After we are all done with the joy of another wonderful
Trump rally
, we have some serious business to discuss.
Think of me today less as the WOLF guarding this tree at its base, and more like the CROW at its top. I am LOOKING OUT FOR TROUBLE.
As you know, I am the only person managing this site, for security reasons. I am a terribly hard target. I don’t FXXK around. Deep State messes with me, I toss a nuke. They mess with me again, I toss a bigger one. THAT is WOLF MODE.
In response to their latest attack on this place, I promised a nuke, and it just got delivered. If you saw it, great. If you didn’t, don’t worry. It will only be truly visible to the people who need it. It’s a rather STEALTHY nuke, meant for people who need to be as hard a target as I am. People whose experiences are out of the normal range for most posters here.
Now it’s time for CROW MODE.
Let’s talk about what happened to CTH, and why I am so zealous about defending THIS refuge.
People who dare to OFFEND socialism as badly as I do, need to care about how socialists degrade their enemies – zersetzung. ZERSETZUNG is now very technical – very sneaky.

The first rule of American Zersetzung is that there IS NO American Zersetzung.
Wolf Moon

If you observed what happened at CTH, then I can tell you that it has all the hallmarks of zersetzung. It was used on EVERYBODY there. One of the primary ways they did it, was by sneaking DEMORALIZATION TROLLS into the place. Beyond that, others were activated to create division. Beyond that, unknown technical means were used. I am still trying to figure those out. I further believe that personal and social deceptions of various kinds were deployed. And there are other things I won’t even mention, for good reasons.
ANYWAY, it’s time to discuss how to KEEP the demoralization trolls out of THIS SITE.
Why? Because there are people who want in here – RIGHT NOW – who will drive many of the existing posters out of here. And THAT is not going to happen.
Q is a brilliant test of “good faith”. That was, I am pretty sure, part of its design.
CTH essentially distilled us off – the “good faith” Q believers. There are still good faith people at CTH, but the concentration of BAD FAITH people among them – including the socialist demoralization trolls – is very high.
I am not going to let certain people come here. The people who cannot come here are not just the socialist demoralization trolls – they include people who they are capable of manipulating, or who function to help them – even unknowingly. Those include some of the “good” people. It even includes people I personally LIKE.
I like wine. I like cheese. I don’t put cheese into my wine. It doesn’t work. Not for me.
Those people – including the sharp and funny cheese – have a WONDERFUL site called CTH to continue posting at. There is no reason that THEY should have TWO sites to post at, and the people who they would surely drive away from here, should have NONE.
See what I’m saying? This place is a refuge, and it will remain one. Maybe it’s the “extra-refugey refuge”. That’s OK. A reservation. A “last stand”. Whatever.
So – I need to identify the problems.
I need people to tell me – or even better SHOW ME (with a link) WHO insulted them, belittled them, demoralized them, and drove them off CTH. Who would you be very bothered by, if they came here? Don’t be afraid to tell me. Or HINT to me with a proving link. BUT the bottom line is that you have to tell me openly.
Who would make you LEAVE THIS SITE?
People are welcome to show me who drove OTHER people off the site. If you saw something, SAY SOMETHING.
Do not be afraid that *I* personally may like these people. HA! This is THE WOLF talking.

DUTY, HONOR, and TRUTH actually mean something. Friendship is the DREGS that may matter when all that is over. Having friends who also care about duty, honor and Truth tends to lessen problems, if you know what I mean.
This is not about ME. This is about US. This is about MAGA. This is about things that are bigger than us.
I can get along with almost anybody at CTH, because I have worked very hard to learn to get along with people. I have friends at CTH who are among the people who I am certain drove away Q supporters and followers. Hell – I was friends with some of the socialist demoralization trolls.
Think about it.
There is NO WAY IN HELL that I will let those friends of mine come here.
Do you understand what I am saying?
Q supporters, believers in “conspiracy theories”, and other actual conservative misfits need a place to go. That place is now HERE.
You don’t have to even tell me who it is. Just point me to the comments where they insulted people who came here. Leave a link. I will look at things, and “take the names”.
Remember – everybody posting at CTH right now has a great place to post. All the people HERE also have a great place to post. If I closed he doors RIGHT NOW, it would still be great. So we can afford to be picky for a while.
If people don’t like this idea, let me know that, too. But I do want to caution people, that if I let certain people into here, I REALLY think that trouble will follow.
And I don’t like trouble, because it makes me growl.
Thanks for your patience, and God bless!

Thanks W,
I appreciate your posting about this. Totally agree with you, and if I run across anything I will let you know.
Thank you Wolf, this is my place to come and relax, and be among like minded people. As a Q follower its nice to be able to bounce our thoughts and such without the fear of being told to shut up or even banned. I havnt been banned from CTH but I saw what happened to others who dared to speak of Q it was demoralizing to say the least. if you need to keep certain folks out of your home then thats what you should do,friends or not. thank you for this place of refuge and the work you do in giving us this place !
“What would make me leave?”
If someone attacks Sylvia, I’m going full MAGA. LOL.
If someone comes for Elizabeth, or Wheatie, or Emerald Star, or Steve, or you, or any of us, they have to go through me, first (if someone else does not get them before I do).
Can’t say I was ever had a disagreement, “over there”, with any person in particular and I still have no idea why I was banned. It was not Q related, of that, I am sure.
I admire what you’re doing Wolfmoon, and we all know the kind of time you have to spend on this endeavor. We’re behind you, 100%. Forever, grateful.
Funny thing, I would have said the same thing about SD less than 3 weeks ago. We were blindsided. We’ll probably never fully understand what happened over there.
Thanks – great post – and I am comforted that there are zealous defenders among us. I cannot be here all the time, so I am pleased to know that others will take my place in the watchtower when I must rest.
Thank you!
Crow’s nest. We got your back. Never fear.
We’ll sound the alarm if the predators come lurking about W. Good to know you know
“there are zealous defenders among us.”
Count me in!
THIS is what being a community is all about. The locals resolve most of the problems, and only once in a while need the Sheriff to intercede.
When everyone pitches in, the job is easier for all …
Someone else ‘liked’ one of my old posts in this thread, so I came to check it out, and started reading other old posts here. Then I started clicking the ‘like’ button to some I missed before… now other people are going to come here, to find out why people are reading a thread from 9 months ago
Oh. okay. Gotcha. Thank you, Scott.
You’re welcome, and good night
Lol, Scott, that is funny. Well, here I am. Love Daughn’s comment above, and Hi, Valerie.
Hey, Zoe!!!!!!!!!
Always great to see you, Daughn.
Amen! Great sermon brother! That’s all I got for now, as I’m already past my “turning in” time.
Good night and God bless!
Like white on rice!
Hey Wolfie, great job! I am “so over” the trolls, Eeyores, and garbage comments at CTH, that it is easier for me to tell you who I’d love to see here on your site than list the dozens that made me stop reading comments there.

I would pay money to get Black Knight Rides to post his comments here. I don’t know where he stands on Q, (and I don’t care), but his comments are very well-reasoned & creative.
I’d also like to see Felice (Flepore) here. He can be a tad overly-optimistic, but he posts excellent, factual economic data & analysis.
Eric Kennedy, Katherine McCoun & Lady Pequin (sp) have been true PDT supporters from the get-go.
I would HATE to see you allow Old School, Paul Raven, Howie or any of the newer troll-bags on here. They NEVER contribute anything other than intentionally redundent negativity.
Sundance & CTH have been an invaluable resource to me. I will not be dissing them, despite understanding the reasons some of your commenters have for being angry. But I am done reading comments there because the commentary has deteriorated so badly.
The email account I provide below is purely for posting comments; I never check it. But you can DM me on twitter if we need to chat
Thanks, Alison – great comments! Feel free to comment here anytime. Felice does stop in here from time to time, and perhaps some of the others will stop in, too!
I hear what you are saying about SD and CTH, and I am with you! No dissing by me. I will not turn on them! I refuse! But many here are worried about Sundance. Hopefully things will become clear.
And … I just saw Felice post comments on another thread. Yippee

LOL! Already starting to be a great day!
I have been worried about SD since he posted about Q. I still do not understand the blanket animosity towards a movement that does no harm but ask us to think for ourselves and let us know that things are being worked on behind the scenes. Q brings hope and above all opens eyes to the lies and the evil. what is wrong with that? I say nothing!
Welcome, Alison! We need more Coloradoans on this site!
Thanks, Steve! I wondered where you’d gone & here you are
I got banned, back in may of 2017. I criticized Sundance’s writing style, and did it rather snarkily. I don’t actually hold it against him and even contributed money once after I was banned.
I am really torqued at what’s going on over there now, however; trolls and absolute jackasses running loose and good people being banned, in at least one case getting banned for getting into a fight with them.
SteveInCO said: “I got banned, back in may of 2017. I criticized Sundance’s writing style…”
I also was banned last year during the controversy over some statements Milo had made.
What I have noticed over there is that questioning and not bowing at the altar, so to speak, will not be tolerated. There is a long-standing, deeper issue at that site than the current dust-up about Q. Judgment calls are made in seemingly arbitrary ways without explanation. Anything that is contrary to what SD thinks, says, or writes is verboten — even within the context of all agreeing about MAGA, conservatism, patriotism, etc.
I understand and agree with the need to protect a site, and specifically this one. There is a difference between keeping trolls and Negative Nancies out, as described in this post, vs. the banishments I saw at the other place. That site wants no part of Q, and it is the site owner’s prerogative to ban talk of Q, but it could have been done in a positive way while keeping good posters who understand the boundaries. A simple request to refrain from mentioning Q on the site would have sufficed for most people.
But the pattern I see with all the bloggers and posters who don’t like Q is that they seem very angry, to the point that they ridicule and name-call even those who want to MAGA. They don’t seem capable of allowing people to decide for themselves. They appear threatened, when there is no reason for it. Curious…
I managed to argue against SD once, in a post about economics, and he didn’t ban me for that. He just seemed stunned, and he might have gone off to check and realized I was right, because he never made that particular claim again. So not all heterodoxy was fatal. But lately, it does seem to be.
I disagreed gently with him on things as well. Never a problem until now.
Yes – it’s curious. I have suspected that some “top secret” information has been used to subtly influence the most “in-the-know” conservative pundits and researchers against Q.
(….meaning DISinformation.)
“That site wants no part of Q, and it is the site owner’s prerogative to ban talk of Q, but it could have been done in a positive way while keeping good posters who understand the boundaries. A simple request to refrain from mentioning Q on the site would have sufficed for most people.
But the pattern I see with all the bloggers and posters who don’t like Q is that they seem very angry, to the point that they ridicule and name-call even those who want to MAGA. They don’t seem capable of allowing people to decide for themselves. They appear threatened, when there is no reason for it. Curious…”
Spot on! What insulted me/hurt me was NOT the Q-ban. That would have been irritating and worthy of an eye roll and a horse laugh or something, but I was fully prepared to comply.
What I couldn’t abide was turning lose the trolls to wreak havoc in the nastiest of ways. And it went on and on and on. It was disgusting, and left me feeling like I had been slimed.
Great point. It felt like NeverTrump were being sicced on us!
One of the reasons I only lurked on CTH was the level of ad hominem attacks on people making reasonable comments.
It is funny. I thought the place was mostly free from that stuff which was why I moved from lurker to poster. But that began to noticeably change during the Sessions Wars.
Yes, initially I was only an occasional visitor for the first few months but it became a “must visit” site towards the end of 2017 and it was still far better than many other sites I frequented but I think I started to notice it after the Florida hurricane where SD had to take time out to help neighbours etc. Another reason for lurking was that not being in or from the USA, I didn’t feel qualified to join in much of the conversation until recently where I now have an inkling of the global nature of the problem and the fact that President Trump may well be influencing the rest of the world for the better! Sorry for the very late reply, I rarely think to check the WordPress notifications.
Well, glad you’re here! I’m learning about the global reach of this thing, too, and the importance for all of us to fight for our national identity and self-determination.
Glad you’re here, Alison.
Thank you! I am happy Wolfie clued me in, via Twitter DM, about his site. Even happier to see some of my favorite buddies have made the trek as well

@Alison, welcome. Glad you found this place.
I’m glad you made it here too, Alison. We have quite a family forming here!
Welcome aboard!
Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen Howie posting there for the last few days. Hmmm.
He comes and goes from CTH. But he only seems to go from here, for some reason.
He’s happy there. He’s a fixture at the Treehouse. I would not steal him even if ASKED to do so. He was part of what made CTH what it always was. He will help it rise again!
100% ditto on this post by Alison.
Dittoes on BKR. I always read his stuff.
Oof. I had already blissfully forgotten Paul Raven. Shudder. Hope he stays away.
Excellent, Wolf. I really do think you will keep this place a haven and for that I am grateful.
There are some back there who I think of as deep troll embeds, if you will, occasionally flashing their true stripes. At least one name has been mentioned here by someone wanting them to come over, hence I won’t name them (heck, my own observation could be wrong). I will say it was a Session-basher who readily turned into any-other-person-who-didn’t-move-quickly-enough-basher. Undoubtedly it was just his way and other times his humor was good. I even enjoyed chatting with him. His presence here would not drive me away.
Undoubtedly there will be some who sneak in and are discovered after the event, and I’m sure you will deal with them most swiftly.
No one has insulted me. It was the gradual shift in things at first, a shift which quickly D5ed all over the place, that made the comments section a hostile place. Before that it had been enchanting. Most of the people here are the very ones who drew me to join in their discussions way back when I first found the tree house. The articles were good, but the discussion was always way up there, first shelf. It’s the discussion that taught me so much about what was and is happening on the ground and behind the scenes. Very smart, very insightful input.
Thank you for this and for all you do.
Thank YOU for your excellent comments!
Ah, now you’ll make me blush…
Oh, SO well said! I agree with you completely!
I think this page is a good idea. I liked Alison’s ideas for new posters, plus G.Combs, but I’ve already said that more than once–I just learn so much from her. Also do like bkr. Thank you
BKR is one of the very few people who I remember was there when I started, and I agree he’d be good here.
I also like Katherine McCoun. I don’t know G. Combs that well.
Except, unless I’m mixing her up with someone else, she has said some nasty things about Q supporters.
“Her” who? Katherine? G.Combs?
Katherine was who I was thinking of. But I don’t mean to say anything negative about her. I’ve enjoyed her posts. It’s just that she probably wouldn’t come to a Q site.
Good point there.
I think a lot of those folks are happy with the CTH rules and many of THOSE folks are not sufficiently bothered by the trolls to leave.
I think Sundance’s topics and selection of posts have always been top-notch, and remain so. Lots of reasons for people to stay there.
Fair enough.
Some people are OK but not interested in Q. I actually knew about this site almost immediately after it started but it was almost entirely about Q then, and I just wasn’t that interested; I would post something once in a while on an open thread.
The emphasis has broadened here, and I am finding Q interesting (though I am still somewhat skeptical about his bona fides).
Steve, if you are sufficiently interested in Q to spend a little time, I can recommend Praying Medic’s videos on Q. I found them helpful and interesting enough I was willing to take the time to listen. Just for what it’s worth.
I watched one of his recent videos, and could barely stand it, to be honest; it took him so long to get to the point I honestly had drifted off mentally and I don’t even remember what it was.
I found it far more rewarding just reading the mass of comments made here. It was sort of a “crowdsourcing” of interpretation but it seemed like a consensus evolved as people figured out other people were making sense, or more sense, than others.
I was relieved to see people speaking out against much of the crazy numerology I’ve seen some apply to Q, as well.
Neon Revolt is a good source to understanding QAnon
Combs good.
Ravens are bigger than Crows, and are fiercely protective of their clans and their territory.
So I would rather think of you as a Raven, Wolfie.
I love it that you are approaching this head-on…and are asking for input from us Q-inquisitives.
It’s impressive.
In prior comments here, I have mentioned some run-ins that I had had during my years over there.
But it would be difficult-to-impossible for me to go find those, in order to get a link to them.
It sounds like you may have some ‘new arrivals’ whose comments are sitting in Moderation.
I must say…it was brilliant of you to utilize that WP feature in this way.
Right now, I am hesitant to name names, though.
And I am not really sure why…because these people would surely do it to me, if they were in the same situation.
There are some posters there who have been there for years…and I never had any ‘run-ins’ with them…but I noticed that most of what they posted was Demoralizing sh-t that was designed to spread defeatism and despair.
The “nothing-will-ever-change” people.
The friendly and uplifting atmosphere of this refuge would be shattered, if those people started in with that stuff here.
Even just one of them could throw a ‘dead skunk’ type of comment into a thread and it would stink up the place.
So I really really appreciate, Wolf…that you are trying to prevent that from happening.
Let me think about it for a bit.
But right now, I think I might feel like I was being like the ones I fled from, if I were to list them here.
I totally understand that! No problem. Your general descriptions are very helpful.
I may do a 5-link comment and speak more freely…after I’ve thought about it for a bit.

Or, if you happen to visit there and find a comment/string that’s gone off the rails, just post the link here for all to see.
Yes – but be sure to put it in THIS thread, which will likely be my main reference!
Thanks, Nor’easter.

