For Whom The Bell Tolls

I leave this as an open question, although this thread is ultimately concerned with somebody named Barbara Olson, who died on 9/11.

I believe that the method of Barbara’s murder is now demonstrated.


The key to solving 9/11 is realizing that it was a CLINTON-centered operation which was launched AFTER the Clintons left the White House, in order to deflect attention from their central role.

9/11 served as a way – a contingency plan – to CONTROL the behavior of the United States, and in particular the Republicans, should Al Gore not win the presidency in 2000. It was a control-of-opposition operation, much like Charlottesville, only much, much larger.

I began questioning the official 9/11 story when Stephen McIntyre reminded me that Robert Mueller’s prosecutions have a PATTERN.

The pattern which McIntyre was primarily demonstrating was the pattern of Robert Mueller indicting a good number of people (13 both times) who were overseas and out of reach of actual prosecution.

(As an aside, this pattern was useful to me later in pursuing the fact that Mueller indicted Russian agents living near Nicholas Cruz. This is critical in understanding what is going on for OTHER reasons.)

A secondary pattern shown by McIntyre was that Mueller seemed to have pursued a WRONG PROSECUTION in the Khobar Towers case, and by implication of incompetence or politics, he might be wrongly pursuing Trump.

Other commenters showed that this pattern of wrong prosecutions by Robert Mueller extended to others, including multiple innocent defendants while informant Whitey Bulger was protected, as well as wrongly accused anthrax researcher Steven Hatfill.

A third pattern was close and purposeful interaction of Robert Mueller with James Comey in the very sketchy Khobar Towers bombing prosecutions, very reminiscent of the sketchy Mueller special counsel.

Thus, I was led to believe that Bill Clinton’s “aw, shucks, missed again” pursuit of Osama/Usama bin Laden (UBL) – typified by the notorious “aspirin factory bombing” – was in fact a fraud, and that the real goal of the Clintons was to set up a major terror event for multiple reasons, including self-enrichment and self-empowerment.

Later, when Q made me aware of Beverly Eckert’s death, and after looking into the death of JFK Jr., I became further convinced that these things were all connected to the Clintons.

A critical connection for me was the idea that videographic hoaxing had been used for the plane strikes on the Twin Towers, with a small group of NYC-based videographers in on the scam. This MATCHED my own knowledge of an off-the-books scandal that I refer to as CA3, in which a reporter/videographer pair from the NYC market attempted to create false videographic evidence as part of LAWFARE being used for Democrat politics (CA3 = Conspiracy to Advance Affirmative Action).

The key slip-up in the 9/11 videographic fraud is Peter Jennings reacting on-air to the primary error, referred to as “Pinocchio’s nose”. This rules out the idea that the erroneous footage is later disinformation. Note also that I have tracked down certain recent anti-NASA “flat earth” disinformation, and connected it to much earlier 9/11 disinformation which was out of the NYC area. The fact that NYC now has a communist mayor is not a coincidence.

The totality of information on the plane-building videography and blatant unphysicality of the filmed strike shows me that there were errors made in terms of the durability of the deception versus crowd perception and reasoning, with the crowd advancing faster than anticipated.

I currently leave open a number of aspects of 9/11, but my theorizing now centers on two ideas: (1) large-scale Potemkin blood hoaxing, and (2) Clinton centrality.

What follows is based on this.

The Question of Barbara Olson

Barbara Olson was a lawyer and persistent investigator of Hillary Clinton during the Clinton administration. She was responsible for several of the most damaging Clinton scandals being revealed.

Olson wrote a book in 1999, as the Clinton administration began to close down, and Hillary Clinton prepared to run for a Senate seat in New York.

Tonawanda asked this question (image followed by text quote):

December 23, 2018 at 6:19 am E
The death of Barbara Olson is so suspicious to me. At the time I wondered if she was a Ron Brown type “throw in” for 911, a favor done for Hillary. It sounds like a theory from behind the Tin Foil Curtain, but I think how well coordinated the whole plot was. What would it take to get Olson on that specific flight, trapped in existential terror before her death?
Hillary is in love with unimpeded power, which means she is in love with unimpeded evil. Part of unimpeded power is lust for total revenge.
I have a friend who openly disrespected Hillary in a public forum. My friend was subsequently subjected to protracted, devastating legal proceedings where injustice reigned at every turn. The instigator of the proceedings had a direct connection to Hillary. No one can prove it, but it is hard not to suspect this was Hillary’s revenge.
In part, the persecution Our President is enduring IMO is very personal revenge direct from Hillary.

Tonawanda, December 23, 2018, The Q Tree

I KNEW I had seen that Barbara Olson had an event she had to get to, and that this controlled her schedule. Later, I learned that she had TWO events bracketing 9/11, and this even more tightly controlled her schedule, but based on knowledge of only ONE event, I said this.

December 23, 2018 at 12:33 pm E
“What would it take to get Olson on that specific flight, trapped in existential terror before her death?”
I figured it out. Holy fucking shit. She was MURDERED.
Thread going up.

Wolf Moon, December 23, 2018, The Q Tree

The Event People

The reason I am able to state this categorically, is that I actually have experience with the unit who I refer to as “The Event People”. They are probably CIA or a hidden agency. They work by abusing NSA data – this is key to how they are able to PREDICT what people will do, when they will do it, and then manipulate them in these instances. They are basically trap-layers. They are not the “IMF” – they are REAL and FALLIBLE – which is why I’m telling you about them.

