A while back, I caught WordPress rather stealthily suspending one of my favorite blogs – Fellowship of The Minds (FOTM).

Instead of looking like what it looks like above, it looked like THIS:

It turned out that FOTM wasn’t the only blog that WordPress had very quietly shut down.

These were just a few of them. It was happening all at once, with no fanfare. Rumors spread very quickly that WordPress was quietly shutting down conservative blogs and sites which had been using their platform. They were DEPLATFORMING people.
Everybody had ASSUMED that WordPress was safe. In the past, WordPress had even gotten a grade of “D” by one of the PC Police organizations, in terms of policing against “hate”. Nobody THOUGHT that would change.
I very quickly got on Twitter and started spreading the word.
Luckily, WordPress relented, and FOTM was back up within a couple of days or so, although nearly all their old links were destroyed. This was particularly unfortunate, given that FOTM had some of THE best reporting on Obama’s roots as a long-term chess piece of THE SOVIET KREMLIN, and many old links were to the EARLIER version of THIS ARTICLE:
…..featuring THIS video….
Whatever. At least the site and the video are back, despite somebody DEADLINKING IT.
At least it was over.

I was on Gab, looking at “geek posts” about upcoming Gab Developer releases, particularly those allowing Gab integration with WordPress.
Unfortunately, I ran into a large number of developers warning that WordPress was UNSAFE in terms of censorship, and that any work to integrate with it was RISKY. That part I knew. I had been one of the people exposing PAST censorship.
However, there were other posters saying that WordPress was once again censoring viewpoints by suspending sites. The website cited above, gendertrender.wordpress.com, really caught my attention, because THAT suspension was allegedly due to the site merely questioning the “trans narrative”.
That was interesting, because TWITTER had just announced that its terms of service had been modified to include prohibition of “deadnaming” – meaning failure to honor name changes of trans people. An example is refusing to say “Caitlin Jenner”, and saying “Bruce Jenner” instead.
This may or may not be a problem for people. I myself am a total historical nitpicker. BRADLEY MANNING stole the documents – not CHELSEA MANNING. I think that CONTEXT is important, and I absolutely refuse to doctor history for leftist politics.
It is just one very tiny step from saying that name changes must be honored NOW for trans people, to saying things like:
- name changes for trans people must be honored retroactively
- name changes for people like Obama / Soetoro must be honored permanently
- referring to Obama disparagingly by his middle name “Hussein” is not allowed
- use of Obama’s middle name AT ALL must be policed for political disparagement
- all use of names must be policed for political disparagement
- welcome to the damned Soviet Union
Now, I have (in the past) kept my eye on the “trans” stuff by watching a trans-skeptical WORDPRESS site called “4thWaveNow“. That site tries to be non-partisan and even non-political, which IMO is rather difficult, since the trans agenda is largely if not completely a radical leftist artifact, but whatever. It makes me more of an “ally” than a same-thinker.
4thWaveNow has TWO articles explaining the GenderTrender shutdown.
Very interestingly, WordPress has fought me all morning, trying to show you these links. Earlier, I could not embed them, and had to alter them. They would not show up in the preview. Now, I can add them, but the software hides them from me until preview and ultimately publication.
Very weird. Whatever. Here are the links. I literally cannot see them right now.
A very important point about all this. Even when I copy and paste this stuff into the WordPress editor, the “embed” software looks at it, and decides that it’s “OK” to make a link or even just post. It would be no problem for them to add just a bit MORE code to argue with me about trying to “encode” a URL with (dot) or (colon). Heck – with A.I., they can even police me trying to work around this stuff with REAL ENCRYPTION. Can you imagine THAT?
I personally, could write such censorship code right now.
So there is nothing to say that code is not already there, waiting to be turned on.
You know – like it will be for GOOGLE if they write the censorship code for CHINA.
But let’s set that aside for another time.
These two articles are very important. The first article has discovered that WordPress is now FORBIDDING the publication of “former” names of “trans” people. They are calling this “private, personal information”. They are basically saying that using the old name is a form of doxxing. They don’t appear to be consistent about this policy – YET.
The second article reports that a WordPress employee actually went into 4thWaveNow’s reporting and EDITED OUT the old name of the trans person.
NOW – this is just ONE CASE that I learned of from these developers and other geeks on Gab. There were others – a bunch of them – including THIS ONE, the banning of Jay Dyer – which was covered by the popular libertarian commentator Styxhexenhammer666.
It is now extremely clear to me that WordPress is going to begin policing for content in a huge way. Their NEW ONLINE EDITOR which I am testing already seems to police content, or at least it is quite ready to do it, and acts all “suspicious cat” on politically incorrect data. I do NOT trust the software, nor do I trust WordPress.
SO – I want you to think about this logically.
