Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181207

This SPECIAL (D5 + 2) = (D13 – 6) PEARL HARBOR DAY FRIDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments.  Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.

No illegalities, please!  However, ratting out Deep State illegal plots is highly encouraged.

Today (Friday, December 7) will be the fifth day of Hanukkah, and the sixth day of Advent.

Hanukkah 2018

The 146th day of next year, which shall be celebrated here as Ma Cankles Uranium Day, is:

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2019


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

– – · –
Five hundred seventy eight days of the BannedWagon.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
– – · –
Let the trumpets be heard!

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Did you just find out that the site that Can’t Tolerate Heterodoxy has banned you? Hop aboard. Here at W’s Q tree house we are getting the banned back together.
– – · –
The Klintons and all their Deep State cronies have got to be feeling a wee bit claustrophobic with the walls closing in.
The office of the presidency supposedly ages people, but it seems to me like Baroque Obola has aged more after leaving office. Something must clearly be causing him great stress, and it’s probably not his wife (after all he had to deal with her beforehand too, with less visible effect).
– – · –
On with the fun. And, yes, we are having fun!
I love it when a Plan comes together.

– – · –


scott – thank you sir!
look forward to your posts and this a-team clip was icing on the cake.

Sylvia Avery

“the walls closing in”
Ha, ha! That’s what the lefties are always saying regarding the ridiculous Mueller investigation. They’ll be saying that, still, as they work to scrabble out from under the chunks of concrete and rebar when PDJT’s walls have closed in on THEM.
Love your post and the music.


This tweet is a couple days old, but very interesting. Little Macron must be shaking in his boots.


Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer,
but must work,
doing something useful with their own hands,
that they may have something to share
with those in need. *
Ephesians 4:28

*Note that the sharing is an individual person choosing to give!comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’ve identified the fundamental issue with the left trying to use peoples’ charitable impulses to justify the welfare state. They’ll call it mean spirited and uncharitable to oppose the redistributions, but they are at gunpoint and aren’t, therefore, charity.


Exactly Steve.


This is not very good news for the 4th quarter GDP.


working overtime to fix the score against the president. when you know it’s one country against the world pretty much, it stands to reason they can control a mere 55 billion. we can make this better if some things happen i can pretty much feel it.


I need to dig into this number


The other day I posted someone’s tweet that said last quarter $54b had been wiped off the debt.
So, this would appear to be a net result of -$1b.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The debt has nothing to do with the trade deficit.



Sylvia Avery

I saw that. Anyone know what happened? Is it just because we have been buying stuff like crazy and since most things are still made elsewhere it has hit us that hard?


Mixed bag. Double edged sword. All the cliches we can think of. The economy in the USA is good + Christmas is coming. People spending more, buying more goods which happened to be imported.


Well it tells you not much will change until USMCA and the Chinese trade deals kick in. America is addicted to cheap Chinese products. If we don’t start buying American made products, then a version of this will happen after every high consumer spending month.


True, plus, big ticket exports to China, like soybeans, were not in that number.


BTW I just saw unleaded priced at $2.37. That will generate more Christmas spending.


If you haven’t read this article by Geddes, I highly recommend it…

Sylvia Avery

It’s a terrific piece. Very thought provoking.


Good for him!
He took photos of London yesterday. Here’s one:


Geddes has the perspective of an apparently younger person regarding the small screens.
To an older person (me, at least) the almost universal practice of staring at a small screen everywhere at all times and in all places looks like the world has become the set of a very bad dystopian sci-fi movie. No “street level photography” needed to notice.
Did you think pods under every bed was bizarre and scary?
More bizarre and scarier are pod people actively engaged at all times with their personal remote control.


Great article and thanks for sharing. I was just lurking over at CTH and see that the Q bashers are still going at it and from the looks of it…more attacks on each other. Truly sad that SD may have let his ego cause this. The number of remarks are way down. I still read his articles because unlike SD I like to hear all sides and perspectives . Sorry SD but Q ain’t going away. WWG1WGA


I can confirm – volume way down and nastiness way up. Life goes on no matter who dies. IOW the society can do without any particular person. Perspective is everything.


I just can’t look back.


Thanks TTT. He’s great.Nice guy too.


Lots of obstacles for me in finding the Q tree and in accessing it. A search of Duck Duck Go finally provided a link to here, but when I clicked on it I got a “problem with this sites security certificate”. I don’t recall that ever happening when accessing other WordPress blogs. I also did a search at the WordPress website, but nothing for “Q Tree” would show up for me.
Try as I might, there was no access to here using my Internet Explorer 11.
I next tried to do at a search in my alternate browser, which uses google (loath as I was to use them) as their search engine. Nothing turned up for me there either. No surprise.
I went back to IE 11, did another search in Duck Duck Go, then copy and pasted the address for here into goggle. That worked.
While reading the “Planting The Q Tree” page, my security program kicked me out and flashed a message that Q Tree was a “suspicious scam website”. I got back in through the home webpage here. No problem having that message show up again. I have also had a “flash player may be out of date” message imposed on my screen while reading here. That hasn’t happened to me in a long while at other WordPress websites.
No doubt, Q Tree is being perceived as a threat to the black hats.


Wow. Glad you found this place and made it through all those obstacles.
I haven’t experienced any of those ‘security’ notices. Yet.
Wolf said this site has been under attack, though.
*looks suspiciously from side to side*

Deplorable Patriot

I got “This Connection Is Not Private” at some point. Well, I know THAT. Restarting everything solved that problem.


My Os10.9 (2010) Safari will occasionally balk and I will have to reset Safari to get into QTH. But it also doesn’t recognize Home Depot sometimes.


I have to keep cookies and files cleaned out religiously or my computer won’t work smoothly.
Some sites will put over 50 cookies from a whole host of ‘conservative’ websites that I had not visited. Some sites put adware/trackware on my computer. ScribD and Wikipedia cookies especially cause problems.
Even with a PC, it’s important to clean out cookies/files.
Also – AdBlockPlus really helped.


I do disk cleanup, clear cookies, browsing history and other PC clearings often. Sometimes as often as a dozen times in a day.
I hate the invasion of privacy, plus I think I have less trouble when doing that.
I installed AdBlock once, but got rid of it after using it a short time. Went a different route.


I ALWAYS re-set Safari before buying anything or paying bills online.

Cuppa Covfefe

I use the Brave browser, which has an integrated ad-blocker and a host of other tools. It also has an option to open a fresh tab as a TOR connection, which is handy when you’re faced with a geo-blocking script or site. YouTube apparently has caught on to these workarounds, so there’s now a workaround to their workaround. Don’t have the link to hand, sorry.
Brave also keeps stats of how many cookes, tracking attempts, etc. are being made, and has a lot of options,etc. that you can set.
Another thing about certificates: the root servers of the www (i.e. top of the DNS tree) had a certificate renewal/change of method last month, and it could be some of the changes are still percolating through (kind of slow, but maybe). M$ has also been dinking with certs via security updates,which makes me a bit nervous (and ever happier to have stayed on Windoze 7)…

Pat Frederick

i use Firefox and to find this site –even though I’ve visited more than once–i have to type in The Q Tree blog…then it takes me to a past thread and from there I hit home…it’s worth the journey!

Plain Jane

Holy, moly. Glad you were persistent, and that you arrived.
Am thinking I should have my kids try to find The Q Tree using their various browsers as a test and report back to me. Wonder how prevalent this is.


Have them try the search this way:
The Q Tree WordPress
Came up at the top of Google, DuckDuckGo, and Yahoo.

Plain Jane

Thanks Aubergine. Will do.


Hmm….I have never had a problem but, then, I have a WP account. Altho, I do sign in via OT, then come here. Haven’t seen a “log in” button here?


It looks like another post of mine has gone into the spam bin. Am I on a mandatory short leash for the time being?


Help for Itswoot, please!


Did you have more than 3 links in it?
Because the WordPress overlords don’t like it when we do that.
Hi, Itswoot.
It’s good to see ya here!


“Did you have more than 3 links in it?”
None. That’s what got me jittery. Having a post sent into the spam bin became a sore spot with me at the CTH. Ad Rem oversaw bin retrieval. I went about a year where nothing of mine ever came back out. I complained about it. After that my posts very rarely went into the bin. I think sundance may have stepped in and changed my personal security setting.
“It’s good to see ya here!”
Thank you!


Much obliged!


The wife of the reassigned LEO in Broward County thanks a bystander:


Excellent! Thanks!
She and her husband are treasures.


Yesterday, students at a high school outside of Paris threw stones at police.
The police made them kneel down with their hands on their heads.
There is a shortage of police in that area. Someone asked, ‘What were they supposed to do when they were attacked? They also didn’t have enough handcuffs.’
Apparently, Mantes-la-Jolie has some of the best high schools in greater Paris thanks to the various partnerships that help build schools. Therefore, some people are puzzled as to the protest.

There’s a close up of the students halfway through this video:


Love this pic, too.


Thanks! Brilliant!


I saw an article posted by an Anon a couple days ago, where the Chief of the Police Union in France was telling Macron…”End this, or we join the protestors.”
Right after that, Macron announced the ‘6 month suspension’ of the gas tax.
Doesn’t look like that’s going to work.
The protestors aren’t falling for it.
They’re calling on everyone to Join In on a Nation-Wide Walk Out…on Dec 10th.
They are calling on people to walk out of work, close their shops, etc.
Not sure how long it’s going to last…because they’re telling people to stock up on food & water.


Agree that this weekend’s protests, which are supposed to be even more violent, could roll into Monday with a walk out.
That said, so far, I haven’t heard anyone talk about Monday on RMC (which is on while I write). The talk is all about what is likely to happen this weekend.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A general strike, if successful…is the end for the current government of France.

CM in TN

Fingers crossed!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s a double edged sword. I could see the huge Muslim population exploiting the chaos. We could see the government fall, and Sharia take its place–and they won’t stop at rubber bullets. They know how to terrorize a population into submission.


Well, the helped us win our Revolution, and if the Muzzies try to take over, we should help them win theirs.


*they* dang it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Interesting thought, and I don’t know which way I’d go on that. I do know some people think we discharged that debt in 1917-8 and 1941-5.
Another argument could be made that regardless of whether we owe the French anything, we don’t want the Muzzrats taking it over because that would be a future strategic loss.


That all depends on the numbers. Anyone know the percentage of those from the Religion of Pieces present in France?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A lot higher than here. Wiki says 6 percent. But given an unarmed (infidel) populace, I think 6 percent might be enough they might make a go of it. The Bolsheviks took over Russia with a lot less, because they were willing to terrorize and slaughter hundreds or thousands of people as an intimidation target. The next town the Red Army showed up at would say…er, we’ll just surrender so you don’t do that to us.


From 2009:

Cuppa Covfefe

News here in Germany says 700 students were arrested there in France…
Wonder what Macaroon’s mother/teacher/wife has to say about that?


