This special THANK THE LORD I AIN’T MITT ROMNEY THURSDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments. Keep it civil. Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.
Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:
See the January 1st daily thread for the rules of the road, which are few but important.
Lookin’ forward to many new investigations of “Say it ain’t so, Mitt”, the Washington Black Sox DIVE-TAKER.

“Lamps are made needless by the advent of the sun; and, on the appearance of the truth, the occupation of the Law is gone, and prophecy is hushed into silence. He, on the contrary, who has been empowered to look down into the depth of the meaning of the Law, and, after passing through the obscurity of the letter, as through a veil, to arrive within things unspeakable, is like Moses taking off the veil when he spoke with God. He, too, turns from the letter to the Spirit.”
– St. Basil the Great
*pro trip*
This is a mystical saying.
You don’t have to “get it” with your mind.
*tip* not *trip* … I amuse even myself.
Is it OK if we get it anyway?
Folks on our side better prepare themselves for a deal that will have to give in order to get. If you think this is all resolved without a deal, you are lying to yourself.
Democrats need every single Black and Hispanic vote in order to win a National Election. It is a fact!
Our President has the Hispanic vote coming in between 32% – 35% even in liberal polls. The Black vote is in the low to mid teens and rising.
Remember he won the WH with only 29% of the Hispanic vote and 8% of the Black vote.
Immigration is a topic that hits directly at the Democrat Base because Open Borders take opportunities away from Black and Hispanic Americans. That is a FACT!
Plus Democrats know that DACA is heading to the Supreme Court! Our President referenced it in his Cabinet Meeting. Roberts voted against DAPA. Roberts will vote against DACA as well as the 4 other Republican Appointed Justices. That decision will end DACA immediately on June 30, 2019.
I truly believe we will see a deal that Lindsey Graham spoke about the other day. The President will get his funding of $5.7 billion for the Wall plus some other pieces of Immigration Reform in return DACA recipients ~700K will get the Bridge Act and TPS Refugees that have to return in 2019 will get to stay.
NO CITIZENSHIP! The DACA folks will get a three year work permit that is allowed to be renewed once if certain criteria is met and the TPS Refugees get to have a permanent green card without a path to citizenship.
That is the reality you should prepare yourself for! It is the only way this gets done!
Listen to Rep. Matt Gaetz explain it to you.
Guys, you HAVE to follow Flep’s twit feed. It’s golden.
Which one?
I looked at the twitter feeds …. old fogey me still didn’t get it
Seriously? I already can’t keep up with all the WINNING lol
This only works if the intensity of the 2016 Trump voting group remains the same in 2020. The media is doing everything they can to tamp that down. And it appears to be succeeding. Add that to the battery of subpoenas the House will generate and we will have a harder road to hoe in 2020. Plus, we will have many more Senate races to defend. The House configuration is a mess right now too.
On the other hand, look at the Pres candidates the Dems have to offer. If Bloomberg decides to run as a Dem, this is going to be a slugfest. Perhaps even creepy groper Biden.
I just don’t think the landscape is as straightforward as that. It seems possible (not probable) we could win the Presidency and lose the House and Senate.
All bets are off if the hammer comes down however. Then it is a completely different ballgame.
2020 will be the very first Gen Z election. When they are more important than baby boomers.
Because Gen Z, at least the ones I happen to know here in Nebraska are very conservative and huge Trump supporters. They are so opposed to the snowflake, safe space, 64 different gender BS!
Not me. I see a vast array of interests all over the political spectrum within Gen Z. I don’t believe the polling at all. One common theme – their student loan debt is weighing on them heavily.
Maybe “they” shouldn’t have gone to college?
All I am telling you is what they think about imo. Many of these Gen Z people are great kids. Well-educated. They just need to be red-pilled.
hammer of truth HAS to come down. status quo and we can kiss everything goodby. this is realistic not “eeoyre” or however you spell that.
simply a very crucial time we are in right now that can swing things to almost point of no return (without drastic measures) for BOTH sides.
we forget sometimes that it is not just a battle for us – the other side is well fortified and dug in for their survival also.
it will not be just positive thinking that gets us through this – no get out the vote is going to do it. this is a moment in history nonecwill soon forget.
if i am wrong i will eat my hat.
I hope so Andrew. Otherwise, Ronna McDaniel has an enormous job to do to win 2020. Biggest job an RNC chair has ever had. I just don’t think what fle laid out is going to be good enough as long as they control the media.
I’m just happy to make it past midnight. Love to all!!!
It makes no sense. Mitt Romney, is not a stupid guy. Yes, he is an asshat, but he is not stupid. Why would he ever think such a salvo, fired at PDJT, even if it was a coordinated hit with other outlets, could possibly be successful?
Mitt did not catch the falling knife.
So many possibilities.
1. Arrogance
2. Theater
3. Blackmail
He’s like the kid in 4th grade, who hides in he bushes to see what the popular kids are doing. Then, he runs to the teacher to lie about what the kids are doing.
He justifies his behavior as “they didn’t include me” and thus, builds fake resentment. Yet, he should have spoken up, and would have been included.
He’s weird. There’s something wrong. No one ‘hates’ that much for no reason. OR, as Mitt has stated, because Mitt thinks Trump is offensive. The over-reaction is far too great.
I don’t think it’s about politics at all.
I think it is about religion, somehow. Specifically Mormonism. Mitt is a puppet on a string.
Remember that Evan McMullin guy, who jumped in to the Presidential race in 2016 as an Independent? He was a Mormon, AND former CIA. These people do what they are told by the Mormon church hierarchy. He was definitely intended as a splitter, and I promise you, if he is a Mormon “in good standing” in the church, he would NOT run for president without their blessing.
Wolfmoon says the Mormons may be controlled opposition by the CIA. Makes sense to me. Somehow, their church is tied into the cabal. Who knows, it could be as simple as a bunch of the leadership are pedophiles, or into the consumption of young blood. I do know they have some pretty bizarre rituals that are only performed in their temples, where only Mormons “in good standing” are allowed to go. Or maybe they are only innocent dupes of the CIA.
Something to do with the Mormon “White Horse” prophesy might have something to do with it?
I’m no export on Mormon eschatology, but what I do know they essentially project from BoM into the future and think that everyone in the world is going to be in enormous wars and die off, leaving only the Deseret Mormons left standing. It’s such a common theme you’ll find it all over their science fiction writing, like Orson Scott Card. So from that perspective, anything they can do to stir the pot ties into that.
Keep in mind that’s a very similar zero-sum outlook to the Muslims.
….. which means it HAS to be about money.
It’s about the war on America which, yes, involves lots of money. Pres. Trump is overturning their plans in ways they could never have imagined. Mitt is being sent in to try to stem the tide. (As I write this, I see him as a traitor.) The battle is only going to intensify, and we need to be prepared and pray. We need to support Pres. Trump as never before, even if he has to compromise, as Flep outlines, for a wall.
The world is having fun with this.
today is Corsi’s hearing, right? Mueller needed cover? distraction…
i think we should call him by his given name: Willard. Mitt sounds cool, hip, attractive. Willard suits him…remember the movie about Willard and the rats???
Trump’s very existence is a public humiliation to Romney, plus Trump publicly “humiliated” Romney twice, once with the “man to man” dinner where Trump looked manly and Mitt looked like a beaten dog, and then when Romney left a meeting with Trump with Trump waving goodbye rather triumphantly.
Both times Romney revealed through body language what a girly man he is. But either was enough to inspire revenge.
It was too neat. All of it. The timing, the repeated talking points…all of it. Too neat.
Lawsuit Claims SPLC Abetted Theft, Spread Lies to Destroy Lawyer for ‘Thought Crime’
In December 2018, a Baltimore lawyer filed a devastating lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and two of its employees. The SPLC targeted Glen Keith Allen over his former ties[…] In doing so, the liberal group allegedly violated laws and legal codes of conduct by receiving and then paying for stolen documents in violation of confidentiality agreements. The group went after Allen with the intent of getting him fired by the city of Baltimore and permanently destroying his future prospects.
Allen’s suit claims that the SPLC should have its 501c3 tax-exempt status revoked, that it owes him restitution for racketeering, and that it should pay $6.5 million in damages. It also references Allen’s pro bono work on behalf of African-Americans and his mentorship of an African-American teen, powerfully rebutting claims that he is a racist. Allen told PJ Media he now regrets his [former] support, and an African-American friend of his laughed at the idea of this lawyer being branded a racist.
Perhaps most importantly, the suit attacks the liberal group for undermining America’s tradition of free expression. In an August 2016 interview with The Washington Post cited in the lawsuit, SPLC Intelligence Project Director Heidi Beirich (a defendant in the case) claimed to have watched Allen “like a hawk” because he had “the worst ideas ever created.”
“This East Europe Communist thought-crime surveillance mentality is antithetical to fundamental American cultural and Constitutional principles protecting freedom of expression and association,” Allen wrote in the suit, which can be found on his website. His lawsuit uses concrete claims of lawbreaking and defamation to expose the SPLC’s Orwellian strategy of branding its opponents “hate groups” and orchestrating campaigns against them.
If you would indulge me, I have a couple of pop culture issues. Two deaths of music men from my girlhood and youth.
The first is Daryl Dragon, the Captain of the Captain and Tenille, famous for Muskrat Love and Love Will Keep Us Together, he earned his nickname while a keyboard player for The Beach Boys because he always wore a captain’s hat.
The second death is:
Dr Hook & the Medicine Show singer Ray Sawyer has died aged 81.
Famed for his eye-patch Sawyer, who was not the lead singer was the most recognisable member of the band and fans remember him for being the voice Cover of Rolling Stone.
He died in Daytona, Florida, after “a brief illness”, according to US website Page Six.
Sawyer joined Dr Hook in 1969, two years after he lost an eye in a car accident.
He appeared on the hit songs Sylvia’s Mother, A Little Bit More, Walk Right In, Better Love Next Time, and When You’re in Love with a Beautiful Woman.
Ok…Love Will Keep Us Together will now be trapped and bouncing around inside my head for at least a week…this is not a bad thing…but this is how it will be.
lucky you…I have Muskrat Love rolling around in mine…lol
I feel your pain
Captain and Tenille were great. Fond memories here of listening to their hits and seeing them on television.
When people lose their religious belief, and resiliency in their worldview, they are more vulnerable to false beliefs.
From Astrology to Cult Politics—the Many Ways We Try (and Fail) to Replace Religion
by Clay Routledge
December 27, 2018
If you count yourself among the secularists cheering for the demise of religion, it isn’t hard to find comforting statistics. Nearly every survey of the state of religion in my own country, the United States, presents a similar picture of faith in decline. Compared to their parents and grandparents, Americans are less likely to self-identify as religious, attend religious services, or engage in religious practices such as daily prayer. Full-blown atheism is still a minority position. But the ranks of the “non-religious”—a broad category made up of those who reject traditional conceptions of God and religious doctrines, or who express uncertainty about their beliefs—are growing.
Even those who self-identify as Christians are less inclined to talk publicly about God and their faith than their predecessors. Indeed, many Americans are Christian in name only—using the term more as an indicator of their cultural background than as a declaration of a spiritual life committed to the teachings of Christ. And the rest of the Western world is even farther ahead on this same path.
But secularism advocates should pause before celebrating such trends. A deeper investigation into the religious nature of our species casts doubt on the view that science-centered secular culture can succeed without a space for the sacred.
When people turn away from one source of meaning, such as religion, they don’t abandon the search for meaning altogether. They simply look for it in different forms. As I discuss in my new book, Supernatural: Death, Meaning and the Power of Invisible World, the decline of traditional religion has been accompanied by a rise in a diverse range of supernatural, paranormal and related beliefs.
Wonderful post MichaelH!
Meaning is inferior to truth, sometimes vastly inferior. The search for religious “meaning” is wasted time.
The loss of truth results in the listless search of meaning.
Why this is important: People who are not grounded in reality and looking for meaning are highly vulnerable to messaging and recruitment.
That’s why we see so often college students (very divorced from reality) becoming cause driven or hedonists.
Anything but truth seekers.
A concrete example of this that I have witnessed in non-church activities is when someone with a good story comes in to impart a secular sort of group prophecy.
Everyone wants to know about their past lives. I noticed that the visiting person always has past life stories that “tickle itching ears.” And they usually notice that I’m not looking up to them with that little bird in the nest look like everyone else because I don’t need to have someone tell me some special story about my history (that they made up, of course).
It’s an effective hook for those longing for “meaning.”
TTT, like this a lot.
“Even those who self-identify as Christians are less inclined to talk publicly about God and their faith than their predecessors. Indeed, many Americans are Christian in name only—using the term more as an indicator of their cultural background than as a declaration of a spiritual life committed to the teachings of Christ. And the rest of the Western world is even farther ahead on this same path.”
IMO, the biggest factor in this development is the failure of the organized “Church.” They have watered down God’s words in order to kow-tow to those who want an easier road to follow and keep the $$$ flowing. Add in corruption deep within the leadership of the various Christian sects and here we are. Again, JMO.
Mark Taylor has certainly been saying as much and I agree as well. The bride of Christ has birthed premature baby believers and failed to provide nurture, guidance, discipline, and empowerment to raise up sons of God.
Cemeteries with the headstones neatly placed below the level of the grass are easier to keep manicured neatly.
Once doctrine went out the window — in both Catholic and Protestant churches — that was it. I would date that between the late 1960s and early 1970s. Others’ mileage might differ.
I still receive Communion in my own denominational church but am very wary of any Christian house of worship now — there are too few good ones these days.
So right about doctrine, CM, and the rot had begun to set in much earlier, but people didn’t see it. Charles Spurgeon wrote about the down-grade.
I belong to Jesus. I serve whereever and whenever He pleases.
Yes, institutional church is part of the problem. There’s a lot to say about this, can’t really get started. But we can’t lay all the blame on the leadership, because frankly it’s the complacency of the people in the pews that enables bad leadership and makes for weak churches that don’t act in culture.
PDJT’s Q &A with the press was popcorn worthy. Yeah, we definitely needed the new leadership President Trump brought to the table. The stagnation at the Pentagon is disgusting.
Everything Trump said made sense to me. We need a transcript because we will miss points here, help me out by filling in, please.
Point #1.
Trump was talking to another country’s leader. Trump said, what will you do if we pull out of Syria? Other leader said, “We would have to go in and defend. Trump asks rhetorically,
“Then, why the hell aren’t you fighting now? Why are we defending you?”
Point #2.
