This SPECIAL BANK TRANSFER TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments. Keep it civil. Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.
And YES – we are STILL THANKFUL for GOD and COUNTRY, although our wallets will likely be lighter as the day progresses.
And for guns to defend our silver dollars (few as they may be) that have ACTUAL value, and for Bibles to tell us that we should gladly part with our silver dollars before our guns and Bibles.
No illegalities, please, or BAN YE WE SHALL, and thereby maketh thy Marxist masters regret sending thy hoaxy ass our way.

My suggestion for GM:
Get out of the electric car business.
Bring back Saturn
Inexpensive, durable, reliable, and fuel-efficient.
American made (although they did have a plant in Canada).
“A different kind of company. A different kind of car.”
Must agree about Saturn.
My wife and I have an old 2001 Saturn SL-2 that we use to commute to work. It gets much better miliage than my F-150 even though it tends to burn oil a little bit…have to top it off every few weeks. Good reliable car I bought from my cousin when my great aunt passed away a few years back.
How many miles you got on her (the Saturn, not the wife;))?
Not uncommon for them to reach 400k + Miles.
Using more than one quart of oil per 1000 miles is a sign that the engine is due for an overall.
I would seriously consider this option if all else is in reasonable working order, as I find new and used cars to be expensive and inferior compared to the Saturn.
They are relatively simple, easy and relatively inexpensive to maintain. You may even choose to do some, most, or even all of your own work if you are so inclined and have the means.
Here is a helpful link for anyone interested (I suggest clicking on “forums” from the homepage);
It has 162k. I figure the rings are wearing in it. I do most of the work on it, but don’t have the time to do that myself. It is a great car though.
CM in TN:
162k on a Saturn is barely broken in IMO. Not even at half-life yet.
If you don’t have time, try to find a good mechanic that you can trust, if you don’t already have one.
Lead him to the linked site.
My guess is there’s plenty of life left in that Saturn.
PS: you might see I had a little trouble posting. Now it looks like several posted at the same time. Thanks for liking them all!
As for the rings:
I have used a product called Sea Foam (available in auto parts stores).
One can in a full fuel tank.
Should help with the sticky rings. Once a year at most. Try to run down to about a quarter tank before you fuel up again.
Also, check liquid capacities on your engine.
If the oil capacity is 4 1/2 quarts, use 4 1/2 quarts. No more. Save the other half for when you need to add between oil changes. Do your oil changes on schedule per Saturns recommendations. (IMO the key to longevity of any engine).
Many people don’t know, and many of the few that do just go ahead and dump the whole fifth quart in. Don’t. And if you use a service for oil changes, make sure that they don’t. Have them give you the remaining half quart. It’s yours-you pay for it.
Also, make sure you are using the right fuel (regular). Do not use any higher octane fuel, as it will slowly damage the engine every time it runs.
Make sure that your intake air filter is clean. Replace it when necessary or scheduled.
Keep your cool level at the proper capacity, and make sure that your coolant temperature stays within operating parameters throughout the speed range (should indicate that your thermostat is operating properly or not). Too cool or too hot are both no good.
One more thing:
When you go to start the Saturn, rotate the key to the “Run” position and stop before you get to the “Start” position.
You should see all of the indicator lights on your instrument panel light up temporarily.
Watch the fuel gauge.
Listen. You should hear a slight hum. This is the electronic fuel pump priming the fuel system.
After 1.9 seconds, the hum will stop, and the needle on the fuel gauge will “jump” to indicate the fuel level.
Then and only then turned the key to the “Start’ position, release when the engine starts.
Get in the habit of starting the vehicle this way.
I normally do that on all my vehichles out of habit as one is a diesel.
How many miles you got on her (the Saturn, not the wife
It is not uncommon for Saturns to last for 400k+ Miles with only periodic maintenance and typical repairs.
Burning (not to be confused with leaking) more than 1 quart of oil per 1000 miles is an indication that the engine is due for an overhaul, but not critical yet.
If the vehicle is in decent shape, I would seriously consider this option due to cost savings and my personal belief in Saturns superiority over other vehicles -new and used-, as I always choose function over form.
Saturns are simple, relatively easy to work on, relatively inexpensive to maintain and drive, durable and reliable.
Owners may choose to do some most or all work on their Saturns, if they are so inclined and have means (no need to be an automotive technician).
A great source of information for Saturns (I recommend clicking on “forumz” and browsing/searching the site):
It is not uncommon for Saturns to log 400k+ Miles.
Burning (not to be confused with leaking) more than 1 quart of oil per 1000 miles is an indication that the engine is due for an overall, but not yet critical.
I would seriously consider an engine overhaul as opposed to purchasing a new or used vehicle due to cost savings and IMO, saturns superiority.
Saturns are simple, relatively inexpensive and easy to own maintain and operate.
Owners may choose to do some, most, or even all work on a Saturn if they are so inclined and have the means (no need to be an automotive technician).
A great source of information on Saturns (I recommend clicking on “forums” and browsing/searching this site):
Tried to post reply to CM in TN several times.
Posted elsewhere no problem.
i have an affinity for saturn also as they came out when i was a young man – they had the owners club convention caravans, whkch while corny i found somewhat attracted to. andcthey had some cool little cars and the body panels were great in the northeast. i owned 2 and really enjoyed them as they served the purpose very well in many areas – roomy, durable, great mileage, and i enjoyed the design. they screwed up with the minivans and larger sedans in my opinion. the 2 or four door sedans, the station wagon and that futuristic concept car they had were all they needed!
I also recommend that GM work with Pres. Trump to eliminate the regulations that destroyed the two-stroke cycle Diesel engine industry (GM’s EMD and Detroit Diesel divisions). This couldn’t come at a better time, considering Pres. Trump’s agenda for major infrastructure projects, manufacturing, farming Energy independence, etc.
I hope they come out with a new one:
Make GM Great Again
Make GM American Again
My prediction…
If GM ever produces a Saturn in the US again, it will be a light weight Saturn body on a (hybrid) fuel cell chassis.
Other possibility is that GM folds its businesses here and goes all in on it’s joint venture to manufacture mini electrics in China. Its having some problems with the quality of its batteries in its other models, apparently.
Here’s why…
In 2002, GM invested in a $billion initiative to roll out a hydrogen fuel cell chassis that they called AUTOnomy.
In 2005, in his book Capitalism at the Crossroads, Stuart Hart discusses GM’s strategy at that time. He writes:
…”Yet conceptualizing and building the innovative new products is not enough. Commercialization strategy is also a crucial piece of the puzzle. Here it is not clear that GM, which is famous for creating impressive new technologies only to have them fail in the marketplace, has a compelling lead. GM’s plan is to launch AUTOnomy in the highly competitive United States market. Unfortunately, given the widespread availability of cheap gasoline in the US, it is highly unlikely that that a hydrogen fuel infrastructure will be developed anytime soon, unless the federal government has a significant change of heart. Because fuel cells depend on hydrogen for fuel, the only way that GM can bring its product to market in the US is to add an expensive piece of equipment that “reforms” gasoline into hydrogen to power the fuel cell. Thus, even though the vehicle would be powered by a fuel cell, it would use fossil fuel to supply hydrogen to the cell, effectively nullifying the alternative nature of the technology. In a carbon-constrained world with significant dependence on oil from the Middle East, this would not seem to be a very sustainable strategy.”…
…”GM China’s strategy consists largely of producing Buicks to compete against prestige brands such as Mercedes, BMW, and Lexus in a battle to win the business of China’s wealthiest and most sophisticated consumers. But what if GM connected its recently announced joint venture to produce “minivehicles” in China to its billion-dollar strategy to produce fuel cell vehicles in the United States? Might it be possible to invent a whole new product category while simultaneously incubating a renewable fuel infrastructure in China.”…
Hart called this “leapfrogging technology”.
For the theorists, this whole strategy is constrained by the need to break a gasoline molecule to feed the fuel cell. I don’t know much about chemistry, but couldn’t another molecule be broken to feed the fuel cell? Say, H2O?
THIS!!!! A huge problem.
PR, you are correct. The law is for the law-breaker, Scripture says.
And they likely have no idea why ICE went to pick this guy up. I’m sure it wasn’t just because he was an undocumented immigrant. It’s happened before. Just not like this. Good post!
It is not un-Christian to have boundaries. Our personal boundaries don’t allow people to touch us inappropriately. Applying societal boundaries, we lock our doors. And our country enforces its borders to protect us. These are all appropriate.
The Old Testament has accounts of Israel’s boundaries.
Furthermore, the OT verses about showing kindness to strangers extended to those passing through or settling, for one reason or another. It never applied to thousands of people at a time.
I have figured out just who the 500+ CRIMINALS are in the Caravan…….
You can spot them easily……..
They have a camera and/or a microphone in their hands!
Ain’t that the truth!
Undocumented immigrant, my foot.
This stunt is exactly why the mainstream media is dangerous. The mainstream media continues to peddle a false narrative about these illegal aliens (I’m sorry….”undocumented immigrants”) and a good chunk of the population (which would include members of this church group) buy into it.
the correct term for them is: “undocumented citizens”
please do not use any terms to demean, inhibit their spirit, or insinuate that you have any more right than they. and please check your privilege at the door.
Day 567 for me on the BannedWagon, for those who run afoul of BanHammer Central, a/k/a Can’t Tolerate Heretics.
Not that I’m counting, mind you./
I was able to like two comments Over There yesterday before being banned again.
I believe this was because, the other day, someone liked a comment of mine from October 26. (I got the email notification.) That must have released my email address from the banned bin.
Presumably, one of the mods saw the two ‘likes’, removed them and that was it: banned again.
This is helping me figure out how it is possible that we’ve been scammed. I will keep working on the theory.
The “like” would not have freed you, but a MOD or ADMIN going through the Trash and not knowing you were BANNED could pop something of yours in Trash (approve it) and you would be UNBLOCKED. Then WHOEVER IS DOING THE BANNING would have to cover up fast and block you again.
I get how this was done. It’s very slick.
Call this the EVIL SECRET MOD THEORY. It is probably part of something bigger, if it’s the case.
Evil secret mod could be IMPOSED on CTH, too.
Thanks, wolf, for the explanation.
So, are you saying they have mods of whom they are unaware?
If so, do you think our former host knows?
I don’t know if he CAN know. It depends on how the trick is implemented. Like I said, i’ll need to keep thinking about it, but I think it might explain things. We assume we know who is banning us, as well as that mod and admin accounts there are actually who is supposed to be using them.
I believe that I could take down a site socially with just a little bit of stolen information, and a team of people to watch things. But I don’t know if I could do exactly what we are observing.
Please keep us posted on your analysis, even if you haven’t completely figured out what’s happening.
Wolf, if it’s a mod gone rogue, those other mods reading here, or SD himself, would now be alerted to it.
I asked one question once over there, and the person who answered it was so snippy, I never asked another.
See there, no excuse for what happened to you Dep Patriot.
I’ve suspected the mods were a big part of the problem.
Went over there to check on some old friends on the prayer request thread. Made a comment to a request and prayed for the suffering. Yeah it went into moderation. Discouraging but I feel better now.
A prayer no bystander gets to hear is supposed to be just as good, right?
Aaah, Morgan Dollars (as collectors call them) in the banner, in a variety of dates and grades.
Thought they might appeal to some!
Steve, would like to have those. Well, I can dream. Lol.
They can be a lot less expensive than sovereigns, actually.
You could get a Morgan dollar in the middle grades, raw, with a design you could feel for well under a hundred dollars (I really don’t follow that market so I can’t be more specific).
If someone wants a really top-grade example, for less than three hundred dollars they can get an 1881-S in MS-66 (which is a pretty high grade!)
Other Morgan dollar dates are a LOT more expensive but at lower grades can be affordable. There are two or three that are genuinely tough to get and no matter what they’ll be thousands or tens of thousands of dollars.
Did not know they were that much. Wow.
I just looked. A generic “junk” silver morgan dollar runs about 19 dollars on line. One in slightly better grade is about $30, and I would recommend this if at all possible. A local coin shop would probably have similar prices. Extra fine would probably not be too expensive depending on the date and mintmark (and you could really feel the design). Another one to look at is the Peace Dollar (1921-1935), it’s another beautiful design, and it’s even cheaper, the site I just looked at says you can get an uncirculated one for about $28.
