MOAR SHUTDOWN!!! Party Thread

(Picture is of the “vehicle barrier” that won’t stop a pedestrian–being replaced piecemeal because the Opposition refuses to fund the security of our Republic.)
This is the place for speculation on what President Donald J. Trump is going to announce at 3PM Eastern Time.
After 3PM, let’s discuss what actually happens here.
UPDATE:  Apparently, now it’s at 4PM Eastern Time.
My favorite options, not mutually exclusive:

  1. Mass elimination of furloughed positions
  2. Trials by military courts
  3. State of Emergency on the Wall (considered unlikely)
  4. Holding the Dems feet to the fire since they tried to duck out of town rather than work on this so-called “crisis”

Whatever it is…I’ll bet my response will be:

MOAR!!! MOAR!!! I’m still not SATISFIED!!!

[And if you want to know what that sentence sounds like when I read it aloud (and cackle), check this out:
If my cue-up doesn’t work, it’s at 1:42.]
Yes, this is shutdown porn!
I’ve never posted a “live stream” before, but this should be the White House’s.

UPDATE:  More streams, thank you Georgia!!
Throwing it open to my esteemed neighbor branch sitters!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m ready. Popcorn made. Soup done. Let’s go!


I’m gonna cook some pork country bone-in ribs in the oven and have sweet taters and broccoli.
Nothing like a bone to gnaw when reading the responses good and bad to big Trump news! Even old ladies in the South love pork ribs! Just wish I had a grill, cause they are better cooked over charcoal.
Leftover pork will get made into BBQ with my sauce later in the week!

Tired Mom

I think it is going to be your (unlikely) #3. Why do you think that one is unlikely? I’m praying that’s it.

Tired Mom

Got it. I’m trusting our VSG to make a good deal, whatever it is.


Present! Came for the announcement
AND Gil’s food !!


I’m Here too!!! Is brunch over? I’m MOAR hungry now!!

Cuppa Covfefe

IIRC, “Whn correctly viewed, EVERYTHING is lewd”… “Smut, and nothing but…”
That fits the DEMONcRATs to a “T”. Always projecting, with Stormy Daniels, other, erm, “rent-a-friends”, and various trafficking and collusion endeavours. Yet THEY are the ones doing it (anyone remember Gary Hart and “Risky Business”? (or was that Frisky Business?)…
I’ll take one, two, and four. First, because they’re BINARY (0001, 0010, 0100) and second, because together, they add up to seven. Then again, 10 is pretty good, too. But leave it as an “emergency” weapon. Though it certainly IS an emergency from a national security standpoint…
(I have to wonder, if SJW snowflakes and libtards have such a hard time with “BINARY”, why are so many folks in the Silly Valley flaming libtards???)… lots of Wiccans there, too…
P.S. Lehrer has a really funny song about “Sociology”, sung to the tune of “Choreography” by Danny Kaye in “White Christmas”. He (and his colleagues) just shredded “soft science” (like climastrology and sociology) versus “hard scuence” (physics, mechanics, sound/heat/light/’leccy/etc.)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here you go:

Cuppa Covfefe

Thanks! 🙂
“They can snow all their clients,
by calling it *cough* Science,
aaaaaaaaaaallllthough it’s only sociology…
(Just like the Manniac who should be at State Pen…)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The first time I heard “The Elements” was at a show known as “Senior Follies” which is tradition in the Catholic high schools here. This particular school is the oldest HS west of the Mississippi founded in 1818. Yes, it’s nominally Jesuit, but more Catholic than most.
At any rate, the chemistry teacher’s son sang “The Elements” with a beaker in one hand that was loaded with dry ice. Pretty funny.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. He taught in my neck of to woods (back then), at UC Santa Cruz. I have most of his LPs, and a DVD collection (made by popular demand due to YouTube fans, so it’s much better quality).
His ability to combine often technical subject matter with catchy melodies and great lyrics is unparalled. Think of Mark Russell with a tech background…
“National Brotherhood Week” (be thankful it doesn’t last all year), “Werhner von Braun” (Once the rockets go up, who cares where they come down, that’s not my department, say Werhner von Braun) (brual one, that)(WvB became a Borh Again Christian later on, though)), and one of my favorites, “So Long, Mom, I’m Off To Drop The Bomb (so don’t wait up for me)…
He used to do “Reviews” (or Revues) with his classmates, and his class was particularly talented and successful…

Cuppa Covfefe

Wow, the sausage-squisher (Wurst Press) did a number on that.
OF THE Woods
SAYS Werhner von Braun
BORN AGAIN Christian
And the wurst of all, Wernher…



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The stew isn’t due to be done until 5 my time. With the delay, and all the snacks I may be full!


That’s fine DP,
Gil has brought enough for all of us…
We’ll reserve your goodies for the SOTUA, okay?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s a completely different class of goodies. The stew is in the Crock Pot. Actual 70s style hors d’oeurves require much more hands on preparation.
Reminder to self: we need fresh horseradish and Volpi Genovese Salami for proper Red Devils.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We don’t either. Eggs or oeurves are preferred.

Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking of wisdom and oeuvres and memes, for a little humor while everyone is waiting, here’s some *cough* wisdom from Occasional Cortex:
There’s a ton of great Occasional Cortex memes at this site:
Sad to say, she’s terribly dangerous to us (and the USA) all, nonetheless…
She’s toast:comment image
Equal credit (cards) for all:comment image
AOC supports veterans:comment image
And she has a firm grip on history:comment image
But not clue about High-End Audio:comment image
Math- and biology-challenged:comment image
But equally impatient with the media:comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Be sure to add plenty of “Irish” to it 🙂 (and with it…)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The big bottle was on sale this week. 😉


I’m here! Running to take a quick shower though! 🙂 and of course, I will be making popcorn! After all, today is National Popcorn Day, ya know! 😉


Reposting from the other thread:
The government shutdown is a brilliant move.
An aspect that hasn’t been explored enough is that by staging the narrative even BEFORE the D’s took the house…
…TRUMP has COMPLETELY controlled the narrative!!!
The D’s plan was to sweep in the House and start beating the drums for the PEACHES!
Before they even got a chance, Trump had tee’d up the WALL.
The strategy is multi-faceted brilliance:
– The WALL is something the D’s are intransigent on, but wins with America
– They are forced to choose between WALL or SHUTDOWN!
– The RIF strategy is now fully at play!
– The win-win of Congress or declare National Emergency is undeniable!
– OVERLOOKED: Trump has single-handed sucked almost ALL the wind (HOT AIR) out of the D’s PEACH narrative!
– No one is talking about PEACH! They’re only talking about SHUTDOWN! Even CNN has a SHUTDOWN CLOCK on their screen – but not a PEACH countdown!!!
– If I’m reading it right the polls are showing that people are “blaming” the shutdown on POTUS!
– He said he would own it!
– The polling questions are skewed – it doesn’t say whether they are “blaming” him or whether the people are supporting him!
– Trump has FAR MORE SUPPORT for the shutdown than the polls can admit! So they have to frame it as “blame”!
– On top of this, TRUMP EPICALLY smacked down Nancy on SOTU in a huge, hilarious embarrassment!
– While simultaneously EXPOSING her traitorous actions to the American public!
– And her duplicity on legislative priorities!
– And the Queen of the House was forced to fly COMMERCIAL from DCA! Oh the humanity
Having flown from DCA many times, I can assure you that this was torment for Nancy! Even if she had a police escort to get through the traffic jam. DCA has at least 2 more years of road construction in the works before the traffic problems are alleviated!
The amount of epic WINNING here is so great that I can’t stand it!!!


