This thread is being prepared for THE DAY we’ve all been waiting for.
Here it comes. December 13. They postponed it ONCE.

But we know what this is really all about:

OANN has done some amazing reporting here – much of it getting the same information that George Webb got. Please check out these videos to whet your appetite. The best one (last night) is not available, sadly, but these are good.
The Epoch Times has some great stuff, too!
Cankles is going to get AT THE VERY LEAST a slap on the wrist this time!!!
Seriously – Paul Serran presents some pretty good arguments that she is GOING DOWN.
Please feel free to post anything here that is related to the CLINTONS, the Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, Haiti, Pay-for-Play, and anything else possibly related to the “D13” hearing.
This will be the meeting ground for all news about D13. Pass it on!

Nicely done, Wolf! I like it a lot! I have me some videos to watch. I like that you created a place for us to come and hang out while we wait and watch.
Yes – I may be busy during part of the time (wife’s foot tapping on honeydew list), so can’t stay glued to the site. I figure it’s POPCORN-READY!!!

When it starts coming in, it will be FAST and FURIOUS. I promise! And there will be SPIN, deflection and DISINFORMATION from TEAM CANKLES, too. Watch out!!! Gonna be pies flying!
LOL, never get between a wife and her honey-do list! So snap to, there Mr. Wolfmoon! We’ll carry on without you but we’ll be anxiously waiting to hear your thoughts on things.
For us guys there was also a sonny-do list that we had to deal with while growing up.
Training wheels for later life … just sayin’ …
My sister recently relocated back from California near to where I live. I have just discovered there is a bro-do list. She’s very polite. Each item begins with the phrase: “Don’t you think that ….” Or “Don’t you think you need …” or “… this room needs …” LOL
I am going to limit the list to one or two per visit. She’s at her max now for Christmas. LOL And I am going to discuss a sis-do list !!
Heh heh, bro-do lists are ever so useful!
Hey! I resemble that remark…gotta go clean the basement tomorrow
The thing about “Honey-do” lists…….
As I cross off work from the top of the list……
It keeps growing out the bottom!
Lol!!!! So true!!!
Yes, there will be disinformation and deflection, for sure.
Sarah Carter said the testimony of the Whistleblowers will be “quite explosive”.
And they will be testifying in an open hearing.
People are getting hung up on Huber…about ‘will he be there’ or not.
Even if he is, I would think that he would be limited on what he could talk about.
John Solomon has been saying the same thing about the Whistleblowers.
So it will be interesting.
If you haven’t read the Sarah Carter article from yesterday, 12/12/18, that Q posted a link to…it is pretty good:
I believe some kind of retribution/justice is coming. PDJT is (as we all know) a fighter and a counter puncher. He is not going to take this crap laying down. He knows better than we know that he is playing for all the marbles. If he doesn’t win this, they will destroy him and his family forevermore. He has staked everything on this.
I understand this stuff takes time, I’m just impatient. But I want it done right.
Whether or not today is the day, I don’t know. But we’ll find out before too long. But I am hoping we get something out of this.
I heard Jason Chaffetz say something about Horowitz the IG investigating the FISA abuse, and he said that the investigation had expanded and he didn’t think we’d hear anything about that until spring.
But for today, there is the whole buffet of the Clinton Foundation before us and oh my, that is one big spread.
This could prove interesting, depending on the outcome of the hearings…
Ty. Im behind…a lot.
Sadly – as an Norwegian – I must tell you that our politicians gave the Hillbeast foundation approx 120 billion dollars. Pay for play. When the issue was ” discussed” last year – MSM, politicians and so on just brushed if of and made it a case of supporting humanitarien initiatives. Bla bla bla.
At the moment we have our own little Merkel or Hillbeast: Erna Solberg, as (Supreme) PrimeMinister, supposedlu a republican in USA’s lingo. Its open borders and Kom Baja my Lord and Living together in peace – all over the Uniparties agenda (worst of them all – The Christian Folk Party (KrF)) – even if serious criminality as rapes, muggings and violence for the fun of it – grows as more and more muslims are poring in.
Hopefully this breaking news about the evil Clintons can start a new public discussion/reveal how mindless and stupid our pay for play political system was having an intern contest for whom would bend over – willingly and eager – to the Clinton crime syndicate. I do believe there was some emails in the WikiLeaks drop which exposed how Abbadin? – and the Hillbeast described how eager Norwegian politicians was to bend over or serve on their knees.
Norway has become a globohomo paradise = a mess. A disaster. Hitting the working class first as always back min the 80s – now its finally started to impact the middle/upper middle class. One example: Somali gangs now travel with public transport (top-notch in Norway – you easely and quick travel all of Oslo and places – no car needed) to the white upper middle class areas – more expensive mobile phones and clothes/shoes to steal – and then cruel beatings of the white kids/youths they rob. For the fun. Its surprised me to begin with – why this cruelty from the muslims – well – they thrive on it. Enjoy to see the infidels in pain.
And two years ago our governement started to buy up property and appartements in the white areas in town – to spread the problem. Syrian/Somalis and other muslims are given appartements worth 1 billion $ in posh districts – to water out/spread out the problem. I suddenly got Somali neighboors myself – 400 feet appartement which I could only dream on bying on the salary as a teacher. Anyhow – I disgress – but the evildoers Clintons have had a great negative globalist impact on Norwegian society and people. I hope there is a special place in Hell for them and thei ilks.
Thanks for that great perspective – It would seem that Wolf is running a global operation here. Which is kind of ironic since we are all cheering for the nationalists – spearheaded by the one and only VSGPDJT
WWN World Wide Nationalism.
International nationalism is what we were sold, and then the BAIT-AND-SWITCH communists gave us globalism instead. RETURN TO SENDER.
WWN is just alright with me!
Thank you for letting us know what it is like in your country. It hurts my heart. I have family that came from there and it makes me ill to think of what has been done to your homeland.
