Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181221

This SPECIAL [D] DAY / D21 / WINTER SOLSTICE FRIDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments.  Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.

Peace be upon us this Christmas. Pray for peace in Syria and for the Kurds, for our most powerful weapon is PRAYER!

Today (Friday, December 21) is the twentieth day of Advent.

The 146th day of next year, which shall be celebrated here as Ma Cankles Uranium Day, is:

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2019

Today is the Winter Solstice, the darkest day before the DAWN.

It is believed, due to LOGICAL THINKING, that [D] Day (per Q) may in fact be TODAY, because the Winter Solstice is the DARKEST DAY in either hemisphere.


“Baby, it’s COLD outside!”
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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

– – · –
Banhammer Central a/k/a The Eeyore Tree a/k/a Can’t Tolerate Heterodoxy temporarily rescinded my ban today, along with many other people.
But I was banned again last I checked. True of Dan as well. If you were unbanned yesterday, try again!
And the Banned Wagon will be here to welcome you, as it has done for 592 days now (not that I’m counting, mind you).
– – · –
Let the trumpets be heard! Let the Letter Q be seen and heard around the world!

– – · –
We are near the crest of the roller coaster, folks! Hang on for the ride!
– – · –
Mattis, Kelly, Sessions, Rogers…
Future judges at tribunals? Probably not; in fairness they would have to recuse.
– – · –
Shortest day of the year, winter solstice (except for the Aussies and Kiwis here).


Hey Steve, I’m still banned. So still feeling important – we must be deemed to be dangerous!!
The Dan you referred to – was that Dan064? Did he show up, briefly?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah. He was able to like but now can’t, so he and I were both temporarily unbanned. Filly seems to be still unbanned, if I understand her correctly.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Correction, NebraskaFilly is again banned.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No, doggone it it was Scott467, our resident expert on trollbashing, as mangled by cortical flatulence on my part.
Sorry, Scott.

Sylvia Avery

Ah well, if I am banned again so be it! This has proven to be a wonderful place to land so I am happy.
If I think about it later I’ll check and see because I’m curious, but as long as Wolfie leaves the lights on for me I’m here.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I wasn’t planning to go back either…the post was a test. And I got the result I expected when it disappeared. along with the couple of likes it garnered.
I hadn’t gone and looked over there in days, and–if left in–might not have ever done anything with the privilege other than to tell some real idiots over there when they were posting something stupid, e.g., uraniumboy with his cut and paste rant about Mueller handing over our arsenal.


I read SD’s articles and scan the comments now for any interesting links, which are few and far between these days. TBH, being banned makes me feel important! LOL – Really, OT is on-track to catch up with BB trolls!


Having said that, it was a link posted at BB that originally led me OT, which ultimately led me here, so one can find gems anywhere. You just have to slog through the trash to find them.


Banned again! I should have never given in to the temptation and posted a sentence over there.
Does this mean I have to give up my chip and start over? Are we Q-aholics Anonymous?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Naah. The banned wagon is pretty egalitarian. It’s been in business for 592 days.


Now the Lord is a Spirit.
And where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is liberty.
But we all beholding the glory of the Lord with open face,
are transformed into the same image from glory to glory,
as by the Spirit of the Lord.
2 Corinthians 3:17-18

comment image


gorgeous girl… spirit seems just as beautiful !


I chose her face because of that! … And the verse because of how grateful we all are for the freedom given to us here in the Q Tree by a believer named Wolf.


beautiful post ttt…
I always enjoy the images you post… you do an excellent job of matching the scripture.
We appreciate you and your talents…
God bless you.


Thank you. Your strong spirit and commitment to bring fresh news to us inspires me as well.


I agree! Great matching abulity, TTT ✝️✝️✝️

Sylvia Avery

I love your scripture selections. They always fit the occasion!


AMEN and Amen!!!


Drop the filibuster.
Problem solved.


Suggested by…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It all depends on whether enough Dems think that congress will get the blame for shutting down the government, or whether they think Trump will. A good look at today’s political environment suggests the former, a non-critical acceptance of past history suggests the latter.


McConnell could also call for Voice Vote…
He did on Wednesday…
No one seemed bothered by that… evil punt to Feb.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That probably had enough support to pass, and was known to have that support, or someone would have objected and forced a roll call vote.
At least that’s the way it usually works; perhaps the Senate is weird in that way, too.


The Bully Pulpit is a powerful thing!


Too. Much. Winning.

Sylvia Avery

Yes, I read this elsewhere someone’s theory that this is one of PDJT’s underlying goals with regards to this border/budget bill standoff: pressure McConnell to kill the filibuster so that the budget can be passed and whatever else PDJT advances in the next two years.
So, Mitch, the heat is on!


Yes, now that we have a bigger Senate majority, the time is right to do that.


Turtle soup!

Sylvia Avery

🙂 🙂 🙂


Does it seem surreal to you that the leftists are running around freaking out because we are bringng our troops home?


I constantly MUST remind myself that whatever is being reported, tweeted etc. is “FAKE”
Lies among lies… See above “Gen Mattis has been an island of stability amidst the chaos of the Trump Administration”???? Of course when Mattis was nominated Cabal was screaming he would take us to war!
Cabal has been telling Americans for more than 200 years that we must protect the world… what they really meant was we must protect corporations that were stealing resources of foreign countries.

Sylvia Avery

It is very surreal. Of all things that I would expect would distress them, this is not something I would have thought to put on the list!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The left is perfectly pro-war when the US has no interest in the war, and has been for quite some time. Another way to hurt is is to bleed us for no good reason.
Bosnia–we had no earthly reason to be there, and thus the Klintons went in. They were urging us into Rwanda too if I remember right.
Iraq–OIL. Oh, crap, we don’t want to go there, it might look self-interested! (Whatever you might think of that war, the left hated it, for that reason.)
See, that’s how the left thinks, and has thought, ever since the Wall (Berlin, not Border) came down. Before that, they’d oppose any war against commies.


Go Louie!!!

Sylvia Avery

Good man, Louie.


I have a new favorite Meme.comment image


Just noticed the Lion is wearing a purple tie.
He so owns them all.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

At the risk of igniting another blue/black dress controversy, that tie is almost exactly the same shade of BLUE as the flag at the far right, which is the Air Force flag.


Yep – to me it is blue.


Purple is such a lovely color.
I see purple everywhere.
Even in places other people don’t.
Maybe my eyes are just rich in purple receptors. 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you have any purple receptors, you’re a mutant! 😀


Thank you.


almost fell out my chair laughing… what a hoot!
going to rest now… this tree is the balm !

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



Two new Q…

Key Judges/Jurors for Upcoming Military Tribunals?
20 Dec 2018 – 6:02:56 PM
Rogers departure. Intel.
Sessions departure. Law.
Kelly departure. Warfare/MIL
Mattis departure. Warfare/MIL
Notice a pattern?

False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria Will Not Happen Again
20 Dec 2018 – 6:05:49 PM
Chemical attack in Syria?
Public ‘pull out’ of troops in Syria….
History will not repeat itself this time.


^^^ Titles above are from QMAP and are NOT made by Q. ^^^

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I suspect the Fab Four will be witnesses, not judges. They’d have to recuse as judges.


They are signed Q on (drop 2637).


I’ve been watching Kevin McCarthy this past year…ever since this happened last year, at Mar A Lago:
This was an impromptu presser, that caught McCarthy in tow to the President.
McCarthy didn’t say anything.
And he looked like an obedient puppy standing with his new master:comment image
Notice the purple tie?
I noticed that McCarthy was wearing a purple tie today:

Maybe it’s just me…but it looked like McCarthy was the one in command there in that little performance with Rat Ryan.




Those pics at Mar A Lago were from the New Years party, last year 2017.


And Ivanka travelling with him to silicon valley a few months ago. Something in the works for a while, but I dont know if he is someone who has become loyal, like a D being reborn conservative, or hes really a rat in maga clothing.

Sylvia Avery

I’m hoping….I’ve been thinking that PDJT (perhaps back at Mar a Lago as Wheatie mentioned above) grabbed Kevin McCarthy by the purple tie and told him how things were going to go down. He’s never struck me as the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but if he is smart enough to know who owns him and his name is PDJT that’s smart enough for me.
I wanted Jim Jordon to be elected Speaker of the House and was disappointed that Kevin McCarthy won. But I keep clinging to hope, based a lot on body language and spidey senses, that McCarthy may have changed his fealty to PDJT.