No unessential travel including “conferences” except cabinet members and White House. They can video conference too. No use of govt credit cards, hotels, etc too, if the shutdown hasnt stopped it.
I hope the supposed POTUS going to offer daca isnt true. Why would HE give up his leverage?
Its always we have to retreat, which THEY label as compromise.comment image


comment image


WordPress is eating my posts….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It was eating mine earlier. Had to actually go through the WP reader to comment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe…I think the people spying on my through the internet knew I was doing laundry.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And you weren’t paying enough attention to your stew. It might burn.
So add some Irish to it 🙂
(And what is it with that “Ocean Breeze”-scented Tide…). And you need to get a front-loader; they’re so much more efficient, smaller “carbon footprint”..
[gag…sorry…the only mole SJWs know is the one ruining their front yard…)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, really. All Tide in this house is Free and Gentle given the allergies.
The stew is fine. The veggies are cooking down nicely. The only question is thickening if the potatoes don’t do the trick.
And front loading washers…my high school friends swear they don’t get clothes clean.


3rd time.comment image


(From the other thread): I can’t imagine the Dems taking a deal that gives Pres. Trump the amount he’s asking for in exchange for a few DACA concessions that don’t lead to citizenship — because it’s so far from what they REALLY want. They need open borders and a path to citizenship for more voters (both legal and ilegal ones), for money to be made through drug trades and trafficking, for cheap labor for the Chamber of Commerce, to change the culture of America for globalist goals, etc. They know that a wall will be a major barrier (literally and figuratively) to their goals. It will be interesting to see their response. Pelosi has said there will be no funding for a wall. (But she also said Trump would never be president, LOL.)
So Pres. Trump will show that he’s willing to negotiate. Will the Dems?


This feels like ‘look american people I am trying to negotiate but nancy is gone even after I stopped her trip. Well I tried.’
I don’t think they are going to take this deal. Its clear they don’t want a wall.


I think you’re right, TT.
IMO, the Dems will NEVER agree to proper funding for the wall. It’s too important for them, as a source of illicit cash. “Human trafficking” involves more than the term seems to evoke. Not only slave-trading, for forced labor and sex; not just women, and children … but also the THUGS of MS-13 to “enforce” back-up for all the criminal acts of the globalist cabal, and the MONEY-FLOW for ALL the destructive designs of all those who wish to take our Republic down.
It’s the “Dem’s” NUMBER-ONE objective, against America.
The leaders (Redshields, plus) of the cabal will COMMAND the Dems to reject VSGPDJT’s offer-in-compromise. This will give him – our team – the political leverage to eviscerate their “party”.
To me, it’s like the “DACA” deal he offered. They didn’t bite. They couldn’t. They’re ALL-IN.
They are “progressively” painting themselves into a nasty little corner, which exposes their TRUE intent.
“The party of crime” …
Americans will reject it, utterly.


I would like #3 State of Emergency on the Wall. But I think he will offer something like Flep said. BUT knowing the idiot dems they might say no. We hit the 30 days and we can maybe cut gov!!! 😀
But hey if this pulls the dems so be it.
I had wondered if he could call in a State of Emergency via the military courts…?
You know we have to fight those caravans


My guess is they want to do it with cameras and show the poor kids… But I hope we stop this.


Im not so sure. They are EXTREMELY arrogant and entitled. And they are still marching with their flags. I think they will meet up with PREVIOUS groups and bum rush or molotov cocktail the border.




I’m in …


Gettysburg. Canon barrage before Picketts charge. I believe it was the largest one ever done by re-enactors for the movie.

Cuppa Covfefe

Guns of Navarrone, where they blow the side off of the mountain…


Better in person … just sayin’ … 😉


CSPAN is going to carry it:
RSBN too:

(remove asterisk)


Probably will be #4. I really hope he mentions the almost $21 million that’s been donated by supporters of the wall via vet Brian Kolfage’s We Fund The Wall project (which has changed in scope). The coordinated #FakeNews about the project being dead and money being refunded needs to be countered. It’s existence is proof that the American people support border enforcement and the media is doing their damnedest to cover it up.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To reiterate:
President Trump offered the Congress to work this out and gave them 6 months, back in October of 2017.
The base had a meltdown when President Trump dangled DACA for 1.8 million as a compromise for Border Wall, end to Chain Migration, Extreme Vetting, and end to VISA Lottery.
Of course, that was during the Schumer Shutdown, LAST JANUARY.
An entire year has passed and Congress has not done their job.
Now, we have organized caravans, well funded, well fed, thousands of illegal aliens, marching toward our border to enter our country and our elected CONGRESS will not protect us.


They have not done their job, defined by the Constitution, for how many generations???!!!
For my money, we can’t get back to Article I, Section 8 responsibilities too soon. I’ve fond hopes that this shutdown/let ’em all go idea will get us close to that. We have some good people heading up departments we shouldn’t have. But you all know that.


If Pelosi is not in the country and Hoyer is adjunct SOTH, can’t he make the deal with POTUS45? This way Pelosi saves face (she thinks she will) and Hoyer will haggle with POTUS45 to pay for the border wall! Pelosi could not get out the country quick enough and I believe she did it so she does not have to break!
But again, this type of theory is circulating around twitter!! Yikes!comment image


😀 😀 😀


Who writes Donna Brazile’s stuff? Didn’t we see something saying these accounts are run by some marketing/media profressionals?


there’s a hashtag for President Pelosi
The DIMS are pushing this…

Molly Pitcher

Really ? Given the gobsmacking things Wolf has shared as well as what we’ve seen with our own eyes..seething hate, lies, twitter bots’s nothing less than a dog whistle for somebody to try and make it happen.


I thought they were pushing President Pelosi because of the big Buzzfeed story that of course went no where.


Yes Hollywood got really high yesterday. Which made it ever so grand when that story got taken down.
These people don’t get how rules and law work. TDS is real.


I haven’t heard that, but today she is promoting her new book which unfortunately for her is called “Hacks”!


Donna Brazile is crazy if she thinks she can get rid of Trump and Pence.
That’s not wishful thinking – it’s 4+ DELUSION.

Molly Pitcher

Even before President Trump’s shutdown remarks on Saturday, Democratic aides on the Hill were dismissing his planned shutdown compromise offer as inadequate.
As first reported by Axios, Trump was expected to make two offers to Democrats in exchange for $5.7 billion in funds for a border wall: Extend DACA protections for Dreamers, who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children, and extend the legal status of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders. But hours before the speech, Democratic Whip Dick Durbin said in a statement: “I cannot support the proposed offer as reported and do not believe it can pass the Senate.”–98684485-2afa-419e-b174-6f6d97be5c87.html


I call him:
Democratic Whip “Dis Turbin” (Everything)


Whatever “deal” may be made……..
I would love to see VOTER ID a part of it.
No matter what else happens….
“They” wouldn’t be able to VOTE
(Severe penalty for fraudulent Voters from here on out)


“They” may not realize that they are over a barrel, but “We” DO realize it.
This is Harball…….. Swing for the fences……
or this goes on and on and on and on for the foreseeable future.


