WTF (What The Flynn)

I have no idea what is going on here. Let’s figure it out.


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I’ll be the first to say I am waiting…..breathlessly….for some kind of video or audio of the proceedings as described by NYGuy54…

Pat Frederick

knowing what was said certainly won’t clear up WHY it’s being said…I wish this was a book so I could skip to the end so I would know what’s really going on too!

A.D. Everard

You’d miss all the action if you did that! The best part of the story is the actual story. Just sayin’. 🙂


You are very sweet. I will always remember that.


Weissman is a Democrat hit man/pit bull/smear artist/etc.
Flynn deserves to be exonerated and Mueller/Weissman and their coterie of Democrat operatives drawing fat paychecks on the Special Counsel deserve the gallows.


I’m going to disagree in a weird way. I think it is very important he gets sentenced. If we want to go after the Deep State, the good general needs to accept his punishment. Now we can argue over what the punishment should be but he needs to get out of his NDA.


I’m not gonna argue with a NYGuy! :8->


Seriously – I’m hoping Trump and Flynn and the good guys have a plan….hoping beyond hope!


me too but this is more thrilling than an Alfred Hitchcock movie. The plot twists are rather remarkable


NYGuy54, ….”plot twists are rather remarkable” and it makes The Hunger Games seem rather elementary which is saying “a lot” for me because I could only read the books but could not tolerate the visuals in the 1st part of the 1st movie so didn’t bother with the rest of the movies! I did learn the difference of my processing written words vs audio/visual words if that makes any sense!


yes I understand that completely


I mean, my previous question still reigns supreme in my mind: did he or didn’t he take a foreign country’s $$$ WHILE serving as NSA?


Keep in mind that Lt. Gen. Flynn’s “pay-grade” is WAY above Judge Sullivan’s.
I’d wager Sullivan SEES the minefield he’s in. And, given Flynn’s unerring position – FORCING all others to do what they’re required, under the law, to do – Sullivan wisely “punted”.
At worst, it’s a non-negative outcome, for Flynn, and for US. At best, it gives us the time we need to sew things up TIGHT.
Remember PDJT’s statement, that he MAY drag the investigation on for a bit.
Two cents – right there! lol


Spooks gameplan stuff out. They understand the risks. That’s why they are good at being spooks.Today I foiund out how little I actually knew about Flynn’s real motivations.

Pat Frederick

Bizarre…Sullivan offered to allow Flynn to reconsider retracting his plea numerous times…he said no. The Judge asked if his attorneys thought he had been entrapped–they said no.
Then Sullivan started to rail on Flynn about being an unregistered foreign agent…throwing out the word treason…wondered WHY Flynn brought attention to the contentious 302’s and then did nothing about it…
Flynn’s attorneys then agreed to a short recess to allow Flynn to reconsider delaying sentencing. Coming back from a recess they agreed to a delay…March 13, 2019

Pat Frederick

Treason is HUGE–you don’t throw around words like that then say oh sorry…MSM is going to RUN with that pig for weeks!


Yes and MSM running with it puts it in the huge public spotlight like nothing else could which will prove valuable very soon I believe! 🙂


MSM is going to RUN with that pig for weeks! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That! It puts ‘treason’ at the top of the page, the lead in every discussion. It should make treasonous asshoes nervous.


W – do we think that all of this has to do with Flynn’s NDA??


Admiral Rodgers goes to visit Trump BEFORE Flynn is named as NSA. (IIRC) What’s the likelihood that Rogers told Trump that Flynn is involved with a counter-intel op and must be allowed to complete it so the deep state can be broken?
Rogers is the guy we have heard nothing from or about since that dinner where DJT seated him at the head of the table. It’s like he’s driving Musk’s Tesla to Saturn, he’s been that quiet.

Plain Jane

Just thinking out loud here. I know this is a way wild shot in the dark.
Who else can we think of who are/ were unregistered foreign agents while working for the state department. I’m sure there are others, did they get sentences…is there a precedent already set within the past 25 or so years.
If Flynn gets sentenced, would it be easier to prosecute others?


The name Podesta comes to mind!

Plain Jane

Yes. And cohorts.

Plain Jane

Sure did.