Yes, it is very sad.
Thank you for that info. It is sad that there is rarely much in the news about your country. Any yellow vests in Norway? I see gun ownership is restricted there and one must prove a “need.”
Paterntly obvious they have a need? I brlieve that they have to get serious and go for it to prevent sweden-ization.
No doubt.
Yup. The people of Norway are not truly free.
Every citizen of a FREE country has a NEED for firearms – to TRAIN – to fulfill their DUTY of DISTRIBUTED POWER.
Mao said power flows from the barrel of the gun and he is right. This is why THE PEOPLE must own the guns and not THE MAO, THE STALIN, THE XI, THE PUTIN or THE OBAMA.
The price of popular freedom is painful but bearable and worth it. Most of all it is HONEST.
Thank you for giving us this great perspective of what is happening in Norway. It makes me sad for your country.
I hope that you and your countrymen get your own Trump-style leader elected to change the situation. And I hope that the current investigations into the Clinton Crime Syndicate result in some benefit for Norway, too.
As the Norwegian newspaper Hegnar points out, Norway is expected to slash their contributions to the Clinton Foundation by 87% now that Hillary has lost the presidency. After contributing roughly $5mm per year to the Clinton Foundation between 2007 – 2013, the Norwegian government decided to boost their donations to ~$15mm and ~$21mm in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Ironically, that boost in contributions corresponded with Hillary’s decision to run for President in 2016…but we’re sure it’s just a coincidence. That said, it is fairly interesting that, since Hillary’s loss, Norway has decided to scale back their contributions by 87% in 2017…hmmm.
Reblogged this on RedLegLeader Blog.
Hello, RedLeg! Waving furiously!!
Waves back … !!!
Is there a way to watch the hearing? I don’t have cable. Anybody have a link?
C-Span 1 is doing Myanmar, House of Reps
C-Span 2 is sweaty-faced Rubio yelling about Yemen.
C-Span 3 SAYS Capitol Hill Hearings but it’s an interview with Papadopolis and wife. AND Cernovich is conducting the interview.
Whatever else a person might think about him, Cernovich is letting Papa talk, not interrupting.
Myanmar is a beautiful example of the globalist migration scam and demonization of those who push back. Very easy to virtue signal in sympathy with the Soros human spears.
I LOVED this thread… Didn’t know quite where to put it…
Wrongdoing by MUELLER’S people –
Mueller’s office scrubbed Strzok and Page’s phones!
“Mueller’s office scrubbed Strzok and Page’s phones!”
Sounds like tampering with evidence and obstruction of justice, and that’s only for starters.
Once you start tampering with evidence to aid a partner in crime, that’s aiding and abetting. There must be lots more laws, codes, statutes, very-serious-no-kidding-around-internal-rules and whatnot violated by this criminal conduct.
Finally, we might see the outcome then candidate Trump promised cankles during one of the debates “If I’m President, you’d be in jail.” She should be assigned to the most uncomfortable of the 3 being prepared, please and thankQ.
Tell me please, is this testimony even happening today?
We see nothing.
C-Span 3 now covering under sec for international affairs
Thank you, Marica!
Thanks. Had to crash for a couple hours. now have a clingy dog on my lap. He’s not going to let me get any work done.
Here we go.
The DOJ makes Huber not available! What the H***. Hopefully it gets better.
Approximately 9,311 text messages were recovered from Strzok’s S5
during the collection tool failure period.
Approximately I 0, 760 text messages were recovered from Page’s S5
during the collection tool failure period.
the OIG recovered 74,385 lines of text
messages from Strzok’s phone and 52,39S lines of text messages from Page’s phone. These text messages
included those between Stnok and Page as well as those that they had with other individuals.
yeah, trying to get through this little mini report here at work… just had a printer malfunction i had to fix, followed by the same person then running out of paper towels in the bathroom that i had to change and then the person locked up their computer twice by going to MSN trying to find a story about trump being arrested they explained when i asked what happened…
the iphones used for the special council part of it is strange.
fbi when asked said they didn’t know how to get this other stuff off, yet the DoD techs and the outside tech brought in knew of stuff.
striking what was left out and what was included and how pathetic the agency data service for backup or whatever was. 20% failure rate?
“20% failure rate?”
Translation: 20% SUCCESS rate, covering tracks.
But No Such Agency has it ALL. Even lovely Molly Ohr’s Awesome Ham Adventures! lol
LIVE! Testimony right now:
looks like standing room only there in the hearing!
Thanks for posting this live link, Aubergine!
You should be getting MEGA MAGA likes!
There are bomb threats all OVER the place right now! Trying to draw people’s attention away from this, I think.
This guy Connelly sounds just like Elmer Fudd! He’s killing me!
And he has the facts wrong. Michael Cohen was convicted of bank fraud having nothing to do with Trump. One election commissioner said that the payments to Stormy and somebody else are not a violation of campaign finance law. The Supreme Court came down against paying off mistresses to be a violation. Not that Trump cheated that we know of.
Yep. Regular bread and circuses hearing.
going after Whitaker….interesting
Whitaker was on the Board, only.
I could e wrong about that one – he had a $500K/yr salary.
And Hackney, oversight of 501C3, from 2006 until 2011, during the targeting of Tea Party Orgs. Cannot believe he took exception with Jim Jordan.
As if MoveOn dot org works to elect Republicans. ShareBlue? Open Society?
They’re nailing CF on lobbying for foreigners now! WOW.
Norton – with a cold. “No evidence of a quid pro quo was ever found” —>>>> because the investigation was hampered and stopped.
Going after Soros and Open Foundation. How we are subsidizing Soros!!!
Here we go —- Sidney Blumenthal in Libya.
????????? Sea Change environmental — gives money to Sierra club. SeaChange big donor is Russia, pushes for inhibiting fracking, most recently in NY
The deflection narrative on this is that it’s “capitalist Russia” doing it, too.
