Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181219

This SPECIAL D19 LEET TECH 1337 WEDNESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments.  Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.

Don’t fuck with us, commies.  We got a badge.  We is LEET.

Today (Wednesday, December 19) is the EIGHTEENTH day of Advent.

The 146th day of next year, which shall be celebrated here as Ma Cankles Uranium Day, is:

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2019

We tip our hat to General Mike Flynn. Patriot.


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What are the odds – I check in once in a blue moon ….. 🙂


PS – who invented communism?
You got – Capitalism!!!




Communism does not work without other peoples money. Capitalism produces a surplus – voila.
OK it is more complex than that, in that capitalism results in a middle class being established – the lower classes see “ordinary folk” not unlike them living the good life. Lower classes get manipulated by the power hungry to revolt, etc, etc …
Point being, communism was not dreamt up until capitalism came along – it is the antithesis of capitalism in a sense. It seems like dualism is the way of the world, largely. Heaven and hell, good and bad, love and hate, capitalism and communism. So the invention of capitalism made it inevitable that communism would be thought up ……
Please feel free to add to this – or laugh 🙂


Heheh, well…Capitalism has been around forever, Jason.
It is basically just ownership of property and exchanging goods & services for a profit.
It was referred to as ‘free market’ for centuries, and ‘mercantilism’…then Adam Smith coined the term ‘capitalism’ in the 1700’s.
Communism has also been around for a long time.
It was earlier referred to as ‘communalism’.
The early colonists here tried it…but it failed miserably, when some of the hard-working colonists decided it was unfair that they should do all the work, while the layabouts sat on their butts.
As far as communism being a ‘product’ of capitalism…
Not really, I don’t think.
Capitalism is based on merit and requires hard work, if you are not born into wealth.
But it affords those without wealth…the opportunity to create their own.
It’s true that communalism, or communism, is the opposite of capitalism.
But it’s origins were based on the idea of communal living with everyone ‘working for the common good’.
Communism always fails, though…because it appeals to those who want to control others and live off of their hard work.
What starts out as ‘voluntary’ quickly becomes totalitarian, in order to enforce it.


Communism is a veiled form of Oligarchy. It is merely the old elitist system in a new form – except the new kings/queens/emperors are the ‘party bosses’ – the power-mongers who hold the high government positions and have the power of the public purse, prison and the noose/firing squad.

Deplorable Patriot

It would be interesting to have a conversation on communism vs. communal living as communal living does work when it is voluntary. This Scripture passage is best understood in context of the post Pentecost part of the chapter, but communal living among Christians happens. But, then, it is voluntary.
From the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 2 (and part of the readings on the Second Sunday of Easter)
[41] They therefore that received his word, were baptized; and there were added in that day about three thousand souls. [42] And they were persevering in the doctrine of the apostles, and in the communication of the breaking of bread, and in prayers. [43] And fear came upon every soul: many wonders also and signs were done by the apostles in Jerusalem, and there was great fear in all. [44] And all they that believed, were together, and had all things common. [45] Their possessions and goods they sold, and divided them to all, according as every one had need.
[46] And continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they took their meat with gladness and simplicity of heart; [47] Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord increased daily together such as should be saved.


However, it only took about 50-60 years for some churches to become worldly and materialistic — to the church in Laodicea—“Because you say, ‘I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,’ and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked.” (Rev. 3:17). Sound like any of the denominational churches today???

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, it does sound like the sects, which is why I stick to the original. And the orders STILL live communally. Some more successfully than others.


Agree, ete


Hi, Jason. Keep checking in, like your posts.


Sweet dreams, everybody 💖🇺🇸💖🇺🇸 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Last weekend, Pres Trump was thought to be spending both days at the White House.
This is what his schedule indicated.
So it was a surprise when our President made an unscheduled visit to Arlington Cemetery in VA.
In the pouring rain…holding his own umbrella.
He participated in laying some Christmas wreaths on the graves, with the volunteers.
Then he walked through the rows of headstones with two service men and a volunteer:
comment image
Then…he stopped and stood at one headstone while he conversed with them:comment image
.comment image
Do you see it?
It’s right there…in front of him.

Pat Frederick

it seems to be the only (?) tomb with that symbol, no?
if it is, then it cannot be a fluke imo

Deplorable Patriot

The sign of eternity or in math infinity. It’s usually an agnostic thing, I think.
And here I was wondering who “Jesse Wade” was.


Symbolism everywhere ! Uncanny!
Regarding Wreaths Across America – I’ve donated for wreaths at Arlington where my niece and her husband participate in the laying, and here at Fort Logan Cemetery (Denver) where my husband and I participate. It is our 5th year of doing so.
The wreath laying protocol is to lay the wreath with the bow in a specified position at the tombstone; step back and read aloud the person’s name, then thank them for their service. It is incredibly moving to be part of this gravesite after gravesite.
This year, for the first time, France gave the organization permission to lay wreaths at the cemetery at Normandy.
I was very appreciative that President Trump is aware of this tradition, and visited Arlington to honor our servicemen & women.


Thank you for doing that, Allison!
That’s a lot of work…and a labor of love and respect for our fallen heroes.
I appreciate all of those who, like you and your family, do this wonderful thing for us all.


Heart warming Alison. It’s amazing that our very strong President Trump can keep from choking up at times like these.


One of my best girlfriends in DC does this every year. Takes the whole family. Very moving. If you ever get a chance to participate – do it.
Similarly, for Memorial Day, the Boy Scouts placed flags on all graves. We did a 44K Cemetery for decades. Scottish bagpipes, in the background. It’s a lovely way to remember and pay tribute to the fallen.


Daughn, thanks for mentioning Memorial Day because everybody is welcome to participate in placing flags at military cemeteries. Mark your calendars for the Saturday morning before the holiday and show up. It is that easy!
We show up on the Tuesday morning AFTER Memorial Day to help pick up the flags from the gravesites. There are usually lots of Saturday volunteers to set the flags out, but there are fewer volunteers on Tuesday to pick them up since folks go back to work/school on Tuesday.
It warms my heart to be connected to all of you here at Wolfie’s who support our country in so many ways 💖🎄🇺🇸💖🇺🇸🎄


To get started, contact your local American Legion or VFW – they do this every year.

Sylvia Avery

Thank you, Alison. It means more than you know to the families.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

Yes, this is a wonderful little civic ceremony. And if you stay for a while, or visit after, it is breathtaking to see the tombstones and wreaths.


Every year on Memorial Day weekend, we have an “Unforgotten Run” for those deceased vets with no family to claim the remains. The Kitsap County WA coroner prepares the remains (cremation), local car dealers donate the use of an SUV to transport them, and dozens of cars and motorcycles line up behind the SUV and they all proceed to go to the nearest National Vets cemetery (mini Arlington).
Once there, they have a ceremony and turn the remains over to the cemetery officials. Along the route (about 25 miles), our local tea parties and patriot groups stand on overpasses and wave flags at the procession as it goes under the bridges. It is very fulfilling and the procession participants are grateful. Last year, a biker stood up at 50 MPH at military attention and saluted our flags at our overpass.
Use google to find vet groups that support this and give a thought to getting your local coroners to do the same thing. If this was nationwide, the publicity would be glorious and bring attention to all fallen warriors.


