This SPECIAL CHRISTMAS open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments. Keep it civil. Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.
Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:

For Christmas, I decided to “keep the Christ in Christmas” and choose images of nativity scenes for this post. I love abstract art for its deep symbolic meaning, which helps us concentrate on the spiritual. I also love impressionist art for its deep feeling. The impressionist nativity scene below was my favorite, but if I used it as a header, the Christ Child at the bottom would not be in the image when viewed at the page itself. In other words, I would not be “keeping the Christ in Christmas”, defeating my purpose.
Therefore I chose the abstract image you see, which includes all the important figures, ESPECIALLY the Christ Child, and which fortuitously placed the Three Wolf Moon site avatar exactly where you see it. The placement (desktop version) was so oddly symbolic of our group’s spiritual awe and respect, hovering mysteriously nearby yet untouching and unseen, as if we were there invisibly in spirit, that I decided it had to be the one! But that also meant I could use the impressionist image here, where you can appreciate the whole thing.
Some things are just meant to be. Ponder these images and you will be refreshed in spirit. Both of them say so much. Which Bible verses do they speak to you?
Please feel free to add every possible Christmas image to this thread!
Merry Christmas!

Thank you, Wolf. Beautiful paintings. At first I didn’t see it in the abstract painting, but after seeing the impressionist one I realized they were depicting the same thing. Wow.
I just saw a tweet of Christians celebrating Christmas Eve mass in Ninevah province in Iraq and it really struck me how Christianity is being celebrated tonight everywhere, even in places we least expect it. No matter how much Islam has taken over the Middle East, Christianity has been there for 2,000 years. No matter how hard he tries, Satan cannot destroy it. Even in Iran. Since the takeover by the mullahs, Christianity has exploded there. No matter the persecution. and no matter how flawed we are, God will enable His gospel to be spread. It’s quite humbling.
AMEN! Thanks for that! <3
Yes, I'm very hopeful for the Middle East. Just knocked on wood!!!
I think that Iran will be freed, too – no thanks to Obama and his pet Ben Rhodes!
Merry Christmas Everyone

Merry Christmas!!!
Just because we need a record of this before the tweets get deleted:
This is great! Thanks – I saved the individual images.
They may disappear from Twitter, but I’ll still have them!
May everyone here have a blessed Yule. And buckle up because I have a feeling this year is going to need seatbelts and a height marker before entering the ride!
Blessing to you as well! And I agree.
To borrow a line from a movie, “I see jailed people.”
Working on peace on Christmas Eve! I love it!
Can’t sleep, so . . .
Thanks for that! Love the old instrument!
wow, I bet that is worth a fortune
We had a big discussion about that at rehearsal one evening. One of the music directors I work for swears the original instrument was probably an accordian.
Thanks so much, Johnny, can’t sleep, either. Appreciate this, happy Christmas to all.
Wernerer knows something!
He was an opera singer and a concert violinist, along with being a leading man (back when he had hair
), and his father was the great conductor Otto Klemperer. There’s a great interview of him, I think on YouTube, and he speaks more of less with a SoCal (Southern California) accent. Apparently he would only do Hogan’s Heroes if it made fun of the III. Reich and the Nazis…
and was a leading man in his younger (and thinner) years…
John Banner (Sergeant Schultz) also knew a lot
P.S. A Blessed Merry Christmas, Fröhliche Weihnachten, and Joyeaux Noel to everyone!
Merry Christmas CC!
TY for sharing Johnny. I had forgot what the old book was reading years ago, but in WWII the Germans and US forces were squared off with the two forces facing each other across an open field on Christmas Eve. the Germans broke into silent Night and the US joined in to make a very poignant memory.
Merry Christmas!
If I recall correctly, that scene was in the movie War Horse, wasn’t it?
Now you got me thinking which is a dangerous thing. Seen that movie just once when it was fairly new, but Band of Brothers mini series based on Steven Ambrose’s book alludes to it.
Merry Christmas to all my old CTH friends who make up this wonderful slash pile of pruned branches.
Join me in wishing our President and family a joyous celebration in the White House.
And…I am greatly looking forward to this year’s SOTU address!
Welcome and Merry Christmas!!! Strong Tree here!! I remember you Tatonka!
AMEN! Strong Tree!!!
Merry Christmas and AMEN!!! SOTU2018!!!
Have you been here and I’ve just missed your posts somehow, or did you recently arrive? Either way, glad you are here! Merry Christmas!
