This special TOO MUCH WINNING WEDNESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments. Keep it civil. Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.
Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:
However, awesome Chuck and Nancy memes will be accepted graciously.
See the January 1st daily thread for the rules of the road, which are few but important.
Today’s thread is dedicated to those goofy communists running the Democrat Party. May they never stop circling the drain at the bottom of their May Pole that goes STRAIGHT TO CHINA.

Yes, all those flags for a couple of dems was pretty suspicious.
Yep. They thought 57 stars wouldn’t fit on just one flag
6 flags?
Wonder how that plays with their fellow Demokkkrats?
Great meme and caption!
Speaking of aliens, illegal and otherwise, has anyone really checked on Piglosi’s background? Maybe she’s “hosting” some alien background herself?
OMG – is that the “deer-cam” alien? Illegals!
Here is a great one. The replies to this are HILARIOUS!!!
I have about laughed myself sick at the memes. But then, within seconds of seeing Chuck and Nancy I knew there were going to be some great ones because, well, they looked wrong. Immediately. No time for scrutinizing and analyzing, the first impression was a strong visual WHAT’S WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?
Can’t help it, TV is a visual medium. They should have had a better set up than standing like a couple of stiffs, the lighting wasn’t good, the camera angle wasn’t good, their make up wasn’t good; they looked awkward and phony and mad. And THAT is before they started speaking.
Plus she was talking like a Stepford wive while Schumer was nod bobbing his head, so weird.
Stepford wife! Yes! I was struck right away by how subdued she was. Ususally she is gesticulating wildly and laughing inappropriately and stammering. Tonight it was Robot Nancy.
That was what passes for Pelosi’s sober and serious look. They both looked like they’d been embalmed and stood up for a viewing.
I’m sorry, that’s not quite me, but it’s what they looked like! We’d have gotten more from a robot.
I think this explains Schumer’s bobblenead look

I know I kept cracking up…very funny stuff
Didn’t they say that Nixon lost the debate with Kennedy because of the visual? Kennedy, young, handsome, Nixon older, aged look.
You’re right, optics do mean a great deal, though to the brainwashed, braindead Dem supporters they’ll refuse to believe what is right before their eyes. Maybe we peeled off a few.
They look a little too cheerful here, Sylvia, I think they could use some shovel therapy
Would help if I’d put the link in:
This seems right
Wonderful T*3!!! The Book of Isaiah is full of truths that reveal the undercurrents of today!
Truly a book one could stay in for a lifetime.
The Chuck and Nancy memes are hilarious, but the real pic of them reveals the terrible strain Pres. Trump is subjecting them to (merely by doing his job and keeping his promises). They have been thrown on their heels, they aren’t sure what happened, they can’t predict what will come next, and they don’t know what to do. The stress on their faces is profound.
This is much better than Pres. Trump bulldozing ahead and declaring a national emergency. He is toying with the Dems like a cat with a mouse, and he is exposing their treachery for the world to see. Now they are being given one more chance to act in the interest of the people. It was a stroke of genius to place them in this position.
Yes. I think VSGPOTUS sees that these Democrats are the small potatoes, and that the global migration PLOT behind them is the big and truly dangerous enemy – something that seeks to topple NATIONS.
Trump clearly wants to defeat these spuds in a way that defeats weaponized migration EVERYWHERE. He’s making some kind of example of them, which eventually brings down the whole Cabal.
Yeah…it’s a “Manufactured Crisis” alright.
But it was the Dems who manufactured it!
Hah! love it.
Is that the next caravan behind them?
Or the Dim 2020 presidential wanna bees
In fairness (sigh, I guess I gotta be fair to those asshats), they’re referring to the shutdown, not the border.
But your question still stands!
But the shutdown…is *because of* the border crisis.
And I thought that Chuck mentioned “the border” right before he called it a “manufactured crisis”.
It IS of their making!
AND if your memory is correct…then I was overly charitable (I have many faults, but that’s not one I am well known for).
I don’t think I’m the only one who remembers it that way…judging from all the tweets, memes and commentary that I’ve seen.

They played a clip on Fox, of some woman on CNN (I think it was CNN) who said:
“This is what Trump does. He lays a trap and the Dems fall for it, every time!”
Oh yes, he definitely touched ever so lightly on the world migration thing that has been drummed up. I bet there are people in Europe who are hearing that message resonate like a tuning fork.
I wish Mitch McConnell were there on camera with them, squirming under all the attention.
Every dog has his day.
Mitch still plays his role. sunsetdance is wrong in that regard. He’s not a total waste.
I agree. I was hoping for a declaration tonight, but I am NOT disappointed. In fact, I’m pretty darned delighted. I thought PDJT gave us a logical reason for what he is doing and why, and there was dignity and emotion and love of country and love for Americans that all came through loud and clear.
And just like that, once again I am reminded why he is the President and I am not. He is one heck of a lot smarter with much greater judgment than I have. I am humbled and proud to have this man representing me and my country to the rest of the world.
The perfect troll!
He had almost everyone expecting a state of emergency, and instead, he laid out both factual and very emotional appeals on this issue.
One. Last. Chance.
And Schmuck and Nasty gave a speech (I haven’t heard it) that has gone so viral with memes, it’s clear they’re a laughingstock.
They just dropped huge steaming piles and jumped around, laughing maniacally, on national TV!!!
Oh, yes, the most glorious night we’ve had in a LOOOOOONG time!!!
Yes, the Left was hoping for something extreme like a state of emergency that would make the news all about (orange man bad) Pres. Trump, and instead they got a reasonable, factual appeal to the people with the ball in the Dems’ court and the pressure on Chuck and Nancy. Glorious!
It was Steve!! A FANTASTIC NITE!! For all Trumps teams!! on every FRONT!! He will unite us all!! Eeyores, Q teams, tick tock boom! We will All WIN! Patriots ALL!!
I like this meme that an Anon made for all the Eeyores:
Pigpens all! LOL!
That’s GREAT!
I tend to loathe emotional appeals. But allowing this to continue is effing EVIL, and that makes even me willing to let them have it with all six barrels of the minigun.
THAT’S NOT ENOUGH!!! I’m firing up my 330 W per channel B&W 808s!!!
Spot on Stevie!
It was the 48 hours of breathless speculation about ‘national emergency’ which had everyone pitched for battle. People tuned in, waiting for PDJT to drop the bomb…. wonder what ratings will be.
PDJT did not declare national emergency, and instead, he looked calm, measured, and appealed to the compassion of America. He handled the task like a perfect President with a MAGA-sized heart plus pragmatism for our pursestrings. He exited the stage gracefully and then…… the curtain opened on evil twins, Nancy and Chuck.
It was a spectacular setup.
Beautifully put!
Continued prayers tonight:
For our POTUS and that his victory will be sealed
For the Democrats, Schumer and Pelosi, that they will see the light and surrender to the best interests of the nation over partisan politics
That people will see through the lies and deception, and turn against them
That the wicked schemes of the evil does will fall back upon them
That the despite the wicked desires to divide us, that the American people will be united in faith and support of justice as never before
That the American people will turn their face to God and Thank him wholeheartedly for his gracious unmerited favor upon our nation
For protection for our Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as he travels into hostile lands, serving as our great peacemaker
Prayer for protection of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
* From those who seek to destroy him
* Guide him in wisdom to appoint RIGHTEOUS JUDGES who will judge according to God’s justice
* Prayers of thanksgiving and continued strength in upholding righteousness against the evil workers of corruption in Broward County
Prayer for RBG:
* Prayers that she will turn to Christ and repent before her time on earth runs out
* Prayers that if this is God’s will and her time, that he will take her quickly
Michael!! you have the most beautiful prayers!! thank you! Thanks for adding your prayers to this most Special Tree!!
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thank you.
DeSantis did not waste any time in laying the hammer down. did he?
I hope you folks know that Jewish funerals are always with the casket closed. Just sayin’ for RBG.
Thanks—and good point NY54!!!
TT! I read all of your post today– You were dead to rights EXACTLY on the money! all the tweets saying Pompeo told the King of Jordan that there would be Big news–just trolling to make sure as many people tuned in…
“the stress on their faces’ FOR sure!
Thanks for the kind words. I love your positive posts and learn so much from everyone here!
Wolf, about that shadowbanning.
PM has a thought.
Praying Medic’s methods work for him, but they do not work for me, for valid reasons of different goals and situations..
I also have a different metric of success. How many fighters does the other side send after me? Abandoning Twitter and coming here has made them furious in their efforts to take me down. They attack me in real life! I am now fully over the target!
I have another metric. How many NEW crimes do I uncover each day through the information I am exposed to? Again, Twitter learned how to thwart me, throwing all their brainpower and control at me. Twitter can do NOTHING to stop me here, and now I am making deep inroads into the globalist plans. I am moving up a level in the scheme of their plots.
I’m quite happy that I am now OUT of Twitter’s clutches, and causing their side enormous grief, without any footprint for them to isolate. demoralize and study me.
As I said in another post today, Twitter is a kind of trap. My methods work better using it as little as possible.
Makes perfect sense.
Whatever works best…..
And YOU are doing a GREAT job Wolf.
well PM lives by what he says. He started following my little twitter account and sent me a nice note
Yes, he’s great! He follows me, too.
What Twitter did to thwart me is amazing – I was able to figure out the algorithm. It’s highly political. What they did was “weight my feed for political balance”. Basically, they worked like mad to present me with “opposing” views – not what I NEEDED to understand the TRUTH, which is determined by MY interest, not THEIRS. In fact, they worked extra hard to prevent me from networking with people with whom I could engage in productive relationships. Once they figured out who these people were, they would SHUT IT OFF. They were VERY smart about that, sometimes, blocking me from entire classes of people, or in other cases reacting intelligently in real time based on merely what I SAID to somebody AS I WAS WRITING IT. That’s pretty cunning. They have algorithms which determine political intent AS WE ARE TYPING on Twitter.
My purpose on Twitter was not “balance”. Twitter had no right to determine what I “needed”.
Water under the bridge. Twitter is no more for me. But they are a nice formatting tool for WordPress, and an archive of posts plus a record of their suppression.
They definitely closed you off to me. I suspect your DMs are being used to throttle you off to your friends.
BOOM! Yes. I used to warn people not to DM me, because they always seemed to have some kind of Twitter troubles shortly thereafter, up to and including suspension. Shadowbanning them from seeing ME would be the logical first step of that punishment process.
Very socialist. “You need better friends.”
Well it seems to be everyone I have ever DM’d is now throttled. I can only conclude they are deliberately isolating us.
Yup. Twitter is a trap. The Brazilians spotted this, and voluntarily moved off Twitter.
Twitter ex-tech people are heading tech at the DNC! I’m sure it goes the other way, too.
People need to get real! Trump stays on Twitter to keep the fight in their face, but it’s a TRAP for networking.
I hope you join our “writer’s guild” and create an article on this for us here on the Q Tree — and beyond!
Thanks TTT. of course if there is interest
Hegel’s fallacy is extremely common these days, but not many people are aware that the reasoning is fallacious.
A short education worth passing on:
The Hegelian Fallacy
This fallacy is committed when it is assumed that the middle position between two extremes must be correct simply because it is the middle position. This sort of “reasoning” has the following form:
Position A and B are two extreme positions.
C is a position that rests in the middle between A and B.
Therefore C is the correct position.
This line of “reasoning” is fallacious because it does not follow that a position is correct just because it lies in the middle of two extremes. This is shown by the following example. Suppose that a person is selling his computer. He wants to sell it for the current market value, which is $800 and someone offers him $1 for it. It would hardly follow that $400.50 is the proper price.
