This special MAGGIE MONDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments. Keep it civil. Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.
Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:
See the January 1st daily thread for the rules of the road, which are few but important.
Today’s daily thread is dedicated to “Tee ’em up” Maggie Haberman of COMMUNIST FAKE NEWS, whose path to the top has enlightened us all.
Come to the Q side, Maggie! We’ve got beef jerky and flyover beer!

Another repeat tonight.
Wolf, I was pleasantly surprised to click over to your HOUSE OF PATRIOTS just as the new post went up. So, if you were wondering, no, I’m not just sitting around waiting to “be first.” It’s more of a “paga” thing.
I love it!
Found 43 times in the Old Testament of the Bible
The NAS Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon
Strong’s Number: 6293 a primitive root Verb
Paga` paw-gah’
to encounter, meet, reach, entreat, make intercession
to meet, light upon, join
to meet (of kindness)
to encounter, fall upon (of hostility)
to encounter, entreat (of request)
to strike, touch (of boundary)
to cause to light upon
to cause to entreat
to make entreaty, interpose
to make attack
to reach the mark
Err, didn’t mean to have section between titles in bold.
This is good, TTT. Thank you, very interesting.
Yet another Q-post. VERY disturbing … but we all suspected.

“Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 82bacc No.4639875
Jan 7 2019 00:24:44 (EST)
Program dev ongoing under offshore [not domestic] ‘tangent’ agency?
Covert funding?
Animals > Humans
Humans 1988
71% avg success rate.
Targeted (mental) ‘criteria’ designated as [ , ].
Mental institutions & therapists > ‘program-specialists’…..
Cocktail regimen 4x daily brain intercept [administered by ]
WIA military personnel targets of the program?
Clandestine Black OPs > zero affiliation (non_stick)
Something out of a movie?
The hole is deep.
I’m on it. May need to start a new thread. This is big.
I don’t know if you follow the YT Channel “Patriots Soapbox”, but it’s live 24/7, and they go over most everything that we do here, and have more time to dig deeper.
I’ve found that lately, the best times to watch or listen are evenings. Today, I’ve had in on, in the background on a separate tab, so I can listen while I scan and read elsewhere on the net.
It’s like a notification system for Q, passive, and without the “app” cost.
I find that it dovetails VERY well with this site, the Q-posts, and the 8-chans.
I tune in to Patriots Soapbox as well.
Radix is awesome.
No punches pulled!
Also, I REALLY like that they (RadixVerum and PamphletAnon, the proprietors) are a married couple, happy, and with an adorable daughter (5yrs? who likes to say “Reeeeeee!” on the mic). lol
The do DEEP digs, and I’ve learned a TON from their research.
Gotta be tuned in at the right times, though (I like 7pm+ for Radix; Sat am’s for Daddy Dragon (UK – Yellow Vests, Tommy Robinson, and more); and Gran Torino (Ireland). Also, many other hosts (Thumper, Deadcat, and others whose handles escape me right now). They’re ALL good. Very Pro-America, and pro-2nd Amendment.
Daily prayers, the National Anthem, historical videos, daily news-reads, deep-digs, Q-interpretations, and regular, deplorable humor. With a live-chat (with trolls – over the target!). and daily downloads for viewers of all the “sauce” they’ve collected. What’s not to like? I’m hooked.
Can’t tell you how many times I’ve promoted them here … but it’s just gratis, no affiliation at all. I’m a fan!
Lovin’ Pamplet, Radix, Sleepwalker. I used to purposely tune in at 10 to hear Reed Walker. He was hilarious. Talked about music industry in CA during the 60’s- today. The guy should be a DJ.
But the finicky women ran him off. I never knew what happened. Listen less now.
Cause for you its…
The current treatments for autoimmune conditions includes “biologics”
which is a fancy way of saying, mouse proteins.
Trust no drugs. The best treatment for autoimmune conditions is to eat our natural diet. Animal products.
Hear, hear! (Including animal fat.)
I have suspected as much for years! Youtube has videos of corporations that send these Hypnosis Therapists over to High Schools and colleges to “supposedly” prepare the kids for success…but what I have seen is horrifying! These kids are hypnotized in full auditoriums and are made to do the bidding of the person who put them under… and mostly with just a touch! It is absolutely terrifying and if you wonder what the hell is wrong with young folks today, I feel that this is definitely a part of the problem! Mass hypnosis and the power of suggestion!
I’m feeling sick. Just sick.
Shutdown of what? Who? Its Sunday. Is chikfila not open tomorrow? No we’re doomed!
If its the federal govt…meh.
Gov contractors have already been given their notices in some areas of the country.
After 8 years of bad-to-worse, some are just hanging on by a thread. Do consider adding them and their famlies to your prayers. That they will not give up hope.
That new doors will open for them in this new economy, even if they have to move about the country to go through those doors.
As one of those contractors, I thank you for this
I wonder how much money (or threats) ‘They’ are going to have to give Bernie Sanders to make him tell his Bern Outs to shut up and get in line with the program going into the next Presidential election…his house collection should multiply…
Excuse me…I think I’ll grab a beer…(walks to fridge…takes an unnatural swig…I’m just like you little people, you know)…
There are still a lot of disgruntled socialists out there…should be interesting to watch how all of this plays out. Not that it matters cuz President Trump redux is a given…imo. But there should be plenty of reasons to break out the popcorn going forward.
Bernie can solve his problem with his disciples. At every public speaking appearance always appear wearing a yellow vest. That will confirm he is with and for the ‘little people.’
After reviewing his stump speech, he must have a closet full of vests.
This is a follow-up dig, by the anons, in re the Q-post above (it’s longish):
Ah, so the hint is for microchips to interface directly with neurons. Not where I first went, but makes perfect sense.
Here is a very interesting comment from an anon on 8chan. (I won’t link it because they hate that):
Construction fag here.
POTUS has done the most efficient thing possible for the wall.
He’s modularized it.
The first $1.6 billion could have gone to every medium to large fabricator along the route.
These sections are simple.
Straight tubes, flat welds, no sandblasting, no paint.
The Rebar for footings is prebent and simple to install.
The sections look to be about 6 feet wide which means that you can build them anywhere and transport them on a standard truck.
No wide loads or escorts.
Standard 5000# plant mix is more than adequate for this task
No need for portable concrete plants.
Just source it along the way
Essentially, dig a ditch
Set the section
Weld or bolt the top
Set the rebar
Fill the hole with concrete
Pull out the temporary bracing.
A ten man crew with 3-4 pieces of equipment could put up a half mile a day without too much difficulty.
He’s had two years.
There could be thousands and thousands of prefab sections ready for install
Why do I have this ginormous grin on my face after reading your post? What a happy thought!
The brilliance is beyond imagination.
