Katy, Barr The Wall!

This “Barr” dude is looking better and better!

Left-leaning Vox LAMENTS Barr’s answers to “debunked” Spygate questions! HA!






Will add more as they come in!


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Pat Frederick

thanks for those!
this though from OT:
Troublemaker10 says:
January 15, 2019 at 12:58 pm
Sen. Klobuchar asked Barr if he would recuse himself from Mueller investigation if his old law firm was involved with Mueller investigation in some way? Barr said “yes”.
Then she asked if he knew if his former law firm was involved with Mueller, and he said “no”.
There’s the red flag.
I’m thinking someone from his old law firm has touched the Mueller investigation in some level….
And they will go for Barr to recuse. Feels like a set up.
hope this is NOT the case


If Barr knew/knows NOTHING about it…
He need not recuse…
We’ve been there, done that…
Don’t worry about it.
Mueller will probably submit his report right after Barr is sworn in…
jes’ my 2 cents


“Sen. Klobuchar asked Barr if he would recuse himself from Mueller investigation if his old law firm was involved with Mueller investigation in some way? Barr said “yes”.”
It was a stupid answer because of a stupid mindset that only afflicts Republicans.
If it was a devilrat, he wouldn’t recuse even if HE was involved DIRECTLY with Mueller investigation, and he would be indignant about even being asked.
But a Republic-idiot is asked the question, and without even knowing the answer, he rolls over, grovels, and says essentially that if you can even show six-degrees of separation between myself and anyone who has ever heard of Mueller, I would recuse.
He’s either STUPID, or it’s a set-up, and they think we’re STUPID.
Who CARES whether his old law firm was involved with the Mueller investigation — how is that relevant to anything?
Hillary Clinton was running a money-laundering and bribery syndicate OUT of the STATE DEPARTMENT, and nobody cared about that.
But our ‘guy’ volunteers to be held to a standard only GOD could meet.
Dead, solid, perfect.
Way to go.


Wolf, I know this is off topic but have you seen the American thinker article about the federal shutdown. The writer posits that President Trump has snookered the dems by goading them. If a fed employee is furloughed for 30 days they can be got rid of. There was also an article by a senior Pres Trump supported in fed gov saying that 80%of the workplace are not only useless but actively sabotaging Pres Trumps agenda. We may be seeing the shedding of a huge amount of govt fat. . One can only hope

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And he knows it, I’m sure. So I wonder what’s up?


Thanks for the THREAD Wolfie,
We’ll be needing it, I am sure…


POTUS thanked this guy in a tweet awhile back… Snake is streaming the hearing if you’re interested in his comments, remove the * from the url and cut and paste


Snake Plissken: “I love what Barr said about equal justice. He said the rule of law means that what you apply to A, you must apply to B, C, & D. ”
Blunt and direct time.
I would have been more direct.
The rule of law means that what you apply to the regular citizenry, you must apply to CEOs & Lobbyists, government workers, judges, lawyers and politicians.
And if there be any other category of people, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt all be held accountable under the SAME law.


I forgot the concluding parting shot:


No warm and fuzzy with this guy. He might defend but I don’t see him attacking. That and Sessions was good on legal vs illegal immigration. Not sure were going to get anything much different. Hope I’m wrong.
Maybe before Whitaker steps down he can litter the landscape with some facts the new AG can’t ignore.


So is an AG recusal a one-way street?
If someone asks Barr if he’s had any conversations with the attorneys of his old law firm, and he replies—“yes, we’ve talked about golf and grandchildren”—he’s off the hook as far as recusal on Mueller?

Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking about grandchildren and children, just thinking what his kids might be named:
Almond Joy,
Steel (no “e”),
and the twins, both named Parallel…
Could be that this nomination is just throwing a bone to the DEMONcRATs and RINOs, who will reject him, leaving Whitaker with another 210 days’ tenure…
I think a major problem is finding an innocent white-hat who really understands the tactics of the black-hats, how evil they truly are, how to counter that evil (and their tactics), and not being sucked into their evil world and methods him-/her-self…

Sylvia Avery

Yes, exactly.