Huma Abedin


Covadonga, very true.

Plain Jane

So if that accusation was up Mueller’s behind to pull, that accusation is off the taable.

Plain Jane

Love it.


The media KNOWS that the FARA treason commentary from the judge is pure poison. They are already DEFENDING Flynn!
So transparent. Once you see it…
Thanks, Wolfmoon, for helping me open my eyes.


there is no date YET for sentencing ? Correct?


Status hearing only, NOT sentencing.
Welcome back, Phoenix!


glad to be back… missed you guys!


Gang’s almost all here – still a few stragglers [left over there] but W’s onto something big here…just sayin’ … 😉


Speaking of “over there”, SD seems to be getting “weird”. Don’t know what his problem is.


I just noticed “that” this morning reading the “President Trump is Not The Issue – It’s Those Who Oppose Him…” article.
Writing is waaayy off and the constant repeat of paragraphs is puzzling. Maybe Butch Cassidy’s taken over the authorship. 🙂


Rush and Andrew McCarthy said Mueller doesn’t want Flynn to be sentenced and will put it off as long as possible – BECAUSE if Flynn appeals – Mueller gets investigated and will be exposed/ go down/fry!

Plain Jane

I missed most of Rush today…eye appointment…too much iPad maybe. 🙂


I think it was yesterday or the day before…I was out running errands, listening to the car radio.

Plain Jane

Thanks GA/FL


ok so here’s what happened as far as I can tell.
The SC charges Flynn’s associates yesterday. The judge accuses Flynn of being an unregistererd foreign agent because of that and asks the SC if Flynn committed treason and the SC SAID HE DID NOT!!!!!
They come back from lunch, the judge apologizes for implying Flynn was an unregistered foreign agent. Almost right after that, Flynn’s attorneys decide to accept the delay.

Pat Frederick

AWESOME–explain it to me–use kindergarten words please!


Like character “Data” – I get it!

Pat Frederick

thanks…and KUDOS for the title of the thread–gonna be my new catch phrase…what the Flynn? Love it!


Judge gave Deep State their “fake news” ???


Mueller will get his pound of flesh? SC still ongoing through March???


I don’t think this is good for Mueller actually. They just destroyed the notion that Flynn committed treason


Not sure….but this is so dramatic.

Plain Jane



nailed it…then ripped the rug out from underneath them.


the judge just blew up the assertion that Flynn was a spy against America. Flynn will not change his plea. I think he decided to accept the delay to allow the judge to more fully investigate the phony 302s


more details will unfold…this is amazing. the judge essentially made fools out of the media.


A box of snakes is no big deal if they are garter snakes. 🙂


Was this, indeed, all a set up? IMO, we need to put this into the larger perspective of the Clinton crime gang. Just a feeling I’m getting, tho. What did the Judge get out into the public by doing this?

Pat Frederick

well he did get the 302’s out there in the public…


Clinton’s……Podesta’s……where might this lead?


off a cliff I hope


oh yeah…this is a major loss for the Russian collusion story.


Oh, PR, of course, I get it now.


No wonder our system of courts and justice is so screwed up. Everyone is lying and no one seems to want to hold the other side accountable. They should conduct their trials in the gift shop of the local country club. It is ridiculous.


I recall an early Q post stating that a some point things would necessarily get messy. Sorry I can’t remember which post.


This TURKEY thing is all about Gulen.
Gulen is the radical cleric who lives in Pennsylvania.
Gulen has 160 ‘charter’ schools across the USA, where he teaches Islamic law, and Sharia, etc. Surprised?
Gulen’s organization is funded by an organization who heavil donates/donated to the Clinton Foundation. Surprised?
Also, and very important, Gulen’s organization receives MORE H1B Visas than all of Google.
Patriot’s Soapbox did a deeeeeeep dive into Gulen last night. Docs, spreadsheets, galore.
It appears as though Erdogan, in this instance, was correct in wanting Gulen returned to Turkey and trialed. Looks like Gulen was being protected by the USA/State Dept/ and Clinton Cabal.
Looks like General Flynn and his overly passionate son were digging into the issue of Gulen and the problems therein—- which might have triggered the FBI.
Ya’ think?