> tells the steel industry to get back to work
> designs a steel border fence
> gives steel industry TONS of orders
> gives Americans more jobs making steel & fabricating fencing
> gives Americans a secure border
Win – Win – Win
My thoughts also. We did not have the steel mill capacity the last two years to provide the material needed to build a wall. Our president would not use imported steel. Problem solved!
Made in USA.
I wonder how many crews with equipment are ready, willing, and able for an immediate deployment. Paired with logistics (material availability, fabrication, and transport, etc.), the wall could be constructed almost overnight.
Wolf, have you snagged this meme already?
Self explanatory;
Can Macron hear them now? Hopefully M&M nuts will hear them soon.
“Come to the Q side, Maggie! We’ve got beef jerky and flyover beer!”
– W
To Maggie and other leftists, maybe some good lyric lines to contemplate:
“I seek to cure what’s deep inside,
Frightened of this thing that I’ve become.”
– From “Africa” by Toto
Looks like Snake was a little too effective. Twit account down?
Found him.
That last one is enlightening. Propaganda and public consciousness-shaping on the silver screen and the TV screen…in interviews and tweets by screen ‘idols’….it all makes sense now.
This Trump news page is down too – Twitter notice says it doesn’t exist. *
is down too.
Any of you know anything about the yellow vest movement spreading to Canada? I’ve just seen/heard the barest of blips about this but don’t have any real information.
I have not been checking around until just now, saw this.
Interesting…twaddle puts up a “sensitive content” warning on VSGPDJT…
I hope Dorkey gets parked into irrelevance, if not prison… Dorkey Parked in Guantanamo…
That annoyed me as well Cuppa.
I haven’t seen anything about Canada yet. But Belgrade is active.
I found a little bit about Canada. It looks like they have been going on throughout December but this is the first I have heard any mention about it at all. Very quiet.
I saw a video on twitter yesterday, Syl…group of YellowVests on an overpass with signs.
They hate Trudeau, bigtime.
Their signs were pretty much all Anti-Trudeau, one called him “Trudouche”.
Canadians are very polite, especially the conservatives…so I took this as a good sign.
They were really pissed off about the UN Migration deal that Trudeau signed.
Said he was signing away their sovereignty to the UN.
I saw a photo from Edmonton with a corgi wearing a yellow jacket as part of the protest group. Gotta love that!
I don’t blame them for being po’d at Trudeau. He is an azzhat and he is signing away their sovereignty. The UN. Something must be done about it. It has to be destroyed.
WOW! I wonder if Gil was out there?????
Too far north. 1st time ive heard of it here.
Holder outlawing yellow vests in California because they’re made out of plastic (like drinking straws) in 3, 2, 1…!
Yeah….so’s Holder. Toxic plastic…
A yellow vest is much better than a pink hat.
I posted it on yesterday’s thread:
God bless America.
Posted Jan 5th.
2.2 Million.
Mr gil showed me that yesterday! So appropriate!
I’m putting this in bold so it stands out.
Because the Republicans are in the minority now, they have a different page now:
Here’s the new page with all of the GOP-majority reports, etc.:
More evidence destruction?
mmmm same kind of fire that happened at the Clinton residence? There are no coincidences….Q.
There was a fire on the island last April. Must be what Lisa Mei meant by ‘another fire’:
I remember that, cm.
Shades of Fire Island… Epstein’s probably been there, too…
Welcome to 2019.
they did that on air?
Ok, more psy-ops.
WHY do they want to convince every American to take a flu shot? WHAT is in those shots?
Cause they damn sure don’t prevent that many flu cases.
“During the 2010–2011 influenza season, about half of all children and 41 percent of American adults received flu shots. And health officials are pushing for more. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “recommends that everyone 6 months of age and older get the annual flu vaccine,” says Joseph Bresee, MD, chief of the Epidemiology Prevention Branch at the CDC’s Influenza Division.
Not all experts agree with this advice, though. An increasing number of researchers, academics and doctors are questioning the scientific basis for an influenza vaccine at all. Some point out that the influenza virus isn’t the cause of most flu-like illness, diminishing the advantage that widespread vaccination confers. Others argue that flu shots don’t work well for the most vulnerable among us, including the elderly, because their immune systems are too weak to respond. The most vocal critics even point to studies showing the influenza vaccine is no better than a placebo.
There’s also a safety concern, since many influenza vaccinations contain toxins such as thimerosal, a preservative containing mercury that was removed from most (but not all) children’s vaccines more than a decade ago.”
Could it be they are messing around with our immune systems for a reason?
“Their recent findings suggest that not only are the immune system and the brain more closely linked than believed, but the immune system’s sensory role for the brain is so key that Kipnis considers it a “seventh sense” — after sight, sound, touch, smell, taste and sense of movement.
In fact, Kipnis believes that a healthy brain and healthy immunity are so interdependent that replenishing an impaired immune system could actually restore impaired brain function — and even give a little boost to aging brains.”
If immunity and the brain are closely linked, and the immune system could be targeted, then suppressing immunity or manipulating it could be linked to mind control. Is the flu shot a part of MK Ultra and/or Project Mockingbird? Does the flu shot actually change our immune system, and thereby our brain, making us more susceptible to influence?
That’s my tinfoil hat contribution for the day.
Several years ago flu shots worked for me. Well over a decade. Then they didnt. And when I got sick it was borderline admit to hospital. The past 4 years, mr gil and I have gotten very sick 2 months post flu shot when it wasnt peak. No flu shots this year. Lets see how it goes.
I was forced to have a flu shot twice, because of jobs. Once I worked in a school, and once in a hospital. I got very sick both times, within a day or two.
I’ll take my chances with the flu. I support my immune system with various homegrown and wildcrafted supplements, and with diet. I am pretty sure I could fight off the flu, even if I get sick.
My dr. told me under no circumstances should I have the flu shot due to my autoimmune history. I would rather take my chances with the flu rather than battle an acute autoimmune attack, that takes years to recover from if at all.
“flu shots worked for me”
Two points here:
First, one can never know if the shots worked or not; that is, the LACK of coming down with the flu cannot be linked directly to the shot. Only if you were guaranteed to contract the illness could this cause-effect relationship be established.
Second, perhaps the chemical content of the vaccines has changed – and for the worse. “It ain’t your Daddy’s flu-shot”, so to speak. This “hypothesis” seems to fit your own experience, and to fit the unbelievable spike in cases of autism in children.
I’ve never had a flu shot. I’d heard from several people (“anecdotally”) that the flu shot MADE them sick, so I avoided it. And although I get colds every once in a while – some winters not at all – I haven’t had the flu since I was a child, decades ago.
We’re learning, with good reason, NOT to trust Big Pharma. They make more money by NOT curing ailments, but by prolonging (or even inducing!) them. Their priority is to take care of their own *financial* health, rather than the physical or mental health of their customers, whether the end-users (us) or the middle-men (the insurance companies).
