Dear MAGA: 20190120 Open Topic

This special Super Blood Red Wolf Moon Open Topic post is dedicated to your thoughts on this day, perhaps the day that will be remembered as the beginning of the eclipse of the Opposition.
I’ll talk a lot about the Super Blood Red Wolf Moon later, in lieu of an editorial, but first, the usual administrivia:

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As always, you can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. BUT: Keep it civil. Rules much like the Old Treehouse, except of course Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged. A couple of other important things to consider: contains some general guidelines for things that are really, really not kosher to post here.
And Wheatie’s Rules (as amended by me):

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
  4. No shooting at the nuclear warheads.

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Super Blood Red Wolf Moon?

It’s “Super” because the Moon is an elliptical orbit, sometimes it’s closer to Earth, sometimes farther.  When it’s close during a full moon, it gets called a Super Moon.  (Frankly, I think those are a bit overhyped, but there it is.)
“Blood Red” because what we will have is a lunar eclipse.  During lunar eclipses the Moon is not lit directly (like a full moon is) but gets all of its illumination from sunlight refracted through the Earth’s atmosphere around the sunrise/sunset line (known as the “terminator” but Ahnuld has nothing to do with it).  Red light, of lower energy and frequency but longer wavelength, gets refracted more than blue light, so the Moon gets a lot of red light.
And finally, the full moon in January is traditionally known as the “Wolf Moon” and let’s face it, WolfMoons are pretty cool, and here at the Q Tree House we eagerly await the return of a certain WolfMoon.

How A Lunar Eclipse Works

The following diagram is not even remotely to scale, but it gets the critical things right.  The Sun is bigger than the Earth, and the Earth is bigger than the Moon.
Earth orbits the sun in an ellipse in a flat plane.  The moon orbits the earth in another, much smaller ellipse, in a flat plane.  But those two planes are tilted with respect to each other.  So usually, when the moon passes “behind” the earth, as seen from the sun, it looks like it passes above or below the earth.  We, on Earth, get to see a fully illuminated “front side” of the Moon, and we call it a “full moon.”  Or to put it another way, the Moon misses Earth’s shadow completely.  But sometimes it does pass through Earth’s shadow, either grazing it or plowing more deeply through it.  Those are lunar eclipses, and they can be partial or full.
The umbra, in the diagram above, is the full shadow of Earth.  If you’re in the umbra, you can’t see any part of the Sun.  That’s true for anyone standing on Earth at night time–yes, at night you’re in Earth’s shadow, it’s often true for the International Space Station, and sometimes it’s true of the Moon, too–when the Moon is entirely in the umbra, that’s a total lunar eclipse.
The penumbra is the part of space where, if you look towards the Sun, the Earth partially covers it.  If you’re far enough out in space Earth appears smaller than the sun, if your closer, it’s larger but the Sun is partially behind it.  (If you think about it, the Sun, as it rises and sets, is in this situation; your head is in the penumbra at those times.)
OK, so let’s abandon our “God’s eye” view of the situation, and put ourselves back on Earth’s surface, and look down the cone of Earth’s shadow.  It’s normally invisible, unless something crosses through it, and then we’ll see the shadow cast.
The moon tracks from right to left, through the shadow.
[That might surprise you, but the earth rotates, west to east, faster than the moon moves, and so the earth’s shadow (and the stars, planets, sun and moon) appears to move the opposite way from the rotation.  So we see everything move left to right, east to west, even though the real motion of everything up there is west to east.]
So when there is a total lunar eclipse, the moon first makes contact with the penumbra, at P1.  Then it moves entirely into the penumbra, looking a bit dimmer but not red (it’s still getting some direct sunlight) and eventually touches the umbra at U1.  As it moves into the umbra, it loses direct sunlight and picks up indirect sunlight.  Finally at U2, the entire moon is inside the umbra, and it will look red, brighter closer to the edge of the shadow.  It then reaches the middle of the eclipse, and at U3, the first bit of the moon exits the umbra.  At U4 the moon is entirely out of the umbra, and at P4, it’s completely out of Earth’s shadow.
From the point of view of someone on the moon:  P1:  One person at just the right spot on the moon would see Earth just touching the sun.  U1:  Every place on the moon sees the Earth partially covering the sun; one spot just had the sun completely disappear behind the earth.  U2-U3:  At no place on the moon is the sun even partially visible.  After U3, the sun starts to come out from behind the earth.  U4, parts of the moon start to see the entire sun.  P2:  The entire sunward side of the moon sees the entire sun, Earth is no longer even partially blocking the Sun.

The Particulars for This Eclipse

OK, I’m going to give these times in Mountain Time.  Why?  Because I think just for once people in the Eastern Time Zone should feel our pain.  (Add two hours if you’re ET, e.g., 7:37 becomes 9:37 ET.)
7:37 PM MT:  P1.  The Moon moves partially into the Earth’s Shadow
8:34 PM MT:  U1.  The first parts of the moon move completely into Earth’s shadow, no direct sunlight.  What you’ll see is a definite outline of the Earth’s umbra as the moon moves further in, but part of the Moon will still be brightly lit by the sun, so the weak red refracted light will be completely overwhelmed, the shadow will look black.
9:41 PM MT:  U2.  Now the Moon is entirely in the umbra, the full shadow of Earth.  By now it should look quite red, with the part closest to the edge of the umbra looking brighter.
10:12 PM MT:  Mid Eclipse.  The Moon is farthest away from the edges of the shadow.  For this eclipse (most lunar eclipses, actually), the Moon doesn’t actually cross through the center of Earth’s shadow.  The picture at the top of this post shows the geometry of this eclipse.
Note: Sometimes not a lot of light gets refracted, and the Moon is unusually dark, but blood red is what’s usually seen.  Again, the upper/north side of the Moon should look brighter than the southern/lower side, because it’s nearer to the edge of the shadow and more light refracts onto it.
10:43 PM MT:  U3.  Part of the Moon now exits the umbra, and starts receiving some direct sunlight again, and the red will rapidly disappear.
11:51 PM MT:  U4.  Part of the Moon exits the penumbra and is now getting full sunlight, while the right hand side will still look a bit darker because it’s only getting a partial dose of direct sunlight.
12:48 AM (21st of January) MT:  P2:  The Moon has completely left Earth’s shadow, anyone on the day side of the Moon sees the entire Sun’s disk.
Tying this all together, now:  Here’s a GIF of today’s eclipse.  You’ll see Earth’s shadow and the moon tracking west to east across the night sky, complete with special effects.
That’s it!  Pretty much anyone in the lower 48 should be able to see this; it’s not like a solar eclipse where you have to be standing along a specific line on the ground to see totality (that’s because the Moon’s umbra is almost down to a point at Earth’s surface during a solar eclipse).

And remember, it’s a WolfMoon!!!

– – · –

May we look back on this day, years from now in a restored American Republic, and find it symbolic that a lunar eclipse marked the Eclipse of the Demoncratic (rule by demons is demoncracy) Party.


And (I gotta do this, I just can’t help myself):


MOAR!!! MOAR!!! I’m Still Not SATISFIED!!!

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Awesome Steve!
And our Wolf queued up a special thread for the topic as well.


May the Lord bless, guide, protect and grant great wisdom to our brother Wolf.comment image


Coordinate things? You do realize we are communicating on a platform (WP) that isn’t particularly supportive of MAGA or QAnon, on a site built by someone that just said their good byes in case, um, well, we are left on our own, as a tribe of happy companions in a common cause, but likely to heartily disagree on a 100 things? Just feeling blessed that we are still on the field and moving the ball forward at this point my frend. ;- )


Ah, yes. We are in a time and place where reality is built on a foundation of humor.


“You do realize we are communicating on a platform (WP) that isn’t particularly supportive of MAGA or QAnon, on a site built by someone that just said their good byes in case, um, well, we are left on our own,”
I had no idea… what in the world?
We can’t be losing Wolfmoon!
I checked the other threads to find out, and after skimming several, I see there is something about this in the Deja Woo article, which is long, so I was saving it for later.
If Wolf has some information to drop, and it could be dangerous to himself, why not publish anonymously?
Or he breaks into numbered parts, and we all publish pieces of it separately, with links to the other parts…
There must be lots of ways the information could be published without being able to trace it back to anyone, or conversely, publish it in a way that traces back to everyone — because they can’t target EVERYONE.
Play it like Spartacus.


I think he did publish such information in that article, though not all.


The feeling I get (could be just me projecting, though), is that Wolf has lived with this stuff for a LONG time, and wants to unburden himself in such a way that he is seen.
There is a tribe in Africa which has a ritual when people meet each other. They stop, look into each other’s eyes for a few seconds, one says “I see you,” and the other says “I am here.” Apparently the movie Avatar used only half of this ritual in it’s script, the “I see you” part. (Lots of stupid propaganda in that movie, but it was visually stunning).
I think we all want to be truly seen.
Wolfmoon, wherever you are, I see you.


I agree, ttt. Steve, I like that you and Wolfie both posted these threads. They are both interesting in different ways.


I like seeing your style for this amazing celestial event and then looking over Wolf’s approach to the same topic. Like stereo vision. Better!


Awe is one of the finer qualities of being human.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m in awe of the brilliance of all these folks here, said the little penguin. 🙂


Steve!!! It’s a Super Spectacular Double Lunar Blood MAGA Wolf MOON!! we need lotsa posts about this Celestrial event!! I am still not asleep! AUGH!!!


No kidding!! I gotta a bunch of stuff that waked me up tonight–re: the Covington Catholic kids and SD–Can I hijack your post for a bit? My sister lives 2 blocks from this school!! This is crazy stuff!




I am able to understand your explanation of the lunar eclipse. but I have never been able to understand whether the moon rotates on it’s axis like the Earth does. If it does, someone somewhere should be able to see the other side of the moon sometime? I can’t wrap my head around this!


The moon does rotate once for every completed orbit. So we always see one side, because it is slowly rotating that side to face us. Picture yourself walking across a large room while everybody watched you. They are all turning slowly to continue facing you.


I tend to think of the moons relationship with the earth as one of attraction. And the moon is not a perfect sphere with a uniform mass at all points. Therefore the part of the moon with the highest average mass is going to be the most attracted to the earth. Which means that part of the moon will always be “facing” the earth.
Did I get that right Steve?


ENCYCLOPEDIA STEVE!! Everyone can use MOAR schoolin, Good Job!! 🤗🤗🤗


Today we sing.


Well, I meant to post this specifically…


Thank you TTT. This guy is great to follow, and I might have missed this without your help.


Dear, Donard,
I rike to see you soon. Can we have McDonard’s???
Luv, Kimmy


Love your dialogue, Butterfly 😂
In the far right of the photo on the right, I think I see Sec. Pompeo smiling. He always seems so cheerful going about his enormous responsibilities. Except when he gets pissed off and starts breathing fire. I love the way he seems to work so well to advance the President’s agenda.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What am I doing up at this hour?
Oh, yeah watching the moon on the wrong night.
Time for zzzzz.


See ya Tonight!! — And Yeah–We are gonna learn how to survive on 4 hours of sleep! Like our POTUS11


Great work on the thread, Steve!
Excellent. Thanks!
And thank you for all the Info about the Super Blood Wolf Moon and it’s Eclipse!
It’s just amazing that this is happening on the 2 yr Anniversary of Pres Trump’s inauguration.
Such an incredible time to be alive.
Wherever our brother Wolfmoon is…I hope that he is well and staying safe!comment image


Oh yeah, definitely a good thing. 🙂
Thanks for doing that announcement thread!


Wheatie, I’ve read that POTUS was born during a blood moon, so this could really be a good omen.


I found a site which says he was born at 10:54 am.


That is very cool, isn’t it!


Where did you get that MOST excellent PIC?!!! Thank you wheatie!!!

Sylvia Avery

Love this!

Pat Frederick

cool picture Wheatie!


Steve, I really appreciate the explanation of what is happening during this Wolf Moon. That’s the clearest explanation I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately, it will be cloudy and pouring down rain here, so I won’t get to see it. 🙁
On another note, Rex just did an article on what the fake news isn’t telling us about what Cohen is really being charged with. And it has to do with his involvement with Manafort and the Podestas in illegal lobbying for Ukraine and a secret $400,000 payment he took. Totally news to me. Here is the article:


Great link, Linda!!! TY!


Thanks for posting this important link to info most people will find very interesting as we continue to refit puzzle pieces that didn’t quite fit before…👍

Steve in Lewes

Linda, great article by Rex.
I read this morning after visiting one of my go to weekly threads; i.e. Clarice Feldman on American Thinker. She is very pro-PDJT and had the link in her Sunday morning piece.
Many people did not know this about Cohen who was also a Hillary supporter…hmmmmm!


