This may or may not be [D] Day, but this is one hell of a day. NUKES FALLING. WALLS GOING UP. Another day of TRUMP!!!

First, I was allowed back on CTH. How in the HELL did that happen?

But not just me – everybody! All the Q people seemed to be “unbanned”!!!

Then BOMBS started falling….
And then something which EXPLAINS the back-out of the BLACK HATS from CTH and QTH was made known….
Makes sense that MUELLERITES were being used against us! Time to SHUT DOWN THE OPS! NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN! Radium Rod was G-O-N-E GONE!
Of course, METHINKS the money started talking, too….

And I summed up a theory of it all on Twitter like this:
I prepared the place [The Q Tree] earlier so Q people could “get a room” and not annoy Sundance. But then it became a lifeboat when we started getting banned. The history of the posts there track our growing understanding of what was happening. We turned our crisis into an opportunity and began rational inquiry on many things that were very nasty, including 9/11, which I was able to relate to other things I know about, not in the news or generally known. Meanwhile, I was being shadowed heavily in real life by people who were looking for information only useful to those wishing to do me harm. Once I figured out that it was FBI-related, things started clicking – Trump’s enemies in old IC were leaning on and using resources in the local FO. I started connecting dots and exposing stuff. I figured out that SD was likely being hit with National Security Letters related to ME. Then it all clicked. I dumped bigly and I think the White Hats were back in the game on a lot of stuff. As for the ban hammer, I never blamed SD, because early on, somebody tried to trick me into doxxing him (allowing their doxx post to go through moderation). That’s when I figured it was a divide-and-conquer operation against Sundance. These people are NASTY. I think that SD outsmarted them.
Wolf to a friend on Twitter – sharing with permission
Then *Q* started posting like mad!!!

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 7f3573 No.4392219
Q Post 2630
Dec 20 2018 12:33:29 (EST)
Future proves past.
News unlocks.
You have more than you know.
“….and House Speaker Paul Ryan’s chief of staff, John Burks.”
When did Paul Ryan announce he was retiring?
Why would the Speaker of the House retire?
Age of Paul Ryan?
Sometimes reading between the lines demonstrates those complicit in treasonous / traitorous acts are no longer (or soon to be) in positions of power.
R’s easier to remove than D’s?
D’s holding on to power as long as possible hoping to sway pending action [cover]?
Think SC.
How many senior FBI & DOJ officials have been removed?
None left by choice.
Nothing To See Here.
Nothing is being done.
The Biggest ‘ACCURATE’ Conspiracy….

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 1631ff No.4392305
Q Post 2631
Dec 20 2018 12:38:58 (EST)
Anons know why.
Spot the difference? Yes – go to the article and spot the difference.
Then read this final part of it.
No – read it to the end. Read the bio for the byline.

Jimmy Carter’s chief handler – whoops – I mean speechwriter.
He knows. He knows EXACTLY what is coming.
“Whoever comes next to the Oval Office should feel confident enough to put those battle flags back where they belong.”
Yeah, well, when we’re done, you’ll be telling us everything you know, buddy. My big question is how much you know about Three Mile Island.
Notice that once you understand that the “governmedia” is what it is because of WHO it is, it all makes sense.
Moving along….

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 1631ff No.4392356
Q Post 2632
Dec 20 2018 12:41:48 (EST)″ target=”_new” title=”archive” id=”archive_today”>
Why would the FBI DIR take the time to visit ALL 56 FBI FIELD OFFICES around the entire United States?
Completed this week.
Logical thinking.
Wow. Things are REALLY making sense now.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 1631ff No.4392646
Q Post 2633
Dec 20 2018 12:54:44 (EST)
“McCain associate shared unverified Steele dossier with Buzzfeed, court filing says.”
Drop Dec 22 2017:
News unlocks.
You have the keystone.

This is very cool, and I want to return to this tonight.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 1631ff No.4392683
Q Post 2634
Dec 20 2018 12:56:00 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 8e84b3 No.4392645
Dec 20 2018 12:54:43 (EST)
No Recusal.
Old news.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 47ea0a No.4393450
Q Post 2635
Dec 20 2018 13:33:09 (EST)
The [D] party will cease to exist once it’s all exposed.
FAKE NEWS can no longer control [dampen] public awareness of the TRUTH.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 47ea0a No.4393668
Q Post 2636
Dec 20 2018 13:41:41 (EST)
So is there TOO MUCH WINNING going on today? Let’s investigate!

Steve CO and I were banned for other reasons than Q. I am not going to test. I can still like SD’s or Menagerie’s articles, and that is enough. I shall remain banned as a matter of principle.
I left of my own accord.
Should I try to go back, It will be the same idea.
No hurry. No hurry at all.
I don’t know if I’m still banned or not…… no big deal
Wow, I didn’t know that anyone had left on their own.
Left on my own, but thought iI was banned–I wasn’t.. I just have no desire to go back, and my friends are Here.
Exactly how I see it. I have no reason to go back.
I read CTH all the time but haven’t posted in awhile just because I saw what was happening to you all and didn’t like it one bit…found this site shortly after it “went up”
Hey! Visit more!
“Hey! Visit more!”
Here or there (CTH?) lol
I am here multiple times a day but most of the time just lurkin’…I just received my Top Secret Lurking Clearance (TSLC)…it’s a fairly extensive background check but I passed on my 5th try by Wolf…
Ah hah! Well its much easier to say hi without 100s of troll posts to wade through. And we dont just “give up” talking in the void bc our friends cant find our posts to begin with! No void here..
We had to check for Comey and the Lawfare gang hiding in the curtains in his den!
I remember YOU!! Always loved your posts!! Welcome HERE!!!
1) I left voluntarily before all the banning. Sundance owes an apology or explanation to a number of folks, and he needs to oppose the repetitive nastiness and insulting posts by some there.
2) But who cares! Wow! Q! The Demokkkrat party has been the party of evil people almost since its founding. It needs to be destroyed. It is a blot on America.
“1) I left voluntarily before all the banning. Sundance owes an apology or explanation to a number of folks, and he needs to oppose the repetitive nastiness and insulting posts by some there.”

Well hang on here a second, let’s think about this.
Imagine how much fun we could have with this…
For example, we could ALL go back at the same time and start posting like nothing ever happened. And when people notice and ask where we’ve all been, we all act like they’re crazy, we’ve been there the whole time.
And then, every time somebody bashes Q, ALL of us, no matter who or how many of us are on the comments section at that time, PILE ON and bash the daylights out of Q and anybody who follows Q.
No matter what anybody says, no matter how negative, WE one-up them, all the way to parody, and then blast right past parody to grotesque caricature
We could even get in fake arguments with each other about who hates Q more… and lots of the Q haters already there would try at first to keep up, but whatever they say, we say MORE.
This could provide WEEKS of entertainment value!
An opportunity like this is not to be missed!
Remind me not to get into a fight with you!
Very clever!
We stole a lot of very sharp people!
Please let us know if and when you need help defraying costs. Even a little from each of us could help.
Happy to chip in on our end as well. Glad everyone is okay
Hey!! My brochure said I get a bottom bunk on this ride…
I will need some help at certain junctures, but not financial. I’ll let people know when that happens!
Sometimes I just get rucky
scott is Q Tona!
You guys crack me up!
Lol, Tonawanda.
My plan, when I was trying to get back in another another name, was to become the biggest sycophant of whatever was being espoused by SD …
I no longer desire to do that.
“My plan, when I was trying to get back in another another name, was to become the biggest sycophant of whatever was being espoused by SD …”

That’s the spirit!
Just become an SD devotee who is so over-the-top in constant praise and adoration that it makes even the usual sychophant’s blush in disgust, lol!
That’s EXACTLY how you do it
You can’t really argue with them, because their minds are closed.
But what you CAN do is outdo them at their own game, to the point of parody, using caricature to show them how ridiculous they look.
And they have no antidote, no way to ‘respond’ without confirming the caricature
Youse guyses!
“I hate Q!!!”
“How much do you hate Q?”
“A lot!!!”
“He’s in.”
(With apologies to Monty Python’s Life of Brian re: Brian and the Romans.)
I hate Q so much, I transgendered to Y !
Scott, lol. Like the first part of your idea, but regarding the q bashing, I’m afraid some over there would not get the joke, and it ought not go on longer than a few hours, in my opinion, as it might have unintended consequences. I think if we bashed q, we should make it so hammy and so nonsensical that people simply Had to realize it was a joke.
Lefties don’t understand humor nor sarc.
“I think if we bashed q, we should make it so hammy and so nonsensical that people simply Had to realize it was a joke.”
Most definitely.
That’s what I was getting at. Be so over-the-top that even the Q-haters realized (eventually) that we were kidding.
That’s the moment you’re working towards, when that first faint glimmer of realization flashes across their synapses, and it occurs to them that they’ve been ‘had’
Lol, Scott. Right.
I left voluntarily as well.
I couldn’t stand Old School, Paul Raven & their ilk being allowed to post in excess of 5 times per thread every single day, repeating the same ‘blame Trump; we’re doomed” message.
That bothered me just as much as the newbie fly-by-nighters who post meaningless comments.
The comment threads have become too mucked up with worthless crap, instead of the knowledgeable contributions I used to read. I guess that’s the price of SD gaining followers & trolls.
While I don’t condone censoring opinions, there is a lot that could have been done to tamp down the clutter. If nothing else, closing comments completely for a week or two would have put a little ‘muscle’ behind posting The Rules, rather than doing nothing to enforce them.
Great post.
OMG – you not only remind me of those demoralization trolls – you helped explain how they work as Eeyores, even on the relentlessly cheery. They “draw in” those who want to cheer them up, who must then sympathize with the demoralizing message. So THAT way they get EVERYBODY.
Yes – no Eeyore overgrazing will be allowed here!
“Yes – no Eeyore overgrazing will be allowed here! ”

Yes, but over there, that’s how you troll the trolls.
This is how you have fun with them.
It’s demoralizing when you’re fighting them, because they’re so relentlessly negative.
But when you’re trolling them, it’s like rhetorical judo, you’re just using all of their negativity against them.
When they say the sky is falling, you say I KNOW! And not only that, things are so bad, not only is the sky falling, but the ground is rising! We’re gonna be crushed!
What ever will we do?!?
You can do this for anything.
It mocks the doom-and-gloomers and makes everyone else laugh, which is the OPPOSITE effect of what the doom-trolls are trying to accomplish.
It’s like Kryptonite.
Trolls are really a lot of fun, if you know how to abuse them
Funny thing about this group.
We are either at a dead stop (reading and thinking) = 0mph
120 mph with our hair on fire.
Husband actually stopped and brought me home Kentucky Fried Chicken (first time in 20yrs) because he thought I needed a “Comfort Chicken”, to sooth my savage beast.
I was ready to toss the TV into the driveway and we KNOW Sylvia had her shovel out. Surprised Ryan made it through the day.
Tell him to het you that kfc fire log.
Can you imagine? Your whole house smells like fried chicken? No thanks.
So cant srand it even when i make tacos… i actually have to open the house, spray Lysol, and maybe burn a candle.. that log is gross.
A relative who followed CTH since the primary told me she no longer goes there, but she comes here and lurks. She doesn’t post anywhere.
Well then, HELLO to your lurker relative!
Many of us are a lot crazier than we seem… that could be good OR bad, depending on how crazy your relative is
I will tell her you addressed her, in case she doesn’t see your post. She is a young very busy mom who’s little ones are PT all the way as is her DH.
Paul Raven was actually a very interesting guy, very good writer and very knowledgeable. But his every post turned into “Nevermore” over and over again.
Sundance violated his own rule against Eyesores, which was strange enough, but he also allowed all the childish name-calling to dominate so many threads.
A living example of double standards if intentional.
Ditto. Went back once after my first post here and that was it. Realized what a downer that place had become. It felt like I was manually combing thru bags of chaff to find one sweet kernel . . .
Not so here! Lots of smart, deliberate posts and and friendly exchange of ideas.
Really great bunch of people here. The best.
Don’t worry – this place will ALWAYS remain the “Last Last Refuge”!!!