That’s interesting, Steve.
Bloody Cheatocrat socialist scum. GRRRRRRR.
election november 6.
november 26th still dont know results.
Just reposted on GAB
For Laughs
That line from Kindergarten Cop “Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina” will no doubt be edited out these days.
Regardless of appearances or Feelings……
CHROMOSOMES = The Gender Keys.
love that line!
SD said this in his Bongino post.
“One of the key points Bongino highlights is how none of the paper-trail; nothing about the substance of the conspiracy; can possibly surface until *after* Robert Mueller is no longer in the picture. Until Robert Mueller is removed, none of this information can/will surface.
That’s why every political and media entity are desperate to protect Mueller; and also why Mueller’s investigation will never end.”
SD sounds rather defeatist here but it does appear to be his position (now not surrounded by a thousand words disguising it).
IMO filling some of those placeholders blows all of his concerns out of the water. Seeing a lot of others sure of the same. Can’t wait for D5 to start.
Interesting perspective.
Yes. What it comes down to is POTUS is not allowed to go on the offense against those who are still trying to topple his presidency because of some small little rules that might get bent.
It’s like a mouse standing in the way of an elephant.
Aren’t elephants afraid of mice?
Well, there was this old joke from (at least) the 80’s.
There was this mouse who considered himself the Best “satisfier” of the females of the animal kingdom. He reckoned if he could make an elephant squeal in delight, his claim would be uncontestable.
One day, as he was up in a palm tree, an elephant (of indeterminate sex, as these things cannot be known anymore, but he reckoned he had a 50/50 shot) ambled by. Grabbing the moment, he leapt towards his destiny, or rather, the elephants tail. He commenced swinging from the tail, aiming for his target (which shall remain unmentioned,since the gender is unknown).
Gradually gaining momentum, getting ever closer to greatness (excuse the double-entendre), the mouse was blissfully unaware of his surroundings. Sitting higher up the palm tree was a troupe of monkeys, checking out this parody of procreation.
Unable to resit the temptation, they resorted to that timeless of pastimes, so successfully handed up to their hominid betters, the practise of throwing rock shaped objects at the target of their ire, or in this case, derision.
Grabbing handily placed coco nuts , they proceeded to pelt their target with gay abandon. Now this target was moving, swinging in arcs centred on its specific target, the elephant’s unmentionables (or unknowables, as the case is these days).
So the coco nuts, so unerringly propelled, went straight for the centre of the target zone, which, by necessity of geometry, was the elephant’s erogenous zone. And, needless to say, squealing commenced, squealing of such elephantine joy and pleasure that had rarely, if ever, been witnessed in that jungle before.
The mouse’ reaction? – “Suffer Baby, …..suffer!!!”
Not sure whether this answers the question to which I responded, but it seemed pertinent, being a very open thread and all.
Thx! needed a belly laugh
Well, the declassification that Q is talking about will change things bigly. Remember Q saying a few months ago that declassification would basically end the Mueller probe because the whole scam will be out in the open. Declassification isn’t just the whole FISA warrant, but all the text messages from all the culprits as well. I’m not sure where Dan Bongino gets that this can’t surface until Mueller is done. POTUS is the boss. If he wants to declassify something, it will get declassified. They can argue all they want, but they can’t stop him.
I’m sure Dan would (may have, haven’t gone back to look at it) advocate a work around. SD, not so much and I believe he is cherry picking Bongino’s words here (but again I’ve not gone back to look at it).
…”The documents in question are specific pages of the June 2017 FISA warrant application related to onetime Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page, all FBI interview reports prepared in connection with all FISA warrant applications in connection with Page, and all FBI reports of interviews with Justice Department lawyer Bruce Ohr prepared in connection with the FBI’s Russia investigation.
Additionally, Trump has ordered the DOJ and the FBI to release all text messages related to the Russia investigation — in unredacted form — of former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, former FBI attorney Lisa Page and Ohr.”…
Thanks for the report, Para59r.
The dour defeatism continues…and sounds like it’s worsening.
There used to be optimism and defiance, in the tone of Sd’s writings.
I first noticed a lessening of that, sometime last Spring.
I remember when Sd didn’t approve of Bongino, but apparently that has changed.
SD used to approve of Ristvan, even honored him with a feature post based on a Ristvan comment.
Today I suspect that Ristvan is banned, since he was a Sessions supporter and small branch member.
I have not checked out WUWT lately, but will see if I can spot Ristvan there ….. May drop him an invite.
Yep. He was always an interesting poster as well, being a “lurking lawyer”, and not one of the ones of which Shakespeare wrote
He also shows up from time to time at NoTricksZone (, another excellent weather/climate site…
He was interesting. And I don’t recall ever seeing him being disrespectful, either. I always liked reading when he posted.
Well, sometimes life gives you little gifts, like just now!!
Just went over to WUWT to see if I could spot Ristvan – he had only yesterday posted a lead post!! How cool is that – I went looking for him hoping I’d find a random comment, and he has a lead post up – 4 down from the top!!
I posted this in reply to another comment making the point that government should not regulate vehicle fuel economy standards. dropping a PS to Ristvan
If I recall correctly, WUWT had a post or 2 back in the day that vehicle fuel economy had the perverse effect of actually increasing the amount of fuel burnt in a given area. People with very fuel efficient vehicles tend to do more leisure driving, likely since it is felt that it was so economical to drive that weekend trips were now much more affordable.
So increasing fuel economy result in MORE fuel being burnt, meaning government has no place regulating fuel economy if the goal is to reduce to fuel burnt. THAT goal is achieved by high fuel tax – not the best way to get elected.
PS – Ristvan, if you are unable to comment at the CTH, you may want to know that many old timers have been banished. They have re-congregated at wolfmoon1776’s new “refuge for refugees” at wqth(dot)wordpress(dot)com, in the event you are interested. Free speech is welcomed there.
Oh, that is so great! I hope he stops by here (and hopefully he hasn’t been banned over there).
Jason, what is WUWT?
Sylvia, it is the world’s pre-eminent climate-skeptic blog, hosted by Anthony Watts, an actual meteorologist. WUWT is short for Watts Up With That, an excellent catch-cry for sceptics and a play on the host’s name
It is a great place to dissect the latest published papers, offering great insight and analysis on climate and energy related matters, as well as some astronomy for general interest. Very high powered and posters / contributors.
Anthony happens to live in Paradise – fortunately his home survived, although some (at least 1, maybe 2) of his staff lost homes.
Ristvan (Rud Istvan) has posted there for years. I have lurked there for 8-9 years, only posted once, after being ban hammered by our mutual former host. My interest has moved firmly in the MAGA direction, because it is dealing with the totality of the Commie scum plot, of which the climate scam was one element.
Wow, thanks!
And yes, MAGA does deal with the whole “Commie scum plot, of which climate scam was one element.”
Wolfmoon freed me and it feels so good. I feel empowered to call a Commie a Commie again instead of minding my words and trying to find a “PC” way of saying it. Heck with that. COMMIE.
And yes, the religion of climate (the old “watermelons”) really was the beating heart and soul of the Commies when they were still bothering to try to hide a bit.
Nice job-Search and Sescue!
I’m sure we’ve got a nice branch for he Legal Eagle Ristvan.
to any of us we have to have knlwn since the beginning, deep down, that this was in fact probably the case. i do not think that the mueller investigation is anything more than just killing time. further i would suggest that the sheer amount of drama the sheer amount of static the absolute tick tock tweeting live feed more live fhancreal life ridiculousness of this whole entire sham has somehow propped up reality for the entire world for 22 months is truly mind boggling.
the only conclusion i can get to to rationalize in my mind is that there is such absolute justice behind what we percieve to be the undeniable fact of the matter that the bad guys can be allowed rope after rope after rope and no matter how hard they fight back or try and get away with it they never can. and SINCE they never can not only can we keep giving them rope (which by now they could have fashioned into a giant net to be used against us) but we also are so sure we can snag them that we will wait until just the last minute to spring the trap and grab the rope end…
the other alternative is we have been treated to the greatest political theater in recent memory.
i am hoping for the 64d chess version no doubt.
Andrew, this topic on Voat’s QRV ties in very well with that:
Ooohh! Follow the link to the Voat site mentioned, read the post and follow the embedded link to this (and read the comments!!)
Similar to a document link that I posted on the Crow’s Nest. This document is from 2003 (vs. ’90’s)
Army Field Manual for Psychological Operations: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures December 2003
Here’s the link to the other document. Oodles of information about our government’s use of PSYOP
I prefer to know who influences my emotions and actions.
If it’s my government, I’d like to know if they have the legal authority to do so. I haven’t gotten to a definitive answer yet, but I suspect that it is contingent on the declaration of a national emergency.( From an ancient document with a lost link.) Wasn’t there an EO that declared such?
Here’s one more fascinating document. This has lots of [kill brackets], acronyms, etc. Could prove invaluable to the Q decoders….
Different document answers my question:
Exec. Summary, pg xvii
…” When authorized, PSYOP forces conduct public information dissemination to support national security or disaster relief within US territory to reduce civilian casualties and suffering. “…
…”PSYOP forces can provide civil authority information support elements (CAISEs) within the United States and its territories. When authorized for employment in this manner, PSYOP forces utilize their media development, production, and dissemination capabilities to deliver administrative and command information to populations in the impacted area. Their mission becomes to inform rather than to influence.”…
..”PSYOP rely on theater intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) operations to provide intelligence products based on a whole of government approach that occurs within the intelligence community.”… ( intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance of the adversarial audience?)
…”Each Service has the inherent capability to support achievement of US national objectives by using organic assets for production and dissemination of PSYOP products. Studies on all topics of interest can be requested through a combatant command’s PSYOP staff officer or intelligence request for information manager, who will enter them in the community on-line intelligence system for end-users and managers system for managing intelligence production requirements.
PSYOP studies are unique in format; however, other military intelligence products can contain this type of intelligence information. In general, they profile the salient features of a country or its people; provide an analysis of the influences that lead different social, occupational, and ethnic groups of that country to act as they do; discuss issues that elicit strong responses from the indigenous population; assess attitudes; identify vulnerabilities; and suggest ways and means to influence people.”…
A few excerpts from the document linked above.
But also this:
…”(2) Although the following list is not all-inclusive, consideration should be given to the following specific legal issues when conducting PSYOP:
(a) The requirement that US PSYOP forces will not target US citizens at any time, in any location globally, or under any circumstances. “…
Date of the document is 2010. We need a lawyer to get to the legality of domestic use of PSYOP.
Hi all! M3thods on Twitter has the photo above plus a link to a press release about a news conference being held tomorrow morning at 10:30 am. I am praying it is by white hats but will not further speculate. Thank you for this place, Wolf. @BarbMeier2
Very interesting.
thanks for the link to that.
i guess over the years i have become so jaded, so “black pilled” i guess you might even call it, that i have absolutely no trouble seeing the two scenarios play out here. in other words, i will not really be surprised either way because i trust so very little in my life. some feel that’s a miserable way to live, i feel fine with it because i have come to understand that expectations (for me anyway) are a giant trap.
however – i never EVER diminish in my belief of what i actually do believe, and what i actually do feel should happen. i still get disappointed at times, but that’s ok. i am not in charge and it’s not up to me! the disappointment though is not centered around my “expectations” not being met, because, like i said, i TRY not to deal with them in the first place.
the other factor with me is that i am also heavily involved in the feeling that there is a spiritual / otherworldly / hidden battle going on that has been raging for all of time. sure, the “visuals” of society and civilization are “real” but they are manifestations of the battle that is going on!
last but not least – no expectations and belief in the steadfast fight to the end always leaves me with surprise to say to least – and excitement always comes with surprise! the last 3 years have been a non stop thrill ride, so i am happy to stay on board!
para59r said that according to SD, “One of the key points Bongino highlights is how none of the paper-trail; nothing about the substance of the conspiracy; can possibly surface until *after* Robert Mueller is no longer in the picture. Until Robert Mueller is removed, none of this information can/will surface.
