A special thread from which to get ready for, and then watch, the “super blood wolf moon”.

Before leaving, I wanted to provide some information about the “super blood wolf moon” which will appear in my absence, on the night of January 20/21. I also wanted to leave a special parting message for everybody. And finally, I wanted to leave some potentially missing crumbs for the white hats.
Rather than doing three posts, I tried to do a SINGLE POST. Well, that didn’t work out so well. The “a few tips for the white hats” part turned into a MASSIVE reveal.
Eventually, the latter just became the focus of things, and it was all wrong. Therefore, I excised that part as a separate post. Which you may or may not have seen, when you see this.
So – let’s concentrate on the SUPER BLOOD WOLF MOON.
I’m going to start off with some great links on this stuff. Please feel free to add more! First, the trendy, buzzy, Mental Floss….
OK – this one has an erroneous title (“solar eclipse”), but the caption is right.
Now for the WOO-WOO….
This one ties it into TRUMP….
Here is one that gets all biblical about things….
Here is the same article on WordPress:
This tweet gets all “astronomical” about things:
The bottom line – there is a LUNAR ECLIPSE that is coincidental with a bunch of stuff, and that stuff has heightened the usual human interest in any eclipse to extraordinary levels.

Now – a few thoughts about that interest.
There is certainly a lot of interesting stuff attached to this eclipse. I think one of the greatest points demonstrated by this event is the MASSIVE MINDSHARE which this celestial event holds over people – the way both ANNIVERSARIES of things and ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS have PSYCHOLOGICAL POWER over people.
This is significant. Note that these events are important in both RELIGION and SCIENCE, to say nothing of HISTORY per se. Is it any wonder that both ASTROLOGY and ASTRONOMY developed?
The PERIODICITY of things is REAL. Some is hard and fast, some is loose and statistical, much is personal and circumstantial. Coincidence is a thing which sometimes is meaningful, sometimes not. I love the famous Ian Fleming quote:
“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action”
Ian Fleming
Let me add to that.
“Ten times means you’re behind enemy lines.”
Where “scientific suspicion” leaves off and the left’s useful dismissive tool of “confirmation bias” begins is not clear. In my opinion they overlap strongly, and one has to be careful that “intuition leading to revelation” is not dismissed too early. In fact, I tend to believe that “confirmation bias” is now the left’s strongest tool for creation of useful idiots.
“Nothing to see here. It’s just coincidence.”

Still, we must be PATIENT. Correlation is not causation. The search for causation is what takes things from astrology to astronomy. It can even take astronomy from planet Vulcan to general relativity.
The search for causation can also take things from happenstance and coincidence to enemy action. Causation is sometimes something we have to wait long and hard to find.
And THAT leads to my next post. Stay tuned.

I just went onto http://www.timeanddate.com which showed me the entire eclipse cycle for my area. Look it up for you under the sun and moon tab.
It will be my kiddo’s first eclipse, if he stays awake.
It isn’t really relevant to an eclipse…but is relevant to parents, their little ones, the night sky. I remember my father, taking me outside in his arms, to see Sputnik…he was a first in his family PhD. a scientist. And, he was an immigrant to this country…from Canada, sent here to Jesuit high school (at who knows what cost, by parents who immigrated from Slovakia & Scotland) from the wee lands of the BC Rockies. “Why did you stay, Daddy?” (This from the child who at the time was a landed immigrant in Canada.) “Because this was THE LAND of opportunities…everyone knew it, everyone wanted to be here.”
Daddy would be having masses said for this president.
You made me smile, Roberta. We love our daddies!
Thank you. I miss him. I am an “only.”
Just fyi, im a momma, but on the only spectrum too.
Me as well, an only.
There are so many “only” folk here, me also.
Bet there are also a lot of eldest, of which I am one. They can be similar in some ways to onlies.
is your little one feeling better, I hope?
He is not better yet. Picked up a gi virus at school. No longer vomiting or nausea but still the other. Hes hydrated but not eating well. So just watching carefully. But hopefully by the end of the day itll stop.
Drum circle!
Just caught this before the wife and I head out to Church. I am taking some of my drums this morning to play during one of our hymns. We are both in the choir. Thanks for this!
Arooo,Rut,Rut,Rooo!! Or something like that, my howling skills are a little rusty!

