The theme of Q’s next posts (after MK Ultra) is the fakeness of the fake news.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: e52681 No.4643496
Q Post 2664
Jan 7 2019 08:38:27 (EST)
“With all of the success that our Country is having, including the just released jobs numbers which are off the charts, the Fake News & totally dishonest Media concerning me and my presidency has never been worse. Many have become crazed lunatics who have given up on the TRUTH! The Fake News will knowingly lie and demean in order make the tremendous success of the Trump Administration, and me, look as bad as possible. They use non-existent sources & write stories that are total fiction. Our Country is doing so well, yet this is a sad day in America! The Fake News Media in our Country is the real Opposition Party. It is truly the Enemy of the People! We must bring honesty back to journalism and reporting!”
Compare & Contrast.
Ring a Bell?
Think Drop Yesterday.
>New narrative created
>Refusal to provide coverage of successes
Why is this important?
Sometimes making a connection leads to uncovering ……
Adding more as I go…..

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: e52681 No.4643565
Q Post 2665
Jan 7 2019 08:44:12 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 49ef84 No.4643371
Jan 7 2019 08:17:42 (EST)
Read the pics related together. So mirrory.
A (you) for Q.
The reason why we are here, however, this is incomplete and missing the 3rd Tweet.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f77488 No.4644084
Q Post 2666
Jan 7 2019 09:31:43 (EST)
Imagine that.
What a coincidence.

Kinda funny – the Bing software grabbed the wrong photo – the Fox *reporter* – and my first reaction was “OMG – RBG was kinda hot when she was young!” WRONG. Just FAKE NEWS thanks to BAD SOFTWARE.

Moving on….

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f77488 No.4644164
Q Post 2667
Jan 7 2019 09:35:53 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 023771 No.4644100
Jan 7 2019 09:32:41 (EST)
Mornin’ Q.
First time in more than 25 years?
Morning, Patriot.
There you have it. Fake News acting against Trump, in unison. Soviet Fake News, seeking World Socialist Government, is now in America.
“Progress, comrade! Progress!”
Think for yourself.
Q Post 2604
Trust yourself.
Research for yourself.
Be in control of yourself.
NEVER let someone else DRIVE YOU.
Those who try to DRIVE YOU are not your friend.

The Yellow Stream Media (a label I came up with, as far as I know), peopled by Jurinalists (someone else’s very good extension–just pronounce the J like a Y, German/Scandinavian/Eastern European style).
Or one of the old style wood ones, non-mobile, with a toilet seat that is splintered.
Yeah, and maybe with a black widow spider web just below the toilet seat(toilet seat is an option of course)
With rats swimming around in the water below. Often they make their way up.
Like it.
Huh! The ONE person who I have heard use that term is hands-down the most intelligent and accomplished guy I have ever known in my 66 years – you are in good company, Steve! YSM
Wow, who is it?
It’s possible we invented the term independently.
A friend of mine here in NE – he is originally from So. California. Musician, repairs instruments, friends with the Coppola family (Nicholas Cage’s brother).
So what would he think of “Jurinalist”? (Make sure to pronounce the J like a Y, like Deutsch.)
He would probably laugh.
“The Fake News Media in our Country is the real Opposition Party. It is truly the Enemy of the People!”
I think the President has just gone all in. I think he has a winning hand. His address tomorrow night will be filled with crumbs and clues on strategy and the nature and the extent of the problem I would think.
People are ready for the truth. I suspect huge and irresistible bones will be thrown to the communist lapdog media. Watch the “running dog” media run for them!
My computer is not allowing me to find this link. Can you describe it or give me a searchable clip from it? Who made the comment? Normally I can find these things, but not today. I’ve also been forced into a reboot after going to YouTube. Yeah. One of those days.
Scroll up from here:
I think I see the problem here. A reply to i’ll post that in moderation (effectively, two posts)
Try scrolling up from this link
I understand that they hate President Trump…and I’m pretty sure why…and I get that they will do anything to destroy his presidency…
…but I still don’t understand how they can’t see that they take it too far, so ridiculously far…that practically no one believes them anymore…well, unless you’re Alyssa Milano or some brain dead moron like that. But they take it so far and they lie so badly and they omit all positive news and it’s all so transparent to most Americans observing this circus that it completely undermines what it is that they are trying to do.