I have no intention of “going back” or backing off the operations here. If anything, it’s time to put the hammer down for MAGA.
Woo Hoo That roller coaster just got a whole lot twistier

I made up this phrase, borrowing heavily from Geddes,
to describe what I consider the best approach to life …
Let’s ROLL!
Ooooh, I LIKE that!!! <3
It’s like a multi-tool.
Many applications.
I’m really glad.
I went over and posted an innocuous one-line reply to a Flep comment. It worked.
I will be breathlessly awaiting an apology from SD /sarc
I won’t be going back.
I should have said, Wolfmoon, I’m really glad that this will always be the “Last, Last Refuge.” Thank you!
Thanks! I appreciate it!
Don’t ever expect an apology from SD. If I am right and he was hit with an NSL, then it’s like an NDA on everything that happened. He can NEVER talk about it until a COURT releases him from it. Now that may happen after the tribunals get all Perry Mason on Mueller and his 17 angry Soviet Democrats. but until then, Sundance will just avoid saying anything. If forced into some situations, SD may even be ordered to lie, although some people will refuse to comply.
SD bailed us out of Mueller’s hands, IMO. I will always be thankful he took a bullet for us.
Yes, I understand. Apology not needed from his end.
I actually feel bad, if that is what happened. That would really suck, to be in that situation.
The truth is, I am more comfortable here. SD was always just crabby enough to prevent my complete honesty. I will read there (I never stopped), but I read with a more jaundiced eye. And I may like a comment or two, but I doubt I will have much to say.
I will save my commentary for the more open minds I find in your tree.
Merry Christmas!
I was able to post but not able to “Like” over there. Goofy?
Thanks, Wolf. I went in there this morning and found out that I can post again. And then I left. I didn’t want to stay. I’m enjoying this site so much more. All the great posters are here now, not there.
It doesnt feel the same OT anymore Linda! Big city life is NOT where I wanna be! Back here on Wolfies farm!
Ha! I love it!
Green Acres:)
Yes, I felt the same thing. Once you leave, you can’t go home again. But I will continue to read there occasionally, to comment once in a while, and I will always speak highly of Sundance.
I know that most people here do not have the background of dealing with as much sketchy stuff over their lifetimes as I have, so I don’t expect people to believe as strongly as I do that SD was hit with an NSL. But I am positive that is what happened, and that SD came up with an ingenious hostage ploy to kick us out using Q. It took me a while to figure out why he kicked us out (home invasion), and even longer what to do about it, but eventually we gassed the thugs bigly with fart spray and glitter. When Trump’s Air Force appeared in the sky over DOJ, they left.
But the fight is not over. John Kasich is protecting the LAWFARE CRAP they tried to throw at me. The LAWFARE GANG is using legal ambiguities in concealed carry for ENTRAPMENT and WORSE. I’m sure this is the same cabal that went after Jim Jordan. SNEAKY ABUSE OF THE FBI.
Time to rain their own CHAOS NARRATIVE and LAWFARE CRIMES on their little FLAKE PARADE!
Git after ’em, Wolfie! I have come around to agreeing with you on SD’s motivation. I also bear him no ill will and he is an excellent analyst and writer. I am very grateful that you will keep the QTH going and I will remain in our warm den with my great compatriots who are open-minded, intelligent and willing to explain things to naive ninnies like me! Best of all – NO snowflakes who melt at a dirty word or joke! I can be myself here.
At least some people are now banned again. You might want to test it.
I’m out again.
Lol, this reminds me of high school.
For a while there last night I thought, maybe the people banned last month over Q got brought back in but people like me, banned long ago, had all been rebanned, because we were on Sundance’s “asshole list.” Scott467 (dang it I called him Dan multiple times yesterday! Sorry Scott!) said that he was banned too (in fact he was the first to notice) and such a list would be projection on SD’s part and I am inclined to agree.
Bill Whittle once told the story of how his dad would say to him, “Son, if you think there are more than three assholes in your life…maybe it’s you.” I’d make an exception to that for public figures, of course (assholes go after them no matter who they are; just look at PDJT who must have more assholes in his life than anyone in human history), but it seemed like good advice at the time.
Too many have been fooled by Kasich, think he is not a good man at all, part of Ohio machine politics.
THAT’S what I wanted to hear, Wolfmoon. Thank you so much, I can relax now.
I just went and tried to like a comment as was able to do so. Then I fished around to reply to a comment to test it out, but, for the life of me, can’t seem to find anyone that I know!
Anyone of us over there, please let me know and I’ll try and reply to that comment.
Also, just because I can post [over there] doesn’t mean I would E.V.E.R. leave here. Just sayin’ …
Go to the first page of the comments on the thread about PDJT not signing anything without border wall funding. Scroll down to PhatCat’s comment at 2:07PM. I replied to a reply to that comment. And it’s still there as of 5:17 PM ET
GA/FL: “Steve CO and I were banned for other reasons than Q. I am not going to test. I can still like SD’s or Menagerie’s articles, and that is enough. I shall remain banned as a matter of principle.”
Same here. It was long before Q, for me.
I don’t know why I was banned or whether it was WordPress being jerks. My password as remembered by my iPad was incorrect. Wtf! That’s why I have a computer to remember my passwords-so I can’t screw it up. I did think SD was under seige and had to be careful or be closed down. Definitely some kind of duress. Having said that I try to shop around to get different takes on happenings. Sometimes it gelled with SD sometimes expanded,other times a different perspective. I like q but am aware that a lot of what is posted is laser dots for the enemy to exhaust and misdirect them. ( as per tse sun). All the while when eyores were wailing the chess pieces were quietly being being set up for the next ten traps down the line. Today another important brick went in the wall with all asylum seeker having to wait in Mexico whilst their claims are processing. A wall without President Trumps 4 pillars of reform doesn’t address anchor babies inc birth tourism, criminals already in the USA. Improving the lot of mexicanworkers decreases the pull. Having to stay in Mexico with hostile natives adds push to the equation. Hope this is both coherent without being overly simplistic.
Anonymous conservative and pointman are worth a look
NOTE: I need to acknowledge these things:
1. My repeated comments with links/graphics telling truth about Islam and links about STDs and homosexuality might have caused SD and the moderators to fear getting the PC police riled enough to shut down the blog.
2. Over the years, I had aggravated the owners of CTH, created ill-will by arguing with Stella about Natural Born Citizen issue. I riled Menagerie a couple of times posting something she felt was political on one of her spiritual articles. I argued with Zurich Mike about homosexuality in regard to Tillerson, Boy Scouts, Scripture, science and statistics (police/medical/mental health/CDC statistics). Mike banned me at a later date due to my comments about homosexuality.
Menagerie and I later corresponded when I sent CTH information about the laws of Noah.
She said my posts were off-topic, although the pansexual activists have made the issue political by passing laws/attacking businesses with lawsuits, etc. She finally said I was not to communicate with them again about the matter and signed it “With irritation”
3. My differences with CTH are deep and pervasive. I came to realize the staff at CTH is aligned with the liberal Episcopalian/Catholic priest/Boy Scout/leftist view of sexuality. In all conscience, I cannot and will not change my stance on this. As Martin Luther said, “I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen.”
4. Finally, from what others here have experienced, I have come to believe the claim that “The truth has no agenda” at CTH is a false one.
As I told Menagerie, I do not want to go back. I am far happier not walking on eggshells, far happier in the blog communities that are socially conservative and haven’t given in to the lbgtqxyz propaganda lies and still believe/accept or at least tolerate the Biblical Scripture/Science/Statistical truth about those high risk deviant behaviors/lifestyles.
I can’t post here !
You can now!
OMG – Mind warp.
First of all, Wolfie, are YOU okay?
Ditto that concern! I don’t know Wolfie’s background, but he certainly is a proven Patriot Warrior
Thanks! I certainly FEEL patriotic!
Never better! But we had some exciting times in Flyover Country, let me assure you.
Anxiously awaiting your book! Have a title in mind?
Seriously, I perceive you as one fearless soul and appreciate all you do most of all what we don’t know about!
I wouldn’t be too eager to return, it might just be a “honeypot” although Wolfmoon would have a much better idea of SD’s operation and status than I.
A honeypot filled with vinegar, maybe!
The first person I talked to there, YELLING taunts at the demoralization trolls who had apparently FLED overnight, reminded me of tales of people in Hitler’s camps, after the guards had fled.
You identify a real risk. This was immediately on my radar. Trust me, I will keep eyes wide open whenever I open up a tab there.
One way I know that pros were messing with our WP experience is…..
Hey – why the FRACK should I tell them?
Disqus does it too. I found DailyMail because of the great coverage they had when the muzzie refugees began the invasion of Europe. Disqus allowed me to post comments initially but their algorithm nailed me as hostile and I’ve never been able to post since. I figure they permit the banned to like/dislike the comments to use as a gauge to see whether the trolling and media propaganda is effective. Yep, censorship has been happening for a good while against dissenters.
Hello Wolf !
Remember when a COURT ruled that our VSG Lion of a President did not have the RIGHT to block nasty people on Twitter? I’d like to think something like that instead of assuming the management over there suddenly got a lobotomy.
Yeah, wish it was that simple. I think that the Twitter VIEWING and COMMENTING functions have to be evaluated separately in that context. But in any case, that is NOT what was going on here. Trust me.
Ad rem was right that there was WordPress magic involved – NOT just “buggy” – buggy ENOUGH that wild things were being done with it, and SD with one hand tied behind his back, IMO.
None of this negates all the people who have been kicked off by Sundance. That is the REALITY into which THEY wrote their HOLLYWOOD SCRIPT.
AND logic. AND logic solves the riddles.
Thanks. Wasn’t a puzzle I was trying very hard to work out.
BTW, I consider LOGIC the placeholder we stand on while we await the SUDDENLY that always comes for those with a properly functioning right orbital pre-frontal cortex.
Those European cars are expensive to keep properly functioning.
I was kicked off without warning- in fact, without a word. I simply was unable to post. Granted, that was the day of SD’s condemnation of Q and I was PISSED and being obnoxious. I just tested and am now able to post there again. This just mystifies me all the more. Really don’t know what the hockeystix is going on anymore!
That happened to a lot of us.
I didn’t take it personally.
Kind of thought of it as a “field effect.”
Those of us in the Q field were affected.
POTUS is having too much fun!!!
A Lion.
Full of confidence.
Ready to ROAR.
OMG Can I love this man any more? There is No One in the wirld like President Donald J. Trump, and he is most definitely a legend in his own time.
We are guilty of Trump privilege, and I WILL NOT CHECK IT!!!
LOL wouldn’t that set the Libs hair on fire if we started hashtagging our pride in Trump Privilege

“Trump privilege”
This phrase is GOLD! I hope the Anons create mad-original memes for it!
“Excuse YOU – nothing that you say matters anymore to me. I don’t HAVE to pay attention to you – I’ve got TRUMP PRIVILEGE.”
“We built the WALL!!!”
BTW, the wall fund is now over $10,500,000!!!!
I never understood why more people didn’t post the resemblance between Ted Cruz and Mr Haney in 2016. The resemblance is uncanny:
Just hilarious!
This man has one of the best senses of humor in public life today.
He is one of the few seemingly un-self-conscious people I have ever seen. It’s amazing. He just is who he is.
Can you imagine him and the Huckster together? OMG! Talk about rolling in the aisles laughing!!!!
Fantastic! Pres. Trump is absolutely fearless, self-deprecating, fun-loving, and a man of the people.
So many of us have come here I frankly don’t see the point in going back. This is a better place now than CTH is.
100% agree!
Yes. There is room for two approaches.
The value of this fortified ground has been unquestionably proven.
Fort QTH will remain for as long as we defend it! WHO IS WITH ME?
WE liberated CTH, in my opinion. And Q liberated us. Trust me!
Here am I
I am here standing with you all too–you probably can’t see me well…I am short.
You and Deplorable Patriot are NOT short.
You’re concentrated.
first time I ever heard that…hmmm I’m concentrated..LOL
I’m diffuse, but I’m here anyway!
Sorry, babe. 4’11” is short.
But you strike me (in cyberspace at least) as quite tall. Knowing that you claim to be short, I figured you must be concentrated, to seem tall online.
When I tell you that in tight quarters, conversations were literally known to go on over my head, believe it.
Dang! Someone smaller than me? Right on!!! 5’4″ here and it SUCKS being short!!!!
I swear I need to carry a footstool where ever I go.
“When I tell you that in tight quarters, conversations were literally known to go on over my head, believe it.”