- Assume for the purposes of this argument that Q is military intelligence
- Military intelligence includes stuff like the NSA
- Q says that “they have it all” – we sort of assumed that much already
- Q says that massive censorship on all platforms is coming
- People who would know about that are known to be under investigation
- We were banned on 11/11/18
- 11/11/18 was the putative date of the military parade
- The Fake News was highly triggered by this cancelled parade
- “There may be some disinformation”
- Obviously there is an interesting timetable connection
- Sundance has contacts with important people and “sources”
- Sundance seems kind of serious lately
- 2 + 2 = 4
- He ain’t the only one who is serious now
- On the other hand, some incredible levels of popcorn may be necessary
I don’t want to spell out any particular theory of what is happening, but I think it is very clear that we are in the middle of a huge propaganda war, that is JUST STARTING to get serious.
I have believed and still believe there have been MANY attempts to take down the Treehouse, and I think the other side will use ANY pretext they can. Including “Q”.
Anybody ON WordPress who is WATCHING WordPress simply HAS to be alarmed by now.
Earlier, when Sundance started to go negative on Jeff Sessions, I started to see that it was very possible that Sessions’ liabilities were at that point exceeding his benefits, and that a NEW Attorney General, free of MUELLER TAINT, might even be a good idea. I had even advocated that it might be strategic to FIRE Jeff Sessions – no hard feelings – in order for everybody on our side to WIN.
Why, Jeff Sessions could even run for a seat in the Senate. Or show up somewhere else. But the point is, there would be MORE WINNING if we were flexible about things.
I likened it to firing on one’s own positions with artillery, to stop an enemy advance.
Well, karma sure is a funny thing.
Gnome sane?
We will be OK. I’m a fighter. I’m a SCRAPPER. And with my own place here, and with a massive team of very sharp people, we can do a LOT of damage to the other side, while contributing ZERO liability to the shutting down of CTH on the “Q” pretext, which I can see on the horizon VERY clearly.
Trust me – they are going to SHUT DOWN ALL Q SITES.

But they are NOT going to shut down the Treehouse because of us. And that is a good thing, if we want to win.
There are VERY interesting historical analogs to this Great Awakening situation, by the way. These are just patterns of human behavior – patterns of history. But if you know them, you can see the development of things more clearly, and what options are available to us.
In that context, we have a role.
OUR job is to stand up for what WE believe, and not budge one inch.
I am going to stand up. And I hope that everybody here will stand up with me.

More WolfTzu; love it. So when the Stasi bang on the door and we all have to go out the windows and out the back and through the tunnel, how do we reassemble? Or more specifically, how do the less tech savvy amongst us learn the techniques we will need to employ to communicate and learn what is really happening?
Q information will get out and people will look for it. That is the beauty of a MOVEMENT. Our own familiarity with the site and each other will allow re-connection – organic.
Remember – where is Q strong? White hats, military, veterans, LE, etc. It’s going to penetrate any kind of propaganda by the Soviet American left and their foreign allies.
Tech is not the critical thing – it’s what goes through the tech. We are OK. Whether you ask the National Guardsman “Any word from Q?”, or connect by satellite phone from your mobile device through Bluetooth to get Q posts directly, it’s all the same.
Q is going to get past the fake news no matter what.
Wolf, most of this is over my head.
How hard is it to create the entire infrastructure to make a service or platform which does not advance communist goals?
For a long time Vox Day has been warning people about wasting their time making elaborate creations on most platforms/services. But he never says (that I have read) how exactly one avoids them.
Are there not very wealthy people who would fund such an enterprise? I know from reading on the internet that “we” have thousands of highly talented people who could do the “engineering” (such as yourself).
Why is there no safe alternative now?
I could certainly create a website, but it would still be hosted on an ISP’s system. Putting up a new site is one thing. Someone on our site would need to own the servers–and if the site got big, that could be a huge amount of equipment and money. Then, it would have to be tied to a “wire” (fiber optic line) to connect it to the rest of the internet. Who owns that? Probably a cable or telephone company. Can they cut you off? Can the people at the other end of that line cut you off?
Who owns the physical infrastructure of the internet itself?
TY. That clarifies things.
I guess putting it another way is this: if THEY can do it, why can’t we?
Do they own something essential which cannot be replaced?
Follow Gab on both Twitter and Gab to get in on real conversations about actually DOING this, and how people have had to FIGHT dirty tricks by Google and Twitter.
The Gab-Epik combo is the first real instance of people truly fighting back on this – a HOSTING service and a social media SITE on them, both sworn to REAL free speech, and fighting tricks by the leftists.
I am on Gab, tried hard to like it, and find I always get lost.
Quite likely the actual network of the internet, the physical wires, the machines that route packets. Someone owns that stuff, and everything that goes over them is by their leave. The biggest server farm in the world is useless if it’s not connected to active cables.
This is why I was listening in on Gab. Gab is now hosted on a patriot’s hosting service. Gab now has patriot developers, and a layer of patriots wanting to use their API. Things are looking up. Gab and Epik are talking about expanding offerings, e.g., blogging. So while I was looking into these things, I saw people complaining about WP going the WRONG WAY.