That is beautiful, pgroup. We need to support and honor our Veterans in all phases of life & death.


The math symbol for “Infinity”.
I also recall a grade school math teacher stating that this symbol it is called a “google”.
WAY before Google was around.
Quick search was unable to verify.
Thought it would be interesting…


CTH daily Presidential thread has Citizen 817 posting Wolfmoons comment about President Trump being honored by sd. [link removed]
Wolf’s note – I was just attacked by a script when I followed this link over there. Link was removed and warning is hereby given to be careful about going over there. Probably only relevant for me, but stay tuned. Q warned us – extreme panic by these people in December. This fits in with SD getting an NSL and takeover by McCabians.


I have no clue why you are posting this. Can you explain?


Just some fond old memories when Sd posted this. Nothing more

Pat Frederick

I was going to copy a post from the Presidential thread I thought might interest you—Nimrodman posted about Broward County–school officials rewound the surveillance tape—Cruz left 30 minutes prior–so when they informed officers that the shooter was coming down the stairs towards them–he had already escaped…because they took the time and rewound the tape

Pat Frederick

i will watch for those, thanks!


Thanks for the heads up


That’s from January 9.


Yeah, about a year ago. I sometimes go over there early am just to look at the prayer request adrem posted and the first page of the Presidential daily to get the overnight news b4 the eyesores show up.


We are missing the significance of citing something that is nearly a year old.
Was it cited again today?




wheatietoo also has shout out bflyjesusgrl says:
December 19, 2018 at 1:58 am
My favorite part of Trump rallies, now becoming a reality. This is so exciting. Hope our friend Wheatie is celebrating too.


Again, what does this mean?


Possibly that those driven out of CTH are missed by some still there.


Really? Lots of people have come and gone there over the years.


Scroll down I wrote a little research piece for you to look at. I want your thoughts.


That’s really sweet of bflyjesusgrl…thanks for the report, trumpismine.
She was probably talking about this:


And YES…it is exciting.
It’s also brilliant to create a Space Force as part of the DOD, for several reasons.
It will ensure that this Space Program will get funding.
It will also put the management of it under the SecDef…which will be much better, I think, than what we’ve seen from the left-leaning administrators at NASA.


I can’t WAIT for Space Force. Gheeeeezzzz, wish I was young again. Just think, if we have USMA, USNA, and Air Force Academy, + Coast Guard and Merchant Marines, we will also get a SPACE FORCE ACADEMY.
I want shirts. I want jackets. I want satellites and Rods of God. I want to live on Mars and drive vehicles that fly — REALLY FAST. We grew up with Star Trek, NASA, and the Jetsons. Let’s go!
I made my way to the top of my high rise in Miami and saw the last plumes from the Challenger – we all cried as a nation.
Our gifted program and the school next door were the ones who NAMED the Endeavor Space Shuttle. Whole town turned out and went to NASA for the launch, and then the kids went to DC.
Of course, I took my little ones to Canaveral.
My son applied and WON a grant from NASA for our schools robotics team. He volunteered for Stennis Space Center and became their NASA Ambassador – ran their 1/3 model of the Mars Rover. TOO much fun.
Goddard and White Sands – time to gear up!!!!
Saddest day of the Obama Admin was when the last shuttle made the way to a museum in California. Like a nail to the heart of America.


^^This!^^…so much this!
All of it.
I think we humans are at our best when we are exploring new frontiers.
We would have been much better off exploring Space for the last 45 years…rather than exploring the depths of depravity.


Some of us believe we have been exploring ‘Space’ for the last 45 years… PLUS.
Why else would VSG POTUS establish a Space Force? red-pills available several sites online…


One interesting point that occurred to me. Your posts reminded me. Gosh, I do love this group.
When our gifted kids named the Endeavor, it was the 1990’s. The whole town worked hard, raised money, came together, to be able to go to the launch. HUGE source of pride in our town and country.
When Gunner won the NASA grant, and it was not THAT big, various things happened and he made the front page of the town newspaper every week, for six weeks in a row.
Gunner issued a ‘challenge’ and when the challenge was met, he had to shave his head, and 275 people showed up to watch it happen. Pretty cool.
Suddenly, people were stopping me in the grocery store, calling me on the phone.
They wanted their kids involved too.
HUGE spirit had returned.
And it happened overnight.
We NEED that kind of spirit in America, again.


A friend of ours (Jim Bridenstine) was nominated to head NASA. Never heard if he was confirmed. He (and his parents also) is full-blown tea party so NASA might actually change.


OMG, PGroup, you made my day!!!!!! We need a rockin’ NASA!!!!!!!
We had a guy in our B&B Assoc who was at NASA during the later Apollo missions, including Apollo 11. Pour a couple of Scotches into him, wind him up, and I could listen to him for hours.
The very best of America!


Pgroup…Yes, Jim was confirmed back in April.
He’s been doing a great job!
Bridenstine was one of our OK congressmen…so it was thrilling to see him get this post.


Belgian Prime Minister resigned?


Yes, he did.

This is why:
And this is how the leftist media there is reporting on it…calling it violent “right wing”:

Deplorable Patriot

A world leader resigning should be news of the day, but I bet money I don’t have it won’t be.


Hilarious, Malcolm Nance thinks all the memes of 2016 came from Russian troll farms and 1/3 of US population was influenced.


They would rather blame it on phantom ‘Russians’…than tell the truth and admit that it was Brilliant Conservative Meme-Masters who fired off those meme-missiles.
Same way they refuse to admit that Hillary lost because most of the country Did Not Want Her.
And also because they didn’t cheat enough to compensate for the high voter turnout for Trump!


I personally am offended that MSNBC is giving credit to the Russians for my fabulous MEMES (okay, mine really were not that great but I tried hard)


Each one counted, Daughn…every single one.
They all added to the onslaught against the forces of evil.


one starfish at a time 😉


Same here but “Damn the torpedoes”!!!


“What if everything you knew about Russian election trolling was a lie?
That’s the problem faced by two Senate Intelligence Commission reports commissioned from two outside organizations which struggle with the problem of reconciling the facts about Russian election trolling with upholding the Clinton campaign’s conspiracy theory about Trump and the Russians.”
“It also reveals that the Russians bought over 1,000 ads targeting African-Americans and less than 300 targeting conservatives. There were 81 social justice ads and only 24 patriotism ads, 66 pro-gun ads and 70 LGBT ads, 43 veteran ads and 57 Muslim ads, not to mention 143 Latin American culture ads.
The African-American ads also produced over 1.5 million clicks while the conservative ads produced well below 500,000. The former ads also racked up over 15 million impressions while the conservative ads scored below 6 million. Not only did the Russians seem to spend less time and achieve fewer result by targeting conservatives, but they produced more clicks, 548,139, by targeting Latinos.
So the actual story of Russia’s Facebook operations is that they targeted African-Americans and even Latinos more than conservatives. That would be entirely in line with Russia’s past propaganda, and its influence operations in the United States, but it doesn’t fit the Clinton conspiracy theory.”


