Here it is, folks. UNMASKING Trump is UNMASKING.
Promises MADE. Promised KEPT.
THE WALL is ]almost[ here and the FAKE NEWS is SKEERED.
The Fake News actually started demanding a DELAY so they could “contextualize” Trump’s speech.
The FAKE NEWS is THROUGH, people.
Here you go – RSBN coverage first….

Getcher bacon here!!!
Gonna be AWESOME!
I feel it.
Liz Wheeler looks extra great tonight – it’s a SIGN!!!
Yum, dessert is here!
61,178 viewers on Golden State Times! Cool!
11,000+ on RSBN!
GST already up to 71,277 – wow!
76,284 by end of speech!
SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!
Morose Marica strikes again!

Steve!! LOLOLOL!!! My new nickname!! That’s 2 x today you make me laugh so hard I can’t type!!!
Fire Mission …
Here he goes!
entire Vietnam WAR!
ICE made 266,000 arrests of criminal aliens
Demon Commies want to abolish ICE?
Dumb Masses!
Called it migration…not immigration. Yay!
8 minutes is a LOT of air of time for the man who used to run The Apprentice
“Cycle of human suffering” – THE WHEEL
I see what you did there……. Limbaugh’s “Wheel”
He looks great, love the tie, sounds good.
Democrats requested steel barrier, Whut?
Shows he is willing to compromise = good.
This speech is excellent.
However, I’ve had to reload YouTube page multiple times due to errors.
We are straining the system folks and it is glorious.
Thankful I’ve got OAN – nice clear stream!
Government remains Shutdown because Democrats will Not fund Border Security
Invited them in tomorrow!
Illegal drugs social cost price versus Wall cost price. A factor of over 100. WOW.
So what fraction of that 100-fold is going to DEMOCRAT POCKETS???
Oh boy…morality…rich people’s walls…they have them because they love the people inside the walls….
Oh….brutal examples of the human cost in American lives stolen by illegal aliens.
Yes, personal stories,,,, victims all over the country from Illegal immigration … So Sad
Choice between right and wrong, between justice and injustice
I SWORE to Protect our country!!
The trap is laid. The communists MUST step into it.
Sooooo…he is just turning the heat up on the pot. People will be pissed he didnt actually go for beoje and say he will use the military.
But, hes giving it a chance to get the dimms to acquiesce. I think if they do he will win bigger.
I’m not pissed!
He can declare the emergency any time – I didn’t expect it to be announced tonight.
Im not, but the people who want it now will be. Theres a meeting tomorrow. They can make the overture
He’s hanging out the Dims to dry… to let Americans see how little Dims care what the people think.
Exactly. UNMASKING TRUMP is doing an amazing job of it.
Well, I suspect that the meeting tomorrow is IT.
Fund it, Dims, or President Trump will.
This was his way of letting all of America see that he is giving them one last chance to take care of the problem the right way.
They won’t be able to say he didn’t warn them, and neither will the snowflakes.
One final offer…
He said ILLEGAL ALIEN three times!
Oh baby!
And “alien” pronounced in east coast-ese!!! This PNW world-traveled girl loved it!
THIS I like. (Missed the actual speech. LONG day. Crashed.)
Hi Chuck, Hi Nancy .. welcome back to the WH. Here’s your shovel … go ahead and keep digging…I’ll wait.
Why did the White House hire this barbarian princess to hand out the shovels?
And why is she keeping the big one for herself?
It sounds like he gave her the keys to the backhoe, not just a shovel.
hope he handed them SYLVIA’S Shovel!!!
An emotional message…and it needs to be, to club You Know Who over the head.
Go for broke…
The shortest 8 minutes I’ve ever seen
Trump focused on feelings, feelings, feelings = good.
I am nauseated that Chuck and Nancy get a rebuttal. What a pair of twits. Nancy, your nose is growing…
Most people won’t watch it. I can’t. I can’t afford a new TV.
Well, you shouldn’t have shot out the old one.
Lol! I HAVE a TV now, but I wouldn’t if Nancy Pelosi was on it. THEN I would shoot it!
At her age, her ears must be huge.
(I read once the ears are the one thing that never stops growing–well, aside from things caused by weight gain!)
Ear lobes and noses, I believe……..
But hers is growing due to the Pinocchio Effect.