The way to CATCH them is to have some idea when, where, and HOW they will strike – to walk THROUGH their traps – and not take the cheese.

Knowing about one’s own NSA data is key to busting them. Knowing WHEN they have irresistible bait in front of them is very, very helpful.

I have interacted with these people multiple times over my life. Based on those experiences, I can tell what levels of data they need, and what kinds of circumstances “draw them out”. An essential component is when people are CONSTRAINED by something important. If a person is GOING TO BE SOMEWHERE, or GOING TO SEE SOMEBODY – these are critical bottlenecks that are used to attain predictability. Then the key is setting up a scenario in the path of the person.

Knowing that one is IN such a scenario is how to get out.

As soon as I saw that Barbara Olson was flying to LA on 9/11 for taping of an appearance with Bill Maher on “Politically Incorrect”, I realized that this was how she was taken out – by being manipulated onto the flight.

This obeys what I call the “Economy of Events Principle” – the idea that multiple “coincidences” protect each other from discovery as being planned events. It is a particularly efficient way to close out loose ends close to the plot. You know the saying that “truth is stranger than fiction”. This REALLY WORKS as psychological cover. People will psychologically dismiss something as “too weird” when coincidences stack up. They tell themselves that nobody would or could plan this.


I want you to think about this very carefully. Let me ask some questions to demonstrate how easy it is to lead somebody into a trap. Remember – ENTRAPMENT is a thing which law enforcement and intelligence do ROUTINELY. LE tries to do “just less than entrapment” – IC has no such bounds. The Event People are limited only by “what they can get away with without detection”. They seem to be very skilled at not overplaying their hand, and can always fall back to something like “we’re just the FBI” if they get caught.

Sound like Page and Strzok? You betcha. It’s THAT WORLD. Which by now you know REALLY EXISTS.

Here we go.

  • How many calls to how many people do I need to get somebody on a plane?
  • How many calls to how many people do I need to get my favorite critic interviewed by a famous friend, at a particular time, without necessarily involving that friend?
  • How many people’s phones do I need to listen to, to make sure things happen?
  • If I never use the NSA data to go to court, will anybody ever know I abused it?
  • Are there or were there ever any back doors to NSA data in place?
  • Was there ever any abuse of NSA data by Democrats?
  • When people find out that they have “inadvertently” become involved in something shady and utterly unbelievable, what do they do?
  • Would they tell themselves it was coincidence?
  • Would they fear the power of the people who might have arranged things?
  • Would they fear that they would not be believed, or called “crazy”?

Now – I want to give you the story that freaked me out. Read it, knowing what I just told you.

The bolded parts are critical.

Witnessed Event: American Airlines Flight 77

Barbara Olson was a lawyer, author and conservative American television commentator. In 1994, she joined the United States House of Representatives, becoming chief investigative counsel for the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee. In that position, Olson led a number of different investigations into the Clinton administration. She exposed the White House travel office scandal and the FBI files controversy. Olson published a collection of books that examine the history of Hillary Clinton and the actions of Bill Clinton in the final days of his presidency. Some of her accusations include unlawful pardons by Bill Clinton, the looting of the White House and executive orders that were sheer abuses of presidential power. On January 20, 2001, Bill Clinton pardoned 140 people in the final hours of his presidency.

In 1996, Barbara Olson married a man named Ted Olson. Ted successfully represented presidential candidate George W. Bush in the Supreme Court case of Bush v. Gore, which effectively determined the final result of the contested 2000 Presidential election. He subsequently served as United States Solicitor General in the Bush administration. On September 11, 2001, Barbara Olson boarded American Airlines Flight 77 traveling from Virginia to Los Angeles. She was visiting Los Angeles for a taping of Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher.

On September 11, 2001, Flight 77 was hijacked at 8:54. Between 9:16 and 9:26, Olson called her husband. According to him, she reported that the flight had been hijacked, and that the hijackers had knives and box-cutters. A minute into the conversation, the call was cut off. Shortly after, Barbara reached her husband again. Ted Olson asked for her location and she replied that the plane was flying over houses. Ted informed Barbara of the two previous hijackings and crashes. She didn’t display signs of panic over the phone. American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the western side of the Pentagon at 09:37 EDT. All 64 people on board were killed, including Barbara Olson. Following her death, Politically Incorrect host, Bill Maher, left a panel seat vacant for a week.

The two phone calls Barbara Olson made from Flight 77 are an important factor to the accepted story of 9/11. They provide evidence that American 77 had been aloft after it had disappeared from FAA radar around 9:00 AM. The calls are also the only source of the widely accepted idea that the hijackers had box cutters. The story has been scrutinized by a collection of researchers, who have accused Ted Olson of changing his account. He originally indicated that Barbara used a cell phone to call him, but later said she called using an airline phone. The technology to enable cell phone calls from high-altitude flights wasn’t developed until 2004.

From a source archived here:

Now – add to THIS constraint (Bill Maher taping) another one, which pinned her down almost with certainty to one specific flight. Link:

Ten years ago, Olson became the most famous person in D.C. to lose a loved one in the terrorist attacks: His wife, conservative commentator Barbara Olson, was on American Airlines Flight 77 when it crashed into the Pentagon. She had delayed a trip to California so she could be in town for his birthday dinner the night before.

Washington Post, September 9, 2011

I make no claims beyond the fact that this woman Barbara Olson was murdered. I do not know when, where, or in what manner. As I no longer accept the “official” explanation of 9/11, that leaves open a lot of possibilities. I suspect there was much evil hoaxing, fooling people at every step of the way, before they were killed. Remains? No problem.