Trump on energy – right as rain. This is half of why they went after Papadop. Halper was grilling him on energy, too – Papadop figured it out. Guess where that information went? THE KREMLIN.
Environmental extremism in the U.S. was a SOVIET PLAN.
Oh really????????? Hackney, the witness, wrote an op-ed, attacking the Trump Org and would charge Trump with criminal liability evading taxes in Trump Charitable Org.
Turns out he’s a witness for the Dems. The chair put that out there.
Horrible Democrat House member deflection to Trump Foundation! With her funnel to China in tow!
Hackney – is a hack.
I am a CPA – HELL NO, he is NOT qualified to give an opinion about referring the Trump Org Charity for criminal referral. He’s full of $$$$$hit.
He does NOT know.
He cannot know.
He’s looking at a public record.
He does not have access to the docs.
This is CRAP.
Absolute bullshit!
They asked about an audit. Having gone through them time and again, in general a third party is hired. $10K is the standard price. Believe me, they go through EVERYTHING. You’re right, that guy didn’t have access.
Interesting. Hillary email Uranium one investigation was not allowed to expand into other areas — as Mueller has been allowed to drift with Trump.
But today, we learned it was Rosenstein and McCabe who supervised the Clinton investigation
This guy is the real deal! We’re finally on the good stuff!
I sure am Impressed by these 2 men so far….fingers crossed?
They were riveting.
And went blow-for-blow against ALL the crap thrown at them.
As Daughn said – I’d hire them too!
Honest. Forthright. Knowledgeable … and exPERT.
Absolutely TREMENDOUS testimony.
Moynihan and Doyle, graduates of College of the Holy Cross (where husband did his undergrad), love the accents on these guys. Boston bred.
If they prove their ‘case’ they make a fortune in finder’s fees.
We “followed the money.” 80% of donations came from 1 tenth of 1%
1/10th of 1% gave 80% of the money. WOWWWW
Holy Shitake Mushrooms
Okay, to augment the comments above, at the end of the first panel for the benefit of those stuck in the cubicle farms today, having worked for several non-profits, here’s some additional notes I tried to make while attempting to count stitches at the same time. I didn’t start from the beginning, so this is commentary on only a fragment of the first panel
Hackney, whoever he is, is a law professor who at one time was counsel for a director at the IRS having to do with non-profit. He was brought in by the Dems as a witness at the last minute, and my guess the reason why was to get him to nail the Trump Foundation for violations on their tax returns, the 990. He said he was not prepared to do that. He told somebody with what he had he could not audit the org (well, no, they need bank statements, deposit receipts, outlays, and more to do that). BUT, the one exchange that I thought was valuable was with Rep. Mahoney of New York where he was able to articulate some aspects of non profit law that the general public does not know about.
Of course, all the Dems were frustrated that the focus is on CF and Soros. See, they set up the non-profit laws for their own benefit and now Republicans are using them against the party. Hence why they now want the laws changed.
It looks like Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch was sent out to give the MAGA line with what he knows, which is not everything since he is not directly part of the investigation for prosecution. He held his own, but, again, he was probably a last minute witness. He has no official involvement so, him being there is most likely because JW has had the most luck with FOIA and he knows the documents in question.
For those watching a repeat, the Eleanor Holmes Norton five minutes can be skipped, or used for a bathroom break or beverage refresher except for one thing: she continually says that quid pro quo would be inherent in an organization where both a former president and his wife were the heads. And then she went on to say that no record of any quid pro quo ever happened has been found. Well, they weren’t going to say it out loud were they?
I’ll just leave that there.
Rep. Gosar was the one to get Fitton to talk about Hillary ignoring the agreement made with Obama and regularly communicating with Sid Blumenthal. Gosar was the one to bring up Soros and Open Society and whether or not it should be listed as a foreign agent. That five minutes is worth the time.
Some Dem brought up the Charity Navigator 5-Star rating. As noted sometime in the last couple weeks by me, that’s probably BS as they were on the watch list for bad business practices, and since Hillary lost the presidential election their donations which are required to increase to maintain that rating have tanked. I think it was the chair who discussed that.
Other than that Rep. Blum, and others, were able to read into the record incidents where quid pro quo was inferred with foreign governments benefiting from donations. That may have been part of the goal here.
Otherwise, the hearing was sparsely attended, and really rather lackluster. The information imparted was valuable, unfortunately the masses who really need to hear what was said probably did not watch.
Okay, back to crochet.
Great summary!!!
Thanks loads, DP. I didn’t get to watch, but you got me up to speed.
Approved for a library but never changed charter.
I had read that a couple of years ago. I was kind of stunned by that. Such a basic thing and they never attended to it.
Typical Hillary sneaky move. CROOKED.
These guys! I’m hanging on their every word! They know how to deliver testimony, that’s for sure.
These guys are good. I would hire them in a minute. Jordan does not know the law.
Yeah, but Jordan elicited that email of “hey, we’re admitting we’re fudging” – THAT was tactical!!!
I meant Norton, sorry, the one who was coughing.
This Norton woman needs to go home and go to bed. Or to a hospital.
This Moynihan and Doyle are sharp, laser focused gentlemen who know their stuff.
BFHS – Black Female Human Shield. She is there for unassailability in the minds of PC viewers.
I’m getting a perverse pleasure in seeing the Irishmen from Boston schooling the woman.
Seriously, she needs to take a sick day.
I suspect that EVERY day, for her, is a “sick” day.
Physically, or otherwise.
so from what i am reading here today – just scanning this every so often since i have a bunch of other work happening – am i to assume that not much is happening – surely not enough to cause an ex president to have to die in order to have postponed this in the first place… OR since they had caught on the whole thing that would have been presented today was changed up?
kind of confused on this. i still think january 3rd is my D-Day, but i can see people already talking about 2 more years and what not… just trying to get a gauge of emotion here.