Along same line, Trump explains, “Pakistan is there, along with Russia and India. The reason Russia was there in the beginning is because radicals would sneak into their country. So why are we killing radicals on behalf of Russia/Pakistan/India? We’re doing the work for them”. So simple. So pure.
Point #3.
About the same country, Trump tells an anecdote. He says, “If we’re fighting this war for you, from 6K miles away, why the hell are you charging us to fly over your airspace?” Trump emphasizes this is “Millions of dollars”. The leader did not have a good answer and is no longer charging the USA for resources and flyover privileges. Art of the Deal. Trump ADDS value as President.
Point #4.
President explains he was meeting with generals in Iraq and asks them, “Why haven’t you done this before?” The generals responded by saying, “We take orders.”, which is necessary in military conduct. Yet, after a few minutes, Trump explains he got the generals to relax and tell them what THEY thought needed to be done to secure the peace. Amazing, eh?
Point #5.
President Trump explains we’ve been in been in Afghanistan for 19years and essentially, he fired Mattis. Trump said, “I like results.”
Point #6.
Trump explains his discussion with another leader. If we were not defending them, they would be overrun by Taliban.
Point #7.
Trump tells the story, in Afghanistan, that Isis and Taliban were fighting each other. Trump says, “Why not let them fight? They are both our enemies!” Trump said he met with resistance from the generals, “Oh no, we must go in and stop it” but WHY????
Point #8.
President Trump also disclosed we were talking to the Taliban. Not sure that was public knowledge.
What a mess…..
Point #9.
President explains simply and BEAUTIFULLY….
ISIS is a bigger problem for Russia than the USA
India hates the Taliban and ISIS more than we do
Pakistan hates the Taliban and ISIS more than we do.
Trump says, “So why is this our fight?”
Point #10.
President points out, the Border Wall expenditure is about one month of what we spend in Afghanistan. Rand Paul backs up PDJT on Twitter, almost immediately.
Point #11
President Trump explains the problems with Iran. Anecdotally, he tells us of a meeting at the Pentagon, beautiful room, with ‘more television screens than I’ve ever seen before” and explains that all of the screens were monitoring a problem caused by Iran. ALL OF THEM. Trump asks the generals, “How do you stop these people (Iran)”, which is what the President is working on now–>>>
–withdraw from Iran deal
—confirming the problem of Iran in Yemen attempting to invade the southern border of Saudi
—shutting down Iran’s currency
—shutting off Iran’s nuclear ambition
Leaders solve problems and pursue peace.
Point #12.
Trump explains, that while everyone is worried about the Kurds being wiped out, “Why the hell are the Kurds selling oil to Iran?” and “Yes, nonetheless, we will defend the Kurds because, ya’ know, the Kurds fight better when they have F35’s going in ahead of them.”
I had no idea the Kurds were selling oil via Iran.
Did you?
Lots of new info in that presser. I was surprised. How about you?
thanks for the post. honestly, how can anyone deny the simple logic here? it is simple math. playground rules from elementary school level logic…
we know the fight is not agaonst logical foes, but why are so many people just refusing to do due diligence and use their adult reasonimg skills to focus and see what is going on…
Yes, lots of new info, and I’m amazed at Pres. Trump’s intelligent thought process and practicality. It makes it look as if no predecessor has actually thought through the issues. (But of course their goal was not America-first, so they wanted the status quo and war.) I would think lay people of Leftist mentality would be glad to be getting out of wars and saving our country money, but Trump Derangement Syndrome gets in the way.
Thanks, there’s lots of info there. How can people fail to appreciate what he is doing for this country?
I had no idea the Kurds were selling oil to Iran.
i think last week i mentioned that the kurds are going to have to stand up for themselves in response to people on the web saying who will protect the kurdish christians or something like that…
we need to trust america first and get our crap in order before worrying about anyone else.
Trump has the perfect balance on this. Obama pretended to have that balance so he could do the opposite. EVIL.
Great recap! I didn’t get a chance to listen but felt like I did through your recap.
Why have we–US been sending troops and $$$$ into the middle East for 17 years???
Short answer: 9/11.
Outstanding – copied and shared!
“City, state and federal agencies are taking a look at a vicious, hateful email sent a restaurant frequented by talk radio icon Michael Savage that threatens to shoot up the establishment if he’s not denied future service.
Remember back in November when Fox News host Tucker Carlson and his family were targeted and threatened by protesters? This is worse.
The suspect then gets very specific…”
easy to trace email so it should be no problem to find out who sent it. i mean thwy have six ways to sumday to find criminals right?
I’m surprised the article did not mention the assault on Michael Savage in March 2017 at his favourite restaurant in Tiberon, CA:
‘We’re told Savage was eating dinner at Servino Ristorante in Tiburon at around 8:30 PM, when a guy started mocking Savage’s legal last name, screaming, “weener, weener.” We’re told the guy threw Savage to the ground, after allegedly shoving Savage’s poodle, Teddy, out of the way.’
I wonder if it is the same restaurant that got these threats.
Oh my gosh, now that you mention it I remember that. I had forgotten. It is just awful. How terrifying that must have been, and now for this to have happened.
I felt so badly for him. Terrible under any circumstances, but especially for someone his age.
He said the next day (maybe to Alex Jones, I don’t remember) that it was so sad for him to see his beloved dog attacked and he couldn’t do anything about it. His little dog goes everywhere with him.
And he is such a well educated man, too. He has two Masters degrees — botany and medical anthropology — and a Ph.D in nutritional ethnomedicine.
He wrote his nutrition books under his given name, Michael Weiner.
“I demand….”, when did the demand of a single person start? Put this phrase in the same group…. “I’m offended…”.
I’m of the mind that these incidents are not some deranged individual fixated on him or Tucker or____fill-in-the-blank.
If we had true invested law enforcement investigations my guess would be that it would show associations linking back and sideways to any number of ‘Blue’ resistance orgs. Rooting out one lone wolf seems a victory but the pack has more.
“Former KGB general who helped MI6 spy compile the Donald Trump dirty dossier who has been found dead in the back of his car amid claims of a Kremlin cover up
Oleg Erovinkin was found dead on Boxing Day in the back of his black Lexus
The morgue in Russia has not reached a conclusion about the cause of death
Local media is claiming foul play was at the centre of him being killed in Moscow
It has been claimed Erovinkin is a key source mentioned in the explosive dossier…”
i am literally shaking my head.
That’s from 2017, but nonetheless interesting.
Yikes, how’d I miss that? Sorry, and thanks.
No worries. We all do it at one time or another.
Who knows, though — that agent’s name might reappear if the dossier ever gets properly investigated.
Thanks ttt,
’bout time….
better late than never!!!!
And here we have one of the reasons the Senate was the target.
“Democratic lawmakers brought a border security briefing at the White House to a screeching halt Wednesday, refusing to even listen to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, a White House official tells The Daily Caller.
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy echoed this version of events to reporters outside the White House immediately after the briefing, saying, “Once the secretary started, Schumer interrupted her and didn’t want to hear it.”…”
Intentional ignorance. Plausibly deniability. Head in sand politics.
Hey, kids, here’s some good news on the immigration front!
“Trump makes ‘historic progress’ in crackdown on deportation deadbeats
Sierra Leone for years had thumbed its nose at U.S. officials, slow-walking deportations so badly that it earned its way onto Homeland Security’s “recalcitrant country” naughty list. Over the last two years of the Obama administration, Sierra Leone took back just 21 deportees.
President Trump took office vowing action, and one of his first executive orders instructed his administration to stop issuing visas to the worst-offending countries. The Sierra Leone government was targeted with sanctions in August 2017, and the change came quickly, with 44 deportees sent back that year, and 79 shipped back in fiscal 2018.
While much of Mr. Trump’s immigration agenda remains tied up in the federal courts or stalemated in Congress, he has made extraordinary progress on recalcitrant countries like Sierra Leone, cutting the number of deadbeat countries from a peak of 23 in 2015 down to just nine as of last month….”
“Humanity has captured its first clear look at an object in the faraway Kuiper Belt.
NASA revealed the first images and science data from this week’s historic flyby in a news conference Wednesday afternoon.
Far from the blurry ‘bowling pin’ we saw with New Horizons’ first look when it beamed its signal home early morning on January 1, the new images reveal Ultima Thule is snowman-shaped red world with two distinct lobes – one stacked atop the other.
This arrangement is what’s known as a contact binary, the experts say – and, it’s now the first a spacecraft has ever explored…”
Confirmation hearings for AG Barr coming up Jan. 15 or 16. That should be interesting.
Dr. Sharon Goldberg, an internal medicine physician & professor gives her testimony regarding 5G technology dangers specifically involving electromagnetic radiation.
She says: “Wireless radiation has biological effects. Period.”
This is scary…really scary.
We don’t need 5G!
We are already getting dosed enough from all the electronics in our lives…we don’t need more of it!
No science is settled. Correlation does not equal causation. Diabetes/obesity increasing since 1980 is related to cell towers which started to go in all over the place in the 1990’s. Some things are a little more obvious. It is the food stupid. Climate change. It is the sun stupid. Academics are idiots.
True. Settling science is near to impossible when the economics steer all research to find what you are looking for.
When the government funded 25 million dollar long term study for cancer from ONE CELL PHONE with all other sources blocked with Faraday cage conditions, the incidence of cancer was statistically significant.
Therefore the research was not allowed to be published.
Maybe we the people in my municipality should be happy that the moonbats didn’t want cell towers polluting the view.
Thank you, DP. Great jam-packed presentation. Then I was led to the Fullerton for a lot of other info, very helpful.
The federal telecommunications law put in place before the year 2000 makes it illegal for municipalities to block installation of cell towers for health reasons.
Talk about the tail wagging the dog.
Didn’t stop the people here. Although it was for aesthetics, not health reasons.
That’s how it’s done.
Since they are NOT ALLOWED to bring up health reasons,
those with health concerns have to go at it from the aesthetics angle.
I hope Katie is right.
It seems like a massive mistake for Macron to make a martyr out of a leader of the YellowVests.
Those “boo’s” were kind of tepid, though.
I hope this gives the movement a whole new thing to be pissed off about.
Oh, me too!!! It ought to light a fire under them. I guess we’ll see.
Don’t let the MSM fool you in the morning when the Markets open up down 1.5%. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with our economy. It has everything to do with their baby, China
Look at what Tim Cook had to say today. It is BAD and only going to get worse for Xi and the Chinese. He uses the word MAGNITUDE to describe the Chinese Economic Deceleration!
From the article linked above:
The company had some strong things to say about the Chinese economy which could raise fears of global economic slowdown.
“While we anticipated some challenges in key emerging markets, we did not foresee the magnitude of the economic deceleration, particularly in Greater China,” Apple’s CEO Tim Cook wrote in a letter to investors on the warning on Wednesday. “We believe the economic environment in China has been further impacted by rising trade tensions with the United States.
Thanks, Fle.
I think Rmoney’s screed is related to this ‘deceleration’ that’s going on in China.
His globalist buddies are probably screaming at him to “do something to stop Trump”…so the feckless weasel lashed out at our President.
Wile E. Romney better get off the tracks…Trump Train’s a comin’.
Beep Beep
Here’s the presser that took place after the Cabinet Meeting 01/02/19:
Thank you! Thank you, Wheatie!
I’ve pointed out the obvious before but people don’t seem to get it. They are all depressed because of the statute of limitations and all these people working to run the clock out.
Focusing on getting arrests and people in prison makes us feel better but it does nothing to secure the future of the United States!
Agree! Our VSG sees the forest through the trees (as evidenced in the wonderful summation by daughnworks elsewhere). We must strive to do the same and keep an open mind!
MichaelH, have to respectfully disagree. If arrests are not made, followed by serious punishments for the guilty, a future admin will undo much of the great good that is being done. Also, for many reasons, I’m not too worried about the statute of limitations running out.
while i appreciate the patience and the…well, i guess the patience plan, unless i am seriously wrong about things that go on in the world, things that go on in our country, things that go on in our states, things that go on in our communities, things that go on in our law enforcement (TONS of organizations unfortunately making up “law enforcement”), our military, our schools, everything – then we are not fighting a battle here you can slow walk for an indeterminate amount of time.
having a little anxiousness on this is NOT a bad thing – because we know what is going on.
we cannot do anything, say anything, help with anything, do anything except day after day post on internet blogs and hope. i talk with my mother on the phone every night, same thing, day after day. we’ve forgotten so much about all the corruption by now because it is so immense and broad that you’d have to have a whiteboard a mile long with teeny tiny writing keeping track of it all.
those of us who have this immense feeling, we are not negative, we are not buzz killers, we are not giving up. the next step for us will be something else, and it will not be total capitulation to the system that we know is doing this.
i’ve never bought pop corn, many of us have bought other supplies because exactly like singularZoe is pointing out – if we do not cut the head off the snake now, then we will only have ourselves to blame.
the majority (now) of this country is not going to come to our aid in this cause. they are too busy. even my mom said last night “well, i guess you’ll just have to get a new hobby or start relaxing in some way if nothing happens”. that’s not good enough for me anymore.
to have come this far in my life and now have so many people see the absolute evil that we will in and to just have it go by the wayside will not be good enough for many of us.
and i am not talking about arrests – i am not talking about life sentences or gallows poles. i am WAY MORE than happy to have the guilty parties pointed out – have them made a public example – have them BANNED from any public office or speaking at ANY political function. no more fundraising, no more NOTHING to do with non profits, no more ANYTHING.
they can keep their money for all i care. hillary can have her 150 million. she can buy property and go on vacation if she wants. i don’t care. same for fake obama and brennan and all of them too numerous to name. they have to be taken out of the public system and not allowed to influence anything whatsoever anymore. pseudo-exile if you will, call it what you may, but that is my bare minimum.
there need not be all kinds of detective and investigative moves in secret to be made – these people have ALREADY broken numerous laws that any one of us would be already convicted and in prison for.
i am sorry if my tone sometimes comes off as crass or edgy or whatnot, but the FUTURE of our country is at stake.
i challenge anyone here that still is willing to wait it out and trust and never fret – please buy a MAGA hat and wear it out in public every day. get some stickers on your car and a sign for your yard. if we are on the right side of history and we have a chance of ever doing anything in another election again, then we must be able to at least support our candidate without fear of reprisal right? however, how will anything ever be accomplished on a LASTING basis if we can’t even put a sticker on our car or wear a god damn hat?
this reminds me of the christians who continually say to me about the end times “oh well we won’t be here for that! jesus is taking us home and then everyone here is screwed!” well, in that case i guess just sit back and relax. and i counter them with if they really believed that wouldn’t they be out crying and begging people to come to know christ? no, they are just cool knowing they are going to be “spared”. (pre-tribbers that is, and they think they have no care in the world they’ll surely never even get to the point of having to take the mark and it’s those that will be here who have noone to blame but themselves)
my only suggestion is to prepare yourself and get ready. if nothing happens good or bad then so what you prepared and you have some extra supplies now. if stuff does happen you will definitely need them.
my state is 100% blue now. a heavily socialist leaning governor now and she only wants common sense gun laws of course! the tide is not turning. even if the president can get something done without exposure of the bad guys our own states are turning into leftists shitholes in front of our eyes.
andrew you are right. I read a quote the other day, your dialog reminded me of it (I think it was written in reference to the Serenity Prayer that was popular years ago): “I am no longer accepting things I cannot change. It is now time to change the things I cannot accept.”