Jordan got hammered in the speaker vote.There is something there we do not know. My guess is that POTUS feels McCarthy is better suited to be a minority leader because the guy is so measured. That means he can be the one to throw the bombs…which POTUS can do better than anyone.

Sylvia Avery

I’ve wondered about that. The vote was so lopsided I was truly astounded by it. Another truly oddball thing was that no one would go against Paul Ryan and demand he vacate the chair. They just left him there for the last six months to stink up the place. That is so strange, and when asked none of the Congressmen will answer, they just evade.
So each of those things tells me there is something going on under the surface that we don’t know about, and taken together it must be huge.
Your theory may be the correct one.


Who is on the leadership team? We need to look at this as a whole entity.


Shrewd observation!


Well in the last 24 hours he got linked to the he could possibly get tried for treason. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was doing Barron’s laundry as well.
Or a more sinister thing would be the rat wants to wall off any possible link to Romney.


Here’s a little tidbit about winter solstice tomorrow. 😊 (I love sky stuff)…
This year on winter solstice, there will be a full moon and a meteor shower. Full moons rarely occur on winter solstice. Since recording began in 1793, there have been only 10 occurrences; the next full moon on winter solstice will be in 2094.
The December full moon is known as the Cold Moon (and full moon will probably make it hard to see the meteor shower).
Shadows tomorrow at noon ET are the longest of the year.
Stonehenge is the best place to observe the winter solstice; it is believed to be erected to line up the exact position of sunset on winter solstice.
This full moon will be a waxing, gibbous moon (a lunar phase associated with growth, development & progress). I think I will call it the Q Moon.
And ….. the January moon is known as …. wait for it … Wolf Moon


I prefer the last one..but darn I need one. Not too many memes around my user name that are exciting! You see the one I use.


I like your flag-with-statue-of-liberty picture, NYGuy.
It’s a good one.

Pat Frederick

how about a FAMOUS NY Guy—POTUS springs to mind!!! (he’s my favorite NY Guy)


I don’t want to embarrass him

December 22, 2018, will bring the final full moon of the year, falling less than a day after the December solstice. How close are the solstice and full moon in 2018? The solstice is December 21 at 4:23 p.m. CST (22:23 UTC). The full moon is December 22 at 11:49 a.m. CST (17:49 UTC). So the solstice and full moon fall less than one day apart. That means that – although the Northern Hemisphere has its longest winter night on December 21 – the lamp of a nearly full moon will light up the nighttime from dusk until dawn.
The last time the December solstice and full moon happened less than a day apart was in 2010, and the next time will be 2029
In North America, we call the December full moon the Long Night Moon, Cold Moon or Moon Before Yule. In the Southern Hemisphere, where it’s summer now, names for this full moon include Strawberry Moon, Honey Moon and Rose Moon.
Unlike the full moon of December 2018, the full moons of December 2010 and December 2029 – also less than a day from a solstice – display total eclipses.
This December 2018 full moon won’t pass through the Earth’s dark shadow, but next month’s January 2019 supermoon will feature a total eclipse of the moon.


Thanks, Gil! Love all of this – especially the names of the Southern Hemisphere moon !


I love sky stuff too, Alison.
Thanks for that.
I wish we had some snow, so I could go outside and roll around in it under the solstice full moon.


Dynamite wolves, Wheatie 💖💖💖


I think you’d enjoy this book. It’s surprising in its insights, and in its events.
It takes place in the remote wilderness of British Columbia. One that I’ve read multiple times.comment image


Thanks, Itswoot…I’ll put it on my list.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Couple of nits.
Shadows are longest at sunrise and sunset, any day of the year. The noontime shadow is only longer than any other noontime shadow on this day, and not at Eastern time; rather at whatever time the sun is directly south of you (which, unless you live at 75, 90, 105, or 120 W in CONUS, is not quite noon by the time on your watch). Of course Alison, if you live where I recall you said you live, you’re pretty darn close to 105W longitude. Actually, I’ve way oversimplified the situation.
If the moon is full, it’s not waxing which means it’s headed toward full. And it’s not gibbous either (which is a phase less than full, but more than quarter (half circle)). Of course, that’s an oversimplification too since no full moon is truly full, since that would require being exactly on the opposite side of the earth from the sun–which would be a lunar eclipse. So it’s just a teeny, tiny bit gibbous when it’s “full.”
And there’s no need for records; this stuff can be calculated for millennia into the past. We can identify the exact date of a battle between Media and Lydia because a solar eclipse happened during the battle (though there are other reasons to cast doubt on the story of the battle).

Plain Jane

Night night all. Been battling the sickies, and trying to prepare for Christmas and an out of state wedding right after Christmas.
Love you all, God Bless and keep you and yours.

Plain Jane

Thank you Wolfie.

Pat Frederick

you’ve got a lot going on…take care of yourself!!

Plain Jane

Thank you Pat.


So it is safe to say [DS] started the meme war with Donald Trump?


Huckabee has gotten popular with the Dems, since he tweeted this out:

And this is why Donald J Trump is President, Huck…and you’re not.

Johnny Bravo

Leadership is a lonely place, but when it’s done in faith and with vision, it’s sets the great apart from the good.
PDT has not come this far in support of religious freedom, to cast it aside now. PDT is great, not just good.

Johnny Bravo
Johnny Bravo

From this Thoma Wictor article;
My guess is that Mattis’s resignation letter is his last act of military deception (MILDEC). It’s intended to make Trump’s enemies think he’s losing control of his presidency.
“It’s always great to be underestimated” said Donald John Trump before he was elected.
“Those who underestimate him often don’t live to regret it.

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. I get the idea, thanks to Q, that this particular play is about to open the curtains. What we’ve been seeing was the opening skit(s) meant to settle down the crowd.

Elizabeth Carter

Johnny, That is a great link. Thank you

Johnny Bravo

My pleasure 😊


It is wrong of Huckabee to presume an executive of President Trump’s stature and experience has not thought deeply about the withdrawal and all contingencies/effects of this action. As someone said, it is likely the Saudis, (which, Wictor has pointed out time and again, have expert commando troops, weaponry) will handle it from here on out.


Correction: I have come to believe, with help from Wictor, that President Trump has forged a semi-secret Allies group in the Middle East, somewhat like the Allies of WWII against the Nazis. Time will tell.
I do hope VSGPDJT will rid the USA of the Axis powers aka Leftism/Marxism/Nazism/Islamism.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

Seeing those pictures and having lived through the Carter years, I am still struck by the irony of naming an attack submarine after Jimmy.


Since it is Fido-day Friday…


sorry about the last one I did not see the PTSD part


I think Wolf needs to take that one down.


comment image


Haaa…I love the little husky puppies cocking their heads.
But what in the world is that second one about?


I don’t know it’s creepy. I am so sorry.


Thanks, yeah it is creepy.
That’s okay though…it was an ‘oops’…it happens.


You’re right.
They were sowing the seeds of demoralization and chaos…back then.
Those were the good old days for them, too.
No pesky internet sleuths or bloggers back then.


I was thinking…”Cupcakes to die for”?
Or…”Death by muffins”?


Yes it did!


I still think taking it down is a reasonable request.
It’s a link that gets clicks/loads, right?


man you guys are killing me…jeez I just plain blew it..lmao

Deplorable Patriot

I’m thinking you’re meaning doggies, the cute canines that have been domesticated by humans for thousands of years for work and companionship, not the leaders of Venice during the time of their republic.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Has anyone domesticated the Venetians?
I don’t think it has happened for the Neapolitans…or the Sicilians.

Pat Frederick

wow…this triggered a memory…it was just a tv show…”Chuck” did anybody watch it?
Chuck and Casey ( Adam Baldwin) infiltrate a CIA testing center camouflaged as a “Leadership Seminar” and they are shown this short video before the test and there are images like those in this dog/cupcake video—and then asked a series of questions to see if they are Leadership (CIA) material…
seemingly benign images but interspersed with violent ones…creepy!


well I guess I am MKUltra’ing you guys. Didn’t know I was that good.


