This SPECIAL D13 & SO THROUGH WITH TWITTER THURSDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments. Keep it civil. Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.
No illegalities, please! We are happy that we have gotten fully away from Tweaking Twitter (where TW IT TER = TWeaking cITizen banTER). I have finally figured out the Twitter plan. It was part of the VLWC – it was PLANNED to “go socialist” at the proper time.
An insidious plan to control speech and then society. Gently. Slowly. Sneakily.
So just #WalkAway.
Today (Thursday, December 13) is the twelfth day of Advent.
The 146th day of next year, which shall be celebrated here as Ma Cankles Uranium Day, is:
SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2019

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Let the trumpets be heard! Let the Letter Q be seen and heard around the world!
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Five hundred eighty four days (not that I’m counting, mind you) on the Banned Wagon!
And just what will happen on D13? Perhaps by the time you read this, there will be an answer.
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MAGA on, Deplorables!!
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Who’s on first!
Love it! One of the best comedic routines ever!
I borrowed this routine once for a story about Jeff Sessions!
Ha ha ha! Very funny, Wolf.
Stolen, but with due credit to the true authors!
Wolfie did you ever read one of William F Buckley’s early novels titled ‘Who’s on First” about the Sputnik race against Russia? A true delight in quintesenntial Buckley literary style. When I wasn’t howling at the plot, I was looking up his eloquent words of esoteric English usage. A man who could turn a creative obscure phrase with the utmost aplomb. Way before literary verbosity was taken to extreme.
He was a true erudite gem. Not to mention founder of the modern conservative movement. May he RIP.
First, pardon me for my lack of culture when it comes to the arts.
Now stand back while I display my ignorance !
When you first posted Morse code, I understood.
But the first TWO musical things that popped into my mind:
“Here Comes the Bride”
“Pray for the dead and the dead will pray for you… (simply because they’ve got nothing else to d)o”.
(Had to get that off my chest!)
HUGE DAY! Where the HELL have you been?
Lurking–Can’t reliably access the site from work any more, and last night I dozed off before the daily thread (I did eventually post, low on page 1).
I’m curious what the work problem is, if it’s technical, just in case it’s evidence of throttling by DS at either endpoint.
It COULD be. I get messages that the site can’t be reached. The notifier rarely works even if the site does. CTH generally works and the notifier there has a higher chance of working, too.
However, it’s important that I tell you we actually have very low bandwidth at the moment due to other issues.
This doesn’t explain the disparity between CTH performance and WQTH performance, though.
I have none of these issues from home (though I might get cut off by the blizzard we’ve got going here).
I think this site may be downgraded as a “conspiracy” site. Employers use whitelists and blacklists, or use companies that use them. Very likely that is what’s going on.
Also you have to enable third party cookies in the browser. If you can’t do that, then that explains it.
Well, this site SOMETIMES works from work. And the notifier SOMETIMES works. I think it’s a combination of bandwidth and a sort of downgrade; it’s also possible that since you’re still on a WordPress URL (meaning you’re not paying them money) they could throttle you a bit just for that.
My guess (and it’s worth what you’re paying for it) is that this isn’t enemy action, 60% odds.
Steve–You are totally NOT a lurker! Put your damn Glasses on on! WE need YOU!! everyday! It’s the 2nd American Revolution! Shots were Fired TODAY!
Shots? What shots?
Who was indicted? Who went to prison? Who got his worthless ass fired?
Naaah, we’re still laying out our forces on the battlefield…Or Trump is. We seem to be kibbitzing.
Dang-you sound like a TH eeyore…K–now I understand why you arent posting…So DON”T..
I’m expectantly awaiting D13.
I just don’t think of what happened yesterday (still today here but I’ll pretend I’m on the east coast) as “Shots have been fired.”
By the way is there a reason you never actually reply and ALWAYS start a new comment?
Steve–I am so sorry. I really don’t know how i offended you… but I promise I think you are a special person.. Bottom line— We are all on the the same team!
I’ll tell you what it WAS…provided you understand that I am NOT annoyed any more and we put this to rest.
The tone of your original comment came across as demanding that I set aside my job and/or personal life and circumstances just to make posts here. I’ve been thinking of cutting back a bit, because this is seriously starting to interfere with my job (which does have something to do with MAGA), and of course the access difficulties helped me do that. My reward for being a bit more conscientious at work was……
I totally get this. I am going to have to make MAGA commitments in 2019 that will not allow daily posting. I will be making arrangements.
you guys crack me up!
or it’s 3:50 am again …
I’m wondering if anyone knows what the “Black Eye” is that Q mentioned in 2615:
Reports of ‘power grid’ attacks (6 mo prep) should be disregarded.
While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a ‘Black Eye’.
I think I found it. A grid sensor program.
That might help with a terrorist attack on one power station, but I’m not seeing how monitoring so you can re-route is going to help with something like an EMP attack. These globalists are absolutely crazy. I can see them trying to do something like that if they get desperate enough – and I would imagine they are pretty desperate by now.
Trump’s reputation as a counter-puncher helps there.
The first nation that really, really tests Trump is going to understand what shock and awe REALLY are.
“First nation that tests Trump”, we were talking about that idea last week. Remember when Reagan came in and THAT DAY the hostages in Iran were freed? Normally, new USA Presidents ARE tested. After PDJT launched missiles into Syria over chocolate cake, I see no one moving.
….. I think they kinda know….. not to mess with President Trump.
It’s in quotes, so I would guess that it’s not THIS Black Eye, it’s something much more powerful doing the same sort of job.
Yeah, I suspect it’s “off the books”.
Some of the Anons were wondering if ‘Black Eye’ was a reference to the Black Knight Satellite:
But other Anons said No.
Heheh…I don’t even know if the Black Knight Satellite is real, or folklore.
But it looks cool.
Links to two good articles regarding the “Chuck and Nancy Visit The Boss” spectacle yesterday. The first from American Thinker, and the second from the Daily Beast of all places. Enjoy!
“Trump sprang three traps on Pelosi and Schumer yesterday
By Thomas Lifson
President Trump clearly shocked House speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer yesterday with his televising of the Oval Office sit-down over his demand for $5 billion in funding for border security, including funding of critical mileage for his border wall…”
“If Tuesday’s instantly famous Oval Office meeting is a harbinger of things to come, it’s going to be a long two years for “Chuck and Nancy.”
Presidents can be intimidating, and Trump had home court advantage during Tuesday’s meeting. However, Chuck Schumer seemed especially outmatched by a very forceful Donald Trump. As Bill Kristol (no Trump apologist) put it: “[B]ased on what I saw of their respective performances in that Oval Office meeting today, I don’t understand why it’s Nancy Pelosi who’s facing a leadership challenge and Chuck Schumer who isn’t…”
Heheh. Yeah, if that was a preview of what the next two years are going to be like, then…
Oh, yeah. Definitely!
Or whatever else it is that our Adorable Deplorable Treeper Gals like to eat (I seem to recall someone didn’t do popcorn).
Hot artichoke dip
Guacamole with organic blue corn chips
Olive cheese puffs
Red devils (hard salami rolls with cream cheese and horseradish inside)
Bacon wrapped water chestnuts
Tortilla rollups with salsa (cream cheese, cheddar, black olives, green chiles)
In these parts we are always willing to add to the list of classics.
Won’t find even one of those items in these parts.
Not even cream cheese?
One of my cousins from farm country used to start every recipe with a brick of cream cheese.
Oh, the individual items, of course. Just not in those combinations. Probably the hot guac.
No bacon? [gasps]
DP, those all so good. Yum.
1970s appetizers are the best!
i am uncomfortable with having NON-ESSENTIAL government workers. Non-essential means we lose nothing if they are not there–they are luxuries if you will. Until our budget is balanced and debt spending becomes a thing of the past, I don’t think most Americans would mind having LESS government—but I guess their union nullifies that.
The tourism industry in Washington would take a big hit, because a lot of the non-essentials are things like the Smithsonian group of museums, the National Park Service which runs not just Air & Space and the rest, but the tours in the Capitol building, and the management of the monuments and Arlington.
In such times, the National Parks are closed, so are the battlefields.
Unfortunately, it’s not always the stuff we all enjoy that stays open, and that threat is used as a weapon.