Steve, I remember seeing that photo in an article some time ago when I was still trying to figure him out. He did a really great job of promoting himself and I should have seen earlier than I did that there was a reason he was not included in the Trump Administration. But you know that’s what I love about POTUS, he seems to have an unending supply of rope he freely dispenses to all who “ask”…. 😊


Something to bear in mind…
The Islamists put a lot of stock in ‘the moon’…their calendar is tied to the lunar cycles.
Muslims look to the moon for ‘signals’ of when to act.
They consider moon events as portents of things that they, as muslims, must watch for and react to.
So for the next few days…keep an eye out.
See something — Say something.


Oh don’t start with the moon. My wife has six birthdays. One the day she was gestated. One the day of birth. One the day the birth was reported. Then one more for each of those because of the lunar calendar and those change every year! Ackkk! Terrible me only remembers the one on her ID card 🙂


Maybe conceived is the right word instead of gestated, doesn’t know how she knows but knows she doesn’t go by what’s on her ID card and I never get any of the other five right even after 39yrs. Has completely given up.

Pat Frederick

well my birthday is close to Valentine’s Day and usually they get lumped together as one occasion so I am very jealous!!


Do we have another Pisces here? My BD is next month as well – full retirement age! Am I officially old now?

Pat Frederick

no…I am an Aquarian…I am an out-there creative kind of person…what’s a Pisces like?


Well, the fish swims in both directions – that should tell you something. Open-minded and logical, while also being very naive and gullible, and I am not the least bit creative. I don’t really subscribe to astrology, altho, years ago, I worked with a physicist who was into that and she did my “chart.” It showed “responsibility” as the main theme of my life which is surprisingly accurate. I take on the responsibility to try to fix things for everyone and get buried under the burden. I don’t do that any more altho I am always trying to help in some way, where I can.


Our greatest strength creates the shadow where our greatest weakness hides. I have found the power of self-knowledge to be a great protection against my shadow weaknesses. I guess Wolf would say I know enough to safely spring the trap from a distance. Your personality is a bright and yet grounding influence here in our Q tree. Great to “know” you!


Thank you so much, T*3 – I do so enjoy everything you post, and so many others here.


I have 2 birthdays per year 🙂
I was born on the Island of Guam (Navy brat) on August 30th…..
My grandparents passed to me a telegram from my parents dated August 29th…..
It states that I was born TODAY the 30th,
So I guess that I am TWICE as old as I appear to be 🙂


ps …. my Grandparents were stateside while we were on Guam

Pat Frederick

thank goodness or it might have tipped over with another birth…LOL


LOL….. according to Hank Stank Johnson right?
Who elects these IDIOTS?


Other idiots.


I would consider all elections suspect until we get verifiable voting systems with verified voters.


3 Keys to get this thing going CORRECTLY:
1) Voter ID Must be implemented
2) Media reform (TRUTH)
3) Abolish/Nationalize the FED


Geez, Rayzor, I’m the 31st, 54!!!


30th will be 57 for me…..
Or….. 114…. not really sure how it works 🙂


I’m 1954…LOL!

Pat Frederick

It seems the left (and yes including Muslims in there) are triggered by just about everything–the moon, a hat, a Big Mac, the flag, statues, words, and so on..
I believe they come here because they’re greedy. You can’t make (or steal) the kind of money available here in the US. Yes, they come to conquer–but first they make money–they scam money–they’re greedy.


Another detail that is often not seen is that many are practitioners of dark arts, witchcraft and the like. If you allow someone with that kind of spiritual awareness into your world, be prepared for not only scams, theft, and physical danger. Be prepared to cleanse yourself, your family and your land from spells, curses and the usual junk that comes with it through prayer, fasting, and aligning your behavior more closely with the Ancient of Days, the Judge of all the Earth.


Actually, I believe that the date of Easter each year has something to do with the moon. Just another thing that Mohammed ‘borrowed’ from Christianity.


Yes, one may easily assume that Muhammad was much impressed with this notion of Christianity and looked closely at good and evil and decided that the anti-Christ was more fitting to rule over his desert brethren and the world and decided to spread that word instead.


Not a hard “choice” for him, since it was a near-perfect reflection of his nature.
Pig blood works. Always keep a supply for your water pistol. Never know when you’ll need it.


Mohammed had a wife who was a wealthy Jewess, which is where he came into contact with the Jewish Scriptures, before he started inventing his own version of things!


Don’t forget, many Christians also give great credence to these blood moons. Remember the four blood moons in one year – 2014. Pastor John Hagee wrote a book about it, as did Pastor Mark Biltz (“Blood Moons” w/foreword by Joseph Farah) – I have an autographed copy. Another good read is Jonathan Cahn’s “The Mystery of the Shemitah,” as well as Joel Richardson’s “The Islamic Anti-Christ.”


Nebraska, I got interested in some of that at first but feel it has been debunked by pastors like Jimmy De Young of Prophecy Today and others.


The four blood moons was what led me to my deep dive into the origins of the Bible. But I have decided I do not believe in, and will not follow, “prophecies.” Mark Taylor is one I tried to watch but very early in the video he claimed ALL of those other “prophets” were illegitimate, whereas only HE is the “real deal.” Pffttt…..get outta here!


Readers of the Hebrew scriptures will understand, from the very first section of the writing, that the moon was given significance –by God– as a time keeper. Or maybe more?

“God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.”
Genesis 1:16

The founder of the religion of Islam spoke with and was informed by both Jewish and Christian teachers. The early Christians were deeply informed by their Jewish teachers. The Mosaic Law does reference feasts associated with moon cycles. The author of the NT letter to the Romans wanted believers to respect the choices of others in respect to days and diet.

Who are you to condemn someone else’s servants? Their own master will judge whether they stand or fall. And with the Lord’s help, they will stand and receive his approval.
In the same way, some think one day is more holy than another day, while others think every day is alike. You should each be fully convinced that whichever day you choose is acceptable.
Those who worship the Lord on a special day do it to honor him.
Romans 14:4-6a


OK Guys.. Steve said I can change subject for few minutes… My Sister –a lurker here (Walmart Bananas should be her name –We LOVE PAT) Lives 2-3 blocks from Covington Catholic! and the big Brewhaha at the March for life with the kids in MAGA hats and the native American Indians. Her Husband is a Town Councilman and has been receiving hate emails! The kids are getting DOXXED and threatened ! They were targeted because of MAGA hats..
Gonna post some tweets below..



Q tree!! Pray for these kids!! It’s Like the Duke laCrosse team all over again!! I HATE THE MEDIA!
God forgive me…

Cuppa Covfefe

Not just the media – the Satanic left, as well. And Farcebørk and Twaddle, for not not pulling the “sensitive content” from their sties.
Zucky and Dorkey: it works BOTH WAYS. Doxxing is an invasion of privacy, and the level and type of doxxing here is tantamount to an incitement of/to violence. Any losses, damage, or injury to these people whose privacy has been breached is BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS!!!


Not all Native Americans are liberals.comment image


Sorry if this is a repeat. I’m going to be praying for this man to find The Truth.

Curry Worsham

Poor innocent kid.
He was targeted because of his cap.
His life will never be the same.
Many people will always believe Officer Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown with his hands up.
This is totally manufactured like “Hands up don’t shoot”.


Curry!! It breaks my heart!! This stuff NEEDS TO STOP! fullstop!!

Curry Worsham

This video clearly shows the school mob harassing the four black people before encircling and threatening the Native American … NOT!

Curry Worsham

This man is a liar.
Seen this movie before…
Ferguson protests continue led by Anthony Shahid, local agitator.comment image


i have always since i was a child had a massive amount of respect, admiration, sympathy, and fascination with native americans – translated i am a full on rascist i suppose. it really disturbs ,e to see them npw seemingly being a card carrying supporter of the socialists.
they will get thrown aside after violence and hatred toward them is used and abused ny the socialist whores. and they have no idea. this coumtry needs to get along and love and heal – and the socialist globalistcabal is not selling a plan to that.


The First Nations leaders are often followers of the Son of the Creator and are in fact, praying for us! Asking for cleansing for the land. Healing of the Nations. Restoration of right relationships between the peoples on these lands. May the Lord bless, protect, and grant much favor to these godly men and women!

Curry Worsham

Absolute fabrication contradicted by above video:
Nathan Phillips was ending his AIM song after a day in DC for the Indigenous Peoples Day March. Witnesses at the incident say Phillips was suddenly bombarded by a large group of males wearing “Make America Great Again” hats. Phillips told the Washington Post that he wanted to find a way to get out of the situation, but a young man blocked his way and then the situation continued to intensify.


We need to push back very very hard on this. Anywhere and everywhere. This is war against POTUS that shapes public opinion. Among the most important things we can do politically in the next few days. This is running like wildfire through the left and into the media.
Left alone, this can do damage to the MAGA movement. I urge all you bright people to defend these kids and shoot this lie down.


I saw this mess on Gateway Pundit too…
Good news is that word is getting out!
PURE EVIL: Dems and Far Left Media Dox HIGH SCHOOL BOY in MAGA Hat for Standing Silent as Native American Approaches Him and Beats Drum in his Face!


Empathy without charity or justice is at best worthless, at worst wildly destructive.
Another case where leftist “caring” should be translated “filled with anger and outrage”.


I’m sorry but the word is not getting out fast enough. This is spreading fast with little rebuttal. Focusing on right wing pubs as an indicator of how the news is spreading is a mistake. This is a major front in the war on POTUS. Go beyond here and fight back. Hard.

Pat Frederick

why is it the left screams and screams about “THE” children when it concerns illegals (unless their parents drag them through the desert and throw them over barriers) but act so shamelessly and ruthlessly when it concerns American children?

Pat Frederick

love you back Marica!!


Steve– I’m a bit scared for my Sis and her family right now…Am Praying!!!


You’ve got my prayers!


Marica, so sorry. Prayers for you and your family.


So, that snickers didnt even take the edge off huh? Well…shutdown for you then. Just make sure you supplement with winnamins.

Cuppa Covfefe

Brings back memories:
(= being a console command initiated by Control and “A” keys pressed simultaneously)…
=LIMIT 0,0
(wait a few minutes for the stragglers to log out…).
(and all the activity lights go out)(just like in DC 🙂 )

Cuppa Covfefe

Oops, between thouse angle brackets should be:
“and the system sputters the following out on the console”
Sausage-squisher swallowed my “comment” delimiters…sigh…


Fake News cries “PEACHES!” oops I mean “Wolf”


comment imagecomment imagecomment image
There ya have it…


If you have time and are inclined Mark Levin totally disassembled and shredded in minute detail the Buzzfeed story in the first thirty minutes of his show and then thirty minutes latter he learns about the Mueller denunciation and goes at it again. Worth listening too.


I should be able to give you guys an update tomorrow…I am PISSED LIT! Not MOROSE–So don’t Worry Steve!! This Could be my Kiddos 10 years ago!!! We All went to March for Life!! FIGHT! and PRAy!!!


THanks Steve!! Maybe I have found the secret to MAGA..Sleep only 4 hours a nite!


Hope it works for a certain very stable Morose me!!😆


Dispatches from BlackKnightRides:
RANTINGLY is the patriot replacement for Drudge.


I had not heard of rantingly. CitizenFreePress is a good one, too. It’s owner thinks Q is nonsense but is a Trump supporter. Every now and then he links to CTH, so I suspect he subscribes to similar views or maybe even follows their lead, but it’s a good site.


Yeah I’m just passing the word along.
Whatfinger, LibertyDaily are my favorites. CitizenFreePress is good. ChristianDailyReporter has a different twist that’s overlooked by the others. Drudge was just tiresome.
But honestly, I don’t really use aggregators much anymore. At the end of the day, it’s someone else’s worldview of what’s important.


True, True, True, ? and True. I use all those and more, not every day. This new one looks quite good. Thing about Drudge is this. This site and the others mentioned aren’t giving what the enemy camp is up to like Drudge does. That’s something your going to ignore at your own peril. That and Drudge’s wider picture on world trends, and his phobia’s which you learn to ignore or gravitate to, depending on your views, aren’t in any of these others.
Way I use Drudge and would this one is something to ponder over rather than something to click on though this one does seem to have more stories that I would click on, I’ll give you that.
This one is clearly partisan to our side. I don’t mind that. But it’s not going to be viewed as non partisan by many as Drudge tends more to be, thus the wider attraction/influence. While Drudge is still in the conservative camp, that’s partly hidden, smartly so and I know many here and else where will swear he is not. Or not any longer so it is diminishing him some.
Anyway, I could go on and on, but this site that I’ve never seen before is definitely going into my favorites.


