THE WALL: Pre-Game Thread

We’re getting started early! TAIL-GATE PARTY!!!


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YES!! I am here!!comment image


Wanted this comment as close to the top as possible……….
Thank YOU so very muck Wolfmoon for this “Tailgate Party”….
BEST Tailgate party I have EVER been to! 🙂


Indeed we are!!!comment image

Sylvia Avery

Love this meme!, and Wolfie I’m late to the party (as it is long over now) but I think it is a cool idea and I would have loved to be here hanging out. If I had been home, I would have been all antsy and keyed up and this would have been the place to be! Thanks for doing this.


Thought I’d bring Gov Palin over with me 😉


I used to live a couple of miles from Sara when I lived in Wasilla, AK! Great lady!


Qwel fun fact about sunnyday!!!!


My hubby is retired Air Force and he was stationed at Elmendorf AFB Alaska for 10 years! We had a home built right on the Palmer/ Wasilla line, in the boonies (at that time) and surrounded by land belonging to Fish Game and Wildlife! Raised 4 kids there!
After he retired we returned to Alaska for another 10 years!


Thank your hubby for his service!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Why not? You’re in no hazard of her outshining you.
[Uh, Steve…did you just say that to a married woman? Whose husband probably owns a 12 gauge?]


My incorrigible Steve!!! I LOVE when you pick on me!! and yeah–He’s got a giant safe full of em! 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, see that’s the problem here. Not only are all these smokin’ hot women married, their husbands have shotguns.


Patriots ALL!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, yeah, or I’d not consider them smokin’ hot!


awesome story daughn!!! LOVE!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Someone was asked in a survey “Do you own a gun” and their response was “A gun?”


Well….. I did (Before the boating accident 🙂


Rule of thumb….
If the woman is pretty….
She must be a Conservative.
ALL liberal women are butt ugly (Many with Bug Eyes)


Oh ya….. I forgot Alaska in my comment about a DIVORCE within the US on the daily thread……
Alask stays with US! I would like Hawaii but not sure if we could subdue the IDIOTS there.
Oh well… We’ll keep Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Guam.
(BTW…. I was Born on Guam – Navy Brat)


So GLAD you brought Mama Grizzly with you 🙂
Hey Sarah, Are you ready to take over in 2024?
You are really the ONLY one that I can think of to KAG….
After PDJT completes MAGA.


Rayzor!! She would be an AWESOME pick! Whatever snowflakes havent completely melted by the end of Trumps 2nd term-Her election would kill them all off!


Then we would not have to divide up the US……
in order to AVOID a Civil War 🙂


and we could still keep the beautiful State of Cali and all the good people left would clean up poop city San Fran!


The meltdown would be epic!


Then do it. Tomorrow.


I hope everyone stocked up on tissues … for their leftist frenemies. Charge ’em double. If they don’t want to pay, they can use their shirt sleeves.




He would definitely have to snag them up because they will be kickin’ an screamin’ all the way! They know POTUS45 is right about the wall and they are going to avoid the truth as long as possible!


And leave them there!

Sylvia Avery

Oh daughn. You are a better person than I am. I got excited with the first part of your sentence but I was visualizing how awesome it would be to kick them out of the plane somewhere over Kansas.




Miller is liable to put Reagan’s snark about the bombing starts in five minutes somewhere in there.
Just kidding — but I would laugh my butt off if he did.


Miller is a genius of sorts!


He could just be one of those ‘protesters’ from Oakland or Frisco.


Saw that. Drugged up or perv or both…yuck.


I’m here! Making my special dinner and planning on Trump for dessert!


This one is from Ben Garrison! He is definitely on the case and has the left pegged to a tee!comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or are we thinking oreo balls?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



Sounds like you’re trying to get a hot date, using a line like that.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Any takers??


Can I bring Mr. TW?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, that would turn it from a hot date into a normal party. At which point, of course, the Husbandly Shotgun is a security enhancement. (Heck, bring your ARs!)


Have one.
And we are all in for a party.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Doesn’t have to be ARs, anything that will make Diane Feinstein defecate a cement block, will do.


Real Honest to God….. ROFLMAO!


Who brought the chicken wings?


Happy to see you all having fun without me!!
Just flying out to South Africa today – they don’t have ANY plans for a wall …
Anyway, here’s holding thumbs the wall is about to get the GO signal.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A wall would be superfluous in South Africa; the people you’d want to keep out (Marxists, other looter mentalities) already live there quite legally.


You still need a wall to keep the Chinese money out!


Hey Steve, long time no speak. Choosing to build a border fence/wall would a sign that the marxist’s are in retreat, hence my interest. The lack there of was one of the chief reasons factoring in to our decision to emigrate. There is way more violence against illegals than against whiteys. The locals can’t compete against the illegals, and as soon as the economy ticks up, more pour in from the north. So border control would be a massive step in the right direction! It would indicate the potential ending of the nightmare

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I guess I had a bad picture of the situation there, so I’ll withdraw my ignorant comment!