I read the entire report, from the original source. It is laughable.
#1 Example of the most effective meme was first published on January 23rd, AFTER the election. How did that influence the election?
#2. Most effective ad was about voter fraud, and Research Center ‘claimed’ it was false. Well, with 100%+ turnout in 11 California counties, we don’t need a meme to tell us about it.
The Center is located in the UK, pushed by progressives, and about as reputable as our FBI. It’s a survey, a poll.
Mostly designed to be used to garner further business.


Brandon Van Grack (the Mueller lawyer who signs the team’s legal docs and who was working with the Trump transition team) was at Flynn’s hearing:
‘At one point in the hearing, Sullivan asked van Grack if the special counsel ever considered charging Flynn with treason. Van Grack hesitated, according to reporters in the courtroom, but said that prosecutors never weighed those kinds of charges. Sullivan also walked back the treason question, saying that he did not intend to imply that Flynn was guilty of the crime.’
The fact that he hesitated in answering is disconcerting. One has to wonder if they did consider it.
I can think of a lot of prominent Americans who should be charged with treason. Gen. Flynn is not on that list.



Deplorable Patriot

Yep, we’re watching a play with more climaxes than a whorehouse when the Democrat National Convention is in town.

Pat Frederick

giggle snort…

Cuppa Covfefe

And the DEMONcRATs probably fake that, too…

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

Is it possible that this little dust up was intended to get Libs all up in arms about foreign lobbying and treason in advance of revelations about the behavior their leaders?


It is Dave’s opinion (the X22 report) that the judge may have been a part of political theater. Let the media run with the treason charge against Flynn for acting for a foreign state without registering. As it turns out Flynn did register but Clinton and Kerry did not register when they acted as an intermediary for a foreign interest. With the media on record charging Flynn with treason for not registering then they will be unable to defend not charging Clinton and Kerry for the same offense. I don’t claim to understand the PLAN but it certainly has wheels within wheels.


I do not know.


Transcript of Press Briefing with Sarah Sanders (Dec. 18):
Video for those interested:

Martha McSally is Arizona’s new senator, replacing No Name, until 2022. (Sinema replaces Flake.) Sarah said:
‘Lastly, Representative Martha McSally has been appointed to the U.S. Senate, and we congratulate her. She has been a strong partner in the House of Representatives, helping to advance a number of the administration’s priorities, including rebuilding our military and increased border security. The President applauds Governor Ducey for his swift and qualified selection, and he appreciates Senator Jon Kyl and thanks him for his service to the people of Arizona.’

Sylvia Avery

Martha McSally. Sigh. Well, hopefully she won’t be as bad as Collins, Murkowski, and the Three Stooges (Flake, Corker, McCain). But I don’t feel good about her.
AND I heard today McSally had to kiss the ring of the Widow McCain to get the seat, and that Megan McCain really wants the seat.
Megan doesn’t even live in AZ anymore. Why can’t she just be happy with the other harpies on The View?
I’m in a sour mood. Sorry gang.


That’s okay, Sylvia. Better out than in.
It happens to most of us and, given the current events of the past several hours, is quite understandable.

Pat Frederick

it’s too early here for pretzels, but maybe you’d enjoy some… Comey’s transcript was made available yesterday afternoon…
right off the bat, the man is a buffoon.
As an example (and I am paraphrasing–Comey hems and haws and hedges with the best of them):
Gowdy draws attention to the Comey Memos where the President asks if this is “private conversation”?
Comey said he took that as –yeah, there’s only 2 of us in the room, so yeah it’s private.
Gowdy answers with, you don’t think he meant “confidential”?
Comey responds–no i took it as there’s no one else in the room.
So Gowdy presses him–well obviously the President can see and count 2 people in the room…but you didn’t think it was a confidential conversation?
he answers- no, so i typed up the memo about it and SHARED it with senior leadership team at the FBI.

Deplorable Patriot

Ever find it curious that it’s always those two going at it? Gowdy and Comey. And usually JUST those two?

Pat Frederick

if you’re being coy about something you should probably just spit it out (lol) my figure-it-out muscle is still cramped from yesterday…lol
what do you suspect?

Deplorable Patriot

That these two are in on the plan (recruited and placed in government as assets for specific purposes) and are putting on a show. Good cop/bad cop.
One thing that gets forgotten is that way back in Comey and Mueller’s backgrounds is that they went to disinformation school in the 80s. Both know how to do it.
These are the shiny red balls, IMO. They are incidents that the MSM can’t leave alone. And the people follow them, no matter who is reporting, like a cat following a laser beam. (At least, that’s what I hear about cats. I’m a dog person.)
There are a lot of things that don’t add up, but that could explain it. Remember, Q said we are watching a movie. None of this is real. And it came up last week with the Clinton Foundation stuff that Congress can’t be trusted with real evidence not to contaminate it.
Putting aside what we are supposed to think, other possibilities emerge.

Pat Frederick

although it seems more like dumb and dumber rather than good cop/ forgetful cop


Comey transcript from December 17 testimony:

Pat Frederick

thank you for posting!


You’re welcome, Pat!

Pat Frederick

More Comey absurdity:
They asked him about Flynn and the VP. The FBI obviously knew word for word what Flynn had said in his conversations with Russian Ambassador. Did you tell Pence that he was being lied to? Comey: No
Did you inform the President that his NSA Director was lying? Comey: No.
And Comey offered no explanations on why the heck not! He thought it was because the investigation was on-going. But Gowdy (I think) pressed him on that –matters of national security, etc and the FBI didn’t inform the President???? no real answers–just hemming and hawing by Comey…
They hit him with his interview this past week where he smugly said “I sent them.” in regards to why the 2 agents went to Flynn in the first place. He fudged all over that—well he didn’t PICK the agents who went–just that they needed to get there quickly. They also got him to admit that POLICY dictated they go through the WH legal counsel before speaking to anyone in the administration but they knew they could get away with it because it was a new administration.
He came off as a weasel.



Heh heh. Here you go:

Pat Frederick

I’ll take People to Smack with a CURTAIN ROD for $1000 Alex…

Cuppa Covfefe

Curtain Rod…as in Rosenstein???
InQuiring minds want to know 🙂

Pat Frederick

nothing that cryptic…lol…Comey’s face is just curtain rod smackable


This graph is rather illuminating.
Watch how fast China goes from the bottom to right below the US:

Cuppa Covfefe

China really started to boom after they were allowed into the WTO. Our biggest mistake by far, I think…

Cuppa Covfefe

They were singing “Play that Fungi music, White Boy”…
(apologies to Wild Cherry…).