I want to see voting in one’s precinct, in person, on paper, and failing that, at least in one’s legislative district. (With the appropriate exceptions for military, physically incapacitated, etc. But even there it could be accomplished with paper ballots and properly secured chain of custody.)
And while we’re at it, it bears thinking about the fact that voting used to be restricted to stake holders: property owners. It wasn’t just discriminating against women that resulted in women being denied the vote for so long, but the issue of property and behind that, biblical principles of the position of men & women. You don’t have to like it, but it is worth having at least a passing familiarity with historical principles that under laid the laws.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I remember when Grandmother/Grandfather had to bring their cruise tickets to the clerk to PROVE the would be out of town.


I’d be happy with the purple finger dye!


Not in CA. Destruction and cost too severe. I require fingerprint, dna, retina scans. Require employment history and THOSE EMPLOYERS OF ILLEGALS PAY A FINE. These illegals gaming the system so long have taken over industries and therefore owe us money. There should be significant fines. A nominal up front cost and paycheck deducted fees for each person including dependents no less than 10,000 a head. Must have guaranteed full time employment and it has to be a sponsor for a minimum 3 to 5 years before they can change jobs. That way we can really watch them.
No social services. No food stamps or certainly no Medicaid or social security.
Dont like any conditions go back.
And they dang well should not own property.


I really like the learn (and SPEAK) English part…..
Been noticing lately, nearly half of all people I run across lately are speaking JIBBERISH…..
This was unheard of just a few years ago. I wonder where my country went.


Into off shore bank accounts of the coc, politicians and other globalists.


Steve let the pain continue, but it needs to be ratcheted up significantly…


You’d got to love this!!! Its all No, No. No, No…. This just shows they don’t care about anyone in the USA or even DACA people. So onto the declaration of emergency


You know what would be funny. That this leak of what the WH is going to propose was done so the dems can yell no and then Trump says ok. Well I tried. So State of Emergency


Just watched the “swearing in” ceremony at the Whitehouse for NEW American citizens……
Later we will have a “Swearing AT” ceremony dedicated to the DemonRats.


Almost there. Grinding the coffee, heating up the Barista (NW coast….), readying the raw milk/coconut milk for the lattes.

“By the time Trump is done with her over border security… All that will be left is her warmongering, globalist, shills for the MIC and the Deep State. Bicoastal Smug Liberals…”


Rsbn link to watch


I had to relink to get it to play, fyi.

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome


Ahhh but it shows that Trump is trying to deal (in clear public view for some idiots out there who still don’t get it)
Vs the dems who are screaming NOOOOOOOOOoooooOOOOOOOoooooo
This is why Chuck and Nancy didn’t demand to reply to it (plus they looked like idiots)

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome


Notice this open gov then we can talk aka its BS.


Sad that it happened.


Suit yourself – the THE AMERICAN PEOPLE want you and the rest of the (insert epithets) Democrats and RINOS to allow our American President to build the wall and secure the border.

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome


I love how they demand he open government today. (Umm its the weekend and a long weekend at that).


He can’t open the government. Congress has not yet funded it.


LOL good point.


Thanks for putting this up Steve!!! I’m gonna sit quite comfy in Wheatie’s tree with an Iced tea and a bag of nuts! CHOMP CHOMP!


I’ve no expectations or speculations. Just waiting to see.




LOL we don’t need no stinking Romney….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here we go!


Birth Control Pills!!

Sylvia Avery

Not going to stop the rape, though.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

700 Billion a year and devastated families.


These are not talking points!


I intend to keep that promise-One Way or the OTHER!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Our immigration should be a source of pride, not a source of shame.


Common Sense Compromise!! Walls are NOT immoral!


The Radical Left Cannot Control our Borders. I will NEVER LET IT HAPPEN!!


President Trump is presenting a *COMMON SENSE COMPROMISE*


Apply for asylum in your home country.


5.7 Billion $ for Barrier!! He’s NOT backing down!!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

800 humanitarian aid
805 drug detection equip
2750 border agents
75 more immigration judges – 900K cases
protect immigrant children – apply for asylum in THEIR countries.
5.7 billion Steel barriers in high priority locations.
another 230 miles urgent need of border

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Drug detection technology? $800 million? That’s a lot of labrador retrievers and other nosey dogs, the best drug detection money can buy.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m not kidding. The US government spent $5 billion on how to detect drugs and the best detection method is a dog’s nose.


IIRC, sadly there are not enough drug dogs to go around. Don’t recall the details, but it is at crisis levels. They can’t breed and train them fast enough – it was statistically impossible to keep up with demand.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sad, isn’t it. My family knew a woman who had a poodle who flunked out of drug detection school. Every time this dog would walk past a certain car, she would give the signal that she smelled drugs. So, the owner talked to a friend who was a detective, and long story short, a judge issued a search warrant based on the dog’s actions. Yep, there were drugs.


Beagles are great for that as well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There’s a thought. Hounds.


Beagles are the best. People think they look harmless BUT their nose knows!!!!
Atlanta airport has the Beagle Brigade.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Do they? Our lab could flush and finish any varment out there. BUT…in the end, any dog with aptitude for scent work could do the job. IMO. Even my family’s blind Havanese. He might not be able to see, but his sniffer works just fine.


I agree. I think almost any dogs nose is better. How many can sniff out cancer or termites even.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No kidding. I wish more were trained for cancer sniffing. All the way around it would save money and lives.


Well then… we’re gonna have that Cali poop problem. More employees being paid 100,000 year dressed in hazmat suit walking the border. LOL…. this might just get up for a vote by Nasty nan.


Your comment reminded me that Crazy Nancy just proposed electronic dogs as a solution, along with the lawnmowers.


LOLOL😂😂 That actually makes sense in a weird way!

Cuppa Covfefe

Or perhaps an Electric Monk (from “Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency”, by Douglas Adams):
“The Electric Monk was a labour-saving device, like a dishwasher or a video recorder. Dishwashers washed tedious dishes for you, thus saving you the bother of washing them yourself, video recorders watched tedious television for you, thus saving you the bother of looking at it yourself; Electric Monks believed things for you, thus saving you what was becoming an increasingly onerous task, that of believing all the things the world expected you to believe.
Unfortunately this Electric Monk had developed a fault, and had started to believe all kinds of things, more or less at random. It was even beginning to believe things they’d have difficulty believing in Salt Lake City.
It had never heard of Salt Lake City, of course. Nor had it ever heard of a quingigillion, which was roughly the number of miles between this valley and the Great Salt Lake of Utah.”


Cuppa that’s funny.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No, they have to be the real thing. This is a case where working with the American Kennel Club and the parent organizations of labs, German Shepherds, Belgian Malinois and other breeds might be worth the investment. So many females are spayed before their first heat at about six months that there is no way to judge which of them will produce the sorts of dogs needed for drug detection.