Gab is now censoring as well. I deleted my account due to this. Someone leaked an internal email from Rob Monster where he was talking about getting rid of people who were edgy – and you might hate every single thing Patrick Little has to say but he’s done his research and can back it up, and he NEVER ONCE doxxed anyone (though someone made a comment on his feed trying to dox someone) nor did he EVER promote violence against people. He *did* make one post saying if he got elected or he was going to torch a Holocaust memorial or something stupid like that but it was months ago and it was obviously said tongue in cheek which he made a point of stressing. There were a lot of accounts deleted for absolutely no reason after they came back on line and no reasons given JUST LIKE TWITTER. I followed some of those people/accounts – not because I’m on board with their opinions or methods – but because they often had links to sites with good research on things that are honestly WAY under the radar for most of us.
Well, I have to admit that I banned that person who joked about using Beyonce for target practice. Years ago that would have been considered a plain old joke, but communists have worn us down to the point that people can’t make jokes about violence. I mean, seriously. That’s what it is. Let’s be honest. People used to joke about it. The LEFT still does. And gets away with it.
We’re going to have to fight to take free speech back. Right now, even the full deal is looking rather thin. Going “all or nothing” on Gab is part of the other side’s trickery. That’s why a big segment of their controlled opposition is always purists with OCD mentality like NeverTrump.
Using “purity” against us is a strong communist card. Trump has taught us to stop being suckered on it.
hopefully gab will be judicious on who gets to know their API and who can tie in.
There are few as red-pilled as Gab!
see my post just below. all the networks and the “tubes” leading to and from the networks are completely owned and controlled.
back in the day we used to program sites manually, create custom forum systems, news sites, “content information systems” for lack of a better term. then at some point people created these pre built infrastructures that, while they were “fast” and “cheap” you gave up all intimate knowledge and control of your site.
then things progressed to these things moving to the cloud, and by then cost and convenience had made it so nobody in their right mind would pay to create a site custom made – why would you if wordpress or Joomla or whatever already built it. and you don’t have to do a thing!
and why not just buy your site at godaddy and hook into their free stuff?
so anyway, it was kind of a self fulfilling prophecy really. the one way i suppose is to use a “dark web” type way which isn’t really as nefarious as most people think it is, but it would be a way to circumvent certain paths, but you really need to know where to go to get to a site. not just fire up the google and type into a search box. you’d have to know the exact protocol and ip address and path and all of that (and that is really only a “semi-dark web” scenario, not one where a custom browser like Tor or something like that would be needed)
So, then, I have a question. If the cloud is the main place where everything is, are gateways still part of the picture? Back in the day, when I learned parts of how it worked, we always had to wait for gateways to be cleared, and if one was down somewhere, getting information published took longer.
Or has time blurred that in my head.
if a gateway router or switch is down it will slow down network traffic because it will have to seen an “alternate route” (think gps re-routing you)
however MUCH has changed in the last few years, and by consolidating things in the cloud the amount of places that can have an issue has been reduced. in other words, if your company was once trying to connect to a server over in wyoming that was routed through virginia and then idaho and then on to wyoming, and the switch in idaho was down, you might be stuck waiting until it was fixed. now the routing is much more robust, and if it is in the cloud even more so since they have redundancy built in that only these cloud companies can afford.
to add to what steve asked about who owns the “internet” here is a simplistic version of the answer brought to you again by the world renown genius wikipedia:
on that page look at Tier 1 providers to find out.
currently the datacenter that our company servers are in has 3 Tier 1 provider lines coming in and out so as to have redundant redundancy
Okay, that makes sense. I’ve run across some of those backbone companies before.
honestly, if the call to censor comes from the upper levels of tech then there is no way to fully be free from them.
in other words, you can take some servers to a “data center” or a “co-location” facility, you can rent server space, you can install your equipment, you can run your own servers and control your dns zones.
you can do all this but if the upstream from your servers is censoring you there is no chance…
of note, last december a great amount of verizon network traffic was “accidentally” routed through china due to an “error”… yes, united states citizen’s verizon cell phone data was routed through china government controlled networks. you do banking on your phone? … regardless, not a good thing. especially since those people were not even alerted. this info just came floating out in the last month or so.
i know the above article will seem silly to some, or too “complex” but what i am getting at is there is virtually NO WAY to be 100% safe from it.
they can block you at the dns level (why did google become so happy a few years back when they started offering thier own dns servers featuring a “very safe” way for people to know the sites they are getting to are good quality. btw, if your dns server is set to 8 dot 8 dot 8 dot 8 then you allow google to not only recieve every site request you make, but you also are at their mercy for finding or getting to sites unless they approve them)
TY so much. Your explanation helps a lot. I scanned the article and book-marked to read more carefully.
And people in my family think I’m insane for refusing to bank online.
here’s an article about this verizon thing:
notice the date of the article: November 2018
the issue occurred in December 2017.
