Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse Mysteries

Adding Authors for Articles (Posts) and Dear MAGA Threads to Keep the Site Going While I Am Away

The bottom line is simple. I must vanish from this site for a period which includes the “Super Blood Wolf Moon” eclipse of January 20/21. It would be ill-advised for me to go into details about this absence. The timing is short but indeterminate – it could be a week – it could be longer. I am thinking that 1-2 weeks is reasonable.

Therefore, I need to get this site running without my daily attention as soon as possible, but definitely before a date I have chosen:

January 17, 2019

This will begin a three-day window during which I will disappear. January 17, 18, 19 (three of my “spiritually lucky” numbers, by the way). I will definitely be gone before the SBWM days of January 20 and 21, with January 20 also being the anniversary of President Trump’s Inauguration.

My return will be – if all goes as expected – 1-2 weeks later. I am thinking January 31 is a good target date. Expect me back by then. If not, then it’s time to get worried.

SO – before that time, I need to do two things:

  • Add 1-3 “Authors”, in addition to Flep, to provide articles (what WordPress calls “posts”) on an occasional basis, as desired. I am planning on Lady Penguin being one of them, unless she objects. If I can get a couple more volunteers, that would be great. (Daughn has already volunteered.)
  • Add 1-3 Authors who will do the very important Dear MAGA daily thread on a nightly basis. Again, I need volunteers. The best people for the Dear MAGA threads are the most reliable – those who try to show up for the beginning of the daily threads every night.

SO – do I have some volunteers?

Note that during this time, I will retain the administrative capabilities but not use them, so that no new members will be added, and anything going into moderation will simply stay there. Authors can add articles, edit them, or take them down as needed.

If we get horrible or illegal troll comments from currently allowed posters (unlikely), you all can dogpile them or notify the FBI, who are watching anyway, so no biggie. Worst case scenario, the author can simply take down the article, which takes down the comments, and when I get back, it’s a huge scandal and we make the leftists pay BIG TIME.

In other words, there won’t be any problems. 😉

So – last call. Any volunteers? Please speak up. I would like to begin this process as soon as possible, so that I feel comfortable disappearing by January Q.

So to speak. 😉


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Posting blind from the new post list here Wolf. I can do the daily if you don’t already have a volunteer.


Pro: I’m pretty regular.
Con: Probably won’t be as edgy.


And I can be pretty edgy when it comes to the Biblical arena.
Just let me know what you need and I’m in.


Go T*3!!!! I’ll help take the edge off your Bible verse…or sharpen them!!! Lol


I may be of some help with the “verses”…… but not many people share my theology 🙂


BTW, when I decided to check in to the Q Tree a few minutes ago I was feeling a bit guilty about being distracted from my “real work” and then I see your post and go, “ah!” maybe it wasn’t a distraction, perhaps it was just a timing thing. May we all be blessed with more of Heaven’s perfect timing!


You know you’ll be in our prayers while you are away, Wolfie.




I can’t think of a better Deputy Wolf than Flep.


Flep sure ain’t no Deputy Dawg.


This back and forth between Wolfie and Flep– Dang! I am crying a bit–You two–my favorites for so many -years-over 2 anyway–Patriots!! I love you guys!!! Thank you so much for your service!!! WWG1WGA! —
and NOW we got Betsy Ross!! (Lady Penguin) My Prayers will simply need to be upped!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!


Keep dancing WM so more can hear the music we hear!comment image


Just a thought. Perhaps work on a single article for a while. Kind of like a creative outlet in between dashing to rehearsals or other compelling activities?


Whatever you need me to do wolf


Does that apply to the rest of us? Because my house needs cleaning and dusting.


I am not sure what you mean by that


I’m good at noticing things, but I’m not fast enough getting around the pages, so usually someone else has already noticed, usually you, Wolfie.


DP—I need someone to do floors!!?? 😉


Your second paragraph is what they told me about my cheesecake diet – it wasn’t healthy & balanced.


Just get cheesecake with shredded coconut crust. Plenty of fiber!

Plain Jane

Oh my goodness TTT, you just gave me an idea for Keto cheesecake. I cannot tolerate Swerve nor any sugar substitutes. But I have made palatable, for me, food concoctions with less than 1/5 the amount of sugar called for in recipes that make me happy as a clam. Tomorrow. Cheesecake with unsweetened, natural coconut crust. Yippee.


Agree with Jane, great idea, can’t stand most of the gluten substitutes, either. Love coconut. You mean cheesecake isn’t one of the four food groups?

