Dear MAGA: 20190116 Open Thread

This special Cozy Q Tree Wednesday open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments. Keep it civil. Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:


See the January 1st daily thread for the rules of the road, which are few but important.
Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


Do you have any pet peeves? If so, what are they? Let us know what they are.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I look at Wednesday as…….. Monday Part III

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

Aha! So that is where Wolfie is going; to do battle beside Odin!!
Godspeed Wolfmoon; do your best and return forthwith.


oohhh wheatie,
such a beautiful tree… love all the light.
wolfie… not sure when your sabbatical begins. want to be sure to say we’ll all be praying for you, for a safe and restful time. Must say again how generous of you to provide this sanctuary for us all. As if that weren’t enough, you have extended an opportunity for Felice to post his wonderful analyses here, as well as enlisting Steve, TTT and wheatie,,, all of whom brighten our paths. God bless you and yours.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you and God bless, Phoenix! Your prayers are welcome, and I look forward to my return!
I may schedule one post to appear in my absence – so don’t be surprised if one appears! 😉 😀
Yes – I think my decision – even my NEED to expand the site – was divine inspiration and guidance!!! <3


Absolutely convinced of this Wolf. Bless, Bless, Bless you and all of your kin.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Do not resist The Spirit!

Curry Worsham
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Awwww, who wouldn’t love to snuggle up in such a friendly tree?
It’s lovely, Wheatie.

Sylvia Avery

I just want to grab my jammies and go have a slumber party/bull session with you all in that Tree!
Great job, Wheatie!


Nice idea, but, too risky. I don’t want to snuggle up, fall into to a Rip Van Winkle grade sleep and then miss the revolution. I’m gonna stay awake:)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Johnny, you made me laugh. None of us are going to sleep through the revolution!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Marica will be too loud to sleep through.

Sylvia Avery

You’re so right, not a chance! Some days I’m reluctant to run out to the store for fear of what I’ll miss.


Absolutely love the tree, Wheatie! Very welcoming.
Nigel Farage has already tweeted that if May has any honor, she should resign. Totally agree. She’s wasted all kinds of time on a deal that only an idiot would agree to, and now there’s very little time. They do have an option left – a hard Brexit in March, which is what they should have done to start with. Why would anyone pay the EU globalist monstrosity for the “privilege” of leaving them? Just tell them to go to hell and leave! But I’m not a Brit, so my opinion doesn’t count. 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Hi Wheatie, I had FOX Business on today during the vote. I forget whose show it was. Either Charles Payne or David Asman. Anyway, whatever. He had a couple of British guests on, one of whom was a fellow named John Browne. I came in late, but I THINK he used to be an MP.
Anyway, he said that May won’t resign, that she still has orders to follow from Brussels. She has to hang in there and keep trying again and again to foul this up and to give “Operation Fear” enough time and energy to frighten everyone into thinking Brexit was a bad idea and just wouldn’t work so that they’ll give up, hold another vote and vote against it. He said they used to call that TREASON. I was sort of shocked.
I think Hard Brexit just means BOOM (to coin a phrase) they leave, no deal, and they sort it out afterwards. Frankly, as little as I know about it, I think that sounds like the best thing to do. Forget all this fiddling around. Leave. They’ll never be able to work this out with their version of the Deep State dragging their feet and throwing spanners in the works.


Excellent summary, Sylvia! This is where we are today.

Sylvia Avery

I’ve been waiting for you to check in. Very curious what your take is on how things are going over there.


No different to what you have already summarised so well!
Watched the two lengthy debates (Corbyn for Labour, followed by May for the Conservatives), then the vote, then May’s response.
Depressing, to say the least.
Now we wait.


I’m sure Brussels is pretty happy with her about now.


My pet PEEVES right now–sorry Wolfie–SD! He just tweeted his Swamp Pic- with The monster beneath holding on to the TINY DJT–LIKE He FREAKIN LOSES no matter what to the SWAMP! I believe I just responded in ALL CAPS ! might be blocked..Probably should be–
I was a FOX watcher, Facebook mom .. then My daughter gave me a g-baby!! Almost 4 years ago–I was NOT
happy about this country in which my g-baby was going to be growing up.
I went to the internet and followed Drudge and Breitbart and Gateway Pundit and Ace of Spades–trying to get news from other sources..
THEN I found…CTH and that was THE ONLY source I would believe! SD was the bottom line GURU ..I followed religiously from August 2016 til July of 2018…then he went full NEGATIVE.
So I just left and went twitter–And followed peeps that SD talked about! I found out there are LOTS of different perspectives in this world. And there are are lots of great people that have great ideas! AND Solutions!!
GOD and Alison brought me here.. AND HERE–I Have NO PET PEEVES!!
Except of course —STEVE!!! I am pretty sure he’s gonna call me out in 3 2 1…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t worry – our mission – should we decide to accept it – is to make the world SO MAGA using OUR methods that SD is smiling again! 😉


Yes, I have a feeling that one of these days, SD is going to be looking around in shock asking “What just happened” as the whole world changes for the better.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The feeling of DOING THINGS and THEY WORK is one of the greatest pleasures of existence, which we learn as children. One of the first LESSONS of that process is the knowledge that believing it CAN be done is essential to success. We may fail, but “reluctant success” is the exception, and “believing success” is the rule.
Let our inner pessimists challenge, but let our inner optimists plan!

Plain Jane

Wolfie, you have no idea how remarkably true your words are. Life experiences speak to that truth.


So many are denied the PLEASURE of the feeling of ACCOMPLISHMENT.
Being told: “You can’t do that!”
or “You didn’t do that”
or “You didn’t Build that”
or “It will NEVER work”
(Negative Nancy’s)
Ambition and perseverance seem to be dying commodities
CAN’T…. Never did!
and WON’T….. Never will.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



thanks Wolfie!! I dearly love you!!! Marica got a bit Crazy…K–B**chy! I sincerely Agree that I want to see SD smile again!! He gave me the very 1st HOPE for getting our country back..!

Tired Mom

Marica, we were on the same path. I followed all the same sites, then stumbled upon CTH, then branched out to certain twitter writers seeking HOPE, and then finally landed here. What a surprise, upon my first visit, to see so many names I recognized from CTH! You likely won’t recognize my name from CTH, as I’m primarily a lurker. Too busy to be able to comment much, though occasionally I engaged on nights of insomnia.
Like you, it isn’t because of my offspring that I cannot — I will not—give up. Ever.

Tired Mom

PS – Wolfmoon, you have my endless gratitude for getting this site going, as do your co-patriots who are assisting.

Tired Mom

Typo alert: it IS because of my offspring that I cannot give up.


Welcome Welcome Tired Mom!! (many of us relate to that name!!) Comment, Lurk and Pray with us all!! Glad you popped out and said HI!


As long as there is life there is hope!
Find someone to mentor or disciple – do not despise small beginnings!
Remember the mustard seed. It is so small people despise it but what a big thing it grows in to!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Marica, you are the best!


Thank you Daughn!! Means alot from you!! HUGS!


IKR Wheetie! So So So Happy to have found you guys! I gotta be a happy ‘MIMI’ for my g-baby–He’s gotta a whole big life ahead! Never will I go Negative!! We have GOD on our side!!


wheetie! I pray for him.. it is totally not the same.. But your great Tree pic brings me so much solace!! Finding you again! Tells me GOD is so in control! NOT THAT stupid Swamp!

Plain Jane

Two people who lurk here told me the same a few weeks back.

Plain Jane

I don’t like the “no food fights “ rule. Calling Wheatietoo.


Jane!! You are anything but Plain!! LOL!! missing you lately for sure!!

Plain Jane

You are so sweet. I miss you and the rest of wq deplorables. Everything takes me oodles more time to do because of arthritis.
Been going to the gym 3 x a week to try to hold on to mobility. Plus, all the good blessings of family, trying to finish projects from 2 years ago….you get what I mean.


Just know–as wheetie’s awesome tree tells you–Always a light on for you!! We all Love you Jane!–

Plain Jane


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What if we did a snack bake off instead? I could get into that.
I mean, on the Spanish side of the family the motto was “come in and eat.” The French/Swiss/southern “German” gang consider cooking a full contact sport. The Irish…just open a bag of chips and buy Dean’s French Onion dip.

Plain Jane

LOL. Sounds like my Polish/Italian ancestry also.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

STEVE!!! I am pretty sure he’s gonna call me out in 3 2 1…

So are you doing anything tomorrow night?
Oh, you said “call me out” not “ask me out.”

So much for your ability to predict. 😀 😀 😀


I NEVER said i was a Gypsy! Is that even a thing? 😉
so gonna get called out for saying Gypsy…oh wait Q tree is super Qwel…!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, being a Gypsy is a thing. I can tell stories…..


I just went over the the 8chans, and the baker (the thread moderator) wrote this as the first crumb:
“listening to maga swaga on patriots soapbox right now read notables – reading 6090 – laughing my ass off”
It’s all coming together – the anons at 8chan, the posters here, the Patriots Soapbox crew, etc. We’re ALL paying attention, and aggregating notable news / sauce / habbenings for everyone ELSE to see.


ES!! YOU are Amazing!! You totally keep us positive and ahead of the news! And — you are so accurate about me and my!!!! But your kind words made me embrace my inner!!! so..EMERALDSTAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(that’s Marica’s hug to you)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Going there now, thanks for the tip.


Free Audio Download ->
Today’s Unbeatable Deal . . .
Understanding Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses
Robert Bowman is a leading scholar and Christian apologist in the area of cults and religions. But his specialty, for man years, has been seen as issues relating to Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses. In this course, Bowman takes you through and irenic (peaceable) study of these two churches, helping you to understand their beliefs and practices and how those differ from Christianity.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



They’ve been running a lot of “FREE” download specials, especially since Black Friday, so I’ve managed to snag a lot of material from them. If you join their mailing list you’ll get announcements.
They have some of the best training material I’ve found on theology, discipleship, apologetics etc. Robert Bowman is highly respected, yet very humble and down to earth.


Knowledge is the Root of WISDOM…
without Knowledge….
There can be NO Wisdom.
Can a Know Nothing be Wise?


ATTN – Update from Michael Patton:
Dear friends,
First, thank you all so much for your prayers. As many of you know, my wife was attacked by a German Shepherd on the 26th of December. It was a vicious attack that was directed at her face. She is okay (thanks to my daughter, Kylee’s, heroic save.) However, it did leave very deep and lasting wounds on both sides of her face.
She is okay. We are so grateful that the wounds did not reach her neck. God was gracious as it was VERY close. She is all stitched up (the doctor did not even tell us how many stitches, saying “there were so many, I lost count.”) The stitches have done their due diligence.
Of course, to me my wife is beautiful no matter what. She really is. She is literally a princess (her job is to dress up as princesses for girl’s b-day parties). However, she is going through a hard time as the wounds are noticable, she has lost feeling in her lip and chin, and she can’t control her lip very well. This affects her smile. We are working with the doctors to get her the best care and work through all the options. She is doing her best to trust the Lord. I am very proud of her.
Please continue to pray for her healing and her heart. Pray that we get and take the best advice from the doctors and are able to cover the medical bill costs.
Thank you,
C. Michael Patton
President, Credo House Ministries


If you have been following the fall out with Gillette over their manly toxicity labeling commercial (a tavistock thing? nods, thanks Wolf 🙂 ) it did get a bit worse for them. Proctor & Gamble down 17.5% in one day. Actually that seems a bit huge.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They deserve it. The HUMAN NEUTERING AGENDA is SICK!!!


What was that, Freuds “Civilization and its Discontents ” I heard?

Sylvia Avery

Yes, it is. I simply couldn’t believe it when I saw that ad. And I couldn’t help but think it was a deliberate agenda advancement ploy, not some dumbazz marketing plan.


When will these companies ever learn? Rule number one of being a successful business: don’t insult your customers.


It is one of many malignant irrational things happening now which suggests very widespread psychological derangement.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is very important – the idea of group psychosis. People have an innate desire to virtue signal to the group virtues. If those group virtues are psychologically deranged, people will be LITERALLY dragged into psychosis.
This was the gravest danger of Nazism – its ability to mind-frack normies to whatever derangements took hold of the Nazi party. Even stripped of antisemitism, even stripped of militarism, Nazism was extremely dangerous.
American socialism is not exactly like any of the prior incarnations of socialism, but it’s showing just as much psychosis.
California and New York are quite literally NUTS.
Our media is in its own psychotic bubble. I just turn it on occasionally, turn it back off, and realize how INSANE it is.


Nauseating in itself and also because of its wider significance. The left has seized almost everything, including the great capitalist businesses.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AmSoc is now definitely a thing, infecting everywhere. It is obsessed with race and gender in its own uniquely American ways.


A colonial form of IngSoc.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A sibling asked this morning who else makes razors. Sounds like we’re going to give Schick a try.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Unfortunately I have a multi-year supply of Gillette laid in.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll have to look, but I think I’m out. Not happy about this at all.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I have two handles for the specific system I use (one I keep in a travel bag, the other at my bathroom sink), and don’t look forward to buying a whole new incompatible system. On the other hand, Trump might not be in office when this finally comes to pass and I likely will have forgotten about it.


That’s ok….. keep and USE them….
Just don’t buy anymore.
What you already have can’t hurt them
But what you won’t now buy will.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, exactly. It’ll just take a while…


“Proctor & Gamble down 17.5% in one day. Actually that seems a bit huge.”
BLEW UP SPECTACULARLY. Right in their faces.
PR/Marketing department should be fired. LOL or investigated!
Try too hard to manipulate free people with BS and you’re going to pay the price.
P&G has been up to all kinds of BS for YEARS. I’ll never forget their corporate gamesmanship with leftist greenie activists removing trisodium phosphate from Cascade.


Makes you wonder if there really was something to them being accused of Satanism years back.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pet peeves…. hmmmm….. Sniping from the sidelines. Criticism without being engaged.
It’s impossible to keep a grudge, at least for me. Once, I was mad at my ex and I had to physically ‘change’ to stay mad for 36 hours, slamming doors and cabinets, and the whole thing felt skeevy.
Too busy moving forward, on a mission.
When people do nip at my heels, I have a “Rule of Three”. First time it rolls off my back. Second time, make a mental note. Third time, have to stop – wasting more time, turn, focus, and unleash hell on earth. I may get beaten, but the other guy will leave just as bloody.


I want Daughn and Scott on my side in dodgeball–also–Sylvia cuz she has a shovel..DIBS!


A nice, topical meme!comment image


That is a million dollar smile right there!
Our VSG Lion has shown in many of his books how much patience he has towards getting the final outcome that he intended from the beginning. Including easements, specific city government concessions, even property purchases that looked impossible.
God bless, protect and grant great favor to our President!


Is this true?

Sylvia Avery

Kind of true. There was quite a discussion on yesterday’s daily thread with some pertinent links.
Basically, after a 30 calendar day furlough, or I think a 22 work day furlough, positions can be eliminated through a RIF (reduction in force). Agencies may then identify these positions that they want to eliminate. Of course positions and workers are separate. So let’s say you have a position at the Smithsonian called Cashier 2 and it has been furloughed for 30 days so the agency head says we don’t need it let’s eliminate it. Okay, great. But the PERSON in the position may, depending on seniority, then be able to bump a less senior person in a similar position.
Anyway, it does give options for reducing the work force. There was also a chart. I think 97 percent of NASAs positions were furloughed. But there was also a really high number of jobs in HUD and the Department of Education.
Mick Mulvaney probably has spreadsheets with all of this information, positions identified, ready to pull the trigger. We hope!


I missed that yesterday!
Wow, wow, wow.


I have complete confidence in the gospel; it is God’s power to save all who believe, first the Jews and also the Gentiles.
For the gospel reveals how God puts people right with himself: it is through faith from beginning to end. As the scripture says, “The person who is put right with God through faith shall live.
Romans 1:16-17

comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



If only Hitler had been like Trump. The last century would have been drastically different.

Plain Jane

TY Wheatietoo. Have to see it tomorrow…I like to play his work loud.


What it comes down to is the left is redefining Chivalry. Sending white men to the back of the bus telling them they don’t have it when its the left that gave us the bad role models on both sides of the sexes after talking down Chivalry, that old quaint manor from bygone ages. They create the problem and then offer the solution which is less masculinity. This then plays into their plans to weaken the state. Tavistock by one name, Madison Ave by another.

Plain Jane

Did anyone see what Laura Loomer and crew did along with three illegals day before yesterday?
Laura Loomer sets up sanctuary camp on Pelosi’s lawn

Plain Jane

It was funny.

Sylvia Avery

Funny, and brought attention to important points! Brave lady.

Plain Jane

Yes, plus the LEOs were real good, and she and her group thanked the LEOs for their work and stated how difficult their jobs were.


Did they ever get to Newsom’s house? Would of wanted to see that.

Plain Jane

Haven’t heard yet. Big aFur Hat usually carries her stuff.


MOAR WINNING.comment image

Sylvia Avery

I hope he sues and I hope he really, really hurts Colorado. I’m so sick of this.


On the flip side, despicable side, treacherous side there is this:
After the SC rules in favor of the little sisters of the poor the 9th circuit rejects there decision and takes another jab. Hopefully someday the little sisters of the poor will find a way to sue the State of California for this continued harassment.

Sylvia Avery

I hadn’t heard this. I can scarcely believe this. There is literally nothing the Commies wouldn’t lower themselves to doing, is there?


It’s Lawfare.
Even when they’re wrong, they go at it again.
The goal isn’t to find right or wrong.
The goal is to harass and wear down opposition.
Intimidation. Fear. Racketeering. PsyOps.
See IRS targeting scandal, and many other examples.

Cuppa Covfefe

I’ve been buying (hideously overpriced) Gillete razor blades for over 50 years.
That’s over.
Good bye and good riddance Gillete. Perhaps you should study manhood, indeed Biblical manhood, to learn what it’s all about. For your hate of men (and patriarchy) comes from the hate of fathers, indeed hate of THE FATHER, that is, HATE OF GOD. And that hate comes from the Devil, and will be your demise.
By the way, Gilette, you snowflakes probably don’t know this, but if you can’t shave yourself with one or two blades, any more than that isn’t going to help you [and where are your green snowflakes to advise you about the resultant pollution?]. Five or six blades???!!! you might hurt yourself; get a professional to do it. Oh, by the way, they only need a SINGLE BLADE to do it. Get lost, profit-mad locusts…
Oh, and good that your lawsuit/patent fight against Wilkinson, et. al. has expired. Now I can get blades again at a reasonable price.
But NOT yours. Ever again…
Goodbye, (old) Nick…
[“Old Nick” is slang for Satan]

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Next up, the GIllette file and the gillette emory board.

Sylvia Avery

Cuppa, question for you. Were you buying Gilette’s because they are better and you like them more, or from habit and brand loyalty sort of thing? Just curious.