I, too refuse to bank online. And I will NOT use my debit card on a website.
Another precaution to take is to not enter your card number in order, but to use the mouse (not the arrow keys) to fill in digits when you go back to them. That will frustrate a key logger that may be on your machine trying to capture your credit card number. E.g., if your credit card number is 0123 4567, type in 0356, then use the mouse to put the cursor between the 0 and 3, type the 12, then use the same procedure to insert the 4 and the 7.
I go incognito for online transactions. One monthly thing I go to the bank. Another I called them. When I was at the hairdresser last week, I paid with cash. The owner of the shop started to laugh.
I get it.
Now if we could correct the errors the medical records people made in putting my records in my sister’s chart, that would be good.
Having survived incoming artillery in July 68 I recommend not calling in friendly fire.
There are some sights and sounds that one never forgets.
Exciting times, way better than 68.
Truth and justice will prevail. Thank you Wolf.
You’re welcome, Tom. Yeah, I hate the term “friendly fire”. It’s the worst form of hidden martyrdom. Everybody signs up for it. But it should always be the absolute last resort. Nevertheless, that is how wars must be fought, sometimes.
Did not know you were a veteran of that stuff, but glad to know now. Honored by your presence on this blog!
Thanks for the kind words, Wolf.
Suppressed thoughts and memories for years (marriage, children, work) then it surfaced.
The Veterans Administration helped and continues. Not as bad as portrayed. (with prodding)
All good, no regerts.
Recently spent some time counseling vets who have run afoul of the system.
TY Tom for what you went through for us!
A scene in Braveheart stands out where Longshanks gives the order for the archers to fire. A guy says: “But half the men who get killed will be ours” and Longshanks says: “Yes, but the other half will be theirs.”
TY for your service tomf. was 18 yrs old in ’68. another bad year for a young un
I am beginning to think about possible areas and places to retreat to in case this targeted internet censorship becomes prevalent. One site I think may be one of the last to be breached is minds.com. It has been around for a few years now but its name recognition is still small. However, this year, because of the widespread censorship, it is becoming more prominent. I know that they allow blogs so it may be a consideration for those who have experience in that area. I have never really tried to do a blog so I have no comment on how technically sophisticated minds.com may be compared to others such as wordpress.
I think you may be right. I will have to look into them some more. Good tip – thanks for that!
OAN has just started freetalk24.com and they are backed by AWE. I have not gone there yet but will do that.
FreeTalk is good – I have an account, but no time for it since “the Purge”!
i am a little skeptical myself of minds.com – and that’s just me, hell, i am paranoid of lots of stuff.
but their whole basis is the blockchain. i think when we all realize what the “blockchain” is and how it can “benefit” (or not) us we will be either horrified or massively happy.
I’m with you on the Q sites. Not with you on CTH kicking us off for that reason. People were getting kicked out for backing Sessions long before Q brought lots of discussion there. Also people were kicked off for mere rational debate with Sundance, going against his views, some of them a year or so ago. So unless WordPress is going to shut down Session sites and/or rational debate sites too, I don’t think that is Sundance’s issue.
They may, of course, want to shut down Trump sites, which is a far bigger fish for WordPress to fry and will likely blow up in their faces.
Agree with you about WordPress. A few years ago Anthony Watts of Watts Up With That (WUWT), a fighter for truth on the climate front and a big site, complained on his blog about the new WordPress editor. I can’t remember the facts of it, but it seemed to cause lots of problems.
At the time I was posting a lot onto my own tiny WordPress blog – nothing important on the political front, mine is a writer’s blog – and every time I blogged something, I saw the text where it said, in effect, “There’s a new way to publish this, click to try.” And I didn’t, thanks to Anthony’s warning. Now there’s a new message inviting me to try and again I am just ignoring it.
I don’t know if you can go back to ignoring it and ease the problems the new editor is introducing, I suspect not, but that might be one small way of avoiding it, until the old method is completely removed and a blogger is forced onto the new track.
I realize that’s not much help, but thought I would throw it out there.
Politically, I am optimistic that once the “world changes”, as Q announced is soon to happen, that these obstructions to truth will gradually be weeded out too. People are certainly searching for sites and platforms for free expression and those are coming along.
Thanks! Yes, you are correct on the slow exodus of non-Q thinking – many other forms of “disobedient thinking” were removed by bans. But I think that Q was a big threat, and it was dealt with summarily, with no regard for who was posting, and that took a lot of people by surprise.
I may indeed go back to the old editor at some point, if I have to!
I am optimistic, too, I see a smooth curve to worse, but back to better, in our future.
“But I think that Q was a big threat, and it was dealt with summarily, with no regard for who was posting…”
It wasn’t necessary to do it that way. Here today you came out and plainly and said, “They’ll be shutting down Q sites.” Sundance could have done that and not lost a soul. “Hey, they will be shutting down Q sites, go start your own site, by all means, but don’t talk Q here.” And we all would have done it and still visited CTH every day for news on the political front.