Speaking of Puppydogs….Weasel Zippers overnight thread has a lovely story: A young woman has yearned for a dog of her own for years…starting caring for shelter pets and fell in love with one of the dogs, but when he was adopted and she was devastated.
Turns out, her parents had secretly adopted the dog as a Christmas surprise for her!

Pat Frederick

thanks for posting!
that’s awesome!


Aww…that’s a sweet story.
Thanks, GA/FL!


I cannot go to shelters. I want all of those dogs. One time I was at a shelter with a girlfriend and a chiweenie leaped into her arms and hugged her. She owns Tank to this day.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

My dog had been sleeping quietly next to me until the howling puppy video started playing!


After signing two Bills in the Oval Office, our VSG President and First Lady will be off to Mar-A-Lago for Christmas with family. Marjorie Post at last has her dream of her mansion becoming a Winter White House!

Deplorable Patriot

And to think that self-righteous pri$# Carter returned Mar-A-Lago to the estate.
The more this stuff goes on, the more I really love Trump’s sense of humor.

Pat Frederick

First thing I gotta say is, YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!
When hubby comes home @ five, I’m off the computer for the most part and spend the evening snuggling in front of a fire or watching dvds…so first thing in the morning I read yesterday’s thread–you’ve all been busy!!!
so much happened yesterday with the new Q and reading your posts was amazing–I couldn’t scroll or read fast enough–you were all on fire!
THANKS WOLF!!!!! this site is beyond amazing and the posters here are frickin’ awesome!!! how’d y’all get so smart?????

Sylvia Avery

I like PM’s dream. I only hope if it happens I am near a TV and a computer so I can be with you guys while it goes down.


I lost faith in prescient dreams. For years, I dreamed Raquel Welch wanted me.

Sylvia Avery

Ha! She is probably still pining for you and you just don’t know it!

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

Are you sure you were asleep?


I think it was that poster that did it


December 21st
Day of Days
Full Moon
Meteor Shower
Government Shutdown looming
Mattis leaving
And a warning from Q

Pat Frederick

Ryan’s tie color yesterday? COWARDLY YELLOW!!! lol lol lol


Maybe in solidarity with the protestors in Europe?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



We are all mutants.
I also have an extra-ordinary number of “meaning” receptors.


Our VSGPresident is up and on the WARPATH @realDonaldTrump!!!

and more!
56,384,715 followers 7:30 am!

Pat Frederick

reading comments on OT and someone mentioned the go-fund-me for the wall is close to $11M, and then someone commented that the young veteran responsible for starting it is from BROWARD CTY? that’s a happening little community, isn’t it?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Presently lives in Castle Rock CO if I recall correctly…less than an hour from here.



A showdown with Trump on a shutdown is the Democrats worst nightmare!


Perhaps McConnell will indeed go nuclear as FNC suggested. Anybody see any vote counting?

Pat Frederick

some were saying that since it’s a resolution not an original bill, there only needs to be 51 votes for…not sure…just repeating


They are getting ready to vote for cloture (on OANN).


ok let us know how it turns out


OANN just said “if they have the 60 votes to pass it.” Not sure if she was talking about cloture or the CR itself.

Pat Frederick

Loved this!!!
Nancy Pelosi #OWNED:
Trump: Nancy, I can get the votes for the wall in the House in 2 seconds.
Pelosi: You don’t have the votes in the House.
Trump: Nancy, trust me I have the votes in the House.
Pelosi: No you don’t.
Today the House voted for $5.7B in wall funding, 217-185.
— Patriot_Mike (@PatriotMike6) December 21, 2018



A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

Love it!


I know we all appreciate good writing, so to start off the 21st, I’ll give this a try from the American Thinker:
“Michelle Obama’s horrifying $4,000 Balenciaga boots”
…but to save you a bit of time, here’s the last paragraph 🙂
FTA: “Finally, with the book tour out of the way, for the holidays, Michelle can hang up her Balenciagas, repurpose the canary yellow number, and prepare to head toward Hawaii for the annual Obama family $4-million getaway. In the end, without those enormous boots taking up space in her suitcase, Michelle will have lots of room in her baggage to fit in her bad attitude, ungrateful outlook, racist perspective, disingenuous concern for the poor, and stacks of all her money.”

Pat Frederick

gee, thanks. I finally got that disgusting picture OUT of my head…LOL


I love thoughtful insulting. Very high-minded. Thanks


“…thoughtful insulting.” 🙂


Some random thoughts
I wish someone would ask Q about the note passing at the GHWB funeral. I keep looking at the videos and it is fascinating
Also RBG cannot sit up straight..she looked very bad

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

Someone did. In post 2608, in response to the question “What was in the envelopes?”, Q responded “Our promise to ‘counter’.”
I too am dying to find out what this all means.

Pat Frederick

gees…it really is like a public sewer system in DC–all the pipes interconnect and stink! (This is the judge who sentenced Wolfe to only 2 months in jail…)
Marc says:
December 20, 2018 at 6:16 pm
Look who Mrs. Brown-Jackson is related to. It’s a Big Club…
FTA: “One of names being floated as a possible pick is someone who Ryan calls family: D.C. District Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. Connected by marriage, Jackson’s husband, Patrick Jackson, is the twin brother of Ryan’s brother-in-law William Jackson.”

Deplorable Patriot

Here we go again:
4 dead after small plane crash in NW Atlanta; Memphis CEO among victims
One of the victims was identified by the Memphis Commercial Appeal as Wei Chen, an avid flier who became the first Chinese citizen to fly a single-engine airplane around the world. He was the founder and CEO of the Memphis-based company Sunshine Enterprise, Inc., and Mike McAnnally, president of a subsidiary of Chen’s company, Stepup Scaffold, confirmed Chen’s death to the newspaper. He said he’s notified Chen’s family.

Pat Frederick

can’t post a link but didn’t the BP recently arrest 2 Chinese nationals who illegally tried crossing the border?

Deplorable Patriot

For those who missed it on another thread last night, here is “Patriot.” Posting since it looks like we are upon the storm.

Deplorable Patriot

The first wave of family invasion arrived last night. The next ten days around here are going to be a wild ride, so I might be offline more than usual. Don’t know. Depends on the schedule of the next group to show up.

Pat Frederick

because we live 4-5 hours away from family, it’s great when they come to visit–it’s usually for weekends or longer…
and it’s even better sometimes when they all leave…sigh…
enjoy, stay safe!!


I have always wished for a large family. Enjoy!

Deplorable Patriot

There’s goods and bads. And then there are your siblings’ in-laws.


Have fun and Merry Christmas BD.


well BD can have a Merry Christmas but I meant DP

Deplorable Patriot

Good thing Pope Saint John Paul II saw to it that the legion of exorcists were trained. Hopefully Francis doesn’t have any ideas when it comes to that.
Witchcraft moves to the mainstream in America as Christianity declines – and has Trump in its sights


New video from Praying Medic:


Preying Medic brings of the idea of Admiral Mike Rogers to replace Gen Mattis as Sec of Defense.
Interesting idea.
Admiral Rogers would probably do a good job…that is, if he would take the job.


…*brings up the idea


sundance posted that same thing…wonder who was first,,,,,,

Pat Frederick

thanks for posting!
I read the Q drops, but really like to read and hear (here and other places) what the interpretations are. It’s like watching someone very gifted put together a puzzle while I’m still looking at the box it came in!


She looks satanic.


😉 … see my post above …


Lol…I need to refresh page quicker, however with that in mind you were kinder than me. I had no idea she was this HUGE! 😳

Pat Frederick

well Sarah is small to be fair (I believe)


Your kinder also. 😉

Pat Frederick

you must have missed my saying she looked like Godzilla yesterday. lol
showed Hubby the pix yesterday–he said I thought her nickname was Mike–I said yup, he said she looked more like a Mack…Mack Truck…ooops


She will forever be the Wookie to me. And the pic of our gorgeous FLOTUS juxtaposed next to her just highlights the difference between shyte and gold.



Pat Frederick

The Democrats now own the shutdown!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 21, 2018

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And that’s in spite of him saying he’d be willing to own it if necessary!

Pat Frederick

how did Eastwood put it? Game on Chuck!