Clown car?
Actually lifeguard lounge before we opened one day.
“I am here standing with you all too–you probably can’t see me well…I am short.”
You reminded me of the Monkees, the group ‘chatter’ just before the song “Daydream Believer” starts, when Davy says “Alright, alright… there’s no need to get excited, man. It’s just cuz I’m short, I know“.
Check it out, check it outers:
From the ‘song facts’ website:
The conversation with producer Chip Douglas (Douglas Farthing Hatlelid in album credits) goes like this:
Chip–“S-s-s-seven A.”
Davy–“What number is this, Chip?”
Chip, Peter, Mickey and Mike)–SEVEN..A.”
Davy–“Alri’, alri’ (all right, all right) , there’s no need to get excited, man. ‘S jus’ ’cause I’m short, I know.”
This line was a HUGE hit with fans and was REPEATED by Davy in a scene in the show BUT HAS SINCE BEEN CUT OUT IN RERUNS, and short jokes happened other times in the show, so Davy was just poking fun at himself this time. It was a recording studio incident, and had NOTHING to do with any apartment door scene in the show.
I could make my friends laugh for weeks afterward by saying this…”it’s just cuz I’m short, I know.” whenever I messed up. I think I’ll try it again and see if it still works…
These posts are not dated, so no one may ever see this, but it is April 18, 2013, “and that’s the way it was.”
“These posts are not dated, so no one may ever see this, but it is April 18, 2013, “and that’s the way it was.””
BTW, to ‘Nicki from Anywhere, Ca’, the original writer of that post on ‘song facts’ was, I saw it</b.
I knew her post explaining the intro to 'Daydream Believer' was there years ago, that this explanation was there on the song facts website, that's why I could find it again to quote it
Staying right here. Learning every day.
Vive la liberté!
Reporting for duty sir!
Q sent me!
Always, Wolfie…always.
I said something about this above, but I wanted to be sure you saw it, too.
I tried to post at CTH this morning, and I am out again.
I’m with you, Steve. I left, and I don’t feel the need to go back and wallow. The commentary here is much more concise, and not nearly as nasty.
Your long posts actually get READ here by people who want to be enlightened and are INFLUENCED.
We have a nuclear reactor of thought here. No way I’m shutting that down.
We are no longer in mom’s basement!
No we are no longer in Mom’s basement. We’re now at the dining room table.
And thank you for the vote of confidence.
Music to our ears Wolf.
Thank you.
With YOU 100% buddy….
and ALL of the BRILLIANT commenters here.
Ya, but can we still have Cheetos?
Besides we have a full time job over here keeping Marica’s spirits up!
Steve– It really is!! LOL!
MAGA on!
Rods of God ?
That would be one HELL of a Rod From God. A magnitude 7.4 is equivalent to 1.9 megatons of TNT, it’s a large nuke, not just a couple of tons dropped from orbit.
CTH allowed me to post as well.
I’m a mere spec of dust on the ass of a gnat when it comes to intrigue.
I wasn’t posting about Q.
Why certain people separated out?
I believe that Deep State used some rather advanced WordPress and cyberspace tactics to attack CTH, They tried to bleed it dry while SD was pinned down with an NSL, IMO.
Wow, okay then.
And it’s been freed along with all the other snowballing news of the day?
does that explain my banning? I mean I never had a WP account…??? still don’t.
I have some interesting feelings about this.
Little old me. I don’t think of myself as much of a firebrand, but it was enough that the bad guys yanked me off of CTH.
Is it wrong that I feel like a bit of a bad-ass?
Hmmm… we need to find you a new meme, on the order of the one I found for Sylvia.
Hmmm, that just doesn’t quite work.
Oh great, now I’m remembering my mother’s eggplant parmasan, i.e ‘malangna’. Misty eyed and hungry.
LOLOL. Made me laugh!
Same here – a definite LOL! God, I love all of you people!!!!
Like this?
Oh, that’s hilarious!
I wanna be a fire-breathing dragon, but I resemble ^^^^^ that!
How about a welding torch? Close enough?
Love it!
Aubergine, I know, right?
We need a special cord on our graduation gown!
The great post wars/meme wars of 2018!!
Got five tassels somewhere–and that’s enough for me.
I cannot imagine wanting to go back. My wish is that this community at Wolfs Q tree stays together.
Then again, it seems that one does not always get what you want.
I love our new home, and I’ve gotten so much out of Wolfie’s posts, I’d hate to lose his contributions done ‘his way’. But I also know how much time it takes to publish these posts, and the pressure on Wolfie as ‘host’ to constantly be engaged with all of us.
I support whatever, whenever as Wolfie works his way through this.
No way do we quit this stuff! No WAY!
R.E.L.I.E.V.E.D Thanks Wolfie!!!
I 2nd your wish! Jason!
The thinking that WE do here is not possible on CTH. The thinking that Sundance does is ONLY possible on CTH. Today may be a bit of a mother and child reunion, but this place was BORN and it will NOT DIE.
The Q Tree stands and will not yield!
We are far more speculative and “Q-following” than CTH will ever be. NOPE. This place will not change, except for the better. You all have my word on that!
Thank you for that, and for this site.
Spawn of the Treehouse.
Kind of has a ring to it.
Thank you Wolfmoon, appreciate it!
SD’ economic maga analysing is worth its weight in gold.On voat lots is happening. 5 military flags on Oval Office desk(symbolism). Gatwick airport closed due to “drones”. Wray visiting every branch. Tsunami/?rod from god. Mattis out. Us troops out of Syria. Wall funding or shutdown Mexican standoff. The plane fags have been talking of all the eyes in the sky up. Inc nuc hardened to withstand emp. VERY unusual military flight patterns. Things are moving
I tested a like on one of Flepore’s posts. By golly, it worked. I’ve still been going over to check out SD’s articles but don’t bother with the comments anymore. Jeeze, I can barely keep up with the exceptional ones here at my new branch but it would be interesting to understand exactly what transpired that now allows our return.
It looks like things are finally coming together. I am praying that President Trump can have this all gift wrapped and under the tree by Christmas morning.
Then we can begin the New Year with the take down of the Deep State and begin giving them their all expense paid lifetime vacations in Gitmo.
When I watch President Trump’s Inauguration speech, what I see is a Declaration of War on the Globalists. He has not changed one thing he said in that speech since 1-20-17.
When I watch President Trump’s speech to the UN, I see that as a Declaration of War against the UN Globalists.
The MSM says his speeches are Dark. To me they are Light. We are moving rapidly from Dark to Light now.
I am beginning to wonder if this Roller Coaster is going to start downhill very fast or be a Space X new and exciting adventure that launches us into the Light.
I really think we are all going to find that we feel more like we are floating in a brand new beautiful environment of love, truth, peace and joy to the world.
God Bless Us Everyone
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
I had a rabidly hostile view of Trump until I heard him say for the first time: “We will be saying Merry Christmas again”
That was when I immediately started studying all I could and soon realized here is the leader we have prayed for!
Merry Christmas, Tonawanda!
Merry Christmas!
I was more curious about DJT than anything else, at first. He was the most interesting, but I didn’t know much about him one way or the other, and I wasn’t sure he was serious or if it was just a publicity stunt.
I was initially leaning reluctantly toward Lyin’ Ted, because his rhetoric was more traditionally ‘conservative’ than the others, before I found out he was a Canadian (and before I knew he could so easily be branded as Lyin’ Ted).
But at the first debate, the (soon to be revealed) Fox NeverTrump Traitor moderators asked (IIRC) anyone to raise their hand if he would not guarantee he would support the eventual GOP nominee.
DJT looked down one side and then the other to see that nobody raised their hand.
And then he looked right at Slimy Brett, Effeminate Chrissy and Skank Megyna, and raised HIS hand.
That’s when I knew.
He’s the one.
He’s not like them, and he’s not afraid, like they are.
He will say anything, and he will do anything, and he doesn’t care what the PC crowd thinks about it. Not even on national TV, with the NeverTrump traitors targeting him personally from the ‘moderator’ table.
He was my candidate from that moment on.
That was an outstanding moment. It really was.
Say, do you have a link for that? I would love to see that! You described it so well, I want to see if it played out the way I imagined it. I love our Lion!
“Say, do you have a link for that? I would love to see that! You described it so well, I want to see if it played out the way I imagined it. I love our Lion!”
I found it right away, no problem!
I’m going to watch it again myself, the question begins at the 8:00 mark
Thanks! That was great! And yes, those Faux news men and women are so obviously out to see the Repubs trip and fall, they were practically salivating over it!
I forgot how much I detested those Fox people!
It’s so obvious how they were not moderators at all, but PARTICIPANTS in the attempted take-down of DJT!
I despise those cretins!
What a great moment that was!
I Proudly stand and say…… I wanted President Trump to run well before he announced.
I knew that WE needed a Businessman and NOT another POLY-Tick.
Someone self-funding and NOT in the POCKETS of the $$$$$$
Owing Nothing to ANYONE (only to US… American Patriots)
Nailed it!!!!!!
Merry Christmas. O/t my mum really hated merry Xmas. Did not know that the Greek x meant Christ
God Bless Us Everyone
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
I’ll second that! <3
I left the CTH by choice… I do go back and read sometimes but this, the Q Tree, is home now!
Wow! Lots of winning today and one step closer to the full destruction of the Democrat, National Socialist, Communist Party and taking our country back!!
Mad Hatter: When that day comes I shall futterwacken… vigorously.
Your new home here will not be taken from you! You have my word! Even if it is taken FROM US, one of us will lead us to new pastures and a new home!
Thank you wolfmoon…
we appreciate you so much !
TY Wolfmoon!
Who are Alice and Mad Hatter? I forget all the discussion of those names.
discussion about it earlier on Daily thread…
Alice is Hildebeast and Mad Hatter is Marty Torrey
Isn’t “Wonderland” supposed to be Saudia Arabia?
Oh my gosh, I really turned that spelling on its head!! Where the heck did I get that “a”? Saudi Arabia
“Oh my gosh, I really turned that spelling on its head!! Where the heck did I get that “a”? Saudi Arabia”
You forgot double bracket the [[a]] …lol
That ‘ill work!!
the posts similar to these back in the day were what started the q “white rabbit” meme if i remember correctly…
I haven’t tested out whether or not I have been allowed back at CTH. I don’t know if I will. This feels like home now. The unrelenting negativity over there is unpleasant so I’m not at all sure I want to poke around through the comments reading and posting. And some of the harsh comments about “Q people” made by some who are prolific, high profile posters still sticks in my craw, so we’ll see.
Sylvia, the beauty is you are in control.
I don’t plan to wade through CTH daily threads, but my favorite commenters (Flep. Black Knight, GCombs, etc) often comment on SD’s economic/trade threads, which the trolls & Eeyores tend to ignore. So I can connect with them there.
And here at the Howling Wolf Lodge & Thrill Park, we got nothin’ but optimism and educating analysis (plus plenty of yuks).
PLENTY of yuks!
Howling Wolf Lodge & Thrill Park! I love that!!!
I left on my own free will when I saw he was intentionally letting people divide the MAGA movement. If Wolf wasn’t such a jerk I would have been here earlier.
That little game the Dems played in Alabama not only worked but they rolled it out surrepticiously nationwide. There are famous opinion leaders who are not real MAGA. Their job is to gain trust and followers and then pull the rug out from everyone. Sow doubt, fear and try pull support away.
BTW, Bannon got suckered. Deep state played him.
Oh and I am kidding Wolf.
I know you are kidding, but my not proselytizing for you was very special.
This is a wonderful site because of you folks. Stop making me cry. <3
No time for tears..the Storm is coming. And thanks buddy…
I agree. The Storm is coming. And I want to be some place safe with people I can count on when it comes. This feels like the place for shelter.
This IS the place for shelter…….
it IS the LAST, last Refuge
So, I did go over there and liked a couple of comments by old friends and then made a couple replies to test and sure enough I am able to post again at CTH.
But I like it here. It has been comforting being with others who have been banned or who didn’t like the vibe over there. I like that I can read discussions about Q and not have a bunch of idiots hurling insults.
It is interesting that the ban seems to have been lifted. But this Tree feels more like home to me now.
Same here, Sylvia. I found out that I can post again, then turned around and came back here.
Grin. I know, right? It’s nice to be able to perch on a branch over there if I want to, but I’ve kind of moved in here and hung my Ryan Zinke on Horseback poster on the wall and bought new throw pillows and gosh, it’s home now. Great landlord, great neighbors.
Sylvia– got my sweet Wilbur Ross/Wiberine picture up, A Wolfie Snuggle Blanket and some DIP! I’m good!!!
You Did bring your shovel with you, Right?
Sounds just perfect! Shovel is at hand (because you just never know) and I may drop in for some dip later!!!
Hah! Do you use the shovel to scoop up dip, too?
Well, I do like dip and I do like my shovel, but my mother taught me better table manners than that!
“moved in here and hung my Ryan Zinke on Horseback poster on the wall”
I got the socks…
Yesterday I posted a link to the Suicide Prevention Hot Line. Doing my bit to help out over there. They even make me look like an optimist.
*Snort* I bet they were too busy emoting to even notice!
Well done, you!
Bwahaha… probably they all need to eat some cookies and some protein…hangriness is a real diwner!
I have been endeavoring to learn what the universe is, what consciousness is… all my life.
One of my positive attributes is ability to ferret out energy/consciousness in others… and I try to steer clear of those I feel are energy drainers or negative beings. I believe our ‘will’ is extremely important, that it can actually determine how we react to disease or illness.
My departure from the other place was my choice… I was uncomfortable with the vibes of the articles, the harsh judgment of Q to mention only one example.
My branch on this tree suits me… very well. Vibes are all good. ‘will’ of the posters is quite positive…
Excellent. That has meaning! Trust it!
Spirit Pirates … they steal our most precious treasure. Or try to.
I’m with you on that lifelong pursuit to understanding the universe. I recently turned back to Our Lord, and the timing could not have been better. I still don’t understand the universe, but I know God does. That’s given me greater peace than I deserve!
Phoenix, great post.
Can you imagine if we had the ability to ‘ferret out energy/consciousness in others’ or ‘steer clear of those I feel are energy drainers or negative beings” and learned it at an early age?
OMG, the divorces, lost friendships, hate and hurt, we could all avoid.
I used to refer to it as trapped in another person’s “swirl of $hit”.
BE GONE and let me feel the wind in my face!
Thanks daughn…
But you truly can do it, we all can. We just learn to ignore the signs.
My test is this: do I feel better than I did, or worse than I did, before I had an encounter with said person?
Feel better, they are good energy, positive people, keep them. Feel worse, they have negative energy, avoid them.
A good energy person, even when they are sad, angry, or having a bad day, won’t make you feel bad. You will be able to help them, and you will feel okay about it afterwards.
This is a great comment for me. I have often felt my whole life that I am a generally happy person. I am always looking to improve myself and get better at doing thnijgs. I believe in educating oneself through life. But recently I was told I am too negative and that people around me can sense that I am angry. *the truth is I teach high school aged kids and it’s my first year. I have made many mistakes and I’m hard on myself when I mess up. I have taught middle schoolers for 3 years prior, so I thought the transition would be easy. It’s not. I thought my negativity was maybe something in the culture I am living in, or from reading too much news….You know “cold anger” and all.