This fallacy draws its power from the fact that a moderate or middle position is often the correct one. For example, a moderate amount of exercise is better than too much exercise or too little exercise. However, this is not simply because it lies in the middle ground between two extremes. It is because too much exercise is harmful and too little exercise is all but useless. The basic idea behind many cases in which moderation is correct is that the extremes are typically “too much” and “not enough” and the middle position is “enough.” In such cases the middle position is correct almost by definition.
It should be kept in mind that while uncritically assuming that the middle position must be correct because it is the middle position is poor reasoning it does not follow that accepting a middle position is always fallacious. As was just mentioned, many times a moderate position is correct. However, the claim that the moderate or middle position is correct must be supported by legitimate reasoning.
A practical use case:
You are talking with someone who identifies as a moderate. They believe their position is good because they listen to all perspectives, and try to find truth between all the different positions.
The reality however is that they are not seeking singular truth, but fallaciously mixing and matching positions to suit their taste, and their policy prescriptions will never yield good or optimal results.
Furthermore, they are vulnerable to manipulation. All that is necessary is for someone who wants to shift the moderate’s position is to proposition an extreme and radical position far beyond what the moderate might find acceptable, and watch as the moderate re-situates his views toward a median position to accommodate the shifting perception of the playing field. The moderate is not grounded in any way and is useful for his “independent” thinking that can be manipulated toward desired ends.
A similar tactic: You’re an advisor, you’re paid to come up with options.
In order to get your boss to pick the one you want, you FIRST list a bunch of absurd ones. “Nuke ’em,” and “give them what they want” then put your option at the bottom. The boss is likely to jump on the first non-ridiculous thing he sees, and it’s what you actually wanted in the first place.
When discussing politics with liberals and leftists, there is a recurring common problem. It seems that during the discourse, facts can mean nothing, and they cannot be swayed by reason, no matter how unassailable or undeniable the facts are.
This is such a common problem that there are many conservative sayings and proverbs that all make the same basic point:
* Dan Bongino – “Liberals are immune to facts”
* The Mamet Principle – Liberal turned conservative David Mamet famously said: “In order to continue advancing their illogical arguments modern liberals have to pretend not to know things…”
* Liberals “feel”, Conservatives “think”
* Liberal reporters ask “How do you feel about” not “What do you think about”
* If you are young and you aren’t liberal, you have no heart. If you are old and you aren’t conservative, you have no head.
* Ronald Reagan – “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”
* Krauthammer’s Law – To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.” Charles Krauthammer, 2002.
A simple anthropology of an individual human person can help explain this: Each person has a center of reason (head), a center of emotion (heart), and a center of action (hands). Healthy persons have a balance of all three. But many people just think about head and heart, and see head as uncaring Mr. Spock versus the heart (“Just listen to your heart – that’s what I do” – Napoleon Dynamite) and so they have this dualistic inner tension between being thinking versus feeling, and they feel like the thinking person is just mean. Healthy persons by contrast work through the cognitive dissonance over time and bring the head, heart, and hands into alignment and unity.
Think about this: If your entire worldview with all of its presuppositions are grounded on emotional ideas and reasoning, things that you FEEL must be true even though facts and logic say otherwise, when someone present FACTS, or presents difficult QUESTIONS, or asks for clarifying DEFINITIONS (the Columbo tactic – ask “What do you mean by?”), when someone says something that gets close to threatening to call out your entire sense of identity and your worldview as being imagined, when in Václav Havel’s words “one person cries out, ‘the emperor is naked!’ – when a single person breaks the rules of the game, thus exposing it as a game – ” don’t you think that the liberal will be threatened?
Everything they “KNOW” is built upon what they FEEL, not on the FACTS or REALITY.
The typical liberal mindset:
* What matters most is FEELING good about oneself, respecting all people, while spreading peace and happiness through the world.
* CONSERVATIVES keep presenting FACTS.
* CONSERVATIVES are doing this to make me UNCOMFORTABLE.
* (Insert Dualistic Social Anthropology – Liberals are Good and Moral, Conservatives are Mean and Evil)
* Therefore liberals have no responsibility to treat MEAN EVIL CONSERVATIVES with love, peace, happiness or respect. (Apparently, conservatives aren’t “all people” who deserve “respect” once dualism and tribalism kick in.)
So to sum up, liberals FEEL their way with an immature EMOTIONAL understanding of the world, like that of a child. The are immune to FACTS b/c FEELING takes priority. If the FACTS don’t FEEL good, they reject the FACTS. If facts feel wrong, so much the worse for facts in their world.
Krauthammer 2002: I picked up on that almost 20 years before as I began to see the ridiculous left in college (University of Colorado at Boulder, a/k/a, Berkely By The Mountains, and I survived, obviously)
The heavy rock music works perfectly for this.
Potus does an “Air Q” at the 0:46 mark!
I had not seen that before.
WADR, he does that with his hands beginning at the :08 mark, actually, and does it off-and-on throughout. Just using them for emphasis, IMO.
This interview was a couple of days ago.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again now,
Kevin Hassett looks like the happiest member of Team Trump.
Seriously, could he look happier?
Maybe he could cheer Marica up?
He’s gotta be Mulvaney’s little brother, only taller. PDJT loves his numbers people. We only get that caliber of expertise because of the President’s prior biz experience. Instead of a grad student chosen for skin color, we have guys with gravitas.
I think it looks stupid for two people to crowd together like this…at one podium.

Pres Trump mentioned that we “would be hearing from” Chuck a little later.
But…he didn’t mention Nancy.
Was it the original idea for Chuck to speak by himself?
And then Nancy insisted that she should speak too?
Is that why there is a podium there with both of them both of them crowded together behind it?
Whatever the thinking was…it was a Big Fail!
I think I understand now. Their messaging was prepared for something else. Lots of flags and two people hugging together was designed for Trump to take actions that seemed “scary” to certain people who might be comforted by “too many flags” and “we’re in this together against madman Trump”.
FAILED. And now they are the ones who look stupid.
And THAT is why their press wanted a preview and DELAY!!!
And they were reading from a teleprompter.
That means they were stuck with reading whatever they prepared *before* they knew what PTrump had said.
Great insight!
He played them. POTUS has an innate sense of what motivates these two.
They should have requested a “wider” podium to balance out the visual! Is it just me, or was I hearing someone in the distant background saying —“Mpeach 45”???
Which witch is which?
This was meant for the cross-faced pic in the “The Wall” thread…nighty night:)
You mean this one?
I cannot decide which one is creepier. Scary as heck.
Yes, Thank You!
Had both threads open and was fooling around with weather stuff too and . . .you know, It was time for bed
Love the memes you posted!
Honestly Wheatie these memes are killing me! They are HILARIOUS.
I love it that Potus called him out on this…as well as other Dems.
Will Chuck ever explain why he changed his tune?
The two messages were clear:
It is so great to have a Grownup in charge now.
stealing this
I agree. And it is pretty obvious how dumb it looks. You’d think if this were planned they would have planned it better. They could have been seated together at a table or something. It is just looks silly crammed together cheek by jowl, so to speak.
The Anons have been busy, making great memes:
I thought this one was sweet:
It IS sweet. And the colors and the design are visually very pleasing to me as well as the message. Love it.
If I knew how to make it so I could copy and paste a tweet and have you see the picture so that you didn’t have to click through, I’d do it. But sorry, I don’t.
Maybe this will do it?
Is this the Gothic one, Syl?
It’s so true, too…they *do* farm the border — for Illegal Voters!
Ha! No, it was the one of RBG inside a CT Scan machine and it says “I’m fine, just working from home.”
Probably in poor taste, now that I think about it, but it made me laugh.
Oh I’ve seen much worse.
That one is mild compared to some I’ve seen.
For some reason, Twatter isn’t letting me on that site tonight.
It could be the new security programs that hubby downloaded earlier…twatter doesn’t like not being able to snoop on us.
Ugh.. I get so tired of the snooping!
I just read and posted a link to a Reuters piece on new automobile technology. Our cars will be watching us and listening to us so they can mine us for data that they can sell. Just what I do not want.
my car would get to see my super cool in-my-seat dance moves and hear my extraordinary singing! (it would turn itself off promptly! lol)
This push into more and more complex vehicles is yet another form of control over us.
My newest car is ten years old, and it has 32 computers in it. I can handle the mechanical stuff, but if something computerized goes, I can’t even diagnose the problem because I don’t have the $10,000 computer/software license. And even if I could do the diagnosis, many of the part are manufactured so that they cannot be repaired. Instead they must be replaced. Oh, and you need the computer/software to introduce the new part to the rest of the system. It is maddening.
The days when cars were a great wealth transfer mechanism are gone. Folks who work with their hands can no longer buy a car from someone who wants the newest design every three years and keep the car on the road for a decade using simple tools and cheap parts. Vehicles now depend on a limited supply of circuit boards, which are all manufactured when the vehicles are manufactured. Once that supply is exhausted, so is the entire run of vehicles. Nobody is going to set up a new manufacturing line to make more boards.
And the people who repair these cars now need college degrees in automotive technology. Gone are the days of the gearheads and grease monkeys who learned how to fix an engine from their dads in the driveways.
That is really depressing.
It was very funny!
The Anons noticed how the networks messed with the color tones to make Pres Trump look orange.

From the official Potus vid tweeted out…normal color:
From one of the networks:
CNN was even worse…they turned up the orange-tones so much it made the white stripes on the flag look yellow!
And of course, as a result, PDJT looks like he’s glowing orange.
You can see a side-by-side of the CNN footage with the normal color footage, here at this link:
I hope that takes you right to it…it’s an mp4 video, which is tricky to post here on WP and beyond my computer skills.
Notice the difference in the chair heights.
Yes! That’s really weird, isn’t it!
It is really noticeable on the CNN side-by-side video.
The two clips are sync’d too, so the President is the same on both clips…except for the color and the chair backs.
Golden State Times video shows the President’s shoulders above the chair height.
CNN was pulling some funny business, trying to make PDJT look slumped over, smaller and orange.
CSPAN shows chair above shoulders and orange skin tone.
RSBN video shows chair below shoulders and normal skin tone.
I think I figured out how they did it…
Everything in the background behind PTrump is shifted upward.
The flags, the window panes…the chair back…everything.
So they must have taken footage of that shot *before* PTrump was sitting there.
Then, for his speech, they pasted the pre-recorded background behind PTrump…and shifted it upward.
There are moments in the doctored footage, where PDJT’s shoulder-line goes pixelated.
This is a definite tell!
These rotten bastages!
They will do anything to try to make him look bad.
I went to 2 rallies in 2016. At the Syracuse rally, POTUS came right up to us and shook the hand of the beautiful blonde I was with (not me ..lmao). He didn’t look orange to us. I still have pics and video of him at the Rochester one.
you lucky duck!!!
Still have the blonde?? Just askin’…!
lol…no she and I have moved on.
I too noticed the distortion of PDJT’s face (I was watching Fox). I’m not sure how to describe it, but it appears as if that portion of the video signal used to broadcast his skin was amplified, creating a bloom and distorting the detail of his face. And yet, I could see the strands of hair clearly. I was into video as a hobby for several years. This cannot be the effect of a camera or lighting or cheap cables or even broadcast compression. Those things would usually show up in multiple places. This had to be signal processing of some sort.
I’m surprised PDJT lets them get away with this.
They shrank him!
They shrank PTrump in the CNN footage.
You have to see that comparison video at the Qresearch link I posted, to see it.
It’s on an mp4 format and I don’t know how to post that here.
They shrank him and made him orange!
It’s really outrageous.
Sorry, wheatie, but I think you are incorrect. The one showing the lower-back chair is not the real shot, from all I can find.