Welcome to the Q Tree!!!
I don’t know how many others have come here yet, so it’s a good think I’m not counting.
“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”
John 1:5 (KJB)
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”
John 1:5 (NIV)
Love it! Both versions great, but the KJB one is very COOL.
I love the KJV one because it is so spot on for our world today. The light is shining like crazy but the darkness comprehends it not. Amazing.
OMG – You’re right! Very good interpretation! Right now it’s REALLY appropriate. The light IS shining like crazy, and so obviously NOT comprehended.
It creates that feeling so many of us have talked about where we feel like we’re both watching the screen but each side is seeing a different movie.
I get so angry because they ignore the light. But actually I’m not sure they see it and they apparently are unable to comprehend what it is.
It is the oddest thing. I was struck by that when I read that Scripture and thought, yep, once again we are shown the truth.
Two movies. Yup.
Hate can not comprehend Love
Exactly, SA!
Itswoot, thank you, that is the Scripture I wanted up here.
1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
“Darkness” can NOT overcome the “Light”……
The definition of “Darkness” is:
just as the color “Black” is NOT even a color…..
but it is indeed the ABSENCE of LIGHT.
HI Wolfie and ALL!! SO my whole fabulous family were here for the “Christmas EVE feast of Standing Rib Roast, Twice baked Potatoes, Caesar Salad, Garlic Mushrooms, and Popovers! Son In Law has PERFECTED cooking the Roast! Medium Rare! Daughter is a General–barking Orders and making all things happen-plus she makes awesome Bourbon drinks! (Works for Ad agency that handles MAKERS MARK…So…) Daughter in laws– 2- were Super Helpful in the prep department! Sons entertained Parents and Grand child! 3 1/2 year old grandchild Prayed before the meal! WHAT!!!! Mr. Marica was on his best behavior!!–( He gave me a talking Donald Trump Pen–funniest ever!)
Also–MOST IMPORTANTLY– went to CHRISTMAS MASS with ALL my FAMILY!– To our amazing singers–Deplorable Patriot and Elizabeth Carter– there could be more? The Choir was AMAZING! –And when they add the brass!!! I came home with the biggest WINNING feeling ever!!
Beautiful field report, Marica! Love it! <3
And a talking Trump pen! LOL!!!
What a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner full of love and laughter and family and food and Makers Mark. Mhmmmm…..!
I’m always interested to hear what people eat and do and what traditions they have. Sounds like you had a great night indeed!
As for me? I still had your DIP on my mind so I went to the hippie store and bought their delicious smoked salmon dip for my veggie tray. And we had scrumptious clam chowder (Christmas Eve is either clam chowder or Swedish meatballs for dinner) and I bought a Kringle from the Danish Bakery. I haven’t had Kringle for Christmas in more than ten years because I don’t eat sweets any more, but we ate Kringle tonight. It was delicious. Tonight was the warm up meal. Tomorrow is ham and turkey. And dip. I bought chili queso dip also as a back up. Wow. I am truly in dip-induced bliss.
Marcia, What a wonderful family celebration. The menu is amazing and the whole family working together to create lasting memories is the best part.
I have no living family near me now, but I loved reading your description of your day. It brings back so many wonderful memories and gives me a gentle, loving feeling as I read it. I read it a few times.
Music has always been a very important part of my life. Thank you for remembering me in your post.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
MMM…standing rib roast. Mmmmm. That sounds delicious as does Sylvia’s down below this. It occurs to me I have no idea what part of the country each of you are in…Mine is pretty obvious.
Merry Christmas Marica
Marica, my sister made a standing rib roast, too. I ate the center rare part for them. Lol. That’s because I’m so rare. lLol.
Back this past 11/23/18 was my 1st Wife (and only) and I were celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary out at a fabulous restaurant and the special at the bar was their Makers Mark Manhattan. The thing that made it sooo good was Black maraschino Cherries. There are a little pricey but make the best Manhattan I’ve ever had.
Merry Christmas trumpismine! and YES! on MM Manhattans..She makes them as well!!!
I’ve put up a thread for people to say THANKS to Q (and Q+, or even the whole Q team!) Please feel free to get over there and leave a brief message or a gift image!
One they will push WE THE PEOPLE too far. I wish I knew of an easy solution to the fed debacle and treason.