As Q often says…these people are stupid.
“Desperate times call for desperate measures”
It’s not just that; it’s hate. Satanic hate.
Remember Ephesians 6:10-18::
It is hatred, CC…but it is a weird kind of hatred. It’s almost as if they really don’t know why they hate…someone just told them to hate…so they hate. Just read the script, damnit! Is it money, blackmail, MK Ultra type hypnosis, or a combination things?
I remember my mother enjoying the original movie version of The Manchurian Candidate…but she enjoyed it as a fantasy nightmare version of events…Me? I used to think that, too…I don’t anymore.
Just had some more of that blind hate here in Germany: an AfD politician was SEVERELY beaten in the city/state of Bremen by a bunch of Antifa thugs. Pure Satanic hate.
Their hate, and their leadership, comes from the Devil, in the persons of George Soros, the Rothschilds (of the synagogue of Satan, cf. Revelation 2:9ff and 3:9ff), and the illuminist cabal HELL-bent on taking over the world). The media here, of course, led by AgigProp (former SED and DDR veteran) Merde-kel, are saying little, if anything, and doing their best to not characterize it as a hate crime.
The wall indeed fell in the wrong direction: the West has become the East, instead of the other way around. I wait (and pray) for the appearance of the yellow jackets, and the election of AfD conservative Christians in the state elections this year (ironically former DDR, who reject the ways of Marxist Merde-kel)…
RBG might have looked like that photo when she was hitting on Nero and Caligula, but that was a long, LONG time ago…
You exaggerate. Lincoln nominated her.
You gotta be kidding me!!!
Well, I don’t know if it’s true, but I suspect the president can actually DEMAND the airtime if need be, at least for those that are FCC licensed.
(Granted, I mostly got that from a Tom Clancy novel, but it does make sense.)
I am 99% positive the WH can preempt ALL programming they need to – at least, it used to be that way.
It’s beautiful.
The Left doesn’t want to hear about national security, period. Pelosi and comrades wouldn’t listen to Kirtjen Nielsen’s presentation the other day, and Pelosi even said, “I dispute your facts.” Pres. Trump and the administration have kept hammering the issue and are taking it to the people, and the Left is having fits.
It’s super fun watching the melt-downs!! I hope the network news doesnt show our POTUS! People will find out they dont need them anymore!
Fear not…RSBN will be happy to assist!
OAN, too.
It is the one TV news station I trust, at this point, and mark my words – there are still a LOT of people who have not cut the cord. DISH doesn’t carry them but DTV/AT&T does, thankfully.
Without immigrant Cloward-Piven, their agenda of “change” is set back by YEARS. This is why they are freaking out. The PLAN knows this. They are using the WALL to bring them down.
Sundance likes to say that the “TIMELINES ALWAYS GET THEM”
Trump and the PLAN has figured out something which I deduced just recently – “THE TIMETABLES ALWAYS GET THEM” – and not just that. Screwing with the timetables of the NWO plan can even be used to bring them down.
The prog-commie Soviet World Order planners have LONG timetables and are extremely persistent about pushing shorter and smaller “matters” to meet the larger goals. They get overly aggressive on smaller stuff and relied on a lot of dirty stuff to smooth out the wrinkles.
This was the origin of the CA3 scandal. They did not want to face certain realities that would have delayed their plans on Affirmative Action, so they engineered leverage to get around the problem, rather than re-tool their ideas about education. The reason I was thinking differently than them was that I was exposed to an alternative approach which favored remedial coursework at the university level. I had seen it work – it would have made the future completely different. I now recall the conversations I had – probably recorded. I had no idea there was a bigger plan with a timetable for taking over America. Those plans pushed back using abused IC, to make sure there were no delays.
I am not sure if Trump is read in on the CA3 “matter”, but I would guess so, with Q talking about MK.
Holy moly.
Prediction. Trump goes to the wall on the Wall. They will NOT STOP. The opposition will be driven to drastic action. The IMPORTANCE of unimpeded migration and open borders to their plan will expose their plan as reality, in detail, to the horror of humanity.