Plain Jane

It always has been in our home. I have a very easy recipe that knocks everyone’s socks off.
It is actually crustless and is supposed to be a mimic of a famous cheesecake sold by Goldblatt’s Dept Store back in the 50s.


Oh, Jane, do not remember the crustless cheesecake, but I miss our Goldblatt’s. It was a fun store.

Plain Jane

I sure wish we still had Goldblatt’s, Marshall Fields and the Carson’s of 15 years ago.


So do I. Going to Macy’s not the same at all. Long for the Walnut Room as it was with Frango Mint pie, plus the best chicken pot pie I ever had.

Plain Jane

S Zoe, My sister and I would take our girls before Christmas on the South Shore Train, diddle around Chicago and grab lunch actually at the soup and sandwich shop at Fields. Their corned beef sandwiches wee todie foe as was their slaw with optional peanuts. New England clam clam chowder, mmmmm.
We would hit Fannie Mae before Randolf Street Station, and buy two of their caramel covered marshmallow pillows for each of us for on the train. The floral shop at Randolf St. Station always carried huge bunches of long stemmed fresh eucalyptus for my yearly renewed arrangement. They dried in a cascade in place in my designated ceramic pot.


Thank you for sharing your nice memories, Jane. My mother and I and sometimes other family used to go up on the City of New Orleans from Champaign maybe once a year or so to go shopping on Michigan Avenue, and of course Marshall Fields was always the big attraction. When I was little, dad would sometimes drive us and we would spend the night at the Palmer House or the Blackstone or somewhere. Later on he just got too busy running his pharmacy. He worked so hard. Both parents gone now.

Plain Jane

Thanks for sharing your memories also. I used to love Chicago. It’s now MY no go zone. I’m due to go to a doctor at Northwestern in April, and dread going. Sad that it’s that way now.
DH and I used to go downtown for dinner dances associated with his career several times a year and had a blast.


It’s good for Wolfmoon and Felice to have some ‘Deputies’ – a blog can be as confining as retail sales or running a restaurant.
I can’t volunteer due to my family member’s disability situation. I never know when I’ll be out of town and in a confining caregiving mode.


That’s why my one and only blog post is about 7 years old.


While I LOVE the concept of creating that little bit of content and putting my flavor of posting up front, so to speak, I have to admit Steve’s offer did take some pressure off. Whatever you want. At your service Wolf.


Dibs on Friday, Saturday, Sunday!


I think it went to a spam folder. Will start digging…


Is not appearing. Grrr




Outlook is notorious for tossing email before it hits your account.
Funny thing is WordPress notifications for new followers is working fine.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Got mine, thanks Wolf!
I’m going to do tomorrow’s Dear Maga as practice–and cue it up to autopost if I can find it.
If that goes disastrously wrong, I’ll try to delete it; if I can’t then of course you probably ought to.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Done. Check ‘er out.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If not, the daily thread tomorrow is after 2 AM!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No such thing.
EDT is “Eastern Daylight Time” and “EST” is “Eastern Standard Time” (not Daylight Saving). One of my perennial annoyances with Sundance is he persists in saying “EST” year round. I tried correcting him once before I was banned, and it did no good.
If you want something that will work year round, just refer to it as Eastern Time (ET).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, when I look up EDST in Wiki, it does send me to a page for the Eastern Time Zone. BUT….the page itself doesn’t, anywhere on it, explain or expand the EDST acronym!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh…and make sure the cued publication time is between midnight and 1 AM (I won’t say exactly when). If it’s off by two hours, then I gotta schedule it from the standpoint of Mountain Time, not Eastern Time.


I have a TON of time but writing is NOT my forte. Editing for grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity, continuity, etc. is my forte and, I do have to say, I am quite good at it. So that is what I can offer, as well as some moderate-level on-line searching, altho there are certainly others here who are far more skilled than myself. Anyone here can just ask and I will do what I can to assist. Best wishes to you, Wolfie! Take care of yourself, wherever you are going.


No, sorry – not really tech proficient enough.


Yes, I can. A bit rusty right now but it wouldn’t take long to be back on track.


Just don’t go get all pretty-fied and gussied up by Nancy Pelosi’s plastic surgeon… Remember Wolves and Wolverines are supposed to look rugged, rapacious and ruthless.