“That’s why every political and media entity are desperate to protect Mueller; and also why Mueller’s investigation will never end.”
I’ve seen the Bongino video twice, and I didn’t hear him address time like that — a time when Mueller would be out of the picture. Bongino did say that the media is protecting Mueller, but I didn’t hear him talk about a situation where Mueller would be gone so information could surface.
Bongino did say he doesn’t think major political players like Hillary will face prosecution.
As I thought. I wasn’t going to go back to check. Was just going to go on my trust that that SD might be stretching words.
Thank you for that.
You’re welcome. It’s a stretch to say that Bongino said nothing can happen until Mueller is out of the picture. I listen to Bongino’s podcast, too, and I’ve heard him say that FISA declassification would put a dent (so to speak) in the investigation, but I don’t think he has said that nothing can happen until Mueller is gone. My impression has been that FISA declass could happen while Mueller is there.
This highlights an aspect of circumstances overlooked by the defeatists and Eeyores.
Mueller is Mueller. He is reality. However he got there he got there.
Mueller’s existence demands finely calibrated moves and counter-moves. The moves and counter-moves implicate all issues, even ones that are otherwise totally irrelevant.
In this respect, Q has somewhat missed the mark insofar as he has encouraged people to think things were imminent.
To me, the issue is one of attitude. We have a leader who knows what he is doing. He is doing what Q has repeatedly indicated he will do, return power to the people.
We are looking through a glass darkly. But we DO have our leader.
Having a leader, the next item on the agenda is having the right attitude. That means hope, optimism and confidence.
Having a defeatist attitude is in effect hoping for failure.
exactly. the drill for them is to defeat the spirit and we cannot let that happen.
we know there is a battle to be fought. we know that good will overcome evil, but that does not mean we do not have to stay strong and fight the good fight and finish the course. and above all we have to keep the faith.
Saw that yesterday; well worth the time to read.
Fighting back!
And…No ‘diplomatic immunity’ for those two, either!
Comments from that are hilarious and pointing toward everything one might hope for! Plus this isn’t just some feckless Russian Mueller charge, they actually have these guys in custody!
My favorite comment in the string:
Ed Menz
Replying to @RealSaavedra @Mark923to25
I see your caravan, and I raise your brother’s freedom.
7:31 PM – 26 Nov 2018
p.s., I’m working to add some content on GAB that is creative. I’d love to have some of you that are on GAB pop in and up-vote any of it that you care to. Thanks.
Okay, I did! Followed you there as well.
Done and followed
With Soros being an advocate for the spread of Islam, something has likely happened behind the scenes or maybe Turkey doesn’t want to get pushed faster than it’s willing to go or doesn’t care for the part Soros wants it to play. Something were not seeing.
When all this left wing embrace of Islam finally plays out, Libs are going to be surprised that they aren’t going to be able to control the Islamists, just like they will not be able to control China. Interesting though they might be finding this out early.
Just guesses for now. Take it with salt.
Will the left have the stomach to (help) fix the problem once they see it?
I really doubt it.
Agreed, they are quite good at rationalizing their way around facts.
Yes, they will find a way to rationalize it into being our fault somehow I’m sure. Projection and all.
Another thought on this would be if Soros people were seen as trying to influence Turkish clerics or peoples. Either would in essence be seen as undermining Endrogan (sic) the tyrant’s power.
Tyrant, Clerics, People being the three legs of the stool in any Islamist country.
Yes – it could be play-acting by Erdogan, who is a HUGE liar and actor – BUT I think that there is some weird stuff going on with Khashoggi, and that could be connected.
If Sibel Edmonds is right that Khashoggi was a CIA operation, or even more likely a rogue Brennan CIA operation to eliminate a 9/11 witness (my theory), it may be that Turkey got USED by Soros and the forces with him, and Erdogan would NOT appreciate that. In fact, THAT would explain why MBS and Erdogan came out of the whole thing very buddy-buddy, with MBS saying that nothing would come between him and Erdogan. It seemed weird, but now it makes sense. They realized that they BOTH got used.
Soros NGOs are basically rental trucks for the CIA, especially the OLD Brennan CIA, and if Turkey got burned by the KGB-CIA in the Khashoggi affair, then they may be saying GTFO to Soros, to say GTFO to the leftist rogues of the Brennan CIA.
The more you know. I certainly didn’t follow the story through to the Edmonds thing and thus missed the buddy buddy resolution having been quite satisfied with Saudi’s doing what they will with a Saudi (MBH type pushing for an Arab Spring against MSB), caught on Saudi territory.
Good info Wolf. Thanks! Hopes some of our white hats had something to do with all that. Big set back for Soros. Just like the Honduran thing above.
Yes. Soros losing is American winning – whatever is causing it!
And now the leftist idiots in D.C. want to rename a section of New Hampshire Ave., N.W. after him. Near the Saudi Embassy if I remember correctly. Khashoggi, that is. It was talked about on WMAL’s Mornings on the Mall radio show this morning.
Actually, I am reminded of something else, on the left. There is a man, Sam Harris, who is pretty leftist and he’s one of the New Atheists who came out with books a few years ago, including “Letter to A Christian Nation.” He is very much aware of the Islamic threat; and he has had trouble convincing his fellow leftists that Muslims actually believe the nuttiness in the Koran. Leftists will blame terrorism on poverty (acts of desperation by the impoverished) and so on, but Harris points out the 9/11 hijackers were essentially middle class professionals, engineers and architects, not the “poor” of the Middle East by any means. The left simply won’t blame jihadi terrorism on Islam itself. (But they will blame a lot of violent things on Christian fundamentalism.)
Mind control through media is very effective, and combined with peer pressure, it’s stunningly effective.
I’ve watched many clips of Sam Harris getting absolutely bludgeoned by his fellow leftists for his realism in regards to Islam.
He’s one on the Left I have some respect for, though I’ve not watched/listened to him in a few years and have no idea how much venom he might be spewing about PDJT.
Oh, he’s spewing alright. Hillary is Mother Teresa to Trump’s lying despotic buffoonish wannabee dictator.
Peer pressure is such a huge factor. If you want to understand the psychology of what the left is doing, think back you your high school years.
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Tenet, etc.— they are middle class???
They didn’t fly the planes. Harris was talking about the pilots.
At most, they led from behind and used someone who took their religion very seriously, seriously enough to be willing to commit mass murder/suicide.
And even then, that’s ONLY if you accept that particular interpretation of 9/11.
These guys couldn’t hardly fly single engine Cessna’s, and quite a stretch to hop into a Boeing 757-767 and hit buildings at the speeds they were supposedly going!!! IMHO, the cockpit controls were overridden from the ground by Boeing’s “auto-land system” or KinetX’s National Flight Emergency Response System. Crashing large airliners into tall buildings at high speeds requires the “practiced” skills of professional pilots!!!
Wonderful post. My set of crime theories on 9/11 may take this in a different direction than others, but the point about these amateurs pulling off what they did is true grist for consideration, that helps to explain WHY the plot never depended on these guys hitting the buildings.
Return it to the humdrum of static things with LONG lead-times, LONG preparation, MINIMAL participants, dupes who don’t know things, easy secrecy, easy cover, prior experience, known feasibility, easy deniability. All the stuff that REAL spying, REAL operations, REAL plots involve.
That is how Occam’s razor says “Hollywood” before it says “real jihadist James Bond storyline”.
Lying press
*Destruction of evidence*
Connecting the REAL pieces with just-believable fakery is key to generate the desired story.
Understand what your enemy (which in this case would be US) (or maybe I should say AUDIENCE) WANTS to be true, and you understand how to deceive them.
Worked for Podesta and Seth Rich.
Worked for communists and 9/11.
You know – I never could have seen this without cutting the cable and turning off even their fake mind-control entertainment. Their fake mind-control entertainment creates a basis of unrealism which is truly effective. We BELIEVE certain small and subtle things which TIP THE BALANCE on the things that matter.
The POWER of disinformation is absolutely incredible. Bezmenov said that most of the KGB was devoted to it, laughingly, and until one DEEPLY understands that, one is at the mercy of the fact.
Everything surrounding Mueller is primarily disinformation. Everything surrounding Seth Rich is primarily disinformation. John Podesta’s primary weapon was disinformation.
Figure that out, flip all the “facts” that the media made us subconsciously RUN FROM, and EMBRACE THEM instead, and the whole mega-scandal of Muh Russia just solves.
Same with 9/11.
Occam’s razor is observer-dependent.
Occam’s razor is observer-dependent.
Occam’s razor is observer-dependent.
The Fake News media accomplished SO MUCH MORE than we ever imagined. Trump is correct beyond people’s wildest dreams. The Fake News Media truly is the enemy of the people.
Most of all, this needs to be understood:
A mixture of truth and fiction – information and disinformation – serving the same purpose – is among the hardest things for the public to resolve – and only depends on the reinforcement of public XOR logic, and the discouragement of AND logic.
This TRULY allows one to explain things.
9/11 is NOT an “all-or-nothing” fake. It is HOLLYWOOD. What is Hollywood? An artful mixture of REAL and FAKE that tells a story. BELIEF in the story is the goal. And trust me – the suspension of disbelief in all the right places is what they NEEDED and what they GOT.
Towers DOWN was the necessary and sufficient psychological event for WAR. The strike on the PENTAGON was the 100% guarantee, but the TOWERS DOWN was critical. That part could not fail. INSURANCE. Automatic cover-up. GENIUS.
RussiaGate / Seth_Rich / Podesta / Wikileaks / Muh Russia / Mueller is IN THE BAG. It all fits. People should be beating me to the punch here. My information set isn’t as good as others, and it’s converging for me.
I am staying just loose enough on 9/11 to finish the total solution. I know certain things very solidly, other things less so, but it’s all coming together.
Remember this – once any plot was committed to, with real blood, it HAD TO WORK. So REALITY shows up where it needs to. FAKERY is just enough to stitch the reality together into the STORY.
However, there is an INTERMISSION on 9/11 where they had important story branching. They had options to NOT call in the Towers if it looked like anything might go wrong. The unamplified basic hijacking event was still possible.
Part of my understanding here comes from various stories they tried to tell using MY CASES (old and new). Going back I can understand the narratives they tried to set up. They depend on people providing just enough reality to make their stories work. The hope is that the story will AMPLIFY. Amplification provides automatic cover. Another principle of disinformation and conspiracy theory.
Amplification should occur smoothly with commitment to the story line to avoid failure. Not too soon, not too late.
Remember that, too. This is why they’re so skilled in holding back the fake news until there is a logical GO. They RARELY make mistakes.
It’s ALWAYS about the STORY. That is the big thing. That is the GOAL. Not the reality. The STORY. INFORMATION. DECEPTION. CONTROL.
And remember this: AMPLIFICATION. It’s extremely important in their plots. They are DESPERATE to amplify ANYTHING to burn Trump.
We’ll have to agree to disagree then.
Harris’s larger point was that there are people nutty enough about their religion to commit suicide/violence (we see this in the Middle East all of the time, even if 9/11 isn’t an example), yet his fellow leftists refuse to believe that; they seem unable to imagine that Muslims actually believe in the teachings of Islam.
…”Understand what your enemy (which in this case would be US) (or maybe I should say AUDIENCE) WANTS to be true, and you understand how to deceive them.”…
For Wolfie…
Steve– I certainly don’t disagree about your assessment of the motivation of Islam to cause radical Islamists to act. I have studied the Qu’ran, and with a seminary background in interpretation (hermeneutics) of religious literature, one must look at the founder of Islam and his actions to gain understanding in interpretation. I.e., how did Muhammed put into to action his own words, which tells us how he interpreted his own writings (compared to Jesus Christ and His actions in life while on Earth). Thus, the founder of Islam was not opposed to deception and force to further his goals (i.e., his was not a “turn the other cheek” individual!!!). Thus, radical Islam is actually fundamentalist Islam (or to put it differently, the literal–historical interpretation of the Qu’ran most in line with its founder!).