Thanks Daughn, I love you all back!!!


I will be watching POTUS45’s speech via “RightSide Broadcasting”! We don’t have TV Cable just internet streaming TV! Gave up regular TV a long time ago!


Cord Cutters of the World UNITE!!!


I have no expectations for this speech. The major point to me is that Pres. Trump has continued to hammer this issue relentlessly, to the point that he’s now addressing the nation and has asked the networks to cover it. It would not surprise me if there is no major announcement tonight and if it is “just” communicating directly with the people — especially since Dems in Congress didn’t want to hear Homeland Security’s presentation. So this might be laying more groundwork to help people understand our point of view. If there is nothing earth-shattering, I know that this is all part of Pres. Trump’s strategy. Watching him in action and the Left/media flip out is golden. If there is something major, that will be a welcome surprise.


I will probably poo-pooed as someone in Eeyore mode, but I’ll just continue. I notice as the hour draws nearer folks start to broach the subject of being disappointed yet again. Perhaps not calling it “disappointment”, but the feeling is the same. No groundwork needs to be laid for understanding. Our President communicates with the people all the time. Anyone who listens already understands. I’m sitting here in this rarefied atmosphere because I happened upon it, but I’m just your average Joe. And like every other average Joe Trump supporter, I’ve watched the mid-terms and the aftermath, December 5th and January 1st come and go — and every road marker previous to those. It’s time for a little helping of meat and potatoes that one can actually see on the plate.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Less than an hour and a half to go, 1 hour and 8 minutes to be precise.
Not that I’m counting, mind you!
Use that time wisely. Make sure you’re not within a ten meter radius of any cranium that may be subject to extreme truth bomb detonation pressure; the stuff inside that cranium is massively unsanitary (smelly, brown) and the explosion is liable to spray it everywhere.
Take all other precautions against NPCs going ape.


Steve where did this NPC thing come from? What does it stand for? I am not up on this but the memes are cool.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s “Non Player Character” which is to say, in a role playing game (or more modern computer game) any character that’s run by the game and isn’t a player.
Computers don’t tend to do a good job with acting like people, and we’re comparing the uncritical group think from most Leftists in the street to the sort of phony person a computer (or dungeonmaster) would generate.


thanks…seems to fit most of them

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, and even using the term is apparently unacceptable on twatter/faceborg et. al.
Hits a bit close to home.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A tolerably accurate parody.


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I see Steve’s explanation which is good but there’s more to it than that. If you’ve ever played a computer or video game there’s usually a character who gives you information you need to have to pass that level. And when you die you start back from the place you died at – except some games move you back to the previous scene so you have to start over again – which often means you have to interact with the NonPlayableCharacter again. So, since he’s just a prop to give you the necessary info, his spiel never changes. No matter what you say to him/her the NPC’s response never changes. Hence the meme.


omg…I don’t play those games so I do not know.


Thanks for the full explanation.
Like NYGuy, I’m not a gamer, either.


A little factual data while we wait….and some of this is surprising.


My dream would go like this:
Open with Clinton(s), Obungler, Schumer et al remarks about Immigration in the past……
Question what has changed?
Show the TRUE COSTS of ILLEGAL Immigration……
Show the SUCCESS of the walls/fencing so far…..
Declare a National EMERGENCY!
Abolish the CIA, FBI and DOJ (Give Military Intelligence the job until New DOJ rebuilt)
Declare Martial Law to KEEP the PEACE.
Abolish the FED and replace with AMERICAN Money.
Declassify FISA Memo’s, 302’s etc.
Unseal ALL sealed indictments
Have the TRAITORS, Pedo’s, Commies and the CORRUPT etc…. ARRESTED (Live on TV)
Give ALL Illegals 30 days to turn themselves in or Self-deport.
(I’m sure there is moar)
Then sit back and watch the LIBERAL (dick)HEADS EXPLODE 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Note that an amnesty is generally forgiveness for past crimes, provided the criminal take some specific action, and doesn’t commit new crimes. It’s not a grant of a privilege as a reward for past crimes.
Of course this isn’t how “immigration” activists and the Uniparty use the term at all.
But this is the kind of amnesty I could live with:
“If you are here illegally, you have X days (10, 30…pick one that seems most likely to give people an opportunity to comply without having to run for the border naked, having abandoned their stuff in haste) to get out. If you do that, and STAY out, we’ll forget you were here illegally. Since we’ve forgotten your past violations, we’ll give you the same consideration anyone else would get, if you go through the LEGAL process.
If we see you here on day X+1 illegally–BOOM!! We throw the book at you.”
That kind of amnesty, I could live with.