The corruption is practically EVERYWHERE. Sad, but true IMO.
I have always refused these vaccines (as with you, I haven’t had the flu since I was a child), with the exception that a couple of years ago, I got a tetanus vaccine and I regretted it. I had a lump on my arm for over a year, and it was sore as well. I just had to wonder if I received some kind of implant at the same time……via the VA.
When i say worked…i mean the flu for that particular strain that was supposedly in the vaccine, as I checked the state reporting, i dud not contract. Accurate, dunno, but guesstimate was in line.
The thing is, they’re always off by a year, because they don’t have time to process the “current” virus. So unless the current virus is a close match to the previous one, the vaccine will be somewhat less than useful…
) language in the NMR (no matching record) indicator…
The only place “off-by-one” is of any use is the RPG (Random Program Generator
Thats the ticket, and why they have become so much a placebo. They know people are forced to receive, esp in healthcare, and payment is guaranteed. Why do the proper research anymore?
A medical coding whistleblower highlighted the strong correlation between “wellness checks” of pregnant women where a vaccine was given and miscarriage, frequently within hours or days of the visit. Vaccines were never tested for safety in general, let along for pregnant women.
Wait a minute.
The depopulation agenda. The Clintons. China. Vaccines.
They are. not being tested. on purpose.
Or even worse – they ARE being tested somewhere else…..
Don’t ASSUME they don’t care, or even that they don’t KNOW.
Reality check…..
There has always been HUGE love affair, between a certain class of techno-loving socialists, and the idea of contraceptive vaccination. Just vaccinate these people against reproducing. It would be so simple if it could just be done.
Well, one way to achieve it is simply “other” vaccines that induce abortions – a.k.a. miscarriages, or better still leave the female human body in a state that rejects a woman’s own baby for a number of years.
All one has to do is have SOME researchers pursuing all leads and angles that increase the effect SECRETLY, and make sure that technology stays in when the MAIN TEAM works on the vaccine allegedly for whatever it is good for.
Having worked with deceptive and secretive management, I know exactly how that works. And now consider Bill and Hill, and their foundation’s extreme interests in cheap drugs and vaccines for more and more of those horrible poor people……
So many stories of such things as the depopulation agenda from whistleblowers like Bill Cooper….
And then there was that Clinton Foundation Harvard vaccine gal who died in the terrorist attack in Kenya. It would have been too bad if she had discovered some horrible “side effect” and WARNED Bill Clinton about it.
You see, that is so similar to what happened to me. I off-handedly warned people in academia that Affirmative Action had problems, because I was a good little believer in PC things, and fan of MLKJ, and I so wanted it to really work.
I had no idea that this was not actually ABOUT a working program. It was about turning America into a socialist country. I had no idea that I had almost signed my own expendability warrant by unintentionally threatening a huge
DemocratCommunist program and a monstrous international 100-year plan.But alas, I had never met real communists who didn’t care about such things when there were ways to cheat past them and eliminate troublemakers at the same time.
The Great Awakening is really, really, waking me up.
There have been programs in other countries IIRC where the vaccines did indeed prevent bringing a baby to term. An internet search should yield them if that haven’t been scrubbed. The pro-life orgs were talking about it two decades ago.
Good Morning QT’s!
Be encouraged – Your President is large and in charge!
Today’s schedule:
Then there is this for your reading enjoyment:
Looks like the Wall just got 10 feet taller, longer, wider, thicker, more impassable.
While some of us were sleeping, President Trump’s WMD twitter following hit 57 MILLION!!!
The increase had about doubled lately with the ‘shutdown’ and the haggling over Border Security and the WALL.
@realDonaldTrump followers:
57,011,931 – 6:51 am – 1/7/19
Looking back:
56,724,844 – 3:26 pm – 12/31/18 – 1 week ago
56,092,460 – 6:15 am – 12/7/18 – 1 month ago
46,179,423 – 4:47 am 1/7/18 – 1 year ago
33,414,412 – 8 am – 7/7/17
12,977,553- 2am – 11/7/16
Looking way back:
Twitter followers on the eve of the Iowa Caucus
Donald Trump 5.95 million
Ted Cruz 759,000
Marco Rubio 1.1 million
Jeb Bush 440,000
Carly Fiorina 656,000
Ben Carson 1.11 million
Mike Huckabee* 440,000
Rick Santorum* 255,000
Chris Christie 88,200
John Kasich 154,000
Hillary Clinton 5.26 million
Bernie Sanders 1.26 million
Barack Obama 69.3 million
“While some of us were sleeping…”
HAH !!!
I’m wondering WHO (besides ME) EVER SLEEPS here !!!
Maybe some “cat-naps” ???
I can’t keep up with you all…!!!
BTW – That letter from the OMB was Mulvaney in action!
I think we should have our southern wall AND mexico should have one as well. They dont need to get into tj or up to the rio grande. Maybe now wirh what mexico is seeing from those people they will push amlo to do it.
With Trudeau joining up with the UN Migration plan, we are going to need a Northern Wall and a bigger Coast Guard!
Parody account, but still funny (and maybe even true
“JarradKushner – Supernatural Wisdom”, that is…
The letter isn’t real?
I thought the letter was real.
That is not THE Jared Kushner
Some of us are more interested in the veracity of the letter.
Ah yes, just like “Juan and Maria the apricot pickers” that Geraldo is always passionately telling us are such good folk who just came here to do the jobs that Americans won’t…
Multiple killers you never read about nationally, including cop killers from ca have previously fled to mexico. And they ALL were helped by family. There was an off duty mexican cop 2 yrs ago got into a bar fight and killed someone. His family helped him flee to mexico but he was xaught and brought back. Thing is mexico only cooperates if we take the death penalty off the table. So they are dictating punushment for crimes committed here. Had a cop killer there for several years and finally extradited bc they said they would only give life without parole. Thats not justice
That’s because of a treaty Jimmy Carter drew up with Mexico during his term in office. Americans can — and do — flee to Mexico if they could be sentenced with the death penalty in the US.
It’s not Mexico’s fault. Those are the terms of the treaty.
(Said treaty and related news story mentioned here last week.)
Did not know carter did that. Ty!
‘… under a 1978 treaty with the U.S., Mexico, which has no death penalty, will not extradite anyone facing possible execution. To get their hands on a fugitive, U.S. prosecutors must agree to seek no more than life in prison.’
I think Congressman Dan Crenshaw is my new pin up boy now that Secretary Zinke is leaving.
The Great Wall of America Will Break the Democrats
By Rich Logis
Democrats know that the wall is imminent. Is the pending dread more psychologically damaging than the erection of the wall?
Democrats know that the wall is what will finally break them, and no amount of Democrat and Democrat Media Industrial Complex (DMIC) agitprop will ever tear down the wall. It will be the chasm between the old guard and the burgeoning of Leninism within the party….