I wonder if Flynn had a hand in the 2016 coup attempt in Turkey? Gulen was blamed for the attempt!


I don’t know. Erdogan is an ass, for sure. But so is Gulen, and it is clear Flynn did not like Gulen and what Gulen was doing. Flynn smelled the rat stench. What Flynn had or knew, we may never know.

Elizabeth Carter

Gen Flynn’s son got in trouble early on by making a public comment about the child trafficking. Flynn had to leave the Trump admin right after that. It was too soon to bring it up. The case had to be tied down.


Bwwhahaa, Wolfie, husband came home and used the word, “Byzantine”, I replied and said, “No, Ottoman”.
It’s fun to watch, though.


I fear we will never know the truth as well, daughworks247! But Q said that Flynn was a “Patriot!”
Flynn Knows Where Bodies Buried
4 Dec 2017 – 11:24:14 PM
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
FLYNN is safe.
We protect our Patriots.


Yes, I agree wolfmoon. He is very lucky they are letting him off! And yes, Flynn will always be a Patriot!comment image


Most of the national security/foreign policy patriots I follow, Frank Gaffney at Secure Freedom Radio and so forth, tend to think that that “coup” was engineered by Erdogan himself to provide necessary gaslighting for him to execute or imprison all his remaining enemies, especially in the Turkish military.
Here or in the Treehouse in the last month or so I’ve seen a hypothesis floated that Gulen might be “controlled opposition” to Erdogan. They want basically the same type of Shari’a society, and were big allies up until recently.
Otoh, an expert on Turkey, Harold Rhode, was saying on Secure Freedom Radio Tuesday that the Erdogan/Gulen fight seems to be real.
Not sure how it all connects to Rodham and her crime family.


Very interesting that this Reuter’s Article was updated yesterday.
Headline: Trump did not commit to extradite Gulen.
Claims Flynn, was working on the extradition of Gulen.
Weird timing??????


Thread is up now from Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, claiming Flynn was trying to get Gulen extradited.
Here is another article claiming Flynn is expected to be a witness in the trial of other Turkish lobbyists.

Plain Jane

Interesting and beyond.


Whoa! What is with flep? This is not accurate at all…..
fleporeblog says:
December 18, 2018 at 1:15 pm
He isn’t framed for “Russia Collusion”! He committed a crime when it came to Turkey. He thought he could make a quick buck and possibly involved his son. He got the lesser of two evils. No matter what time he gets, it would be multiplied by 15 for his role with Turkey.


Ask him but the judge is not going to go after Flynn for the FIG stuff. He freakin apologized for it.


IK,R? Confuses me…..that’s all….


“What is with flep?”
Never underestimate the effectiveness of psy-ops, whether from the cabal or the Eeyore blogs.
“He committed a crime”
Right here – see? – flep is BUYING INTO the agitprop LSM media.
Even the “lie” tag that Mule-head tried to label Patriot Flynn with … is spurious. The word “sanctions” came up in the illegally-leaked convo … but they were talking about TALKING about sanctions. There wasn’t anything substantive.
Flynn (paraphrase): “Let’s agree to talk later about this.”
Mueller (paraphrase): “See!!! You TALKED about this!”
It’s all rhetorical jabberwocky.


“What is with flep?” I don’t know but it confirms my decision to place CTH in the same space as I placed the Drudge Report many moons ago….because they need a “safe space” outside my realm of processing information!

Plain Jane

That sounds nothing like Fle. Really, not even the subject matter.


Something odd about CTH these days?


I am now beginning to realize where Flynn was going. He wants the judge to give him probation and a fine. That way the NDAs go away and his evidence can go forward.
Our idea of justice is clearly different than the master spy. I think he gamed Mueller out. We will see.

Pat Frederick

so Mueller deliberately ignored the Brady rules–trying to infuriate the Judge who would then nudge Flynn into changing his plea thereby keeping the NDAs in place? wow my figure-this-out muscle hurts…lol


No I honestly think the judge just blew it. He got out in front of his skis. He realized it and made a public mea culpa.


