, renewable energy, etc. No. Friggin’. Way. That I don’t believe. Unfortunately, the rollup section of the financials is still confidential to the organization at this point. (We have no way of knowing what the Department of Justice has, though, that will eventually come out.)
ARGH! Had to get that off my chest. I worked ten years in non-profit development and every year we struggled to make quota. It just doesn’t compute.



How convenient.
Based on the WikiLeaks drops in October-November 2016 about the Clinton campaign early on, we can safely predict how this will go …
How do these judges get appointed for specific oh-so-convenient cases?



Our commission is to be pro-active, not reactive. Isn’t it ironic that in their vain glory they have reject partnership with the most powerful source of bliss ever, which is only found through submitting to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
If the watchmen are saying the enemies are at the gates, or in the city, our response probably should be more than looking for the best webcam to watch from.
Would anyone care to pull on Heaven for reinforcements and wisdom in how to position ourselves to eject all darkness in the land?

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:10-12

comment image


(meant to be a reply to warning about likelihood of globalist engineered public distractions in the coming weeks.)


TTT, thank you for the godly counsel.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ephesians 6:13-18 are important as well, as they describe the Armor of GOD which we must put on.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;


I’ve had those moments…


There may have been some waver in my stand on those days, but somehow, by the grace of God, I stood.


Thinkthinkthink, we’ve all had those moments, but the Lord does strengthen us when we rely on Him.

Plain Jane

I seldom listened to Bongino because I THOUGHT I was getting the most for my time at the other website. However, I listened to DB today, and he has a theory that inadvertently made me wonder how Mueller could possibly sidestep that Clinton was basically screwed over by the meeting with the Russian babe and Don, Jr.
Plus positive info on demographics and future voting toward the end of the podcast.

Plain Jane

Plus he’s suggesting the need for a short Twit boycott since Twit banned a vet who ran for public office as an R.



Golden State Times will be streaming the Trump rally and it’s a pretty reliable link –

Here are other streams:

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Wolf, most appreciated!!!


Yay! I love the watching the rallies with a group… so much fun!


Just a little something that caught my eye at the old place:
G. Combs says:
November 26, 2018 at 6:24 pm
Love the Kids at The_Donald and the Autists at 4 & 8 Chan.
They give one hope.

Greg Cox

From what I’ve seen from G. Combs, it seems he has his head on straight. I’d tell him that, but of course can’t, since……., well you know. Totally agree on the Autist’s! I’ve found r/The_Donald to be some of the best entertainment ever, besides a place to find “real news”. One thing for sure is, our Autist’s are the best meme makers!


FYI: “He” is a “She” (Gail,IIRC)!



Too right!
Well said, Ambassador Grenell!


Latest stats from Rasmussen Reports:
1/ More agree than a year ago at this time that the United States with President Trump is on the correct track:

2/ Caravan — just under half agree that asylum should be temporarily denied:

3/ Caravan — just over half believe those coming in are a threat to Americans’ health and national security:


You’re welcome!


Thanks for that report on Rasmussen, Churchmouse.
Since Rasmussen is a nevertrumper, I’m sure those slightly better numbers for PDJT that he gave out, were done begrudgingly.

Cuppa Covfefe

The other thing, perhaps conveniently left out, is that the illegals, aka “caravan” (caravanossi?) were offered asylum in Mexico, but REFUSED it. Therefore they have no right whatsoever to asylum in the USA, both by US and international law.
Yep, even their globalist, libturd UN specifies that asylum seekers must stop at the first “safe” land that they reach. Indeed, there are other countries on the way through which they passed which could well be considered safe. Looks like eco-tourism to me…