If I ever go back there, I may do that…but I’ve been avoiding the place for the last couple of weeks.
And feel much happier for not subjecting my eyeballs to the goings on there.
I *do* appreciate reading the reports from the brave souls such as yourself, though!
Yeah, I can’t resist Reading SDs articles and certain commenters and links.
But more and more of the commenters that I sought out are disappearing from there.
Fortunately, the majority of them have found their way here!
Allow me to second all of this. The perfect description of the general type who first began to show up, before the truly nasty trolls came in.
Oh, and another characteristic: they’d post their dead skunk, someone would respond to it, and they’d ignore the response. Then post the SAME dead skunk five comments down. The first practitioner was someone already mentioned on this page, an individual prized for his humor but absolutely obsessive about slamming a certain former cabinet member.
Wowie zowie!
I was thinking the same thing, Wheatie, there were often people who seemed to beat the same dead horse with every single comment in every single thread. With Sessions it really went into overdrive. The same points every single time, almost like they copied and pasted their post in thread after thread. I would really hate to see that kind of thing happen here. So far, everyone here has been posting on a different kind of level and it’s been a pleasure to be part of it.
Oh, and another characteristic: they’d post their dead skunk, someone would respond to it, and they’d ignore the response. Then post the SAME dead skunk five comments down. The first practitioner was someone already mentioned on this page, an individual prized for his humor but absolutely obsessive about slamming a certain former cabinet member.
Ooops. Blew my cover.
LOL! Ooh and I’d just put my coffee down. Lucky me.
I was wondering if anyone had got that.
Yep, I almost lost my monitor.
Wheatie, I know what you are saying, especially as then sometimes people sort of pile on and it doesn’t seem fair. I think Katherine might not love q, but she seems decent. I think I also sometimes enjoyed reading GB Barrie.
I recall someone named Blade, who was a Sessions defender. He probably got frustrated with the “drive by, post, ignore response, repeat” tactic and gave up.
Either he gave up…or was banned.
He crossed swords with Sd a while back.
And I didn’t see Blade post anything after that.
It would be nice to see Blade here, so I hope he finds this place.
Actually, Linda posted the thread of her “last straw” conversation with Sundance, and buried in there G. Combs says “Blade was banned.”
Ah…well now we know.
Thanks, Steve.
I was a weenie and didn’t click on her link, preferring to just take her word for it, rather than go look in on the dumpster fire.
BOOM. I just speculated that (catching up with comments right now).
Wow – he might have been banned.
Blade does not give up. Not his style.
He will find us.
A true online warrior.
Blade doesn’t care for Q…
Uh oh, really?
Didn’t know that…that’s a shame.
No, that’s not a shame. I don’t put any faith in Q either, but many here are commenters I would pause my scrolling to read there. We don’t have to agree on Q, we just need to let each other think what they will and keep it civil. I certainly wouldn’t tell you not to put faith in Q. I realize this is a Q site, but you do talk politics outside of Q on the open thread and I am enjoying the comments here.
I can deal with “doesn’t care for Q” as long as he’s willing to live with Q believers, and I suspect others could too, and that’s I’ve been a skeptic myself and it doesn’t seem to have hurt anything; no one here seems to mind me because of that.
I don’t stomp around here posting anti-Q and anti-Q-believer rants, is probably why. If Blade doesn’t do that, then even if he does occasionally question Q, I should think he’d be fine here.
Questioning and civil discussion are fine by me, they can help clarify my thinking but “drive-by’s”, name calling and “my way or the highway” are definite turn-offs.
Totally agree. Q discussion, Q questioning, all good and honest. Q bashing, like Sessions bashing or anyone else bashing for that matter, just to be disagreeable is what irritates. I really enjoy how no one here tears down others for their opinions. Very refreshing having adult conversations.
Blade would be a great addition. Also BKR.
Blade was absolutely brilliant, and I am convinced from his writing style and informed opinion that he was someone with a lot of experience derived from being in the right places at the right time.
Yes. Blade was someone I liked to read.
I was just thinking – yes, Blade, he was very informative! Great writing style, easy to understand and yet very knowledgeable. I would love to see him comment here! Now that I think about it…. I have not seen any of his posts in quite a long while. Shame…
“The “nothing-will-ever-change” people.
The friendly and uplifting atmosphere of this refuge would be shattered, if those people started in with that stuff here.”
Amen, sister.
5:5 !!!
What would cause me to leave? Hmmm …
I guess if I was asked to leave, I’d not argue with that. Seriously, if I found out that Wolfmoon was really Sheepmoon, that would kill the mood so to speak. If somebody persisted in repeating the same “hill to die on” diatribe (thread hijacking) and Wolfmoon failed to discipline the malefactor or perish the thought would defend the fool, that would be a deal breaker.
Other than that, these are merely electronic blips so I cannot be really harmed by them.
I guess I need a ghillie suit, and I should move to a very high branch with my rifle.
Oh yeah, I just realized I could log in with Google. platypus group is the same person as pgroup.
Seriously! That’s wild. But WordPress thinks you are a different person, b/c different “email”, so I had to moderate you. If I forget you’re the same people, I mean person, please forgive me!
Another Aussie?
I’m glad you’re being so protective of this site, Wolf. This has been a real refuge for me after what happened at CTH. I have to say that I didn’t have any real run-ins with people until the very end. I was annoyed at the negativity, and the constant Sessions bashing really drove me up the wall. But I could always just scroll past those people and ignore them. It was at the end when I dared to question what SD said in his article about Q people that the excrement hit the fan. I was conversing with SD and this rsmith1776 kept jumping in making rude and ridiculous comments. I would definitely hate to see him here, but then I doubt he would want to be around Q supporters since he thinks such horrible things about us. That conversation is here:
Thanks! Yes, he and I got along fairly well for a long time, but he became quite vocal about Sessions, to the point of – like you say – being very rude to those who thought differently. I don’t think he’d like it here, either. Won’t be a problem!
Another persona 2.0 situation it would seem.
That’s what has me thinking repeatedly that the masks have dropped. Free thinkers aren’t as controllable as sheep-type thinkers. After all this time trusting the site, were we were supposed to be biddable and just go where we were told? It seems the tantrums landed when we wouldn’t herd in the direction wanted.
It also seemed a very leftie strategy to launch the trolls to berate all who disagreed.
A. D. your comment about free thinkers vs sheep-type thinkers follows exactly my line of thinking after being here a few days and then reading posts about some of the drama that occurred at CTH apparently very recently.
It is interesting to learn about other perspectives as I found the site during the Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman days and learned so much during that time and followed it until 2017 when I trailed off on another adventure that consumed a lot of my time and opened my eyes further. Then I read a post from someone here recently who said CTH went off the rails during that time. Interesting take or intentional disinfo? I don’t know and don’t mean any offense if that person shows up but it was a perspective I’ve not heard before.
So, thinking back SD worked hard to gather valid info, put it up on the site for any news organization or individual to use for free. I was always curious about how it started and loosely concluded he and the mods who were there when I first came there were together with another group of people and split off because of some differences in how they wanted to move forward. People who frequented the site, commented, donated, etc. were on the same page of the core “Truth Has No Agenda” which was my main attraction and base of trust and they were supportive of each other even when they had different opinions which demonstrates healthy discourse.
The mods in the beginning of my time there were free to express their opinions that were different from SD but I remember noticing that changed. Some were more confrontational that others and over time their role became more functional than participatory if that makes any sense. This is where I began to notice free thinkers, especially close ones were encouraged by SD to conform to “site think”.
I have no need to know details because I see the results of whatever occurred over time and the change is not appealing to me or worthy of my trust. One door closes and a better one ALWAYS opens and I’m thankful I just happened to be reading a few comments one night when I saw WM post a link to this site with an invitation to check it out, if interested.
‘ Then I read a post from someone here recently who said CTH went off the rails during that time. ‘ During what time? Trayvon Martin days? Is that what you understood someone to say? I’m curious because that was when I started to lurk there.
Great post, BTW.
Sylvia, yes the Trayvon Martin days.
There seem to be many layers to what happened over there. I watched much of it unfold and felt SD had lost heart, even though POTUS was and is achieving great things. The intolerance built over Sessions first, Q came later, and that drove me to spend less time there. It was a real shock though to learn here that so many had been banned. Names you’d never expect! By then the trolls were loose and running amok and somehow respect for honest debate was out the window.
I’m glad you found your way here. I’m glad so many have. We seem to have much of the good in these pages and none of the bad. Wolfmoon timed it well.
I agree. SD seems to have lost a lot of hope. I guess the cold anger got to him.
Oh, he might love it here.
Some people just love to come into others’ living rooms when they’re having a gathering for conversation, just so they can Adam Schiff on the coffee table.
That person is obnoxious. Would not like to see his/ her face here. I had a direct tangle with him / her.
Also the misspelled coffee with the upsidown 666.
Actually painful to read that exchange. But good job, Linda.
Agreed on both counts!
I wonder if we can bring in A2. And/or Cripto, assuming they aren’t the same person.
A2/Cripto can get spiky with those who disagree with him/her.
Is A2 and cripto the same person? They sound so much alike! But I like cripto’s insights a little more than A2. Both share some good info, especially about Asian markets, etc. If I remember correctly, A2 was NOT a supporter of anything Q related…
No, cripto says they are two different people and that s/he is A2’s replacement.
Their styles are so similar, though, that I refer to them as one.
Correct. Neither A2 nor cripto likes Q.
I dissent on A2. She would turn me off. As well informed as her posts were, she was too quick to imply that people were idiots for having a different pov.
You’re clearly an idiot for disagreeing with me about A2.
Okay, more seriously, yes, I could see that as a problem.
I tried to very politely suggest that people who disagreed with her were not necessarily badly intentioned or stupid.
She had great insight on Asia, though.
A2 is a…”she”?
I always figured it was a ‘he’…I must have missed something.
I could be wrong. My mind produced “she” based on something in the posts, but I cannot remember what it was. I think A2 was relating a personal experience which implied or stated gender.
Maybe. The beauty of the CTH comment sections is the diversity allows for some to provide “content” to a broader audience than this corner of tree provides. I suspect that is the draw that A2 / Cripto has at the CTH. A place to share a perspective and discuss it with a broader collective.
replyng to SteveInCO
It does seem as if, when replying to the very last comment on the page it’s easy to forget to hit “reply” and you end up creating a top level comment. I saw it happen to someone else today, and it happened to me yesterday. By the time I realized it and said what I had intended to do, someone had replied to me and that chain grew really, really long. So my “intended” post was stranded way below my original one.
Neatness is not the WP comments way. Sigh.
Wolf, if I can repeat what I was driven to post a couple of times during the Sessions wars …
We are discussing the unknown here, which is why we are so fascinated by it – we want to KNOW what the hell is going on, but we can’t know. So we speculate as to what MAY be happening.
The problem is that certain posters (I’ll call them Problem Posters / PP’s) KNOW what is going on – they are just convinced that they are right. Which means that anyone who disagrees is wrong, and is probably an idiot. So they express certainty and resort to name calling.
Q is introducing us to the unknown, getting us to think for ourselves so they we may ATTEMPT to discern what May be going on behind the scenes. So we here operate on possibilities/ probabilities, whereas the PP is the antithesis of how we operate here.
So, without naming specific people, I propose that people who express CERTAINTY about something which is inherently uncertain, that resort to NAME CALLING posters here are PP’s to be considered “Not welcome”. This is egoic (even leftist) type behaviour, which is inherently divisive.
Several times during my TH stint I called attention to name calling and expressed certainty as the hallmarks of degenerative behaviour. Many of those that agreed or expressed similar views have ended up here.
Posters I would like to see here would be Dan064, Lady Penquin, Curry Worsham, Suzette, Newhere (banned with me and Dan), Blade, GB Bari, G Combs, Cripto, …. I will add other names as they come to mind. Others that I missed have recently popped in here, which is great!!
Great post, and thanks for that. Yes – very much a problem with the “certain about the uncertain” crowd. A real “red flag” there!!!
I would add EagleDriver50 to the list; although, not sure of his Q stand. (BTW, the “eagle” in the screen name has nothing to do with an F-15, but rather is his name for the Barrett M82 (M107) Just sayin’ …
Maybe also Suzanne.
You seem to have hit on a good diagnostic indicator here. Kudos!!
I’ve noticed that people like that largely tend to do surface analysis; they look at what’s visible on the surface and conclude based on that; they NEVER wonder if what they see is misdirection somehow and try to check for evidence that it is. (E.g., they angrily reject any suggestion that PDJT might be misdirecting in a tweet and can’t even catch subtleties like the difference between “People are saying that Sessions isn’t…” versus “Sessions isn’t…”)
They might make OK scientists (nature doesn’t consciously misdirect, but it is complex), but they’d be horrible in intelligence work.
Your last point is very important, but I have to tell you from inside Science – it is now so heavily pwned from above by the left.
Intelligence skills are very helpful. Only people who can spot spies know it is ENTIRELY ruined. Deep state knows how to DIRECT science so well, they can make parts of it do a 180 and the people both inside and outside the bubble have no clue. Only certain things give it away.
Science and intelligence frankly need cross-cutting skills to weed out the people and processes that are threatening science.
Trump actually gets this. I am SO grateful. But there is a TON that needs to be done to MSGA.
True enough.
Of course, I was thinking of science as it should be, not as it has been recently corrupted to be.
Yes, yes, yes, you describe the situation perfectly.
Lady Penguin is a must have IMO.
Jason, love your take on the PP’s. Sounds like people in my life that I categorize as PET’s (Personal Emotional Trainers)! lol
Personal Emotional Traumatizers would apply in my world…
Been missing you Judy.
Paul Raven and Zurich Mike were the only two I ever had run-ins with. Both — one occasion each, months ago — accused me of harassing them, when I was merely responding to what they said, disagreeing politely with their POV. Subject matter: Theresa May and Brexit.
Someone I never responded to was Cozette because she seemed so darned sure about the former AG. Blade, despite all his stellar analyses, wouldn’t hear anything against the former AG, either.
Of the personalities already mentioned, Lady Penquin and Newhere are the ones I miss most.
RrRegarding Cozette, she would kind of talk down to people who disagreed with her, and I let her know. Not saying it was me, but it seemed like she stopped doing it. I liked reading her a lot, and I also let her know that, and I think people can learn to address others differently (maybe it’s the Fakebook mentality sometimes) and I think maybe Cozette would be all right Now, but I’d defer to Churchmouse on that. Cozette, I think, is very interesting. Just tell her, and everyone else, the rules.
She always seemed so shrill.
I gave her a wide berth from the get-go, so that’s a ‘no’ from me.
Others’ mileage might differ.
Yeah. Harsh tone. Steered clear of her and hoped she’d stay out of my way.
But if she shows up here, I’ll probably just continue to steer clear.
I agree. She was very unkind to me once (and I hardly ever post things!) after that, I gave her a WIDE berth. She agrees reads the 8-chan and may even be an anon, I know she was very informative on Q related topics. I would read what she wrote, but would NOT respond. She shared info I had read earlier on Reddit, before the Q crowd was banned.
Yes, same here.
It is striking to me how similar all of our reactions are. Of course it doesn’t all line up perfectly, nothing ever does, but reading through here is is amazing to me how so many of us had similar outlooks on fellow posters.
It’s awfully reassuring, isn’t it? (Phew.)
Did you try daughn’s cold remedy?
No, but it is definitely under consideration!
“Deep State messes with me, I toss a nuke. They mess with me again, I toss a bigger one. THAT is WOLF MODE.
In response to their latest attack on this place, I promised a nuke, and it just got delivered. If you saw it, great. If you didn’t, don’t worry. It will only be truly visible to the people who need it. It’s a rather STEALTHY nuke, meant for people who need to be as hard a target as I am. People whose experiences are out of the normal range for most posters here.”
I have never set up a ‘forum’ website or managed one, so I don’t know what ANY of that means or refers to, but it sure sounds interesting!
“Let’s talk about what happened to CTH, and why I am so zealous about defending THIS refuge.
People who dare to OFFEND socialism as badly as I do, need to care about how socialists degrade their enemies – zersetzung. ZERSETZUNG is now very technical – very sneaky.”
It did seem ‘orchestrated’, I suspected it might be at the time. It started out slow. SD remained silent about Q for a long time. Then a few minor negative remarks in the comments section. Then a few weeks later, a negative remark directly in an article. Then a week or two later, the anti-Q article itself.
At each step along the way, the Q-haters in the comments section were emboldened.
Also, with the exception of a few anti-Q posters whose screen-names I recognized (and who were not generally disrespectful to those who were open-minded about Q), it seemed like MOST of the Q-haters were posters whose screen-names I did NOT recognize, i.e., they seemed to be ‘new’ people, which I assumed at the time to be an organized troll attack, by the time of SD’s hit-piece on Q.
“If you observed what happened at CTH, then I can tell you that it has all the hallmarks of zersetzung. It was used on EVERYBODY there. One of the primary ways they did it, was by sneaking DEMORALIZATION TROLLS into the place. Beyond that, others were activated to create division.”
In the weeks leading up to SD blowing the place up, I was in repeated ‘arguments’ with Q-haters as they became more vocal in their attacks.
I was careful in how I did it. I tried not to attack the other person, to avoid getting banned. I tried to keep an upbeat attitude as opposed to coming across as defensive. And last, I did not make any attempt to ‘prove’ Q in the affirmative, but instead adopted a somewhat ‘neutral’ approach, a ‘standard response’ (which could be modified slightly as needed) to ‘copy and paste’ as a reply every time the subject came up.
Essentially, I pointed out that Q could really only be one of three possibilities: a hostile psy-op / LARP, an independent but pro-Trump psy-op / LARP, or Q was part of the DJT administration as he claims to be.
Then I examined the first two, and showed why they were necessarily eliminated, i.e., not possible. Essentially, if Q was an independent but pro-Trump psy-op / LARP, it is a ‘wildcard’ over which the administration has no control, and that could not be allowed to happen, because millions of people are associating Q with the administration, and Q could start doing things that reflected negatively on the administration at any time. No administration could or would take that chance.
All the reasons why a friendly independent psy-op / LARP could not be tolerated by the administration goes quadruple for a hostile psy-op / LARP.
Which only left the third possibility, that Q is exactly who he claims to be.
No one had a good argument to defeat this proposition, so it generally ended there, until the next time.
Great post – and I can see how that argument would neutralize but NOT convince the more irrational Q haters. They would just “come back for more” later. As you say, “until the next time”!
Most rational Q skeptics realize it’s uncertain, and just take a position, acknowledging the uncertainty. Not so the troublemakers.
“Great post – and I can see how that argument would neutralize but NOT convince the more irrational Q haters.”
Well that was just it, appealing to others to be ‘open-minded’ is the best I could do, because there is no way to definitively prove ‘Q’, one way OR the other.
And I would acknowledge that as PART of my argument, making the point that no matter how certain anyone is that ‘Q’ is a LARP, or isn’t we can’t KNOW for sure. And absent of conclusive evidence, an intellectually honest person must allow for the possibility that he could be wrong.
Only ONE person can settle the dispute over Q — which I am almost certain is by design. Only ONE person could address the subject such that people on both sides would have to respect the answer, and that person is DJT. And so far, DJT has not confirmed or denied Q — at least not in so many words, and it is going to take a direct confirmation by DJT in order to satisfy the Q critics.
There are lots of ‘proofs’, and the cumulative effect is certainly persuasive, but the Q-haters (without exception that I can recall) never bother to examine the evidence for themselves!
So how do you argue effectively with someone who won’t even look at the evidence?
The best I could think of to do was to lay out the only three things Q could be, and then show how two of them were impossible.
“If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
“It’s elementary, my dear Watson.”
Yup, but sadly there are none so blind as those that WILL not see.
I used to get SO frustrated with people like this, because my goal in life is to KEEP learning. I will defend a position to my utmost – if it falls over, I am happy to abandon it because it means that I just learnt something.
Because this is the way that I operate, I assumed that most, if not all people operated on this basis. Well, what an ass I was!
I still don’t fully GET them, but I now know that they exist, and in vast numbers.
I’ll bet that, in your mind, as in mine, one of the most frustrating things is a person who cannot admit they were wrong.
(And another is the man who makes up an answer rather than to simply say “I don’t know, ask so-and-so, he probably does.” (This sort of individual appears to be the ONLY kind allowed to work at Best Buy. I’ve even heard people claim management there insists their employees do this.))
What’s worse it that sort of behavior “works” with a lot of people, they seem to equate that with self-confidence and they find a lack of same a turn off. I got to see this up close and in person with a certain couple; he was a very intelligent man who was very very competent at a fair number of things–but thought he was competent at anything; even if he had never done it before he could figure it out instantly. She found that very attractive and it took her years to figure out he was in fact, incompetent at many, many things, largely mechanical and building trades things (when he did drywall, the sheetrock rested on the floor instead of being butted up against the ceiling), and he was incapable of ever acknowledging it. He knew nothing about automobiles, but asserted he did, and that, too, became quite obvious to her.
She went from seeing him as a super-competent, able man to a dufus. Once she lost respect for him that marriage was over. To this day he has no idea what happened.
As my old friend Harry Callahan once said, “A man’s got to know his limitations”.
Ah, yes, I enjoy watching his revolver instructional videos.
“Ah, yes, I enjoy watching his revolver instructional videos.”