Cuppa Covfefe

More from habit than anything else, although they seem to be marginally better (and I like that “lubri-strip” at the top that actually helps smooth things out, but is hard to find anymore -TrakII Plus). Ironically, there was an off-brand, Edeka Elkos, that was “Made In America” that seems to be a second line from Gillette.
I bought a bunch of packages of them when they went on closeout. Now, with the three-day beard (among others) being in style, I don’t buy razor blades anywhere near as much, so my brand is now “cheap and cheerful”, and now I’m even more cheerful being able to stick it to the SJW Snowflake Marxist locusts at Gillette 🙂
€10,00 for 10 blades Gillette, €5,00-6,00 for the Wilkinson equivalent, and the sadly departed Edeka Elkos for €3,99 (even less at closeout). Not a tough decision, especially when Müller (oh, that name) has Wilkinson or their house brand on sale…
I go for quality at a good price, so I’m not a brand loyalist by any means, and I’m immune to advertising. I look at tests and technical details, then try different brands out. I guess I’m a marketer’s nightmare, as I consider that profession, like politics, as lying for a living… look at “The Hidden Persuaders” by Vance Packard to see what I mean…

Cuppa Covfefe

Forgot to mention that often over here, Gillette is “the only game in town”. Funny how the various monopoly-oversight agencies always look the other way…not…
And the biggest irritant of all are the disposable razors, which are increasingly the only way to get a razor without 2**n-1 blades…grrr.


If it was a ‘man (small “m”) that came up with this CRAP……
“he” probably has a DORK KNOT on top of “his” head.


Yep, very J.R.R. Tolkien like…

Sylvia Avery

And it looks like if you go in the door, your friends will be there waiting.

Pat Frederick

i love the picture Wheatie! but it’s not the tree that draws me in…it’s the cobblestone path. Ever since I was a child, I adored stones–not gem stones so much–just regular ones. I look at them and see what else they are inside—sounds weird I know. But we live on over a hundred acres of woods–there’s plenty of stones on the paths here.
I found one I thought resembled a bear face so I had hubby bring the tractor and we dug it out and brought it back to the house. I cleaned it up and painted it and the bear face graces the bank by the garden.
I have found and painted many stones since then–foxes, butterflies, even tiny stones become lady bugs.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like the Hundred-Acre Wood near the House at Pooh Corners 🙂 (speaking of bears, and tiggers…).,

Cuppa Covfefe

I think that May is actually a “Remainer” (remainder, ha) and is actually, slyly, trying to throw a spanner in the works to stop Brexit.
I always wanted Farage, but I suspect he had “excess baggage” to deal with, somehow.
It’s difficult to find good people to lead countries. It’s even more difficult to get them elected. And May, like Merde-kel, isn’t fit to lead a child’s lemonade stand, let alone a country…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Many of the good people just don’t want the hassle of people digging through everything they’ve ever done, trying to ruin them.
And I agree, I NEVER got the impression May wanted to do this. It’d be like appointing one of us to get immigration amnesty passed; we’d just not care even if we were “good soldiering” it and following orders.


Like having MITT build a wall?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Pretty much. I was trying to draw a parallel on our side (something we’d drag our feet on, like May is doing over on her side), but Mitt and the Wall works too!

Plain Jane

Night night all. God bless you and yours.

Plain Jane

TY, you also.

Pat Frederick

these are cool…men being men…who’d thought THAT would be a novel idea!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

First one and last one–I see they’re opening a brick and mortar store.
Fourth one…Nothing toxically masculine here, or even masculine. Woman with a gun…8:. I do wonder how they got a picture of Not-In-The-Least-Bit-Plain Jane here.

Sylvia Avery

That last one was hilarious. The look on the first dog’s face!

Sylvia Avery

Yes, it was!

Pat Frederick

gees…spit coffee all over the place with that one!!


I watched them all. Can’t resist the animals! Thanks Wheatie!

Sylvia Avery

These were great!!!!

Pat Frederick

i loved Day 6 and the unexpected surprise!

Sylvia Avery

Barr as the potential AG has been on my mind. The situation at the DOJ/FBI and Special Counsel seems so dire that I really wanted PDJT to name someone who would be his “wingman” in the way that Holder was for BO. Someone who would forcefully take the reins at the DOJ and just drive it hard, firing people, reorganizing, and implementing the MAGA agenda with guns blazing. I want this so much I can taste it.
But Barr is not that guy. At all. Ever. That’s just reality. A smart, capable lawyer. A Washington insider. A swamp dweller par excellence. This makes me uneasy, naturally. If I know this about Barr, you can be certain PDJT knows this about Barr and much, much more. So why why why would PDJT select someone like this? What gives? He’s not stupid, and he may not always receive great advice, but you have to believe he has considered this with great care and vetted Barr with equal care.
Random snippets of information ran through my head as I considered WHY PDJT deliberately chose someone like Barr. I thought about how often I have heard PDJT say he wants things done right, which in various contexts to me meant he didn’t want cheap shortcuts he wanted a solid foundation, and that he wanted honest transactions. He must have learned a lesson early in life that this seldom pays and you’re better to measure twice, cut once. And keep it legal or it will come back to bite you.
Remember the very beginning of the Russia investigation how PDJT said he wanted the investigation done, he wanted it all looked at even if it took a little longer? It was said as a man who had nothing to hide and who welcomed things being scrutinized, because he knew there was nothing there. There’s that honesty again, and then the transparency. He answers every question at every presser, he meets before the cameras with Chuck and Nancy. He lets it ALL hang out, doesn’t he?
I think I began to understand better why PDJT would select someone like Barr rather than a crony who would have his back. He’s hoping Barr will be a straightforward, honest lawyer who will play it straight. Barr said something in the hearing how at this stage of his life he doesn’t need this job and he can afford to act the way he thinks is right not just dance to someone else’s tune or something like that. I took it mean acting in good conscience.
What if Barr is nothing more or nothing less than a good attorney, familiar with the ways of the DOJ, who at 68 is looking at his kids and especially that grandson of his and hoping the kid gets to grow up in the USA and not some hideously co-opted Communist hell? What if? And what if things have been happening out of our view and the crop is about ready for harvesting, so to speak, and all we need is an honest broker at the helm of the DOJ to administer what has already been set in motion?
I skimmed through SDs articles today on the subject. He’s of the opinion that Barr is going to want to protect the DOJ and FBI and will do anything to save them. He’ll throw a coat of whitewash on things and call it good. He won’t be corrupt or evil, but he won’t really clean house either.
Maybe SD is right. But I can’t help but wonder. I may not be an Ivy League educated hot shot lawyer, I’m just a Deplorable, but when it is so obvious that people have lost faith in the system because it is corrupt, and when we have a coup against the President hatched out of the FBI I’m pretty sure a big deal lawyer like Barr can recognize what is going on.
And maybe he cares about the legacy of this country more than the reputation of the DOJ. Maybe he is a somewhat normal guy who, despite being a Swamp Dweller, looks at the corruption and destruction of the things that made the USA the Shining City on the Hill and wonders the way things are going what will be left for his family and for that grandson, Liam, if he doesn’t fix the smoking pile of horse puckey that the DOJ/FBI has become?
And maybe PDJT is wise to go with a Washington insider like Barr, because when the sh!t hits the fan it will help somewhat if the AG is standing above it all with clean hands and a (ha, ha RELATIVELY) pure heart who can say to the world we have to abide by the law, rule of law is paramount, and everyone should be equal under the law.
Barr must have believed that when he was young and naive. He must have believed in our legal system, maybe even revered it a bit. Maybe he wants there to be some of that left when we’re all gone.
Well, who knows. It’s a thought.

Sylvia Avery

I didn’t see Hannity last night. I know Joe diGenova has also said Barr is good.
But people said those things about Comey, too.
And yeah, the friendship with Mueller thing is disturbing. I guess all I can say about that is I have had friendships with people who, I came to realize over the years, had really different values than I did. It can be a really awkward place to find yourself.
I dunno. Jury’s out (ha ha ha) I guess. But I choose to be hopeful and trust that PDJT has made a brilliant move. Because what else can I do?

Cuppa Covfefe

Could it be that Barr “knows where all the bodies are buried”, and will use Whitaker to dig them up/out???


This is a wonderful, great, amazingly good and thoughtful post!

Sylvia Avery

Thank you, Tonawanda. 🙂

Pat Frederick

you make many excellent points Sylvia. Like you, I have to trust that POTUS knows much more than we do–we may not get what we want, but we’ll get what we need.

Sylvia Avery

Ha, I have reflected SO many times on PDJT choosing that song as his little “theme” I guess you’d call it at the rallies. I thought it was brilliant then, and I still do. And frankly, it is even comforting during dark times!

Pat Frederick

it’s seems to be the theme of his presidency so far—we want heads on platters–he’s giving us Big Macs and fries—and although I still really want the heads on the platters–I get it. We need to see the President reconnecting with regular folks–sometimes Congress and the rest of government act like they’re so far above us—POTUS shows us he’s ONE OF US!

Sylvia Avery

“On Tuesday, the Knights of Columbus (KOC) and Marist Poll released a survey showing that almost two-thirds of Americans would like the Supreme Court to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, even if they would not advocate directly against the decision.
“Almost two-thirds, 65 percent, would like the Supreme Court to reinterpret Roe in a way that would functionally overturn it,” Andrew Walther, KOC’s communications and government affairs executive, told reporters on a call…”

Pat Frederick

we get NY news on our “local” station and they were discussing that Governor Cuomo wants to codify Roe v Wade into NY law so that abortions could be done UP TO BIRTH…what a monster!

Sylvia Avery

I don’t get it. Don’t they even hear themselves? Don’t they hear what they are saying? How can they even force those words out of their mouths? Definitely a monster.

Pat Frederick

especially when these assholes scream about separating illegal children from their illegal parents at the border! killing a child vs temporary separation —they don’t even see it!


All the screaming is just a ploy to facilitate human/child traffickers which the Democrats support and probably patronize.

Sylvia Avery
FTA: “… Throughout the two-hour interview — which was often interrupted by bystanders urging him to run for president — O’Rourke boomeranged between a bright-eyed hope that the United States will soon dramatically change its approach to a whole host of issues and a dismal suspicion that the country is now incapable of implementing sweeping change.
When asked which it is, O’Rourke paused.
“I’m hesitant to answer it because I really feel like it deserves its due, and I don’t want to give you a — actually, just selfishly, I don’t want a sound bite of it reported, but, yeah, I think that’s the question of the moment: Does this still work?” O’Rourke said. “Can an empire like ours with military presence in over 170 countries around the globe, with trading relationships . . . and security agreements in every continent, can it still be managed by the same principles that were set down 230-plus years ago?”…”

Sylvia Avery

And Beto was supposed to be the centrist one. Good Lord above. What a crew this is shaping up to be. From bad to worse.

Pat Frederick

my hubby is not political at all…but after Gillibrand announced her candidacy on the news, he turned to me and said, look Hon, the circus is coming to town…

Sylvia Avery

🙂 Oh boy, it sure is!

Sylvia Avery

“A family dubbed Britain’s “first transgender family” has announced that they are encouraging the gender transition of their five-year-old son, Jayden. According to the family, Jayden, a biological male, likes dresses and hates “everything about being a boy.”
The little boy’s “step-dad,” Greg Rogers, is a 27-year-old biological female who now identifies as a male. The child’s mother is a 21-year-old woman named Jody.
Both Jodi and Greg are furious that concerned citizens (referred to as “trolls” by many U.K.-based outlets) have reported them to social services for apparent child abuse. The couple, however, maintain Jayden — who is on track to medically “transition” in a few years — is properly cared for…”
Read the rest of the sickening story here:

Sylvia Avery

I know. You have to wonder where are the grown ups in the room? Someone who will stand up and say, NO we aren’t going to do this to children it is evil.
After recent events in the world of psychology like this whole trans thing, and now the APA coming out and instructing its members that masculinity is toxic, and then reading Wolfie’s piece about Tavistock, I’m having the gravest of misgivings about anything related to head shrinking. I think I’d sooner find an exorcist. They are all fricking nuts.

Sylvia Avery

Oh Wheatie, and then there is this. Your eye will really twitch. I just feel sick.
“Americans have long understood that children are best cared for by their parents. The state should only intervene in the family when there is demonstrable evidence of abuse and neglect.
This has long been established in our laws. But now, transgender ideology is silencing doctors and challenging the way courts define parental abuse and neglect.
Last year in Ohio, a judge removed a biological girl from her parents’ custody after they declined to help her “transition” to male with testosterone supplements. The Cincinnati Children’s gender clinic recommended these treatments for gender dysphoria (the condition of being distressed with one’s biological sex).
When her parents wanted to treat her with counseling instead, Hamilton County Job and Family Services charged them with abuse and neglect, while transgender activists and pro-trans doctors compared their decision to denying treatment for asthma or even cancer patients.
That all happened without federal legislation.
But now, one of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s top legislative priorities, the Equality Act, could give the transgender community a vice grip over the medical profession. It could open the floodgates for lawsuits against doctors who don’t fall in line with transgender ideology….”

Sylvia Avery

It seems that way to me, too. We are just rushing over the edge of the precipice. And Pelosi is pushing this legislation.
This has to be part of what Wolf was talking about. This stuff is planned, it is all part of a piece of horrible psychological torment and destruction. Evil, evil, evil.

Sylvia Avery

I just now read on Flep’s article the tweet about the Brazilian Prez wanting to/planning to ban teaching this crap in the schools. Hooray! I hope it is an idea that spreads. This is so insidious.


This is disgusting and evil. What’s worse is that this is being normalized and normal people who dare call out this perversion are “the abusive ones”.
Not only does that poor BOY need to be removed from his parents’ custody, but those two sick freaks also need to be throw in jail for child abuse,
This is what happens when people are too “tolerant”. Give these deviants an inch….

Sylvia Avery

Worldwide class warfare by the elites is disguised as a cultural war
“…But the New Class isn’t limited to communist countries, really. Around the world in the postwar era, power was taken up by unelected professional and managerial elites. To understand what’s going on with President Donald Trump and his opposition, and in other countries as diverse as France, Hungary, Italy and Brazil, it’s important to realize that the post-World War II institutional arrangements of the Western democracies are being renegotiated, and that those democracies’ professional and managerial elites don’t like that very much, because they have done very well under those arrangements. And, like all elites who are doing very well, they don’t want that to change…”


Great article. Thanks for posting.

Sylvia Avery

January 15, 2019
Manliness vs. Romneyism
By Don Sucher
“It is, at least to some (especially those who rely on the mass media for the information), rather surprising that President Trump’s poll numbers are going up, and that the public at large is increasingly of the opinion that the attacks on the president – especially those of the so-called “Mueller investigation” – are a totally concocted and artificial scam.
Thinking more about this, one realizes an essential truth – really, one of the great lessons for our time: that having the brass to stick out hard times is crucial. It is this as much as anything that is allowing President Donald Trump to actually do many things that other presidents have promised to do and then failed to do.
Such strength and sticktoitiveness is almost unique to our current president. Strength today is put forth as weakness, masculinity as a flaw.
This “war” on boys and men is part and parcel of what those who hate America are doing to, yes, “unman” it.
Before the attacks that manhood has been receiving of late, there was a more gentle approach, often with a similar goal: weakening manliness by calling it incivility. “Romneyism,” if you will – a willingness to fold up one’s tent and to withdraw from battle at the first sign of resistance, and then calling this a strength: “Mannerliness.” “Politeness.” “Civility….”

Pat Frederick



Pet peeves are all traffic related: 1) no turn signals; 2) failure to move into intersection when making a left, so they are the only ones who get to turn; 3) cars vibrating with explosive bass notes; 4) throwing stuff out the window (this completely disappeared for many years, but seems to be making a come back); 5) cars with coexist bumper stickers and other mindless garbage. I am going to put one on my car which says: Ban Bumper Stickers!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People turning left at a dead end pull into the right lane at a red light, thus blocking all people making a right turn. Well, unless you know about the alley that leads to the parking lot at the mortuary.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Re: #2: I’m out in the intersection waiting to make my left. I see a gap in the oncoming traffic…Yay! Then it turns out the last car before the gap is making a right, and what does the low grade moron do? He pulls up to the intersection and STOPS, waiting for me to make my turn!! By the time he figures out I’m yielding the right of way to him as I SHOULD be, the next mass of cars have caught up to him.
In general, Colorado Springs seems to have deliberately mistimed lights; especially those for the little side streets that are supposed to trip when a car shows up. When I AM that car, I notice that I have to wait a minute or two while looking at an empty thoroughfare, then the light will trip and let me out–once cars show up on the main road. I’ve successfully predicted the end of MANY long waits at those lights by noting when cars start to show up on the main street.


Yes, and same here with the timing. It’s antagonistic.
Also, the people who are being “courteous” but doing stupid things also drive me nuts. These courteous folks are the ones who drive off after causing accidents to others. Just follow the rules! Don’t improvise to show what a wonderful person you are!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I see #2 happen in the worse parts of town more often, actually. So I think it’s idiocy more than it is (imagined) courtesy.


Could be!
But speaking of parts of town, have you ever encountered the Slow Crossers, the pedestrians who mosey on across the road, daring you to make a peep?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or the ones who walk down the middle of the aisle at the parking lot.
Oh, don’t get me started on parking lots!!!
Too late:
1) I step out the front door at a store, I’m ten feet from the curb–and a car with five other stacked up behind him hits his brakes. This happens before I even have a chance to turn left or right, then the dumb window-licker son of a bitch continues to wait on me when I clearly have no intention of walking in front of him. Even if I HAD kept walking straight, he could have been over the horizon by the time I got to the curb.
2) Parking lots here are laid out so as to route ALL traffic past the front door, so any time someone walks out the door, no one can move–and if it’s a busy store it’s a continuous trickle of pedestrians some of whom are slow crossers.


Oh yes!


“Side by Siders”…… You know….
Idiots driving side by side on a two lane road for miles
NOT letting traffic pass.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Usually big rigs.
I still remember one that pulled out to pass four others…then slowed down. He got a LOT of middle fingers from the thirty or so cars trapped behind the “truck party” for ten miles, when they finally got to pass.


Those “Rigs” are usually on an interstate highway…… I mean those without a CLUE as to whats going on around them on rural roads.. or even in town…. just oblivious idiots

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

True enough! There are a lot of people driving around with their heads up their asses.


with their left turn signal on 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve reached the point of ignoring signals.
I can’t hear the clicking, myself, so I have, to my utter self disgust, become one of those people.


They have CB’s. They may have been alerted to Troopers.


Where I am, if you pull out like that and the light turns red before you can actually get across, you will get a running the red light ticket if it has those stupid cameras there. It doesn’t count as points yet, but, the ticket is over 100.00. Also, if you choose to fight it? Guess who your judges are? Five cops.


Excuse me, I just looked it up. It is one officer now, no longer a panel.


As everyone knows, Drudge is a major part of the resistance, fully engaging in ranting propaganda.
And he links this anti-Trump AP story on the shutdown, but despite the dreary spin, IMO it is impossible to read this story without thinking VSG is winning BIGLY on the shut down:

Sylvia Avery

I’m sure you all remember during the BO government shut down how they paid extra to have barricades brought in to block off the Mall in DC so that arriving airplanes of WW2 vets couldn’t go see the monuments? Until a few MEN (such as seems to be despised by Gilette) went and moved the barriers so that the vets could get to the monuments and look at them?
The pettiness of that act disgusted me as so much that occurred during those 8 years did. So, by contrast, here’s a little piece that describes how BO treated one park’s shutdown versus how PDJT’s administration is treating it. A nice contrast. Pettiness vs. kindness, you might say.