Okay. I have a different type of question.
If you are not back, and we do get worried, what do we do?
Can we call somebody or something?
Also, sometimes OT there are articles which are “off-topic.” Can the articles while you are gone be something like that? History or health-related or recipes or religion or…? I write and have published, but is there a subject matter preference? I mean, obviously, we are here for politics and Q, but…
If you want to see my writing style (not necessarily for the subject matter) you can look at articles by Wanda, here:


JMO from the peanut gallery – my preference would be for a separate thread for such articles, rather than cluttering up the Daily Thread with issues that are irrelevant to PDJT. But, hey, I’m flexible – your blog, Wolfie – your decision.


If it’s important but too far off our reservation, just post links with a short summary.


wolf I can provide material, suggest topics, edit, do technical stuff…doesn’t matter..I have a sense of your interests from afar….so your choice


Cool. That I can do. I love research.


Those of us who can’t volunteer to help can pray for this endeavor.

Plain Jane

I have no skills other than to praise God and beg of Him. Not too sure about my skill at praising Him, but I try. Count me in here in this category please.

Plain Jane

Ever since I got my iPad, I have to start my day with certain prayers that are on youtub. If I don’t get to my rosary, it just doesn’t seem right.
When Iwas younger I started out the day with Mass. Unfortunately, the easy to walk to monastery was very old and a hazard. The priests and brothers were moved to a building on a hill that we have to walk up. I can manage it only occasionally. Plus Mass is at 7 a.m. My head doesn’t normally get screwed on until at least 8:30. 🙂


I’ll absolutely do what I can.
But, I cannot be an “author” at present.
I would suggest that ONE person (ttt?) handle the daily, “overnight” (12:01am) general threads.
Then, have ONE person (flep?) handle the dedicated, “topical” threads (one per day).
Last, have ONE or MORE persons (Lady Penguin; Daughn, other?) handle any ad hoc threads, as needed or as wished.
ALL of us here, I expect, will be able to “regulate” the content, in accordance with your parameters. We all know that four or more links causes an automatic moderation – perhaps you can automate a forwarding of such, so that your temporary proxies can act in your behalf.
You have a loyal and true following – there isn’t any better to trust, when trust you seek! Have faith, work out a few other details, and then ENJOY (I hope) your mini-sabbatical.
We got this – for YOU!


Yep. Daily handled. Standing by for orders.


Where’s Wheatie? She seems to be up in the wee hours of the morning??? Good move to go for team work, Wolfie!! I knew these bastards were on your ass…lay low and watch your 6!!!


However, W2 and ChurchMouse are great for news gathering for the main topics—their gifts which I look forward to! Just talking out loud.


TY, PeteC. 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Very well.
I volunteer.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And if I am able to cue them up in advance, I could even be the primary. I’d get it done by 10 PM (ET) and then I could freely fade before midnight.


Glad to have you do the Que!


Sure, Wolfie!
I’d be honored to help out!
Whatever you need…count me in.
Sorry I am late to the thread, but I was hungover from last night’s festivities.


Finally W2!!! You only operate at night, don’t you! 😉


TTT, going to love it if you do the daily thread, and lady P. will be great, too.


Yes, the Penguin rocks Zoe!!!

Pat Frederick

My inner clock wakes me 4:30 am and puts me to sleep at 9:00 pm so I wouldn’t be much help. But i promise to help Marica keep the blog spirit light and we will pray to see your safe return in a couple of weeks! Mind your P’s & Q’s young man, cuz I’d really like to buy you a beer someday!


Exactly Pat! Yup Marose Marica and Walmart Bananas will Keep this place Happy and Bright! I will make sure Steve has somebody to pick on ! and we can always whack away a troll with Sylvia’s shovel!
You stay safe Wolfie! This place will be holding it’s collective breath til you return safely.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Eh, but who is gonna keep Marica cheered up? She’s been quite depressed lately: Morose Marica.


“who is gonna keep Marica cheered up?”
I’ll do it.
I know just how to make it work!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In all seriousness, it seems to be the easiest job in the universe.


Of course.
I’ve got my work cut out for me!


Steve, it can be a real challenge helping someone who is often down in the dumps, especially if they start withdrawing from civilized society.
A friend of mine had a series of major setbacks that had him reeling. He seemed to be headed for hermithood.
I tried finding different ways to cheer him up, even once going as far as reading him a top ten list of puns in the hope that at least one or two would do the trick.
But no pun in ten did.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

An oldie but goodie.
I certainly don’t want to make light of how hard it is to help someone who is *genuinely* in the dumps. But Marica just needs to be teased.