Oh, a lot is happening, just not what the people want to see. The foundation is being laid for that.
ok cool…just wanted to get a realistic opinion since i am out of the loop and unable to watch myself… thank you very much!
Andrew, upthread a tad DP gave a good summary.
They were brokering Money and Pharmacueticals!! Holy Smokes!!!
Did you hear that????????/
Taking the vig on the pharma for Mozambique.
She should be in jail for that alone!!!!!!!
“Taking the vig”
Just like loansharks.
Yup. The term FITS.
Doyle and Moynihan stated that CF should have been registered as a foreign agent (the same FARA law stuff that has been used to cudgel Manafort).
They have also stated the CF functioned as a family partnership and not a charitable concern.
The thing that has made this part good is these guys are experts and are able to explain this stuff so that it is understandable at the lay level.
never use the term “lay level” in the same breath as CLINTON Foundation…
sorry…(blushing) bad joke
Eeek! You’re right! Not an image I want sullying my brain!
I hope someone puts out video excerpts of the good stuff so I getto see it.
60% Administrative expense means the charity should be shut down.
It should lose it’s status. Yes.
So what was that exchange all about between meadows and the witnesses?
Congress wants all these guys’ paperwork. They don’t want to give it to Congress; they have given it to the IRS and the FBI, but they seem to believe if they give it over to Congress they are sacrificing their financial interests in pulling all this material together. Meadows said he’d guarantee to protect their financial interests. They conferred with their lawyer for a moment and said they’ll answer questions but not turn over their papers.
Thanks, my feed was breaking in and out at the time
Thanks, I’m on a delay here.
Cubicle farm and at work peeps, the two guys who are the forensic money guys are worth watching. It’s not the Ka-BOOM you want to see, but very informative.
Am I understanding this correctly? Have the Clintons managed to drag the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation into their filth?
The Gates were already there, actually.
It’s complicated how I came into contact with the Gates Foundation, but the two groups’ efforts dovetail. I learned about the Gates Foundation at least ten years ago having to do with agriculture. Not an organization to be trusted.
That shouldn’t come as a surprise, I guess, because Bill Gates is such a Leftist.
The Gates “Foundation” has been seeding – er, “warning” about – mosquitos for a few years now. IMO, presaging the introduction of viral illnesses to be caused by such a carrier.
It’s been planned to be such that, IMO. The Red Cross, and other orgs, have been accused of facilitating the transmission of deadly diseases, for the cabal, for quite some time.
Gates is a traitor, IMO, and he set up his “Foundation” for just such a purpose: avoid taxes, and – under the guise of “helping” – enable one of MANY methods to CULL the human race.
“Not an organization to be trusted.”
Indeed. In fact, an organization to be actively DISTRUSTED.
The mosquitoes I didn’t know about. Vaccines and actual crop production in Africa are another matter.
The use of close-in reversal of purpose is pure cabal.
You really like tech-speak.
My observation!
Speak plain! Have at you! (Monty Python) lol
OMG – they have pushed these guys into some amazing anecdotes!
Theres a mini boom….a criminal investigation into CF
….and why Huber not there…BOOM
WOW! Little Rock!! FBI investigation open criminal Investigation!!!
So CF is being investigated out of Little Rock!
OMG – they are using Q comms! Hint until they get it!
Guess the plane load of CF documents was legit
All those military planes code named Outlaw connected?
This is a Q proof.
Not the airplanes with code name outlaw, but the pics we saw coming out of Arkansas. Q posed about it.
Don’t give them to the house! Don’t give them to the house!
Agree Wolfie!! Little shiffy will see…
Salt Lake City got the documents!
Doyle and Moynihan believe there is an open criminal investigation out of the Little Rock Arkansas FBI field office.
Meadows says maybe this is why Huber did not show up if there is an open investigation into the CF he would not be able to comment….
They say they sent all their stuff to Salt Lake City (Huber) in April and have subsequently updated them and the US Atty’s from SLC have been in contact with them right up until recently.
Funny, no live link and/or discussion thread on this “over there”
Based upon their questions!!! AMAZING!!! They are DIGGING IN!!!
BOOM on quid pro quos.
THis woman is a reptile!
Which woman? The one who forgot her wig today?
Norton—But she needs a wig too
A mask would help a lot.
(Panda, Reptile, Piglosi, Schittf, Googly-Eyes, et. al.)…
You are insulting reptiles.
You are right Steve—Sorry to the chienese FAKE PYthon of wolfies description above! and also–sorry to geckos– they are cute!!
Not to mention bearded dragons.
Norton is fishing! Norton and the ChiComs are FISHING!
OMG – suddenly she acts smart like a HOODLUM!
In contact with Huber, no communication prior to two weeks ago.
They are following up, based on their questions.
Nothing from Horowitz
WHAT IN THE HECK??? They saw the boxes of documents? And the planes?
“Open and Ongoing Investigation”
So is IRS foot-dragging? Or are thei IRS OBAMA-SPUDS being KEPT IN THE DARK???? WOW.
They ARE convinced of a quid pro quo
That means the documents will bear it out.
That is why they are playing hard to get.
That is why they want a subpoena on their documents.
That is why they don’t want to “sell them cheap”.
That is why Meadows will now go after the documents.”
That is why Norton will go all “look, squirrel”.
That is why Huber is WAY ahead of these guys.
They don’t want to give up their payout. I get that.
Okay, it looks like this is not simply about putting the crimes of the Clinton Foundation in front of the public for consumption, but an explanation of non-profit law for those who do not live within it.
The CF was founded for one purpose, the library, and ended up being a vehicle for several others and the status should have changed.
The laws need to change and the Clinton Foundation is the poster child as to why.
The litany of their offences is icing on the cake.
DP, if the foundations and non profits of this country are exposed for what actually happens with the $ and who participates and how they participate, it will clear up so much. I researched foundations back when Obama’s mother’s connections to the Ford Foundation were uncovered. So much other info since then that I can’t recall all the connections and darkness that surfaced through just that one. That would be a huge win!