I think you’re right, NYG.
“He got out in front of his skis.”
“NO SLOPE FOR YOU!!!” haha


omg that’s funny


‘course there’s the thought that this guy Sullivan isn’t who he was reported to be … just sayin’ … 😉


no doubt about it…


Oh crap, this just happened.
Remember how Q keeps referencing the EO Trump signed on Dec 21, 2017 about Human Rights abuses? Seizure of assets?
Take a look: VERY interesting hidden tidbit just happened.
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
POTUS has sent a letter to the Speaker of the House extending the National Emergency declared in Executive Order 13818 of December 20, 2017
Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human
Rights Abuse or Corruption

Pat Frederick

i don’t understand the “oh crap” part of it…can you explain?


Oh crap, meant, oh, lookie here, this is something important because Q talks about it frequently. Not sure why Q talks about it but he/they do.
Well, it has just been extended.

Pat Frederick

that’s good, right?

Deplorable Patriot

That could explain a lot depending on where the investigations are and what else has been uncovered in the last 12 months.


That’s it for me folks. I tried to give you updates and my opinions as well. Agree or disagree with me but this has been a very dramatic day.

Pat Frederick

if I drank, I’d say have a cold one on me, thanks, and relax…


Thank you and hey Wolf this Robert Barnes thread is flat out brilliant


Wolfie! “treason ball …is a glitter bomb with fart spray ‘!!! Hilarious!!!! and Yup! I see it too! Starting to believe not only Potus and Wictor are genius–but our very own blog host is one too!!!


I do miss Wictor, and Twitter was not the same when he left… Twitter did not deserve his genius! I loved his videos! And I loved the way he could make a point and blow your mind in the process!!


Ya gotta love Mark Pober! Engineer extraordinaire! An Engineer who is “over the top”!! lol!
“A glitter bomb with fart spray”


Sorry, Mark! Mark Rober!!

Plain Jane

Didn’t know what or why, but from sometime shortly after PT let him go for “lying” to MP, I had thoughts that MF was under cover and it was going to be big. I still don’t understand the what nor why, I have not seen Wictor’s take, but I am witcha WM.

Plain Jane

And litter, used kittie litter….oh, that’s supposed to be glitter.

Plain Jane



“…I thought that MF was under cover…” At first I misinterpreted “MF” as “motherf***er”. Fruedian?

Plain Jane

Only if we were speaking of …you fill in the blank. Otherwise, Bwahaha.



Cuppa Covfefe

How ’bout “Citizen’s a-ray-ist! Citizen’s a-ray-ist!”…
Have Barney and Sheriff Taylor come flying through to take them all to Gitmo…
They will Git mo, satisfaction (sadist faction?)… sawdust fraction?


You don’t believe that. I know you don’t. This guy is a hero in a twisted story with an unknown ending.


I knew there would be a complication, saying ‘probably’ yesterday in response to your ‘We’ll find out Tuesday’.


Complicated business I guess.


Anyone remember the ’60’s tv series Branded with Chuck Connors about a Union Soldier wrongly accused of betrayal? In the opening segment where he is being disgraced the Chuck Connors character is wearing the same facial expression as Flynn in the photo above.