But I really think I am a positive energy person since I know that I have so much to be grateful and thankful for. School is almost out for Christmas break! Oh and it helps that I don’t read posts on cth (just articles from time to time) and this group keeps me cheerful too! Thanks everyone, Merry Christmas!
High School kids? OMG, Prairie, I could throw my arms around you and hug you bigly. You’re the BEST!
High school kids scare the crap out of me!
Illegitimi non carborundum
Merry Christmas, and enjoy that break. You deserve it!
Prairie, if someone is telling you that you are negative when you know in your heart you are not, there’s a good chance that person is manipulating you to “change” in the direction they want.
I grew up with manipulators all around me, they are the lowest of the low. It took me years to see through all their shenanigans. I spent my entire youth trying to please them, but it never gave me any peace. Emotional leverage is the easiest for manipulators to use and it’s all about trying to make you feel bad, then using your own guilt to get what they want.
You seem pretty down to earth to me and I don’t know anybody here who is not upbeat most of the time. Be who you are. If someone sees you as negative, they are not seeing you accurately!
And Merry Christmas to you too.
Thank you everyone for your kind words! I wish I could hug you all!! A.D. thank you so much for the pep-talk. Would you believe the person who told me that I was too negative was my new principal? I have learned to avoid and steer clear. If I have a question about something I often just ask the school secretary. Those office ladies know their stuff!
Thank you all once again – God bless you all! And thanks again to Wolfmoon for truly providing a ‘refuge’ for us to discuss ideas, lift each other up and point each other in the right direction.
Have a great evening – tomorrow is Friday and Dec 21 – the shortest and darkest day of the year – bring on the sunlight, I say!! Woot woot!
Ah, yes – us office ladies ALWAYS have the answer! I cannot commend you strongly enough for being willing to take on high-schoolers under ANY circumstances!!!! A good teacher is worth their weight in gold and you sound like you must be a good one. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
My adopted Mom was a teacher for over 40 years, most of that being 1st and 2nd graders. In the later years, she was working as a sub and was sent to a jr. high. She was literally in tears!!!! Years later, before she died in 2012, when we went out to eat somewhere, not ONCE did we make it through the meal without someone approaching with their kids, saying “I want you to meet my most favorite teacher ever.” Hope you enjoy your break and have a very Merry Christmas. Glad you are here with us.
Who doesn’t have a memory of *that* High School teacher.
You know. The one whose eyes came alive with joy every once in a while when they were teaching. The one that gave a kind look when you needed it.
For me it was the math teacher who on the Fridays we had a test would afterwards read a bit to us out of “A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle. She positively glowed when she was reading!
Prairie, so glad you’re here and that we can all get acquainted. Have a nice Christmas.
Bingo, pR. I couldn’t agree with you more.
Another bomb dropped. No one seems to pay attention. William Barr just whaled away at Rod Rosenstein. No doubt he is what POTUS wanted. Read this thread. My jaw dropped. This guy hasn’t even been in a Senate hearing yet and he is doing this. Check it out
This is my own gut telling me that Gen Kelly and POTUS disagreed about how hard to fight back. POTUS wants to burn it down and Kelly wants to throw smoke bombs and remove people.
POTUS kept listening until it was obvious he had to act. He allowed Kelly to resign. Once he is gone, the Storm arrives.
That sounds like truth to me.
Mattis retiring end of Feb.
He did his job but when POTUS said he thinks Mattis is a dem, you knew he wasn’t being included in the plans.
I think I figured this out. This REALLY IS CHESS.
Rooks Mattis and Kelly moved to the far side of the board to take out THEIR queen. You know what I mean. Godspeed, patriots.
Knight-of-all-trades Mulvaney moves to the Kelly square to communicate and coordinate the MASSIVE changes to the executive branch that will come. Q said it – LONG TERM SOLUTIONS.
You’re freaking amazing. Do you know what I was doing? I was looking up famous chess strategies on how to surround the opponent by making him overcommit
“G_d is with us.”
“Rooks Mattis and Kelly moved to the far side of the board to take out THEIR queen. You know what I mean.”
Counting on two Dems to bag Sick Hitlery at a military tribunal?
I hope his confidence is well-founded!
“POTUS kept listening until it was obvious he had to act. He allowed Kelly to resign. Once he is gone, the Storm arrives.”
Then strap a SAIL to his back and open the door for him
Kelly should be treated with honor.
Kelly should be treated with honor.”
That’s fine, strap an honorable sail to his back and open the door for him.
I just want the STORM to ARRIVE!
Read Bill Barr’s memo. Mueller is toast.
Good! They may have the wooden stake, but I have the sunlight to evaporate the bones.
Kasich just vetoed the Ohio bill that would have closed the LAWFARE LOOPHOLE that the plotters (who I believe were MUELLEROIDS) were using against ME.
This is PURE LAWFARE. It’s that damn lawfare bunch. LAWFARE is how the communist conspiracy works its magic in the United States. When all of this stuff explodes, the [D] party will be GONE. And there will be collateral damage in [R], too.
The Republicans took out the “stand your ground” stuff and Kasich STILL vetoed it. WHY?
Because the bill was going to eliminate the LAWFARE LOOPHOLES that the sleazeballs LOVE.
Figure it out, white hats. I know you’re onto it. This conspiracy is HUGE. They were going to solve all their problems.
There is still time to save this bill and OVERRIDE THE KASICH #FAKEGOP VETO.
Every Representative and Senator in Ohio needs to understand what is at stake….
They are starting with a WAR AGAINST CONCEALED CARRY.
They are using ambiguity in the concealed carry laws as a LAWFARE LOOPHOLE.
CLOSE THE LOOPHOLES without Kasich and let him go down with the plotters.
Kasich talks about “dirty rotten stinking politics”! LIAR! Hypocrite! 2020 megalomaniac!
If people knew the politics YOUR LAWFARE FRIENDS used behind the scenes, they would VOMIT!
Time to buckle up and FIGHT BACK!!!
Ahhh, there’s those pesky coincidences again.
Barr’s 19 page memo hits the wires and SUDDENLY we get word that Mueller expects to turn in his report to Whitaker in early February.
Things that make one go, “Hmmmmmmmmm”.
Well that plus Whitaker got the OK to oversee the Mueller probe today as well. I think Mueller just realized he is getting tag-teamed and is about to get his ass kicked.
Thanks for posting that thread NYGuy…
I like Barr’s reading of the law.
Renato is not as smart as he (Renato) thinks he is…
His comment wrt Muller shows how ignorant of the law he is, and he is a former Fed Prosecutor !
yeah he is dumb. The key was the Barr memo. Our AG nominee is a looming thunderstorm
Agree about nominee Barr…
btw…Since when does Mueller have an obstruction investigation? Did Renato pull that out of his … briefcase?
I am going to leave that in your capable hands to find out,.
Yes! I had to look and see who that Renato doofus is and discovered he’s a CNN legal analyst. Big eyeroll. Explains a lot. But it was actually pretty interesting to read his view on the Barr memo, because the other side’s perspective is so often skewed it can actually (strangely) reveal a lot.
“Quick read” tells me what we need to know.
Fast enough for Renato to pump out a 10+post thread, to hear himself “talk”.
Please buy this man another mirror for Christmas, as I’m sure he would never have enough.
Interesting read. I had heard about this memo of Barr’s but this gave a lot more information and detail. Plenty to think about when it comes to Barr.
A key point in Barr’s memo is the attempt by the not-so-special counsel to use supposed “intent” or “motive” as the reason for prosecution. As Wolf would say, communist … stalinist … treasonous …
Barr will be ready when the time comes.
Or he can be the threat that makes them leave Whittaker in place. A nice squeeze play.
thinkthinkthink…way to use your noggin…
Many times in intelligence and counter-intelligence you PLAY the move you KNOW your opponent thinks he knows you’ll play but in actuality your playing YOUR move to get YOUR guy/operation/decision/sale in place. The look on your opponent’s face is always classic when they realize they just got played.
Think Bush 41 funeral and the delivering of the envelopes. I don’t know what those said but IT. WAS. EPIC. because I knew right then Trump had checkmate.
It’s great Trumpian tactics and we (MIL) use it all the time.
That was my first thought!
If President Trump knew ahead of time about the memo, then he may have thrown Barr in to say, “oh, you don’t like Whitaker? Well, check out this guy!”
Barr wrote it in June so no doubt PDJT knew before he nominated him. That would be just like him, too!
I prefer to think of the “special counsel” as…… special ED
aka…. rides the short bus
The first few words of the post say it all.
“What should **WE** make of the memo”
Like he’s a pro teach, to all us ign’ant kids.
Total pretention.
I probably should have found a more benign post that included the memo which is all I was concerned with
Did you read the entire thread? This makes me VERY uncomfortable – it makes no sense whatsoever why Barr would do this unless, as suggested in the thread, he was angling for the AG position……even sending it to PDJT’s personal attorneys? No, something isn’t right with this……it has a nasty smell to it. JMO
Clearly, I posted too soon. However, even after reading all the comments, doesn’t anyone else find it odd that Barr would do that – in June???? Why do something like that unsolicited?
Sounds more than a little fishy to me.
Think he is supposed to intercept for the Bush Clan? Makes LOADS of sense. I don’t KNOW this, but it’s a valid theory.
The beauty of the confirmation process is that if anything sketchy comes out, he will be forced to withdraw. Then MOAR Whitaker.
Glad you bring this up.
Remember the Billy Bush tapes.
“Too good to be true” probably is.
Yeah, my thinking as well – at least, GOPe wants him, if not specifically the Shrub et al.
I can see an interesting strategy here, if VSGPOTUS knows that Barr is a false offering from the Bush clan. Things would be going exactly like they are now – and they are indistinguishable from if he did not know.
And guess which side has it all?
All that mattered to me was reading the memo. The thread writer is opposition.
Good catch, W, on seeing D20 -> D2O (heavy water).
Of course this comment might end up in moderation. It’d be ironically fitting.
Old joke among physicists: The study of deuterons (nuclei of deuterium) is known as “Deuteronomy.”
Kind of lame, but is Whittaker now transformed into Unobstructium?
Hopefully he’ll get rid of all the Administratium lying around.
We have NO idea what is being done by Whitaker…
and I’m actually okay with that… I trust that whatever can possibly be done now is happening…
It’s my working theory (may change as time moves on) that most of the big conspirators in this coup to bring down a duly elected president will be brought up on RICO charges, in addition to others. RICO doesn’t happen (successfully) until every piece is in place. They are all arrested at the same time…
Whitaker is probably doing what he did under Sessions…
He’s letting Wray be a good guy first. He has muffled Rosenstein. Today he got the hammer.
Would that make the study(ies) of DEMONcRATs “Neuteronomy”???
No, that would make the appropriate surgery for them neuteronomy.
“Good catch, W, on seeing D20 -> D2O (heavy water).”
Also if you all are following any of the Anons and Q deciphers…This may be a reference to NYC on Water St where many financial sectors that rely on TRUSTS owned by many of the heavy 8-9 backers of the Fed Reserve.
This is why Trump…errrr…sorry Q (lol) says Trust the Plan as he is giving hints to how the Fed backers are behind a lot of the financial backing of this whole cabal and coup against Trump (They own/back many of the TRUSTS in America). He is NOT one of the club members and he is returning the power to the people. Why Q keeps posting the YT video of his pre-election video of what HIS plan is/was going to be…
Mattis is retiring in February, just announced, Trump tweet.
The task(s) he was hired to do have been completed. That’s the way I read it.
Gen Mattis is a ‘war’ general… combat is his expertise. They call him ‘Mad Dog’ …
President Trump would rather resolve conflict through dialog. (Yeeaaayyy)
Betcha Gen Mattis opposed moving troops out of Syria…
We Americans are at war… however it is an internal war with the Cabal/Deep State, and cannot be resolved with combat.
President Donald J. Trump is our CinC… he will lead us to victory.
Interesting. I know that it is not uncommon for these Cabinet appointments to last for a couple of years. I tend to think PDJT is readying his forces for the next phase of operations. Different skill sets needed, different people, new directions.
Kelly, Mattis..same thing.
According to something over on CTH, CNN is reporting that Mattis was forced out.
Honestly, I don’t think that would surprise me. I like Mattis, but I have suspected he is more conventional or establishment than a PDJT Cabinet Officer should perhaps be.
The sudden Syrian withdrawal announcement and now Mattis’ retirement coming at the same time? Connected? Likely.
In his letter he states that the President should have a Sec Def whose views are better aligned with his. So, good for Mattis in that regard. Problem for PT is finding someone who can be Sec Def and supports what he wants to achieve. At least the confirmation hearings will be interesting. The dems will have to be pushing for a warmonger just to oppose PT.
Yes, I did think that was an honorable thing for Mattis to say. And I also agree with you that it may well be difficult to find someone who is willing to be Sec Def and put up with the garbage that being part of this admin entails (endless criticism, antifa follies, lawfare) AND be someone who supports PDJT’s MAGA agenda.
Frankly, it makes me a bit uneasy to be changing horses right now because China seems so agitated. But, life goes on and there is always some horrible threat out there.
And as you say, the confirmation hearings are bound to be entertaining.
Mattis is a pro – on duty until his final minute as SecDef. If China attacked now, Mattis would soldier on until their unconditional surrender, if he had to take it from a wheelchair. NO WORRIES HERE.
Mattis will make sure Trump brings on the right person, I’m sure.
One time President Trump said Mattis was more of a Democrat than Trump is.
Total cover, but I like it. That was a great move.
Perfectly timed. Patriots in control.
Quality disinformation! Only the BEST from our military! *salutes*
Seriously, it’s CNN, and I think it’s fake news, but why not use them?
“Nature is the best cover.” -Natural Things
Home late reading through the posts. Concerning Mattis sticks this in but like I said am late.
Read this today by another blogger, different site but sort of sums things up on where Mattis and Trump were.
So for what its worth:
“I am sad that Sec. Mattis finds he must resign because he doesn’t agree with PTrump’s strategy but with that being said let me say:
1. Mattis wanted the US to stay in the Paris Climate Accord
2. Mattis wanted the US to stay in the Iran Treaty
3. Mattis wanted Transgenders to remain in the Millitary
4. Mattis wanted US to stay in Afghanistan
5. Mattis didn’t want US to pull out of Syria
6. Mattis didn’t support the Space Force while China is landing on the Moon to form a base
Sec. Mattis has been slow rolling PTrump’s agenda and you have to ask why. If he isn’t on Trump’s Team then he should leave and go back to civilian life. He is a good man what does Deep State have on him for these are there points to keep no matter what.”
OK, WolfMoon, I’ll stick around, but I *do* get to howl at the Gallilean Moons, right, without impinging on your prerogative with respect to Luna?