I think of them as life lessons from my early childhood
And that’s no ordinary revolver in those instructional videos.
That’s “a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off…”
Yes. This kind of person will rarely ask a question in an open forum – thinks it reveals their ignorance, rather than revealing an inquiring mind.
This shows a deep seated insecurity. One could go on, but ….
“Yes. This kind of person will rarely ask a question in an open forum – thinks it reveals their ignorance, rather than revealing an inquiring mind.”
The solution to ignorance is information.
Information is the result of inquiry.
No one knows everything; everyone has gaps in knowledge or understanding — and working together, those inquiries can be answered and those gaps can be filled.
One may choose to deny Q, follow Q blindly, or anywhere in between, without full proof., or to ignore Q.
However, it is undeniable that there is a Q movement afoot.
“One may choose to deny Q, follow Q blindly, or anywhere in between, without full proof., or to ignore Q.
However, it is undeniable that there is a Q movement afoot.”
Seems like I recognize that phrase, but ‘Q’ has been substituted for something else. It’s probably the ‘movement afoot’ part, it sounds like something Sherlock Holmes might say.
It also reminds me of one of my favorite expressions about ‘truth’, especially truth that is inconvenient or contrary to what we would prefer.
There are really only so many things we can do with it.
We can accept it.
We can deny it.
We can ignore it.
We can rail against it.
But the one thing we cannot do, is change it…
Which brings us back to ‘acceptance’, because any other course leads to a kind of paralysis, to being ‘stuck’ and unable to move past something, unable to grow or learn or adapt.
But if ‘acceptance’ is too difficult (sometimes acceptance does takes time), then among ‘deny, ignore or rail against’, railing against the truth would seem to be the best. Because you’re still trying, and if you are still trying, if you are still fighting, then it is still possible that you will learn.
A sort of variation on “I would thou wert cold or hot” rather than ‘lukewarm’.
But if we choose to deny or ignore, we rob ourselves of the opportunity to learn — and so remain stuck.
Origin of The Game is Afoot
This expression comes from the English playwright William Shakespeare. In his play King Henry IV, circa 1597, he first used the phrase.
Before the game is afoot, thou still let’st slip.
This expression became more popular in the 1900s after the author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle used it in a popular story about the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes.
Come, Watson, come! The game is afoot. Not a word! Into your clothes and come!
The literal meaning is about hunting. The game means the animal or animals that people are hunting and afoot means running or on the move.
I was on the right track, at least on the Sherlock Holmes angle. I should have recognized the original source (Shakespeare).
Thank you for the explanation!
I see what my trouble has been now! lol I dont bother to argue the point that Q is or isnt a LARP or a Pys-ops with people. I learned a long time ago people become entrenched in there belief of a thing and will shut down when logic and rational thought is presented. I try to be open to changing my stance on things, but will stand firm on other things. human nature being what it is makes exchanges of opinion sometimes messy at best. Its sad to see the anger and vitriol of the entrenched but on a brighter note eventually they have no one to talk to as rational people will leave the arena to the irrational. hope this makes sense.
“If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” also in Spock’s voice in The Undiscovered Country, I believe…
Great post and perfect deduction. Well done!!!!!!
Wait a second, wait a second, wait a second … it just occurred to me, this site NEEDS to have Scott467 here!
And he is! Yay!

Here am I

Grateful for this website Wolfmoon created, and grateful to be here
I look forward to your thoughts on things.
Me too!! I didn’t realized you were not on CTH anymore until I started reading here about 2 weeks ago. You have great insight and a witty sense of humor. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!
TY so much!
Tona, do you mean Scott is a nuke? Can we throw him at something or someone we don’t like like deep state? Lol. Glad you’re both here.
“Tona, do you mean Scott is a nuke? Can we throw him at something or someone we don’t like like deep state? Lol.”
That might could work…
Lol. New supersecret weapon.
LOL. It’s like an early Christmas!
“I need people to tell me – or even better SHOW ME (with a link) WHO insulted them, belittled them, demoralized them, and drove them off CTH. Who would you be very bothered by, if they came here? Don’t be afraid to tell me. Or HINT to me with a proving link. BUT the bottom line is that you have to tell me openly.
), BUT, I had to be very careful how I chose to defend myself, or risk being ejected from the game. So I was always operating with one hand tied behind my back, knowing that the Referee was just looking for a reason.

Who would make you LEAVE THIS SITE?”
I’ll take that one for $1,000 Alex.
What is “nobody”?
What made CTH so difficult (for me) after spending a year or so at Breitbart was having to be careful so as not to get banned. Breitbart was (apparently still is) a free-for-all, so I never had to be concerned about getting banned. If they even have moderators in the comments section, they never revealed themselves to me.
But with CTH, being banned was a CONSTANT concern, which influenced and restricted how I could defend myself.
To a large extent, my ‘hands’ were tied. It was like being at a roller derby, where SD was the referee. He would let anybody take a cheap shot at me (which is fine, I don’t mind cheap-shots, that’s just an invitation to dance
If I am free to defend myself to the best of my ability, then there is nobody at CTH who would cause me to ‘leave’. Nobody caused me to leave ‘CTH’ even under the conditions described above… I was forced out.
The following is a brief excerpt from an article I read a long time ago on (by Gregory Koukl, 2006) exposing the fraud of modern politically-correct ‘tolerance’:
“Most of what passes for tolerance today is nothing more than intellectual cowardice, a fear of intelligent engagement.
Those who brandish the word “intolerant” are unwilling to be challenged by other views or grapple with contrary opinions, or even to consider them. It’s easier to hurl an insult – “you intolerant bigot” – than to confront an idea and either refute it or be changed by it.”
Confront an idea, and either refute it, or be changed by it.
And that is the challenge, both to myself and to others.
Refute it, or have the courage to be changed by it.
That is a critical part of the search for truth.
CTH chose NOT to ‘confront’ an idea they disagreed with (Q) and refute it — apparently because they couldn’t. So they chose ‘intolerance’. CTH chose to silence those with whom they disagreed, by banishment.
Not exactly the hallmark of someone who is confident in what he believes, and why.
“If people don’t like this idea, let me know that, too. But I do want to caution people, that if I let certain people into here, I REALLY think that trouble will follow.”
Probably so, especially if it just ends up as some kind of organized attack.
One thing that would help is a ‘counter’ that displays either one’s ‘start date’ on a forum, or their ‘post count’, and/or the number of ‘likes’ they have received. Not as a status thing, but as a way to distinguish new members (who could be trolls) from members who have been around for a while.
On the Disqus forums (e.g., Breitbart), one of the first things I would do before responding to a provocation was to click on their screen-name, to see their “join date”, the number of comments they’ve posted, and their number of ‘upvotes’.
If it was someone who joined last week and had 10+ comments and few or zero upvotes, I knew it was a troll before I engaged the debate, which influenced how I approached the individual, so it was very useful information. If it was someone who had been there for a while and had a reasonable number of upvotes compared to their number of posts, chances are that person is a fellow conservative and we just have an honest disagreement, in which case I would reply to that person very differently than I would to the troll.
Over at CTH, I did not recognize many of the anti-Q attackers, but there was no way to be sure, because none of that data is available to us. If I had been sure they were new members, I would have called them out, and treated them accordingly, without being too concerned about sanctions from the management.
But without being sure, I didn’t want to chop someone off at the knee who I didn’t recognize, because it could be someone who has been there a long time but just doesn’t post very often. I didn’t want to give SD an excuse to eject me for confronting a longtime member.
But Sundance could tell if many (most?) of the Q-haters who were attacking us were new to CTH. He knew if they were brand new members picking fights with longtime members.
Good thoughts. Very helpful perspective. And yes – those trolls were highly camouflaged.
They understood the weaknesses of WordPress very well.
Thanks, scott467.
Totally agree with you on SD’s capriciousness with the ban hammer. One never knew what would trigger it.
Whilst he’s a like a British pub landlord — his house, his rules (fair enough) — there were a LOT of UNSPOKEN rules. Heaven forfend someone rubbed him the wrong way in the comments.
So, given the atmosphere he not only created but also fostered, SD is the one I blame the most for our being banned.
It was never a ‘refuge’, just an authoritarian site that MAGA-ed. There was nowhere else to go. That doesn’t mean it was a good place to be.
So, there might be a silent, stealthy takeover going on Over There, but it was never sunshine and happiness to begin with. Never. The mask fell off with the Q diatribe.
Very well said churchmouse.
For those Seinfeld watchers – remember the Soup Nazi character?
SD would post a snappy reply to something he didn’t like and the poster would then apologize or explain, almost grovel. I would cringe reading those exchanges.
Me, too! (And, thank you.)
Yes, I remember the Soup Nazi well.
Oh, the grovelling, people so fearful because SD might say: ‘No comment privileges for you!’
The other cringe-worthy aspect was the number of people fawning over him as if he were some sort of guru. Ugh. That seems to be happening less now that he has changed position on a few issues.
In rather subtle ways, the site was just as much about him as the issues he covered. I always had the impression that if we didn’t buy into SD as a paragon of wisdom, we were not full Treepers. For that reason, I never considered myself a Treeper. I spent a lot of time there but not because of him as a personality. I’m not saying that everyone else there did, but a lot of the hard-core commenters (those not at the Q Tree, incidentally) hung on his every word because, you know, SD is SD.
I attribute the guru effect to the fact that he followed the Trayvon-Zimmerman case more closely than anyone else. By contrast, I only started reading him in March 2016 for Trump news.
Wow, Scott and Churchmouse opened my eyes. It NEVER occurred to me that I might be banned – until I was. Even after I was banned I was convinced it was something wrong with my computer or WordPress, which is how I found you guys.
Sunlight and full disclosure are the only remedy. Gotta shake off the naivete.
‘It NEVER occurred to me that I might be banned – until I was.’ It’s a shock to the system when there’s no warning.
These discussions are therapeutic, especially since all of us spent so much time there.
hmmm…. maybe I was banned and didnt even know it! I stopped posting at CTH awhile back. I post more here then I do anywhere else, mainly because I hate typing and get tongue tied more as I get older. Dr. says its chemo brain but I like getting older better
I enjoy reading Wolfs articles and like seeing everyone’s comments. So glad I followed Wolf over here.
@Sue, so glad you are here with us.
Hope you are doing well health-wise & no longer undergoing chemo–Blessings…
This is my first spring and summer in 5 years that I have felt wonderful enough to work in the garden and yard
blessings to you also!
Sue, so happy you are feeling well enough to fully enjoy your garden. Maybe I just missed it, but I had not noticed you on q-tree for quite a while and was wondering today when I saw Valerie’s comment to you how you were doing.
That is great news. Hope you enjoy All of your forays into God’s glorious creation!
Sundance did not read your husband’s wonderful and moving tribute to you with the fascinating details, or if he did, he was bizarrely unaffected. Who would not want you on his side?
Interesting that Sundance re-posted that marvelous post you made on 24 hours in the life of Trump – – an amazing compilation – – and then threw you away. Same thing happened with Wolfmoon.
Hmmm … once is happenstance and twice is coincidence. Is there enemy action?
Tonawanda!!!!!!!!!!!! It is wonderful to see you here. I remember you well and always looked for your stuff. I didn’t get to see husband’s post. He is also banned now as well. Hey Wolfie, if you see someone named yzest5121 – he belongs to me.
I got the distinct impression from your husband’s post that he thinks very highly of you. Something about a Scot/Irish mentality and legal acumen, along with emotional and psychological wonderfulness. But it was many months ago, so maybe I remember the details wrong.
And it is GREAT to see you here!
He’s a keeper. This Refuge is like a terrific pub in days of olde, where everyone who walks in the door is a friend.
Love it.
“Wow, Scott and Churchmouse opened my eyes. It NEVER occurred to me that I might be banned – until I was.”