Good grief.
German students have plenty to protest about at home.
‘Wonder what Macaroon’s mother/teacher/wife has to say about that?’ 😆

Cuppa Covfefe

The students were French students in France, not German…


I thought there was some student ruckus in Germany.

Sylvia Avery

Praying Medic has posted his Q thread for Dec. 6
“My Theme: Deep State Fake Out”


This article, which Praying Medic included in his thread, is excellent and explains what is really behind Flynn’s sentencing (excerpt follows, emphasis mine):
‘Although the defendant pleads guilty immediately, the sentencing hearing is pushed far into the future, sometimes many years, until cooperation is complete, so that the full extent of the cooperation can be considered by the sentencing judge. This is accomplished through the submission of what is frequently referred to as a “5K letter,” where the prosecutors inform the judge of the full nature and extent of the cooperation to be considered at sentencing — the same redacted document that Mueller filed for Flynn.
‘Because there is no direct quid pro quo (i.e. promise of probation in exchange for testimony), a cooperator has a motivation to keep the prosecutors happy, knowing that the more he or she helps, the better this letter will look and the more likely the judge will impose a lenient sentence. It also bolster’s the cooperating witness’s credibility because when testifying before a jury, “I don’t know how much jail time I’ll get” sounds far better than “I’m getting no jail in exchange for my testimony here.”’

Sylvia Avery

Yes, I thought that was really interesting. And he makes the point that former federal prosecutors who are writing op eds for Mueller’s investigation and tying themselves into pretzels trying to make this look like Trump is going down. It’s really nice to get a legal POV.


Indeed it is.


Thanks, Sylvia…I especially liked No. 25.

Sylvia Avery

I know! Terrific meme!


I am very wary of this Bill Barr guy.
On the other hand, Ristvan had this to say on the Barr thread Over There. My mind has not changed, but, for what it’s worth (typos edited):
‘Ristvan says:
December 6, 2018 at 6:21 pm
‘Lurking Lawyer here. WaPo is not a reliable source, so this. Could be a trial balloon. Researched Barr before opining. My 2 cents:
‘Worked several years in the Reagan White House on domestic policy. A plus.
‘Was Acting AG when 125 violent Cuban prisoners awaiting extradition (Muriel sequela) rioted, took nine hostages. Barr ordered FBI and others to (armed) counterattack. Result, all hostages freed, several Cuban criminals dead. Tough hombre. So Bush made him AG from Acting.
‘After leaving Bush 41 admin went to be senior corporate exec for 14 years (GTE, acquired by Verizon. ‘Retired’ in 2009 and became of counsel to Kirkland and Ellis, the same law we used at BCG back when I was a very senior BCG partner. Corporate exec, NOT swamp. Trump kind of guy.
‘in my opinion would be a GOOD Trump choice, for three reasons:
1. His recent comments are more Hillary to be investigated, and Mueller charter was too broad.
2. AG is a senior exec under PDJT. Not a doer as much as an exec making sure his direct reports and their direct reports DO what he and PDJT want done. Exactly what DoJ needs to root out deep state. Barr is a legal Wilbur Ross.
3. No way given this week’s GHWB circus Barr would not get approved by Senate. Remember there are at least 6 more than just shakey GOPe Senators in the upcoming 116th session.’


Now for someone who supports my take on Barr (i.e. not good for MAGA). From the same thread:
‘Ospreyzone says:
December 6, 2018 at 6:46 pm
‘The good and not-so-good regarding William Barr:
‘– Barr is an avid bagpiper and has played competitively in Scotland with a major American pipe band. – CHARMING ATTRIBUTE
‘– Barr was the son of Columbia University faculty members Mary and Donald Barr – RED FLAG
‘– Barr received his bachelor’s degree in government in 1971 and a master’s degree in government and Chinese studies in 1973, both from Columbia University – RED FLAG
‘– From 1973-77, he was employed by the Central Intelligence Agency. – RED FLAG
‘– Barr was in private practice for nine years with the Washington law firm of Shaw, Pittman, Potts and Trowbridge, specializing in global sourcing – RED FLAG
‘– Barr wrote advisory opinions justifying the U.S. invasion of Panama including an opinion that the F.B.I. could invade foreign soil without the consent of the host government to apprehend fugitives wanted by the United States government. – RED FLAG
‘– After his tenure at the DOJ, Barr spent 14-years as a senior corporate executive, retiring from Verizon Communications. – RED FLAG
‘– Barr became an independent director of Time Warner in July 2009 – RED FLAG
‘In summary, until I see a little more balance I’ll be siding with suspicious cat.’


Bulwarker wrote that Barr supported Eric Holder as AG and included the NYT article with the quote. NOT GOOD:
“Mr. Holder’s principal vulnerability was that he had facilitated the pardon given by President Clinton eight years ago to Marc Rich, a financier who fled the country to avoid prosecution. But the endorsement of Mr. Holder by many in law enforcement and many notable Republicans, including William Barr, the attorney general under the first President Bush, made it difficult for Republicans to mount a campaign.”


I knew about Crowdstrike and also wondered, ‘WHY?’
Didn’t know that Covington & Burling is Holder’s old law firm. Blimey, what were they thinking?
The Sputnik News article is well worth reading. For those who haven’t yet seen it, it also includes this tweet:

CM in TN

Haha! I used to have Covington and Burling as an A/C maintainance contract back in the late 90’s for a HVAC company I worked for then.


Any general stories you can share? Atmosphere? Type of people?
Enquiring minds want to know. 😉

CM in TN

Just another job. Nothing in particular stood out. We did a lot of law offices, think tanks, and lobby groups.


Thank you for that information. Wow.




Five Suspicious Cats, huh?
I’ll add this to the kitties:comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Bagpiper, huh. I can live with that.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Only if you don’t think they sound like strangling cats.
(I don’t, BTW.)
But I am reminded of a story. A bunch of us went out to lunch one day, including a lady who was a pianist (concert level), she was going to give a lecture to us on music, as well as a short recital.
So here we are in this restaurant, and a band came in. It was St. Patty’s Day weekend. Bagpipes and those big bass marching band drums. The text traffic began. “I thought bagpipes were Scottish” “I thought bagpipes were outside.”
The poor lady clapped her hands over her ears; she didn’t want to ruin her mindset for the recital.
I pantomimed pin pricking the bag on the bagpipes (the instrument was literally right over my shoulder because the cat strangler, er, bagpiper was right outside our booth, facing away from me) and got the best laugh I had ever seen from her.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m more Celt than anything else. The pipes are part of life…and the only instrument that should be allowed to play “Amazing Grace” IMO. Especially when hoisting a rig on a tall ship. It’s very moving.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ll go along with Amazing Grace. I’m also fond of Scotland The Brave.
I actually bought a CD of bagpipes and banjos. It works better than one might think.

Deplorable Patriot

In St. Paddy’s Day, no parade is complete without the sound of the pipes, lots of curly wigs, the aroma of cigars, and the Shriners in those little cars. Well, and the bars setting up shop on the curb in Dogtown. It is so much fun.


How is this for coincidences? We went to the same grad school and we both worked at the same company at the same time.


Are there any vanilla insights you can share with us?


Yes…I have Dr’s appts but I will add one little tidbit when I get back.


OK I read his bio wrong. He worked at the parent not my company


Okay, thanks.


There are no coincidences and I hope the company was not the alphabet one or we will have to assign a cat to you.😼😼🤣


No it was the parent of mine. I had no interactions.


Thanks, ChurchMouse.


You’re very welcome, Zoe.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sorry. I’ll take Ristvan’s POV. VSGPDJT runs things like a high corporate executive should, and measures on RESULTS. As he siad, Barr is tough. And has produced great results.
Ospreyzone is judging on guilt by association (typical DEMONcRAT tactic) as opposed to judging by RESULTS.
Barr retired fomr GTE as a sub of Verizon, not Verizon itself. That makes a difference.
Might also be a case of “let’s run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes.”…If not approved, VSGPDJT can keep running that play while Whitaker is tackling all the swamp “team” players for a loss, indeed a great loss…


Good points.
I particularly agree with your last paragraph. As others here have said: shades of Romney in late 2016.

Sylvia Avery

Yes, I’m suspicious of Barr as well. I don’t have a link to authenticate it, but I have heard and seen where Barr spoke out defending PDJT against Mueller, I think questioning the legitimacy of the probe IIRC, so that is on the plus side of the ledger.
The red flags you list below do give me pause.
Biggest OH NO is his support for Mr. Thug Life, Eric Holder.
I watched Ed Rollins discuss this with Lou Dobbs last night. Ed Rollins said Barr is a good guy, great, wonderful reputation, BUT he questions him as a choice for AG just because PDJT is a disruptor and he feels that after two years of discovering how corrupt the DOJ is PDJG really needs someone willing to scour the place out or blow it up and not worry about being uninvited from the next cocktail party if he does.
And I find it bigly suspicious that this was leaked and to whom. So the whole “construct” seems wobbly to me. Especially after going all granular on it.


I really hope you are right, Sylvia.
I’m not sure why — if this report is even partly true — PDJT continues looking at Swamp types for important appointments, when we can see that they are clearly Swamp creatures.
The other candidate WaPo said he is considering is Ratcliffe from Texas. Why would he want to remove a Republican congressman when the GOP will be a minority in the House next year? There’s no guarantee that a special election would produce another Republican win — even in Texas.

Sylvia Avery

I can’t take much at face value any more. If PDJT brought in Whitaker as The Mooch 2.0 as Q suggests, I’m not sure any of us will know or care who the AG is because the view will be obscured by blood and feathers everywhere. When it settles, then there is time for a new AG. Maybe!
When I was hearing all the plaudits for Barr and his accomplishments, I couldn’t help but flash back to James Comey and how everyone EVERY SINGLE PERSON spoke of his reputation as a Boy Scout, so effective, terrific guy, blah blah blah. Until the surface got scratched and we could see what was underneath the surface. Shudder.




Ditto Mueller: untarnished reputation (sez who?) and military veteran.

Sylvia Avery

Oh, you are so right! I forgot about Mueller, briefly. Same kind of eyewash as was said about Comey. Blech.

Deplorable Patriot

First problem, the source is the WaPo. I wouldn’t take that at face value.


We’ll see.


Also Greg Jarrett on Lou Dobbs questioning Barr’s fit for the corrupt times we are in re: DOJ and FBI.

Sylvia Avery

Yes, exactly. And this morning I saw a bit of video of Karl Rove from yesterday falling all over himself to talk about how great Barr would be.
I thought, wow, if I ever needed confirmation that this is the wrong guy for this job, that’s it.
Funny. I used to hang on Karl Rove’s every word.

Cuppa Covfefe

Could it be that VSGPDJT is looking beyond the disruption, and for an AG to handle some building and a steady state (albeit reduced in size)? By this I mean that Whitaker is going to do some radical surgery on the DOJ, and Barr will rebuild it.
Another possibility would be that President Trump will say, “OK, you didn’t like Barr, so I’ll take someone else who’s already confirmed, and put him there”. Say, a volcanic candidate, currently working at State…TLA veteran…

Sylvia Avery

I think either of those things could be true. Definitely possibilities.
And I’d feel a lot better about Barr if Whitaker had already kicked behind, taken names, and razed the place to the ground. Then, yeah, maybe Barr could rebuild it in a sober, judicious, meticulously legal above board and measured fashion.