Ooops – my bad – I am dead wrong – THIS is the link from the WH – the one OT is the WAPO link! You are all correct and I had it backwards! SMH – sometimes, I just want to smack myself upside the head!!! But think about that – ALL of those outlets used the manipulated video!!!! Holy crap!!!
Heheh…I just posted that to you below.
I know it’s late but I still haven’t had a full cup of coffee! SMH – one of my biggest failings is speaking too soon / typing too soon and jumping to conclusions. I NEED PATIENCE!!! LOL
Just to simplify – 1st is the link direct from the WH:
This is the video used by the majority of the media AND, btw, by SD!!!! OK, I think I’ve got this squared away now. Let me know if I am still off…..
Top video…not doctored, color is normal.
Second video…doctored, messed with.
They made him smaller and orange!
Bingo! Scumbags, one and all! And the fact that SD chose to use the WAPO link? What does THAT say about SD????
I have already posted this crap to FB – please, we need to ALL share, share, share this to as many people as possible!!!
OMG – live signal processing – I really need to start thinking that way – how much it has come along since 9/11 – how far ahead it was THEN than we realized.
Orange Man Bad.
Orange Man Fiction.
Orange Man a coordinated meme from the very beginning.
Orange Man NOT HERE WHY?
How would a “Trump filter” be hidden in standard settings, just like “AP Standards”?
I have watched a few samples on YT – the one with the higher chair is the accurate video from the WH stream link posted OT, as well as Time, WAPO, PBS, CBS, CNN, etc., etc. NOT the first one.
Filly, the President’s own video shows the lower chair-back.
Are you saying this is not the ‘accurate video’?
I was wrong – sorry.
Did you notice that on this one that the Pres tweeted out…it starts at the 3:15 mark?
Like the watch in the Q-drop that showed 3:15.
No, I didn’t – I am really obtuse about these things. I just don’t pick up on the symbolism – not sure what that says about me but I call it being simple-minded and pragmatic. LOL
Delete that – wrong again!
Filly, if you can post mp4 videos on FB…then this comparison video would be a good one to post.
It makes it crystal clear what they did:
I don’t know how to post an mp4 formatted vid on WP, or I would post it here.
Thanks – I followed that link and saved it on my pooter but I don’t know how to post mp4’s any more than you do! LOL – that is why I posted the 2 YT videos instead.
Well, sad to have to say it, but OANN also used the manipulated video! SMH – now I can no longer trust them either!
Maybe OANN didn’t notice the difference?
If we didn’t have PDJT’s tweeted version as a ‘control’ to compare to…we wouldn’t see the difference either.
I used the direct link from the WH website (after I noticed that SD had used WAPO) and I do believe, once again, you are being FAR too charitable! I do not seriously believe they didn’t notice the difference……I mean, many of their talking heads are very naive and clearly new (pronunciation of names of people or countries is often incorrect) but come on…..not to notice THAT? No, sorry…..that is a bridge too far, even for me. They are still using it in their re-runs today. Grrr…..
if the source is a television network they cannot be trusted. pretty much across the board. even one america news unfortunately. this goes for radio of cojese, but you can only “hear” their lies.
The oh-so-skeptical side of me asks this question: might we be wrong about which video was manipulated? Watching now, the chair is the high-backed chair……I don’t want to believe that but…..I cannot be completely honest and ignore that conundrum. What to believe and what not to believe…..such a quandary, it is.
I fully expected this.
And therefore so did the White House.
I wonder how they will leverage this?
BUSY DAY today! Tomorrow – President Trump is going to the border.
Hmmm, what if….?
We often joke about the 4:00am talking points. And 4:00am in NYC/DC is 10am in Paris/Brussels. What if talking points are being written in some globalist gulag at the heart of the EU?
HOLY CRAP = Rosenstein is leaving when Barr comes in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got a link?
I think I saw it was ABC news…..I’ll see if I can find it. I didn’t stop to read it b/c I’d already seen daughn’s post.
“Multiple sources familiar with his plans say…..”
Thank you.
More GA
Thank you, Sylvia!
Barr rules. I suspect lots of people will leave.
on a jet plane to GITMO?
If you think Chuck and Nancy’s response was bizarre…..Tapper and Acosta was even more so.
Jim Acosta needs a Surgeon General warning, and a series of barricades patrolled by armed guards.
He’s sleaze
(my super short Haiku)
And some kind of help with his mental IBS.
Oh is that the actual medical term for verbal diarrhea?
This is weird, think about the Q post to Maggie, “Smoking is hazardous to your health”. Similar tone. Am I reaching? Maybe?
“Mexico’s interior minister outlines plans to secure their southern border against illegal
By Thomas Lifson
Mexico just made it a lot harder for Democrats to denounce border security as a racist plot against Hispanics (as if “Hispanic” were a race). Exactly as President Trump has explained, if you don’t have a border, you don’t have a nation…”
“The Democratic response to President Trump’s speech by Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi quickly got ripped apart online, as jokesters mocked the way they spoke while standing close together behind a small podium wearing scowls.
“Yikes. I like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi but they gotta work on the whole ‘not looking like villains from the next bond movie’ thing next time,” said Twitter user Dan Luke.
“Why are Chuck and Nancy every pair of white suburban parents who just witnessed you shotgun a coors light while home for break?” Twitter user Zachary Miller wrote with a screenshot of the pair.
“We trusted you with Dad’s car because we thought you could be responsible with it, but we see now you’re not ready,” Vulture writer Kathryn VanArendonk joked…”
They are relentless. They will not rest until they have invaded every single speck of space we have and every quiet place and every private zone.
“Cars are getting smarter – and while many focus on seeing the road ahead, they are also set to begin analyzing drivers and passengers.
This week at CES, the international consumer electronics show in Las Vegas, a host of startup companies are showing off inward facing cameras that watch and analyze drivers, passengers and objects in cars.
Carmakers say they will boost safety – but privacy campaigners warn they could be used to make money by analyzing every movement – even being able to track a passenger’s gaze to see what ads they are looking at, and monitor the emotions of people through their facial expressions…”
What a crock!
Well, that’s yet another reason to hang onto our older vehicles.
I can walk to public transportation. May have to do that more often. You do meet colorful people that way.
As long as it is your choice and not forced on you, which is what is planned. Shades of Agenda 2030!
my daughter bought a new car and was bragging about lane adjustment something or other and I said, doesn’t that scare you? nope, she loves it–she loves that the car will park for her too. i said if you don’t like to drive, why not take a cab? I love the freedom, she said. I stared at her–she didn’t even realize the irony in what she said…smh
You remember Mr. Rogers? Or if you have kids, you’ve seen Daniel Tiger? They love that cute little trolley.
* It always shows up RIGHT AWAY
* They never have to schedule their trips or wait
* They never have to hail or call the trolley to take a ride
* The trolley is always impeccably clean and cheerful – it is always free of trash, urine, filth, and vandalism
* There is never anyone else on the trolley
* There is never any crime on the trolley
* Extremely rarely does the trolley ever pick up other passengers along the way, and if it does, they are always known people, never strangers
* The trolley is never delayed as it travels
* The trolley never breaks down
* The trolley never has to contend with traffic the way automobile drivers have to practice defensive driving, deal with road hazards, and the reality of traffic collisions with injuries
* The trolley never needs fuel or maintenance
* They have no ownership or responsibility to operate or maintain the trolley
* They never have to pay to ride it
* It’s never explained how the trolley operates or how it is funded
* For all the talk about loving kids and teaching responsibility, there is nothing that teaches personal responsibility or safety about the magical fantasy trolley
I remember being 14 and setting out to get a job so I could save for a car because a car meant freedom of movement. Now there is a concerted effort worldwide to take this freedom away.
I am stunned at the advertising that implies you don’t need to pay attention to driving. I was chatting with a friend about a Liberty Mutual commercial where a guy implies his insurance company should forgive him for rear ending another driver when the driver “hit his brakes for no reason.” The first time I saw this commercial I said “you don’t know how to drive.”
It is obvious that as we teach people not to pay attention to driving in order to get them to accept these new technologies, we are going to kill and maim thousands. But eventually we will have our little computerized pods (controlled by the folks who control our computers and social media) that relieve us from the drudgery of driving.
Yes, we are being conditioned towards that wonderful utopian day when our cars drive us and we can sit and stare at our devices or something.
Getting my first car meant adulthood, freedom, and it was fabulous! But you could get a reasonably reliable car cheap back then.
I don’t want my darned car turning into Alexa the spy. I like to have the illusion of being free, although with the cameras everywhere there really is no privacy any more, anyway, but still.
The car will be driving us, and the government will be driving the car, inevitable.
And it will start out as a CRISIS which everyone will agree is one of the worst things which could ever happen to us.
not to mention they can disable your car at any ti e they want. remember this is for your safety. onstar out.
And then overlay your “social score” on top of this, and you won’t be able to travel farther than you can walk without government approval.
This is in our near future.
Sorry to ride this hobby horse so continuously, but when we loudly applaud for every “crisis” which is not a crisis (other than a tragic personal crisis), we are paving a way for the automobile/traffic/safety/ “crisis” which will lead us into government control over where we go, and when, and how.
What the Deep State Satanic globalists want to do is seal each and every one of us into a cocoon, of their making, within their control.
Agenda 2030 (and there’s a new one coming up, 2050 or so, WEF at Davos should talk about it).
Look up “rewilding”, where they move people out of the countryside (read: flyover country) and put them in cities like infinitely compliant (dare I say “tolerant”) sardines. Stuck in the city, the proles are “allowed” to use electric vehicles with a VERY limited range, and, because they are self-driving, a very limited selection of destinations, all of which are politically correct and proofed by the elites/controllers.
I’m beginning to think that the war against diesels is not really about particulates, it’s about freedom and control. Even today’s highly sensitive diesel motors can be modified to run on just about anything, a luxury (and survival tactic) which gasoline-powered motors don’t share. My nephew had an older Mercedes Diesel that he ran on cooking oil (and other recycled oils). It always smelled like french fries when he drove by. But, he was able to run his car much more cheaply on that fuel, despite the lower energy content of cooking oil versus proper diesel…
I would be nice for people to push back on all this unnecessary complication and control. Every bit of added complexity adds to cost, and adds points of failure.
Ironic how the elite, who claim to want to help all those “poor” refugees (refauxgees), are pushing technology and devices they have no hope of ever being able to afford. Indeed, we can’t even afford them…
The technocracy of the globalists—everything metered out according to their wishes for you, or not metered out because they hate you or you don’t conform!
This is one of the smartest posts! I know you are right. But how depressing.
Strange that this topic came up today! Last night I was hanging out with at grandkid’s karate lesson. The instructor was casually talking with a mom…no joke..he was saying exactly these things…wouldn’t it be great to be in a cocoon-like environment where cars drove themselves, no need for us to decide where to shop, it will all be in the city hub or delivered from internet sales..the whole nine yards.
The brainwash is deep.
Sigh. That is depressing to think there are segments of the population who wouldn’t even fight to keep the chains from being locked into place, they’d welcome it happily.
I get terrified when I have to drive on I-5 lately. people do not drive safely or with any courtesy to other drivers.its really a crapshoot if your going to die in a flaming pile up or get rear ended by the tail gater or the idiot talking on there phone. its a mad crazy world out there and I can only hope it gets better.not holding breath though.
This has always been a problem – phones and tech devices have just added to the distractions. I remember traveling on I-95 north from Woodbridge/Dale City to Fairfax and watching women putting on their make-up, reading books, eating their breakfast, men shaving, all while commuting.
Back in the late ’70’s and early ’80’s.