The Wall, though? That proposed happy marriage of steel, spikes, and concrete? Oh, it will be glorious. I know that President Trump has described The Wall as “beautiful,” but we don’t care if it’s the ugly Christmas sweater of American architecture.
The Wall Will Save Lives and Money
Want to know how padded rubber room-inducing The Wall is for Democrats? Trump has convinced fiscal conservatives to spend money, and Democrats have talked about saving money, as evidenced here and here.
The Wall is Mount Rushmore and AR-15s and Confederate statues and the Electoral College and the Gadsden flag all in one. It is a watchtower, a monument to sovereignty, an homage to citizens, law enforcement officers, all Americans who have to worry about not only American criminals murdering them, but those here illegally as well….
I wouldn’t care if “only” one person died annually from illegal immigration, and I would care not if “only” one illegal border crossing occurred annually; the cult of the Democrats’ gun confiscation sales pitch has always been “if it saves one life.” If they believe that, vote to fund The Wall and end the government shutdown. If The Wall saves one life (it’ll save many more), and saves even the smallest percentage of the annual $116-billion illegal alien financial burden, then break ground today. Just keep reiterating this to all your Democrat friends and relatives: “but if it saves one life,” “but if it saves one life,” ” but if it…”
Read the whole article here:
k…I just watched the Bill Clinton video on the MKUltra thread and after reading your comment about “the erection of the wall…” well giggling ensued…sorry!
great article tho
Considering that, and the wall, for the DEMONcRATs (especially Bubba), as usual, erections have consequences…
I’m at Starbucks right now in my Yellow Vest that’s covered in the names of Americans murdered by criminal illegal aliens.
No one has tried to harm me. No one has said anything evil to me.
If they do, I will quickly pull out my phone & make them famous.
Stop being silent.
— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) January 6, 2019
I’m going to start wearing my Yellow Vest out in public.
When people ask me what it means, I’m going to talk about how criminal illegal aliens are murdering Americans. #BuildTheWall
— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) January 6, 2019
thank you!
You’re welcome, Pat!
Scott Presler is in my neck of the woods. Fantastic patriot and activist.
If you ever meet him (6′ 9″ or something tall), please report back!
And please tell him that we think he’s great.
I’ve met him. He has an active voter registration group here. One of the nicest persons one could meet – who is working for our side. He loves President Trump!
For Texans – follow Empower Texans and subscribe to the Texas Minute:
We’re a day away from the launch of the 86th Session of the Texas Legislature.
The success or failure of the session – and the individual legislators – will be determined by the policy outcomes. Legislators must produce tangible results Texans can see and feel. For taxpayers, the session will be considered a success only if they get real property tax relief and reform.
Haven’t watched, but OT, these are said to be ‘awesome’:
Yep…our President is awesome!
But we knew that.
Still, it’s always great to see him in action.
Mulvaney on Democrat leadership ‘resistance’:
Steny Hoyer on Dem leadership ‘resistance’.
SD says McConnell is working with Dems. Dems will purposely frame it publicly as if McConnell is working closely with PDJT:
‘Democrats are providing cover for their UniParty ally, Mitch, by framing the optic of McConnell allied with President Trump. The entire process is a predictable and well planned insider game of optics and political theater.’
It’s just an illusion folks, Dems are NOT negotiating.
Maria questioning Rep Senator Shelby about Dems yesterday, “What do they want?”
Shelby, “Well, that’s a good question.”
Maria, always on the ball, ” I find it really odd that we are entering the 16th day of a Government Shutdown and you don’t know what they want, nor do you know the number that they’re willing to go to”.
POTUS will be forced to declare SOE to build the wall to secure the border, Dems won’t budge. I think that’s part of their plan, to create an issue to cause him to act out of the norm, so they can use to Impeach him. That’s why VSGPOTUS has not declassified, that’s why he goes slow, and goes the extra mile on issues, he’s very careful and smarter than they are.
We could really use some more caravaners storming the border right about now, more rocks, more tear gas, for the WIN!!
Be careful what you wish for …
Thanks for the info about Maria’s show yesterday. Much appreciated.
I, too, think that the Dems want to goad PDJT into declaring a state of emergency. Nancy has got a number of top Dem lawyers advising the House, including this Letter guy (mentioned here last week), who will find all sorts of reasons why PDJT cannot declare an SOE.
this from a comment by StanH OT:
Use another Executive Order getting rid of EO 10998 signed by JFK, allowing federal employees aka public servants the right to collective bargaining aka extortion of the American taxpayer. The point is, the swamp needs to feel the joy of globalism. Entire agencies shutdown, giving all the x-employees a “Diversity is our Strength” button to feel better about their poverty.
I had no idea that federal employees got their right to this in an EO?
what one EO can do, another can UNDO, no?
That’s what I’ve been thinking ever since someone raised this OT a couple of years ago.
Pres. Trump, et. al. has the wisdom to use law, EOs, etc. to his, and our, advantage, as long as they are useful.
Checks and balances are very “American” concept.
I am hoping that Pres. Trump can reinvent. (i.e. “Americanize”) unions and other employee representative groups (associations, organizations, etc.)
This I think is necessary as a check and balance against management abuses, including in the public sector.
Union LEADERSHIP (i.e. “Union Management”-oh the irony!) has consistently publicly endorsed liberal Democrats, and their members fell in line.
However, during Pres. Trump’s presidential campaign and election, Union MEMBERSHIP (despite their leadership) overtly campaigned and voted for Pres. Trump.
Union workers must either step up, or step aside, especially in the public sector.
“For my father, impossible is just the starting point. That’s how he approaches business projects, that’s how he approaches life, whether it’s teaching his granddaughter how to swing a golf club, or tackling the toughest negotiations, he’s always fully committed. That’s why the person who had never run for office before stood on the stage 11 months ago in this very arena with 16 professional politicians and this week that same man will stand before you as our party’s nominee for the president of the United States of America.”
— Donald Trump Jr.,
StanH over there has his heart in the right place…but that order was replaced by a LAW sometime later, so it can’t be undone by presidential power.
That particular EO was codified into law by Congress many years ago. IOW, it has no value any more.
More Fresh Q Drops. Yawn. Must make coffee first. Lots and lots of coffee. Eyes are very bleary.
“No rest for the weary…”
Posted new Q on MK Ultraman thread.
Face the Nation interviews.
Lindsey Graham supports wall, says PDJT is slowing down on December’s Syria decision.
Have no idea what Durbin said, but here it is, anyway:
Gunny — and SD — pointed out the significance of this interview.
Gunny66 says:
SD in his post, included a quote from Cicero about Brutus.
Here’s Gunny’s take (essentially, Grahamnesty will support the wall if PDJT gives in a bit on Syria, otherwise impeachment, emphasis mine):
January 6, 2019 at 10:40 pm
‘I think most are missing the point of Sundance’s last post from above.