Sylvia Avery

Because sometimes, it is really healthy to take 30 seconds to watch a miniature donkey swing in a hammock. It just makes me happy to watch.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Gotta rain on your parade here, sorry. Cute as it is, it will grow up to be a Democrat.
Now hopefully I won’t get the shovel.

Sylvia Avery



Saw this from the list that comes up after your video. Really good and smile bringing.

Sylvia Avery

My Pet Peeves: These are all packaging related.
a) Child proof bottles.
b) Plastic clamshell encased items that require a chain saw to open the clamshell.
c) Fussy itsy bitsy individual bubble packed pills on a card where you can see the pill under the bubble of plastic, but to get at it you have to tear off a scored section of the card, peel the thin layer of foil off the back (nearly impossible) and only then can you pop your pill out the back by pushing on the plastic bubble, and hope it doesn’t shoot out onto the floor and your dog gets it first.
d) More plastic clamshells that securely hold your beautifully decorated slice of cake that you purchased at the bakery. If only. If only you could actually open it. Well, you can, but it requires crumpling the plastic clamshell on top and bottom at the same time and ripping it apart. Of course by then the beautifully decorated cake is in pieces and half of it is laying on the kitchen floor and once again it is a rush to see if you get it before the dog does…

Pat Frederick

you have me laughing this morning! I can see myself cursing and huffing and throwing stuff–except the cake–yup that goes on the floor!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And/or icing all over the inside of the plastic container.
Here’s one…sliced salami in a package that’s designed to peel open from one side…but then, once you’ve peeled it open, the nearest slice is on the BOTTOM. You can’t just open it a little bit and peel off one or two slices, you gotta open the whole thing up. This is invariable done on packaging that either has no glue to reseal with OR the peel back layer is so stiff it won’t stay open without a five pound weight holding it down.
Another: packages where the doggone bar code wraps around a corner, in spite of plenty of room to place it elsewhere.
Both of these examples are from Walmart and you’d think someone had frigging complained by now to the idiots designing the package.

Pat Frederick

I’ll get the banana inspector right on that!


Other than the fact that she is at death’s door, or already dead,
why did she schedule an event in L.A. the same night as the SOTU address, Jan 29th???????
She slept through the one last year… is this some sort of rude protest?
Time for proof of life…

Pat Frederick

their plan is imploding: they made the movie about Ruthie well before she stumbled and cracked those ribs. They wanted to create a large cult-ish following for her with the movie and appearances, so they could draw attention away from the SOTU–the union is roaring back economically and that’s got to be devastating for the dems. Look for them to do something more drastic closre to the 29th–that’s my suspicion.


Piglosi wants Potus to postpone the SOTU….. doubt he will.
They may publicize Buzzy Ginsbergs death near that time to FORCE a delay?

Pat Frederick

i saw that…but didn’t see a reason…what’s her reasoning? they don’t want to waste a death on the SOTU?



TEN HUTT, QTreepers!!! Your President is up and on the warpath!


REALLY on the warpath!!!

Pat Frederick

wonder how many were built using foreign aid from US?


Very good question!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A better use for our foreign aid than the usual, if so.
Of course, we shouldn’t be doing foreign aid in the first place (show me in Article I Section 8….) but if it’s gonna happen, might as well be for this instead of directly lining the dictator’s pocket or whatever.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow, that was fast.
Last night Trish Regan on Fox Biz gave us a glimmer of hope on Venezuela. She announced she had spoken to VP Pence’s staff and the VP had spoken to the leader of the opposition party. Regan estimated a change in leadership within 7 days.
Well, this morning, Sec of State Pompeo, dropped this news. The Assembly of Venezuela (their Congress) has rejected Maduro.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Note: Pompeo’s tweet came at 3:18am.
Do we think, maybe, this qualifies as a Q boom?

Pat Frederick

wonder if the booms are worldwide ones instead of domestic ones—the riots in France, Italy & Poland uniting against the EU, Brexit-May, and then Venezuela…boom, boom, boom, boom…you could be right!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good point, Pat!


Cabel/Deep State is world-wide
I imagine the booms are also
Swamp covers the globe…
Can’t drain it by draining D.C. only…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Angel Moms visited Pelosi’s office, but she refused to meet with them.
Angel Moms visit Schumer’s office, but he refuses to meet with them.

Pat Frederick



This seems appropriate, a Super Blood Wolf Moon this weekend!


Someone OT posted the link to the following article by a psychiatrist who, from her experience, says that mould causes mental and physical problems. A long article, but well worth the read for those interested in health issues that drugs cannot resolve (excerpt follows):
‘Here’s a case of someone who was brought to me about a year ago with severely agitated depression …
‘She’d never been depressed or anxious before; in fact, she’d been quite the opposite. But there was a family history of anxiety and depression. She’d been treated in California by several psychiatrists for hormones and for the psychiatric illness, without any improvement.
‘She had had severe GI pain. When they investigated, they blamed it on diverticulitis. Surgeons wanted to remove a foot of her colon. The family didn’t have the money and the patient didn’t want that done, so she refused the surgery…
‘They moved to Arizona to be with family and the husband became his wife’s full-time caretaker. He had to be with her day and night, watching her. She felt suicidal. She couldn’t function. She’d be up pacing all day, severely anxious and not capable of doing anything else.
‘I was seen as the last resort, which unfortunately is what happens in integrated psychiatry when meds haven’t helped. I ended up changing the psychiatric meds, which led to a partial improvement in the first month or so. The family was happy. But unfortunately, that improvement stalled and I spent the next six months switching meds and adding supplements without much more improvement. We didn’t have to hospitalize her, but there was very little quality of life for her or for her husband.
‘Then again in summer, she worsened considerably. The depression and anxiety became much more unmanageable. She had a colonoscopy that showed no problems — no cancer, no necrosis. That was a little puzzling and interesting to me.
‘Out of desperation, I started to ask about mold. If people are psychiatrically ill and you start asking about mold, they have a hard time believing it. Sometimes I get a little cautious about bringing it up, because it seems so “out there” to so many people. But after a year of treatment, I started asking her about mold, because mold illness in Arizona is worse in the summer due to our monsoons, swamp coolers and leaking roofs.
‘The husband remembered that at about the same time his wife became very ill, he’d found extensive black mold in the garage due to a leak in the kitchen sink above. The house was in disrepair because of the financial crisis. He’d done a remediation himself without any precautions before doing a short sale. He felt that the mold had been there for a few years because the house was a fixer-upper.
‘He got interested because he has an alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency that can lead to lung problems. He knew that he shouldn’t be exposed to mold. He read Surviving Mold. He had his wife do the visual contrast test and she failed. I started her on cholestyramine. Haplotype results showed that she had a mold gene and a low MSH gene.
‘I saw her a month later. It was the first time she’d ever been able to talk to me without tears or agitation or having to be forced to talk. She was talking freely, talking about her experience. She told me that she was very tired from cholestyramine, but that she’d had waves of feeling herself again.
‘Interestingly enough, the husband had a CT scan at the VA that showed sarcoidosis and possible fungal balls in his lungs. So he was fairly grateful to have learned about mold, too …’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow. Mold.
MOAR Bleach, now!

Pat Frederick

we are expecting a clipper system to move thru our area this afternoon and after that a longer frontal system moving in with snow. Forecasters haven’t been able to get the models to agree on an amount yet, but by PA law–I am heading out to get my mandatory bread and milk. catch you all on the flip side…lol

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Be sure to get eggs, too. French toast is always in order on snow days.

Pat Frederick

i did…the grocery store was packed…luckily the liquor store wasn’t…so I got the Bourbon too (for hubby)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have no idea how to post pics on this sort of forum, but this pretty much describes STL ahead of a storm. Although, we think eggs should be added.

Pat Frederick


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Be safe and warm Pat(riot) Fredererick.

Pat Frederick

I was and am thanks…hardly anyone on the roads this morning, except for a flock of turkeys–ever see them fly? they’re scary!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We have a few that occasionally hang out by the office complex where I work.

Cuppa Covfefe

Inside or outside 🙂 ?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

(Just this once I was being literal.)


I’ve read Wolf’s thread and everyone’s comments on Barr. I hope you are right.
If the following is true, then HRC can sleep well at night:


There is a rumor on Q research boards that zero secretly pardoned everyone up to January 20, 1917.
If that is the case, she can’t be charged for those crimes.
Barr may be factoring this in wrt U1
This is why focus is on RICO and crimes committed after 1/20/17…
Just a thought…


We’ll see.
I’m not letting him off the hook easily — especially when his daughters and son-in-law are also sucking off the public teat.


He flat out said he won’t fire Mueller. He basically said he would read Muellers report, then issue or give to Congress his own. I don’t like that. Release it in it’s entirety. Show Americans what was found so we not only have a footing to defend Trump, but to know clearly who should be prosecuted.


Fully agree, tessa!


I think this Marine was at the WH for the Code Breakers gathering. May he rest in peace:

Pat Frederick

saw a picture of him…Rest in Peace!

Elizabeth Carter

The Council on Foreign Relations has not received the memo about immigration it seems.
Domesticating the Giant: The Global Governance of Migration
A global policy framework and consolidated institutional architecture can help states facilitate regular migration, cope with illegal crossings, and humanely respond to forced migration.
June 18, 2018

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Okay, this is a different organization with the same mission, but whenever the NWO “guiding lights” come up, I think of this as to how we the people were wrongly influenced.

Elizabeth Carter

DP That is a really good example. I had never seen it before. They made the audience laugh at someone who was actually telling them what was happening and labeled him a conspiracy theorist in just a couple of minutes. Mind control at work.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I actually think that was a laugh track. In the 70s studio audiences were more likely on the review shows, IIRC. I was a little kid, but I do remember being annoyed with the laugh tracks on shows like MASH.


“I was a little kid, but I do remember being annoyed with the laugh tracks on shows like MASH.”
It was the exact same laugh track, played over and over and over again. Maybe 100 times per episode.
There was ONE voice (laugh) in the laugh track that was discernible from the rest, sounded almost like he was laughing underwater for lack of a better way to describe it, and that was the ‘laugh’ that stood out every single time they played the ‘laugh track’.
That’s how you could be positive it was just a recording, because there was one unique ‘voice’ in the laugh track that stood out from all the rest.


I was referring specifically to the TV show M*A*S*H, I don’t know if the same laugh track was used on other shows or not… but I don’t think so, because I would have recognized it, that it was from M*A*S*H.


There were other sitcoms that had similar, albeit not exactly the same, laugh tracks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think I remember exactly the same one. Drove me nuts it was so fake.
The point being, though, that those watching were directed in what was to be considered funny.
Yeah, that’s a violation of the rules of comedy.


“I think I remember exactly the same one. Drove me nuts it was so fake.”
I heard it just about every weekday when I was a kid.
M*A*S*H was on re-runs everyday at 5pm. Most days I would ride my BMX bike — put together piece by piece from BMX parts I bought with my paper-route money, i.e., candy apple blue Mongoose chome-moly frame & Mongoose double gooseneck (holds the handlebars tight), black ‘Redline’ front forks, black Tuff-Wheel I mag wheels, black fluted alloy handlebars, Oakley rubber handlebar grips, Excalibur black alloy seat-post clamp, fluted black alloy seat post… I can see it in my mind, like it’s just outside the back door, waiting for me to take it for a ride 😁 — over to my Grandma’s after school.
She had a basketball hoop attached to her garage (from when my uncles were kids), so I would shoot baskets for about an hour, and then go inside to cool off and watch reruns of M*A*S*H with my Grandma at 5 o’clock before I went home for dinner.
She always had Coke in the old green heavy glass returnable bottles — always a couple cases of bottles in the old wood crates, the bottles embossed with the raised Coca-Cola logo (no paper label) — like these:
And then with the ‘Coca-Cola’ painted white later on, not sure when they stopped the earlier kind without paint:
And I would drink a Coke and watch M*A*S*H with my Grandma, and listen to that crazy laugh from the guy on the laugh track 🙂


I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before either, unless it was when the show was new and I was a little kid (so I don’t remember it).
Amazing clip / scene.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Given the character Steve Landesberg played, it was later in the run. IIRC, he was not in the first season. But, again, I was a kid and Mom had control of the rabbit ears.


LOL Oh yeah, with the aluminum foil attached.


Pompeo in Egypt:

Elizabeth Carter

The Council on Foreign Relations is also concerned that President Donald J. Trump falls so short in comparison to President Obama and Jeh Johnson. We must work on it. What would we do without them to tell us what to do?
Digital Technologies in Border Security
The president’s push to “build the wall” fails to grasp the role of modern technology in policing U.S. borders.
Blog Post by David P. Fidler, Author
January 14, 2019
Digital Technologies in Border Security
The president’s push to “build the wall” fails to grasp the role of modern technology in policing U.S. borders.
Blog Post by David P. Fidler, Author
January 14, 2019


I came across this last night on the 8chans, in re the CFR, and how the Fibbies viewed it decades ago:comment image


One more, now unclassified, document:comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Big hugs to EmeraldStar, thank you.


YW, Daughn.
Obviously, the concerns way back when didn’t materialize into anything substantive being done against them. They’re now (or were, 2 years ago) more powerful than ever.
SES is a huge problem as well. These two organizations seems to comprise the backbone of the Deep State.
Like VSGPDJT said, the corruption is UNBELIEVABLE!
But we’ve only just started the second Act in the three-Act play, so there’s still plenty of time left to get the job done.


Who is the letter to J. Edgar Hoover FROM?
It would be interesting to know if it was just from a concerned citizen, or from someone whose name we would recognize, or whether it was someone in high government and therefore should have been heeded by Mr. Hoover — and wasn’t.


To me it sounds like a well-informed citizen, but wonder why it was classified, but that is one of those mysteries we will probably never get an answer to.


They’ve sold us this high tech trash before. 1. Who runs the tech? Same ones that want the drugs, sex trafficking and illegal vote. So I guess they just run it when it makes them look good. 2. It doesn’t stop any thing unless they tell us this tech is going to be armed and we know they aren’t going to do that.
Sorry, I know everyone knows this. Couldn’t help myself.


Mexicans angry about new caravan:
‘As new U.S.-bound caravan grows to more than 2,000, Mexicans lash out’


A sad day for a bridge I loved:


Where is the plane that hit it????????


LOL!!! Rayzor—did you notice it came down at virtually free fall speed? No resistance! Like all the support columns were removed at the same time! Apparently the Muslims are short on pilots at the moment!


I did notice…. Hence my comment.
9-11 still pisses me off!
LIARS! “Official” story is BS


Amen!!! Should be the true awakening of every American regarding our government and all the lies!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now, now, the bridges of the Eisenhower era are slowly being replaced. Two of the old spans in these parts, both over the Missouri River, actually, met the same fate. One of them, the original I-70 span, was inspected days after the I-35 bridge collapse in Minneapolis in 2007, just to be sure (all ten bridges over the big rivers were inspected whether it was their time or not), and MODOT found a HUGE crack in the steel. Yeah, it’s been replaced.


I think you missed the point?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Building 7. I got the point. The first time I saw that video, I knew the line we were fed was horse hockey. And then I saw the video of the twin towers falling in slowmo. Some floor supports exploded a little early.
Still, all those 1950s era bridges are slowly being replaced. The fatigue on the steel has rendered them unsafe.


ok…. you got it.
And I understand your point about the OLD bridges

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bridges older than that, i.e. the Brooklyn Bridge, are fine. It’s the ones built in the ’50s that are being replaced.


Rand Paul makes an excellent point:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

TAKE the rare earth minerals, first.
We built the roads and the Chinese are mining in Afghanistan, now.




And leave the poppy fields in the hands of the Taliban again? Well that will cause a world wide heroine and opioid shortage because the Taliban will shut em down again! That’s why we’re there in the first place! It would kill the black ops budget of the CIA.


I’m sure PDJT and his advisers can do — or are planning — something.


Meant to say opiates!!!🤭


Dispatches from BlackKnightRides:
As the USA Reindustrializes and displaces imports from China with domestic manufacturing …
• China’s manufacturers will end up with massively-underutilized factories.
• China’s displaced workers will be reemployed at lower wages in lower-end and apparel factories.
• China’s manufacturers will then sacrifice profit to sell close-to-cost to keep workers employed.
• Those manufacturers will export to African and Belt-and-Road countries that China bribed or suckered into Debt-Trap loans to fund infrastructure projects run by China.
• As those countries find they cannot repay the debt, they face foreclosures that will forfeit ownership and control over their infrastructure to the Chinese.
• Those countries will be allowed to “delay” inevitable foreclosures in return for imports from China.
• The imports from China will destroy those countries’ domestic manufacturing and production.
Zimbabwe just found out … too late.
Guess why Bolton was meeting with African Leaders!


More Dispatches from BlackKnightRides:
Once those countries’ domestic production has been destroyed,
• China will employ those countries’ displaced workers to exfiltrate their mineral wealth.
• China will displace those countries’ industrial imports from the EU and USA and our other trading partners.
The world’s “Capitalist Reciprocal-Trade Countries” race to
• Band together with Bilateral Trade Deals in the next 18 months … AND
• Engage Emerging Economies in a Sustainable Trade Alternative to China.
Isn’t it great to see the D-rats consuming President Trump’s time and the UniParty obstructing his agenda?


BlackKnightRides SOLVES BREXIT!
Parliament yaps until March 30th.
Brexit auto-executes “hands-free”.
British escape the 39 Billion Euro “Tithe to Brexit”.
Britain imposes a 25% Tariff on imports from each EU country that hasn’t signed a Bilateral Trade Deal with Britain … massively benefiting from the EU’s $89 Billion Trade Surplus with Britain. 😎


Like it, BKR is great.


BlackKnightRides Summarizes:
“Capitalist Countries” will ECONOMICALLY STRANGLE unless they IMMEDIATELY
• Embrace Reciprocal Trade (the Antidote),
• Displace China (the Contagion).
• Dump Socialism (the Parasites).
• Destroy NGOs (the Termites).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Venture Capital hit a new high in the USA of 130 BILLION.
We surpassed the record set in the boom of the ’90’s but this time, instead of wildly speculative’s the industries represented are broadly based.
Trump economy is rockin’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a very good thing. Money is loosening up and there will be more choices out there as business evolves.


Just so long as it isn’t hyper-concentrated in “the valley”. That was bad for America in so many ways. Friends with great ideas and business plans in dot com era couldn’t get VC, and really the only reason was that they were geographically in the wrong place. Really amazing telecom tech died. But every ridiculous idea with a half-baked plan in the valley seemed like could get plenty if it had “internet” attached to it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

VC investors from CA have been looking elsewhere for a number of years for good deals. One of the non-profits I used to work for help facilitate development of IT ventures. About the time I left, deals were being made with out of state money.
It was one of the side benefits of having had over 30 Fortune 500 headquarters that were mostly bought out. The IT people were RIFed all over the place, and were available for redevelopment, as it were.