“History books.”

The takeover of America surreptitiously by two foreign superpowers through traitors is not a simple thing.

It is clear that NOBODY was higher on Hillary’s list of enemies than Barbara Olson. Absolutely nobody. And remember Judge Kavanaugh, and his role as a critic of the Clintons, and the HELL that Hillary put him through. Barbara Olson was many times more of a problem for Hillary.

HOWEVER, that is not the most important reason to kill her. Barbara Olson was an extreme risk to the 9/11 plan. She would have INSTANTLY figured out that it was the Clintons behind the operation, and begun to unravel it. She simply had too much knowledge of the Clintons. In the “identification of risks” stage, Barbara Olson would have been identified, without question.

Barbara Olson herself was dangerous to the 9/11 plot. She had to be killed. THAT is the real motive.

The plotters needed to fold the loose end into the plan itself and then CLOSE IT OUT.

Are you with me? Maybe not. But I don’t care.

“It is better to be right, than to be believed.”

-Wolf Moon


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Our gratitude and our prayers rise up to Heaven today.


Reading your post Wolf.
Then watching our Lion’s Inaugural Address one more time.
There are no words.
Just hot wet prayers running down the sides of my face.


Amen, ttt, it’s heartbreaking.


I found some help to pray.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There you go trying to darken our mood with this dark, dark inaugural address.
I am of course being sarcastic.
One of my favorite PDJT lines–largely because leftist dingbats can’t believe he said it–is from this speech.
“When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.” @ 14:11


The evil brought forth by those two is hard for me to comprehend. Superb article Wolf!

Brave and Free

I have to admit you’re making my head spin….. In a good way though. You better make sure that your doors are locked tonight. God Bless


…….And every night. Be safe.
All y’all!!


So is your suspicion that the Bush family was in on this?


I mean Q suggested some things were too horrible for the American public to know…perhaps this is one of those things.


It is MY suspicion that EVERY president since Reagan up until Trump had a part in 9-11, One way or another.
Those after 9-11 just to cover and keep it covered up.
The CIA are eyeballs deep in EVERY Deep State action and Poppy Bush headed the CIA.


so that would mean Pres Trump knows…that would take this presidency in a completely different direction.


Spot on Rayzor!!!!
The CIA is the Secret Team of the globalists, beyond the law and accountability!!! They are the operational arm of these corrupt and evil Luciferians.
The difference between Luciferians and Satanists is merely one of degree—Luciferians sacrifice humans, whereas Satanists are not quite as committed to the altar and sacrifice animals!!!
9-11 was a planned human sacrifice—not by a rag-tag team of Arabs, but an inside job.


Lucifer and satan are the same. He masquerades as an ag angel of light. Followers would like people to think they are different, part of the deception. Of course, Pete, not referring to you in any way. Lol.


Pretty large thought bubble wolf. Not sure the Clintons will get nailed on that one, if true. I do think the Clinton Foundation case will be enough to send them to Gitmo.Or worse.
TractBeanz goes through public information to make the case that the Clinton Foundation is under active investigation. Worth a watch. Looks like this is the only angle to get them. Sort of like getting Al Capone on tax evasion
Just pray this is successful.


I view “Skull and Bones” as a SATANIC club.
Bush Sr., Bush Jr. and John Fn Kerry are ALL S&B.
The Bush Jr. vs Fn Kerry was a (non) choice FOR S&B.
“They” (S&B) couldn’t lose that race either way.


Don’t forget – the Shrub was in the oil business in TX with Bin Laden’s brother.
“A photograph from 1971 has surfaced and been printed in English papers showing Osama, age 14, and his brother Salem, age 19, enjoying a summer holiday at the Astoria Hotel in Falun, Sweden. Christina Akerblad, the hotel owner, told the Daily Mail, “They were beautiful boys, so elegantly dressed. Everybody loved them.”
Osama embraced Islamic fundamentalism and is now the world’s most wanted man. “Salem went on to become a business partner of the man who is leading the hunt for his brother,” the Daily Mail’s Peter Allen said. “In the 1970s, he and George W. Bush were founders of the Arbusto Energy oil company in Mr. Bush’s home state of Texas.”
President Bush and the bin Laden family have been connected through dubious business deals since 1977, when Salem, the head of the bin Laden family business, one of the biggest construction companies in the world, invested in Bush’s start-up oil company, Arbusto Energy, Inc.”


That at least partly explains why that family were able to fly out of the U.S. after 9-11 when all flights were grounded.


And then there is this – can’t vouch for it but shouldn’t be hard to verify, I would think.
“There are direct historical links between Osama bin Laden’s business interests and those of the Bush family. On September 15 I received the following message from Professor John Metzger of Michigan State University:
“We should revisit the history of BCCI, a bank used by the legendary Palestinian terrorist known as Abu Nidal. BCCI was closely tied to American and Pakistan intelligence. Its clients included the Afghan rebels, and the brother of Osama bin Laden, Salem.
“Salem bin Laden named Houston investment broker James R. Bath as his business representative in Texas, right after George W. Bush’s father became CIA director in 1976. By 1977, Bath invested $50,000 into junior’s first business, Arbusto Energy, while Osama bin Laden would soon become a CIA asset. George W. Bush’s FBI director Robert Mueller was part of the Justice Department’s questionable investigation of BCCI. (On BCCI, the bin Ladens, and the Bushes, see the books, The Outlaw Bank, A Full Service Bank, and Fortunate Son).”
Further details of the business and financial relationships between the Bush and bin Laden family are found in Peter Brewton’s 1992 book The Mafia, CIA and George Bush. BCCI, incidentally, was founded by a Pakistani.”