Can I recommend Brave to everyone? Simple, fast, does not track.
When I have made my occasional call to Geek Squad no agent has ever even heard of Brave.
But the last agent loved it after a few minutes and said he was going to download and try.
Brave and DDQ are very useful, no problems at all with either, and they appear to be unconnected to any globalist enterprise.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I had issues with brave randomly scrambling the window, but two days ago I forced an update (for some reason it had not updated since January). That in itself was a bit of an ordeal because the name of the executable had changed. In any case, it seems to be working fine now.


I have never had a problem with Brave and I have been with it from the start.
There were a couple of design flaws which were fixed eventually.
But maybe I have just been lucky.
I know Firefox (the progenitor of Brave) gave me strange problems every now and then, but have not seen them on Brave.

Cuppa Covfefe

Brave runs on a Chrome codebase, but has been cleansed of the “Googleisms”, as well as enhanced. My understanding is that the Brave team are quite responsive to bug alerts…


Thanks for the Brave recommendation. I’ll look into it.
I’m currently using Firefox as my alternate browser, and what I need now to access QTH. I hate having to rely on the google search feature when I have no other choice.


I believe Brave is based on Firefox. I had problems on Firefox which were not repeated on Brave. I also believe Brave has no globalist connections.


The Bush family only hired Bush family retainers. Bush “hires” owed their allegiance to Bush interests, always and forever.
Hiding the primacy of Bush loyalty was part of the phony game the Bush family plays. No amount of research is going to erase that fact.


That’s why every time I read, ‘So-and-so worked for the Bush administration’, my spidey senses go off.


Brett Kavanaugh was/is a “Bushie”……. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


That said, he’s miles better than a Dem alternative.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m going with Barr is a piece of red meat thrown to the MSM gossip machine so that they have something to talk about.
Alternative theory: canary trap.
The Trump White House doesn’t just float stuff out there.

CM in TN

Mittens was being considered for SoS too at one time…that didn’t exactly turn out…

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, and his meetings with VSG were amazingly long. Something else is in play there, although it’s anyone’s guess as to what that is. Romney knows how to keep his mouth shut.


Another quatrain –
Fluff is for floating,
Stuff is for toting.
While the media get deked,
The cabal get freaked!
Gotta have some fun with it all …

Deplorable Patriot

Trump announced the plan to nominate Barr this morning. Hmm….
Could still be the canary in the coal mine, but that’s now in question.


Thanks – I just read that.
But the confirm process won’t start until the next Congress.
Whatever “the next Congress” turns out to be!
Anything can happen …

Deplorable Patriot

THis is true.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It will be our 53-47 senate. House has nothing to say about it.


This is from the Washington Post, who would love nothing more than to smear Tucker Carlson AND Fox News. Yet, the article lists specific quotes of Tucker Carlson’s interview in Switzerland.
Summary = Carlson criticizes PDJT for not delivering on major promises to defund Planned Parenthood, Build the Wall, and overturn Obamacare, rationalizing these things ARE Trump’s fault because he does not understand the legislative process enough to get the issues through Congress.
Carlson goes on to claim Ocasio Cortez is “the future” and lambasts the GOP, “if they don’t start representing middle America, they will die”
Not a pretty picture but the kind of criticism we need to hear.


That doesn’t sound like Tucker Carlson…at all.
When was he in Sweden?
Tucker has been doing his shows all week in what looks like the usual set at the Fox studio in DC.
WaPo wouldn’t lie to us, would they?
Naaa…they’re always so truthful.

Sylvia Avery

I have heard him refer to Occasional Cortex in those kind of terms. Not in a flattering way, but in a “we’d better take her serious” kind of way. Thing is, she seems like an idiot to any sentient human being so it is difficult to do anything but laugh at her. But since schools quit doing actual teaching of real subjects like history and economics and instead spent that time indoctrinating our young with Marxism and completely revised history they emerge into young adulthood without the sense God gave a goose. They look at Occasional Cortex and instead of seeing a feather headed fool like I do, they see something entirely different.
I’m afraid she is our future, unless we make some big chances.
As for the GOP needing to represent middle America, I’ve heard him speak out on that theme as well. He feels middle America was utterly abandoned by the Dims and the GOP is none too thrilled to have the smelly middle class rushing into the rarefied air of their clubhouses and changing things. They don’t want us, either, but they’ve got us because PDJT ran as one. He thinks the GOPe better wise up and embrace it’s base or it will lose them.


THIS is my take:

Elizabeth Carter

This was on Breitbart yesterday about Tucker Carlson.
Despite his natural suspicion of irresponsible elites, Carlson said he is not a populist, because populism is a reaction to a failed political system.
“Populism is what you get when your leaders fail. In a democracy, the population says this is terrible and they elect someone like Trump,” he said.
This, in turn, is the fruit of a misshapen, education-based meritocracy, where “a small number of colleges has produced a ruling class that doesn’t have the self-awareness that you need to be wise.”
A self-confessed product of this elite system, Carlson says that he began to realize how far the country had gone after the 2008 financial crisis, which was barely felt in affluent Washington D.C.
When I read this yesterday, I was surprised. Our Nation is based on Populism. We the People.
I looked up the definition to be sure. Andrew Jackson was the last Populist President. His portrait hangs in Trump’s WH Office.
Definition of populist (Entry 1 of 2)
1 : a member of a political party claiming to represent the common people especially, often capitalized :
a member of a U.S. political party formed in 1891 primarily to represent agrarian interests and to advocate the free coinage of silver and government control of monopolies
2 : a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people
populist adjective
Definition of populist (Entry 2 of 2)
1 often capitalized : of, relating to, or characterized by populism
2 a : popular sense 1
B : popular sense 2
I had liked Tucker Carlson and his Daily Caller. Now, I see that he is just controlled opposition. I thought a lot about it yesterday. Our MSM media types all go to the same schools. As Mika said, it is their job to tell us what to think. They put us in a box and keep us inside that box at all times.
Tucker would not have any respect for the common people at all. President Trump does and it shows.
95% of all politicians and Media types are not people I have any respect for at all. They are basically just actors whose job it is to confuse and control the common people. To them it is a game.
I thought I knew that and I did in a way, but Tucker’s interview gave me an “Ah Ha” moment that turned into a real and permanent internalized understanding of what we are up against. I am not at all afraid of them. We will win. I am just very clear that they are always lying to us and we must never forget that. Once I know that about someone, it is much easier to stay one step ahead of them.
I worked for a man for 7 years. I was in charge of his companies accounting. He lied when it was convenient for him. When I left, I said, “By the way, when you are lying, you twist your neck around like your shirt collar is too tight and it is very obvious.” He was horrified. He asked, “Why didn’t you tell me that before?” I shrugged and said, “I needed to know when you were lying.” I kept him honest in the accounting department.
With the media and politicians, I need to be clear that they are lying all the time and make them earn my trust every time. As Q says, turn them off.


Great Post Elizabeth – wise.


This comment also comes from the Barr thread. I have been trying to convince friends in the US and UK of the following but, so far, to no avail.
‘They’ refers to possible Democrats, e.g. Mattis, in the administration:
‘glissmeister says:
December 6, 2018 at 8:15 pm
‘They are MAGA. But they are not Republicans. Look what happened to the Republicans he started with. Provincial. Weak. Too conflict averse. Paralytically orthodox.
‘GWHB. Another archetypical provincial. How frequently provincials confuse “good manners” with “good judgement.” How frequently they confuse orthodoxy with fidelity.
‘Patricians and their wannabees are supremacists; better than you because.
‘Just because they want to stay polite and be nice about it doesn’t change the fundamental evil in their predisposition.
‘It’s a fundamentally anti-American, elementally European mentality — a kinder, more gentle ruling class. This beltway oligarchy has been on display for the last several days.
‘Our nation’s founders were the Trumpists of their era just as Trump is a champion of the values that founded our nation.’


The Bush family philosophy was and is noblesse oblige.
The amazing thing is where this group of mediocrities got their self-congratulatory sense of superiority.


Prescott, most likely.


More on Bill Barr:
1/ He helped stop the BCCI investigation and kept upper agency-level drug traffic operating while going after everyday drug dealers. BAD. In-depth report:
2/ Someone Over There heard Gregg Jarrett on Lou Dobbs Tonight. This is what Jarrett said (BAD):
‘”As for William Barr, yes unquestionable integrity, a fine reputation, great experience – he brings gravitas to the job but he is an establishment figure at a time that I think we need a disruptor as Attorney General,” Jarrett said, adding, “Somebody who would vigorously go after corrupt officials at the FBI and Department of Justice who were abusing their positions of power and attempting to undermine democracy.”
‘Jarrett then concluded, “I’m afraid Barr is not that guy.”
3/ This might be why PDJT likes him (and should proceed with caution, because Barr could be saying what PDJT wants to hear):


Greg Jarrett has been very Pro-Trump from the beginning.
He was the first one…way back…to say that Pres Trump is being “Framed for something he didn’t do.”
Jarrett released a book earlier this year:
‘The Russia Hoax’ – ‘The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump’
I think PDJT has mentioned Jarrett’s book in a tweet.
So, hopefully our VSG Potus will take notice of what Jarrett is saying.
Maybe this talk of picking William Barr is just a head-fake.
Like when PDJT was ‘considering’ Romney for Sec of State.
I have thought all day that this Barr guy seemed like a really bad idea.


Me, too.
Yes, all being well, PDJT will have seen Lou’s interview with Jarrett.
‘Maybe this talk of picking William Barr is just a head-fake.
‘Like when PDJT was ‘considering’ Romney for Sec of State.’ Excellent point — and one worth remembering!

Sylvia Avery

I think PDJT watches Lou regularly, so it is a good bet he saw this.

Sylvia Avery

“I think PDJT has mentioned Jarrett’s book in a tweet.” Yes, he has. And more than once.
Greg Jarrett has also been to the WH to visit PDJT. He mentioned it once very guardedly. I thought maybe he had done an interview, but no interview was forthcoming. So I suspect it was one of those deals where PDJT asked him to come see him. He does that. He likes to pick people’s brains.
I’m hoping Barr isn’t his pick.


VSG IMO is VERY aware of how his supporters are carefully watching things, often with a sense of trepidation.
It is inconceivable that Trump would nominate a Bush family retainer. Barr is Fake News intended to “define” Trump’s actual choice as “out of the mainstream.”
(Out of the mainstream of leftist manipulation, in reality).

Sylvia Avery

I heard that segment. I misremembered it as being Ed Rollins who said that, but of course it was Greg Jarrett. I tend to agree with him. I fear Barr isn’t the guy.
Having said that, I’m not at all sure he IS the guy. Until PDJT tweets it…


In the light of all your meticulous research, Churchmouse, my feeling about Barr as AG is that he would be another Wray – extremely qualified and experienced, but unwilling to be an attack dog/pit bull Trump needs to bring down the treasonous, traitorous, corrupt Clinton/Obama cabal/s.