“… who will reject him, leaving Whitaker with another 210 days’ tenure…
How does Barr NOT getting confirmed, get Whitaker another 210 days?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

IF (and that’s an “I don’t know one way or the other” If) PDJT can simply renew the acting AG status of a person, rather than having to find a new Acting AG, then that would do it.
But I have no idea if that’s allowed.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Acting” could mean, he just reverts to his old job.
I think he was Sessions’ chief of staff (not SIC, that was Rosenstein); I imagine that job goes away if Barr wants it to.

Steve in Lewes

As far as naming grandchildren and children; I’d be partial to:
…in case some were wondering!


“Nudie” ???

Pat Frederick

“Just asking to trust you is not enough,” Hirono says to Barr. “Why won’t you follow Jeff Sessions’ lead and follow the advice of Justice Department ethics officials?”
Barr: “I’m not going to surrender the responsibilities of the attorney general just to get the title.”
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) January 15, 2019


Did they ever ask this f**king bullshit of Holder or Lynch? Did they ever ask Janet Reno what sex she/he was? (Remember “Pat” on SNL?)
Excuse the language!! 😡

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Janet Reno would simply have given a pat answer and they’d have let it go.
(sorry, couldn’t resist)

Pat Frederick

hey, hey, hey…stop picking on my name…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I figured it was short for “Patriot.”


I’m a pretty good straight man, hey Stevie!!! Lol


I’m with you Lady P…



Pat Frederick

I believe you’re right when it comes to POTUS knowing all about Barr and trusting his decision…what worries me is that Barr said he would recuse if his old law firm was involved in any way with the Mueller probe. I wouldn’t put it past the dems/Mueller to pull a fast one and claim the old firm was somehow involved to force his recusal–and they have him on the record saying he would recuse. he shouldn’t have answered that hypothetical and I hope it doesn’t come back to bite him in the butt.

Pat Frederick

i guess the point i am laboring to make is he gave them a goalpost–something to shoot for–they now know what it will take for him to recuse. Would you put it past Mueller to threaten the weakest link at that firm into saying he was questioned by Mueller? even if it led no where…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I’m SICK AND TIRED of all this recusal crap.
Why should we?
INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY! Not the other was ’round. Suspicion of an error, or potentially criminal act DOES NOT EQUAL COMMISSION OF SAID ACT.
Folks, it’s high time we started EDUCATING our “blue” “friends” as to waht the LAW and the CONSTITUTION really says.


With Radium Rod out then the DAG would take over?? If Barr was to recuse himself so that’s another angle to look at? Just my 2 cents.


My money is on President Trump!! 🙂comment image

Steve in Lewes

LadyP – I only go there now just to see if anything interesting is posted; if so I’ll read the article and then just scan the first few comments. Then I’m gone…it’s the same ole Eeyore…nothing has changed. I so much more prefer the upbeat folks here at Wolfie’s Place…better for the soul and mental fitness.