I was banned shortly after I found CTH, about 3-1/2 years ago. I was new, and I think I was getting in too many ‘debates’ with other members. They might have thought I was a troll, who knows?
After a couple weeks, I signed up again under a new screen-name (scott467 instead of scott327, IIRC). I wasn’t trying to fool anyone, I was pretty sure they would know it was me from my IP address, and if not, they would know it was me from my arguments and the way I posted soon enough, I can’t hide that for long!
I also think SD misunderstood my posts where I quoted and replied to his articles. I was accustomed to and Breitbart (and similar), where the ‘authors’ of the articles generally don’t even READ the comments section, much less reply to posts IN the comments section.
So my habit was always to reply to parts of the main article above the comments section (quoting the specific sentence or paragraph), which then other people would either agree with or debate. My way of starting a discussion or maybe just giving a different ‘take’ on something the author of the article said, without ever expecting the author to reply.
But I think SD took it (at least at first) as an attack against him personally (which it was not), or to question his authority, which it was not intended to be.
So from the outset, probably because of misunderstanding, SD was ‘bad cop’ putting me in jail (I had a few multi-day or multi-week suspensions too), and Ad-rem was ‘good cop’ always bailing me out of CTH jail, eventually
I didn’t want SD to dislike me, but after that impression was made, what could I do? I defended him plenty of times too, but there is almost never an opportunity to ‘engage’ in a back-and-forth with SD, he just pops in to either ‘agree’ with someone’s post (almost never with mine!) or ‘attack’, and then he’s gone again.
As a result, I was always aware that I was on thin ice, and every post could be my last. After awhile, you get accustomed to living on that edge — because that’s where you happen to be, all the time
“He’s a keeper. This Refuge is like a terrific pub in days of olde, where everyone who walks in the door is a friend.
Love it. ”
Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name
And they’re always glad you came
Same here! I can’t even believe this was going on around me and I was oblivious.
Exactly. I feel stupid. Like a husband was cheating and I was the last to know.
I never grovelled, and got rewarded with a new home – over here.
I like lemonade!!
Maybe this is a lemon tree. That would explain what all those yellow things are hanging from the branches.
Well, I’ll take your word for it, ChurchMouse, because you were at cth longer than I was, but I have to say I didn’t see it for a while. I learned a ton at cth and felt fairly free there to express my views, and I found many there I liked and respected, many of whom have come here. And best of all, I learned about Wolfmoon’s writings and his uniqueness from Sundance. I think the atmosphere at CTH definitely changed.
Wolfmoon is a breath of fresh air. I like the way he thinks!
Like you, I, too, learned a lot at CTH, but in more than one respect, those days are over — and not just for us.
Over There is quickly going nowhere.
churchmouse, you are probably right. I think it’s sad but love it here and think it’s a safe and welcoming place.
“Like you, I, too, learned a lot at CTH, but in more than one respect, those days are over — and not just for us.
Over There is quickly going nowhere.”
I learned a lot there too, things like the ‘Uni-Party’ and ‘controlled opposition’, ‘flak and countermeasures’, all of which helped make sense out of the intentional chaos and insanity of the corrupt GOPe.
In the last few days before I was banned, when the attacks were getting worse, I replied a few times by making the observation that many people were going way out on the ‘attack Q’ limb without any solid foundation… how would they ever get back if they were wrong?
We can’t KNOW for certain, one way or the other, and many of the people who attack Q also admit (when pressed) that they have spent very little time examining the Q board. SD’s comments revealed that he has not spent much time examining the evidence either.
So in the last couple days before getting banned, several of my posts were variations of ‘I acknowledge the possibility that I could be wrong, and if it turns out that I am wrong, I will be disappointed, but I’m not out there at the end of a limb, sawing it off behind me. What happens if it turns out that you are wrong about Q? How do you ever get back?’
Where is the foresight? Why have so many locked themselves into a ‘position’ which they cannot prove, and if it turns out they are wrong, they can never ‘take it back’?
When you have mistreated those who are ON YOUR OWN SIDE, because you disagree with them over something you CANNOT prove one way or the other (until DJT confirms or denies it), what happens IF it turns out that you were wrong?
Not only did nobody have an answer for that, but once the snowball was rolling downhill, that question didn’t even slow them down. Apparently none of the Q-haters cared or even considered the possibility that they could be wrong, or the consequences to themselves, if they turn out to be wrong.
And it’s one thing for people posting in the comments section to put themselves in that position, but why would SD put himself in that position?
To what end?
What’s the payoff?
Even if he’s right, he loses a percentage of his membership, including at least some good people and longtime supporters, essentially over nothing. Not that ‘Q’ is nothing, but when I asked, none of the Q-haters could tell me what would have CHANGED for the better if ‘Q’ didn’t exist.
And if he’s wrong about ‘Q’, how is that different than Frank Luntz (or many like him) being completely wrong about the 2016 election? How do you live that down, or ever get your credibility back?
It’s a lose-lose proposition.
Why stake out such a position, so adamantly, without conclusive evidence, putting your own credibility and many longtime ‘relationships’ on the line (and subsequently ending them with mean-spirited personal attacks and/or banishment), over something you can’t prove and could very well end up being wrong about?
What makes an intelligent, accomplished, usually circumspect and thoughtful individual with a reputation established over many years of effort do something like that? By risking it all on something he can’t prove and (going by several revealing comments) doesn’t really understand and hasn’t spent much time even trying to understand?
How do you get your reputation back, if you give the finger to everyone you disagree with, and it turns out you were wrong?
(and even if it turns out you were right, was that the proper way to handle it?)
But I also pointed out something else.
Something much deeper.
The information about ‘Q’ is out there for everyone to examine, and ‘Q’ encourages everyone to do their own research, to think for themselves, and to reach their own conclusions.
When I would ask, most of those who attack ‘Q’ have conceded that they haven’t spent much time reading the Q posts or trying to understand them.
This seems very dangerous, intellectually — psychologically — to take such a strong and irreversible stance against something you cannot prove and haven’t even examined.
If it turns that I am wrong about Q, I’ll be disappointed, and extremely interested to understand the deception and how they pulled it off — but I didn’t bet the farm on being ‘right’.
But if the Q-haters turn out to be wrong, if it turns out they were dead wrong about something they were so sure of that they literally drove others away out of blind intolerance for any view that was different from their own, over something they never even really examined and could not prove…
WHAT ELSE are they completely sure about, and likewise completely WRONG about?
Imagine how unsettling that would be. How will they ever be able to trust their own judgment, about anything — if they could be so wrong about something that was right in front of them, practically begging them to examine it?
What other assumptions have they made, what other judgments have they made — e.g., about their worldview, about their religious beliefs — what else are they completely sure about, and completely wrong about?
That is going to be a tough pill to swallow, if it comes to pass.
And for what?
It didn’t need to be this way…
Scott, I cannot tell you how much I agree with every point you have raised in your comment.
Consider it ‘liked’ x 1000.
If someone says Q is wrong, then, regardless of the truth (hypothetically, Q says the sky is blue and they deny it), they will look like fools.
My hypothesis is that many of the Q critics come from authoritarian families who brook no disagreement within the home.
There were a lot of comments Over There from people (whom I suspect were brought up in such families) about their experiences as children. I never tied those posters back to their Q leanings, but it would seem that free thinkers support Q and authoritarians do not.
Authoritarians live their lives in a constant state of being unsettled. That is why they are so brittle, rigid and brutal. Because what if their ‘truth’ is not, in fact, the actual truth?
They know deep down that they cannot truly rely on false assumptions that they have turned into weak truths. Their minds are akin to a protagonist in any Twilight Zone episode.
They make up for that uncertainty by forcing their views on others by imposing a burdensome rigidity of thought.
Does this remind you of one or more people?
‘And for what?
‘It didn’t need to be this way… ‘
However, that is the only way they can save face.
Might makes right in their pathetic, little world.
No matter what size they are, or how prestigious, they are still small in the greater realm of critical thinking.
The worst part for them is that they know they are small thinkers. However, they’ve boxed themselves in. It takes a lot for them to admit they are wrong. Most authoritarians never do it. It’s too painful. It would destroy some emotionally/psychologically.
Free at last, brother.
Spot on, both churchmouse and Scott. The anger I see in almost all who oppose Q makes me think they are threatened — inexplicably to me, unless they think Q is stealing their site clicks or their fans. But the psychological insight you have presented makes sense.
I too could see that one must walk on eggshells on that site, from the beginning. I saw reasonable, non-argumentative posts by others get deleted. I saw ridicule and impatience by SD when someone naively asked a question. Scott is right; it was never a real refuge.
(If anyone is wondering, I was banned during the controversy over Milo’s comments about underage boys. And like someone here said — merely responding to those attacking you can get YOU banned instead of your attackers.)
I appreciate what you shared here on a personal level. I’ve been wrestling with legalistic relatives vs my own free thinking/truth seeking persona. Not being apologized to was a hallmark of my childhood & when someone is clearly wrong them not owning up to their error only diminishes them in other’s eyes. Thankfully it’s possible to learn bad patterns from a family of origin & through God’s grace & mercy not perpetuate those afflictions on your own kids. There but for the grace of God go we all…Blessings…
Those are difficult patterns to unlearn in future relationships.
Sounds as if you’re there, through God’s grace.
Blessings to you!
Being there is more a process of arriving, departing, reminding, forgiving, processing, hurting, hiding, healing, etc. God’s grace is sufficient (but it’s not a mind wipe)! God Bless YOU
Thank you, friend — greatly appreciated.
People who have not made that extensive journey do not understand what it is like. Most of us go through it in some way, to a much lesser extent.
To have to endure and vanquish it in all those ways, even via His grace, is emotionally exhausting, but our Saviour helps us through these trials, which He knew only too well — beyond our comprehension.
Thank you for sharing these insights too. It is quite challenging when facing the fallout of those old, ungodly words & actions as they re-emerge periodically (loved ones act in old patterned ways & I respond in kind).
On a recent trip some of those old patterns reared up & trying to vanquish those foes was beyond emotionally exhausting, especially for one who’s tried to live functionally by cauterizing those emotional pain receptors as much as possible.
In trying to get re-centered & focused more on the Lord I re-visited a recent post I’d done & found the many scriptures there to be quite refreshing & helpful in restoring my soul. You may be blessed by them too, so I’ll share the link here (I hope that’s OK)…
May God continue to bless, keep, restore, heal, renew, & revive those deep, hidden wounds of the soul, for us all. May His Peace that passes understanding guard all of our hearts & minds, in Christ Jesus!
May the good Lord bless and keep you always.
The most current Q Tree posts might prove to be helpful fora for future contributions.
Agreed…I’m making my way through the Wolf’s main posts to better understand the Q aspect of things here so will eventually get into “real” time…Blessings
Oh, I wanted to share that our conversation here was literally an answer to some of my husband’s prayers. God was/is using You to apply some of His healing balm to my soul…Blessings!
I am at a loss for words, Valerie!
I am glad to be of help to your husband, albeit indirectly.
Thank you very much for letting me know.
To God be the glory! All good things come from Him through our Lord Jesus Christ. May He bless you both, today and always.
For clarification those prayers of my husband were for me in that I’ve been the one most wrestling with family dynamic fallout from our recent trip & he was at a loss as to how to help me…our “conversation” did minister a degree of healing & helpful perspective.
Thank you for the blessings…& may they be poured back on you in a double portion!
Hopefully you’ll see a scriptural blessing above…
Thank you VERY much, indeed!
I am moved beyond words by the Scripture verse and the accompanying graphic, Valerie.
I do hope you are able to move to the current posts soon and catch up with the old ones when you can.
Your voice and your perspective would be much appreciated. You would also enjoy the current discussions involving today’s news stories.
You’ll catch up on Q in time. Right now, MAGA and 2020 are more important in the grand scheme of things.
Oh, thanks, CM, for these thoughts. I only started reading at WQTH just before the 4th of July & I’m almost in Jan. We’ll see. I haven’t been by CTH much since the holiday, nor Stella’s, so I have some catch-up reading in those areas too…but it’s been a bit of an interesting respite, & Wolf’s insights stand out so much now with some degree of the benefit of hindsight.
I’m still a Q agnostic & haven’t read at the recommended Q “explained” links some have shared yet either. I’ll probably just filter Q info here from Wolf, at least for the foreseeable future.
I’m glad the scripture & graphic touched you. I’ve often incorporated such things in my blog posts, finding them to be such a blessing to me & hoping that others might be similarly blessed if they stop by. His Word is living & powerful & sometimes a beautiful presentation seems to help that Word lodge just a bit deeper in my heart. I think some of those artistic presentations help the Word touch a different part of my soul than just the words alone. I find many of them at image searches for “scripture” & a key word, like comfort, etc, fyi.
God bless You richly…& thank you for your encouragements!
Hope you see another scriptural blessing above…
These are beautiful.
Thank you very much, Valerie!
Brilliant post from start to finish.
Good to see you, Tonawanda!
There are enough of ‘us’ here from CTH now that it’s getting harder for me to distinguish who is a recent arrival at Wolfmoon’s (like myself, about two weeks ago) and who I’m just used to seeing over at CTH.
Were you banned recently?
I left voluntarily but decidedly.
I know what you mean. It is starting to blur. I see a name and think, Wait, did they just get here, or?
Tonawanda, I’m glad to see you here as well! I respect your opinions.
Wow, another familiar name! So wonderful to see you again.
What a terrific post! I liked it so much I’m going back to reread it. You packed a lot of intelligence and wisdom in there.
Sometimes I get lucky
Interesting posts.
I’m searching for current information on the legality of the operation. In my travels, I’ve found this facinating PDF. I’m not far into it yet and I’m findings several Sun Tsu quotes……/B_0018_..
Sorry. Hope this is a better link.
Pg. 127 Planning
…”By definition, a psychological operation is the planned and
programmed use of communication media and/or other
actions to influence emotions, attitudes, and behaviors of
selected target audiences. Planning is the key to psychological
operations (random and isolated actions cannot produce
consistent results). Planning is essential for psychological
operations at all levels-from the strategic and long-range
national plan to the PSYOP annex for tactical operations at the
battalion command level.
When implemented, the plan becomes the basic instrument
and authority for the conduct of psychological operations .”…
Thank you for these posts Mary.
And it should be obvious that it is a gross violation of the Constitution and duties and purposes of government to run a psy-op against Americans, to intentionally subvert and undermine the will of the very People they were elected to serve.
Running a psy-op on the enemy in War is a legitimate tactic employed by a government to win a war on behalf of the People, ostensibly to ‘save’ one’s nation and therefore save its People.
But the only way a government can run a psy-op against their own People is if that government is at War with its own People.
And there is no way for that to be legitimate.
Not only does it turn the Constitution into confetti, it is a blatant admission and confession of tyranny.
Then how is Q in anyway legal if it is as it claims to be?
“Then how is Q in anyway legal if it is as it claims to be?”
President Trump is the lawfully elected president of the United States.
President Trump is fulfilling his Constitutional obligation to defend and protect the United States against all enemies, foreign AND domestic.
The Deep State consists of both foreign AND domestic enemies.
Q, if he is who he claims to be, is working for the president.
Q is not subverting the Constitution or the will of the People, Q’s purpose (at least one) is to alert the People to what is actually going on, to the War against the Deep State, and, in the process, to subvert and undermine (and mislead, and demoralize, and misdirect) the Deep State who are certainly reading the Q message board.
Q (if he is who he claims to be) is on the side of We the People (WWG1WGA), defending and protecting the United States and awakening many People to the War that has been waged against We the People for many decades.
The president is fighting back, it is in many ways a ‘shadow war’ taking place out of the public eye, and ‘Q’ (if Q is who he claims to be) is the president’s communication portal to We the People, going around the treasonous and complicit Deep State fake news media.
In short, Q isn’t running a psy-op against We the People, if anything, Q is giving hope and encouragement, a fighting spirit, to millions of Americans who would otherwise be quite demoralized by the state of affairs as misrepresented by American Pravda / Deep State Media (mainstream media).
Is it not the Deep State, and their propaganda arm (mainstream media) who is running multiple psy-ops against We the People, all the time, without opposition?
Is Q not the first psy-op being run by the ‘white hats’ in this undeclared War on America, against the Deep State?
If ‘Q’ is who he/they claim to be, what ‘Q’ is doing is not ‘illegal’, what ‘Q’ is doing is long overdue and probably just in the nick of time.
The reason the Deep State has been successful is because they have infiltrated and corrupted our government, done everything possible to eliminate OUR ability to remove them from government, protected and enriched themselves in every way possible, and made themselves above the Law.
Now, for the first time (probably) in my lifetime, we have a white hat as president, on the INSIDE, in the most powerful position of government, and if Q is to be believed, the president is systematically eliminating the corrupt Deep State from our government — and much more, he is destroying their entire global crime organization.
And he’s winning.
And what would most of us (We the People) know about ANY of it (or at least MOST of it), if not for Q?
If there is one persistent criticism I have, it is that the president doesn’t need to fight this battle in secret, and it would seem to be much better to inform and enlist the American People in this effort.
So long as it remains a ‘shadow war’, we could lose, and the majority would remain sound asleep.
If the president informed the nation (and the world), if everybody was ‘awakened’ to the reality of what is happening, the Deep State would be exposed to the direct examination of the American People — all 300+ million of us (and billions around the world) would be looking directly at these exposed cockroaches — and at that point, the ‘game’ (and the war) is OVER.
Because every last one of ‘them’, once exposed (name, photograph, home address) would be running for his or her life.
Nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide — anywhere in the world.
Ironically, they would need turn to DJT for protection, or take their own lives.
That is what happens if DJT goes ‘total exposure’ on the Deep State.
And I think the only reason he hasn’t, or at least one major reason he hasn’t, is because he is trying to prevent ‘civil unrest’.
From the outset, I have thought that fears of ‘civil unrest’ are greatly exaggerated.
But DJT is in the driver’s seat, and he has access to lots of information I don’t, so I’ll trust DJT until or unless I have reason not to — which I don’t expect to happen.
Like ^
MaryMorse, so glad you are here. Nice to meet you.
likewise, Zoe
Wolfie. I love your post. I have been under the weather the last day or two so I haven’t been keeping up as much as I normally do, so if you nuked someone and I missed it DANG is all I can say!!!
I was insulted and attacked a couple of times over there, but here’s the deal. I don’t even recall who they were because ultimately it was kind of meaningless, you know? It isn’t easy to communicate on a blog. All you have are the words and some people are really awful with words. And some people are just mean. But I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, or if they are clearly being azzhats well I do keep a shovel at hand for self defense.
It is the “nothing will ever change” let’s all just go jump off a skyscraper because we are doomed people that wear me down, and I was hurt and angry to read comments after The Great Q Purge where people were just capering in glee over getting rid of those horrible Q people and their stupid Q blah blah. It was hateful and it made me think so much less of some people that I really enjoyed.
Anyway, if I think of someone truly awful that hasn’t already been named I’ll let you know. For the most part I live and let live, and those folks that I had enjoyed who joined in with such joy on the bashing of Q Deplorables well, I guess they woudn’t want to be here with those of us who enjoy reading about Q so I wouldn’t be likely to wish they were here.
Not that you need it, but you have my blessings to handle this as you see fit. It’s your place, and I’m just happy to be here.
Thank you, Sylvia! Great thoughts, and I’ll take them into my consideration moving forward.
Hope you feel better soon, Sylvia!
Thanks! I think it is just a cold, but I feel pretty miserable. Such an inconvenient time of year to be feeling ill and tired. Grrr.
Colds are the worst.
And they inevitably manifest at the worst possible times!
Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling poorly, Syl…hope you get to feeling better real soon.
TY Wheatie.
Sylvia, I found Q in the spring and started paying attention to it. As time went on, I found other blogs and videos discussing Q. Then I found 8 chan. The things I have asked people who get upset about Q are why are they upset about Q:
1 asking questions
2 telling people to think for themselves
3 providing open-source links to bring focus to our history or a topic
4 providing a venue for people to express their own opinions and use their own talents to dig for more information about a topic or to rethink commonly held beliefs
None of the Q haters have ever answered these questions.
Q has never once told me to think or believe any particular thing. Q just asks questions and exposes paradoxes. I look at the evidence and make up my own mind. I have the freedom to keep looking until I have clarity about what I believe and why I believe it. The TRUTH does set us free.
We are living in an environment where we have been victims of deliberate propaganda and mind control techniques all of our lives. We are under constant indoctrination by the news, TV shows, music industry, movies, books, magazines, schools, churches, employers and government leaders to think according to their plan, keep our mouths shut and stay in our box.
President Trump came along and started taking our rights back in a very public way during the debates, tweets and rallies. He said shocking things such as: our country has to have borders, we have a Bill of Rights and Freedom of Speech is #1, we are taking our country back, we are allowed to think, to believe, and to speak freely, we have a right to bear arms, to defend ourselves, we need a strong police and military, people should be judged on their merit and not their skin color or gender, we are allowed to believe in God and to celebrate Christmas, we must have laws and rules to live by…. The list goes on.
When I was young, these things were a given. As the Communists took over our country, they gradually took away our rights, our language, our ability to support ourselves and enjoy the fruits of our labor. Taking our country back will actually happen much faster than people realize. These are the things that inspire our hearts and minds and set us free to grow, explore and excel.
The fact that everybody does it or thinks it does not make it true. The more they tell me I can’t question their right to enslave me, the more questions I will ask. Q = Question A= Answer. Truth is always the correct answer to any question. Freedom is always the result.
Some people take things like “Trust Sessions”, “Trust the Plan”, “Expand your Thinking” as orders telling them what to think. I have never taken them that way. To me these are just reassurances when we are under heavy attack. It is like saying, “Take a deep breath, stay calm, relax, don’t worry, you’ll be okay.” I find it interesting that these statements always make me ask the questions “How can I?” or “Why should I?” and my thinking expands.
Thank you, Elizabeth.
I don’t believe 100% of everything Q says, but I take on board much of it and hope for the best.
Exactly. And we shouldn’t take everything Q says as gospel, simply because we know that some of it is disinformation to confuse and distract the Deep State cabal.
Thank you!
What a wonderful post! Thanks for writing such a thoughtful bit of insight.
One thing I have learned about Q in just the last couple of weeks–a lot of the sheer nuttery I associated with him in fact came from certain of his followers and self-appointed interpreters.
That is a definite danger. Every last wacko theory came out in the last year on the boards.
Separating the two – the ORIGINAL source, from the glommies – is essential to an objective perspective.
I go the the Q-posts themselves, first; and then, to the autists on 8-chan for Q-sanctioned interpretations.
The 8-chan boards, though, have a very high noise-to-signal ratio, and are infested by clowns (Clowns In America, the capital letters), so one has to go through a good bit of the allowed comments (~700 per date) by the Anons to suss out the “Notable” ones.
Thankfully, there are “bakers” there, who highlight those “notable” comments, which eases the burden of separating the wheat from the chaff.
Btw, there’s very little that the third-tier posters (PM, Stroppy Me, Boiling Frog (sp?), Neon Revolt, et al.) can add to the understanding, but every once in a while they pick up on something the 8-chans haven’t covered.
In re the 8-chans – DON’T POST. It ain’t a “chat” room! Just read! (They say “lurk moar”.) It’s ok to click on jpg or png pictures (click-on to expand, click-off to reduce), but avoid the mp4 or YT videos.
Anything that Q posts themselves – good to click on, whether articles or pictures or videos.
Rules of the Road!
Safe travels …
There are fake-Q interpretations for sure. I always go to the source first, then examine trusted interpreters’ interpretations, after which I keep an open mind! Sometimes things that sound like one thing turn out to be something else, so any sort of rigid mindset is unhelpful.
I enjoy Praying Medic’s take on things as he is very down to earth and is not afraid to say, “I don’t know what this means.”
I found the conversation here last night very helpful, actually.
Oh and at the very end, you may have hit on the reason he picked the letter Q.
ElizabethCarter, I cannot even adequately express how much I love your post—I will be reading it over again and again–and again. You apparently ready my mind, especially the part about how the tings you mentioned used to be a given, and I, too, think we are taking our country back. Thank you, sister.
singularZoe, God Bless You sister. God is Blessing us all on this journey.
Thank you, Elizabeth, my sister in the Lord. Would you believe I tried to email that post of yours to myself and it didn’t work–I have done that before with some things. I do not know how to copy and paste. Well, anyway, just appreciate you a lot. I have two other good Christian friends named Elizabeth, one in Britain whom I visited.
” I do not know how to copy and paste. ”
Perhaps someone else has shown you how before…I’m no expert but these 2 techniques work for me using a computer & a mouse.
Using a mouse, hold down the left-click button & drag it across all that you want to copy. Right-click on that highlighted material & from the drop down menu choose “copy”. Move your cursor to where you want to paste the material & then right-click on “paste” from the drop down menu.
Alternatively, after highlighting the material you want to copy, use the computer keys “ctrl” & “C” to copy & after moving the cursor to where you want to paste material, use the computer keys “ctrl” & “V” to paste.
Hope this helps make your life easier. Oh a bonus–use the computer keys “ctrl” & “F” to create a search function on the page you are viewing, which can make finding something much easier…Blessings!
Thank you, Valerie. Being blind, I use the keyboard rather than the mouse. Now maybe if I learn how to hilight, I can figure this out. I will work on that. Lol.
Wow, Zoe, what a champion & overcomer you are!!! God Bless YOU
Thank you, Valerie.
I could not agree MORE — in every way — sentence by sentence
Great post.
Excellent post! Thank you for this….
Hope you feel better, Sylvia. I really agree with you. If I think someone is a troll or just really demoralizing (I’m thinking of Oldschool) I just hope over their post, because I know it will be the same old thing over and over again.) IIt’s not that I won’t read those who disagree with me if they have something constructive to say and they are respectful.
Yup, to your section on confronting the idea.
Leftist’s resort to name calling, generally very early on in the “discussion”. That is always a sign that you have won an argument – when the name calling starts.
The TH provides a safe haven for name calling in place of offering ideas – this is what I pointed our several times when things went gout out of hand.
What does this say about the TH – if it tacitly endorses leftist tactics?
Oops – this was in reply to Scott.
“The TH provides a safe haven for name calling in place of offering ideas – this is what I pointed our several times when things went gout out of hand.”
Yes, I noticed more and more that open attacks against those who were at least open-minded about Q were allowed to stand without comment from ad-rem or anyone else in a position of authority.
It appeared to be a direct violation of CTH rules, and I said so at least once, but it didn’t matter.
It appeared to be a very conscious decision to allow personal attacks against anyone who talked about Q. And when there was no penalty for engaging in personal attacks, the people who were predisposed to that behavior picked up very quickly on the tacit permission to attack.
They were clearly emboldened by the absence of any correction from the management. Whoever was in charge at that point gave the attackers the ‘green light’ (and I pointed that out, using the term ‘green light’ several times), and others who normally would have held their peace were influenced to join in the pile-on.
It reminded me of Mrs. Graham, in Kindergarten. There was a group of us (at least 9 or 10 kids) going after a Hot Wheel on the floor, it was a scramble, like football players fighting over a fumble. Mrs. Graham picked me up roughly from the pile, set me down, put her hands on her hips, and scolded me.
While the other kids were still fighting over the Hot Wheel…
So I asked her what any normal 5-year old would ask… Everybody else is trying to get that Hot Wheel, why did you single me out?!?
And she said, if everybody else jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge, would you jump too?
I wasn’t prepared to have my question answered with a question, and I didn’t have a good comeback to that question… I was only 5 (or 6?) years old, and I had never heard of the Brooklyn Bridge, so I didn’t know if it was a trick question or something else (I knew about the ‘Who is buried in Grant’s Tomb’ trick question, and I got that one right the first time
But I did know, from her demeanor if nothing else, that the ‘correct’ answer to her question was ‘No’, so I said “No” and went back to my desk.
But I was still angry about having been unfairly singled out.
Apparently it made an impression on me…
We learn in the most unexpected places and times

