
Just sayin’.




Take your Winnamin Q and stay sharp!

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Sylvia Avery

Daughnworks reported on her county right after the polls closed. Sounds like she and her hubby were working hard for the win and her county did great with some awesome numbers.
From what little I could see, it looked like the Dims were trying to gin up some enthusiasm for the tired old Blonde White Girl Is A Racist meme but it didn’t seem to take hold, thankfully. When I read one of the comments that caused such outrage was some comment about someone and if there was a public hanging she’d want to be in the front row.
Okay. I am not from the South. We didn’t really lynch people out here in my neck of the woods, so it isn’t a part of my embedded cultural awareness. When we did hang people it was called frontier justice. So possibly I lack the finely tuned sensitivity for this but I just thought, “Seriously? That’s it? That sounds like something I’d say…”
Anyway, I’m delighted she won. And kudos to Daughn!


Re: “hanging”
The US Govt used to hang people…and hang them publicly.
So did law enforcement in most every state.
And yeah, there was ‘frontier justice’ too…in places that didn’t have a sheriff nearby to do the job.
But the race-baiters and the ‘everything-is-racist’ crowd, try to act like any mention of “hanging” is a reference to the times when black people were wrongfully lynched.
It is getting tiresome and a lot of people are no longer cowed by the Left’s overuse of race card.


I am from the town that has a History related to Hanging……
Judge Issac C Parker (“The Hanging Judge”)


And I see yet another opportunity to quote my favorite author, J.R.R. Tolkien (in re “race-baiting”):
[Character Gamling, an under-lord of Theoden, speaking]
“[…] “The king, the king!” they cry. “We will take their king. Death to the Forgoil! Death to the Strawheads! Death to the robbers of the North!” Such names they have for us. Not in a half a thousand years have they forgotten their grievance that the lords of Gondor gave the Mark to Earl the Young and made alliance with him. That old hatred Saruman has inflamed. They are fierce folk when roused. They will not give way now for dusk or dawn, until Theoden is taken, or they themselves are slain.”
“Nonetheless day will bring hope to me,” said Aragorn. “Is it not said that no foe has ever taken the Hornburg, if men defended it?”
“So the minstrels, say,” said Eomer.
“Then let us defend it, and hope!” said Aragorn.”


They sound like they aren’t real sorry anybody ever got lynched ’cause it gives ’em something to bitch about.

Sylvia Avery

” Big night for Amy Coney Barrett! Congrats Madam Justice! #53/47
— Dennis Miller (@DennisDMZ) November 28, 2018″
Oh yeah, baby! Any day now! I’m ready, let’s bring on the next confirmation fight!


Has Ginsberg resigned/surrendered yet?

Sylvia Avery

Hopefully someone is putting a mirror under her nose every morning just to check and see…

Sylvia Avery

Sigh. I feel bad for even thinking that, much less saying it. My mother raised me better.
But I do hope someone is checking to make sure she is still with us. The Left is so deranged I’m afraid they’d try a Weekend at Bernie’s. I’m not really exaggerating. They will lose their freaking minds when she goes. And when Amy Coney Barrett comes in…


If Barrett is the next nominee, I’m trying to imagine what the Left’s strategy will be. It’s not as easy to credibly accuse a woman of sexual harrassment. It will probably be all about abortion and how she would vote to have other women die. (No one ever considers that babies are dying.)


I saw a video of her being wheeled out of the hospital and loaded in a vehicle.
She had a blanket draped over her. Reminded me of Norman Bates’ (Psycho) mother.




I don’t believe you. 🙂


Well, now that I know all that I’ll withdraw my snarky retort. Thank you in advance for your tolerance of us wild children.


Since she’s always looking down there would be that reflection of the mirror telling her, OH NO! Now I see why there’s no hope…
close eyes again

Deplorable Patriot

Watch for it to happen after the next Congress is sworn in. Will have to be next year, though, or we’ll have a repeat of keep the seat open until the next presidential election.


I suspect the announcement will be forthcoming. The whole thing with her having fractured ribs and then returning to work is just psy ops. My mom fractured her ribs and she was in excruciating pain. Something is more seriously wrong. We will know soon.


it feeds the “RBG is an amazing warrior” theme that circulates through the left. Her staf wants to cultivate that meme before the inevitable happens and she quits. Then she will become a Goddess in the MSM as they fall over each other praising her legacy.


I hope there is no RBG hole. That is not good for this country.


We need her. Because I think Roberts has been compromised.


isn’t she getting her own movie even next month?


“the announcement will be forthcoming”
I’ve seen multiple “rumors” that, at the turn of the new year (or very soon thereafter), she will step down.
Medical directive, health reasons … and just maybe, a foil of her plans to gift her vacancy to be filled by the person whom so many thought “would never lose”.
I can’t imagine that that the “work-out” video that was circulated a couple months back wasn’t a “reassurance” ploy to instill (false) confidence of her health.
I hope that she enjoys as many years of retirement that our Good Lord allows …


Yes…hat tip to Q!
Our President hasn’t really had an ‘R-majority’ in the Senate.
Not really.
Not with the likes of McStain, Flake, Collins and a few other so-called ‘moderates’.
I hope he waits until the new session in the Senate, to pick a new AG.
Of course, I wouldn’t mind if he kept Whitaker around and nominated him for the job.