Dispatches from BlackKnightRides: Posted yesterday
• We are committed to establishing a missile defense program that can shield every city in the United States.
• This past Tuesday, the Iranian regime tested a “space launch vehicle” — which [could lead to a] ballistic missile capability … of reaching the United States. We’re not going to have that happen. Iran is a much different country today than it was two years ago. It’s not the same and it won’t be the same.
[IRAN will be CRUSHED]
• The U.S. will now adjust its posture to also defend against any missile strikes, including cruise and hypersonic missiles. We will always be at the forefront of everything.
• My upcoming budget will invest in a space-based missile defense layer. It’s ultimately going to be a very, very big part of our defense and, obviously, of our offense.
• … we will terminate any missile launches from hostile powers, or even from powers that make a mistake. It won’t happen.
• We have some very bad players out there, and we’re a good player but we can be far worse than anybody, if need be.
• I’ve always known — and I’ve watched and I’ve seen — the stronger you are, the less you will need, whatever that strength may be.
• … we will remove bureaucratic obstacles to dramatically speed up the acquisition and deployment of the new technology.
• … our plan directs the Department of Defense to prioritize the sale of American missile defense and technology to our allies and to our partners.
• For too long, we have been held back by self-imposed limits while foreign competitors grow and they advance more than we have over the years.
• Part of the reason is we spend so much money on so many other places. Now that’s changing.
• We’re helping [not owning defending]
• … we’re able to spend money on technology and new defense, and far beyond defense systems. So those days are history.
• Our strategy is grounded in one overriding objective: to detect and destroy every type of missile attack against any American target, whether before or after launch.


Good. Jots that down as another reason come hell or high water why Liberals in newest sense of the word can never be allowed to have control of this country again. Like the Patriot Act, they just cannot be allowed control of such powers ever again.


Dispatches from BlackKnightRides:
POTUS PENDING SHUT-DOWN LEVERAGE … So-far completely missed:
Deferral of 25% Tariffs on $200 Billion of Imports from China EXPIRES on
… March 1st.
… with China owning many $ BILLIONS of U.S. Treasury obligations.
Debt Ceiling EXPIRES on
… March 1st.
… with NO BUDGET for the 25% of Government Shut Down.
No way in hell that POTUS raises the Debt Ceiling
… without MASSIVE and CONTINUING reductions in the Deficit.
POTUS options to operate below the Debt Ceiling in the meantime:
• As the debt approaches the ceiling, Treasury can stop issuing notes and borrow from its retirement funds, which exclude Social Security and Medicare, by drawing down the $800 billion it keeps at the Federal Reserve bank. [Fed reaction: 😳 … Quantitative Tightening ENDS.]
• Beginning March 1st, the Debt Ceiling is FROZEN at that level, and Treasury CANNOT auction new notes. It must rely on incoming revenue to pay ongoing federal government expenses.
• Treasury then decides which bills to pay and which to delay. Foreign owners would get concerned that they may not get paid. The U.S. debt to China is the largest, followed by that of Japan.
POTUS then drops the HAMMER on DEFICITS:
• Spending stops on all non-essential services, projects and programs [Democrat Pork].
• The Federal Reduction in Force kicks in to eliminate Federal Workers [Obstructionists and Non-Producers] and Senior Executive Service [Deep State] members that were proven UNNECESSARY during the 10-weeks and continuing Shut Down.
• POTUS triggers the 5%-plus Departmental Cost Reductions identified under the 2018 EO.
• POTUS implements the Federal Government Restructuring Plan developed by OMB Director Mick Mulvaney per 2018 EO.


Reposting from the MOAR SHUTDOWN thread, with updates:
The government shutdown is a brilliant move.
An aspect that hasn’t been explored enough is that by staging the narrative even BEFORE the D’s took the house…
…TRUMP has COMPLETELY controlled the narrative!!!
The D’s plan was to sweep in the House and start beating the drums for the PEACHES!
Before they even got a chance, Trump had tee’d up the WALL.
The strategy is multi-faceted brilliance:
– The WALL is something the D’s are intransigent on, but wins with America
– They are forced to choose between WALL or SHUTDOWN!
– The RIF strategy is now fully at play!
– The win-win of Congress or declare National Emergency is undeniable!
– OVERLOOKED: Trump has single-handed sucked almost ALL the wind (HOT AIR) out of the D’s PEACH narrative!
– No one is talking about PEACH! They’re only talking about SHUTDOWN! Even CNN has a SHUTDOWN CLOCK on their screen – but not a PEACH countdown!!!
– If I’m reading it right the polls are showing that people are “blaming” the shutdown on POTUS!
– He said he would own it!
– The polling questions are skewed – it doesn’t say whether they are “blaming” him or whether the people are supporting him!
– Trump has FAR MORE SUPPORT for the shutdown than the polls can admit! So they have to frame it as “blame”!
– Trump should be getting CREDIT for the shutdown, and CREDIT for his leadership.
– People are CREDITING Trump for taking a stand but the polling questions are framed to avoid showing it.
– What Trump is doing is called LEADERSHIP. That’s why the D’s hate it!
Independents are shifting AWAY from Pelosi:
PROOF that Trump totally owns the media narrative!
– No one cares about PEACHES!
– Dems are too busy fending off Trump they can’t talk about Peaches!
– Even Mueller burst their bubble on peaches!
– Dems are going to be peach cobbler very soon!
– On top of this, TRUMP EPICALLY smacked down Nancy on SOTU in a huge, hilarious embarrassment!
– While simultaneously EXPOSING her traitorous actions to the American public!
– And her duplicity on legislative priorities!
– And the Queen of the House was forced to fly COMMERCIAL from DCA! Oh the humanity!
Having flown from DCA many times, I can assure you that this was torment for Nancy! Even if she had a police escort to get through the traffic jam. DCA has at least 2 more years of road construction in the works before the traffic problems are alleviated!
The amount of epic WINNING here is so great that I can’t stand it!!!


The bad news story here is a vast amount of people can’t even tell you who the Speaker of the House is and this low information type is a product of design. I remember a time not long ago that Liberals (not talking Dems) never made up more than 16 to 20% of the population by most polls even into the late 90’s early 2000’s. Suddenly with the advent of the internet, years of freebies, poor education (after spending more money than ever on it and not teaching a damn thing) and defining deviancy down they’ve been able to grow their slave state mentality quite quickly and now everyone seems blase blase about Socialism and Communism.
So don’t relax 🙂
Personally I’m beginning to think business should step in and tie promotion and wages to taking short little modulized citizenship classes before they end up giving all their profits over to the State.
I know, too simplistic but there seems to be a vast difference in the things we know and the things even collage level students of today seem to know.
Wish we would try.
Speaking of wish we would try, if these people had tried, they might not be on the verge of being conquered.
2008 from Sweden


Oh dirty trick. That’s not the code I copied. Interesting but not. The Swedish government actually deceptively sanctions this woman often and I believe secretly blame her for the 2011 Norway attacks, were two sequential lone wolf terrorist attacks by Anders Behring Breivik against the government, the civilian population, and a Workers’ Youth League summer camp. 77 people were killed mass murder in because of THIS song:



Oh another btw on the song “Invisible” if you do watch and get to the very end of the song, its not the end. She throws her self against the wall. That has been cut out. You can no longer find a version of that, but it was there when I first saw it.


Education is broken. What people don’t realize is that public education is broken by design. Created by Unitarians to implement the Prussian model and control education outcomes.
Business requiring civics knowledge is an interesting idea but would probably be struck down in court.
I advocate for discipleship or mentoring. An intentional, relational, and continuous effort to make a positive impact on another person’s life is the best solution facing these problems.


John Taylor Gatto’s book, Dumbing Us Down, is a must read for anyone that cares about the children of our Nation.


Oh, as a btw in that accidental song that I copied the share code from and got the first song instead. If you do happen to watch it, the record mangers she rails against, in my conspiracy laden mind represent the Swedish Gov and not any record mangers. She has been reduced to taking subtle digs at her antagonists as the way artists often do.


After 30 days of the shut down Trump can begin RIF. And I really hope he begins doing just exactly that. Miller is a fantastic resource having just audited Warren’s boondoggle.


Prayers and Prayer Requests:
Please post any prayer requests as replies to this post! Thank you.
Prayer for WolfMoon, for safety in travels and special protection in his journey.
Prayer for Sundance, a man under a great deal of spiritual warfare. Pray for special protection for him, and prayer that God will send angels to fight on his behalf against the spiritual forces of darkness that seek to prey upon his mind. Pray that he sets aside pride and rediscovers his true north.
Prayer for Deplorable Patriot, that God will drop a guy in her lap to marry. Preferably a manly, goofy, hilarious manly man of a man.
Prayer for our POTUS, for his protection in this time, that he will be wise to the schemes and traps set against him, and that they traps his enemies set for him will continue to fall back on them. Pray that POTUS will remain tireless and relentless in pursuit of his goals.
Prayer for the strength and protection of all those in WQTH whom God brought here for His unique purposes in his sovereign plan. It is in God’s plan we trust. We trust His plan foremost.

Sylvia Avery

Let Thy will be done. In Jesus’ name, Amen.




Prayer for the Covington Catholic High School family:
Prayer for the young students who are being unfairly doxxed:
* That they will find new strength in God and come through this trial blameless
* That the attempts to doxx them and humiliate them will backfire spectacularly
* That the evil perpetrators will be publicly exposed and their motives laid bare, and that all their deeds and tactics that they do in darkness will be exposed to the daylight for all to see
* That all of this unfair negative attention and pressure on colleges and other institutions will have no impact on the students
* That any colleges that deny admission based on the actions of 3rd parties will find themselves in the middle of their own public relations problem over favoritism in the admissions process
* That the students will see a denial properly as a clear sign of an institution hostile to their own students and will recognize that they barely escaped a potentially disastrous college experience
Prayer for the Covington Catholic school administration and leadership:
* That they will RESIST the temptation and goading to make public statements, and will keep their comments and public statements to the absolute minimum
* That they will instead seek the best interest of their students, protect and defend them from public attack.
* That they will prioritize the needs of their students above the institutional reputation, rather than the other way around (as many institutions do, circling the wagons to defend the school while leaving students out to dry)
* Provide wise counsel to the administration: The board members, the legal team, the parents and boosters, and the public relation advisers.
* That they will resist attempts at lawfare, but that God will provide creative and unique means of resolving the issues out of court, so that not one case reaches trial
Prayer for the man involved originally in this situation
* That he will feel proper shame over his actions and publicly apologize
* That a miraculous work of reconciliation becomes possible where he and the students from Covington Catholic High School are able to meet again, face to face, peaceably and with respect
* That the students and families will become bright beacons whose love testifies the love of Christ
* That the original narrative will be broken and replaced by God’s love


Another suggestion:
As you post breaking news or articles, consider posting a line or two with a prayer for the situation.
If we take spiritual warfare to be a legitimate warfighting domain, then we know that calls to our CENTCOM for reinforcements will be heard!


RE: The Covington Catholic High story.
I found this video on Gab.
It has some footage on it that is illuminating.
The American Indian group had an Aztlan guy in it who is Anti-White.
That group with the drum-beater is pro-abortion because they want to see white babies killed. (!!)
The Aztlan guy is wearing a red cap, it’s not a MAGA cap.
You can see him start spouting off his anti-white tirade at the 1:42 mark:
Further along in the above video, you can see a different small group…the black “youths” that the MSM are claiming were ‘harassed’…at the 4:58 mark.
These guys are not “youths”.
And they were not ‘harassed’!
These guys are spewing anti-gay rhetoric…and even claim that PTrump is gay, because he dressed in drag that time with Rudy Giuliani.
I found another video that explains what went on:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I actually put this link on one of my leftie former co-worker’s Facebook feed. There’s always two sides:


That is a good writeup of it. Thanks!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It really ticks me off when stuff like this happens. Another friend whose kids have gone for years wanted to know where the adult chaperones were. Part of the fun and excitement of the March for Life is going on a bus trip without the parents, but there are always chaperones.
SOmething about this is just weird.


I was wondering that myself – why did the adults NOT move in and stop this crap?


Barbasol — Shave Like a Man video from 2013:


That will be the go-to brand in our house now!


There is a fairly new outfit called ‘NewsGuard’ that has ties to Silicon Valley…and claims to be a ‘judge’ of what is Fake News.
NewsGuard issues ‘ratings’ and even warns people away from news sources that they claim are Fake News.

Forbes likes this NewsGuard outfit…but then, Forbes is now owned by the Chinese.
So, go figure.