I can live with that also….
You Betcha


That is one great dream!! Love the way you dream, razorbak!! 🙂


She will flop – in more ways than one.




Speaking of Stormy….
What ever happened to her “lawyer”?
You know, Have-a-Naughty” (Avenatti)


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Checking in here with my chocolate frosty (only cuz last night was popcorn).
While we’re waiting, I’ll entertain you with a little treat I received in the mail yesterday.
A few months ago – probably around 2am after I’d already taken my sleeper but wasn’t yet in bed, I stumbled on a fundraiser on a site called where ‘innovators” are trying to raise money to bring some idea or product to market.
Well this fundraiser was for a graphic novel about the newly announced Space Force headed up by POTUS and his beautiful Warrior sidekick Melania. I thought it was a real hoot – if you donated a specified amount (I think it was $25), eventually when the graphic novel (promised to be at least 40 pages long) would be mailed to you.
Lo and behold, I received the booklet yesterday.
It. Is. Epic.
Not only are SuperHero Trump and delicious, voluptuous Melania featured, but Jack Posobiec, Seb Gorka and other assorted names you’d recognize are zooming in and out of space with VSGPDJT. I’ve only quickly scanned it, but eventually I am going to mail it to President Trump (unless Wolfie whispers his address to me so I can mail it to him). Or maybe I should send it to Brad Parscale – the rallies for 2020 could take on a whole new “outer” dimension.
President Trump, may The Force be with you tonight 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Is this in it?comment image


YES 😊👍
That is the very last page !!! Although on other pages his spacesuit slightly different – for example he has a US flag on his right leg instead of the stripes.
Chuck Dixon, Timothy Lim and Brett R. Smith are the creators. It is titled “Trump’s Space Force”.


Its neat. Keep it in acid free comic cover.


Thank you! I will get one.


Excellent story Alison!! Thank yo for that!! Glad you are here tonite BTW!!


Wouldn’t miss it!! Gotta help Steve keep your spirits up, Marica 😂😂😘😘




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More stuff before the address…this makes me laugh




So – Alexa is a conservative MAGA Trump supporter?


OMG, I’m cryin’! LOL!


Excited and can’t wait and Microsoft wants me to do an update. Are they kidding? Gotta wonder.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Typical Microshaft timing.
When you most urgently need your computer and have a zillion things over, that’s when it not only wants to update but force a restart to boot.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

zillion things OPEN, dang it!!!


WolfMoon-Actual :: SilverCloud-24 ::: OP Active :: Binos on :: over… 😉
Ok, ok – just making some popcorn!




I really appreciate Lou Dobbs and Trish Regan for the pregame show…..
FOX seems to be obsessed with the HORRENDOUS REVOLVER (Jerry Rivers)….
AND…. Juan Williams.
I changed the channel when I saw them and haven’t been back!


Never a more true word spoken! But I’ll take the wall too.
Former Congressman and libertarian icon Ron Paul has some advice for President Trump.
Instead of building a wall along the southern border to keep out illegal immigrants, maybe he should instead try removing the incentives that attract them to the US in the first place – incentives like a relatively easy path to citizenship and easy access to welfare benefits.
After Paul said the shutdown “isn’t significant in the scheme of things,” Paul’s interviewer, Squawk Box’s Andrew Ross Sorkin, asked if he supported Trump’s border wall, Paul responded that he “doesn’t like walls” (though he didn’t say outright that he opposes Trump’s plans).
“I don’t like walls. I’m a libertarian I don’t want to wall people in and wall people out.”
“I don’t want free, open borders either,” he continued.
“I think you have to remove the incentives for people to come. They come because there’s a welfare system here, there’s easy access to citizenship its politicized one group wants them here because they think they can get the votes.”
Paul said he understands this dynamic thanks to his experience working as a doctor near the border.
“I’m an OBGYN doctor close to the border. People would pop in they’d have a baby then the next day they’d be at the courthouse signing up for welfare benefits.”
When asked whether he and his son, Sen. Rand Paul, had discussed this difference in opinion, Paul said that though they talk often, his son doesn’t feel like he needs to run all of his political positions by him first.

Sylvia Avery

I agree, remove the incentives! That will stop most of them. However, a wall is crucial. Because of the next election or the next or the one fifty years on. A wall is pretty permanent. When the next libtard is elected and restores the incentives, and removes the drones and cameras etc., the wall remains.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

12 minutes (one fifth of an hour)
Not that I’m counting, mind you.

New Border wall construction zone Santa Teresa New Mexico 2018


My kiddo 2 years ago made a stacking block wall on the table. Yes,he said he was building “the wall”. He is watching now.


Well that was short and sweet!


Is Schumer on drugs..whoa..look at him


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