Transcript of President Trump’s remarks before leaving for Mississippi. I’m really glad he’s addressing these sons of baskets (as my late paternal grandmother used to say) rather than Sarah Sanders (she’s great, but we’re looking at 3rd degree media abuse here):
‘Q Will you have any response to Russia firing on the Ukraine, sir?
‘THE PRESIDENT: Not good. We’re not happy about it at all. Not at all. We’ve let our position be known, and we’re not happy about it.
‘Q Have you reached a deal with Mexico to hold migrants at the border?
‘THE PRESIDENT: Well, Mexico wants to see if they can get it straightened out. But we’ve, during certain times, as you know, closed the border. They’re not coming into the United States. They will not be coming into our country.
‘Q Mr. President, what’s your reaction to General Motors (inaudible) in Ohio?
‘THE PRESIDENT: Well, we don’t like it. I believe they’ll be opening up something else. And — I was very tough. I spoke with her when I heard they were closing. And I said, “You know, this country has done a lot for General Motors. You better get back in there soon. That’s Ohio, and you better get back in there soon.”
‘So we have a lot of pressure on them. You have senators, you have a lot of other people — a lot of pressure. They say the Chevy Cruze is not selling well. I say, “Well, then get somebody — get a car that is selling well and put it back in.”

‘Q Mr. President, two questions for you, sir. Are you comfortable teargassing children like what we saw at the border this weekend?
‘THE PRESIDENT: They’re not. As you know, they’re not. They had to use because they were being rushed by some very tough people, and they used tear gas. And here’s the bottom line: Nobody is coming into our country unless they come in legally.
‘Go ahead.
‘Q Mr. President, I have a question about — you’re going to Mississippi. Tell me a little bit about what you think about Senator Hyde-Smith’s comments about — her comments about hanging? Her —
‘THE PRESIDENT: Well, I know her. I know her. And I know she apologized and she misspoke. But I will tell you this: I’ve known her, for a period of time now, as a senator. She’s been an excellent senator; she’s done a great job. She’s somebody that’s respected in the Senate. And I’m going there — I’m going to make, I guess, two rallies, on top of everything else. So we’re going to do two, and I hope you’re all coming.
‘Q Have you talked to her specifically — have you talked to her specifically about her comments about joking about —
‘THE PRESIDENT: I have. I have.
‘Q What did you say to her?
‘THE PRESIDENT: She felt very badly. She certainly didn’t mean that. And, you know, it was taken a certain way, but she certainly didn’t mean it. And as I understand it, she’s already apologized and very strongly.
‘Q Sir, last night — in response to last night’s “60 Minutes” piece, you said your policy at the border was the same as the Obama administration’s. It wasn’t. You decided to prosecute —
‘THE PRESIDENT: Say it again. What?
‘Q In response to last night’s “60 Minutes” report —
‘THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, so I’ll tell you what. Obama had a separation policy; we all had the same policy.
‘Q You did not have — sir, no, you didn’t.
‘THE PRESIDENT: I tried to do it differently, but Obama had a separation policy. But people don’t like to talk about that…’
Good grief.


Remember Gadi Schwartz, the NBC-affiliate reporter who covered the cover up of the terrorist camp in New Mexico?
He spilled the beans on the caravan, saying it’s mostly made up of young males! He walks all the way through the camp. The families are at one end — with media access — and as one goes deeper in there are more and more men, ending with riot police.
What a great guy! Uncovering the truth, frame by frame:

Sylvia Avery

Anyone interested in Christmas at the WH? Here’s a short YouTube video of the decorations. Those red trees! I didn’t think Melania could keep up with last year’s level of eye poppingly gorgeous decor, but she has.
And I love to see her striding through the decorations and touching them because, well, she’s just so darned gorgeous. And I love her cape coats just as much as I love PDJT’s long overcoats.
I feel sometimes like I have lost my mind to even be noticing stuff like this much less appreciating it, but I guess I have been starved for some element of glamour and beauty in our public life. Somewhere along the time of the Clinton WH sex toy themed Christmas tree we lost all pretense to elevated culture. Who would have thunk Donald Trump and his risque model wife would be the people who would do that for us? I am so eternally thankful to God for giving us this couple to lead us.


Sylvia, I know, and I happen to love cape coats.