For me it’s either execution or exile with loss of citizenship and property – for Hillary and Obama and their treasonous ilk.
You are correct, GA/FL, because there can be no chance whatsoever that they could be pardoned and regain power in future.
Hmm I didn’t say anything about patience.
my bad man… i wasn’t trying to come down on you or deride your post in any way! i think i was just really reacting to my inner feelings mostly. i apologize – sometimes halway through the workday i should not go on an emotion filled comment binge
regardless we are all in it together and seeing it from all angles simultaneously which is a good thing.
Regarding the Maunder Minumum mentioned in today’s MAGA open topic intro:
The mini ice-age of that historical event is related to what I’ve recently been looking into, which is the concept of throwing a blanket out of the back of a sleigh/troika to distract the pursuing wolves. Very similar to the visual concept of throwing someone under the bus, as it relates to current politics and President Trump. More later.
Increased volcanic activity down through the years corresponds with reduced solar activity, as illustrated in this chart.…-Sep-2015.jpg
Getting back to the pursuing wolves concept. During the Maunder Minumum, when it became much colder, growing seasons became shorter. That meant that less food was available, both domestically and in the wild.
The wolves got ravenous.
(nothing personal, Woolfmoon!!!)
‘Dems’ House takeover to usher in wave of Trump investigations’
‘They’re about to get subpoena power – and they plan to use it.
‘As Democrats officially take back control of the House when the new Congress is seated Thursday, newly empowered House Committee chairmen are preparing to launch a slew of Trump administration investigations.
‘Those Democrats armed with subpoena power include Rep. Jerry Nadler, the incoming chairman of the House Judiciary Committee; Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., incoming chairman of the House Oversight Committee; and Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., incoming chairman of the House Intelligence Committee …’
That’s just the tip of the ice berg. They get us all come 2020. The jaws of socialism clamp down hard and fast if they win the precidency.
You will want to hit the link that says ‘text’ in grabien story. It has to do with proposal to change the rules of the house.
However that is just one piece of it. There are more proposals to the rule of the house that read like major gobbly gook. Too incomprehensible to under stand. Talk about flooding the zone. Sorry no link.
This New Green deal is seriously bad news and they have lots of support for this. Only question is do they roll the set up slow or fast. Pelosi style or Ocasio style.
The “House” can do whatever STUPID things that they want.
It still has to pass the SINate……
Then get the President to SIGN it.
NOT gonna happen soon.
Understands that plan. However Pelosi is going to adopt this: Select Committee For A Green New Deal (hereinafter in this section referred to as the “select committee”).
There job will be to propose legislation to be inserted and snuck through congress that supports the Green New Deal. They will be attempting this a small piece at a time during the next two years.
Essentially all this will need to be caught by the SINate (who have yet to earn our trust) and or then vetoed if it any of it gets through congress.
They want Ocasio because they want a rabid leftist that symbolizes the millennial for the millennial SJW vote to latch on to. Remember, Perez said it best: she is the future of the Democrat party.
She will be nuisance and a thorn in the side of the Democrat leadership just to the point that she keeps getting media attention for the SJW crowd.
I 100% guarantee her Democrat handlers will keep her from causing any real damage to Democrat leadership (from their perspective).
Meanwhile, the Democrat caucus in the House has to put up with her, and many of them are making it clear what they think of her. She has no respect in her own party.
Yes, no respect shown yet I’m sure she gets tacit approval as long as she does not damage the party. She’s the one that pushes the envelope and the dems later move in to the new space. It’s what they have always done. Then were dragged into their world. Question is where does it stop. Answer unfortunately may not be until after the pogroms and holocaust are finished and Borg is created world wide.
Of course all that is the static view. The world is dynamic and thus anything but.
Understand that this New Green Deal is they’re plan and it’s gone by other names like Kalgori and Agenda 21 while the monument in Georgia comes to mind too.
A Civil War seems more likely.
Meanwhile Space force can’t get here fast enough.
exactly – we HAVE to start understanding what they are doing and the deep repercussions of such. they are not stupid. they are not dumb. no matter how bad we make fun of them or MEME them, that does not make them less dangerous, only more so because we don’t take them seriously.
if people don’t know about the UN stuff going back to the 70’s planning and when it made “public” news in this country when g hw b make that nwo comment, they should read up. kalgor – read up. agenda 21 – read up…
possibilities of millions dying? your own children? your cute grandkids or newborn’s brains and internal organs mashed into pulp or cancerized by 5G and all the other waves bombarding us – better read up.
Everything they warned us about with the freaking UN came true. Frankly, President Wolf Moon would chase them all out and turn the UN into the world’s biggest combination war memorial and shooting range.
Love that vision of war memorial-shooting range, Wolf. Just love to think of the U.N. disappearing altogether.
Totally agree!
I hadn’t realised that Harry Reid made his anti-Trump remarks from his deathbed. Of course, the NYT was there on an exclusive interview:
‘Harry Reid is dying of pancreatic cancer, but just like his friend the late John McCain, the former Democrat Nevada Senator has to make his hatred for President Trump known in his final days.’
I wonder what sort of funeral arrangements he has from Nevada to DC …
I wonder if this will require a week’s worth of national mourning and funerals in half a dozen states…? Each one an opportunity to lambaste PDJT.
I bet it will — in just the way you say.
Ah! First I had heard this – couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, IMO!
More of what PDJT said yesterday:
‘As he held forth for more than 90 minutes before a small pool of reporters and photographers, members of his Cabinet, ostensibly called to the White House for a meeting, sat quietly around a long conference table …
‘Trump offered little further clarity on the U.S. withdrawal from Syria, which he initially said would take place in 30 days, saying now that the pullout will “take place over a period of time.”
‘… Mattis’ comments clearly stung Trump, who responded last month with criticism of his former Pentagon chief. On Wednesday, he stepped that up, claiming that he fired Mattis.
‘“What’s he done for me? How had he done in Afghanistan? Not too good,” Trump said. “As you know, President Obama fired him, and essentially so did I.”
‘ … “I was in the White House all by myself for six or seven days,” he said. “It was very lonely. My family was down in Florida. I said, ‘Stay there and enjoy yourself.’ I felt I should be here just in case people wanted to come and negotiate the border security.”
‘… As Trump spoke, a “Game of Thrones”-style movie poster teasing Iran sanctions — “SANCTIONS ARE COMING,” it read — lay unfurled across the table directly in front of him. But he made no remarks on the subject …
‘“I wish Mitt could be more of a team player,” Trump said. “And if he’s not, that’s OK too.”
‘… Accusing both men of seeking publicity in taking stands against him, Trump suggested that Flake would be seeking a job as a paid cable news contributor — or perhaps in another profession that Trump himself once plied.
‘“Jeff Flake is now selling real estate or whatever he’s doing,” he said dismissively.’
The LA Slimes is a diseased organ of the deep state. Not as left as the SF Chronicle (which should be floating somewhere in the Pacific), but very, VERY liberal, in the image of the Washed Poo…
U$C’s journalism school produced quite a few libtards who ended up there, so it’s no surprise. ‘SC was always thought of as a rich kid’s school, but it was liberal rich, not conservative… globalist, not patriotic…
I was waiting for this!
Well, it did have quotes. There is no transcript on the WH site.
We NEED a transcript.
Think about it. LATimes pulls a quotes of mini-slams against Mitt and Flake but ignores the fact that we’re talking to the Taliban? OR that the Kurds are selling oil via Iran? OR yes, the reason Saudi is in Yemen is because the Houthis, funded by Iran, are in Yemen?
I know. I agree.
If I find a better article, I will post it. I doubt whether the WH will post a transcript (too much to transcribe).
CSPAN sometimes does transcripts, but did not in this case. There are some clips here:
Thank you.
remarks on the cabinet meetings–posted on next page…
Thanks, Pat — will check them out.
AMAZING difference in how the LATimes summarized, cherry-picked innocuous quotes from the Trump Q&A as opposed to the meat/substance/new revelations that I picked up on from ACTUALLY listening to the presser.
And then in the text, ‘Trump says … but this is not true’.
I looked up Mattis’s departure from the Obama administration. O did fire him, no question about it. Just replaced him. I suppose the LA Times would argue that on a technicality of semantics.
Still, I do not have the time to listen to the whole press conference. Therefore, anything helps, even if not from a desirable source.
Amen. I was moving around in the office and had the tv on in the background. PDJT said something and I stopped to turn, and listen. Pretty soon it was like a little string of fireworks going off. Then, it was like a series of grand finale fireworks, “Boom, Boom, Boom”.
And the press reaction in the room was unusual. Everyone was quiet, normal voice, while Trump talked, elaborated, and took question after question.
The whole thing was extremely revealing.
Thanks for the recap.
Finally, they shut up.
California ‘dreamers’ got out the Dem vote in November:
‘Gabriela Cruz, who was brought to the U.S. illegally when she was 1, couldn’t vote, but in the final hours before the Nov. 6 election, she was making one last run to get people to the polls …
‘Young immigrants, known as “Dreamers,” have become a political force over the last two decades as they have pushed Congress to overhaul the nation’s immigration laws. Part of a new wave of immigrant activists who mobilized this year to return control of the House to Democrats, Cruz and others in the movement see in President Trump an existential threat to their futures, and to their friends and family.
‘Less than a year ago, Cruz had a steady job at a mortgage bank, with health benefits and a retirement plan. She wanted to go back to college and dreamed of buying her own house.
‘But when Trump instituted a travel ban, tightened immigration enforcement and tried to end a program that granted temporary protections for young people brought into the country illegally as children, she grew tired of sitting helplessly at her desk and quit to become an activist …
‘In California, Dreamers like Cruz phoned voters, walked precincts and protested outside Republican lawmakers’ offices, reaching people who had not been called or visited by either party. Their efforts helped boost turnout among Latinos in this year’s midterm election — 29 million nationwide were eligible to vote, according to the Pew Research Center — which is projected to surpass levels higher than in past presidential election years, political analysts said…’
“Grew tired and quit her job….. to become an activist” and as Jeff Foxworthy would say “There’s your sign”.
Just what I was thinking.
if she quit her job, who’s supporting her efforts at activism? or her efforts to survive?
The State of California?
Pssst….its Bill Engvall …. Buy they’re Buddies so I’m sure he doesn’t mind
Thank you!
The elections were heavily rigged from everything we’ve seen in the real reporting. The LA Times article is just a “story” to try and explain the results. The fake results.
Ok so now begins the subpoenas of WH officials by the House. Unfortunately, because he is stiii a Senate.confirmed official, Mick Mulvaney can be subpoenaed. I don’t recall any COS being dragged through the House before. Should be interesting. One person who probably won’t be – Kirstjen Nielsen. House Dems are not anxious to hear about the border.
BTW, according to some anons, [D] Day is tomorrow. It actually doesn’t matter to me when but it’s a point of curiosity.
typos..still a Senate confirmed official
New 2019 laws:
Paging SteveInCO: are you happy that the decades of low-alcohol (originally known as ‘small’) beer have finally ended??
‘And in Colorado, all kinds of beer are now available in grocery and convenience stores, which under a law dating from prohibition had been allowed to sell only low-alcohol brews. That restriction ended in the final hours of 2018.’
Vermont is paying people to move in. This should be interesting:
Also known as “near beer.”
There was a time when 18-21 year olds were allowed to drink but ONLY 3.2% beer.
Also at that time grocery stores would post signs saying “Only 3.2% beer sold here.” I wasn’t even aware the restriction on grocery stores still existed; I figured it was moot once the drinking age was made uniformly 21.
This is largely because I personally don’t drink, so I could care less.
In general, though, I find restrictions like this (‘blue laws’) silly. What right is protected by a law requiring grocery stores NOT to sell strong beer? They were allowed to sell wine. It’s just an absurd law.
There were a lot of things during the Temperance and Prohibition eras that make little sense without understanding the history context of the times and the nature of the progressive movements in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, before they were co-opted by Marxism. There were all manner of reform societies that were focused on defending families from the perceived dangers of the time – the war on alcohol in the 1880s is a significant parallel to the war on drugs in the 1980s. Opium was also a target of the temperance movement. Remember too that these same people had been abolitionists in the 1840s and suffragists in the 1920s.
Today we consider the temperance and prohibitionists as “lost” but really what happened is that the progressive movements were hijacked and co-opted for Marxist purposes. I’ll leave it to others to determine when precisely, but by the 1960s the Methodists had moved solidly to the “D” category and arguably were the ones moving the D’s left. The conservation movement likewise got co-opted into the environmental movement.
There is a LOT more to say about this. The real takeaway is that the good intentions of social progressives were easy fodder for hijacking by Marxists, and still are today unless we are vigilant.
I thought the liquor law there was absurd. Glad it’s gone.
As for other blue laws, I’m less sure. The older I get, the more I think Sunday opening of shops is a bad idea. I admire those that don’t open on Sundays. I try not to shop on that day unless it’s absolutely necessary (i.e. a couple times a year).
Lindsey on Mitt:
‘Graham joined Brian Kilmeade on Fox News radio to discuss the incoming senator’s op-ed and Graham did not hold back. When asked about the wisdom of Romney publishing such a piece so early into his time in Washington, Graham said bluntly, “Well, how does it work to the advantage of the people of Utah?”
‘Graham said he knows Romney well …
‘Senator Graham said [on PDJT and Romney]:
‘”He really cares about what you think and what more can you ask if you’re a member of the United States Senate than have a chance to talk with the president and share your views. That will not happen if he believes you are out to get him. So I’m hoping that Mitt will sit down with the president privately, share his concerns with the president about whatever drives his thinking but also commit to the president that I want you to be successful and I’m here to help you. If he will do that he can be a very effective senator. If he’s going to be the critic from Utah, it’s going to hurt him and Utah.”‘
And so it begins. An attack on Deplorables:
He is the guy who said Guam would capsize.