Here is my take:
1) To plead guilty to a crime, you must plead guilty to each element of the crime AND you must swear under oath that your plea is free and voluntary, not the product of coercion or other illegal consideration.
2) Sullivan is quite aware of all the facts/allegations which suggest Flynn did not plead guilty because he was in fact guilty, but pleaded guilty for reasons extraneous to guilt, many of which facts/allegations implicate the prosecution in wrong-doing.
3) Keep in mind, you plead guilty under oath. When you say you plead guilty because you are in fact guilty, and when you state that you are pleading guilty freely and voluntarily, if either of those statements are knowingly false, you are committing perjury. If you are actually pleading guilty solely because you are facing bankruptcy, you are committing perjury. If you are pleading guilty solely because you fear a corrupt government ruining your life, you are committing perjury.
4) Sullivan himself either does not want to implicate himself in the corrupt tactics of the government, or he is playing along with the government by making the “innocence” of Flynn and the “corruption” of the government a high visibility story to take those assertions off the table.
5) Because Flynn pleaded guilty to the FACTS of the crime, and because Flynn stated that he was pleading guilty because he was in fact guilty, Sullivan cannot unilaterally decided to vacate the plea based on 302”s, government misconduct, withholding Brady or any other corrupt consideration. This is because Flynn (or anyone else) can be guilty DESPITE the corruption, and so can plead guilty because they are guilty.
6) Sullivan is saying, in effect, “Flynn gets to decide his own fate, I cannot decide his fate for him.” And Sullivan can do this fully knowing he is “forcing” Flynn to commit further perjury, because not committing further perjury will put Flynn in hellish jeopardy.
7) BTW, all the foregoing also implicates any underlying “trap” aspect to the plea. IOW, this is not just an elaborate charade intended to catch bad guys; this is actually as it appears on the surface.
8) Flynn WANTS his guilty plea. He may even want it bad enough to lie under oath. That happens all the time, with the knowledge of all the parties involved, who all want to bring the matter to a conclusion. The perjury may be the most “understandable” there is, but it is still perjury. In the future, you cannot easily say: “Oh that’s just what I said for court, the truth is otherwise.”
9) Sullivan’s remarks implying treason were despicable. Significantly, they did not come in the context of the sentence. They came in the context of the guilty plea. He later admitted he was wrong, and regretted them, but they may very well have been intended to “remind” Flynn what was at stake by withdrawing the plea.
10) In a very odd sense, nobody is doing Flynn a favor by highlighting the probable corruption involved in his plea.
11) I have a great deal of compassion for men of integrity, like Flynn, who are in effect offered the choice of lying under oath under circumstances which hurt nobody, or tell the truth in the face of Hell, and unending persecution. But that is what the government offers.
12) The government has gamed the system over decades of fine honing. Why is corruption so seldom punished? Well, one way is to have people swear under oath that their prosecution involves no corruption, because if you do, you will be subject to far more.


It occurred to me, the situation Flynn is in is like the situation the early Christians were in. Offer a sacrifice to the emperor as a god, or die.
Some Christians made the sacrifice, reasoning that it was an empty gesture having no actual consequence, other than saving their lives.
Others died rather than telling a lie which meant nothing to anyone, and which everyone knew was a lie, just a gesture intended to make you feel like garbage in the process of venerating government power.
Some people do not like to feel like garbage in service to a lie, no matter how trivial or pointless in fact.
Such are the sordid circumstances created by our government today.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

This analogy to the early Christians is a good one and raises the key element here — fidelity to a higher obligation.
I think something arose in the conversation that Flynn had with Kislyak that is highly classified. Following this thought, people who are not authorized to know the highly classified thing have asked Flynn about the call, and Flynn will not reveal his knowledge and/or participation in the highly classified thing to them. Not Strozk, Pence, Judge Sullivan — nobody.
So, Flynn did indeed fail to accurately recount what was discussed with Kislyak. And he admits both that he did not accurately recount his discussion with Kislyak and this failure was doing knowingly with an intent to deceive. These are the elements of the crime he has been charged with, so he admits to them. And indeed, technically he is guilty. The FBI rules do not provide a national security exception. Then again, the FBI generally does not entrap people based on the fact that the target cannot tell them things.
But given how much they hate Mike Flynn, in his case they will make an exception.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

Ack (again): done knowingly, not doing knowingly…

Plain Jane

We knowingly know what you meant. 🙂

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

My theory was that there was a legitimate classified something, but my theory also works with a Hussein coverup something. Saw this after I posted my theory:
Anonymous 12/18/18 (Tue) 21:20:57 cce618 (1) No.4369396>>4369495 >>4369822 >>4369850 >>4369922 >>4369927
Baker- please make notable. “Theory – FLYNN lied to be compliant with Obama’s sealed EO related to State Secrets.”
What if FLYNN was forced to lie as a result of Obama’s sealed “State Secrets” (classified EO filing)? And since Obama pardoned all bad actors, wouldn’t he also lock down all good actors by sealing/classifying any and all discussion of certain topics?
Recall that Q posted about this topic. And maybe the FBI/DOJ were monitoring all of FLYNN’s coms to make sure he didn’t “violate” the “State Secrets” filing by disclosing any of said classified info. Q asked how do you legally introduce evidence. Perhaps Lawfags out there know of a precedent for classified “State Secret” EOs or pardons being disclosed as a result of civil/criminal court proceedings.
If I were half as clever as the white hats at DIA or FLYNN (who definitely knew their coms were tapped), I would somehow make it known to KISLYAK to ask a question about a certain topic in such a way that would “force” FLYNN to lie.
Maybe the FBI/DOJ guys on the surveillance team didn’t know about the “State Secrets” filing, so as far as they were concerned, they caught a legitimate lie to store as future control leverage on FLYNN. This could be why the FD-302 filings were so dysfunctional since they would have to alter the original if it contained a “lie” that would expose Obama’s Classified EO to keep quiet.