One of Skousen’s kids is a good friend of mine (she lives about three miles down the road) and she tells lots of entertaining stories about growing up under his fathering. The Naked Communist was written/published in 1957, darn prescient if you ask me. He also wrote The 5000 Year Leap which I’ve never heard anyone say a negative thing about.



Sylvia Avery

Just imagine for a minute. Think how cool it would be to be there, standing around talking to that group of people? Wow. It would be fun!


Just what I was thinking! 🙂

Pat Frederick

NJF says:
December 19, 2018 at 1:42 am
Good news!
Appeals Court dismisses all ethics complaints against Brett Kavanaugh
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) December 18, 2018


This is kind of cool:

Deplorable Patriot

I like it, as there would not be the need for all the substances that tend to inflame human tissue, but I do wonder how the wood is seasoned and treated to prevent premature aging. Acts of Mother Nature and God is another thing, but we can’t worry about that.

Pat Frederick

this is amazing to watch!!!
Countrywatch says:
December 19, 2018 at 4:22 am
Retweet by P Medic of brilliant tweet by Alana Mastrangelo on Schumer’s hypocrisy on illegal immigration and how P Trump has the upper hand:
Brought to you by the Ghost of Christmas
— Praying Medic (@prayingmedic) December 19, 2018


Thread about McCabe — from FBI Vault (several tweets):

Deplorable Patriot

Always did think Clapper was an idiot.

Pat Frederick

I didn’t realize you thought THAT highly of him…lol


Pat Frederick

reading lots of comments about the Flynn hearing yesterday. Because of Sullivan’s gaffe about treason, should he recuse himself or will he be recused? Or is his “acknowledged mistake” enough?


I don’t know, which is part of the reason for the comments. Maybe someone here knows and can piece them together.



More Comey gems:

Sylvia Avery

Comey’s version of “What difference does it make?”
He does not come across well. He sounds, acts, looks like a tool. If he ends up in “orange jumpsuit land” somewhere, he will annoy the wrong person very quickly and could possibly come to a tragic end.


If only he could be prosecuted.

Sylvia Avery

He is certainly deserving of that honor!


Wait just a gol durn minute! I thought he said the dossier hadn’t been verified. If not, how the hell does he know who paid for it?


All of these cases and testimonies — Flynn, Comey, you name it — are mind-numbing.
I think these guys (e.g. Comey, Sullivan) are banking on the Deplorables to forget what has gone before, either from their own mouths or established facts.
I think they are trying to bamboozle us.



What Barnes had originally tweeted the following. The above is a clarification:


Hmm…doing a little research. i discovered something really odd. There are TWO Flynn Intel Groups.
Flynn Intel Group INC
This is the lobbying company run by Flynn and Gen Stanley McChrystal – two of the highest level spooks in America. They likely know all of the good guys and all of the bad guys.They were incorporated in 2015 and closed in 2016. Michael Flynn Jr was the chief of staff there. This is the group targeted by the SC for their association with Turkish expatriots.
Flynn Intel Group LLC
This is a Virginia domestic limited-liability company filed on October 23, 2014 by Gen Flynn. He seems to be the only listed principal. But the address appears to be McChrystal’s home that was sold on January 9, 2018 for $815,000. It’s located fairly close to the other company. I cannot find a single thing about this entity that tells me what they did.
Why are there 2 versions and what was the purpose of the LLC?
Could it be something as simple as someone telling Flynn and McChrystal that being incorporated suits their interests better?
Why do we not hear a single thing about Gen Stanley McChrystal? He appears to be involved with both groups. McChrystal was the subject of a scathing article in Rolling Stone written by Michael Hastings (
You know, the writer who mysteriously slammed into a tree and died.
I am getting the sense that McChrystal is deliberately being avoided. Why? Flynn served under him.So I found this
McChrystal is being portrayed as a dirty spook.
There’s a story here. I just can’t sort the details out yet. Is Flynn hiding McChrystal?


Strange question…but what if Gen Flynn is not who we think he is? I’m probably way off base but the spook business generates some very odd alliances sometimes.


There are quite a few regular commenters Over There who are anti-Flynn.
Personally, I will side with Flynn unless given overwhelming info to the contrary.


This is not an anti Flynn piece.


I didn’t say it was.
I was answering your question as best I could: a) my personal perspective (positive) and b) that of many others in the MAGA camp (negative).


I am not anti-Flynn… I am definitely PRO-TRUMP So, I don’t accept out-of-hand that Flynn is an angel. Following is just ONE of many pieces I have looked at… haven’t come to conclusion on Flynn as too much is hidden.
Socratic question: Is Flynn maybe left holding the bag yet again for CIA overthrows?
Don’t shoot the messenger please.
EXCLUSIVE: Michael Flynn Was a Keystone in the CIA/Five-Eyes Plot to Frame Donald Trump
… “Whether Flynn was a witting operative for the Deep State—which he had been an important part of as Director of the US Defense Intelligence Service—or whether he was used, unwittingly, as a piece in the game by his former associates to ensnare Trump as candidate, and then President Elect, is impossible to say, but the weight of the evidence we have accumulated militates toward a conclusion that Flynn was, to some degree, a willing participant.”


Something tells me there is way more to be had going down this trail


hmmmm…that’s interesting.
My focus is on McChrystal. So why do we not hear a thing about him? He truly was the business partner not the 2 guys that were indicted

Sylvia Avery

Wolf, I recall reading some time after he was removed from his job that he was a Dim. Don’t know if that is important or not. I suppose it all depends on how ideological he is. But Dims are nearly always rabid. And generals are always politically savvy because keeping their jobs and moving on up depends on it.


He’s a Dim, alright.
Girlfriend’s son was on his ‘staff’ out of country. Went back to Yale together. Posted to Joint Spec Ops ofc in DC, then made a member of the CFR.
Yeah……, one of those.

Sylvia Avery

TY for all your posted updates earlier on the Flynn court drama. Appreciated them!
I remember that Rolling Stone article. Didn’t he get demoted or removed because of that?
I had no idea it was written by the reporter who died in the car crash. Interesting.
Sticks in my mind that I read that McChrystal was a Dim, really liked BO. But he has kind of dropped out of sight, hasn’t he?


He’s a Dem. Fascinating that he was so involved with Flynn and no one in the media bothered to run that down

Sylvia Avery

Now that I think about it, wasn’t Flynn a Dim, too? Seems like he was.



A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

There are all kinds of legitimate business, tax and financial planning reasons you might use two legal entities to set up a consulting business.
To give a couple of easy examples, you set up the corporation with your family as shareholders, have the corporation buy a building and rent the building to the LLC. As the LLC conducts its consulting business, the rent it pays goes to pay off the mortgage, building wealth for the family. Other variations would be to would be to have the technology supporting the LLC in a separate corporation — servers, proprietary software, web site, laptops, cell phones, or you might set up the corporation to provide marketing services to the LLC.
I wouldn’t read anything nefarious into the two legal entity thing.