Yes, they have to be real dogs due to their incredible sense of smell. Don’t know how she plans to replicate that! Which is why her idea is soo stupid!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s like she’s never owned a pooch.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

[snort] Yes. I’ve seen “The Right Stuff.”


Woof woof!


Offering 3 year extension for DACA and TPS


And the Dems are already yelling NOOOooooooOOOOOooooooo


Imagine being a dreamer having crazy nan explain “Trump doesn’t mean what he says, it’s a lie, he’s trying to trick you”. Nan how about your broken promises for 30 years?
Hey dreamers “what do you got to lose?”


Anybody catch the idea that this has been attempted, promised by many politicians for decades.
Hey nan, he’s talking to you and chucky. Remember what happen to Hillary when she was label
with 30years of service no accomplishments. You’ve been trumped!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

3yrs of legislative relief for DACA – extension, ss#’s, work permits
3yrs extension of 300K for temporary protected status.


3yrs more for DADA and TPS


DACA, 6 yrs more for DADA Trump, LOL.


Agree and we re-open our Federal Govt!


Make a down payment on Border Security, then have weekly Bi-Partisan meetings to fix immigration


“…then have weekly Bi-Partisan meetings to fix immigration”
Not sure what the point would be.
When the only objective of the Left is to destroy America (literally), and the only objective of the President is to protect and defend America, there is no point to weekly meetings.
There is no common ground between a murderer (Leftist) and his intended victim (America).
There is only kill or be killed.
America can wipe out the Left simply by rolling over on them… like a Lion that finally gets aggravated enough to get up and eliminate an irritant.
The ONLY thing that stops us is the WILL to do it.
And the reason ‘we’ don’t have the will to do it, is because ‘we’ refuse to recognize who and what the enemy is.
I don’t know if it’s out of fear of political correctness, or out of fear of violating some confused notion of principle or values… I don’t know what the excuse is.
When there is a known murderer walking toward you with weapon drawn, you don’t hold bi-weekly meetings with it.
You kill it.
I have no idea what part of that people don’t understand.


I just hate the charade.
Between Declass & NSA, the President has all the evidence on these people necessary to put them away for EVER.
To completely eliminate the Devilrat party as a functioning crime syndicate (because that’s all it truly is — literally organized crime).
He can also expose the CoC — and once having done so, shut it down. Surround their headquarters with SWAT teams and FBI, seize all of their documents as evidence, and prosecute them under the Executive Orders having to do with corruption.
Having done these two things, the remaining Republicans (who are not arrested for criminal activity with the devilrats) can pass laws to eliminate lobbyists and unlimited campaign contributions, returning our Representatives’ accountability to THE PEOPLE instead of a handful of billionaires.
Elliot Ness didn’t hold weekly meetings with Al Capone.
He found a way to put Al Capone in Alcatraz.


“To most people the Dems are simply the opposition, and you HAVE to unmask them before you have something like a mandate from heaven to treat them like criminals…”
And Declass along with exposing all the other information collected by the NSA on the Deep State will do EXACTLY that.
Unmask them, and leave them naked before their enemies.
But you have to actually DO it, you can’t just hint at it forever.
“something you normally DON’T do to your political opposition, here.”
But you DO when they are treasonous criminals working as paid agents for foreign entities to subvert our country (a.k.a. spies and saboteurs).
Normally the political opposition is not so wholly corrupt that it is engaged in an ongoing attempted coup for two-plus years and counting.


I am now of the opinion that declas exposes things that Huber and/or the IG are currently working on. Which would fairly accurately explain the delay. Patience. Biggest scandal in American history. Complicated business folks.


“Complicated business folks.”
Yep. Declas is the HAMMER. To be used only ONCE. Best use it right!
Timing. Timing, timing, timing …


Replying up here, where there is more room.
“I’m not sure if that was intended to be a reply to my comment:”
It was not, I was writing that reply before I saw your (then most recent) comment.
“You’re losing sight of a potential external factor here, and that is the fact that DeClassing could actually RUIN the chances of convicting many of the people you want to try.”
We can always find a reason NOT to do it. There will always be ‘one more thing!’ we could do. By all means, ‘prepare the battlefield’, but know that the battlefield is never going to be ‘perfect’.
At some point, further delay becomes counterproductive.
And that includes consideration of We the People.
No different than D-Day. One of the major concerns (besides cooperative weather) was that the troops cannot maintain peak readiness (or morale) indefinitely.
We the People have been getting little if any consideration, and that includes from Q. THEY know what the ‘plan’ is, so it’s EASY for them to be ‘patient’.
WE have to ‘trust’ — in an environment where even Q acknowledges that disinformation is necessary — which means — if we are intellectually honest — that ‘trust’ is not really possible.
Theirs may be a grand plan, and I sure hope it is. But the MAJOR weak point of whatever their plan is, is giving so little consideration to We the People, and so MUCH consideration to all the snowflakes.
So much concern about the precious snowflakes being awakened… not much concern for those of us who ARE awake and being whipsawed with propaganda, gaslighting and Potemkin villages — it amounts to straight-up psychological warfare.
Against whom?
Not the sleepwalkers… it doesn’t affect them all. They’re obviously oblivious to it. Their ignorance must be bliss.
The psychological warfare is only against those who are awake and paying attention.
In other words, “us”.
“You’re actually beginning to remind me of “Do It NOW” Ann Coulter.”
That would be a mistake. Ann is a self-promoting harpy who makes money off of conflict.
We don’t have to ‘do it now’, but if we are honest, does there not need to be an expiration date on WHEN?
The ‘keep kicking the can down the road (again)’ crowd is always pleading for ‘patience’. Okay, but ‘patience’ necessarily implies a desired conclusion will come.
So how LONG is the doctrine of ‘patience’ based on ‘faith’ to be followed?
Because if it is OPEN-ENDED, that’s not ‘patience’ — it is enabling the status quo to remain unchanged, and it is always used as an excuse by TPTB to protect the system.
But the ‘patience’ preachers never want to pick a ‘date-certain’ on the expiration of that ‘patience’, because they know if they do, and that date comes and goes, then they’re actually going to have to join the rest of us, or be exposed as a hypocrite.
Since patience, by definition, cannot be infinite, then there must, of a necessity, be a cut-off when ‘patience’ comes to an end, and some kind of action is taken.
So what is that cut-off date, when does ‘patience’ end?
I’m not saying when, I’m asking.
Is it not perfectly reasonable for the ‘patience’ preachers be on the record?
That’s not unfair, is it?
So the rest of us can know, WHEN does the ‘patience’ of the patience-preachers expire?
Think logically. In truth, if it’s AFTER the president leaves office, then this ‘patience’ thing is just a scam.
So it must be before the president leaves office.
So it must be some time between today and when the president leaves office.
Some time this year?
Next year (2020)?
If it is ANY TIME between now and the end of DJT’s second term in office (2024), then WHEN is it?
It must be some time between today and 2024.
So when is it?
It’s important for the patience-preachers to be on the record, so that both the rest of us — and, maybe most importantly, the patience-preachers themselves — know when it’s time to stop the charade and realize something may be terribly wrong, which requires ACTION.
Because if they don’t, then what is to prevent them from just endlessly moving the goal posts?
Is it not a fair and reasonable question (and argument)?