Cuppa Covfefe

I don’t know if there are even a few of the current congress-critters who would be willing or able to make the sacrifices and efforts that the Founding Fathers did:
The High Personal Cost of signing The Declaration of Independence (from http://www.crossroad.to ; there are other sites with bios of many of the signers as well)
“What happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?
• Five signers were captured by the British as traitors and tortured before they died.
• Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned.
• Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army, another had two sons captured.
• Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War. They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.
• John Q. Adams, son of John Adams, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, wrote: “Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedoms. I hope you will make good use of it.”
What kind of men were they?
• Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners: men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.
• In early September 1776, the British burned the home of Francis Lewis and seized his wife. Held in prison with no bed and no changes of clothing, she was finally released after two years of suffering and her health gone. She died soon after her release.
• Thomas McKean was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.
• John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his grist-mill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later he died from exhaustion and a broken heart.
• Lewis Morris’ New Jersey home was looted and burned and his grist mills destroyed. While he eluded capture by sleeping in caves and forest, his ailing wife died and his 13 children were scattered. His failing health forced him to leave the New Jersey legislature in 1779, and he died less than three years after the Declaration was signed.
• Richard Stockton rushed home to Princeton, New Jersey, in 1776 to rescue his family from approaching British troops. He was captured and thrown into prison, where he was repeatedly beaten and kept near starvation. The British also destroyed his home and burned his papers. As a result of mistreatment, he became an invalid and died in 1781.
• John Morton was criticized by many of his Pennsylvania neighbors for breaking the tie vote of the Pennsylvania delegation in favor of independence. The criticism depressed him deeply. Early in 1777 he became ill and died.
• Philip Livingston’s 150,000 acre estate was seized by the British, but he continued to contribute his dwindling fortune to Congress for the war effort. The strain of the revolutionary struggle also depleted his health, and he died less than two years after signing.
• Robert Morris issued over one million dollars of personal credit to finance the war effort, and raised $200,000 to defeat the British at Yorktown. In 1798, his personal finances collapsed. Never reimbursed by the country, he spent three years in debtor’s prison.
• Joseph Hewes of North Carolina gave tirelessly of himself to create a navy and help General Washington. Working long hours without adequate food and rest, he lost his health and died in 1779 at age 49.
• Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships sunk or captured by the British Navy. Although he lost his wealth and was forced to sell his land, he continued to serve in the Virginia Legislature. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts and died in poverty.
• Thomas Heyward, Jr. served in the army and was taken prisoner. The British raided his plantation while he was in prison and burned his buildings. His wife became ill and died before he was released.
• Williams Hooper of North Carolina was hunted by the British. He fled, and they burned his home and lands.
• Thomas Nelson, Jr. served as governor of Virginia and distributed large sums of his money to the families of his soldiers. At the Battle of Yorktown, he led 3,000 Virginia militia against the British. Although the British took refuge in homes belonging to Virginians, Nelson’s troops shelled them away. At the battle of Yorktown, he noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. He quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.
Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more. “ (end excerpt from crossroad.to)
Would that we were blessed with such patriots and heroes as the first generation of Americans were…
When you read of the sacrifices made and the effort given by our founding fathers, and then look at the scum-sucking, grifting, libtard, morally-empty, vacuous vermin occupying the Capitol, it is all but impossible to restrain one’s anger, frustration, and sorrow.
Representative Ryan, Senator McConnell, and all the others: the blood of our heroes, the lives and livelihoods of our progeny, and the legacy of our once-great country lie at and with you. You WILL answer to GOD for either your wisdom, prudence, and patriotism; or your malfeasance, avarice, and duplicity.
Choose wisely; choose well; and consider your place in history, or infamy… Your forebears did the RIGHT THING: are you WILLING and ABLE to do the SAME?????


Steve, I’ve been doing the same. Get a quick look and a few comments…….then gone.
I still enjoy reading everything Sundance puts forward.
Unfortunately there’s been an infection of non supporters.

Cuppa Covfefe

He’s been doing this for DECADES in the corporate world, no less, in New York, which is the viper pit of viper pits (whether Honey Badger gives a shit or not)…
And he’s done quite well, despite the rabble.
Yes, D.C. is different, and another kind of evil. Yet, they have the same master as the NY folks, Mafia, et. al., and VSGPDJT is aware of that.
And GOD will see him through.
PRAY. And get in to your congress-critters’ faces/voicemail/email/websites/etc. If enough folks pester them, and pressure them, then they might very well get off their hineys and do something useful for a change…


He’s a home run pick. The guy is a no-nonsense goal driven leader. His comments during his hearing should make everyone step back and go “whoa..”


Ok, but I’m confused about how Barr can like Herr Müller, or think that he is a “straight shooter”.
I mean, after Boston and Mueller’s dealings with the Brothers Bulger, and all the other corrupt things he has done, how could a white hat abide him?


Thank you Lady your even keeled voice of reason!! You summed up my sentiments exactly!!! “.POTUS continues to know what he is doing.: YUP!
My twitter feed is having a Ball with this hearing!! No gloom and doom there!!!


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Some people are just determined to assume Trump has been snookered on something basic.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s in reference to Marvel Fan 1 in the tweet above, who pulled his 95% number out of his rectal database–not regarding Chaos Actual, who put Marvel Fan in his place.

Cuppa Covfefe

Puts the expression “stored procedure” in a whole new light”…


Yes. People like to believe they know better than Pres. Trump and all his advisors, and some just enjoy being negative. Maybe it’s a kind of defensive mechanism.
The late Justice Scalia was friends with RBGinsburg. If that had been the case before he was confirmed, he never should have been on SCOTUS., according to the know-it-all, doomsday, pearl-clutching sunshine patriots. (I got a little carried away there, but I’m up to *here* with the negativity on other sites today! 😒 People who have no fight and no faith…)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

People like to believe they know better than Pres. Trump and all his advisors, and some just enjoy being negative.