Is Raising the Minimum Wage the Christian Thing to Do?
Joy Buchanan
January 16, 2019
Raising the minimum wage would help some people. It would help the people who can get minimum wage jobs and who otherwise would have earned less income. However, raising the minimum wage hurts many others, including consumers and those who lose their jobs as a result. All economists (some of whom support the fight for a fifteen-dollar minimum wage) agree that a very large increase in the minimum wage would be bad for society and even bad for the poor. For a Christian who is concerned about income inequality, is there a good reason to support raising the minimum wage?
There are three reasons that the principles of the Bible do not affirm raising the minimum wage:
1. It Could Eliminate Job Opportunities
First, as demonstrated in my paper, “The Economics of the Minimum Wage and the Christian Response,” high minimum wages help some people but hurt the most vulnerable elements of society by locking them out of having a legal occupation. … The way to effectively help poor people is by training them to become more productive workers or to help them directly through charity.
2. It Makes It More Expensive to Start a Business
Second, it is unjust to use the legal system to control someone else’s choices about where they work or who they hire. Proverbs 22:22 says, “Do not exploit the poor because they are poor and do not crush the needy in court.” If low-income people want to start a business, they would have a hard time immediately complying with all the legal employment regulations, such as paying their employees minimum wage. This serves the interest of established businesses and disadvantages the poorest people.
3. Neighbors Know Best How to Help
The last argument against raising the minimum wage is that Christian charity at its best looks different from voting for a minimum wage law. Private charity at its best is done voluntarily and in the context of relationship. The Bible often uses the word “neighbor” to describe the people we should be helping. …
So How Can We Truly Help?
When you help another human being, the first priority is to address urgent physical needs. Eventually, however, the goal should be to enable them to care for themselves and gain independence.


And those who are on fixed incomes, especially low fixed incomes, suffer because the cost of everything goes up. Many on fixed incomes receive cost of living increases only on paper–for example, most if not all of mine goes to Medicare cost increases. Thank you, Wheatie and MichaelH.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pet peeves? Well, since you have asked:
UNSOLICITED ADVICE – I am quite capable of researching and figuring out most of what I need to know on my own. If I want your imput, I’ll ask for it.
Noses sticking into business where it does not belong. This includes bedroom activities, religious practices, buying habits, and life choices. Yes, I like Irish whiskey. Jack Daniels gives me a nasty hangover if you must know.
Denigration of personal preferences if they do not agree with someone else’s. Yes, I have longish hair, wear make-up and jewelry (at least to church and when out at museums, the bar, etc.), wear skirts, do not own pants, and I don’t care that this is not what you do in your life. My life, my choices that are not immoral, illegal or fattening.
I am a dog person. If you’re not, fine. Cat people can be admitted depending on in-depth conversation.
There’s more, but it involves assumptions regarding being a conservative.


“Cat people can be admitted depending…”
That’s too funny!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I thought of another one.
Cheapness disguised as frugality, in the interest of saving money, etc., especially when it comes to food, especially meat, butter and cheese. You are what you eat. Eat the cheap, processed stuff all the time, and your body has no resources to fight off disease.


Penny wise and pound foolish.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When it comes to food, truth.


I was just discussing this with someone tonight. Early in my adult years someone pointed out that eating quality foods (specifically Häagen-Dazs, if you must know) was the best health insurance. Be frugal elsewhere, not in the area of food.


I’m seeing alerts from National Gun Rights and Gun Owners of America that William Barr agreed with Feinstein on gun control legislation yesterday.
First, back in 1991: “On the assault weapon front, the proposal before us is the DeConcini amendment. And I think … I would support both the Brady Bill waiting period and the DeConcini [semi-auto ban] amendment, provided that they were parts of a broader and more comprehensive crime bill that included … very tough provisions on the use of firearms in crimes and illegal purchase and trading in firearms…”
And yesterday: “During a line of questioning from notorious anti-gun Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) regarding gun control, Barr showed his true colors:
“We need to push along the ERPOs so that we have these red flag [gun confiscation] laws…this is the single most important thing I think we can do in the gun control area.”1
“Feinstein was so pleased that she gave Barr’s response her personal stamp of approval:
“Thank you, I’d like to work with you in that regard.”2
“Now that Barr has made his anti-gun intentions crystal clear, I have no choice but to aggressively oppose William Barr’s nomination for U.S. Attorney General.”
ERPOs are Extreme Risk Protection Orders that can be used against a person who owns a firearm if they are considered a risk to themselves or others — one of those measures that sounds good but could so easily be used to infringe on our rights.
I wonder about several things:
Was Barr nominated mostly for the Mueller probe era? How much influence does the AG have on matters such as this? Is there a reason Pres. Trump nominated Barr in spite of this (so he would be more easily confirmed, for example, and we could get on with things)? Is Barr considered a “temporary” appointment by Pres. Trump to get us through this period?
These gun rights organizations wanted senators to grill Barr about this yesterday, but apparently they didn’t. I don’t know if we should be concerned.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

ERPOs, really? What other individual right is Barr willing to defile using unconstitutional short cuts? Can my local sheriff certify I am not entitled to assemble with other citizens? To petition my government? To speak? Do we need new mechanisms to enable unreasonable searches and seizures, perhaps? Is any portion of the Bill of Rights settled, or is it all up for grabs?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. The thing that really bugs me about these things is that the California commies abuse the hell out of them, both by over-action and inaction, both driven by politics. The case of the bar shooter who was interviewed in his home days earlier and the guns were NOT taken seems extremely sketchy. Propaganda event shortly thereafter.
Inappropriate inaction which magnifies the problem and the accrued power over it is a hallmark of socialism. Those who fail to act are REWARDED for their inaction which grants the state more power. Obama was so skilled at this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In my opinion the Bill of Rights is what makes the difference on ERPOs, and Barr should be amenable to such arguments. If he is mysteriously blind to Constitutional fundamentals on gun control, then my support for him drops like a rock, but if he actually sees the Constitutional problems, and more importantly the SOLUTIONS – which is obedience to Constitutional fundamentals, then he is OK, IMO. Those fundamentals
-due process
-a *JUDGE*
-ability of the accused to be represented
-civil rights of the accused not infringed
-punishment of accuser when process is abused
-right of accused to confront the accuser
-same rights as an ARREST
etc., etc.
Feinstein sees the commie side of the argument. Make these things highly unpalatable to Feinstein, and they actually solve problems.


“If he is mysteriously blind to Constitutional fundamentals on gun control, then my support for him drops like a rock, but if he actually sees the Constitutional problems, and more importantly the SOLUTIONS – which is obedience to Constitutional fundamentals, then he is OK, IMO.”
I agree. I made the point on another site that Pres. Trump installs people for specific purposes and dismisses them when the purpose is served. Many are not “perfect” conservatives, but Pres. Trump himself was not considered perfect, either, and a number of conservatives fought against his election. For me, it comes down to trust, which Pres. Trump has earned.


Is there any professional politician in Barr’s age group who doesn’t worship government control?
I can’t think of one, except maybe Ron Paul, who stood out because he may have been the only one who was NOT like Barr in that regard.
I was researching ‘Constitutional Carry’ yesterday, a.k.a. permit-less concealed carry. Here is Wiki:
In the United States, the term constitutional carry, also called permitless carry, refers to the legal carrying of a handgun, either openly or concealed, without a license or permit. The phrase does not typically refer to the unrestricted carrying of a long gun, a knife, or other weapons. The scope and applicability of constitutional carry may vary by state.
The phrase “constitutional carry” reflects the view that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not abide restrictions on gun rights, including the right to carry or “bear” arms.
Before a landmark case in 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) had never extensively interpreted the second amendment. Consequently, a tapestry of different and sometimes conflicting laws about carrying firearms developed across the nation.
District of Columbia v. Heller, decided by SCOTUS in 2008, suggests that some state or local gun controls may be allowed, at least for certain types of firearms. The Heller case was extended by SCOTUS in the 2010 decision McDonald v. Chicago, which held that the 2nd and 14th amendments to the U.S. constitution were “fully incorporated” and thus the right to “…keep and bear arms applies to the states and not ‘in a watered-down version’ but ‘fully applicable’…,” and does limit state and local governments in passing laws that restrict this “individual” and “fundamental” right to “…keep and bear arms,” for self-defense.
Self-defense was considered by the SCOTUS a “…central component of the 2nd Amendment.” All of the state laws described below operate in the context of federal regulation regarding the transfer and sale of firearms. Firearms and ammunition are subject to taxation as well.
The scope and applicability of constitutional carry may vary by state“.
Really? Does the applicability of the CONSTITUTION very by state? Because if it doesn’t, then our Constitutionally guaranteed GOD-given RIGHTS are applicable in ALL states, and NO state has the Authority to violate the Constitution.
“The phrase “constitutional carry” reflects the view that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not abide restrictions on gun rights, including the right to carry or “bear” arms.”
How is that a ‘view’ as opposed to a FACT?!?
First, the purpose of the Bill of Rights was to RESTRICT the GOVERNMENT to “prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers”.
It’s purpose was NOT to restrict We the People!
We are a government of, for and by the People… we would not ‘restrict’ OURSELVES… think about it!
The Bill of Rights protects us FROM our government:
Preamble to the Bill of Rights
*Congress of the United States begun and held at the City of New-York, on Wednesday the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.
THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added:
The 2nd Amendment plainly says: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
What is the militia?
George Mason (delegate to the 1787 Constitutional Convention) settled the question of militia by asking and answering: “Who are the militia? They consist of the whole people, EXCEPT a few public officers.”
What does ‘except’ mean?
Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition:
Not including. In re Kelly’s Estate, 153 Misc. 445, 274 N.Y.S. 488.
Other than, In re Nelson’s Estate, 152 Misc. 245, 273 N.Y.S. 268; Ingram v. Stat~, 241 Ala. 166,3 So.2d 431, 432;
To exclude from an enumeration, the scope of statement or enactment, a privilege, etc.;
to leave out of account or consideration. In re Garvin’s Estate, 335 Pa. 542, 6 A.2d 796, 800; Rickman v. Commonwealth, 195 Ky. 715, 243 S.W. 929.
So ‘militia’ means “the whole People”, NOT including, other than, excluding from enumeration, leaving out of account or consideration, “a few public officers”.
Finally, there is NO restriction on bearing arms, and there is NO grant of any ‘RIGHT’ either; the RIGHT is God-given and predates the Constitution.
The God-given right of self defense goes all the way back to Adam, and the 2nd Amendment recognizes that right, i.e., to “keep and bear ARMS”.
It doesn’t say anything about GUNS, which is currently the predominant KIND of personal “ARM” — but it may not be in the future when something better comes along, which will then ALSO be covered by the 2nd Amendment, because the 2nd Amendment does NOT ‘restrict’ We the People — which WOULD be the case, IF it specifically mentioned ‘guns’.
What the 2nd Amendment (and all 10 of the original Amendments) does is restrict the GOVERNMENT from INFRINGING on OUR God-given rights.
NOT the other way around!!!
So if the Constitution applies to ALL FIFTY STATES (which is most certainly does), and the Constitution recognizes our pre-existing RIGHT to keep and bear arms (which it most certainly does) and guarantees that God-given right (which it most certainly does), then HOW can any STATE violate that God-given RIGHT in any way, without being in DIRECT VIOLATION of the Constitution for the united States of America?
When we argue (or allow our politicians to argue) about restrictions and regulations and bans, we are allowing the CART to be put before the HORSE.
The government is US! Of, by and FOR the PEOPLE! It was NOT designed as an adversarial system (government against us), it is designed as a representative system, where the government SERVES us.
And the primary objective and purpose of government (beyond protecting our sovereignty) is to protect our RIGHTS.
So before any politician can even TALK about restrictions or bans, he needs to AMEND the Constitution.
But here’s the kicker.
There is no way to AMEND a God-given RIGHT out of the Constitution. The Constitution did not GIVE the right to “keep and bear arms”, it only RECOGNIZED it as one among many NATURAL RIGHTS given by God.
And what God has given, man cannot take away.
Man can give ‘privileges’, and man can take away ‘privileges’.
But man has no power to give natural RIGHTS, and man has no power to LAWFULLY take away natural RIGHTS (God-given rights).


OK, another pet peeve: charitable dunning at the check out line. “Do you want to fight hunger?”
Jump in the Lake!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

1) The game of twenty questions at some gas pumps.
2) “Rewards” programs, that are really just mechanisms for data mining. It’s also documented that when a grocery store institutes the program, their prices without participation go way, way up, and the participation price is what they sold the item for before they adopted the program. (Oftentimes there’s a big sale for two weeks right after adopting the rewards card, just to make it less obvious.)


I have to use rewards here but I try to game it at each place with coupons and being on sale. Walmart doesnt even put things on sale or do ads here. I have to shop at at least 6 different stores to get the best discounts.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Walmart is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than the other stores here. I get sticker shock every time I step into a Safeway or King Soopers, and that’ll be on items with no current rewards price. It’s simply not worth the time and (gas) expense of looking, any more, unless its something Walmart doesn’t carry at all.
We used to have Albertsons with no rewards program and lower prices (but still tending to be higher than WalMart–the deli was better enough to be worth it though), but they went by the wayside.
I just can’t stand those programs. Gee, give them your personal information and let them target you with ads, in return for NOT raising their prices. Efff that. It’s just google at the checkstand.


I always ask the cashier for a “courtesy swipe”. They use a “Store card”.
Not all places do it, but I live in a relatively busy area where there are multiple stores to choose from.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One chain here will fire their employees for doing that.


That’s disgraceful

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Remember the purpose of the programs is to track YOU. They can’t do that if the cashier swipes his card for you.
By the way even giving a phony number isn’t enough to thwart them; they don’t care what your name is, but they do care that Individual X has these buying habits.


Oh yeah they dont encoyrage discounts here. Thats nice customer service you get.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I admit that I shop at local chains because they are the net largest contributors to hunger relief (food banks and pantries) in the region. I used to work inside the industry. We always joked if one of the CEOs actually knew the real number of what his contributions were worth….
The other thing is that the three local chains all get their meat from the same distributor, and the quality is significantly higher than the discounters. They also carry local dairy and eggs, which are amazingly better than the discounters, although more expensive. What we save in medical bills, though, makes it worth it. And then there is milk delivery. Yeah, one member of this household pays for Oberweis which contracts with local Mom and Pop dairy operations because of the quality of their product. One of my nephews asked if we upgraded after having the milk.
We do contribute to a program that benefits our parish school through one of the grocery chains. All three local chains are still family owned, and all are amazingly good about being charitable.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Certainly there are cases where there’s a significant difference in quality and you decide to pay for it. In many cases Walmart versus the other places simply has a gratuitous price difference for the same product, and that’s what came to mind in my initial response.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Anything that is named brand andv prepackaged, yes. The tea I drink is less expensive there than anywhere else.


Small local merchants just can’t compete on price with the volume of a Walmart or Target. Walmart swoops into little towns and drives the small local people out of business. Had a friend whose father was friends of Sam Walton, and she despised him for that reason.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh and 1a) gas pumps that play earsplittingly loud ads.


“Like” comment.
Hate the new gas pumps.


Sometimes I just punch buttons until I find the one that stops the noise. If that doesn’t work, I don’t use taht gas station.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One time I had not only a VERY slow pump, but one where the shutoff was clearly marked, clearly had been used often (worn paint), and clearly quite non-functional.
I could have “punched the button” with a small piece of hot lead, but I refrained.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

(Marica Exclamation Point Compliance Certificate available for inspection.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

An 18 month old, dead on Christmas day, victim to Fentanyl, manufactured by the toddlers parents in their Detroit home.
On Fentanyl. Was talking to husband and he brought up something interesting. He was reflecting on discussions with other trial lawyers who have done big pharma cases. Husband’s biggest case was on an AIDS drug and Medicaid claim, so he travels in that circle of attorneys.
Apparently, all opioids are synthetic.
Okay, sure.
Well, it appears that the pharma companies COULD have manufactured out the addictive qualities of opioids but they did not, looking to create (or keep) the addictive quality, much like cigarette manufacturers.
Right now, in current climate, the trial lawyers can smell the litigation….. they’re looking for proof or intent from the pharma execs.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Maybe your luckier-than-he-deserves husband can say yea or nay on something I recall reading somewhere–that the only reason fentanyl is even a thing in medicine is all the less addictive pain killers got banned during the Obola administration.
Does that match anyone else’s recollection?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is my recollection as well. And the more addictive stuff is leading to the unsuspecting becoming addicts whether they want to be or not. We have friends who have fallen into that trap.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I visibly flinched when I heard the emergency room nurse tell my brother he was getting a fentanyl shot, but reminded myself this was a really nasty injury.

Sue Mcdonald

During my cancer recovery from throat cancer I was given morphine and fentanyl patches. I used them for a couple of months and asked Dr. if I could stop using both since I was feeling a tiny bit better, he took me off fentanyl in steps and then put me on a pain pill which I cant remember what it was now. all I know is it worked for my pain very well but when I felt better I wanted off of it as I didnt see a need for it any longer. I wonder why people are becoming so addicted to this? it must be like heroin one hit and your addicted. but yet I wasnt pulled into addiction from it. I suppose if we use meds as indicated and stop when were better we wont have a problem with getting hooked on it.


Pain is a learned process. For some people the neural networks become so well “trained” to deliver a pain message that it overtakes normal processes. Dioge’s book, The Brain’s Way of Healing, has a good treatment of the subject.
I agree that for most people when the pain lets up they have no interest in feeling drugged and drop the medications. But for others, the pain never stops.


Thats an interesting angle, esp since the addiction has increased as the drugs have become more common place use. It was a good 15 yrs ago that kids I noticed started having pharma parties and they seemed to start with a lot of adhd drugs and their associated side effect counterparts. Then a lot of Vicodin and pain killers thatwere just used for cancer patients which all of a sudden everyone had. When that ran out, particularly in border states, heroin use increased and its just gotten worse.


As a person who is on daily paid meds (tramadol), I can tell you that vicodin ends up being ineffective at the prescribed dosage in about 45 days. If the dosage is increased, most likely it will NOT return the level of pain relief to what it first was. Then the search for stronger drugs begins.
Also, I have not built up a tolerance to tramadol, most likely because I don’t try to use them to eliminate the pain – only to make it bearable. My doctor agrees.


This was intended for Sue, above. Something went wrong with my mouse.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ya’ know, Steve, Dep, and Gil, all have good points.
I admit to knowing NOTHING about opioids beyond personal experience but they scared the heck out of me.
Maybe, as a group, we should do a deep dive?
There’s something nagging at me. It’s as though different people have different chemistry and some are more addictive/react differently than others.
Example #1.
About 11yrs ago, I stepped off a concrete pad and badly sprained an ankle. Went to the doc for something unrelated and mentioned my ankle. He gave me Celebrex, which he said, “would knock it out.”
Well, I took a Celebrex and felt like I was 16yrs old again, a disco queen working with the brick masons all day long. That went on for a couple of days. Came in one night and noticed the bruise and swelling on my ankle. I could touch the bruise but not FEEL the soreness.
THAT is spooky. I got rid of the Celebrex, which was supposed to be nothing severe, a common arthritis drug.
Example #2.
Had MAJOR surgery. Cut from pelvic bone to diaphragm and opened up, stapled back together. Three days of morphine in hospital and sent home with hydrocodone. The surgeon/nurse were freakish about NOT renewing any prescription because the drug was “so dangerously addictive”.
Pain was horrific. One night, took 6 hydrocodone and it did not touch the pain. It NEVER touched the pain. Ever. No effect, whatsoever. Zero addiction.
Hydrocodone was more like a “pffttttt”.
Wished I had the Celebrex.
Why such a difference? I can’t possibly be the only one. Anyone else notice major differences? What say you, Q Treepers?