That said, 9/11 was way beyond the capabilities of a Muslim in a cave in Afghanistan and 19 compadres in the US. This type of operation just takes too much coordination and planning to have been done by these folks. Buildings that implode into dust (dustification) and fall within their own footprint will not occur from the damage of the airplanes or the heat generated (most the airplane fuel–kerosene– was consumed at impact). An Arab with no flying capabilities cannot take a commercial airliner and do a 330 degree turn at the speeds he was supposedly flying and make a direct hit on the Pentagon flying barely above the treetops at excessive speeds. Don’t think Allah could bless them that much!!!
In my humble opinion, this was an inside job by our government among others– the same government that killed a President right before our eyes in Dallas!
Whether or not it was Arab pilots who did is is in fact beside Sam Harris’s original point. He obviously believes the conventional interpretation, and used it as background to make his actual point, which his audience could understand, if they chose to, because they too subscribed to the original interpretation.
As such I’ve no interest in debating 9/11 itself here. Your original comment came out of left field and had nothing to do with the actual point I was trying to make. It didn’t oppose it, it didn’t agree with it, it was just a total tangent.
MY point was that his audience refuses to accept the facts that you outline in your first paragraph, and that, in essence, the overwhelming majority of leftists can’t actually accept that Muslims believe what they do. Whether or not they piloted planes into buildings on 9/11 is a side issue to that point.
Pete, I agree. Also, in Islam “peace” doesn’t mean what it does to Christians, it involves submission of the infidel and peace with other Muslims.
Soros is running out of nations to bankrupt. He probably also wants to use Islam as a political tool which many of its adherents don’t think the system really is.
This will be interesting to watch.
A lot of people assert that Islam isn’t a religion, it’s a political system. I disagree. It’s BOTH a religion and a political system, and it’s expressly designed to be such, and it’s therefore worse than being just a political system and worse than being just a religion. The religion justifies the political system, the political system upholds and expressed the values of the religion; it’s a genuinely theocratic enterprise.
A lot of religions (including Christianity) have been the bases of theocracies; Islam is the one where it was expressly designed to be that way from the start, and therefore it’s difficult, if not impossible, for its serious adherents to reject the political parts of it.
I believe that Soros is only embracing the spread of Islam as long as it is useful to him.
The ultimate focus is the spread of chaos.
By any means necessary.
This Roger Stone video is interesting. I’m starting to see how Stone, Corsi and Jones were used like the Three Stooges as CHUMPS for the Hillary “Russia” scam, but are now blowing it apart, throwing cake and pies everywhere. The irony is incredible.
Watch the beginning, how Stone admits that he not only told the truth about his source on Wikileaks being a Bernie-bro leftist with “plausible” but probably FAKE hatred of Cankles (sorry, not buying it in this case – I’ve read new info on the HILLARY tentacles behind AOC, believe it or not – the whole Bernie thing was a SCAM), but Stone even TOLD MUELLER. Stone’s tipster/setup artist LIED about their source (an ASSANGE lawyer), yet Mueller goes after CORSI and not this other liar.
Like I keep saying – all the confusion goes away when you realize that the DNC and Russia were “colluding” all along, and therefore in a very quiet conspiracy to set up Trump and save the Dems from scrutiny. Mueller is in control of the scrutiny of Russian collusion. He basically CLEANS UP THE EVIDENCE. It’s masterful. SO slick.
Mueller is basically prosecuting his own collusion, but from the standpoint of making it look like it was REPUBLICANS. It is the absolute greatest way to make offense be the best defense.
But once you know it – once the Alinsky fear is gone – it’s just a charade. NO FEAR.
Terrance weighs in on the subject.
It’s good that this clip of the rock-throwing little ‘angels’ is getting widely circulated.
Tucker Carlson showed it on his show tonight…and commented on how the “DNC channels” aren’t showing it.
Clarity and hilarity, tough combo to beat.
…Because such a rarity.
DNC channels are the Obama judges of media!
I had never heard Tucker call them “the DNC channels” before.
I turned to my hubby, who said…”Did he just call them ‘the DNC channels’?”
So he’d never heard him say that before either.
Tucker is going to have to add more Security now!
remember at beginning of the witch hunt they started using the term “back-channels” all of a sudden. it was supposed to have a negative connotation and sound sinister because it was trump people creating back-channels to russia. so predictable.
Yes. Interesting. And yet NOW we find that the Roger Stone “back-channel” was actually created by a TIP directed AT STONE by Bernie fringe leftists in the Democrats who were in contact with Assange. They SET UP STONE.
OMG – I see it now. It’s a beautiful circle of reinforcing lies – very ingenious, BTW.
Seth Rich was killed for his WITNESS role in the DNC hack fraud trial that was a threat to Hillary.
That lawsuit wasn’t supposed to happen, BTW – that was an unintended byproduct of one of the TWO Russian hacks done to set up Trump, and caused all the problems. First they did DNC, then Podesta.
Seth Rich was a CHUMP who didn’t know that SANDERS was a SCAM – a total SCAM. Bernie never had a chance, and that was the plan. FAKE OPPONENT of Hillary for optics and momentum – nothing else.
And THEN to misdirect on TWO THINGS – Seth Rich murder and the DNC hack – they started the meme that Seth Rich was the source of the DNC emails to Wikileaks. It’s CROSSED WIRES – a total disinformation move that they knew the opponent would glom onto.
Although it doesn’t really matter who REALLY got the emails – Russians or Dems , since they’re colluding – but the implication would be Russians, and meanwhile the adversary would be trying to PROVE the alternative that Seth Rich did the DNC hack. But that’s just cover, and it keeps the adversary (us) away from the real reason of TWO scandals – Russians working WITH the Dems.
BUT the Podesta emails – THAT was Podesta leaving it open for their Russian allies WITH the bogus hint left in it that somebody should be made an example for leaking the DNC emails, which helped to reinforce the Seth Rich deception.
So Russia does two hacks to HELP THE DEMS set up Trump. Rather ingenious. then the Dems take out a troublesome witness (Seth Rich) and set up red herrings on motive of one crime (Rich) and means of another (DNC hack) by crossing the wires.
Russia colluding with the Dems. It solves everything.
Remember when PDJT addressed both Houses of Congress early in 2017 and how Ambassador Kislyak was sitting with the Dems?
Not only that, many of them went up to chat with him afterwards.
It looked like a lot of Dems had, at minimum, a comfortable — friendly — rapport with Kislyak, even if he did not know them that well.
Strangely, no one commented on it Over There.
I feel badly about Seth Rich. I am not sure he was a ‘chump’, but rather an idealist who really believed in Bernie’s platform. Once the scales fell from his eyes, his life changed … forever. Poor guy. There’s a There there.
Interesting stuff! Very interesting.
As for Seth Rich, I suppose I was an idealist about Sanders, too. I thought he was WAY left, but I thought he was REAL, too – a worthy opponent of Trump who would most likely lose, but honorably.
I know what you mean.
I also had a certain admiration for Bernie and thought him a worthy opponent of candidate Trump.
It could be he was, until the DNC got to him. Every man has his price.
i would propose a “theory” that i have had since during the campaign.
it goes along with your observations that bernie was a willing participant – that he was a prop – that he was never going to win…here is my take on what larger purpose bernie served, and part of it came back to bite them somewhat requiring some tracks to be covered hastily…
my theory with bernie was the “anti-mccain” fake candidate. whereas mccain served to almost entirely sour the republican base and suck much air out of conservatives souls, bernie also was a fake candidate but he did the opposite. his campaign created such a HUGE base of followers, a following with MUCH enthusiasm, new what they believed to be CORE values, with an appeal to almost every demographic in america.
even to this day i still see more bernie bumper stickers on average than any other “candidate” stickers.
what this did was re-inflate the waning democrat support base (no more messiah, hillary not really well regarded mainstream). i mean, people all around me were buzzing about bernie to be honest, and frankly you almost wanted to cheer for him yourself because of who he was going against! think of all the money sent his way – it was incredible. i knew people that had sometimes little to get by with financially and they were donating to bernie religiously. it enticed and won the young person vote. and no matter what, there was two things i believe it was meant to do:
1) create a built in left leaning voting block that supported bernie, people that flocked to the democrat party (why wasn’t bernie an independent?) and tied their allegiance there.
2) to start speading the “socialist” mindset more and more into the psyche of americans, especially young america.
bernie gave up with a whimper.
bernie then gave all his supporter data and his full support to hillary clinton.
when all was said and done this was the greatest coup of all because they snagged almost all these voters into the “never trump” belief, and yes, there were a few walk away bernie voters – but that is a tiny number compared to the ones that they solidified and put into their army against the president.
Does anyone know if any of these “asylum seekers” have filed their paperwork via bot technology? Just curious.
Praying Medic gets me to laugh more often. Which is good.
Oh noes…Whitaker is doomed now!
they probably only had building blocks, crayons, construction paper, books and educational manipulation toys instead of issuing each child with an ipad.
OK, I have to say I never really understood this.
Splitting it up would still leave the same asshat judges in place, there’s just be two crazy circuits instead of one.
I think the Circuit Court Judges are picked from the ‘area’ that each Circuit covers, aren’t they?
The 9th Circuit is Huuuge.
Since the 9th Circuit covers the Left Coast…I always figured that’s why so many leftist judges are picked for it.
It they split it up, then other states like MT, WY and AK, would have a chance for some better judges.
The 9th Circuit is way too big…and way too powerful.
It really should be split up.
Most of the time when someone says it should be split up, they are doing so in a context that makes me think they imagine it’ll be a fix for the nutty decisions that come out of it.
I agree it should be split up for many of the reasons you state, but doing so simply won’t address the issue of the asshat judgest that are already seated, nor would it solve the problem of finding decent judges in whatever circuit ends up owning California (let’s say it’s the 13th circuit); there would continue to be asshats getting into a circuit court and we’d still have a nutty “13th circus” circuit causing problems.
The President gets to pick the Circuit Judges.
Pres Trump has already gotten to pick a couple of new 9th Circuit Judges.
If we can get another R-President in 2024…then our chances for better judges increases as time goes forward.
That’s true whether or not the Ninth CIrcus gets split up.
As I understand it, Grassley has decided to ignore “blue slips,” senators from a judge’s home state basically rejecting a nominee. So we might get solid conservatives from CA on the federal bench now. But again, that’s true whether or not the 9th circus gets split up.
So I just don’t see it. How would splitting up the 9th circus tame the judges on the bench in that part of the country? I just don’t see it. It’s worthwhile doing so for other reasons, but not for this.
It would decrease their power, wouldn’t it?
I’ve always heard the 9th Circuit referred to, as…’the powerful 9th Circuit’.
And I figured that was a reference to it’s size and reach.
If the 9th were cut down to just 2-3 states, then it only has power over those states.
Look at the 2nd and 3rd districts.
Those are only 3 states.
I would love to see the 10th split up too.
The whole thing need revamping, really.
Being in OK, I would much rather have our district made up of OK-KS-AR-MO.
They seem to be powerful because they break new ground, or something like that. The DC Circuit is also powerful.
I guess that’s one of those things I don’t understand either. It may be as simple as the YSM trying to make them sound more important because they like what they’re doing.
And yes, again, I agree it covers too large an area (I’m not sure if they should be evened out by number of states, total population, or caseload, but by any one of these criteria the 9th is “bigger” than the other circuits), but that’s different from the question of whether breaking it up would tame the asshat judges somehow and reduce their influence. There are two different issues at play in many of your arguments, and I’m still not seeing the connection in one of the two cases (while I agree with you on the other).
As long as any judge on any circuit can make a ruling that fubars the entire country, it doesn’t matter what circuit they are sitting on; it’s just that the 9th has more asshat judges in it than other circuits.
i still do not get the concept that the judicial system appears to be so politicized that it can’t be hidden (not that most are trying to)
to me that makes little sense at all. my whole life i have heard “a conservative judge from X county…” or “the liberal leaning judge ruled…” when i was young and innocent i would wonder why those judges were still judges. they should be removed for political bias in the least, and worse opening the,selves to potential influence pandering.
then i grew up and knew more and more about the system and realized people were ok with it enough that they figured it was normal. and if you mentioned it you were criticizing the balance of the court…maybe someday i will be smart enough to understand.