Thank you but that was what I advised people on. I know it well. The hidden partner aspect is what makes me wonder.


It is curious. Husband is betting McChrystal will be the Dem nominee.


This is weird:

Sylvia Avery

That other Tree has a SD piece up about this. SD shares his opinion on what it’s all about. I dunno.
Nothing about this Flynn deal makes sense to me. That is ultimately the conclusion I have come to. I listened to everyone opine: Lou Dobbs, Sara Carter, Gregg Jarrett, Victoria and Joe DeGenova, you name it. Everyone is disappointed in the judge, and perplexed, and pissed. Right there with them. Don’t know, don’t get it, and can’t think of a good theory that makes it all make sense and puts a pretty bow on it.


Everyone to date has been WRONG about this case.
I didn’t even bother excerpting SD, because does he know any better than any of these other experts? Probably not.

Sylvia Avery

That was my reaction. It was interesting to read what SD thought, but no more so than listening to Sara Carter, Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing, etc.
No one knows. There are some interesting theories, but I’m sure I have no clue. I am sorry for Flynn. It seems he’s gotten the thumb screws applied again.


The Flynn thing waaayyy more complex than anything I have read.

Sylvia Avery

Definitely. At least I feel like I’m in good company with all the other smart folks who are completely dumbfounded by this


Here’s another analysis. This case is quite complex; it is difficult to know what is behind the judge’s statements:


excellent stuff. This remains a mystery to me. Several angles to go after at the same time.


All MAGA suppositions made thus far on social media have been wide of the mark.


My guess is now falling around a major spook game using FIG. McChrystal is a major player?


Could be.


Sylvia Avery

What a beautiful photo. They look wonderful and in such a beautiful setting. What a blessing they are to us.


Couldn’t agree more! Simply stunning!


Here is the amputee veteran behind the GoFundMe for building the Wall (Huckabee interview from late October):


We’ve been witnessing a soft coup against PDJT since November 2016, first uttered on InfoWars at the time.
Maybe VDH finally felt comfortable in saying it two years on (sigh):

Sylvia Avery

VDH has been saying it for quite a while now, at least a year IIRC, but I think longer actually. He’s definitely on board and has been for some time.


Thanks for clarifying!

Sylvia Avery

CM, apparently Tucker has come under extreme fire for his statements about immigration. He has lost 15 advertisers for his show.
I am so weary of the Left and their infantile yet effective tactics.


Poor guy.
Lucky he has The Daily Caller to go back to, if worse comes to worse.
This is straight out of the David Brock playbook.


Yes, David Brock one of the most evil people I can think of.


I remember when he suddenly switched sides, but he had always seemed very fake to me, and I just never liked or trusted him.


He’s queer which means ultimately he cannot be trusted. They are at war with their nature. Proving to themselves that they are part of “the good guys” is detrimental to any pretense of a moral compass.


Lol, Wolfie, to some degree I agree with you, though not sue it would always pan out, but it reminds me of what William F. Buckley said about picking names out of a phone book or whatever that was, or the first few names in it, can’t remember.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

If we lived in a world where people had first amendment rights, and you were an advertiser supporting a commentator, you would expect that sometimes they would say things that make some portion of the population angry. And so I blame the advertisers who play along, and I go out of my way to avoid doing business with them.


Problem is with the CEO’s. Business school #101 says, “Don’t Cut Off Half Your Market”.
If ONE CEO exhibited leadership, others would follow, and the game would be null and void.
Now, it’s a robodial of 10K calls and the CEO cries, “Uncle”.


A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

A thought occurred to me this morning. What if this bill is about creating space because they expect to need room for a bunch of new prisoners?

Deplorable Patriot

In honor of all the riddles that we are asked to solve…or sit back and watch unfold.


As a kid I would have loved that. Now? It pains me just to watch it. Could never do it.

Deplorable Patriot

I like the front seat perspectives. Saves me from having to actually ride the thing. I’ll stick to some of the smaller, wooden ones that don’t shake the head so much.


Any cement for the wall construction — yes, I know it is primarily steel — does not necessarily have to come from Mexico.
From the Presidential thread, where someone posted the following link to a Daily Mirror (traditionally working-class Labour) story and someone else’s reply that the US could use La Farge cement:
‘bflyjesusgrl says:
December 19, 2018 at 2:40 am
‘I use to work for Cemex, number 3 Global cement/concrete headquartered in Monterrey, Mexico. They early on disavowed working on the wall for obvious reasons. Their competitor, La Farge (#1 Global headquartered in France) quickly stepped up. We had Cement plants in Texas and California and several concrete ReadyMix locations in all Border states. Usually the competition was right down the street. Since they’re already trucking in steel and other materials, it’s not that difficult to create/startup concrete plants and truck in cement and aggregates. Concrete won’t be a problem, Daily Mirror is clueless.’


This is a great summary of Mueller’s lack of ethics during his career. Might come in handy for Christmas lunch discussions:


I really, really like Citizen 817’s NEW YEAR PREDICTIONS!

Pat Frederick

I agree with the wall…his biggest (imo) campaign promise that resonates with so many people! Build it and his second term is practically guaranteed


LOVE THIS ARTICLE!! Thanks GA!! 2019 can’t get here soon enough! 😉

Pat Frederick

interesting theory being floated at the Eeyore Tree:
apparently Yates testified in front of Congress that the DOJ KNEW Pence was not lying when he said he was NOT told by Flynn about his convo with the Russian Ambassador…(they had the VP surveilled?) And when Comey sent the 2 agents to interview Flynn, they mucked up her “case” against the VP…so they had to go with Flynn lying to try to get to POTUS, instead of the VP which would have been a deadlier blow. Yates was furious about not being notified of the interview…
interesting theories out there…


Interesting take–that is, if Yates was telling the truth.


Well, it’s a theory, but not the Occam’s razor kind.


Pence is one of them… why would they touch him?

Pat Frederick

I think the premise was to “dirty up” the President—if his VP was proven to be a liar right out of gate…but they had to settle for NSA director instead. one of them was lying, Flynn “took one for the team”…that’s the theory–not saying it’s right…just interesting.


I don’t think Pence is one of them….there’s no proof of that.


I could never understand why Yates did not fire Comey, asap, after the July 5th Presser about NOT charging Hillary. It was not Comey’s call. Hee was clearly over the line of proper procedure.
And if Yates didn’t fire Comey, then why didn’t Lynch fire Comey and Yates?


Don’t know the answer to that, only heard Lynch was promised a SC seat during that tarmac meeting, which you probably already had heard.