I’ve worked for small 501c3s, churches, a national one with chapters, a university, and a sizable local one. None of them should have had the same designation status, but they did.
The foundations are a completely different kettle of fish. Yes, they are a legal way of stashing money so as to avoid paying taxes for a number of families. Don’t ever think that’s all their money, though. There’s always more.
Judy, all I’m going to say is that you are right about many of the foundations and, of course, the Clinton Foundation. I’ll just say Haiti and children. So horrible.
757 plane and agents taking docs from Clinton Foundation
NOT a conspiracy theory.
This is such a frustrating process. It seems like the format gets in the way. I just want to sit these guys down and say, okay, shoot. Tell me all about it. The questions, the time limits, the folly of wasting time with people like the Coughing Woman, is all annoying and distracting. I could get the story out of these guys in short order in a logical, coherent narrative in about a half an hour and it would be done and over with. Grrr…..
Part of the problem is that the expectations are different. Business guys want to honor agreements and contracts, and the committee wants scalps and they expect the witnesses to sacrifice their good name in business practices to that end. I can’t say I blame Doyle and Monahan. They didn’t want to do this in the first place. They want to deal with law enforcement not the circus.
Yes – they were smart to stick to their plan. But I think that Meadows snookered Norton right there. Play along with her game (gimme the documents now) and hope the other guys stick to their guns. They do, and SMART ACTION into the future is the bullet that fires down the dumb barrel of the House circus.
Meanwhile America is forced to see the CF as horrible stuff, and to CONTRAST the guy who was SCARED to diss the Trumps versus the guys who finally coughed up real admissions, real submissions, and real examples of graft and corruption. While holding all that back and saying “please ask us for this stuff through our lawyers.” WINK, WINK
You could, sure, but it is unconstitutional for a govt agent to use a shovel on a witness/suspect. Just a minor point to remember.
Spoil sport!
Ouch. minor POINT?
Sylvia does keep her shovels sharp, though… even the gold ones (polished)…
What if they said it was calling a spade a spade?
BWAH-HA-HA! They’re fishing for a subpoena!!! They WANT to be subpoenaed by Congress!!!
You know, that is what I concluded as well. To a degree this seemed like a play being acted out to set up some thing more.
Yes. Now they RAISE THE VALUE of the documents by subpoena, and control the timing of their compliance and uptake by Congress. They MAY EVEN go to the SENATE. Not sure if that is possible, but it would be better.
It did Sylvia! Even Meadows getting steamed up! I had to leave just as fireworks began! Darn it…Just Catching up…
Yeah, maybe I’m off base but Meadow’s “anger and exasperation” didn’t quite ring true to me.
me either
You sure about that?
Yup. “We would welcome that.” They have GOOD LAWYERS.
There was enough credibility in their accusations that they were invited to appear..ergo congress wanted their info, they want the documents to see what’s been found. They are not going to get it unless the proper channels give it to them which they can’t if being used in an open investigation. How many sitting in that room have their names in the documents? Could a subpoena from congress override an ongoing investigation? They are scared. Waiting for Huber is hard.
Very glad those guys held back. NOW there is FBI / IRS differential, too. If IRS officials drag their feet on stuff that FBI and Huber move on, there can be clean-up consequences in IRS!!!
Pressure is on, this is great. I’m thinking that last thumb drive for Huber is interesting. More about the format than the info? Material for footnotes? We have been given the impression that the H investigation is it? Maybe not quite?
Huber wanted FRESH INFO – so they know what might get seen by the House. That means what gets seen by the Clintons. That means which of their confidential informants have been outed to the Clintons, the DNC, the Chinese and the Russians.
I *CRINGED* when they gave up that one girl. BUY A GUN, LADY. If you can’t own, move to where you can. That poor woman is in real danger. But Huber may have already gotten her under wraps.
Just moving is not all that easy.
Oh, I hear you. It’s rough. And playing for time before you get out is even rougher. Those who stay behind in high-crime districts or bad situations / locations have two choices for longevity – go warrior or GTFO.
Seth Rich should have moved. No situational awareness. DC and PC will blind people to Detroit realities. It feels weirdly safe. NO WAY. Lose usefulness to the PTB, and it’s worse.
I’ve studied the Clintons from the moment Beelzebubba hit the spotlight. DANGEROUS. And most dangerous to WITNESSES.
“that last thumb drive for Huber is interesting”
But then, the “Chair” tried to induce them to speculate on WHY the Huber investigation did that.
I wish that they – Doyle and Moynihan – responded to the Chair to “ASK THEM!”
It was a trap, by the “Chair”. One of many, which the tag-team out-maneuvered.
I hear you, but they could have hammed it up a bit.

“I don’t know why they did that. It was really weird. They could just be sitting on their thumbs, doing nothing, and don’t care at all. Or they could be way ahead of us. It’s JUST STRANGE.”
Brevity is gold, when testifying!
No Hamming! No lovely Molly! lol …
Btw, it’s really cool that you actively PARTICIPATE in the discussions here (not so “over there”). It’s a sign of fellowship, and camaraderie, which I found MISSING on the now-rotting tree.
I get your point about NSL’s, though. Tragic, if true.
You know, I think that’s the first time I have seen anyone comment on Wolfmoon’s involvement in our discussions. And I’m surprised no one, including me, has done so sooner.
I know Wolfie has a life to live and can’t spend it all here yakking with us all day, but I really appreciate not only the admin time it must take to keep this going but the time writing the articles and then coming in and talking with us. It really does give this place a warm, welcoming kind of feeling and an immediacy and intimacy. It is really nice.
I could not do this if I wasn’t still part of the conversation! No way! Talkin’ with y’all is the best part. <3
LMAO @ lovely Molly!!!