Plain Jane

Interesting and deep. This is every adjective that diabolical can muster.
We pray for PT and all his people and patriots on the front lines. Wow. Only God can unravel this web.


What happened with Judge Sullivan during that break? I suspect there was more going on than him just taking a pee.


After everything I have now seen. I believe the best result for all of us is if Flynn gets a minor sentence and his NDAs expire. Oh and twitter analysts (including our own tree branch guy) don’t seem to understand the real game going on.
BTW, you predicted how Sullivan would act and you were spot on.


It has a lot to do with the WALL – particularly the use of military personnel for enforcing US borders and national defense funds for the WALL.

Elizabeth Carter

We have been in a state of National Emergency since 1933. Bear in mind that President Trump is determined to return us to the Constitution.
Beck goes on to say:
“But the Constitution of the United States, as a restraining influence in keeping the federal government within the carefully prescribed channels of power, is moribund, if not dead. We are witnessing its death-agonies, for when this bill becomes a law, if unhappily it becomes a law, there is no longer any workable Constitution to keep the Congress within the limits of its Constitutional powers.”
North asks “What bill is Congressman Beck talking about?” Beck is referring to the 1933 “Farm Bill”, which was passed by the House of Representatives “by a vote of more than three to one.” North points out that, “again, we see the doctrine of emergency. Once an emergency is declared, there is no Constitution … In 1973, in the Emergency Powers Statutes (Senate Report 93-549), the first sentence reads:
“Since March the 9th, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency.”
North emphasizes that the “Farm Bill” says “that if a national emergency is declared, there is no Constitution.” This is further emphasized by the above Emergency Powers Statutes’ statement — “Since March the 9th of 1933, the United States has been,” in fact, “in a state of declared national emergency.”
The middle language of the Emergency Powers Statutes states:
“This vast range of powers, taken together, confer enough authority to rule the country without reference to normal constitutional processes. Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens.”
North adds that “this situation has continued uninterrupted since March the 9th of 1933. . . .”
Another reference:
FDR calls for War Powers March 4, 1933
It is to be hoped that the normal balance of executive and legislative authority may be wholly adequate to meet the unprecedented task before us. But it may be that an unprecedented demand and need for undelayed action may call for temporary departure from that normal balance of public procedure.
I am prepared under my constitutional duty to recommend the measures that a stricken nation in the midst of a stricken world may require. These measures, or such other measures as the Congress may build out of its experience and wisdom, I shall seek, within my constitutional authority, to bring to speedy adoption.
But in the event that the Congress shall fail to take one of these two courses, and in the event that the national emergency is still critical, I shall not evade the clear course of duty that will then confront me. I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis—broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe.
For the trust reposed in me I will return the courage and the devotion that befit the time. I can do no less.
This is why they are freaking out over President Trump’s Executive Orders. He is trying to return us to Constitutional Government.

Someone might want to pass this along to the Eeyore Tree…


Eeyore Tree hahaha Thanks for the laugh.


Best part of today was watching the pundits try to figure out what was happening.
These people are stupid.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s always entertaining. Sorry to have missed it.


Oh boy, from the article
“The primary bone of contention between the U.S. and Turkey is Fethullah Gülen, a shady Islamic mullah residing in Pennsylvania whom former President Clinton once called his “friend” in a well circulated video.”

Elizabeth Carter

DW That is a great article. It explains a lot of things.

Plain Jane

It’s killin me but have to read later.


Q asked more than once how do we get the evidence into the system…this is how. So Flynn is taking the bullet to get the other info in. Sounds simple. I hope the judge doesn’t blow it!

