White Hat Whitaker Proven by Boomerang Black Hat Mixtape

I have to chuckle here.

The Trump Boomerang Effect is beautiful.

Rising Serpent posted a great “you decide” tape from (LOL) CIA Washington Post that includes a bit of “dispassionate” talk by Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker about Candidate and/or President Trump.

Check it out.

Clearly this was the worst dirt they could find to paint Whitaker as “NeverTrump”.  Clearly this was meant as a political wedge.  But NO, it neither passes the sniff test, NOR does it work.

In fact, in typical Trump Boomerang Effect, it backfires.

I have talked about “Trump” like this many times.  Sometimes right before I send him MONEY.

When you see me talking about “Trump” and not “President Trump” or “VSGPOTUS”, I may actually be doing exactly what Whitaker is doing here.  I call it “armchair Machiavelli”.  When I do this I am dispassionate – clinical – maybe even cynical.  Why?  Because THAT is how you get the subjectivity out.  You know – analyze – don’t sympathize.

Nice to see this Whitaker guy as Acting Attorney General.  He’s got the right stuff.  Maybe we should be thinking about him as the nominee for AG.

What do you think of this tape?  I think this is not just a nothingburger – I think it’s GREAT.  Whitaker actually gets – to some extent – the “Trump schtick”.  This is just like me.  Some of the things that “Trump” does make sense in a humorously effective way, and others are just inscrutable, but seem to work.  Whitaker had the EXACT SAME surprised reaction that I did to Trump INCESSANTLY taking oddball opportunities to say he was not under investigation.

It was weird, even cringeworthy, and yet, it seems to have worked like crazy.

You know you have a MASTER tactician on your hands, when you leave the armchair Machiavellis scratching their heads.

Carry on, VSGPOTUS.  Carry on.


“Trump is a genius.”
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the tape has clearly been edited…
at one point Whitaker is talking about Obama… whether or not he knew Donald Trump was being taped…
without the questions the radio programmer was asking being on the tape, it’s worthless! imho of course 🙂


label on tape says “On Trump’s taxes”
We don’t hear anything about that, do we?


It was a cut and paste job of 2 or 3(?) interviews. Watch the screen as the interview unfolds …
So the Tax thing was the subject of the first interview.


Whitaker comes off as noncommittal. Is this all the WaPost has? They took their best shot and this was it??


So BAD that a VSG could hardly ask for a better result!!! 🙂


“Trump is a genius.”
Yes he is.
And what was Whitaker doing talking to these talk-show people, in the first place?
Was this some sort of psy-ops thing, to get info from the black hats…by making them think he was not a Trump supporter?


Correct – If you don’t want the conversation do go off the rails immediately, you just kind of offer non-committal language to “keep the peace” ….
He was very careful to say that one must wait for the truth – a couple of times. There was even veiled praise offered a couple of times – you have to listen for it.
The worst of it was when he was talking about both candidates being unlikable. No problem here that I can see – this is what the pollsters were pushing prior to the election. Plus he was talking about candidates, not the CIC – so different etiquette governs.


If I was POTUS listening to this, my grin would be very broad indeed … 🙂


“The worst of it was when he was talking about both candidates being unlikable. No problem here that I can see – this is what the pollsters were pushing prior to the election. ”
I have never understood the fiction that DJT was ‘unlikable’… he seems TREMENDOUSLY likeable to me. Even his worst adversaries find it difficult to dislike him, at least in person.
It always came across like a typical false equivalence ploy. The hateful Left knew without a doubt that their candidate wasn’t just unlikable, but lacking any redeeming quality whatsoever Truly awful. Wicked, hateful, vindictive, violent, criminal, almost certainly a mass-murderer — whether Clinton Body Count List OR her actions in the State Department resulting in millions of casualties — and that’s when she’s SOBER.
So they did the same thing O’Reilly always used to do, when he would enumerate a long list of despicable behavior by various devilrats, but then conclude by saying “but the Republicans are guilty too” WITHOUT EVER GIVING AN EXAMPLE! Made me want to throw a brick at the TV every time he did it.
The only way they could make Hitlery seem ‘less demonic’ was to paint DJT as “just as unlikable”. The term ‘unlikable’ raises Hitlery multiple levels above ‘horror show’ and simultaneously attempts to drop DJT by several notches, so they both end up somewhere around ‘unlikable’.
Then have American Pravda repeat the lie endlessly.
It was the only tactic they could use to cancel out her criminal psychopath personality and his likeability.