Ol’ Johnson is projecting. Democrat voters are leaving the party and only the dreg – exploited ignorant/drunks/illegals and felons – are left.
Yes, indeed.
Words simply escape this middle aged, non drug user with an Irish liver. Worked my way through college, take no pharmas…..
Their speechwriters are desperate.
IKR?? What he said is disgusting — and projection.
Mitt says he would vote for the wall. Hmm:
Willard would lie–just like McCain and his thumbs down on Obamacare…wouldn’t trust him for a moment.
Nor would I.
Worth remembering when the Senate vote comes up on this.
Actually, I think Romney sneakily supporting Trump prior to 2020 is the KGB-CIA Globo-Treason plan. Romney will shadow Trump politically in pre-2020 actions, so that he can sell himself as “Trump without the negatives” in 2020. It’s a way for the globo-treason to get back in the saddle. NOT buying it. Not for a second.
split the votes and bada bing bada boom, america crumbles into third world dictatorship.
But it’s not going to happen.
KNOW the downside.
PROTECT the downside.
WIN on the upside.
Imagine a future where the FED crumbles as the hated creeps who robbed America blind, in cahoots with scheming elites.
You have the ability to see the downside, but you need the WILL TO WIN in spite of it.
THAT is what Trump teaches.
i believe he will do all in his power for sure – and we are all in this together!
PDJT on European opinion of him. Good point:
awesome expression of where his heart lies!!
President Trump is popular in Europe with EVERYONE but the leftists and leaders. Shouts of ‘Trump, Trump, Trump!’ and ‘We Want Trump!’ can be heard all around Europe at every gathering of hard-working, law-abiding, taxpaying citizens!
There is no fundamental difference between American and European elites. They all oppose the people.
Francois Hollande (Socialist) used to derisively call ordinary men and women ‘sans dents’ — ‘without teeth’ — in private. No surprise there. Well, it’s no wonder people can’t take care of themselves when they’re too busy working at low-paying jobs trying to make ends meet.
Grrrr, this kind of snobbery sets my hair on fire.
When my son was born, I had a baby shower. I didn’t expect one as I had no family close by.
Yet, we had the B&B and many of the town’s parties were held in my home. People felt like they knew me, even though I was only hosting for another person/company.
Unknown to me, the baby shower had a planning committee of 30 people, who met once a week, for months, and the party grew to obscene proportions. Eventually, they settled on a 7000acre farm, with a private air strip, as a location, and trimmed the invitation list to 600 invites with a plus +1 as an option. That’s 1200 people for a baby shower!
They brought in 3 bands, 3 catering companies, built a Texas size dance floor, and had a damn fleet of hot air balloons to ride. At one point, there were 24 planes parked off the airstrip, some were nice jets, but some were also cropdusters.
In attendance, there were 2 governors, 3 senators, Congressman from 7 states, along with a few billionaires, bank CEO’s, other CEO’s, judges and a whole herd of lawyers/acct’s/ doctors/FEDEX and finance execs.
BUT in attendance, there were also felons, gravel truck drivers, a whole lotta mechanics, farm workers, plumbers and their journeymen, brick masons, bartenders and waiters, as well as two motorcycle clubs (one from Wisconsin and one from New Orleans).
It was one helluva party.
Yet, I’ll never forget my snobby neighbor who has never worked a day in her life. She motioned to a State Supreme Court judge who was dancing with a biker babe and said, “Well, one thing we can say about you, and I find it so astonishing, you certainly do have a wide variety of friends.” It was NOT a compliment.
I grinned……
Some people will never “get it”.
That’s exactly the type of mindset I was talking about. Thanks for illustrating it with such an amazing, true story.
Gosh, that was a party of Trumpian proportions — especially for a baby shower.
What did you think at the time? Was it a surprise? Were you angry? Astonished?
Whatever the case, you’ll never forget it. I hope you jolly well got a lot of great gifts!
The great thing about it is that guests from all walks of life were there to celebrate with you. That really is Trumpian.
And years later, here you are — MAGA-ing.
Totally surprised. No idea. I was embarrassed. Would have been overwhelmed if three people showed for a party on my behalf. I thought it might be 10-12 people at most. My very own, “George Bailey” moment.
I stopped writing thank you notes at 786.
Helluva party. No fights, no accidents, everyone got along beautifully.
Amazing, eh?
Wow! That is too cool.
Thanks for writing about your baby shower. It could be made into a great film — a modern day ‘George Bailey’ moment (without the George Bailey drama beforehand).
i will take a cropduster over a nice jet any day of the week!
Now THAT is cool!
Truth bombs falling all over the plucking fanet.
Much needs to be made of this. The Dems do not want to know inconvenient truths:
MAGAnomics BABY!
It won’t matter. MAGAnomics will not be the only thing that drives this upcoming election. The Fed will simply raise rates and crash the market. The Dems are fighting using assymmetric strategy. It is working. I think I can outline what they are doing now based on what I saw. Maybe I will put that in a post. You guys can no longer think traditionally when it comes to elections.
POTUS has to get his people in place, all the judges confirmed, re-structure military personnel, get funding for the wall and/or build it and then declassify everything.
I hope DHS and their local partners can more effectively stop the cheating. That would help.
that’s right. graphs and happy numbers are done.
ECONOMICS is one of the fakest concepts ever, and no offense, because it is ruled by rigged systems.
just yesterday president trump said the gas prices are low comment.
today on the way to work they are predicting gas prices to be near $3.50 a gallon now in a couple months. it takes one day for them to start working against us after something is brought up.
they only recovered the marked after christmas to make a bunch of money off the poor working stiffs who lost a ton with the selloffs made to make trump look bad.
the stock market is absolutely fake. there isn’t anything real about it. people that base their lives and their view of how “good” or “bad” their lives are or the condition of the country are absolutely diluting themselves on propaganda.
all of it needs to go just as nyguy and wolf stated.
People define their lives by how good their jobs are, the schools their kids go to, gas prices and how their 401Ks are doing. I think the President gets that. It’s up to him (and us) to cut through the cloud and make sure people value that and vote in that direction. From top to bottom.
while i agree with that – i guess i have a problem in that i don’t value all that stuff at all as a measure of my or anyone’s lives…so my opinion on it is exactly that – only mine
however, i agree totally with cutting through the cloud and hopefully part of that education for folks is starting to realize that life is not based on monetary or materialistic measurements, and how dangerous it is to start from there when rationalizing things.
i told someone yesterday that this road will be hard, long and we might be mega uncomfortable or even desperate at times, but we have to come through it and again become thankful for the freedom that we have.
all I am suggesting is that if people think this fight is going to be won by traditional things, they are mistaken. This is a fight for the minds of the voters. Anything goes. Now I happen to believe that this President takes no prisoners. Just look at what he did to Gen Mattis. He cut him to pieces with a simple comment. That is how we win. The rest of the party should follow suit.
totally on board with you sir and it is all hands on deck ready when needed!
and just to add an example:
if i have to pay MORE money for a pint of strawberries if it means securing our border – then i am more than willing to pay the price.
in a way we are letting them convince us that paying cheap prices for goods or services is only made possible by having open borders and that is a simple lie. would we have to pay more? would we have to expect less presents at christmas? or not being able to get anything anywhere anytime? all small prices to pay in my estimation…
I kinda like your attitude. You have the fight that I think we need. Go after these people. Don’t let up. Traditional politics won’t work as well.
No that is not where I am heading with all this. The president is going to lay the groundwork to win but that alone won’t be good enough. Our opponents will lie, cheat and steal. Just look at how the media is treating POTUS. We need to fight back the same way. Diminish these people. Make them unpalatable. How many people in America know Warren’s nickname is Pocahontas? Pres Trump is literally showing us how to defeat these people every single day. A great economy is awesome, world peace would be amazing but that won’t stop the left from going after MAGA. We need to do the same only harder, bigger. This is a street fight. That’s why I can’t stand eeyores.
i am with you – i am far from an eeyore believe me. but not being a traditionalist i do have a sense of the fight we are facing as you do – and complacency is something we cannot afford. we the people now need to stand for what we believe to be right no matter the outcome.
Looking back to 2016 — about 2012:
Two months prior to that, candidate Trump discussed Mitt at an upstate NY rally:
“The last election should have been won, except Romney choked like a dog. He choked. He went,” Trump paused to grab his neck and imitate choking and then said, “I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe, he said.”
He continued: “Romney choked. … Romney can’t recover from a choke.”
Trump contended that Romney “went into a house” and “disappeared” for the last month of the 2012 election.
“What the hell happened to him?” Trump asked.
He then acknowledged that he endorsed Romney in 2012.
A two-fer. First, SD clarifies that PDJT couldn’t make any recess appointments over the Christmas holidays (not sure if the text in the box will show, but it’s worth reading). Secondly, there’s a great older photo of the Trumps:
Further, to the recess point above:
The Senate last night confirmed over 100 of POTUS’ nominees – of the 352 waiting…
I am hopeful there will be more today.
I posted this last night…
SD posts only negative news these days. Did he not check the Senate Cloakroom last night?????
Yes, but why wait until the last minute to approve people to those positions?
SD’s point was that PDJT could not make any recess appointments, because all the senators opposed it. The ones you are referring to had just been sitting there for months on end, also indicating that McConnell and Schumer see eye to eye.
Of course they both see eye-to-eye… they are both cabal/deep state puppets.
How many people understand that, though?
Not many.
The whole statement of Europe not supporting Trump says it all. Lo-fos from both the US and Europe say, ‘Trump’s not popular, including in Europe’. Trump’s right in saying it’s not a big deal. However, media and other leftoids don’t see it that way, so they drive a narrative. Lo fo viewers and readers are convinced that European elites are different.
If all you do is look at the YSM, you’ll think that VSGPDJT is not popular here in Europe.
That is FAR from the truth.
Look at the COMMENTS sections of the various online dailies, and you’ll see a VERY different picture.
Focus, Bild, Spiegel, Welt, etc. ALL of them have comments sections running mostly in favor of President Trump, often with folks wishing we had a Trump (or -clone) here. And some of the more conservative online dailies ( are STRONTLY behind President Trump.
The YSM LIES about the opinions of people, and the state of the YSM in other countries. Is that any surprise, especially when the GLOBAL MSM is in only a few hands, and those are the dirty demonic hands doing the Devil’s dastardly deeds…
Again, you and I know different sets of Europeans.
I can’t think of a single person I know in Europe among my friends or acquaintances who likes Donald Trump.
So, I have to read about European Trump lovers in the media — mostly via citizens’ media, but not always.
Oh, the irony!
CM, wonder if you live in an urban area like London? I think Trump may be more popular with people who voted for Brexit. My Cristian friends in Cornwall like him. They think he has a good understanding of international trade relations and that he knows how to get things done.
Oh, that’s a relief! Good for your friends in Cornwall! Excellent!
Churchmouse, unless you live in Germany, and speak German, you’re going out on a limb, so to speak, saying what the Germans think. And, if you live in the UK, the view there of Germany is quite jaundiced indeed. There are many for whom WWII is still going. And, yes, I have family over there (half-English am I), and many of them are that way too. Seems they still have issues with the “Jerries”…
Judging from your responses, do YOU like Donald Trump, especially if all the Europeans you know don’t?
I’ve lived here in Germany for more than 35 years, and I’ve rarely seen the people so fed up. The AfD is testament to that.
I’ve made my position clear offline on PDJT from the time he was DJT in 2016.
the SENATE approving and the PRESIDENT appointing are two entirely different things…
his hands were purposely tied. then they swoop in and “appear” to be helping. makes are few of us think they are doing something good! well, it was all bad in actuality.
Art of the Deal. The Turtle and the Lion know what they are doing. Everybody eats Jackass.
I’m not going to explain it, either. Why should I help the Democrat Communists escape their justly deserved fate?
i like it every time you say you are not going to explain it. usually something turns up pretty quick…
I swear this is the most overblown non-issue on our side.
Recess appointments can only be made when the vacancy occurs during the recess. (Article II, Section 2, last paragraph.) So in no way could recess appointments be used to fill these jobs; they became vacant long ago.
I suppose Trump could fire and replace OTHER people during the recess, but such appointments are only good until the end of the next Senate session, so it would be a simple matter of reconvening the Senate, then adjourning–boom, recess appointments are now over–then reconvening again.
Thank you for posting this. The only person I see making a big deal out of this is SD, and from what you say, he is mistaken. No way to discuss the issue over there, though.
McConnell has done some excellent things and I give credit where it is due. He was great during the Kavanaugh hearings, and he just stated he would not bring up any House bills in the Senate that he knows Pres. Trump would not sign because they don’t fund the wall.
On that, I disagree with McTurtle – bring them to the floor and let US see how our elected representatives vote!!!!
It’s not just SD, it’s lots of people complaining that the Senate must be 100% traitor because no one objects to remaining (nominally) in session.
This is how all bills that PDJT will not sign should be handled. Why would a Republican controlled Senate waste its time debating and amending bills meant to further Democrat priorities?
Of course, given the Republican history of spinelessness, I would expect Pelosi to test the waters, but after that the silliness should diminish.
I was referring to the situation you describe in the first sentence of your last paragraph.
I don’t quite recall them being such a short-term deal, though. Otherwise, why would they be so determined not to allow him to make recess appointments?
I don’t know. I remember PRes. Bush making recess appointments. If they were trying to prevent Trump from doing it, I imagine they were focusing on one particular appointment, but I do not know what or whom they were worried about, and it’s all speculation on my part, and it’s not very productive without more info.
All I know is they will not let him do it. Grassley told him so in 2017. This was discussed at CTH last year. I once provided a link for it.
Thank you for the info on Bush’s recess appointments, Zoe — much appreciated. I knew they could be made and could last quite a while, just didn’t have any reference points to hand.
Well, CM, I would check out what I seem to remember on this, because I don’t have specifics and am going by memory and I don’t want to get you into trouble.
I think you are correct (even if it wasn’t Bush), because I do remember reading about recess appointments and how, whenever they were covered in the media, they were a BIG deal.
They were lasting, too, not ‘here today, gone tomorrow’.
I seem to remember a U.N. secretary or something along those lines.
There were many, many more.