Instead, he acted like the manager of the Red Hen when Sarah Huckabee Sanders visited. Not only was she chased out of the restaurant with her family, but the waiters followed them to a new restaurant up the street and harassed them there too.
Sundance followed his readers over to your site, Wolf, and took note of their names so they would never be welcome at his site again. His problem is not about Q, his problem is that he’s been exposed for being intolerant whereas he wanted to be seen as the beacon of truth and wisdom.
Anyhow, YOU are right about Q and the coming censorship. Note too the clampdown in media reporting on all the rioting in many countries against their globalist governments. Massive clampdowns are coming everywhere to save the globalists.
Oh, and more Q drops. Up to 2542… Happening now.
This is what really got to me. He banned me for reasons I can understand, and I even donated money to him after the ban (for hurricane stuff).
His treatment of others (i.e., most of the people here on the BannedWagon with me) shows he’s a hypocrite, a person who can brook no dissent, a cultivator of yes-men for his own ego’s sake. Unless there turns out to be some extenuating circumstance that shows me wrong (and I hope there is), he’s dirt to me.
PS: A joke. The boss looks at one of his subordinates and says, “I hate yes men. Don’t you agree?”
LOL! Love that joke!
Yeah, we’ll just have to see. Too many of the people he got rid of were valuable to him, IMO. There had to be a reason to argue for getting rid of them, and I don’t think it’s just disagreement. But we’ll see. I could be wrong. But I’m still expecting incoming!
He doesn’t want people from this site informing people at CTH that that many were banned for reasoned debate. Once we learned that, we weren’t welcome anymore. Too many people were banned for not seeing eye-to-eye with him and that goes against the mask he was putting up. He is not playing honestly and we will not be controlled. His site is imploding because of that.
It always, and I mean back to the Trayvon days, seemed like what was expected was a mutual back-slapping session between the commenters. And reverence for the leader.
Very much agreed.
There were some valid reasons for that, IMO. There were certain classes of leftist trolls that were intent on disrupting the work, and by keeping the tone at a certain pitch, they really could not disrupt behaviorally. They were easily spotted and evicted.
I think the cheerleader class of Treeper grew out of the growth in commenters, plus the need for contributors to get some attaboys in return for the free work, which was always appreciated. We NEEDED positives, too, to counter concern trolls and Eeyores.
Eventually the leftists graduated to bringing in disinformation, and SD got really pissed about that, but the trick worked, and eventually we were overwhelmed. Harsher tones were required. BUT you have to admit that the Treehouse worked – we BUSTED many false narratives.
I think it still works, but it’s fairly regimented. This place is a natural outgrowth in many ways.
I like to look at it as growth and budding.
Oops (maybe) on the Q posts. It’s my morning and I just saw them now.
is WordPress kinda like Google in that they base on ” what you might like ” in reader on what you search or comment on? just curious.
not sure how this showed up in this chain. yawn, time for nighty night?
No problem.
Not that I’m aware of. The reader just lists sites you’ve marked for watching. Any new posts from those will show up in your reader.
@A.D.Everard: “Politically, I am optimistic that once the ‘world changes’, as Q announced is soon to happen, that these obstructions to truth will gradually be weeded out too.”
I hope you are right, because as the 2020 election nears, conservatives need to get their word out more than ever.
Totally agree with you there. I do think there is more going on behind the scenes than we realize and I’m certain President Trump knows exactly how important all of this is.
One of the very first lessons I learned as a web publisher over ten years ago is that anything worth publishing should be done on a domain that you control. As we can all see now, these free platforms–Youtube, WordPress, Twitter, etc.–can shut you down with the press of a button for whatever reason they want and you have no way of fighting it. They have been pulling this censorship with “adult” blogs for years, and in hindsight, I understand now that was all a test run for today’s political censorship.
Even now, in 2018, even the advice of owning your own domain is dodgy. We saw what they did to Infowars and Gab. You need to choose your domain and hosting wisely.
I’m not blaming anyone who got their blogs shut down. It’s a hard lesson to learn. But I strongly recommend that anyone interested in publishing “controversial” start considering paid options.
There was something called “BlogSpot,” essentially a competitor with WordPress, that turned out to be Gulag, but come to think of it I haven’t seen it for a while.
they shut it down.
Didn’t see your comment before I commented below.
I think that was a host site for a post abortion help site about 10-12 years ago. I was asked by the originator to help field questions and counsel. At that time I was all thumbs on the web, so I declined.
I ‘m still thumbs, so my thoughts of starting up a keto website where people can just talk are probably going to stay at just that – thoughts.