With quislings like Flake, “miracle” is the right word.


They can pass it Jan 3 when it is 53 – 47


Oh! Before Pelosi gets her hands on it?
I missed that idea entirely. Wonderful!


only if Mitch wants to go nuclear


Mitch better go nuclear.


Pat Frederick

“our” Wolf is so much better than theirs!!!!



Pat Frederick

that’s taking a stand!!
good for him!


That’s a brilliant tweet. Very clear that POTUS gave Mattis a deadline. He did the best he could but POTUS wants out.


Hallelujah ! I have found the rational and sane x-Treepers !
Merry, Merry Christmas you wonderful Banned of Brothers you glorious Deplorables !
I truly have gone from Dark (CTH) to Light (Q Tree) .I am re-born.
Mind if I Graft my wilting CTH branch to your Magnificent Tree ?
Thank you Wolf for a safe haven from the insanity.
Steve in Lewes (also known as Cumbaya – banned twice)
(now if I could only figure out how to change my posting name)


Homeland Security has an update on the Wall… written 12/12/2018
DHS is committed to building a wall at our southern border and building a wall quickly. Under this President, we are building a new wall for the first time in a decade that is 30-feet high to prevent illegal entry and drug smuggling.
FACT: Prior to President Trump taking office, we have never built a border wall that high.
Once funding was provided, DHS began construction of a border wall quickly, in some locations in as little as nine months from funding to building – a process that commonly takes two years or more in other parts of Government. By the end of FY 2019, DHS expects to have construction completed or underway for more than 120 miles in the areas it’s most needed by the U.S. Border Patrol. The pace of construction has picked up as initial limiting factors like land acquisition and funding have been addressed.
Photos and much more text here


comment image


It looks like another murder will be solved. The poor little toddler loses her mommy bc of her daddy. I hope that little one has family that can give her love and guidance. She will need it.
TELLER COUNTY, Colo. — ABC News has confirmed that Patrick Frazee, the fiancé of missing Woodland Park mom Kelsey Berreth, was taken into custody at his home in Teller County Friday morning, and authorities said they don’t believe she is alive.
Frazee was arrested on an investigation of first-degree murder charge, according to court documents.
Berreth, 29, has been missing since Thanksgiving . She was spotted on surveillance video with their 1-year-old daughter at a Safeway in Woodland Park that day and her cell phone pinged about 800 miles away in Idaho on Nov. 25.
Sources told ABC Friday morning that the investigation “unfolded rapidly in the last 48 hours, and police no longer believe Kelsey is alive.” According to court documents, Frazee is being held at the Teller County Jail.
Investigators arrived at the home after 7 a.m., according to ABC News, and Frazee was seen in handcuffs shortly afterward.
Their 1-year-old daughter, who was in Frazee’s custody, is safe, according to ABC.
On Thursday evening, investigators from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, the Woodland Park Police Department and the FBI returned to Berreth’s home once again to look for new leads into her disappearance. They were seen bringing large brown bags out of the home, though it’s unclear what was inside.
Last weekend, authorities searched the property of Berreth’s fiancé in Florissant, but they did not find any signs of the missing woman. At that time, they said they had not ruled out Frazee as a suspect.
A press conference is scheduled for 10 a.m. Friday. Denver7 will stream this at and on Facebook . We have a crew on the way to the scene.


Pat Frederick

oh the comments here are priceless—Melania vs Michele: Beauty vs the Beast, Beauty Queen vs Drag Queen…that’s not a dress on Michele–it’s a Hazmat suit…somewhere in the ME, a family is missing it’s tent…


a Hazmat suit? …lmao


to be fair… SJP is only 5’3″ tall…
Michelle claims to be 5’11” tall
however, Melania Trump is 5’11” tall and in sidexside photos,
Michelle is taller than Melania who wears 4″/5″ stilettos


$12,032,835 of $1.0B goal  Gudthots:40 a.m.
Raised by 196,697 people in 4 days


Average donation….$61.17.


For some perspective on the Build the Wall Go Fund me and how big it is really getting check out this.
Top 5 Largest GoFundMe Campaigns
Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund — US$21.51 million (over 12 months. half of it donated by 8 people)
Las Vegas Victims’ Fund — US$11.87 million (roughly 4 months)
Support Victims of Pulse Shooting — US$7.85 million (roughly 3 months)
Stoneman Douglas Victims’ Fund — US$10.12 million (Roughly 5 months)
Funds for Humboldt Broncos —US$6.8 million (unknown timeframe)
GoFund for Trump’s Wall has raised more than any other GoFundMe to date (No. 1 above was pumped up by 8 people giving 1/2 the funds) in FOUR DAYS. How much will be raised by January 1st? And with how many contributing? This funding sends a message to the DIMS … a really strong one! imho


I was not in favor of this but after seeing what happened, this is a home run


Also NYGuy, the website gives a ton of affirmation that this is a legit op…
started by a triple amputee Vet living in Miramar FL who derives NOTHING from the funds.
If the funds do not have to be used for the Wall (if Congress fully funds), all contributions will be refunded


Cardillo doesn’t like it and he says why….


honestly, i want to write a whole bunch of stuff… but will just add that the feeling i have going on inside me right now is… well i can only describe it as 1000x’s that feeling you get in your stomach when you are sitting next to that girl you like and she brushes your hand with her’s… if anyone remembers something like that from your youth you know what i mean, multiply it by 1000…
quick point on syria, afghanistan, etc… we need to get out of there. people keep bringing up the kurds (and using the “christian” defense for these people) well, that is unfortunately an excuse that i cannot fully defend for any large amount of time.
there are pockets of christians all over the world. we cannot be their defender and occupier forever. this excuse starts to point more people toward disagreeing with the president (example huckabee as shown above and also MANY MANY people on “conservative” radio / punditry – msm loyalists all of them – are all saying this) and that is not what we need to be doing. we cannot divide here. everyone must be on the same page.
should we care about persecution of peoples in other lands? yes. can we take care of everything everywhere? No.
the military and these proxy wars and outright contrived issues in these far away lands has been used for too long by the DS. and remember, the DS is NOT the democrat party. it is all of our system save but for a few loyal and the people like us who still believe what the United States of America and the Constitution stands for.


Excellent post Andrew…


Here’s a meme from today’s Q-post, which highlights in stark relief the hypocrisy of the LSM:comment image


And a second one, from an 8chan Anon:comment image


Max Boot is a HUGE NEOCON…
One of the architects of “Clean Break”
AND a huge Never Trump-er
Excellent illustration Emeraldstar of how DS opposes anything POTUS says or does…


Thanks Phoenix.
I thought the two pics / memes worth re-posting here, especially since it seemed the implicit intent of Q, and the explicit request of the 8chans.
They certainly DO “paint the picture” …





Deplorable Patriot

This does not sound good for her. And while I refuse to wish anything but nature taking its course on anyone, for everyone’s sake, she really does need to retire.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, undergoes lung procedure to remove cancerous growth

Pat Frederick

news is saying there were 2 malignant growths…that sounds even worse, no?

Deplorable Patriot

What makes it worse is that it was in the lungs implying lymph and endocrine involvement in addition to blood. The primary in the beginning was pancreatic. The articles have not said if the growths were metastatic or primary. If they’re metastatic, there’s bound to be more elsewhere. I’ve known WAY too many people with the disease who had growths in the lungs that were really metastatsis from somewhere else. Survival for long is just a slim possibility.


along with 3 broken ribs… I’d agree with you Pat.
She must be in enormous pain with the ribs (remember Rand Paul’s injuries from neighbor’s attack?) and she’s up in age.
She’s stubborn… will probably stay on Court until she passes.

Deplorable Patriot

Now that I’m seeing another report, the original was colorectal, and then pancreatic. Memorial Sloan Kettering is reporting no other growths. Regardless, three primary cancers is NOT GOOD. Two family members went that route. Whatever causes the disease is still in the body and is not being flushed.


If they don’t biopsy the nodes when they do surgery, they don’t know extent of disease…
they probably did biopsy but are not reporting…
your take is on point in my opinion, from my family experience with cancer.