Well, the “beauty” of the Pravda strategy is that it becomes less effective over time as more and more people see the open lying. Once aware of this, it is impossible to un-see it.
Of course, their base of Orcs will hiss and grunt in approval at each lie spread, but this is what they do. It is the asleep “Normies” in the burbs that need to be woken up. The question is, will it happen fast enough to matter?
That is what the MOAB being dropped on the DS will hopefully achieve – time will tell ….


a few people i know and talk to regularly who are on the other side – they have exponentially raised the bar in their “knoeledge” of trump crimes as time has gone on. they are told what he is, racist sexual predator anti semetic etc, that he is a putin puppet that oligarchs own him – they know ALL of the talking points. exactly as they have been told.
they however know no names, details, mitigating facts or circumstances. they cannot connect any dots or valid points. they do not understand what fisa is. they do not understand how email servers work. they do not know of or understand uranium or bob mueller or how the branches of government really work. they now think folks have a right to cross our borders and not just cross but be helped across and given praise for their bravery. some of these people even saying we need workers americans will not work.
if you have a uninformed populace who is abhorrent to believing alternate scenarios to life and reality, if you have an army of people convinced they are the peaceful, progressive ones who only want to help all those with need and heal the earth – that is an enemy devoid of logic and base thinking ability. they are whipped up and flung at the truth and our freedom at the will and whim of their controllers. they feel it is a just cause they serve by nature of their peaceful non violent agenda not to mention those who they fight are literal nazi resurrected trump nationalists!
i am not sure of the trigger to get those following the other side to see even a glimmer of understanding but i hope it will come and the scales will fall from their eyes.
* all this assuming that thevother side is wrong and i am not just a 45 cult member 🙂


Nailed it. Not sure either how those NPC’s are going to be red-pilled. They seriously do not want to see the truth.
* says a fellow cultist 🙂

Curry Worsham

Their brainwashers say the reverse of all of that about you, you know. 🤔


I’ll just jump in here and say – Hi Curry, great to see you over here.
This is the banned wagon that many former treepers have been jumping on!
To your point – Yes, they would say that! Two different world views battling for supremacy, and all that …

Curry Worsham

“Banned wagon”. Lol.
Hi Jason. I got your invite through Sylvia a while back. Been busy but I had to check in this weekend because it appears things are about to break wide open.


Yup, we’re holding virtual thumbs to that end. It’s been a long road for the process to unfold.
Is Dan064 ever around at the TH? I have formed the impression that he got disappeared on the same day as me …

Curry Worsham

No he’s not, that I am aware. I thought you were self-banned, no?


Oh no. It appears to be being withheld from treepers, but there is a big purging of the boards going in at the TH.
I was banned for disagreeing with SD re Rod Rosie. Dan064 simply liked my comments and got the same treatment. Newhere commented along similar lines to me and got axed – in one fell swoop.
There are a few Sessions supporters here who also got axed, but the bulk of ex-treepers here are Q supporters and have been axed in the last couple of weeks.
All without warning, many, including me emailed SD for clarification – no response.
We are quite bemused, but have largely moved on now, with the action hotting up.
We reached out to you and a couple of others who looked like potential “victims”.

Curry Worsham

I’m 50/50 on whether SD is playing a role in the Sting or blind to it.
If the former – man, is he good!
I have my strong feelings, but NOONE can be THAT certain about any of this Sessions/Huber/Q stuff.


Yay! Another favorite of mine shows up!