This might come as a surprise:
President Ronald Reagan made 240 recess appointments (average 30 per year).
President George H. W. Bush made 77 recess appointments (average 19 per year).
President Bill Clinton made 139 recess appointments (average of 17 per year).
President George W. Bush made 171 recess appointments (average of 21 per year).
President Barack Obama made 32 recess appointments (through February 1, 2015), all to full-time positions.
And President Trump cannot make one!
More proof that McConnell and Schumer are working hand in glove.
Not very surprised, though my memory was foggy. I thought it used to happen rather regularly. I can’t understand Grassley, though, unless he was simply being realistic about how things stood.
I usually see it paired with gripes about the confirmation backlog, as in SD’s tweet you posted.
They have little if anything to do with each other, and we should resist conflating the two issues (even if it’s by perpetuating SD’s mixed-up tweets).
A Ristvan comment which sheds first hand light on Mitt and on his own support of PDJT:
‘ristvan says:
January 2, 2019 at 9:14 pm
‘Some personal insight on Mittens. I overlapped him 3 of 4 years at Harvard Law/Business joint program (itself an exclusive club of 8-10 admitted per year) and then for 2 plus years at early Boston Consulting Group before Mitt joined the ‘midnight massacre’ where Bill Bain, BCG founder Bruce Henderson’s #2 stole some of BCG’s best to form his eponious (speaking to ego) competing Bain and Co.
‘Mitt was ALWAYS about himself only. He showed it then, he shows it now. Take PDJT’s endorsement then ‘Flake’ PDJT.
‘BTW, another BCG 1 year overlap I worked with was Ben Nittay, who decided to stay with us at BCG even though Bain and Romney tried hard to get him to join the midnight massacre traitors.
Treepers would know him better by his Israeli ‘english’ name, Benjamin Netanyaho.
‘Like PDJT, I was a ‘charter member’ of the “Big Club”. Like PDJT, refused to pay club dues so got kicked out. That is why I support PDJT so strongly despite being an independent politically.’
A little off topic, but interesting also.
For what it’s worth:
I found recently that George Conway (Kellyannes Husband and Trump trasher) is tied to Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter being part of the “Elves” helping Paula Jones and the BJ Clinton impeachment.
Pelosi has wasted no time. Good to bookmark for future reference:
SD has a thread on it that breaks down the main points.
A good one: ’emet’ says: January 2, 2019 at 10:40 pm
“President Trump likes a good scrap. And our Lord has raised him up to smite evil. So when he starts swinging the jawbone of an ass, Pelosi and the rest of the Philistines better scram”
I think Pelosi has the “Jawbone of an ass”, right under her Botox nose….. along with Shumer, Romney and many more.
it’s downright scary but not at all unexpected. I think they are seriously underestimating POTUS tho and if they harass him, he will unleash the dogs of war.
I see such a willingness to compromise in him and his leadership to bring results for the American citizenry…his desire is to achieve goals for our betterment and the only goal Dems have is resistance. That will wear on American’s patience.
I agree that VSGPDJT is underestimated, and there is a very specific reason why. Extremely smart people are seriously misunderstood by those who aren’t. I mean that. I come from a family of fairly high IQ individuals – some are smarter than others – and most of us are misunderstood by those who just don’t “get it.” They might be intellectuals and well read, etc., but putting it all together isn’t always in the cards.
Trump knows how to put it all together. That’s what “they” are missing.
IMO, it is a combination of intellect and common sense that wins the day and our VSG has that in spades!
Sheer Raw Intelligence
Grounded in Common Sense
Combined with unsurpassed Street Smarts
The Soul of a Pugilist
and Superior Executive Function
Dang. Who thinks Trump needs superpowers? They’d just get in his way.
Writable mathematics dumbs down to a common language what Trump does in a single arms-folded grunt in front of the cameras.
The DemocRATS are planning a lawfare campaign similar to what Palin endured at leftist hands in Alaska.
You can bet PDJT has bigger bombs (subpoenas), deeper intel, more indictable targets, than the House can cook up.
I hope this breaks soon, because the Dems will not stop.
Prediction – >>>The Dems will cry ‘uncle’ and ‘He broke me!’ before Trump does.
I hope you are right.
Based on the past two years, I’m doubtful.
Another prediction – PT has the ammo (intel/dirt/cases locked up) and the whammo (ways/means/personnel/lawful powers) – just waiting on the right timing.
Again, I wish I shared your optimism.
Not saying it won’t happen, but not saying it necessarily will, either.
If he’s breathing and can find a way, he will do it.
I don’t doubt that PDJT will do it.
It’s the ***never-ending Dem nauz we have to go through beforehand***. I’ve had enough.
Mouse or eeyore?
You’re starting to get really negative…
Chill out…
You’re beginning to irk a bit as well with your everyone loves Trump except the elites.
They don’t.
House Conservatives Launch a Petition Drive in Support of Border Wall:
If you want to sign the petition go here:
Does Nancy have enough votes for Speaker ??? Yet???????
Pelosi: “How Many More Times Can We Say, ‘No, Nothing for the Wall’?”
Well gee, I dunno. How many more times CAN you say ‘No, nothing for the wall’?
Tomorrow, the President has scheduled another meeting with the Democratss.
Yesterday in the Situation Room, you can bet President Trump gave them a lot to chew over today.
And our VSG President turns up the HEAT this morning on Twitter…
Every inner city black person needs to know this, particularly the first point:
Sorry, here’s the first point — very important:
The leftist progs are blood-lusting murderous ghouls.
Oohh, that was a good one GA/FL, well done.
They certainly are.
someone in the comments mentioned this was the Dems “blood sacrifice”…chilling, isn’t it?
But true.
Yes, it is. That is gross.
I hope more comes out about WaPo contributors:
A “fresh” Khashoggi needed to replace the last one!
Great observation:
My LAST word on Sd… He has lost faith… did so back in November. I left CTH because of his negativity. I don’t need to read it here.
Sd no longer trusts POTUS… because he doesn’t see any arrests. There are many events unseen by the masses.
I don’t see God, but I believe there is a God…
POTUS has very little support from Congress… but he is skilled at making deals.
POTUS has NO support from the cabel-controlled media… BUT he uses Twitter to make his voice heard.
AND, there is Q… which of course Sd smears.
I prefer Praying Medic…
forgot my end tag after lilttle… didn’t intend all italics.
Fixed it!
I think you’ve struck on something that’s been nagging at me too…SD doesn’t seem to believe that POTUS KNOWS any of this or is planning against this…that he’s stumbling blindly along–getting things done thru, what? luck???
I wondered about this post. I think you hit the nail on the head, PM is basically addressing Sd directly here. I have to admit I’d like to see arrest or two myself (Hillary, orange jumpsuit) but at the same time I know that many things HAVE to be in place first for it all to work correctly, for judges, juries and evidence, etc. I refuse to give up hope and I have faith that God is using President Trump for good, for the benefit of Americans and ultimately the world.
I think that POTUS has been sending nuggets of truth out there too, since Q seems to be silent (been a couple days, right?) Daughworks did a FABULOUS job early up thread dissecting yesterday’s presser where POTUS laid out so much great info and all the reporters wanted to talk about (and later write about) was the Romney Drama… yuck. When will they report truth? If I have lost faith, it’s in the msm and career politicians on BOTH sides of the isle.
100% in agreement with Praying Medic.
Arrests are nice and dandy. Makes for instant gratification. However, what good will immediate arrests do, if the system that helped to spawn these monsters is still left in place? Yes, let’s go and make immediate arrests…..only for history to repeat itself in the future with new players.
What the President and his allies (overt and covert, national and international) are attempting to do is a huge undertaking. Thus, it is going to take time, but the plan will be beautifully executed.
We are talking about dismantling a system that has existed for years! Very foolish to think that victory can be achieved overnight.
The irony is that our enemies, based on their actions, are more certain that their days are numbered than people on our side. Do you think POTUS would be facing such fierce opposition if the enemies were winning? I don’t think so.
you’re right…the judges HAVE to be in place first–or they skate and double jeopardy doesn’t allow them to be retried….
I have infinite confidence in every Representative and every Senator voting 100% along the lines of self-interest.
All Trump has to do it make sure the vote is in their self-interest.
Boom. Done.
SD was far too rigid in what he envisaged.
Also, because of said rigidity, no one was allowed to offer a different POV.
What happened to SD is an important lesson in rigidity.
What looks to be a hard shell can, in fact, be fragile — and inevitably cracks.
Personally, I would love it if he said at some point, a few months from now, ‘I’ve learned something over these past three years, and I’m going to pass that lesson along to you. Take it or leave it …’
Rigidity is a bad thing, yet there are a lot of commenters at CTH who are the same exact way as SD!
I know almost everyone here is a proponent of healthy eating, so please scroll by…I just gotta say this–does anything smell as good as a wet bottom shoofly pie coming out of the oven? snifffffff….mmmmmm
Even the WaPo can do something good once in a while….a sweet story….
Just as a reminder and encouragement.
The Clock is Ticking
19 Dec 2018 – 5:11:25 PM
The clock is ticking.
When will the 1st alarm ring?
If the Senate was the primary target (majority control)….
53-47 active when?
EO (designated_target(s)) active when?
Ongoing investigations…..
“There are a lot of sealed indictments” – SC
“It’s all going to come out, U1, Dossier, CF, etc….” – SH
“I have pretty good sources…” – SH
There is a reason why SH, SC, and JS are on stage.
SH – Sean Hannity
SC – Sara Carter
JS – John Solomon
I have not followed Q long enough to be up to speed on many things, so I apologize…but what is the Q clock? I saw a picture of it a while ago and wondered what it is or where I can find info on it?
Search on YouTube for: Q clock….. Lots of stuff there.
thank you!
Just here to help where I can
just watched one of the available videos–thanks! He spoke not only about the q clock–but also about the surprising number of twitter accounts not being currently used–the obamas, biden, huma, strzok, bill & hill…he said nobody’s posted since just before Christmas and the ones that posted Christmas stuff were old photos–maybe hill just did tweet, don’t remember–but then he discussed prison barges (one from east coast, one from the west) headed towards Gitmo…interesting…
Who’s video was that?
We are Q (I think)
Well, that should be checkable–have there been ANY public appearances by these people since they (apparently) stopped tweeting? If so, then they’re not on prison barges. (Which strikes me as a horrifically inefficient method of transporting them anyway–stick ’em on an airplane.)
FYI…..I currently follow the X22 Reort on YouTube…. Most every night it has a part a (Financial) and part b (Q current events)
And away we go……
apparently it’s the same thing he introduced in 2017—running with the obstruction of justice over firing Comey—
Calm down and enjoy the ride!
Oh wow – you’re right! Bolton is in the background looking like he’s about to CRY!!!! How did I miss that before?
That and the big bunch of swords directly behind him. Symbolic.
It’s a Game of Thrones reference, like the poster. I don’t watch that crap, but it’s there for those who want to look it up.
Bolton had his stone face on the entire hour plus. I watched him specifically. After it was over I was thinking how much he looks like the little guy on the Monopoly board.
Dieter Zetsche, head of Daimler-Benz, seems to be a perfect “Monopoly Man”:
(Probably glad to be headed off to retirement before long, with all the attacks on the car industry over here…).
Okay, correction to my post about Bolton’s stone face.
Our Lion got him to crack up a little after 1:03:56 when he says:
This would be devastating to the Fraudocrats if it had larger dissemination. Knows this was a day ago, but likes that you put it up today as I didn’t have the time to watch before. Better to watch it than hear about it. Sec of HLS briefing was powerful. Whole thing was great. Looking forward to Saturday in MO.
Oh.. and as to Bolton, thought he was having a hard time containing himself. Fairly sure he was close to jumping out his chair and yelling MAGA and KAG several times at least.
We have had a lot of arrests in socal over the past year but nothing like a pedo ring, at least public. But 1 less on the streets is 1 or more less victims. I hope when theyre arrested they are talking and catching others.
January is the month dedicated to taking down human trafficking.
President Trump is making huge inroads into Human Trafficking. The MSM tries to avoid mention of it.
This is President Trump’s main focus. Q focuses on it also and that is why they hate Q.
The rest of the media tries to make it all about money, the stock market, jobs, etc. or Orange Man Bad.
This is why they hate and fear President Trump. He is taking human trafficking down world wide. They have rescued babies as young as 3 months old who were being sex trafficked. The traffickers can get around $250,000 for a child they sell for sex.
Human Trafficking Arrests Surge Under Trump
Human, sex trafficking up 842%, California leads
Democrats Filibuster Bill to Protect Sex Trafficking Victims!
Human Trafficking is their “tax free money” that can go through their “charities” when they need to launder it.
The fury of my heart against those that prey on the innocents.
Yes, taking down these criminals and rescuing those victims will make Trump go down in history as one of our greatest presidents, and it has become my main focus.
Planting the idea in people’s minds that it isn’t real.
Remarks by President Trump in Cabinet Meeting
Issued on: January 3, 2019
Thank you, Pat — greatly appreciated.
Couple of posts for anyone interested. I don’t tweet, but I came across an interesting thred by E C Everett. Is anyone familiar? He posts lots about the Alpha bank server/L Jean Camp fraud, pedo links, steele dossier, etc.
And this about Fusion GPS and their work for Derwick Associates in Venezuela in 2013:
Our gracious POTUS has released a gift to Fauxahontus –
trolling, trolling, trolling…
Trump is trollin’, trollin’
Keepin’ Dem-dogs rollin’
Showin’ up their pollin’
The narrative he’s controllin’
Raw hides!
He keeps the Dem-dogs movin’
Though they’re disapprovin’
Trump is really groovin’
And what he tweets gets proven.
Raw hides!
He won’t try to understand ‘em
He’ll throw, rope and brand ’em.
Herd ’em up in tandem.
Then their a$$es hand ‘em!
Raw hides!
Though they’re calculating
Trump is far out-rating
With his gal Melania by his side
Baiting, waiting, making them bug-eyed,
Soon he’ll expose them far and wide!
Raw hides!
Move ’em on, head ’em up
Head ’em up, move ’em on
Move ’em on – show ’em up!
Cut ’em out, ride ’em in
Ride ’em in, get ’em out
Vote ’em out – we will win!
Cracks whip!
love this!
Another good meme…… Award still goes to Wolf for…….
“Hook Nose Super Flake”
so here’s where the Dem’s wet dream (pardon my French) comes in to play—they vote in HRC as Speaker…then impeach POTUS and VP and viola! HRC is president…spit…
And Karen Pence got a “Letter” (Indictment?) at GHWB funeral along with Mike Oboma, Hag Clinton, Jill Biden and Laura Boosh. (Might be others too)
Senate has resumed confirming POTUS’ nominees
That’s hilarious !