Law is a largely philosophical undertaking, honestly, as such, and philosophy also underpins people’s ideologies. Thus it’s hard for a judge not to manifest a particular ideological point of view. Even the question of whether to be an originalist, a textualist, or more of a “living document” jurist is at heart a philosophical one.
If, for instance, you tend to believe people have no free will (a philosophical question) you will tend not to think they should be punished for their actions since they can’t, fundamentally, be responsible for them. You’re therefore going to be “soft on crime” which tends to be a Leftist point of view.
The real difficulty comes in when a judge is SO tied to his political party he simply disregards the law and rules unfairly; where he rules differently depending on whether it’s a political ally or not standing in front of him. Maybe he’s a soft-on-crime “liberal” judge who suddenly becomes a hanging judge when it’s a prominent conservative in front of him (e.g., Dinesh D’Sousa). That to me goes beyond what I’d expect philosophical differences to cause and is blatantly partisan, not just ideological.
Splitting up the 9th Circuit is not the answer; we should abolish the 9th Circuit. In 1802, Thomas Jefferson abolished almost half of the judicial posts in America. The existing judges were then out of a job. Perfect solution.
I have never liked the idea that ONE “judge” can determine a “law” for the ENTIRE country.
Their jurisdiction should be limited to their area and let the “Supreme” court rule if it should relate to the entire country. JMHO
It will have some limited benefit but it will not matter as long as plaintiffs can judge shop. At the very least, any complaint that is national in scope should be rotated from district to district. It should be noted that conservative plaintiffs judge shop also.
So true…
Thank you @martingeddes
[and ignorant atheistic lefties are criticizing “they look bloody!”
Well, du’h ! ]
Hmmm… The color symbolizing martyrs too.
I like the thought that each tree might hold a story for her in that respect. She does often seem so solemn. Doesn’t have to be such, but likes the thought and wouldn’t put it beyond her. She remains an enigma.
Thanks PR, I didn’t know the underlying significance.
That’s also why Easter eggs were dyed red.
Remember that woman who complained about the Free Food she was given?
Someone dug into her online history:
0041 hours here on the High Plains of Colorado, and this prairie falcon has to get some sleep on his branch.
See you all tomorrow!
Good night!!!
That happened a year ago…I wonder if they ever caught who killed him.
But yeah, rock-throwing can be lethal.
So our BP and Military have every right to crack down hard on the little ‘darlings’ who are trying to break through.
Thanks! I didn’t check that closely – figured it was recent. No wonder it’s not in the news.
Oh, I thought you were using that article as a ‘reminder’…of how lethal the rock-throwing can be.
No – I thought a few Sorostinians had brought their violence to the other end of the border! Never stopped to check the date on the article!
Cripto to our former host on subject matter. From the Presidential thread:
‘cripto says:
November 27, 2018 at 2:08 am
‘And why doesn’t this site explain the US position on Crimea and Ukraine, in the President’s National Security Report and his public statements? For over a year Russia has escalated its military actions on Ukraine, now to the point of piracy, and denying free access to the Kerch strait between the Baltic and Azov seas that was agreed by Treaty in 2003. I find this very odd, as China bashing (well-deserved) gets frequent posts. Also, according to US military, they have had ‘dozens’ of attacks and engagement with Russia in Syria. You might think this would be worthy of a post or to especially as Russian aggression towards our men at arms is anathema.’
That’s um…rather antagonistic, isn’t it.
I’ve seen tweets about a Ukrainian sailor who is saying that they were Told to Provoke the Russian ships…in this latest dustup.
Not sure if this has been verified yet.
But it wouldn’t surprise me.
Yes, it seemed antagonistic to me, too.
I really don’t understand what’s happening between those two countries in detail. Cripto could have just come out and said whatever it is he/she thought should be expressed.
I don’t think that Pres Trump wants to get involved in it…at all.
He keeps trying to stick with his Non-Intervention policy, but people keep trying to pull him into things.
He’s right to distance himself.
I thought the President is going to see Putin in Argentina later this week during whatever latest Summit is meeting.
Well, nothing precludes them from meeting. Talk is a good thing.
A rant. And some deep stuff for those who want to see deeply.
Trump is extremely smart to stay out of the Soviet pincers that Russia “accidentally” sets up everywhere.
Creating vortexes around Trump controls his worldview, whether he lets us be pulled in or pulls away. Russia is SKILLED at this because they are ADVANCED PLAYERS and they have the Democrat Fake News helping to keep them in a FAKE ADVERSARIAL position which is tinged with enormous amounts of reality to help it pass.
Vietnams. Beware how POWERFUL they are. McDupester never TRULY understood. He was never conspiratorial enough to understand. This is why Rice and Obama needed him where he was.
Massive deception. The smart people like Trump know it, and know how to steer through it / past it / away from it.
Trust the plan. Who does NOT want us trusting Trump and “the plan” (meaning top US military)?
Take THREE guesses. They’re all correct. And they will ALL work to push anybody else to push their narratives.
Trusting the plan is actually critical. The most critical thing in these dangerous times.
Funny that the military was saying “Don’t get involved in any more Vietnams like the ones the CIA loves to get us involved in.” Remember McCain yelling at the generals in committee? Accusing them of cowardice in Syria? They KNEW. That was a moment burned into my memory.
Fascinating that NeverTrump saw certain realities, but they didn’t see them CORRECTLY, and thus became tools of the mischievous left. Misrepresentations – smoke and mirrors. Yes – “Russia bad” in Syria. But FAR WORSE than they thought, because THEIR CIA featuring THEIR asset Obama wants us in – but not blamed on THEIR Obama. They wanted the AMERICAN RIGHT to own the tarbaby of Syria, just like the right and the military owned the tarbaby of Vietnam.
One more Vietnam would FINISH OFF the America of the Founders. ONE MORE. That’s all they need.
This explains why the mysteriously over-hawkish commie-hubs Robert Creamer tried to push forward on Syria. Just a bit too eager. Tricky, tricky, get us over the line with ASSET OBAMA in control of the war.
See how that works? I always wondered why an old anti-war lefty wanted a war. “Makes you think.”, as the supposedly antisemitic saying goes. SPIT!
Does the Russian sneak attack on our base in Syria make sense now? We had the proper response – MASSIVE annihilation. No chance for a narrative to form. American casualties would have given the fake news what they needed. Putin tried a hand-off to the DNC and it FAILED. Batted to the ground by Trump.
Notice all the times the Democrat KGB-CIA Fake News CNN was absolutely CLAMORING for war in Syria.
Crying Left-Hawk anchor girls clamoring for bombing babies to save babies. It would be laughable if it weren’t so sick.
It’s all about the STORY – not the reality. The STORY of whose fault the war will be MATTERS. Not the reality. The STORY that the fake news will create – that they NEED grist for.
Three types in the US understand the need for non-intervention. Certain pro-Russian assets in the US who espouse the proper response at a knee-jerk, pro-Russian dupe level. People who are simply intrinsically non-interventionist and anti-war. And those who have figured out how deadly the game really is.
Thank you, Wolfmoon. You’re helping me understand it more and more.
from what i understood from these users posts (a2 crypto) there was a possibility that they were stationed in the asian continent, possibly even china (possibly not mainland, but taiwan or hong kong)
on another part of this – why there is no russia talk – another symptom of the democrats/evils co-opting russia into the spying/anti-trump investigation. it creates a situation where if trump supporters take the hard line road on russia then that implies they know how dangerous russia is and if our president was working with them then oh no we are screwed. so talking about them and accusing them is not done for some reason because it would then be magnified by the MSM that look at what trump’s allies are doing now! trump is putin’s puppet!
again, another great move by the bad guys who if they are actually the ones working with russia, this like mueller, puts certain things OFF LIMITS to the other side…
“Antagonistic” seems to be A2/Criptos predominant trait for SELF defense; albeit, sometimes simply due to a lack of attention.
He will seek and pounce on commentor(s) downstream of the origination point of which he felt (wrongfully) attacked, slighted, appeased, or ignored.
I distinctly remember him replying to his own comment, because no one else did.
Following that, I remember him going all ‘I’m taking-my-ball-and-going-home’/’Why-do-I-waste-my-time-here?’.
He is very intelligent, but also arrogant.
“He is very intelligent, but also arrogant.”
And hyper-defensive. He often chastised the entire complement of Treepers for not giving him the required adulation for his genius posts / perspectives.
And you’re right – he then had a tantrumy SNIT.
Amazing, yes? Speaks 5 languages (let’s say yes to that), but is so hobbled by his own sense of self-superiority that he drove away any responses which questioned his perception / erudition.
The emotions RULE. And when ones emotions FOOL the intellect into believing that the INTELLECT rules … then the intellect is overmastered.
I’ve seen it a lot! SAD!
Well put.
I am almost certain that cripto is not A2, and have one theory that China got to A2 and replaced with cripto. They are similar in expertise, but differ in certain fundamentals. I *seem* to recall cripto addressing what happened to A2 – does anybody remember that post? It does not necessarily need to be believed. I tend not to believe it.
As to the point cripto is making – I am thinking that Ukraine/Russia is another manipulation distraction, and am thinking we need to stay out for the moment. Why? Because China wants us interfacing Russia in a way that HELPS the Democrats, Russia, and China, not the DEEP way that hurts all three.
Yes, we have reasons to be upset / wary / suspicious / distrusting of Russia, but they are NOT within the fake reality that the Democrat media is presenting us.
China and Russia have a schtick with America that few have caught on to. Once you catch on to it, it’s easy to fight them like Neo in the Matrix, with one hand.
Their primary weapon is DISINFORMATION. LIES. Catch onto that – understand the larger socialist international plot – and one can see all their moves.
agree with this post – kind of goes along with one i just posted above.
“I *seem* to recall cripto addressing what happened to A2 – does anybody remember that post? It does not necessarily need to be believed. I tend not to believe it.”
I recall reading his posts and the replies. I believe it was in the OPEN thread, and occurred sometime shortly before “Q Man Bad”.
After making the post (probably including a link), a commentor (I can’t remember who) replied to the effect that Crypto’s substance and style were reminiscent of A2, who hadn’t been seen for a while.
Crypto replied to the effect that A2 is no longer with us, and the reason being because of attacks, which he briefly described and for which he named names, and stated “A2 got mighty pissed off” (I believe that that is a direct quote).
Crypto also mentioned the risk involved when posting in secret from China.
Since that time, I have witnessed him under attack, end in retaliation, stalking (ALL) those that he feels offended him (it appears that he kept records).
Excellent – that jogs my memory nicely! Yes. Thanks for that!
“does anybody remember that post?”
There was more than one, in terms of the “new” Cripto (why not “Crypto”, btw? sp?) referring to the “old” A2.
Both (or more) posts gave a reason for the banning / deletion, and the tenor was one of veiled hurt, and alliance with the bannee. If it was, as you say, a replacement, rather than simply a new handle … then it was well done (IMO). English mastery was requisite to the task of impersonation, IMO.
The problem is, your theory seems consistent with the takeover (?) of the site.
I also remember “Gunny” – an ex-marine, IIRC, from his postings – voluntarily OUTING Cripto as A2, multiple times … and, in light of your near-certainty, this action doesn’t seem worthy of a veteran soldier, who should know better.
Gunny also came out as anti-Sessions, very strongly … even though, he SEEMED quite unsure until the decision was made. After that, no turning back, no doubt, no qualms.
Under this scenario, it seems that the former site was likely fatally compromised LONG before a plurality of posters fully realized what was happening. Myself included.
CTH 2.0 > [ ]D 2.0 > A2 2.0 > Gunny (aw shucks, I like beer!) etc.
And thanks for that report, Churchmouse!
You’re most welcome, wheatie!
Another layer to add to the mystery of SD. There’s something in play we know nothing about.
There probably always has been.
Now that we have been expelled, we can examine CTH and SD with fresh eyes.
IMO, although he’s not “mainstream”, he had excellent credibility and growing exposure from other high-profile media personalities.
He was likely “over the target” on numerous things.
Suddenly altering course leads me to believe that somebody got to him.