Have you all been following the Flynn drama? It has been WAY overshadowed by the Cohen stuff, but that’s because libs like to hone in on what they think they can use to bash PDJT with rather than something that makes them look really bad. Here’s a Byron York article about it. And now the judge is questioning things.
I see a lot of debate about the Flynn case–and it confuses me because I am no lawyer. Some say his Miranda rights were violated–but that’s disingenuous (imo) if he wasn’t put under arrest, right?
I thought it had more to do with a long standing FBI procedure of warning (prior to questioning) that lying to the FBI is a felony…
They had no legal reason to investigate Flynn. They had a transcript of his conversation with the Russian Ambassador (which they orchestrated so that they could record it); if anything illegal transpired during that conversation they would have arrested him. But they opened an investigation, hoping to find something. And they did not follow their investigative procedures during the interview. Then the FBI declined to prosecute because they concluded to the extent there were any discrepancies in Flynn’s recollection of the conversation, he did not intend to deceive and thus was not lying. Comey told Congress this in open testimony, and the FBI provided other assurances to members of Congress that Flynn would not be charged. Mueller then decided to prosecute; and reports are that the 302s reporting on the Flynn interview that Mueller used to arrive at this conclusion were altered (probably by Strozk and/or McCabe) to support his decision to move forward. These reports were public around the time the guilty plea was accepted. The judge who accepted Flynn’s guilty plea — Contreras I think it was — immediately recused himself from the case after accepting the plea deal (he may have been forced to do). Contreras is a friend of Peter Strozk, and because he is also a FISA judge, may have authorized the FISA warrant that provided the transcript of Flynn’s discussion. For either of these reasons, he should have recused himself before accepting the plea deal.
thanks! what do you think about the whole notifying him before he spoke with them about lying to the FBI? is that a violation of his rights?
Remember those rascally caravaners? Well they would leave Mexico and go home if only we’d pay them 50 grand each….
We don’t DO shakedowns. I say to them, “Take a hike!”
No kidding. All the way back to Honduras. Just go.
Thanks, Sylvia!
From the article — un-freaking-believable (emphasis mine):
“A lot of people are leaving because there is no solution here,” said Douglas Matute, 38, of Tijuana. “We thought they would let us in. But Trump sent the military instead of social workers.”
We have a real President now.
Muhahaha! Why yes, yes he did. Invaders get the military.
Good grief. These people just annoy the heck out of me with their entitlement and whining and their Honduran flags.
Me, too! Grrr.
Speaking of those rascally caravaners……
“A New York Times story from 1987 reported that Ulloa was the suspect named behind the August 1987 incident in which a bomb was planted in a Chinese restaurant in Honduras, injuring six U.S. troops and a Honduras civilian.
Ulloa fled to Mexico, where he received permanent asylum. U.S. officials protested Mexico’s decision, to which Mexico dismissed concerns on the account that then-22-year-old Ulloa was a “freedom fighter” who faced persecution over his political beliefs.
A December 1987 Congressional appropriations bill confirmed Ulloa as a suspected terrorist in their findings on the bombing.”
There are a few lonely conservative voices in Hollyweird, I guess.
this is a great piece, thanks for posting!
someone in the comments mentioned (since TIME doesn’t limit itself to people per se) nominating all the rescuers of the Thai soccer team—that was truly amazing –all the people that came together to help. A much better suggestion than basically nominating themselves (as I’m sure they consider themselves “journalists” too)
Oh, yeah, everyone would have been inspired by remembering the heroism of the rescuers of the Thai soccer team. Now there was someone doing something real for others! But no, let’s virtue signal the importance and high regard we hold our journalists in—says no one ever.
it’s just their slap in the face to POTUS who calls out the fake news…but really they are stupid if they think anyone respects the “press” any more.
So, D13 is almost upon us. Does anyone expect anything out of this? Really? It may be interesting. Probably it won’t be. I don’t want to sound like a pessimist, it’s just that I don’t think that this is how it will all go down.
I mean seriously. I can’t comprehend a situation where Huber sits before Congress and let’s it all out. The Truth. And America gasps and has a collective heart attack. I just don’t see it. But then, I would have never dreamed we’d be treated to the Chuck and Nancy visit the Oval video, either.
How do you all think this, The Big Ugly or whatever we are calling it these days, is going to go down? I think it will be news accounts of arrests being made. That will be the first thing we’ll hear.
Just my forty cents. I probably lack imagination. But I am curious what others think if anyone wants to comment.
I’m putting up a big thread right now. I’m hoping for a good show. I’m not kidding!
Really? Okay then, I’ll whip up some enthusiasm and get up early to tune in. I’d hate like heck to miss out!
If something big doesn’t happen with this testimony tomorrow, it will be a big blow to Q’s credibility, given how much he has been hyping it.
Agreed. If what was covered on OAN tonight is there, it will be good enough. It will shake people up.
I don’t know, Steve. I guess I haven’t been looking at it quite that way. It just seems to me that the big build ups tend to be disinformation more often than not. Not that stuff won’t happen or doesn’t happen, it just never happens when I think it will or the way in which I expect.
i hate to say anything about dates and we havs seen them come and go for years now – but the one day that i have really been dreading but yet waiting for with breathless anticipation is jan. 3
really looking for at least a decent offensive move i mean is that too much to ask
Yeah, I’d love to see us move into offense, too. I’m not that good at waiting. However, there’s nothing else for it so here we are!
The presentation to be discussed in open session is “A Case Study on the Clinton Foundation.” That alone is weird. What comes of it, I’m not making any guesses or bets because Congress has no powers of arrest, etc. This might simply be a vehicle to get the information regarding criminal activity before the public. That’s usually the main outcome of Congressional hearings.
It would nice to see arrests, but I’m not holding my breath. I have too much work to do today.
Arrests? No, I wouldn’t need to see arrests, but a solid case laid out against someone major (preferably several)–by that I mean a name 95% of the public knows–and an announcement that they’ve been referred for prosecution would be a lot more than these donkey derbies have ever led to in the past.
Syl, I think the Panic Level that is on display from the Dems…should tell us something.
The Left is in tantrum mode.
Their nozzles on the DNC channels are screeching and throwing fits.
So…while ‘we’ may be wondering what’s going on…the Dems seem to be certain that something is about to blow.
They sent their flying monkeys out to attack Stephen Miller at his house!
I wish he had used some skunk spray on them.
But he didn’t.
Good point Wheatie. I’ve had to curtail my exposure to “their nozzles on the DNC channels” because all that noise was wrecking my mood, so I haven’t heard much over the last couple of days. My world has been quite serene!
I hadn’t heard they went after Stephen Miller again. They disgust me.
Oh I don’t watch those channels either.
I’m just going by the highlights that were played on Lou-Tucker-Hannity-Ingraham this evening.
That was enough to see their Panic Level.
I only got to watch Lou tonight. I have the others recorded and should probably look at them. I really want to see Melania’s interview.
Honestly, they make me scream. What is it Lou always says? Clucking like a bunch of chickens? His segment with Andy McCarthy was pretty good. Andy kept shouting over Lou so he could get his points in. (I love Lou, but I thought that was funny.)
Anyway, McCarthy made some comment about Judge Nap being on Lizzie McDonald’s show earlier and yapping about the campaign finance stuff and it sounded like the Judge had fallen into the same vat of group think as the rest of the lefty legal commentators, but Andy was pointing out the error of their ways. Ha, ha!!! That made me smile.
Yeah, I caught that Judge Nap segment with E-Mac…and she was giving Nappy the stinkeye.
She quickly changed the subject, too.
The interview with FL Melania was excellent.
But Hannity didn’t show All of it…he talked like there will be even more of it tomorrow night.
Which will be ‘tonight’.
It was a great interview with Melania. I really enjoy getting a chance to see her in action. What has always struck me about her, and surprised me about her from the first time I saw her in an interview, is her confidence and her strength and intelligence. She is SO much more than a pretty face! She is as authentic and real in her way as PDJT is in his. At least, that’s how it seems to me. Former First Ladies were pretty careful and guarded. Melania seems to me like she lays it right out there. Gracefully, appropriately, but she is an Iron Lady.