Now that you know the phases of the eclipse, here when it occurs on January 20th, 2019 (all time in Pacific Standard Time, UTC -8).
6:36pm – Penumbral Eclipse Begins
7:33pm – Partial Eclipse Begins
8:41pm – Total Eclipse Begins
9:43pm – Total Eclipse Ends (Total Eclipse duration – 1hr 2min)
10:50pm – Partical Eclipse Ends
11:48pm – Penumbral Eclipse Ends
The eclipse will be visible for the entire United States, Canada, Central America, South America, and most of western Europe and Africa pending the weather/cloud coverage.
Happy Super Blood Wolf Moon Everybody!!
Prophecy Dude on Daystar said this one is God talking to the Nation, yes, AMERICA!!

Repent, turn to ME, stop abortion, stop LBGTransCrazy, stop human trafficking, stop drugs, killing, Division, Etc…
Thank You Lord that You Love us and that You hear all our prayers!!
Total. Agreement. Ni Ni Butterfly!! I swear i’m going in just a minute..
Apologies if the other sources already covered this, but the eclipse zenith is right over Guantanamo Bay!
(Scroll to last graphic)
What are the odds?
I believe that cute Wolf Pic now rivals Fleps Pig pic!! I adore animals!! All of them!! Especially… LIONS!!! Thanks for the Post Wolfie! I think I will save these videos for tomorrow to watch when more awake!! I had 4 hours of sleep last nite!! Wait! That is OUR POTUS EVERY NITE!! how does he do it? SUPER BLOOD WOLF (over the) MOON pumped about this Celestial Event !!! Nite ALL!!!
Ni Ni, Marica!

Thanks for this, Wolfie!
Hope you’re well and staying safe.
It is amazing that this Super Blood Wolf Moon is happening…with an eclipse…on the 2 yr anniversary of Pres Trump’s inauguration.
Maybe…but it’s still Amazing!
Seconding what Wheatie said. This is a fun post. Thanks, Wolfie.
Well, crap!
If I get pics tomorrow night do I post them here or on the daily thread??
Post them on both. Since our Oregon weather will keep me from seeing it, I would love to see pictures.
Did you get a good view of the solar eclipse last year?
Time flies–it was in 2017.
I know you weren’t asking me, but I’ll answer anyway; I drove up into Nebraska to see it.
We have another one coming up in 2024 (Texas through Maine) and one will pass right over me here in 2045, which I will probably live long enough to see.
Ha! I remembered that after I hit post lol.
Had a great view myself. Drove to Fossil, Or. Beautiful.
Yup, 2024, Texas camping trip
400 millimeter lens on tap.
Stay safe Wolfmoon… See something, say something. You know we will.
1:45 am in the morning. I’ll have to think about this.
“Causation is sometimes something we have to wait long and hard to find.”
Humanity benefits from those who patiently wait for the sound of that “still small voice” to reach the perfect pitch!
So which constellation is the moon in when it is fully eclipsed?
No, I don’t know. Trying to care enough to go look it up.
This one is Leo. Zero degrees Leo.
Leo. The LION…
Exactly!! Nice catch!!
Select the moono and push play.
Actually, sorry, no, it’s going to be in Cancer, just to one side of the Beehive cluster.
Well that didn’t work.
Here we go:
Header image:
Dropped back in briefly to liberate comments trapped in moderation and spam!