“I don’t know the answer.”
Well there has to be one. We can know the parameters, the ‘bookends’, which are obviously today and the end of his second term. So the answer is within that finite time-frame.
Work backwards from there.
Are we still going to be pleading ‘patience’ in October 2024, if Hillary and Obama are still on the loose and no one has been brought to justice?
Not even the most zealous patience-preacher would say ‘yes’ to that one.
Are we still going to be pleading ‘patience’ in October 2023, if Hillary and Obama are still on the loose and no one has been brought to justice?
Maybe a few, but there’s not a chance that the large majority of DJT’s supporters would have any confidence at that point.
Are we still going to be pleading ‘patience’ in October 2022, if Hillary and Obama are still on the loose and no one has been brought to justice?
Not many, not after FIVE YEARS in office, and with Hussein and Clinton and all their cronies still roaming free and jamming their thumb in our eyes at every opportunity.
Are we still going to be pleading ‘patience’ in October 2021, if Hillary and Obama are still on the loose and no one has been brought to justice?
Are we still going to be pleading ‘patience’ in October 2023, if Hillary and Obama are still on the loose and no one has been brought to justice?
Are we still going to be pleading ‘patience’ in October 2023, if Hillary and Obama are still on the loose and no one has been brought to justice?
I didn’t say ‘Right Effing Now’.


That comment wasn’t finished, I hit ‘return’ to space one of the sentences down, and it posted.


The point I was making is that the answer to “WHEN” pretty much has to be between TODAY and before the 2020 presidential election.
So between January 19th 2019 and November of 2020.
22 months.
With each passing month seeing support bleed off.
Somewhere within those 22 months is a tipping point, and that is what the enemy is praying we reach, before anything actually happens.
That’s what they’re stalling for. To run out the clock, or create some kind of national crisis that diverts energy and attention elsewhere — like causing us to get into a war, for example… that would be right up their alley.
Contrary to popular opinion (and song), time is NOT on our side.


“Perhaps not, but you’re exhibiting impatience and demanding that the general share his battle plan with you, one of the privates.”
It is not ‘impatient’ to ask WHEN and provoke a considered answer — both from ourselves and from others.
If we don’t each have an answer to that question, then how are not just zombies of a different type, watching our own version of the Kardashians?
Are we just watching a docudrama and content to do so, until the ratings decline and the show is canceled?
We deserve better than that.
We owe ourselves better than that.
We owe each other better than that.
And we owe those who have fought and died for our country better than that.


Steve wrote: “ ‘those who have fought and died for our country’ knew better than to demand their generals share their timetables and battle plans.”
Where did I demand any such thing?
I haven’t.
That’s a textbook Strawman.
How many times in a row, and how many different ways, have I asked the PATIENCE-PREACHERS to let the rest of us KNOW a date-certain when their ‘patience’ expires?
Isn’t that a fair question, one which the patience-preachers in particular, must come up with an answer about for themselves?
Because if they DON’T, how do they avoid the temptation to just keep moving the goal-posts with each new delay?
“You could learn a few things from them yourself.”
You keep trying to make this personal (when it’s not), and I keep trying to redirect to the subject matter.
I could take the bait and return fire, but to what end? It’s pointless — and diversionary from the point I’m trying to make.
That’s why I keep redirecting, back to the point which the PPD’s (patience-preaching dodgers) keep dodging 😁


Sen. McCarthy had the will to do it, but he was stopped by the Leftist news media, and their weaponized influence / propaganda narratives to protect the Communists.
So account for the media as if they are 100% foot soldiers for the enemy — because that’s exactly what they are — and eliminate their ability to control the narrative, so we do not have a repeat of the 1950s, this time around.


“I have no idea what part of that people don’t understand.”
Scott, they don’t even know the QUESTION.
So many are lost, through helicopter-parenting, school-indoctrination, media-propagandizing, and just plain stupidity (natural, or drug-induced, or …), that they don’t have a CLUE.
YOU do. I do. WE do.
They DON’T.
That’s why.
“The Great Awakening” is on tap … and we need MILLIONS to be served.


” “The Great Awakening” is on tap … and we need MILLIONS to be served.”
Yes, but at some point, you have to throw a bucket of cold water on those who refuse to wake up.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink… but what you CAN do is throw that *&^% horse in the lake. He’ll drink then, you betcha.
Q finally acknowledged what I have been saying all along:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 13 Jan 2019 – 2:52:02 PM
FAKE NEWS control over those who do not think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.
Q acknowledged that there is a LIMIT to how many people can be ‘awakened’ BEFORE the truth bombs detonate.
The rest will wake up AFTER the truth bombs detonate.
They’ll be like the horse thrown in the lake.
Swim or sink.


They’ll swim just fine, just like the horse would.
It’s instinctual.


“They’ll swim just fine”
Or drown.
Your analogy fails, because it isn’t a physical instinct, but a mental one. There is MENTAL illness all over. Would you throw a LAME horse in the physical river? No? Then don’t throw a LAME mind into the psychological river.
Pardon me, Scott, but I prefer VSGDDJT’s, and Q’s, assessment of the situation.


I wrote: “They’ll swim just fine”
ES replied: “Or drown.
Your analogy fails, because it isn’t a physical instinct, but a mental one. There is MENTAL illness all over.”
You can’t be suggesting that the entire country be held hostage in perpetuity to the mental illness of the Left.
So how does the analogy fail?
“Would you throw a LAME horse in the physical river? No?”
That depends.
If your life or anyone else’s life depended on it, I’d throw that lame horse in the river without remorse or regret — and rightfully so.
Horse lovers may not agree — but your family would, and you might too, upon reflection.
“Then don’t throw a LAME mind into the psychological river.”
That sounds very much like we’re all hostage to the mental illness of the Left; and knowing this, all the Left needs to do is never seek treatment, and they win. We all spend the rest of our days in the insane asylum because the Leftists won’t take their meds.
That is not an acceptable plan, or any kind of plan at all — it is tantamount to giving up.
If I have to throw a lame Leftist mind into the psychological river in order to save the country, I hope you know that I would do it, without hesitation. And rightly so.
Our God-given RIGHT to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness is not secondary to Leftist antics like playing the old senile mob boss to escape prosecution.
If you really believe the Left is mentally ill, then do we not have an obligation to forcibly prevent them from hurting themselves — and even more importantly — from hurting others?
“Pardon me, Scott, but I prefer VSGDDJT’s, and Q’s, assessment of the situation.”
I might too, if I knew what ‘the plan’ was.
But I don’t, and neither does anyone else.
That being the case — of necessity — our leaders would be wise to throw us a BONE every now and then… and they ought to KNOW that.


Wedging the dems.they won’t agree so the govt will stay shut down leading to RIF.


Make our Nation more prosperous and secure!


NOBODY can claim that this was not a Presidential speech!!


Cue Mittens in 3 2 1..


Well…he is a “nobody” in my book. 😀


WHO? /s


Except Mitt-the-sh*t Romney


It’s called LEADERSHIP.
That’s they the D’s hate it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I really hope they turn it down.


I really think they WILL turn it down!


So do I!! LOL


They will. Trump’s pawn takes their Queen (Pelosi)!!! Beautiful move!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly right Steve!