BTW, I agree with you I like her hair lightened. I didn’t think I would, but it looks great. Also, she flew out there and landed on an aircraft carrier. I think that takes guts. They look really little down there in that great big ocean. It makes me a little squeamish to think of it!
Typical problems of a beautiful woman.
Other women don’t want to stand next to them, too much competition. Other women snipe and degrade because of jealousy. The men are in awe but nervous around a beautiful woman. It’s understandable.
Because no one will talk to them, because of their own preconceived notions, beautiful women often become the observers.
Melania sees everything.
She is Trump’s third eye.
Never, ever, underestimate Melania.
Very nice statement from the FBI in this video on defending free speech but busting violent action! If this is the Trump and Wray FBI, then it sounds like they are turning things around.
They caught a synagogue shooter AND a tavern shooter in Ohio BEFORE they struck. This sounds like the old FBI of yore. I have no idea what is going on, but I think getting Obama and his cronies OUT has something to do with it. Great news!
The tavern shooter (a woman) was communicating with Dylann Roof. I think there was ANOTHER gal who was also doing that, who was planning something and caught recently. It might be the same person, but I was pretty sure she was in a different state. These ones are sketchy, IMO. Roof struck at a highly politically useful time, and in a highly politically useful way (his victims were considering supporting Bernie). I think these people need to be watched and debugged to find out what the heck is going on there. Roof was pushed, somehow, IMO.
The wannabe synagogue shooter is a Muslim convert. He sounded very serious. Glad they nailed this guy. He was INSPIRED by the Tree of Life shooting, too.
MEDIA EFFECT. Politically useful killings are fluffed by the media to INSPIRE more..
Ack…I replied to your comment here, Wolfie, but it landed down below.
Got it! Thanks! And agreed!
wow. holy cow… been busy a few days (except for my impatient turbulant spell of course) and i was just replying to posts in the goog fire thread. i am way behind and can’t catch up. but here is the deal. this is why i was impatient, turbulant, not surprised by any of their reindeer games. i have been in computers since i was 7 to this day so all the dirty manipulation and all the backstories in the world wide honey pot story are not news to me. i am not the smartest one or even close, but i try to be as observant (paranoid you might say) as i can and it has never let me down.
btw, i will never forget the salt baileys lemon juice joke.
and bring info that many of us would never have time to discover. thank you very much.
whatever is going to happen – let it be. great to be sharing it with you all.
jason – had a couple times yesterday my sarcasm was missed by people. i hope i am not losing my touch or we are getting too serious but you know what i mean and know where my head is!
elizabeth carter – thank you for posting here. i really appreciate your thoughts each and every time. you bring a decided feeling of measured assurance that even my jaded soul recognizes and respects dearly.
to those i skuffled a bit with yesterday regarding the pizza shop donating money to a certain organization i apologize again. no disrespect to you or the victims. i only ask that you please also read my reply made on that thread so as to get my explanation about the donors and check that page. i then also have a bit more of the info on the chinese checkers thread where i detail more why i mentioned their web designer. i just ask that so you will see where i was coming from, and i posted with just a stream of emotion first without the research details that based my opinion.
sylvia never stop chasing the red pill. i can feel in your posts the truth that you have seen eye opening things the last couple years – things that have made you question everything… while overwhelming at times it is much better to know. because as the gi joe cartoons always told me at the end “knowing is half the battle!” and i know you are prepared for that battle!
nebraskafilly – i certainly feel for you every day how you had gotten december 5th off from work special and then ghwb happened!!!!
churchmouse and phoenixRising your dedication in posting and providing fodder for thought is a service provided that helps continue dialogue, creates tangenital connections
steve – you were a myth and legend even before you made your reappearance here and i am certainly glad you did. you are a good man.
i wish ac keebler (aka smurfette) was here to opine on the unfortunate mishap to the google whatapp kid.
wolf, no words can suffice. many thanks.
everyone else and i know i seemed to pick favorites, but i kmow wno you all are and you know it is not personal, but i am honestly thankful for everyone. you always remember those who you were with when something big happened, and we are resembling that right now!
one day i will propose that we will all meet up as the wqth convention, and raise a glass of your beverage choice (open bar i will take care of) and remember these days.
stay strong and together. vigilant and steadfast.
you’ll never walk alone.
Thank you very much, andrew, for the compliment!
It is so good of you to remember us in dedicated, specific messages.
That was one valiant attempt to catch up! Awesome!
Hang in there, Andrew. We all have our ups and downs and thankfully we aren’t all going to be in the same place at the same time so we can bolster one another.
All this for steadfastly not counting down to the inauguration? Wow!
Andrew, your highly informed world view seems to create a welcome field of intuitive observations that you bring to our tribe. Much appreciated!
Don’t every stop chasing your hunches.
Argh. Meant to make that photo smaller before linking it.
If you have some rotten food in your refrigerator…you don’t throw your fridge away…you just get rid of the rotten stuff.
So I haven’t bought into the calls to “burn it down”, with regard to the FBI.
Besides, if PDJT ‘destroyed’ the FBI…then he would be accused of:
“Obstruction of Justice!!!11!!eleventy!!!”
The nozzles would claim that “He did that because the FBI knows things about him!”
So quietly reorganizing the FBI and surgically removing the rotten parts, is the best way to go.
Arrgh…this was a reply to Wolf’s comment w/video about the FBI.
Yeah, if they can “get the red out”, then no need for a cornea transplant!!!
Incoming New York attorney general plans wide-ranging investigations of Trump and family:
‘New York Attorney Gen.-elect Letitia James says she plans to launch sweeping investigations into President Donald Trump, his family and “anyone” in his circle who may have violated the law once she settles into her new job next month …
‘James campaigned on passing a bill to change New York’s double jeopardy laws with an eye on possible pardons coming out of the White House. James told NBC News she wants to be able to pursue state charges against anyone the president were to pardon over federal charges or convictions and whose alleged crimes took place in the state. Under current New York law, she might not be able to do that …
‘She’s also enlisting help from some prosecutorial heavy hitters, like former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, as a part of her transition to help her identify important hires for her office with an eye on bringing in experts for its Trump-related investigations …’
On related thread Over There:
‘G. Combs says:
December 12, 2018 at 6:47 pm
‘A treeper suggested flooding the NYC Bar with complaints about this new AG’s conduct.
‘Heck you can glean ideas from these comments. There are certainly plenty to choose from.
‘I prefer letters:
New York State Bar Association
1 Elk St, Albany, NY 12207
‘Phone: (518) 463-3200
‘No reason not to use all three and PASS IT ON TO FRIENDS!’
Excellent. Call out the Stalinists AS Stalinists.
Yes, indeed.
Letitia has already tainted every investigation brought forward by her office.
Totally, but now that they are mostly Dems, will it matter? (Sigh.)
Good grief – get these Stalinists in Gitmo.
Some days it seems as if time is running out for justice. This is one of them.
Ah, hum, well. It is just possible Loretta Lynch won’t be available much to help out. I hope. So much.
I do, too, Sylvia.
Another pearl of wisdom from Caius Lowell (NY AG thread):
‘Caius Lowell says:
December 12, 2018 at 6:39 pm
‘“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize” — Voltaire’
Apparently (later discussion in thread), Voltaire might not have said that.
Doesn’t matter. It’s still a great quote.
Flynn sentencing:
Rex’s take:
‘ … How much did Mueller know about what has been detailed above?
‘In my view, all of it. He must have.
‘Mueller, as SC, would have been aware of the illegal FISAs soon after he was appointed in May, 2017. There was no way he could not have known, as this surveillance was at the heart of his probe. Which means he must also have known, or strongly suspected, that criminal conduct had been going down since 2015, during the election and well into 2017. And, given he hired Strzok and Page, and was also given their texts by IG Horowitz in August 2017, Mueller knew full well about what they had been up to, as well.
‘It may well be that Mueller was flipped by Trump in May 2017, my original theory. Or that he has been a Clinton capo, the entire time. Or both. I can’t tell anymore and in a sense, it no longer matters.
‘General Flynn’s treatment by Mueller’s SC is a national tragedy and shameful episode in America history. His knowledge of the criminality placed on him a duty to enquire about what Obama had been up to. A duty that Mueller appears to have ignored.