Self preservation/ survival instincts.
That was my thought, but I didn’t want to use the word “kidnapped” or “who are you and what have you done with the real Sundance.”
The weirdness of the WordPress behavior people have been seeing, and knowing that it CAN be hacked based on my own experience here, and knowing that there have been massive internet siphon jobs into China and Russia lately, leads me to think that there are some sorts of cyber games going on. I do not trust that we are seeing what we think we are seeing, nor that SD is seeing what he thinks he is seeing.
If this has to do with that UN ‘immigration agreement’ that Pres Trump pulled us out of, then…
Thank you again, Mr. President!
If this is yet another agreement that the UN has come up with, then…
No! Nope and No way!
Didn’t they also want to criminalise climate change ‘deniers’ a few years ago? Maybe it was the EU.
Yes, I think so.
I think they both did…both the UN and the EU.
So does the Pope which is why a lot of Catholics are now ignoring him and practicing like we always have, waiting impatiently for the next Consistory.
Candice Owens smacks down the Socialist:
BOOM. Candace O gets it.
Ouch! LOVE Candice. What a powerful reply!
CandAce. Dang, sometimes I type too fast for my brain to kick in. Blah!
Really excellent interview with Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie with our President. The interview is from a few months ago. Our President is very candid throughout.
From the article linked above:
THE PRESIDENT: The greatest enemy of this country is Fake News. I really mean it. It’s hard to believe they get the word out and they stick with it. It is collusion, because they work together. You’ll see some things, like a certain phrase will be used, and they’ll stick together, and if it doesn’t work, they’ll go onto the next thing.
And they’ll all do it in unison. The newest one, that started last week, was “chaos in the White House.” It’s very dangerous what’s going on with the media. Very dangerous. And you’ve gotta have a lot of different outlets.
THE PRESIDENT: You know what that letter was? I said we’re going to terminate the crummy (South Korean trade) deal. So, Lighthizer (Robert, United States Trade Representative), he’s great, comes in and says he won’t even call us back, sir. I said that’s great, tell them they have another two days, and after that I’m going to tax their cars. 25 percent on every car that comes in.
So Gary (Cohn) said, “Oh you can’t do that!” He’s a globalist. And he keeps saying oh you can’t. So I called up and I read it to him, I said here’s the story: We’re going to terminate your deal. It’s going to be terminated next week. I’m going to tax every goddamn car you sell.
So this guy (Lighthizer) walks into my office, and he says sir what happened? South Korea is calling me and begging me to come over and make a deal.
They wouldn’t even return my call. What happened? That was me! Then I’ve got to listen to this s**t. And if I didn’t do that, this country would be in trouble.
CL: If the American people could only remember you for one thing, what is the single greatest achievement so far of your presidency?
THE PRESIDENT: So, I would say that it would be the economy, and that means a whole lot of things. That takes care of regulation, taxes, everything. So, number one would be the economy and putting people to work.
More people are working today than in the history of our country. Millions and millions of people who were never working before. More people working today.
And the other thing would be judges. When I got here, I had 145 judges (vacancies), and Court of Appeals judges. The reason is President Obama, for whatever reason, got tired or bored or something, and when I came here, I had 145 judges! We’ve gotten 68 approved, and you’ll get the exact number but I think it’s 68. That’s a big deal.
When I finish, if I go just by a normal attrition rate, you know, judges retire, they leave office for various reasons including health and age, it’s possible that I’ll have replaced more than 50 percent of the judiciary. Not including, so far, looks like two Supreme Court judges. He should get approved.
Wow! That was great, thanks for posting it!
I imagine you remember the JOURNOLIST scandal from a few years back. Prominent media pundits and reporters would gather at their secret site on the internet to collude on how to spin the news. It was disbanded but I am sure it has resurfaced under a new label. A rose by any other name….
Never-Trumper Mia Love loses re-election bid to the House, criticises President:
More here:
‘In her concession speech on Monday, Love, a two-term Republican representing the Salt Lake City suburbs and other communities in central Utah, denounced the commander-in-chief’s “world view” as one with “no real relationships, just convenient transactions.”
‘Earlier this month, in a remarkable post-Election Day news conference, Mr. Trump listed several moderate GOP incumbents, including Love, who appeared to have lost reelection. He touted their defeats as evidence that Republicans wanted lawmakers who would be in lockstep with the White House.
‘”Mia Love gave me no love and she lost” the president said, adding “too bad. Sorry about that Mia.”
‘”That is an insufficient way to implement sincere service in policy,” Love said on Monday, referring to the president’s jab.
‘In her second term in Congress, Love routinely distanced her from the Oval Office and sometimes directly criticized the president and his rhetoric …
‘Asked if she would run again in 2020, Love said she didn’t know. “We’ll see,” she added.
‘Love also stressed that her defeat will allow her to be more outspoken.
‘”Good news is I’m not going away but now I am unleashed. I am untethered. And I am unshackled. And I can say exactly what is on my mind,” she said.’
Sounds like she’s auditioning for a job on the DNC channels.
Hmm…I wonder which one she will turn up on.
She may do a tour of them all for a while.
I’m sure they’d all like to hear her spew some venom at our President.
Well, being a nevertrumper didn’t help her in this election…and it won’t help her win the next one!
You are probably right. She can sit next to that toad person, Ana Navarro, and bleat. I forget what channel she is on. I find her especially annoying so I have to hit the remote as soon as I hear her voice croaking.
Gah! What is WITH the Utah contingent of legislators? I’d like to shovel all of them. ****But I mean that in a fun, fond, we’re all just besties here kidding around kind of way not in a violent manner. ****
Sylvia, your figurative shovel talk is always welcome.
I don’t understand Utah legislators, either. Either MAGA or become a Dem.
She was against Trump from the beginning. Like most of that ilk, they never said exactly WHY they opposed him a few years ago and continue to do so now. Excuses like ‘I don’t like the way he talks’ don’t count. None of them has a policy argument. Not one.
I was really sorry she lost her seat to a Dim, but you know if a Republican had to lose on a year when PDJT is scrambling for every Rep Congressman available….and the loser is Mia Love, well, we’ll carry on!
Seriously, what a disappointment she turned out to be.
I’m going to be very un-P.C. here. Utah is a weird place.
The Mormon religion leads to a strange culture. You can think you understand Mormonism, but until you really get down deep into it, you don’t.
Don’t get me wrong, I have Mormon friends, and they are nice people. But they do think quite differently about a lot of things. It’s like the Amish almost. They are SO very different socially. The Mormons are out in the world, but they don’t view the world like the average person does. I won’t get into too many details, but their religion is VERY directly and immediately influential in their daily lives. For example, if your child is a Mormon in good standing, but you are not, you cannot attend their wedding in the Temple. You aren’t even allowed through the doors.
The Mormons believe that their highest leader is in direct communication with God. As in, God tell him what the people are to do, and they do it. If God tells “the Prophet” that Mitt Romney had better vote yes to amnesty or anything else, if Mitt is a true devout Mormon, he’s gonna do what he’s told, believe me. It’s how to get into the “best” heaven (yep, there is more than one in that church).
Even non-Mormons who choose to live in Utah are subject to some unusual social norms, to say the least.
I have had enough LDS friends to know that it is really difficult to grasp underlying motivations without knowing a lot about how their religion functions.
This is why, this time around, it’s not a bad thing some “R’s” [Rinos] lost. Cull time.
Allow the Dhimms to make absolute fools of themselves for, oh, about 18 months or so, and then have to run on their well recorded sound bytes.
I hope you are right.
I can say it now, because once upon a time it was conservative blasphemy to utter this thought, but I never really liked her. Something was off. I wrote a blog piece about the speeches at the 2012 Republican convention, and readers jumped on me for excluding hers. There were a lot of people just gaga over her.
Looking back at it, she was being pushed to the audience. Hmm….
I can’t quite figure her out.
I liked her a lot but do not understand why she is so set against the President. I don’t know if it’s a Mormon issue or something else.
Elected with real grassroots support from the Tea Party, she almost immediately sold out and accepted 1.4 million (open secrets filing) for a PAC fr her re-election from US Chamber.
If I remember correctly, Joni Earnst did the same thing, accepting 2.3 million.
Fake MAGA. Q called it.
Mia Love: Another casualty of the Trump curse. Like a good Never Trumper, she’s lashing out at both POTUS and Republicans (and had the nerve to pull the race card on the latter).
CNN can have her. As a former supporter of hers, I say good riddance and no love lost.
I am unleashed.
I am untethered.
And I am unshackled.
I love Diamond and Silk.
They are fired up and blasting the Dems here…”Why aren’t you worried about American children!”
They really are great. I admire them very much.
This Mexican citizen is protesting against the Invaders.
This is good…he sounds like one of us.
He’s a raciss nashunalist deplora-bastud
Pres Trump mentioned the ‘Mars landing’ at one of the rallies last night.
He was referring to the InSight Lander…which touched down yesterday.
It has it’s own twitter account.
Whoever is doing NASA’s social media has a great sense of humor.
assuming that the visual on the solar panels is from some footage or images captured on earth before the flight to demonstrate how they work correct? that was not a live shot in other words.
If mankind has never been able to achieve “peace on Earth,” then what would they take to Mars??? There is a reason for the former, which would inevitably be taken to the latter, until you take man and his fallen nature out of the way. Just sayin’….
Chugging some cough syrup, tossing back a couple more aspirin, and hoping for sleep. Mornings are always interesting in Trump World. I always wake up and wonder, “Now what is going on?”
Sorry that you’re not feeling well, Sylvia. Hope you feel better soon!
Feel better. This reminds me, though, that I have to get back into the Neti-pot and humidifier routine.
Lots of liquids, especially water.
Bundle up and sweat it out.
Get well soon Ms. Avery.
We need you on the front lines!
You probably already know this but here’s our family’s never fail recipe from the 60’s. You have to be desperate to do subject yourself, but it works.
Take a shower = get the steam working and wash off the trash.
4 shots of Bourbon, juice of one lemon, 1/4 cup honey –> microwave for 1 minute
Take with 4 Bayer aspirin. Smear the Vicks under your nose and on your neck, wrap with a scarf, and go to bed.
Hope you feel better!
4 shots? Wow. I’d sleep well at least! I may give that a try. I think I have some Kentucky bourbon around here…. It couldn’t hurt, right?
That’s the spirit!
Good pun.
Let us know how it goes!
Enquiring minds want to know.
No videos of me dancing with a lampshade on my head. There’s a promise I can make! LOL
Good one!
Hoo-wee, daughnworks247, that’s quite the potion!
* I should read before I open my mouth. I wrote a VERY long reply to a W reply and asked W if I could send it via the contact button. Then I actually read the “contact” post, which said to post things publicly. So I am going to post this. It is VERY long. There is nothing new or insightful, but W said something very important and I wanted to confirm what he said. So here goes, W’s post and then my reply. If I am being offensive in posting a long reply, please be blunt and tell me.
I really have no idea what is going on at CTH, BUT I think it is really important for people to realize that both CTH and this site are under MASSIVE conditions of deception, demoralization, and Zersetsung (psychological degradation).
Imagine the technical abilities of the enemy focused on CTH to DESTROY IT. Imagine forces spread out around the world, using the latest technologies, working to degrade CTH in little, tiny, almost undetectable ways. Everybody does their little part in the war, and together, they crush the opposition.
Socialism. Alive and well.
We are seeing hints of that. Something is going on. I will not let whatever it is into here. But I have sympathy for Sundance, because I have watched them do this to other people.
Whatever they did to Drudge – whatever they did to Brock – whatever they did to so many others – they are doing to Sundance. That is where my money is.
Here is something you may not know.
I actually caught Deep State tampering with my shipments of MEDS. Incontrovertible proof, meticulously documented, and sent (documenting every step of the process with photos) to all parties involved. I am on camera in the shippers themselves taking photos of the evidence being sealed and sent back through them.
I know it sounds rather crazy, but DS did a slop job and indicted themselves, and it was amazing when I realized what I had in my very hands. I could not pass up NUKING Deep State with their mistake.
CHANGES WERE MADE in response.