Molly Pitcher

Well as my good friend always says after learning something like this…pass the bong. Is there nothing that isn’t a huge can of worms in the DC swamp? Makes me dizzy. A spider web of networks that always leads back to clintons or cia..


Yep—the Clintons and the CIA. Think the Clintons were involved in BCCI also.
And was OBL really killed? The CIA created him. Do we take Obama’s word for it? NOT!!!


Right with you, Wolfie!!!
I believe HRC is perhaps one of the highest order of witches on the planet (which would certainly fit her ego). Willing to sacrifice anything for her god, Lucifer!
9-11 just didn’t happen—the degree of planning and putting people and things in place did not happen overnight! This is the type of operation that could have been in the planning stages during the whole Clinton presidency!


Very possible, Pete. Good point about planning.


WM, you are a great writer. But your investigative skills would never let you get hired at the lowliest lawyer’s office.
Lots of POTENTIAL dots and/or UNFILLED-IN dots you’ve connected. But not a single dot has any evidence to support it. In short, while your hypothesis is plausible (though almost mathematically improbable) it cannot go any further without evidence.
None of that changes my high opinion of you nor my appreciation for this blog.


Merry Christmas. Just for the record, I will eat a murder of crows if evidence starts showing up.


I think wolf would be happy if you agreed that the Clintons were among the biggest traitors in American history. The scope of which has yet to be revealed. Truthfully only one of the many things they did is enough anyways.


Gummi crows it is, my merciful blogmaster. 🙂 The other kind taste like caca.


Don’t know, Wolf, but witnesses have a way of ending up dead. I’ve never gotten over the death of Barbara Olsen, always felt she was murdered but couldn’t put it together. Thank you. So do you think her husband lied? Why would he do that?


Are you talking about the phone? That crossed my mind but, IMO, it is entirely plausible that he simply misspoke. I mean, it was a pretty tense situation, you know? I could see that as just a mistake. JMO


The supposed use of cell phones in the skies on 9-11 (when the technology wouldn’t allow in a commercial airliner, is a clue that this was a planned operation meant to deceive.


My admittedly very imperfect understanding is that people were not permitted to use cell phones on planes, but not sure that meant it was impossible, and under these extraordinary circumstances, maybe people did. Also, think there was ability to make some kind of radio calls as someone else may have mentioned.


The problem Zoe concerns airplane speeds, altitude, and the inability of repeaters and towers to keep up with the repositioning of the aircraft at such speeds.


Pete, I take your point, but it might not mean one could never make a connection depending where you were in relation to a cell tower, and if you thought you were going to die, you’d be trying to reach a loved one.


In other words, the calls would be dropped.


So many variables, so many unknowns.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A murder of crows.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No…it’s the fact that you’re accusing the Klintons of murder here, and he’s disagreeing and saying if he’s wrong…he’ll eat a murder of them. Hence a bit of pun irony.


Good article Wolf and in the face of everything that we now know about this evil pair …believable. Just added you to my prayer list. You speak up for those who can no longer defend themselves and we thank you for that.

Molly Pitcher

One thing that is certain is that the pool of people willing to go up against the cabal has gotten smaller and smaller and my guess would be that the very real possibility of a having your life end in ways that defy natural odds must play into it.


People are becoming more aware, but it has taken so long. Many of us have known the dangers of working with the Clintons for years. Hillary’s disposition alone should have been enough to turn people away, but so many crave power.
This was a chilling article in that it COULD be true.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I read a really wretched shaggy dog story once, it went something like this: A man named Tell was arrested in a western area of Austria; his son was also arrested.
Sounds familiar so far, right?
But in this story, he was told he had to roll a large rock at his son, not shoot an apple off his head. The son has no idea what’s going on as he’s tied, and asks the guard, who says, “Ask not for whom the Tell bowls, he bowls for thee.”

Cuppa Covfefe

That was Tellible 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…and not only was it tellable, I told it.
(Though to be clear, it’s someone else’s bad pun, I’m just sharing the pain with all of you.)

Cuppa Covfefe

Pain or PUNishment 🙂 Or was that “Rhyme and PUNishment?”…
So I’ll raise a glass of PUNch and say to everyone,
Have a Blessed, and Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas and a Happy, Happy, Happy New Year!
And plenty of snow, except where you have to drive through or shovel it 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