‘“Graham will continue to support the shutdown if the President stays the course in Syria etc……”
‘And Sundance’s question…….”What does that really mean?”
‘I may be wrong…..but I believe it means…..
‘It means because the House went to the Democrats, the only thing blocking President Trumps’ impeachment is the Senate.
‘And…..just my opinion… is a “Veiled Threat” from Graham.
‘“If you do not stay in Syria…….we will not “Block” your impeachment.
‘Hence Sundance’s reference to Senator Graham as “Senator Brutus”
‘The reasons for staying in Syria for the Globalists are many and far reaching.
‘Again….The point is Graham is basically saying:
‘“If you stay in Syria we will support you…if not….you are on your own”
‘By the way……Have you heard one word from Pence about bringing troops home? Maybe I missed it……How about McConnel?…a word?
‘Only Rand Paul…
‘Tough situation……..Sometimes instead of raising… just “Check”’
I don’t know CM–I have a hard time believing Graham could have that much power over POTUS…He aint that smart. He also came out of that lunch with POTUS and was all over news saying Trump told him stuff he didnt realize about Syria..
OT seem to always take that negative tone–I realize we are two fronts of same army…but I have a difficult time buying the Graham smarter than Trump…
Just my take…
I accept that, but when have we ever been able to trust Lindsey Graham?
It was not so long ago that he was McCain’s No. 1 protege.
I’m not saying that Graham is exceptionally intelligent. However, he could be delivering a message from others, and he might be indicating that he (and others) could vote against the President.
We need to be aware of all possibilities.
We’re in a struggle.
We’re most likely witnessing a 2+-year old coup.
We could be witnessing the death of the Great Republic.
Stay wary and Vigilant YES! “We’re most likely witnessing a 2+-year old coup.
We could be witnessing the death of the Great Republic.”
My take: We Are witnessing a 2+ year old attempted coup. We are also witnessing The Great Awakening of this Great Republic.. DONALD J TRUMP does NOT lose! Neither does GOD!!!
I accept your point.
Yes, we will win — ultimately.
Until then, it’s battle.
Cheers Warriormouse! Agree!!!
Thank you!!
Cm, just read your comment and feel all shivery, it’s my fear. Good response, Marica. Graham worries me a lot, if he would team with Romney, it’s scary.
He wont Zoe–He is still a Globalist–but since McStains “Death” the ties have been cut…Trump has his number…
Want to believe this–thanks, Marica. Hugs.
Oh, this is too funny. Ausonius says that SD used a quote attributed not to Cicero, but to Taylor Caldwell. Regardless, that still doesn’t detract from Grahamesty’s duplicitousness (italics his/hers):
‘Ausonius says:
January 6, 2019 at 8:00 pm
‘Mr./Miss/Ms Sundance: I have sent you e-mails and written a reply every time you use a FAKE quote from “Cicero.”
‘Cicero wrote no such statement! You will not find the speech or the letter written by Cicero where this statement is found: IT DOES NOT EXIST!
‘Is anyone listening? Your “Cicero” quotation is a paraphrase of a scene from a novel about Cicero by Taylor Caldwell, called A Pillar of Iron.
‘I want the Conservative Treehouse to be free of any charge of “fakery” or of posting falsehoods. This is easily the fourth time I have spotted this fake “quotation” in the last year or so. I would hope that you do not want to open yourself or this website to criticism from Leftists, especially the “Oh yeah? Well you used a fake quote from Cicero!” kind!‘
Rut Roh Scooby…
totally inappropriate comment on that thread, but I’ll admit I giggle snorted anyway…cuz it’s near & dear to my heart…
“she’s certainly not buying green bananas…”
Ha! I saw that, and thought of you and your banana business.
totally inappropriate and I’m ashamed I laughed at it, then i think of all the children who might have been affected by her theories and opinions…
PAT!! LOL!! You just totally made me giggle snort!! THank you!!
the banana reference just jumped off the page at me…lol
But she did visit the Dead Sea when it was just sick…
like that one too!
Like it a lot, toto. I think her visit to the Dead Sea may be what finished it off.
Well, Pat and cuppa, I don’t care how “inappropriate,’ I love these comments. Lol.
RBG called in sick today. Said to be the first time in 25 years she’s missed arguments. Cue Suspicious Cat.
She’s working from home.
(Eye Roll).
doing what, you gotta wonder…
i think we’re gonna need proof of life soon…
It was a miracle supposedly with the surgery and shes active already….didnt buy the excuse then or now.
someone gifted at memes created one saying they already found a body/face double for Ruthie…Larry King…it was just on the money…(sorry I can’t post it)
Okay… I’ll do it:
PF: YW !
thank you! it’s amazing, isn’t it? LOL
Have you ever seen them in same room together?
WOW! I wouldn’t have believed it until I saw those pics side by side. They really do look alike!
Super walmart bananas locally are still buy as you want unless organic which are banded. Your mgrs were maroons!
thank you for the report!!!
the walmart PA managers agreed with you!
But bananas are supercenter were 29 cents a lb 2 weeks ago. Local walmart today .69 cents. Much smaller and thats the local union grocery price!
Pat–Your Wolfie is Batman and You worried about Bananas at WalMart had me and my sis in stitches-It was such an epic post! She doesnt post–but lurks! However-I call her WalMart Bananas now! If you ever see a new poster here called WalMart Bananas–You will know it’s my sister!!! LOLOLOL!!
my sentiments exactly!
If Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is not well enough to attend oral arguments today, then she wasn’t well enough to vote from her hospital bed last month either. That vote needs to be nullified.
— Cari Kelemen (@KelemenCari) January 7, 2019
“Unlike traditional gender dysphoria, a “psychological affliction that begins in early childhood and is characterized by a severe and persistent feeling that one was born the wrong sex,” writes Abigail Shrier, ROGD is “a social contagion that comes on suddenly in adolescence, afflicting teens who’d never exhibited any confusion about their sex.”
Unlike other social contagions, such as cutting and bulimia, ROGD gets “full support from the medical community” instead of the treatment such contagions deserve, she contends.”
“The standard for dealing with teens who assert they are transgender is ‘affirmative care’—immediately granting the patient’s stated identity,” Ms. Shrier writes, when the role of therapists should be to assist their patients in overcoming their unhealthy urges rather than pandering to them.
Gender dysphoria has now become “a fashionable cause,” and clinics routinely give girls testosterone with few questions asked, and with little thought to the sometimes permanent damage that such treatment brings about.
“Planned Parenthood furnishes testosterone to young women on an ‘informed consent’ basis, without requiring any psychological evaluation,” Shrier notes. “Student health plans at 86 colleges—including those of nearly every Ivy League school—cover not only cross-sex hormones but surgery as well.”