How ’bout this… she’s already been chastised for chuggin a beer online, now
Oooh! Wonder who will get fired for not seeing that? ROFL
It’s more likely someone will be fired for not not seeing it, i.e., for seeing it, and then pointing it out.
I mean the person on her team who did not scrub the scene first…..
Ah, yes, of course. Should have realized that.
I saw that pot pointed out but not an explanation. I do know people have collected those old stereotype mammy jars and such, but usually only black folk for historical purposes.
racist cookie jar. LOL. Did she give a reason for that bizarre online beer chug? If not, my guess is it’s a counter to the news about her taking Risperdal.
Drinking alcohol is a big no no on that med. “See I’m drinking booze…no meds for me.” FRAUD.
Exceppt she could just have something carbonated inside without etoh. Fake-o!
The non-Indian drinks non-alcoholic beer, and with her non-existent brain believes we don’t know.
Imagine if a Republican had that in their home…the horror! “Proof” that Trump is a rayciss! The media will let it slip, but the rest of us won’t, during the campaign (which starts now, it seems).
My Favorite is NACHO,

As in,
Hillary is still NACHO President!!
I’ll even sometimes say Trump appointed her to be in charge of Mexican food as a consolation prize, so she’s Nacho President.
Yeah, well, BEWARE of Amash!!!! He is an Islamic plant, no doubt whatsoever in my mind.
Dem NY Rep Anthony Brindisi votes for Joe Biden
Dem TN Rep Cooper votes present.
Dem CO Rep Crow votes for Sen Duckworth.
Dem SC Rep Cunningham votes for Dem IL Rep Bustos
Dem ME Rep Golden votes for Dem IL Rep Bustos for Spkr
She can’t lose a total of 17…
5 against on DIM side already and not into H
Dem WI Rep Kind votes for Dem GA Rep Lewis for Spkr
Dem PA Rep Lamb votes for Dem MA Rep Kennedy
Dem UT Rep McAdams votes for Dem FL Rep Murphy for Spkr
Dem NY Rep Rice votes for Fmr GA Dem Gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams
Dem NY Rep Rose for Sen Duckworth
Dem OR Rep Schrader votes for Dem OH Rep Fudge for Spkr
Dem NJ Rep Sherrill votes for Bustos for Spkr,
Dem MN Rep Slotkin votes present,
Dem VA Rep Spanberger votes for Bustos
Dem NJ Rep Van Drew votes “no” in Spkr race
Groans from the GOP side of the aisle as Ocasio-Cortez votes for Pelosi for Spkr
she’s a few fries short of a Happy Meal…
Pelosi: The Constitution Considers Me Trump’s Equal via @freebeacon
— NickTheDeplorable (@NicholasCain67) January 3, 2019
Illusions of grandeur.
Delusions of power.
She’s been munchin’ on too many Tide Pods again…
It’s that Botox talkin’
Over 7,000 people in Massachusetts have been sent home or are working without pay during the #TrumpShutdown. Until @realDonaldTrump re-opens the government, I’m donating my salary to @HIASrefugees, a nonprofit that helps refugees and makes our country stronger in the process.
— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) January 1, 2019
so many in MA out of work, but she’s giving her money to FOREIGNERS? LOL
7000 probable american citizens “out of work” and she donates her salary to refugees.
my dday was yesterday…so i hope this is going to get good soon…
The incomparable Nolte!
“My opinion of Mitt Romney has changed over the years. When he lost the Republican nomination to John McCain in 2008, I thought he was a classy guy with a future. When he lost the general election to Barack Obama in 2012, I thought he was a good man with a glass jaw. When he repeatedly got on his high horse to sabotage Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016, I thought he was an opportunistic sleaze bag gorging on sour grapes and his own monstrously selfish sense of virtue.
But now, after reading his Washington Post jihad against Trump, I finally figured what Mitt Romney really is … an idiot.
Romney might have a high IQ, but he’s a political moron.”
“So why would Romney do such a thing? Why would Mr. Decency align himself with objectively indecent organizations and people?
And now we come to the part about Romney being a moron.
Just as his fellow moron John McCain believed in 2008, I think Romney actually believes two things…
1) Sucking up to the media by backstabbing the sitting Republican president is a path to another shot at the Oval Office.
2) When he does run for president again, the same media that relentlessly tarred him as a sexist, racist, plutocrat, job-killing corporate raider who tortures dogs, bullies gays, and gives women cancer, will appreciate him this time.
As far as number one, I think I speak for many Republican voters, including those who vigorously supported Romney in 2012, when I say kiss my ass. Screw you, you preening, backstabbing, undermining, half-witted peacock whose first official act as an incoming U.S. Senator is to sucker punch Trump, the man who not only endorsed you in Utah, but did so graciously after you launched a series of unhinged and very personal attacks against Trump during the 2016 campaign.
If Mitt Romney were on fire, I wouldn’t spit on him.”
Truth-bombs on all these bastards.
The House of Commies is the slap in the face we need to fearlessly dump on these bastards until they scream to be put out of their misery, or high-tail it to CHINA to escape JUSTICE!
Romney’s spiritual/cognitive eyes are blinded and his brain synapses scrambled by his ideology (both religious and/or political) as well as his sins/crimes.
Romney is also distorted by his pride – in his wealth, political and church status, his looks and his family.
I will never forget his facile lying – I counted 8 lies in the 2011 Jacksonville GOP primary debate alone. He lied so much in one debate, it even flustered facile-tongued Newt Gingrich! Even the moderators were astounded at Romney’s lies.
When you believe a lie (Mormonism is) and liars (Jos. Smith was) and you promote/propound lies as much as Romney (and Hillary) it affects your mind.
A little history and language lesson:
I love Phillip Schuyler’s twitter feed – he never fails to produce something great.
He is one of my favorites!
Caught this over at Zero Hedge…
Original article link:
Thank you.
It’s a John Solomon article, for those who follow him.
No prob.
Trump has impaled the communists on their own siege device and they have no clue.
Let them go too far and then savage them.
Tony Bennett fans here might be upset:
Chad Pergram
Verified account @ChadPergram
27s28 seconds ago
Pelosi elected Speaker of the House with 220 votes. Becomes the first person to return to the Speakership since Sam Rayburn in 1955
She’ll surely have a DC federal building named after her now.
“Geologists recorded an earthquake near North Korea’s Punggye-ri nuclear test site on Wednesday, an incident that South Korean officials believe is an aftershock from the last nuclear test there in September 2017.
According to the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) in Seoul, the earthquake took place around 40 km north-northwest of Kilju, North Hamgyong Province around 7:20 a.m., with the epicenter at a depth of 12 kilometers and around 11 kilometers east of the nuclear test site.
Experts believe the earthquake was induced by the September 2017 underground detonation of a nuclear device at the test site, which caused an artificial quake of magnitude 5.7 to 6.3 at the time. The size of the seismic impact leads observers to believe this was the most powerful nuclear detonation in the history of the country’s illegal nuclear program.”
I used to change a/c filters for Ed Meese’s office at Heritage Foundation in late 90’s/early 00’s. Very down to earth, had a lot of model airplanes. Did Elaine Chao’s too as they worked there at the same time…
Four of the seven “Comey Memos” contained classified information.
Comey cited attorney-client privilege in refusing to answer my questions about whether he mishandled any of those classified memos by sharing them with unauthorized persons outside of a classified setting.
— John Ratcliffe (@RepRatcliffe) January 3, 2019
No, in case you were wondering, attorney-client privilege is NOT an exception to the unlawful disclosure and handling of classified materials.
— John Ratcliffe (@RepRatcliffe) January 3, 2019
I just came across this article from Judicial Watch, in re 1.5M ineligible registrations to be removed from voter rolls in LA and CA. The process starts!
Did we not, just a couple of days ago, have one of our regulars complaining about how death-oriented the left is, and using a stated desire to have the Republican Party die as evidence?
I think it was today!
This is what I was thinking of (from New Year’s Day).
If wanting a political party to die is a “recurring death theme” then both parties are guilty of it.
I took the cartoon to suggest the issue of Russia Collusion, rather than the party, dying.
Well, it’s the thirsty man crawling futilely towards a mirage…he eventually dies. Mirages don’t die.
I think Wolfm00n took it my way too.
I’ll take it as poetry and enjoy it on both levels!
Wolfie–Did you see this thread by Brian Cates?
Thanks. Those people were very foolish to think that they are secure AT ALL on Twitter.
All planning should be done on Gab. NOW you know why KGB-CIA and their Anglo-commie allies fought so hard against Gab. Secure DMs and chat, and an ABSENCE of monitoring by leftists and KGB-CIA is what Gab offers.
Do you remember when SD and Tracy Beanz and Brain had a big battle after one of these meetings?
People should just GET OFF TWITTER. It’s EVIL.
When our POTUS GOES…We all go!!
Yup. But nobody should be planning stuff there.
The reason the TROLLS have such a lock on POTUS on Twitter is DECEPTION. Twitter gives the left special sauce to go after him. Plus the Rosenstein DOJ has always had plenty of backdoor there. NOT at Gab.
Do you have a Gab tips doc for new users? List of ppl to follow?
What do you think of
Well….., we’re in the right foxhole, for sure!
Amen, sister!
Oh, this is huge. I’m raining on these bastards, too. NUKES FALLING.
some days I sit here reading your stuff and wonder to myself..who are you really? are you like Batman or something?
I worry about bananas at Walmart and you’re dodging FISAs and British intelligence…
Just the garbageman.

The mistake they made was “keep your enemies closer”. It is not always good advice.
A lot of it has to do with time. Most people have little conception of time.
Great awakening. It’s coming.
stay safe!
you know I talk about older movies a lot–love dvds, hate tv–well it strikes me as coincidental that in Conspiracy Theory, TPTB kept track of Mel Gibson’s character by subscribing to his newsletter…they could watch and see if he was really onto anything they wanted covered up.
if they’re doing that with you, they gotta be crapping in their pants right about now…
I’ve got some serious updates for the remake of that one!
Not everybody is crapping. By my estimation, using the science of conspiracy theory, people somewhere very high in this thing decided on certain shifts a while back. More and more people are going with the flow of those shifts.
I am not kidding. Trust the plan. It appears to be manipulating me where it wants me.
I believe that the plan is currently undergoing some kind of major adaptation. This is a moment to check your seats, your belts, and your restraints. The next phase is going to be wild.
I sit here and hope that one day, on the other side of whatever is coming, I get to buy you a beer, Wolf, in a smoky little dive bar, while you tell me the whole story of what was really going on the whole time.
A girl can have a dream…
In some universes, that happens!

I would love it, but who knows. God decides.
It’s ironic. What you say brings back a memory. Exactly what you say.
Somewhere near the beginning of the story, as a young man, after experiencing some of the most unbelievable things I could possibly tell you, I thought it was the end of the story. I thought it was over. I was in a bar with a guy who knew some of the details. We were drinking in celebration of what we thought the story was – and that it was over.
I told him a bit more, but not too much. There were things I could not tell him for the reasons of others, and things I could not tell him for my own good. There were things I could not tell him because they made no sense. Some of what I knew and was allowed to tell him, made him MARVEL at what had happened. I know you would have enjoyed that story.
And it was all wrong.
We had no idea how twisted the reality was. All of the surface truth, and all of the secrets we knew, or thought we knew, were only half-way to the truth. If that.
Very few movies even come close to the layered reality of what I experienced.
I am pretty sure that’s why a lot of things stay secret. They are buried under so many layers of hiding and deception, that people simply never get close to the truth.
And there are literally hundreds of secret trails that spin off that whole story.
So yes. In some universe, I get to tell you the story. The whole story. That would be amazing.
Pat! He IS Batman! but more like a Wolf!! LOL!–
ps–I worried about bananas today at my Walmart–they were gross!!
I believe you’re right!
Pat, lol, that says it all. Feel pretty much the same.
Definitely cushions/preps one of the Place Holders. Read about it at work, likes that it found a place here. New and important. Waiting for more.
This is a good read.
FTA: “Evidence is now circulating among lawmakers in Washington that makes the case that Obama administration intelligence officials John Brennan and James Clapper hacked FISA court judge Reggie Walton in addition to Supreme Court Justice John Roberts.
Big League Politics’ expose on the alleged Roberts hack has rocked the corridors of power. Now, we have more information coming to light about the FISA court — which infamously held no hearings regarding the fraudulent FISA warrant applications to surveil Carter Page and by extension other members of President Trump’s team. And there’s more: James Comey’s henchmen at the FBI are proven to have covered it up…”
DECLAS until they scream and break the veins in their eyes!!!
Oh, yes! Please!
At the very least…
..or they go full “Scanners” and their heads explodes…
I will not subject this audience to the animated gif
go after these SOBs. Shame them. Fight back.
There are many kinds of SANCTIONS that get results.
“Under President Trump, we have made historic progress in ensuring countries take back their nationals who have no legal right to live or work in the United States,” said Katie Waldman, a spokeswoman for Homeland Security.
Visa sanctions are issued by the State Department after notice from the Homeland Security secretary that a country is delaying or denying acceptance of its deportees.
Washington Times via:
O boy…..
What a fabulous Commie Presidential candidate he is going to make.
See the swirly stripey background stolen from #[44]. These people are more than stupid.
From Wikipedia (all you need to know):
“…mother was a Chicana political activist who helped establish the Chicano political party La Raza Unida,”
Have not been able to determine if both of his parents were born here. Just because the family dates residence in Texas to 1920s doesn’t qualify one as a natural born citizen….
I don’t think your parents have to be born here for you to be a natural born citizen. Even under the strictest definition I’ve seen (it remains fuzzy in case law), what is required is that both of your parents be citizens (it doesn’t matter whether born here or naturalized) at the time of your birth.
Until Obama (so, after the first few presidents, with the exception of Chester Arthur’s ‘natural born’ question), all US presidents had two parents who were American citizens at the time of their birth.
You are right in saying this is fuzzy — thanks, Dems — and PDJT does need to clear this up before his six remaining years are over.
I could see it meaning a wide spectrum of things. At bare minimum it means a person who is a citizen by birth, i.e., someone who is a citizen and did not have to be naturalized. That of course is going to depend to the state of current citizenship law. (This loose definition could conceivably allow someone born overseas to American parents to become president, because they are citizens by birth. Yes, the parents have to file paperwork, but that’s merely to inform the US government they had a child, NOT a request that the child be granted citizenship.) On the other hand we could change that law, and thereby change the definition of natural born citizen.