Our VSGPOTUS has a Molybdenum Steel tank barrel, and instead of firing it, he has rammed it into the gears of their machine. The machine will EXPLODE.
What is the CA3 scandal?
CA3 = Conspiracy to Advance Affirmative Action. It’s a scandal almost nobody knows about. My comments can be searched through using that term to find all the facts I have so far posted on this site and CTH, although some of my earliest posts didn’t use that acronym.
In the earliest days of Affirmative Action, when it was supposedly being “tested”, there were problems of the hopes versus the actual results. The first thing that was tried – with “orders from above” – was “throw the kids with way too low of test scores and coursework preparation into the pool and see if they can teach themselves to sink or swim”. Clearly this was stupid, but normal smart thinking was not being applied. It was all extremely political at levels way above us. This was the very first collision of PC with reality – where almost nobody could see it. It was possible to GAME the results at that point, and nobody would ever know. The Democrat thinking was communist underneath. They knew it wouldn’t work in a truthful manner, and they were ready to pounce BAMN-style – by any means necessary.
Now I understand why. They were ready to “fix” the results if things didn’t work, because they were being RELENTLESS on the timetable leading to Obama in office. They figured that it would take a 12-year cycle to prepare kids for equal opportunity in college – NOPE – too long – let’s FAKE IT.
Somebody at some level must have said “No – we will simply lower university test requirements – just make sure the test is a pass – do what you have to do.” And so they did.
Some very smart psychology was used to make sure that the people who had the most significant evidence that AA had problems, could NEVER move that evidence into any reports on the situation, and if they did – BOOM – trouble – so no way would they ever do it.
It was a masterful SCAM. LAWFARE at its finest.
It took me YEARS to figure out what went on. Things were used that were utterly unbelievable at the time, and that is why those things were kept out of reported evidence – they were unbelievable. But now it’s all solved. The White Hats likely understood the whole thing a long time ago. The only question is HOW long ago.
This scandal is historically significant, but not terribly interesting. However, it TIES TOGETHER so much.
Kind of ironic that the Deep State can be so dumb about so many things, but when they are SCHEMING TO CHEAT, they are grandmasters.
Dr. Fraud fits into it as well. For my own role, I need to borrow her name. It was only by admitting my own role in the leverage scandal of predictable cover-up that I could bust the greater, generator scandal.
In GA, the state colleges are having to offer ‘remedial’ classes in English and Math – because the high schools aren’t evidently teaching them or the students aren’t trying. They have devalued Bachelors degrees to standards high school diplomas of the past and Masters and PhDs are lowered as well to accommodate those with less ability/intelligence/background.
ALL because the communist timetable was unrealistic and concerned with power, not truth.
So true! I raised grandchildren in Georgia and all the school system did was teach them the answers to the big tests that decided whether the teachers got bonuses or not!
My granddaughter had a meltdown every time those tests rolled around because she did not want to be responsible for a teacher losing his or her job! They actually told the kids that crap! And don’t get me started reference common core…
As I said, they taught them the answers to the tests but never taught them any critical thinking. We moved from Georgia and our grandkids are now straight A students! What the school system refused to teach, we filled in the information! But this caused us a lot of grief in the Georgia school system (especially when they study the branches of government) and when my granddaughter challenged her history teacher, she was failed! A big fat zero! The problem was, the class was told the US is a democracy. When my granddaughter dared the teacher to say the pledge of allegiance, needless to say, the argument ended and I was called to the school. We taught her well and she hasn’t looked back! Bless her heart, She is a young Patriot through and through!
Great work, Sunny! Bless you! You are raising good and moral citizens and courageous patriots.
Maggie H is so virtuous – always glad to post propaganda articles for the Democrat Hillrotten FBI/DOJ activists.
BOOM! We Win!
“Without rebuttal” my ass.
There will be a rebuttal from the Demoncrats immediately afterwards (something they started doing during Reagan’s term), and their own talking heads will “analyze” (emphasis on “anal”) the crap out of it too as soon as the presidential visage fades from the screen.
Rebuttal (emphasis on theBUTT) !!!