And I get to take my rifle to the really high up branch!
Sounds good to me!
ok I better shut up. You guys post. For the first time since my head injury, I feel like I can think again. Now you may think what I write is nonsense but for me what I am doing over the last few days is a major personal victory. God bless you all. Thank you.
Take care of yourself NYGuy. I understand all too well what you are going through.
Naah, you done good!
Every day is a prototype.
Brain injuries are just opportunities to grow fresh neural networks.
I used to watch videos of big wave surfers and play a lot of Sudoku in my recovery.
I enjoy your posts. Thanks for giving us your time, energy, and thoughts.
I haven’t seen any nonsense…
You’re wise to rest a while though…
Congrats on your progress… God Bless you NYGuy.
NYGuy, I enjoy your posts. I would never have known you had a problem if you didn’t tell me. The good news is you are healing quickly!
God bless you.
Also wanted to add that if you are still having problems after a reasonable amount of healing time, there could also be an upper cervical issue.
My son struggled for 6 years after a head injury and was told by doctor after doctor his deficits were permanent. We finally found an upper cervical chiropractor and after a year of adjustments he is almost completely recovered.
You are back in form or better. WAY ahead of the crowd!

You could have fooled me about this “head injury” conspiracy theory!
Love your way, NYGuy and gentle hugs.
If this is you with a head injury, wow!
I would have never known. Your posts are great.
Be kind to yourself, get lots of rest.
Blessings from me to you.
Please keep it coming! I have enjoyed reading your posts, you are doing amazing! Rest well.
NYGuy, I love to read your comments, I have learned a lot from you, and nothing seems to get by you. I don’t think anyone reading would guess you have a head injury. If it has affected you, cannot imagine before the injury. Thank you for helping to educate me on so many things.
I will join the many others here who were not even aware you had experienced a head injury! Shoot! I won’t be able to even think about keeping up with you if this is you injured!!!! Wow! Take some time and heal. We’ll be here when you get back!
I enjoy your posts! and since I’m your neighbor (i live in PA-spitting distance from NY) I feel close to need something…ask!
I will always read SD’s articles because I learned so much from him even though I was shocked at times by his sharp comments to some of the posters including his Q comments. That being said I came to Wolfmoons site because I had followed Q from the beginning and wanted to learn as much as possible.
I came for the Q and have gained so much more. I don’t contribute that much but will always stick around for the great camaraderie that exists here. I was always a fan of Wolfmoons from the beginning and he probably thought I was a stalker because I liked everything he posted. I’m glad I found him here and if you stick your neck out for me…I’m loyal.
Thank you for being here! Your presence and contribution are *highly* appreciated! We’re loyal back, too!
You don’t contribute much? Au contraire! Your contributions are valuable. At least to me they are.
Wolf Flag this guy…he’s a stalker…
POTUS is taking care of business…
Lots of Defense Contractors and Drug Dealers are going to be drinking alot this holiday season… and after.
Bring our youth home… enough of our warriors have lost their limbs for the Cabal/Deep State. No more!
My thoughts as well.
Who has been benefiting from us being there?
No one we really want to help.
I believe I said this would happen yesterday. This is all wrapped up into Q stuff.
Protect the homeland. Protect POTUS. All Q stuff.
You’re firing on all cylinders plus a spare!
Wolfmoon, Remember when I told you about the radar showing a Q on the football field in Woodbine GA on 11/8/2018?
Weather Explainers
Doppler Radar Shows Birds Taking Off at Sunrise in Georgia
November 08 2018 10:43 AM
I said that I thought the military could do that and they were showing us by leaving the Q?
Apparently it is the military doing it.
I think that Q was just saying it is necessary to cover what is happening and keep it off of radar.
This is from a Jim Stone comment on 12/13/18
Radar anomaly solved
There was a lot of talk about a radar anomaly that showed up over Illinois and Kentucky, some people were saying it had to be chem trails, others saying it had to be flocks of birds, but today we got the answer: As part of military training exercises, a C-130 dropped chaff. All I can say in response to this is who needs stealth when you can screw radar like that?! If a war does break out, chaff is the answer – this chaff hung in the air for a very long time – at least 5 hours and totally messed up radar over an absolutely massive distance and volume.
Heck to wreck radar all it would take is 50, 000,000 baggie sized ultra thin mylar balloons released from a C-130 that were inflated rapidly on their way out the back and GAME OVER, radar would be totally doomed.
Look at the 11/8/2018 weather video again. I still see a Q.
that’s a great catch…
Yes it is a great catch. Speaking of things in the air, how about those drones that have disrupted flights over Gatwick Airport in the English midlands? Two industrialized drones have shut down flights in and out of Gatwick all day, and they expect it to go into Friday. Military called in, they are afraid to shoot the drones down for fear of stray bullets. It’s idiotic, and they claim it’s “not terrorism.” They need to find their inner Viking or something. Feel sorry for the British people, they apparently have no real military to defend them.
Isn’t that the craziest thing? Why don’t they shoot them down with paint balls or something? They can’t be very big or fluck up the signal flying them? For 2 days..drones have paralyzed an international airport?
Pantywaist government! Maybe they can truck in the royals on a drone hunt!
LOL…minus Harry of course because his American wife doesn’t like hunting. Oh well, no telling what she won’t like next.
Wolf, so right about the Brit government, love your idea at least for the entertainment value.
They are industrial drones. Molly, that’s what I thought. Surely they can jam their signals or something. It’s more than odd.
Or maybe the drones are there for a reason
NYGuy, interesting notion. Can you elaborate or should I just use my imagination? Lol.
testing out a way to shut an airport down
Of course.
Gatwick Airport is near London; I even had the joy of flying into Gatwick and having to take a bus to leave out of Heathrow once. Those people are crazy, every one of them, driving on the wrong side of the road.
Well, Steve, maybe I’m wrong, someone told me midlands. I flew in to it once, and it was quite a drive into London.
Not sure if my reply posted. I flew in there once, too, long ago. I was once told midlands, anyway much farther out than Heathrow, quite a drive from London, but I may be wrong about midlands.
I could be wrong about the definition of Midlands, too. Maybe they start really close to London.
OK, I just went to Wikipoo for both Midlands and Gatwick.
Gatwick is SOUTH of London, in West Sussex, which is a county on the English Channel coast (Gatwick is near the north edge of the county, but still just barely in West Sussex). The Midlands start quite a bit north of London. There’s just no way Gatwick is in the Midlands; and I’d say that even if Gatwick were north of London, based on my recollection of the drive. Your source must have been confused.
Thank you for checking out that geography. It’s really such a small country.
England is smaller than Colorado by far, midway between Mississippi and Louisiana in size (and the whole UK is too, by about 10%, about midway between Michigan and Minnesota–including water area), but it would probably be about average size for a state…though it has 55 million people in it, which is more people than California (40 million).
Good. This makes sense. And I believe it’s Q-connected.
It may not be testing. Remember what Q said about plane and helicopter crashes? Remember the ship crashes? If military aircraft are deploying chaff as a REAL countermeasure to some kind of Chinese plane-and-helicopter-downing technology that was snuck into the country and is being used in CONUS, there are going to be executions.
Oops here is the link that shows the video of the Q
H.R. just noticed my one lone post over there.
Honestly after this long, I am amazed people remember me.
Very cool. You left a tag! ^5
That’s what you are….
In a good way!
You probably couldn’t hear me but I was singing it in my best Natalie Cole imitation. Which isn’t very good, but I try.
NO FOLKS!!! These are Q’s
So what are we going to do with the repubs who voted no.
Are they past their use by date?
I know what I do with stuff in the fridge when that happens.
I just got home in time for the vote. Can’t find anything on it yet.
TTT. Whether they are past their use by date or not, they stink and we should throw them out.
Bearded dragon chow.
Except that bearded dragons are too small for these skins full of rot.
Komodo dragons!!! Yeah, ship em to Indonesia!
You ever read “The Oath” by Frank E. Peretti? The monster in that novel would fit the bill just right.
Or the ones in Legacy of Heorot (Pournell, Niven, Barnes, if memory serves).
Found the list.
Unremarkable collection of names.
Thank you TTT.
I’m sorry guys, my mind is racing, I can’t stop it…
Did you catch the massive amount of Q stuff that happened today in real time? Everything relates to Q posts from days past.
4D chess right in front of our very eyes.
do a mental exercise and list all the things that happened. Then try to convince yourself this is not Q
Anybody who has studied WWII ops can see the similarity.
WIWI – World Information War I
I’m going add another thought bubble….notice how the yellowjackets have neutered Europe? Read the foreign press. They are all tied up in knots.
White Hat CIA? White Hat Brits?
doubt it is CIA but they are using CIA tactics. Brits are being led by Aunt Bea and the EU has the drunkJuncker. Macron can’t figure out why no one likes him because he is stupid.
LMAO! OMG, this is British comedy for sure!
Another thought bubble – Where is Steve Bannon (Europe)……
ok daughn…finish…follow it through
And, NYGuy, I think tomorrow is [D] day. The darkest day of the year.
We are going to get our country back. The wall funding is going to happen tomorrow, I believe.
Darkness to light.
I will take any day from here on out.
My mind is racing, too. I’m tired and have stuff to do but there is so much going on it is hard to take a break. I go run an errand, return, and discover the world has changed.
Look at the shift. Yesterday it was all PDJT caving on the wall and I don’t even remember what all else. So much has happened in the last 24 hours I don’t think I could sit down and make that list of things that have occurred.
Q stuff, for sure.
woken not stirred
This is why it is soooooo hard to pull myself away to go to work!!!! I almost wanted to get someone to fill in for me so I wouldn’t miss a thing! In reality, it has been this way pretty much since our VSG was elected. He has the entire world hopping!!!! I will say this again – WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!!!!
I know what you mean. I hate to be away too long because for sure I”ll miss something!
BREAKING: President Trump orders more than 7,000 American troops home from Afghanistan in the coming weeks – WSJ
Yes!!!! He’s on a roll today.
They figured this out a LONG time ago. They understand how the Global Commie Cabal operates with their bait wars.
Both removals are good thing as there are/were too many Green on Blue’s and like illegals here killing American citizen’s I was ticked to see those we were training turning their weapons on us! Time for them to put their big boy pants on and take care of business.
Snicker. Take that, Nan.
Love it!
Okay. This didn’t belong here. Sorry everyone, my fault. (Although it is always perfectly okay to laugh at Nancy Pelosi…)
that is Ryan saying listen to Daddy
Pop go the weasels.
I wish we could see her feet. I love her shoes!
I’ve been taking care of sick kids today but reading here while I could. The earlier comments about CTH were fascinating. I left voluntarily . It was getting too snarky, too personal with lots of names that I didn’t recognize.
Here’s what I wanted to say …one night was reading some anon’s twitter. Anon was having a conversation with another twit who was negative. The anon carried on asking more and more questions of this twit. At first it appeared to make sense but eventually the twit’s comebacks weren’t exactly on the mark, not making a lot of sense. By the end of the exchange it appeared that the twit was either a bot or someone with a few select zingers and no real knowledge of the argument.
Sometimes I wondered if, in part, that might have been happening Over There? A horde of negative trolls.
I’m sure that was at least part of the problem.
Agreed with Sylvia – the demoralization trolls were part of a coordinated attack on the Treehouse.
This is Qwel!
Ha! That is interesting! I have no idea if it “means” anything or not, but it is an interesting observation!
I have no doubt that most of these finds don’t mean anything–there is such a thing as coincidence, and if there were NO such things happening, that’d be even more suspicious than there being ones to find.
so which flag does the Q stocking line up with??????????
I was just thinking again….sorry. I forgot to tell you my mind is organic, “free range” and “cage free”. I never know what will hatch. But as I was looking at what is happening, this thought hatched.
What if President Trump is bringing our troops back from Syria, Afghanistan and if I am right, Yemen also will come home so that they can deal with the ISIS cells set up by Obama, etal, all over our country. These troops are used to fighting ISIS overseas and they would handle them much more effectively than our troops who have never had to deal with ISIS before.
Bringing our troops home will also make it more difficult for someone to drop bombs on them over there and blame it on others so than can use it to restart the wars.
Putting Generals that support President Trump in charge of them here will keep us all a lot safer than leaving the Generals in command who want us to be the world’s police force.
I wonder if bringing the troops home may just be a preface to limited martial law? Hmmm……
Elizabeth, I’ve been thinking something similar. Our country has never been invaded in this way before, I mean, not by Isis-type invaders, and the populace isn’t prepared in any way, except that many have their guns. I think you may be on to what’s going on.
2 New Q posts.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 28b403 No.4401036
Dec 20 2018 21:05:49 (EST)
Chemical attack in Syria?
Public ‘pull out’ of troops in Syria….
History will not repeat itself this time.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 28b403 No.4400956
Dec 20 2018 21:02:56 (EST)
Rogers departure. Intel.
Sessions departure. Law.
Kelly departure. Warfare/MIL
Mattis departure. Warfare/MIL
Notice a pattern?
new Q post…
Rogers departure. Intel.
Sessions departure. Law.
Kelly departure. Warfare/MIL
Mattis departure. Warfare/MIL
Notice a pattern?
I guess im just too distracted but i need it explained to me….
Me, too.
Read Marica’s post. Q is suggesting these 4 people will be judges in the Military Tribunals.
That woul d be…pleasing….only focus frame on faces as judgment is read.
I saw the rooks – I did not see the bishops.
ThanQ you, Q!
Wait. WHAT!?
Wow. Wouldn’t THAT be something?????????? Wow.
we have 4 judges!!!
Now isn’t THAT an interesting thought…
Holy chit! My initial thought about martial law may be correct!!!!
from research board:
Reminder William Barr LOVES military tribunals
That’s extraordinary research. Geat catch. I told you guys Barr would locked and loaded. Whitaker is a placeholder/assassin
Man, we are cutting edge tonight! Grandmaster game and we are following the moves!
This is one of the best, if not THE best, threads I’ve ever read – here, or elsewhere.
I hope you’ve archived / backed-up off-line!
Just sayin’ …
Also from the research board:
>>4399699 (lb)Thanks anon. 26 D seats need to be sworn in on the 1st day of 116th Congress 7 R seats. That means 21 D senators are returning without need to be sworn in and 46 R seats don’t need to be sworn in. Makes a Senate of 67 at the close of 115th. It takes 45 to equal 2/3. It takes 2/3rd vote to expel a member. At the close of 115th Congress, R will have 2/3 for a very short window. They could expel the D’s returning if they had sufficient evidence of fraud or crimes. EX: Feinstein. Her term ends at noon 1/3/19 and she needs to be sworn in to serve on the 116th. The end of term is constitutional and must happen. The beginning of 116 start time is up to the last efforts taken by the 115. The new Senate begins with 67 members ( some could be arrested over Christmas break thereby decreasing that number) all other seats are considered vacant until everyone is sworn in. The procedure for swearing in is based on norms and follows a chain of events. It is not constitutional. A keystone is the last thing to put into place to hold the entire thing up and the 1st thing to take out when dismantling something.
Nice find. Now we know why Barr got nominated, among other reasons.
On to the next role!
What a theater. All these people are so versatile!
What’s that sound?
That’s the sound of Dems and Neocons breathing into paper bags.
Some of them may need instruction:
Wrong instructions for Dems, Neocons, and other Leftis scum. Here are the correct instructions.
Find plastic bag.
Put bag over head.
Use large rubber band to secure bag around neck.
If bag doesn’t work, place muzzle of gun in mouth.
NO. Not the right approach.
Find cell phone.
Upload all content online for general public to view in a searchable database.
Live with it.
TTT, clever.
wheatie..that was me too. I am so excited right now.
Oh for heaven’s sake. I was just going to watch some TV and now this!
Okay, sure there’s a pattern but what does it MEAN???????????????????????????????????
Sylvia See anons post above–Tribunal starting line-up? WHOA!
Sylvia, Was there something on TV better than this?
LOL, I was hoping for something mindless where I didn’t have to think and could just relax.
Forget relaxing, we’re on that Rollercoaster.
clackclackclackclackclackclackclackclackclackclackclack…then silence as the coaster is released….
Hey, Hannity was wrong. It’s not tick-tock, tick-tock, it’s clackclackclackclack…
I beg to differ. It’s more of a chink as the dogs on the chain climb higher on the lift hill.
Well!! If you can’t see I’m right then you don’t support MAGA and should be banned!!
Sorry, was channeling CTH commenters for a second.
Ha ha. It’s not so much the chink that’s the issue, it’s the big CLANK you get, especially on the Screamin’ Eagle and the Mine Train, when the whole train is finally on the chain.
OK, clank I could go with, chink is too high pitched.
Even if they are not the judges – something I doubt – they will likely assist the military in setting up the administration of the tribunals. That would be the smart way to do it. There will be a large process, and that needs to be organized. It needs to be fair, too. Utterly non-partisan.
This is going to be like Nuremberg. There is nothing in history like what is going to happen.
I agree. If this really happens (please God let it be) it will be like Nuremberg, won’t it? It will be amazing.
Umm, actually a lot of bad stuff happened at Nuremberg…
Soviet Communists were involved in setting up the procedures for Nuremberg, as well as in sitting on the bench as judges.
The original list of defendants was much too short. Many equally guilty suspects were not named as defendants, for no known reason.
Then, of the original list who were to be tried, some escaped custody from secure military prisons on US Army posts in the American sector of occupation.
Then others escaped from similar Army prisons, after it was known the first ones had escaped. The escapees were never seen again, or showed up later in places like Argentina, Paraguay, Syria, Egypt, etc.
I think similar things might have happened in the British and French zones, as well.
When the trials did take place, the Nazi defendants were not allowed to enter much of the exculpatory evidence they wanted to introduce, especially anything dealing with the fact that many of the crimes they were accused of began when the Molotov-von Ribbentrop Pact was in effect, and the Soviets were equal perpetrators with the Nazis.
Western press was given gag orders, and not allowed to report on much of what happened during the trials. Much of what we do know comes from one, or a very small number, of reporters who defied the gag orders.
Lots of mysteries continue to surround Nuremberg.
I hope the process for justice for the Clinton/Rodham/Soebarkah/CIA/FBI cabal doesn’t look like Nuremberg…
It would be nice if we could do better than Nuremberg.
At this point, my own personal bar is set kinda low. I just want some kind of an accounting even if we don’t get perfect justice.
Amen. You know what it sounds like? It sounds like the Soviets were raiding the Nuremberg defendants for TALENT.
“It sounds like the Soviets were raiding the Nuremberg defendants for TALENT.”
Wolf Moon,
You are directly over the target, and in many cases I think you are exactly right, except for one twist that makes the reality even worse.
The CIA’s predecessor agency, the OSS, was founded by Yale Law School types and, at its beginning, was, of course, heavily penetrated by Soviet agents and Communist sympathizers. Lawyers, bureaucrats, and banksters of the Skull and Bones persuasion, and their relatives, were routinely found in its ranks, especially in leadership positions. Altogether, this is several sets of people which were by no means mutually exclusive along any dimension.
———— Necessary digression about a different, but closely related, issue ———–
The American military officers who had participated in winning the war on the Western Front were in many cases assigned to duties in other areas, or retired, or were victims (e.g. George S. Patton) of targeted political assassination at the hands of Soviet wet works teams.
The generals and colonels who ran the Occupation of the American Zone were therefore, in many cases, newly-minted officers who had been executives or board members of banks or defense contractors, or other industrial concerns in civilian life during the war, and who had never worn a uniform before V-E Day.
The Nazis who “escaped” American military prison cells were, in most cases, men who knew too much, from the viewpoint of the suddenly-commissioned American officers who had been responsible for holding them.
-Too much about the post-D-Day loans from New York banks (City National Bank, cough, cough, Manhattan Bank, cough, cough, cough) to Hitler’s government.
-Too much about (Ford, cough, cough) truck factories and (General Motors, cough, cough, cough) tank factories in Axis Europe used to manufacture vehicles for the Wehrmacht.
-Too Too much about the (IBM, cough, cough, cough) Hollerith punchcard machines used to rifle through European census data to compile lists of names and addresses of Jews.
-Too much about certain factories (the ones owned by American companies, cough, cough) in Germany and other Axis-held territories not being damaged by the strategic bombing campaigns of the United States Army Air Force and the Royal Air Force.
-Too much about the pre-war effort of a certain American oil executive (Walter Teague, cough cough, cough, President of Standard Oil of New Jersey, cough, cough, cough) to launch a major new oil field in Ploesti, in the Axis-friendly, anti-Semitic Romania of the Iron Cross regime, thus making the Wehrmacht blitzkrieg operations, and basically the entirety of WWII in Europe, a theoretical possibility.
-Too much about the wartime pact between the same American oil executive to supply fuel to Axis-occupied ports in the Caribbean, thus making the Kriegsmarine U-boat campaign off the American coast a possibility, in exchange for an understanding that ships of his own company would not be targeted.
-Too much, undoubtedly, about other matters that would be hazardous to our national myths, if they were to be widely known.
It should be noted that knowing too much about mysterious American (or British) assistance to the Hitler regime in Berlin in no way precludes someone from knowing too much about like assistance to the Bolshevik regime in Moscow, or, indeed, from knowing too much about parallel assistance from the Bolshevik regime in Moscow to the Hitler regime in Berlin.
So the men who knew too much found that, far from being the drawback which might commonly be supposed, knowing too much could be just the ticket to ensure a Nazi war criminal’s own continued health and longevity, not to mention his career prospects as a security or intelligence consultant in a friendly capital, whether such be Asuncion, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Damascus, London, or Washington, DC.
———— End necessary digression ————-
The entire Hitler regime was riddled with Communists working for the Soviets.
At the conclusion of armed conflict, there was a desire in Moscow to continue using their agents, who had been of such use in fighting Germany, but who were now out of cover jobs, the government they were allegedly working for having collapsed around them.
From the aftermath of Sunday, June 22, 1941* until Monday, May 7, 1945** and beyond, until the present day, the narrative has been that
-the good guys, a.k.a. the LEFT, a.k.a. the Communists, under the kindly and heroic Uncle Joe, a.k.a. Comrade Stalin, the Man of Steel,
were gripped in a titanic worldwide struggle on behalf of the workers, against
-the bad guys, a.k.a. the RIGHT, a.k.a. the CAPITALISTS, a.k.a. the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, along its the Italian Fascist and Japanese Militarist allies.
In this struggle,
-the other bad guys, a.k.a. the WESTERN CAPITALISTS, a.k.a. the English-speaking countries, a.k.a. Hitler’s natural allies,
somehow temporarily set aside their own evil nature and, swept up in Comrade Stalin’s massive personal charm and in a shared devotion to democracy, fought on the side of the good guys. At Comrade Stalin’s insistence, they opened up a SECOND FRONT in northern France*** and, in so doing, they drew off enough of the Axis forces to allow the heroic and self-sacrificing Soviet Communists armies to rush in and save the day.
The day then having been saved, the Western bad guys soon reverted to type, and began to oppose the good guys.
And with the remains of the former German government lying in ruins, the heroic good guy comrades who had served in German uniform during the war were temporarily unemployed and lacking in cover missions.
The help of these German comrades was sorely missed by Uncle Joe and the other Moscow comrades in their new struggle. So a plan was hatched in Moscow to put the German comrades back to work helping the good guy team all over again.
In keeping with the star-and-planets, or planet-and-satellites, system used by the Soviets in planting agents of influence in foreign governments, high ranking Americans who were sympathetic to socialist values were surrounded by assistants who were loyal comrades, on the payroll of either the KGB or GRU.
So to ensure the continued mission of the German comrades, the loyal American comrades in places like Washington or Langley, or British comrades in London, etc., began to whisper in the ears of their sympathetic bosses the following idea: “We’re now fighting our friends on the LEFT in this new struggle. Well, who better to fight hard against International Socialists on the extreme LEFT than their exact opposites, the National Socialists on the extreme RIGHT who have already demonstrated TALENT racking up a lot of experience in combat or espionage against our Soviet friends, err, enemies? And, just as obviously, the WORSE a National Socialist war criminal is, the BETTER he is at fighting International Socialists.”
So that is how your Soviet talent scouts found the best use for the cleverest and most experienced comrades in the late Hitler’s regime, by getting them consulting jobs in Western intelligence and national security establishments as experts in fighting Communism!
————— Notes ————-
*Sunday, June 22, 1941 was the day the trigger was pulled on Fall Barbarossa, the Axis invasion of the USSR, though it took Stalin a good long while to realize his creature Hitler had double-crossed him, before he could double-cross Hitler.
**Monday, May 7, 1945 was the actual date of V-E Day, that is, the day the European ceasefire was signed in Reims, not May 8 like the Communists say. Before you consult a standard history book to see if I (though truly I only stole this point from Diana West) am right, please keep in mind that Churchill and Truman, Eisenhower and Patton, MacArthur and Nimitz, Chiang Kai-Shek and Quezon, Turing and Von Neuman, together made up the leaders of the SILVER medalist team in that war. And standard history books are apparently only written by the GOLD medalists.
***The Central Pacific, the Southwest Pacific, the China-Burma-India Theater, the Battle of the Atlantic, the Italian Front, and “Lend-Lease”, (the enormous majority of which went from America directly to the Soviet Union,) all of which were in operation long before June 6, 1944, didn’t count. No, the Western allies’ contribution to the war was establishing the SECOND FRONT in northern France.
———— Partial bibliography ————
I keep meaning to make a comprehensive list of red pill books regarding WWII and the Cold War. In the meantime, I will provide this list:
-American Betrayal, by Diana West
-Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, by Antony Sutton
-Trading With the Enemy, by Charles Higham
-The Secret War Against the Jews, by John Loftus and Mark Aarons
-Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, by Antony Sutton
-America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones, by Antony Sutton
-Icebreaker, by Victor Suvorov
-The Chief Culprit, by Victor Suvorov
-Bodyguard of Lies, by Anthony Cave Brown
-John Loftus books in general, the ones dealing with his hunt for Nazis in the United States and elsewhere
-Works by or about Nazi hunters in general, such as the famous Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal
-There is an important book that came out, I think in the 90s, about IBM and the way its technology was used by the SS to swiftly locate people that the Nazi regime had targeted for murder. I haven’t read this book, and don’t want to search for it online now. I have read a review of it, and seen references to the basic facts in other works. The book should be easy to find, for those who are not wary of being doxed by FANG entities. First word in title I’m pretty sure is “IBM”.
-Histories/biographies of the Cambridge spies, such as Donald McLean, Guy Burgess, “Kim” Philby, and Anthony Blunt. These were extremely active and dangerous in international affairs at least as early as the Spanish Civil War, throughout WWII and the Occupation, and remained important at least as late in the early Cold War period as the Sinai War/Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Anthony Blunt continued to serve in an honored position as art historian and curator to the Queen right up until his unmasking. Even then, his identity was not revealed to the public until years after that
Covadonga, thank you for this, you are so right, and some of that Soviet piece I did not know but am not at all surprised. Then there was Operation perclip, by which many Nazi scientists also guilty of terrible crimes were brought to our country and given new lives.
Thank you, Zoe.
Yes, we got the German rocket scientists, and others, in Operation Paperclip, while the Soviets got the German submarine (U-boat) scientists in a parallel effort. Actually, there was a race between us and them to scoop up valuable Germans before the other side got them.
And some of those scientists had employed slave labor, or committed other war crimes, as you mention.
But there were worse, and more secret operations than Paperclip. Not only scientists, but spies and secret police who had committed really horrible war crimes were also scooped up by us, people with no redeeming traits whatsoever. And this was done to help us fight the Communists in the early Cold War.
Even worse yet, somehow the Communist moles in our intelligence community and security establishment managed to keep pulling in Nazi war criminals who had secretly served Stalin during the war,as Communist moles in the German government!
Please see my lengthy response to Wolf Moon in this thread.
I wrote my post about the military coming home before I saw the Q posts.
NYGuy was writing his post about the New Q posts while I was posting my post about the New Q posts.
These could just be a Q-incidences, but I notice a pattern.
Personally, that is what I mean when I say we are being guided by the Holy Spirit.
When does it become mathematically impossible?
or maybe it’s divine q-ordination
A qurum of questioners seeking the answers to correct and reset the quotient of treason within our dear Country! Patriots, friends, Countrymen taking a stand one post at a time!