I know a number of people who started blogspot blogs, but I knew they were owned by Google and I didn’t want to actually have to get a google account to do it.
good points…
i have been using a computer since i was a child. i have been making a full time living as a web developer / systems admin for over 20 years now. i have seen the way things have progressed.
like i mentioned earlier, before any of these site building systems that allow you to have a website “in minutes” we did it all by hand. i once worked for a company that custom designed a complete architecture for 10 different television stations to have news, and you name it. we ran those sites of off servers in our own office with redundant T1 lines – after 9/11 we moved them to what was billed as an “impenetrable data center”.
the difference between then and now is all appearance of the internet being “anonymous” or you controlling your own stuff has completely vanished to those of us that really know. we are at the mercy of who knows who – and those that do not believe this are foolish or just shilling for those that control it.
even the “left” who wants all this censorship – they are asking for the same device that will crush them also once day…
and things not taken into consideration regarding the “editors” and what not in these CMS systems – face it – the simple “feature” of auto spell checking (you know that little red squiggly line under the word i misspelled?) – that is a keystroke logging mechanism. meaning everything you type has the capability of being stored.
if you have “auto correct” or any of that stuff turned on your phone, same thing. and frankly, all phones and tablet key inputs are capable of keystroke logging and they are owned by samsung, google, and apple.
I find it hilarious and somewhat spooky that Tumblr announced a ban on adult content right after I made this post.
And as for Sundance and the Treehouse, I am not going back until Sundance gives us an explanation and an apology. I’m not ready to cut some slack based on speculation.
Bingo. (My reason for banning was different from most–even if it turns out that the whole Q thing was done with good intent, because he was forced into it, I doubt seriously he’d have me back.) Wolf is speculating that Sundance is doing this due, essentially, to outside forces. And that’s all it is, speculation.
Reasoned speculation! It’s what I do!
I think i may have seen one apology in all the time ive gone to cth. When he has gotten angry in error and called out for it, those threads and pieces are always deleted. Always. And if there is an apology it is not public.
CTH started bc the moderator group, SD, and a few others kept discussing politics on another website that the owner didnt like who kicked them all off. They eventually found each other and started a new place, cth.
How about them apples?
I did not know that about how CTH started. Interesting! And a bit ironic.
Gil….well, that not quite correct. The politics they were discussing was not in agreement with the owner of the blog. Before that, they’d met on an earlier blog that’s been gone for years, just as commenters who’d developed friendships. I wasn’t with them then, but I came shortly after CTH started.
And don’t anyone freak for any earlier disparity of Sd. Face it, sometimes he’s can be an ass. But, that’s his problem, not mine. HA! I still refer him research; but , not exclusively. There’s too much of a “pissing contest” attitude sometimes, with higher profile patriots. I’ve helped mend a couple of fences; but sometimes, I give the higher profile patriots of the moment the advance.
To me it’s all about getting the information out to the public at large. (Still trying to save everyone I can! Maybe I’m the dumbass! ha!) Does it really matter WHERE the information comes from, as long as it’s the TRUTH?
First, “they” went the financial route. Alternative sites were staved of exposure on the platforms where the audience was at the time. Facebook was the main one. (It’s more and more looking like a ghetto.) First the algorithms changed right about Ash Wednesday 2014, and traffic died unless one bought ads. Then the ads weren’t enough when certain key words were used, and the new algorithms buried posts. In early 2017, alternative sites started to die off because they were no longer making money. One by one, the outfits I worked for went out of business. Thus the counter-narrative was in the process of being silenced.
Now for the sites that are left, and will go on on a shoestring, the push is overt. It’s annoying, but the message that is being sent is it’s their sandbox and we’re just allowed to play in it. The fact that the one letter anon says all social media will eventually go dark leads me to believe that all of it is under control of the fifth column in one of the alphabet soup agencies, and the white hats have not neutralized it yet for some reason. There has to be a reason beyond the population’s addiction to social media.
And now we see the consequences of accepting “free” stuff. Eventually we come to depend on it, and even resist the thought of paying for something. (Many people pirate music. They can’t understand why they should have to pay for it, when there are all those freebies on YouTube and Facebook and…)
This will continue until there are a significant number of people who rebel and say “No you may NOT spy on me just because you’re offering me free schitt; I will PAY someone for this before I give you my private life.”
This applies not just to the internet but all kinds of “loyalty cards” at the supermarket, gas stations, and so on. They want to track you and profile you, even if you pay cash. You’re giving up so much for a discount on a loaf of bread.
Starting to see why red diaper Google did this, actually.
Free as in herpes.
If the service is free, then YOU are the product they are selling.
Dr. Katherine Albrecht always says that. She also warns about danger of those shopper cards.
But see, that’s just it. A lot of sites were using WordPress as a content editor, but were hosted elsewhere. One outfit I worked for had to upgrade servers on a regular basis in the beginning because traffic was so heavy.
Americans are addicted to free stuff. We just are. Samples, S.W.A.G., and premiums are a way of life even if it moves us all out of our houses. I have 12 titles published under a nome de plume with the first one being free as it is the first in the series. Easily it is downloaded ten times more often than the rest of the series. And the next book is only two bucks.