My father’s lung cancer wasn’t detected until it spread to his ribs and the lesions caused them to break. Weren’t there reports of RBG breaking a couple ribs? If so and they’re connected then that means Stage III. Not a lot of time left I would think.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s where a lot of people’s thinking is going.


I cannot imagine being in such poor physical health, and choosing to remain at a demanding job because of “muh principles” … to the exclusion of enjoying what time I had left with family and friends.
To me, it isn’ “determination” or “grit” … but FOLLY.


Now voting on cloture.





Schumer reading script from Cabal:


There’s that 4am coordinated talking point again – “chaotic” (said TWICE!)
What a GOOD li’l IMP Cryin’ Chuckie is.

Pat Frederick

i think they get words-of-the-day when they get their talking points emailed @ 4am…
every time they are quoted using one, they get more frequent flier miles


From “Dark” for PDJT’s inaugural speech in Jan 2017, to “Chaos” right now in Dec 2018 for the Syria withdrawal, the enemy media displays their brazen collusion for all to see.
It really is getting more intense now, yes?
I can SENSE their panic! [D]-Day is coming …

Pat Frederick

I agree, every evening now is almost like Christmas–is tomorrow the day??


Appears Mitch is NOT going nuclear, not going to give POTUS power over the budget, but con’t to force CRs on him…
Not a good move Mitch… even if you win with your move today. You wasted an excellent opportunity. I shall not forget (and I’m confident POTUS won’t either.)


After I posted this I read an earlier tweet from Chad, wherein he reports that Mitch met with POTUS just prior to comin to the Hill… I hope Mitch took POTUS’ advise.


tweet from an hour ago:


There will NOT be 60 yeas…
If Schumer allows his emotions to rule the day, he will be owning a Gov’t Shutdown that will go past January 3rd… could last months… long enough for the American people to see how little the gov’t actually does…
Schumer is messing with POTUS… with more than he (Schumer) can handle. He will rue the day.
jes sayin’

Pat Frederick

pardon my French, but in a game of chicken, POTUS is the cock-of-the-walk and Schumer is chickenshit…jmho


Schumer is that little white speck on top of the chicken shit and it is STILL chicken shit! From one of my favs, Pure Country.

Pat Frederick



Pat, you certainly have a way with words…
I sure like your style!

Pat Frederick

Thank you…


Cloture: right now Yes 37, No 42


Wow! This will NOT look good for them – $7.8B in disaster relief included!!!!

Pat Frederick

is this strictly for CA? or other areas as well?


Sorry but IDK.


This article makes it appear it is for TX:
“The White House said Trump will first travel to Houston to meet with flood survivors and volunteers who assisted in relief efforts and then move on to Lake Charles, another area hammered by the storm.
The Trump administration in a letter to Congress asked for a $7.85 billion appropriation for response and initial recovery efforts. White House homeland security adviser Tom Bossert has said aid funding requests would come in stages as more became known about the impact of the storm.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has said that his state may need more than $125 billion.”

Pat Frederick

that’s a basically red state? that explains it…if this was a blue state like CA, the Dems might care

Pat Frederick

if most of these, oh how do I put it nicely, A**HOLES intend on being home with families for the holidays, their constituents know right where to find them to express their displeasure at this obvious thumb to the nose at the President, their constituents, and the country.


wow…this is bad


Manchin voted NO!


Panic by the DS in NY? They are trying to distract us in a huge way!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Does Hill-the-BEAST have an office there??? 🙂


The fire is not funny by any means but what you just posted just made me ROTFL!!


“This is not a gotcha. This is not two different columnists. Both of these excerpts, published this year, come from the oh-so prestigious New York Times editorial board.
New York Times, Dec. 20, 2018 vs. New York Times, Jan. 19, 2018
— Joe Gabriel Simonson ☃️ (@SaysSimonson) December 21, 2018”


“Think about this: the same media that have demanded a Middle East withdrawal since 2004, that cheered Obama’s disastrous decision to get out of Iraq, that turned the word “neocon” into a pejorative, is now spooning with Bill Kristol and nibbling his earlobe.
So welcome to another round of panic and “wheels are coming off the White House” hot takes and outrage and shrill declarations and anything but a pause to take a breath, a moment of reflection, an attempt at sobriety.
I don’t know enough about Syria to hold an opinion about it. But here is what I do know…
Trump is keeping a campaign promise to pull out of Syria. Jim Mattis did not receive a single vote from We the People in support of his foreign policy vision. And the same media and neocon “experts” who blundered Iraq and Libya are up to their old tricks — apocalyptic visions of ISIS Red Dawning into Montana if we don’t listen to their “expertise.”
Trump might be wrong about Syria, but you will have to excuse me for not taking these people seriously:”


Nebraska, I don’t know enough about Syria, either, but you and I are on the same page on this.

Deplorable Patriot

New Q
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9cade3 No.4408964 📁
Dec 21 2018 10:42:54 (EST)
FAKE NEWS.jpeg ⬇
Why do people trust the FAKE NEWS media?
Anons can play this game all day long.
Compare & Contrast.

Deplorable Patriot

New Q 2640
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 879143 No.4409412 📁
Dec 21 2018 11:12:27 (EST)📁
Did ISIS form on HUSSEIN’s watch?
Did HUSSEIN take care of business or allow them to expand?
How long did it take POTUS to ERADICATE and DESTROY ISIS?
Why did HUSSEIN attempt to destroy our military (weaken)?
What was the 16-year plan to destroy America?
Why did HUSSEIN install traitors at the highest levels of our Gov’t?
Think DOJ.
Think FBI.
Think C_A.
Think NAT SEC.
Why did HUSSEIN bring people into the WH who HATE AMERICA and what we stand for?
What years did HRC serve as Sec of State?
What years did ISIS expand?


You never know when Q will read someone’s twitter feed and post their tweet….it’s cool

Deplorable Patriot

In this case, Q is pointing out Hillary’s two-faced public words about ISIS. I forgot to take the file images off when I posted. The Tweet is below.


it would be so much fun if Q picked up one of my tweets. Thanks for posting

Deplorable Patriot

Pat Frederick

hey Hill…a few things: 1) people all over the world want to harm us. 2) ISIS is YOURS to own, you helped create it. 3) Isolationism is exactly what YOU did after you lost the election—walking in the woods? LOL 4) using the word grave when talking about MY President is a mistake you will live to regret. 5) just shut up already!
k…rant over


Yea!! What Pat said!!! Love your rant, Pat!! 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’re so concerned about national security you gave 15 percent of our uranium reserves to Russia.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m assuming you’re not really talking to me. I mean, I’ve never been to Russia, or Tangiers for that matter.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No, I was replying to Hitlary Rotten Klinton’s tweet.

Deplorable Patriot

Good. As far as I know, I have not committed treason. At least not with the nation’s uranium supply.



NOT ALL GOP senators are on the floor.

Pat Frederick

are all the Dems???


I think so…

Pat Frederick

crap…one thing you have to give them credit for is sticking together…


But where’s their DIVERSITY???
Hypocrites all.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. They DO stick together like crap…



POTUS knew 3 hrs. ago which way it would go…
Military is funded… previously
Emergency funds NEGATED
Gov’t employees will have a long Christmas break…


Speaking as a true novice here but, given all the delays between taking each person’s vote, and then a group of 2 or 3 are announced, might that not indicate at least a degree of negotiating on-scene? I guess it could be that they are simply waiting for some to arrive? Watching C-Span2 so there is no commentary.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sergeant-at-Arms and Capitol Police should go get them…
Dereliction of duty. Then again, the Congress Critters have been scamming off us for at least the last 150 years…


Winter Solstice huh?
Darkest before the light…
Look at what our POTUS is doing !!!!!!! Hurray for POTUS… Taking on Cabal/Deep State BIG TIME… cutting all their rat lines, money disappearing from their hands as C_A ops are shut down…. etc., etc.
Bringing our warriors HOME! YES, HOME! MAGA
News????? FAKE, FAKE…


This is fascinating


Why, yes, it certainly is… has to wonder – might Bolton be the next to go?


seems like a possibility but POTUS usually hangs on to staff a bit longer before he tosses them



I don’t understand what you are suggesting


Hildebeast and zero created ISIS and then funded them, with No Name’s assistance


that’s true..I was focusing on why he did it. Clear that Hillary sold us out which Jordan was suggesting.