And, speaking of bells:
A new bellringer was needed for Notre Dame Cathedral to replace Quasimodo, the hunchback. The bishop decided that he would conduct the interviews personally and went up to the belfry to begin the screening process. After observing several applicants demonstrate their skills, he decided to call it a day when a lone, armless man approached him and announced that he was there to apply for the bellringer’s job.
The bishop was incredulous. “You have no arms!”
“No matter,” said the man, “Observe!” He then began striking the bells with his face, producing a beautiful melody on the carillon.
The bishop listened in astonishment, convinced that he had finally found a suitable replacement for Quasimodo. Suddenly, rushing forward to strike a bell, the armless man tripped and plunged headlong out of the belfry window to his death in the street below.
The stunned bishop ran down the long series of steps to the bottom of the cathedral, then rushed out to the man’s side. When he reached the street, a crowd had gathered around the fallen figure, drawn by the
beautiful music they had heard only moments before.
As they silently parted to let the bishop through, one of them asked, “Bishop, who was this man?” “I don’t know his name,” the bishop replied sadly, “but his face rings a bell.”
But wait…there’s more!
The following day, despite the sadness that weighed heavily on his heart due to the unfortunate death of the armless campanologist (now there’s a trivia word for you!), the bishop continued his interviews for the bellringer of Notre Dame. The first man to approach him said, “Your Excellency, I am the brother of the poor, armless wretch who fell to his death from this very belfry yesterday. I pray that you honor his life by allowing me to replace him in this duty.”
The bishop agreed to give the man an audition, and as the armless man’s brother stooped to pick up a mallet and began to create the most wonderful sounds to be heard. When he had finished, he turned to the bishop, groaned, clutched at his chest and died on the spot. Two monks, hearing the bishop’s cries of grief at this second tragedy, rushed up the stairs to his side.
“What has happened?” the first asked breathlessly, “Who is this man?”
“I don’t know his name,” sighed the distraught bishop, “but he’s a dead ringer for his brother.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

An oldie but goodie 😀




Thank you, Wolf, for a very thought provoking article. I’ve never believed the official 9-11 story. We were asked to believe too many things that couldn’t be true. Building 7, for example. And videos of airplanes melting into steel-reinforced buildings. Aluminum planes don’t melt into steel. They get crushed like a tin can. And a fiberglass nose cone doesn’t go all the way through such a building. As an Air Force veteran, I also didn’t believe we couldn’t have had fighters up almost immediately intercepting those hijacked planes. They war game that scenario all the time. (I did find out later that they had a bunch of military exercises going on at the same time, which would have caused a lot of confusion. Gee, I wonder who got them to do that?) But never once had I thought that the Clintons were ultimately behind it. I’ve heard a lot of theories – the Bushes, the CIA, Mossad, etc. But you’re the first person who connected the Clintons. And what you said makes a whole lot of sense. Hmmm.


Incidentally, I would think that a whole lot of military and government workers who weren’t involved would be extremely suspicious about the whole thing. A whole lot of them must know bits and pieces of what really happened. They may not even know that they know something important. So how do you get that many people too scared to say anything about what they know?

Molly Pitcher

Could it be that some knew there were glaring inconsistencies but tamped the thoughts down for fear of conspiracy nut labels or wanted to ride out their employment or realized with gut wrenching fear that “things” can happen to questioners?
My personal hope is that some quietly banded together to puzzle it out and try to root out the corruption…um…maybe like Q ? Q doesn’t seem like one person to me but..i’m fairly new to the Q phenom


Found this:
“I would bet Chinese leaders also remember where they were, but more importantly what they felt on 9/11—an overwhelming sense of relieve and opportunity. In fact, Frank Ching, a prominent journalist who opened the Wall Street Journal ’s Hong Kong bureau, went so far as to say that from “ China’s point of view the attacks were a blessing in disguise ” (more on Frank in a second).”


Exactly Linda! Fiberglass and aluminum meets steel, who wins? Kinda like rock, paper, scissors!
Major portion of kerosene (if actually an airplane), jet fuel, would be consumed upon impact. Landing gear, the most durable part of a jetliner, often survives the impact in some form. That said, nothing found at Pentagon, and any traces of a plane just disappears in Pennsylvania!!! Just a hole in the ground made to look like a plane? Right!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In re: the Franklin Half Dollar (1948-1963), which is the coin pictured:
The design of the bell rapidly wore on the master hub, and you pretty much need a 1948 dated coin to be able to read the writing on the Liberty Bell. The master hub was reworked in 1960; therefore the worst-made of these coins are from 1959. Note that the lettering is completely gone on the coin W put at the head of the post. It’s a worn coin, but it’s quite likely the lettering was never present at all (or very blurry and illegible) on this coin even the moment it fell off the press into the mint bag. Collectors generally seek ones where the horizontal lines at the bottom of the bell are fully visible (full bell lines, FBL).
On the obverse (front), Franklin’s hair generally has very little detail in it, again, post 1948. (Proof coins, like the one at the bottom of WolfM00n’s article, are quite different and will show a lot more detail.)
Unless something has happened since I read the statistic about 30 years ago, it’s the only time a private company’s name ever appeared on a US coin (“Pass and Stow”, who made the bell).
Franklin was, before the American Revolution, the only American well known in Europe; he was a celebrity for his scientific work on electricity and many of his inventions. Of course he sided with the Americans, was early to see we needed to become independent, and was on the committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence. He then did a lot of good work for us over in France bringing France into the war (without which we might not have won). And he was also one of the Framers of the Constitution.
His gravesite is quite easy to locate in Philadelphia; he’s in a cemetery that has at least three other signers of the Declaration in it.
Being the most famous Philadelphian ever, he went well with the Liberty Bell, also a Philadelphia icon.
Our coinage laws require an eagle on the reverse of silver and gold coinage (though this was relaxed at some point for the dime and silver half dime), thus when they decided to put the Liberty Bell on the reverse of the half dollar, they put a totally insignificant, nominal eagle on it as well to satisfy the law’s requirement.
Of course, the Franklin half dollar was discontinued at the end of 1963, as they brought out the Kennedy half dollar. Kennedy was just as subject to partisan trashing as anyone else but was martyred in November 1963 in Dallas.
(This is among the reasons why, whenever any bitter Republican of my acquaintance talked about how it’d be nice if Obola were assassinated, I had to point out that he’d end up in our pocket change and we’d literally never hear the end of how racist we were as a country, killing our first black President. Usually, they got my point.)