Decided to swap your red image in at the top! Thanks!!!
We all Be thinking of you tonite!!! At least we are under the SAME MOON!! wherever you are!!! Hugs
2 hours 11 minutes!!
<3 TTYL!!! <3
Marica, we certainly hope it’s the same moon. Lol. Wolfie, where are you? I know I must not ask. Lol.
Zoe– knowing Wolfie -He could be ON the Moon!!–look closely tonite!!!
The wolf-man in the moon? Well, Marica, as I can’t see, do let me know if you spot our Wolfie. Lol.
It is almost like there is this exceptionally supernaturally all-wise and all-powerful being that is involved in the world of men in an intimate and unexplainable way.
Hi Wolfmoon, I posted this on the Daily Thread but I thought you would really like to see this so I am posting it here also. I have never heard of this man before, but this rings so true in my heart that I am praying it touches yours also.
The TRUMP ECLIPSE Jan 2019 – End Time SIGN of Blood Moons CONFIRMED
Well said. Thank you Elizabeth!
I’d like to repost some thoughts about celestial “signs” from a religious perspective here.
Readers of the Hebrew scriptures will understand, from the very beginning of the book, that the moon was given significance –by God– as a time keeper. Or maybe more?
The founder of the religion of Islam spoke with and was informed by both Jewish and Christian teachers. The early Christians were deeply informed by their Jewish teachers. The Mosaic Law does reference feasts associated with moon cycles. The author of the NT letter to the Romans wanted believers to respect the choices of others in respect to days and diet.
In between Mama Grizzly defending her Cubs, I have been thinking about the total eclipses during the Great Reign of President Donald J. Trump. And I am believing–in my gut- that they are Harbingers of things to come-God’s signs to us -If we want to see…
1. Total Solar Eclipse was August 21, 2017–It crossed over the entire USA
When did “DARK to LIGHT” of Q begin?
2.Total Lunar Eclipse -SUPER BLOOD WOLF MOON- 1/21/19
Pain Coming ? General Flynn’s background now shows setting sun…
3. Another Total Solar Eclipse eclipse covering most of the USA again comes in 2024
Perhaps signifying the conclusion of the GREAT AWAKENING! and 100 years of peace!
Girls can dream!!!
1 HOUR til and counting!!!
P1. The Moon has just contacted Earth’s penumbra, some parts of the Moon now see the Sun partially covered by Earth.
You won’t see too much at first, but it’s going to get really interesting over the next couple of hours!
My moon is showing thru thin clouds and has a red ring around it ! Beautiful already!!
Very thin mist here too. The moon itself hasn’t gotten visibly dimmer yet.
So it dims and then strarts turning red?
It will slowly dim, and then at U1, parts of it start going completely into shadow. Eventually it will look something like T3’s picture below, where part is quite brightly lit still, but part is in shadow. After U2 it’s total eclipse time.
Thanks Prof. Steve!! I’m taking pics..One day I’ll figure out how to post them!!
I have a 400 mm lens for my camera. One night last summer I was able to get very dim, blurry pictures of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars with it–the images were still so small I had to crop away 99 percent of the picture to see them at all, and even then, Saturn and Jupiter are just tiny on the pictures, only a couple of dozen pixels wide. Need MOAR TELEPHOTO.
In any case that was a learning experience and hopefully I’m close to the right exposure/aperture settings tonight.
Here’s a pic I took that evening of the uneclipsed moon. That’s what it will look like through a 400mm lens. I hope your camera has a lot of optical zoom; the moon will look very, very tiny on an unzoomed picture.
that beautiful!! thanks for sharing!!
streaming live
The Full Moon on Monday January 21, 2019 in the first degree of Leo is a total lunar eclipse.
This is a very good link; it shows the moon’s progress. It’s right now half in the penumbra (so maybe I can see some dimming now if I go look)
My only issue is my info says the moon is in Cancer, not Leo tonight.
The Moon moves quickly Steve… it is probably in Cancer now, moving into Leo by time of full eclipse
Nope…it takes two or three days to move that far.
It is moving across our sky pretty quickly, but the background stars are actually moving from east to west at a slightly faster speed than the Moon is.
If you watch the animation at the end of my daily thread post, you’ll see the moon and the shadow of the earth moving against the stars, the moon relatively quickly but the shadow much, much more slowly.
In any case the moon is near the Beehive cluster now, which is in Cancer.
Wolfmoon, I sure hope you are safe and staying warm cuz it is freezing here in Michigan!! I keep stepping outside to watch the moon but not too long! It doesn’t take me long to get cold especially at my age! I now understand why my Mom was always cold!!! Take care my friend and hopefully we’ll see you soon. You surely are missed!

Don’t ask me what happened, that was supposed to be an orange moon next to the smiley face!!!
Right now, a few moments before U1, I see a distinct darkening of the moon on its eastern side (to me closer to the horizon). That part of the moon can see only a very small sliver of the Sun right now, so it’s not getting a lot of light. At U1, parts of the moon will have no view of the Sun because the Earth is blocking it. That’s the beginning of the partial phase of the eclipse.
By the time I hit “post” we will be at U1.
I saw someone lamenting the lack of discussion of our VSG Lion PDJT’s accomplishments in 2 years. And, with the ability to do so, I have put up a topic for us to post our thank you’s, prayers, and celebratory comments.
Will give us somewhere to hang out after this topic.
Oh bother. Flep, was already on it. Please comment on his thread.
It’s kinda like double posting…Great minds and all!! Sometimes we need to see DOUBLE!! Seems to be a theme lately!