You owe her a thanks, since she clearly expected more of you than the other kids
The green light on name calling preceded Q, to the Sessions and RR wars – so it has been in place for a while.
I actually had a teacher tell me that one time when they were singling me out–I was better than them, don’t be like them. That was an after-class dressdown. That at least was a *reason* for it, instead of what scott467 got, but maybe it made a difference that this was eighth grade not kindergarten.
And I was just about to point out that Sessions was another green light…but you beat me to it.
A bit of useful information here……..Beware of the TRAP!
Always beware of someone answering your question with their own question……
INSIST on an answer to your question before answering theirs.
They are probably covering their GUILT or Ignorance of the topic being questioned.
rayzorbak, Thanks for the good advice.
You are very welcome.
I wasn’t a poster at CTH, but a regular reader of articles and comments who was driven off by what you describe. Concern trolls and black pillers are everywhere now it seems, along with various other provocateurs. If you want a community, you’re right to move against them.
W – as an experienced “FO” I’ll report what I see (observe) up ahead and report back to (your) FDC.
A really good video on dew weapons and how to spot it when you see it.
Laser based Firenado Examples ~’ Dewing’ the Crop Circles
zoontexas, Thanks for the link. I will watch it later. This is one of those things that is going on right in front of us that most people never notice, i.e. chemtrails. If I say the chemtrails are bad today they just look confused and when I point to the sky, they still look confused. I just let it go.
I read a discussion of NPC’s and they said one way you can recognize an NPC is if you say something outside of their programming, they just draw a blank, can pull up no response and walk away.
I would probably react that way if someone struck me as “too crazy to be worth engaging.” So it’s possible, even likely, that that’s what they are thinking about you, particularly since chemtrails has been thoroughly associated with “tin foil hats” in the mainstream media. It’s not that they have no answer, it’s that they think you are beyond the reach of reason.
My daughter and I observe the chemtrails daily, and your right ,if I point them out to my hubby he gives me the OMG put down the joint look. very frustrating. I learned about chemtrails from Jeff Rense many years ago and as usual friends and fam thought I had lost my mind once again. people are so asleep it scares me , Q is right when truth comes out most people will lose there minds. disclaimer, I do not smoke pot! lol
What’s really scary is the number of people who don’t want to wake up. They actively resist it. And they aren’t stupid, just very dead set against anything that isn’t “approved” truth.
“They actively resist it.”
I think the answer is actually exceedingly simple.
They’re SCARED.
Oh Emeraldstar, you just brought out something I learned long ago but have not before reading your post applied to all the resistance showing up daily as anger. Duh…”they’re scared”. Well, of course because fear is best masked by anger. When one is weak, they will outdo themselves to appear strong. Anger can be especially deceitful, too especially in instances when anger makes no sense.
“Duh …”
Thanks for that! I’m glad that I was able to give some insight. When it’s so simple, it’s often true.
I think it works for worried politicians, for worried executives, for worried “journo-actors” … and even for the leadership of the cabal (the Redshields / bankers, et al). They have been SPURRED, by fear, into action.
The very fact that they’re bleating so vociferously, and so often, means that our VSGPDJT is an existential threat to them.
We’re on the right track!
It is far easier to seek to be believed than to seek the truth.
Haha I live with one of those. My wife thinks my tin foil hat is thicker than anyone else’s tin foil hat.
it’s a heavy burden we carry zoontexas
critical thinking and observation and causation factors are just far too much trouble for most people to go through on a daily basis. as long as their interwebs are still flowing and their phones are beep beeping they are all set. don’t ask don’t tell. and do not upset their apple cart.
Sue, Just so you understand, Pot is mainstream. Chemtrails are not. LOL
Sue and Elizabeth and others, I think it is easier for those who are older to realize how different the sky looks now so often due to chemtrails. I mean, I cannot see it now, but I am told this by some of my friends, but younger people are used to it and do not remember when it was different. What say you?
I agree about the younger ones.
I know a lot of older ones who have never noticed them either and they should remember the sky before the chemtrails.
I find it amusing that in movies that are representing times long before airplanes were invented there will be chemtrails in the sky. People don’t even notice so they must assume the chemtrails are some sort of cloud formation that has always been here.
Well, that seems to blow up my idea that chemtrails are a relatively recent phenomenon. I need to study them more, the history and causes.
Hey ZT, I know you are a little off topic, but I’d love to discuss if you post again in the daily thread.
One of the downsides of being a morning person is missing out on these late night discussions while they are in progress. [Big sigh] Now that I’m awake, though….
Generally, I echo the sentiments of a number of people posting in this thread, but most especially Churchmouse.
One of the things that kept me from commenting a lot over at CTH was SD’s lack of tolerance for questioning his authority on any one subject. By his own admission, SD is an actuary, a numbers wonk. His articles on the economy, the difference between Wall Street and Main Street, and how a second banking system was being set up using Glass-Steagall as a model were very valuable to me. The information was well thought out, and explained. The splinter strategy info was gold. It explained a lot. It was the concept that maybe what we saw on the surface wasn’t the whole story that SD just would not admit (publicly anyway) could be happening, especially when it came to China and North Korea. He staked out his position, and Q kept hinting that wasn’t what was going on at all. SD admitting he was wrong on that, or anything else, would undermine his authority and damage the brand.
Just sayin’ that’s the impression I got.
And that’s what I found annoying about the SD worship that was getting really hot and heavy toward the end of my time there. (I don’t know that I’ve been banned. I haven’t been back to give it a try.) If one disagreed, and explained why one disagreed, especially to concepts that were and still are theoretical, one was shouted down. That’s the MO of the medical establishment when ideas like vaccines cause autism, and wearing tight bras cause breast cancer are posited. They don’t disprove the theory, “experts” just shout down the person doing the questioning.
And that is now accepted social behavior, but that is another matter altogether.
What SD and various other pundits and keyboard jockeys do not seem to get is that with every banning of discussion mentioning Q (it’s usually better to talk about the concepts without naming the anon), the enigma gains veracity. When Reddit nuked The Great Awakening, it was a confirmation of sorts. Q is getting people to ask questions about what we see and hear and the narrative as presented by the mainstream media. Can’t have that.
As for the posters I found the most annoying (and would scroll past) Howie is at the top of the list. There were others that I can’t think of off the top of my head, but I seem to remember a Covfefe999 or something like that who was a pretty hot and heavy Q denier, Sessions hater, etc.
Those I would like to see here who haven’t arrived already…Lady Penguin, G.Combs, and I think it was Black Knight Rides who had great, well thought out posts, that were Q-esque in the overall thoughts. The other poster who appeared from time to time and was a Q cheerleader (and I suspect sent to CTH for that purpose by the team as a helper) was Cozette. I have my doubts she will ever resurface, though. I’m quite positive she was banned before the Q story/post discussion that may well have been used to rout out who was a supporter and who wasn’t.
As for the CTH, it used to be my first stop in the morning, the presidential thread. By the time I got there, the news of the day would be under discussion. That did change in the last few months now that I think about it. There was a lot more BS going on than actual discussion. Instead, now I come here. CTH dust is gone from my proverbial sandals.
I must say, Wolf, thanks for the Stasi technique explanation above. That’s one mind control method I had not known to watch for.
Thank you very much, Deplorable Patriot — much appreciated.
Your analysis is excellent, especially as it focusses on human behaviour with regard to Q and CTH.
It seems the more Q talk is banned, the more it seems to confirm that Q is correct and flying over target.
You are quite welcome, and I agree with your thoughts on the matter. SD is just like anyone else who takes a position as an “expert”. He is loathe to be questioned on the matter.
The other thing that I thought of after I pressed “Post Comment” was the repetitive nature SD posts were taking. Mostly on the economy, but somewhere along the line what caught my attention was the use of Shakespeare’s St. Crispin’s Day speech from Henry V. It really is a great motivator, and one of my brothers used to watch a video of it before swim meets to psych himself up, but SD kept putting it up. After a while one has to question why. And why would someone that smart ignore the reality of propaganda and have such a dependence on Fox News when he himself said it was controlled opposition.
It’s all just a puzzle. Won’t say anything more than that.
‘SD is just like anyone else who takes a position as an “expert”. He is loathe to be questioned on the matter.’ Yes x1000! I can’t figure out why. He puts himself in the position of a teacher but can’t take any critical questions or handle opposing viewpoints.
Re Fox, I don’t criticise Fox on my site, because they’re the best of a bad lot. I use a lot of their videos and articles.
This CTH thing really is a puzzle. Still, it’s been a relief to finally be able to discuss it openly. I used to think, ‘Is this just my impression or are others seeing it, too?’ I feel so much better knowing I’m not alone.
There were many little mind control games going on at the CTH and wolfmoon1776, you are so right in trying to stop it here before it starts! Because once it gets in, well it is very hard to put the proverbial genie back into the proverbial bottle!
I am sorry to say but I blame much of what happened on SD. I often felt manipulated by SD when I posted my thoughts on many things and many times he/she would chastise me when I would veer just a little off topic to make a point! Needless to say, I was taken in by his journalistic prowess but I soon realized he was grooming his site for something… I often felt he was grooming us as well because I remember reading in places on the net, and on the MSM sites that the CTH commenters were the best at researching for accurate and detailed info, and one of those MSM sites was FOX News! So the red flags went up for me! SD was molding our posts and I often felt at times we were becoming brainwashed! I had a lot of questions I could not get answered so I left the site for a while just so I could get my bearings.
When I returned to the CTH, some Treepers that I had truly liked to discuss ideas with were not around as much and many I did not know were quite vicious when posting on the site! They were dissenters, trolls or bots! My only saving grace at that time was the Churchmouse’s blog! I believe I even discussed my leaving the CTH permanently with the Churchmouse.
About me?
My name is Gladys, and I have been a volunteer for many POTUS45 projects! I worked with Trump Magazine and the Trump children during the 2016 election, and yes, no matter what you are told or read, these uber rich kids are much like their dad! They are real Americans! They were raised for this time in our country and they are very aware of what is required of them to help Make America Great Again! They all gave up so much of their lives so that their father (Dad) could work to make this country great again and they fully understand what is at stake.
I have been banned from many major (Twitter, Reddit, FB) sites for being a Deplorable, a racist antagonist, a purveyor and fabricator of fake news and so much more… and all because I posted the truth! I was being banned, if not because of my articles on the islamic terrorist in our country, then just the fact that I stated that illegals were criminals and not immigrants! I was most hated for my POTUS45 memes and materials, and yes, I was banned from FB for sharing my Q threads from the Qmap and having a discussion with likeminded Patriots!
I left my volunteer group after the midterms so I no longer have to do a lot of research or move information, but I do know this! Q is connected to the White House! What started as white hats trying to wake the public from their long-lost slumber while the world burned, Qanon moved during the great Q purge! Q is not just any Anon… (We are all Anons if we choose to be) Q knows what POTUS45 knows and visa versa!
Q+ and (Q+) ((Q++)) (((Q+++))) is the “tip of the spear” = POTUS45! And as POTUS45 quoted to VIP Anon when asked if he knew Q … “I hear they are great people”!
Sunnnydaysall, thank you for sharing your background with us AND for the great pep talk. I doubt if you meant it as a pep talk, but, it was for me anyway. Glad you’re here.
@SunnydaysAll/Gladys, what a moving and inspiring post. Love your story. Thank you. Moved more than I know how to express and thank you for your work for our country. If you ever have a chance please thank the Trump family from me and from us all. I feel such gratitude for the sacrifices they have made for such a time as this. I pray for the opportunity to give my thanks in person someday.
Wow. What an incredible story.
I’m most happy to read that I was able to provide you with a real online refuge when you needed it. Thank you very much for the mention.
I hadn’t realised everything you’d been through online, especially FB. You are the last person who should be banned from anything. Your writing skills are excellent. You are factual. You are tactful. You are a woman of faith. You are devoted to your family. To find out that all those false accusations were levelled against you as you told the truth is, well, nothing short of heartbreaking. I’m so sorry. That’s difficult to endure.
On a brighter note, I was most intrigued to read about your interactions with the Trump children and am heartened that you have confirmed our hopes and gut feelings about them, despite all the fake news.
Thanks also for confirming the identity of Q+(++). Thought so all along!
It was great to read your full testimony, of which I knew some but not all. May God’s blessings be upon you and your family today and always.
Deplorable Patriot,
I really enjoyed Cozette and the other posters you mentioned. I don’t mind that people don’t agree with me. I don’t want to live in an echo chamber. I do mind when they won’t allow me to be me and insult me to shut me up. I can handle the insults, but it changes the whole environment from a friendly discussion to one where you need to keep your armor on and be prepared to engage in battle instead of exchanging ideas.
I did not know that SD is an actuary. I learned a lot from his financial discussions. I always wondered why he measured everything in gold and never got to the real end motives or real values.
The thing I admire most about President Trump is the fact that he understands Gold better than most people ever will but more than that he understands that Gold is never the real measure of a person. God trumps Gold every time in every way. President Trump touches the hearts and minds of his supporters and the Gold worshippers can’t understand what is happening.
Even if it turned out that President Trump was just using us and was really on the other side, it still will not change who we are.
I was so happy to discover in the election of 2016 that we are all over America and that we are united by values, not money. Watching that election map turn red was one of the highlights of my life. I still watch the videos of that night with tears of joy running down my face.
We can borrow money or make money, we cannot borrow time or make time.
We cannot buy love, life, truth, integrity, health or any of the things that really matter in this life and in eternity.
“we are united by values, not money”
So true.
The way I like to put it, to those adoring money, is:
If there were no money, people would still have GREAT value.
If there were no people, money wouldn’t have ANY value.
Kinda puts the priorities in proper order …
Emerald, love that.
Kinda pithy, yes? lol
This hits several philosophical points, at least to me it does.
A “value” isn’t intrinsic; a rock isn’t valuable unless someone is there to value it, because he realizes it’s gold ore. Without a valuer, it’s just another rock. If there were no people, nothing would be of any value.
And of course, money is a tool, it facilitates trade by being a medium of exchange, and of course a tool is only useful to someone who is there to use it.
Money is a means to an end. It is in no way the measure of character or moral standing. That I totally agree.
SD got into a discussion once with someone and let it slip that he was an actuary. he described the education needed to be one, and the exams, etc.
And, yes, Americans are united by a system of living. Not all of us agree on the final details, but respect for property, the right of self defense, and self determination is all part of it.
You nailed it, Deplorable Patriot!
Self determination was one of the principal tenets of the Age of Enlightenment. The Great Republic was the most glorious outcome of that marvellous era.
Elizabeth, another wonderful post on so many levels.
As long as the Queen of Seasoned Trolls (aka OS) does not find her way here, it’s all good. There were certain posters I might have disagreed with, but they did provide valuable insight. Queen of Seasoned Trolls is just a troublemaker.
Oh, and Mr. D-rated comedian too (aka TDU_Weight).
For the most part, the majority of the Treepers I respected are here. Hopefully, other Treepers like Pam, American Georgia Grace, waltherppk, and Blade will find their way here.
I was thinking about waltherppk and his memes (really miss them) and mentioned it to my son, who replied that it’s a weapon that James Bone used (I guess I don’t get out enough
). Talk about a pen being mightier than a sword. He always had good posts.
And another poster who was a strong Sessions supporter and probably driven off, if not outright banned was “Trumppin” aka Deborah @UnTamedInSD. Saw that her handle linked to a photography site, so she’s a professional photog. Good poster, another loss for CTH. And they both left during the past year (unless they’ve changed ids or something).
The other treepers you mentioned are quite good, too. I still visit and post over there sometimes, but the atmosphere anymore is like a thick smog (thick with trolls) or outside a wafer fab when they’ve washed down the boards – all that overwhelming acetone…
Have to admit I got a tad too snarky sometimes, and I’m sorry for that. The JS roadkill (at least to me) was too much to take, especially repeated as often as it was. I think “Keebler” did an awful lot under the radar that will probably make its way out into the open, though others will likely take credit (or blame, ha) for it.
Thanks and GOD Bless, Wolfman, for this site. A refuge from the refuge so to speak…
That would be BOND, James Bond… geesh…
Great post – thanks for your thoughts!
Was Deborah the one who told those who opposed her views on the former AG to eat crow then showed photos or YouTubes of crow recipes?
Apologies in advance if I’m mistaken.
Whoever it was flew off their perch pronto when things got hot for that particular cabinet member.
People telling others to eat crow are worse than finger waggers. I’ll take finger waggers any day, and I’m not keen on them.
That is the one person over there who sticks in my mind to block as well – OS. Nothing BUT negativity! It was also very rare for OS to actually post any links or provide real insight – just bitchin’ all the time, IMO.
waltherppk!!! I just realized it has been quite some time since I saw him post on CTH and he used to post a lot. Did the ban hammer get him, too?
(I can’t get that Peter Gabriel song out of my head now. I want to be your ban hammer….)
I’m sure the posters who drove me out are the same as alot of you and fairly obvious. Its interesting how initially, especially concerning Sessions they only seemed to go after low to mid level volume posters like myself, maybe I brought it on myself trying stand my ground and prove myself. Eventually someone like FGC or Black Knight(?) would swoop in join the fray, and the dust up would fade. But soon the jackals out numbered the lions and the site turned…..guess it was like a pure democracy in a way…well, hidden underneath an autocracy.
I had pretty much gotten away from discussion group flame ups before CTH, and will resist arguing my point past 2 or 3 responses here….FWIW….WAM(which aint much)
Hi Wolf! I mean, crow. Or raven, as someone suggested.
I agree with many here. The negative, name calling, I’m right-you’re wrong posters would be bad here. I don’t like rsmith1776.
I like Black Knight Rides, cripto (although he can be sharp), G. Combs, Curry Worsham, GB Bari. I find MaineCoon interesting, but don’t know about over here.
I also agree with scott467 that, so long as the disagreement with me is respectful, thoughtful, and well-reasoned, I am good to go. Healthy debate doesn’t bother me a bit. I still read over at the CTH, even the comments. But most of the comments there now are by people whose names I don’t recognize. It is a different place.
P.S. I have, for work reasons, two WordPress accounts, and like a poster above, realized yesterday (too late) that I posted on another thread here as thetrustygenealogist! So if you see that one in moderation, it’s me. I will try not to make THAT mistake again (other mistakes, well…).
Thank you again for this wonderful site, and what you are doing.
As SD worship increased, decorum deteriorated, and insults became accepted as reasoned arguments, I stopped posting at CTH. I now visit occasionally, primarily to skim the headlines because topics are well chosen. I find I would like to go deeper on some of them, but the tenor of the discussion quickly drives me away.
I appreciate the Zeitgeist of this place.
There’s no one person who could cause me to leave, so I can’t name names quite like that. There’s a general group with the characteristics noted by many above who would eventually reduce the value of this site to zero, and that’s certainly expressed by many of the names others have mentioned. I’ll say again, though, that Howie would be a net negative here, though you seem to on balance think he wouldn’t be.
I agree with you, Steve, on Howie.
Yes, the defeatist, “nothing will ever change” people are the worst. Just LOOK at how much HAS changed since we elected PDJT. Did we ever think it would be so good, and with such fierce opposition?
The commenters who so easily post advice to the President, casually from the sidelines, and think they know best… you know, the graduates of the Bill Kristol School of Social Media. They are the people who do harm without consciousness. They assist the trolls.
The drive-by Eeyores are the worst. They contribute nothing and demoralize posters who were positive and optimistic. They are also passive-aggressive, in that they’ll make their snippy comments but turn around and cry foul when they are called out.
“The commenters who so easily post advice to the President, casually from the sidelines, and think they know best… you know, the graduates of the Bill Kristol School of Social Media. They are the people who do harm without consciousness. They assist the trolls.”
According to an older poster named R-C, those are the dreaded “Needstas”. Trump needsta do this, Trump needsta do that. They’re just as bad as the embedded trolls.
*who are positive and optimistic* (Ugh, need stronger coffee this morning)
What I can’t understand, CTH posters always made mincemeat out of the trolls. Honestly, it’s one of the first things I remember about CTH and it was highly impressive. I recall trying to emulate their attitude/answers in other social forums because CTH posters were SO effective against the trolls. Weird that CTH would lose their sparkle and be taken down by trolls, eh?
That’s also my recollection of the old CTH regarding trolls. Compared to other forums, CTH was very effective in repelling trolls. To see the transformation now is truly sad. I’m not sure if the mid-term elections was the tipping point or if the transformation was in the making for quite some time.
Funny, you comment brought back something I would post when I really had had enough of some, especially the “new” posters. I went something like this,
“Your concern is noted. Oh, Mr. Bluto, we have another entry for your Concern Journal. And, BTW, [poster name] he’ll never get to 270.”
Good times.
Always made me smile to read that!!! And it was encouraging to me, too, if I was feeling bad after reading the troll post.
I know. And then suddenly the people being attacked were the people trying to deal with the trolls. ” It’s a mixed up world, a shook up world…”
“It’s a mixed up world, a shook up world…”
Except for Lola
L-O-L-A Lola……
Y-O-D-A Yoda… (from Weird Al Yankovic)
OKAY, now I have to make a trip over to You Tube to see this!!!
Here’s Weird Al at the Greek Theatre in LA doing Yoda, Star Wars-the Saga Begins, and some other stuff in 2015. I read that Don Mclean’s children wanted him to sing Al’s lyrics to American Pie, and that sometimes he’d almost get mixed up
Great Stuff!
(I can rembmber when Weird Al was on the Dr. Demento show with “Another One Rides The Bus” [which really hit home, being in LA and having to put up with Rancid Transit, aka RTD])).