Sylvia Avery

I love how Melania so often wears her coats draped over her shoulders, even if she isn’t wearing a cape. Such an old school glamorous thing to do! And she looks fabulous doing it.


@Sylvia, I appreciate learning these things as I cannot see the fashions, but I am very old school in my fashion likes.

Sylvia Avery

Melania often reminds me of Sophia Loren. She has that old school glamour that I associate with Italian fashion.
I think it was her outfit when they were leaving for Thanksgiving at Mar a Lago that was another sort of cape like coat in beige with orange and rust colored geometric shapes on it, very 60s mod looking, and then she had on full length boots with it. She can really carry off the boots, too, I’m sure because she is so tall.


Thank you, Sylvia. My own especial fashion report. Really appreciate your descriptions. wish I were tall like she is. Just lovely.


Okay. This may shed some light on the G Combs incident (click link and read for context):
Initially, a reply that was deleted by Ad rem for violent content. Note the number of likes (10):
Mark (The Artist) T. says:
November 26, 2018 at 6:32 pm
Comment deleted by Admin…
Liked by 10 people
This comment was replied to as follows (note that the quote reveals at least in part the content of the deleted post):
Newton Love says:
November 26, 2018 at 6:51 pm
> “… how to use pieces of “hot, screaming lead” as a deterrent …”
Bad optics. It would have to be rubber bullets, or the entire world would scream “slaughter of innocents.”
Liked by 3 people
An additional reply from a different commentor to the deleted post:
thinkwell says:
November 26, 2018 at 7:09 pm
I just got permanently banned at The Gateway Pundit for making that suggestion. All my posts for the last month were removed.
Liked by 3 people
To which the author of the deleted post replies, and has an exchange with Ad rem. Note the likes (13; totally different from the 10 from the deleted comment):
Mark (The Artist) T. says:
November 26, 2018 at 7:24 pm
Well, at least we both now know where TGP stands.
Liked by 1 person
Ad rem says:
November 26, 2018 at 7:30 pm
CTH has the same policy regarding the posting of violent imagery.
Liked by 13 people
Mark (The Artist) T. says:
November 26, 2018 at 8:07 pm
Understood. My apologies. I’ll be more careful in the future.
Liked by 2 people
Another commentor replies to Ad rem, and Ad rem responds:
thinkwell says:
November 26, 2018 at 9:02 pm
Normally I avoid such hyperbolic statements because they are clearly counter to the rule of law, but when it comes to what amounts to an invading horde of aliens attempting to breach our borders (with the long term goal of making California Mexico again, culturally if not politically – and they are serious about that), I do not think it is unreasonable to discuss the possibility of using deadly force to stop the lawless hordes who are in effect an invading army. If we were in a state of war, such a response would be expected, but aren’t we in an undeclared state of war over our very sovereignty? It is the elephant in the room. Censorship and behaving like ostriches is the wrong answer. Just sayin’.
Judicious and strictly controlled application of legally sanctioned deadly force would clearly demonstrate that we are serious about protecting the integrity of our border. Once that message got received and peculated down through the lawless hordes, few would risk it. Tough love.
Liked by 1 person
Ad rem says:
November 26, 2018 at 10:03 pm
And….you’re invited to acquire your OWN blog and run it any way you’d like. If, after working diligently for eight years, and spending countless hours in research and the development of a base of thousands of commenters and readers, you still feel the same way….have at it. Just not on our blog……tough reality.
Liked by 1 person
And finally, some words of wisdom from… G Combs!:
G. Combs says:
November 26, 2018 at 7:40 pm
“Well, at least we both now know where TGP stands.”
CTH and TGP are trying to make sure Google/Wordpress do not completely Censor them.
Unfortunately, while the unhinged left can spew vile hatred and have, we have to be like Caezar’s wife.
(My tongue is full of holes at times…)
Liked by 10 people


Nor’easter, wow.


I read that..I just stay away from things like that.


Welcome aboard!
Sounds familiar.Are you CTH NYGuy?


One and the same. If you didn’t like me there, you have another shot here.


Right back atcha!