This is fascinating. Erik Prince’s old Blackwater group has been re-branded and is back as the Constellis Group. Without Erik, of course. Here’s a key part of the article
“Mattis’ resignation comes amid news that President Donald Trump has directed the drawdown of 2,000 U.S. forces in Syria, and 7,000 U.S. forces from Afghanistan, a U.S. official confirmed to Military Times, a story first reported by the Wall Street Journal.
This month, in the January/February print issue of the gun and hunting magazine “Recoil,” the former contractor security firm Blackwater USA published a full-page ad, in all black with a simple message: “We are coming.”
Is the war in Afghanistan — and possibly elsewhere ― about to be privatized?”
It’s almost like POTUS is rearranging pieces in our engagements all over the world. Like we have a presence, but we don’t.
Frees up troops to be coming home. Now Pres Trump is unrestrained by his lefty Defense Sec’y and his frustrated COS. He has a sick SC judge that is pumping out phony stories about her health. Our VSG has suckered the media into running constant stories about building the Border Wall.
Something big is going to drop. All this stuff looks like pawns in a chess match are being positioned.
Does it happen before the Mueller report in late February (D Day) or after?
And now we cannot un-know this. MAGA patriots understand what this means
Lol!!! Exactly what I said to myself when I read this….WOW!!!!!
Further down in the tweet is the link to a post on Irish adoption laws and Roberts’ family situation:
Interesting reading.
Merry Christmas to all!
Merry Christmas Brave and Free!
Thank you.
Have a great Christmas, Brave and Free!
So our Made In China phone is probably from these folks. Odds on whether they built spying technology inside the phones?
i believe it is already known thwy have backdoors in the phones cannot get the article to back this up right now but it also had to do with the fact they had something in them that thwarted OUR spying on their phone which was the part we just absolutely cou.d not stand for
The advisement to the military and government personnel to NOT use these phones came out over a year ago.
This is a great letter that Gen. Flynn’s brother wrote about him in November and sent to Judge Sullivan. Long thread, very good for Christmas:
Drive for show—putt for dough!!!
I highly recommend everyone watching Randy Quaid’s Twitter performance in reading President Trump’s tweet “Poor Me” and many more!
Merry Christmas
I’ve heard one or two of his earlier ones, which are hilarious.
Merry Christmas!
Got a link?
It’s the third tweet that’s important. He’s starting to troll the fed. They’re ready.
Tracybeanz on the mysterious corporate case that saw one floor of the DC courthouse closed. This relates to SD’s thread of Dec 24 on the same topic.
The other day, one of us posted Paul Sperry’s piece for Real Clear Investigations that posited nothing was happening.
Tracybeanz thinks that something significant is, in fact, happening.
Long thread, excerpted.
cripto recommends the following thread (excerpted, click on a tweet to see full thread):
‘December 24, 2018 at 11:31 pm
‘DawsonSField has a long fact-based twitter thread on this case (18 December). Good person to read or follow on all things related to swampster stuff. I recommend it.’
REX writes!
‘REX says:
December 25, 2018 at 2:30 am
‘Hi Sundance, it’s REX.
‘Hope all is well and Happy Christmas.
‘Just FYI I’m hearing that the foreign company *may well be* ROSATOM and that this is related to a Uranium One investigation.
‘And that it isn’t Mueller related at all.
‘Hope that helps.
‘All the best
Even outside forces are trying to battle the gloom and doom! Go REX!
From Dec. 19:
anyone heard one thing about this? it’s transcribed but not released?
I didn’t know about this until today.
Am wondering along with you about an unreleased transcript.
Releasing closed door transcripts was a thing just for Comey I believe, but I’m sure we’ll hear more.
From Christmas Eve:
Love your stuff but when you post so many in a row I don’t end up reading them. Try spacing them out. All great content but you wind up making each one less important.
Friend, I am on a limited time schedule.
Take them or leave them for later.
I see. So this is more for you and not for us. Merry Christmas
No, it’s not about — or for — me at all.
If that’s sarcasm, you should have added the tag.
Look, a) I have my own website, b) write for another (next post long overdue) and c) am posting what looks to be interesting news.
No one ever asked you to read all the posts in one go! Read and digest at your leisure!
Like I said, you wind up diminishing the very content you want us to read. I assume you think each piece stands on its own merit. Treat it as such.
No, they are part of the day’s news.
If you look at them, one often has something to do with the other and is part of a continuum. They are not meant to be separate items, but pieces of a news puzzle.
If you’re better at populating an open news thread, please do.
I understand and no I am not interested in populating an open news thread, I prefer to read what everyone has to offer. Sometimes I have something worth posting.