Even if some random guy on the internet is A) smarter than Trump and B) better at strategy against political types than Trump (both of these being doubtful) he simply CANNOT know everything that Trump knows, because he’s not sitting in the White House.
So really, their opinions are valueless, even if they’re VSG smart–and they usually aren’t even that.

Cuppa Covfefe

I miss Jerry Pournelle (RIP) founder and author of “Chaos Manor”, as well as a great writer of science and science fiction…
Sometimes Brownian motion leads to useful remedies…
(As in, sometimes a cuppa will warm the cockles of yer ‘eart when ye’ve got a cold)…

Pat Frederick

i hope it all goes down just as you describe!


Hi LadyP.
I’m sticking with “Look at what POTUS said in the Lester Holt interview”….
Remember he said (paraphrasing) “I may decide to lengthen the investigation ….. some people may be confused”
With Q saying Jeff Sessions will be vindicated whilst POTUS was officially hammering him in his tweets, we cannot know the status of Mueller or Rosenstein until the opera is done and dusted.
We will just have to continue speculating until the final reveal, cause everyone in confused …


Belated welcome to Wolf’s lair – I was hoping you’d find us banned treepers. I’m in South Africa visiting family and friends, so not posting much for rest of the month.


Jason!! aren’t you thrilled to have her! and she is an Author here too!! Can’t wait til you get back here full time…


Thanks Marica!!! You guys are having WAY too much fun without me 🙂


Just think how much MORE fun we are going to have WITH you!!


Be prepared to give us the truth about the situation in South Africa and the Boers when you get back. Is it as bad as reported by Ms. Southern in her documentary.


” I’m in South Africa visiting family and friends, so not posting much for rest of the month.”
Good to see you Jason, I was wondering why I hadn’t seen your posts lately!


#4 is definitely my favorite!!! hmmm thinking of a cool heading to be released soon..Wish I could create Memes!!
Bet Steve could have fun with game afoot…

Plain Jane

Excellent reminder JasonD. TY.

Pat Frederick

Leahy was questioning Barr on whether or not POTUS can build a wall without Congress appropriating the money—Barr refused to answer directly–saying he would have to see the statues involved and that POTUS does have the ability to pull discretionary funding out of “places” and at “certain times”…


I watched most of his confirmation hearing and have come away impressed. Just like our president, he stated that he did not need this job. I believe he feels compelled to bring the justice department back in line. His stature and knowledge was intimidating to the Democrats.


I’ll take forced to do it for $1000, Alex.


Still don’t know why POTUS meets with someone for over three hours for a position (FBI Director) he was disqualified to fill because of previous tenure in same position???


“Job interview”= Cover Story


It may have been a job interview, just not or FBI director.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s possible Mueller is hostile…but is doing exactly what Trump wants him to do nonetheless.

Plain Jane

I’m in that camp Steve.


My belief about Mueller is that President Trump put him where he is.
I have thought hard about that three hour “job interview” with Rosenstein, Mueller and Trump. There is NO plausible explanation for it that I have seen anywhere. On its face, it makes no sense, because he couldn’t have the job. Trump may have outlined what he knew about Mueller’s “issues” with certain things (U-1), just to give him a sense of what might happen if he decided not to play ball. That boyish, playful side we see of the President is probably nowhere in evidence during closed-door negotiations.
I think Trump knew that the Dems would never shut up until a Special Counsel was appointed, and that it would be a great distraction while the real work was going on with China, North Korea, and the economy. By the time Mueller was “finished” and reporting his findings, our President’s accomplishments would be so great as to negate TDS in deluded but otherwise basically sane people. And that has happened, poll numbers reflect it. Some people were necessarily caught in the Mueller net, like Manafort, who is dirty. I think Flynn is playing his role in it for a reason we don’t yet see.
When Mueller’s report finally comes, it is going to exonerate the President. I am 95% convinced.

Sylvia Avery

Wouldn’t it be nice if there really was a White Hat? A Patriot? Someone who, no matter who his wife attends Bible Study with, believes in the Constitution? Who actually meant it when he pledged allegiance to the flag…and to the Republic for which it stands…?