Before my daughter died after being put on Fentanyl patches, she had some kind of genetic test done that showed a particular class of pain-killers did not affect her, such as Oxycodone. Everyone’s body chemistry is different – a drug will affect two different people in different ways, based on their individual chemistry. I am not very familiar with “classes” of drugs so not sure which drugs are in which class.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Your daughter? Nebraska Filly, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to touch a sensitive issue for you and your family.


I am ok now but thank you so much for your concern. Four years ago on Jan 3. I have accepted it but will never lose my guilt for not doing more to save her. Those of you OT on Easter Sunday (April 1, her birthday) may have seen the pic I posted of her on the Open Thread. I was finally able to cry that day… was a long time coming.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Arms around you, Nebraska Filly. We love and support you, always.


Thank you, my dear. Y’all have saved my sanity more than once, that’s for sure!


I am so sorry NF….There are no words for pain like that. I had a friend who lost a child tell me this…”Sometimes God looks down upon the world he created and just needs to bring a special soul up to heaven–to brighten up his heavenly garden.” May she rest in peace. And my prayer for you is that Our Lord wrap you in his comforting arms today and always…


Thank you, Marica, for your kind words. But I no longer believe in prayer…..that is one hump I have not been able to get over yet. I have come to believe that God does not intervene in our lives except for very rare and unique circumstances. Or perhaps I was not quite “good” enough to deserve His intervention. But, time will tell.


TIme will tell–I’ll still pray for you!!! Hugs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m just getting a chance to read the threads today, NebraskaFilly.
I am so sorry for your loss. When grief enters our lives, it feels like we’ll break into a million pieces.
Words are never adequate, but they are an offering. You, as her mother did all you could, there isn’t any looking back. You cannot regret what you could not control. Ultimately, it was her own body that betrayed her, and yes, some are more susceptible than others, but the GOOD person you are, the Loving mother you remain for her memory, that counts forever.


Thank you, LP – your kind words are soothing.


Not sure how I missed it. No one should outlive their child. Im sorry.




I just hurt for you. I want to tell you a bit about my son and guilt. I wanted to reply to your comment about feeling guilt, but there was no reply there, so I’ll put it here. This is his and my story.
When my oldest son was 17, he came home, in his car having driven, drunk, on New Years Eve. I took his car away, indefinitely and grounded him two weeks. Driving privileges to be restored whenever I determined he could be trusted. I was and am still married, but that decision was all on me. I made that call as I was the disciplinarian.
On the 24th of January, I had not given those privileges back, but he was off grounding to home. So, that night he wanted to go to local skateboard park which would require him to take public transport to get there. It was cold and he didn’t want to. I didn’t relent, thinking I need to teach him this lesson about not drinking and not drinking and driving. You know, being the all mighty responsible parent.
I fell asleep before his curfew, which of course I learned of (there’s another layer of guilt, my sleeping as he’s dying) at midnight when a cop came to my door to inform me of his death. He had been hit by a car crossing a street to get to the bus stop because I didn’t let him drive. Guilt will eat you alive. I remember his last words to me clearly and the answer I gave him. He asked me if I would ever trust him again. Why didn’t I just say yes???? I said it’s going to take time. Then as he was leaving, he said, see you later mom, love you take care.
I will always feel I killed him as in caused his death by not letting him drive. Friends say you had to take the car, they rationalize, but none of it matters, I will always feel that. Please don’t anyone reading this say to me, you didn’t kill him. I know the logical and I know how I feel and always will.
Nebraskafilly, I don’t know your situation and what happened and I won’t ask. I only know what I read here. You are not to fault anymore than I am, but I know you will always feel that you are just as I do.
Sometimes I think God takes the vulnerable good ones (even though they may have messed up just like all us sinners do) because he simply doesn’t want them to suffer through living here on earth anymore with all it’s mess.


TBH, I think any parent would feel guilt for either real or imagined mistakes. I think it is human nature to wonder “what could I have done differently to have changed this?” At the same time, it became clear to me that my daughter’s emotional issues could, at least partially, be laid at not only her Father’s feet (he abandoned her when she was 4) but mine as well due to the gypsy-like life we led while she was growing up. I did not pay close enough attention to how my actions directly affected her and her sense of self-worth. Some things I didn’t know, some things I should have. But, here we are, and all I can do now is to try to heal, forgive myself and end up a better person, hopefully. Thank you for your kind thoughts.


Prayers for you Nebraska.
I have a friend who lost her 23 year young daughter in June.
No drugs, a Naval training accident in the Red Sea.
Absolutely devastating.


Oh, man – what a tragedy! In many ways, I believe it is much harder for your friend. I at least was half-way expecting (dreading) a bad end but to lose such a young woman just beginning her life……I at least have 2 grandchildren from my daughter to love.


I am so deeply sorry you suffered the loss of your daughter. I lost my oldest son when he was just 17. I don’t need to explain the pain of that loss to you. I do know what you are going through and I know just how bad it hurts. I also know that feeling of guilt that just never goes away. (you mentioned that below) You have my prayers for healing and I will continue asking God to help you.


Thank you, tessa!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t know about the body chemistry angle, TBH. I just know that a friend ended up in rehab after a hospital stay, and when I had to go get pain killers for a sibling after surgery, the pharmacist took Oxycodone (sp?) out of the safe.


You will have to disable AdBlocker to view this:
“There continues to be great interest in the study of genetic defects of chronic pain patients who have difficulty metabolizing opioids. This is especially true as more and more pain patients are requiring high opioid dosages
and/or an unusual regimen.1,2
According to one report, one-third of the Caucasian population in the United States has a genetic defect in the cytochrome P450(CYP450) enzyme system.3 Even if this figure is high, the pain practitioner must suspect that a high percentage of their patients will have a genetic defect in opioid metabolism. These patients will, therefore, require high doses of opioids and/or an “odd” regimen of drugs, which will inevitably include an opioid combined with at least one other drug class, such as benzodiazepines, stimulants, or anti-depressants.”


“genetic defects”
This language is totally subjective.
There is SO much we don’t know about life, and biochemistry, and […]. One may call it a genetic “difference”, but a “defect”? Who knows what advantage this genetic make-up may offer?
When I read such bias in the writings of so-called “scientists”, it turns my stomach. The gall, the arrogance, the vanity!
Without a TOTAL picture, these global assertions are reckless. Let’s talk about the DEFECTS of scientists, instead! They are (very often) so full of themselves, virtue-signaling their “objectivity”, while demonstrating their subjectivity.
One must allow for what one doesn’t know. Many scientists DON’T.


Celebrex is an NSAID. Like aspirin or ibuprofen. It works because it fits into the cannaboid receptors in a good enough fit that it reduces pain. Some people have more cannaboid receptors than others. And that is cannaboid as in Cannabis. We evolved to use cannabis for pain, among other reasons. They would not have prescribed anything in this class after a surgery, too great a risk for bleeding because they inhibit platelet aggregation. They deactivate platelets for the life of that cell. That’s why they tell you to stop these products so many days before a scheduled surgery.
Hydrocodone is an opiate, synthetic yes, but an opiate. It works in the same system that makes endorphins which are our own naturally produced pain relievers. As an aside I am having a hard time believing that opiates could be manufactured without addictive qualities unless they put something in them to block the high. People get addicted to their own endorphins, pain meds are no different in that respect.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN – see my post below!


And this biochemistry is exactly why marijuana should not be illegal. Regulated yes but defined in the same class as heroin, no. It’s a fantastic pain reliever that often works better than opiates for many people. And I worked EMS for decades. I can promise you I have never been on A domestic violence call that involve marijuana as the sole drug, never been on a high-speed car crash that involve marijuana, really have never been on any incident where marijuana was the major or sole contributing cause to the incident. I have however, been on hundreds of calls where alcohol and or opiates were the significant or sole contributing cause. I have, in the interest of honesty, been on calls where marijuana was a significant contributing factor however those usually involved the stoned person getting rear-ended at a stop light, or falling off their bicycle because they forgot to pedal.


Thanks, tinfoil.
An amazingly realistic perspective.
Very grounding, from one who knows … from the FRONT lines.


marijuana leads to all those “slow speed chases” you see on the highways
(Hence the elevated number of rear-end crashes)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Terrific post TinFoilHat, thank you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My mother has a friend who has health issues out the backside, and one of them is cirrhosis of the liver from taking Celebrex. Elimination organs must be taking huge hits with these drugs, which is one of the reasons I avoid all meds like the plague.
Well, that and when I was in college, I heard enough from the pharmacy majors about pharmacists not taking drugs, I figured it was good advise whether solicited or not.


Big Freaking Elephant in the room that NOBODY talks about…
People use “drugs” (opiods, cannabis, alcohol, etc.)…..
because it is FUN! (for a while)
then it is too late and hard to stop. (addiction)

Sylvia Avery

“It’s as though different people have different chemistry and some are more addictive/react differently than others.”
I believe this as well, from my own experience.


Guess it’s like Tylenol won’t touch a headache for me…
but Advil kills one in 30 minutes.


I think you are right. Individual differences.
Also, I just posted this upstream:

Pain is a learned process. For some people the neural networks become so well “trained” to deliver a pain message that it overtakes normal processes. Dioge’s book, The Brain’s Way of Healing, has a good treatment of the subject.
I agree that for most people when the pain lets up they have no interest in feeling drugged and drop the medications. But for others, the pain never stops.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Please excuse this RANT on opioids – this is a science rant more than anything.
This is probably bad news for both sides in the opioid legal fight. What nobody really wants to admit.
The HISTORY of science on opioids will easily convince a jury that opioids are inherently addictive by all definitions – there IS no removing it, because they have both carrot and stick by the nature of the biology they affect.
Every modification of opioids throughout history has been sold on “less addictive”, but it never works. Heck – HEROIN was sold as being less addictive. See how that worked out.
As long as one stays within the basic biochemistry of opioids, one faces the problems of opioid biochemistry.
They will always be both positively and negatively addictive. Saying otherwise IS the scam.
Tobacco is instructive on this. Tobacco is what it is, and our definitions changed around it to (re)distribute the money.
What happened with cigarettes was that the earlier argument that “both carrot and stick must be present to define addiction” (meaning some kind of nasty withdrawal syndrome must be present – the STICK) allowed people to say tobacco was not “truly” addictive. The problem was that it was absolutely clear that cocaine was behaviorally addictive despite an absence of a physically negative withdrawal syndrome – only craving. Only CARROT.
The public, social definition of “addiction” changed to “carrot”, and tobacco companies were then ON THE HOOK with juries. This is a typical Dem trick – change definitions and prosecute the past.
However, it goes deeper. Who is to say what the scam on tobacco actually was? Was it the tobacco companies insisting that addiction be defined as “carrot and stick”? Was it the doctors saying the same? Was it all of us saying the same – saying carrot and stick was “truly addictive”, “stick” was necessary, and that “free will” was possible otherwise? Was it the people who CHANGED the definition to GET THE CASH? Was it the idea of free will disappearing? Was it the RAPING of tobacco companies over a sociologically changed definition of addiction, once that became possible? Or just the KEEPING of the idea of addiction as “must be carrot and stick” to begin with – a BAD legal defense that failed to “run to the truth”?
ALL GUILTY, IMO. Nobody wanted to admit the simple truth that pleasure is addictive, displeasure is negatively addictive, and we can ALL potentially become addicts or anti-addicts to either, depending on chemistry. We play with definitions and lie to ourselves to satisfy our addiction to MONEY.
What I think we’re seeing with opioids more than anything is the addiction to MONEY which comes from LYING about the nature of opioids – that they CAN be made non-addictive or even LESS addictive. Efficacy and addiction go hand-in-hand. The idea of “less addictive” or “not addictive” is the ACTUAL LIE. That lie leads to MONEY, and it has been used over and over in the history of opioids. THAT is the side which is ALWAYS scamming, IMHO, and the BEAUTY of the scam is that it’s alleging a mythical virtue, which one can falsely yet truly pursue in a virtuous fashion, but it is ALWAYS a scam which sells the next generation of opioids.
Non-addictive opioids = perpetual motion machine. ALWAYS A SCAM.
OK, so how about LESS addictive? That’s like saying “more efficient machine”. Yeah, you can always pursue it. But eventually one finds oneself at cross purposes, and it’s what you want – a Prius or a John Deere. When big terminal pain comes, out comes MORPHINE. It ain’t goin’ away.
Drugs are what they are. Make all the data public. Make people admit, accept, and take the risks. Make lawsuits over drugs ILLEGAL. THE END.


Wouldn’t it be preferable to have one WHOPPING lawsuit against Big Pharma for all their lies and chicanery? But, then, WE need to stop looking at doctors as if they are gods!!! They are human just like the rest of us, subject to the same negative influences.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The place to begin on suing pharmas is vaccine injury. It’s illegal to sue for that.
Start there and hopefully the public will wake up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Certainly preferable for China, where the industry will move afterwards! 😉
There is no easy answer here. But I do know this – too much of medical costs are legal costs. In the end, it’s redistribution of wealth. Suing ourselves has become an addiction!


My simple-mind getting in the way again….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No more than my simple heart! 😉


Doctors and Big Pharma are in a symbiotic relationship.


Well, the docs have their PDR and medical journals and conferences and so on, but I think they get a lot of their info on the meds from drug company sales reps. They also get a lot of pressure to prescribe from patients. My father was a pharmacist, and he didn’t believe in advertising pharmaceuticals, and he would be horrified by what is going on these days.


“addiction to MONEY”
Spot on, Wolf.
THIS is at the bottom of sociopathic behavior. The LOVE of money. Dollars over humans.
It’s been institutionalized (i.e., we as a civilization have allowed it). We MUST demote it to being secondary.
“One cannot serve God and mammon both.”
My translation: “One cannot be FOR humanity and AGAINST humanity all at the same time.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

As the conversation is about drugs today, and Big Pharma. If the truth is ever told about Statins – Big Pharma will be sued out of existence.
Why? Because they’ve been lying about the drug intolerance reactions, which in medicine, is actually different than side effects.
The latest hidden secret about statins – they’re going to find out that there is a causal relationship between taking statins, the fat soluble ones in particular vs the water ones, and Parkinson’s disease., and likely other neurological diseases.
How do I know this? Big Pharma had recently been pushing statins might “help” prevent Parkinson’s. Well, no. Study concluded in 2017 found that people 2 1/2 yrs after taking statins – developed Parkinson’s. There is much more to this story, but my hubby has done a lot of research on statins, and now Parkinson’s.


“they’ve been lying”
On an industrial scale.
I.e., not just the statins – but EVERYTHING.
They create diseases, to profit from treating them.
Shareholders, and all. More money by secreting the cures, and causing the maladies themselves.
But the paradigm is shifting …


Funny how a paddle or a “switch” used to CURE:


Now it is just treated with DRUGS and a TIMEOUT!


Treat symptoms not causes. Don’t want you to get too healed! Man made Big Pharma drugs = stay way as far as possible!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tobacco: remember that the addicting substance is niccotine. In the process of making cigarettes, it is removed and then reintroduced stronger. This was done on purpose. I don’t remember where I came across that, but I did see archival papers in relation to an expert witness who was paid by one of the tobacco companies to lie about a lot of stuff including addiction and cancer. The papers were dated in the 1960s, IIRC.
They knew about lung cancer by 1947 when the physician (thoracic surgeon who did the first successful lung removal) who first made the claim that smoking caused lung cancer died of the disease because he smoked for decades. The man was a brilliant surgeon, and did the groundbreaking research on mice.
The tobacco companies, yes, have a lot of explaining to do, IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nicotine is why people smoke! It’s the pleasure drug. Take the pleasure drug out of a pleasure drug form, and people don’t LIKE it. And to me it’s not shocking that when brands had to label the amounts of nicotine in the product, that they controlled the amount to a standard value – which means adding it or removing it as needed. Smokers also LOVED reliable amounts of nicotine in the product – that is like ANY drug. Customers WANT reliability, and nature does not provide it. Of course, we can label that action as nefarious and make MONEY on it, but I refuse to go along with it. I loved when we got MORE nicotine and less TAR. A great way to reduce risks while having MORE PLEASURE.
See? Same facts – different PERSPECTIVE! But my perspective doesn’t make MONEY!!! 😀
MONEY! Glorious MONEY!!! 😉
Bear in mind that whether nicotine was addictive CULTURALLY CHANGED, and then MEDICALLY CHANGED. Sound like homosexuality becoming culturally and then medically normal? Sound like gender becoming “fluid”? Even MEDICINE and SCIENCE have become downstream from culture, and the socialists know it.
The facts never changed. How we perceived them did.
As for the tobacco companies, I personally think that they should have been very up-front about the risks from the beginning. But it’s NOT like we didn’t know. Every smoker knew they caused cancer. It was a GAME that was knowingly played by everybody that the companies said “we won’t admit it until proven beyond all doubt”. It was a joke! We laughed! Everybody knew that what was on the labels was true. But at the same time, we realized it wasn’t proven to the extent that all scientists agreed on it fully. I had relatives smoking their whole lives, into their 80’s. There was a good chance I could, too.
I take responsibility for my smoking when I did. I QUIT of my own accord – with great difficulty – because I knew I needed to, to maintain the active, athletic lifestyle I loved. I BOUGHT an addictive product, used it, and quit it. I may eventually die of lung cancer, but so far I’ve been lucky, knock on wood.
Blaming others is easy, but I refuse. I could read the warnings. I knew they were called DEATH-STICKS before I even started smoking – before the labels. Cigarettes were AWESOME! <3 😀 I loved smoking! If I could smoke without risk, I would do it again.
Thankfully, I have the internet now. NEW ADDICTIONS that sharpen my mind, but take their own toll on my insufficiently exercised ARSE! LOL! 😀 😉
Oh, I'm in a mood now. I remember my young self. Those were good times! Before COMMUNISM!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The smoke gave me massive headaches, and I wasn’t the one smoking.
Glad I avoided that habit.


Smokers were permitted to go outside in USMC boot camp.
So I became a smoker.
35+ years later my body began to revolt.
VA gave me patches. Was afraid to use em.
So I quit.
Fingers crossed.


Gonna butt heads with you on one thing – smoking and cancer.
Smoking does not ’cause’ cancer. It might aggravate it or even trigger it but cancer is primarily genetic (as current research is showing).
What smoking does is cause COPD but not even that all the time. You have to be genetically predisposed to emphysema in order to get it.
35% of 20 year smokers develop emphysema. 7% of 20 year smokers develop lung cancer. And lots of people who never smoked got lung cancer.
BTW you seem to have overlooked the role of govt attorneys in the raping of the tobacco companies. It was mostly a scam to get a flow of money into the state treasuries.
And I have never heard of a death certificate that listed smoking as the cause of death. If smoking ’causes’ lung cancer or any other deadly condition, I would expect coroners and doctors to list it.
Semantics – playground of the devious.