Nothing is beyond these creeps. NOTHING.
What did Q say? “See something. Say something.”
Trust me – it WORKS.
Wolfmoon, I hope you don’t mind my reproducing your reply to one of my posts, and my reply to your reply.
As cynical and disgusted as most Patriots are about American culture, society and politics, I do not believe they are cynical or disgusted enough.
You are the only person I read on the internet who talks explicitly about the Communists who have seized the cultural gateways of America, the power centers which manipulate and control the perceptions of Americans who do not understand what is happening. The important word in the preceding sentence is “Communists.” Many people can see the absurd duplicity of the daily propaganda barrage. What they do not see is the actual ideological dynamic and the people behind that dynamic.
Folks use the words “Democrat,” “liberal,” or sometimes “progressive” to describe the people who are behind the undeniable distortion of reality aimed at American citizens, the hundreds of empty propaganda words launched in support of a dozen mind-warping ongoing Narratives. These words are fuzzy truth evaders.
I use the word “leftist” as a more accurate, less fuzzy identifier, but Communist is the most faithful adjective. Pravda and Izvestia were published by powerful communists. Big Brother was the face of powerful communists, publicly “softened” by the word “socialist.”
I use the word “leftist” because using the word Communist was long ago successfully associated with the paranoid style in American politics. Sad, but a reality, a communist propaganda victory which endures until today. War is peace and communists don’t exist.
What we are seeing in America is, in detail, orders of magnitude greater than Soviet or Ingsoc propaganda. The bizarre (to me) but appealing fluffiness of Good Morning America is seamlessly interwoven with the carefully placed Narrative set pieces.
We don’t get to see the nomenklatura except in hagiographic glimpses if at all. We deal with the 1%, the millions of apparatchiki in the media, academia, bureaucracy, law enforcement, and the Democrat party. They all get dachas, but some dachas are better.
The daily necessities of life, hiring and firing, medical care, food and water, driving, shelter, communication, have slowly and are still slowly evolving into leverage points over the non-compliant. (The criminalization of American life, often loudly cheered by “conservatives,” is the step by step communist effort to achieve totality, along with 501[c][3]s).
We are seeing a new phenomenon with the lumpen apparatchik engaging in daily acts of subterfuge such as what you describe happened to yourself. Doxing is being used in very practical ways to harass and intimidate people, all under the radar, gaslighting.
Horowitz has written extensively about the red diaper babies. I have had actual experience with those people. My high school had them and my college had them plentifully. And in those places, there were many, many marxists who were not red diaper babies but who emulated them out of weak-mindedness or narcissism, the desire to feel and impose importance. These people, driven by ego and feelings, were mostly incoherent philosophically, but “property is theft” and “social justice” were good enough for them. I recommend The Possessed by Dostoyevsky for people to “get” the mentality.
In the spring of 1972 the college campuses erupted with “protests” purportedly war related. But I saw on my own campus (Columbia) how thoroughly communist organized and communist oriented the protests were. “Peace” was used to rope in the useful idiots, but the current political line was always the principal organizing and Narrative factor. The protests were against the war, but in substance were against the alleged “causes” of the war: America and capitalism. Amazing how very bright people can be so easily swayed and “convinced” by peer pressure.
(BTW, I organized and led the campus group which defeated the “strike” on our campus. You will never hear about this amazingly singular and stupendous event because communist defeats are non-history. There is a video online showing me interviewed as the “opposition” leader).
All this is a long-winded way of agreeing with your words about Sundance and CTH.
Sundance personally and explicitly attacked me as a poster, in effect calling me a liar and a traitor. I am a very flawed man, but lying and treachery (truth and loyalty) are the two areas where I am not flawed.
Sundance has had his Queeg moments over the years, but so have most of us, and it is unfair the judge people on those moments alone.
Plus, Sundance has his own idiosyncrasies, such as his reliance upon insinuation, the suggestion that he knows more about something, or has an unusual insight he is not sharing. His writing style is often confusing.
The idiosyncrasies are vastly outweighed by the good Sundance has done and the brilliance of his analysis. I always point to the Benghazi Brief as an unheralded masterpiece. His analysis of Trump’s economic program and strategy is unique, both in the sense of standing alone in the public square and being of singular insight. There is much more.
Wolf, I believe you understand exactly what is going on. It has been done to you, and likely has been done and is being done to Sundance. The essence of the leninist doctrine is repression. In a sense, 1984 is too soft soap, it does not have enough Brave New World. The level of sophisticated repression is without precedent. Hitler, Stalin and Mao were self-defeatingly crude in comparison.
The psychological insights available to the leninists are truly frightening. A person absolutely aware of them has to be overwhelmed nonetheless. A person not fully aware of them more so.
Nothing will diminish my respect for the bountiful good of Sundance, and I agree that judgment must be withheld in the absence of complete knowledge of his circumstances. Nowadays any brilliant person (as Sundance is) who is not in conformity with the communist program will be persecuted in very sophisticated ways.
I believe Trump has all the insight he could possibly have, and he has unique means, character and personality to face it. How he cheerfully survives is beyond me.
We Patriots need to give each other a break, and much mutual support, regardless of passionate disagreements on subsidiary points.
Amazing how very bright people can be so easily swayed and “convinced” by peer pressure.
IMO, best line in an extraordinary post. Most of my high school classmates (all-girls, private, top tier school) resemble the sentiment.
Two words.
Bravo! BRAVO!
More seriously, I will come back with more, but right now I *MUST* put up my “Podesta post”.
SKIPPY is going DOWN. And he’s taking all of Muh Russia and Mueller with him.
Great to see you here, Tonawanda!
So wonderful to see you, too! I am so excited again.
Thank you!
‘I am so excited again.’ Me, too.
If you got banned (or just became banned for the unforgivable sin of posting here), then jump on the bannedwagon!
Either way, welcome!
Actually, I got personally and explicitly attacked by Sundance. What he said was so off kilter I left the site voluntarily.
It was over the issue of whether Sessions was a deep state traitor, which I thought was very likely untrue.
I see.
I have a somewhat in-between view of Sessions and the recusal. I think it went something like this:
JS: Dems just pointed out I have to recuse on certain matters.
DT: Dang!! Well…we can work around it and still nail the crooks.
Later on, it becomes apparent that the recusal had far greater effects than PDJT and JS had suspected; all of the corruption they wanted to chase led to the Russia Thing and so they really couldn’t do anything. Unexpectedly, JS had become like a pinned piece in a game of chess.
So yes, I think PDJT was outmaneuvered, but that sort of thing happens, no battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy. But like any great general, he adapted and improvised, and now Whittaker is in charge, and some serious stuff should happen.
So, in my view Sessions wanted to do what was right, but couldn’t; he had been boxed in. I figure if he were actually a bad guy, he would have forced PDJT to fire him, which would NOT have allowed for the appointment of an acting attorney general.
The one thing I distinctly remember Q saying from before we all jumped here was “[ACTIVATE SESSIONS]”
And it seems like all we did was move him out of the way.
Your analysis makes a lot of sense.
I don’t know what the story is, except I am pretty certain Sessions is an honorable, intelligent man.
An important feature of my hypothesis is that it was NOT planned from the very beginning to go this way; there’s no “64-D chess” involved. There was a genuine setback and it’s being overcome.
A very plausible and human explanation.
If Sessions had not recused, would we have seen any of the treachery? Recusal allowed the rats to run the cheese factory, and showed the extent of the infestation.
I’m sorry to hear that happened to you, Tonawanda. What Sundance did to you was uncalled for and completely out of place.
I began to back off when things turned sour and quit completely when I learned of so many good and decent people being banned, many of them utterly inoffensive.
I’m so glad you are here.
TY. It is nice to see your initials!
Thank you. It’s good to be here.
Excellent post. Thank you Tonawanda. No, not too long.
Oh, this is interesting.
Investigation of Jack Dorsey for lying to Congress?
Senator-elect Josh Hawley is fired up to take on Jack !!!
Would be terrific if we were ready to fly people to Gitmo.
Being cautious and not getting my hopes up, it’s probably about the prison reform bill, getting it passed in the lame duck session.
PDJT held the round table in Mississippi yesterday and it was mostly about the crime bill. Lindsey was there at the table, pushing the bill along with Wicker and Cindy Hyde Smith, plus law enforcement.
BINGO! That makes sense. Prison reform!
Totally agree with this. The attempted set-up of Roger Stone is the key on how the DEMOCRATS used Wikileaks to set up Trump. Now they’re desperately trying to tie Manafort to it. Ridiculous.
It’s all going DOWN, and SKIPPY is riding on the NUKE.
Wolf, do you know why nearly everyone at CTH despises Roger Stone? After all, he was a political strategist from the Nixon days. I never understood their antipathy towards him.
He’s a loose cannon. An eccentric comet in Trump gravity. Only TRUMP can handle him – and he did that by kicking him out of his campaign. Stone is smart, and Trump is smarter. Stones said “Let’s do this.” Trump said “No – not in my campaign.” SMART. From there it escalated to “You’re fired.” Stone got his operational freedom that he needed – still loyal to Trump, but on his own. Stone appears to have helped crack Mueller, IMO. At least, he helped me.
Too many people think simplistically about these things. Americans have been dumbed down by the media and Hollywood to think in stupid terms of “good guy” and “bad guy”. Trump is Trump. Stone is Stone. They are what they are. But they love this country and dislike nasty, corrupt, lying socialism, so they’re on my side, too.
That said, the deception trolls at CTH push the anti-Stone narrative to help Mueller. So not everybody hates him for the same reasons, but there is a connection.
The leftist deceivers want Nixon false taint on Trump. Stone is a way to do that.
One has to understand how the communists SCAMMED Nixon, in the exact same way they went after Trump, to understand why this is illegitimate.
Halper is the connection – the ZIPPER. Undo the ZIPPER, right through the GIPPER, and the entirety of late 20th century history does a FLIPPER.
It’s beautiful and sad. The DECEPTION of America.
What a great analysis. Thank you very much. This is worthy of a separate post, with or without Stone.
‘Americans have been dumbed down by the media and Hollywood to think in stupid terms of “good guy” and “bad guy”.’ Which is why the ‘white hat’/’black hat’ thing is so annoying.
‘That said, the deception trolls at CTH push the anti-Stone narrative to help Mueller. So not everybody hates him for the same reasons, but there is a connection.’ HMM …
I can understand why the Left goes after Stone, so thanks for the explanation on why the GOPe supporters do it. Fascinating, especially after seeing comments to that effect on a MAGA site.
Your conclusion is an interesting one.
It’s amazing that someone whose name we’d never heard before this year has had so much influence over the past four decades. It’s unsettling when you think about it.
Yes, agree, ultimately, the American people are being deceived.
I always assumed they hated Stone b/c of Stone’s loose affiliation with AJ.
Maybe that was it.
But, having listened to most of them in 2016, I never heard a Roger Stone interview that didn’t make sense. Hence my question. What were those commenters hearing that was in such contrast to his actual words?
I suspect it was a bit like, ‘I do not like Alex Jones, therefore Roger Stone is equally suspect.’ Therefore, they never actually listened to Stone’s interviews. Just like they dislike Q but have never bothered to read what Q actually says. Q’s hardly Karnak (the Johnny Carson character), yet everyone There makes him out to be just that.
No one ever came out and said why they did not like Roger Stone. Typical marching in lock-step. Sad.
Yes, yes, and yes. I’d bet that more than half of them listened to Stone and AJ, but wouldn’t admit to it nor be somewhat interested about Stone because of peer pressure from the branches. That always cracked me up.
That’s funny — and probably true.
I never set anything about Stone in stone, one way or the other. Always thought he was an interesting character though.
Me, too.
once you see a picture of john trump beside a picture of julian assange you never unsee it
This is minor, but it adds to recent peculiarities at CTH, and I wondered if any of you noticed… I track the followers # pretty closely.
Correct me if I’m wrong, Wolfie, but I think the way WPress works is ‘followers’ – as shown in the count on right side of CTH – are those who supplied an e-addy to be notified when SD publishes a post. If correct, I am aware there are far more readers than the 128k that supplied an e-addy, but we only have that one data point to evaluate flux in readership.