Just my opinion
Have a great day!
CM, I like that they are all together, it makes it easier for me just to look at each one, otherwise I would probably miss some of them. Thank you for taking the time to post the info. Much appreciated.
Thank you very much, Zoe! I greatly appreciate your comment!
Churchmouse, you know that you are appreciated here. And you also know that your fellow Q-treepers are interested in what you bring to the table. However, you do get some feedback from time to time.
You could see that as a negative, but I see it as a positive. If you were being ignored, slandered or some such it would be different. Perhaps the deeper message from the feedback (which could also be said to others, such as myself) is,
If I am right about this, a flow of “news feed” type posts coming in sprinkles feels better because it allows for conversation and processing of the news together.
When data-content-only posts come too fast, it can kill the community vibe. I have seen that used as a technique to shut down unwanted topics on other forums over the years (now that I think about it).
Just some thoughts about what might be going on here.
Good thoughts!
It’s an interesting topic, and one I am hesitant to intervene in, because I think this community is mature enough to decide socially.
We is smarter than me.
We are an information-sharing forum. We are in some ways an uncensored substitute for Twitter – especially our daily threads.
There is a balance in this thing, and a mix of styles. Sometimes it’s important to listen, sometimes it’s important to persist until truly heard.
Y’all will work it out.
If I might add my 2 cents…..WADR, NYGuy, it does ruin the continuity sometimes by splitting them up and Twitter limitations also affect it. Churchmouse, I don’t know how this would work vis-a-vis your time constraints, but I have always preferred reading Tweets via the unrolled thread. I don’t know how to unroll a thread (perhaps you do? I am not on Twitter any more) but often, if you scroll down, someone may have unrolled it. You could just copy a bit of the highlights, then post the link to the unrolled thread. Just a suggestion and I don’t know if that would even solve this problem.
It was kind of disheartening to see discord among us, especially on Christmas. Bless you both – you both contribute greatly to this warm, wonderful den!
Yes, discord *is* disheartening. I guess that’s why I tried to offer some perspective. But in this particular incidence I lean towards seeing NYGuy as being a bit out of sorts and irritable as he generally does not fuss at other people for their posting style.
Agreed – I was actually kind of worried all was not well with him – it was unusual.
Thanks for the feedback — which was nicely and politely expressed — thinkthinkthink.
This is the only thread I comment on with any regular frequency.
My perspective is that I like to share what I find in doing a news scrape.
I do it while nearly everyone in the US is asleep and consolidate it into what I consider a daily puzzle.
I have times of day to do different things.
My mornings are when I catch up on the news.
I would enjoy waking up to a few dozen posts on the news, particularly breaking stories, so that I didn’t have to go to 15 or 20 places to find out what’s happening in the world.
What does everyone else think — including Wolfmoon?
churchmouse – I appreciate any and all information you have to offer, via the method that works best for you.
If I get overwhelmed – which I frequently do in general because the posters here have so much great information to share – I take a break and come back later. Your efforts are much appreciated!
Thank you very much, holley! I very much appreciate your comment and feedback!
Hope you and your family had a great Christmas!
I think your enjoyment of the process of curating new topics is important. And I also think that your being aware that your news “drops” have the potential to overload someone’s circuits is one of the inputs to how you go about that curating process. As in all copy writing tasks, we look to tighten up the content to deliver the message in the most effective manner.
Well, then, you could a) skip over my posts and b) wait until later in the day when others add to the thread.
Sorry, how many times do I have to explain that I do this when I wake up and enjoy morning coffee? I have other activities after that.
Should I interrupt the rest of my life — online and offline — thinking, ‘Gosh, I really need to space my news posts out’??
I thought I was sharing information.
Now, for some, it’s info overload.
As I said, I’d be happy if someone did this and I could go to a site where a whole daily set of news was there when I woke up. How time saving is that?
What the heck. If a lot of people really don’t like it, I’ll take my daily news scrape elsewhere.
More comments necessary on this, but not from the two people who have already objected.
Ummm, I was trying to be supportive???
My apologies.
I know that you normally like a lot of my news scrape comments.
Today was the first time I had any doubts about it, despite your likes.
I would not ask anyone to pace their comments to suit me. That’s how I understood your comment.
If I am wrong, again, I apologise.
I hope that you and your family had a good Christmas!
Sorry if I misinterpreted what you were saying.
I picked this picture especially for you Churchmouse.
There is a story that goes with the picture. A link to it follows.