He would be artful enough to convince the Trump base that he was doing something by prosecuting drug dealers yet keeping the upper tier (agency) dealing set-up undisturbed.
This is the thing. We say, ‘Well, numerous drug dealers are now behind bars.’ Do we ask if the top level is still running as intended? That’s what needs dismantling.


Competence and personal rectitude are rare but not too rare. There are many great candidates possible for AG.
The primary consideration is loyalty to Trump/MAGA. We are in a war.


I noticed OT amanda4321 posting a link regarding his involvement in Lockerbie – BEWARE – I followed that rabbit trail and the person to whom she links (Intel Today WP blog) is a follower of Noam Chomsky!


And then there is this – hmmmm – Wiki notoriously leftist-leaning……for the conspiracy-minded: a set-up, perhaps?
Andrew Krause says:
December 7, 2018 at 12:03 pm
Susan Lindauer according to Wiki –
“Susan Lindauer (born July 17, 1963) is an American antiwar activist and former U.S. Congressional staffer who was charged with “acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign government” and violating U.S. financial sanctions during the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. She was incarcerated in 2005 and released the next year after two judges ruled her mentally unfit to stand trial. The government dropped the prosecution in 2009. In 2010, Lindauer published a book about her experiences. Since 2011 Lindauer has appeared frequently on television and in print as a U.S. government critic. ”
Mentally unfit?


I saw that, too, but didn’t follow the link.
Thanks for the heads up!


Interesting video sequence on voat, Laura bush gets a piece of paper, shows Jen who does a double take and they both stare at gwbush in disbelief.


Warrant, subpoena from Huber or DoJ or Congressional summons?




I would love for it to be true, but it sounds too good to be true.


I’ve been tracking the envelope thing, inside their programs.
Thus far, we have an envelope given to the following people.
Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush (who showed it to Jeb and Jeb’s face went ashen), and Karen Pence also received one.

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t think it was a warrant. They were furious with him.

Deplorable Patriot

While I was up to my elbows in vinegar water, it occurred to me that the envelopes were the size of correspondence cards. Also, it was pointed out elsewhere that the information there was absorbed in a heartbeat for Jeb. Whatever it was was personal and to the point.


You mean this?comment image




You can click on ^^this^^ to enlarge it.


This is definitely OMG-worthy.
Who knows what we are actually watching, but whatever it is makes me very happy.

CM in TN

Maybe the unredacted Kennedy files now that poppy is gone? GWB, being a former pres. would have already known?



Sylvia Avery

I just finished reading Brian Cates ? thread @drawandstrike. It had been posted earlier by someone, probably phoenixRising.
I’m still chewing over a few things. The Hill article Q linked to in his drops earlier talks about how an exterior investigative entity was brought in to work on the Clinton Foundation. A private sector company with former federal investigative experience. Supposedly, they did all this research on their own time/own dime in support of a whistleblower hoping they could present this as a complete package and have it be taken up by the DOJ.
Uh huh. Sure they did. Sure, totally believable. Ha!
I think this news is a VERY big deal. It is absolutely the reason why this has been kept so quiet until just about ten days or two weeks ago now. Just before Thanksgiving, anyway, all sorts of odd little bits and pieces started bubbling up here and there. The article someone posted here about investigations and legal charges being brought in Arkansas against the CF. Well, they sounded like small fry caught on the ground in Arkansas, but still. Then there was that money laundering scam that came to light. I don’t know, just suddenly we seem to be tripping over the CF everywhere.
There’s a lot of banked excitement beating in my chest. (Unless of course it’s heart burn). It just feels like there is forward momentum. Enjoy the ride!


The ‘Clinton Foundation’ started out as the “Clinton Library Fund”…which had morphed from the “Clinton Legal Defense Fund”, iirc.
After the Bubba Library was built, they changed the name to the ‘Clinton Foundation’.
I wonder…if the CF is still listed as a charity based in Arkansas?
The Clintons used to have such a lock on the politics in AR, they may have considered it to be a sort of ‘safe haven’ for them…so they may have left the CF based there.

Sylvia Avery

Wheatie, I read about the origins of the CF some time ago as the library fund. The piece I read said that they never even bothered to change the documents as is required with the IRS, you know like name change and the change in the purpose/mission. Basic, basic stuff.
Can you say “Above The Law?”
I also liked the part in that article in The Hill where the CFO was saying he knew where all the bodies were buried, and that they absolutely could not make Bill Clinton behave. He willfully commingled personal and foundation funds and refused to abide by any rules to enforce that.
Ah, that Bill! Such a scalawag!
I want to see them all in orange jumpsuits. ALL of them!


The Clintons are so arrogant, they probably didn’t bother to do necessary paperwork on setting up the CF…and just let it slide.
I hope it will be their undoing!
And yeah, it would be just like Bill to treat the CF like his own personal piggy bank.
Hillary too.

Sylvia Avery

It was tax evasion that brought down Al Capone.
Remember the stories about the CF paying for Chelsea’s wedding dress? Cheap so and so’s.


The architect of the Clinton Library had a great sense of humor and history.
He incorporated Monica Lewinsky’s initials into the design for all posterity to remember:comment image


And made it look like a house trailer, too!


Oh that makes me laugh even more, so funny!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So what happens if you drag a hundred dollar bill on the ground, past that thing?
I remember one cartoon about that line…showed it happening and two voice bubbles coming from one of the trailers: “Bill!?!” “Sorry, honey, I thought I sensed a campaign donation going by.”


We call it the “Trailer house over the (Arkansas) River” in Little Rock.

Sylvia Avery

I can just vaguely remember after PDJT was inaugurated there was talk about four different FBI field offices that had open investigations into the CF. One was in Little Rock. These four offices were supposedly raring to go but were getting shut down by DOJ/sidelined.
That was all so long ago before I had any idea what a monster DOJ actually was.

Deplorable Patriot

The last I saw, the Clinton Foundation’s official address is in New York City. I can think of any number of reasons why including access by the family.


Yeah, it makes sense for them to have a main office in NYC.
But that could just be the d/b/a address…like when a corporation incorporates in Delaware for tax reasons, then has their main ‘official’ address where they do business.
They would have to use their registered address when they file their 990 with the IRS…but those aren’t public.

Deplorable Patriot

I guess we’ll find out more with the case study next week. The whole thing is a mockery of charity that’s for sure.


Yes it is.
I hope the investigators have been able to map the money trails.

Deplorable Patriot

I would think so. With that many digits there is ALWAYS a paper trail at the bank level anyway.


SD has a post on the Chinese Huawei CFO who was arrested.
Apparently, Bolton knew about it and PDJT did not.
She was arrested on the same day that he and Xi had their meeting in Buenos Aires.
As SD says, if true, this is not good and a further sign that the DS is really out to scupper any constructive agreement with China. He also says that Canada would be more than willing to help the DS in this regard.
Here are the two articles.
First one:
‘WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, said in an interview with National Public Radio that he knew in advance about the arrest of a top executive of the Chinese technology giant Huawei Technologies Co Ltd [HWT.UL], according to an NPR reporter on Thursday.
‘Bolton said he did not know if the president was aware in advance of the arrest of Meng Wanzhou in Canada on Saturday, the day Trump struck a 90-day truce on trade in a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Argentina, NPR reporter Steve Inskeep said in a tweet.
‘“I knew in advance. That is something we get from the Justice Department,” the tweet quoted Bolton as saying.’
**So, in his mind, it was okay if he knew. He never thought to contact the President?**
Second article:
‘WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Donald Trump did not know about a U.S. request for the extradition of Huawei’s chief financial officer from Canada before he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping over dinner last weekend, a White House official said on Thursday.
‘Huawei Technologies Ltd’s CFO Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of the company’s founder, was arrested in Canada on Dec. 1 and faces extradition to the United States. The United States has been looking since at least 2016 into whether Huawei violated U.S. sanctions against Iran.’


Then there is a CBS tweet that says Bolton did not know at the time when the President and Xi were meeting. Hmm:


Saw a body language clip. Everyone very uncomfortable at the old buzzards funeral except Bolton who was very relaxed/ chummy with DS. Not sure of significance. They also mentioned how relaxed the export uses and spouses were till Pres Trump and flotus showed, then acted like prey in presence of lion.


Thanks for the insight.
Bolton knew most of the people there, so would have felt at ease.
The reaction of the recent former presidents and their wives to PDJT says it all, doesn’t it?

Sylvia Avery

This story. I don’t know. I kind of feel the same way about this as I do about Kashoggi’s murder. Meh.
I don’t remember the details, but Huawei was up to no good and PDJT was going to take pretty serious action against them, but he reconsidered and only took partial action against them (whatever that means). I do know they were selling their crappy phones on military base exchanges and that their crappy phones were full of hidden spyware so they could spy on our military.
Now supposedly they are trying to avoid the sanctions against Iran. Sneaky, sneaky.
Personally, I’m unmoved that a Chinese national was arrested in Canada because she had done something wrong. Like Kashoggi, I feel like saying “and I care because….?”
As for Bolton knowing/not knowing before hand, I don’t know. I don’t know how the WH chain of command works but since the information about the pending arrest came out of DOJ I’d think it would be up to the AAG to brief PDJT about it, but that’s just me.
Personally, toss her in the slammer and throw away the key. And if Xi is mad, oh frickin’ well. I’m kinda made about everything China has done for the last 40 years so there’s that. I’m sure Xi will get over it.
And I have this nagging suspicion about all of this and it has to do with the timing. I recall another time when PDJT and Xi were sitting down to a meal together, and their pleasant repast was interrupted by a huge bombing campaign in Syria. And then they had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake.
Nothing is ever as it seems on the surface. Perhaps there was a message, a brutally direct message, being sent to Xi and yet PDJT was able to maintain plausible deniability.
Maybe I should find this more upsetting, but it just isn’t going to make me lose any sleep. There’s too much here I don’t know and don’t understand.


Excellent points, well made.
I just think that, if I were Bolton, I would have closed the loop. I also would not have broadcast the fact that I knew about it and it wasn’t really a personal priority if the President knew or didn’t know.
For me, it’s the principle of the thing in this story, not the criminality (I don’t care, either).

Sylvia Avery

I agree, Bolton would have done well to make sure that the info was provided to PDJT. I’m a little surprised that he mentioned that he knew about it. Bolton is usually very discreet, very circumspect.
Which is all a part of me wondering about this whole entire story.
I believe nothing (said as Sgt. Schultz might have done).


When I wrote a forensic series on McMaster, I was surprised how many of these stories actually turned out to be true.
SD says not to trust MSM, but when you add all these reports up, there was actually very little fake news in the McMaster story.
Ditto my series on someone else who was, until recently, part of the administration.
Which is why I mention the reports and bookmark them for future use.