“Elliott suggested that psychiatrists and other clinicians helped to create the psychological epidemics in the past “simply by the way they viewed the disorders—by the kinds of questions they asked patients, the treatments they used, the diagnostic categories available to them at the time, and the way these patients fit within those categories.”
His central thesis—backed up by abundant data and persuasive argumentation—was that rapid growth of a particular psychological disorder may often be abetted, if not directly caused, by the very ones who are purportedly treating it, as well as by society at large.
“By regarding a phenomenon as a psychiatric diagnosis,” he noted, “psychiatrists may be unwittingly colluding with broader cultural forces to contribute to the spread of a mental disorder.”
In 2016, the American College of Pediatricians warned educators and legislators that “a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex” is dangerous for children, but there warning has gone largely unheeded.
A statement by the group said that “a person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking.” This problem exists in the mind and not the body and “it should be treated as such,” they said.”
No pun intended, it seems like godless socialism drives toward biological eusocialism – the ANTHEAP – by raw design and not by true understanding of the design.
It’s all very interesting, but it’s clear that social order is being changed toward genderless eusocialism by people who are unwilling to share their reasoning or goals with humanity at large.
The fact that psychology now abets this lack of reasoning is disturbing.
Moving society towards trans-humanism. By the way, I think there is a group of microbiologists in the mormon church who believe in working towards trans-humanism, melding humans with machines.
The next thing that psychology is going to validate is pedophilia – watch and see.
That is the point where they are basically evil.
“A social contagion” is an excellent description. Daughter works in residential life at a college. Students change their gender, sexual orientation and even first names weekly. Nobody can keep up with who’s who from one day to the next.
To avoid offending these students who are already such fragile, damaged souls “he” and “she” are no longer used only “they”.
so what would happen if I progressed from not only believing I was a man, but that I was a specific man…say James Bond. Would they confront my confusion and disease or humor me? At what point do they recognize their own folly?
Good question…..only if it benefits TPTB/NWO, IMO.
Gee, why am I NOT surprised???
“Monday, CNN’s “New Day” introduced former Reps. Mia Love (R-UT) and Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) as new political commentators for the network.
The two discussed the continued partial government shutdown, which “New Day” host John Berman suggested that if both Love and Gutierrez were still in Congress, they would work to get a deal done to end it.
“We would get it done,” Love declared.”
Oh barf. Gutierrez makes my skin crawl, and Mia Love will be insulting PDJT every chance she gets. Sounds like a real fun show.
Put your shovel down, Sylvia. They’re on CNN so you’ll never see or hear them.
God has blessed all of us by putting them where they can do no harm.
LOL, well that’s true!
I bet Mia will be on Mitt’s team in 2020 or, failing that, for something else while he is a senator.
Isn’t she MormSoc just like Mitt?
It would explain a LOT.
That’s what I thought, Wolf.
Many thanks!
Hmm…the site is down.
Checked 8chan and it’s down too.
wheetie! its up now…
Good grief! One of them was a TEACHER!!!!
“Warren Christopher Clark and Abed al-Hamid were captured by the U.S.-backed SDF, officials said Sunday. Clark is from the Houston area and once worked as a substitute teacher in the Fort Bend school district in Sugar Land, Texas. Officials said in 2015, he sent a resume and cover letter to the Islamic State seeking a job teaching English in Syria.
“We are aware of open source reports of reportedly American citizens currently in custody who were believed to be fighting for ISIS,” Cmdr. Sean Robertson said. “However, we are unable to confirm this information at this time.”
Teachers do bad too
For all the railing we do about today’s education system — and teachers — none of us should be surprised.
Ha! New nickname for Occasional Cortex: Cotex! from BB comments.
Clinton and Cuomo teaming up on expanding abortion rights. These two make me sick.
I remember seeing a meme, with her bug-eyed smiley face. The caption read:
“I kept wondering why the frisbee was getting bigger and bigger … Then it hit me!”
there will be entertainment for the next few years!
Paging Steve in CO
President Trump is heading for the Border Thursday.
does a steel plate mill create the type of steel necessary for, oh i dunno, a wall?
Nucor one of the largest businesses in Norfolk, NE!
Don’t read anything into this ! My ‘sources’ tell me they are just making a cigar-run for the Big Club members to enjoy while they deal away in their smoke-filled back-rooms !
Hey W – and dear friends, just caught this and figured that somehow you’d like it!!
Interesting comment down-thread about a coup launched in Gabon…..?
When Hell freezes over!
Still think it’s a FF. A number of sites/folks here do as well. The fact that the AfD were not targeted sort of reeks of an incipient smear … Merde-kel’s specialty… (AgitProp, etc.).
Re: RBG status. I think is the more likely truth:
It’s not about being a conspiracy believer, but as with John McCain, he was incapacitated for far longer than anyone would admit – therefore, Arizona wasn’t being represented in the Senate. Same as with Ginsburg, the drugs she is on should disqualify her from making any opinions.
POTUS should have the right to ascertain exactly what her status is – this is about the well-being of the country.
“It’s not about being a conspiracy believer”
I believe that you’ll find that THIS site abstains from the pejorative use of the word “conspiracy”, and that any thoughts or hypotheses are welcome. I.e., no defensive measures are necessary!
This is what I’ve found here, anyway.
Probably already on ice and the Dems are getting to ready to use her death to slow PDT on declaring a National Emergency and build the wall. GWB funeral was like 7 days?
I do have to admit I had thoughts that they would try to hide her death for most of 2019 to try and push PDT into his last year and then invoke no picks going into election year. Dems basically have no soul, so predicting the lows they will go to is really hard.
I think you’re right.
I agree…
Wow! A from-the-Oval-Office “My Fellow Americans” speech that the networks HAVE to carry?
At Last!!! It’s really the only way he has to reach the millions of people who don’t see his twitter account and rely on the MSM.
Hoping for:
Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147647154
Nov 2 2017 13:44:21 (EST)
Look to Twitter:
Exactly this: “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…….”
God bless.
Yeah, that would be dropping a LOT of bombs.
I’ve long advocated he needs to do precisely this when the time comes, so at least he gets to put his say out in front of people before the YSM starts its distortions and spin.
Not much either house of Congress would be able to do about it right now, huh?
One positive, it beats the State of the Union address where we have to look at Nancy behind POTUS during the entire beach.
Oval Office is just POTUS and that beautiful Resolute desk.
Lady Penguin! YES!! and that annoying chewing on tidepods thing she does with her mouth….
“we have to look at Nancy”
Oh geez you’re right. Sigh.
Forewarned is forearmed … I guess.
I remember the 2018 SOTU, it was too much. That chewing her cud really pushes us over the top.
We don’t even have to wait for the SOTU!! THis is gonna be EPIC!!!
I know this ain’t going to happen, but it’d be hilarious if he were wearing the “Melania Trump is Built Like A Brick House” suit.