I really like Matt ‘The Mountain’ Whitaker. It would be great to have an intimidating, imposing, scowling figure as Attorney General!


….aggressive, fierce, unflinching, fearless…as much as our VSG POTUS!


…un-boughten, unencumbered, unbiased, loyal only to the Constitution and Laws as written!


GAFLA, rah rah rah. Agree.


W – see my post on the Crow’s Nest thread! 🙂


Guess who this is


Well your judgment was correct. Tona did indeed let me know. So glad to be here. I hope all of you can tolerate my comments.


Glad to see you NYGuy…
Get comfy… comment away!


We’re a forgiving bunch around for you NYguy54


ok then I’m on the ride..let’s have fun.


WTG Guys!


You made it here!
Welcome, welcome, welcome!


Slow to the party….


Fashionably late …


NYGuy, so glad you made it over here. Have liked reading your posts. Welcome. Saw you here last evening but had to get some sleep as have been spending a lot of late nights reading on here.


Glad you’re here! I always enjoyed your posts.


Thank you so much..I will try.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you get banned over there, then jump on the BannedWagon!


I’m not important enough to be banned.



Sylvia Avery

Ha. Neither am I, and yet…


NYGuy54, I thought I wasn’t important/noticeable enough to be banned either, but here I am on Steve’s BannedWagon.
No matter, I can try to be important here! Welcome.

Plain Jane

I knew I wasn’t important enough to get banned either. The day after I mentioned it here, I got banned. What’s strange though is I really don’t miss it. Then again, I was on it only 4 years.

Sylvia Avery

It really is feeling like old home week around here, isn’t it? Glad you found your way here.


I had all these shovels and no Sylvia

Sylvia Avery

🙂 🙂 🙂


“partner” means he’s queer. Wanna bet that the crap he likes watching is little boys being sodomized?
And they claim pizzagate is fantasy.


This will put us at a very important number in the Senate! 53 assures every single Judicial Selection being approved and any future Supreme Court Justice that our President chooses. Murkowski and Collins are screwed BIGLY. Sasse is a POS but he votes with our President 97% of the time and if he wants to stay in the Senate he will have to start kissing ass since he is up for reelection in 2020.
Romney is another POS but he knows he can’t screw with Judicial Appointments. Utah will throw his ass right out otherwise.
Look what is on the horizon over the next two years 😉
The 9th Circuit is being transformed as we speak! The current composition is 16 Democrat Appointed Judges vs. 7 Republican Appointed Judges. Here is the exciting news. Our President has nominated 5 that are waiting confirmation with the ability to appoint one more.
Once all 6 Judges are confirmed, the makeup of the 9th Circuit will be 16 – 13. With six more years, by the time our President is done, the 9th Circuit will be a Conservative Circuit.
We also have the PDJT Armada on its way!
With soon to be 53 Republican Senators, our President will fill every single vacant District, Appellate & International Trade Court Seat with hardcore young Conservatives/Constitutionalist.
There are currently 124 vacancies (11 Appellate, 111 District & 2 Court of International Trade). On top of that we also have District & Appellate Court Seats (29 total) pending on the Senate Floor. Those 29 will be taken care of by the current Senate.
The 32 (thanks to Jeff Flake) currently in committee will join the 124 that will be taken care of by the new Senate.
By the end of our President’s first term, he will accomplish the following:
Supreme Court – 2 (total 9) = 22.2% PDJT
Appellate Court – 53 (total 179) = 29.6% PDJT
District Court – 223 (total 678) = 32.9%
International Trade Court – 4 (total 9) = 44.4%
The totals above can only go up with retirements and deaths 😉


Here’s another battle that is coming. John Kyl wants out as replacement senator for McCain. McConnell floated the idea of McSally replacing Kyl which is a wretchedly horrible idea.
Personally Gov Ducey should appoint his own former COS Kirk Adams – a MAGA guy. Look for this battle to start early in the year, Kyl doesn’t want to stay.

Sylvia Avery

Why is McSally as a Kyl replacement a wretchedly horrible idea? Because McSally is wretchedly horrible? I haven’t paid close attention to AZ, so I’m not terribly knowledgeable.
I personally didn’t form a gung ho gosh I like that gal opinion of McSally, despite her fighter pilot persona, because she didn’t seem to be MAGA and wanted PDJT at arm’s distance. But these are vague impressions on my part.
What about that other woman…Dr Ward? What happened to her?


McSally is a closet neverTrumper. She was the chosen one by McConnell. Uniparty type. Have no idea why Kelli Ward flopped. I wanted Adams from the moment McCain died.


“Have no idea why Kelli Ward flopped.”
Sheriff Joe Arpaio ran in the primary also, and many believe he sucked away enough MAGA votes to prove a spoiler for Kelli Ward. Some are suspicious of why he chose to run in such circumstances.


Forgot about Joe. Did he bleed votes away from Kelli?


I just caught a bit of Tucker and he was interviewing CPL. Don’t know if it was a past show or not. But I was just stunned that CPL is so mighty in his own mind that he doesn’t know how vicious Tucker is with leftist scum.


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