I have seen that commercial ad nauseum. What bothers me about the Liberty Mutual commercials is that they are so blatantly misleading – ANY insurance company offers a first-accident forgiveness policy – you just have to pay for it. I do understand what this guy is saying, tho – this can happen to anyone and he has an otherwise good record and paid the extra premium, then he should reap the benefits that he paid for.
Kellyanne calls Jim Acosta a “smartass” and tells him that “nobody likes you” to his face.
This was terrific! I loved it!
PUT DOWN YOUR COFFEE before clicking. You will thank me.
The gas bags at CNN are gaslighting people…bigtime.
The Gaslight Media.
OMG…what idiots!
Roll dick! Roll!
The guy uses the hand holding the fire to try to put out the fire and only spreads it to more spots.
Hot Diggity Dog???

Did someone predict that Chuck and Nancy would be unmasked?
Left hanging in the wind, I think is closer.
I am glad I found this site. CTH banned me from posting (or even clicking the like button) after I made a sarcastic response to what I thought was an absurd post by sd. Oopsie. I still read over there. Here, I can like a comment and wow, even post a thought from time to time.
I admit my keyboard sometimes has a big mouth. At least I know my shortcomings.
Thanks, fleporeblog, for leading me over here. I enjoy reading your twitter feed and started reading your blog after you announced you were finished posting on CTH.
I see some other treepers here, too.
You are about to see a lot of Treepers here!
Welcome and enjoy free speech. Look at the January 1 open thread for the rules of the road, which are few, but important. We CANNOT have any posts which insinuate violence toward individuals. That is used to shut down the site and misdirect FBI resources after me in real life. MAGA on! 
Thanks. I will read them. And follow them.
Thank you.
A certain amount of sarcasm is permitted here. Some of us enjoy it. I suggest you let us know when you turn on your sarcastic mode until we get to know you a little better.
Thank you. Point taken.
Welcome to the Banned Wagon!
OANN says ABC reporting Rosenstein to leave DOJ before Barr confirmed.

Mueller s/b next. Enough is enough!
great comment OT about Chuck & Nancy–is this the Democrat response or a hostage tape?
Dem activists used clever rhetoric to lull GOP voters on Facebook into mid-term complacency.
The guy in the photo is Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn. Looks like a slob:
From the Daily Caller article:
‘One series of ads pushed the narrative that the Democratic “blue wave” was actually a “myth” and said the polls showing a Democratic advantage were “unreliable.”
‘Another series set of ads pushed a narrative that congressional Republicans were betraying “real conservatives.”
‘“Some Trump supporters see midterm losses for congressional republicans [sic] as a wake-up call to get serious on the wall,” the Democratic operatives wrote in another post.
‘Another post included a link to an article about frustrated populist Republicans and stressed the need to “send a message” because “Trump is failing us.”’
linkedin in another data trap org for tracking and recruiting run by the same cabal… any amount of mental tumbling you want to do to convince yourself how useful it is is strictly up to you.
I can’t remember when I last signed on to Linked In.
On the other hand, I know many others who think it is the successor to sliced bread.
Amazingly, for some I know, it is. They get business leads from it.
from OT
Mexico doesn’t want them either Mexico’s interior minister outlined plans to strengthen her own country’s porous southern border, where hundreds of illegal crossing points have been identified.
Speaking at a gathering of Mexican diplomats at the foreign ministry, Olga Sánchez Cordero said at least 10,000 migrants had entered Mexico from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala since last October, and that another U.S.-bound “caravan” from the south was expected to arrive in mid-January.
Sánchez Cordero said the government was determined to ensure that “legal and orderly” entry takes place.
As part of the new government’s migration policy, she said, anyone wanting to enter Mexico would have to provide information including reason for entry, biometric data, and an identity document.
“Those who refuse to provide identity or biometric data will not be able to enter Mexican territory.”
Mexicans being racist again…hmmm…
I checked out CTH for the first time in a while. He used to be good at breaking interesting stuff. Now he’s late and when he isn’t, it’s all eeyore. There are better analysts out there now.
a lot of his stuff is regurgitated with a little fresh meat thrown in…but the comment sections using have some fresh stuff…
I don’t tweet…can you direct me to some safe sites for news???
not news per se but analysis
(this guy is a lib but I suspect sunsetdance gets some of his material from here – buyer beware) (fun read, ex-lib) the Q site
and the 8chans
thanks NYGuy54!
I’m in moideration because I posted too many links
it might end up being molderation.
nah…as soon as Wolf wakes up–hopefully without a severe Trumpover from the party last night, he’ll rescue it…
I use whatfinger-dot-com, and citizenfreepress-dot-com, as news aggregators.
I think there’s another one, IIRC libertydaily-dot-com, but I haven’t yet checked it out.
No Drudgery, though! And all three of the above are either conservative, or at least neutral / fair.
Happy Hunting!
thank you! daily compilation and also cover some of the bases.
thanks! I will check these out too!
Doug Ross/Director Blue has done yeoman’s work on these (see right column on webpage)
List of Obama administration abuses of power and lawbreaking –
Timeline of Sedition and Treason:
He also did a Benghazi timeline. He is a great reliable resource.
cool, i have to read those! is a good aggregate
thank you!
I don’t have a twit account but I just go the pages of people I find have fresh and interesting news through out the day.
Depends on what flavor you prefer. I find Building Trumpmore to be funny and yet right on top of any breaking news.
Here is a direct link to her page:
Tweets by k_ovfefe
From Gunny’s post OT
“This was evidenced in one of the posts tonite showing Schumer and Pelosi watching themselves on TV……….Huh? Watching themselves on TV…….
That means that they recorded their response “Before” the President spoke.
Before he spoke meaning that what he said had no meaning to them at all.
All the make up…..the flags…..the setting……the response was not even a response or a rebuttal……It was a staged act….like the Kavanaugh hearing….or why they were so transparent when the President did not take away the cameras..”
so their response was possibly pretaped? LOL so did it match in any way what the President said?
No doubt it was scripted, handed down from powers that be.
As I posted earlier – President Trump has a busy day today – heading to the Capitol and meeting with the Democrats yet again.
Tomorrow, the President is going to the border.
He’s keeping the pressure on the Democrats – and will do so until they make a deal or he is forced to declare a State of Emergency and use the military and defense funds to build the WALL!!
President Trump has already said the wall is going to be built and he means business!!!
that meeting going to be televised like the last one or a closed door one? do you know?
I don’t know, but good question – we need to be on the look out.
The White House has already started rebutting Schumer and Pelosi:
We interrupt the post-mortem for a little levity from the 4 am talking points site known as Drudge. For some reason, the people there thought this was important:
‘Sex dolls are way better than real women
Please read at your own risk.
Britain is very decadent. No wonder the Islamists are able to flood in, take over and victimize their children. No wonder the Puritans left.
Actually, I found Italy to be far more decadent than Britain, but then Italians are actually more into real women and the drama of everyday life than a lot of Brits from what I can see.
As for decadence, I don’t have as big a problem with it as some others do.
France and Sweden are also leaders in decadence.
….and France and Sweden are also leaders in Islamist captivity and criminal activity.
Decadence aka disobedience against GOD opens the door for punishment, attack and captivity. GOD has used Assyria/Islam as a rod of discipline in the past…. Isaiah 10:5
Only repentance can free captives and defeat Assyria Isaiah 26:3, 30:15, 31:8-9, Nehemia chapters 8-9
Complacency in what we now call “sloth” does that. It used to be known as “indifference.”
So long as one does not put the material world above God rather than using it to serve Him, we’re good.
The way this works in real life, on an individual level, is remarkable, if not profound. Analyzing the mass of historical data from my own life, what I find is that there is world of hurt just floating around, waiting to be “let in” by any failure of individual decision-making which lets it guard down on simple rules of morality which used to be maintained by social distributors such as the media (such failure = disobedience). Notice now where viral Marxist error self-inserts.
Now – take this “granular” pattern and look at it statistically. A large enough value of such individual failures in a society, and one hits critical values for the society as a whole. Then the national stuff kicks in.
The Brazilians actually get this stuff now. What I’m reading from Bolsonaro’s people show that the “new enlightenment” may come largely from Brazil. They truly GET this stuff.
Trumpian America, Eastern Europe, and post-leftist Brazil / Argentina need to lead the way.
I’m also starting to get the dynamic in Russia, too. That’s tricky. VERY, VERY tricky.
Many forces there would not mind leaving their own socialists fully in the dust, but that’s not really possible with socialists having almost captured America, and using that to keep Russia partially enslaved. I’m seeing the complexity that led Bezmenov to his thinking about the near-autonomy of the socialist beast
All of history is “interesting times”, I’m afraid. LOL
“The Brazilians actually get this stuff now. What I’m reading from Bolsonaro’s people show that the “new enlightenment” may come largely from Brazil. They truly GET this stuff.”
The Communist Liberation business has been wreaking havoc in S America long enough for the Brazilians to get wise.
Right now the Catholic Church is in the iron grips of one of those hardline leftists posing as a priest/pope.
THIS. Sure hope the Orthodox can stay out of the commie traps.
Orthodox have had a few scandals, but not at the scale of the Catholics and not nearly the prevalence of homosexual culture. Orthodox priests marry (and are allowed only one marriage, even if the spouse dies, and it’s a lot smaller organization and much less money involved.
ahhh (didn’t read) but could this be their INDIRECT (read subliminal) rebuttal of the fact that 2/3 of the women get raped in the caravans/ illegal crossings? that simply cannot be because …sex dolls are better than women…
Sadly I think we can expect more of this mess. In the studies of pr0n usage among married men it has been repeatedly found that men become lazier about pursuing their spouses for intimacy, and pursuing escapism/fantasy vicariously that their spouses would never agree to or approve of. This is just the next logical step for the cult of pursuing stimulation over intimacy. If anything, the dolls aren’t going to be the harbinger of doom that people think they are – IMO the image/video media is easier (lazier) and more pervasive, and that’s where the real problem is at. The easy availability of this flood of toxic waste is really quite shocking in how exponentially it has increased in only a few years – to levels today that would’ve been unimaginable only twenty years ago. Yes it’s always been there, but the volume and ease has not. If you wanted to do one thing to divide men and women, rend apart marriages, destroy the family, and attack Christianity it is difficult for me to imagine the left coming up with any more powerful technique than the extreme poison they’ve injected into the cultural mainstream.
Men love to chase women. Ladies, oblige them, and reward them for catching you. It’s the way the world goes round. Keep those skills sharp!
Probably best for DEMONcRATs like Schumer, et. al., who have an inflated opinion of themselves
Someone should make sure that a copy of that report is sent to every young man under 30 in China. They will not have much experience with real women because they were all aborted by the government. Once again technology attempts to rescue failed government policy. How long before human being is an inaccurate description of homo sapien?
Normally the so-called “fact checks” are phony nit-picking sessions where people who don’t understand logic, statistics, or hermeneutics strain at something that was said, divorce it from its context, interpret it in the most wooden manner possible, and through tortured reasoning mixed with opining find fault where there is none. Not surprisingly, these so-called “fact checks” typically only flow in one direction – toward finding fault!
That’s why it’s refreshing when someone performs a fact check, and rather than using the fact check as a platform to rationalize their opinion, actually talks about the facts!
Fact-Checking 5 of Trump’s Claims in Border Speech
January 09, 2019
1. “All Americans are hurt by uncontrolled illegal migration. It strains public resources and drives down jobs and wages. Among those hardest hit are African-Americans and Hispanic Americans.”
According to U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow, black Americans are disproportionately affected by illegal immigration. …
2. “Sen. Chuck Schumer–who you will be hearing from later tonight–has repeatedly supported a physical barrier in the past, along with many other Democrats. They changed their mind only after I was elected president.”