Sylvia Avery

My final thoughts on General Flynn, the coup, the Chinese and Russian activities aimed at hurting the US, the Border Wall, the horrible sight of the smirking faces of James Comey and Chuck Schumer, my unease at Martha McSally joining The Club, and a bunch of other stuff from the last 24 hours:
I have no clue. I get scared and worried. When I can beat that back enough to pray about it I am given peace and calm for my restless heart. I can’t see the picture and that freaks me out, but I know that God is leading us where He will and that has to be good enough for right now. So lead on, Lord, and I will follow and try not to complain for a few minutes.
See you all later.


Have a good day, Sylvia!

Pat Frederick

take heart Sylvia, the season of great joy is upon us!

Pat Frederick

Did i miss something BIG yesterday?
POTUS has backed down from the shut down? willing to accept the 1.6B for the wall and then the DEMS ripped that away too? Then POTUS says he will get the funding elsewhere in the budget and Snarky Schumer says he won’t get one dollar for the wall…???

Deplorable Patriot

The money is supposedly in the defense bill that was already passed and signed. Apparently the Army Corps of Engineers is building it as the debate rages.


I read earlier this morning that there may be an order authorizing the US Treasury to begin issuing WALL BONDS, to finance the Wall, WITHOUT any need for Congressional approval.
I don’t know if it’s a fait-accompli yet, though. Lemme see if I can re-find the cause …


Here, from the 8chans, is the proposed (I think) bill:comment image

Pat Frederick

we used to buy bonds all the time…I would buy these!

Elizabeth Carter

Hi Emeraldstar,
I found a link to H. R. 7304. It looks legitimate.
This is how we need to fund all of our infrastructure. The Bonds would be great for retired people and we can eliminate a lot of Global control. Pay a high interest rate on them and restrict them to purchase by US Citizens only. BIG WIN


Thank you Elizabeth!
Wolf just put up a new thread, if you’d like to re-post there …
One way, or another, or ALL THREE (lol!), the Big, Beautiful Wall is going UP!

Deplorable Patriot

Further thought on that is that it is part of the take down of Democrats and the media that this was never explained to the people.

Pat Frederick

yeah there seems to be a big confusion about the wall…many photos available about the progress being made and yet the politicians are arguing over building/funding it…I feel like such a mushroom sometimes…lol


Check this out…just like Israel


There is ANOTHER SWAMP to drain!

In FL, we had an Archbishop (Favalora) who had a harem of young attractive priests and a s-x enhancement drug business on the side. A group of proactive laypersons exposed him and forced him to retire early. Two bishops in FL were also caught in sin.
Look up Bishop Lahey who was caught in Nova Scotia, coming back from Bali (pedo-tourist mecca) with a laptop full of child p0rn.
Then there is this Abuse Tracker – documenting year after year of evil by RC clerics, teachers, coaches, etc
[YES, I know there is also abuse by leaders of other denominations, coaches, teachers, scout leaders, family/relatives, neighbors, human traffickers, etc., but this is personal…one of my family members was horribly affected by his abuse by a priest and it caused misery in our family for several generations as abuse and addictions were passed on.]

Deplorable Patriot

Archbishop Carlson is one of the most decent men in the priesthood and Episcopacy today. Yes, I have met him. Multiple times. Pheasant hunter who has Labrador Retrievers. He also used to play football and is a cancer survivor. I have other stories, but won’t bore you with them. If more were like him, there would not be a problem. The quote was taken out of context and exploited when he was in Minnesota.
Gee. How often has that happened.
The clean up has been going on in fits and starts since 1984 when then STL Archbishop John May was president of the bishops’ council. At the time, his main roadblock to getting anything really substansive accomplished in any diocese but his own was the Archbishop of Chicago, Joseph Bernardin, a slick snake in the grass who was what we call a “kingmaker” for a number of years. His sychophants were the worst of the lot. All of them are out of office now, and most are dead, but if you want a name to go with the Scandal, that’s it – and he was dead before it all started.
After that 1984, if any honest person were to actually look at the timeline of incidents, they dropped off dramatically as a number of seminaries were cleaned up after having been infiltrated beginning in 1924. Again, cleaning up a seminary is on the plate of the bishop in charge of the diocese. Governance does not cross diocesan lines.
On another thread, I gave W a number of references including a Bella Dodd book from 1953 (School of Darkness) that explains the seeding and infiltration of the priesthood with homosexuals was part of a communist plot to bring down the Church. Please, understand that this is going to take time to root out.


I followed the RC priest predator scandal, and the demise/split of the Episcopal church/Church of Englican/Anglican Communion for a couple of decades. Read, researched, took psychology, social work at our university, really got into the nitty gritty details. The saddest creepiest thing was to learn the SNAP and other pro-victim organizations are pro-homosexual…and that is tragic as all get out. They are going from the frying pan into the fire. Essentially, these groups are unbiblical and anti-Christian. There is no real help and healing for the victims outside of GOD’s power, goodness, word, spirit..

Deplorable Patriot

SNAP and most of the other “pro-victim” groups are after money, nothing else. When you realize that, regardless of abuse that may or may not have happened all these decades later, a lot of it starts to look like targeting. We know it. The chances of getting the public at large to understand that are slim to none.


They are leftists… and we know most of them are blind, spiritually, emotionally and morally.

Deplorable Patriot

Greedy, that’s what they are.


Angry…. and vengeful….they don’t know money won’t make them happy or healed.

Deplorable Patriot

I know that and you know that, but it really started to look like bankrupting the place without any consideration other than greed was in play.


Romans 1:16-32 summarizes the road to perdition. The rest of Romans outlines the road to repentance and redemption. Even the horrifically wounded need to repent and come into obedience to GOD in order to be healed. There is no healing in our own ways and means. I learned it all the hard way.


Pres Trump is pulling troops out of Syria immediately. ISIS has been defeated there.according to the WH. It’s over. wooooww


Here’s another blurb


Rand Paul is in on it too


and Lindsay acting Lindsay again

Pat Frederick

you know if you change the words “Syria policy” to BORDER SECURITY it makes much more sense…maybe he’s confused…




IMO, we should not abandon the Kurds to Turkey, who WILL wipe them out!


Afghanistan is next


This is actually rather remarkable. In the space of a month, Pres Trump has made the left publicly say they are pro-illegal immigration, anti-border security and pro-war


VSG, indeed!

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

I agree with you. We should be working to establish an independent Kurdistan in that region.




State Dept moving quickly…


Someone – please explain how this is NOT child abuse??!!?? If this were a girl……
Being celebrated by ABC:


“Desmond” taking $$$$ on-stage at a strip club:


That this is not a crime, at the very least child neglect, just shows how far we have fallen.

Pat Frederick

I cannot believe his parents believe they are doing him any service.
playing pretend is a part of childhood—dressing up and make believe encourage creativity– but the rush to allow young girls (and even young boys) access to make up and more adult style clothing choices–forces them to grow up way too fast and choose paths they may not really want to be on.