A Fortiori (@AFortiori16)

YES! We absolutely need to get the lawsuits out of medicine. The lawsuits mean that data is not released because it can be used in lawsuits. They mean individual doctors cannot make decisions but must instead follow guidelines to prevent being sued (or to mitigate damages if they are sued). They mean procedures are ordered to address infinitesimally small risks to check a box in case of a lawsuit later. And they mean our individual characteristics are less important than following some routine.
We need to rely on the judgement of the professionals we employ, and they need to be free to render their opinions. And yes, this means we need to accept the risks that sometime we do all the right things and get bad outcomes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The fact that a LAWYER (Obama) who was qualified for his job because he was BLACK and a secret COMMUNIST reformed our HEALTHCARE was a travesty beyond all travesties. It’s a complete WTF. The reason Obamacare tended to be 90% about forcing things to happen and 10% medical – well – there we go. MEDICAL LAWFARE.
ENOUGH! Let Medicine be Medicine!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“ENOUGH! Let Medicine be Medicine!”
Well, hate to be the one to say this, but medicine at a certain level is ruled by the dollar just as much as any business. Doctors are pretty much forbidden, or are trained away, from telling patients certain things. You hear what will really solve the problem, sometimes, behind hands or as a last resort. My grandfather’s arthritis was relieved only by daily parafin wax dipping. It was the last thing the doctor would try. Women with breast pain, the best thing is to remove a certain compression undergarment and only wear it when leaving the house. Two women in my circle who were runners lost a limb to bone cancer on the pelvis. When talking to a bone surgeon about the situation, that was the first question, “Is she a runner?” Followed with “we see it,” but there are no warnings to women that running is a risk factor.
I have friends who solved their chronic migraines with an ear piercing that they otherwise would not have done.
Medicine is not always the most efficient answer.
The American Medical Association keeps a tight lid on the number of physicians licensed at any one time. I will say this, though, the board certification process as a self-regulating body is doing a decent job in many areas, but still, it’s all about the money. Homeopathy, chiropractors, nature pathologists, etc., are all put in the “conspiracy theorist” territory. And the really funny thing is for some back pain, orthopods will send patients to a chiropractor first.
Really, in the end it’s all about maintaining reputation and fortunes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The medical-legal-pharmaceutical complex is definitely not free of rackets! As in MANY of them!

Molly Pitcher

My turn for an opioid rant.
The current overdose epidemic from opioids isn’t so much from the prescribed drugs. It’s from the addition of synthetics such as fentanyl and a host of others to the oxy, weed,heroin etc. These additions can be deadly unto themselves as Nebraska Filly can sadly attest.
When the street dealers are the “administrators” of the synthetics to their wares…overdoses are going to be the result no matter the users tolerance.
More Americans died from drug overdoses in 2016 than the number of American lives lost in the entirety of the Vietnam War, which totaled 58,200. 2017 and 2018 was more.
The data also shows that overdoses of synthetic drugs, such as fentanyl — which is 50 to 100 times stronger than the painkiller morphine — are driving the sharp increases in opioid overdose deaths.
Almost all of it came from China. They make the synthetics and ship them via internet sales to whomever wants them.
Chinese laboratories are producing and openly selling a new form of deadly fentanyl to get around China’s recent export ban on the synthetic drug causing thousands of overdose deaths across the United States.
The slightly tweaked version of fentanyl — called furanyl fentanyl — is so new that it is not on the US government’s list of controlled substances. That means the altered fentanyl, which was blamed for the March overdose of an Illinois man, is technically legal for drug dealers to sell.
Only 1 molecule needs to be changed to alter ANY of these synthetics to make them legal again. On their sites they’re marketed as research chemicals with the disclaimer that they’re ” not for human consumption”. That’s laughable.
On July 19, 2016 I lost my son to one of these synthetics. He was an adult. He was brilliant, quirky , artistic and not a junkie in the most usually understood way. He took vicadin on a semi regular basis for compressed discs. No issues re that for 10 yrs. He accepted a managerial position with a company that had mandatory drug test. He was smart,so he thought. He had heard of these chemicals. He knew that they would not show up on a drug test because the tests can only identify the original formula, not an altered one.
Without going into a novel about the loss…his “synthetic vicadin” was lethal.
It has changed me forever. I despise that buying these chemicals is still perfectly legal, shipped right to your door or mailbox. , .

Pat Frederick

I’m so sorry for the loss of your son–as well as Nebraska’s child.

Molly Pitcher

Much thanks Pat. It’s awful. They always say that time eases the pain of the loss of a loved one. I’m not so sure about that anymore. Hoping in the promise of seeing him again.

Sylvia Avery

Yes. That is what sustains me. The belief that when my time finally comes, I get to be reunited with my loved ones.


So very very sorry Molly. WIll add you to my prayers…No words..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. I am terribly sorry for your loss. That’s horrible.
Thanks for sharing that. I just hope that it can save others. I’m really glad you told us. I was not aware how easy that is for them to do. That needs to be fixed.
This is why I refuse to touch opioids of any kind. AT. ALL. Even for post-op pain, I prefer the pain. They are so dangerous.
You know, there IS a way we can redefine drug laws to go after this scourge – DEFINE the drugs at the LOCK instead of the KEY. We have to change our perspective at the molecular level.
Basically restrict drugs that are KNOWN to act at the same receptors. If it is being SOLD as a fentanyl replacement, it is considered “known” by that statement of replacement, and is automatically restricted the same, for being an ALTERNATE KEY. Even if the drug is UNKNOWN, if it acts at that lock, it is “auto-scheduled”.
Lawyers can battle out the principles needed to make it work, but I think that it is potentially workable.
One metric is molecular similarity. If sold for the same or similar purpose as a drug, and having a certain similarity to a scheduled drug, it could be likewise pre-restricted, even if unknown.
If one sells a replacement of a scheduled drug, and it is molecularly similar to that drug by certain simple defined metrics, it automatically violates law to sell it.
Make it work the other way – one has to get an EXEMPTION within the “sphere of similarity”. This would allow the feds to instantly go after somebody selling a new drug in that region of molecular design. That region is well understood for opioids.

Molly Pitcher

Totally agree and wonder why it hasn’t been done. I know that the US does ban particular substances once they figure it out but by then…the formula changes again.
The perplexing thing is that it appears that many of these Chinese labs are spring up ventures. It’s not like they’re what our vision of a pristine lab might be. Until the country of origin outlaws it the manufacture and sales will continue.
It’s bad enough on the individual overdose level but we’re seeing amounts being intercepted large enough to be used in a terror attack situation. That should scare us all.
Remember the terrorist in Canada? His brother had 42 kilograms of .carfentanil believed to be 100 times more potent than fentanyl.
. .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You aren’t going to believe this – I just found out that TRUMP already DID IT! He already DID what I was going to suggest! Jeff Sessions did it!
First look here – furanylfentanyl:
Then look here – all of the fentanyl analogs:
Then look here at reference 13, where they did what I was suggesting, more or less:
Wow – it is really amazing to have a REAL President!

Molly Pitcher

One side note about my personal story is that the minute Donald Trump was inaugurated I wrote him a letter begging that this situation be addressed. A few months later President Trump declared that the opioid crisis was an emergency. I received a nice letter back stating that the admin was going to MAGA on many levels.
I know it wasn’t a promise made to me alone regarding my son’s death but it felt like it.
I’d lay my life down for PDJT because of his genuine commitment to the value of each citizen in this great country. !!!! (some Marica exclamation points for emphasis) lol

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I will bet your clear explanation of the problem got SOMEBODY to carry the message, or reinforced the REALITY of the problem. People have been talking “opioid crisis” for a while, but I think they were all “skeered” to mention the word “China” until POTUS came along.

Molly Pitcher

Exactly! Tippy Toe with steel boots needed when dealing with China, imo
Here is a great article that in a short space lays out the situation and PTrump’s understanding of the situation. China>Mexico>US>tariffs> wall (my addition)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, listen to this OBAMABOT:
Keith Humphreys, a professor of psychiatry and a drug policy expert at the Stanford University School of Medicine, said the United States is poorly positioned to have an impact in China’s illicit supply of fentanyl because of the ongoing feud over tariffs between the Trump administration and Beijing.
“They could help us, but they’re not going to,” said Humphreys, who spent a year in the Obama administration’s Office of National Drug Control Policy. The way to enlist the Chinese is “carefully, respectfully, and not on the front page or on Twitter.”

Another STANFORD COMMIE sucking us into the CHINA GRASP.
Put “it” in a cell next to Halper.


I’m on the fence about this:
There is an argument FOR the “Legalization” of all drugs…..
Uniformity of the “product”…..
“Purity” of the product…
Removal of the “Black Market” which always exists for “Illegal” products..
I’m sure there are other reasons.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are some drugs (opioids, etc.) that just cause way too much trouble. As has been pointed out many times, carfentanil IS a weapon of war, comparable to nerve gas or puffer fish poison. It was used to rescue hostages from terrorists, and because the Russians didn’t explain what they did to the medical personnel, over 100 innocents died from it. And CHINA is shipping the stuff into our country.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How terrible, and you’re right, the pain and grief feels like it will never end.
You’re also right about the addition of synthetics to the drugs. Decades ago we had pain medications like Morphine Sulfate and Dilaudid – those drugs didn’t have near the addictive properties we’re dealing with in the days of the additives to synthetic analgesics.
I am sorry for the loss of your son. It reminds all of us to treasure those we love, even during tough times.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Molly Pitcher, you lost a son as well.
Within this small group, we’ve lost two of our best and brightest. Yeah, past time to address the problem. Love to you, Molly and your family.


I am so sorry for the loss of your son.


Big Pharma is a massive SCAM…..
No incentive to produce a CURE…..
A CURE would eliminate TREATMENTS!
More $$$ in “treatments” (Forever)
At least until the INSURANCE $$$ run out.


This woman is completely, totally out of her mind. They truly believe they are better than and in cotrol of POTUS and us.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has sent a letter to President Donald Trump asking to move the day of the State of the Union address or deliver it in writing, citing security concerns from the ongoing government shutdown.
“Sadly, given the security concerns and unless government re-opens this week, I suggest we work together to determine another suitable date after government has re-opened for this address or for you to consider delivering your State of the Union address in writing to the Congress on January 29,” Pelosi writes in the letter dated Wednesday.
About 25% of the federal government has been shutdown since December 22, the longest such shutdown in US history.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gee, anyone else thinking the DNC public relations staff told Nancy and Chuck not to give another televised ‘response’?


The SOTU is a golden opportunity for Pres. Trump to highlight all he has accomplished and the problems caused by Dems, with networks having to cover it, and Pelosi wants him to forgo that. LOL.


She can Foxtrot Oscar.
Who is the Speaker of the House to tell the President what to do?


They don’t want to be embarrassed – by the focus on the ‘state of the union’ – gov’t in shutdown due to House.
So they think they can ignore SOTU Address…
Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution states that the president “shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.”
Since Franklin Roosevelt, the State of the Union is given typically each January before a joint session of the United States Congress and is held in the House of Representatives chamber of the United States Capitol.
Nancy has already extended an invitation to POTUS to deliver the speech on January 29, 2019.
Is it appropriate for her to withdraw the invitation (which is merely a formality)?
They would like to ignore his presidency altogether.


Nancy would like to be POTUS herself. She is mental. Crafty, wicked, but mental.


“They don’t want to be embarrassed”
Or, they don’t want to be ARRESTED!
Or perhaps served a little envelope, along with the “program” for the evening.
I would SO like to see something like the above, during the SOTU!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That did cross my mind in relation to this.


Emerald! INDEED!!! little envelopes to all…;)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My guess, and this is just a guess, no more giving coded signals while standing under the Statue Freedom.
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c3f516 No.231058 📁
Jan 31 2018 23:42:36 (EST)
Effective yesterday, while standing under the statue of FREEDOM, POTUS FREED those ‘good’ people who are currently being blackmailed, threatened and enslaved.
Those who stood chanting “USA” were FREED.
The shot heard around the world.

Elizabeth Carter

President Trump can do the State of the Union address on TV and the Internet. There is no reason to have to watch Pelosi suck her teeth and the others disrespect the President. They can watch it or not as far as I am concerned. I will watch it on the White House channel. The reporters will say whatever they decide to say and misquote President Trump as they usually do. Obama and Bill Ayers can fact check it for the Annenberg Foundation on and George Soros can pay for the polls. Hillary can even live stream it world wide on her private email server.
Actually, I would much prefer to watch it without the distraction of the Communists mocking President Trump and his supporters.


Howie Carr has a poll on this today (Jan. 16) for listeners.
Given the circumstances:
‘How should President Trump handle the State of Union Address?’
Submit it in writing 5%
Oval Office address 43% (Howie’s personal choice)
Campaign-style rally 52%
Personally, I would like a campaign-style rally. What say you? 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I prefer oval office over rally, and the reason is, I sure as heck don’t want to set a precedent future presidents will use to turn SOTU into a campaign ad.


Not likely.
The only president in living memory who has spent as much time among those whom 99.9% of the elite (including former presidents) consider the great unwashed is President Donald John Trump.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Something else just occurred to me.
It really CAN’T be a campaign event…because it’s simultaneously an official government function. There are a lot of very strict rules about that sort of thing (congressmen have to actually exit their offices to talk to donors, for instance).
But I’m liking the idea of simply giving the SOTU to a large crowd of ordinary people.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Any thoughts on this? I never got into that platform, so there’s no frame of reference here.
Snapchat’s CFO Tim Stone resigns after 8 months of appointment


Pet peeve(s):
– On a personal level, when a person wants to speak on another person’s behalf w/o permission. Unless you are a person’s designated spokesperson or official translator, shut up and speak for yourself.
– Obnoxious, spoiled children with no manners and the parents who enable their behavior.
– The term “income inequality”. Especially when used merely to sound “oh so woke and concerned”. The price one pays when surrounded by liberals.
– People who claim that they don’t buy gifts for people on Christmas because “consumerism be bad”……YET their hands are still outstretched to receive gifts. Nope, you’re just being a selfish, hypocritical prick. Would have more respect for you if the refusal to partake in gift exchanges was a two-way street (i.e. you don’t give AND you don’t receive).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

James Baker, Chief Counsel for the FBI, under investigation for leaking to the press.
Yet, we heard nothing for months…………….
Baker was questioned in Congress about the leaks to the press, his lawyer interrupted and would not allow him to answer. Congressman asked, “why not?”. Answer, because he was under criminal investigation for leaking to the press.
Interesting that Fox and other outlets are reporting the ‘leak’ happened ‘long ago’, during the Obama Administration, and infer it could/could not be related to campaign issue.
But we are Q Treepers.
We can sniff out a story – cuz WE HAVE WOLF SMELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here’s another piece of the puzzle.
Checked at the link below and the US Attorney for Connecticut is handling the prosecution of James Baker. Connecticut? Hmmmm….. Not in Utah, not in DC, not in the SDNY. Noted.
Plus, remember how we all talk about the importance of getting OUR attorneys or SCOTUS appointments in place, while we pant breathlessly for justice to return?
Take a look at the timeline on the nomination and confirmation of John H Durham, US Atty for Connecticut. He was not confirmed until February 22, 2018, not nominated by PDJT until Nov 1, 2017. In retrospect, maybe we were a little late to the game and gave the Obama holdovers too long in the offices, without Trump Admin managers.
Nonetheless, if Durham has been there for 10 1/2 months, and FOX reports the investigation of Baker has been “ongoing for MONTHS”, with no leaks about Baker, then something is definitely happening.

Elizabeth Carter

Great link. Thanks

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Background on Durham shows he was Acting US Atty in Eastern VA for CIA destruction of tapes for torture.
Here’s the ZINGER –
“From 1998 to 2008, Mr. Durham served as a Special Attorney for the District of Massachusetts and Head of the Justice Task Force, where he reviewed alleged criminal conduct by FBI personnel and other law enforcement corruption in Boston, led the prosecution of a former FBI Supervisory Special Agent and a former Massachusetts State Police Lieutenant, and handled direct appeals and related proceedings following convictions after trial.”
That’s Mueller’s Achilles heel, right? That’s the first of his problems.


The anons suspect that Durham is the prosecutor in parallel to Huber.
Remember, Q said that Huber’s name was FORCED to be disclosed, which AG Sessions did do.
A front man, and a back-up (or two, or more!).
Layers, redundancies, and “buffers”.
Hehehe …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Meaning, of course, that we don’t know what we don’t know.
Just exactly how many Huber sorts are out there is one of those details.


‘Course, there’s always this:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9c745a No.4739743 📁
Jan 13 2019 14:08:58 (EST)📁
D House focus on POTUS = ‘insurance’ extension from MUELLER to House.
GJ testimony underway in several states.
Attempts to BLOCK/PROTECT themselves will FAIL.
Far beyond political corruption/sedition.
Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?
Lights on.


Trying to highlight the following, but my WP skills are lacking!!
–> GJ testimony underway in several states <–

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It stood out without bolding.


This might help (bookmark it):
H/T Steve in CO


Thanks!! Yea, I’m on that, I just couldn’t find the “yellow highlighter” tag to use.


Oh, you meant YELLOW HIGHLIGHT ?
(I didn’t get that far yet !!!) 😉


Comey flipped ?
Durham = Connecticut snow blower ?


So, what is the source for info stating he won’t pursue???????????


Parser Barr, not unlike WJ Clinton.


My pet peeve is with people who air their pet peeves in public.
(did I just say that?) **looks in mirror**
(fun and frivolity)


I think you’ll like this, itswoot!comment image


giggle, spit funny!!


Yup! What a grin.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Steam88 has found his way to the Qtree.
We’ve known each other for 10yrs. You guys are going to love him. He’s one of he best on the net!


Welcome Steam!! Full Steam Ahead–Beatcha Steve!


Before I posted that comment to you about your use of exclamation points, I’d just read a response to me of yours that had seven sentences total (short sentences!), and TWELVE exclamation points!
Please provide Steve permission to use as many passionate punctuation points as possible – he pines to procure the power to parrot your positivity with presumptive privilege, perhaps while predicting some probability of permanent penalty for prohibited puns.
I’m positive he’ll be pleased …


Well that’s hysterical!!! I’m pretty positive he will be pleased as well!! I actually find I cannot communicate without {!} No Idea why…:)




PHEW !!!

Pat Frederick

wow! you STEAMrolled right over Steve on that one!


Pat Frederick

awesome my eSTEAMed friend!!



Pat Frederick

hope this works…excellent response to Gillette
wyntre says:
January 16, 2019 at 8:35 am
This. Is. GREAT!
(Tissue alert)
Gillette’s embarrassing commercial audio being played over heroic acts by ‘toxic’ males#MenAreAmazing#BoycottGillette
— PolishPatriot™️ (@PolishPatriotTM) January 16, 2019

Pat Frederick

doesn’t look like it did…can someone post the link? awesome, short video

Pat Frederick

thank you!!!
all the wonderful men in that new version–those are men, not only soldiers and firemen, but men helping older people walking, moving cars, carrying a female runner–men being men.


Thanks for finding it Pat! very moving!
PS–we pulled 2 puns on Steve–in a row!!! 🙂

Pat Frederick

LOL…i bet he’s trying so hard to think of a comeback, there’s STEAM coming outta his ears!