That’s pretty cool, thinkthinkthink.
Thank you for the fascinating article on narrative arcs!
Glad you liked it!
And no. Richard Jesse Watson isn’t easy to make sense of.
Much like real life.
Perhaps you’d be happier not reading from his blog. You have to be a child or in a half-dream state to get much out of it. (And yes, I am smiling. Again)
NY Guy – It is better to put tweets that have a continuous thoughts/sentences together so someone doesn’t post comments in between and break up the train of thought.
yeah that’s what he said
This is to keep the President from making appointments if they adjourn.
PDJT was unable able to make any appointments during summer non-recesses, as they were doing the same thing.
if I may humbly ask…send a prayer up for my son-in-law please. Yesterday he was working on a last minute gift for our daughter–smoothing out the antlers from the buck she shot last month–when a piece of “something” went into his eye. Our daughter and her family are 4 hours away and she briefly called to say they were on their way to the Wills Eye Hospital.
He has been seen by 8 specialists as of 2am –many photographing his unique situation. Our daughter says his first surgery–one of a few–will be this morning at 8:30.
Good heavens, Pat, how awful.
I am praying for your son-in-law. May his surgeries be successful and his full eyesight be restored.
thank you CM!
You are most welcome, Pat.
Prayers on the way.
Stay strong.
thank you!!
Pat, so very sorry. Sorry he was not wearing safety glasses. Do let us know how he is. Prayers.
thanks…but he was! we didn’t get many details–we hope to speak to our daughter and granddaughter later today to hear about the surgery–but that’s the one thing she did say–he was wearing his goggles…
Well, glad he took the precaution, funny how these things can happen anyway, and any eye problem so touches my heart, and I pray the surgery goes well.
thank you—it had to have been a freak accident of some sort–since his “case” has intrigued so many specialists–he went from Urgent Care to a local hospital then to another hospital and now finally at the eye hospital. when i learn of the details, I will let you know. thank you for the prayers! i appreciate them!
Wow! He has my prayers, as well as you and the rest of the family! Very happy to hear NYGuy’s experience – very hopeful! <3
thank you Wolf! we are hopeful!
That means you are in Philly!. The people at Wills saved my son’s eyesight after he was shot in the eye. They are the best…spoken from a father who spent hours and hours there.
God bless him. He is in great, great hands.
thank you!
we are sadly 5 hours north right now waiting for news.
we asked our daughter if she wanted us to come down and stay with our 9 year old granddaughter while she went to Philly with our son-in-law. She said no–our granddaughter insisted on going along so they could spend Christmas as a family.
Pat…they are brilliant. The only people who were able to restore my son’s eyesight were the people at Wills. I will pray for him but I know he has the best people working on him.
thank you! and I’m happy your son’s sight was restored!
Prayers up for your son-in-law, and for you, waiting anxiously at home.
thank you–it’s really hard being HERE when your child is in pain THERE…
thank you all—here’s the update:
his first surgery went better than expected. they were able to remove the wire bristle (from the dremmel) that embedded in his eye UNDER his safety glasses. they don’t believe it nicked the retina though they will have to wait for the inflammation to go down before they are sure. he was given antibiotic injections directly into the retina. he has another surgery in a day or two, not sure for what yet and then he will have to undergo a complex cataract surgery within a month because in the short time since this has happened–there is already a thick cataract forming.
it will work out..I know it will. They told me my son’s injury was the most complex cataract surgery they could perform and they did it. That was 9 years ago. I love those people to death.
In fact, I can go a step further if you would like…I can give you the name of the surgeon who performed my son’s very difficult cataract surgery.
Wow, well, we will pray the good news continues.
Just read the entire reply chain, and it sounds like a total freak accident!! But from what I can tell he’s in the best of hands and the long-term prognosis is good. Cataract surgery often restores vision to 20/20 so he could come out of this with better eyesight than before. Not that that will make the recovery any less noisome.
Hoping for a speedy recovery!
thank you Steve!
Steve! You are an Adorable Deplorable! Merry Christmas! I Pray i get to meet you one day! Best Heart!
Agree about Steve, Marica, but you’re a pretty adorable deplorable yourself.
So is that SingularZoe person. I’ll bet the Left is glad there’s only one of her.
Oh! Hi Zoe!!!
Lol, Steve.
Yes, prayers for him.