Noses and a certain lower level container.
They are both disgusting…shouldn’t be allowed…only because MSM is so anti-Trump.
When has a rebuttal ever been allowed except SOTU??
Well, no declaration of emergency. BUT…I think now he could do it in about a week, if the congresspukes don’t move on it. He’s explained himself to an audience he rarely reaches via his usual channels.
Maybe as soon as THursday during his visit to the border…Big Ribbon cutting ceremony? Bwahhhaa! Army Corp of engineers? Green Castle? Red Castle? hmmmm
Not a ribbon cutting–that’s for when it’s done.
Ground breaking, complete with shovels. (Where is Sylvia???)
RIGHT!!! I’m gonna go get me a shovel tomorrow!!
Often, they’re even gold plated shovels, kept around afterwards and displayed in the lobby. Of course, walls don’t have lobbies but maybe there will be a visitor center somewhere on it, some day.
This Q tree is gonna meet up at the Damn AWESOME wall one day!! And It will Be BEAUTIFUL! We could all meet and Plant a Magnificent TREE!! where we can meet up once a year!!!
I was driving on I-8 (San Diego to Yuma) a few weeks ago and could see a bollard fence (only 18 feet I think) from the highway when I got near Yuma. You can even exit at one spot only a few hundred feet away.
Put a smile on my face, it did.
We will plan this reunion for sure!! Our Favorite people we have never met–WILL MEET!!
Well, not far from there is a campground catering to ATVs, etc. I wonder how close they’re allowed to get to the barrier.
There are two exits visible, on the left is the one right near the barrier, the other leads to a frontage road with all sorts of camping, like I said a lot of motorhomes and ATVs and from what I could see most are probably quite Deplorable.
Searching my memory vault – I do not recall any Presidential address from the Oval ever being followed by an opposing rebuttal. This is not a campaign speech, nor the SOTU! Rebuttal is unprecedented…and outrageous.
I believe the dems routinely rebutted Reagan speeches.
Speeches? Did that include Oval office addresses to the country? (Granted, the combo to my memory vault gets stuck more often these days)
Yes, sorry, I should have made it clear I did mean oval office addresses.
I am incapable of being objective. But Chuck and Nancy don’t appeal to me. They are on their best behavior, but….
THey just want to “open up the government” NO ONE CARES!!!
Arrogant who-know-who’s
Trump made them rip off the mask. Allowing the rebuttal was brilliant. Now the people need to figure out who’s facts are accurate.
Well, that was a little anti-climatic, TBH. Not what I wanted to hear but nice speech.
He wanted everybody to hear the cocking noise real good.
LOVE this response wolfie!! Woo Frickin Hoo!
Filly–TBH–Agree–However–This was completely strategic! “presidential” and that basically made Schmuck and Nanny totally irrelevant.
I have to agree with you. I was a little disappointed in the speech, but, then, I have to remember that I am not the intended audience. I do wish, though, that, while appealing to the other side, he could have mentioned the cost factor of illegal immigration. I liked that he was appealing to the emotions; however, with the other side, it may help to also include the financial consequences.
On the other hand, Chuck and Nancy’s rebuttal was underwhelming, as expected (and that’s being nice).
A bit stiff until the last coupla minutes. Not POTUS’ best venue…not a teleprompter man, in essence. Kudos to him for doing it “from the desk.” Gravitas despite the lack of comfort.
Mystic, you nailed it.
If he was talking to us, it would have been – Fact 1, fact 2, fact 3, bottom line, here’s the budget.
He was talking to others. It was touchy, feely, emotional overload.
Nanzi took an extra dose of anti-stutter medicine. And it’s obvious who wears the pants in the donkey leadership group and it ain’t the male.
Give a soldier all the tech in the world — it’s useless without a gun.
Wow, I feel vindicated already!
Pelosi looks like a painted kewpie doll.
They both look like they’re doing a hostage video.
That’s what they want you to believe. Actually, it’s a Stockholm Syndrome agitprop.
That’s exactly where the President has them…. they are now hostages.
My sister just texted me “Chuck and Macy look like they are selling reverse mortgages”!
Schumer looked like Clinton in that bizarre video you posted the other day, including the strange eyeballs, where one is fixed and the other is moving.
That was mentioned on today’s (Wednesday’s) Howie Carr Show, too.