‘By attacking Flynn in the way he has, Mueller has proven himself as complicit in the criminality described above, or incompetent, or both. Following Judge Sullivan’s comments on 18 December, Mueller must be fired for what has happened here and if necessary, placed under criminal investigation himself …’
Sidney Powell’s take:
“Following Judge Sullivan’s comments on 18 December, Mueller must be fired for what has happened here and if necessary, placed under criminal investigation himself …’”
I’m afraid I might actually faint from delight if that should happen.
Wouldn’t that be the best Christmas gift ever?
“It may well be that Mueller was flipped by Trump in May 2017, my original theory. Or that he has been a Clinton capo, the entire time. Or both. I can’t tell anymore and in a sense, it no longer matters.”
This is what happens when great actors play their parts well.
The eternal CTH perspective.
We’ll see. The proof is in the pudding.
Mrs Trump visits Joint Base Langley-Eustis (Dec. 12):
More here:
Last night on Hannity:
From the Presidential thread:
‘mr.piddles says:
December 13, 2018 at 12:51 am
‘Melania is like a Peppermint Patty running through my hair on a cool winter’s day. Refreshing!’
I enjoyed this so much. Strong, fearless woman. And gorgeous.
I have bookmarked for later.
Christmas parcels and cards await.
I’m trying to remember a time when another FLOTUS went out on her own to visit our service members. Other than, like, Eleanor Roosevelt in WW2, can anyone think of a time? I can’t. Good for her.
I can’t either. It’s marvellous to see.
Remember after the inauguration through Spring 2017 when the media and other leftists (i.e. Dems) said that she would be a failure and that she would never move into the WH? Pepe Farm remembers.
Wow. Who hasn’t seen a copy of the fake dossier?
Ted Lieu on the First Amendment (would like censorship):
He told CNN:
‘I would love to be able to regulate the content of speech. The First Amendment prevents me from doing so, and that’s simply a function of the First Amendment, but I think over the long run, it’s better the government does not regulate the content of speech.’
Wolfie, did you see this? It is the most chilling statement by this lunatic Ted Lieu, Congress Critter from California. He is just chomping at the bit to take our 1st Amendment rights.
He forgets that by doing so the 2nd Amendment moves to #1 and in doing so takes him out.
Yeah, it’s interesting what he does there, but remember, it’s DECEPTION. Ted “ChiCom” Lieu is actually the mirror of that statement. He will SAY he’s on the side of free speech on the long haul, but in reality he votes for infringing speech.
Yeah, I don’t believe him for a moment that he is on the side of free speech.
On the other hand, I totally believed his statement that he would love to control speech. THAT seemed utterly completely believeable and just a little bit creepy coming from an elected US government official.
I know, I know. I still believe in the Declaration, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. I was taught they meant everything to separating our country from others. So it still seems to me that the official representatives ought to be on board with that, too. Sigh.
None of us like Ted Lieu, but I have no problem with the statement.
For instance, “I would love to strangle my mother-in-law, but it is against the law and even though I get mad at her, it’s probably a good thing for me to not be allowed to kill her.”
There are 9 million other ways to go after Ted Lieu.
Spoken like a lawyer on both counts.
And the Hondurans want $50,000 each to go home??? F**k off jerks. It is time to take care of Americans, real Americans!!!
On Cohen:
Oh my gosh, I love Candace Owens!
Me, too!
Chuck and Nancy. Snicker. Gets me every single time. And I don’t know why, I just find it hilarious.
So do I.
Same with all the money which Lisa Bloom paid to women who falsely accused Trump after the Access Hollywood tape and before the election. Bloom bribed people, and she paid of mortgages. Remember the one who demanded $750K?
Is she related to Gloria Aldred?
This is all so tiresome.
I’m with Churchmouse, wondering where are the extortion investigations?
McDougal claimed she “loved” Trump but took $150K from the National Enquirer to tell her story = skeevy
I gave away the story about my ex-husband to anyone who would listen, bwwhhahhahahaaa.
Love it!
I just hope it wasn’t fiction.
‘I’m with Churchmouse, wondering where are the extortion investigations?’ Thank you kindly.
SD, who rightly complains about not getting credit, should be — equally rightly — be giving credit to your husband, Daughn!
A man comes home from work, plops down on the couch in front of the TV, and tells his wife, “Get me a beer before it starts.” His wife sighs, but gets him the beer.
Fifteen minutes later, the man says, ” Get me another beer before it starts.” She gives him a dirty look, but gets him the beer.
He finishes that one, and a few minutes later he says, “quick get me another beer, it’s gonna start any minute!”
The wife is furious and yells at him, “Is that all you’re going to do all night long? Drink beer and sit in front of the TV? You’re nothing but a lazy, drunken, fat slob…”
The man sighs, “It started…”
Jeff Flake is a worthless POS…with a very punchable face.
Or shovel-able if one is so inclined to use a tool and save one’s hands. Either way, most definitely.
One could compromise…use a mailed fist.
Fed-Ex, in a manner of speaking
(obscure pun, sorry)…
Got it, zero problems…I thought later brass knuckles would also be a feasible compromise.
From my swamp scum in Tn…
From the looks of the nose, that face was already punched.
Good eye !
Left cross, most likely.
I now watch Lou Dobbs nightly…. Has good guests not Lefty do-gooders (i.e. Chris Hahn, Jared Fowler, Juan Williams, Jerry Rivers, Cathy Arue and the likes).
Oh ya…… and doesn’t INTERRUPT EVERYONE!
James Woods hits as hard as PDJT, doesn’t he? Even below the belt if needed. Heheheh….
Not to come across as shallow, but it is refreshing to see young men without man-buns, too-tight pants, and soy faces. #SorryNotSorry
i”m with you! nothing disgusts me as much as a man-bun…but I was never fond of the mullet either…or the oh what’s his name look? the I can’t believe it’s not butter guy…Fabio…get a haircut!
LOL@Fabio! I always thought Fabio was overrated and in need of a haircut.
Margot Cleveland’s article in The Federalist about the controversy surrounding Flynn, the varying 302 interview notes, and Judge Sullivan.
I didn’t realize it, but Judge Sullivan was the one who was in charge of the Senator Stevens (Alaska) case. He’s well versed in FBI prosecutorial conduct.
Makes me choke up. Boy Scouts, on the verge of bankruptcy.
They have only their own foolish leadership to blame. Sad thing.
“They have only their own foolish leadership to blame. Sad thing.”
Is it really that the ‘good’ members (and leadership) are to blame?
Or is this, like all of the others, the result of a long term plan to subvert and undermine America from the inside out?
Stefan Molyneux makes a compelling case that every single perversion that is being (or has been) ‘normalized’ is a direct result of intentional action by the Marxist Left.
If he is right, then blaming ourselves after the damage is done only hurts us more.
If Molyneux is correct, we should build each other up, and rain utter destruction down upon the enemies of this land and our people.
It’s his newest video, ostensibly about the French riots, but broadly a discussion about how the Marxists have brought about societal chaos in EVERY Western nation, completely by design, over many decades.
Long term plan. I was a member, Board of Directors, for 3 state Council in the 90’s for both Boy and Girl Scouts.
Radical lurch left and a systematic takeover over Boards across all charitable foundations.
Well, of course it is a direct result of the communist playbook. But this push to allow gay leaders is what did them in, IMO, and those “good” people within allowed it. So, again, I say, shame on them!
It’s one of those crazy things.
Not one of the people insisting on gay leaders would even THINK of allowing a straight male to run a Girl Scout troop (is troop the right word?). Apparently a homosexual cannot possibly be interested in preying on underage individuals of whichever sex they’re interested in, but heterosexuals probably are. (Yeesh!)
When someone can explain to me how putting a gay man in charge of underage boys is NOT parallel to putting a straight man in charge of underage girls, I might change my mind.
Actually, we need two new words in the English language: androphile and gynophile. The first means anyone sexually attracted to men: straight and bi women, gay and bi men. And similarly the second means anyone sexually attracted to women. Androphiles (of whatever plumbing) should never be put in charge of boys by themselves, and gynophiles (of whatever plumbing) should never be put in charge of girls by themselves.