“Like A Surgeon” is also a great tune, especially to wind up relatives/soon-to-be-former-friends in the medical professios…
I loved his eBay song. Hilarious.
Not forgetting “Craig’s List”, “I’ll Sue Ya”, “Dare tp Be Stupid” (from “UHF”), and the wonderful, cheerful thanks to D-Major key “Weasel Stomping Day”…
Then “Eat It” and “Fat” (parodies of “Beat It” and “Fat”), as well as “I Love Rocky Road”…
(I can see it now: Dinner time at the Yankovics
Oops. “Dare To Be Stupid”, and “Beat It” and “Bad” (from his album, “Even Worse”)…
“The drive-by Eeyores are the worst. They contribute nothing”
One poster who sticks out in my mind is that sniper “Avi”. Never sourced an article, never contributed positively.
Yet, he was allowed to post at whim – even well before the mid-terms.
A different type of embed, IMO, was/is the poster “DumpRoll2” (not the exact name, of course). Seemingly a non-American (perhaps a Brit in NZ), he submitted very witty, very clever posts.
Problem is, though, he often commandeered the threads, replying to almost everyone; and, not only was he virulently anti-Q (and anti-AG Sessions, IIRC), but also he “outed” himself by advocating for an abridgment of Free Speech. He never responded to my (strong) reply against his position.
It seemed to me that he was establishing a rapport, and gaining likes, but then he showed his true colors. Anti-American.
I know that churchmouse said that the guy would be a great addition here, but I have to disagree. Sorry church! I know your heart’s in the right place! But I see that guy as BAD NEWS, a stealthy psy-op shill.
“A different type of embed, IMO, was/is the poster “DumpRoll2” (not the exact name, of course). Seemingly a non-American (perhaps a Brit in NZ), he submitted very witty, very clever posts.”
I am very familiar with that suspected embed. Ironically, said embed DID come to mind when I was thinking of possible troublemakers; I just thought it might have been an overreach, on my part. He’s a little sneakier than Queen of the Embedded Trolls, in that he doesn’t express his “concerns” non-stop. Unless you follow his patterns closely, I can see how he is able to stay under the radar.
Avi is the worst of the worst. Also, very true about the NZ person.
Sneaky Pete gets a dishonorable mention, too…
I hate to comment on this one, since just thinking about Avi makes me feel horrible but he/she actually suggested the other day (or could have been earlier today) at ‘the other place’ to lethally end another person’s life. Just because they don’t agree with them…. And as far as I know “Avi” is not banned.
Prairie, that gives me the shivers.
That’s okay, Emeraldstar. You have now convinced me he would not be right for the Q Tree.
Thank you for the well-reasoned argument against.
I don’t think R2 is anti-American at all. He (like a few of us at CTH, not all of whom are necessarily here) got fed up with a certain cabinet member and saw nearly two years lost not only in effort but also in taxpayers’ money.
Pronlem is, without a conservative, constitutionalist judiciary to try said criminals, especially in the cases of sedition and treason, likely both capital offenses and therefore certain to be challenged clear to the Supreme Court, the likelihood of convictions being made and sticking is rather less than 100$, indeed more like 30-40%. VSGPDJT has filled a lot of vacancies and replaved a lot of the activist deadwood. Here’s hoping and praying the DEMONcRATs are thwarted from here on out.
The activist judges of the Øbozo years and prior need to be replaced; and have been. And said cabinet member had been aggressive in removing MS-13 and other illegal immigrant detritus, along with putting a major dent in human trafficking, many of such cases likely being run through secret grand jurries due to the explosive nature of the crimes (tragic, I know – the victims are afforded no such protection).
R2, though often funny, sowed a lot of pessimism (I’m watching a thread now where that’s happening (Jim Jordan thread), and almost every red flag mentioned here has been hit. Termites in the treehouse.
Perhaps it is best for the two of us to agree to disagree on the former AG.
I can think of so many things he neglected. His sins of omission have left Trump associates ruined for life. I would extend that to the breakdown of Don Jr’s marriage. He did not care one iota.
Cuppa Covfefe, I totally agree with you. No one could have done what so many people wanted and demanded happen at once on Day One, and those who don’t understand WHY have suffered much frustration. Yet imagine their horror and the gnashing of teeth had all the Bad Guys been swooped up in early arrests only to escape justice, one by one, unable to be charged again, as they were released by “progressive” judges.
Sessions did much that was necessary in setting up what can happen now, but it did not play out on television screens across the nation and many think nothing happened at all. I hope one day his contribution to the MAGA Team will be made clear. Same for those White Hats masquerading as Black Hats who are risking all by working deep in the Swamp. There is much going on beneath the surface.
And churchmouse, you are entitled to your opinion and have a good reason for it which you state and I cannot fault you for that.
For me, the dividing line is having an honest disagreement with someone (and BTW I’m not at all sure I even disagree with you on this particular position) and having someone clutter up every darned thread with gratuitous shots against that person or anyone who ever supported that person. Stuff like that. I find that highly annoying.
For example, a thread is talking about climate change and suddenly someone interjects with a post that goes, “yeah that climate change thing is annoying but not NEARLY as annoying as all the pro Sessions shills. So glad they can shut up and go away now! Notice we don’t here from any of them anymore! HA, ha! Gone home to suck their thumbs. Butt hurt babies.”
I swear I have read a variation on that post a hundred times, and you can substitute any number of names for Sessions: Bannon, Roy Moore, Q….
Anyway, I’m glad you are here CM. I enjoy your posts and your thoughts whether I agree or not. Bless you.
Thank you, friend.
I’m delighted that you are here, too. I enjoyed your comments on CTH, so am glad to read your latest insights here.
We can agree to disagree with no animosity.
May God bless you, too, Sylvia.
“We can agree to disagree with no animosity.”
And that feels really good to me. That is something to be treasured in this day and age.
That’s the way it used to be in more sensible times — often called ‘the old days’.
Agreed on Avi. Shudder.
Also agreed on DumpRoll2. Clever posts often, but I learned to steer clear of him. After watching him awhile I strongly suspected he was an embedded troll. And then he’d make a few good comments and I’d think I was wrong. But I suppose that is the essence of a skilled embedded troll.
Yes, exactly, Syl.
That *is* the essence of a skilled embedded troll.
I once asked the DumpsterRoll2 if he “even liked Pres Trump”…since he never posted anything positive about him.
And Oh!
That really set him off…he accused me of “nagging” and called me names.
I remained calm and simply replied with the same question:
“Do you even like PTrump?”
More name-calling and blustering.
Dumpy’s little thrall, Molly, joined in.
Then AdRm intervened…and chastised me!
Then, that whole exchange was deleted.
Similar thing happened when A2 responded to one of Dumpy’s replies.
They got into it…Dumpy showed his butt again.
And AdRm came to the rescue, took Dumpy’s side.
Then deleted the whole thing.
I replied to A2 in a subsequent comment of his on something else.
My comment was simply that I had seen all that…and I agreed.
Then, right on que…Adrm chastised me for doing that.
Oh, and Dumpy made a concerted effort to post some ‘positive’ things about PDJT after I had questioned him about it.
I am convinced that he’s a Demoralization and Despair troll.
Without being aware of all that, I had really strong suspicions as to his motives. Now, I don’t see how there can be any doubt.
What really frosts me is Ad Rem sticking up for him like that. I find that pretty shocking.
Dumpy is her pet.
She has made that very clear.
Gotta admit, I’m rather pleased that my nickname seems to have stuck … hehe!
Remember the song “Fish Heads”?
Rum-Pole, Dump-Roll
Rumpy-Dumpy Rum-Pole
Rum-Pole, Dump-Roll
Mock him up … SOME!
It’s late …
Love it.
And yes, I remember “Fish Heads”.
Thanks for that…and thanks for the nickname!
Oh gosh. Now I’m getting a Dr. Demento rush. “Fish Heads”, “Shaving Cream”, “The Cockroach That Ate Cincinnati”, “Another One Rides The Bus”, and a bunch of other, erm, odd hits….
Just the mention of Bill Kristol gets my dander up. I do get a bit irritated on CTH that one can Never say the least small thing critical of Pres. Trump, and I mean the mildest thing, maybe it’s different over there now, but felt there was a childish defensiveness, and if anything was ever said people were labelled Trump-bashers or tTrump-haters and dismissed as trolls.
On one hand, I do understand what you are saying, Zoe – there are aspects of our VSG that make me grind my teeth (no-one on this earth is perfect) but it is more style than anything else. As for being critical of PDJT, don’t you think there are already enough people out there taking care of criticizing him? Do we, his supporters, also need to jump on that bandwagon? Not IMO. How can anyone on any of these boards possibly consider themselves to be smarter than him? To have a better understanding of what is on-going behind the scenes better than him? To have a better “plan” than him? I TRULY believe to the depths of my soul – HE IS OUR LAST CHANCE!
I agree, Nebraska Filly.
Well, you know I really agree with you, and it’s really mostly about style, but for example, in the new USMCA treaty there are protections built in for sexual orientation and gender identity, and Pres. Trump is to sign it on Friday, and I believe this language needs to be stripped out.
We can’t all get what we want. I would prefer the same but it won’t happen. It is what it is. IMO, some battles aren’t worth the damage that would arise.
“IMO some battles aren’t worth the damage that would arise.” We are all answerable to the Lord. It’s not about what I want. Have to ask, not worth what damage? And I think the damage this could do to our society is terrible. It’s just plain wrong.
This is MY opinion ONLY: Being answerable to the Lord is a personal issue, and has no place within political governance. The US is not a political theocracy and I get decidedly irritated at far too many people who like to think it should be. NO-ONE should want that, IMO.
Just to clarify, I do not want a theocracy, either. Neither do I want to get rid of laws against murder or theft. Anyway, difference on one issue.
Just to clarify – that was not directed specifically at you, Zoe – just in general. I will be one of the first to acknowledge that the US was founded on basic Christian principles – no doubt about that. But I get VERY uncomfortable when it comes to mixing religion and government – ANY religion.
Well, Nebraska, just glad you are here at the qtree. You contribute a lot and I enjoy your posts.
Same to you, Zoe.
Agree that PDJT is not only America’s — but also Western Civilisation’s — last chance.
That said, the President is also only human. If someone wants to criticise a minor point re PDJT, that shouldn’t be a problem. However, when someone says they want to throw in the towel, that can — for some readers — be demoralising. Should that comment be censored? No, but people should pile in on it and rationally state why President Trump is America’s and the world’s best hope for survival.
I do agree with singularZoe. People should be able to criticise as and when appropriate. Otherwise, we enter an FDR situation of too much adulation leading to delusions of grandeur. The two-term presidency legislation was passed after his demise, because of him.
The only Being who should not be criticised is the Triune God.
Everyone else is up for criticism at one time or another. We’re human. We’re fallible.
NebraskaFilly, I did a ton of research to find the man behind the DJT media personality which was all I ever knew and was totally not anyone I wanted to know more about until it became obvious I needed to know. The personal stories of people he helped along the way of his broad and deep life experience are indisputable proof to me of his real motives. I mostly skip over stuff he says or does that annoys other people and when my daughter says, “I just wish he would be more …..whatever”, I just try to remind her that the things he says and does that annoy her are clearly not meant for her. He’s speaking to a “world audience” and whether we like every word or tweet, his message is being heard by those he is speaking to and being taken to heart and changes are occurring that are beneficial to us all.
” I mostly skip over stuff he says or does that annoys other people and when my daughter says, “I just wish he would be more …..whatever”, I just try to remind her that the things he says and does that annoy her are clearly not meant for her. He’s speaking to a “world audience” and whether we like every word or tweet, his message is being heard by those he is speaking to and being taken to heart and changes are occurring that are beneficial to us all. ”
It’s like medicine… it may not taste great to some (though I love it!), but it’s going to make you WELL again!
I think some people are put off by DJT’s mannerisms and ways of speaking (in part) because he doesn’t seem ‘stodgy’ and stiff (i.e., ‘presidential’). He doesn’t fit their ‘mold’ of a boring, 100% politically-correct person who never EVER says anything remotely controversial (and therefore, never says anything remotely interesting, either).
Personally, I was THRILLED that DJT speaks like a normal human being, and often says exactly what everybody else is thinking… and I love it. I could do without the occasional profanity, but just about everything else is perfect pitch (to me).
In fact, it always makes me SMILE BIGLY when he says the things that make some people ‘cringe’, because I KNOW it makes them ‘cringe’, which makes me like it even more
Or maybe it’s like a PC litmus test… if what he says is making someone cringe, maybe they’re a little too ‘PC’. It never has that effect on me. I know exactly when he says something that makes some people ‘cringe’, I can practically FEEL people cringing all over the country, and me fist-pump in the air, lol!
The pretentiousness and the condescension and the ‘art’ of speaking without actually saying anything, it’s suffocating, spirit-killing and soul-crushing, and unlike EVERY other ‘politician’, DJT NEVER does it! And I love him for it. Pence may be a good guy, I hear things both ways, but listen to Pence speak (pure lifelong professional politi-speak), and then listen to Trump — it’s NIGHT and DAY, and I’ll take DJT every time
The OTHER thing that bothers some people is the way he seems to brag or repeat things, but this is entirely misunderstood by most people. Scott Adams (the Dilbert cartoonist) has written numerous articles on this subject.
Adams is very interested in persuasion, and based on his knowledge of the subject, he says a lot of things Trump does appear to be crazy to most people, but if you understand what he’s doing, he is the most technically sophisticated and accomplished “persuader” that Adams has ever seen.
None of the things Trump does is by happenstance or without purpose.
Here is one of the early articles by Adams that explain it much better:
Clown Genius
August 13th, 2015 @ 9:09am
in #Trump #fox news #hypnosis #persuasion #negotiating
“Like many of you, I have been entertained by the unstoppable clown car that is Donald Trump. On the surface, and several layers deep as well, Trump appears to be a narcissistic blow-hard with inadequate credentials to lead a country.
The only problem with my analysis is that there is an eerie consistency to his success so far. Is there a method to it? Is there some sort of system at work under the hood?
Probably yes. Allow me to describe some of the hypnosis and
persuasion methods Mr. Trump has employed on you. (Most of you know I am a trained hypnotist and this topic is a hobby of mine.)
For starters, Trump literally wrote the book on negotiating, called The Art of the Deal.
So we know he is familiar with the finer points of persuasion. For our purposes today, persuasion, hypnosis, and negotiating all share a common set of tools, so I will conflate them.
Would Trump use his negotiation and persuasion skills in the campaign? Of course he would. And we expect him to do just that.
But where is the smoking gun of his persuasion? Where is his technique laid out for us to see.
As I said in my How to Fail book, if you are not familiar with the dozens of methods of persuasion that are science-tested, there’s a good chance someone is using those techniques against you.
For example, when Trump says he is worth $10 billion, which causes his critics to say he is worth far less (but still billions) he is making all of us “think past the sale.” The sale he wants to make is “Remember that Donald Trump is a successful business person managing a vast empire mostly of his own making.” The exact amount of his wealth is irrelevant.
When a car salesperson trained in persuasion asks if you prefer the red Honda Civic or the Blue one, that is a trick called making you “think past the sale” and the idea is to make you engage on the question of color as if you have already decided to buy the car. That is Persuasion 101 and I have seen no one in the media point it out when Trump does it.
The $10 billion estimate Trump uses for his own net worth is also an “anchor” in your mind. That’s another classic negotiation/persuasion method. I remember the $10 billion estimate because it is big and round and a bit outrageous. And he keeps repeating it because repetition is persuasion too.
I don’t remember the smaller estimates of Trump’s wealth that critics provided. But I certainly remember the $10 billion estimate from Trump himself. Thanks to this disparity in my memory, my mind automatically floats toward Trump’s anchor of $10 billion being my reality. That is classic persuasion. And I would be amazed if any of this is an accident. Remember, Trump literally wrote the book on this stuff.
You might be concerned that exaggerating ones net worth is like lying, and the public will not like a liar. But keep in mind that Trump’s value proposition is that he will “Make America Great.” In other words, he wants to bring the same sort of persuasion to the question of America’s reputation in the world. That concept sounds appealing to me.
The nation needs good brand management, whether you think Trump is the right person or not. (Obviously we need good execution as well, not just brand illusion. But a strong brand gives you better leverage for getting what you want. It is all connected.)
And what did you think of Trump’s famous “Rosie O’Donnell” quip at the first debate when asked about his comments on women? The interviewer’s questions were intended to paint Trump forever as a sexist pig. But Trump quickly and cleverly set the “anchor” as Rosie O’Donnell, a name he could be sure was not popular with his core Republican crowd. And then he casually admitted, without hesitation, that he was sure he had said other bad things about other people as well.
Now do you see how the anchor works? If the idea of “Trump insults women” had been allowed to pair in your mind with the nice women you know and love, you would hate Trump.
That jerk is insulting my sister, my mother, and my wife! But Trump never let that happen. At the first moment (and you have to admit he thinks fast) he inserted the Rosie O’Donnell anchor and owned the conversation from that point on. Now he’s not the sexist who sometimes insults women; he’s the straight-talker who won’t hesitate to insult someone who has it coming (in his view).
But it gets better. You probably cringed when Trump kept saying his appearance gave FOX its biggest audience rating. That seemed totally off point for a politician, right? But see what happened.
Apparently FOX chief Roger Ailes called Trump and made peace. And by that I mean Trump owns FOX for the rest of the campaign because his willingness to appear on their network will determine their financial fate. BAM, Trump owns FOX and paid no money for it. See how this works? That’s what a strong brand gives you.
You probably also cringed when you heard Trump say Mexico was sending us their rapists and bad people. But if you have read this far, you now recognize that intentional exaggeration as an anchor, and a standard method of persuasion.
Trump also said he thinks Mexico should pay for the fence, which made most people scoff. But if your neighbor’s pitbull keeps escaping and eating your rosebushes, you tell the neighbor to pay for his own fence or you will shoot his dog next time you see it. Telling a neighbor to build his own wall for your benefit is not crazy talk. And I actually think Trump could pull it off.
On a recent TV interview, the host (I forget who) tried to label Trump a “whiner.” But instead of denying the label, Trump embraced it and said was the best whiner of all time, and the country needs just that. That’s a psychological trick I call “taking the high ground” and I wrote about it in a recent blog post. The low ground in this case is the unimportant question of whether “whiner” is a fair label for Trump. But Trump cleverly took the high ground, embraced the label, and used it to set an anchor in your mind that he is the loudest voice for change. That’s some clown genius for you.
Update: When Trump raised his hand at the debate as the only person who would not pledge to back the eventual Republican candidate, he sent a message to the party that the only way they can win is by nominating him. And people like to win. It is in their nature. And they sure don’t want to see a Clinton presidency.
Update 2: And what about Trump’s habit of bluster and self-complimenting?
Every time he opens his mouth he is saying something about the Trump brand being fabulous or amazing or great. The rational part of your brain thinks this guy is an obnoxious, exaggerating braggart. But the subconscious parts of your brain (the parts that make most of your decisions) only remember that something about that guy was fabulous,
amazing and great.
If you’re keeping score, in the past month Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party, redefined our expectations of politics, focused the national discussion on immigration, proposed the only new idea for handling ISIS, and taken functional control of FOX News. And I don’t think he put much effort into it. Imagine what he could do if he gave up golf.
As far as I can tell, Trump’s “crazy talk” is always in the correct direction for a skilled persuader. When Trump sets an “anchor” in your mind, it is never random. And it seems to work every time.
Now that Trump owns FOX, and I see how well his anchor trick works with the public, I’m going to predict he will be our next president. I think he will move to the center on social issues (already happening) and win against Clinton in a tight election.
I also saw some Internet chatter about the idea of picking Mark Cuban as Vice Presidential running mate. If that happens, Republicans win. And I think they like to win. There is no way Trump picks some desiccated Governor from an important state as his running mate. I think Cuban is a realistic possibility.
I don’t mean this post to look like support for a Trump presidency. I’m more interested in his methods. I’m not smart enough to know who would do the best job as president. There are a lot of capable people in the game.
(Update): Now that you have read my explanation of Trump’s three-dimensional chess, read this article (see embedded link at the article link above) and chuckle at how he is operating on an entirely different level from the TV host, Chuck Todd, and even the author of the article I’m linking to. It is literally hilarious.
edit / correction: “I can practically FEEL people cringing all over the country, but I’m fist-pumping in the air, lol!”
Scott, I love it. Rush helped me to understand some of the theatre Pres. Trump uses and why he says certain things. It was all so foreign to me at first, but I’ve embraced it now. And I do enjoy most of the parts that make others cringe, I’ve never been into political correctness. Thanks for this great post.
Oh, you don’t have to convince me. I was in the same place and initially thought it was a joke. All I knew was what was in the tabloids. I agree 100% – he is MAGA all the way!
It took me a while, too, to really understand what Trump was doing. I’ve learned to enjoy it.
I do still cringe when I hear his blatant hyperbole because I am a REAL stickler for accuracy. Still, it is a nanosecond’s worth of cringe.
Still laughing over “Bill Kristol School of Social Media.” Oh that was purely brilliant! I hope I have told you before now how glad I was to find you here.
Sylvia, you have no idea how many lonely nights you and the crew carried me through. We do biz in China, 12 hours difference. Thus, in the middle of the night, I was often awake and would check-in, waiting for an answer from overseas. I thank you for all those posts.
I loved the quiet “overnight crew” or nightcrawlers as Gunny said. Miss that. Oh well! This is good, too! Better in some ways!
Nagging feeling.
What if Q was just the excuse for the big blowup after the midterm?
I mean, Q had been posting for over a year when SD issued the moratorium. Posters made comments about Q for the whole year. Not like CTH to ignore the idea of a Q.
And Sessions was another major source of contention, surely.
Does ANYONE think they know the full story of what went on between Sessions and PDJT at the DOJ? Could we ever be so arrogant we would presume to know all the details?
I don’t think we know much of anything of what goes on behind closed doors with Trump and his people. And we won’t know until he writes his memoirs or his papers end up in his presidential library.
I seem to remember that the rule about Q for a long time was no links to the actual posts, but the comments were pretty much left alone.
I didn’t know we couldn’t link to Q posts. I must have missed that memo.