I must make a confession on participation – I like not knowing the answer, and using you all to figure things out. When Tonawanda solved the “Z” problem today – that was just one of a million solutions I’ve stolen from you all. On the big mysteries, I’m as much in the dark as everybody else. So it’s good that we’re all in here solving.
Hey – I can still flip on this stuff. SHOW ME THE DATA and I’ll change my mind! But only when we all talk about it. Together, we see past the tricks!
There is a balance of articles and talk. I’m more talk than SD. But I think that’s OK. To each his or her own!
You’re not SD. We don’t need you to be SD. You are Wolfmoon and that is awesome. You have provided a great service here for us. God bless you for that, Wolfie.
Wolfie, I really just treasure this comment from you. It makes me feel like we are all learning Together. I’m mostly relying on all of you to give me the basic info about what q is posting. I used to listen to Praying mMedic, but I don’t even have time any more to do that. Thank you for this great blog.
I just want to second (fifth?) what others here are saying. I really appreciate that you are an active participant here. I always valued your posts “over there” and I really value the back-and-forth here.
It is very educational and valuable to have a question, ask it, and get an answer. I learn from every question anyone has.
I gotta jump in with Emerald and Sylvia and Zoe! Wolfie’s site is THE MOST Welcoming out there! and you are right–Wolfie jumps right in there with us all! It’s like a VERY good leader—no GENIUS Leader–“come on folks! If we all pull together, WE WIN!!! Thank you God for Wolfm00n, for giving him the direction to start this site, and for bring all of us here!!!
Wolfman, I am so grateful that I saw your post over there about wqth. I would have been left in the dark, feeling alienated by the one of only two sites I frequented, not understanding what was going on. The other site, although friendly and caring, is eclectic, and not meant for study of the political.
I chime in withothers here in dittos. You are extremely welcoming, as are the commenters here. You are a blessing. God bless you and yours.
Thank you most kindly!

Glad you came along for the ride!
Happy for that invite. Always looked for your posts over there.
Thank you so much Wolfmoon for your honesty but all our information is for naught if we do not have someone that can put it all together and pass it on to all of us, and that someone is you, Wolfman! That is your gift and I for one am thankful that we have you here to keep us all together and informed!
You, indeed, are not SD, and not even close! SD never recognized anyone’s contribution, only his own. Many here carried the CTH, and SD fed off all your information… and he rarely graced the comment section or recognized any of us as team players!
I love it here! Everyone is a part of the information being shared and that is as it should be! At least that is what I find so wonderful and different about this site! The Churchmouse has the only other site I find that is like this one and these are the only two sites I go to for intelligent and honest discussions!
Wolfie, you know after reading all the comments (and agreeing with them all ) I went looking for a contribution link. Did I miss it ?
They were a great team, they have been doing this together for sometime, it shows. Their integrity shows through.
AMEN!!! I liked that part!
Yes Sylvia, this is an amazing site full of amazing insights, thank you Wolfmoon!
That’s it??? They just stop?? But I have more questions.
2 contacts to Huber in April
1 contact to Huber in May
1 more in Huber in October
Huber only contacted them, for a thumb drive, ANOTHER COPY, on November 30th, right before their testimony.
Here is how the hearing stuff went down in Utah…
Huber Untouchable FBI: Hearing is coming. They want you there. You gonna go?
Huber Asst. DOJ: The leaky House? I’ll bet that bald black communist and her chi-spy want information.
FBI: We could give them those private investigators.
DOJ: Do it!
FBI: You sure? Just want to be sure. They’ve got good stuff.
DOJ: Don’t worry – it will warm up the crowd. It’s all financial.
Wolf Moon: LMAO!
Oh, my. NOW I see why they kept this under wraps.
It was very well played, by the finance guys.
They came across as totally honest, and forthright.
Meanwhile, the “Chair” tried to use subterfuge and trickery – and THAT came across as well. Very mart guy – but transparently adversarial, in the face of TRUTH. NOT a good look, for him.
The “BOOM” in today’s events were the tag-team of Doyle & Moynihan.
I was riveted …
Not so much, though, by the COUGHING stooge!
Oh, she was a HUGE TELL. That woman gave up a LOT. ChiCom race-based commie lawfare on full display.
Actually, I wanted to give Meadows a piece of my mind. He was being deliberately obtuse. They want what everyone else has, and even in oversight, they’re not entitled to it. Too bad. They are not criminal investigators and if the information is part of an ongoing investigation, Congress having it will compromise the prosecution. Somebody is going to leak it and it becomes tainted.
The team deftly handled the issue of the “provided” trick-question, vis-a-vis Soloman (sp?).
They didn’t “provide” – Soloman did.
Legalese trickery, in re direct (culpable) action, via indirect (non-culpable) action.
Doyle and Moynihan were FANTASTIC!
They couldn’t be “got”!
I missed some of that,why did they give them to Solomon in the first place? Did they state the reason?
I missed some of that too.
I think the basic point was, when the “Chair” asked whether they (the tag-team) provided info to the R’s, they said “No.” It was later clarified that the info was also under their attorneys’ umbrella, and that the attorneys provided the info to Soloman (the reporter).
IIRC, then the info was provided – by the attorneys, I think – to the reporter Soloman, who then provided it to the R’s. I believe that it was also provided to the D’s, for full non-partisanship.
Again – the Chair’s question was about DIRECT providing, and the tag-team rightly said no. But, immediately afterward, they testified that the info was given to the R’s by ANOTHER party, via lawyers via the reporter.
All parties got the info. The “Chair” tried to trick the tag-team into perjury.
VERY underhanded … but Boyle and Moynihan saw through it, and would not let the Chair’s misrepresentation of their actions stand.
I may have gotten a detail or two wrong … but my MAIN point stands.
Btw – we NEED people from other countries – like you – participating here! VERY glad you’re willing!
Thank you Emerald Star, not on WordPress so can’t click like
. I like!
Well, they went to Holy Cross. They don’t take dummies at that school.