Stricter definitions of course range up to “both parents must be US Citizens and the individual has to be born on American soil” (which brings up–does being born in a territory or embassy qualify?).
But I was responding to the assertion that the PARENTS had to be citizens from their births, which, to me, seems ridiculous.
It’s damn near (but fortunately not *quite*) a requirement that you can’t be a natural born citizen unless your parents were. This would be bad because of course the parents can’t be unless their parents were, and on back…which would wipe out everyone whose ancestors immigrated after the revolution. Not only no, but hell no.
**To my knowledge, no one has ever claimed the parents should be citizens from birth**, but that **the child (future President/VP) had to be born of two parents who were American citizens at the time of his birth**.
Until Obama — and after the first few presidents — that’s what every American understood to be a natural born citizen. And that’s how the Pres and VP candidatures proceeded, until 2008.
With Obama — whatever his actual parentage — all of a sudden only ‘one’ parent had to be an American citizen. Just to clarify, I don’t want to get into an Obama discussion. It was simply the first time only ‘one’ (as the Dems said) parent of a presidential candidate had to be a US citizen at the time of his birth. Wrong!
Because of that we’ve got Republicans who have tried to run for President who are not natural born citizens, either. Cruz and Jindal come to mind.
I’m signing off now.
Thanks for an interesting discussion, which goes to show that **this issue must be clarified and codified** before PDJT leaves office in 2024.
Nope, look at what I was originally replying to, by Roberta. She complained that someone’s parents weren’t verifyably citizens from birth.
…and that’s what got me started.
‘Just because the family dates residence in Texas to 1920s doesn’t qualify one as a natural born citizen….’
Yes, because we still do not know if his parents were citizens when he was born.
You, Roberta and I probably agree on the main points, Steve.
Exactly why this issue needs to be cleaned up before 2024 — if not 2020, on second thought. Who knows who will be throwing their hat into the ring later this year?
Yes. With our utterly FANTASTIC anchor baby baloney, it is entirely feasible that we will have someone who is effectively a foreigner that the Dims all swoon over and nominate who has never even lived here but whose mother came here to give birth as so many wealthy Chinese, Saudi, and the like do.
How extremely global and multi culti and FABULOUS would it be to elect a US citizen by birthright but who spent all their youth in China, for instance? And is thus thoroughly steeped in Chinese customs, philosophy, and politics. I can In short, a ChiCom. Don’t think it couldn’t happen, either. I can see significant swathes of the population who would simper adoringly and think it was the coolest thing ever.
Good grief. Even five years ago I’d have thought, “Nah, never…” but now?
Sylvia, that would be such a nightmare, and it may very well happen. Tell you something else–started reading your comment without knowing whose it was, and immediately I said,”that’s Sylvia” and I checked, and sure enough, it was you. Love your style. Feels like you’re sitting chatting in my living room.
I read so much about this in 2008 from ex-Dems, which really got me admiring them for accurately predicting what could happen in the future.
Non-Dems, myself included, don’t really see the strategy the way former Dems do. They GET it.
Fully agree with you, Sylvia, in everything you say here.
Any-fracking-thing could happen with presidential candidates in the next US election. (Ditto in Europe, BTW. I mention it to people and get blank stares. Oh, my.)
The Dems will **try** to play a blinder, as you say. Not saying they will succeed — and neither are you — but they will do everything they can in that regard.
This citizenship issue presents a great danger.
Good hopes someone talks him into going indi to split the vote, but thinks he’s aiming at being someones VP.
LIVE – Border Patrol Commissioner holds URGENT Press Briefing!
GST isn’t sure whether the surprise Sarah Sanders WH Press Briefing is the same as the Border Patrol briefing. Holding on!
Claps hands. A press BRIEFING. Nope, y’all don’t get to ask any of your bogus questions. Y’all aren’t going to waste our POTUS’ and his team’s time by asking questions that have nothing to do with the content of the briefing.
Isn’t it wonderful to see strong adults on that podium?
THAT was a thing of beauty!
Ah! So great!! Thanks for sharing this! I love the fact that he had several border agents speaking out to the press as well. And NO questions afterwards – ha! Take that “journalists”!
More activity at the border…
WOW! and THAT folks Was an awesome Presser!!! Exactly how to do it!!! THE.END.
Uh NO……
Keep it up – keep on showing support to our President. He IS paying attention!
Transcript has 17,000 words?
Here’s an idea for triggering your libtard neighbors (H/T Larry Ledwick on chiefio’s blog):
“unseen1 Retweeted
Michael Moates
5 hours ago
My new neighbor is a liberal feminist. I just renamed my WiFi to Trump is your President.”
Every time I dip my toe into the water and try to think like Trump, or imagine what he will do next, President Trump still does something surprising.
Nonetheless, we still speculate.
Since PDJT has held the classified docs for so long, there must be a reason.
Reason #1. Mueller/Dems/MSM could claim he was obstructing Mueller.
Reason #2. PDJT is saving the ace in his pocket, because Mueller knows what is in the docs, but Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Warner, Schumer, also know. Only the public does not know, but the Dems don’t appear to act fearful of declassification – and the Dems have had plenty of time to prepare for the eventuality of declass.
Reason #3. Is it possible, PDJT is holding the declass, waiting for Mueller’s report, to ‘trump’ the report with juicy details (more media focus)……… and include other info unavailable to Mueller or most Dems?
Is it really just a monumental game of chicken?
remember… Nancy said earlier today that House would begin impeachment and indictment proceedings as soon as Mueller’s report is released…
she thinks she’s going to be president…
“a monumental game of chicken”
I think that the longer VSGPDJT has to prepare the lightning strike, the more broad, and accurate, and effective it will be.
It’s the Dems / Globalists who are “chicken”, and whatever extra preparations they can make with the “extra” time, will all be for naught.
Put simply, the delays help us FAR more than they help “them”. I like to remember Q’s repeated exhortation that “These people are STUPID”, and the most recent one, that “Nothing can stop what’s coming.” (paraphrase, I think)
Let ’em keep trying to stop it! Vanity. Meanwhile, the net gets larger, and the noose gets tighter.
I trust the impeccable timing of our POTUS!
And while OT withers in despondence and despair, we get MOAR popcorn and show!
as much as i seem like a gloomer and a doomer depending on the day and how amped up i am – my ultimate fantasy is still that mueller is guy getting all the stuff together and when he walks out with the democrats behind him to announce his report he names them all.
fantasy is necessary for sanity sometimes
From the other place.
“On December 31, the Omaha World-Herald ran the Bloomberg piece published earlier in the month, which noted:
“It would take only 118 pounds of fentanyl to kill 25 million people. That’s how much of the powerful opioid painkiller that Nebraska State Trooper Sam Mortensen found in April when he stopped a truck marked ‘U.S. Mail’ swerving onto the shoulder along Interstate 80.”
In October, the White House honored Mortensen for making one of the largest fentanyl seizures in American history. Fentanyl has surfaced as the deadliest drug in the United States.”
Scary to think what that much fentanyl would do to America. It’s a war.
What ticks me off the most, however, is the heroin that has decimated our troops, the same troops who were charged with PROTECTING the poppy fields in Afghanistan! What these evil cretins have done to our OWN soldiers just burns me deeply! And NO-ONE will face responsibility for that! This on top of the Clowns and their drug running!
Yes, the addiction is so powerful. Makes my heart hurt.
wow..that saved a LOT of lives. Thank you Trooper Mortensen
BOOM ! ! ! – PRESIDENT TRUMP follows up the Border Patrol Council Press Conference with this!
Oh, my – posted by SD:
Amen Juanita. Amen.
Today has had some really good laughs.
Stay home. Just stay home.
Building Trumpmore’s twit-stream is a scream today.
TTT–I Know!! Cracking me up all day!!! LOL!!
Another Example of the Government Working for You.
That made me laugh/snort.
Laying down the rules of the 2019 senate road.
Snake has a plan
Lisa has a suggestion
that’s why I don’t watch TV…
did see a screen shot of her surrounded by children…
that’s not simply propaganda, that’s evil…
Dims are fighting the wall not because they need votes of illegals, but
because A WALL WILL CUT OFF cashflow for cabal…
their biggest money makers are drugs and human trafficking… bringing in children to sell for sex
Thats all i saw too. Didnt watch, no need tyo. Its all the same kies and tricks and evil with shiny new bows.
This is how we win folks. This kind of stuff. Check out “Sandy”
Shes pretending to be in the breakfast club.
That part was clear…makes her look kind of stupid.
Sadly, I think young, clueless libs will like that.
That’s not who this is for….the hard left will love it. We shouldn’t care about them. But if we keep getting things like this out, people like Sandy get diminished. This is what the left is trying to do to Pres Trump.
Sandy the Hook…
Isn’t this pic (from OT) the same shot that was posted earlier (I think it was here?) that had the wall of knives in it directly behind PDJT? So someone modified the official pic?
Found it – Tweet from DailyWire, don’t remember if I saw it here or OT –
Simple-minded me actually thought the first one was accurate! SMH
I was wondering whether to complain it was faked, but I figured people would jump on me for stating the obvious and being a downer for criticizing a joke.
Maybe next time my attitude will be “Screw ’em, if it saves one person for falling for the joke, it’s worth the crap I’ll have to take.”
LOL That’s awesome!
Too bad the real story is: Dow plummets 630+ points because “muh China!”
Ronna McDaniel:
Ronna needs to go, NOW. Trump campaign is joining with the RNC to not duplicate efforts and save money during 2020 cycle. In light of Romney’s smear, I don’t trust Ronna. Didn’t really like her before that but NOW, no way.
She’s done NOTHING to defend members of the administration from endless persecution.
She has done nothing to develop a media arm to counter Media Matters
She has done nothing to put out 4am talking points, to make sure all Repubs are on the same message
Sorry BUT she is homely, overweight, and looks like a house frau. She presents horribly on television.
She has taken NO, ZERO, bold action with young people.
She has made ZERO attempt to take out the never Trumpers and coalesce the party.
But hey, what do I know. I just make the muffins.
One more thing – and it’s crucial.
Ronna should be running roughshod over GOP state groups who run off the Trump volunteers. This is an ENORMOUS problem in state organizations. If someone shows up and wants to volunteer for Trump or Republicans, damn STRAIGHT, I would find a job for them.
And then, and this just boggles my mind, there has been ZERO attempt to reach out to large social media groups who support Trump/Republicans. I should be receiving a message every day – to push to our base
Totally, a lost opportunity
We should be getting little hints of things to come – like Trump insiders – to share with the base and develop loyalty and a greater following. Simple things, free things, it would be so damn easy
And a PERFECT way to mobilize the base for a fight – like when we needed to defend Kavanaugh.
It makes me crazy. It would be so simple.
Bottom line, Ronna McDaniel is not a leader. Not an innovator. She’s not brave. She does not act like she wants to win. She’s seems like she’s always defending herself. I want someone on offense, not defense.
NO EXCUSE for the Senate losses in AZ, MT, West Virginia, Michigan, and Alabama.
And no excuse for not mounting a legal ARMY to deal with gerrymandering in PA, New Jersey, etc.
RNC needs to be seen as defending their troops, their family. When a Trump supporter is attacked —- RNC should mount the challenges, defend the person, and ATTACK the other side. Build the loyalty. Be efficient. Be powerful. Become a force.
We’re tired of turning the other cheek and getting our homes vandalized, our cars keyed, and shouted down, spit on, or assaulted. EVERY single time a conservative speaker showed up on campus, the RNC should have been there as well. Fighting alongside.
I have a dozen girlfriends, hell, anyone here, could run rings around Ronna McDaniel.
THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ agree 100% Daughn
Hate to say, but I tend to think it’s all been a set-up and she’ll flip when given the signal, though not for a while. Call me cynical, can’t help it, and God forgive me if I’m wrong about her. Planned all along.
I have mumbled this under my breath forever. She does NOTHING. The Dems love her.
She made phone calls and door knocks?
I donate. Family has donated since the 60’s. Husband was Congressman’s campaign director. We’re election officials. No one knocked on my door. I received not ONE phone call.
Can we get YOU the job Daughn? Seriously! Awesome suggestions!!
I know, right? I agree wholeheartedly.
Marica, great idea. Daughn could take it on. Would you consider, Daughn?
Absolutely, we’re in a damn war and I am to win!
Yay, Daughn. And in so doing, we’ll all win.
Marica, with you and a few others, we would have one heckuva kitchen cabinet. It’s not that hard. I do a mini-version of the 4am points for my groups that I admin. It works and highlights wins of the Trump admin often overlooked by MSM.
If I can do it, in a mini-me way, then it would not be hard to do nationally. Just need the contacts, heads of groups, and people who hold their hand and guide them. We could do it.
We only need a little bit of a budget. We need a pretty, sharp as a razor, acceptable female as the front face. Tammy Bruce might be good. I can sure as heck issue orders and get into the gutter if necessary. It’s time to sling some mud in the other direction and dirty up the Communists.
Or Sydney Powell? I’m IN!! I would crawl over glass for this POTUS and getting Our country back…
I nominate you, Daughn. You have more passion for the cause, and I suspect more smarts and organizational skills, than Ronna by far. A terrific post.
Would you email it to PDJT, or if you don’t want to for whatever reason do you mind if I copy it and email it to him?
Sylvia and Daughn, I proudly second the nomination. Lol, this is fun.
You know, I think I will mail it to Brad Parscale. Good idea.
If President Trump and Parscale truly want to step over the head of the MSM, get the message out, it would not be hard to do. Just a little organization required. And I already know real MAGA super-smart people in almost every state, that would JUMP at the opportunity.
We need to run in concert with RNC, however, legit, and not duplicate efforts.
It would drive the media INSANE.
I love it.
I LOVE the way you think!! Brad Parscale! YES! Damn Daughn! So glad you are on our side!! Blessed to be counted as your internet friend!!
Thank you for doing that! You know what you are talking about and would have some credibility because you are coming from within the system. It cannot hurt! I think it is just a terrific idea!
I kinda have been hinting at this for a while now. I am reluctant to criticize her because POTUS loves her.
When I was making my trips to Philly, I stopped by friends who live in Montgomery County….active Trump supporters. I asked them what kind of activity was there to support Lou Barletta. They told me they had not gotten 1 single person coming to their door asking them to vote for Lou. Not 1. How many for Casey. Oh 2 or 3 times.