As Senate minority leader, Schumer, D-N.Y., is now the chamber’s top Democrat. In 2006, Schumer–along with other high-profile Democrats–voted for the Secure Fence Act. …
3. “Every week 300 of our citizens are killed by heroin alone, 90 percent of which floods across from our southern border.”
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2017 “more than 15,000 people died of drug overdoses involving heroin in the United States.” That’s about 288 deaths per week. …
4. “One in three women are sexually assaulted on the dangerous trek up through Mexico.”
A 2017 report from Doctors Without Borders surveying crossings into Mexico from the areas of El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, which it calls the Northern Triangle of Central America, says that “nearly one-third of the women surveyed had been sexually abused during their journey.” …
5. “In the last two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records, including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 violent killings.”
Trump’s arrest numbers are correct, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement numbers compiled in 2017 and 2018.
The number of illegal immigrants arrested by ICE is the highest since 2014, according to a December report by the agency.
Stealing, and thank you!
Hey, Michael H, in less than an hour, 124 comments, 76 shares. Can’t thank you enough! This one was a grand slam!
Yeah that one is really getting around today!
Regarding all that alleged ‘fact-checking’….
H/T – QOTD –
Seriously, let’s tell the truth about what these phony “fact checks” really are! Honesty would be refreshing.
I have to get my work done early this morning as I have a field trip planned for myself this afternoon, but I really do think that the last twelve hours or so of speech, rebuttal, reaction, fact checking, etc., is all part of the movie the anon tells us we are watching. VSG needs more in the way of public support before the barrier progress to date is really pushed, and the Emergency Declaration is made. That is why he used all those facts and figures and the emotional pull.
The aves (Latin for birds) on this tree recognize this in spades.
The real fun part is now coming to light as the “fact checkers” try to minimize the impact of all of those facts and figures. NPR’s “yes, he’s right, BUT” was pretty interesting from a spin and twist perspective.
57,099,670 followers – 9:18 am
Ooooooh – Twitter let it go over 57 million!

To Jack Dorsey: That was a tough one, Jack. Feel so sorry. I know you’re so nervous about holding it below 60 million for 2020, but YOU CAN DO IT!!!
This should get things moving along. Rosenstein goes should make Mule Head wrap things up sooner rather than later.
Heres the spin on the left coast.
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who appointed special counsel Robert Mueller and remains his most visible Justice Department protector, is expected to leave his position soon after William Barr is confirmed as attorney general, a person familiar with the plans said Wednesday.
Barr, who served in the position in the early 1990s and is President Donald Trump’s pick to do the job again, has a confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week and could be in place at the Justice Department as soon as February.
Rosenstein plans to leave at some point after that, though no date has been set and there is no formal plan for the departure, according to the person, who was not authorized to discuss internal conversations publicly and spoke on the condition of anonymity. Rosenstein, a former United States attorney in Maryland, will have served as deputy for roughly two years by the time he leaves.
Mueller is investigating Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election and contacts with the Trump campaign. Rosenstein and his chief deputy have continued to maintain day-to-day oversight over the probe, a senior Justice Department official told reporters last month.
Barr would take over control of the investigation, assuming the same final say over major investigative steps that acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker has had since former Attorney General Jeff Sessions was ousted in November.
Rosenstein appointed Mueller as special counsel in May 2017 to investigate potential coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign to sway the 2016 election. The appointment followed the recusal of Sessions because of his work on the Trump campaign and Trump’s firing of former FBI director James Comey .
The transition to Barr would come with critical steps in the Mueller investigation expected to unfold in the weeks and months ahead, when the special counsel’s office is expected to report its findings to the Justice Department.
Barr has made critical comments of the Mueller investigation in the past, including an unsolicited memo he sent the Justice Department last year critiquing Mueller’s investigation into whether the president had sought to obstruct justice by firing Comey. Barr is expected to face questioning from Democrats about his views of the Mueller investigation at next week’s hearing.
At a news conference in December, Rosenstein said that Mueller’s investigation would be “handled appropriately” no matter who is overseeing it. He said Barr would be an “excellent attorney general when he is confirmed.”
The departure is not unexpected. It is common for attorneys general and other Cabinet secretaries to have their own deputies. Barr has told people close to him that he wanted his own No. 2.
Rosenstein’s job status has appeared tenuous at times, most notably in September, when he showed up at the White House expecting to be fired over news reports that he had discussed secretly recording the president. But Trump opted not to replace him.
White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders told Fox News on Wednesday that Rosenstein had always planned to stay around two years.
“I don’t think there’s any willingness by the president or the White House to push him out,” Sanders said. “My guess is he is making room for the new attorney general to build a team that he wants around him.
Why is this coming out *before* the confirmation of Barr?
Is Rosenstein trying to make it harder to get Barr confirmed?
Because the Dems don’t want Rosenstein to leave…and will now try harder to keep Barr from being confirmed.
But since I am still on the fence about Barr…I’m not sure it would be a ‘bad thing’ if he were not confirmed.
It just seems kind of screwy for Rosenstein to make this announcement.
Why is he doing this.
Something going on. Even if he doesnt leave its signaling to others that doj inside is shifting but is it in the direction it should go? Also i dont reember if Whitaker is staying?
Stop with the means, look squirrel!
Something tells me, it will all be one helluva movie script when it all comes out.
With Rosenstein gone – Matt The Mountain WHITTAKER will be dealing directly with Mueller.
yeah but if you read the fine print, he doesn’t plan to leave till AFTER Barr is confirmed–that could take months…POTUS should ask him to resign NOW! always an error to leave these people in place when they say they’ll resign…
Some stories/writers say RR will leave before Barr is sworn in.
that’d be awesome! tomorrow is not soon enough
I don’t trust Rosy. I think he’s “pulling a Holder” on us.
Barr’s hearing is supposed to start next week, mid January.
Does not sound like Rosenstein leaves until new AG sworn in. The new AG will get his own #2. Not sure what happens to Whittaker at that point.
wow..POTUS putting the wood to Commie CA
I note the faux misspelling – TWICE – of the word “forest”, as well as the “odd” capitalization used.
The two extra letters – “r” and again “r” – coupled with the capitalization, I decode as highlighting “RR”.
As in the ostensibly departing, former acting AG, Rod Rosenstein.
In light of all the coding we’ve seen, and the *intentional* spelling (et al) modifications (NOT “errors”) by VSGPDJT, I suspect my decode is correct.
I also HOPE it’s correct!
Q: “Learn our comms!”
Trying, sir! Trying hard!
very astute!
my decoder ring was not in my cereal box!!
“my decoder ring was not in my cereal box!!”
I collected the entire set! lol
good for you!!!
I will follow…just don’t run too quickly…
Run, Forrest, Run…
The Left is going bonkers over the intentional misspelling.
Strange but that Tweet is no longer available and the one linked here ( does NOT have the misspelled “forrest.” Did PDJT delete the first one?
OK – both Tweets are posted on Q Map – one @ 8:36:05 am and one @ 9:25:43 am (you can click on “POTUS ON / OFF” at the top). Odd……
Again, click on the earlier one and it “can’t be found.”
… “Yet privately, Mr. Trump dismissed his own new strategy as pointless. In an off-the-record lunch with television anchors hours before the address, he made clear in blunt terms that he was not inclined to give the speech or go to Texas, but was talked into it by advisers, according to two people briefed on the discussion who asked not to be identified sharing details.
“It’s not going to change a damn thing, but I’m still doing it,” Mr. Trump said of the border visit, according to one of the people, who was in the room. The trip was merely a photo opportunity, he said. “But,” he added, gesturing at his communications aides Bill Shine, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kellyanne Conway, “these people behind you say it’s worth it.”
Who leaked this?
This is not cool!
Whoever it was should be fired!
Exactly. Do they think “off the record” only applies to vinyl LPs ???
We know PDJT had an off the record meeting with news anchors.
I would bet the mortgage PDJT never said these things.
He would not disparage Bill Shine/KellyAnne/Sarah in such a way while in the room AND he would not defeat his own issue beforehand.
Is the trip a waste of time and does the President probably have better things to do? Sure
Will the trip change Nancy’s mind? Probably not.
Yet, PDJT is on a campaign and he understands. What he really needs to do is take with him, those Senators who might waffle in support.
Hah. This is pretty cool!
Hmm..Pres Trump’s comments on the Fed seem to be having an impact
self preservation probably. with word on the street that the fed isn’t what everyone (common man) was duped into thinking it was it is now time for them to hide in the shadows while people forget what they now know…
Chuck and Nancy did such an epic fail…that even WaPo is distancing itself from them?
They really were pathetic.
Embarrassingly pathetic.
They were PUNK’D.
Excellent find.
President Trump warns California (pay attention New Orleans and Houston) about taking and wasting Federal Funds with no action/results.
Green Screen theory answers why the chair seemed to be TWO DIFFERENT HEIGHTS in the various videos!
I had figured that the 9:11 end (9:01 start) was manufactured (clearly) simply by using hard timing on the teleprompter, where Trump has to keep up with the text. President Trump’s breathing seemed more controlled and less relaxed than normal, which one would expect for him keeping pace with the teleprompter.
Whole thing is interesting, I’ll say that. I do think things were “up” with this, in terms of the Dems not knowing how Trump would respond.
Maybe PDJT recorded several versions and even leaked one or two to throw them off.
He said it was an ‘interesting’ experience. Trump is very accustomed to media productions…yet he said that.
Great point. Something wild, no doubt.
Schmuck and Botox sure had a deer in the headlights look while they were speaking.
I don’t think it was ‘different videos’.
There is a doctored version of the same video.
If you watch the video comparison at this link, it will be clear:
In the CNN version, PDJT is smaller and orange.
It was done by manipulating the background and the color tones.
I was talking about the content – not the background/color differences – about PT recording several versions of his speech and leaking the one/s he wasn’t going to use – to throw them off.
Ah…okay, sorry I didn’t understand.
Wait. Do you think he did that?
Recorded different versions?
I could’ve been a case of them being ‘thrown off’ by what he said in the days leading up to the address last night.
Plus meetings at Camp David.
That always gives off an ominous air, whenever they go to CD.
I think that a lot of “national emergency contingency” was leaked as cover for unmasking purposes – and it worked like CRAZY. When the next border rush of Soros insanity comes, the public will be clamoring for a fix.
Keep the government “shut down” forever, as far as I’m concerned.
I saw a blurb about EMT cards not getting reloaded…people not able to get groceries.
Probably some Dem bureaucrats behind that, knowing it would be bad press for Potus.
I am bracing myself for any number of dirty tricks like that.
Silliness. Don’t you believe it, it is fake news.
SNAP benefits are administered by the states. If someone’s EMT card didn’t get reloaded and no groceries were able to be purchased there is either a vendor problem or some kind of flub up between the state who determines elibility for benefits and the individual–like someone didn’t return a form timely or a worker didn’t get information updated at the state office.
Agree, Wolf.
I was just theorizing about the multiple versions.
I also was thinking green screen. I looked st the stills again and again seeing a weird outline of the hair, was wondering why, perhaps not at the Whitehouse?
check this out… and the who the tweet came from…
Wow, that must be a serious situation three. Chuck and Nancy look even more animated than usual!
Interesting theory. Something definitely seemed off. In Nancy’s case, I thought that she possibly had a body double assume her place. That woman just didn’t look like the ol’ bat.
Musta been that rejuvenating Hawaii vacation, while the Gov’t was initially shut down.
Partying and playing, “while Rome burns” …
Wow Pelosi has crazy eyes now too. There is seriously something going on and those eyes are the tell.