Believe me, I get it. Try selling hand made stuff on Etsy where you have to pay for the listing.
Oh, and the other thing, when I was working in one of the non-profits, I was the prize queen. It was my job to procure all the free stuff people got for raising money for mass market fundraisers. Trust me, I know what people will do for a t-shirt, camp chair, umbrella and any number of other things that would give away where I worked. I mean the complaints if a fleece was a pull over rather than a jacket were just ridiculous.
Great post, deplorablePatriot.
Hey Wolf –
Couple things.
I just spent about 6 hours today, copying my posts (an a select few others, which had wonderful advice for me I didn’t want to lose). I VALUE what I write – perhaps, if others wish to save their own, best posts – NOW may be the exact right time to do it.
I know that you’ve said that you’re ok with the site’s info going down. My question is this: Are you SURE??? What about a proprietary historical record? I was able to go through, post-by-post, the last 3-4 weeks of submissions … and the thought occurred to me, that there is SO MUCH knowledge and perspective for this historical time, that YOU may want to “archive” – online not just for “posterity”, but for an actual CHRONOLOGY of history, for the 2020 schoolers.
Before it disappears.
The VALUE that you yourself have brought – and engendered for others to bring, in complement / compliment – seems to me to be a value worth saving. For later. For you … and for us, and for others.
The info, and intel, and perspectives, and reactions, and feelings, and citations, and etc., – seem to me to be of great value for those who come after.
“What was the end of 2018 like, Dad?”
“Here, son! Some very smart people worked a LOT to make sure to PRESERVE the record – for US to read, and know- of a patriotic group of internet posters, so that WE could experience what it was like to live in those times.”
“Thanks, Dad!” (and/or-and “Mom”, of course!)
Having so far today done my utmost to save MY words (70 pages, 7 hours, and I’m only back to Nov 15 or so), will you not consider doing something similar for your own creation here on WP? Like you said – it’s on life-support, and could go at any moment. Have you not the IT expertise to ARCHIVE the product of your patriotism?
Yes, I was in sales. I’m hoping that you sell YOURSELF on the idea.
Protections don’t matter. The NSA-type agencies aren’t going to “give you back” your ones and zeros. You’re on your own, insofar as preserving the RECORD that you – and we – worked so hard to create.
If you’re able, and if you’re willing, I hope you consider it …
Happy Monday! hehehe …
I’m not sure about blogs on the WordPress platform itself, but it used to be the case that self-hosted WP blogs had a backup function. It would download a compressed version to your computer. It was useful for changing web hosts, but you also had a copy of it.
I’ll check and see if I can export – I think that I can.
I understand, Linda.
Here’s the thing.
This “blog” is HISTORY GOLD. (IMO)
I wouldn’t entrust it to WP, at all, at all.
The Chronicles of Patriots. As it happened.
Besides saving the posts themselves, all one would need to do is to hard-copy save the references … which we all know disappear like the mists of the dawn.
I was struck by the truth, and the REALITY, of us all posting here – our thoughts, our sources, our fears, and our hopes. And I thought of the VALUE to future learners, and adherents of the wisdom of history, in this chronicle.
I will be very sad to see it disappear, for lack of prescience of its historical – and practical – value.
We ARE history.
I wish NOT to see it e-burned.
Or thrown away, as so much “irrelevance” to the day’s need.
People will be reading my bad jokes FOREVER….bwahahahaha!
Thank you!! – I thought it was just me, thinking they were bad!

There is only one other whose are worse, and he shall go unnamed due to “fragile ego syndrome”
But in any event, duty calls, I have to go now – HAVE TO SAVE THE WORLD
I didn’t realize you had a fragile ego. OK, I’ll be careful now.
So does me “liking” your reply to my allusion of having a fragile ego make me an oxymoron, or just a regular moron?
Looks like I clearly misunderstand myself (indicative of both oxy and moron), or is this a transparent attempt at fishing for false praise?
I wonder how you will construct you reply?
Definitely Moronic Oxide. It comes in fine granules. (Just in case you thought I missed your use of the SD T-word and the SD C-word.)
Touche!! I was wondering how you would play that
By the way, in the interest of full transparency (of the non-SD T variety) your name got bandied about in abstentia between Tonawanda and myself. You were called all sorts of names, including sceptic, very smart and quick – Sorry …
Yeah, you weren’t very guarded there, or it’d no doubt have all been insults (but meant in only the best way).
Steve, I’m getting to really rely on your wonderful wit and humor. Keep it up. You make me smile, even when I think I can’t.
A hole in space opened up in front of me just now, and a scrap of polymer landed on my desk. On reading it (it was a very odd type of English) it had a page heading that implied it was out of a book titled “History of the First 1000 Years of the United States.” The first line of the page read “SteveInCO, jester of the Restoration of the United States, was instrumental in…” And that was it. The second line is missing.
Instrumental in WHAT? WHAT? Dammit I want to know!
But “Jester”??