More examples.
NewsGuard gives CNN one of their ‘green check marks’…which is like a thumbs up:

But then, NewsGuard gives BigLeaguePolitics one of their ‘red exclamation marks’…which is like a thumbs down:

NewsGuard even goes further…and does their ‘fact-checking’ rating on sources of information:

This NewsGuard outfit is as Orwellian as it gets!
This is pure propaganda!
And they are teaming up with colleges to indoctrinate young people:


The “credibility” idea, Wheatie, is pure psychological projection.
When one calls someone else’s story “credible”, who’s doing the “believing”? The one, of course. But, in calling the someone else “credible”, one PROJECTS the responsibility for ones believing … onto that someone else!
“Look what you made me do!”
Incredible …


Yeah, Em-star…this is insidious.
The propaganda-meisters are seeing that people are starting to see through their bullsh-t.
So they create a new ‘fact checker’ outfit to whitewash their lies…in an attempt to restore their credibility.
As part of that effort…they have to blacken and defame, all of the alternative media that is exposing their Lies!
This is pure Orwellian.


we are well past the beginning of the end for the internet as a thought control method. it will soon be massively controlled and censored. all browsers are compromised and complicit. this is not conjexture on my part. i did not read this on some site. this is from close to 35 years of my life being on, in, and all over computers, software, and of course the internet then www as it were.
you might think you have a safe and private browser.
there is fine print, social declarations and promises, for your good of course.
all this is leading to non free roaming internet use as we have today. it is already rife in google when up until 2014 – 2016 timeframe. what we learn as confirmed truth in the 2 years since is boggling.
it is 1984. believe it.


Well, this makes it easier for us! We just figure that the red exclamation marks likely lead to a credible source, and the green checks should be viewed with suspicious cat eyes…if at all. Easy peasy.


It is not the “credibility” of the source that determines truth…
But whether the statement corresponds or agrees with reality.
If a credible source says “2 + 2 = 5” they are factually wrong and the statement is untrue.
FALLACY: Appeal to Authority.


“the “credibility” of the source”
Again, “sources” don’t have an “ability”.
It is WE who have the ability to believe, or not to believe.
The fallacy is one of misattributed AGENCY. The “Appeal to Authority” fallacy you cite is, indeed, a fallacy … but it’s somewhat of a “deke” in this regard.
“Stories” don’t have any “ability”. Authorities, likewise, don’t have any “ability”. Watch out for the passive voice! It is a tool of rhetoric, of manipulation, of lie. “Hot air”, yes?
“Credibility”? the “ability” TO BE believed? This isn’t a true-blue ability. We, as the receivers of such putative “info”, have the FINAL say on whether we accept it, or not.
The responsibility lies with US. If “they” have convinced us … well, then it is WE who are convinced, rightly or wrongly. I don’t blame the liar for MY errant trust! They lied! I believed! THEY take responsibility for their lie … and *I* take responsibility for my (mistaken) belief! Simple …
Nor does VSGPDJT blame those who have taken advantage of us for doing so … because WE, through fat-and-happy complacent misjudgment, allowed it to occur. Mistakenly trusting our pols, simply because it was convenient at the time.
Things are a bit different, now. Thankfully.

Pat Frederick

why are so many willing to surrender their minds so easily? maybe it takes more time to discover and disseminate information from different sources but it increases brain activity and logical thinking. Oh that’s right, they’d rather binge watch Netflix.


Terrence weighs in on the Covington story:


It’s not a “double standard”, so much as doing whatever is politically expedient at any moment in time.
Their moral outrage is defined by whether their ideology/tribe is winning, not by whether or not they are right or just in *any* objective sense. EMOTION, not LOGIC.
And by their actions, I judge that they feel like they are LOSING – – A LOT 😉
The one thing I can say with certainty: It is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.


Oh boy…a Deep State Coverup of Missing $21 Trillion dollars in the DOD and HUD.
And it happened under the reign of HusseinO!

Sylvia Avery

21 trillion dollars???? But…that’s our entire debt, isn’t it? WTH do these people do with our money?


I know!
Where did it all go?!
HusseinO was robbing us blind.
I hope Mulvaney has got some of his most-trusted people on this.
I read a little blurb a couple of years ago, about a “missing $7 Trillion” that had found it’s way out the back door of the DOD.
But now it looks like that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Sylvia Avery

And then there was the missing money from the State Dept that HIllary “lost.” But it was relatively small, like 6 billion, wasn’t it? Not that that’s small. Why that’s even enough to pay for a Wall…
This is the kind of thing that I’m afraid will cause a blood vessel to burst one of these days. It just infuriates me.


Yep. It pisses me off too, Syl.


How about the $2–3 trillion divulged by Rumsfeld the day before 9-11??? The event certainly took that discrepancy out of the news– not to mention, the airplane (?) took the offices that were investigating the missing trillions out of the picture permanently!


This, as well as all the other discrepancies, is what makes me seriously doubt 9/11…..


Don’t get Rayzor started on 9/11, NF!!! We will both go on a rant!!! LOL

Pat Frederick

i would adore a thread on 9/11–seeing it through opened eyes so to speak…

Cuppa Covfefe

To paraphrase The Three Stooges in “Malice in the Palace”, about “Starvania”,
the $21 Trillion probably went to IRAN, He-Ran, She-Ran, They-Ran, and Also-Ran… 🙂

Three Stooges Map

Sylvia Avery

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck!


has thos hit the MSM outlets yet? which one got the scoop?


I doubt they will cover it.

Cuppa Covfefe

They always say “Beer makes you smart”.
It certainly made Bud Weiser… 🙂


no event is same from the spin of an sjw agenda!
“To a certain extent, lunar eclipses reveal something about Earth, too. “Lunar eclipses … reflect our world,” astronomer and podcaster Pamela Gay told in an email. “A blood colored moon is created [by] ash from fires and volcanoes, … dust storms and pollution all filtering sunlight as it scatters around our world. A grey eclipse is clear skies.”
i hope the storm ends early so i can see the effects of the pollution!!!!


These people despise science while claiming to be champions of it.
Not surprising though, since they believe the false narrative that everything can be explained in terms of power of oppressors. To them, science is nothing but white males working to gain power and mastery over nature and people.
Projection, much?
Their solution is to “diversify” science, break down the “old white male” rules about how science is done (attack the fundamental philosophy of science), and weaponize scientific institutions for political ends.
This will not end well for them. Reality is a remarkably unforgiving teacher.


LOL yes I used to have fun arguing with people on this. They’d make the claim that we are “trapped in Western Logic” and try to build from that.
Western is supposedly “EITHER/OR” while Eastern(?) is supposedly “BOTH/AND”.
So I would casually ask, are you saying I should accept EITHER “eastern logic” OR “nothing else”? They didn’t want to argue after that.
They’d also try to argue that “God is beyond logic”. I’d point out that you can’t use logical categories to show that God is not governed by logic. If they were still confused, I’d illustrate with a Venn diagram – a circle with logic, and God on the outside. “That’s it!” Then I’d tear up the Venn diagram – you can’t use a Venn diagram to say that God is beyond logic! Anything justified with “beyond logic” is simply absurd on its face.
Rand is on to something here. The fundamental rules of logic are so deeply embedded in our reality that they cannot be meaningfully denied. Any attempt to do so consistently always leads to Monism.


I’ve gotta read Shrugged again.
I read it only once, decades ago, and seemingly without the proper, experienced perspective necessary to interpret it.
My conclusion, back then, was that she was angry, and nasty, and vindictive.
Without, of course, allowing for that take on her perspective to be warranted!
Her opus seems to be quite relevant now. Time to revisit.
Also, btw, your last sentence is tremendous. Did she really posit this, even if tangentially / literarily? I sure missed a lot about her, and her book!


I read it in the late 70’s while in HS. Then I read reviews on it at the time. The reviews totally were trashing her in so many ways. That might be where I learned not to trust reviews so much because the book was simply great as was Fountain Head.


They did the same thing with Barbra Tuchman’s historical works. Claimed she was a rank amateur when no one else at the time could bring history so to life like she did. ‘Distant Mirror’, ‘March of Folly, from Troy to Vietnam’ and Proud Tower coming to mind.


Thanks, Steve!
I’ll check it out.
At the moment, though, I think she’s over-simplified. (She could have been a clockfag! lol)
The language! Always about the language …


I saw this post by an anon on 8chan, and found it “interdasting” …
“I think this shutdown process has something to do with game theory.
There are SO many aspects to this undertaking of Q and Trump. The cabal is tentacled into every aspect of every country.
I too came into this around the same time you did and have tried to read the drops but get caught up in researching them. As a result I appreciate the complexity of the situation, most probably not fully.
SA has been freed from the grasp of the Queen of England. I don’t know exactly how or how she was using them. I just know it happened.
The US is next on Trump/Q’s agenda and one doesn’t just wave a wand and fix it. One has to wade through that stinky old swamp sidestepping all sorts of nasty poopy things.
This is not about Trump fighting the difficult Dems. This is about some elites in opulent castles in Europe and elsewhere trying to break Trump in half so they can continue the wholesale destruction of the now abandoned military arm of the Triumvirate (Vatican/London/DC) being the US, while building up the Asian contingent for exploitation and militarisation where actors of, and for, the cabal are already in place and sowing the ground.
That wholesale abandonment is to bankrupt the US, deplete it’s military which Obama successfully started and which was to be completed by the Bitch and to flood the US with third world South Americans to drain resources even further and to flood the US with the cabals main money spinner (heroin, cocaine, fentanyl). And yes, the Queen of England peddles drugs. […]”


britain has been in that game run by their monarchs for over 400 years probably.
slaves and drugs and draining resources from other places to contol and get wealthy and powerful.
and parliamemtary government to sedate the people.


mo offense intended to any british citizens here – god knows we are all in a race for most government corruption in the US.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Uh, it was the Dutch, wasn’t it, and the Portuguese who were the first to do the slave trade with the Africans, who, incidentally, were happy to sell their enemies.
Although, now that I think about it, the original slaves in the tropics were the Irish.
This is one place where the history books fail us. I visited one of the oldest Plantations on the Mississippi in Louisiana and found out a lot. What we “know” is what the social reformers want us to know. The French and the Spanish slavery was more like Roman bondage. The Americans completely broke with that and were downright cruel. And that came from the northeast before the citizens turned against it.


Whole Irish villages were stripped of their population and taken as slaves by the worshippers of mohammed.
Blacks owned slaves and Indians owned slaves.
The whole issue is far more complicated than most people know.
But the one simple fact we all can know for certain has immediate relevance.
The DemoKKKrat Party is an existing legal entity. That legal entity has existed unbroken for 150 years.
That legal entity is almost entirely, if not 100% exclusively, responsible for the enslavement and murder of black Americans, as well as the malignant defamation of black Americans over decades of relentless DemoKKKrat propaganda. The only other presently existing legal entity is the American government, which has fought AGAINST the DemoKKKrats to stop their behavior since abolishing slavery.
This legal DemoKKKrat entity has benefited from their intentional behavior, and benefits to this day from the special privilege their behavior has bestowed upon them (political power).


the fact that ks so easy to see for me is that actual racial harmony would desteoy everything they have fought hard to create.
i believed in high school racism would be sensibly put aside as a lesson learned by the time my kids were born but if you constantly pick at the scab on purpose and wratchet up the guilt and rhetoic out of the blue it can never heal.
i hope for the day we can just all generally treat everyone we encounter as we would like to be treated. a lot to ask i know 🙂


The Whig party failed to take a moral stand against slavery.
They were beholden to their donor class.
As a result they vanished to history.
The Republican party was formed with the specific intent of fighting against slavery when the Whigs would do nothing.


britain used slaves on all of its colonies, teeritories, and holdings. i believe they did engage the use of dutch shipping for a time to export or stock slaves but outright took the shipping over to cut out a middleman and corner the market.
they took over the lead in the atlantic slave trade and shipped out close to 4 million from their african colonies alone.
the quasi political / commerce organization well acquainted with british high power figures the east india company controlled massive swaths of opium producing poppy lands and had a stranglehold on its export all money right to the crown. the opium wars of course were part of that later on.


I do believe Samuel Clemens had an interesting piece on much of that once upon a time. King Leopold’s Soliloquy it was called. Quite an eye opener in its day. I’d bet he’d like Q.


East India Trading Company (Queen)— illicit drug trade for centuries—even back to the families of Venice!


Emerald, I think you’re really on to it.