ISIS was aided and abetted for cabal purposes.
Part of destroying them is to take away the cabal’s funding (war profiteering, with a political benefit as a bonus).
VSGPDJT is cleaning up the MESS (chaos) that the cabal uses to gain power.
I believe there are also OTHER benefits to POTUS’s decision, wrt Syria involvement.
No more pawn (soldier) sacrifices! The PIECES now come to the fore, in the World chess-game.
Btw, I liked your chess reference yesterday – in re how to exploit a positional advantage by inducing the enemy to over-commit its forces!
Very apt …


yeah…I am not a chess person and going through chess strategies is pretty dry toast. So I stopped trying to find the analogy I wanted. You guys get the point.


” trying to find the analogy I wanted”
You succeeded!
In whatever game, when one has an advantage, it still takes insight into how EXACTLY to exploit that advantage to maximum effect – i.e., to WIN.
In chess, when one sees the flaw in ones opponent’s strategy (which most times they DON’T see), figuring out the way to make them make that same little mistake in perception, repeatedly, makes winning not only easier, but in the end GUARANTEED.
In short, one hoists them by their own petard. The key is SEEING that they offered their petard for the hoisting!
You were spot on. The actual chess-game specifics weren’t necessary.
I AM a chess person! You MADE the point … so, we got it.




As usual emeraldstar…
right on point you are !


ok sorry I was looking at a dfifferent tweet for some reason


I cry “BS” on Byron York.
Security Studies Group was asked in early February to draw up Syrian Withdrawal plans.
Not sudden.
Well planned.


thank you I will read this


Vote is at 43 Yes 45 No


NF… are all the 43 votes Rep?
How many of the Nays are Rep? at least two so far, right?
We need 60 Yes votes…


I am confused on that – I thought it was only 51? I did not hear all the names but I am guessing they are all R (yes). Flake voted no, as did Manchin. have not yet voted: Corker, Hatch, Heller, Paul, Risch, Feinstein, Jones, Murray, Tester, Udall, Isakson, Kyl


Isn’t Corker the one who has left already? As for the rest, I am guessing the Rs will vote yes, the Ds will vote no.


what’s the count?


Still 43 Yes, 45 No


earlier tweet posted way upthread

Chad has been covering Senate for a long, long time.. I trust if he says they need 60 votes, they need 60


Appreciate your opinion.

Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow I saw that as 60 years… senior moment(s), but seems right somehow…


Wisdom that.


Ginsburg has a malignant lung cancer tumor and gad surgery. At 85. They wiuldnt bother on my own grandmother. Theres no way she is capable of servibg.


Anyone know how long they wait to finish this vote?


OK – note on C-Span: vote is being kept open to give Senators time to return to DC.


Here are tweets from Chad outlining possible scenarios when cloture is NOT achieved… (3)

Chad is not a Trump supporter that I know of… but he does know Robert’s Rules of Order and I trust him on procedure… for instance his twitter feed is filled w/ comments from senators I don’t want to hear from. Thankfully a few of them will be gone very shortly, within days.


WADR, yes, I get it. May I ask what your point is? Do you have a problem with my running commentary for some reason? Again, WADR….not trying to be snarky here….


My sincere apologies NebraskaFilly…
I have no problem with your running commentary… none at all.
In my usual zeal to bring info I have offended you, for which I am deeply sorry.


OK – no problem. I am probably being too thin-skinned. I know, in the end, this effort will not be fruitful anyway. Please know I do very much appreciate your offerings and efforts. Movin’ onward!


McConnell’s earlier twit-out.


Sen. Chuck Grassley asks the President to hurry, he hasn’t missed a vote and doesn’t want to start now.
From: Francesca Chambers
Date: December 21, 2018 at 1:31:30 PM EST
Subject: In-town Pool Report #4d: Comments at the end of the spray
President Trump eventually signed the First Step Act after 53 minutes in the Oval Office at the urging of Sen. Chuck Grassley, who was standing immediately behind him. Grassley’s comments were inaudible over a round of clapping, but Trump said the Republican senator told him, “Sir, there’s a vote going on in the Senate, but I haven’t missed a vote since 1993.”
“Get out of here, Chuck, go, go!” the president said.
Another participant said that Grassley “wants that pen” that the president was about to use to sign the bill.
The president signed the legislation – and gave him the pen – before Grassley made his exit.
President Trump said, “thank you everybody,” signaling that the event was done.
Asked how long he was willing to let the government be shut down, he first said, “Excuse me?”
And then said, “I’ll be honest. This is such an incredible moment, what we’ve just done, criminal justice reform, that I just don’t think it’s appropriate to be talking about” other things.
The back end of the sentence was overpowered by loud clapping from attendees of the event on the recording that I have.
As pool was led out of the room, additional questions on Syria, Mattis, etc, went unanswered.


And Grassley voted yes, of course.


This bill is HUGE – it negates Bill Clinton’s terrible ‘Crime’ bill…
watch how little coverage Cabal/MSM gives bill POTUS just signed…


whoa Erin Brunett has been eating a lot..long time since I saw her


You mean like this?


Tee hee.. super secret squirrel… good one. And I would say, yes, I can see JK being a secret weapon for POTUS. No one really expects JK to be as good as he is….


I find it particularly interesting that he is rarely in the public – always in the background.


Just a thought…
If the gov’t gets shut down, and is still shut down on 1/3/2019…
…will the new congress be seated as scheduled? That could play as a positive for The Plan…


This GOP Senator just ‘lied’ straight up… There is NO FUNDING in the Stop-Gap CR (lasts ’til Feb 28) CR for the Wall… not $1.6 Billion, not $5 Billion… there is NADA.
Anyone have different info?
Lamar Alexander will not seek re-election in 2020… Guess he will lie for the next two years.


WTH? Now there is NO wall funding in the CR??? Someone help me out here…..


The one that passed on Wednesday. The one they are trying to change today.


Ah – ok – got it! See? I would be LOST w/o you!!!!


No you wouldn’t… 😉
My statement was not clear…


2 messages for Wolfie
1. I’m locked out of “overthere” again
2. I have a post in the bin – I put 7 links into one post to prove the Syrian pullout was planned.


Question: do they have to have a certain number of votes to have a “quorum?” If so, would that be 2/3? Guessing it just fails if not enough votes? Does McTurtle decide how long they wait? Vote is now 44 Yes 46 No


Let me try it this way. Total of 7 articles proving Syria withdrawal was planned, not sudden, and there is no vacuum of leadership in Middle East.
We just have to get past the echo chamber of American media.
1. Syria welcomes the return of Arab Embassies to re-open
2. Bibi Netanyahu supports the USA decision on Iran and in Syria.…/Netanyahu-US-supports-our-response-…
3. Erdogan in Turkey calls for renewed peace talks on Syria, following his meeting with Iran.…/turkey-iran-syria-talks-in…/index.html


4. Full article from Jordan on their Syria policy, considering accepting Syria back into the Arab League for their meeting in March of 2019.…/fares-braizat/jordans-syria-policy
5. Egyptian media reporting – Parliament head urges reinstatement of Syria into the Arab League.…/arab-parliament-urges-arab-league-…
6. Oh lookie here, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are sending troops to help protect the Kurds.…/


7. From the Security Studies Group, who was asked in early February of 2018 to complete a full withdrawal plan for Syria.
Yes Virginia, there was a plan.
Not a surprise.
Not a sudden decision by an orange man.…/us-withdrawal-from-syria-was-n…


#7. Final one. Yes Virginia, there was a plan in Syria. This is not a sudden move. This was not a decision based on a phone call with Erdogan.
They’ve been working on a formal withdrawal plan since February.
From the article.
Security Studies Group (SSG) was asked in early 2018 to draft a plan for US withdrawal, with a focus on working with allies in the region and some tribes in Syria. The concept was to work with Sunni tribes similarly to the Anbar Awakening in Iraq during the period known as The Surge. As ISIS was pushed out, the plan would be to arm and train local citizenry into militias and police forces so they could protect themselves. Kurdish forces, that had been so helpful in the fight against ISIS, were also predicted to continue to act as security for their own areas.


the links are not working


I copied rather than what I did before.
Here are the links, one at a time.
Sorry for making such a mess of this.
1. Syria welcomes other countries to open their embassies again.