That’s so funny that you talked about the Liberty Bell and Ben Franklin’s gravesite because one of the apts I lived in while in Philly was within walking distance of both. I have been there more times that you can imagine.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The last time I was in Philly it was so muggy I couldn’t even think of walking around and I not only didn’t visit those sites–I didn’t even lay eyes on Independence Hall, which is about as important a site as exists anywhere on Earth, in my book.




Wow, this is a must-read thread from someone who worked at Ground Zero and what happened to him. Click on the tweet to read the whole thread:



Yes, indeed.
So well timed, too.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I remember quite distinctly watching both New York Senators, Schmucky Schumer and Hitlary Klinton, talking after the events that day.
Schumer was, at that time at least, behaving as if he was responding to a tragedy. Hitlary looked impatient with the whole thing, and I think I even saw her rolling her eyes once or twice. She looked like she thought “this is a waste of my time.”
I’ve thought since that time that at least Schumer (who I loathed because he was a prominent gun grabber) showed SOME class at that time. Well, now I know that even that little shred of something wasn’t actually true.

Molly Pitcher

It’s not nearly enough payback but the 9/11 memorial event was the place where the old gasbag had the spaz attack, got chunked in the medi-van AND lost her shoe.
That scene had to sway a couple of fence sitters that she wasn’t fit enough to be President. Nobody will ever forget that one!


Maybe what was happening to Hillary at the 9-11 event had a large psychological component to it.
Probably not, though, because that would assume an iota of conscience.


Holy shit! Did you read the part about Chuckie getting his daughter’s best friend (who later committed suicide) pregnant and paying her to have abortionS? Again, I say – holy shit!!!! If that’s true……..whoo, baby!


Yes, I did!
If that is true, and if this guy knows, another New Yorker must know, too. (No prizes for guessing 😉 ).


0h, snap! Just clicked! Oh my!


That other New Yorker also knows all about the inferior steel and all the implications of that.


I was waiting for the penny to drop … 😉


whaaat? really?


Such is the claim….


And this is way down the thread – PDJT cares about Americans!!!
“Sending prayers your way. I know first hand that when I wrote to our now @POTUS he will respond, a friend who had not received his vet ben. for 20 years, 10 days after writing Trump he got everything. Then I wrote about our dunes after hurricane Flor. they called me 🤗 He cares.”


After our government agency declared the air quality OK at ground zero just days afterwards (to necessitate the rapid clean up of the site to remove and destroy evidence), the DELTA Group from the University of California at Davis ( with the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory) came to ground zero to study particle size and content in the air between October 2–30, 2001. Their findings were such that no one without a high degree of protection should be breathing the air, and this is still a month after the event!!! And includes the surrounding area, not just ground zero. The EPA lied to hasten the clean up and get Wall Street opened. People are still dying today, yesterday, and tomorrow due to this deception!!!


Further, in an August 2003 report by EPA Inspector General Nikki Tinsley, Tinsley conceded the EPA had no scientific basis for issuing the “all clear” five days after the attack.
By November 2006 at least 400 WTC responders had already been diagnosed with various cancers due to exposure to the deadly plume emitting from the debris pile. (Kristen Lombardi, “Death by Dust…”, Village Voice, Nov. 28, 2006.)


I know this is O/T but it is about one of our deplorable Qs. Copied from
Clinteastwood says:
December 23, 2018 at 8:44 pm
Well……where is Fleporeblog defending Mattis in all this discussion?
Carthoris says:
December 23, 2018 at 8:50 pm
Fleporeblog may be out on a bridge somewhere trying to talk a certain CTH commenter into not jumping off. Although Fleporeblog may be trying to talk that certain CTH commenter out of tracking me down and bashing my head in.


AdRem cut off old Clint’s branch and Peoria Jane wanted the same done to Carthoris. Personally, I thought Carthoris’ comment was funny but I don’t know what it’s about so….


All the others also took Clint to task.


WM, very interesting food for thought…Thanks! I might agree with pgroup on this one, but it’s very possible the Clintons are somehow involved or connected.
Have you ever read anything or heard anything about how several survivors of the Las Vegas shooting mysteriously died several days/weeks/months after the attack. People that said there was more than one shooter, or a woman in a black van yelling at them before the attack…all very suspicious.
I’ll keep you in my prayers! Stay safe!


I think I found a photo of you online Wolf.
Is this you?comment image


Interestingcomment image


That reminds me of something Q said a long time ago about Hillary. That she was carrying around SAPs that weren’t supposed to be taken out of a SCIF, and she wasn’t even read into, on her trip to China. They were selling that information. That’s a hanging offense if they can prove it. And Q says they have it all.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She’s immune to a hanging. She’s so ugly she’d repel the noose.


We’ll just have to find a blind noose.

Cuppa Covfefe

C able (or C ommie)
N oose
N etwork


they contrived a situation where i believe folks were jumping out of upper floor windows to their deaths and playing it live on television. the rwporters voice inflections changing when they would zoom to a location with 6 or 7 people shown desperate for air as black smoke from melting office decor chokes off all chance for air. they would say oh no someone p,ease help these folks…they are waiving some cloth or something…oh dear god someone just jumped…
live on television. the greatest mind coup in decades used to place the citizens in a submissive position. we now needed protection and we would need to give up some of our rights for the good of our own well being. surely we understand…
and so it was. and so it shall be.