There is a youth organization that is co-ed: the Civil Air Patrol cadet program (I didn’t even know this existed until I was an adult, or I’d have wanted to join–Scouts with airplanes added!). In general, two adults (one each man and woman) have to be present at all camping events, and there are a number of adults present at meetings.
“Well, of course it is a direct result of the communist playbook. But this push to allow gay leaders is what did them in, IMO, and those “good” people within allowed it. So, again, I say, shame on them!”
What can they do?
Short of arming themselves and taking somebody out?
This is the problem.
It’s not about letting them do it… WHAT can we DO?
The Communists have infiltrated the government (local, state and federal). They are well-organized, extremely well funded, unified, ruthless, they are zealots, and they are motivated by evil.
And they control the media, which as I think Q has said, is the most powerful weapon they have.
What can any one of us DO against that?
Short of trading your life for one of theirs?
THIS is the ‘box’ they put us in.
WHAT can we DO to stop them?
What is the answer to that question?
It’s not “make sure you vote!”, that’s ludicrous. The voting is rigged all over the country.
It’s not “write your Senator or Representative!”, that’s equally ludicrous. That’s not even a drop in the OCEAN that is against us.
When the enemy controls the levers of power, the universities, the high schools, the grade schools, the local government, the state government, the federal government, the courts, the police and the military, WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT.
What’s the PLAN?
Because I’m in, 100%, unless it’s a suicide mission.
Aptly put, Scotty!!!!
A wise teacher once said, don’t try to fight a spiritual battle in the 2nd heavens.
It’s only when we access the councils of our Father in (the 3rd) Heaven through the agency of His Holy Spirit that we will outflank and prevail in our battles.
My own experience is that the first step of warfare is to find any place where *I* am allowing darkness to grow in my own life. This closes the door to any Trojan horse strategies of the enemy.
The second step is to identify the places where I have strengthened my spiritual authority through developing consistent choices for God’s path as I can best discern it.
If I make these first two steps, I seem to be far more successful in becoming a change agent for good in every realm I am called to influence.
The American people often know that they belong to God but lack any skill at all in taking hold of a living experience of learning His ways and walking closely with Him.
This brings to mind hearing stories from an ancient missionary to Bangladesh. He said that anytime they found dead chicken entrails or other witchcraft fetishes on their front step they immediately went to prayer and fasting until they had assurances from God that the curse was broken and they would prevail.
How many of us see evil set against us and then take it seriously enough to afflict ourselves in prayer until we have the strategies from the heart of God?
All through the Scriptures you see God over and over stating His desire to partner with His people as His *warrior bride.* Have you ever seen the illustration of the Bride of Christ with combat boots? Such a powerful reflection of our call to be both intimates and partners in battle with our King!
Thank you for taking the time to write such a thoughtful reply TTT, I appreciate it
Why should Boy and Girl Scouts continue to exist, when they can’t tell the difference between boys and girls? SMH
Hah! We might end up with Trans-Scouts.
They are already there! And GS partnered with PP!!!
Considering there’s an agenda involved, they’d have to be called “Trans-Formers”…
(Get a charge out of scouting…erm, no…).
As an Eagle Scout, it makes my heart break to see what they’ve done to scouting. The “Morally Straight”, and other parts of the Scout Oath have been thrown to the wayside, and trampled into the swamp of perversion spewed by the Deep State’s minions, or, rather, by Satan himself…
A family member was molested by a ‘gay’ scout leader in the 1950s…..he got them all experimenting with each other and caused a huge scandal in that small town. It marked those young men for life, I can attest as I knew them well.
Homosexuals are often ‘recruiters’ seeking to ‘convert’ young adolescents into the lifestyle. This is what happened in the Catholic church – the majority of victims were 12-15.
Very sad that parents have to “prepare” their kids before they join the Boy Scouts – whose motto is “Be Prepared”. But very true – kids cannot join Boy Scouts without serious preparation for dealing with aggressive gay scouts and pedophile leaders.
How I long for the day when our nation (and the world) wakes up to the truth behind the Gay Agenda (starting with the fact that there IS an agenda).
AMEN to that!
MysticRose!! Been fighting this Agenda with my 30 year old kids (now) since teenagers!! They would accuse me of homophobia…I just pointed out that Holywierd was desensitizing and “normalizing”…There IS an agenda and it’s much like the frog in the boiling water…And for Catholics out there–I am one— Lavender Mafia…Nuff said
This society has a way of demonizing and mocking folks who try to alert others about the Gay agenda.
Truthfully, I couldn’t care less about a person’s lifestyle. However, I find this push to make homosexuality “the new normal” very troubling. Then, there is this little gem that was shared with me a while back:
Michael Swift: “Gay Revolutionary”
Satire, my foot. This was an in-your-face manifesto disguised as satire.
Hopefully, your children will come around. I somewhat had the “love-is-love” attitude when I was younger; now, in my late 30s, not so much.
The *&^%$#@! Mueller Democrat Smear Cabal are using Michael Cohen to try to ‘get’ President Trump!
I highly recommend POTUS tweets this morning. Cohen may end up owing P45 hundreds of thousands $$$!!
56,184,954 @realDonaldTrump followers 10:45 am – 12/13/18
This is why it’s important to STAND FOR TRUTH and not be DRIVEN. Look at Corsi, standing up to Mueller, who is telling him to LIE for an easy sentence.
Who said not to be DRIVEN?
“Who said not to be DRIVEN?”
In my best impersonation of K-K-K-Ken from A Fish Called Wanda:
Glad to see that Congress is putting the nation’s needs front and center. (this should not need a /s)
Congress moves to ban cockfighting in US territories
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Congress on Wednesday gave final passage to legislation that would shut down legal cockfights in U.S. territories including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, ending an institution dating from the colonial era that generates millions of dollars each year.
Opponents of the measure approved by the House said it will have a devastating effect on the islands’ economies, noting that in Puerto Rico alone the cockfighting industry generates some $18 million a year and employs some 27,000 people.
“We’re all going crazy. Everybody is desperate,” said 86-year-old Angel Ortiz, who owns a cockfighting ring in the city of Bayamon. “There are so many people who make a living off of this.”
Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello traveled to Washington to demand that the island be excluded, but he arrived too late. Legislators unexpectedly moved up the vote and approved the bill, which already passed the Senate.
I need help, people! I have ONE Q CRUMB that I cannot decipher!
And I quote:
Securing the SENATE meant EVERYTHING.
Securing the SC meant EVERYTHING.
[Avoided Z]
What is “Z”?
Good question.
only “Z” i know of is Zuckerberg…
This is the deflection meaning. This is why Q could hide the real meaning. Very important.
Totally winging it here. My first thought was the movie Z.
Z was a single letter used by political protesters as a rallying cry. “Z” meant “he lives.”
It is a highly political movie told from a 1969 era leftist pov (wow, I watched this movie almost 50 years ago!).
Z has to do with the military takeover of the Greek government, and it portrays “the colonels” in a bad light. Among other things, the military government tried to suppress use of the single letter “Z”.
Probably not what was meant, but I’d like to see the movie again.
that’s interesting…hmmmm
And RIGHT, IMO!!! See below for more explanation!
Hmm…never heard of it – according to Wiki: “The film presents a thinly fictionalized account of the events surrounding the assassination of democratic Greek politician Grigoris Lambrakis in 1963.”
Yes – read more widely on it. Q is talking about the larger plot of the story.
Also bear in mind that communists (deepest) kill people on their own side who waver – usually fellow travelers who get wise – to keep moving “forward”. Both MLKJ and the victims of Dylann Roof (esp. politician Clementa C. Pinckney – name kept hidden – WHY?) fall into that category. I’m starting to see that Lambakris may have been a false flag to ignite movement.
THIS is why communists are SO DANGEROUS.
You NAILED IT. And this is confirmation of 1000 things.
I will do a huge post about this.
Z was done by Costa-Gavras. MASSIVE red diaper. Read his Wikipedia entry – how Z was received by Hollywood – his background – BOOM.
Q is brilliant We can put it all together from a single letter.
That’s very interesting, Tonawanda. Maybe Q is implying that if everything else failed, the military would have to take over the government? I seem to recall an old Q drop or someone else saying that they were looking into doing that a few years ago during the Obama reign of terror.