OK, I know this is going to sound VERY strange to some, but, if I might ask for your indulgence, check this out from my generation.
I’ve already posted the info from the song by Buffalo Springfield ( Just listen …
Now, think about this from CTA and notice there is a pretty good piano intro. Think about Q.
Do you [they] really know what time it is?
Good tunes
Most of the best music (1960s ~ 1970s) was before I got here, or I was too little to see them live!
I think the ‘bottom line’ from today is…Pres Trump is throwing off the shackles.
He will be able to get the Cabinet that he wants now, with the new Senate majority.
That Q-drop of…”ALICE & MAD HATTER”…is a warning shot about all the pedo stuff.
Q identified the ‘Keystone’.
It was about the fact that Paul Ryan was one of the coup-plotters…along with McStain.
…That’s why Rat Ryan announced his ‘retirement’ last year.
This Keystone could act as a zipper, opening up the whole thing.
It will have some R’s exposed along with all the dirty Dems.
Bringing our troops home is tied to our Border Security and our Sovereignty.
Our VSG President thinks like a businessman.
This is a good thing.
Saving money on foreign troop deployment is money that can be applied to the Space Force.
I don’t think Mattis was fully onboard with our President’s 21st Century Vision of what we must do to survive.
“History will not repeat itself this time.”
“History will not repeat itself this time.”
I pray daily that is true.
That is an extremely good post. I think POTUS wants more military home to prevent riots and keep him safe.
Keep US safe!!!
And to keep us safe.
When the military tribunals start taking place…the forces of darkness will send out their flying monkeys to create chaos and hurt people.
The President said today…”We cannot be the policeman for the world.”
We’ve been doing that for the Globalists.
That is who benefited from all of our global-policing…they are the ones who instigated it in the first place.
We have been making the world safe…for Globalism to flourish.
No more!
Before we started policing-the-world, the thought of relocating a factory to some third world country was unheard of.
It was considered ‘too risky’.
If Corporations want to be safe…then they can come back home.
The Globalists are not going to like this.
They will pull out all the stops now to try to bring down our President.
Just spoke to my retired military spouse about this and that the tribunal may have its judges. Rogers, Mattis, Sessions and Kelly. Eyebrows went up and he left the room. Yelled out “ did you get that from the Treehouse?” Umm no I got it from Q, he comes back into room and explains to me that the Q sticker on my cell phone is why some guy was stalking me in the grocery store,,,causing you to panic , trip over the sweet potato bin and drop your phone.
I live a great life!
is he supportive or not?
Very much so…but he likes giving me a hard time.
No wonder you’re so at home here.
Well, Sobriquet, SI think you two are a hoot.
Sobriquet, you are too funnjy. I think you Do lead a great life.
Amazing post!
Don’t forget to mention Son of Mailman and Flakey Flake, the ACORN Bake, and their “Let’s help the Democrats” RINO Party.
Yes! All of them.
I saw a little bit if Ryans farewell speech. It made me sick. His but about being happy to work toward a goal, etc, wasnt defined in conservative terms. A nod to ds it was. And he was smiling. Dirt bag.
Yes. Major dirt bag!
I want to see him fry.
He’s been an enemy inside the wire.
from research board… Anonymous
5:5 = 5 American flags : 5 Battle flags
KEYSTONE = Keystone(central structure holding piece as in architecture) of ARCH (mirrored plot)
You remove the KEYSTONE the ARCH FAILS.
We are the keystone…
We must never give up… MAGA
It’s really not fair to Michelle Obama.
Apples n oranges. Woman vs whoa! Man!
Trannies love wearing those sparkly boots.
wheatie, you are so fashion conscious !
AND you decode Q… !!!
too, too much …
YIKES!!! Cannot unsee! HEEEELP!
W – just refer to Joan Rivers … just sayin’ ….
its exactly what I thought. Either that or shes trying for a part in a reboot of pretty woman..
That one on the right… that’s a dood…
“It’s really not fair to Michelle Obama.”