Um….this is NOT the case here, IMO. This kid is SERIOUSLY f’ed up, including with drugs – ketamine and rohypnol – and supports pedophilia.


This is all on the parents. He is an 11 year old child. It is terrible what he is going through.The drugs and I am sure abuse, is just awful. May God help him because it doesn’t seem as anyone in his circle will.


“Screen record this video before it gets deleted! As we can see here, Desmond’s parents are ok with him hanging out with renowned degenerate 90s socialite Michael Alig who was sent to prison for chopping up his drug dealer and throwing him in a river. If we thought that those days were over apparently he feels no remorse since his website is rife with sick pedophilic images and references to the date rape drug Rohypnol. What in lord’s name is going on here?”

Molly Pitcher

The insane Left has opened Pandoras Box and can’t get any of the wicked stuff back in it without having to admit it IS wicked so they stay quiet. Pedos are emboldened. Parents are cashing in on this child.
Even the media proud of their role in normalizing this. Evil is afoot for sure


And of course, the show GMA is from the network ABC, which is owned by …


One of the sickest things I’ve ever heard. Hanging is too good for some people, some children taken from good parents, but these people should lose custody and never be allowed to have another child.


This is 100% the parent’s fault.


A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

Excellent. Now let’s take them up on their offer to build a US army base for us named “Fort Trump.”


I am seething angry, spitting fire, cursing at the television.
Ryan should be given a gold watch by the Democrats.
He’s giving his retirement speech, today, to the Library of Congress.
Instead of taking a vote on Border Wall Funding, he’s taking a victory lap for Trump’s work.
I want to throw things.
He cannot leave fast enough.


He is disgusting. Does someone hold his weenie when he pees? He is the WORST example of a man I can think of.

Pat Frederick

I wouldn’t do that with a 10 foot set of tweezers and a magnifying glass!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There’s a hidden premise in that question. Just saying.


Michael Flynn tweets (2 of 2). These are about his case.
The second one — tweeted in the morning — is particularly interesting:


bogus Gen Flynn account…
all 3 tweets come from a ‘fan’ account…


My sincerest apologies for the mistake.
Thank you very much, phoenixRising.


Judge Sullivan had a BIG day yesterday with the Flynn hearing…
He was back at work today doing his best to mete out justice to all. from the washington times…
A federal judge blocked the Trump administration’s attempts to speed up deportations for people with bogus asylum claims, ruling Wednesday that the president and his team had gone beyond what Congress intended.
Judge Emmet G. Sullivan — who a day earlier had excoriated former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — ordered the government to allow migrants with iffy claims to be given a full chance to make their case for asylum.
And he ordered the U.S. to un-deport plaintiffs in the case who were already ousted under the new policy, saying they deserve to be brought back and allowed to claim asylum.
“Because it is the will of Congress — not the whims of the executive — that determines the standard for expedited removal, the court finds that those policies are unlawful,” Judge Sullivan wrote.
His decision overturns a move by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who had tried to block asylum claims of migrants who said they faced gang violence or domestic abuse back home.
Mr. Sessions had argued that while traumatic, those reasons strayed far from the political or religious persecution by governments that traditionally made someone eligible for asylum.
The Trump administration has said people bringing those claims could be quickly refused, and put into speedy deportation.
Judge Sullivan rejected that, saying Congress intended for people to be able to demand asylum based on membership in a “particular social group.”
“The attorney general’s direction to deny most domestic violence or gang violence claims at the credible fear determination stage is fundamentally inconsistent with the threshold screening standard that Congress established,” he wrote.

Pat Frederick

something else that Sullivan did yesterday with the Flynn case I didn’t know. He offered Flynn a chance to have an independent arbiter look at his case and advise him–he so obviously thought Flynn’s counsel was woefully misleading him…and giving him bad advice.


“he so obviously thought Flynn’s counsel was woefully misleading him”
Nothing is this “obvious”, Pat!
Pardon me for saying, but you’re assuming that the Judge Sullivan is being honest, and trying to do Lt. Gen. Flynn a good deed.
IMO, it was Judge Sullivan who was giving bad advice!

Pat Frederick

well according to the transcript, he told Flynn, that as a judge he’s had to occasionally appoint these independent arbiters to look over a defendant’s case and give the defendant a second opinion on their options. to me that says i think you’re getting bad advice from your lawyers.

Pat Frederick

how the heck is the gov’t supposed to un-deport people? does that mean they have to track them down somewhere somehow? what a waste of time and resources!


i assume we go and look for them and bring them back for their new chance at asylum. i mean, like he said, it’s only fair and all. the president is very mean to these people and has been making it very hard to get undocumented citizens into the asylum program.
regardless, this will also be a problem with current and ongoing asylum claims i would imagine.

Pat Frederick

especially since i’m sure everyone gave their real names and addresses of where they’re from…/s


Um, wouldn’t it be illegal to go into a country and remove their citizens?
Strange ruing by Sullivan.

Pat Frederick

IIRC Loretta Lynch is on the Hill today testifying. anyone heard anything yet?


Dear God, please help us.
Judge Sullivan, same Judge as Flynn, today, ordered all deported asylum seekers must be returned to the USA so their claims can be heard.

Sylvia Avery

I swear Wolfie that is one of the things that crossed my mind yesterday. I hate to sound like a frickin’ paranoid fruit loop but seriously when you realize the government has everything on all of us and you consider how the BO Commie Administration was unmasking everyone they wanted to for whatever reason they wanted to, it really isn’t a leap at all to suppose that people’s personal information is being used to blackmail or control behavior of influential people.
And it did cross my mind to wonder if this was the case with Judge Sullivan. And frankly, I suspect that will cross my mind with every strange behavior I observe in a public figure going forward. The first time it ever, ever occurred to me was when John Roberts did his famous “Obamacare is a tax” contorted decision.
In this post FISA abuse is rampant era, now that I have a better understanding of HOW the Commies could and do obtain information, it is just no leap at all to consider every inexplicable decision through this filter.


True, Sylvia, I’ve thought the same thing.


New Q on tap.

Pat Frederick

hmmm interesting…so if DACA is declared unconstitutional, can we then deport EVERY single illegal that skated through with DACA blessings? making the ruling retroactive so to speak instead of moving forward?


those asses at the Fed just raised rates. They are trying to crash the economy and get POTUS out of there.


The market’s tanking fast – Dow -400 now.
And yes, they’re doing it on purpose.

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. Good thing I took advantage of the pre-Christmas prices for adult beverages. High entertainment coming our way.


no question this will affect the GDP.


it’s been planned…long before


To quote a post, from earlier in today’s thread, from NYG:
“This is actually rather remarkable. In the space of a month, Pres Trump has made the left publicly say they are pro-illegal immigration, anti-border security and pro-war”
Perhaps it’s the same tactic – threaten the prey (left; FED, etc.) with “imminent” action, in order to goad them into, and elicit from them, actions and positions which are politically precarious. Here, the FED is “anti-economy”.
This is what came to my mind …


Good news…the US Census is out. And thank you Gov Cuomo. NYS lost more residents than any state in the US. Scary that Nevada gained the most


Listened to a California rep a while back who said all the people leaving the big States like CA, IL and NY was a good thing. It was spreading “liberalism” to the rest of the country. Based on how voting is changing in AZ, NV, CO and others he has a good point.