Thanks for the heads up Flep!!!


Flep Good call. Bravo.

Sylvia Avery

Steve, thanks for setting up the thread for us!


Didn’t President Trump add another billion for the wall? Seems like the figure was 5.6 billion last time around. I hope he added a billion for good measure – just to make ’em sweat.




Humanitarian relief is very obviously him working with breakaway Dem’s to find a solution.


No, it has been 5.7


Thanks for the clarification!


Well, he added point-1 billion, anyway. How much is point-1 billion?
I think it’s like the vig. You owe the man, and you aren’t paying, so there’s interest.
I am patiently waiting for the broken kneecaps.


#1 is a complete and total waste, in the effort to ‘feel good’ while throwing OPM down a black hole. Might as well give that money to the Clinton Foundation, because not even a nickel of that $800 million will ever find its way to actually helping some individual in need
#2 sounds good but is almost certainly another gov’t boondoggle.
#3 should probably be MORE. Take the $800 million in bogus ‘humanitarian aid’ and use it to pay 17,778 more border agents $45,000 a year in salary.
#4 if those numbers are correct, each judge has 12,000 cases. Even if each case takes only 10 minutes, that’s fifty 40 hour work weeks. The enemy (the Left) is forcing us to be accountable to our own ‘rules’ (Alinsky tactic), rules which the ENEMY put in place, and then having done so, overwhelmed the system.
The answer is not to up the ante and keep playing their game; the answer is to change the rules.
#5 there are no ‘migrants’ in this current situation, there are only ‘invaders’, so call them what they are. The ‘critical measure’ to prevent them from being exploited is to keep them from being used as Soros pawns in the first place. So arrest Soros and any other billionaires who are playing this game of war against our country, according to the Executive Orders you have already signed.
#6 no more ‘asylum’ for at least a HUNDRED YEARS. It has been abused to such a degree that there can be no rationalization for continuing it
#7 good – build the wall
#8 good – build the wall
#9 good – build the wall
#10 DACA is a FRAUD, and appeasing the Left only emboldens the Left and angers your own supporters — i.e., it’s STUPID
#11 I’m sure Tommy Donohue appreciates that — I don’t


Daca is a fraud. Not even kegal so how the bleep is it given respect as such? Just bc o did it…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I absolutely support the plan! Democrats are screwed because our President just proposed a solution to three problems. If they refuse which I think they will, next weekend our President calls for a National Emergency and states that he will not open the government until Democrats accept the proposal.

Tired Mom

Flep, I hope you are right. I hope that is exactly what happens.


“our President just proposed a solution to three problems”
Ah yes, but they don’t WANT solutions … because THEY are the problem!
“Are we CLEAR???”


Except for the superfluous “h” in the last word.
Thank you. Thank you very much!


Except that it’s NOT the president who has shut down the govt; it’s the donkeys REFUSING to pass a bill funding it. They claim that a wall is not needed; DJT says it is. But the money ain’t there and until it is, govt stays partially shut.


Well, just about now, Nan and company are, ummmm, “passing” a brick. Can’t wait to hear the reply.
They need to pay close attention: “One way or another!” 😉


Did President Trump state he was going to deal with this crisis – ‘One Way Or Another’?


He surely did. This was the “one way.”. Now I’m expecting the other!


Yea, right at the beginning of the speech.


Thanks, RLL68!


VERY clearly.
VERY deliberately.
“One way, or another.”


YES!!!!! Thank you, Mr. President!


No wonder they had such a funny look on their face during the response speech.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ouch!!! Those great big Y-shaped ones….

Molly Pitcher

Nan already put out a statement BEFORE he even started.

Molly Pitcher

He’s making his case to the American people, Nancy. Wake up, you’re losing! 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Botox froze her brain…


SH Michael–Don’t tell her yet–Let POTUS bury her!


Hateful old Bat–Sylvia–I need your shovel Please!!


Argh!! You know better than that!😉 Slyvia is Q tree’s Melania!! only with red hair!!

Cuppa Covfefe

The “Bat in the Hat” strikes back?
Paging SYLVIA, the Shovel Queen (only 17) [to the tune of “Dancing Queen” by ABBA]

Sylvia Avery

I can’t even decide if it would be more fun to be the Shovel Wielding Avenger or a Hateful Old Bat. Either way…!

Sylvia Avery

Ha, good to know!

Sylvia Avery

If there is anyone I’d like to shovel into mush it would be her for sure!


LOVE that!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Steve I think he held that back for them to negotiate to

Pat Frederick

I appreciate this plan addresses the border and security there and DACA and TTP, but the elephant in the room is the MILLIONS of illegals already here–that are not DACA, that vote, that commit crimes, that live in sanctuary cities–what of them? do we discuss them in the weekly meetings later?


I resemble that remark!


It would behoove them to go home and apply to come legally!


Pat – he is prioritizing, and rightfully so. We cannot get stuck in the enormity of the problem because it will never be resolved. Closing the pipeline has to come first. Bite by bite is how you eat an elephant (but I’m sticking with popcorn).

Pat Frederick

what you say is perfectly reasonable as long as it doesn’t get swept under the rug, because many of people I listen to complain not only about the caravans, but about the many illegals already here—and those are not strictly DACA.


Will they come to the table?
If Mitch puts this to a vote and it passes (I’m pretty sure Joe Manchin will vote for it), I think the Dems will begin breaking rank in the House. They might break rank with proposals that are unacceptable, but some will not let Nancy stonewall this. That would be a PR disaster.
Does everyone realize POTUS has taken Congress’s job – proposing legislation? Since it is his proposal, both the Senate, and moreso the House, will come back with additions/subtractions.
I wonder which parts of President Trump’s proposition he is willing to negotiate away. At this point, the money for the Wall has to be an absolute dealbreaker. Other parts ‘might’ be flexible if Dems ‘get real’.
I don’t know what odds I put on dealmaking vs obstruction followed by National Emergency Declaration, but I know either way WE ARE WINNING.
Flep, again, thanks so much for the pre-party analysis. That helped me enormously as I listened.
Steve, thanks fir hosting the after-conclave. You guys totally rock. With toxic masculinity to the max!!


Oh, Steve, I just love that. You really made me smile–a lot.


I feel like they will reject it. They already were yelling about it.
They think they can stop him. They think he will not do the National Emergency Declaration which I think is the next level. Because they think the courts will stop him BUT with the courts now out of $ I’m not sure how this works.
Its clear they do not want this wall.


lead a horse to water and force him to drink!!!!


You put salt in the feed. Horse will get thirsty.

Sylvia Avery

Well, I mean, if the are WILLING to die on that hill…
there must n applicable SunTzu quote that says Let “Em.


The applicable quote is from a European who is considered a likely student of Sun Tzu’s book, Napoleon Bonaparte. A French translation was published in Marseille when the young Bonaparte was a military cadet at an academy near there.
I don’t recall the exact wording of the English translation of his remark, but it’s something to the effect that you never interrupt your enemy when he is maneuvering in such a way as to bring about his own demise.


Covadonga – I have not noticed your name before. But I lived in the Australian outback for two years, and “donga” brings back many memories!