I only remember SD objecting to someone posting the same thing about Q repeatedly on a particular subject on a particular thread a few months ago. It was so important that I can no longer remember what it was.
I always gave a link to a Q site where people could read for themselves. Never had any problems. I last posted a Q drop **months** before I got banned.
I do remember seeing warnings from mods about it.
I remember seeing commenters advising against, but not mods. Referring there to general Q posts, not that particular thread or particular subject (whatever it was).
Okay, thanks.
C-mouse…it was that Q-post of a ‘transcript’ from a closed-door session in Congress.
I think it was Lisa Page’s testimony.
But not sure if I am remembering it correctly.
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
People had been posting that ‘transcript’.
Several times, but different people.
And Sd told one of them that if anyone posted it again, they would be banned.
The Q-haters pointed to this to mean that “all mention of Q is now forbidden”.
And Sd let that stand as though it were true.
No surprise there.
“And Sd told one of them that if anyone posted it again, they would be banned.”

Well at least he wasn’t overreacting…
“I didn’t know we couldn’t link to Q posts. I must have missed that memo.”
I never saw it either!
Interesting. I do feel like Q made a great whipping-boy.
The outcome of the midterm was NOT simple. It was hard-fought. I personally think that Q helped our side, viewed from the “big picture” – not “granular”. Q was not even the biggest factor.
Yes…a new scapegoat was needed.
Once Sessions was gone, it’s like Q became the new scapegoat/whipping boy.
Funny how that worked out.
Right. Needed to keep the division going.
The Q ban that sundance announced was a total insult to the thinking, judicious community that sundance originally tried to cultivate years ago. SD absolutely knows that Q followers are adept researchers that come to more informed conclusions. He can disagree with the attitudes but to shut it off tells me something bigger is happening.
“I mean, Q had been posting for over a year when SD issued the moratorium.”
I never even saw the ‘moratorium’, even though I was posting at CTH every day.
I remember one time when Wheatie (I think) thanked me for having the courage to post about Q in spite of some warning not to, and I replied (going by memory) ‘Does it still count as courageous if I didn’t know there was any prohibition against speaking about Q?’
And then I talked about Q some more, because I never saw any ‘warning’, and I couldn’t even imagine that SD would issue such a warning, or that anyone would go along with it.
I mean imagine, “Thou shalt not talk about ‘X’ “… how do you even DO that, and pretend to be MAGA at the same time?!?
someone got to sundance daughn
ok sorry that was addressed to daughn..sorry I floated it.
I hope he is okay.
well I guess you have to define what okay is…
Posted this before. Thought it was interesting.
Hooooly cow…I never saw this. Yeah somebody came over and gave him a tap on the shoulder and told him to play ball.
i “heard” some of his tweets being featured on the four chans today. relating to you know tick tocks and booms and the new narrative of fusion gps and nellie orr and what not…
I have suspected that Sundance got a “National Security Letter” from the Obama Deep State DOJ, and they are now running the operation. One of my theories. Could even be Mueller.
Just to let everybody know, I will SHUT THIS SITE DOWN before I cooperate with the prog-nazi communists. So I need a good DOZEN OF YOU to prepare to have YOUR SITES BECOME REPLACEMENTS for this site.
Does everybody understand? Don’t announce if you’re going to be a replacement for this site! DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY ADVANCE WARNING.
ANY OF US can become the top admin of the next replacement site. THAT is how we beat them. I will teach the next site how to replace me, by teaching to the wind. Like I said, DON’T RESPOND so they have no idea WHO will take over for me.
Feel free to LIKE this post, but DON’T RESPOND. I’m using the concealed carry math here. They will not know WHO it will be or WHO it won’t be.
Scary stuff.
I was banned from CTH after making a comment regarding SD’s backtracking regarding the Vegas shooting. Apparently that was too insulting for him/her to tolerate. I still read there, but even my IP is banned from commenting or reposting. I find that rather amazing – one must, apparently, be a sycophant in order to comment there. Which says to me a lot regarding the personality(ies) of the site owners, most of which is not fit for polite company. I’m a sycophant of no one, including Q but I do find his/their posts too eerily documented by autists on the chan boards to doubt. There’s too much evidence there. And the PDJT twitters just after Q posts clinch the fact that he/they is/are who and what they say they are.
Hi! Welcome to the site (I take it that was your first post, since it was moderated.)
Uncertainty and conjecture welcomed. We CONVERGE on the truth!
No tin foil hats here – we’re into rare earths and actinides, as well as all sorts of transition metals and exotic heavier and lighter elements in their proper applications.
I’m enough of a geek to get that last paragraph thoroughly. Technetium, perhaps. Aluminum (which is what “tin foil” really is) is so passé.
Not forgetting Chlorine, which cleans away dirt, dust, grime, and corruption, leaving the truth to be pondered, researched, and seen clearly… (Cl, number 17)…
Then there’s Tom Lehrer’s Elements Song
Tom Lehrer’s song is so old that it’s now sixteen elements behind (mendelevium was the last one he named)…but it’s a classic that’s for sure.
The super-chlorine would be fluorine, #9, F. Like chlorine only much more so, it will even burn water.
Actually I want to hit the Deep State with red fuming nitric acid.
Fire would be cleansing too.
He left an out for himself with the last line (or maybe it’s just Harvard that’s behind
These are the only ones of which the news has come to Harvard,
And there may be many others but they haven’t been discovered. [pronounced dis-ca-vaahd]
I used to live near one of the new ones, Darmstadtium (110).
I mentioned Cl because of the 17, I guess I was being a little too obtuse. Fluorine is nasty stuff. Mercedes has had issues with that and car fires involving their new refrigerant. Seems the greens traded a nonexistent problem for a real one (yet again)…
Yes he did leave himself an out, very prudent of him.
And no, I didn’t twig to Q = Cl, unfortunately for me.
And I’m shocked to hear about warm, caring environmentalists causing problems. Shocked, I tell you!
He had a great song (OK, a lot of them) to the tune of Danny Kaye’s “Choreography” in “White Christmas” called “Sociology”. He gently shredded the “soft sciences” there… wonder what he’d do with Climastrology
Hi, TTFHsociety.
It’s good to see you here!
After you posted this thread last night I went over to the old watering hole to look up the handle for the last person to respond to me… my farewell post so to speak.
I discovered something I think strange… all articles beginning 10/30 through 11/12 have been removed.
Okay, that is weird. Not liking where my head is going at the moment.
Are you SERIOUS???
Two week of TOTAL deletions?
Glad I got out BY CHOICE …
My oh my.
No, they haven’t. I am looking right now at an article still posted from the 31st.
Huh…..just went back and now it jumps from Oct. 8 to Nov. 1, yet the link above still works. IDK WTH is going on, TBH.
And now back to the way it was. SMH
There is some weird stuff going on.
Is the old SD back and stripping out the mess…? Maybe…?
Sorry. Please ignore my comment (above). I was just thinking aloud. Clearly not that is my guess.
I just had another thought after phoenixRising found that two weeks of articles have been unpublished, the traffic at CTH was fairly huge in comparison to the commenting going on, as I recall. SD talked about that more than once.
I don’t want to infer anything else other than offering that as a data point for the matrix we’re putting together, but any site with huge traffic and influence would be a target for the opposition. I mean, this is war.
Fleshing that out a little…CTH is monetized and has to be profitable. Could have been the advertisers or the package provider making demands. More than one blogging outfit I worked for over the years had to make changes based on that.
Could be. Now you understand why I RUN from any kind of money connected to this site.
I was a long-time subscriber to the CTH and received the posts in my inbox daily. Starting around the time of the change there, ads started appearing in these emails. So maybe now more monetized?
Deplorable, that’s what I have said. I think maybe cth got too big too fast.
That was another one of my objections: SD’s asking for money and people asking for contributions on his behalf.
I write my material gratis. I would never think of asking for money for my site, even though I spend a lot of time on my posts.
Should an actuary be asking for financial contributions? Really?
I actually get paid when I write for others. Some of my singing gigs, too.
I don’t have a problem with those who put a lot of time into sites like that having a tip jar or advertising. It’s a lot of work, and the costs of the server and all that add up.
Well, I couldn’t ask for money for my site. The other for which I write is also volunteer-oriented, so, no pay. I don’t mind that, either. I’m amongst friends either way and that is what counts.
I write from home. Where’s the extra expense for me or for any other normal website host (cough, cough)?
Singing is quite another proposition. Performing in person in whatever capacity — music, one-person shows — demands some sort of remuneration.
this was the post that got me thinking something was up…
Same here. It was almost like he was talking about Q under the surface.
Hey W – here’s one for ya, CTH-today:
PremAmericaReturns says:
November 27, 2018 at 9:23 am
In other words, “Trust the Plan.”
The delusory pacifier.
One thing Bob Mueller is not. He isn’t a “blowhard.” Never ever.
He is corrupt. He is a communist. He is treacherous.
But, he is the quintessential opposite of a blowhard.
Read well the 2d para/sentence! Just sayin’ …
Ah, the irony is ripe here:
oldschool says:
November 27, 2018 at 11:42 am
Agree prem, especially with the self defeating mindset of throwing everyone out who thinks differently. We cannot afford to lose ANYONE.
But no war can be won nor will weary troops fight without clear, decisive plans, leadership, faith and hope.
Self-appointed “General” OldSchool!
What a MAROON!
Dishonorable discharge …
Oldschool likes to wear the “but I am a dissident” martyr hat; and will complain about people who criticize her as wanting her out because she dares to be pessimistic/different.
Her kind has taken over now; it is like watching Bolsheviks complain about persecution in Russia in 1955.
Steve, that was good. You just cracked me up.
She. Has. GOT. To. Be. Kidding. Me.
She and her ilk contributed to the current atmosphere at CTH and, now, she wants to talk about not losing anyone and faith and hope?
Mannnnnn…she can go kick rocks with that BS.
you misinterpreted that – they can’t afford to lose anyone that thinks EXACTLY LIKE THEY DO.
unfortunately they are like elite christians who are basically all set, they know the truth and are going to heaven, but oh yeah, about those “other people” who are going to hell? well, we can’t have them around to mussy up our worship of jesus in the way WE want to, and how WE are going to decorate our mansion located on the great streets of gold once we get there!
IK, R?
Yup. Why SD & admins allowed OS to fester and grow – she/he/it now comments multiple times a day with NOTHING valuable to say – is a mystery to me. I had her pegged from the get-go as an insidious disrupter, and they’ve allowed her to thrive!!
Very curious…
Oldschool has been getting more pushback. There seems to be a struggle against the negativity and the trolls with some good commenters leading the charge. BKR called Oldschool a D-rat today.
I don’t care if Oldschool is a troll or just a contrarian, she is divisive in a harmful way.
Regarding OldSchool, it’s like a negative drumbeat all the time, and I’m not sure I’ve ever heard her say anything positive about the President. At first I just thought she was a crabby old lady, but I think she’s something else. Meant to demoralize.
“The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation confirmed in a letter that there was an investigation involving Robert Mueller.”
Nebraska Filly, I remember that case well. Here’s a brief excerpt from a publication with the most accurate information from start to finish that I found during that time….
(Jun. 8, 2016) — After nearly two months, The Post & Email on Tuesday received two letters from Tennessee inmate Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III. One was five pages and the other 15.
Nearly two years ago, Fitzpatrick was sentenced to three years in state prison after attempting to approach the McMinn County, TN grand jury with evidence of corruption on the part of judges, prosecutors, McMinn County Sheriff Joe Guy and his deputies, and then-grand jury foreman Jeffrey L. Cunningham.
Throughout Tennessee, grand jury foremen are hand-picked from the community at large by the presiding criminal court judge despite the Tennessee District Attorney General Conference describing a grand jury as “a group of thirteen citizens chosen from the jury panel. One of these thirteen is the fore person and will preside over the grand jury.”
The personal choosing of a grand jury foreman by a presiding judge contaminates the Fifth-Amendment provision of a fair and unbiased evaluation of evidence before a citizen of the community can be charged with a crime by the government.
On August 19, 2014, Fitzpatrick was given a three-year sentence by then-Senior Judge Jon Kerry Blackwood, who is now in full retirement. During the hearing, eyewitnesses, supported by a recording, reported that Blackwood decried citizens invoking their “constitutional rights” in a lengthy monologue in which he also referred to Fitzpatrick as “a moral coward.”
At the close of the hearing, Fitzpatrick was immediately taken into the custody of the McMinn County Sheriff’s Office, where he remained for approximately five days, then was relocated to the Bledsoe County Correctional Complex (BCCX), the Tennessee Department of Correction (TDOC) intake center.
Read More:
Thanks – saved in my Mueller/Comey file!
“Four weeks ago, on 25 October 2018, a file quietly arrived at the Office of US Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz, which has not only shaken the US Justice Dept to its core, but also became the great fall season gift to the lawyers for US President Trump and his associates, their ‘trump card’ against Special Counsel prosecutor Robert Mueller.
This 28-page explosive document was apparently one of the last documents read by US Attorney General Jeff Sessions before he resigned. Sessions was seemingly overwhelmed; the file part of his quick agreement to go out the door. Sessions commenting enigmatically afterwards that the ‘Mueller investigation had gone on too long’.”
Now having belatedly read the entire thread, I have an equal to Howie as objectionable: Gunny.
Ad Rem gave her specific explicit approval to him, which puzzled me.
When he posted, toxicity followed.
You know, I feel a certain affection for both Howie and Gunny. But. The terms loose cannon and Negative Nancy comes to mind.
In any event, I don’t think either of them would come here. Gunny is PROFOUNDLY anti Q and thinks anyone who has an interest is an idiot and he is quite heavy handed with the insults. I don’t honestly recall but I doubt Howie was positive about Q because, well, he isn’t positive about much of anything at all, sadly.
I “got” Howie and Gunny’s free wheeling style. And wanted to like them.
It was not my cup of tea, although they were both likable.
My pov about both came down to this: how can you understand the war we are in and say those things in that way?
“My pov about both came down to this: how can you understand the war we are in and say those things in that way?”
What an excellent point. We are in a war whether we chose to admit it or not. Our tactics and strategies have to adapt.
Unity is key and I don’t mean “group think” I mean the ability to work together despite our differences.
The comments section Over There was a lot of things. A straight forward place to comment on the article. A place to learn from others, to think and grow. But face it, it is also an information machine that has value in war time.
Old war horses like Howie and Gunny would know this. I don’t know if they didn’t ever seen or grasp the notion that the comments are also part of morale building in this war.
I’m not the smartest person in the world nor am I super positive, but I could see early on the impact the comments had on me as a lurker. Before I wrote my first post I had to think about what I was doing and to try to constantly remind myself it wasn’t all about instant gratification in shooting off my mouth about something, that I needed to remember people read these comments and are influenced by them.
Small but important part of the war.
I do not want to ever again hear you say “I’m not the smartest person in the world” —-
You are as smart as anyone here on this forum. Please don’t talk about my friend like that anymore.
Are you feeling better? I hope so… we might need your shovel at any given moment, so take care of yourself… okay?
Reading through this post has been sort of a guilty pleasure. On one hand, I feel like a mean girl gossiping at the cafeteria table at lunch, but on the other I am so freaking relieved to find out I wasn’t the only one who noticed the same things about the same posters.
Wolf, you’ve got the tough job of deciding who gets in the life boat and who gets out. But someone has to do it and I have confidence you will do the best you possibly can. Bless you, sir, for taking this on.
WM, you outlined Project Management/Expectations perfectly, almost as if you’ve worked similar “projects” before and now you are being called by many who find their way here (as in all the way in here) to utilize those skills and develop more keenly your Crow Mode and those of us who will benefit most appreciate your willingness to take this on. The smooth transition of a group of people you have provided is nothing short of amazing and indisputable proof of a “bigger plan”. Here’s what I gleaned from your post as the 5 W’s & 1 H.
Who – This is not about ME. This is about US. This is about MAGA. This is about things that are bigger than us.
What – De-anti-Q-ification – LOOKING OUT FOR TROUBLE…the hallmarks of zersetzung
Where – This place is a refuge, and it will remain one. Maybe it’s the “extra-refugey refuge”. That’s OK.
A reservation. A “last stand”. Whatever.
When – So – I need to identify the problems now.
Why – DUTY, HONOR, and TRUTH actually mean something.
How – ANYWAY, it’s time to discuss how to KEEP the demoralization trolls out of THIS SITE.
And my answer to your question, “Who would make you LEAVE THIS SITE?”
is – you deciding to go play on another team while keeping a presence here!
So many great comments here! I just wanted to add another small one: if you can find Pam, I think she would be a great addition. She used to post a lot of videos and information about POTUS (his schedule and other pieces of info). I have not seen her on any boards for while. Also, Black Knight Rides, he had some interesting point(s) of view as well. I like reading Dekester, MaineCoon and Patrick Henry too – not sure if these are Q peeps or not, I just liked their insights.
That being said, I do want to thank you for being willing to open up a new site like this one. It’s wonderful to read and learn and grow again! I also want to thank Chicago->Arizona for pointing me in this direction. Have a great night everyone – God bless PT and God bless us all!
Thank you, most kindly!
If I run into anybody on Twitter or Gab, I *may* mention this place, if they ask where I’ve been!
Good night and God bless!
Same people I enjoyed reading, too. Although I seemed to see less and less of Dekester. I don’t know if we just weren’t on at the same times or if he was retreating from the board. And Pam disappeared. I think she might have been “poofed.”
Think one of the newer posters took issue with her posting relevant tweets. Told her she was spamming or something. Others took up for her, but she may be laying low since that. Oh, and I like a lot of the same people as well plus FoBW. I’ve been lurking there since fall of ’15,( followed Faux Science Slayer from Breitbart), but only made a WP account a little over a year ago. I still mostly lurk. I’m mostly here to learn.
OH yes, FOB! I like him too. I expect Pam got the ban hammer. Glad you came over!
Pam is a wonderful resource person… she always brought videos of what was happening at the moment, and she posted alot. I guess some posting police person ranted about her… well, they will rue the day they did that. She’s very sensitive, so may have not been banned, just left the bruha for awhile. She did that once a few months ago iirc. Pam is a great Q follower…
I always appreciated what she did. I hope she finds us, too. And she might since she is a Q follower! I hope so. Wolfie will leave the light on for her.
Yeah, Pam has posted Praying Medic videos, a time or two.
So if she did it again…then chances are that she got the banhammer.
It would be great if Pam found her way here.
Yes, it would. I know she annoyed SD because she would post a link to something that was off topic instead of putting it on the Daily Thread. I read him chew her out for that a time or two.
I always thought she, and Citizen 187, and phoenix provided a service. At least, I appreciate it anyway!
CTH commenters were my favorite “new aggregators” … until they weren’t. Happy to have TQT where I can find the news to pray over during my daily activities.
news … not new …
Just a quick response to KS that I got your very important message, believe it likely to be correct, and will act accordingly. THANK YOU for the warning. You may indeed have saved this site. I will take proper measures based on this information.
Hey W – I’m thinking “Jeff” isn’t long for TCH
–> check the date:
Jeff says:
November 28, 2018 at 4:55 am
What’s with all the negative waves Moriarty ?
WINNING !! still not tired of winning !!
2 Oct 2018 – 3:31:13 PM
Final Senate Result of Midterm Elections? (Q Proof)
13 Nov 2018 – 12:12:14 AM
Yeah – bet he’s on his way soon!
Two very astute posters I really liked @CTH were Jill and Moe. They had some serious low-down on Jeb, but seem to have disappeared after the 2016 campaign. Has anyone seen them posting there?
Not recently! Maybe a couple of times in the last year, but could be my imagination.
and Keln! Such a beautiful mellow voice and source of Les Deplorables video!
Trump Lion – The Lion Sleeps Tonight –
Despite our going rounds over my sweet little Jefferson Beauregard Sessions – I loved ol’ crusty Howie!
When Howie came back after a long absence he wasn’t the same. I don’t even think it was him. Not nearly as clever. Something was just missing in his posts.
…could it have been due to a stroke or health problems? Or could he have been threatened?
I think he was either given a time out over the Sessions bashing or left on his own. When he came back his posts were jam packed with Howie-isms. Just over the top which made me suspicious. A couple other posters noticed it too. I think someone noticed the void when he was gone and stepped in.
One for the “NOPE” List-Christopher A Wright:
Link to first string (context leans towards racism):
String further down page :
Christopher A Wright says:
November 25, 2018 at 5:44 pm
Where are the bullet holes?
Liked by 1 person
Crabby says:
November 25, 2018 at 10:12 pm
May you reap what you sow in quadruplicate.
Ad rem says:
November 26, 2018 at 12:31 am
Leaving this one up….so everyone will know why you’ve been banned.
It appears that now Christopher is now “homeless”
Count me as an “No” vote if he shows up..
Christopher A WRONG!
Wolfie, Gil said that she had asked about Wheatie and me at CTH and her whole little mini conversation got deleted and she is now banned.
I went over to do a little recon out of curiosity and found this. I thought there were some attitudes here that were interesting (in terms of I hope they stay away). For your reading pleasure when you get time. Or just hit delete, it is all good.
There were some other people exposed, as well, but this was something:
lawrencepaul1 says:
November 30, 2018 at 5:54 pm
You know I think I might know why. Pat Frederick took a look at a site that Patrickhenty thought that they had decamped to. Apparently it is heavily laden with Q followers.
I think that they left when Sundance exposed Q as a fraud.
Now I think of it we don;t get much of the Q pap these days. I doubt that people like Wheatie have left because of that. Some are, as you suggest just probable taking a break from the Tag Team of Misery. They certainly do drag the place down.
Liked by 3 people
Judith says:
November 30, 2018 at 7:01 pm
laurencepaul1, how did Sundance “expose Q as a fraud?” Serious question. I’m not a follower, but I don’t remember an expose of Q here. I do remember an admonishment by Sundance not to discuss Q here, as it is “speculation” that may be detrimental to POTUS.
Liked by 1 person
lawrencepaul1 says:
November 30, 2018 at 7:06 pm
He had a thread that showed that many of things that Q claimed were false and the many of the Q followers took exception to it.
Liked by 1 person
Judith says:
November 30, 2018 at 7:18 pm
I’ll look for it, thanks.
Liked by 1 person
lawrencepaul1 says:
November 30, 2018 at 7:19 pm
lawrencepaul1 says:
November 30, 2018 at 7:24 pm
Actually Judith if I remember correctly the comment section go so hostile that Sundance deleted all of the comments. The actual thread from Sundance may still be there though.
It was incredibly tactful but still managed to upset the Q followers.
Eww…that’s kind of stinky, isn’t it.