These old commies should not be in office. They are literally medically unfit. Yet the model of communist takeover of the Dems seems to be stuck on a combination of high secrecy AND hierarchy that forces them to put these old “with the plot from the beginning” stiffs into key spots NOW, with all the young commies being spuds, lightweights and losers with 70-90% glamour and 30-10% brains (Kamala, Cory Booker, AOC, “Castro II”, etc.).

We have only one person to thank for this spectacle. THE POPCORN GUY!
I’ve been thinking about aoc and her ilk. they’re true socialists who have not been totally corrupted with cash, yet, and turned into commie globalists. So that group is not going to be in charge until they are globalists. It will happen with a new home or family business getting big orders, etc. But plastic nan may end up being bit by them. After all they have been whipped up to be foot soldiers and might just kill the bourgeoisie and the farmers.
Interesting thinking – I like it!
The left/commies are sticking with the old because they didn’t develop a bench. Hillary was not supposed to lose. She was the final solution. Once she was in office, it wouldn’t have mattered that there was no succession plan. And there still doesn’t seem to be a viable one judging by who they backed in the primary races.
Yeah, pass that popcorn.
I watched President Trump so carefully and eloquently explain to Americans why a wall is so desperately needed. And then he gave the Dims one last chance to play ball.
I wondered why. I don’t think it was political; most Americans want border security, the polls back that up. The Democrats know this, too, so why are they fighting it so hard?
And then it occurred to me that our Master Negotiator in Chief will view it as a personal loss if he has to force the issue and use the military to accomplish the goal. Even though he wins, personally he loses.
And the bastards know it. This is another psy-op by the Commiecrats, attempting to demoralize our President. They have nothing on him to drive him out of office, so they want to make him hurt enough to quit. We need memes, Tweets, something to point out strongly that you can’t negotiate with recalcitrant children like the Dims. And the idea needs to be spread far and wide, so our President knows WE know. He is a human being, after all. He has actual feelings like we do.
I’m so tired of watching these ass hats do this crap to such a good man.
Yes! We have to be READY to stay with the shutdown RIGHT THROUGH 2020 if need be.
Think about that. Are we ready to just say “shut it down for good”?
I am. Shut down communism. I’m FINE with it.
I am perfectly fine with leaving the government shut down as it is forever.
If it is “non-essential,” why have it?
People say “don’t you feel bad for all those people who aren’t getting paid?”
I say “well, those government people were getting paid while middle Americans lost jobs by the millions over the eight years of Obama.” So no, I don’t feel all that sorry for them. I say find an “essential” job in our new booming economy.
That said, I do feel some sympathy for the people who contract with the government. But we are ALL going to feel it for a while if we make the government be what it should, instead of the mess it is.
true logic aub! keep it shut down.
govt non essentials, start lookong for a new job. do something with your life. sad part is this is all just a fake news ploy anyway.
govt needs to be redone from scratch. those that do not want to be responsible for the,selves and work can get a free ticket to ,exico or canadia their choice.
I respectfully disagree that a negotiation fail is a personal loss. To POTUS, only quitting is a loss. Our President is a winner! He’ll do whatever it takes to win for us, a win is a win, by any means necessary. And he’s humble enough to forgo personal credit and give to others, being satisfied, all the while knowing that it wouldn’t have happened but for him. When this is done he’s going to say “WE got the wall built”.
I think you are right that he will not flinch if he has to go to his downside bottom line. However, I think he has inherited “the Plan ethic”, which is to avoid hard-push solutions, and try to work through the system first.
There is a new caravan preparing to rush the border. CRISIS = OPPORTUNITY. The Dems are looking at total destruction IMO.
I’m looking forward to it, more evidence of the crisis that only bolsters his argument for National Emergency.
Exactly. Every day this goes on, the DNC leadership is unmasked more and more.
Agree. For POTUS, it’s simply a matter of “peace is the prize” – that works for him regarding getting the wall. As long as he gets it, and fixes the broken immigration system, then it’s a win. They can’t touch President Trump in deed or character.
I don’t think it is a personal loss, I am supposing our President might feel that it is.
He is a winner, and will do whatever it takes, this I know. And I don’t think he cares about credit.
But he is not super-human, and I’m sure he has pride in his abilities.
Look at the difference between Pelosi’s eyebrows in this video and in the one with Schumer last night.
Quite a difference!
Has this been posted yet?
Mark Thiessen opinion in WaPost – Trump won the night!
yes, but it’s good enough to be posted again, and again even !!!
This is GOOD.
America’s refusal to accept globalist proxy invasion and occupation. THAT is what is happening.
What we are seeing is typical communism – BLAME THE VICTIM.
Soros should be in GITMO. Why this has not happened yet…..
Because Trump is making the case RIGHT NOW.
off topic but I posted a bunch of links on a reply and got thrown into molderation. Can you debug it or delete it..whatever works.
I’ll go look now!
I did that some time ago and I believe 3 links is the “moderation” checkpoint but WM can speak to that again as I am obviously not sure of the #.
4 links sends it into moderation. I could raise the number, but I would need to do a big announcement over time that the number was going up, so that people would not be sending me “private” messages that would instantly go public.
I may actually come up with a new method of sending private posts. But that will happen AFTER the next big announcement, which is coming today.
Okay, now I’m excited!
But I won’t get anything done, because I’ll keep coming to my computer.
Dirty house, one more day!
Whatever works best for you, works if we can lighten your load in any way. So appreciate this space and your efforts….
Big announcement?
It’s up!
We only get three, Ed…that is our WP allotment.
We’re not allowed to have nice things, like 4 or 5 links in a comment.
Lol…I violated our allotment. Well that certainly wasn’t my intent. just delete it
“Yeah, you put your face right in front of my fist” logic, used by the Ass[ociated] Press.
I highly recommend you read and SHARE this THREAD…
4 million ??? only 1.5 m are being purged from voting polls?
This is an extraordinary thread – highly recommend!
Great speech! Goes well with my links to the transcript, which should be in EVERYBODY’S bookmarks!
From BB, a collection of memes, some of which weren’t highlighted last night or this morning.
The monumental GAFFE has gone “main” stream, and the Chuck&Nancy Show is now a world-wide EMBARRASSMENT – for THEM!
Whatever power and leverage they had, has now been decimated.
Anybody notice how high Nancy Pelosi’s eyebrows have migrated? Any higher and they will be under her hairline.
Were they tacked, glued or taped temporarily? Anybody here an expert in stage makeup or plastic surgery?
No the eyebrows, its the forehead. Completely smooth. Fresh botox for start. Almost looks like she got her nose done.
Actually yes, GA/FL, I DID notice it!
It was the first thing I marked, visually, about her. I was like “WTH is THAT?” Her pre-show make-up artist – to quote Dirty Harry – “ain’t makin’ it!”
Also, wrt Chuckie, the “Horus” eye.
There’s a saying that one should not “judge a book by its cover”, but it isn’t wholly accurate. Instead, one shouldn’t “judge a book ONLY by its cover”. The cover IS, after all, part of the book.
They both look like they are on loan from Madame Tussauds.
i actually like the ‘hostage situation’ theory myself
Maybe she can get some advice from Justin from Canada?
They are both victims of eyebrow migration.
Inside a govt building?!?! We’ve got a long war still ahead of us. MCUSA treaty is only the first step.
HAHAHA! Oh, that’s good!
Jeff has a THREAD
I never thought of Whitaker being named to replace RR when Barr is confirmed as AG…
but that makes sense.
Too funny – this clown (Kristol) still thinks he is relevant! ROFLMAO
“Obviously the Bulwark is not interested in facts. The site’s only goal is to ape and pay tribute to their benefactors in the anti-Trump media who — surprise-surprise — spread the same debunked lie.
So you don’t have to, I’ve been keeping an eye on the Bulwark and have come to three conclusions: 1) Every sentence sounds like it should end with a “sniff.” 2) The only way Trump could win any positive coverage from this clown-filled car were is if he agreed to launch a disastrous war in another country with no exit plan, and 3) snobbery is tiresome, tedious, and dull.”
Thanks for this info NF,
I have never liked Kristol…
POTUS has asked us to call our Congress critters… please do so.
Those are the numbers for the Main Switchboard…and they are structured to herd you to your *own* Senators and Reps.
Here are the numbers for Chuck and Nancy:
I have left a couple of messages on Nancy’s voicemail, so far.
But cannot get an answer on Chuck’s number yet.
Thanks Wheatie…
Guys we need to double down on this… POTUS needs our help !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feel free to post those numbers again…as the thread progresses.
Given that I have a Rino and Demoncrap senator, it wouldn’t be a bad thing to get herded to them.
Upchuck and Nasty shouldn’t get ALL of the calls; the other congresspukes have votes too.
I think President Trump’s Wall Suits everyone well
Saw what you did there !
We fail to acknowledge your gift too often…
We do appreciate your wit CC…
It takes a sense of humor to get through life…
Whoever made that suit (OK, Photoshopped it) did a great job. Would make a great golf outfit 
Oh, that’s fabulous.
I still like my alternate interpretation:
“My Wife is Built Like a Brick House”
And that inspires concrete committments
and avoids be-trowel…
Is the news today regarding Rosenstein’s resignation, what Q was referring to on December 12th “Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein.”?

Is one of the Presidents latest temporary hack men, Whitaker, responsible for RR’s resigning?
12 Dec 2018 – 4:33:56 PM
House Oversight Hearing Tomorrow on Clinton Foundation
12 Dec 2018 – 4:22:57 PM
Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein.
[RR] still overseeing SC?
Schedule for tomorrow.
Where is HUBER?
What if there’s another prosecutor (outside of DC) assigned by SESSIONS w/ the same mandate/authority?
I don’t doubt RR is leaving DoJ… I do doubt it is HIS idea, as media suggests. AND I think the timing is meant to distract from POTUS speech last night. Deep State ALWAYS strives to maintain the narrative.
Hmm…the word, ‘forest’, has only one R.
Oh wow! It had been corrected by the time I checked Twitter earlier today.
Right and it’s capped. Odd.
Watching PDJT on OAN now as he signs the anti-human trafficking bill and the chair is the higher-backed one……*sigh*….I am so confused…..
Candace Owens made a HUGE mistake here.
All she had to do was avoid the race-baiting, by excluding the word “white”.
Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Sheila Jackson-Lee, the “Rockstar” pimpette, Cotton, “Guam” Johnson – and SO many others.
Her first unforced error – if, indeed, it was unforced. I hope she hasn’t been co-opted. She’s certainly prominent enough, now, to have been “approached”.
Disappointed, BIGLY.
Dislike. (Not you, Phoenix! Nor you, Wheatie!)
Except that she has a point. The people pulling the puppet strings of the in front of the camera minorities are rich and white. And the people who put Planned Parenthood facilities in black neighborhoods are rich and white.
Yes, it’s racist, and kudos to her for pointing it out.
Panic in D.C.?
reading the comments to this article–someone suggested the reason Nancy went to Hawaii over the Christmas break was to have work done on her face anticipating having a lot more time in front of cameras as Speaker…very plausible…
proof is in the pudding (or the face), as they say… right?
pretty soon her eyebrows are gonna tickle her shoulder blades
I think she needs work done on her soul…
Schumer is stupid… how is a DEMAND to reopen the gov’t any part of negotiation?
How is leaving town over the past week-end a move toward negotiation? Aides were sent to negotiate, problem being…
How is attempting to paralyze work in the Senate part of negotiation? “Not invoked, 56-44: Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to S.1, Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act
NOW YOU THREATEN the nomination of Bill Barr…
Chuckie da gangsta !!!!!!!
I guess Pence didn’t do much persuading with the Congressional Reps…
and now he’s working on Rep Senators… du’h !!!!!
when the President signed the last Omnibus bill he said very clearly it would be the last one he would ever sign and he expected Congress to fund the wall and pass real immigration reform.They’ve had a year and did not live up to their end of the bargain.