I know what “dingo” means in the Outback, but I’m afraid I’m drawing a blank on “donga”!
“Covadonga” is a place name for a cave in a valley in Asturias, in northern Spain.
Shortly after the Islamic invasion of Iberia, an Asturian fighting force was traveling through this valley, which was probably like other valleys in that part of Spain, green and beautiful at the bottom, but narrow, with vertical walls of sheer rock.
The Asturians received word that a much larger force of Saracens was heading their way. Not wanting to be overwhelmed by the Middle Easterners, they retreated in the cave, where there was a shrine of the Virgin.
The Saracens passed by the cave without detecting the Christian force.
The Asturians then sallied from the cave, and struck the invading force in the rear. Trapped between the Christians behind them, and the steep valley walls on either side, the Saracenic forces were annihilated.
According to legend, this was the first victory of the Reconquista.


“Does everyone realize POTUS has taken Congress’s job – proposing legislation?”
Oh yeah. It’s been one swirling interchangeable maelstrom of duties/responsibilities for probably most of our lifetimes. Only VSG can fix this…but slowly. What if those in one branch of government who usurp the job of another could be prosecuted and fired!?!?!


Dadas are interferi g with elections already. How do we stop it? Its already fraud so why would they support POTUS now? Im cynical even though POTUS is giving them a way to save face.




So we watched this on Fox, which we haven’t had on for eons, so don’t know who this woman is. But, this talking head female repeated several times that the President’s goal was to “please his base.” This is so asinine I had to leave the room.
President Trump has and is now trying to do what is right for America and for the American people!!!
I am among his “base.” If he was trying to please me he would throw out every illegal, cut off all benefits, and secure our borders like an iron trap. THAT would “please” me.
However, being a realist, I will support this President in whatever way he thinks he can best keep his promises to America, because I believe in his heart for us and this country.
I also believe the Dems will turn this down before the lights go out in the White House tonight — and I greatly look forward to President Trump’s next step. May it be closer to my pleasing.


If he has to do National Emergency, he can build the whole damn thing! Then the Dems will be wishing they had only made a down payment.


I believe the humanitarian aid is for disaster aid… which CR they voted on failed to include (along with wall funds.


If I heard him right, the humanitarian crisis included Americans being killed by illegals. Correct me if I’m wrong.


His base should be all American citizens. What country does this woman shill for?


“What country does this woman shill for?”
A country of one.
And she alone …


I don’t listen to any of the MSM – because they have to promote their propaganda handed down to them from their overlords. Even Fox is full of that cr4p. I well remember from the 2012 debates. During the 2016 election, I only listened to YouTube livestream and mostly RSBN, etc.




That’s that Arvil Neville? lady. Can’t stand her and Leland’s negative spin on Saturday, quit watching. At least she’s not as bad as Ebony Williams, Who thankfully disappeared after Eric Bolling got canned for sexting. Ole Ebony got the big head and thought she was cool telling off POTUS on air one day, I so wanted to B-slap her into oblivion. Turns out, the Lord took care of her for me🤗


Had to go look her up. It’s Arthel Neville.

Curry Worsham

I give her a pass ’cause of her daddy and uncles.

Curry Worsham

Actually meant to post this [non-political!] video.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tipitina’s in New Orleans in one of my college haunts. The guys were terrific. Arthel is a snot!

Curry Worsham

Yes, she’s still a snot.


Tatonka!! Absolutely Right!! Great Post!




Place your bets:
I think Dems will reject it.


95% chance the Democrats will reject it.
75% chance President Trump will declare National Emergency II (he already declared a National Security Emergency last year).
1000% chance President Trump WILL NOT STOP BUILDING THE WALL – which he began in 2017!!!
He started with having the Army Corps of Engineers doing the site work/assessments in 2017.
He also had the Border Patrol give their requirements and recommendations.
From then on, the work has been going on non-stop at a constant pace.
In certain areas, there will be two walls, 30′ and 18′ with a lighted, with an electronically surveilled no mans land and a paved road in between.comment image
President Trump has long ago planned how to finance the wall and who will pay for it!!!
Building and financing a mere wall is no problem for a skyscraper builder and financier with over 50 years experience in NYC and around the world!


Wonderful read. Thank you!!!




And a 100% chance I’d accept a dinner invitation.
“pork country bone-in ribs in the oven and have sweet taters and broccoli.”
Haaahh …


Me, too. They have already said they will reject it, before he presented it to us. These people are stupid. They never thought he was serious. They believed their own nonsense about bluffing, bravado, blah, blah, blah.


I bet that there will be more Democrats breaking rank, thanks to the old bat’s outright refusal of the proposal.
Hey, I’m going big here.


iirc POTUS said Mitch will take it to the Senate next week…
then it will go to the House…
If she (Nasty Nan) opposes it… gov’t will remain in Shut-down, and SHE WILL OWN IT


Saw somewhere yesterday… there are EIGHT DIMS who have come out in favor of the wall





Phoenix ! He’s definitely sexy enough for me!😉

Pat Frederick

absolutely agree Marica!
hubba hubba

Pat Frederick

so the shutdown will extend beyond the magical 30 day period…lol




Wonder if Nancy and Maxine will stay in CA and pout?


Stay in Kaliforniastan and plot!

Molly Pitcher

Probably at home with her ‘precious’, her Speaker gavel…she’s gollum .” It is mine, I tell you. My own. My precious. Yes, my precious.”
….and buying some teen blood to rejuvenate ! lol


Molly! “teen blood’! 😆 But, yeah.

Molly Pitcher

[Faramir, to Frodo, in the refuge of the Window of the West]:
” ‘Death was ever present, because the Numenoreans still, as they has in their old kingdom, and so lost it, hungered after endless life unchanging. Kings made tombs more splendid than houses of the living, and counted old names in the rolls of their descent dearer than the names of sons. Childless lords sat in aged halls musing on heraldry; in secret chambers withered men compounded strong elixirs, or in high courts asked questions of the stars. And the last king of the line of Anarion had no heir.’ […]”

Molly Pitcher

Given the current state of things here and in EU that passage is almost prophetic


Yeah, I always say, that’s what the House needs, some young blood.


So the ball is in the Dems court and they’ve already thrown away their racquet.


Hahaha, yes it does work too. Well done, intentional or not, love the image!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The DEMONcRATs never were any good at raquet science…

Cuppa Covfefe

Do you need some bagels to go with that LOx? 🙂


You could say we trumped with an ace in the serve… Lol

Cuppa Covfefe

Well-played 🙂


That is cool! Thanks for a tweet with the video.
For anyone interested, the transcript is here:


Rewatching it. Wait he wants 5.7 billion Steel barriers in high priority locations And another 230 miles. Did I hear that right? LOL oh they walked into that one.

Molly Pitcher

Maybe ol Nance has convinced herself that indeed she is on an equal footing as the POTUS. She’s taken over the megalomaniac crown from Hillary.


“the megalomaniac crown”
Each one is different.
Yet, they are all the same …

Molly Pitcher

It’s unisex too.


One size fits small …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Well they were pushing for president pelosi. LOL Which I’m sure HRC just loved! 😉


Amazing… she rejected it before she even heard it.
She is dug in about “opening the gov’t” BEFORE any negotiation…. stupid witch gangsta – that’s not negotiation, that’s capitulation. WE know of course that only a CR can reopen the gov’t. And it’s Congress’ responsibility to perform in that regard. And she’s Speaker? The DIMS don’t choose their brightest, do they?