Thanks Zoe.
I really, REALLY try to pay attention to the “ball”.
I make mistakes, like everyone, but I don’t let them rankle.
When I first found out about the “triumvirate” – the separate, independent entities inhabiting the Vat I Can, Lonn Donn, and DeeCee (all “nation-states”, or sovereigns “half”-within sovereigns) – I grew very wary, and PEAK-level attentive.
As I’ve said before, “codes” and “ciphers” don’t faze me at all. I’ve been solving, keying, such things all my adult life – whether language-based, math-based, or psychologically-based.
The “triumvirate” mentioned by the 8-chan anon, to my perception, is such a master-key. It explains so much, even without having all the details. The details are just that – “details”, something to figure out later, AFTER the solve / win.
I count myself blessed for so many reasons … one of which, of course, is to have found this site, among honest, giving, and perceptive co-participants, enabled of course by our gracious host, Wolfmoon.
I cannot imagine being able, or willing, to share my perspectives, analysis, and beliefs anywhere else but among such a great crew, and great officers (h/t SteveInCo, TTT, Wheatie, Flep, LadyP, and Daughn), and our tech-savviest great Captain (even while he’s away now on another mission!).
It’s comfy here! That is, *I* find here to be comfy!
Have a blessed Sunday, Zoe!


Heh. This guy put on a pink pussy hat and went into the Women’s March to interview some of the loons:

Sylvia Avery

I guess I’m in a weepy mood, anyway. This opened the floodgates.
“Watch Company Launches Response To Gillette ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Ad; It Goes Viral
On Tuesday, Egard Watch Company released an advertisement on YouTube in response to Gillette’s controversial ad regarding alleged “toxic masculinity.”
The video features footage of men in various situations — from fighting fires to hugging their children — while the company’s founder, Ilan Srulovicz, narrates. The footage and narration are accompanied by sobering statistics relating to men.
“What is a man?” Srulovicz asks as a fireman carries a child from a burning building. “Is a man brave?” The on-screen text reads: “Men account for 93% of workplace fatalities.” The number comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
“Is a man a hero? Is a man a protector? Is a man vulnerable? Is a man disposable? Is a man broken? Is a man trying?”
As each of the above questions are asked, the following statistics are shown on the screen:
Men comprise over 97% of war fatalities. (U.S. Department of Defense)
79% of all homicide victims are male. (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
Nearly half of fathers without any visitation rights still financially support their children. (U.S. Census Bureau)
Men account for 80% of all suicide victims. (World Health Organization)
75% of single homeless people are men. (National Coalition for the Homeless)
“We see the good in men,” Srulovicz concludes…

Read the rest of the story here:


Wow wow wow!

Sylvia Avery

Every single day there is a new fiendish attack on the Second Amendment. They have gotten so creative, and there are so many, it is becoming really difficult to try to push back. This is just the latest.
“MeatEater, a popular hunter-focused entertainment company started by outdoorsman and writer Steven Rinella, was purchased by a rabidly anti-gun Democrat financier late last year in a move that has raised alarms among hunters and gun-rights activists. The Chernin Group, a California-based investment fund run by wealthy Democratic activist and Hollywood producer Peter Chernin, purchased a controlling stake in Rinella’s MeatEater in 2018.
The left-wing, anti-gun political activism of MeatEater’s largest investor, as well as political commentary and activity from some of its key partners and sponsors, complicates the company’s expansion plans given that such a large percentage of hunters in the United States — who comprise MeatEater’s core audience — staunchly support both gun rights and Republican political candidates. …”
Read the rest here:


purchase or otherwise attain while you can is my best advice…

Sylvia Avery

Stocking up on ammo is a good idea because there are jurisdictions now who are planning to limit how much you can buy in a proscribed period of time, like a month or whatever.

Pat Frederick

we live in PA, but close enough to NY that we occasionally go to the mall there. There’s a Field & Stream store there and the last time we were there, hubby wanted to buy ammo–both for the rifles and the handguns. We tried the handgun ammo first and were told we needed to show a NY handgun permit before we would be able to purchase ammo.
In PA we’ve never had to show anything.


Attacking the ammo supply is the easiest way to make our defense weapons collector items! Stock up, and get some more!!!


Has anyone seen this post from Serial Brain2:
It decodes POTUS tweets from 17 Jan 2019, specifically this one, were he misspelled ‘country’ as ‘countrty’ and nobody pick this up:

The gist of the decode is about the guy, who got arrested for trying up the WH, was actually part of a larger sleeper cell activated by Comey in his tweet about the “To Kill a Mockingbird” show, (See tweet in this imagecomment image), to do another 9/11 FF, while Nancy was outside the country.
What do you guys think?


i did not read the serial brain story yet, but i already agree something was up right from the get go.
they are very dangerous now and all attacks will be getting intensified and media more and more (if your mind can even comvieve more) hostile.
i am getting mentally and otherwise prepared and without being scared or paranoid, being very vigilant and aware of all things at all times i know that. best case scenario nothing happens and ypu get better situational awareness skills. worst case scenario you are ready.
seriously there are a host of scary things that could be launched at any second i believe.


I should explain. IMO Serial Brain is mocking Q followers with his absurdities.

Pat Frederick

really? some of the Q stuff is really hard for me to conceptualize–like the Q clock so I just think this is something beyond my current understanding and move on…


I think so!
The “Q clock” is NOT from Q, and so far has been useless.
I spent time reading Serial Brain, and some of his explanations are just plain ridiculous.
His explanations are all indistinguishable from the thought processes of someone who is in psychosis, like someone who thinks that he is getting messages from street signs or license plates. There is some elaborate “logic” but it is all nonsense.
And that is exactly his point. Yes, he is quite good at imitating psychotic thinking, but anyone could do that with a little practice, and his “joke” is to get people looking (and feeling) foolish.
His fraudulent posts are not at all what we should expect from Q or VSG, who want us to think for ourselves, and try to provoke thoughtful speculation, not hallucinatory fantasies.


i had not read the piece and still have not, and the comey thing i dont dwell on his stuff but it is weird – my statement on the WH attack plan amd them out of country at the time is absolutely probable.


“The “Q clock” is NOT from Q”
Yes. But it’s been a valiant attempt to decode, because Q said there is decoding to be done.
It has failed, but not wholly. The ideas which generated it – one of which is to follow the TIME-STAMPS – are good. But the clock is merely an essay in the craft of deciphering – and so, it falls short, in the main, of its intended purpose.
There is still some value. The problem is, I think, that the NEWS unlocks the map; using the “clock” fails to include the news, and its meaning / effect, on all the “crumbs” Q has highlighted. They try, but ANY representation of decoding must include the news. The abstracted “clock” is … well, TOO abstracted.
In short, the clock-method is wrong, but it has the right basic idea. And, following the bulk of the clock’s “decode” ability is counter-productive, beyond an initial deciphering stab.
IMO, the “answer-key” will not be found by following the “clock”. The clock points in the right direction (minimally), and gets us (and the decode-fags) thinking properly … but it’s only of very general help.
It’s the highest-level intelligence (“code”) the public has ever been made aware of. It isn’t any wonder that the clock idea has failed to hit the bull’s-eye. I’ve stopped paying attention to it, except in rare cases (which can be VERY valuable).
Decodes are trial-and-error, hit-or-miss. The effort of the clockfags, though, is laudable.

Pat Frederick

i read the Q posts but I admit some of the interpretations escape me, so I guess that makes me gullible. thanks for the info!


I wonder how Serial Brain compares with our wolfmoon? Sounds like you are using the “wildness” of the tale to equate with psychosis symptoms. Wolfie spun a hell of a tale right before he took leave of us. Should we be doing a critique of him, or do we just accept based on his … ?


No comment. It should be obvious to anyone who follows Wolf.


Andrew, it may be you have had this gift of sensing truth given to you in order to guide your heart to prayer. There are many possible futures. We are to ask for Heaven’s best (“Thy will be done”) for our world.
Did you ever read the book, Blink, by Decker? (There are other books with that title, but only Decker’s is a fiction novel about a mathematician that starts to see treads of possible futures.)

Pat Frederick

this guy(s) is a serious decoder–too deep for me see–but easy enough to follow his lead once he highlights the method.
scary diabolical–on Comey’s part though–he doesn’t present as such an astute thinker, so perhaps he merely follows a prepared script?


I respectfully disagree with Tonawanda’s armchair psychiatric diagnosis of Serial Brain2. We don’t know where he is coming from. Also, Pat, I don’t think we are gullible just because we don’t dismiss out of hand someone’s unconventional methods of trying to make sense of apparently coded messages.
Would like to stay respectful of the Autists, even if I don’t see the world the same way they do.


Serial Fraud need psychiatric help.


I agree. Most of his decodes are so convoluted as to be totally ridiculous.


Tonawanda, I agree with you.
Do you recognize Eilert, the commenter who posted this Serial piece?
I don’t recall seeing that name in prior threads.
Perhaps Eilert can explain a little more if he thinks the Serial piece has merit.


1) I did not recognize the name, which made me immediately wary.
2) The post ends with: “What do you guys think?” which is Classic Troll technique, dreary, shallow and tiresome technique, but Classic.
3) I have other thoughts, but I do not want to say them.


I made the move. We’ll see.


Does wolfmoon?


No comment. It should be obvious to anyone who follows and respects Wolf.


I find myself in agreement with you, Tona – once again.
“No comment.”

Elizabeth Carter

Donna Brazile tweet

It seems she might have had illusions that the man caught outside the WH trying to assassinate President Trump on 1/17/19 just might succeed and take VP Pence with him.
IPOT had information on that today


French firefighters protest against Macron…that’s them in the helmets:


The macron stormtroopers put a firefighter in a c oma after shooting him in the head. I dont think macron has their support any more.

Cuppa Covfefe

May GOD Bless, protect, HEAL, and preserve that firefighter and his family.
In Jesus’ HOLY and Infinite Name, Amen.


Speaking of the Yellow Vests – as I have mentioned before, I have a part-time job as a cashier at a convenience store. We have a young guy (early-mid 20’s) who comes in frequently – don’t know his name, but we have chatted before a few times. Yesterday, he came into the store in a bright fluorescent yellow rain jacket that looked like it had seen better days. As he walked in, I made a comment that the Yellow Vests could use him in France. He was surprised and said I was the ONLY one who made the connection. He told me they had stopped making these fluorescent yellow jackets because he tried to buy one. So he had this one buried somewhere, pulled it out and wore it for the day just to see if anyone would comment. I was encouraged that someone of his age, living out here in flyover country, was aware of what is happening in France.

Cuppa Covfefe

I fear what’s running rampant any more is TOXIC STUPIDITY!
I also fear that were we (the USA) in a position to have to fight WWII v2.0, we would neither have the materiel, the skills, the weapons, the manpower (suck it up, buttercups), or the WILL to do it…
Then again, perhaps that’s their goal.
Satan’s warriors. The Deep State, Antifa, the Klintoons, Creamer’s Screamers, and the DEMONcRATs.

Pat Frederick

thank you Mr. Science! great article on the blood moon–along with Wolf’s post–great info!!


Smart doggies!

Pat Frederick

love the cute doggie videos, thanks!!
much better than the (pardon my French) scary ass spider ones!


Agree Pat!! Scary Ass JUMPING spiders!! AKKK!!!


Suspicious cat just sent me a telepathic message……
Lady only lifted one cup to put a treat under it.
Were the other three already pre-loaded with treats?

Cuppa Covfefe

Worse, when she released the cup at the end, she seemed to point at it.
On the other hand, Yorkies are delightful and very intelligent dogs! And he (she?) did appear to be following the “shells” going back and forth…


beagles rule!!!


for those with an interst or knowledge of the CERN project and what might be hind it or what it portends…check this:

Pat Frederick

since I do enjoy Big Bang Theory this helps explain some of the concepts they toss about freely in the show–but 27 Billion sounds like a lot to spend on something they aren’t even sure with provide any answers…


Another billion dollar facility were they can smash even faster particles into each other, to create another even greater trash heap. They then analyse it to find even more holes in their ‘Standard Theory”, which they then need to patch up again. /s


“‘Standard Theory”, which they then need to patch up again.”
It’s a boondoggle, and a scam. And, as you say, a “trash heap”.
Physicists don’t need to take more measurements – imagine how many measurements have already been made! It has to be well north of a quintillion, maybe even orders of magnitude higher.
I believe that it’s their THINKING which has to change.
And a bigger, badder CERN won’t help with that.


A….men… A…men
I believe that it’s their THINKING which has to change.
On the money, as usual EmeraldStar… on the money.