Cuppa Covfefe

Reuters are just as much, if not more, Deep State as the Washed Poo, NY Slimes, and the dissasociated Press. They act as a wire service, and as a DS source to national news services in many countries (which explains the multilingual echoes of the NYT and WP trash reverbrating the world over).
I’d take anything from them with a rather large grain of salt. Also, even if the arrest of the CFO was at a surprising time (think the other MOAB), it could not have been unexpected, as Huawei have been in hot water for quite some time, due to IP and other issues (read: financial irregularities)…


As I mentioned to someone else, the executive’s criminality or lack of ethics is not my point of discussion.
What Bolton did was unprincipled. That was my point.


IMO, only if you believe the story being put out. Personally, I don’t believe for one second PDJT did not know ahead of time. Not even one nano-second!


I hope that you are right.
I don’t trust anyone around him, outside of family, except Stephen Miller.
Never have done.


Kathy Kraninger is the new CFPB head.
Very narrow Senate confirmation vote, which means she is good. She was working for Mulvaney at the budget office prior to this:
‘WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Senate voted 50-49 on Thursday to confirm President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the U.S. consumer watchdog despite opposition from Democrats and consumer groups who say she is unqualified.
‘Kathy Kraninger will serve as director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), replacing acting chief Mick Mulvaney, after Trump signs a declaration approving her five-year term.
‘The banking industry and consumer groups will be watching to see whether Kraninger, who is currently a senior official at the White House budget office, will take on Mulvaney’s mantle and continue to aggressively curtail the CFPB’s enforcement and rule-writing agenda.’


Sources say Fiat Chrysler reportedly opening new plant in Detroit:
‘The assembly plant, an old Mack II Engine Plant that closed in 2012, will build a new three-row, Jeep Grand Cherokee SUV starting in 2020 as the automaker moves to keep up with strong demand for utility vehicles, the people said. A spokesperson for Fiat Chrysler would not comment on the report, nor confirm the automaker’s plans.’

Sylvia Avery

That is just great, great news!



Luke is such a little doll…and looks so much like his Grandpa!


He certainly does!

CM in TN

Yup, got Pop-Pop’s facial expression.

Sylvia Avery

Nice! Cute kid.



The love and respect between President and First Lady is ever-visible.
as is the First Lady’s compassion and grace.


Great pix! Thanks for posting.


Click on the photo for even more views of our First Lady in action!

Pat Frederick

like the dress–but it’s a merely a frame on a Renoir…she is stunning and would be in a potato sack with a flowerpot on her head (aka Lucy)
such a wonderful and lovely change from the former FLOTUS’s style if what Michele wore could be labeled as a style…



Heather Nauert nominated for UN ambassador:
‘… Nauert’s candidacy had the strong support of Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, who came to trust her as a reliable voice and advocate for Trump’s agenda. It was a stark turnaround from the era of Pompeo’s predecessor, Rex Tillerson, who shut her out from his inner circle. She had threatened to quit several times under Tillerson but, thanks partly to her alliance with Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, and her husband Jared Kushner, she ended up outlasting her former boss.’


I believe Nauert has the right degree of firmness and guts, as well as the ability to think on her feet, and loyalty to the President and the USA, to be an outstanding UN Ambassador.


Me, too.

Sylvia Avery

I think she’ll do well. Maybe she’ll even get to supervise our withdrawal from that corrupt institution and their removal from our homeland. Well, hope springs eternal…


That really would be great.

Sylvia Avery

I’d love to see that in my lifetime.
PS I had no idea that Ivanka and Heather Nauert were friends. I think this is the first I have heard of it. But then, this is the first I have heard that she and Rex had trouble, too. Most interesting.


Rex bothered me from the beginning, because of his leadership bringing the Boy Scouts to accept homosexuality and homosexual leaders, which led to my dismissal from Over There.

Sylvia Avery

Yeah, that stuck in my craw also.


IMO, he was another one brought on-board intentionally for a very short period. He served his purpose and left, as required.


I agree with you, GA/FL, he did a lot of damage.




Strange doings AGAIN on Twitter re: @realDonaldTrump followers:
56,101,426 – 2:20 pm 12/5/18
56,100,871 – 4:45 pm – 12/5/18 – minus 555
56,104,401 – 3:22 am – 12/6/18
56,092,460 – 6:15 am – 12/7/18 – minus 11,941



Pat Frederick

i don’t tweet–can you explain this to me? followers coming and going is not normal? surely all of these are not POTUS supporters right? people follow him just to write disparaging replies too right?


Twitter purges Trump followers periodically – especially before he hits another million. Some may be ‘bots’ fake accounts, but it’s mainly just ‘resistance’ and bias on Twitter and Jack’s part.

Pat Frederick the ones being purged ever find out why they’re purged? or do they assume the President is purging them ( can he even do that?)


I do not know the answers to those very good questions. There was some objection to Trump being able to block abusive trolls that constantly dominate his twitter threads.

Pat Frederick

I do remember that…
sorry for all the questions–I do not tweet so I’m not sure how everything works–and I’m always grateful for those of you who post the tweets for us.


There was a legal case on that issue and PDJT lost that ability, I believe.


“A federal district court judge on Wednesday ruled that President Trump can’t block people from viewing his Twitter feed over their political views.
Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald, of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, said President Trump’s Twitter account is a public forum and blocking people who reply to his tweets with differing opinions constitutes viewpoint discrimination, which violates the First Amendment.
The court’s ruling is a major win for the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, which brought the lawsuit on behalf of seven people who were blocked from the @realDonaldTrump account because of opinions they expressed in reply tweets.”


Heck, that ruling should also apply to Twitter, Facebook, YouTube.





This one is especially powerful….and extremely incriminating.



He fights back!
“I will be your champion!
I will be your voice!
I will never lie to you.
I will fight for you!
I will win for you!
I will be the best jobs President that God ever made!
I will not let you down!”
Donald Trump Contract with the American Voter –


Me, too!
Every nation should have a Donald Trump as leader.


Well…. there have been shouts of ‘We want Trump’ in the UK, France and Germany… all over the world, plain old folks are envious of our great skilled, cunning, dedicated VSG America First leader!


Federal Judge Opens Discovery Into Clinton Email Usage:
‘Judicial Watch announced today that, in a ruling excoriating both the U.S. Departments of State and Justice, U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth has ordered both agencies to join Judicial Watch in submitting a proposed schedule for discovery into whether Hillary Clinton sought to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a private email system and whether the State Department acted in “bad faith” by failing to disclose knowledge of the email system. The decision comes in a FOIA lawsuit related to the Benghazi terrorist attack.’

Sylvia Avery

Every day there is something new, something ominous if your name is Clinton. It has to all mean something. We have to be going somewhere.


All this Clinton news must mean something’s about to happen.

Sylvia Avery

It feels like a gathering storm.


“I Know Where All The Bodies Are Buried”: Clinton Foundation CFO Spills Beans To Investigators
‘The CFO of the Clinton Foundation, thinking he was “meeting an old professional acquaintance,” admitted to investigators that the charity had widespread problems with governance, accounting and conflicts of interest, and that Bill Clinton has been commingling business and personal expenses for a long time, reports The Hill’s John Solomon.’
(Solomon link: )
‘Clinton Foundation CFO Andrew Kessel made the admissions to investigators from MDA Analytics LLC – a firm run by “accomplished ex-federal criminal investigators,” who have been probing the Clinton Foundation for some time.
‘Kessel told MDA “There is no controlling Bill Clinton. He does whatever he wants and runs up incredible expenses with foundation funds, according to MDA’s account of the interview. “Bill Clinton mixes and matches his personal business with that of the foundation. Many people within the foundation have tried to caution him about this but he does not listen, and there really is no talking to him.”
‘MDA compiled Kessel’s statements, as well as over 6,000 pages of evidence from a whistleblower they had been working with separately, and which they filed secretly over a year ago with the FBI and IRS. MDA has alleged that the Clinton Foundation engaged in illegal activities, and may owe millions in unpaid taxes and penalties.’

Pat Frederick

Ever since Bill did his disgusting “depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is ” dance, his hubris has grown and grown. Again, it’s that in-your-face- I’m above you all attitude that gets me…
like a neighbor who not only steals apples off your tree right in front of you, but then invites you over later for pie and tells you to bring the ice cream!


Perfectly expressed.
‘… like a neighbor who not only steals apples off your tree right in front of you, but then invites you over later for pie and tells you to bring the ice cream!’ He’s probably done that, too!

Sylvia Avery

I hadn’t planned on it because he gets on my nerves, but I watched part of Hannity tonight and I’m adding the youtube link for you all because you might like to watch the first 15 minutes.
His first guest was John Solomon. Just John, not some crowded panel. John talked about his article in The Hill that Q linked to last night. There’s really interesting additional information that John provides. He said he took the information he got and he ran it by half a dozen guys he knows who are retired FBI white collar/fraud/tax type specialists. Each one, after reviewing the material, said if this material came to them in their professional capacity, they would have grounds to open a criminal case.
After John Solomon he had Devin Nunes on trying to explain the latest on the FISA abuses.
Right this moment, my head is so full of the Clinton Crime Cartel and their nefarious doings it is all running together in my head.
While I was watching John Solomon, I was remembering reading a year or more ago now about Chelsea who had completed her masters and went to work at the family foundation to do good deeds for the great unwashed. She was disturbed to see the way things were being run, all very counter to what she had learned in college was the right way to run a charitable foundation. She attempted to set things straight including (IIRC) bringing in outside auditors or something to try to uncook the books or get them on a firm legal basis.
This came out in the Wikileaks dumps IIRC because Podesta? and others were really irritated at the spoiled brat messing up their cozy little system. I don’t believe her efforts were successful. Silly girl. Perhaps she wasn’t aware enough to comprehend her parents are on the grift. Maybe she still believed in them.
Anyway, I couldn’t help but wonder if the people Chelsea brought in had something to do with these investigators John Solomon was referring to. Purely speculative on my part.

Pat Frederick

thanks for posting! I would love the sweet irony of Chelsea having an unknowing hand in bringing down mumsie and daddy…


You’re right, Sylvia, that is definitely worth watching (9-14 mins in).
So, it looks as if these investigators will be testifying before Mark Meadows and his committee next Thursday, the 13th. Then, the DoJ will be asked what they have done with that information. It’s now or never, really.
Solomon will be on Hannity again tonight, Sean said.
Wasn’t the guy that Chelsea brought in to clean things up Eric Braverman? He then took up an academic job (Yale?), then went quiet for a few months. It was all rather weird. There were posts at The_Donald wondering where he was. He seemed to go missing, but maybe he was just lying low.

Sylvia Avery

I’m not sure I ever knew who Chelsea brought in to clean things up.
But if I were him, I’d be living under a false name in a pay by the week motel with a loaded gun on each hip and a knife in my teeth, planning on how many Clinton assassins I could take down with me.
And yes, this whole mess seems to be coming slowly, painfully to a boil.