So im asking now which is the TRUE priority of the dems? To obstruct for the sake of it or some type of return on a down payment made to leadership either very rigged voting or funneled buy offs from globalists or? Because it aint for “the cheeeldren” no matter the country or color.


Drugs and human trafficking.


Right GA/FL,
and I suggest… to prevent POTUS keeping his promise to build the wall, and lose the support of his base in 2020. They actually think that will happen.


SCARY!! 😱😱😱


I think that’s why Trump wanted her as Speaker because he knows how she rolls. LOL But look every other GOP person has caved to the Dems. Not Trump. This is new to them. Plus they don’t want to work.


I think this is why most people don’t do it. Look at the ones in it now. They don’t care. Are on vacation all the time and well just don’t care.
We are blessed with DJT I must say.


comment image
It might help just a little.


Not big enough…..


Right… we are doing fine without these non-essentials working…
AND the Reality…. (not MY reality, but THE reality) is…
ACOE continues supervising the ‘building of the barrier… Right?
What’s not to like…
Meanwhile Nasty Nan continues to get smashed 24/7 and fly commercial…
(yes, I discovered that when the gov’t is NOT shutdown, she flies home to CA via AF transportation… running up a huge expense for (drinking) alcohol … see Judicial Watch reports on this)


A Howl for WolfMoon


I’m waiting for Ann Coulter to weigh in and call POTUS a sell-out in 3…2…1…


Here you go.


Ugh….still suffers from tunnel vision, I see. Give it a rest, Ann 🙄


Coulter being Coulter.


She really should not have quit her day job.


I bothered to poke around OT and saw the last couple pages of posts The people I see are going bonkers. Clean up for deep state? Holy moly….


I am waiting for the snowstorm. So I am reading here. Hope you don’t mind if I ignore what I said the other day and comment. This is what I wrote on twitter
“Very bright maneuver by POTUS. He offered a true compromise knowing that Dem leadership would reject it. Building the wall would mean he is President in 2020. So they oppose it. Pres Trump just took the moral high ground. Now he can order the military to build it.”
The left is trying to delegitimize the President. Unfortunately for them, he is smarter than they are. They thought he was going to announce he has going to build the wall anyways. So he offers up a compromise that makes him seem like the adult in the room and grabs McConnell’s support at the same time.. And checkmates Pelosi.
POTUS is amazing. He plays this game better than anyone in politics.


You are very kind Steve. I just need to spend less time online and more time interacting with people;.Today is an online day because of weather.
I am interested in your coimment on what I wrote.


Glad to ‘see’ you NYGuy…
Like your comment… you’re right on point.
Hope you’re moving gently through your days… be well. God bless.


thx PR.


yw NYGuy (Ed)


Spot on NYG54! Was of the same mind as you before the speech. Dems are stupid, but MSM will provide cover for them. End game = national emergency, and fund out of DHS or military budget. More Latinos for Trump—Dems up a shit creek where they seem to be comfortable!!!


Actually, I don’t think they find it very comfortable there, but at least they blend into the surroundings…


Bill has an out of the box thought…


“To split the Dem base” ….
that’s our VSGPOTUS


here’s Rush commenting on POTUS’ technique (well, one at least) –
you have to enlarge text… I get his point…


that is extremely bright and perceptive by Rush.


At least Rush is not flying off the handle and has a fundamental understanding of how the President operates. Perhaps he can be kind enough to talk/shake some sense into one-track-mind Ann.


True. At this point, she’s devolving into a NPC.


During this Thread – Wolfie’s blog hit 50,000 comments – a milestone!


Thanks for that GA/FL….

Sylvia Avery

We’re a chatty bunch!



Right… it’s a stretch of fencing that prevents vehicles crossing, but pedestrians just hop over (no more than 2 1/2 – 3′
Here’s a vid of Hoyer stating “walls work in some places” – obviously the one above…
and I’m hearing rumors online that Hoyer is planning a take-over, removing her… (not on this vid of course) iirc, when the critters in the House voted, there were quite a few who voted “present” or “no” – those votes are not counted in the total (one must vote for a “name”)… IF those votes had gone for an individual, a 2nd ballot would have been required, and she might have lost. A number of DIMs did NOT want her. Liddle Adam thought at one time that he had the votes. Now, that would be a hoot, wouldn’t it.


Today, in the middle of everything – President Trump went to be with the families of the fallen troops who died in Syria:


PDJT is working! Where’s Nancy? Oh that’s right, she had to go home to tend to her vineyard!!

Molly Pitcher

A little OT but a soulful righteous rant by an officer on the LEO Natalie Corona murder/ambush. The SJW contingent at UC Davis inspired this.

Molly Pitcher

Will do…lol..I thought I was on that …so many!


Great post, MP!!!!! The truth plainly spoken!


Yes, and thanks Stevie for posting a separate thread for this event!!!


Well, I had to go to “the big city” today (Missoula, MT), so I couldn’t be here for the fun.
I listened to the speech on my phone in the car, and got pretty much what I thought was coming.
I am ok with the DACA thing. We all know it’s a cluster-f*@k, but it’s a small number of people to stop the deluge humanity coming across the border, not to mention the drugs, trafficking, etc.
I am all but certain the Dims will turn it down, and I’ll bet Trump is too. He is playing the long game. He makes the Demoncrats look worse every day. It is masterful politics from our glorious non-politician.
All in all, a good day for our side!

Molly Pitcher

Out of 422 posts (now 423) on this thread, I counted 101 by a single poster.
That isn’t participation. It’s domineering.
Could also be construed as trolling.
I REALLY dislike being negative.
But every once in a while …


“OK fair enough.”
Good start!
“It felt to me like everyone was talking TO ME”
Also, a good self-diagnosis of the problem.
“I find it hard to imagine”
That’s my point. Adapt and adjust.
“”construed as trolling””
Your schtick with Marica is WAY PAST old. It fits the very definition of “trolling”, no matter the intent (I believe it wasn’t malicious at all! Nevertheless …)
“to take the time to count”
It was easy. Took two minutes. Fit the pattern I’ve noticed, and was an excellent way to demonstrate my point.
“why this was so important to you”
You pissed me the F*** off yesterday. Only time EVER that I’d thought of DROPPING this site. And I LIKE this site.
One part of your new-found “job” is to NOT alienate other posters.
This is WOLF’s site. Not yours. You’re just a substitute – a good one, but not without faults.
Understand, Steve – I didn’t have ANY obligation even to answer you. Despite the harshness of what I’ve just said – still, it’s a sign of respect, to let you know.
Best advice now? Don’t respond. Give yourself at least an overnight to process.


I think maybe this isn’t really a problem, but I personally decided to not get notifications of all posts in the topics I create. Too much thrash involved.


Em-star…I don’t see it as “trolling”.
When we generate a Thread Post, as the author, it comes with the responsibility to tend to it, look after it and respond to the commenters, as needed.
If you will remember…our host, Wolfmoon, does this when he is here.
Doing this, will automatically add to the number of posts that accumulate in the thread.