Pat Frederick

it’s spreading like the infection that it is…


I believe there is a pill for that.
A red pill.
Time to stock up.

Deplorable Patriot

Spreading liberalism is not all that great a thing when you live in a state where three counties can flip an election.


He said people are leaving because of the weather. Ok Andy.

Deplorable Patriot

Jesus never said to break the law of the country where one was living.
Francis…we in the pews who actually know the Faith are not amused.


A quick verse that may be applicable to some degree as it illustrates a principle God considers important.

Don’t cheat your neighbor by moving the ancient boundary markers set up by previous generations.
Prov. 22:28 (NLT)

Deplorable Patriot

Hoping for leak of the video some day.

Pat Frederick

wow…I read it, honest I did…didn’t understand it all, but is he saying that computers are driving the huge fluctuations in that their speed of transactions is so much faster than it used to be? (among other things)


That’s a problem that needs to be dealt with certainly. The other part is more complicated. Maybe someone in that field can weigh in here.

Deplorable Patriot

The way I read it, it’s the rules put in place to prevent banks taking back their cash coupled with super high speed and volume trading that pulled the excess cash (liquidity or being able to liquidate) out of the system that’s causing the roller coaster.
I’m very much a novice about the market since it’s not straight up trading only, but it looks like a lot of accounts are scrambling to either make a quick buck or cut their losses while they can.

Pat Frederick

thanks…i’m so much in awe of you all here–you seem to have vast areas of knowledge and experience!
my claim to fame is being short and cuddly…

Elizabeth Carter

TTT, Good link.
The market has to fall. President Trump has to issue Bonds to build the wall, the infrastructure and other important things for America. Have the Bonds pay rates high enough in this market to entice our savers to pull out of the Stock Market. The 0 interest rates during the Obama years were done to force savers into the stock market so they could be fleeced again. If President Trump has the Bonds pay a 5% interest rate starting today, guess where the Stock Market funds are going.
We already have people thinking about it:
The Stock Market has to crash to get rid of the Derivatives. I don’t really know of any other way to do it. Let the “dElite” eat their losses.
We will build our own country with our own money.
The Fed has to go with them. The US dollar will go too and we will have our own currency that we print.
The IRS can go with them.
Bring our troops home. Quit supporting the illegal immigrants. Stop giving benefits to people who don’t work. Stop allowing Corporations to offer low wages to non-citizens by offering Corporate welfare to them. Cut out Obamacare robbery. Stop funding people who hate America. Stop supporting all the slackers in the world that are living off of us.
Guess what. We will have plenty of money. It will be fun to show the world what can be done when we just detach the Vampires from our productive citizens. Instead of making the 1% richer, we can give temporary gifts to countries that are trying to get up and take responsibility for their own countries. It would be a lot cheaper and if they catch on to the fact that a country has to take care of its own citizens first, they won’t need any long term support.
God Bless President Trump
God Bless America


It absolutely will not do that. I was in that business for a while. They make money in both directions. Plus it will make POTUS a 1 term president and destroy ordinary citizens’ life savings. You want a Dem controlling the Presidency?


Regarding the money and financials, it’s a LOT more complicated than that.
I applaud your heart, and your determination for independence and success, though!
I believe that VSGPDJT is doing things the BEST way possible.


think! I love k_cofefe and Shem Horne! they crack me up!! Every DAY.


Will of the People.


These 2 Erudite Asshats…


The arrogance and condescension this guy Hume displays … disqualifies HIM, on the “e.q.” test.
In the very act of trying to prove his “superiority”, he demonstrates the reverse.


Q on deck


Put the hammer down Q. An anxious nation awaits


Four posts it seems.
Looks like a “hold the fort” and “stay focused” reassurances.


I think I have the names?

There is a reason why SH, SC, and JS are on stage.

Shawn Hannity, Sara Carter, John Solomon?


you got it


Checking Press Pool…

And so I think that the idea that we’re on a sugar high for one year, and then it’s all going to go back to where it was next year, is just not consistent with literature. And the people who said we couldn’t have 3 percent growth last year are saying it about next year, and I that they’re as incorrect now as they were last year.
And don’t forget that capital spending gives you future GDP. And so if people — if we see a surge in productivity and capital spending this year, then what happens is all those new machines start producing output next year. And so that provides a sort of — little bit of insurance against things heading back down.
And the final thing that I would point to is just that capital spending has gone up so much that, in many industries, they’re actually way above what we would think would be a sustainable capacity utilization rate. Like, so, for computers, that’s like about 90 percent. And so the people are actually having trouble getting their capital delivered because the producers of capital are operating above capacity.
And that’s a very favorable thing for the outlook because the people who make machines have to buy machines to make machines. And the fact that their capacity utilization rate is so high is — bodes very well for the outlook.


BTW, I can really relate to Kevin Hassett.
Maybe we are both a bit enamored with details and are a bit geeky.
That’s where the comparison ends.
He is changing the world while I post on a platform with a short shelf life.


Q IS BACK! Flurry of new posts


I posted all four on the “Wall” thread …


Does Wolf know?


Maybe let him rest for a bit?


Only other new topic up on Press Pool is Syria press Q & A.
Mostly no new info and a lot of the same question by press over and over comparing this to Iraq pull-out and the Senior NSC admin official saying that the comparison doesn’t hold water.

Elizabeth Carter

On a more fun note:
International Maritime Flags
Q Flag is yellow. My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique.
Yellow vests. LOL.
NOUN historical
1. permission granted to a ship to have dealings with a port, given after quarantine or on showing a clean bill of health.


Rex’s take on yesterday’s hearing…


On the 7-9pm show, hosted by Radix Verum and Good Dog on the YT channel “Patriots Soapbox”, they’ll be going over the “Legend of the Golden Lilly” (they previewed it last night).
It’s about the LOOTING of the Japanese Army, as they conquered much of China, Korea, the Philippines, and other SE nations, during WWII. Obviously, pre-Hiroshima / -Nagasaki.
The basic idea is that they garnered an UNBELIEVABLE booty of treasure – a multiple of what geologists have “posited” (truth?) exists on the surface of the globe – and that THIS treasure was obtained by US following the Japanese surrender (their attempts at hiding FAILED).
Here’s the link (I often listen in the background) – and I think they’ll go over the Q-posts first:


Please follow link for a really fun visual of what’s happening and how we are the steady ones…


love this!! and so true…


What a douche…Leave it to “our” side to bring this up!! Good night!


Wow! Harry Belafonte in front of Obama/Hillary’s shocked faces!