Now that is FUNNY Marica!
But I have already took my post down and added my links to Flep’s awesome post.
And I had started typing same as you when YOUR post came up !
Just too many of us on the same wave length here…
phoenix!!! It is truly AMAZING how we think alike…I have a feeling we live very close…Dont want to ask–but you could be about an hours drive from me..?
That’s a good thing! The more the merrier!!!
This was supposed to be a response to phoenixRising.
I like the imagery from Time & Date.
Muted the chattering heads. The video keeps crashing with an error. Refresh (F5) is my method of dealing with that.
Taken five minutes or so ago by me.
Great pic! That’s about what it looks like here.
I gotta watch out for the authorities. It’s illegal to view lunar events in western wa lol So difficult see terrestrial events here.
Mine is looking just like that–Naked Eye–But camera doesnt capture!! I’ll just love yours!!
With binoculars, I can see the shaded part of the moon faintly, and the line that separates it from the rest of the moon is a smooth arc.
The fact that it’s ALWAYS a smooth arc, regardless of where the moon is in the sky, means that from the moon, no matter from which direction you look at the earth, the outline is a circle. That was proof, even to the Greeks and earlier cultures, that the Earth is spherical. (The slight oblateness wouldn’t be apparent without very very careful measurement.)
(So no, Columbus didn’t prove the earth was round, it was well known among educated people for at least 2000 years before he was born.)
I typed a thank you Steve… but word press ate my note…
(doncha know the earth is flat… you’re embarrassing yourself with all this spherical stuff )
i probably saw this here first
the only thing flat-earthers fear is sphere itself
perfect Johnny… just perfect !
Here in CSTT (Central Standard Texas Time), the moon has been super duper bright brightest white. The shadow is creeping up from the bottom and looks dark gray, almost black. I see no red. It’s almost halfway now. My pictures aren’t coming out, will keep trying.
Don’t expect to see much red until MUCH more of the moon is in shadow. The brightly lit part makes it like trying to see a candle next to a searchlight.
Ohhh goodness, while I was correcting Steve it changed drastically… now covering 3/4…
Going to watch the rest…
It’s a Crescent Moon now!! Qwel!!
The umbra just happens to be cutting the edge of the moon at places exactly across from each other, so it will indeed look like a normal fat crescent.
Steve is talking “dirty science” to us right now ..
I know Marica…
But has it cheered you any?
I am enamored with Celestial discussions!! SO YES!!
Hey, maybe dirty talk will cheer you up. (Though I will generally leave that for your hubby to do.)
LOL!! He’s Not interested in our SUPER BLOOD WOLF MOON– Not even staying up for the grand finale!! So you guys are my peeps tonite!!–as Long as we keep it to MOONS!!
As of 21:12 Mountain Time.
Nice clean arc edge to the umbra.
The exact same photograph, enhanced.
Time & Date site is showing view from Morocco now and the crescent is on ‘side’, as we view a crescent moon.
This is such fun !
It’s getting so I have to really crane my neck to take the pictures…maybe I should use the foldout screen.
In Morocco the moon is a LOT closer to setting than it is, here.
you remind me of my grandson… we call him a walking encyclopedia.
Glad you are here to explain these details to us.
Right now my moon looks like two moons overlapping with one that is really bright and the lower one with a tinge of orange. This is qewl to watch
Similar here. Camera won’t capture it though.
Yeah I’m not going to get a good shot tonight.
For this sort of thing you really need a DSLR or a mirrorless camera; point and shoot mode just won’t do it.
it’s really cold– under 10 –tell me when I need to go look–Now?
As of 21:30, totality begins at 21:41 (just a few minutes from now, eleven minutes after the picture)
My eye is definitely seeing red, but the camera isn’t picking it up–washed out by the bright sliver.
I cropped first, so the moon should look twice as big as in the previous pictures.
Still cool though. I bet there will be a bunch of neat photos online in a couple hours.
I just checked the moon and it’s almost darken and no longer looks like two moons!! That was quick.
The sky is clear here in socal. Lots of stars out. Moon almost completely eclipsed, but barely a tinge of red. Kiddo too sick to stay up, now mr gil is sick too. Im going to have to howl at the moon just with everyone here.
With ya GIL!!
U2. Totality begins.
The moon will be deepest in the shadow at 10:12 PM MT, then at 10:43 starts to leave the shadow, U3, and totality ends.
ya killing me with your Mountain time!!! I do fell ya’lls Pain!!