Totally agreed. But that shows me he’s a smart player, and why they picked him for the job. He was “asshole for the people” today – LOL! He knows he can subpoena for them. He could have done it earlier. Now they’ve got options and the game continues forward.
Truth be told, I really don’t like the asshole play. To me, it is counterproductive. But, then I live with engineers.
Can’t say very confident in Huber. Yet, The Foundation seems like a different investigation, outside of what Utah/they would be doing. Yes/No?
There may be overlap.
I’m very confident in Huber.
So … YES.
Like Q said – ALL FIFTY STATES. Just based in Utah.
I agree. I think it’s big, and nationwide. I think the TAINT is being swept along with a CHANGE IN PARADIGM. Q has set me straight on some stuff at the subtext level. The bads are having to play games within a TRUMP FBI now, and soon that changing paradigm is going to sweep DOJ as well.
Military precision. We are finally playing Russia’s and China’s “peaceful” war games.
“Q has set me straight”
Me too.
MUST I include a hashtag? hehehe
Huber is definitely laying LOW, and that LOOKS like we should worry Huber is a nothingburger. But these guys are throwing heavy reality on a bunch of stuff like the planes and the boxes, and they thought they had FBI-level goods on the Clintons, just from a PI investigation.
Why is Huber so low? MILITARY SECRECY.
I’m still trying to figure it out. But think about this. How would you TEST all the field offices for loyalty to the Constitution versus Obama/Mueller contagion? Send dead-to-rights Clinton stuff to a bunch of them and see what happens.
WHEAT / CHAFF SORTER. Notice how WRAY replaced so many heads of field offices? BOOM. And he’s been doing it for a long time. What does that say? They had them before they even tested them.
They needed CLEAN field offices. Why? NATIONWIDE.
Another ‘stress test’?
WOW. That’s right. Test what you think you know.
Holy cow, I go to the gym,come back here and I’m 2 days behind over the course of 3 hours.
Gonna backtrack now.
Your order is fine.
Physical exercise first.
Mental exercise next.
You’re good!
Btw, I missed the entire episode of last night’s Q Q&A.
Got called a “vampire”, if you’ll believe it!
It’s all good. (Marica passion!)
LOL. I’m just now, at 73, breking into the world of weights and Cybex. Have a trainer…fighting to keep walking and strenghten what little I have going for me.
“Gotta keep moving.” The motto of a buddy of mine, who is just two years younger than you are. Keep up the good work.
Thanks AF. Loving the feel from exercise.
Love Ya Emerald!! You were obviously missed!! Hugs!
Back atcha, Marica!
Take care with you exuberance – watch yourself!
Happy Thursday! (The 4-5pm hour of testimony was KEY! Forget the rest!)
Was talking to husband.
When I met him, he was in the throws as the lead atty on the biggest whistleblower case, besides the tobacco case.
It took 6 years, in total, to settle.
Similar to these guys, he had to lay out the case, completely, do all the hard work, for the US Atty in Boston — just like Moynihan and Doyle. It took years, travel, expenses. The case probably cost him his marriage and there were times I lent his firm money.
He had to convince the USAtty to take the case, then another 3 years to resolve.
Just like Moynihan and Doyle got frustrated by dragging feet at DOJ, husband slipped the story to the Boston Globe, as M & D called John Solomon – giving Solomon the 1200 pages which ended up in the committee.
Just enough to wet their appetite and generate interest.
Interesting tidbit = Rod Rosenstein was the final USAtty who signed off on husband’s case settlement.
Thank you, it’s pretty interesting how this all works.
“the tobacco case”
ALL the tobacco executives LIED (Nicotine NOT addictive!) to Congress.
Just like today, the tech execs LIED (NO BIAS!) to Congress.
Congress WANTED them to lie.
Like VSGPDJT said – the corruption is (paraphrase) beyond belief.
And – Boston sucks. We’d be like Baltimore et al, if there weren’t so much $$$ coming in, via educ / bio / finance.
Funny, one of the things that added to my redpilling was time served at a local university medical school.
Archival papers…between the thoracic surgeon who first suggested and then proved that smoking causes lung cancer and the court transcripts of paid witnesses who said it doesn’t AFTER the former was proven, I came to realize that the truth is a moving target, malleable in the moment.
BTW, the surgeon in question died of lung cancer from smoking.
I just saw on Voat a list of dozens of bomb threats that have been called in all over the country during the hearing. They involved schools, colleges, court houses, and other public buildings. Someone needs to yank Hillary’s phone.
They’re worried.
Must suppress [CF] for downstream optics.
[Plan Z]
Apparently attached to the message was a demand for bitcoin too.
I had to go out all afternoon. It is so nice to come back here to people I trust and check on what has been happening. We don’t always totally agree but that is why we are here. I feel very blessed to be here with all of you.
If they come and take us away, ha ha, I can only hope we get put in the same re-education camp and we can show them what re-education is all about. Betsy DeVos is good but she hasn’t seen what we can do.
“It is so nice to come back here to people I trust”
The feeling is mutual, Elizabeth.
Put simply – you BELONG here. With us. As we BELONG with you.
I find so much value in what you post! And I’m not alone, IMO, in that assessment.
You bring a singular perspective. Every day.
Pour a nice one, for yourself!
I had a lot of liberals around me in CA for 25 years. They would say, “Well, that is your opinion!!” In a very snarky PC way. I would just smile at them, look askance and ask, “Well, whose opinion did you think I would have?” They always just looked confused and walked away.
I am having a glass of Chardonnay in your honor. Here’s to you. Cheers.
I love being around like-minded people here!!
This is not an “echo chamber” but a “sounding board”. It doesn’t get any better than that IMHO!!
You all expand my thinking in a very good way.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.
OMG – “They’re coming to take me away” = Dr. Demento on WLS, Chicago. That’s a blast from the past!
Elizabeth, if they take you away, I’m going with you.