Ya’ll talking about me as if I’m not here! 😉 LOLOL!!


You’re a TOPIC now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, now that you ARE here, cheer the heck up, willya?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



You’d be great too, DW247!!! You could keep them all out of jail !!!

Steve in Lewes

Hey Wolfmoon, the timing of your disappearance seems very ‘coincidental’. I’m sure you have a ‘good’ reason for your hiatus….just stay safe ! Beware of those bearing Silver bullets. Applicable before and after pic perhaps?comment image


January 17…The Feast of St. Anthony of the desert (Egypt). Sounds you are retiring to the desert for a time. Prayers for safety in all matters.
I would do anything you asked. Have been an admin/editor/etc. on a conservative blog that has been inactive, but still gets a fair bit of traffic, for some years.


And despite my recurring typos on these blog comments (where is the d**** edit button for comments!!) I am good at what I do and can be a mean blog editor (been known to put into permanent moderation commenters who post the same response to different articles, filling up the “recent comments” column AND chewing up the valuable time of the chief writer who felt compelled to respond & debate back and forth. (And who kept coming back with new names/emails.)


Stay safe Wolfie,
We have your back… praying for you and yours.


W – keep the shiny side up – situation awareness, always – I AM PRAYING FOR YOU!!
Every. Day.


Wish I could help, Wolf, but honestly there is a lot that is just going over my head. I try and keep up with the comments every day but my reading list keeps getting longer and longer. Currently it is a book by Barbara Olson about the Clintons and just the last couple of days I have added learning more about RBG. I am sure going to miss you so hope you stay safe.

Sylvia Avery

I’m sorry you’ll be absent for awhile. I hope it is for R&R but I worry that it isn’t.
I love this blog and want to do what I can to keep things going. My tech skills are very basic and my WordPress knowledge is minimal. I haven’t figured out how to set up my own blog yet, although to be honest I haven’t spent a ton of time trying to do that. But obviously it doesn’t come easy or it would be done by now.
Having put my limited tech ability out there, if you think I can be useful, I will help. If you want to be me on a back up rota to help out ThinkThinkThink and Steve or whoever else has volunteered to take on the Daily Thread, I will be happy to do my part.
If there is any other way you think I can be helpful, let me know. The success of this blog is important to me.
Finally, I hope you are well. I will keep you in prayer.


I second that post by Sylvia. You know I dont have all the tech, but you started this branch so I will help if I am useful. You may email me at anytime.

Sylvia Avery

Sounds like a plan, Wolfie. I hope you know you have made a big impact in our lives here and we love you for that. I have absolutely no knowledge about what running a blog might entail but I have been concerned from day one when we all landed on your doorstep that it would prove to be a ferocious amount of work.
We’ll keep things running while you’re gone and whatever we can to help when you return. I bet with each passing day you get a clearer picture of what kind of help you need.
Take care of yourself my friend.


Not to put any pressure on you or anyone filling in (flep), but most of the “Q-Treepers” have made significant contributions through their comments on this site.
Perhaps, if it is not too much to ask of flep, ANYONE HERE can send him an email with their article.
flep could then review and post some or all said articles.
This would take pressure off flep to compose articles, while at the same time affording everyone the opportunity to have material published in more detail on a particular subject (as opposed to just comments/replies), PLUS the ensuing conversation.
This would also ensure a steady flow of articles.
Note: it does not need to be flep, but he does have his email posted on his blog (you get the idea).
As for me, I simply lack the tech skills and the time necessary to even keep up, or try to catch up, on a daily basis. But I will be here reading and posting when I can.
Howl at the Blood Moon ’til your heart’s content.
And don’t take any silver bullets !!!

Plain Jane

I am hoping you are going for R & R on a nice warm, sandy beach. In any case, I pray you come back here refreshed and upbeat and happy as usual.
We love you Wolfie, and appreciate all you have done and will continue to do for MAGA.


I am currently locked out of my WP email address, Wolfie.
It had not been accepting my password…and my repeated attempts to login resulted in the lockdown.
I’ll be working on it tomorrow, but have to wait for business hours to talk to a human.
So I will either get it unlocked…or get a new email addy.
Will let you know.


Sure, Wolfie…be honored to help out.
I commented upthread, but it was a reply to one of your comments.
Totally understand if you haven’t seen it yet.


Thanks, W.
And I hope that all goes well for you, in your upcoming travels…or whatever it is that will be taking you away for a while.