Something very weird is happening!
If so, may it continue.
Okay….I’m losing my mind. Is it me…or does Nancy look….well…not like Nancy?
Thought the same. It’s becauuse her eyelids are wired open. She’s competing with Occasional Cortex for the wide and wild eyed look.
“Thank you leader Pelosi, how awkward.
so i can chase down a bunch of winnamins!!
Watching the Demon Commies…….
Who the PHUK is DIVIDING America?
I wish PDJT would have opened the speech with these BASTARDS own words in the past.
Yeah…maybe do that as an ad-lib so they don’t know it’s coming until 8 minutes before they have to open their pie holes.
Drumming the point home as to why illegal immigration is no good…so many have been convinced otherwise by the dims and MSM parrots. Hopefully many are rethinking their view of ‘the wall’ and perhaps more optimistically becoming red pilled?
Can’t wait to see how they are going to rebuke this.
This response is pretty bad.
Separate the shutdown so they can have the leverage reduced huh?
No fn way!
Chuck: …”President has manufactured a crisis.”
F U Chuck!
It’s the Dems who have created this crisis!
Specifically, Pence has indicated Dems offer no promise to attend negotiations over immigration AFTER reopening gov’t. Kick the can down the road.
POTUS mentioned several days ago that when he signed the Omnibus bill, he was ASSURED that the CR in December would have funding for the wall. Well it didn’t… nor did it have disaster relief funding.
Charlie Brown… POTUS ain’t… Lie to him once. That’s it.
I think that this time…..
Charlie Brown (Trump)….
should kick Lucy (Demon Commies)……
in the HEAD!
Hell with the football that keeps getting yanked.
But he’d still end up flat on his back because there’s nothing else to kick!!
phoenix!! Excellent comment! Charlie Brown… POTUS ain’t… Lie to him once. That’s it!! LOVE IT!
I’m NOT watching the Chuck & Nancy show.
It was Manufactured
A “Situation-Tragedy” hahaha
me either emeraldstar
I’ve seen that Show before.
No new episodes – only stale reruns.
Mr. Marica wanted to watch–It was TOTALLY CREEPY! Like those creepy twins MEME!
Everyone’s coming up with memes!
I gotta check the 8chans to see what they’ve come up with …
No need. Just follow the memes. They tell the story.
Okay now we know ehy!
OMG that is so good.
UpChuck wants the Statue of Liberty to be they symbol of this country not a 30 foot wall.
This is going to sound insane, and I recognize that. I am a history buff and I revere the symbols of our country. But I’m frankly ready to return the Statue to France or blow it up along with that nauseating socialist poem on the base.
I’m over the Statue of Liberty. It is time to move on, isn’t that what they tell us? All that immigration was beneficial 150 years ago, but that was then. This is now. End it. I think a great big beautiful wall is JUST the symbol this country needs.
The Statue of Liberty.
The Wall of Security.
The Wall of Love For The People Inside It.
We’ve gotta come up with a name that sticks.
There MUST be a Branding!
The Wall for Us All.
Since we’re going to need another wall up north …
The Dems ruin everything they touch.
But let’s just rip that horrible commie poem off the base of the Statue of Liberty…and hose it down with bleach!
And keep it.
It surely doesn’t belong in New York anymore! Let’s move it to the Heartland – in flyover country. Then put a plaque by it with Thomas Paine’s “give me liberty or give me death” speech on it.
I like this idea, a lot!
It is so sad, Sylvia. We are no longer a country welcoming immigrants looking to become Americans (like my paternal grandparents) but, rather, we are now a country trying to preserve the freedom of the country itself and that of our own citizens.
I guess my thought – coming off your’s – came from that.
It is sad. Three of my grandparents were immigrants. I’ve always been proud of their stories and what they achieved. Still am. But things are profoundly different now and different strategies are required.
The saying on it should be more like this:
Come here LEGALLY…..
Become one of US….
Speak OUR language……
Don’t commit CRIME….
Well said Sylvia……. Love your comments
I’m with you Sylvia.
Gutfeld – Chuck and Nancy look like they’re selling reverse mortgages.

I hope they look like they are FAILING to sell reverse mortgages…
Has Tyrus weighed in?
my sister musta been watching Greg!! LOL!!