#2. From Israel, USA backs stepped up Israeli action against Iran in Syria.


#3. Erdogan calls for renewed peace talks in Syria after meeting with Iran leader.


#. From Jordan, thinking about asking the Arab Council to put Syria back into the Arab League at their meeting in March, 2019, in Tunisia.


#5. From the Egyptian papers, their parliament head will ask for Syria to be added back into the Arab League.


#6. This is my favorite one. All the Neocons are screaming about the “poor Kurds”, which, frankly, they are our favorite group in the Middle East.
Well, about a month ago, Saudi and the Emiratis deployed troops to help protect them.


7th one is above.
What a mess.
I’ll be quiet now. Sorry guys.


holy cow we have 1 poster outperforming the entire media….from her computer at home. The Daughn News Network


Husband found it. Can’t take all the credit.


well DNN has 2 employees…very efficient.


Love you. Great work. You get a virtual kiss and a hug


SC rules against POTUS asylum policy. Roberts the deciding vote. He’s been compromised

Pat Frederick

interesting point raised OT–how did RBG vote today? or was this vote a while ago??? news says 5-4 against


god question….there’s something going on that we do not know….

Pat Frederick

although i guess, if they have to write dissenting opinions and a majority opinion, they probably did vote days ago and just don’t release it until the opinions are written?
just thinking out loud


they didn’t write them…
they didn’t vote days ago…
Robert Barnes sees a lie when he’s shown one…
responding to Media attempt to walk-back statement that Ruthie voted from hospital bed

She has 3 fractured ribs… she’s 85
ask Rand Paul how painful broken ribs are… (and he’s much younger)

Sylvia Avery

Yeah. They always tell you after anesthesia that you can’t drive or make important decisions, essentially you need to be supervised because you may very well be out of your ever loving mind.
But no worries, it’s just a SC Justice making important decisions from her hospital bed. Should be just fine. (Insert major eye roll here).


Found this – Executive Branch asked SCOTUS “last week” to put ruling on hold until they can appeal. When was Ruthie hospitalized?
“Last week the Trump administration went to the Supreme Court, asking the justices to put Tigar’s order on hold while it appeals his ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit and, if necessary, the Supreme Court. The government told the justices that if Tigar’s order stays in place while the appeal moves through the federal courts, it will frustrate “a coordinated effort by the President, the Attorney General, and the Secretary to re-establish sovereign control over the southern border, reduce illegal and dangerous border crossings, and conduct sensitive and ongoing diplomatic negotiations.”


yesterday or today


She had the surgery today after it was found in November after she broke her ribs. It is certainly plausible that she went into the hospital either last night or first thing this morning, which would have allowed for her participation up to at least yesterday or, for that matter, even a short period this morning.,amp.html


weird that she has to go to those lengths to do her job. She needs to go


Was Ginsburg on painkillers at the time?

Sylvia Avery

Was she post anesthesia?

Deplorable Patriot

She needs to resign. “GO” has too many eugenic implications for comfort. If nature takes its course, it might be longer than we would like, but not something sinister.


While I love my Prez and his Admin, this is a procedural decision. We’re stuck. We have rabid judges but we have to follow procedure.
Does not mean SCOTUS is political or vindictive.


Correct me if I am wrong but this appears to be only a decision on allowing the new rules to proceed immediately – now I don’t know if that means without a full SCOTUS hearing or if it means Congress must change the law first. Couldn’t find any clarity on that in this article.
“The Supreme Court on Friday denied the Trump administration’s request that it be allowed to immediately enforce a new policy of denying asylum to those who illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border, a change that lower courts declared possibly illegal.
Four justices — Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito Jr., Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh — would have granted the administration’s request to let the order go into effect.”


Roberts was supposed to be conservatiive


Yes, I know.


What??? SC decision?


scroll down Filly linked it


Thanks Filly, you nailed it.

Deplorable Patriot

The least and non-compromised people in Congress get the point. We want a wall.


$12,902,057 in 4 days – 211,278 donations


you ladies are awesome today. Who needs sundance….


Anyone seen the news out of the SC today? Ginsberg in hospital(?) yet voted on the immigration case? And Roberts voted against staying the lower court order? (HT SD) image


Arrrgh! Screen isn’t refreshing fast enough to check properly. Oh well, at least we know a lot of us are paying attention…..Thank you to all of those who were faster than I.


And this

Molly Pitcher

What’s so crazy about that? McStain was tweeting and bloviating while in a

Deplorable Patriot

The anesthesia wore off that fast? Really? Everyone in my family who had general anesthesia was out cold for most of the day as they slept it off and only one had anything as invasive as removing parts of lungs.
Color me skeptical.

Molly Pitcher

This is nutz. So the highest court in the land convened in her hospital room or they now allow absentee voting? What’s the protocol on this ?


She voted before the surgery.

Check this out Daughn! Ties in to Your articles! VSG is geniusing once again!


I love it – it’s icing on the cake!!!!!!!
He’s mopping the floor with the lil’ Macaroni!!!!!!


you can find calendar for SCOTUS here…
The 21st, today, is marked “Holiday” – nothing scheduled:


Ah, yes! Cocktail hour down here in Atlanta … just dipped in [over there] to see if my test post went through yesterday. Yes, you’re looking at my {shocked face} to learn that no, it wasn’t posted and I’m unable to “like” any comments today either.
Pretty sure [they] were gaming us to see who would stroll back in.
W’s on to something for sure!! Cheers!


I was told theres nothing wrong with me but somehow my posts arent allowed. Havent tried again. Not sure I will. Not sure who is in charge bc Im friendly with mods and they dont strike me as vindictive. Its all so bizarre. I wonder if this has happened to another group in the past.


Sarah Sanders gives the WH Press ‘what for’……


Yep – just as Wictor predicted….the Saudis are sending troops to support the Kurds:


See there, message is getting out.
This article is dated Nov 22, 2018. They’ve been planning for withdrawal from Syria since February.

Molly Pitcher

Hmmm do you think the Khashoggi affair was contrived as a black eye for SA ? From Wikipedia……….
On 16 November 2018 The Washington Post and other news media reported that the CIA had concluded Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered Khashoggi’s assassination.


C_A also said they had no evidence for their conclusion… just a ‘suspicion’

Molly Pitcher

Don’t ya just love that Wiki confirms it for posterity. The corrupt agency “concludes” with no evidence something that has major press, major speculation, major implications….burn it down. They’ve done enough damage.

Deplorable Patriot

Hmm…maybe the new SA wanted to be more the godfather of the Middle East than Wonderland.
Will need to watch this one closely.


The PEOPLE want a WALL!!!


But thats it right? We have reached the point where the intent isnt to govern. Its to rule, with some exceptions.

Deplorable Patriot

An impromptu vote, if you will. The people want it. That’s the message that the least compromised should be getting.


The least compromised are – the most compromised could care less! Wonder if they will stand firm and cut off their nose to spite their face?
Tie – 47/47 – VP breaks tie….


Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) said Friday that Senate leaders have an “agreement” in place for a House-passed stopgap measure to avert a government shutdown which includes funding for President Trump’s border wall. 
Emerging from a meeting in Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) office, Corker said that Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and McConnell are expected to enter into an agreement on the Senate floor, according to The Hill. 
“This is will be an agreement between McConnell and Schumer about what next happens on the Senate floor. You’ll see them to enter into a little discussion,” said Corker. “It charts the course forward that gives us the best chance of actually coming to a solution.”
Corker suggested that a government shutdown may be averted – citing meetings with White House officials. 
“Some of the folks at the White House seem to be optimistic,” he said, adding that President Trump “is very aware of what’s happening.”
The potential breakthrough comes after Schumer met with Vice President Pence, incoming White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and White House advisor Jared Kushner on Friday afternoon. 
The negotiations later moved over to the House, with Pence, Mulvaney and Kushner huddling in Speaker Paul Ryan’s ceremonial office with Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), Freedom Caucus leaders Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Republican Study Committee Chairman Mark Walker (R-N.C.).
Corker warned that the danger of a partial government shutdown is not completely gone. -The Hill
“It’s just how we’re going to proceed in a manner that we think is best,” said Corker. “The first discussion is not substance, it’s process.