Deplorable Patriot

I think Mitchell is right on this one. Theater. We are watching a movie, or at the very least a play that never seems to end.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, war is deadly no matter how it is fought.


Side note for all our Boomers here: after being forcibly “retired mid-2017” and looking for a job since (I’m 4 DAYS older than PDJT, hence my problem) I had an interviewer ask me when was the last time I was frightened? ‘Course he meant in some bizsense, but I just told him, “that first time some guy with an AK47 pointed it at me and I could see him!”
Anyways, LTG Flynn has this … I said way back when over on [that site] that Flynn has always been at the top running at least a good part of the chess board.
Like W says, this is a very dangerous game -or movie, if you will- but a script all the same. Many of us here have “wargamed” scenarios in our careers, but never at this level. The PROS have it.


I know, right?
We had to do SOP’s for biz such as, financial meltdowns, Brazil cratering, San Andreas fault, major hurricanes, plane crash of executives. Months and months of crisis management for one perfect SOP. Really came in handy during October, 1987. And it’s weird, how people either freak out and scream or some get low, monotone, incredibly focused, and the periphery of vision increases. Hard to explain.
But this plan, and we believe there is a plan, is mind-boggling.
What’s happening today is more engrossing than any novel.
And the disinformation.
And we all know it exists.


Play that never seems to end 😉 YUP!


We are days away from being able to say that next year is a presidential election year. There has to be an endgame in sight if 2020 is to bring a free and untainted election.


Also from the article–written by General Flynn: Incidentally, Cosmos Foundation is a major donor to Clinton Foundation. No wonder Bill Clinton calls Mullah Gülen “his friend.”


I don’t pretend to know anything about anything, and I’ve not voiced an opinion on Gen. Flynn, or his motives & actions because I don’t know what to believe.
What I do know is I don’t want Judge Sullivan ‘going along to get along’.
If Judge Sullivan thinks Gen. Flynn is pleading to a falsehood – and it is obvious Gen. Flynn is doing exactly that – I hope Judge Sullivan rejects it.
We have to stop destroying what we are trying to preserve.


Ok (continuing my conversation with myself), I’ve read SD’s post and a very helpful comment at CTH by Ristvan. I understand a little more about Judge Sullivan’s dilemma. It doesn’t make me happy; it just puts me back to ‘wait & see’ mode, which is good enough!

Sylvia Avery

I just now read SD’s comment over at The Eeyore Tree (thanks to Marica) as well. It made a lot of sense to me.
I didn’t read comments, though. I may go see if I can skim through and find Ristvan’s comment, but I’m not sure I’m strong enough to wade through the river of tears.

Plain Jane

I like ristvan.


…from the Greek βασιλίσκος basilískos, “little king”; Latin regulus) is a legendary reptile reputed to be a serpent king who can cause death with a single glance.”
Oh my …


thanks redleg! “death with a single glance” Wish that he would!


Yep, pretty Qute indeed!


Definitely off topic, but big news. Britain is now going forward with a “no deal” Brexit.


thanks Wolf…


I can’t pretend to understand any of what is going on with Judge Sullivan; maybe I’m distracted the the Colonel Sanders “thing” he has going.


So, am I right or wrong?
For a long time -in reading all over the place- about Sullivan being a “tough minded originalist” I now believe that he’s just another Zero bit player in the movie.
Slapping a travel restriction on Flynn shown a very bright light on his well slipped mask.
…just sayin’ … 😉


Yea, sure, “…he felt terrible about that…”
Bravo Sierra …


“are the planefags watching GITMO flights yet?”
They always have been … so, yes.


W – Ok. Let’s see how this play out. I so very much want to be wrong about Sullivan, but am not there yet.
“…he gets it now…” Where the hell has he been? This is my problem.
Now? Seriously? Or, I just don’t get the Fed Judiciary. Maybe they really do live in a bubble.
Now, if he’s an actor playing a critical role in a movie, then, well, OK. Aside from that, please put on my Curious Cat Face.
Mule’s trying to silence Flynn though what ever means necessary. Right?


What we have here is an education of the electorate.