Ari Fleischer = Schumer is right. We don’t govern by tantrum. Instead, we govern by filibuster. That’s why the government is shut down. There was a majority for a wall, border security and it opened the government. Schumer filibustered it.
Need a meme of Schumer throwing a tantrum: “We don’t govern by Tantrum! We don’t! We don’t! We don’t!”
I actually think the bigger issue is culture. This is a “git ‘er done” culture, and the tortoises in government go against the grain, thus ticking off the “git ‘er done” mentality.
I can be patient about a lot of things, except engineers being themselves, but enough is enough. This is just stalling for the invisible man manipulating the Dem puppet strings.
BlackKnightRides says:
January 8, 2019 at 8:45 pm
Announce to the Nation:
• Illegals have STOLEN JOBS from Blacks
• Illegals have STOLEN JOBS from Hispanics
• Illegals have STOLEN JOBS from Women
• Illegals have kept WAGES LOW for Blacks and Hispanics and Women
• Illegals have PREVENTED RAISES for Blacks and Hispanics and Women
I’m CREATING more JOBS for Blacks, Hispanics and Women to GET AHEAD.
I’m ENDING this FLOOD of Illegals by SEALING the BORDER.
Democrats are DESPERATE to keep the BORDER OPEN for more Illegals.
Democrats are DESPERATE to keep their Base DEPENDENT on them for VOTES.
Democrats are DESPERATE to keep their Base from GETTING AHEAD.
Democrats are DESPERATE to keep their Base from finding out!
THAT’s why Democrats are going NUTS.
Minor correction: “My policies are creating jobs…..”
He knows it isn’t the job of POTUS to create anything.
Miss Lindsey on Hannity, “ To all workers, you’ll get your money back. Mrs. Singh will not get her husband back”.
So true.
So sad for Mrs Singh.
Lindsey played a blinder there. Thanks for posting the quote.
I put this on the other thread but it belongs here
Ha, ha! Actually, not sure it belongs anywhere but the garbage bin out back with the greasy wrapper from my lunch taco, the orange peelings, and old coffee grounds.
How about out back in my SEPTIC TANK!
Or maybe the local SEWER!
What a sinister-looking pair!
She looks like she pucked the wrong clip on nose tonight.
somebody needs to turn that into this…
At least UpChuck has ONE eye open…….
Maybe there’s hope?……… Nah.
Right out of the SHINING!
Wicked funny
I’m not! Was just thinking of same
Me too!
I was hoping someone would do that meme!
Fun fact. The artist painted his sister in that one.
heh…ya beat me to it DW!!
Dumb Mass Demon Commies……..
Just use “Drones”?…
Right….. so that we can WATCH them come in?
Dumb Masses!
A “battle tested fighter” in the Dim Party??? Good luck with that.
Posted this down thread. Not sure how it duplicated here.
But, since I’m here, I’ll remind the Dumb Mass Demon Commies that when Ozero just used drones he armed them and killed lots of people. Is that what they have in mind here? Better than a wall?
Compare and contrast
Okay, to give the devils their due: Lindsey did a credible job of supporting the President from the Senate, and actually so did Kevin McCarthy from the House on Hannity post-speech.
I don’t recall ever seeing Paul Ryan do anything like what McCarthy is doing. Pretty animated, strong support for PDJT and his immigration policy. I give him props for that, but will continue to watch him carefully.
A wise policy.
Many people go with the flow, and right now the flow is towards MAGA.
Many go with the flow until a habit forms, then cannot change. That was Ryno. Maybe it will be McCarthy and he’ll form the habit of being MAGA.
Simple answer: the remaining Republicans who survived the deal making retirement machine have been liberated from the puppet money. They can do this without fear of reprisal from the swamp masters who had Ryan’s privates in a death grip.
People need to look closely at the speech to see what he’s doing. It’s masterful. He underplayed to over-expectations of “Wild Trump”, just like his FIRST debate.
(1) Trump: “They don’t care about the human suffering. But I’m patient, still.”
Pelosi and Schumer: “wheedle, wheedle, wheedle.”
Public: “Kinda seems like the Democrats may even WANT the suffering. Maybe Trump should just do something.”
(2) Trump: “It would only cost 5 billion dollars to seal the border, and it would stop 500 billion dollars of illegal drug damage.”
Pelosi and Schumer: “it won’t work.”