I did not take offense at Trump’s comment and 7 “is” marginal! It is not like he destroyed Christmas for the kid either and it actually sounds like they both laughed! Bottom line is that no one really knows what the kid said to POTUS! He could have said he was tapering off the “believing in Santa” thing, and POTUS said: “well, 7 is marginal”! Leave it to the media to spread ill will about POTUS45 and his family because the comments under the video say it all!
Merry Christmas CM, and Many Blessings to You & Your Family!
Trust me – if “Reaky Reince” was still Trump’s CoS, some horrifying #NeverTrump embed would be leaking the kid’s conversation and then trying to interpret it in the worst possible way!
Amen, wolfmoon!
‘Bottom line is that no one really knows what the kid said to POTUS! He could have said he was tapering off the “believing in Santa” thing, and POTUS said: “well, 7 is marginal”!’
That’s exactly what I thought.
I was eight when I stopped ‘believing’, as it were, in Santa Claus. But it is still a great tradition for children, especially as his name is short for Saint Nicholas, the generous and holy bishop. (You already know that, but a lot of Christians object to the notion of Father Christmas, Santa Claus, etc.)
Thank you also for your warm Christmas wishes. The day went off without a hitch!
I hope that yours was equally as wonderful.
A Mattis mention (hmm):
Little Bob Corker, tool of the Obamacommies!
Yes, indeed.
Nothing escapes PDJT.
115 miles!! Hot diggety!!
Memories from your phrase.
USA Today says that wall funding could come from the USDA, but that SecretarySonny’s support could be in doubt (who knows?). Emphases mine:
‘About $50-100 billion worth currently held by USDA are very marketable and attractive commercial paper investments. The rights to collect the remainder of the debt on these loans could be sold to private parties who would pay a premium for such a steady stream of cash payments. The sales would give a profit cushion to the government and alleviate taxpayers from any future risk of nonpayment while retaining certain borrower guarantees.
‘For example, Trump could authorize the sale of $10 billion of USDA rural water loans on the secondary market, which could bring in a lump sum payment of $12 billion or more. Revenue from these proceeds could be directed to build the border wall.
‘Legal authority comes from many angles. Obama stimulus loans (approximately $2-$5 billion) could be separated out and used because they involved “no year” money, meaning the funds don’t expire if not spent in a certain time frame. The president could tap into USDA’s Community Facilities Programs money if recouped funds from the sale were used for new loans to cooperating communities on the border, such as in Texas …
‘<Opposition to the wall within Trump’s own administration has prevented progress on this issue, which is wildly popular with the GOP’s conservative base and is the consequence of the president surrounding himself with establishment advisers who have worked to thwart his populist agenda from within. For example, after being briefed on the concept of selling USDA commercial paper to pay for border security, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue’s then-Chief of Staff Heidi Green shot down the idea by curtly stating, “The secretary does not want the wall.”
‘Trump’s policy options will only get narrower after Democrats take control of the House of Representatives in January and the White House becomes consumed by fighting off impeachment. There is no chance that the wall funding will pass through Congress in the next two years with divided government and increasing political divisiveness in the nation’s capital.
‘Minus an 11th-hour deal in the Senate, the only way a border wall will get built is if the president uses executive power to do it. He has the funds available and the authority to build the wall on his own. The only question is whether President Trump will finally start taking advice from those who actually support his goals rather than continuing to trust the internal obstructionists.’
I’m just gonna trust VSGPOTUS Trump on this Wall thing. He is getting MEGA MILEAGE on unmasking the Democrat leadership as barely-washed-up communist radicals, PRIME GRADE A GITMO FODDER, that I am seriously praying that those STOOGES obstruct him some more.
People are starting to see it. Who is on THEIR team on the Wall?
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
George Soros
Richard Cloward
Frances Fox Piven
Cloward and Piven are KEY to seeing what these radicals were up to during the Beelzebubba administration. Beelzebubba’s “moderate Democrat” stuff was FAKE – it was COVER.
All being well, more of the general public will see it in the New Year.
for those of you who enjoy ristvan (in regards to the Mueller/sealed off floor of courthouse drama…)
ristvan says:
December 24, 2018 at 10:19 pm
Lurking Lawyer here. Been following this development avidly for professional curiosity reasons.
So, some under reported factually proven details,
Supersecrecy—meaning a REALLY big deal. The entire 5th floor of a suburban Virginia courthouse sealed off for a 1/2 hour hearing?!?! Reportedly actually Happened.
SC Mueller is involved, as his attornies were observed leaving that sealed floor of that courthouse after that hearing. Sort of caught ‘in flagrante dilecto’.