Says it all for me… he’s a straight arrow when it comes to the LAW.


Boom!!!! goes the shot across the bow.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m getting a good picture from all of this–not to exclude the slim possibility that this guy is acting.
So with that said, I wish Marica would cheer the heck up. 😀


Marica is a hopeless case… just accept it, you’ll feel better. 😉


You all should know if I don’t use an exclamation point–something isn’t right. RIGHT?!!!!!! 😉


thanks lady:) All you guys are cracking me up!! Great time to be ALIVE!!!! woohee!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It is indeed.
Now ACT like it!!!! 😀 😀 😀

Plain Jane

What, me worry? No, I just have a bite of 100% chocolate and carry on.

Plain Jane

Marica, we love you exclamation points !!!!


Miss you Jane!! I know you have been busy!! thanks for noticing my !!! LOL!!

Plain Jane

You got me actually LOL. DH is trying to sleep.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Pretty much agree–I just never go a hundred percent with people, because deceit could be involved. But in this case…it’s probably good, and it appears Trump has made the same judgment.


Also ties into..Trump appoints RR- Monday (or whatever that day was) Tuesday, RR and Trump meet with BobM. Wednesday, RR appoints BobM as SC…
Either Trump is genius or a complete moron…Still going with GENIUS!!!


We need to have Barr… iers on the border,
that’s for dang sure!!!!!!


Thought you were Stevie for a second, Phoenix!!! Had to scroll up to make sure!


Thanks PeteC,
That’s quite a compliment… !

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Are you implying I am the worst punster here, Barr none?




And entirely too smart in the Barrgain.

Plain Jane

The pun Barr is pretty high here at wqth.

Plain Jane

Oh nos. Those were good ones…all 3 in one sentence!!!!!!
The !!! are in case Marica doesn’t see this.


As I wrote earlier with photos, etc. – President Trump started working on the wall in 2017 – right after he was sworn in – and – he hasn’t stopped building!!! [ https://wqth.wordpress.com/2019/01/14/chinas-economy-is-in-terrible-shape-the-european-union-especially-germany-france-are-dying-a-slow-death-dont-let-them-lie-to-you/comment-page-1/#comment-45218 ]
“Of note, the contracts for all the new wall sections last year were executed by the Army Corps of Engineers (with transferred Homeland Security money).
So they already have the mechanism, the subcontractors and the precedent.
Buckle up.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m curious as to what the “anti-climbing feature” is.
A coat of grease would wear off pretty quickly so that’s not it. And red fuming nitric acid coating would eat the steel, so THAT isn’t it either.


11 000 Volts?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, well…for reasons I went into the other day, I doubt it. But if it WERE there, I’d expect it to be wires mounted to the fence face (or back) on insulating posts. (The bollards themselves are grounded and thus can’t be electrified.) They might be there and just be too small to see in that photo.
I can’t exclude electrification based on what I can see, but I’m suspecting there’s a physical feature of the fence involved.


Yeah, was not a serious suggestion, though it would send a big signal … (no pun intended)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It would show them who was in charge!

Plain Jane

More heeheehee.


Me I’d have spiraled every upright (or every alternate upright for cost saving) with razer wire before they were installed, with a tack weld every foot to stop it coming loose.

Plain Jane



what about giant alarms ringing out like a jail break sound?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’d annoy the coyotes. Can’t have that, that would wreck the environment.


Aw Steve! Now you’re a killjoy. 😉 !

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That sounds interesting!


It would be great for the bird feeder.
Available ay Home Depot??

Plain Jane

Dang, I was thinking of that but didn’t know it actually existed.

Plain Jane



I think it’s a flat metal plate at the top….some of the bollards (slats) are very sharp at the top too.


They could always top it with razor wire, one of my favorites…electrified for good measure!


Electricity is a must! – as well as automatic motion guided machine guns – but I’m still holding out for the pirañha, gators and water moccasins in a moat.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Razor wire is much cheaper, and doesn’t need to be fed when no one tries to climb.


Teflon coating?


Good job kid!
I just turned this in and now Ciry Booker, who is gay, is grilling him over gay views….ine track mind.