Deplorable Patriot

Exactly. That’s my experience as well.
“I don’t think he’s a good businessman. His businesses go bankrupt.” My response: Four out of a few hundred. That stopped that in its tracks.
“He’s not very smart.” He’s a student of Sun Tzu and Machiavelli. “That doesn’t mean he’s smart, oh, and neither are, what’s his name? Wilbur Ross? I can’t stand him or that Steve guy. They’re stupid.” My answer: They have more money than Trump does and they are doing those jobs for free and getting fines paid by other countries.
Yes, this goes on all day. And, the people in question think Melania is an idiot. Not that any of them can speak more than one language.


A couple rules-of-thumb, about the rules-of-dumb:
“To dumb people, smart people seem dumb.”
“When one isn’t smart about how dumb one is …
then one will be dumb about how smart one is.”


Wolfie, agree.


guaranteed the white house has the full audio of the interview. sorry i have not read all the drama but are they pushing this as some proof of some kind that sessions was blkhat and set the president up with another blkhat in whitaker?


we know whitaker likes sessions and considers him a mentor…
go to 4:48..
this is just anecdotal of course…


This is good. The administration should be working on getting this guy as much exposure as possible. Whats the adage? Possession being 9/10ths of the law? Push that, push him and its harder to ignore his legal authority.

Deplorable Patriot

It looks like the NYT and WashPo are trying to outdo William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer. Those two fought one of the wars we supposedly won on the front pages of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and New York Herald. It was great reading according to the history books, but pretty exaggerated.


Well, they tried to take down RR with his “wear a wire” comment …
As I note with bemusement – RR is still very much there, drawing a paycheck on your dime.
Ann Coulter would have conducted herself differently in those interviews, but then she is NOT Whitaker.
I found that composite tape to be entirely unremarkable in the context that the interviews were conducted in.


One big plus with this attempted smear that Whitaker must be a Never Trumper …
They cannot now in the future very well argue that he is biased TOWARDS PDJT – when they are trying to argue the opposite here. In fact, this smear attempt strongly indicates that they DO NOT have any evidence of bias of this nature.
This kind of bias that is argued here, that Whitaker does not respect PDJT, works FOR Whitaker as AAG.
If they were trying to take down Whitaker, they failed miserably – they just made his job MORE SECURE!


So, should have ended with – MASSIVE BOOMERANG FAIL!!! 🙂


So, is this is the best that the CIA can do? Or is this a distraction while the real mine is laid elsewhere? ………


No doubt, re the miscalculate thing.
Just imagine the peals of laughter when he called himself a VSG!!
Would have sounded just like the response Coulter got on the Maher show 🙂
See how that worked out for them?!!


I have to ask. What is VSG? I get most of the other acronyms relating to PDJT but not this one.


Very Stable Genius. President Trump referred to himself this way once. It stuck.


That. Is. Awesome. 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If memory serves, it came about after the white house doctor examined his mental acuity and he scored perfectly. This was announced in a press conference and of course the YSM urinalists refused to accept it.


Sorry – TH lingo! 🙂
PDJT labelled himself to be a Very Stable Genius in a tweet on Jan 6 this year – sent the MSM into paroxysms of outrage.
We deplorables loved him all the more after that – if that was possible.


WM, do not forget that the CIA has already been moved back to the second fence. The spooks are allowed to maintain their facade about being patriotic spooks but they are NOT in the loop any longer. They only get intel that has been sanitized for them. Same with the other Five Eyes.
The real intel is now from The Orb, composed of primarily military intelligence units from various govts. It does not interact with any of the traditional intel agencies and they have no ability to know what’s in the Orb or how it is being used.
This is why UK and OZ were so panic stricken that DJT would unclassify the docs. They are seriously implicated in trying to overthrow the govt of the US and they do not want the third world to know it, lest they lose influence. The proof is in those docs, plus many spooks and other officers would be placed at risk if the scheme was exposed. The third world has old ways of dealing with enemies (e.g., Khashoggi).


i wonder sometimes, but then i realize that agency has powers throughout this world to bring to bear, and we the populace of america has been being decieved slowly because of freedom and such. so ironically i find their best sources in this country are the media which is bad but could be worse believe it or not (not sure if their ineptness is contrived or innocent at times that ho
ds them back although in truth they must remain just below victim status of trump in order to remain the sympathetic spokesman of the people) and they have the NGO’s and of course the shadow state pulling the stings of the circus we believe are actually three branches of government with checks and balances and justice.
so i dont think this is all they have. they have those ace in the hole events too that shake everyone up. never forget…

Curry Worsham

Exactly what I was thinking.