At issue (via prior filed court docs) is the 1976 Foreign Sovereighty Immunities Act (FSIA, NOT FISA). Meaning Mueller tried to subpoena either a foreign government or a direct agent thereof.
Statutory big fail overreach. Not pretty for him.
So Mueller illegally subpoenas an arm (corporate or otherwise) of a foreign government. They said no, the district court said wrong, Mueller plus contempt plus fines, and Scotus has just said ‘not so fast, stayed, submit briefs before end of year.
Translation, SCOTUS is not happy with unfettered Mueller, and has now stepped in. Flynn mess and GP targeting cannot have escaped them, although they could never say so. They can send Mueller broad messages via narrow rulings. And IMO just did.
Very interesting. Corrupto Protecto Distracto Mueller is getting what his little sanitization op deserves!
corrupto protecto distracto. You really have a way wth words, Wolfie.
Pat, thanks for bringing us back great tidbits like this from over there.
Ristvan’s opinions are interesting and especially valuable on this really strange thing that occurred. I was really happy to read his thoughts on the subject!
YW…you can find valuable nuggets when you sift thru the silt sometimes!
Merry Christmas!
To Wolfmoon, and my fellow Treepers, “old” and new, who have faith that We the People will ensure that these United States of America will be restored as the constitutional republic that our founders envisioned, and that the rule of law be upheld.
May God watch over us.
the idea is being floated (OT) to donate to the go-fund-me wall fund in the names of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi…trying to see how much they can get donated “by” those two…made me laugh…
The Singing Contractors
Published on Dec 3, 2016
Love that hymn.
Sunny you have surely made the Son shine on this Christmas day. Thank you. What an unexpected and precious gift. I commented to my wife, “It makes you think there is hope for the Church.”
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Spab!
Thank you sunnydaysall
Wow, thanks for sharing it. I enjoyed watching that immensely. Beautiful, just beautiful.
They broke the Guinness World Record with this – over 1000 people!!!!
Now the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord, equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Hebrews 13:20
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Our Lion is spending Christmas morning thinking about those who serve!
From: Jordan Fabian
Date: December 25, 2018 at 9:52:24 AM EST
Subject: In-town pool report #1a – calls to troops
Sending on behalf of my colleague, Niall Stanage. Pool is being invited into the Oval to hear calls from POTUS to troops. Here are details from the White House’s Lindsay Walters:
The President will be speaking with service members stationed at remote sites worldwide to thank them for their service to our Nation.
• Units from all five branches of the Armed Forces:
• Army: Task Force Talon, Anderson Air Force Base, Guam
• Marine Corps: Marine Attack Squadron 223, Sheik Isa Airbase, Bahrain
• Navy: Naval Forces Central Command, Manama, Bahrain
• Air Force: 379th Air Expeditionary Wing, Al Udied Air Base, Qatar
• Coast Guard: Coast Guard District 7, Juneau, Alaska
Jordan Fabian | White House Correspondent | The Hill | 1625 K Street, NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20006
Transcript (w/o Q & A at end):
Pool was shepherded into the Oval Office at 9:17 a.m.
The president was already seated behind the desk, wearing a dark suit, white shirt, and striped red tie. He wished the pool a Merry Christmas.
There were video screens facing him, but their angle made it impossible for your pooler to see them. Presumably, they were showing images of the other participants on the call, representing the branches of the Armed Forces listed in Pool Report 1a.
The president told his interlocutors that there was “no greater privilege for me than to serve as your commander.”
He commended the U.S. Armed Forces as “the greatest fighting force in the history of the world” and paid tribute to those who serve. He emphasized that it was “a great sacrifice” for them be be away from their families. “But I want you to know that every American family is eternally grateful to you,” he added.
He first addressed soldiers of Army Task Force Talon at Anderson Air Force Base in Guam, and specifically its commander, LTC Johannes Castro. The president praised the task force’s response to Typhoon Yutu.
He moved on to Marine Attack Squadron 223 — “known as the Great American Bulldogs,” the president noted — and praised how they had dealt with adversity even before deploying to Bahrain, when Hurricane Florence struck their home base at Cherry Point [N.C.].
Next up, also speaking from Bahrain, was Capt. Benjamin Allbritton, chief of staff of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command. POTUS praised U.S. maritime forces, which he said “strike fear into the adversaries
by projecting the awesome strength of American power.”