It’s funny how the Sd-followers refer to the “Q followers” like they are members of some kind of cult.
But they don’t stop to notice…that they are the ones exhibiting the cultish behavior.
Thanks for that report, Syl.
I still cannot bear to go back there.
I don’t blame you. There is nothing to be gained by going back. I was curious to see Gil’s posts, but they had been poofed, so…
I only posted part of the thread. It started by someone, maybe LP1, commenting about the despair trolls. Someone else, maybe FOB, said yeah–earlier someone asked where all the regulars were and it devolved into this discussion that it was only the nasty Q people who had left and you know, good riddance. It was just such a nasty sneering tone. Oh, and that Pat Frederick had gone to a site (meaning here) but it was all a bunch of Q followers.
So, there’s that. I particularly had to horse laugh about lp1’s comment that SD had been so gentle and restrained and tactful but the crazy Qpers went all nutso and pitched a fit.
Talk about viewing two movies on the same screen.
Thanks again for being a brave soul and doing the recon into all that toxicity.
I hope they don’t strain themselves, patting themselves on the back.
I doubt I will make many more ventures back into the comments, if at all. There’s nothing to be gained by it.
I realized one of the things that bugs me so much about the whole Q Purge thing is people getting up on their high horses and sneering at people who are following Q. It is that elitist Chablis swilling superiority that just drips with disdain on anyone who puts any stock in Q at all, when it is so obvious they have no clue what they are talking about.
I am done with snobs. PDJT says we don’t have to take it any more, so by golly I am not.
I agree those people like lp1 Etc. were nasty and sneering. Very hard to read such small-minded comments. Felt like we were all being labelled a bunch of cooks on this site.
Wheatie, I’m so sorry, it is painful. Have to mention on the same page Jeans2 posted an interview of Corsi by John Batchelor, and it is really good regarding being called to be interviewed by Mueller and what it is like, and Corsi is coming out with a book about it.
Thanks, Zoe.
I find it worthwhile to go back over prior thread to get updates. Glad I’m not alone in that idea!
“they left when [ ] exposed Q as a fraud”
IMO, that was when Q exposed [ ] as a fraud. Newly minted, perhaps, but comped nonetheless.
“incredibly tactful”
Yeah, right. The epitome of tact and grace.
Because I / we don’t know all the facts, I STILL wish him well. I learned a great deal … but it’s over.
“I have dreamed a dream … but now, that dream is gone from me.”
– From the 2003 movie “Matrix Reloaded”; character Morpheus, in re the destruction of his ship by the machine BOTs.
And here, we reprise that dream …
After reading this thread I feel the need to explain my presence here. I am not a prolific poster at CTH for the simple reason that the granular details of the articles were usually enough for me to gain some understanding of the corruption, the coup, etc. That’s why I went there. Occasionally I might offer an opinion but to be honest the fear of smackdown usually stopped me.
Other news than policy,economics,cabinet, etc I did feel comfortable commenting on…but palpable change came over the place, not in a good way. I noticed a lot of ppl were gone, one of them Wolfmoon wasn’t posting much so I looked him up and found this place. It’s great and am glad that it’s okay for me to be here.
Maybe something happened? I have no idea which article it was but I could swear SD said something about his computer or files or something had been accessed. Anyone else recall that? Seemed like a couple months ago.
Anyway, that’s the story of how I came to be here. My question is…do members here feel that we should only participate at only here or only there? As a loyalty type of thing? LOL, after this post,who knows, maybe I’ll be banned there.
He had a bunch of files disappear. Probably he’s using Windoze 10 (aka Windows 1 0 ), and got hit with the directory deletion bug (apparently someone goofed up a date-matching routine)…
Nothing like being an alpha-tester for Micro$oft… I still like Windows 7 better. Wish that Threadripper and the new APUs from AMD ran on it…sigh…
I sometimes look at CTH to view the topics and look at the factual info SD posts in his threads. I skim over SD’s analysis; his analysis is not as sound as it once was, and he has become somewhat cantankerous. I no longer bother reading the comments at all.
As to loyalty, I think of CTH as a small business I like to patronize. More recently, I notice that they have rapidly expanded, with a much larger footprint and lots of new employees. Finding parking has become difficult, I no longer deal with people that are familiar, the quality of the product or service has diminished, and when I point out little issues that should be simply to resolve, I am made to feel like I am a problem. In short, the little business I used to love has been replaced by something that is supposed to be similar, but decidedly is not.
Nicely put! Great analogy. It does feel like that, doesn’t it?
I don’t think anyone here minds where you post – having been banned ourselves we tend to skew towards free speech. So post away
Hi Molly, I’m glad you’re here! I recognize your name from over there.
My personal opinion is you should do what feels right to you regarding posting/lurking at both places. I might have continued to post there in a limited capacity….but I was uninvited, shall we say? You may find you are banned over there, or maybe not. Not everyone who posts here has been culled from the herd over there.
I might occasionally skim the comments, but to the extent I go over there now it is to read the headlines on SDs articles and if there is something that interests me I’ll read it. However, the utter despair that has taken hold of SD regarding anything but trade and the economy is making even that less and less appealing.
I hope you will find a comfortable place to perch here!
Just ran across a twit account that got me wondering… anyone think this is our FG&C from over there?
I don’t know, ttt…could be.
I really like this pinned tweet at the top of that account:
It occurs to me that with the limited amount of skimming comments I have done over there in the last couple weeks I haven’t seen MM commenting, or treehouseron. There was a third one I also realized I hadn’t seen in awhile, but naturally I’ve already forgotten who that was.
Would be interesting to see the “banned list” as well as the list of forbidden words.
I have to wonder how that latter one is set up, as anything I post with Proverbs, e.g. Proverbs 3:5-7 gets instantly binned, yet I’ve seen others use that word with no obvious problem(s). Didn’t know that WordPress was that granular…
I think “Pall1” and “Rump pall2” have driven more than a few away. Not forgetting “Queen of the bile” aka OS… Hope that that TH returns to its roots, pardon the pun…
Just a heads-up. From CTH presidential thread:
January 1, 2019 at 9:33 am
covfefe999 says “… I don’t understand why people are attacking Little Bessie.”
Repeated bashing of General Mattis.
Mattis is military. He SEES problems from the point of view of the military.
President Trump is a businessman he see problems from the point of view of ECONOMICS.
These views do not agree. (Not surprising since President Trump’s ideas are innovate and Mattis is an ‘old dog’)
They agree to part ways after General Mattis did his JOB!
1. Wipe out ISIS
2. Renovate the military.
As long as General Mattis reframes from going on a media Trump Bashing Tour, and I do not think he will because he has too much integrity, The Mattis bashing is … UNPRODUCTIVE.
Worse it is DIVISIVE when Trump needs all the Military good will he can get!
Liked by 7 people
Vito Romano says:
January 1, 2019 at 9:45 am
G. Combs ,
“covfefe999 says “… I don’t understand why people are attacking Little Bessie.”
Fact: Multiple usernames (same person)
Littlebessie, David Innes, Cornfielddreamer, Somebody, Feral Cat, Tom Feral et al
When CTH bans one of their usernames i.e Tom Feral , he quickly sets up a new username i.e LittleBessie and copy and pastes the same garbage. I have screenshots.
He uses a VPN to circumvent WordPress banned list of IP addresses and or email addresses.
Spouts the same garbage using differnet usernames at American Thinker and PJ Media with Disquss accounts. Same modus operandi.
The troll Tom Feral who uses the multpile usernames tweeted:
“President Trump has become an after the fact accomplice in the coverup.”
He must think Treepers are ignorant fools not to recognize his SOP.
Liked by 4 people
Thanks! I have been WARNED about said individual, and have reason to believe they are part of a “site take-down” group. Should you think they come here under any name, please let me know.
Roger that.
I’ve witnessed what Nor’easter wrote as well so can confirm.
Pedro Morales
Over at CTH.
M.O.: Jumps in at top of the first page as a reply to the first comment, or a reply-to-a-reply to the first comment.
Profile: Troll (probably paid; amateur).
Pedro Morales says:
January 27, 2019 at 10:13 pm
And yet POTUS refuses to release the fisa info and hires swamp Barr for AG. meh! In 6 months he will be complaining about Barr working to impeach him.
Pedro Morales says:
January 27, 2019 at 5:47 pm
Whatever happened to the leverage POTUS had over rosenstein????
Liked by 1 person
Pedro Morales says:
January 27, 2019 at 1:49 pm
So he is back to tweeting? Yeah, that’s been real successful so far…SMH!
Pedro Morales says:
January 27, 2019 at 12:43 pm
So maybe POTUS should expose the fisa evidence, instead of whining and tweeting. Just a thought.
Liked by 1 person
We don’t need no stinkin’ Pedro Morales’ here.
Put him on the “NO-FLY” list.
“Cause that shit ain’t gonna fly here !