Lol, it was in gest, Steve. Hope it didn’t give you indigestion. Oh, and if I hear our great-again country is in the market for a resident punster, I’ll recommend you.
All in jest, certainly!!
And “Punster Laureate” I can live with.
perhaps you sang for the king and queen in a coat you borrowed from james dean?
Oh wolf…..while I’m thinking of it…I’ve been archiving off-line for 14 years now a lot of stuff from all over the web. That’s what drew me to this particular thread. I possibly have a fair amount of old stuff from FOTM, certainly as it pertained to he-who-shall-not-be-named. That is all I will say.
BMT!!! Welcome! Long Time No See!!
Howdy! I’m here. Been here all along. Just don’t comment as much as I’d like, got a full-plate right now, and not enough time in the day to get everything done!!!!
I know what that’s like, believe me.
Well, Wolfie and everyone here, your post was so mind-blowing it took my breath away. So much to think about. One thing I am beginning to wonder with the threat of massive sensorship is whether we are the dupes. And if people like oObama can simply erase the truth, erase history by changing their identities, how do we know that the government or ruling entity couldn’t simply assign new identities to all of Us, or numbers or whatever suits the purpose of a totalitarian system? And ever since q started and addressed us as “patriots” I’ve been haunted by that mini-series called Amerika in which the Russians take over America, which becomes Amerika, I think one can watch it on youtube. I keep remembering the students who formed the White Rose in Germany to spread their ideas during the Nazi era (they were eventually caught and executed) and I keep thinking of 1984 and also that old TV show called The Prisoner. Just some random thoughts for you all to chew on.
Wolfmoon, I read the article and somewhat understand what’s going on. Two things I don’t understand.
First, I thought there was payment involved with each click on a hyperlink. Why would they want to interfere with this revenue stream?
Second, what is preventing you (or anybody) from finding a decent webhost and running your own comments on that host? Seems to me that there simply must be some independent program that can just be laid over the web page in order to make comments on that site (URL).
Am I lost or does this make sense?
Actually, what I was getting at above is that it is possible to save a copy of this blog to disk, buy a domain name (about $10/year), find a cheap host (many at $5-$10/month), install the software copy of WP on it, then import the backup copy you saved to it. Much better than a separate host for just comments. Besides, his articles talk about Q, not just the comments. So the articles themselves are what puts him at risk of being deplatformed.
In a somewhat similar vein, I read last night (and posted a link to the article in the Hollywood Reporter in the Open Thread) where goofy Glenn Beck’s The Blaze and CRTV (Mark Levin’s outfit) have merged.
Today, I had the TV on and came across The Blaze on TV which I haven’t watched in years due to Glenn having his breakdown or whatever and becoming unwatchable for me. With the news of the merger fresh in my mind, I watched for about a half an hour and learned a few things.
I guess Mark Levin doesn’t run CRTV he is just sort of the flagship talent I guess you could say. I didn’t know that. I assumed it was his deal and he ran it. I’m not a subscriber so I know very little about it.
Anyway, Glenn was talking about deplatforming and rumors of such among the conservative media peeps. Everyone knows censorship is here and we’re all living on borrowed time before You Tube kicks you off, Twitter depersons you, or whatever. So the strategy behind the merger was kind of a “strength in numbers” play. Glenn said you had to have a mix of subscribers as well as advertisers because advertising is very vulnerable to boycotting.
He also mentioned the importance of unity on the right. Never Trump, libertarians, conservatives, GOPe, whatever needs to get together and work together and dispense with purity tests and this merger is a kind of experiment in doing that.
We can all see the handwriting on the wall. Free speech is almost dead and we just haven’t admitted it yet. Censorship is here and is about to be unleashed full bore. Social media is going to disappear, I think, as part of this war. The Left is organized. They are the community organizers of our world and they have been planning and organizing their little resistance games for two years now. But the Right? We haven’t done that work and we’re going to wake up and find we have lost that connective tissue.
OK, so what do you do when the OWNER of the site calling for unity is HIMSELF applying the purity test?
Beats me. I report, you decide.
You’ve outFOXed me.
a generalized suggestion: have a on-its-face bland, neutral and non-political off-to-the-side website/blog that is well-known to your followers. (Maybe WM already has one). Then when the banhammer falls, fans can at least find you on the non-political blog — make it about cooking or car repair or something of interest. I think certain Youtubers do that — they have their political blogs (which get demonetized) and they have the “fluffy” stuff that Youtube will be “happy” with. Then, after the ban, from the bland non-political site, the fans can be given directions to the new site. Or, it’s all code talk. I noted that memers were very quick to respond to the EU’s anti-meme code with hand-drawn, blurred, pixelled and other fuzzy techniques for defeating the image-reading software. Same will happen with words. If it becomes criminal to criticize migration, well then people will speak of … say, geese. Geese are bad; they leave their droppings all over the park; they make the park unpleasant and dangerous … Something must be done about the geese!!!
New daily thread, folks!
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