Exactly. This ties everything together. Absolutely everything. Huge post coming.
Z = 26
Z = zero?
Z in kill box. Re the movie. Avoided military establishing [temporary] government?
I think your last nails it. They are desperately trying to keep things in the civilian process.
Lindsey Graham figured this out and he is totally on board. THAT is where his cajones are coming from. The red pill of responsibility. No time for RINOs. If civilians can’t stand up to the most horrifying stealth takeover by international communism in the history of the planet, the military will.
Nobody can tell us this – we have to figure it out for ourselves. But when you do, you see everything. You can frigging see through walls, into every plot. Everything reconfigures in one’s perspective and questions are answered. Time scales work out more correctly, fog lifts, mysteries vanish.
It IS a spy world – we were just kept DUMB and HAPPY so as not to see it.
Thank you. My first public attempt to decode…I am honoured by your assessment.
Ya did good!
“What is “Z”?”
The 8-chans came up with two possible explanations which seemed reasonable.
First, “Z” as a LAST plan, a sort of Doomsday scenario (Martial Law, etc.).
Second, and IMO much more likely, is that “Z” is the symbol used in EM-physics for “Impedance” (or was it “Resistance”? lol). In the context of Q’s post, either definition works.
Yes – this is where Q uses multiple meanings and we use evolved algorithms to figure it out (I TOLD you these people were very smart!)
COVER MEANING – Zuckerberg – used before
BEST MULTI-FIT USEFUL MEANING – The Movie – fits everywhere provides historic patterns, causes
FIRST ADDED POETIC MEANING – The Resistance – fits, covers, deflects, adds relevance to BEST
SECOND POETIC MEANING – Last Resort – fits, covers, deflects, adds relevance to BEST
Rotate these things in your evaluating algorithms of fit and BOOM – maximum meaning tells you the real messages and SUBTEXTS
When XOR LOGIC fails
“Learn our comms.”
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra
Temba, his arms wide.
“Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra. Temba, his arms wide.”
That was a great TNG episode …
It actually took Q for me to *truly* get it!
I always had a *small* problem with this episode. It’s about a species that (supposedly) communicates ONLY by making allusions to their legends, and has difficulty understanding straight talk (and certainly won’t use it themselves).
But in order for those phrases to have a meaning in their culture, they must *first* tell the story in plain language to their young ones, which means that they, must indeed, to be able to understand plain language. (If I am wrong about this, of course, then I’d love to read their warning labels.)
Now if it’s simply a matter of them *preferring* to communicate by allusion, and refusing to deal with races too dense to get it, *that* would make sense.
I would use the term “metaphors”, or “figuratives”, rather than “allusions”.
Also, language is dynamic: it evolves. Perhaps long ago, their culture did use “plain” language”, but slowly and surely it was supplanted.
Witness how the lefties / Marxists speak – “dog-whistle”, and “Jim Crow”, and all the other emotionally charged words and phrases, meant to evoke an overpowering FEELING, and association of present events with past history (more appropriately “lore”, true or false, or in-between).
As long as one has the code-book of shared history, one can share with others ones thinking about a great many subjects.
Figurative understanding and literal understanding form a duality. All of us use both, and the genius of this particular episode was the positing of a society which embraced the former.
Besides – it was science FICTION. Meant to get us to think outside the box, instead of inside it. When one doesn’t FIRST suspend disbelief, in favor of belief … one may never enjoy the full extent of the art.
It’s one of the ways we humans will ALWAYS be superior to computers / AI / etc. As I mentioned in a prior post, both science (& logic & math) and theology necessarily begin with belief.
It was a good episode, and was trying to make a very good point. (How much of what we post here is common cultural referents, after all?) I just had trouble suspending disbelief over the issue. (We here, after all, could explain in plain English if someone [surely a Martian!] didn’t get references to Monica in the Oval Office. The alien seemed incapable of doing so. The only way out is if he regards it as taboo to do so, or something like that.)
Here, by the way is the PERFECT illustration of literal versus figurative:
A man thinks, gee, they need to get a new Old Glory on that pole, and the guy he’s talking to gives him a history lesson, as if he’s advocating a new flag…in a very different way.
“common cultural referents”
“Monica and Bill at the White House. Monica, her legs wide.”
The Marxists are trying to destroy our culture, by SPLITTING APART those “common” cultural referents.
I get what you’re saying, Steve – and IMO too, it was a very good point. There are many movies / shows / books for which I find myself, like you, unable to suspend my disbelief. Generally, though, the better offerings require that one only suspend a small part of disbelief.
I take what truth I can, and I leave the rest alone. The topic of that episode – for me – was fascinating. I’d never seen anything like it, addressing the difference between figurative, and literal, language, taken to such an extreme. It touched on so many other issues, both cultural and Biblical.
My over-arching point is that the analytical approach doesn’t cover all the bases of thinking … and when used alone, or as the primary method, it often misses the mark.
I well remember that episode, and had very similar thoughts to those of both of you.
Impedence is AC, resistance is for DC
So I was right on both counts!
Thank you, Jane!
You are.
I guess we have toresist DC. Ha, ha!
As likely as not, you’re all wrong, and it means something no one here has thought of yet.
This is why I call Q a Rorschach test. Not that anyone has done so (yet), but I wouldn’t base ANY further analysis on any of these guesses without some sort of confirmation of them.
In military jargon:
zero trade – (Canada) Combat arms or combat troops. The Military Occupation Code for personnel in combat zones (infantry, artillery, armored, combat engineers, and linemen) begin with zero. Not pejorative.
Urban slang: Z is an ounce of marijuana
Generation Z
Z slang words:
Maybe Z stands for sleep?
“Secret Operation Z” was the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.
Just adding this to other possibles.
Also, it’s good to note…the letter ‘Z’ is pronounced “Zed” by millions of people in the world.
A search using the words ‘Operation Zed’ turns up a lot of things.
ZERO HOUR – setting off Armageddon – a nuclear holocaust
Zero Hour org. is a youth activist group supporting the (insert expletives) Climate Change Hoax™
Zero Hour refers to midnight or the start of an event.
Zero Hour (military designation), the scheduled time for the start of some event, especially a military operation
Zero Hour was a 1957 movie –!_(1957_film)
Many other movies and references to Zero Hour:
“– a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.”

I have something I would like to tell the White Hats.
Do it, Q!
Back to that elevator! Did anyone else see this?
Roberta, I didn’t realize at first that this was from 2015. Great article. Recipe included. The picture of the fireplace stockings and Santa make it very clear that this year’s elevator was designed with Q in mind.
I can’t find where I originally asked the question about what Q meant by Black Eye. But I just found this on Twitter which is a possible answer:
these people are amazing!!!
think they can help me find the sock the dryer ate?
Not the first tweet (not sure how it ended up there), the second tweet.
Bwwwaahhhahaaaa, Vox interviews an anthropologist who claims women have better sex under socialism. Seriously…. MSM is trying to sell the idea of socialism —>>> leads to better sex.
If you read the article, her premise is destroyed. Results come from a study of East German women done AFTER the fall of the Berlin Wall, whereas women claimed to be more satisfied than West German counterparts.
They were finally free.
The author then offers a “lightly edited” transcript.
Nice catch! Captive media.
Amazing what this means, theoretically – that you have to “correct” them. The build-up of an interpretive layer for any medium that OSTENSIBLY communicates to everyone (e.g., the MSM) means that it is either trying to deceive the majority or communicate to a minority or both.
I’m thinking about this b/c of thinking about Q’s comms.
from the other tree…
DOJ REPORT: “The OIG forensically recovered thousands of text messages from FBI mobile devices issued to Strzok and Page through its multiple extraction efforts.”
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) December 13, 2018
The OIG has released its report…going to read it now…
why didn’t they use the bleach bit??? and hammers??? what were they thinking!!!! mueller hurry!!!
some interesting stuff from the report:
Page left the Special Counsel Office on 7/15/17 but in her exit interview she did not turn in her laptop or phone. When later called and asked about it she said she left both on a bookshelf in the office. The laptop was found but not the phone. (The OIG was requesting her phone 1/24/18.) In September 2018, Page’s phone was discovered and turned over to IG, but it was determined it had been reset to factory settings 7/31/17. It had not been reissued to anyone in that time period.