I was raising teenagers in SF Valley CA when Dr. Demento was popular. I found him an oasis of sanity in an insane world. I particularly liked “Sarah, Cynthia, Sylvia Stout would not take the garbage out” and used it as a sort of morality lesson for my teenagers, LOL
We have to grasp what little sanity we can in this world!! I wonder if we could find one for cleaning the swamp.
My kiddo likes those. Growing up when they came out and still reading aesop and grimm, it was a good primer on morality and manners. I can still cry reading the giving tree to my kuddo.
“If they come and take us away, ha ha, I can only hope we get put in the same re-education camp and we can show them what re-education is all about. Betsy DeVos is good but she hasn’t seen what we can do. ”
Oh, you made me laugh! It’s kind of grim, but man what we could do to a reeducation camp!!!
When we get the guards on our side, we will know we are on the right track. When they start dancing with us, it is game over.
so i just drove a little over an hour from work. found some fox radio channel and started listening to some show that appeared to be never-trump including a very snarky sidekick girl who had witty comments non stop.
well they had judge nap on…and he was giddy. he said he would like to stay and chat but he had to leave to go report on this big news story. not knowing what it was i listened and he said boy we were going to talk about yemen and khashoggi but wait those are dwarfed by…
huge news from prosecutors with knowledge of the cohen case have info on MASSIVE improprieties by the trump inaguration fund. Quid Pro Quo! trump probably going down. he also talked to former special council starr today and he stated a sitting president can certainly be indicted mo matter what anyone says…
so nappy was all jazzed a d had to go but apparently he does some thing called “the liberty report” and you van find it there…i laughed at the word liberty.
in any case the rest of the ride home there was not one word mentioned about anything other than trumps women, foreign donations, his chief of staff who they claim might be newt…
i wouldnt have even known something else went on today other than the imminent arrest of the cheeto dipped dictator.
That is what I meant when I said it was great to come back here and find out what is really going on. I was gone all afternoon to. I used to like Judge Napolitano, I really don’t respect him at all anymore.
I need a Nerf Gun for Judge Nap. Mccarthy took him apart last night.
DW, I think that is a non-violent threat against the NAP.
Do you think a Whoopee Cushion would work also? I would promise to use it with discretion.
Yes, he did! And he needed it.
I used to think Judge Nap was fair, but no longer. He said Whitaker could not be appointed interim AG, among other errors. I don’t know what happened to him.
“I don’t know what happened to him.”
He was re-educated.
I’ll leave it right there.
Difficult for me to say, but maybe, just maybe, this was always the *real* Judge Nap, with the “previous” Judge Nap a creation for ratings. Just askin’ …
True colors. “Shining through” (Cyndi Lauper)
He strayed from the plantation – and was re-acquired.
He’s “home” now …
Just answerin’ …
Yeah i agree. That he is so desperate for their dollars he wanted the programming as it was.
He was yanked off the air and suspended for telling the truth about something (I forget what now, but it wasn’t following the MSM propaganda narrative).
Ever since he was allowed back on the MSM plantation, he’s been like Luke after he was put in the Box:
“I got my mind right, boss”.
Except Luke never really quit trying to get free.
I think Judge Nap threw in the towel.
edit / correction: that wasn’t after he was put in the Box, that was after he escaped (maybe the 2nd time?) and was caught.
But it wasn’t the last time he escaped.
Luke never quit.
You’re right, of course, to bring up the case of Cool Hand Luke.
Paul Newman was awesome, in that role – as were all the others.
The transgression for which Napolitano was “re-educated” was the revelation that the Brits, in fact (not “theory”) were responsible for / complicit in the Steele “Dossie”r (that is, the LIES contained therein).
To keep a paycheck – as SO MANY others do – he reversed, and toed the line.
Like N*z* guards did. Just as culpable, yet believing that they weren’t. The S***s “doctrine” – “If I didn’t do it, someone ELSE would have! Therefore (fallaciously), I am not to blame!” TOTAL CRAP.
ME, instead of Country. Like so many now – including ALL who comprise the “Main” Stream Media – he folded. He capitulated. As if he – and all the others – don’t yet have ENOUGH money. Do you ever think about Gail, Nora, and whoever – on the CeeBeeEss network – in this vein? They have enough, yes? So where’s their INTEGRITY??? Answer: nowhere. Me, me, me.
Traitors. Subversives. Turncoats, trying to keep their “INCOME”. Money won’t buy them freedom! Or, peace of mind.
Let them all rot in Gitmo (or the two alternatives!) prison.
Bye, Felicia!
Judge Nap has gone ALL IN on the Trump Is Going Down belief system. Pffft. He is not particularly intelligent and I no longer find him likeable, so he can go to heck as far as I’m concerned.
I keep harking back to Mark Levin’s very level headed and well researched piece that Q linked to a few days ago. I trust Levin’s legal analysis over Judge Nap’s any day. He is making a fool out of himself.
BTW I cannot imagine Newt as Chief of Staff! Puh LEEZE! I really like Newt. I know many don’t agree with me on that and that’s okay. He has a fine, inquisitive mind, he’s knowledgeable, he’s creative, and so I always like to hear what he thinks even when I find I think he’s dead wrong. But being Chief of Staff strikes me as a young man’s game. You are expected to work 18 hour days or more. It is high stress. He has a nice life with Calista, and she is ambassador to the Vatican or something so I don’t see him taking on a heavy workload burden like that at this point in his life. But who knows, I’ve been wrong before!
I enjoyed your recap of your radio program, complete with the witty sidekick girl. It made me smile.
This is happening all over the world. It is not just the hard part. It is the fun part too. This is a paradigm shift. Have a good time. You don’t have to look for the hard times, they will find you.
what fun!!!!
of course the crowd would have me frozen in one place…but here in the safety of my home, I’m bouncing in my chair and dancing along…thanks for a feel good start to my day!!!