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Pat. Honestly, if Gillette were smart they would use that instead. Very inspirational, heartwarming, and encouraging men to do good things instead of treating them like trash.
I love men.


This actually brought tears to my eyes. Where would we be without the strength, courage, vision, leadership, love, and outright masculinity of the true manly men in our lives?? God bless them all.

Sylvia Avery

Spot on. I love men, I adore men. Those very qualities that make them so unique and so valuable are the things that are being labeled toxic. Disgusting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is one of my favorite pictures of all time, and the Left hated it a couple of years ago.

Pat Frederick

i love that!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I really hope some ticked off millionaire puts up the money to put this in a prime time advertising slot.

Pat Frederick

and wasn’t the Cajun Navy mostly if not all male too? where would so many be after the storms without their help?





Gotta love it, ES! They are getting crazier by the day. Eventually, they might tell the President he is not welcomed in the White House! F’em! Let’s drive them over the cliff!


Really. I mean REALLY.

Pat Frederick

oh no…it’s not off…it’s ON, Baby!!
POTUS will make this a super duper event—THE event of the year–and he doesn’t have to invite a single Democrat!


Exactly Pat… Exactly !


OH, IT’S ON !!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, then he can give it primetime from the Oval Office.

Pat Frederick

wonder if old Chuck and Nancy will want rebuttal time? LOL


But, of course !
Then it will be Pres.Trumps turn to rebut their rebuttal… Right on time for National Freedom Day, February 1, 2019 !!!


Respectfully disagree, Steve.
It can be done.
The networks will definitely broadcast it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I just this moment gave my reasoning (elsewhere) that would be a bad idea–Everyone will do it from now on.


‘Everyone will do it from now on.’
I still respectfully disagree for two reasons. First, no one has the cojones that PDJT has. Secondly, nor would they want to be with the American people.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, if (just imagining) some Hitlaryesque person, or even just a bland-ass RINO, ended up succeeding Trump, it’d be an empty room.
I’ll give it some thought but my first inclination is still Oval Office. That will make ’em melt down too.


No Oval Office.
The optics will be terrible and the DEMS will claim a WIN because they BOXED HIM IN.
Then, THEY CAN REBUT from wherever the majority does — probably FROM THE DAIS where the president CUSTOMARILY gives his address — AND THEY HAVE A FULL HOUSE present for the rebuttal. That, too, would be televised.
No. Not Trumpian. Not the face of what the Republican Party should be, either.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

How about this–NOT a rally–not a campaign event. No signs, no music.
But give it in a football stadium to the public with all the ceremony that’d accompany it in Congress, and bill it unofficially as having to be done this way since Congress won’t do their jobs, one of which is to accept the address.


Who cares about signs and music?
Otherwise, yes, the football stadium idea is excellent, as long as it’s covered.


How about a State-Of-The-Union RALLY!!!


Making SOTU Great Again!

Pat Frederick

OT, some are citing the Presidential authority to “convene both Houses” of Congress…so he can basically summon them if he chooses…that would be hysterical. The adult calling the children to the table…


That would be great.
Can you IMAGINE the triggering? The LUNACY we’d see beforehand?
I suspect US Marshals have the authority to FORCIBLY execute their compliance!
Physically … no “words” necessary!
I suspect, before all is over, that we’ll be treated to some beautiful visual like that …


US Marshals right now are on a par with the FBI (report discussed here within the past week and OT).


And zip! just like that…the Dims once again re-write the Constitution.
Apparently Piglosi and Hoyer think POTUS can only give the SOTU if they invite him to do so.


Agree! Thank you, TatonkaWoman.

This is the problem with conservatives agreeing to such BS from their enemy — the Dems.
Some here are ACQUIESCING and accepting them as gospel truths as if PDJT — THEIR PRESIDENT — should just roll over!
Not in a New York minute!
I’m fed up enough with the Brexit issue two days running (thankfully, Mrs May survived politically tonight), and now I’m reading about PDJT speaking all alone from the Oval Office?!
What do such people think the rebuttal will be like? Rest assured, it will be a full freaking House and Senate meeting in the Capitol to hear Chuck and Nancy rebut!
I can see what it’s like from the UK!
The US, at least, is in the TRUMP ERA now. Please DO NOT recommend boxing this man in!
Thank you!


At first, if the elites don’t succeed, they try another scare tactic:
Government shutdown lays out “welcome mat” for hackers, security experts warn

Pat Frederick

my memory is failing me, but didn’t the government incur a hack that stole the identities and personal info of an incredible number of government employees recently? and that was when the gov’t was operating, so hackers hack…it’s what they do…


I believe that was OPM records – Ingraham got caught up in that as well, I think.

Pat Frederick

that’s right! thanks!!


Thanks for this.
Hackers are all around all the time. One can imagine a hundred million ignorant idiots believing that the shutdown caused this.
‘Project Fear’ — wait for more. (Sigh.)
We get it with Brexit all the time: shortages of food, medicines (esp. insulin), etc.

Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of Commerce
Issued on: January 15, 2019
This is what has Nan’s panties in a wad


By attempting to cancel SOTU address, Nan and crying Chuck are implying that the gov’t will still be in partial shutdown…
Looks as if POTUS will also get RFI

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll miss all of the applause breaks, and bored looks from the people in the seats, but giving the address from the Oval Office prior to a delivery of the written statement isn’t a bad idea if actually going to Congress to give it is not required.


They are also acknowledging they don’t have an argument to not build the wall. They are running away scared! Panic in DC!


All the better for PDJT to give the SOTU as a public RALLY!


Um, Section 1763 pertains to this – I see nothing that would pertain to building the wall? Take note: This may have been amended since it was approved last year.
“Sec. 1763. Review of interagency dispute resolution process.”
(a) In general.–
The President shall review and evaluate the interagency export license referral, review, and escalation processes for dual-use items and munitions under the licensing jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce or any other Federal agency, as appropriate, to determine whether current practices and procedures are consistent with established national security and foreign policy objectives.
(b) Report
Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the President shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that contains the results of the review carried out under subsection (a).
(c) Operating Committee for Export Policy
In any case in which the Operating Committee for Export Policy established by Executive Order 12981 (December 5, 1991; relating to Administration of Export Controls) is meeting to conduct an interagency dispute resolution relating to applications for export licenses under the Export Administration Regulations, matters relating to jet engine hot section technology, commercial communication satellites, and emerging or foundational technology may be decided by majority vote.
d) Appropriate congressional committees defined
In this section, the term “appropriate congressional committees” means—
(1) the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives; and (2) the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate.”


This is the link given in the tweet NF,


I’ve been checking everywhere trying to find something on this… there is a reference to Memorandum – 4 process, which I thought might be an attachment.
Author of the tweet above just tweeted she is deleting… see below. She is on PM’s list of folks to follow…
I guess she made an error of judgment.
My apologizes everyone… I thought her tweet was accurate, apparently not…


Just said on fox, steve harrigan, 2 MORE caravans have formed in honduras.


Sounds like a hurricane, maybe we should give them names like hurricanes or like they do now for silly winter storms now……
Here are a few…..Caravan Soros, Caravan Nancy, Caravan Deepstate, Caravan….you get the idea 😉




I like it. Caravan sounds rather like a vacation. Since they are being paid! None of these current ones have any camping gear, extra clothing etc.


At least at the outset. 😉


Tried to post this early, I think 🤔 Wolf is on a mission this weekend.
Lunar eclipse happening.
Blood Wolf Moon


iirc, I missed the event last year as it was only partially visible in US…
Will be a magnificent view for those able to see it.
thanks for the link… beautiful photo, just stunning


Just saw this on Breitbart and thought it was hilarious. (Hopefully I can get it to post).comment image


Jordan Sather posted this yesterday:


I really appreciate your quick ability to post these things. I wouldnt have known it. You have become a very good go to, like citizen 817 and pam used to be ot. Thanks!


you’re very welcome… Thank you for the kind words. I miss Pam alot. She could alway find a video of POTUS speaking or round up several options for his rallies… lots of resources I don’t know about.
I am housebound… have been for months now. Plenty of time to wander through the ‘internets’


Housebound…but with freedom for your mind and eyes to roam at least!


Does anyone here know how to contact pam to issue an invite here?
I haven’t seen her OT for ages.


I dont. I think she was banned. Maybe if you go look for old posts you can click on her name for a wp site or email?


Thanks, Gil.


loved Pams posts!! She had pics that were like–How did she get that?


Yes, they were great.

Plain Jane

This is an ironically amusing article.
He tried to ban guns, detergent, caffeine drinks and transfats.
January 15, 2019 Daniel Greenfield”
“Democrat pols believe that they can be trusted with guns when no one else can. But the track records of Ed Burke, Senator Trotter or Alderman Dorothy Tillman, who during a ward redistricting meeting, settled the debate by pulling out her “38-caliber,snub-nosed, nickel-plated pistol”, say otherwise.
Both Burke and Tillman had to take a backseat to Senator Leland Yee, a California Democrat and rabid gun control enthusiast, who was caught trying to sell rocket launchers.”


I know what you mean.
Thanks for the link.


Pat Frederick

Sandy from the hood has a nasty mouth…


Question: Where did Sandy from the hood pick up that term?


From her experience. She MUST have heard it used, sometime before.
From her backers – her handlers.
Projection city.
I’d never heard the phrase … but obviously, SHE has!
“Sandy from the Hood”, indeed.


I was curious because the term apparently is used by M-13 gangstas.. my question was more of a
has she been hanging with M-13 gangstas
I definitely think Ms Pat is on point… AOC has a nasty mouth.


I have heard that term since I was in my early 20s. To run a train has always been for a loose woman and also for gang rape. For her to use that term at all is sick.

Pat Frederick

i thought i remembered the expression from a Steve McQueen movie but it was pull a train (?)


She’s from Westchester – a wealthy suburb – but has a nasty hood mind and mouth! Typical leftist.


comment image

Pat Frederick

very nice!


Sean just told the World OUR VSGPOTUS now has a green light to Make SOTU Great Again!

Pat Frederick

so Turtle can’t grow a set and invite him to the Senate?


I’m still holding out on a Perfect Location decided on by the Grand Master Troller Himself!!


President Trump could fill an NFL stadium in a blizzard.


I’ll second that GA!

Pat Frederick


Pat Frederick

not saying he should do it on superbowl sunday–just that he could pack an nfl stadium even on supebowl sunday in a blizzard…


Superbowl Sunday would be great. 🙂


wherever he hold it, Nasty Nanny won’t be sitting behind him!!!!!
SenMjLdr McConnell and VP Pence could be…
Now, would that not set a precedent???!!!!
Imagine, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 —- Republicans ONLY will be seated behind POTUS Trump…
Predictions are DIMS won’t have majority in Senate for next decade, at least.
Nasty Nanny just screwed the DIMs… again ! And she’s only been Speaker for 13 days!!!


“Imagine, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 —- Republicans ONLY will be seated behind POTUS Trump…”
Perhaps by then Republicans will STAND behind POTUS Trump !


Exactly — thank you.

Almost 900 comments in 3 hrs…
Here are a few:
“Within minutes of Pelosi’s letter suggesting postponement of SOTU The Department of Homeland Security refuted the Speaker’s claims — The Secret Service is ready for the SOTU:
Senior DHS official says the Secret Service is ready for President Trump’s State of the Union on January 29 and that no one from Nancy Pelosi’s office checked with the Secret Service before requesting delay”
Poor babies (and that is what they are). Since there is no constitutional requirement to host the State of the Union speech in the House, the President does not need to give his speech from the House, but can just as easily give it from the Senate or even the White House.
Time for a little “fire side chat” with the tax paying public…
” I am here to give you the SOTU talk that the dems did not want you to hear because it underlines all their failures…..etc. They are far more concerned about their own security than yous, which of course comes as no surprise to you….”
Well, there’s many ways around the irrelevant Democrats. One of Pelosi’s first acts as Speaker was to write a formal invitation to President Trump for SOTU address to which he accepted. Now trying to stay relevant in the news cycle Pelosi suggests rescheduling SOTU because of “security”…SECURITY? Then chief butt kisser and lackie Hoyer announces on CNN “President President Trump has been “disinvited” ”
Best strategy is to let Dems tie themselves into knots with Pelosi being forced to walk back Hoyer’s CNN act. At the end of the day, the Democrats will pull a number of boners over the next couple weeks. Our President will stand tall, keep govt shutdown, ultimately eliminating non-essential jobs and reducing labor expenditures and strengthen his bully pulpit. We’re behind you Mr. President…
What did Tsun Tsu say about not getting in the way of your opponent undoing himself.
I’m shocked the left didnt try to block Trumps move into the WH.
Oh wait…
U.S. Constitution – Article 2 Section 3
Article 2 – The Executive Branch
Section 3 – State of the Union, Convening Congress
“He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; ”
It’s almost too fun to watch, isn’t it? The possibilities in that one clause are many, and profound!


Also from zeroHedge:
Light Bulb:
WHAT IF… Cabal is planning to announce RBG’s death on the 29th?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Night of the SOTU?
Now we’re going to need snacks. January, let’s see…hot artichoke dip? Bacon and water chestnuts? Olive cheese puffs?
I may have to consult my paleo cookbooks.


sounds yummy so far !!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In my family, we take our game day snacks seriously.


comment image

Pat Frederick

i would love to see how many women who think masculinity is toxic purchase those studly fireman calendars every year…
come to think of it, there’s no soy boy drinking lattes calendars are there? LOL


“…come to think of it, there’s no soy boy drinking lattes calendars are there? LOL”
But if there were, WHO would buy them ?
Surely, not those of “modern” women, that would be SEXIST !
Perhaps persons LACKING toxic masculinity, who IDENTIFY AS SOY BOYS !!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fire department guys….
If they only wore kilts when not at the fire house.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Apparently, this occurred last night, and as I’m a sensitive penguin, this simply makes me sad:

Pat Frederick

was he always TheLastRefuge2? what happened to #1?


#1 is website
#2 is twitter

Pat Frederick

ahhh, thanks phoenix!


wow! Wonder if it had anything to do with the swamp pic…


I haven’t brought it here, but I’ve run across at least two researchers who have tweeted that Sd was mistaken wrt such and such… one was Dawson Field (another of PM’s recommendations)… here’s his tweet

the other I can’t recall at the moment… will come to me later I’m sure…


So this is where all you treehouse people went!!!! 🙂 Hi everyone. So happy to see so many familiar names!!!!
phoenixRising OMG I was wondering where you went!!! So good to see you again.


Yeppers. I sure hope mire friends from where we call “OT” as in over there check out our branch. Yay!


Glad to be here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hi, Kea. An owl brought my invite last week. You’ll be happy to see so many old friends. This is a thoughtful and positive place.


Very cool. Yeah I was talking to flep on twitter who sent me over here. 🙂
Must say it is so good to see all of you as well. I was getting worried when more and more people were leaving.
The negativity got to me. Looking forward to sticking around.
Thank you for this board by the way.


I kea!! I used to talk to Wolf and Flep on twitter too! WELCOME TO THE HAPPIEST PLACE on the internet!! NO Negativity or mean TROLLS are here!! Glad to see you!


Thank you so much!!! So glad I sent Flep that last tweet which lead me here. Cheers!


Thank you. Wonderful to be here I must say.


If you notice, wheatie hosted todays open thread. Check in at the beginning of the post time for active chat and always read the open thread header!


Yay, it’s Kea. So glad you are here, Kea.


Welcome aboard !!!

Sylvia Avery

kea! Welcome to this tree! Always enjoyed reading your posts over there!


Thank you. And what a wonderful tree it is. 🙂 My Mom is thrilled that I found a new site for her to read by the way.
I always enjoyed your comments (and shovel) as well.


I just read a bunch if comments. People who are already banned, people who are fed up. Wow. Its worse than we thought.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ohhhh boy, here we go again.
Epoch Times are the ones who released the Lisa Page transcript summary. The MSM had a screaming fit, as they were scooped.
Hmmm, does that mean someone has opened up a leak channel from OUR side?
Then they released the Bruce Ohr summary, which was better and more juicy than the Lisa Page article.
Today, we have the Papadopoulos summary.
Here it is.


Frankly, I think they’ve been dangerous from the get-go. Hoover was their role model.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s more than political revenge that drives the FBI, and DOJ as regards taking down candidate Trump and then President Trump.
Electing Hillary was the final nail in the coffin for the country. It was the last step need to make the Leftist takeover complete. So taking out the opposing candidate for President became critical when it looked like Donald Trump might beat Hillary.
The after-action, post election, was part of needing to provide cover for the misdeeds of the Democrats/Hillary campaign, but bigger than the need to hide that, was the need to cover the criminality and corruption of the Obama administration.
All of this leads back to the 8 years of Obama. Some of it prior to Obama, but the bulk is about that era.


So there!


Thank you for the tweet.


Love the banner here!

Pat Frederick

they look good!


Very Presidential!


Ooohhhh my…
I knew about the 1.5 m, but I thought it was the State of CA
Not the COUNTY of Los Angeles… color me face-palmed !
Wonder how many there are OUTSIDE of L.A. ???????????????


So did I, from previous news.
Probably because the settlement agreement reads ‘with California and Los Angeles County’.
Maybe the State of California was also named in the lawsuit? (Don’t know.)
Kudos to Judicial Watch. Hope to see action in other states!

Sylvia Avery

They have already been successful in several other states, I read. I’m really grateful to them.
Of course, our DOJ should be doing this by law, but I suppose the same Communists Eric Holder hired into this part of the DOJ are still in their positions so here we are.


‘Of course, our DOJ should be doing this by law …’ Agreed!



So Nancy was politicking. Thought so!
Thank you, pR!


One of a kind family – Mom and Dad have 4 kids at West Point at the same time.


WOW !!!

Sylvia Avery

Judicial Watch is still at it, doggedly pushing away through the courts on Benghazi.
“A federal judge ruled Tuesday that former national security adviser Susan Rice and former deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes must answer written questions about the State Department’s response to the deadly 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya, as part of an ongoing legal battle over whether Hillary Clinton sought to deliberately evade public record laws by using a private email server while secretary of state…”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe that’s the better way, with an “outside” group doing the suing.


Temporarily, yes. Permanently, no.