Seems we are in the middle of the revolution he foreshadowed…comment image

Plain Jane



Can’t see what is in the link, wonder if someone would be so kind as to tell me what is there. Thanks in advance.

Plain Jane

It’ a pic of JFK with this quote:
A revolution is coming – a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough – but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character, we cannot alter its inevitability


From OT – Dispatches from BlackKnightRides:
BlackKnightRides says:
January 9, 2019 at 4:40 pm
POTUS is CREATING more JOBS for Blacks, Hispanics and Women to GET AHEAD.
POTUS is ENDING this FLOOD of Illegals by SEALING the BORDER.
Democrats are DESPERATE to keep the BORDER OPEN for more Illegals.
Democrats are DESPERATE to keep their Base DEPENDENT on them for VOTES.
Democrats are DESPERATE to keep their Base from GETTING AHEAD.
Democrats are DESPERATE to keep their Base from finding out that …
• Illegals have STOLEN JOBS from Blacks
• Illegals have STOLEN JOBS from Hispanics
• Illegals have STOLEN JOBS from Women
• Illegals have kept WAGES LOW for Blacks and Hispanics and Women
• Illegals have PREVENTED RAISES for Blacks and Hispanics and Women
THAT’s why Democrats are going NUTS.
trialbytruth says:
January 9, 2019 at 5:10 pm
I have one suggestion. I think we should revamp our argument to:
Democrats are DESPERATE to keep their Base from finding out that …
they have helped their rich globalist masters to use,
illegals to STEAL JOBS from Blacks
• Illegals to STEAL JOBS from Hispanics
• Illegals to STEAL JOBS from Women
• Illegals to kept WAGES LOW for Blacks and Hispanics and Women
• Illegals to PREVENTED RAISES for Blacks and Hispanics and Women
It puts the onus on the perpetrator rather then the desperately poor of the world. ( Poor by the way due to the actions of the same globalists ).
BlackKnightRides says:
January 9, 2019 at 5:44 pm
Way better!


BlackKnightRides says:
January 9, 2019 at 4:47 pm
It’s real simple, isn’t it:
• D-rats care ONLY about the Washington-Insider Gravy Train.
… Not a word about our CITIZEN VICTIMS.
… Not a thought about protecting their CONSTITUENTS and VOTERS.
• POTUS cares about the American People.
… He will be relentless until they are secure and safe!


Lol oops wrong thread!


Calling it a night. Will check in the morning!


I am a published article/op-ed writer and could produce something on an appropriate topic if needed. However, must say, it looks like the absence timeframe is going to be well covered! You have a great and talented team backing you up, Wolfie.
Anyway, if you run short of thread articles, flep, contact me and I can put something out for you.
In the meantime, I’m really looking forward to seeing what everyone else does.
And, btw, flep…so glad you found your way to this tree, bringing your optimism and factual data based writing with you!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

How are we to coordinate?
I noticed that as an author, I was unable to view anything in the publishing queue–including the post I myself put there.
Without coordination, there could end up being three daily threads…or none.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I can deal with that, if need be!
I finally did find it–and it says as of now (12:22 MY time) that it’s scheduled for 12 hours from now. Which would be 2AM ET.
So we’ll just have to see what *actually* happens tonight. If it turns out that when I’m editing, it’s working on Mountain Time, I can adjust (a skill we, living in one of American’s “Forgotten Timezones,” have to develop).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, this is JACKED UP.
Apparently, now that I’m an author here, I no longer get notifications when someone replies to my COMMENTS on this site, but I will now get notifications for ANY comment made to a post I write. I don’t want to get flooded with that, so I’ll probably end up turning it off. (And no matter what, I won’t be notified if you respond to this!)
So, basically, folks, If you reply to me now, I won’t notice.


Bummer. But you may not know II said that.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Whoah, I got THIS one. Wonder what’s been going on, then?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hmm. I turned ALL notifications on for this site (except not in E-mail). It’s possible that they worded the meaning of the options clumsily, assuming “your posts” mean ANY post on the site.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Here is the list:
Comments on my site
Likes on my comments
Likes on my posts
Site follows
Site achievements
Username mentions
Post Publicized
There isn’t one that QUITE says, “Notify me when someone responds to a comment I wrote”
But apparently checking them all has that result.
I’ll probably get bombarded with notifications when my daily thread starts up (we’ll see) (and I’m still half expecting it to post at 2:14 AM ET instead of 12:14 AM, but we’ll see).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, so my first “Daily” post seems to be a rollicking success.
Do you want me to take it over now or wait until the 17th?