It’s interesting that Barbara Olson used the title…”Hell To Pay”.
Had she stumbled onto some of the darkest of the Clintons’ dark secrets?
There were rumors of Bill & Hillary engaging in satan-worship back in Arkansas, when they were in the governors mansion there.
The Clintons have left a trail of dead bodies in their wake.
The Clinton body count stretches over four decades…going on five.
I include the death of Ron Brown in that body count.
They took out a plane load of people to achieve that murder…so it was actually a mass murder.
But I think there were actual planes used on 9/11.
There is just too much evidence that supports it:
Air traffic controllers.
Ground crews.
These people would’ve all had to be ‘in on’ the deception, if there had been no airliners used.
Living in Tornado Alley…I have seen examples of how the wind velocity can drive ‘softer’ debris into hard objects:
A playing card driven into a tree trunk.
A plastic fork driven into a concrete block wall.
So it is not hard for me to believe that the planes penetrated the Twin Tower buildings.
The velocity of the aircraft could account for it…similar to the way that tornado debris is driven into vertical objects.
But the way that the Twin Towers went down, suggests something else was in play.
It resembled a controlled demolition.
As to Who Was Behind It…we should look at ‘who benefited’ the most.
The Globalists.
Bill Clinton declared the War on Terror…but after 9/11 it was ramped up and put on steroids.
The US went out to make the world safe — for the Globalists to do business.
The Clintons are a part of the globalist cabal.
They’ve been paid very well to do what they’ve done.
I think the cabal took out anyone who threatened them…because the cabal protects it’s high-level operatives.
The “Event People” is a good term, Wolfie.
Thanks for doing so much deep digging on this!
Sunlight is the best way to fight them.


Some examples of tornado debris being driven into vertical objects:comment imagecomment image


A co-worker and friend of mine was in NYC on 9-11 and actually saw both planes hit the towers.
This guy was very down to Earth and stable, and the opposite of a self-promoter, very modest, so I doubt he would have made the story up.
But I now have very little doubt Hillary killed Olson, and the Clintons were an essential part of 9-11.


There is video of the first plane hitting the north tower. Some European guys doing a documentary on FDNY ( a day in the life of a firefighter or something). They heard the plane approaching and all the firefighters looked up at the same time so the camera moved to see what they were seeing. Seconds later, the plane comes low over the street and hits the building. All hell breaks loose in terms of camera movements, etc. I only saw it once and then could not find it (on the web) again.


As I have said here before, I believe Boeing and others had developed technology (and created back doors) to override the controls in the cockpit of the plane from the ground. Thus, a commercial aircraft becomes a huge drone. I have read research where this technology was installed on the 757, 767 series of aircraft by Boeing, but European companies who ordered these airplanes refused to have this capability installed in their planes.
If true, the cockpit crew would have been locked out of control of the planes, and just along for the ride!!!


Were any of the planes’ crew able to call and report a hijacking?

Pat Frederick

this is yet another thread I will have to reread several times to fully digest the ramifications of what you suggest…i do not disbelieve your theories, but I think a part of me wants to disbelieve that anyone that evil was ever that close to being President–
you are continually in my prayers…stay safe!

Deplorable Patriot

Not to discount your research here, because there is much that is good, but after lurking on the conspiracy sites for quite a while, there is an alternate explanation to Barbara Olson who may or may not be dead as reports have surfaced that she was spotted in Sweden, although that’s just a rumor.
Word is that she and Ted Olson had been separated for months and were not speaking. Ted DID NOT want to do the Bush vs. Gore case, and her demise in the 9-11 ordeal was part of his payment for that. This is just a rumor, but it is plausible. Remember we did not hear the supposed phone calls between the two of them. We only have his word that it ever happened. And…there is a compelling YT video out there done by a person in telecommunications who proves that cell service does not work on airplanes cruising at high altitudes. For one, in 2001, cell service rarely was available more than 1,000 feet off the ground which I experienced as true at the top of the Empire State Building five years later. For another, at the speeds planes travel in the air, there is no time to hook up with the towers.
I think Corbitt of the Corbitt report(s) is correct. 9-11 was well planned out and orchestrated – complete with scripts – event. The projectiles MAY have been planes, but the precision at which they destroyed specific financial evidence belies that. There had to be homing devices in the North Tower and the Pentagon to get the data center at Marsh McClennon and the specific office where the evidence was in the audit of the Defense Department. Add to that a photo from inside the Pentagon that’s floating out there of the damage, and there’s a perfect circle in the wall. No way a plane did that.
No, the official story of 9-11 is not what really happened and there is a TON of material evidence that demonstrates that. Unfortunately, the horror of the day put up emotional firewalls that have yet to erode in most of the public.


Her demise “rt of his payment”, please spell out what you are saying, guess I’m a bit dense, my mind doesn’t process what this means. Thanks.

Deplorable Patriot

It means he wanted out of the marriage with no leftover strings. I have no idea if it is true or not, but rumor was the cabal took care of her for him.


To me, Hillary wanting Barbara taken out seems far more plausible to me than her husband.


DP— Good thoughts! Agree with you on Pentagon (probably a missile!?). People in building heard explosions well before the incoming projectile. Also, clocks in Pentagon frozen at times well before impact of outside object. And as you mention, that round hole about three layers inside of the building—no way the aluminum plane penetrated that far!!!

Molly Pitcher

Does anyone recall if there are any other accounts of passengers on that flight using the on-board phones to call family or is his call from her the only one?