Sylvia Avery

Watching the Left wiggle and squirm while it devours itself is a particular delight to me:
‘”Gillette’s controversial new ad tackling toxic masculinity has gotten mixed reviews, but even fans of the message are baffled to see the company discouraging sexism while continuing to charge more for its female shaving products.
Known as the ‘pink tax,’ the common form of gender-based price discrimination involves women being charged premium prices for items specifically marketed towards women while men pay less for virtually the same product…”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

WooHoo!!! 500 comments!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And by luck I busted page 2 onto page 3 with that.
Wheatie is awesome. 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CERTIFIED!comment image

Sylvia Avery

Pretty good article. To summarize, there is a coup. It has failed or is failing, and consequences will result. Since we all know how the story began and could recite it in our sleep, I’ll instead excerpt the conclusion of the article:
“…Meanwhile, the inspector general’s investigation looking into the deep state’s surveillance abuse before the election continues apace, and a secret grand jury has been investigating former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for months. The OIG revealed last month that it was unable to recover a number of vital Strzok/Page text messages from the special counsel’s office because Mueller’s records officer had scrubbed them. That almost looked like a warning shot from the OIG to the special counsel.
Then there’s U.S. Attorney John Huber, the sheriff who never quite rode into town. He’s supposedly investigating the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, but so far he doesn’t seem to have accomplished much.
The reason for that could be that Huber is waiting for DOJ Inspector General Horowitz to finish his lines of inquiry to avoid overlap.
The president himself may be holding the ace in the hole. He can order that the remaining damning FISA documents be unredacted and released so the public can see the FBI’s surveillance abuse for themselves. Trump over the weekend suggested that he is waiting until just the right moment to drop the FISA bomb and hinted that some of the miscreants involved in the SpyGate scandal are going down.
“People are being exposed by this that are totally corrupt,” he told Judge Jeanine Pirro on Saturday. “A lot of the people that don’t get mentioned even in that article today, the phony article in The New York Times, there’s a lot of corruption, and we’re exposing it. And I’m going to put that down someday as one of my greatest achievements.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“A lot of the people that don’t get mentioned even in that article today, the phony article in The New York Times, there’s a lot of corruption, and we’re exposing it. And I’m going to put that down someday as one of my greatest achievements.”
Clearly the President is still engaged in his plan and goal to take down the Deep State.

Sylvia Avery

Yes, I believe so. That gets lost sometimes in all the angst and the chatter.
I listened to the interview, but somehow reading that statement in black and white reveals the strength and implacability of those words in a way I missed when I was listening.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dems are worried about federal employees missing a paycheck.
Let’s look at how illegal immigration, and loose immigration policies have impacted my life, my family, my community.
Higher Education:
Have a son in college, senior in mech engineering.
60%+ of the class is Asian foreign nationals, who cheat on exams, so much so, that professors damn near strip search them before test taking.
You’re worried about missing a paycheck?
K-12 Schools:
My home is in an historic district, lovely neighborhood. I live next door to the school.
School has gone from Level 5 (best) to level 3.
Property taxes, up 528% in 20yrs.
Caught a Somali refugee beating my dog, OVER my fence.
Our town used to be so safe I left the back door open and the keys in the car.
You’re worried about a paycheck?
My in-laws started a small Catholic church in our town in ’71. The organ is dedicated to memory of my father-in-law.
Children’s program = 27 illegals + 1 American child.
The illegal families will not contribute to the church, because they don’t have bank accounts………., cuz they are illegal.
My church is gone.
I’m on the Board for our little hospital. For 20 yrs, we fought to keep it open.
We just closed our emergency room.
I’m a CPA. The cost of illegals is too much.
Our closest emergency room is now 23 minutes away, instead of 4 minutes. Hurts Americans long term and devalues the property value of every home in town.
Yet, you’re worried about missing a single paycheck?
I live in a town w/population of 8K, outside major metro about 35 minutes.
In 20 yrs, we lost two manufacturing facilities.
One employed 1800, went to Malaysia, another employed 467, went to Mexico.
You’re worried about a single paycheck?
Small Biz:
We did own a prosperous construction company.
Former husband is a civil engineer, bonded company, great reputation.
I personally know 150+ American born tradesmen out of work, who consider themselves lucky if wives have a job.
You worry about a single paycheck?
After 4K dead Americans, 60K sexual assaults, and hundreds of thousands of other crimes, our politicians and gov’ts refuse to protect the American people.
Yet, Dems complain about Federal employees missing a single paycheck.
Well….., at least they are not complaining from the beach in Puerto Rico.
The President gave Congress 6 months to work on immigration, back in October of 2017. The Republican base screamed when President Trump offered a compromise of Border Wall/no Visa Lottery/limit Chain Migration/Extreme Vetting in exchange for 1.8 million DACA adults.
Yet, Schumer said no, and shutdown the government LAST January.
A year later, Congress still has failed to do their job.
Meanwhile thousands of illegals, well funded, well organized, are marching to our country with the intention of entering illegally. There’s no respect for our laws. It’s a planned incursion into our country.
Yet, we’re racist.
We’re immoral for wanting protection and a safe country for our children.
We’re foolish, stupid, Nazis.
We’re cruel, harsh, not sympathetic.
At least that’s what our Dem leaders say, from behind their own walls.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yowza! Is that you, or are you quoting someone?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s me.


Wow and wow. TY!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

RIGHTEOUS RANT!!comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolfie, I think Daughnworks247 remarkable story should be posted as an article. Then we could send it out to various important people.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tell you what, I will add a little and schedule it to post after 12 midnight. I’m still trying to figure out the picture thing to go along with the post.


If you need help with getting image for post, can we use Gab to assist?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good, It’s the kind of post we can make sure some of our Congress Critters see, POTUS, his campaign guy, Parscale. etc. etc.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’ve lived a life much more heavily and visibly impacted by illegals than mine has been, then. It was so much I half thought this must be a collection of anecdotes someone heard and blogged up.
Thought I’d check.
Your husband really is quite fortunate. 🙂


BRAVA, Daugh…
Article is excellent…
You , your family and your community have been severely impacted by illegal immigration. Powerful testimony.
God bless you. Praying for you and yours.
I truly believe POTUS will build the wall… am hoping and praying the bad legislation created by zero’s admin will be negated.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

daughn, you should have a podium and testifying to Americans the sad reality of how far we have fallen since the greatest generation. heartache


Daughn, appreciate your piece so much, it says a lot, a lot that needs to be understood. And it tells me a lot about the fine person you are. Thank you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Why, thank you SingularZoe. There are millions of us. I’m the fortunate one. Many worse off.


Seriously excellent post.

Sylvia Avery
Sylvia Avery

Sylvia Avery


More, from Breaking…
CUMMING, Georgia — Following on a tip to authorities, a man from Georgia has been arrested in a terror plot that allegedly targeted federal buildings–including The White House.
The suspect has been identified as 21-year-old Hasher Jallal Taheb, of Cumming, Georgia. Taheb appeared in a federal court in Atlanta Wednesday.
According to U.S. Attorney BJay Pak, Taheb is charged with “intent to destroy by fire or explosive a building owned, possessed or leased by the United States or any department or agency thereof, or any institution or organization receiving federal financial assistance,” among other charges.
Taheb allegedly intended to use an anti-tank rocket to carry the attacks. (Anti-tank rockets are man-portable rockets designed to be able to defeat armored vehicles.) It was unclear if he ever obtained the weapon.
Officials believe he was acting alone.
Watch the press conference below:
Did you catch that: Officials believe he was acting alone.
HOGWASH !!!!!!!


This site uses the term “group.”
“Taheb explained that the group would attack the White House by approaching from the back road, causing a distraction for police…”
I don’t know if they made an assumption about such an ambitious plan, or if they had knowledge that it really was a group and now that is being hushed up.


“The suspect has been identified as 21-year-old Hasher Jallal Taheb, of Cumming, Georgia”
I really hate it when these Southern rednecks are still fighting the Civil War. He probably just objects to the president being a New Yorker.

Sylvia Avery

Supposedly Barr said he wouldn’t aggressively pursue Uranium One, but there’s this:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is AWESOME. He’s saying that DOJ has SAT ON ITS HANDS on:
Uranium One
Clinton Foundation

Sylvia Avery

I am anxious about Barr, but there are many encouraging things we are learning about him.
I remain hopeful.
Did you see where his little grandson, probably about 7 years old, was sitting in the hearing. He asked for a pad and pencil to “take notes.” He wrote that he thought his grandpa was doing a good job, and PS He thinks the Russian people are good its just their government is bad.
I bring that up because the kid was not only cute, but sharp as a tack. Unless Barr is thoroughly corrupt (always possible) how can he not look at his grandson and care about what kind of country this kid is growing up in?
If Barr is any kind of reasonably intelligent, reasonably decent human being he is going to want his son to have the kind of opportunities and protections this country has always stood for. Surely he would want rule of law, equal protection under the law, due process to be preserved for his grandson and everyone else’s?


THIS is a first time a speaker of the house has tried to stop a sitting President from giving the SOTU

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sylvia Avery

What oh WHAT will our creative, imaginative, and lethally brilliant President do with this do you suppose?
I can hardly wait to see what he will do!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, there was a discussion about Rally vs. Oval Office on the previous page, but I suspect he’ll find something totally different to do.
If he DOES do the Angel Moms and Veterans thing Charlie Kirk suggests, maybe he can have two or three each give their stories.

Sylvia Avery

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Extremely excellent RANT!!!


Whoa! Love it. I especially like seeing at least a couple of conservatives in Hollyweird.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – nice to see that a few of these folks have kept their heads!
Jamie Woods and Robarta Davi – to say nothing of Caitlin Eastwood – these are things I do NOT want to see! 😛


Ditto Linda…


Here is something very interesting that an anon on 8chan discovered:
“US COURTS RUN OUT OF FUNDING ON JANUARY 18. According to previous research, individuals can be tried in a military court if the civil courts are closed for 3 days.
This would mean that Military Tribunals could start on January 21, 2019 which coincides with the Lunar Blood moon.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well that sure is interesting! 😎


ain’t it though!!!!!




I’m having trouble finding empathy for some government employees who have a lot of perks and who should know the risks when they sign on to a government job. I feel sorry for those in lower-level jobs who depend on each paycheck, but higher-ups in very responsible positions who know all the rules are another matter.


Isn’t is, though? This could all be a part of the plan, along with shaving all the deadwood out of our government.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. My thinking is that they had YEARS to shake out the bugs on this stuff, and that they are doing BACK to the communists exactly what the commies did – to massively GAME the system, only BETTER, STRONGER, FASTER, and 1000X MORE AMERICAN INGENUITY.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, now…that’s a horse of a different color.
Amazing researchers those bread bakers are.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

YOWZA!!! Even better than the thought of layoffs!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolfie is leaving us tomorrow. Wherever you go, our dear friend, may the road rise to meet you…..
We love you.
Hurry back to our tree.




Bless you, Wolf. You are in our consciousness.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bless you, too, Tona! Your thoughts and prayers give me strength!

Sylvia Avery

Miss you already. Take care, my friend.


Take care, may God protect you, Wolfie.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

With any decent luck, he’ll come back to a significantly changed political “universe.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here’s hoping! Make it so! 😀

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The order Jean Luc Picard gave to the sewing machine repairman.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you, amiga! I’m already feeling a bit homesick, but I know this place is in good hands. Hugs!!! <3

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I will do my utmost to return! All I can say is that God is in control. Whatever happens is His will. And watching my six is part of that – indeed, a special part of that! 😀


Take care, we will be counting the days!


Well now you made me tear up, Wolfie. Our prayers will be with you. God Bless you 💖💖💖

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks, Alison! <3


You will be missed. I pray that all will be well and that you will return in due time 🙂.


Yes, in our hands, which we can hope is good enough. And yet we will all be holding your in our hearts as we pray for God’s highest and best in your tiime away from us. May you FEEL the prayers of your friends, like a comforting companion and a guard at your back.

The Lord is my protector; he is my strong fortress.
My God is my protection, and with him I am safe.
He protects me like a shield; he defends me and keeps me safe.
Psalm 18:2

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I love that arrangement!

Molly Pitcher

Godspeed Wolf, you’ll be missed.



I like it.
A comment:
“I don’t mind he served McDonald’s at the white house, it’s cheap, eats good, and most Americans enjoy it. He went the safe way. The fact that every American can afford a McDonalds burger means everyone knows how those boys ate that day, there is no “oh I am so jealous, I wonder how that $100 scoop of caviar on that boys cracker tastes”, it’s more, “man he is eating a dang big mac in the big house!”
If you think about it this is more memorable to these boys when they become men, fathers, grandfathers. The memories they will have when they take their kids to McDonalds and get a big mac they can look their children in the face and tell the story of how the president invited them to the white house and gave them that very same burger. Every McDonalds burger will remind them of how hard they worked to win and get honored by the President, can’t do that with caviar and crackers.
The fact that it shows how elite the dems are now is icing on the cake, *scoff* “He only fed them McDonalds? How low class of him, only the poor trash would dare eat that”. Meanwhile everyone I knew wanted to get McDonalds on the way home after hearing that, I have not had it in months and crave a bag of $1 burgers right now.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Almost got a sausage McMuffin with egg yesterday, but was pressed for time.


I like the coffee a lot. Here isn socal is where its roasted. The company who does it is is Don francsicos who owns joses(whole bean at costco) and farmer bros also. They roast, dont burn.


Gil, I love Don Francisco’s coffee it’s what I drink. I also like McDonald’s coffee so now I know why. 😀 Everyone always looks like 🙄 When I tell them that Mickey D’s has good, cheap coffee. Thanks for that info.


I found this out from a company rep! I thought the same thing. 😊

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA!!! Very interesting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And now for something completely different….


Hahahaha! 😎

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Better certify again, Wolf!!!


Sylvia Avery

I’m sure he’s right. I just hope they get charged with something and tossed into Shawshank if they do it.


They are so afraid Whitaker won’t release the report, or that it will be released in part with Republican rebuttal at the same time, that I fully expect it to be leaked in its original form. Someone in the media is probably already in on the scheme. I hope the leakers will be caught.

Sylvia Avery

Trigger Warning: SD post from OT
I’m posting part of an article, and the link at the bottom if you want to read it all, from OT about a private meeting Schumer had with Barr. There is a brief statement from Schumer and presser following that meeting and the You Tube is below. It is fairly short and kind of interesting.
SD describes Schumer as “ashen and conflicted” in his headline. That seems a little clickbaity. Schumer seemed displeased and a little confused, but that’s just my take.
Schumer has three issues with Barr. He didn’t come away from the meeting getting the answers he wanted which involve Barr promising to be a good little lap dog for the Dims.
SD provides good analysis IMO about the issue of releasing the Mueller report. But then he veers off into talking about the “trust the plan” people and the “all leaks are bad no matter which side is leaking” stuff and, well, he lost me so I didn’t finish his article.
Ashen and Conflicted – Senator Schumer Discusses Private Meeting With AG Nominee William Barr…
Posted on January 16, 2019 by sundance
Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer met privately with AG nominee William Barr earlier today. At the conclusion of the meeting Senator Schumer addresses the media.
Schumer appears conflicted and confused as to how to describe his own highly political desires with the answers he received from Mr. Barr. It does not appear Schumer was pleased with his overall inability to leverage control over the nominee; and that comes out in the early part of his statement. That’s a good sign. Watch:

The issue of how Mr. Barr would produce a summary document about the completed Mueller investigation is an aspect that deserves some clarity and discussion.
The best way to think about the Mueller report is to think about the local police department (detective or DA) doing an investigation on a subject and completing that task.
At the conclusion of the inquiry, if there is no determination of criminal wrongdoing, the investigator does not outline the investigation in a report to the general public.
The basic premise behind this standard process is simple. Everyone is innocent unless they can be proven to be guilty.
If everyone who was ever investigated had the internal investigative material made public it would be profoundly unfair to the target. It would be even more unfair if the investigator was allowed to frame a public report, with their own internal biases and innuendo, in lieu of their ability to find criminal wrongdoing.
Now amplify that simple fairness issue x 1,000 and consider how severely political federal investigators might produce such a document against their opposition. It is easy to see how such a report can be weaponized for political benefit. The weaponization and benefit is the goal of the current Democrat leadership.
However, specifically to address these issues, and in an attempt to remove the political weaponization possible within the special counsel statute, the DOJ framed the ending of a special counsel investigation such that a summary of investigative finding is delivered to the U.S. Attorney General, who then puts out a public statement (of sorts) describing the conclusion (the finding).
Pelosi, Schumer and the Democrats do not want William Barr to be able to write a summary, a public statement, based on the report delivered to him by Robert Mueller.
Instead, the Democrats want the report from Mueller, including all the investigative trails that were exhausted, so they can exploit aspects of the inquiry that were not able to be proven, and weaponize “innuendo” and “possibility” for political benefit.
Minority Leader Schumer is frustrated he cannot get Barr to accept that demand….
You can read the rest here:


Sylvia Avery


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I predict that letting go of an anvil will cause a thudding noise as it hits the ground.

Sylvia Avery

Oh, here is something to cheer for, hope for, pray for. This could be the beginning of fighting back!


Please do. Time to end this foolishness now!


This is only fair. In sports, athletes are barred from using steroids, which are synthetic testosterone, from what I understand. So why wouldn’t someone taking testosterone to become a male be barred from competing?


served on a silver platter. Love it!


Those gold candlesticks were just absolutely the exclamation marks to the whole thing.

Sylvia Avery

I love this, and I think it is genius. But heaven help me I wonder every time how did they keep the food warm???????


Urge to break New Year’s resolutions of healthy eating rising. McDonald’s fries and nuggets are evil 🤤.




I don’t see anything in the Constitution about the Speaker of the House extending an invitation to the President, or that the President gives the speech in the House of Representatives, or that the Speaker can rescind the invitation. I understand there are traditions, but the Constitution is paramount. I see no restrictions on what Pres. Trump can do.
Article II, Section 3: “He shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them…”

Sylvia Avery

Oh fer cryin’ out loud.
“On Wednesday evening, the corrupt Justice Department sought to stall a court-ordered discovery plan, citing the government shutdown, according to Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton…”

Sylvia Avery

“On Sunday, the mainstream media launched a new ploy to promote their Trump-Russia collusion narrative with a story that first appeared in the Washington Post titled “Officials in dark on Putin talks.” A similar piece was published in the Wall Street Journal on Monday, titled “Trump didn’t use notetakers at Putin/ Meeting.” Cable-news networks and Democratic congressmen claim these stories indicate that President Trump held secret discussions with Russian president Putin that were revealed to no one. For example, Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) told CNN on Sunday that the U.S. government “does not know” what Trump and Putin discussed.
It is now clear that these stories were misleading, if not mostly false. First, they neglected to mention that the president’s decision to restrict access to read-outs of his two one-on-one meetings with Putin were due to the extraordinary number of leaks to the press of his phone calls and meetings with foreign officials at the beginning of his presidency…”
Read the rest here:
Second, it is untrue that senior officials are unaware of what was discussed in President Trump’s meetings with Putin.

Mark Jenson

So some “poor” government employees are missing a paycheck or two, so what!! Try missing a few years worth of paychecks due to our idiot government granting most favored nation status to China and then doing nothing as greedy American business owners shuttered American companies and flocked to the peasants in China. Do I give a rats ass about overpaid underworked coddled and can’t be fired like the rest of us government tit suckers having to miss a few? No I do not. Further, I now work in elderly care which has some of the worst pay in healthcare and ironically the excuse pretty much universally given by corporate owners is that it is due to the paltry medicaid and medicare benefits paid to the elderly. Mostly true I am sure but I bet corporate greed plays a role as well. I say ironically because the government doesn’t mind taking our tax money and overpaying their spoiled employees and themselves but when it comes to paying back those who have worked their whole life paying taxes boy does that sphincter muscle tighten in a hurry. As far as I am concerned, we could shutter 90% of the government and the US would actually thrive. Maybe 90% is too much but you get my drift.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CERTIFIED 600!comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CERTIFIED 700!comment image

Pat Frederick

Wolf, stay safe and know you will be in our prayers until we hear from you again!
if you’re hiding–stay low! if you’re hunting–aim small! if you’re on target–fire away!