Oh, but they WILL argue just that, as soon as it is in their interests to do so.


The audio is from several interviews. No context. No idea what the original questions were.


I wonder what the acting AG is up to this weekend?


Oh so much winning…comment image


Good idea. Get them all out of their offices and buildings and change the locks and pass codes before they try to return!

Curry Worsham

Special assignment for Keith Schiller.


PDJT issued a tweet, saying he wanted o have a presser in Argentina, but out of respect for the Bush family, he would do it after the funeral.
What does one thing have to do with the other?
The USA can walk and chew gum at same time.
I don’t understand.


Here is the first part of the tweet.


And second part


He is a VSG with most, if not all the info – we are mere mushrooms, kept in the dark, with a faint Q-shaped light bulb that buzzes into light occasionally … 🙂


if i were asked my opinion i would suggest this is one of those strategic times the president needs to go somewhat radio silent. we had the leadup to g20 (ukraine, etc) , then the fbi raids, cohen “plea”, then the usmca, then justin looking president in the eye and telling him to remove the tariffs, then you had MSB and puppet master putin doing a bro hug shake hogh five thing, then the tick tock hour on fox, bush goes on to be with 2 boots, pence and the q patch, and trump dodges the media keeps them wondering until AFTER the funeral. tack on a couple days of no tweets after this “bombshell tape” and many folks will be in puddles their own bodies melted by the fission reaction in their brains 🙂


If he’s talking in code, he’s saying something big was going to drop but it will be delayed a little by the funeral hoopla.


Spot on, thinkthinkthink.

Plain Jane



“What does one thing have to do with the other?
The USA can walk and chew gum at same time.
I don’t understand.”
I was thinking about how that ‘presser’ could have gone…
Media nozzles yelling out questions about GHWB…instead of questions about the G20 meetings.
“Are you going to attend the funeral?!!”
“Have you been invited to attend?!”
It could have been a mess.
And just holding a press conference after the news of Bush’s passing…Pres Trump would’ve been criticized for it.
The enemedia would’ve declared:
“Former Pres Bush died and Trump acted like ‘business-as-usual’.”
Perhaps our VSG Potus ran this scenario in his head, and decided not to give the enemedia the opportunity to turn it into a circus.
Just guessing here…but whatever his thinking was…I think he made the right call.

Deplorable Patriot

As others have commented, he wanted no distractions to diffuse whatever is coming.
One side sent out counter measures, and Trump just dove deep to let them play out. Or if you’re into music, he’s going to let the first chord clear before changing keys, and starting a new section.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I discovered, when I started studying music theory not-too-seriously, that a lot of my favorite passages out of classical music are the harmonic bridges, though I know I’d not like them without the two things they are bridging.

Curry Worsham

Panda face for Bush Country.


Hehe – good one Curry!


No access to do damage on that day?


This picture made me think of prophetic words I read from Mark Taylor. 1-16-18comment image
The Spirit of God says, “Two will be taken and three will be shaken!
For I will remove two from the evil crew of 32 and the other three shall
be shaken to the core. The 32 years they have altogether served and
empowered that entity called Baal, and the covenant they had holding
up his house with the illuminati and the New World order, shall come
crumbling down. For when the first one is taken, it will be a sign that
the New World Order shall die”.
Now I’m wondering if this picture isn’t doesn’t include the two taken and the three shaken or if no name is one of the ones taken. Things than make you go hmmm.


there were, until ghwb passed the other day, 5 living ex presidents. the total number of years they ruled was 32 years.
carter 4
bush 4
clinton 8
bush 8
obama 8
i linked to that pdf you suggested – i have never read acword from this taylor fellow but i will look into that. but in general these observations camecto my mind reading that passage andcattempting to overlap it onto present day circumstance…


zoon –
my apologies for this post from yesterday if it seemed to “state the obvious! when i replied i was on a tabled and the initial picture of the 5 presidents was not loading, so if i had in fact seen it my post would probably have seemed like it was exactly repeating what you said!
in any case… carry on.