I met her in a club down in old Soho
Where you drink champagne
And it tastes just like cherry-cola…
C O L A cola…
She walked up to me and she asked me to dance,
I asked her her name
And in a dark brown voice she said Lola…
La-la-la-la-la Lola
La-la-la-la Lola!
At about the 3:38 second mark I think I saw Elaine Benes start dancing!
Reminded me of this
Trans Narrative Alpha Test!!!
When I was a kid, I didn’t know anything about the subject matter or what the song was even about, it’s just a fun song to sing along to!
Yeah, looks like a scaly fish leg. What am I missing?
For some perspective on the Build the Wall Go Fund me and how big it is really getting check out this.
Top 5 Largest GoFundMe Campaigns
Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund — US$21.51 million (over 12 months. half of it donated by 8 people)
Las Vegas Victims’ Fund — US$11.87 million (roughly 4 months)
Support Victims of Pulse Shooting — US$7.85 million (roughly 3 months)
Stoneman Douglas Victims’ Fund — US$10.12 million (Roughly 5 months)
Funds for Humboldt Broncos —US$6.8 million (unknown timeframe)
We The People Will Fund The Wall – $9.15 Million in 3 days!!!
At first, I was hesitant to jump on board this GoFundMe Train but it is doing much more than funding the wall. This campaign is as big a statement by We The People that I have ever seen, short of electing DJT as POTUS.
At 10:52 pm it is $10,143,116 of $1.0B goal
I truly believe the speed at which this fund grew may well have helped PDJT stand firm, knowing how many people are supporting this.
And started by a triple amputee veteran!!!!
I’m thinking that Rogers, Sessions, Kelly, and Mattis might not necessarily be judges – but witnesses. I say that because there was a Q drop after Rogers left saying that he can’t be a witness while he’s still holding that position. Think about all the treason and malfeasance those 4 men have witnessed. If you’ve listened to a few whistle blower videos, Obama did some pretty treasonous things with our military that Mattis and Kelly are probably well aware of. Rogers was privy to all kinds of things while he headed the NSA. And think what Sessions knows. I wouldn’t automatically jump to the conclusion that they’ll be judges. The military has a lot of UCMJ judges already.
AMEN. I was thinking they would be administrators. This is going to be like Nuremberg, IMO.
Mark Taylor prophesied exactly that a couple of years ago. He mentioned Nuremberg as well.
Wait….I just thought of something. If Mueller says his final report is coming the end of February, then Flynn’s March 13th status hearing could generate a dismissal without penalty to him. ie Whitaker shuts Mueller down and releases Flynn’s NDA.
But for some odd reason, Flynn needs to plead guilty! He has already admitted to the judge he lied to the FBI! Now if he can slide by on a technicality he just might get a dismissal…but my gut tells me, that is not what Flynn wants, and a dismissal is not the direction he wants to take his sentencing! The whole thing is just weird, to say the least…
It may wrap up quicker than that.
That Fox article that Q linked to is potential dynamite…did you read it?
It exposes how the Dems used operatives to create a “False Narrative” about ‘Russians are backing Roy Moore’.
So if the Dems did it to Moore…then it illustrates how they did it to PDJT.
Q says that they “have it all”.
Something that struck me about that Fox article, was the video.
It was the same styling of that video that they did about the Clinton Foundation.
I read somewhere yesterday or the day before (could be Neon Revolt, Stealth Jeff, Lisa Mei Crowley, I don’t remember now) that some social media ‘test’ was run by the Dems in Alabama for the midterms last month, with assistance from the Silicon Valley Tech Traitors, to work out any bugs before they rig the 2020 election nationwide.
Apparently the butt-hurt is STRONG at CTH!
I snuck under the wire into enemy territory to check it out a few hours ago, and ‘liked’ a couple of posts by the few names I recognized. It worked.
That’s all I did, no posts.
A few hours later (just now), I went back again, and tried to ‘like’ another post.
Not able to ‘like’ posts anymore!
Apparently even my ‘likes’ were interpreted as subversive to their doom-und-gloom machine
I think they read/lurk here…
just as some here do there.
“I think they read/lurk here…
just as some here do there.”
Yes, I’m sure some do.
Are others also no longer able to ‘like’ and post at CTH now, unlike earlier today?
Or have I been singled out for special recognition?
I can no longer like…and my one test comment got deleted.
It’s beginning to sound like a White Hat got loose in the control room at CTH and momentarily lowered the defense shields, lol!
I can’t like any more either – scanned through the comments for a test reply – smh – couldn’t find anyone I would want to reply to.
Yep – on the Banned Wagon again……just can’t wait to get on the Banned Wagon again….must have been just a temporary aberration.
I didn’t even recognize most of the people yesterday. The people I replied to yesterday, I did because I couldn’t resist making the joke about zen freedom…which I first heard 30 years ago from a guy who was going to get clobbered by management no matter what he did; one manager pulling him one way, the other pulling him the other way.
Wow, Scott, that’s really weird. I just went over there and checked and I can still like posts. I didn’t try to post myself, as I’m no longer interested in conversing with most of the people left there.
It could be that one of SD’s humorless spies was lurking here earlier, read my posts about pranking the Q-haters at CTH, and decided to ‘unfriend’ me again, lol!
Like hall monitors in communist ChiNa?
Posts? Anyone can like a post.
It’s the comments below the post that banees cannot like.
Still, I was a long-ago ban not due to Q, so maybe I just got rebanned again.
Oh well; I wasn’t planning to go back.
“Posts? Anyone can like a post.”
Not me!
Not since I was b-b-b-banned!
OK, maybe there’s linguistic confusion.
I use “Post” to mean the original article by sundance; everything below it is a comment or a reply to a comment.
If by “post,” you mean what I mean by comment, then yeah, you can’t like them once you’ve been (re)banned.
The more interesting question is whether the FULL ban list is in effect again or whether it’s just people like you and me that ended up on SD’s “assholes” list for other reasons.
“…or whether it’s just people like you and me that ended up on SD’s “assholes” list for other reasons.”
If that turned out to be the situation, it would seem to be a classic textbook case of projection
Ah, I see what you mean now, I have read that anyone can like the ‘posts’ (articles) by Sun Dance.
I was referring to ‘posts’ by others in the comments section.
I was talking about comments if you’re referring to my posts, Steve.
Yeah, I’m on the Banned Wagon again. My seat didn’t even cool off! (Cannot like, and my token test post from this afternoon is now gone.)
I thought about doing a test post when I was able to ‘like’ other comments earlier this afternoon.
Then I thought, nah…
Well, yeah, I am back on the “Banned Wagon” this morning.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Meaning of lyrics in song “American Pie”: (from wiki) “…In the sale catalogue notes, McLean revealed the meaning in the song’s lyrics: “Basically in American Pie things are heading in the wrong direction. … It [life] is becoming less idyllic. I don’t know whether you consider that wrong or right but it is a morality song in a sense.”[22] Seems Nan is stuck on taking America to Hell in a handbasket –
oops… wrong tweet… Sorry!
Meant to post this:
Thank you! This is big!
People, check to see if you’ve been banned from CTH again! Looks like Dan and I are banned again.
I just liked a comment without a problem, but didn’t make a comment. I assume I can, though, since I could do a like.
I’ve been re-banned. But Sundance is in a good mood.
I think we struck a nerve today!
I think there was some kind of technical glitch in whatever was keeping us out, that allowed us back in. That has now been fixed.
Yep – I am back on the Wagon.
Along with Linda, I have successfully liked a comment, although, like her, I did not make one.
This thread should be saved for posterity
Deplorables doing what we do best – Making America Great Again 

Thank you, Very Stable Genius President Donald J. Trump
And thank you, Navy Squid, for chiming in tonight. It is so awesome to hear from you!
AMEN! NSA is saving them, but I will try to do my part, too!
New Q drops cover some things on this front.
3+ hours ago … HOW DID THOSE SNEAK BY!
“And thank you, Navy Squid, for chiming in tonight. It is so awesome to hear from you!”
Yeah, what she said!
It’s great to have “the gang” all together in one location again…great analysis and in-depth coverage by all.
Wictor’s two cents on Mattis. As good as any.
BTW, here is the link to Brian Kolfage’s GoFundMe page for The Wall:
$10,501,294 raised in 4 days from 172,226 people