… the same Cory Booker who insists that he’s NOT gay… is asking all the questions on gay views…
Very subtle, Cory.
Very subtle!
Nobody suspects anything… your secret is safe, LOL!


Good one, Scotty!!! Lol

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Probably watches gladiator movies.
And that’s why he knows who Spartacus is.


Lol !!!!


What was it Mr. Bar said, A, B,C,&D I’m thinking he also meant every other alphbetical combination.


Ohh here we go. Ms bitchy.


Holy smokes hirono is incompetent.


And they think of her as one of the sharper pencils on the Demo desk!!


That might be to our advantage!!! 🙂


Between Hirono, Ocassional Cortex, and “Guam” Johnson—poor Maxine is getting a run for her money!


Wolf, I’m trying to get out of moderation to post a comment. I had no idea where you guys went, but managed to track you down. LOL. Can I come in?


Thanks, I don’t say much mostly read but now I can add a quip or two. 👍😀

Plain Jane

Hello and Welcome Dutzie.


I thought the government was shut down, and the devilrats were in Puerto Rico.
How is it that there are Senate confirmation hearings during a government shutdown?


Congress always funds itself come hell or high water as they say. Just the Dem House is spending theirs in Puerto Rico. Repub Senate is at least working for once.


If push comes to shove – they all know President Trump will publish their cell phone numbers and sic his hordes of DEPLORABLES on them!!!


More from Martosko – this is great!!!


Glad you straightened him out!
Have a love/hate relationship with DM – he’s been on and off my links list for years. DailyMail IS intolerable much of the time – but their photo essay coverage of major events can be stellar. I hate the Brit media anti-Trump/pro-Islam attitude.


“I turned him.”–I have no doubt in my mind, Daughn, that you did just that!!


Do tell.
What did you argue about?
Details, please.
‘Enquiring minds want to know’. 🙂


Right, so, this is the first trip from 2017.
Yes, I remember they (or at least one of them) went back earlier than the omniscient media had anticipated.
What was he like? Was he surprised you recognised him? What did you say that changed his mind? How did he react?
You might as well tell me what was on the lunch/dinner menu, too — and which of you ate what. 🙂




Anything we can do that is not good for democracy is what we should be doing. Democracy is evil and we’re a republic. Surprised Hawley doesn’t know that.

Sylvia Avery

Thank God! Go, Josh Hawley!


Maybe it is them that are disingenuous and trying to suck up to Barr. And he is slick enough to pretend that they might be on the right track.
Cat playing with the caught mouse.

Sylvia Avery

Pity, she didn’t seem to have any heart at all for Kavanaugh’s daughters.
I’ve really come to dislike that old biddy. I hope there is some justice coming her way.


I wouldn’t let any kid of mine eat her damn candy.
Who knows what might be in it?




Barr is priceless!


That was actually not just comical but encouraging.


Have you read about the Angel Moms who called at office of Schumer and Pelosi today?
Well, seems Nan would not speak with them…




Plain Jane



Speaking of the good guys…
January 13, 2019

With over two million federal employees, our government has gone from being a provider of necessary services to an employment agency. They don’t produce profits and are grossly inefficient, leading taxpayers to fork over more of their hard-earned money to support their great pay, benefits and pensions keeping the world of the federal worker constant.



And even worse, TTT…the federal govt has been Borrowing Trillions of Dollars to pay for all those excess govt jobs!


I just finished watching all 4 videos of Mr.Barr’s confirmation hearing a little bit ago and I am disgusted with a few representatives! The few I’m talking about is Harris, Blumenthal and especially Hirono!!! Making statements and claiming that they’re facts. It was unbelievable and I am embarrassed as an American citizen that they even represent our country.
I think Mr.Barr did an excellent job and handled himself professionally. He held his composure with dignity considering the idiocy of the ones I mentioned earlier. Hirono drove me crazy with her innuendoes at Mr.Barr. I couldn’t have held my composure if I were in his seat! To be honest, I would love to knock her off her seat!
Blumenthal was a bumbling idiot. I don’t think he quite understood what he himself was asking! As for Harris, she didn’t surprise me. I could name a few more but I’m sure you get the gist of what I’m saying. How these people get elected is beyond my comprehension!!!
IMO I think Mr.Barr will make a good AG and I hope he doesn’t disappoint us and MAGA’s on!!!😊