Perhaps this is setting future precedence (travel and passport restrictions) for similar situations for those that truly did commit FARO violations




Here is another thread with an interesting take on NDA’s and why this all happened. (Click on the tweet and you’ll see the whole thread).


What struck me in today’s performance…is that Judge Sullivan ‘misspoke’ and then came back and corrected himself, then apologized.
So the Judge Did What Flynn Is Being Prosecuted For.


wheatietoo, please see above comments.
Hummmmm …. indeed … (did you watch the MSM news tonight?)


I’ve watched some Lou Dobbs, Trish Regan and some Tucker…but stayed away from everything else.
Sullivan was first appointed to the bench during the Reagan years, but he was put on the Federal bench by Bill Clinton.
So it’s hard not to wonder where his loyalties lie.
But this thing about accusing Flynn of “treason”…then recanting it…is just weird.
Did Sullivan really ‘not know’ that little detail about Flynn’s timeline?
Or did he do that for a reason.


wheatie– I am going with “you are watching a movie”–All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.


Dang–Re-reading this “And one man (Trump) in his time plays many parts (well yeah),
His acts being 7 ages ( he’s 70+)…
SMH–I think in Q drops now! lol…;)


Me thinks he did it for a “reason” [MSM]


To all those Eeyores for whom 64-D eleventy-level chess was the butt of all jokes:
You can kiss my ass!
What happened today puts any spy movie fiction ever conceived to shame. This thing has so many levels it is unreal.
I don’t know much about super advanced game theory, but I know what I like 😉


Aubergine!! Love your post!!! Fire in your belly!!! Agree x 1000%


I’m going to repost my reply to RedLegLeader68 here…

What we have here is an education of the electorate.

My perspective: without all of the twists and turns those in the throes of awakening would not engage to learn their civics lessons as they need to in order to hold the gains being achieved now. Which of course, is only one of the dimensions in play at the moment, but an important one for the 1,000 year part of the plan.
And there’s this excellent commentary from an eyewitness to the proceedings:


A teaching moment created by today’s court drama.


Even Jack and Will are on Wolfies Roller Coaster!! And they don’t even know it!!! LOL!!


Techno Fog’s thread points out some curiosities…


phoenix–Melania is Not only Gorgeous and Brilliant- -she married Donald Trump–and Incredibly Kind and Caring–She gets IT. She is in 100% behind the taking back of our country!! That fact. Makes me pay attention and fight EVEN MORE! and That fact. is why there is Media Blackout on this Most Favorite and truly BEST FLOTUS this country has ever EVER had!! God Bless Her!!


I still don’t understand about the NDA.
Why does Flynn have to be convicted of something before he is released from a Non Disclosure Agreement?
Doesn’t the President have the power to nullify an NDA?
I’ve wondered the same thing about the Benghazi Survivors.
There were 30 – 40 survivors who were forced by the O-team to sign NDAs…to prevent them from telling the truth about what happened.
We need those NDAs nullified.
Same with Gen Flynn’s NDA.


What else was going on yesterday while Gen Flynn was in Court?
ex- Blackwater contractors in another court… being given immunity?
Is Mueller throwing their crimes onto Flynn’s tray? Back to Iran Contra?
Is Mueller wanting to destroy NOT just Trump, but his entire family?
Does Flynn have three months now to consider lying about POTUS to SC or
taking a prison sentence?
Inquiring minds want to know.


I am not anti-Flynn… however, I am definitely PRO-TRUMP
So, I don’t accept out-of-hand that Flynn is an angel. Following is just ONE of many pieces I have looked at… haven’t come to conclusion on Flynn as too much is hidden.
EXCLUSIVE: Michael Flynn Was a Keystone in the CIA/Five-Eyes Plot to Frame Donald Trump
… “Whether Flynn was a witting operative for the Deep State—which he had been an important part of as Director of the US Defense Intelligence Service—or whether he was used, unwittingly, as a piece in the game by his former associates to ensnare Trump as candidate, and then President Elect, is impossible to say, but the weight of the evidence we have accumulated militates toward a conclusion that Flynn was, to some degree, a willing participant.”
Socratic question: Is Flynn maybe left holding the bag yet again for CIA overthrows?
Don’t shoot the messenger please.