Pat Frederick

i remember a conversation ending with “let’s roll…” i believe. A group of passengers were going to storm the cockpit…not the same plane i understand–this was from the one that hit the ground in Shanksville, PA.

Molly Pitcher

That’s what I remember too. It would be odd if Barbara Olson was the only person to use the phone on that plane. hmm after Christmas I’ll do some looking


There are 9-11 investigators who were commercial pilots and personnel that totally refute the capability of those conversations taking place in the “air”, and argue they could only take place on the ground! They postulate the planes were flown to a shutdown AFB, hangared, and certain people selected to read scripted lines. Afterwards, all the passengers were eliminated.
Whatever the scenario, they said it was impossible to make those calls at the elevation and speed of the aircraft with the phone technology at the time. They would know, being commercial airline professionals!


ROV technology (Remotely Operated Vehicles) existed back in 1995 with the development of the Black Hawk—with the first air trials in 1998 at Edwards AFB. In 1984 at Edwards during a 16 hour exercise, “ground pilots” remotely controlled a Boeing 720 through 10 successful takeoffs, numerous approaches, and 13 landings!!!
KinetX (Natl. Flight Emergency Response System), Raytheon (technology to enable controllers to take over distressed aircraft using a military GPS landing system), and Boeing’s “auto-land system”—were well into the pipeline and likely already in place by 9-11!
Just sayin’—stuff was there to control these planes from the ground and overriding the cockpit.


Daddy Bush and the Clintons appeared to be more than just competing politicians. He and Bill seemed like close pals! Think maybe GHWB was involved in the drug running operation out of Mena, Ark. back when Bill was governor (Daddy Bush was VP).
Dick Cheney, IMHO, was fully read into the 9-11 incident, and probably a key component. Bush 43 may have been kept in the dark until after the fact, or he was an excellent actor down in Florida!
Rumsfeld (Sec. of Defense), General Richard Myers (chairman of the Joint Chiefs), and Condy Rice (National Security Advisor) probably had foreknowledge. Why?? Because they were headlong in the coverup afterwards!
Michael Chertoff, as US Assist. AG Criminal Division, was put in charge of the 9-11 investigation (and rewarded afterwards as Sec. of Homeland Security!). The FBI Director?? Robert Mueller “just in time” (9/04/01–9/04/13)!
What about Chertoff? Special counsel for the Senate Whitewater Committee (no prosecution sought against the Clintons); prosecutor for the case against Arthur Anderson/Enron (with Andrew Weissmann by his side, a close ally to Mueller); and was the co-author of the US Patriot Act. The investigation headed by Chertoff into 9-11 was a joke, a coverup!!!


“As an airline pilot, during our initial and annual training we are required by the FAA to complete a course called Crew Resource Management. This is the study of airline accidents and incidents in which we, as flight crew members, are asked what we could have done to prevent a particular accident. …I have studied many airline accidents over the course of my career. It was difficult for me to accept the reports from Shanksville about the lack of any wreckage of Flight 93 because large pieces of the aircraft are normally found. There are the remains of the virtually indestructible engine cores, landing gear, and tail sections, to name just a few of the larger parts that would be found in the debris field. …
“In one of the articles he wrote [Christopher Bollyn]…He described in detail how many people, including the mayor of Shanksville, reported having never seen any wreckage of a Boeing 757 airliner. Witnesses stated they saw no smoke or fire, no airframe pieces, no real evidence of an airliner crash, and things along these lines. The coroner on the scene said there were no bodies or body parts to be seen.”
(Capt. Glen Stanish)
So how does a commercial airliner just disappear into the ground? No luggage, no passenger seats, cargo or service doors, flaps, rudders, hydraulic tanks and pumps, inflatable rafts or life jackets, mail from USPS, etc. … nothing!!!???


Dick Cheney in an interview with Tony Snow on March 29,2006–“We’ve never made the case, or argued the case that somehow Osama Bin Laden was directly involved in 9-11. That evidence has never been forthcoming.”
“The deathly precision of the attacks and the magnitude of planning would have required years of planning. Such a sophisticated operation would require the fixed frame of a state intelligence organization [e.g. CIA], something not found in a loose group like the one led by the student Mohammed Atta in Hamburg.” Eckehardt Werthebach, former president of Germany’s Verfassungsschutz intelligence service, Dec. 2001 (bracket content mine)


[…] For Whom The Bell Tolls […]

[…] I should also say that I AM WORRIED it’s a bit like Barbara Olson getting invited to talk about her book. […]


““What would it take to get Olson on that specific flight, trapped in existential terror before her death?”
I figured it out. Holy fucking shit. She was MURDERED.
Thread going up.”
Not sure how I missed this thread back in late December 2018, but I always pretty much assumed that Barbara Olson was murdered by whoever was ultimately responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
Because what are the odds that one of the chief thorns in the side of the Clintons just happens to be on one of the planes that goes down on 9/11?
The odds must be beyond astronomical.
It wasn’t a tragic accident that Barbara Olson was onboard.
It was a calling card.


Scott467 and Wolfmoon, I so agree with you on this. It has haunted me for years. Always knew it was deliberate, that the Clintons were behind it somehow. After all, Barbara wrote Hell to Pay, didn’t she? Then some insinuated her husband might have wanted her dead. Terrible. Cruel.


Sorry, Wolfie, but what is this, please?


I do not, Wolfie, but thank you. I might have guessed that was what it was.

[…] For Whom The Bell Tolls […]