This was 2 weeks before the election. In an important Philly suburb. I mentioned this on CTH and people ignored me.
Now we have many more Senate seats to defend in 2020. She better be up to it.
I love and trust my President. I hope and pray (harddddd) that I’m wrong.
Awesome thought!
The Times Hyper-ventilates – tries to resuscitate the old “Christian Dominionism” leftist hallucination…
Once again, the New York Times misunderstands, mocks evangelical Christians
Dr. Michael L. Brown
Contrary to what “The Gray Lady” would have you believe, it’s the radical left that is attacking democracy. Evangelicals, in fact, are trying to protect it.
In a year-end op-ed piece for The New York Times, Katherine Stewart alleges that, “The Christian nationalist movement today is authoritarian, paranoid and patriarchal at its core. They aren’t fighting a culture war. They’re making a direct attack on democracy itself.” Such claims are as ludicrous as they are misleading.
According to Stewart, when evangelicals like Lance Wallnau compare Trump to King Cyrus in the Bible, they are actually wanting Trump to be a king. Indeed, she claims that, “in Mr. Trump, they have found a man who does not merely serve their cause, but also satisfies their craving for a certain kind of political leadership.”
Evangelicals, whom she slyly characterizes as “Christian nationalists,” want a king, not a president. They want someone to impose their views on the nation. They are theocratic, not democratic. That’s why Trump is their man.
She writes: “I have attended dozens of Christian nationalist conferences and events over the past two years. And while I have heard plenty of comments casting doubt on the more questionable aspects of Mr. Trump’s character, the gist of the proceedings almost always comes down to the belief that he is a miracle sent straight from heaven to bring the nation back to the Lord. I have also learned that resistance to Mr. Trump is tantamount to resistance to God.”
Let’s analyze these claims one at a time, as factually and as dispassionately as possible.
During the 2016 campaign, there was talk of Ted Cruz and Glenn Beck (though Mormon) having this point of view, and I could definitely see it. (In fact, there were some videos to that effect.) I kept telling people we are not looking for a pastor or Sunday School teacher, but someone who knows what to do and can get it done. There was no talk about Trump being a “Christian nationalist” because everyone knew he was a “bad boy.” So now they are at the bottom of the barrel in their quest to find criticisms of Pres. Trump and his supporters and continue to just make stuff up (i.e., lie).
Having the view that Pres. Trump is an answer to our prayers for a courageous, America-first, savvy outsider who is not beholden to donors is a far cry from making him a monarch. And I haven’t heard anyone say the Pres. Trump is going to “bring America back to the Lord.” I hope there are not people who want to impose their particular brand of Christianity on America. There are zero signs that Pres. Trump would be on board with that; it is antithetical to our founding.
^^^^^^^^^ These truths, nailed it!
I agree, Daughn. I think the number of such people is small, and they probably couldn’t agree with each other anyway.
If they did exist their egos would be so large they couldn’t be put into the same room without created a singularity.
“The Christian nationalist movement”
WTH? There is one? Why didn’t I know? Why haven’t I received a membership card or a recruitment email?
What a load of baloney in that article.
She claims to have been to a bunch of their conferences. As far as I can tell, SHE DOESN’T TELL US WHERE SHE WENT or WHO SUPPORTS THESE IDEAS.
That’s not research journalism. That’s just making stuff up. Fake news.
I’ve been looking for these “Dominionists” for years. I have an archive of articles showing what I found – which is, that there has been a fever swamp on the left for over a decade and a half that really, truly believes that Christians want to take over the United States and make it a Theocracy. They are certain because they’ve read The Handmaid’s Tale and talk about the discredited “Southern Strategy” myth. Ironically, The Handmaid’s Tale describes the Left and their obsession with controlling human reproduction and obsession with human surrogacy extremely well!
Fake News, yet again! Yep.
BTW, I have a first edition of the Handmaid’s Tale. I bought it and had the author sign it. THEN I tried to read it. Sigh.
I love dystopian books, but this was so deadly dull I finally gave up and didn’t even finish it, which is really unusual for me. I always feel compelled to finish a book that I start. I could probably count on both hands the books over a lifetime that I gave up on.
Not all fiction is made alike!
Awesome that you have a signed first edition. If you ever find yourself in a debate and someone throws that out at you, you have quite a zinger to hit them will. They’ll never see it coming! Leftists always assume they’re better and smarter than everyone else, and their world starts to fall apart when they come smack up against the reality that they aren’t.
Sylvia, I agreeee, very dull, and the author has wacko ideas.
Very wacko. And everyone thinks she is so great. And here I sit with my book wondering WHY?
I did a search for “Christian Nationalist convention.” I have by no means thoroughly researched it, but a number of links came up. The only one that I looked at talked about a “Project Blitz,” one goal of which is to get legislation passed to ensure religious freedom of Christians. One example was to have license plates and other items that display “In God We Trust.”
The article mentions Dominionism to try to link it to this movement. I don’t know the full definition of Dominionism, but I understood it to be what is described in michaelh’s post — to have only Christians in leadership positions, etc. What I see described in the link I post here does not appear to be that. So “they” seem to be trying to link the two to discredit attempts to restore the rights of Christians and displays of Christian heritage.
WallBuilders is listed as one of the groups. I think it is run by David Barton, who was affiliated with Glenn Beck during the election, and Beck was espousing Dominionism. So this bears watching. But I’m seeing pushback and scare tactics from people who want freedom FROM religion against Christians asserting their rights.
It’s very important to note that David Barton is NOT a Mormon, but an Evangelical Christian. So don’t expect a deep relationship there.
Barton espouses a view of history that is popular in some segments of American Christianity. Unfortunately his history drifts from being an accurate portrayal of events as they were to a more Eusebiuan view of American history.
Still, he’s often a target of leftists who, from their uninformed and frenzied position of having no real visibility or understanding of Christian subculture, want to portray him as someone who is going to do for Christianity every evil thing that… well… everything the leftist fascists want to do to the United States. They imagine Christians as power-hungry stop-at-nothing fear-mongerers bent on taking control of the levers of power to impose their moral will on all Americans. Masters of projection they are.
Most of the time though, these wild-eyed Dominionist conspiracy theorists never get off first base, and can’t even conjure up a name plucked out of thin air – even though everyone from Jerry Falwell to Pat Robertson to James Dobson seems in on the fantastic plot depending on who you read.
There was a lady a little over ten years ago who ran a tiny website she called the Yurica Report. I made her mad when I pointed out that her postings were completely wrong and told her that she needed to cite sources. Next thing she did was post a long rambling piece explaining how wrong I was, replete with footnotes, the majority of which were “Ibid.” Somehow I think exactly zero people on the internet cared.
Yes, good points.
I did attend a conference where some were involved in something called CChristian reconstructionism. The founder of that movement was R.J. Rushdoony, who has passed away. I have several of his books, but honestly, people didn’t sit around conspiring to take over the country. Some Christians are involved in “social justice” and kind of a kingdom now belief, which I do not agree with. The left tries to make these things into conspiracies, and I think it’s ridiculous.
Ryan’s Speaker of the House plaque down:
Steve King (IA) swearing in:
The arrogant smirk on the person second from left.
Yep. The Witches of East D.C….
Ghetto, period.
I’ve often thought that if that Cortez “Sandy from the Block” girl were 15 years older, she’s EXACTLY the type that would have been gunning for an Apprentice slot. Looks, energy, some street savvy. Doubt she would have made it though.
You know, she’s just “Sandy from the Block”
Thousands of minors at the border in December:
Success of border barriers proven:
Sorry: meant to post this:
This President is just plain fun and wickedly funny!
Trump WMD Twitter followers:
56,868,032 – 7:38 pm – 1/3/19
56,450,861 – 8:40 am – 12/23/18 – 1 week ago
56,057,224 – 4:30 am – 12/3/18 – 1 month ago
45,706,673 – 3:45 am – 1/3/18 – 1 year ago
They have to hit him again soon. TWITTER IS EVIL.
Every time PDJT nears another million, Twitter starts purging…often as many as 80K!
WooHoo, folks, this is page 3!
Love it. It’s like this place runs itself. This might have lessons for America.
President Trump’s strong ‘Follow Through’ on today’s Meeting and Press Briefing on Border Security.
President Trump as an excellent baseball player, golfer and businessman knows the importance of ‘follow through’!
….and you will note, there is nary a WH Statement nor even a teensy @RealDonaldTrump tweet thanking PR for his service.
For years, I had a pic of Ray Nagin, former mayor of New Orleans, and Kathleen Blanco, Governor of LA, on my dartboard in the game room. I replaced it with a pic of Jeb Bush during the election of 2016. Charles Gasparino took center stage after the election.
I’m gonna need a pic of Ryan……
this one?
Greg posted something earlier today and a link led me to this interesting story.
Now THAT is interesting. Thanks for the WARNING. NOW – if MI watches his movements, we’ll know what they need to cover up.
Mueller and Isikoff. Hmmmmm…….
We need a war room. Been fascinating to map the connections between deep state and the reporters— watching the narrative travel across media.
Our Lion cultivates engagement.
No Fans Left.
I agree…I never paid attention until potus Trump came along…now I can’t get enough! It’s like a seven part movie or a dramatic tv miniseries! I love it!
We don’t like you, Willard…and we never will.
You ’bout made me fall out of my chair!
Oooo, this is perfect for my dartboard!!!!!!! Thank you!
Ah. So.
Something is happening out there – I can assure you. WHAT it is, is not clear. It definitely has good components, but there is also sketchy stuff. I’m suspecting that BOTH the goods and the bads are rustling the reeds.
It’s interesting that Whitaker was in that WH meeting with the Dems.
The Planefag Anons have been tracking a lot of Mil plane activity into Little Rock, AR…they say it’s not normal.
Thats been going for several months too….
I just wonder what is in arkansas that they didnt bleach bit?
Yeah, I don’t know. It’s weird.
Asa Hutchinson [R] just won reelection there with 2/3 of the vote…so hopefully he’s cooperating with whatever is going on…despite being a Bushie.
I dont see necessarily any leo influence there though.
I hate to be the grammar police but its patience not patients. Its more not moar. Its bring to heel not heals. I mistype all the time due to my phone but the grammar drives me nuts. Ok, soap box over!
“the grammar police”
From what I can gather, most of the anons do this (misspell) on PURPOSE.
I find it “interdasting” …lol!
I love me some fun new words but its the context….. old habits….its why the internet dictionaries vs. My old websters are interesting too.
It bothers me too, but I think there must be a reason. For example why is ‘more’ sometimes spelled ‘moar’ on purpose? I know thd anons thunk there are no coincidences, but sometimes a misspelling is just that. Ok, off my sospbox….for now!
*soapbox – lol! Duh…
THere is a “rumor” out there–came to me from a friend who gets her Q stuff from FB –i think…Something about that Marine who was killed in a DC barracks…Anyone else? I don’t want to pass on Rumor–so if I get more verified info I will pass along…
Thought I saw a link to an article earlier today, but did not read it.
Not self-inflicted gunshot:
More excellent Praying Medic.
‘Mental Health Counselor’ has a phobia or some sick issue with bald men. Projects his own sickness onto President Trump!
Physician heal thyself.
GA–SO this guy is a ‘Mental Health Counselor? For realz? SMH–It just keeps getting better and better…
The fields of mental health counseling/psychotherapy/psychiatry/psychiatry have been in the iron grip of the LBGTXYZ activists since 1973 – which subsequently have taken over the courts/legislature/civil life. It’s all based on empirically proven propaganda scheme, starting with the ‘straight/gay or homosexual’ dichotomy….ideas planted in the public consciousness over decades until the public believed/swallowed the lies – lock, stock and barrel. Then they went on to the idea of ‘sexual identity’ and ‘sexual orientation’ and it’s all been downhill from there….with a bunch of protests, riots and lots of brow-beating of legislators and officials….and of course lawfare – forcing people out of business, jobs, etc. Remember when Rock Hudson came down with AIDS? They made him a victim and hero (for r4ping little boys in Haiti/Bali, etc), for gosh sakes! Then they hit the churches….remember the 2003 Gay Bishop deal that split the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion? Then Obama got Sexual Identity Disorder taken off the list of disorders. Now we have transgender high school boys winning girls wrestling championships…and guys in girls rest rooms and locker rooms. Progress is what the ‘progressives’ call it. ‘Forward’ to sexual, moral, social, political, legal, religious confusion. Dividing us in the churches, political and civil life. The Marxist plan. It will take a miracle to restore order and truth.
Apologies for the formatting – I was typing from the little sidebar boxes. I wish WP had an edit button!!!
Amen, sister.
“It will take a miracle to restore order and truth.”
The good news is that we did get that miracle in AD 33
of course WE already knew this…
Wolfie! heard of this site?
I’ve been wondering about all those Chinese spy chips…glad to see I’m not the only one.
I hope they’re doing a search & destroy on all of those ChiCom spy chips in our military systems.
HusseinO tried to destroy us.
I think that’s what Pres Trump was referring to, when he said he would “never forgive” BHO for what he did.
I suspect that Obama’s treason is beyond what Trump can tell us. As in heavily in the portion Q says will remain secret. Military tribunals under the highest levels of secrecy.
Obama may only get off for having been CiC, IMO.
He shouldn’t get off for any reason,. He nearly destroyed us. Nor should Bush or the Clintons.
Death penalty would be a preferred outcome, but no one in charge is going to ask my opinion, so there’s that.
Sylvia, that is certainly what I prefer–that would be justice, in my view.
Theres q posts, lots, on apple. Possibly hundreds of phones made just for the cabal by apple to communicate.
Pretty sure my last iPhone 5 was one of them. Had some “Chinese” lettering I could never figure out where it came from. Don’t recall details anymore, except that I couldn’t delete the Chinese entry, but I could delete other entries surrounding it.
And that’s probably why all our ships were crashing into each other over near China last year, too.
Yes…and also our planes falling out of the sky.
I think it was China sending a warning to PDJT, to back off on trade.
Now that’s an interesting notion. And I’m sorry but oh dear it makes me snicker.
That’s some good counting right there!
Very nice!
It’s been verrrrry quiet on this front.
waaaaayyyy too quiet. i have been on pins and needles waiting for dec 21 and now its jan 3!
I think nancy has her work cut out for her.
They won’t like it when they get bit.
I would be willing to bet half the Dim swine in the house don’t even understand the impeachment process. They probably think that if they impeach he is out