Strzok’s phone and laptop were surrendered at his exit interview and his phone was examined but determined there were no substantive texts and it was reset to factory settings and reissued to another agent.
The texts were captured by both the FBI collection tool and by embedded software called enterprise.db. Forensic labs examined Samsung S5 mobile devices and found this “enterprise.db” database on all the devices–however ONLY FBI issued Samsung S5 phones contained text messages in that database. So this copying of text messages was done as a result of configuration done “presumably by a designated mobile device administrator”–which transmitted data from the enterprise.db which was stored LOCALLY AND THEN TRANSMITTED to the collection tool REDACTED. so that must be the secondary location that all these texts are stored???
The IG concluded that the context of the texts did not determine whether or not the FBI collection tool captured or stored it. The IG also thought that Page or Strzok did not tamper with their phone configurations to subvert the capture of texts. None of the texts were included in an appendix.
The FBI was happy to point out that retaining these texts is NOT mandated and they are doing their best…
looks like they got a tsk tsk! and they are sorry, will do better later.
OIG to recommend electronic data retention standards in a later report release.
feeling in an alternate universe here. appears most businesses have better IT standards and practices than the FBI – and most businesses aren’t even that good so that means the fbi is where you want to be if you want to get away with stuff!
point to note here though – i have never set up the Samsung Knox stuff on my phone even though they want me to all the time. i know it’s there because it notifies me often, but that was the stuff they started injecting into their software builds a couple years back (and several android versions) so as to make sure that rooting your phone was much more difficult (rooting samsung i should say)
from the discussion in the report it appears that not only is Knox an anti-rooting mechanism, but also is ANOTHER back door to allow the networks/samsung more access – but this one under the guise of “your security”. funny how we fall for that “make you safe” “your security” crap hook line and sinker all the time.
agreed on the security part…the rest is way above my pay grade…LOL…
got a flip phone…don’t want a phone that’s smarter than me
stay with that as long as you can!
In France Le Figaro and L’Obs are reporting that Chérif Chekatt (Sharif Shekat) the Strasbourg jihadi has been killed by police.
From the viewpoint of the victims and their families that’s a good thing, of course. But from the global viewpoint of investigating for FF traces, otoh, it is somewhat Rubyesque.
fwiw, Wikileaks takes a shot at qAnon’s Q&A yesterday with respect to the Snowden answer.
Verified account @wikileaks
23h23 hours ago [Dec 12; 2018 6 pm or so Eastern Time]
One of the more disturbing aspects of the “Qanon” online Trump base pacification hoax is that while it claims to be fighting the “deep state” (permanent security complex) it promotes the rendition of Edward @Snowden and CIA regime change in Iran.”
“… Trump base pacification hoax …” Interesting.
” the “Qanon” online Trump base pacification hoax ”
Well, alrighty then! No love lost between Wikileaks and Q.
Wasn’t there a drop months ago about Wikileaks now being in the hands of the DS?
Yes. WL suppisedly is controlled by them and is why assange went dark, i think.
Very nice. Everything makes sense, but it’s VERY hard to explain, because of many levels of deception, particularly surrounding Wikileaks (I know you get this).
The important point is that – YES – base pacification is a component of the QAnon psy-op. “Hoax” depends on viewpoint. Wikileaks stretched with the word “hoax” for propaganda purposes, but it was a bad idea, IMO, b/c it gives away their side, whether deluded by clowns, knee-jerk on NSA, or just lacking guidance from Assange.
They’re flattening the situation on CIA/Iran – either stupidly or with intent.
In the big picture now, Pompeo proves right, but for reasons that are deep and beneath much smoke and mirrors. WL is now controlled by forces that are primarily working against Trump, IMO.
Their definition of “deep state” is also WAY OFF. I think stupidity and knee-jerk are COVER on their distortion. I think they are actually COVERING for Deep State (political) by saying Deep State (security).
“WL is now controlled by forces that are primarily working against Trump, IMO.”
Actually, that’s rather simple.
And likely true, IMO.
Has anyone watched Harris Faulkner’s interview with PDJT from earlier today? I have it queued up to watch but I haven’t had time yet.
I did get a moment to read that the WH cancelled, or more accurately never planned and organized, a WH Christmas party for the press. Ho, ho, ho. Very funny! As if those gutter crawling creeps deserve such a thing. I’m quite pleased they didn’t have one.
Didn’t watch it no.
The party seems an obscene waste of money for private companies courtesy of the taxes we pay.
I thought Id read the IG post. This nugget was there.
Local Treeper on December 13, 2018 at 6:07 pm
Sorry but the Conservative Treehouse is constantly outing itsrlf as controlled op. Sundance your fatalistic outlook has caused me to move away from your info. I suggest others consider the same.
Why so negative?
sundance on December 13, 2018 at 6:10 pm
The truth doesn’t care about your feelings.
Liked by 1 person
Lady in Red on December 13, 2018 at 6:19 pm
Oh geez…
prOfounDGullet on December 13, 2018 at 6:19 pm
Maybe Local Treeper should go hangout on the Liberal fake news sites, LOL.
The truth doesn’t care about your feelings, but you are not entitled to your own “truth.” Because that would make the truth have an agenda, and it doesn’t do that, either.
Yes! Absolutely!
–Christopher Hitchens (who may, for all I know, have been quoting someone else).
Originally by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, apparently.
And the gentleman from New York was right more often than he was not. If only he was still around to advise the younger generations.
One of the last “good Democrats” but even back in the 1980s the Left was considering him a dinosaur.
Yes, very scholarly and well-respected by many on both sides of the aisle. I remember reading his Report when in high school and what he said about the black family, etc.
Wow, just watched “The Story” and they had on a gaggle of incoming women “chairs” for the new House.
Let’s just say this: the Dhimms are in REAL TROUBLE if they allow these goons (apologies to real, dedicated goons) to keep spouting off. They have NO CLUE about the real America.
On the other hand … Trust the Plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone else see this? WOW!
Thanks, Marica! Wow, indeed.
That is so cool…or rather, Qewl.
I Loved the Quote she used from Q ….We became divided. We became weak. We elected traitors to govern us.” The sad part—This was her “goodbye address.” We need govt officials to make this speech in a “hello address.”;)
The wall is being built! Our POTUS45 is not lying to us!
John Donne Show
Published on Oct 18, 2018
Border wall construction zone Santa Teresa New Mexico 2018 Here is a section of the American Great Wall: the border being reinforced to deny illegal immigrants into America. This was spurned by illegal refugees from Foreign countries that first to go to Mexico, then Invade America from its weak border, that’s all about to end right here.
American Dreamer Published on Aug 17, 2018 New Mexico is progressing on its 20-mile border wall construction west of Santa Teresa, replacing old posts and rail barriers as part of Federal Governments initiative to halt illegal immigration, crime, human and drug trafficking.
These videos are great, aren’t they.
It’s good that they show the vastness of the area that the wall must cover.
So many people have never been down to the border…and don’t have a visual reference of what the scope of the wall project will entail.
Thanks, Sunnydaysall.
I believe that we’ll eventually see the 30′ wall (this isn’t it!) as prototyped, built a hundred feet (or a hundred and fifty feet) inside this one, creating an “enforcement zone” that will be much, much harder to cross. Maybe that will only be done in select areas.
In other words, this is only phase 1, folks!!
I looked up Santa Theresa, and it’s immediately west of El Paso. That would explain its popularity as a crossing area since it’s probably not that difficult to get to this desert area from Juarez, and getting to I-10 once crossed is also relatively easy.
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Fadin’ fast folks, and I’ve got an obscenely early day tomorrow to boot. (I’ll leave the house before bearded dragon “lights on” so he won’t get fed tomorrow morning–I gave him some extra food this evening.)
I won’t be awake for the start of tomorrow’s open thread.
Sounds like a lot of interesting stuff happened today, not the kill shot I was hoping for but interesting nonetheless.
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Bearded Dragon?
You have a cold blooded reptile in avalanche country?
Just curious.
Sleep fast.
I live on the high plains, no avalanches here (though it’s possible to get snowed in).