Thank you darlin’!
Glad you’re feeling better …


“On the contrary, it’s entirely reasonable.”
To you. Not to me.
In re our prior exchange, “point-line-plane” etc., I refer you to Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem. I highlighted the incompleteness (terms left undefined); whereas you highlighted consistency (geometry then invalid?).
For sufficiently “complex” mathematical systems (and Godel’s bar is “low”), the math is either consistent AND incomplete … or is it complete AND inconsistent. This holds true – according to Godel – for arithmetic, for geometry, for calculus, for ALL. Today’s math favors consistency. Too much, IMO.
Einstein himself said that he thought innovation in mathematics is KEY. I agree. MY point is that mathematics – as it’s known today, barring any “hiding” of knowledge (which seems quite possible!) – is LACKING.
Put starkly, mathematicians haven’t YET figured out how to count (muh “one”, “muh two”, “muh three” DOESN’T make it.)
Btw, I’m kinda on a “tear” today – please forgive me if I seem too strident!
I like fencing, sometimes, with a worthy (friendly) adversary!


“Given all of this, your argument that they already have all they need and can’t need any more is just–wrong.”
In order to find their “Holy Grail”, no. YOU’RE WRONG.
One must allow for what one doesn’t know.
All of your points rely SOLELY on the current understanding of logic, math, validity, etc.
Can you PROVE that there isn’t any other – perhaps greater – understanding?
I’ll answer that FOR you.
One may never prove a negative.
Remember the operative definition of insanity? Doing the same thing, yet expecting a different result?
Physicists have been trying for a HUNDRED F***ING YEARS to achieve their goal, and have failed miserably. I say to you again – EINSTEIN had the right idea. It hans’t been followed.
So yeah – let’s make a few more quadrillion measurements. That’s sure to work. Can’t be our thinking, now, could it? Nah. Let’s build the new-and-improved CERN … and get PAID to keep f***ing up!
Scam. Graft. Pfft.

Cuppa Covfefe

This might throw some light on the darkness that is the funding behind CERN…

Elizabeth Carter

I try to make reference to their god, Lucifer, in my posts as often as possible! It will become even more in-your-face, no longer hidden behind a veil. Be prepared to refuse the number of the Beast!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Oops. GMTA. Glad you read VC too!
That ceremony, along with the “dedication” (dare I say occult sacrifice) at the opening of the new section/bore of the Gotthard Tunnel, show that the Elite/Illuminati live in a very different world, and play different “games” than we do. Have a look at their article about the Rothschilds’ party in 1972 (I went to Uni with one of them… his “spending money” per month probably exceeded my lifetime earnings (and I’m not cheap 🙂 ). Yet he stole money from his dorm floor’s “kitty” (first year in Uni, you had to live on campus).
To them, too much is not enough…


No special point, just a random thought.
I postponed reading the entire post/thread
I read it this morning, and it makes me wish we could all spend a weekend retreat together discussing the implications and brainstorming.
Just a small aspect of the huge issue jumped out at me in a reply made by Covadonga:
I had once read a New Yorker article which deeply intrigued me about airplane crashes. Turns out it was from 1996:
I don’t know if it was before or after the 1996 article (I am pretty certain it was AFTER) I read an article (I cannot now find) on the Clintons and the art of causing undetectable plane crashes. The gist as I recall is that the instrument READINGS can be affected in such a way as to cause the PILOT to take a mistaken fatal action, after which “pilot error” is the “cause.”
The New Yorker article itself attributed “mysterious” crashes to probable tiny mechanical failures, which in itself is very interesting.
I am from Buffalo, and paid closer attention than usual to the famous crash from ten years ago, attributed to pilot error:
This was the flight cited in Wolfmoon’s post, where the “activist” wife (Eckert) of a passenger was herself killed shortly after meeting BO.
I remember at the time thinking what a remarkable list of people the passengers were:
They were a distinguished group of people, strangers I presume.
As for Wolf’s post, there is no way to give it the attention it deserves in a blog thread, but it is very significant IMO.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks, I have been saving it for a chunk of time when I can read it without interruption so I can concentrate. I’ll try to get to that today. Appreciate the reminder.

Elizabeth Carter

Ron Brown was one victim of a plane crash Scroll down a little to the story.
Bill Clinton appointed Ron Brown Commerce Secretary, partly as a reward for Ron Brown’s success as a campaign fund raiser. From day one, allegations surrounded the exact means and methods by which this success was attained. Investigations into Ron Brown’s activities (his son would later plead guilty to money laundering) were nearing the point of indictments, and Ron Brown had publicly stated that he would not go to jail alone, when the airplane carrying Ron Brown and about 30 other people crashed in Bosnia.
It is worth noting that Ron Brown was just one of four Clinton campaign fund raisers to die under questionable circumstances. The others were C. Victor Raiser II, Hershel Friday, and Ed Willey, a total of three plane crashes and one “Fosterization”. Following Brown’s demise, his personal attorney as well as a co-worker at the Department of Commerce, Barbara Wise also died under questionable circumstances. As in the case of yet another “suddenly dead” member of the Clinton administration, Vincent Foster , Ron Brown’s office was ransacked for files by Commerce staff immediately after his death.
Read more: Ron Brown: Evidence Of A Cover up | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED


No doubt in my mind Brown was murdered by the Clintons.


Towanda, I don’t recall when I became aware of the connection of crashes with passengers who were posing problems to people who were in positions to eliminate the problem people with no traces of involvement but when there is a crash reported, I always look for passenger lists. Field McConnell has done so much to expose this reality. Here’s an article and there is a video in the article that explains ways he has used his knowledge of the Boeing Honeywell Uninterruptible Autopilot to expose it for what it is.
“Letter to Russian Ambassador also addresses the downing of MH-17:
Dear Ambassador Grigory Logvinov,
My name if Field McConnell. I have on 3 occasions sent critical information to Government of Russia regarding 3 aircraft incidents in last 6 years that were not accidents as represented by the media. Those 3 incidents were Sukhoi Superjet 9 May 2012, Metrojet A321 over Sinai on 10-31-15 and the Tu-154M that went down on 12-25-16 on departure from Sochi RF destined for Syria. Now, in May 2018, I note with great interest how several countries are demonstrating behaviour that indicates they are aware the Truth of MH370 is about to be shared on the world stage. I am releasing a video documentary “WHERE DID MH370 GO” at a conference yet this year 2018.
On the 8th of March 2014, MH370 was electronically commandeered over BITOD intersection and initially re-routed to a coordinate set in proximity to the Petronas Towers in Kaula Lumpur. A brief time later it was commandeered by a second entity and redirected west-north-west south of the Malayasian land mass, then on towards Maldives where it turned to the south for eventual safe landing at FJGD at 0651 local.”
Read More and Watch Video:


TY for link and info!

Cuppa Covfefe

I remember reading about it, and about the co-pilot, for whom flying was EVERYTHING.
Yet she was paid less than if she had worked at McDonalds…
What is also amazing/a wonder is that the crash site was so small, perhaps only the one house.
The plane that went down in Poland with their President (former President?) is also odd. Not to mention Ron Brown…
I have a feeling there’s a new, extra hot, section opened up in Hell for the Klintoons, Soros’s, and all the rest of the Deep State.
May GOD rest the souls and help the families of those victims…


It was quite significant. A first-hand account – which is rare. Kudos to Wolfmoon for relaying it!
““mysterious” crashes”
Q has said that seven of ten (!!!) plane crashes are INTENTIONAL.
“Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: cc0116 No.34917 📁
Dec 5 2017 00:09:40 (EST)
RED RED 9/11.
Funds raised vs distributed?
7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.
Those in the know never sleep.


(The above is a reply to Tona …)


“According to the late aeronautical engineer, Joe Vialls, the technology to capture planes via remote control has been around a very long time.” (Mark Gaffney). Raytheon, Boeing, KinetX, et al have all developed this technology, creating backdoors into the cockpits to override the pilots and control from the ground.
In 1984 at Edwards AFB, a 16 hour exercise was conducted where ground pilots controlled a Boeing 720 in the air, successfully guiding it through 10 takeoffs, many approaches, 13 landings—before intentionally crashing the plane!!!


“creating backdoors into the cockpits to override the pilots and control from the ground”
Not just planes, now – but cars, and trains, and any ships which RELY on computer chips.
“All your transportation are belong to us!”
9/11, for THEM, was a MASSIVE success. (3K+ Americans be damned …)

Pat Frederick

Nancy Pelosi and some of the Democrats turned down my offer yesterday before I even got up to speak. They don’t see crime & drugs, they only see 2020 – which they are not going to win. Best economy! They should do the right thing for the Country & allow people to go back to work.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2019

Pat Frederick

Be careful and try staying in your house. Large parts of the Country are suffering from tremendous amounts of snow and near record setting cold. Amazing how big this system is. Wouldn’t be bad to have a little of that good old fashioned Global Warming right now!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2019

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh, the good old days…

Pat Frederick

this saddens me: no push to remove the 11 million here already–that number is low (imo).
No, Amnesty is not a part of my offer. It is a 3 year extension of DACA. Amnesty will be used only on a much bigger deal, whether on immigration or something else. Likewise there will be no big push to remove the 11,000,000 plus people who are here illegally-but be careful Nancy!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2019


I sympathize, but IMO VSG seems to be using leverage very wisely.

Pat Frederick

I know he’s a deal maker… I am worried about the huge number of illegals that might vote is all…or just be registered and have Dems vote in their place…


I read yesterday that a recent poll shows President Trump’s approval rating among Hispanics as 50%!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Pat, remember that perfect is the sworn enemy of better…
One step at a time, and things will eventually be fine.
It’s taken more than a hundred years to put the USA in the fix that it’s in. It’s not realistic to think that it will take only a year or two to clean it up. Everything that is worthwhile takes time, or, as my (RIP) Dad used to say, “nothing is worth doing unless doing it well.”
Isaiah 40:31: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Pat Frederick

Nancy Pelosi has behaved so irrationally & has gone so far to the left that she has now officially become a Radical Democrat. She is so petrified of the “lefties” in her party that she has lost control…And by the way, clean up the streets in San Francisco, they are disgusting!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2019


The President of the United States has to tell the Speaker of the House to
Cleanup your room!!! 😂😂
This is Hilarious, but Sad and Pathetic, San Francisco IS TRULY DISGUSTING, an American SH!7H0£€!!
Beautiful California has been ruined by Liberal Leftist Politics. What is wrong with these people that they can’t see their own actions are clearly insane?? I know, God gives them over to a reprobate mind. Pray for the good people to either receive Supernatural help or get out of dodge!

Pat Frederick

IKR? if i lived in CA i would be livid with the government—clean up those streets!!!

Pat Frederick

Nancy, I am still thinking about the State of the Union speech, there are so many options – including doing it as per your written offer (made during the Shutdown, security is no problem), and my written acceptance. While a contract is a contract, I’ll get back to you soon!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2019

Pat Frederick

Wow, just heard that my poll numbers with Hispanics has gone up 19%, to 50%. That is because they know the Border issue better than anyone, and they want Security, which can only be gotten with a Wall.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2019


Then this!

As I said yesterday – since taking the Oath of Office, President Trump has not stopped building THE WALL!

Pat Frederick

i should have refreshed before i posted!


I thought you had signed off and stopped posting….but no problem. When I saw the next tweet I had to post it. I am more fanatical about the Wall than even Coulter.

Pat Frederick

it’s very important to so many Americans imo


Ms. Coulter sounds more and more like a propagandist to me.


She’s a glory-hound.
And that’s the POLITE term …


PDJT has been building the wall non-stop since 2017.

Pat Frederick

Don’t forget, we are building and renovating big sections of Wall right now. Moving quickly, and will cost far less than previous politicians thought possible. Building, after all, is what I do best, even when money is not readily available!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2019

Cuppa Covfefe

Not even Wal(l)-Mart could do it better! (or without cost overruns!)…

Pat Frederick

I guess Schumer really has had enough of the memes cuz he’s not been posturing with Nance since the disastrous rebuttal…where ya hiding Chuck??


so i missed this the other day – the omar lady fron minnesota was named to the house Foreign Affairs Committee?
i dont want to link cnn video but she was interviewed the other day regarding her lindsay graham tweet.
watch the method acting by the anchors. their tone and facial expression. what they refer to her as. their tone in relation to the – by definition of the words they are saying should be important but their tone disregards that and is passive while still saying the words.
watch in wonder at her responses.
go here for video:
her doubling down on a tweet from 2012 and slying criticising those that dare question her.
video can be seen here:
this is on cnn newsroom, their “game changers” series…


Very strange for these newly installed ‘congresswomen’ to speak with such brazen authority and get so much press coverage.
Rather suspicious. Where do they get all that and who is giving it to them?