Public: “Kinda weird that they don’t want to even try at only 5 billion. And don’t Democrats like drugs? Hmmm.”
(3) Trump: “People may want me to do something now, but I’m asking Congress nicely. Zero threats. Just asking nicely.”
Pelosi and Schumer: “LOUD NOISES! PANIC! We refuse, blah blah blah, dissemble, dissemble, dissemble.”
Public: “Well, if Trump DOES something after this, it’s OK with me now. He’s the calm, common sense side.”
All those DEMANDS by the press and the Dems show that they are DEMOCRAT FAKE NEWS, and that the Democrats WANT the trouble at the border.
Yep, you nailed it!
Calm, compassionate, fatherly. PRESIDENTIAL.
A man you can trust to protect you.
Get it now, snowflakes?
Sorry… They won’t….. Ever.
Need to DEPORT ALL Demoncraps tomorrow.
Unless they prefer GITMO.
We need a “LOVE” option. He’s selling the public on the whole thing. If the intended audience tuned in, this should at least plant seeds.
Senator Graham:
BOOM. Fantastic comment by Graham!
Hubby says “she’s better looking!”
I thought herman munster at first but he was a happy monster…
Mark Levin on a roll….Nancy and Chuck are pathological liars, they’ve been in Government over a half a century and have done Nothing to secure our Border. Why aren’t they being confronted over their past votes?
Too bad Hannity keeps cutting him off to BREAK his own arm patting HIMSELF on the back.
Tomorrow – another round of meetings – then Thursday…
I’m not one to get excited about things that haven’t happened. Speculation and expectations often don’t lead to satisfaction…or reality. HOWEVER…after this speech tonight, and an expected meeting (last chance for Dim action?) tomorrow…that border trip on Thursday is filling me with expectation!!
VSGPOTUS is absolutely WRINGING these jokers for every last bit of hypocrisy he can!
Looks like President Trump going to keep up the pressure until they crack.
Trump means business and he isn’t going to give up or give in!
STFU Sean (Hannity)….. we’ve heard YOUR comments a 1000 times!
Let your GUESTS speak!……. sheesh!
OMG, it was an EPIC optical fail.
American gothic meme is all over reddut. I wonder whats on .5 chan?
OMG, I can’t stop laughing!
From The Shining!
Exactly what they reminded me of daughn!! You could be my twin!! (but you are the smart one–I’m the smart-a$$ one )
I like “Smart”….. and “Smartass”…… I’m a little of both
You hide the smartass part so well.
Oh Marica, I’m giggling. Our parents would never have survived!
For sure!!! Love ya!!!
More than one thought of The Shining….
TRUMP 2020. Woowee!
A “battle tested fighter” in the Dim Party??? Good luck with that.
Have-a-Naughty?…. Is that YOU?
You all are killing me with these memes tonight
Laughed at this one!
Careful…….. Roseann got FIRED over this kind of stuff….
Need to check this out further…did the watch say 3:15?
dunno what to think
Yep…”Follow the watch.”
ok they match the live tweet
I get the watch/pen photo connection. But where is the above image taken from?
The one with 3:15. (Can’t edit.)
From Pres Trump’s tweet.
I mean the 3:15 by the picture of his parents. That image is a still from the address, right?
Image from address…3:15 is on his tweet.
I was a believer but wow!!!! Due you believe in a coincidence after coincidence?
You know on Reddit they call him the God Emperor because he was prescient and could see the future. I read all of the DUNE books and Frank Herbert was prescient and brilliant. By the way he at 72 married an 18 year old girl and she lives less than 5 miles from me now.
Here is what the tweet looks like now. 3:15 is still there.
The Q folks proved by this (to my thinking) that they actually run the realDonaldTrump Twitter account – surely for a variety of reasons I agree with professionally. Very nifty. Trump’s communications go out through them, and thus they are “official”. Anything that POTUS can tell us legitimately through FOIA, he is free to sign off on Q group telling us. And because it’s Trump’s own Twitter account, he has ultimate authority – more so than the stodgy POTUS account. Q folks play games to prove legitimacy. Very cool.
Excellent – thank you!!!
Dude.. epic memes abound.
Dear heaven, the optical fail of Chuck and Nancy is overriding everything.
That PDJT did NOT go nuclear, declare an emergency was a headfake. He psyched them out.