It’s Zoo In Texas, zoo for short.
It makes me wonder if this is the start of the end for the nwo, I pray it so.
Seeing it in prophetic writings helps me to know my compass isn’t broken.
So the question now is who is the next to be taken, I mean pass away.
Did you notice Trump took Justin’s Marker at the G-20?


Great tweet from wolfmoon:


NYT is trying to out-do the WaPo with gas-lighting, opposites-speak and projection…
Gotta wonder how much Carlos Slim has invested in child/adult trafficking.


This “mixtape” is so good, I have to wonder if our VSG President had a hand in it, himself.
I agree with others here that context is everything. Given enough audiotape, I could make almost anyone say anything! A line or two out of context means nothing. I am tempted to make a tape of Hillary Clinton which makes it sound like she thinks President Trump is greater than President Lincoln, just for demonstration purposes.
It only BENEFITS the President for Whitaker to appear to be against him.
Another thing occurs to me, though. IF this tape comes only from the comPost, there are only two possibilities, really.
1) It’s true; Whitaker is a closet Never-Trumper
2) They are trying to reassure the terrified that the new A.G. is not coming to get them.
I mean, first the narrative is Whitaker has to recuse because he LIKES the President too much. Now, Whitaker secretly thinks he’s a buffoon and more. Why would the media outlet of the See Eye Aye pivot to that? To prevent MORE whistleblowers coming forward to try to cover their asses?
This upcoming week is going to be VERY interesting.


Went lurking on the other branch. Found this intriguing comment:
cali says:
December 2, 2018 at 10:33 am
@jakeandcrew: There is a lot more to that raid but Rosenstein had no hand in any of it.
Here is what also happened on that day: The Danske Bank in Denmark was raided being implicated in 230 million dollars money laundering. (Panama Papers gained info). Both executives of that bank were immediately released while a hostof bank employees are also under investigation..
Also happened on that day: Burke’s office in Chicago was also raided and not known in advance by Rahm Emmanuel or Burke. At first the msn thought to connect Burke to president Trump and tax reduction since he worked on taxes for the president in the past. However this raid had nothing to do with president Trump. Again employees in that office are alsounder investigation.
Also happened on that day: The Deutsche Bank in Germany was also raided implicated in money laundering (Panama Papers). Danske Bank and Deutsche Bank are connected via the money laundering. Again executives were dismissed and the raid took into the following day and was ongoing.
So there is a host of raids that took place appearing to have money laundering and more in common after the million documents drop of the Fonseco drop/Panama Papers.
We know that the Deutsche Bank also has accounts where politicians are hiding millions gained via illicit activities. Pelosi is one of them who had a 8 million dollar deposit into her Deutsche Bank account. There are more.
These cases ending in raids where the work Jeff Sessions did while being the AG. He was successful as the Panama Papers exposed money laundering involving US person/politicians/entities. Schweitzer touched upon this subject in his last book.
Finally the raid of this whistleblower. We have to await more info as there appears to be more to this case than we know so far.
However there is a third whistleblower to the crimes of the Clinton Foundation but that name is not known to the public or anyone else other than Huber and OIG Horowitz. This whistleblower will be part of the coming Huber testimony next week – 5th December or earlier like Monday. There are a number of moves are in progress and again thanks to Jeff Sessions and his work there were no leaks. This whistleblower and his anonymity and witness material was carefully kept, processed and cared for by Jeff Sessions. No Rosenstein and no Mueller involved.
I think we will see a week beginning tomorrow getting us one step closer to draining the swamp.
Bonus question: Who was really digging into money laundering?
Bonus answer: Jeff “Sleepy” Sessions. Maybe he wasn’t really sleeping.