It is likely these are not mere congresswomen, but ‘agents’ of a global or foreign power.


there are only a handful left that are not agents of the global movement.


iirc, Q said there were about 25 C_A agents running in the Nov 2018 election…
(As the C_A is being dismantled, their rat lines eliminated, fewer black ops, rogue agents are resorting to actually becoming part of the government rather than merely dictate to other members. Think Anderson Cooper and op Mockingbird… )

Molly Pitcher

This one has been propelled into the spotlight.
Another story ..“I demand that the president end his temper tantrums and quest for a racist and cynical big wall,” Omar said. “And I demand that he work with us to reopen the government before any more damage is done.”
She accused Trump of orchestrating the “shutdown because he’s looking for someone else to blame for the ineffectiveness of his administration.”
Omar added that even if the “debilitating shutdown” ends, “our federal government will still be operating at less than full capacity so long as we have an ineffective, ego-driven president at the helm.”
The picture with this story appears to be at an event in Mn with supporters after election. She appears to be giving the hand sign~~~~~~~
When ISIS militants hold up a single index finger on their hand, they are alluding to the tawhid, the belief in the oneness of Allah and a key component of the Muslim religion. The tawhid comprises the first half of the shahada, which is an affirmation of faith, one of the five pillars of Islam, and a component of daily prayers: “There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”
I suppose a still pic could’ve been taken to make it look like that but I doubt it. They’re no longer creeping in..they’re in


Molly, I am not a student of the Koran or Islam so I would not know the answer to this question but you may. Is there any prohibition in the Koran against incestuous relationships? I do know that Moslems are a clan-oriented social system that permits marriage between first cousins but I do not know if there is any shame associated with incest. You or someone else may enlighten me.

Molly Pitcher

Spab, I don’t know but I’d guess that any infraction would be forgiven if the deed was done to further the interests of the Caliphate ?


Watching Maria on Sunday Morning Futures interviewing Debbie Dingleberry. DD is flapping her arms like a person having a fit. I had to kill the sound because leftists are starting to make me physically ill.
We are really in for a heckuva ride next year. They are unhinged and they aren’t likely to find a hinge.


Thinking these are related; trying to decode:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: f2d4bd No.127154
Jan 22 2018 14:05:49 (EST)
:stay at home<
Safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300^00


(2 days ahead of schedule)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I finally did it. I’m taking a Facebook fast for everything other than work. The lefties in my circle drove me to it, specifically one distant relative who even find fault with animal videos.
What is it with people who refuse to admit they might be wrong.


ego – biggest problem with human beings… imho of course


Arrogance is toxic. Few things destroy relationships faster than arrogance.
Of all the vices, pride ranks as one of the worst. While other vices are destructive, pride is pernicious in that it makes someone willfully blind to their own flaws, leaving their worst vices unchecked.
A man who believes his house is in order feels he has no need to inspect the foundations for cracks.

Cuppa Covfefe

And the seven, more evil/dangerous Demons…


It’s the Bible’s teaching as well, yes?
One unforgivable sin.
Seven forgivable, though “mortal”, sins – the FIRST of which is Vanity. The DEADLIEST of forgivable sins / transgressions. Do I have it aright?
A similar count of assorted other sins, though they are “venial” (somewhat lesser than “”mortal”).
I’m not a Bible scholar … but I’m trying to educate myself, thank you fellow Q-pers!
Vanity, hubris, ego, arrogance, conceit – they’re all of a kind. A “swelled head” (“Leave It To Beaver”) affects ALL motivations / decisions / acts. In my life, I’ve found this to be true.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I was actually very gratified regarding the reaction of the choir this morning to all of it. We’re split along political lines, but on this issue, the one woman who swears we will never talk politics was LIVID on behalf of the kids. She watched the whole video and said simply they did nothing wrong and have nothing to apologize for. So did the blue dog lawyer. It was nice to be able to agree for once.
Really these are the sorts of people who reflexively vote Democrat I assume, but who live more conservatively. The open minded of that bunch can be swayed.


Cutting Facebook out of my life was a very joyful experience. So little good has come of it.
That said that some of the groups have tremendous value – if you can find them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Unfortunately, FB is how most of my family members now communicate since we’re spread out. It’s also useful for other endeavors.


Simple – unfollow them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mom’s favorite cousin. NOT simple.

Pat Frederick

my son has unfriended me on fb more than once…LOL…he floods my timeline with liberal crap–I flood his with memes that extol the President’s successes. he comes around in a few weeks and we start the dance again…



And what is Fusion GPS … and all the other ‘Fusion Centers”?
They produce articles, seduce reporters (stenographers) to add their by-line and submit to their editors for printing. This was pointed out in investigations by Citizen Reporters, but got lost in the fog of corruption so to speak.


There is no MAINSTREAM Media… there is only C_A controlled reports… all singing from the same page.
You see that 24/7… yet many continue to WATCH, mostly LISTEN… to crap propaganda… hey – it’s not even GOOD propaganda. Why do so many believe?
Ever go to a football game? One of those so-called ‘grudge match’ games? The ones I am familiar with are South Carolina’s Clemson v Univ of SC games, played at the end of the season. Every State has them. The fans are intense… their ‘side’ is always better, no matter what the stats for the season. If the other side wins it’s because they cheated somehow. I’ve heard some really ridiculous excuses for wins (It was raining, other side does better handling a wet football because (you fill in the blank). And why is there such intense loyalty to their side?
Ego… NOT the ego of the team players… the ego of the fan. Their ‘side’, their ‘team’ is an extension of their personal ego. They can’t possibly admit there is anything good about the other team this season… never!


This is when I stand up to defend Husker fans. They are universally seen across the college FB spectrum to be the nicest, most respectful fans EVER. We even cheer FOR the opposing team some times – a good play is a good play, regardless. We even cheer them after they have beat us. Not so for Colorado fans, that’s for sure – THEY throw rotten tomatoes and eggs at our team’s bus!


Were you cheering Oklahoma back in the Osborn days??? LOL


Only on the rarest of occasions! I used to have a t-shirt with a pic of a guy pulling down his pants, showing his butt, with the words “Moon a Sooner” underneath. I also used to have a bumper sticker that said: “If I owned Oklahoma and Hell, I’d live in Hell and rent out Oklahoma.” Good heavens, you should have seen the looks I got in NOVA! I actually had one woman in the parking lot say to me “I am guessing that has something to do with football?” It was a riot! Still, we were friendly rivals back then – things weren’t as vicious then. Well, except for those Alabama freaks – too chicken to even play us in the Orange Bowl!!!! Bear Bryant can KMA!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yeah, but there is only ONE SC.
USC. Or U$C.
University of Southern California. Fight On!!!
Go Trojans!


If I could hope for just one thing it would be that all the MAGA and Q peeps begin to UNIFORMLY call out what masquerades around the world as the “press” as MIND CONTROL MEDIA.
If we all began to hit them day in and day out as MIND CONTROL MEDIA it would be the brightest MOAB explosion over their dark operations possible.


MCM! Mind Control Media!! Exactly!! T3 tweet this out to POTUS! I Bet he would start using it!!


I am not a Tweeter. Maybe some of our Q peeps would like to pick this term up and use it, but I for one cannot bring myself to join the Twit-World. Thank you for the suggestion though!


Mr gil had subscribed to the local paper knowing that they are lefty propaganda bc he “needs” local news. I hated it bc i had cancelled a year prior and did fine.
I told him last night Im sick of paying for crap news. Finally he agreed.
So, they are publishing the story about the maga kids n injuns, like every other outlet, and only following ap or cnn.
I cancelled just now and told them it was due to content. The person apologized and said she sent a message to the editors. Its a large company so they dont care really. But at least I did that much.

Molly Pitcher

Once you know.
That fiasco was textbook..protest.
The veteran protester targets the rubes..the rubes being young and excitable are expected to finally lose control and throw a punch. They didn’t but the OPTICS are enough to spin the discrimination, violent white kid tales.
Mr Native American has been to every big event for years. He’s a pro


They are also outright liars – the one idiot spouting that THEY had been here for “millions of years.” What rot!!!! The so-called “native americans” wiped out those who were here before them. Hypocrites, one and all! And it is FAR past time that these treaties be ended and the “native americans” learn to take care of themselves for a change. NO MORE TAX DOLLARS!!!!

Molly Pitcher

The disconnect is really something isn’t it? This modern version of virtue signaling “history” is perfectly designed for people, especially the young and even young adults who don’t critically think.
Every single civilization that is or ever was, at some point, conquered the previous inhabitants. Conquered doesn’t even automatically mean ‘wiped out’ either.


IKR? Drives me nuts!


Sure, and those Vikings quickly turned it into an icebox by refusing to use the internal combustion engine. Environmental terrorists!


Well, we still have our casinos! That’s where the real tribal money is! LOL!
Member of the Cherokee Nation, NF. Have employed full bloods one way or another for decades—Creeks, Cherokees. They don’t have a f**king clue what is going on in the world, and really don’t seem to care! Know they don’t vote for white man’s government—Tribal yes.
Are there ignorant, radical Indians like the one yesterday—for sure.
Tribal governments just as corrupt as the federal—they are human—greedy seeking to maintain power.
Federal dollars to tribes—in a sense, don’t know why that continues other than guilt for past actions! There were broken promises made by the government to tribes, which frankly, many of today’s generation of Indians will not let go of. Trust me, I’m not opposing your post!!!


NP – I understand. We are still paying reparations. Yes, there were many broken promises but it was on both sides. Far too many refuse to accept that there is a shared responsibility.


First off congrats. I cancelled my paper just as Trump won and am SO glad I did. The negative items they kept posting. SJW stuff. And most of the items are being picked up from CNN and what not. Plus the content was shrinking but everything was anti Trump. The garden section, restaurant and movie reviews. Book reviews and even lifestyle. Cost to much to be hated so bye bye paper. Have not looked back since.


Its an unnecessary waste of paper and importantly, its just propaganda. Constant hard pro left, open borders, socialist, cutesy marijuana legalization articles, and more. Many years ago a family run conservative news paper. Bought and sold multiple times and now a corporate leftist folded pile of tp.


Yes sad but true. The cost of hating us was going up and I said enough is enough. I was sad since I always enjoyed reading a paper but once you hit that point…
Not even good enough to potty train and puppy on it.


Local newspapers are totally unnecessary, not to mention vehicles for making propaganda seem relevant.


Ohh come on…
What about the Society Page, with the wedding announcements, and who fixed dinner for whom?
And what faux pas the newly elected councilman’s wife committed by wearing that hideous outfit?
(you know I’m kidding, right?)
When hubby and I first moved to this little berg I now live in… some 50 years ago, advertisers in the local rag paid their bills in chickens or collard greens. One reporter…
Then the newspaper in the State Capitol bought it… sent one of their top people down to serve as editor… and it gained the reputation of being unfit for wrapping 3 day old fish in…
Now… well, I haven’t read it in decades, but imagine they regurgitate national news…(propaganda, as you state)
Internet has made all newsprint obsolete… they’ll soon go the way of land phones and paper invoices and checks, etc.
Google and Twitter though have taken us back to the days of party lines and coffee Klatches – or, if you like, games like “telephone”… (you young uns will have to look up terms you don’t know… oops, google and wiki probably don’t know what I’m talking up either. They were created by geeks and stripped down by partisans. Ohh well, it’s all just his-story anyway…



Sadly, the most uncelebrated First Lady in decades. Practically a total press blackout WRT her. Terrible.


I know.
I just wish she could get the recognition she deserves. She is a beautiful lady — inside and out.


Well said, Steve!
By the way, thanks for explaining the other day how many mills are in a penny (10, IIRC).
My classmates and I were asked that question one by one 50 years ago by an elderly nun who took our maths class. We did not know, and she was furious.
My mother knew the good sister from her own time at school, so, when I got home I asked her the same question. My mother asked, ‘What is a mill WRT a penny?’ I felt so much better.
Thanks again, for the info. 🙂


Thank you very much, Steve, for the answer again — and for the additional detail.
Our teacher never gave us the answer. I wish that she had, but I am so grateful that you have done so here.
I was wondering where mills as thousandths would make it in to the answer. (Mille, or thousand, in French.) Now I know.
I also wondered about half cent coins. Thanks!