Nevertheless, that # was increasing consistently over time, and exponentially during a few time periods. However the last 2-3 months it has hovered between 127,700 and 128,000 irrespective of the huge # of new commenters we’ve seen at CTH (mostly fly-bys).
Why, suddenly when the # of comments AND variety of commenters increased, did the # of email followers remain static instead of growing? That lack of correlation is not consistent with what I’ve observed in the last 3 years.
It’s almost like someone is arbitrarily holding followers at a set #.
Very interesting data point. I will add that to my thinking. Two big implications – the new posters were an intentional phenomenon – and some process was holding the Treehouse WE PERCEIVE in stasis.
It could also indicate that many new posters are old posters using new names and/or multi-trolling. When a bunch of people turn up and all back each other on one side of an argument, it can be a single person using multiple personae.
You’re doing a GREAT job, Phoenix!
Above and beyond!
You’re keeping us in the REAL news loop.
Congrats on your stellar performance … and thanks a BUNCH!
(Too much? Nah …)
Ahhh, Blessings on you Emeraldstar…
niiice…. I especially love Justin on the fence…metaphorically speaking
Looks like things are heating up.
I wonder from which hole in the ground Podesta has crept…
Lots of folks on twitter asking ‘where is Podesta’ … and
Looks like he is jumping at bait.
This is PERFECT. I’m going to NUKE John Podesta now, for conspiring with Russia to frame Trump. I have been running around answering comments, and put off my post that ENDS the HOAXER John Podesta. Time to deploy.
Stay tuned.
Wolf, can hardly wait to read it.
Playing whack-a-mole are we??????
There are so many of them! It’s like one can’t miss!
Larry has a THREAD… does he think POTUS can’t walk and chew gum at the same time? I’m just the messenger
did not read this thread – but i think everyone EVERYONE should take a second, and think about EVERYTHING they read, everyone they follow.
you can have ZERO trust in anyone mainstream, i am sorry to say that. and even those not so mainstream cannot be trusted – recent CTH example proving that.
everyone that is making money on anything. anyone that is growing their following. all of it, all of it needs to be taken as suspicious.
you can only trust yourselves people. if you even depend for a minute on the “words of someone” on the internet you are doing yourself a disservice.
read, ingest, inform yourself, retain info, archive stuff, but never become complacent in the least.
And didn’t Q warn against contributing to those who ask for financial contributions to their sites?
I know Q meant Q-related sites, but perhaps there’s also a broader message there.
There was a greater level of distinction on the warning about those who “monetize” their sites (J. Corsi) v. those who provide a link for donations (Praying Medic). The warning was for the former. Lot of discussion and dust kicked up about it back then. I’m just painting in generalizations, but others may remember more of the details of it.
Thanks very much.
Great thread, phoenixRising! Thanks for the link.
‘Lobbying’ ??? Smells like sedition to me.
i think it’s time we bring back some public shaming via Pillory/Stocks for these folks.
Dem strategy: ‘Let’s call time on Trump’s success’.
That is SO evil. SO evil.
Agreed, but President Trump will see that her — and their deeds — are brought to light.
14,000 people lose their jobs to help the communists with the midwest. There definitely needs to be some mega public shaming.
They are desperate.
This is an extinction-level event for communism in the U.S. They are going to crap in the playpen, throw all their toys, and throw all their poop. Then they light the crib on fire, scamble for the sofa to find the gun under the cushions to kill mom and pop. Then they dial 9/11 to the Soviet UN to save their butts.
Looks like it will go ugly. When OBAMA pressures somebody and tells them “we’re gonna win – play ball with us or go down with Trump”, it means they are going to the MAT. When the party of “workers” puts 14,000 US workers out of work for CHINA, you know it’s BAD.
Fun times. Get ready.
Obama’s Government Motors, a “sustainable global enterprise” .
Interesting that the UAW spoke up. Good.
So, let me get this right. They lobbied to put 14,000 people out of work to gain votes? These people are stupid.
i accidentally stumbled over to the NYT and couldn’t resist the top sponsored “opinion column”
“Maybe They’re Just Bad People : Not all Trump Support is Ideological.”
Michelle Goldberg has been an Opinion columnist since 2017. She is the author of several books about politics, religion and women’s rights, and was part of a team that won a Pulitzer Prize for public service in 2018 for reporting on workplace sexual harassment issues.
it appears to me that there will be no bridge unburnt when all is said and done.
A Global Display Oh Human Trafficking Incidents And News
And I’d like to be a fly on the wall the next time one of the priests from his Alma Mater visits him for fundraising purposes. The Marinists can dish guilt with the best of them.
This is interesting. I saw this guy (never heard of him before) on Tucker last night. He had apparently been on after Alex Jones was “unpersoned” talking to Tucker about AJ and how if we don’t stand up for him we’re all going down and he predicted they’d be coming for him soon and eventually probably Tucker, too.
His story about what happened to him at Twitter was quite interesting. Glad he got reinstated. He must have had some really made followers pushing hard on his behalf, or maybe they didn’t like the attention on Tucker’s show.
One of the things that is driving me nuts about the current state of affairs with the media is that reports of good news remain local or buried. Here’s one story that needs trumpeting.
Epoch Times is GOOD journalism…
Thanks for the link DP… POTUS mentioned at several rallies that his Admin has gotten rid of the people at VA who were mistreating Vets and/or not taking care. I had NO IDEA the number was as high as 4300.
article attached to tweet is full of names and charges (in Arkansas)
Wow. Dense with details. Really makes you wonder! Maybe the CF really is about to explode!
Great article! The finale is very telling. Look at what other charity frauds got.
Well, I checked in to see if there were any border riots or any of the cabal had been arrested. I’m dragging myself out hacking and coughing to walk the dog and then back to bed for while. Don’t start the revolution without me, ha ha.
take care of yourself… rest, rest and rest some more.
we’ll send up a flare if anything earth shattering occurs.
Rex has a THREAD
I will wager there will be no State Dinner for PM Theresa May in the years to come.
So, a sitting president (zero) and a British Home Sec’y (in charge of intel) are up to their eyeballs in spying on a presidential candidate, president-elect and sitting president.
pR, I appreciate so much how you find interesting stuff to post here. I always loved that over there, too, and I am happy every day that you are here doing your thing. You light up my day.
This was a most interesting piece.
Missed this one this morning:
Psy-op Brennan sounding rather Soviet.
He’s protesting a bit too much.
I know, right? Talk about over the top emoting! Wow! He sounds…crazed.
Pretty juvenile Brennan. Up it a notch by saying PT’s mother wears army boots, why dontcha.
Think that’s because Brennan Is a communist
Then HIS mother wore army boots. Lol
Project much Brennan?
Brennan is projecting…. he is the one whose name will be scorned…along with Mueller, Obama, Hillary, McCabe, Ohr, Holder, Lynch….
I can’t wait till tomorrow for this comment……. (I’ll probably forget) :)….
This whole Lucy vs Charlie Brown kicking the football thing is out of hand…..
I say: This time…… KICK lucy (Demoncraps) in the effing MOUTH! to hell with the “football”!
Now this is an interesting read, if true:
Florida Ex-Cop Turned Whistleblower Says Seth Rich Gave Him DNC Files
He explains how he got the files from Seth Rich and eventually passed them on to WikiLeaks. He didn’t even know who Rich was until after he’d been murdered and he saw his picture.
Linda, what do you think about the possibility that this might be for real. It might be a tad sweet for JA, but won’t really help JA in a big way. It is a curious story.
Hey guys!!!! Gather ’round. I have a mini ground report from Mississippi Senate Election. Turnout in our little district is through the roof for a special election, which is very good. Over history, our special elections average 11% to 16% turnout. We’re at about 25-28% tonight, from what I can tell.
Husband went at 8:00am and already had over 100 voters in our little precinct #2.
He went again at 3:00 for precincts 1, 3, and 4 and we had almost 1400 + 253 absentee at the clerk’s office. in 8K total registered.
I went late, just got home, 20 minutes before polls close. In our precinct 2, we had 514 voters at 6:30pm.
Ladies said they were busy. No mass bussing today.
Cold tonight in Mississippi and the air is clear as a bell. Beautiful. Saying a little prayer for Cindy and MAGA!
Definitely praying!!!
Congratulations, WolfMoon, we have two pages of comments. We are growing!
It’s the bannedwagon effect.
The moniker of “BannedWagon” is perfect. Deliciously clever.
The one I wish I could take credit for is “Urinalist.”
To the best of my knowledge I came up with “Yellow Stream Media” but someone else followed it to its logical conclusion. Oh well, that’s a good one to be the straight man on.
POTUS is getting P.O.’d
Thank goodness for the thoughtful people on this site.
Let’s hope that this is never implemented in the US….ever:
China’s Terrifying Social Credit System
They are trying very hard to implement this here too.
the foundation is 100% laid already. the features are there, they just have to be turned on. the only difference is we don’t know it (broadly) yet, and it does not affect our daily lives (yet)…not trying to be negative, but just stating the fact. beware of everything. especially convenient things.
Remember to keep POTUS and family in your prayers.
Bahaha haha that’s funny right there. I see she was wearing witchy black. Keep an eye on the children, don’t leg them out of your sight.
Woohooo for Mississippi.
Here’s the final results for MY COUNTY.
Eligible voters = 16,846
Voted = 7,926 = 47.05% (stunning turnout in a special election)
Cindy Hyde Smith = 4,782 = 60.42%
Espy (the crook) = 3,116 = 39.40%
She won my county by 21%
We delivered!!!!!!!!!
Way to Go!!!! How is it going statewide?
We’re up by about 11 points with over 50% reporting. Espy campaign turned off the television monitors at their campaign party. So typical for a Dem – don’t want the people to know the truth.
great job Daughn !!!
I’m so happy, Phoenix. We were really worried. It’s been outright warfare on the ground.
The NYT has now called it for Cindy. Probably the rest of the lying media have, too, but since I no longer have TV, what do I know.
Hmmm. What was it that Q fella said? Oh, that’s right –
president trump made a point to state that also yesterday at both rallies. it was “very important”…
Whaddya know! It really IS … “53-47”!
Love it. My parents were late adopters and although I do not know the exact date they brought that beast into our home, this child did not get sat in front of it for hours on end.
Never owned one, m’self, except by proxy when caring for my parents. Raised my children without it (and they thanked me that they grew up with books, reading aloud as a family took the place, and eventually saw a few movies as a family (once the eldest was around 12!).
They can do as they like when they are grown…Until they are, I preferred to expose them to the classics, in writing…..
Ludite? Been labeled that.
LOTS of people upset about this…
Bad trip? Or just reoccurring verbiage from working with the Klinton people?
Well that sounds like fun…
He may be working on his ‘insanity plea’.
If he convinces people that he is ‘insane’…then he wouldn’t be called to Testify.
His testimony would be declared “unreliable”.
Reines knows a lot; he knows about a lot of Clinton criminal activity…and probably facilitated some of it.
Yes, I would bet one of those indictments is for him. “Panic in DC.”
Yep…and he probably doesn’t want to get Arkancided, either.
If he convinces people that he’s insane, then anything he might say…can be dismissed as “crazy talk”.
Did he have any “interns” in his office? Under the desk maybe?
OK – I finally got a new daily thread up. Thank you for your patience!
And the big one is coming.
Thanks, Wolf.
And no pressure on posting that one you’ve been working on.
Post it whenever you’re happy with it…and not before.
Not sure if this has been posted here already. Written prior to July, an addendum was added A few days back.
WWG1WGA: The greatest communications event in history
A time like no other in history
Having applied all of my integrity, intellect and insight to researching the matter, my belief is that we are witnessing right now one of the greatest communications events in history. Indeed, it is arguably the singularly greatest. So, what is this event, and why does it deserves this extraordinary description? The answers are to be found in how the (Western) mass media has been trapped by the most exquisitely constructed double bind.
This is an excellent op/ed. He’s written several interesting articles with excellent links to back them. After reading several hundred pages of US military documents related to PSYOP yesterday, I think he’s spot-on.
If it quacks like a duck…
Thanks for posting.