Personally I believe we don’t need reform of immigration law as much as we need ENFORCEMENT of immigration law.
We need to get rid of that add-on to our Immigration Law that says we have to give the illegals a ‘court date’.
We have to be able to just Deport Them.
Like we used to be able to.
We have to be able to turn them around at the border!
Like we used to be able to do.
There have been things like this that were added to existing law, by stealthily tacking them onto other bills.
If people are here illegally…just kick them out!
Right now, our BP cannot do that.
Exactly wheatie…
some more of zero’s handiwork that needs to be expunged.
can you answer this? do they have the authority to push illegals back OVER the wall if a certain percentage hasn’t made it over yet? Like, if I’m a BP and I see a leg and an arm (say 20% of the body) hanging on my side, can I just push it back? Or do I have to let the body in no matter how much is hanging over my side? asking for a friend…
Apparently, our BP agents are powerless to stop them.
I’ve seen videos of them just standing there, watching the illegals come over the fencing…and doing nothing.
damn…we need to make thousands of slingshots to send to the BP so they can at least hit them in the ass as they’re trying to get over…
Like partial birth abortion? Sounds consistent to me.
Hmm. That definitely counters some worries various anons have had. Interesting.
Ha! Just as I noticed it, PDJT talks about how he uses just one pen to sign the bill vs. one pen for each letter – as he said, “Look at the signatures! They are disastrous!” LOL
NEW: As Judge Moore’s Accuser Refuses to Answer Questions Under Oath, His Legal Team Files Motion to Compel
— Chuck Woolery (@chuckwoolery) January 9, 2019
Bwwhwhahaaa, Bombard’s Body Language analyzes the President’s address and the Dem Response.
thanks for this, I always enjoy them!
During President Trump’s speech, the Presidential flag is arranged to show the eagle claw holding the ARROWS OF WAR!
This is not an accident.
nope our POTUS is a BADASS!
I noticed that, too, and I agree that was not accidental!
you know what else struck me as odd about Chuck and Nancy? Normally when 2 people are slated to speak at an event, one stands slightly behind and to the side to allow the other the center position of attention. it was like they wanted to convey that they were united as one in this defense–but in doing so they came off as stiff and board like.
I giggled when I thought they probably were fighting at the podium in rehearsals trying to elbow each other out of the spotlight and some “mom” type said enough–both of you stand at the podium…hence the sullen faces…lol
[No bias on Chad’s part, is there… can’t acknowledge there is a crisis, can he?]
*snort* that was pretty darned funny!
Compare this a year ago in Feb. 2017:
with this Jan 8, 2018:
Very different face, thanks to modern science and chemicals and definitely not an improvement.
Ms. Piglosi “in our sanctuary cities our people are not breaking the law.”
So, exactly why, then, do they need a sanctuary city???
good question!
THREAD from Joe M
Just when I was going to start publishing there, too. Rats.
I thought he was homosexual??? Ooops, can’t use that word! I mean queer? Ooops, another no-no!! Bad me!!! Well, let me approach this another way—that he wasn’t heterosexual.
And no, I’m not a homophobe—I do have gay friends! Is that one a no-no too??
Trust me, I’m not demeaning the gay community—just making light of words that become deemed as taboo by the PC police! As you get older, you lose touch with what is deemed acceptable. Back in the early 70s, “oriental” was proper for those of Chinese/Viet Namese descent, and now I think that is offensive and Asian is acceptable??? Tomorrow it will be something else!!!
Not buying in to all the communitarian language and thinking–this and that “community.” Great way to destroy a country.
Suspicious cat says divorce now, take as much as you can now, and once they’re done carving him up for the rest, you can either snuggle back in with half your cash intact or run with as much of the kitty as you can now…
Linda–Didn’t the arrest Clarke Forrest for starting the fires too?
I hadn’t heard that, Marica, but I just googled it and you are right. He was arrested for setting the Holy fire in Orange County. Hmmm. Maybe the POTUS tweet had different levels of meaning.
Crazy huh?!! There was a HUGE thread from @runningtherace I believe who tied a ton of Q and trum tweets together…
saw that Ruthie was taking the entire month of January off…gotta love those bennies
Interesting article…
… “There is, however, a partial solution. If the Congress flexed a little muscle, it could no doubt get the Supreme Court to voluntarily provide all justices’ health information on a regular basis to a select joint committee of the House and Senate. Such an informal check on the Court could give the public some assurances that law clerks are not running an incapacitated justice’s office. Moreover, editorials urging that a particular Justice should resign might have some persuasive effect — for the justice would know from them that his or her remaining on the Court would tarnish its image.”
What if:
those who tweet could start a campaign to gain info on her status… ??????? hashtag ?
link to another article, from Ireland… long and a bit ‘fluffy’ but might be of some interest
Sandra Day O’Connor had the good sense and conscience to retire…
Meanwhile at the border….
where in the world did they get $16K each? who or what did they sell for that kind of money?
Steve Scalise urging the Democrats to the table:
VP Pence:
The patriot army has been called to action.
I love wolfmoon1776. I am so happy I found all of you here at this wonderful site. I am too analog to help you Wolfie whilst you are away, but I will keep you in prayer til you triumphantly return to us.
Thank you! Your prayers are welcomed!
I yama and welcome!! love your suspicious cat!!!!
To get their spokesperson resurrected to deliver this lie, means the Bushes have a vested interest in open borders-related businesses, such as trafficking of people, drugs, children, p0rn, and other immoral/illegal trafficking.
Also means it’s important to Cabal/Deep State…
And what of Dubya’s special note at his father’s funeral?
Where is Dubya? Enquiring Minds want to know?
I think Nicole Wallace is a regular on that channel, she may even have her own show. She used to appear as a guest on Hannity from time to time. But that was before she decided to sell herself to the highest bidder or whatever. She pretends to be a Republican so as to give her anti Trump comments extra juice.
We were down as well and we have ATT internet access! We do not have cable TV but these cable tech giants own most all the internet access anyway…
In my opinion, James Woods does it best!
From the comments section, this one’s good:
That’ll do it! No words needed!
Thank you tribute from the President to Law Enforcement!
Thanks to Law Enforcement and Secret Service, our President walked right up the steps of the US Capitol today with Vice President Pence:
Must have been a mammoth security endeavor!
Notice POTUS is wearing an overcoat… no one else is.
High security risk for him to go to them…
who is this idiot from Kansas?Definitely not MAGA…
More Moron than Moran…
Just left a meeting with Chuck and Nancy, a total waste of time. I asked what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up, are you going to approve Border Security which includes a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said, NO. I said bye-bye, nothing else works!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2019
Well, that settles that!
but you tried, Sir, now take their coats and show them the WALL…you thought I was going to say door, didn’t you? LOL
Door or wall – there’s no difference if it falls on them like I wish it would. They need to feel what it’s like to crawl out from a debris pile since they’ve made so many other people’s lives into debris piles.
Well, then, clearly they aren’t negotiating in good faith. They want the government restarted with no wall, period end of sentence. You (PDJT) want the government restarted WITH a wall and (I hope) are utterly unwilling to restart it without one.
The most important goal of BOTH sides has to do with the Wall. We know this is true in your case, but it’s less obvious in their case. But if restart of the government was more important to them than “No Wall,” they’d have caved by now. So now the task is to make it blatantly obvious to everyone who’s watching (not just your base that know it already).
Time to start continuously increasing their pain levels, and if they seem to have infinite pain tolerance, as I expect they will, just do it anyway (state of Emergency) then keep the government shut down, which means 100% loss for them. I’d demand that they agree to reimburse the Army Corps of Engineers’ (and SeeBees) expenses before reopening the government, IF you are forced to do this via a state of emergency.
We also need to pray, and to get on the phones/email/web/whatever and GIVE THEM NO REST until they approve THE WALL…
Schumer and Tomb-er… Money walks, Bo-tox…
Actually, I’m not going to bother with Upchuck and Nasty.
I need to call Gardner (Rino-CO) who is getting squishy, and Bennet (Commie-CO) who isn’t squishy, probably, but in the wrong way.
We need to be giving our own congresspeople Hell, not just these intransigent “leaders.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP means business about stopping human trafficking – which is SLAVERY – and he will stop aid to countries that allow, foster and export it to the USA!
Democrats are not interested in stopping illegal invasion and crime.
President Trump will have to do it unilaterally!
I love him too! you have to admit, if you offer to open the government up quickly, and then ask if after that we can talk border security and Nancy says no–what’s the point of staying in the meeting Chuck? it sounds like the President came to deal and the Dems came to steal…

Absolutely hit the nail on the head, Pat. Your last sentence should become a meme (and a battle cry)!!!
Mmm-hmm and when might that be?
No wonder POTUS has cut off FEMA monies to CA…
They use such funds for benefits for illegals… not for Americans who lost their homes to fire…
they also refuse to properly manage woodlands to prevent fires
Considering all the excrement on the streets, they should call Kalifornistan a stanktuary state…
Cut the state down the center and a bit north of san diego keeping the furthest west coast isolated and there are the dimms. Otherwise Trump country.
Aww…can’t we just carve a piece of California and toss the loonies there? Please indulge my fantasy and allow me to believe that California can still be saved
Regarding the ‘ideal’…
From a strategic point of view that’s an awful lot of coastline to surrender.
Worth fighting for……never give up.
President Trump isn’t going to back down.
Agree GA/FL
wow reading the comments to that tweet—many stupid Dems responding—with the same tired rhetoric–repubs had total control of the government for 2 yrs–they could have passed something before…the majority of Americans care more about the government being open then the wall…we don’t need a wall, we need better technology to seize drugs before they cross the border…
they gotta be paying these people to tweet this garbage, right? nobody is this dense!
I agree…
many of those comments are made by Bots
Majority and more of Americans WANT THE WALL
And the oddest thing of all (at least to me) is that the average of those wanting the wall (in that LIBERAL poll, no less) is 80 percent, yet among Democrats, it was 86 percent…
So the DEMONcRAT “leadership” cannot claim that even THEIR constituents don’t want the wall. And of course, even Schumder and Tomber wanted it before Preseident Trump was elected President…
The hypocrisy – it burns…
Looking at the Fox News story, and reading some of the comments, the Dems are upbraiding PDJT for not being able to negotiate.
They’re ignoring the fact that he threw an offer on the table (open now, and discuss within 30 days the Wall) and had it rejected [the dems didn’t even bother to lie about it]–before he walked out of the room.
There are paid Troll farms all over the US and world.
Even Macedonia!
He certainly talks a better game than Paul Ryan!!!
Anyone know the over/under for POTUS calling state of emergency at the border tomorrow?
My bookie is out for the rest of the afternoon…
Will get back to you when I contact her…
Meanwhile, I think he will wait… at least through the week-end.
I predict Chuckie and Nan will leave town tomorrow, again… and not make any effort to resolve matter.
They have their instructions from Cabal … and don’t dare disobey.
My money would definitely be on you phoenix!! I am always assured by POTUS perfect timing!!!
Are you sitting down?
Senior aide to my Congressman just requested full detail and back up research on my Canal Project idea.
My hands are literally, shaking.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! awesome plan!!
Congratulations daughn… terrific news.
Who knows? Maybe?
I’m sorry, but you are going to do a post on this now! You offered whatever, and I want a post on this thing!!!
It will be fun!
Seriously, you start talking TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS, maybe QUADRILLIONS, and people wake up.
WOW! Great news daughn! Congratulations.
daughn!! You are a ROCK STAR!!! Congratulations!!! Perfect timing to go go into the infrastructure bill! VSGPDJT WILL LOVE THIS!! It will be the Trump/Daughn Canal! We will say..”we knew her when.”!!