I tracked Braverman. I called his office in DC and his office at Yale. Nothing. He disappeared. Speculation was rampant that he entered the Russian Embassy in NYC and was never seen again.
Then, he resurfaced and has a Twitter feed. He is the Director of Eric Schmidt (former Google CEO) and wife’s family charitable fund. They sponsor dozens of the brightest and fund their research.
Very cozy……


Thanks for that, daughn.
Kudos to you for trying to track him down.
Thanks for letting us know where he is now. Glad he is safe — and very cozy. 😉

Deplorable Patriot

I do remember that about Chelsea. The truth is that any other non-profit would have lost its status if they operated that way.


Deplorable Patriot

Trump sat in position to flee. Good Lord.


Just waiting for the Marine to pole up to the pew.

Cuppa Covfefe

Collection plate said “Clinton Foundation” on it 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Engraved in gold plate?

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, with blue trim…

Cuppa Covfefe

And Micheal, too…


Trump 2020 campaign office locations established.
Brad Parscale and Ronna McDaniel worked together on it:
‘President Donald Trump’s reelection aides have decided on a campaign structure with three main offices split between New York City and the Washington area.
‘The campaign will again be headquartered at Trump Tower, according to two senior advisers to the president. But this time, the campaign will have a pair of satellite offices — one at the Republican National Committee’s building on Capitol Hill and another in nearby Rosslyn, Virginia.
‘RNC staffers and Trump campaign staffers will share office space at the Capitol Hill and Rosslyn locations.
‘The plan, which was designed by Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale and RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, is aimed at developing a streamlined campaign operation. It’s also geared toward fostering collaboration between aides to Trump and the RNC and avoiding the infighting between the two sides that occurred in 2016. After Trump secured the GOP nomination that year, his team sometimes clashed with the national party committee over the direction of the campaign.’

Pat Frederick

really really dumb question here…are they sure they won’t be surveilled there? the dems did it once–


Things are likely to be different now. We can but see.


Um, this kind of an organization, therefore, means there will be no other challenger to PDJT.
Love the innuendo.


New US oil/natural gas find — Wolfcamp (!!):
‘The U.S. Geological Survey announced Thursday that it discovered one the largest new sources of oil and natural gas under Texas and New Mexico.
‘”Christmas came a few weeks early this year,” Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said as he unveiled the new find. “American strength flows from American energy, and as it turns out, we have a lot of American energy.”
‘Zinke said the new assessment makes him even more bullish that “American energy dominance is within our grasp as a nation.”
‘The new shale oil and gas formation known as Wolfcamp, which is adjacent to the oil-rich Permian region in Texas, contains an estimated mean of 46.3 billion barrels of oil, 281 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 20 billion barrels of natural gas liquids, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.’

Pat Frederick

LOVE the name!


Me, too!


The week of the Wolf.


I was just about to post a comment about this, so I will just add this to yours, Churchmouse:
comment image
I’ve heard about the Permian Basin all my life.
Back in the 80’s I heard petroleum geologists talking about how there were vast amounts of Oil & Gas in the Permian.
But…they weren’t allowed to talk about it, not publicly.
The PTB wanted us to buy imported oil from the Mideast.
The reasoning that was given back then…was to keep our own O&G resources in reserve for the future.
It sort of made sense, since Mideast Oil was cheap back then…and our domestic producers couldn’t really compete at $20/barrel.
But it didn’t stay at $20/barrel.
I am so glad that we finally have a President who has lifted some of the burdensome regs that were making it so expensive to produce our own Oil and Gas.
This means lots of Jobs…and money flowing into the country, instead of out.


Brilliant post, wheatie. Many thanks for that and the map!


BRAVO, Wheatie!

Deplorable Patriot

What do I want for Christmas? Cheap, effective energy. Thanks, Anon.


I guess peak oil was nonsense like so many other things the Deep State filtered into our consciousness.


I believed that, too, even though a good friend of mine who works in the industry said it was bunk.
I should have listened then, but it all seemed so interesting at the time.


I guess we think we know until we know better, right?



CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Sylvia Avery

Whoopsie! “Bruce Ohr (and his lovely wife Molly)”
Mr President! That is lovely wife Nellie, not Molly!

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Sylvia Avery,
There is speculation that Molly is Nellie’s her ham radio name.
Please take with a grain of salt.

Sylvia Avery

Oh wow, how funny would THAT be! PDJT does like to troll, doesn’t he? If that did happen to be true, oh dear. Lovely wife Nellie is probably having a nervous breakdown about now.

Cuppa Covfefe

Also “bye the way”…
YSM no choice but to retweet…
VSGPDJT, a master at work…

Sylvia Avery

Thanks for posting these! He is on a roll this morning!


Just a note: misspellings have a purpose; and, Trump never misspells anything by accident. Just sayin’ … 😉


The way that he was asking all these questions…it reminded me of the way that Q talks, i.e. always asking questions.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He’s inviting everyone to think he’s complaining because the answer will be “no” to all of those.
But maybe…maybe the answer will be YES and he knows it.


Wow just wow

Sylvia Avery

OMG again with the CF! Ha, ha, I’d be surprised if he “forgot” Jeannie Rhee was counsel to the the corrupt Clinton Foundation, but what a splendid time to mention it to all of us out here in twitterville who might not have recalled that salient fact.
Hm. If the CF all blows sky high, I wonder if it will take her down with it? Oh dear.
And more of the 17 angry Dims. 17. Where have I heard that number recently? If only I could remember where…ha, ha, ha.

Deplorable Patriot

From the beginning the anons – FBI, Mega, Military, 17 – ALL said the Foundation was the mother load. It’s undoing must be on the horizon visible by more than spy glasses.
And I have to do the pre holiday scrub today. Well, at least the house will be clean if the black hats come through the front door.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe you could figure out a way to get them to help you, sort of like this 🙂

“An aging man lived alone in Ireland. His only son was in Long Kesh Prison and he didn’t know anyone who would spade up his potato garden.
The old man wrote to his son about it and received this reply, “For Heavens SAKES, don’t dig up that garden, that’s where I buried the GUNS!
At 4 A.M. the next morning a dozen British soldiers showed up and dug up the entire garden, but didn’t find any guns. Confused, the man wrote to his son telling him what happened, asking him what to do.
His son replied, “Sorry Pop, it was the best I could do. Just go ahead and plant your potatoes.”

Pat Frederick

love this!

Sylvia Avery

LOL! Meet them at the door with your shovel!


PDJT said: “… And bye the way”
He used ‘bye’ instead of ‘by”.
Hmm, ‘bye’ is a way of saying Goodbye.


French government issues guidelines on protesting.
Brief translation: demonstrating is a right. Demonstrating is good and has sometimes helped to build the Republic. However, demonstrating is not destroying things: not our heritage, not our businesses, not our possessions. Know how to demonstrate. Find out more online.


I think they are learning slowly – I’m sure I saw some guillotine’s being readied …..


Yes, someone (wheatie?) posted three photos here yesterday.

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Did Nellie go by Molly when she was a lovely print model ?
Ohr was Molly her Ham radio handle (twitter speculation) ?comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Ben Nye, the Westmores, oh, who was the other big name make-up person from the Golden Age….
NONE of them could work a miracle with that.

Deplorable Patriot

Max Factor

Cuppa Covfefe

Reminds me of the dinosaur (Cecil) in “Beany and Cecil”… ragmopp…


I am totally intrigued by the thought that some sort of legal process was served on the Bushes at the funeral. W posted above he thinks they were warrants, and Wheatie posted above a series of very suggestive photos.
My instinct is to doubt this happened, for a variety of reasons. BUT if it did happen, the implications are dramatic, in terms of why this would have been done in this way. The underlying “charges” would have to be historic in their criminality, to do it this way. The accusations of pettiness and cruelty (by Trump) would be hard to overcome, except by charges which make people say: the Bushes deserved it.
And the certainty of the evidence underlying the charges would have to be 100%, not subject to Fake News treatment.
As to an explanation for Jeb, Laura and George’s extreme reactions (including what looked very much like fear), it is hard to imagine what would have been on a piece of paper to provoke such an immediate response.
If anyone here comes across more info/analysis about what happened, please post.


From what I understand / infer from the 8-chan boards, occasion such as wedding, funerals, and the like were used by the Maffeeya to communicate with one another, to avoid surveillance. Sotto voce messages, and physically items (papers, notes, symbols, et al.) could be transferred without risk.
If the cabal members in attendance planned to use this method for communication – such everything electronic is compromised, for them – then I can absolutely see our VSGPDJT poaching the opportunity for us / himself, to “one-up” their plans.
I don’t even need to know what those envelopes contained – a “Q”, a notice of Fibbie raid on the Martha’s Vineyard safehouse, an incriminating piece of evidence, or whatever.
It’s the EFFECT that we saw that matters.
D5 did indeed begin, IMO. It starts with a mere snowball … and inexorably gains power from there.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s that and the fact that when you’re served, you have to sign for it. Been there, done that.


Me too.
It’s much better to be the servER, rather than the servEE.
I’ve made the switch!

Deplorable Patriot

I was just a witness, but a member of my family was named in a suit once. We had to sign for it.


For the record I’ve been a died in the wool Q supporter for about a year. I have visited QResearch at Voat multiple times daily since its beginning. Before that, the Great Awakening sub at reddit. Before that another Q sub at reddit that I’ve forgotten the name of. And before that, the 4chan pages of Q postings.
I use the QMAP site for viewing Q posts directly.
I pretty much stayed out of Q discussions, as well as posts about Jeff Sessions, which often got combative. To be honest, I just didn’t want to take on that additional burden in my life. “One straw too many” sort of thing.
“…a defector from the petty wars that shell-shocked love away”
– Joni Mitchell


You were ahead of me, Itswoot…I didn’t start paying attention to Q stuff until around March, I think.
It’s fascinating, isn’t it.
Anyway, glad you are joining us here…I hope you’ll feel free to share any insights you have on the Q-drops, going forward.
WWG1WGA!comment image


Here we go again….

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Deplorable Patriot

[jaw hanging open]
He’s on the offensive now. GHWB must have been some kind of roadblock.


Trump has nominated Bush family retainer Barr.
1) Trump has to deal with the oppositional Republican Senate.
2) The critical investigations may already be completed.
3) I do not think this was possible, which shows how little I know.


That came as somewhat of a surprise.
Guess Whitaker is not going to be the Skaramoosh?


“Guess Whitaker is not going to be the Skaramoosh?”
Why not?
Now, he has no “skin in the game” in re getting the permanent position. It’ll free him up … in case he felt he wasn’t free to begin with (which I doubt).
A whole heckuva lot can happen between now, and new AG installation. How long would it take? ‘Til February, or March? Lotta procedure to go through …
Iron-man Whitaker, the Hammer. Perfect guy for the temp job, with no “optics” constraint.


I would LOVE to see Whitaker take the hit and clean out DOJ BEFORE a new AG takes office.