Major horsetrading going on in Congress tonight. Schumer’s office to Ryan’s office. What a mess.
Love this stuff.
Our team is Pence, Kushner (who’s been amazingly effective), and my personal superhero Accountant Mulvaney.
….. and of course, PDJT.


Mulvaney is a Force in himself – he’ll be a great Chief of Staff!


I put the zh article up. I dont know…theyre making an agreement about how the senate will function with schumer? Are yhey going to roll over completely and allow dimms to control the senate too?
Sounds more like if they dont do this right, we need yellow vests and guillotines too. And for you lurkers. This isnt POTUS’ fault. Turtle is being a turdle.


Gil, I’m definitely more of a lurker than an original poster, but even I know that this is NOT Pres.Trump’s fault, in fact the blame lays squarely on the damn career politicians. I do have a question though…. what is wrong with a government shutdown? Truly the smaller and less (self) important they are, the better off I’ll be. They hardly get anything done when they are in session and more than half the time they are investigating crap instead of legislating. Other parts of their time includes giving interviews (lying) and campaigning/giving speeches…. I guess I am slightly jaded and more than disappointed (in my own party more often than not).
Ok, I’m done ranting….


Nothing wrong with it at all. I just said its not POTUS’ fault in case eeyores are reading!

Deplorable Patriot

CYA since the thing is in the defense budget supposedly. It looks like these guys didn’t read it before they passed it.


DHS released an update (12/12/2018) with photos and lots of info

Deplorable Patriot

Some days I wish WP had a [LOVE] choice rather than just “Like”.


WP won’t let me ‘like’ …
How ’bout the one below, w/ spikes on end?
There will be no tunneling as steel bars go down into ground into 6′ of concrete

Deplorable Patriot

I’d prefer bedrock, but that might not be cost effective. 😉



an anon has figured out that the last steel slsat in the red circle above is #23


That’ll stop the fence straddlers! :8->

Sylvia Avery

If I were wealthy, I’d organize and pay for field trips for all of us to go see that wall. I would love to see it in person and I’m sure I’m not the only one.





How did they get Flake to vote YES?


So Flake CHANGED his vote? He voted no early on.


apparently… frankly I don’t know what they’re doing… and Schumer
doesn’t appear involved. Corker is doing back scratching…

translation please?

What now?


Sylvia Avery

Thanks for posting updates. I don’t understand half of what I am reading but it is helpful to at least get a sense of what is going on. If it weren’t for you, I’d be toast! I’ll check back in later when I have more time to read. Thank you so much for all your info!


I don’t understand either Sylvia… Potus says he is waiting so guess we’ll wait!


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, he doesn’t have to worry about a late cancellation penalty at a place he owns!

Molly Pitcher

For the record..I’ve never mentioned much if anything about Q before to my family.
Just got a box of ribs as a Christmas present from my brother and family. The message said…Merry Quey Christmas ! What a shocker.


Sounds like you have a savvy brother Molly… Congrats!!!!!

Molly Pitcher

Both bros, SILs, all the nephews, are big MAGA so I hope they stumbled onto Q also but maybe Prarie was right..BBQ y. Funny, I was stopped in my tracks a moment..too much QTree !


I think he meant maybe “Bar-B-Que” 🙂 But still very thoughtful!!! I also don’t talk much about Q to my family until just a few days ago, I was texting with my sisters (one from TX, one from WY) and I just asked “Do you gals know about the Q movement?” – surprisingly the Texan was very aware, the Wyomingite… clueless. 🙂 I took the time to share and red pill as much as I could without getting too ahead of myself!

Molly Pitcher

Ohhh maybe That’s entirely possible BBQ Y….I did text and asked Q fans?’re probably brain is on Q mode these days.


Sent my Sister-in-law a Hillary Nutcracker and a black hoodie + matching mask.

Molly Pitcher

haha that’s cute!
I sent my niece (a indoctrinated rabid leftie) a onesie for her new baby that said on it…The Snuggle Is Real.
I think maybe she took offense , never got a thank you. Can’t mess with their ooh so powerful slogans. Wished it would’ve said the struggle isn’t real but the snuggle is!

Steve in Lewes

Hallelujah !
I have found the rational and sane x-Treepers !
Merry, Merry Christmas you wonderful Banned of Brothers and glorious Deplorables !
I truly have gone from Dark (CTH) to Light (Q Tree) .I am re-born.
Mind if I graft my wilting CTH branch to your Magnificent Tree ?
Thank you Wolf for a safe haven from the insanity.
Steve in Lewes
(also known as Cumbaya – banned twice)

Sylvia Avery

Welcome aboard, Steve in Lewes! Sorry you got banned, but as we have discovered there is life after getting the boot from the CTH. This is a great place!


just a note about the “supreme court” decision today – well, on second thought i cannot post what i was going to.
the absolute mind blowing mental gymnastics of these people defending open borders is amazing. but they are physically scared of people with MAGA hats…
going to get some more precious metal!


Don’t forget the chocolate.
I’m serious.
Almost as good a cigarettes for barter.


you have made an excellent point! and reminded me of it twice today 🙂
smoking is bad kids, but in all honesty i would probably trade some for a smoke in a moment of weakness 🙂


Ohhhh, boy, here we go. Whitaker the Hammer is up to bat at DOJ.
First “real” day on the job.
He rescinded 69 Letters of Guidance from the Obama DOJ, including school discipline policy.
Yeah, baby.


Go Matt… !!!!

Sylvia Avery

The more BO era stuff is rescinded, the better. Every bit of that foul influence that is erased from our system the lighter the load.
Go, Matt, Go!


amen! about time this stuff is being brought to light more. it’s a very very interesting story when you study all these players in the game. and you cannot deny the truth no matter how many do not want to hear it. i remember several calm before the storm threads (4ch pre 8ch) when the abedin connection was brought to light (for me at least) and it led to even further ties to the MB, saudi arabia, brennan, valjar, etc…


Bachman is wonderful, and look how the muslims and Marxists in Minnesota got rid of her. She’s brilliant and a real patriot.


Kids shouldn’t give their Christmas Wish List to grandma over the phone. They should do it in writing and be specific – include photos, name, description – maybe even item numbers, store address, aisle number….
or else….comment image


Jimmy Kimmel makes fun of folks funding the WALL…


…and Mastrangelo strangles Milano:


Wibbly Bits
I’m laughing so hard I’m crying. Twitter comment of the year.
SJW female posts a tweet about LGTBQ being “wrong” because “bisexual” means there are only two genders.
Guy from England responds – and it’s legendary.
“There are only two genders : ones with wibbly bits upstairs and ones with wibbly bits downstairs. The size of the wibbly bits vary and sometimes ones with small wibbly bits upstairs look like those with wibbly bits downstairs, until they take their knickers off.”


there is absolutely no way you can compete with the thoughts going on inside the minds of some of these folks. i mean, you don’t even have to make debate with them – they defeat their own when their brains let them down by making an intelligent thought… 🙂
possibly it’s a fake tweet, but i know it’s not the first time i have seen someone state almost the same thing.



Hmm…this is weird:

.comment image


i think there is a portrait of someone on the opposite wall – maybe washington or maybe not…
the windows are probably also not “glass” as we’d think of it, so it’s probable that reflections are distorted even further…
but i’m open for speculation 🙂


You’re probably right…a portrait or painting on the opposite wall.
And yeah, glass is likely bulletproof, so…thicker than normal panes, which would tend to distort.


I’m gathering that the point of that tweet is to highlight the two war time flags on either side of the George Washington portrait on the other side of the Oval Office. Maybe reading a hidden message into the photo of the President signing legislation tonight.


I think so too, TTT…because I have determined that that *is* the portrait of Washington in the reflection.
PDJT was also standing under it, when he did that video that he tweeted out.
You could only see the bottom edge of the picture frame…but that is what it was.


Looks like Potus is remaining in the WH tonight.


Is there a concern tonight about traveling unsecured? Could be more than just bc of the senate.


That thought did cross my mind.
Chances to location/schedule for additional operational security.


I don’t know, Gil.
But that account frequently speaks in terms of “secured” areas and “secured” travel.