Wow. A TV exec that gets it. The Village of the Damned…
I’m confused about the Q posts and then the news clips about RGB. Why are those clips significant? The MSM has issued headlines in unison throughout the last two years. Is it because we believe RGB is no longer fogging a mirror? Sorry I’m dense…kind of new to the Q stuff.
I think it’s just about the sudden unified reversal of the narrative from “she’s OK” to “she’s going to miss”. Not only does it invite a wary eye and skepticism on the weird unanimity – it makes the prior reporting look stupid, unquestioning, and probably wrong.
SD had a pretty good analysis of this, I thought:
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is absent from the Supreme Court bench for oral arguments today. After surgery for cancer removal last year, the media claim -without evidence- that Justice Ginsburg is sufficient of mind and body to review transcripts from testimony and preside over cases.
Given how far the far-left wing of the political apparatus was willing to go in their constructed attack against a prior Supreme Court nominee (Kavanaugh); in collaboration with the intelligence apparatus of the U.S. DOJ; one has to wonder if the same ideological forces are not hiding the actual inability of Ginsburg to act as a Supreme Court justice.
In years passed this line of inquiry might have seemed ‘conspiratorial’ or ‘out-there’; however, in the past two years we have been exposed to just how far elements within the political apparatus are willing to go in order to attain their ideological objectives. See: FBI/DOJ ‘spygate‘ (surveillance of political opposition by the U.S. intelligence apparatus); and the FBI/DOJ allied narrative around ‘rape gang’ attacks against Brett Kavanaugh.
If I were a plaintiff in any case now in front of the Supreme Court, my first line of inquiry would be a request for any absent member to prove they were of sound judgement etc.
WASHINGTON DC – Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will not be on the bench to hear oral arguments Monday, missing arguments in person for the first time in more than 25 years she has served on the court.
Ginsburg underwent surgery to remove two malignant nodules from her left lung that were detected after she had a fall that fractured three ribs late last year, the court announced in December. The 85-year-old justice returned to work promptly after the fall, publicly saying a few weeks later that her ribs were nearly fully recovered and that her health was fine. (read more)
If these unsupported claims of “fine health” by media are true, Justice Ginsburg would have no issues with a physical presence. However, factually, there is a reason why Justice Ginsburg is not present. Questioning the details behind unsupported claims is not conspiracy theory.
It is a fact the current process structure as outlined by her spokespeople, does not allow for the justice to question anything during oral arguments. That alone is suspect given the prior history of political manipulation on such matters.
Supreme Court spokesperson Kathleen Arberg confirmed Ginsburg would not be at the court on Monday. Ginsburg will still read transcripts of arguments scheduled for Monday, but will be working from home. (link)
Under the circumstances, requesting that a Supreme Court Justice provide reasonableand valid assurances of their ability to do the job is not unusual. Any other profession has a standing regulatory and compliance process; which includes a statement from a physician attesting to the ability therein; to ensure continued competence.
Good stuff. Dems = Comms = Deceptilibs. All Deception, All The Time.
BoomerCat, I linked below to CTH. I meant it as a reply to you but I messed up.
SD made the point that the media is reporting WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT that RBG is fine, because her spokespeople say she is, and that she will be working from home. Cough, cough. She won’t be there to hear oral arguments and ask questions, but she’ll be making decisions and writing them from home. Cough, cough. If the curtain were pulled aside, who knows what we’d find. RBG in a coma and her Commie law clerk forging signatures and writing briefs? Or maybe they have imported our favorite Commie lawyer from Lawfare, Benjamin Wittes, to do her “work” from home?
Point is we don’t know and the media won’t ask. We don’t even actually know if she is alive at this point. At my work place, after you have been through a major illness/injury you have to have a letter from your doc certifying that you are well enough to return to duty. But I guess the Supremes are above all that…after all, what could they possibly screw up?
Note that eventually “we don’t need to know who is doing the work” – which is EXACTLY what Soviet communism was like.
Never did I ever….expect to wake up one day and discover though I still live in the USA, while I was sleeping it was overtaken by the Politburo. Everything looks the same. But it isn’t.
I am convinced that Sd reads Q…but is too dishonest to acknowledge it.
Wheatie, he’d be a fool if he didn’t. If you ignore Q you miss out on too much, whether you are a believer or not.