I like your take Emerald!! Seems to be the PERFECT scaramooch 2.0


Thanks, Marica!
We’re in it to WIN it.
A positive “bias” is just what the doctor prescribed.
Sunshine soldiers, BEGONE!
Hahaha …


Remember – Kavanaugh’s wife was Bush II’s private secretary.
Trump isn’t afraid of the Bushes or the other globalists.
Our President is able to persuade, sell, deal, strategize, build collaborative teams, unite for shared goals/principles, perhaps more than any other leader this country has ever had.
He seems to be able to turn enemies into friends and convert globalists into patriotic nationalists.
We shall see.


So the Barr thing was real.


Yes. Astonishing, but we shall see.


W – observation from outside the wire, down range [CTH] –
“Throwaway the key says:
December 7, 2018 at 9:59 am
There is a better than 50% chance Trump just folded to the deep state with the selection of Barr. Barr knows he has more power than the weakened President. It’s Barr’s country to run. Hopefully he is at least 25% on the side of MAGA.”
Forgot which disinfo thread to put this on, but it does have to do with “breaking news.” 😉


“down range”
That target isn’t even in my sights anymore, Redleg.
I’ve let go …

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You misspelled wind, as in “breaking wind”

Cuppa Covfefe

More like broken news…

Sylvia Avery

Wow. Troll infestation for sure.
I do not believe for one second PDJT “folded” to the deep state. Thanks for doing recon and reporting back.


Biz channels are making me crazy and I need to vent. Apologies.
Keep in mind, every thousand points on the DOW is roughly 1 trillion in capital.
Mid-day yesterday we were down 700 points. If we add the prior day’s 800 point loss, that was roughly 1.5 trillion in capital — because the idiots/elites are nervous?
Makes ZERO sense to me and I was a Partner in a Brokerage Firm = my wheelhouse.
The price of gold – did not move a smidgeon. If people are nervous/scared about continuity, we would see a flight to gold. Not yesterday. Gold price remained unchanged.
Obviously, traders are not nervous.
And no one parks and sits on 1.5 trillion in cash for 90 days until trade w/China is resolved.
We have the beginning of reports on revenue from tariffs.
Thus far, we have about 7 billion, additional funds to the US Treasury from ALL new tariffs imposed by Trump Admin. 7 billion in a 20 trillion dollar economy.
Let’s do the math.
7 billion/20 trillion = .00035
Putting the decimals into place for conversational English, that’s 3 hundredths of 1% of our economy.
.035 of 1%
Whereas 1.5 trillion is 7.5% of our annual GDP, roughly.
Remember that number — 7.5%
Remember Smoot Hawley? Smoot Hawley was the series of tariffs enacted in 1931-32, where tariffs on foreign goods went from 45% -54%. “Free traders”, CATO, and the US Chamber of Commerce, continuously point to Smoot Hawley rise in tariffs as the cause of the Great Depression. Neocons and Wall Street types FEAR tariffs because a generation of traders have pushed the Smoot Hawley narrative.
I’m an old trader, who actually studied the 1933 Banking and Investment Act.
I can argue, with many other notable economists, the real cause for the Great Depression was a 1/3 retraction in money supply by the FED — which the FED did in the early 30’s.
Stay with me.
Remember Quantitative Easing?
Bizarre FED policy of printing money by the FED, based on no asset or collateral, and pushing the printed money into the economy.
For most of Obama’s Admin the FED pushed 80 billion a month into our economy = 960 billion a year.
Heck, 960 billion is almost a trillion and a trillion dollars is about 5% of our economy.
When PDJT took office, FED reversed. As the market rose, so did Fed funds rates, AND the FED stopped pushing money into the economy and began retracting money from the economy —- taking out 40 billion a month.
The FED was pushing 960 billion a year into the economy (and still no inflation, cuz the Obama economy was THAT bad).
Now, taking out 40 billion a month/480 billion a year from the economy.
The swing in currency is 1.44 trillion or the equivalent of about 7.5% of our economy.
There’s that number = 7.5%, what economists look for to signal a recession. It’s a marker. This time, the 7.5% swing is caused by the FED — PURELY by the FED.
It’s a mini version of what the FED did in the early 1930’s which was the largest contributor to the Great Depression.
Keep in mind, yesterday, the market turned around on rumors the FED might ‘pause’ on interest rates.
Traders are terrified of the FED and far less nervous about tariffs.
Screaming to the media about tariffs serves the goals of Wall Street and nothing else.


AND – when Smoot Hawley was enacted, foreign imports were less than 1.3% of total economy. In other words, the Smoot Hawley tariff was inconsequential as opposed to FED retraction of money supply.


IMO, stock valuations are a ruse.
The people who make serious bank in the market are the market-makers who – via derivatives (on the “underlying” of stocks, commodities, currencies, real estate, et al.) – exploit the differences in proprietary pricing models from markets across the globe.
The “valuation” of derivatives – whether “vanilla” options (puts, calls, and linear combos of the two), or more complex ones (remember the “CDO’s” of the meltdown 10 years ago?) is ENORMOUS. It far outweighs the entire nominal valuation of the entire S&P of the US, and of the entire world equity markets.
Deutsch Bank – $70T in assets. Mostly paper-promise “derivatives”. The Redsheilds – $500T minimum, of the same (some put it at $1Q). The WORLD GDP is only ~$50T.
The tail is wagging the dog. Assets (all asset classes) are compromised, and may be manipulated according to the bankers’ whims.
And remember – it’s all fiat money anyway. We don’t have “money” – we have “currency”, issued by the private “Federal” Reserve, even though the Constitution invests ONLY the US Treasury with the task of issuing money.
There’s a LOT more going on – as I’m pretty sure you’re aware! – with the world’s financial (debt-)system, than the calculations you present.
Tariffs work FOR us. The FED works AGAINST us. No wonder the traders (leeches, invoking the spell of “muh …liquidity!” in their defense, as Gates did in Congressional testimony with the excuse “muh … innovation”) are nervous about the REAL bogey-man, the FED.
Rant-off! lol

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The price of gold – did not move a smidgeon. If people are nervous/scared about continuity, we would see a flight to gold. Not yesterday. Gold price remained unchanged.

Platinum is dropping–despite its industrial uses. It’s under 800 dollars an ounce…practically on sale. And there is a LOT less of it out there than gold.

Elizabeth Carter

Thanks for the information. This gives me a much better perspective.
The FED is trying to take President Trump down before he takes them down.


And the media is complicit as they attempt to talk the market down. But we know this.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks daughn, I almost understood everything you were saying which is really quite a testament to your ability to simplify and clarify. I appreciate your post. I feel like I learned a lot from it.


I’m so damn mad at the pundits, I could scream. Surprised the TV is not in the middle of the driveway today.

Sylvia Avery

I know that feeling very well! I hope you comment often on money/economy issues. The business media gives me hives if I listen to them for very long. They are so Wall Street-y and globalist and predictable.
The fed is one of those impenetrable mysteries that makes my eyes glaze over when people start talking about it, but what you said was actually something I could grasp and found interesting enough to want to understand.


EXACTLY, Sylvia, the business channels represent multinational business. That’s it.

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Soon ?

Pat Frederick

LOVE IT!! fight back, Sir!

THis pig story is so stinking cute! I tried to find @Baba on twitter But can’t find him—Flep! I hope you see this!!!


thanks Ga?fl!

Sylvia Avery

I love that! So cute!


Have to admit being very curious to see what Q says about Barr.

Deplorable Patriot

Posted new drop below.

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 94d00f No.4197470
Dec 7 2018 11:21:52 (EST)
Interesting music for Fox News?
Sound familiar?
Why ‘all of a sudden’ are people talking about the CLINTON FOUNDATION (including whistleblowers and hidden company established to investigate covertly (ex_ABCs))?
Would you ‘go public’ if the investigation was still ongoing?
What happens when you have enough evidence to PROCEED?
What is the benefit of educating the public PRIOR TO proceeding?

Deplorable Patriot

Looks like the investigation is done. And the Fox News video music is akin to satanic ritual background stuff from the movies.
And what is Comey going to say.
I’d say a corner has been turned.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Walls closing in…

Deplorable Patriot

2 more drops

Deplorable Patriot

Wolfie, you’ll LOVE 2563

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ll take that last one.
This is going to end up before a jury, and if “everyone knows” that HRC is a crook, then she’s much more likely to be convicted. Educating the public is the process of making that an “everyone knows.”
(Don’t make the mistake of assuming that since WE here in the Q Treehouse knows she’s a crook, that the rest of the US does too–many, many millions don’t know this because they’re in the YSM bubble. They may be vaguely aware that conservatives accuse her of crimes all the time, but they’ve been sold the line that if that were so, she should have been arrested by now, and she hasn’t been, so clearly she’s not crooked.)

Deplorable Patriot

IDK…depending on how the charges are laid out the whole enemy combatant thing could be what they use which means military tribunal. BUT the public has to be educated as to why that would happen. I think that’s what we’re watching.
BTW, a lot of liberals I know cannot stand her. They held their noses and voted for her because they believed the MSM’s mud thrown at VSG.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On your BTW, I believe it. A lot of people were mad that she’d stolen the nomination from Mr. Feel The Bern.

Deplorable Patriot

Someone at VOAT figured out the music.


That’s not the same, though.
The beat is a lot faster than the Fox video music.
It’s similar…but not it.
I think the music in the Fox video is more like the music that that group, ‘Magic Sword’, does.
Q posted a vid from Magic Sword one time.
So maybe that’s why he said “Sound familiar?”

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t remember if I saw something on this above or on another site, but……
Judge Orders State and Justice Departments to Reopen Clinton Email Case
A federal judge has ordered the U.S. State and Justice Departments to reopen the case to determine if Hillary Clinton used a private email server to avoid public disclosure laws during her tenure as Secretary of State.
In doing so, U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth, an appointee of Ronald Reagan, eviscerated the previous administration’s claims of transparency, something President Obama touted throughout his time in the White House.
“Faced with one of the gravest modern offenses to government openness,” Lamberth penned in his opinion, “(the Obama administration’s) State and Justice departments fell far short” of the legal requirements behind the Freedom of Information Act.
The ruling was in response to a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, seeking emails related to the attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi.


Interesting that Comey is so exasperated by questions about Hillary’s emails and the judge reacted so strongly to this case from Judicial Watch.
We desperately need a DOJ.
I’m praying hard.

Deplorable Patriot

And why did he have a DOJ lawyer? Competing investigations? I mean Congress has no teeth on this. DOJ does.
There’s something else going on here than him just stalling.


I’m so mad – fuming.


DoJ lawyer was there to protect the DoJ ongoing investigation… not to help Comey…
same as there were DoJ lawyers when Peter Strzok testified…
same as there were DoJ lawyers when Lisa Page testified…

Deplorable Patriot

So, there’s some investigation not done yet.
And we wait some more.


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), likely the next chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, praised President Trump’s nomination of William Barr to be attorney general and said he intends to help move his confirmation process through the Senate.

Deplorable Patriot

Where’s the +? I’m still giggling.


DP! Me too!!!! LOL! Love when Q trolls!