As you know, I think it’s infeasible…but if someone can prove me wrong, great!!
Pretty please, tell me why? I’m looking to debunk it.
I put a big post over on your blog explaining it.
going to look now, thank you!
I can’t, myself. find it now, but it ought to have showed up in your notifications or something. I did it within a couple of days of your first posting the idea here.
I can’t find it. I would love and respect your input. Maybe I’m just not seeing it.
Ugh. I was afraid of this.
It was LONG.
It’s POSSIBLE I wrote a copy on my home computer and can find it. I will look, tonight (might be late). If I can’t, I’ll write a shorter summary.
Please check your “buckets” for moderated/rejected posts, too.
Yes, sir! Doing it now!
Hate to lose that much work.
I’ve got nothing Mr. Steve. I’m so sorry.
I opened the account in 2009, but only made 4 posts. It’s pretty bare. Nothing indicating a missed post, buckets, zip, nada.
OK. I’ll check when I get home. It was long enough I probably edited it somewhere then copy-pasted (or thought I did). I may (or may not) have saved a copy of it at that point.
If not, I’ll give a very brief summary. Where do you want it? Here? There?
keep pushing, daughn…congrats
Don’t forget about us, when you hit the big-time!
It’s seductive, I’ve been told!
Remember where you came from!
And … GOOD LUCK!!!
We all know, chances are slim to none, but hey, we are trying!
Congrats Daughn !
Oh, daughn, that is MARVELOUS!
I must have missed your idea, where can I find it ?
She will be doing a post on it…. SOON!
How cool is that?!?
THIRD PAGE and closing in on 500!!!
We’re almost there!
Ain’t no “almost” about it. My reply to you on the canal was #502 !!
Let’s do this !!!
President Trump baited a trap and the Democrats walked right into it!
From OT,,,really makes me wonder…
MaineCoon says:
January 9, 2019 at 4:56 pm
Is there any truth to this?
FTA: Graham as he reveals they’ve been ‘best friends’ for 20 years and their wives share a Bible study and Mueller attended his daughters’ weddings
Trump nominated Bill Barr, who was attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, to take the job again after firing Jeff Sessions
Barr has a confirmation hearing coming up next week and made the rounds to sit with key Republican senators on Wednesday
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a key Trump confidant, told reporters Barr has no plan to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller and doesn’t think he’s running a ‘witch hunt’
Barr and Mueller are ‘best friends,’ he said, noting that the two men have known each other for 20 years
Their wives attend the same Bible study together, and Mueller has attended the weddings of two of Barr’s daughters
“Graham listed a number of questions that he had put to Barr: “I asked Mr. Barr directly, ‘Do you think Mr. Mueller is on a witch hunt?’ He said no. ‘Do you think he would be fair to the president and the country as a whole?’ He said yes. ‘And do you see any reason for Mr. Mueller’s investigation to be stopped?’ He said no. ‘Do you see any reason for a termination based on cause?’ He said no. ‘Are you committed to making sure Mr. Mueller can finish his job?’ Yes.”
Graham said Barr said that if he were attorney general, he would “err on the side of transparency” when he eventually received Mueller’s report.
The senator said Barr also told him that he has a high opinion of Rod Rosenstein, the current deputy attorney general who has so far overseen the Mueller investigation and is expected to leave office if Barr is confirmed.”
what the hell…this doesn’t sound like the Barr from last year. Why would POTUS nominate him?
I feel really bad about this one. Can’t understand why PTrump doesn’t go far outside the swamp for such an important position . I. don’t. get. it.
something doesn’t make sense here
So POTUS has been laying off Mueller. We have hearings coming up for Barr next week. Now we find out Barr is good buddies with Mueller. That is information that Pres Trump MUST know about. I am certain he already knows. So what the heck is going on?
Spidey senses are going off like crazy. There’s a game being played here. But in which direction? Has Mueller flipped? 2 years into his presidency, why would POTUS make a fatal mistake like that?
We need more information.
Pat–Care with OT -especial MC–that was the person that drug us all thru mud…Sometimes things aren’t as they seem…
The Daily Fail is also not a paragon of virtue or honest reporting. They travel in the same gutters as the Grauniad, Washed Poo, NYT, and the rest of the YSM…
Wonder if the anons/chans have anything to say about Barr?
Wonder if he’s an ancestor to Onum Barr, of the Foundation Trilogy novels
(shout out to Asimov fans)…
Starting to think we need an Attorney from Transylvania.
Brazil is looking really good lately. Maybe Bolsonaro has a spare cabinet member!
Clearing up a few (more) Democrat lies….
pathological liars can’t help themselves, can they?
More inclined to believe that the Democrats were doing the slamming of the hands….followed by the stomping of the feet.
and of course, poking out their bottom lips.
The President walked into the room, with candy for everyone.
The DEMONcRATs, on the other hand, passed out… (or were playing pass out cf. Pelosi and Cankles)…
Communism is going to have a bad year, I think.
Don’t have time to read right now–But you guys have at it…It should be really good!
Excellent read.
Excellent article, so glad you called our attention to it!
Lindsey has a THREAD
Hey phoenix–The over/under just got a little better –inour favor!
Yeeaaayyy Marica…
I’m all for it… whenever it happens!!!
I had to put the Treehouse on suicide watch over Barr. Don’t want that spreading over here. While I would love to see heads roll at DOJ/FBI those departments are too far gone. The only thing that matters is PT getting re-elected if he runs. Things are so far gone he is the only one that can delay the decay for four more years.
Yep, I am the pessemist but I have the luxury of being right. That is why I have always been fascinated with the Q thing or maybe it was the baker girls. But anyway, I remain a sceptic but deep down hope Q is at least partially correct. Because that is the only hope we have with this corrupt government.
rf– Check this out…
Our VSGPDJT does NOT suffer fools!! That is why I am So SURE! Positive even… GOD BLESS AMERICA!!
Yep. There is no way that PT made his second AG choice without a deep dive on his background and having some in depth discussions with the guy. I would say a lot of his first choices were swamp selected out of neccessity to get things going. 2nd choices have been better and he has had more time to pick from the MAGA field.
It will never be perfect as the swamp is deep but I am not as worried as everyone else is over Barr. Treehouse comments have been terrible tonight so I have been giving both barrels. More wine.
So glad you are here!!! There are so many fronts in this WAR! CTH is the site to showcase the Globalist and Uniparty ugly side of Govt. Let SD be SD! (As Wolfie says).. then there is the “Tick Tock boom (SD term) club–Hannity and sarah carter and John Solomon and Brian Cates and even Thomas Wictor! 3rd front is Q team– ( the nuts!–) I am so happy I am one of the NUTS! –Thanks Wolfie and Alison!– But All are part of the War!! We WILL WIN!! and All fronts are important!! GO where you feel comfortable! And if you can serve on more than 1 front!! Good for you!!! Cheers!! I’m actually joining Lisa Mei– Bourbon cocktail!!
I like SD’s posts. He has some good info and opinions and dives deep. Somewhere between SD and Q there is an answer to this mess. But in reality I think it is all corrupt. The only question is if the average citizen will stand up and fight to get their country back.
The left has done a great job of taking over education and dumbing down the country. Making it a crime almost for a man to be a man. Pushing veggie and vegan food because it makes us all physically weaker. The whole PC agenda. If you look at all the tenticles over the past 50 years you can see how we have become Rome.
Not sure if we have the fortitude for one more fight to save this great nation. All I can do is my part. As I am getting older, I ain’t got nothing to lose. Love your posts by the way!
Don’t stop believing rf!! We DO have the fortitude!! This site! IT has been by GOD’s design–I know more than you know!!! keep the faith!!! and thank you!! Feel like God definitely called– !!! Hang tough!!
I am. I am at the Treehouse blowing it up.
GO darlin!! you could be joining the BAND/banned soon!!
They got me twice last year. I am probably on three strikes.
Giggling as I saw you took em on…It’s your choice rf–I just needed more positivity! This site is Positive and supportive!! you do crack me up!!
I’m curious. Did they notify you when you were banned? Did they notify you when you were unbanned? Asking for a friend…
“Making it a crime almost for a man to be a man. ” You’re closer to the truth than you might suspect.
“For the first time ever, the APA has issued a set of guidelines for how to approach men and boys, specifically, within a counseling practice…
“The main thrust of the subsequent research is that traditional masculinity—marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression—is, on the whole, harmful,” the January article from the APA goes on to read. “Men socialized in this way are less likely to engage in healthy behaviors.”
Progressive beliefs about a number of hot-button social justice and political issues such as sexism, patriarchy, and male privilege seem to be behind the new guidelines. More specifically, modern conceptions of gender appear to be driving the organization’s updated approach to men…”
In other words, men are now required to behave as women or they are mentally ill. Or something. I can’t even bear to think about it.
All I can do is hope for the best with Barr. Sure, I’m a little dubious. He’s swampy. But the truth is they all are. The only way to avoid that is to bring someone in from outside the system, such as when GWBush appointed Governor John Ashcroft.
I don’t believe Ashcroft was a real success in the role, although I might be mistaken, and I would guess it was difficult coming in from the outside to know what was going on and who the players are (like Comey and Mueller who worked for him). It is such a ridiculously enormous agency.
I read a quick piece somewhere in the last week or so that apparently Barr is a very demanding, exacting sort of boss. My ears perked up and I thought, well, let’s give the man an axe (or a shovel) and let him get to work on cleaning out that mare’s nest. He at least should understand the place and how it runs and how it should run.
Hopefully, he is an honorable man and a patriot.
Pres Trump is going to tour the Rio Grande? …Good!
I don’t see how ‘the wall’ would work along the Rio Grande.
For several reasons.
It’s a big meandering flood plain.
We would be surrendering millions of acres of US territory…if we placed the wall at the distance required to set it safely out of that flood plain.
So we would be ceding the River to Mexico!
Along with a lot of our territory.
Farmers use that river for irrigation and to water their cattle herds.
It is a vital resource for them.
Putting a wall along the Rio Grande, set back a safe distance from the river’s flooding…would cut off Farmers from being able to use it.
Rick Perry showed us the way to deal with the Rio Grande…with gun boats!
He had limited resources to do it with, so he was only able to put a few gun boats along the river.
But they were effective where they were put in use.
We need to put gun boats all along the Rio Grande.
Either put the Coast Guard on the task…or procure them for the Border Patrol.
But gun boats are the way to go.
You are correct, there’s a few sections where we don’t need a barrier, that being one of them. Saw a map earlier somewhere, hmmn, now I have homework
Hannity is tagging along with POTUS and will be interviewing him on his show tomorrow night. Bonus
Yeah, we have a right to use that river as much as Mexico does.
And I hate the thought of walling off all that territory along the river…on our side…and basically ceding it to Mexico.
Even fencing on our side would block our *own* access to it, and screw our Farmers.
We’d be shooting ourselves in the foot.
Be glad it was President Trump and not President Wolf Moon. The Wall would be 10 miles into Mexico right now and already built. The “MILITARIZED ZONE” (the 10 mile strip) would be a tourist destination. TANKS would patrol the top of the WALL. And the top of the Mexican side of the wall would be decorated with blue helmets hanging in long chains like wind chimes. So much more durable than SCALPS. Mexico would be much more civilized now, because the EXILED LIBERALS would be given GUNS to defend themselves and COLONIZE MEXICO.
It’s a very fun universe. Thankfully, we live in THIS ONE.
But I like it!
You’d get my vote, Wolfie.
It’s time for those who foisted communism on this country to experience KARMUNISM.
Every day our army grows stronger!