Although how you could read Q for any length of time and not come to believe, I don’t know.
Yep…and instead of acknowledging it, Sd declares that “Q is dangerous”.
He doesn’t want his followers to see his source material.
A certain rich irony there….
I worked HR back in the day. Yep. Doctor’s release required.
Brian Cate’s thread on Wake Up Maggie’s tweets! The Desperation!!!!
Perhaps a short note from the FCC to networks is in the mail as we speak.
OAN just attacked “60 Minutes” for siding with the Muslim Brotherhood AGAINST President Al Sisi of Egypt!
Awesome! OAN is RED-PILLED!!!
Oh, my, yes – they did specials on SR, the White Helmets, Kashoggi – all kinds of great shows!
The other thing I love about them is you get OTHER news from around the world – it isn’t all politics, all the time. I pretty much leave my TV on OAN while I am on-line now – sometimes FBN but even they are turning me off these days.
This is what will bring back the old journalism. People not afraid to break out of the monopoly and beat the remnants out of business with their own errors.
[+FAKEWOOD] <— This new term is significant.
It combines the 'Fake News' term with Hollywood.
Hollywood is in the business of creating fictional, make-believe fantasies.
It excels in fakery.
Hollywood is the opposite of 'The News' which is supposed to be factual.
But we know that it’s not.
We know that the Leftist-controlled news media is no longer ‘factual’…and has become as fake as Hollywood.
Both Hollywood and the MSM have become propaganda nozzles for the Globalists who own them.
This is what the term FAKEWOOD conveys.
Hollywood is fake.
MSM is fake.
And now, since China has been buying up Hollywood…there is a more sinister level to Hollywood’s propaganda.
It’s a National Security issue now.
It will be interesting to see if Pres Trump uses this term, ‘FAKEWOOD’.
Excellent point, Wheatie. I agree with you, I think the introduction of the term FAKEWOOD was significant. It will be intriguing to watch this unfold. I personally think having China owning Hollywood and other foreign companies owning the rest of our media is a National Security issue all the way around. How could it NOT be? I don’t know how we got here but it was a serious wrong turn.
Not to mention them owning far too much of our food production capability. I know this is probably considered “protectionist,” but I have never understood allowing these countries, who are clearly our enemies, to buy US companies and land. This global financial market thingy just leaves me shaking my head…..
I know, right???? Shouldn’t someone be an adult and stand up and say, hey, this is really a bad idea!
But then, come to think of it, there is a process like that. It was supposed to save us from doing stupid things like selling our uranium to Russia, and yet…
Yup, it’s just like those old western movie towns they used to build in the desserts and mountains of California. Nothing but facades…only to be viewed from the front to keep up the illusion of a real structure.
All of a sudden I have the urge to watch Blazing Saddles…again.
Too many churches resemble this.
Here’s a link to Life, Liberty, and Levin from Sunday night. I just finished it and thought it was worth mentioning it to you all.
His guest was Brent Bozell from Media Research Center and they discussed the “news” media and social media, how they treat our President, and related information. If you are interested at all in what the media is up to, this was a good show, quite interesting. It is something you could listen to in an open tab while you do something else (at least that’s what I did).
I apologize profusely. This was his interview with Michael Pillsbury about China which I haven’t seen but looks interesting.
So sorry, if I can find the one with Brent Bozell I’ll post it.
Wow! That is too funny – right now, this minute, I have it on pause on my TV so I can catch up here on the comments. I recorded it last night but hadn’t watched it yet since I worked today and started it about 40 minutes ago but keep getting distracted! LOL
Oh, my goodness! That was truly LOL funny – paraphrasing a bit: “PDJT gets up and Tweets at 4 a.m. in the morning…….I truly think he loves slapping them around!” ROFLMFAO
I know, I loved that!
I’ll bet Levin about choked when he had to advertise for BlazeTV!
Okay, I’m finally back and here’s the video. It was an intelligent, enjoyable discussion of journalism and media, and PDJT.
Other than the 4 am talking points, nothing has changed since the days of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst. They’ll “report” on anything that will sell. Remember, the profit for the MSM is in advertising dollars.