Next he focused on the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing from the United States Air Force, in Qatar, and its commander, Brig. Gen. Jason Armagost. “A grand-slam Wing,” said the president.
Then from Juneau, Alaska, were the members of Coast Guard District 17. [Note: This is listed as District 7 in the White House-issued list of participants. The president was correct, it is in fact District 17.] The district had “saved 265 lives” in the past year, POTUS said.
The president made a point of praising the Coast Guard in general for its response “in Texas,” apparently a reference to its response to Hurricane Harvey. “They saved thousands of lives,” he said.
“If there was ever a score on branding,” he added, “I think the Coast Guard in this country would have probably increased by the highest score of any group.”
The president offered the representatives of the Armed Forces to ask him “any question you want” but no pointed questions followed.
During an exchange with Brig. Gen. Armagost, the President asked “How are they doing in Qatar? How are they doing getting together with Saudi Arabia and UAE? What’s the latest word?”
Armagost responded by praising Qatar as hosts and for burden-sharing. “We don’t track necessarily the political [inaudible] of Saudi Arabia and UAE with regards to Qatar but…they’re great to us,” he added.
The president later noted there were many different ways of pronouncing ‘Qatar.’ “All of them are acceptable,” he said.
POTUS emphasized his push to get U.S. allies to share more of the costs of defense.
“We don’t want to be subsidizing rich countries at the disadvantage to us,” he said. “That makes me a little bit different than any other president, because nobody used to ask these questions.”
Also on this theme, he said moments later:
“Right now, we are the policeman of the world and we’re paying for it. And we can be the policeman of the world, but other countries have to help us.”
Near the conclusion of the call, which lasted about 20 minutes, the president noted, “We have a little bit of a shutdown because we believe in walls and we believe in borders and we believe in barriers. And we have a special country, people have to come in through the
legal process, not just walk in.”
Nice thread on censorship in social media by Soulwar.
This is an amazingly good point.
Definitely worth reading and passing on to “non-political” people who seem to think none of this affects them. Silicon Valley is up to no good.
Alison Krauss rode all night on a bus to record this Christmas Carol with Yo Yo Ma – and they got it on the first try!.
That was awesome!
Alison called my town home at one time. we’re kind of proud of that here.
If you are not familiar with this artist, I highly recommend his work.
One of these things is not like the others… or maybe not?
“And now the Lord says, who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant, to bring Jacob back to Him, so that Israel is gathered to Him. (For I shall be glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and My God shall be My strength). Indeed He says, it is too small a thing that You should be My Servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and restore the preserved ones of Israel; I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles, that You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth.” (Isaiah 49: 5–6; NKJV)
Merry Christmas one and all—God bless!!!
Merry Christmas! Belated, but Merry Christmas!
“The Gift Outright”
Poem recited at John F. Kennedy’s Inauguration
by Robert Frost
The land was ours before we were the land’s
She was our land more than a hundred years
Before we were her people. She was ours
In Massachusetts, in Virginia,
But we were England’s, still colonials,
Possessing what we still were unpossessed by,
Possessed by what we now no more possessed.
Something we were withholding made us weak
Until we found out that it was ourselves
We were withholding from our land of living,
And forthwith found salvation in surrender.
Such as we were we gave ourselves outright
(The deed of gift was many deeds of war)
To the land vaguely realizing westward,
But still unstoried, artless, unenhanced,
Such as she was, such as she will become.
God bless all our new representatives and senators!
This is a very strange tweet. Right to his Twitter handle, like she thinks he’s still alive somewhere.
“…. wherever you are.”
Now that is the truly interesting part of this tweet!
Interesting and very sad.
Yes. My dad is gone from this earth and I love and miss him terribly, but I know where he is and it isn’t reading Twitter.
Sylvia, you gave me a little laugh and a little tear.
USGS Identifies Largest Continuous Oil and Gas Resource Potential Ever Assessed
Estimates Include 46.3 Billion Barrels of Oil, 281 Trillion Cubic feet of Natural Gas, and 20 Billion Barrels of Natural Gas Liquids in Texas and New Mexico’s Wolfcamp Shale and Bone Spring Formation
So that’s where he is!
Sorry Judy, that was a joke about “where ever is.”
The news about the new find of oil/gas is stunning.
OMG!!! I meant that as a single post not a response….thanks for pointing that out! Hilarious!
“wherever you are”
Lovely in so many ways…
God bless, protect and grant great favor to Rudy Giuliani.
God bless PM Netanyahu.