Steve! I am laughing so hard i can’t type!
And a little Muzak to go widdit:
Melania Trump is built like a brickhouse suit —–OMG, that’s good.
Confirmed by none other than Wake Up Maggie!
“Wake Up Maggie”
You’ve done it, Marica!
The ultimate nick-name – and it’ll STICK!
I’ll be using it exclusively from now on: spread it FAR and WIDE!!!
“Ah rekkin she’s been done BRANDED, Cap’n!”
LOL!! Thanks Emerald!! Happy you get my goofy humor…;)
“my goofy humor”
It was, and is, a BRILLIANT insight – goofy or no!
Anon-worthy, perhaps even VSGPDJT-worthy!
Don’t sell yourself short …
(I was an ad copy writer at one time – I CREATED slogans for companies [that worked]. Just sayin’ …)
You are certainly Are a Shining Star!! Hugs!!
Aw …
Besides, SteveInCO said – many times – that you were down in the dumps. Just doin’ my part to help!
Emerald … Lol.
You must be channeling Rod Stewart’s Maggie May????
“Wake up, Maggie I think I got something to say to you
It’s late September and I really should be back at school
I know I keep you amused, but I feel I’m being used
Oh, Maggie, I couldn’t have tried any more …..”
I love it. Wake-up Maggie, Wake Up Maggie – it just works!
Don’t it though?
On every level …
Including, ironically, a dark level.
A funeral “wake” may be next “up”, in queue (“Q”).
Hope it doesn’t come to pass …
Note: This is Day 17 of the shutdown.
good catch Nor!
TY !
NE, I am sure that is just a Q-incidence.
War Econ has a THREAD
The FIFA stuff is related to Loretta Lynch – who got star treatment in Sports Illustrated, of all places, for it.
LL was so Ooo La La on the Sports Illustrated cover in her string bikini. She really shines.
However, I would caution LL that she should be careful who she hangs with or she might hang alone.
Hmmm. That’s a tunnel, isn’t it? And Q mentioned a tunnel…
That’s some Q-level decoding right there!
I don’t share the belief that Mattis left to become a judge at Mil Trib… jes’ my two cents
Based on all the negativity coming out–I my feelings about Mattis match my feelings about Rex Tillerson…Same..
I’m w/ya there…
The Epoch Times subtitle says (emphasis mine):
‘Task force at the center, once headed by Bruce Ohr, now directed by Deputy AG Rosenstein‘
Wheels within wheels.
That’s not a fence, that’s an anti-hoi-polloi Security Interface.
Toooooootally different!!
Perfect summation right there.
So, we need a four mile long “That Fence Don’t Work” rally?
More good news. New steel mill announced!
They said as much at the 2008 convention. There was a motion to forbid mention of a) God and b) Jerusalem.
That turned a lot of Dems off the party. They either became active PUMAs (Party Unity My Ass) or independents (no party affiliation) who are active online to this day.
Schumer has dual citizenship, USA and Israel.
I believe over 60 members of Congress have dual citizenship.
I don’t know if someone posted this and I missed it, but I think it is a very important message.
I wrote a post last week which included a summary of his analysis:
I hope so!
Gavin Newsom, ie pelosis nephew, was swirn in today as CA guv. He took digs at POTUS, of course, and is playing up all the “gee im just a regular guy” schtick. Claiming he is gping to listen to us conservatives, but do everything opposite what we believe.
Theres video in link if you wish.
“Even as he needled Trump, Newsom offered an overture to voters in rural California, millions of whom voted for Trump and John Cox, Newsom’s Republican rival in November.
“I recognize that many in our rural communities believe that Sacramento doesn’t care about them — doesn’t even really see them,” he said. “I see you. I care about you. And I will represent you with pride.
While touting the California Dream and strong economy, Newsom also acknowledged the state has problems, from a homelessness crisis to a gulf between the state’s wealthiest and poorest residents to failing schools, all of which he called “moral imperatives.” Beyond Trump, he pledged to take on drug companies, the gun lobby, polluters and payday lenders.
Newsom praised Brown, a longtime family friend, but indicated he would strike out a separate path from the fiscal restraint Brown made a hallmark of his last eight years in office. Brown sometimes angered legislative Democrats by rejecting big-ticket social spending items.
Newsom, meanwhile, already has pledged to expand access to early childhood education, reduce the cost of community college and extend family leave. He suggested Brown’s method of resisting more spending in favor of saving needed rethinking.
“For eight years, California has built a foundation of rock,” he said. “Our job now is not to rest on that foundation. It is to build our house upon it he said.
More specifics on Newsom’s plans — including a “Marshall plan” for affordable housing, a reduction in drug prices and criminal justice reforms — will be outlined in the coming days.
When he introduces his first budget on Thursday the public will get a chance to see how he plans to pay for his plans while keeping his promise to maintain the state’s healthy reserves.”
Thanks for this!
He is so smarmy and full of rubbish (e.g. ‘Marshall plan’ for affordable housing).
On a lighter note, maybe he will explain someday why his aunt has such serious dental problems.
I had no idea San Fran Nan was Gavin Newsom’s auntie!
And his ex-wife, mother to his child, Kimberly Guilfoyle, is seriously dating Donald Trump, Jr.
I didn’t know her son was with Gavin. I think she has been married three times, and I had never heard that! How awkward for your son’s granny to be Nancy Pelosi! I’d be scared to let him visit her. Shades of Hansel and Gretel!
We haven’t seen the son lately, have we?
You might be right though, Sylvia, I didn’t know she had been married 3 times.
I’m pretty sure I heard that once on The Five, but the only ex she ever really talked about was Gavin, IIRC. I have no idea, but now I’m curious. I’ll have to look it up when I think about it and see if Gavin is the father.
It would be horrible to continue to be connected with that bunch of crazy lefties via family.
I just looked up Kimberly G on Wiki (and they never lie
) and according to Wiki she has been married twice, not three times, and her son is with her second husband.
“These people are sick”
Another dead black sex worker at the home of Ed Buck.…nue-apartment/…stions-8517691
last but not least………..…543389697.html
Adam Schiff, Ed Buck and CA Dem Party Chair Eric C. Baum
Thanks, but the only complete link I could easily find was the one at West Hollywood (wehoville):
World Bank President Jim Yong Kim Announces Resignation
Donald Trump Will Get Chance to Pick World Bank’s Chief
What fresh hell is this?
hmmm…smells like parody and sarcasm to me
Did I misunderstand or was this reported by OAN?
OAN did tweet it, but is there any corroborating story?
Possibly ‘developing news’.
In any case, we’ll await news with interest.
Or some made up story. Stormy in the Conservatory with the Lead Pipe, or whatever. Probably Melania stole it. Something totally believable like that.
What? I thought they were stealing food from dumpsters to feed their children!