What time zone are you in?
THe hated EST LOL!
It’s starting to turn red– I’m seeing orange now..This is amazing!!
well I’m in the woods here in Carolina and moon has moved so that tree branch is blocking most of it…
appears very bright… wait, what’s that… oh goodness there’s Wolfie, up on the moon with a paint brush…
(Hope the Chinese who recently landed there don’t see him…)
You pegged it phoenix!! He’s got that ginormous can of paint!!–Of course! that’s why He’s not here!!
Mine is a light orange right now!
Will it be a deep orange?
where are? west coast?
It’s light orange here in Carolina
I’m in Michigan
Right… we’re seeing about the same thing… I think
WOW!!! Folks, it’s not a dramatic blood red…but this is an unusually dark eclipse. Not nearly as much light is being refracted by the Earth’s atmosphere as is usual.
Generally the moon looks a LOT brighter than this during an eclipse. You’ve seen something pretty rare.
The Danjon Scale of lunar eclipse brightness…it should be assessed at mid eclipse.
0 Very dark eclipse. Moon almost invisible, especially at greatest eclipse.
1 Dark Eclipse, grey or brownish in coloration. Details distinguishable only with difficulty.
2 Deep red or rust-colored eclipse. Very dark central shadow, while outer edge of umbra is relatively bright.
3 Brick-red eclipse. Umbral shadow usually has a bright or yellow rim.
4 Very bright copper-red or orange eclipse. Umbral shadow has a bluish, very bright rim.
and this link will give time for your local area…
max for my area is in about 7 mins. – Jan 21 at 12:12:14 am
Max is at the same time everywhere…only the time zone changes things for people.
I know… sort of like saying “What time is sunset?”
when the sun doesn’t set…
the link gives the time zones… which is one I meant to say
Now with solar eclipses, timing is quite different!
Dirty Science again!! LOL!! My moon is Very Orange at my house..I flunked science…
try the link I posted above to see time for max in your area
thanks Phoenix!! I literally Jump up every 2-5 minutes and run to my front door! Go outside and see the changes!! like a kid at Christmas!! I have Never in my 58 years EVER seen this!! Star/Moon Struck!!
It’s funny you say that Marica cuz I’ve been doing the same thing
I had told my daughter that I felt like I’m playing musical chairs. I’ve never seen this before either. I’ve always been at work during these things so this was my first time in my 62 almost 63 years. What an experience!!! This was awesome to see and with my daughter by phone of course, she’s never seen this before either so we were able to share something together.
We missed it last year because the weather was bad… raining maybe? don’t remember…
yes, it’s exciting… esp. with Qtreepers ! and wonderful Steve to give us details.
OF Course Q Treepers –Built by WOLFM00N Get to experience this!! #FeeliingBlessed!!
This Is Truly an Amazing Experience!!! If I wasnt HERE I would NOT have experienced this either!! So glad we are all together for WMD( lol) WolfMoonDAY–Hello– Wolfie is Definitely ON THAT MOON!!
I love that there is someone else doing the same thing!! HUGS bcootz!! GOD brought us together! thru Wolfie!!! and SUPER BLOOD WOLFMOON is GOD’s way of telling us to stay together!! And we WILL!!
Thanks Marica, until I read your post I thought I was the only one running back and forth every few minutes. I was even thinking to myself that I was nuts running back and forth outside when it was -3 out there. By the time it was all over I was frozen. But, I would do it all over again to experience what I did tonight. It was awesome. HUGS to you Marica!!! Yes GOD did bring us together thru Wolfmoon and what a blessing it has been!!! I have no plans on going anywhere except here with all the Qtreepers!!!
I call bullshit, you ain’t 58 and won’t be for quite some time.
In my dreams!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this Amazing Experience of SUPER BLOOD WOLFMOON a Special Memory!!
People are starting to post their pics on SpaceWeather.com…this one is from Michigan:
Ack…sorry that photo didn’t post.
You can view it and the other images here:
Thanks wheatie…
terrific pics there… much appreciated !
Hah, finally got one that doesn’t look a bit underexposed.
As of 22:21 Mountain time.
That is awesome that you were able to get that.
‘Tis cool, ain’t it?
Moon was beautiful red/orange. Got a picture on iPhone but can’t get to WP
The moon has moved directly over my house now so I can see it right outside my front door on porch instead of going out to the yard, Nice Weird. I have a white thin crescent getting thicker on my orange moon 
Took a picture of the camera display, then enlarged. Very impressive to see, wish the picture did it justice
Orange Moon (Man) GOOD!!!