Pat Frederick

k…gotta ask for an explanation. I’ve got an old flip phone…so I am sitting here scratching my head. enlightenment please?


0 on my phone is + sign Q+ Potus!

Pat Frederick



Then as we were told by a fellow treeper, Trump is q plus. Can’t remember where the plus is on my computer keyboard–shift something. Lol.

Deplorable Patriot

On smart phones, there is not a + on any of the key pads when texting, Tweeting, etc. One of the Q characters is Q+ who is believed to be VSGPDJT himself. Who ever was posting couldn’t find it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It depends on what keyboard app you have installed. On mine + is what you get when you hold on the letter v.


Wish I knew, DP, but I don’t even own a mobile phone. I’m clueless.


Ha ha ha! I’ve always thought Q+ was POTUS.

Pat Frederick

I suspected that too–after the story about the photo…the Q follower at the rally who got his picture taken with POTUS and when he received it in the mail on the back was (((Q+))) so something close to that…
so does that make Q Baron or Melania? jk


wrt POTUS calling Bruce Ohr’s wife “Molly”
Remember what Fusion Center does… they crank out articles for stenographers (journalists) to affix their by-line to…
This THREAD about an hour ago…
Media is not just propaganda… they are, as POTUS charges, FAKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nellie Ohr “worked” for Fusion. She can use any byline she chooses.
If you use goog to search for Molly K. Cooper journalist you come up with nada…
If you use duckduckgo you get
you also get wrong byline option. I clicked and you have options
My take? POTUS knows Nellie uses aliases… “Molly” being one…

Deplorable Patriot

Out in the ethersphere, the anons are positing that “Molly” is her ham radio handle.


Paisley (same as above) just RT’d this

Deplorable Patriot

This is getting good and I need to break off for a bit to get the dining room floor done. Later.



Are they talking about the spending bill which comes up in two weeks?


Yeah, a guillotine might change the mind of Macron and a few of the Rothchilds

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, a guillotine might change the mind of Macron and a few of the Rothchilds

Not really, because once you’ve removed the old mind by removing the head, we haven’t figured out how to attach the new mind (and head).


my grandson tells me head transplants are in the works…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Now if we could just work on draining fecal matter out of peoples’ heads we’d have an earthly paradise.


They so need to be reminded around the world that “they” have peaked and do not own the world. Exposure and quarantine. Redistribute the rothschild/soros wealth would be ok with me.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Second page! Woo Hoo!!!

A.D. Everard

Thank you! 😀


Folks when you get down to the nitty gritty of today’s Job Report, don’t get caught up with the 155K new jobs. The report was absolutely incredible for Blue Collar workers!
Here is a thread that really does a fantastic job of breaking it down with charts and graphs.
Charles Payne has also done an incredible job of showcasing how everyday Americans are winning!

Don’t take my word for it, even this guest on CNN had to destroy the Left’s talking points!

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Felice, great round up of the jobs news!
Marica posted this tweet earlier and was hoping you’d see it it. I’ll try to repost the link because, well, it is just so cute.


I absolutely LOVED it! I am actually in Jacksonville with my Muh Shu. 😉
This was taken this past summer when she was in NY. The only way we can get her in the pool is by putting Cheerios in it.

Sylvia Avery

I love your pig. Adorable! Funny that she doesn’t like the pool. But anything for Cheerios I guess!


Sylvia Avery

That is how I took the message, as well. UN isn’t…important enough…for Cabinet level status. The UN is a piddly little service club, an annoyance really, that we have to contend with.
Until we decide to end our participation. (I hope I hope I hope).


Wolf, you are so on target with what you just wrote. If people knew how linked they are, they would be so shocked.


Sylvia, I mostly agree. We need to get out of U.N. completely pronto, cut off their funding and sever ties and kick them out of U.S. My only disagreement is with calling them a piddling “service club.” They provide no services and are dangerous with agenda 2030. and they have manipulated local governing bidies in our country, which is why all the regionalizing of local governance, and they have been communist from the beginning. They want global control, and they have also subverted education. That’s just for starters. And their so-called peace-keepers haven’t brought peace anywhere. We should never have joined. For more info, go to Think I have that right. It’s the aAmerican Policy Center.


I’m still hoping President Trump can teach (he certainly does model) the wimpy GOP how to fight back when someone stabs you in the back. Hey, Tillerson… you want to redo that interview?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Totally random different interpretation. W is a certain blogger, not the former president.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wow, and it happens I’m (re) reading the fifth Foundation book right now. But you left out book 2: W and Empire, book 4: W’s edge, and book 5: W and Earth.
And yes I get the other reference too.

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s actually more. Prelude to Foundation, and Forward the Foundation, which was sort of a memorial to Isaac Asimov. His niece, Nanette Asimov, writes (or wrote) for the SF Chronicle…
I’m not sure if I can stomach his merging the Foundation Series with the I Robot Series. Worse, he appears bo be a GAIA freak (hope I’m wrong there). Nonetheless, it’s classic Sci-Fi, the likes of which are rare indeed. And I still think the “Prime Radiant” was cool…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually bringing in the robots made some degree of sense to me. A friend of mine back in the 80s was expecting it to be revealed that Hari Seldon was a robot. (I believe one of those prequels you mentioned had a robot character–but it wasn’t Seldon). He also (sort of) tied in End of Eternity.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s a possibility that’s been floated a number of places. Honestly, the day of 9-11 he was PI$$ED. I mean steaming. It’s another we don’t know what we don’t know, but given the envelopes at that funeral….

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve held from the beginning of not just Q, but Trump’s presidency that there was a tinge of revenge to it. I can be very patient about it all being revealed, but I imagine in the end a lot of the players, whistleblowers, etc., will have been betrayed. To an extent, W could well fall into that. 9-11 was not his plot. I do think one of the objectives that day was the message, Sonny boy, you do what we tell you.
If he flipped and turned state’s evidence – and that’s an IF considering the players involved – that would be huge.
It’s getting interesting that’s for sure.


9/11 was surely an inside job! POTUS45 gave an interview just hours after the towers fell and he commented that there were explosives set off that took the towers down. Trump was a witness! His office window faces the towers. Trump knows real estate. Trump knows how the towers were built, and Trump knows a demo job when he sees one. All Bushes were involved. Little brother Bush ran security for the towers and disappeared after they went down.
“I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously.” -Donald Trump

Deplorable Patriot

I know about the controlled demo. I mean, watch the towers fall in slow motion and you can see the explosions as the support beams are blown out.
I have a feeling when all is said and done, betrayal and revenge is going to be behind the motives of a lot of actors in this play. There is always time for redemption in life. There is a reason the most painted image from the Bible is the Woman at the Well.
At this point, we are still watching a movie. We don’t know what we don’t know. Were inside people tricked into doing evil things, say like Othello? Only time will tell.


I love the way you write DP! It is almost poetic 🙂 I would have said! “It is what it is and we really won’t know what truly happened til the fat lady sings! lol!

Deplorable Patriot

And, as I’ve mentioned before, the fat ladies were put on a diet. Debbie Voight, Jessye Norman and number of other divas are shadows of their former selves by orders of costume departments in the opera houses. And so long as the fat ladies aren’t singing Mimi’s final aria about wasting away and dying, we’re good. (The character dies of TB.)


Oh My!! ROTFL!! At this point it could be any fat lady at any time!! We just need results! lol!comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Earplugs might be the better visual depending on who’s singing.


My hubby just told me that much of the music today is all fake, and very few artist today use their real voice! I must say I was surprised and so was the fat lady!! :O

Deplorable Patriot

Studio vocals maybe. (Artists?) Those of us who are church and live musicians, it’s the real thing.


Amen!! 🙂


Trump was the first to say “Never Forget”!


Do you believe in coincidence?


Thanks for posting it Marica !!!




Thousand Oaks hero Sgt killed by a CHP officer.
I would not doubt that the CHP officer who shot Sgt Helus will end up with his own medical issues maybe even a retirement. So unfortunate.
Officials said it has been determined that Sgt. Ron Helus, who was killed in the shooting at Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks, sustained a shot to his heart by a fellow responding officer, as well as other gunshot wounds fired by the gunman.
An autopsy revealed Helus was struck by six bullets—five fired by the gunman, and one bullet fired by a California Highway Patrol officer.
Officials said the five shots Helus sustained from the gunman may have been survivable, but the CHP officer’s bullet is believed to be the one that killed him.
Authorities gave updates on their investigation at a news conference Friday.
An autopsy showed Helus was struck by six bullets, including five similar to the large-caliber rounds fired by gunman.
“These bullets caused serious injuries but potentially survivable injuries,” Chief Medical Examiner Chris R. Young said.
The sixth bullet that struck Helus in the heart was recovered before the autopsy, during surgery at the hospital after the shooting. That bullet, Young said, was confirmed by FBI analysis to be a rifle round fired by a CHP officer who went into the bar with Helus.
“This is sad news and a tragedy, but ultimately this was the most severe injury sustained,” Young said.
Young noted that Helus was wearing a protective vest. Two of the rounds struck the vest, “but only near the edge of the vest, so in my mind, decreasing protection provided,” he said.
“We know that Ventura County Sheriff’s Sgt. Ron Helus and a CHP officer bravely entered the bar together, engaged the suspect who was lying in wait before officers arrived,” L.D. Maples, Chief with California Highway Patrol’s Coastal Division, said. “While Sgt. Helus and the officer’s actions prevented the suspect from killing more people, tragically during the fierce but brief firefight that ensued, a round fired by our officer toward the suspect did strike Sgt. Helus.”
Maples said the CHP officer is “currently not on duty.”


I realize the ds is in everything, just a wonder about the chp officer who is to have shot him….


Hey Team! I think I found JWinGermany on twitter–If its same guy–He’s huge Q fan! I’ll try to get him over here..


Would like to see Pam, ziigii, several others…

Pat Frederick

i don’t think Pam had been posting elsewhere for a while either…???

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I saw Pam post on Can’t Tolerate Heterodoxy a couple of times a month or two ago.


Nope. Probably cut off too. The references when I have found them to “where is everyone?” generally are derogatory. Lots of people still gone and only few regulars. I just wonder wth really has happened, bc I am not so sure about my inability to post being a general moderating failure.


Speaking of OT and being careful about posting about violence…..Well, maybe I shouldn’t post it verbatim – basically calling for the “elimination” of our domestic enemies, and cleaning sights. SMH


That would be GREAT, Marica.
We need another pair of eyes from Globalist central!
And I bet JW will like it here very much, too!
Good goin’!



Hmmm….wonder if he will decide he needs to become a composer now…..


That really only equates to probably around 4 years if he gets the max, given good time that will come off. Not really what I would call “substantial.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That is a significant chunk out of one’s life, long enough that perhaps marriages end, kids become estranged.
Not nearly what a lot of people in the swamp deserve, but no laughing matter.



Ack…that got truncated in the tweet.
Trying again:comment image




Our Scott is Volunteer of the Year !!!!!!!