Oh goodie!!! A new film from U.S. Senate Pictures!!!
Chaff. Countermeasures.
Trump is winning against China and they know it.
China is hacking America’s secrets. Can legislation stop it?
Looks like the best friends on Capitol Hill decided they needed to DO SOMETHING about China!!!
Sen. Richard Burr, Sen. Mark Warner and Sen. Marco Rubio team up to STOP CHINA with LEGISLATION!
Featuring Bill Priestap, “AN assistant director of counterintelligence at the FBI” (emphasis added), back from retirement on Dec 4 to testify before the Senate on Dec 12.
Not to be left out, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein also gets a bit part in the STOP CHINA game.
Good grief, these guys.
my apologies… but i posed the following a couple times, but now it is related to this post on the DemocracyNow! site – a bastion of pure truth and honesty. the honesty that THEY are trying to get turned into policy and it is very disturbing for them to put this stuff out in writing and stand behind it.
i am going to try this for a third time
here is what the progressive groups are saying about their efforts:
and here is what i posted the other times regarding a 4ch post that was dissecting the bill put forth by the dems – check out the link to the 4ch archive site and read through the post to get an idea of how they believe they can infiltrate and destroy everything about the voting system – under what they consider “protection of voting rights”
just want to post this so someone can confirm what i am seeing here… i would do more but i have to run out for a bit…
HR1 bill from house (trump tax bill)
read this 4ch post with someone who is breaking it down from an advanced copy as the house website is not “updated” yet with bill text… but seriously read just the first post if you do anything. this should sufficiently blow your mind. and before anyone says oh it will never pass! thats not the point – the point is this is introduced into congress and co sponsored by pelosi – so the intent in this bill shows what they are willing to do and it has nothing to do with trumps taxes:
(btw this is from the archive mirror site i usually check out 4ch with since i dont need the hassle of the actual site… its the same boards though but usually just one i take time to peruse anymore)
A lot of that came out before the mid-term elections.
Some illegals voted in 2016.
That said, it’s always worth remembering that illegitimate votes have been cast in more than one election recently.
Very important to eradicate before 2020.
I’m praying for the whole Trump family.
what they believe your children should be taught about democracy:
where they stand on immigration:
this is one of the large teacher unions along with other “social worker” unions in the country. much larger in certain areas than others, but you can find out how involved they are in your area as they list their LOCALS.
Thank you for the links, but, honestly, these days, is anyone surprised?
Voter registration:
“The Left is getting massively out-Alinskyed, and the hilarious thing is that this band of withered hippies, unemployable millennial safe-space cases, and unlovable + unshaven libfeminists don’t even know it. Oh, their masters sure know it. Soros is bitterly having to ramp up his infusions of blood money to keep his community-organized “grassroots” movements afloat. The less dumb ones among the lying dinosaur media are panicking as their influence fades, and Chuck Schumer is enduring such a non-stop parade of serial humiliations that if the Senate were a penitentiary, he’d be McConnell’s prison Mitch…
Thank you, Andrew Breitbart. You yelled “Follow me!” and led a movement that had previously been dominated by doofy wonks and bow-tied geeks over the top in a glorious bayonet charge against the paper tiger liberal elite…”
Read about more winning here:
Lots of sad Sundance tonight.
Was just looking where to post re SD and OT…Thanks!
Frankly, I do not particularly care how good a researcher is (and I have been called a more than good one), attributing motive to people based on publicly available information does not make it so. SD is out of line stating that Huber isn’t doin’ anything. What is the position of the DOJ? Neither confirm nor deny ongoing investigations. Full stop.
Who is in charge? Might it be VSGDJT?
The three congressmen oughta know better than to try and force Huber’s hand. No good will come of it.
Thank goodness for POTUS…those thought to be on our side might just sink this ship were it not for DJT.
Is Transgender Regret Allowed?
Walt Heyer on his new book “Trans Life Survivors”
30 Regretters Come out of the Closet in New Book
From The Federalist, by Stella Morabito
Walt Heyer knows firsthand what it’s like to undergo sex change surgery and then regret it. After living as a woman for nearly a decade, he decided to accept his biological sex and de-transition back to male. By then, Walt had received intensive cognitive therapy that helped him recognize early childhood trauma he had experienced…
Heyer has written several books on transgender regret, but his sixth and newest book, “Trans Life Survivors,” is not his personal story. It’s a compilation of the stories of many others caught up in today’s “transmania.” They specifically sought out Walt to get some much-needed support. They’ve shared their lonely, surreal experiences falling down the trans rabbit hole, hoping to escape as he did.
I’m glad to see this coverage. This issue needs more publicity so people can be treated and saved from making huge mistakes.
The author thinks Bruce Jenner regrets his decision, which I have suspected as well. How could he be happy when his real issues have not been dealt with? (And sadly, he makes a horrendous-looking “woman.”) He was a handsome, well-built athlete on top of the world, then started having plastic surgeries, which itself was a symptom of his problems. He and others need psychological help, not “transitioning.”
Turns Out California Democrats Used Illegals For Ballot Harvesting
Rod Thomson
Sometimes a clueless leftist media is a conservative’s best friend.
The Los Angeles Times published a big mushy kiss of a puff piece on New Year’s Day about how Dreamers got deeply involved in the 2018 midterm elections that turned so many red Congressional seats blue — particularly in the days after the election through ballot harvesting.
Nowhere were the Dreamers more active than in California, where the almost entirely Republican blue Orange County flipped to 100 percent Democrat red and where these DACA beneficiaries were very active.
I posted that here at the time.
Ronil Singh’s widow now mortgage-free, thanks to donations:
That is good. There is a state fund and usually a city/county fund for police killed on duty. But with todays housing costs and other costs in CA, not to mention the significant income and benefit loss, every dollar counts.
Black Conservative Patriot YouTube about PDJT’s child trafficking red pills. He wears a yellow vest in the video:
Perfect quote on immigration:
Networks covering PDJT’s Tuesday night speech:
Obama’s five terrorists released from Gitmo in 2014 now part of Taliban in Qatar:
Aaaaaaand, didn’t we all see this coming?
I have to think that Obama did, too.
AOC complains about fact checking, but a number of leftoids push back. Several different sources and tweets below:
Ya’ll!! Wolfie–and Flep! We need a thread regarding Child/Human Trafficking.. This and Drugs–used together IS THE REASON for the the wall! IT IS THE REASON for the fight! IT IS THE REASON we WIN or lose!!! CRISIS!!!
Accuracy in Media demonstrates the clear bias in Time’s article:
Time: This is the Biggest Danger to World Order in 2019
This line was a gem:
Time also lets its readers in on its disdain for and fear of “populism” – leaders taking seriously and acting on the needs of their constituents on tax, crime and immigration, among other issues. No. 4 on Bremmer’s list is “European populism.”
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