It gets cold here, but this house is heated, quite well. Plus, there is a heat lamp and a basking lamp on his cage. He’s doing quite well.
Ahh. I did meet a few bearded dragons at my nephew’s school at the blessing of the animals in Oct. They were clinging to their owners.
A lot of times people take their beardies out in public as decorations, and the lizard is just content to sit there, even in a noisy/busy environment. Mine’s a little more skittish than that and likes to explore.
Twitter alternative takes off like crazy.
Twitter, Facebook and Google need to be taken down….they have become leftist tools for control, political agenda and propaganda.
Yes, they have. I’d love to see them go down in flames….oh wait, we kind of saw that in China the other night, didn’t we? LOL.
“Twitter, Facebook and Google need to be taken down….they have become leftist tools for control, political agenda and propaganda.”
We will almost certainly find out that they were CREATED for the express purpose of being Leftist tools for control, political agenda and propaganda.
I am sure that you are correct. It’s one of those things that with the benefit of hindsight you can look at and think, “WHAT were we thinking to give them all of our information?” These tools were perfect, just perfect, for getting us to do exactly that.
That article is about…’Parler News’.
Thanks, Syl, that’s a new one that I hadn’t heard of yet.
‘Parler’ is the French word for ‘to speak’.
Oui madame! I hadn’t heard of it, either. I was intrigued. This may be the moment when Twitter starts to topple. I hope so, only because I hate what Twitter has done to stifle speech.
This is a bit more like Disqus, IMO, but it’s American. Seems strictly mobile, too. INTERESTING.
Why is RedState ignoring FreeTalk, Gab, other apps in this article?
Seems a good journalist would at least list other alternatives that conservatives are migrating to.
I don’t know. I never read RedState, I just clicked on this headline because I was curious. I expected it would be about one of the services I’ve heard of and instead discovered something else.
“Why is RedState ignoring FreeTalk, Gab, other apps in this article?
Seems a good journalist would at least list other alternatives that conservatives are migrating to.”
IIRC correctly, RedState is part of the Salem ‘NeverTrump’ Media stable.
Salem Media Group / Salem Media Radio Network appears to be 100% controlled opposition corporate news. They were 100% in the tank for Canadian Ted Cruz, and Cruz was 100% for TPP and every other Wall Street and CoC financial construct to exfiltrate American wealth to the Cabal.
So if RedState is promoting a platform nobody ever heard of, while ignoring established platforms like Gab, I suspect it’s not an oversight.
Wouldn’t surprise me at all to find out that Salem Media just bought a stake in Parler, and therefore the other platforms are competition.
That’s how Salem Media rolls.
Salem Media Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: SALM; formerly Salem Communications Corporation) is an American radio broadcaster, Internet content provider, and magazine and book publisher based in Camarillo, California, targeting audiences interested in Christian and what it describes as “family-themed content and conservative values.”
In addition to its radio properties, the company owns Salem Radio Network, which syndicates talk, news and music programing to approximately 2,400 affiliates; Salem Media Representatives, a radio advertising company; Salem Web Network, an Internet provider of Christian content and online streaming with over 100 Christian content and conservative opinion websites; and Salem Publishing, a publisher of Christian themed magazines. Salem owns 117 radio stations in 38 markets, including 60 stations in the top 25 markets and 29 in the top 10, tied with CBS Radio for fifth-largest radio broadcaster.
FamilyTalk is a Christian-themed talk format on Sirius XM Radio Channel 131. Additionally, Salem owns conservative websites, RedState, and Hot Air, as well as Twitter aggregator Twitchy.
The company was founded by Stuart Epperson and Edward G. Atsinger III and, unlike many Christian broadcasters, is a for-profit corporation. This allows it to pursue a strategy of buying stations in the commercial radio band which are often higher-powered than those of the FM non-commercial band, and accept commercial advertising.
For the record, I am extremely suspicious of any large media organization engaged in what might be called ‘Christian’ broadcasting.
I would love for it to be about promoting the Truth of God’s Word, and God’s Word only, but it never seems to work that way. You can scarcely even find a CHURCH that teaches the truth of God’s Word, and God’s Word only… much less a business venture.
If it is a business, then ultimately, it is about the money. And that leads to corrupting the message, to suit the advertisers, or the board of directors, or the investors, or even (even especially) to suit ‘the people’, e.g., ‘Give the People what they Want’.
Or all of the above, and others I haven’t even considered.
Good info! Thank you Scott!
And right on cue, here is Erick ‘NeverTrump’ Erickson, commenting on the demise of NeverTrump Bill Kristol and Steve Hayes’ ‘Weekly Never-Trump Traitor’ rag:
Erick Erickson
Verified account @EWErickson
This is the day Trump supporters whose Twitter bios reference their love of Jesus come out to rejoice that the Weekly Standard’s employees are out of jobs right before Christmas because they didn’t like Jesu…errrr…Trump.
8:05 AM – 14 Dec 2018
That is called an appeal to emotion, Erick. The kind of thing every good Leftist (and NeverTrump Traitor) specializes in.
Erick pretends not to understand that Christians, those who love TRUTH, can certainly rejoice in the demise of evil.
If the people who lost their jobs were actively engaged in the evil, I hope they learn from their error and repent. They are so far on the wrong side of history that they have become the enemy they presumed to oppose.
And if the people who lost their jobs were oblivious to the evil of their environment, here’s hoping their eyes are opened, and they will find better employment somewhere that isn’t engaged in trying to take down the only president we’ve had in DECADES who is trying to save our country rather than destroy it.
During the 2016 campaign, it was people like Erick Erickson who viciously attacked and hated Trump supporters. Salem Media group drove Trump supporters out of their ‘platforms’, leaving a concentrated core of NeverTrump traitors to commiserate with one another.
And that will never be forgotten.
What SD did at CTH over his irrational Q-hate was nothing compared to what the NeverTrump traitors did to Trump supporters.
It was because of NeverTrump traitors and Trump haters at Salem Media ( primarily) that I left that platform, found Breitbart, and later found CTH.
The posters in Salem Media website comment sections (e.g., RedState,, etc.) toward Trump supporters made the Q-haters at CTH seem friendly by comparison.
Erick Erickson is one of them. He’s a NeverTrump Traitor, which means he is against you and me and our President and therefore against our country and its survival.
That’s who Erick Erickson is.
And it will not be forgotten.
I signed up to post at RedState when I left
I was banned from RedState on my 3rd post for defending Trump, lol!
A real bastion of ‘free speech’ and ‘freedom of thought’ over there at RedState, a.k.a., NeverTrump HQ.
Is it actually possible for Bill Kristol to be “out of a job”?
I’m sure they can find something for him to do in Gitmo.
I have read (Stealth Jeff, maybe) people who said Kristol, Hayes, et al. were ‘out of touch’ with the electorate.
But there comes a point where being ‘out of touch’, while your objectives all align with the Uniparty, that it has to be more than simply ‘out of touch’.
‘Out of touch’ implies disconnected, floating aimlessly.
But the NeverTrump Traitors never seemed ‘out of touch’ to me, they never seemed like they were ‘wandering in the desert, earnestly searching for truth’.
No, they are firmly ensconced in the UniParty orbit, wearing a ‘conservative’ or ‘patriotic’ mask.
They are certain and convinced that they have the ‘truth’, and MAGA has no place in their vision.
‘None so blind as those who will not see‘.
But is it really blindness, or self-interest?
Does it matter?
If it is self-interest, then are they not traitors to their own country — for money?
And if it is willful blindness, isn’t whatever motivates that ‘willful blindness’ likewise a form of national betrayal?
What valid excuse can these people possibly have?
They’ve had 2 years to come up with one.
And all they’ve rolled is snake-eyes.
Wolfie, I’m sure you know Krystol comes from a very prominent family. You don’t have to worry he’ll have to apply for the SnAP program or become homeless. Lol.
Islamic terrorists kill baby – Hamas celebrates.
As these episodes always remind me… if Satan was inventing a religion, what would he add, that islam doesn’t already do?
Ben’s cartoon should have all the Progressive birds with gray NPC faces flying in formation, with the Conservative birds shown having broken out of Jack’s cage and flying free toward the Land of Gab.
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