Green Acres video of Trump at the Emmy’s
And they INSISTED!
I love President Trump! For days he’s had upchuck schemer running around the barnyard crowing ‘no wall!’
He psyched them out.
Totally! It’s beautiful.
He sure did. Best President ever!
Too many:)
OMG, here come the Green Acres memes of Chuck and Nancy, with Arnold the pig.
Loved this too!!
Best line ever.
This girl is touched in the head….
She is so power hungry, and overwhelmed with her celebrity, that she actually believes her own crap. Already has a serious case of “don’t you know who I am” syndrome.
Someone needs to take her to Burger King and get her a crown:)
That’s actually a darn good idea for a meme!
The visual would work – a cheap kiddie-crown, for pretend-importance!
You’re right!
We could also mail a few (million) to her
There was a notable picture of Pres Trump’s mother, behind him during his speech.

The Anons are having fun with it:
last one I swear..
and Stormy folding laundry
Oh, people are having way too much fun with this!
Okay. I laughed…literally, out loud…at that one.

I know wheetie—AUGH!!!
I – CAN’T – BREATHE – !!!
Wolfie– This happened to me ALL.Night.LONG!
Ok, that WAS funny but it was so creepy I’m going to have to check under the bed before I jump in. Scary!
Which witch is which?
OMG! Wow! Brilliant!
I have often wondered……how many people would show if Trump or Q++ requested that we march on Washington to support him. I would go for the wall….protest the DOJ & FBI…..whatever the cause.
I would anticipate and plan for millions of patriots and a huge traffic jam.
As an alternative to those unable to afford travel to Washington, protests at your local TV broadcast station with thousands of peaceful patriots to support our President and show our displeasure to their bias.
Wow! Our internet went down and when we finally tuned in the speech was over… We had to wade through old Bernie’s “after the speech, speech” with all its garbage to see a rerun of the speech that was also in poor quality… geeez
I did not expect AT&T to cut our bandwidth right at 8:00PM, CT.
Sunny! NO ! Commies after you! You lived too close to Gov Palin….LOL!
ROTFL!! Naw… Just bad timing.
Here’s one anon’s take, which the baker tagged as a “notable” – and RIGHTLY SO!:
“Trump Punked their asses! Are you kidding me?
He Lured those Demoncraps onto LIVE TV in front of the WORLD, and made them look like fools! They are Pissed I guarantee you!
THey thot they were rebutting an emergency declaration.
Instead, they Rebutted IN SUPPORT of illegal migration, drug running, rape, murder and child trafficking!
HOW in the world could those clowns see fit to DO that? THis is Election cycle GOLD!”
Yep, exactly!
It was a Trap…a brilliant VSG Trap!
And I couldn’t help but notice that Chuck’s eye looked wonky.
I couldn’t stop staring at it!
Turns out, I wasn’t the only one. Heh.
A lot of people noticed Chuck’s eye.
Some Anons are wondering if there was a lot of makeup covering up a black eye:
Or that.
Something was definitely wrong with his eye…it didn’t look normal.
There is some stuff out there that people use to take the swelling down…reduce puffiness around the eyes.
But the skin often looks like a deflated balloon afterwards.
That skin hanging down over his left eye makes me tend to think he had a black eye…and a makeup artist took the swelling down, then covered over the discoloration.
Maybe Nancy socked him?
I don’t know how old he is, but he looks well past the spring time of his life. I suppose he could have run into the door…or something.
Was recently in Harry Reed’s Gym?
That’s what I was wondering.
And Nancy looked like they wheeled her out of Madame Tussaud’s wax museum on a hand truck.
OMG we were commenting on that! We didn’t suppose anyone else would notice, though! That’s funny!
OMG – the memes in the replies to this one had me literally crying with laughter!
Schmuck and Nasty just dropped a couple of huge steaming piles and then jumped around in them, laughing maniacally.
Yep. They were expecting him to declare an emergency…and he didn’t.
I gotta admit, I fantasize about this one:
What if PDJT had, without including this in the advance copies given to the press, added parts quoting these two favoring a wall? Imagine them having to blatantly ignore that!.
Oh well, I’ll settle for them jumping around in half a bushel of their own droppings instead of a whole bushel!
Playing inanely cheerful music on loop right now!!
Best Meme yet.