“One student wrote to a local news outlet begging it to tell the full story about what happened at the march:
I am a student at Covington Catholic and was present at the occurrence. Here is what truly happened …
In the midst of our cheers, we were approached by a group of adults led by Nathan Phillips, with Phillips beating his drum. They forced their way into the center of our group. We initially thought this was a cultural display since he was beating along to our cheers and so we clapped to the beat. … However, after multiple minutes of Mr. Phililps beating his drum directly in the face of my friend (mere centimeters from his nose), we became confused and started wondering what was happening. It was not until later that we discovered they would incriminate us as a publicity stunt. … To reiterate, we did not partake in any physical or verbal abuse … After that initial occurrence, we were then verbally assaulted by four or five African-American men who called us “faggots” and berated one of our African-American students for being friends with us. The truth needs to come out. I pray that you read this …”


“On Saturday, cartoonist and political commentator Scott Adams said that the students had behaved like “assholes.”
On Sunday, he apologized for that remark and called the entire story “fake news,” saying that CNN and other news sources had inverted the perpetrator and the victim. He added that the full video suggested that the students had acted with composure under the circumstances, and had objected to a gay slur being used by one of their opponents.
Scott Adams apologizes for believing @CNN about the Covington Catholic Boys fake news. With coffee.
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) January 20, 2019
Adams added the Native American drummer had also intervened in a way that was unnecessarily confrontational.”


I just watched it and despite the refutable evidence all news outlets are still running as is and threatening to kids. All to cover for buzzfeed.
As q says, these people are sick.
Those kids need attorneys to file lawsuits against the injun and ap and cnn and quite possibly the diocese , mayor, and school.


Found out this Phillips is a member of the “Omaha Tribe” here in NE. In the Omaha World Herald there was an article parroting all the other fake news. The author made the mistake of putting her phone number on the bottom – she will NOT enjoy the message I left her, I can promise you that!


Scott Adams has gone down in my eyes for shooting at the lip. He of all people should know better, especially in the current political climate.


Scott Adams has more than once given his opinion on something way out of his areas of expertise with only MIND CONTROL MEDIA as his information source.
I hope he is able to retrain himself to include more information before using his rather large platform to make judgments on kids and other innocent parties.


Hi Everyone!! Sister and family are fine–but they have no updates from Ground Zero on this yet–regarding school and fate of the boys…She jokingly texted me that I doxxed her hubby last nite.
Lots of people -blue checks on Twitter-are apologizing for jumping to conclusions but Fake News is still not covering it accurately especially on their local channels SHEESH..




Sorry, Scotty.
I prefer PATRIOTS, over PayTriots.
Truly, and for real.


Hasnt he made this type of error more than once? Youd think he would always err in the side of caution when the left goes after white and or maga.

Curry Worsham

He finally came to his senses and realized that Hawke Newsome was a fraud, for one.


1) What happened here makes my blood boil and my stomach turn, but it is standard communist behavior. The point is to get the image, and spin the image.
2) In 1972 my campus had a “Strike” and massive protests as did scores of other campuses. What was different about my campus was: I organized and defeated the communists definitively. I have a scrapbook which proves it all.
3) You will NEVER read about this singular defeat of the communists because it was a defeat of the communists. There were many, many lessons to be learned from it all, but no one has ever been interested.
4) There is ONE video online showing a little of what was happening. I am interviewed several times. I contacted the producer of the video and he said there was much, much more video he had taken, but it was confiscated by the administration. He went on to have a career as a legitimate journalist.
5) Two incidents happened which may have some relevance.
6) First, during an intense physical confrontation in a small space between my organization and the communists, Alan Ginsburg showed up, got into the middle, and started Buddhist chanting. He was two feet away from me. It was just plain weird. For years I thought it was Alan Ginsburg being weird, now I do not, and have not for a long time. Ginsburg was part of the scenario, acting as a provocation for the sake of images.
7) I was provoked and harassed constantly during the “Strike” (did I tell you, WE WON) and on one occasion I was jumped as I was walking alone in a part of campus which was deserted. I scuffled with the two guys for a minute or two, and they ran off (I was strong in those days, and they were weak, but it was just a scuffle).
8) Several weeks later there was a picture of ME being jumped by the two guys, put into the pages of a national magazine. I still have the picture (which I cut out, but wish I had kept the whole magazine). The magazine captioned the photo to say it showed two members of MY organization attacking a peaceful protester! Just the opposite of what happened!
9) The contemporary coverage of our “Strike” was so bizarre, I learned how important it was to communists to establish The Narrative and stick with it, even in defiance of the truth.


WOW! Thanks for sharing that story Tona! The Communist tactics are more and more obvious aren’t they? Not even trying to hide anymore. And more and more people are starting to see–at least I believe and pray it is so…

Pat Frederick

glad you are okay and glad you shared your story!


Holy moly. These are the stories the lying msm has been hiding ad finitum. Hooray for your victory.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One of my fellow choir members who leans left , but claims to be purple, watched the whole video and is LIVID on behalf of the kids. They did nothing wrong.
This incident might have an effect other than the one the lefties wanted. No, my friend will not convert to MAGA, but she is open minded enough to be able to discern when journalism is failing. She went on and on about the Buzzfeed thing this morning and about how there is no proof or evidence and therefore reporting should have held off until there is some.
It’s not much, but it’s a crack of hope.


It Is a crack of hope!! and as I’m sure you know Hope/faith of a mustard seed is all we need!


Marica, I agree.

Sylvia Avery

Let’s pray that God uses this event that these poor kids have gone through for good according to His purpose.
I’d love it if they could sue for something. Libel? Slander? Harassment?


Being purple is like being politically agnostic until the “come to Jesus” moment.
Hopefully this AND the buzzfeed thing will show the left hatred not only for the POTUS but for all non hard core leftists leading to that enlightenment.


Here’s what we better watch out for…This is MHO..The Left have NOT been able to touch our POTUS..So Now they are out to smear TRUMP supporters–THis is their NEXT battle!
Wait–OMG! Louisville Congressman John Yarmuth just put out this tweet!


Molly Pitcher

Incredible that these things are being said in 2019.

Pat Frederick

can’t get the tweet to show…says it’s unavailable


Darn it…It said that that an atty ws stepping up to defend the kids from FAKE NEWS!

Pat Frederick



I’m worried that he changed his mind …will research…

Molly Pitcher

Robert Barnes said that he would


Thanks Molly!! Maybe this whole story will blow up in their faces!! Beep! Beep!



Yarmuth’s accusations are just an extension of this:
639 documented Democrat media and politician approved/incited acts of violence and harassment against Trump/family/staff/supporters and other conservatives:


Exactly!! I am proud of social media coming out strong defending these young kids…


Best response
“I’m calling for a total and complete shutdown of uninformed tweeting by Congressmen until they can figure out what’s actually going on”.


This is also a problem for true secular Muslims – they also face the death penalty. Indeed, Raheel Reza has had a Fatwah issued against her.
“A former imam from Pakistan who migrated to Germany and converted to Christianity now claims that he faces death threats in his native country from many including members of his own family.
The 34-year-old said he grew up in a religious household in Pakistan and trained from the age of eight to become an imam, just as his father and grandfather had been before him. Following missionary work in Greece, where he had planned to start his own mosque, he began his conversion to Christianity and now says he fears for his life in Pakistan, German tabloid Bild reports.
The German paper identifies the imam under a different name, Haroon Masih, for his own safety, and according to Mr Masih it was the charity of a Christian couple in Greece that began his journey to Christianity, saying that he had previously been taught to reject other faiths.
“During my studies, I persecuted and oppressed Christians myself. Then the question flared up in my heart: why?”


John Yarmuth is from Louisvile –but he is a HOUSE MEMBER–Nasty’s boys

It would be funny if this were not so dangerous!


naughty bin!!


I always THOUGHT you were a rebel at heart! lol
Happy Sunday, GA/FL!

Pat Frederick

I am so sick and tired of the double standards–we have to allow burning of our flag–freedom of speech/expression–and I clench my teeth and agree, but teenagers aren’t allowed to wear a MAGA hat? We have to endure Socialists, Communists, and Muslims in our government, but children are not allowed to choose their own clothing?


Or openly support our president!!!

Pat Frederick



My twitter buddies are ripping him!


THis clown Being called out all over twitter!!!


Is there really such a thing as a “secular Muslim”, or secular “Jew”. etc? At best this is sloppy language and thinking. At worst……?


Right Ah…
Secularism, as defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is the “indifference to, or rejection or exclusion of, religion and religious considerations.” As a philosophy, secularism seeks to interpret life on principles taken solely from the material world, without recourse to religion.
Is there such a thing as a “secular Christian”… of course not. One is either a Christian, a follower of Christ, of one is not. One is either a Muslim or not. One is either a Jew or not (I realize this comment will bring forth a ton of objection. Bring it !)


might mean?
words are basically labels… labels we use for understanding each other.
they either mean what they mean… or we are not communicating, understanding each other.


And some delusions we hold privately until some major event in life exposes –to us– that a more deeply held belief is really guiding our decisions more than the “logic” facade we pasted on to explain our behavior.


And a “secular Jew” might be one who is a secular humanist who has Jewish heritage but rejects Judaism as a faith ( belief system).


I see and understand the dichotomy you present in “secular Christian”, and the problems associated with using “secular” as a descriptive term in relation to “Christian.” A secular Christian = a “non-Christian.” Now if Christian is used as a descriptive term in reference to their upbringing (“they grew up the in the church”), and not indicative of their current belief system, then it has some meaning perhaps in the context it was used. But stand-alone, secular Christian = non-Christian!


Or maybe “ancient aliens” in spaceships! LOL


‘Is there really such a thing as a “secular Muslim”, or secular “Jew”. etc?’ There is in Europe and Canada: a tiny (low single digit percentage) of Muslims yet a much larger high double-digit percentage of Jews.
I’ve known quite a few secular Jews in my time, including in the US.
There is also a large percentage of secular Christians in Europe — equal double digits to secular Jews. I know a lot of them, too.


I agree, but ‘secular’ seems to be common parlance, so I am happy to stick with that.


Yes, there are many Muslims who do not want to live under Sharia Law and are truly accepting of other religions. On 9/11, I was working for an Austrian company at Vint Hill Farms (Warrenton, VA) that made landmine detectors and were early participants in the UAV business. They manufactured a VTOL UAV – basically a mini-helicopter – and sold 4 systems to the Egyptian Navy. We had 8 Egyptian Naval officers coming to our facility 10 days later for training and, after coordinating with the Sheriff, FBI, etc., etc., the owner decided not to postpone it. It was my job to set up their housing, meals, transportation, etc., etc. I picked them all up at the airport and took them to their hotel. Every single one of them – to a man – supported the US. They were all Muslim, with some who were VERY lackadaisical about it (one asked me if I could get him some drugs) and others who were more strict (one of them asked if I had a room where he could pray where there had been no dogs). They were gracious, kind, fun and very supportive. Every single time they came to my house, they brought me a gift. It was one of the best experiences of my life, TBH. We introduced them to a good old American barbecue, and I had them over for Thanksgiving. They then came to my house and prepared a meal for us all for Ramadan. One of them, Aymon got nicknamed Troublemaker Aymon after he taught my 5 year old grandson what fun it was to throw a Nerf ball into the ceiling fan! He was also the one who had never had brown sugar and fell in love with my sweet potatoes – he asked me to make more just for him and he did NOT share! Some of them wanted to go out drinking in DC so my daughter (who worked as a BT at the time) borrowed her bosse’s limo (with a full bar in the trunk) and took about 5 of them into DC to party with some of her friends. Holy crap! I sat up waiting and waiting and waiting for her to get home – I was worried someone would get arrested! Finally, at 7:00 the next morning, I was able to track her down at a friends and she claimed the Egyptians had gone to their hotel. I drove over to the hotel and they were just arriving, still drunk! It was a hoot, I’ll tell ‘ya. I am still FB friends with one of them, who is now out of the Navy and a ship captain. Some of the younger guys called me their American Mom.


Short answer might be yes, but long answer is no. As soon as secular Muslim comes in contact with a fundamentalist they have to tow the line. They have no argument available to them that comes from the Koran in fact they have a death sentence awaiting them as being an apostate if they persist with any argument. The Koran is iron clad.
That said however there are more considerations. The leader, despot, or strongman that controls country will have his own set of mullah’s that he keeps in power and do his bidding and the despot can have them not pay attention to some things and pay attention to others. He can be benevolent in many ways to include over looking certain indulgences that run counter to the Koran. Here you will see more secular type of Muslims flourish. This was the case for Saddam Hussien, Kaddafi, the Shaw of Iran and many more to include MBS. However the despot has to keep everyone satisfied because there are always sects out there that will demand the Koran be followed to the t and a benevolent despot must keep them in check, satisfied or not. Also the despot can crack down using the Koran as his weapon. One way to think of it all is to consider power in the Muslim world to reside as a three legged stool. Power resides with the despot, the mullah, and the people. Each tries to play one off against the other. What the despot does not try to control the mullahs will, and these likely will not be the mullahs of the despot, and those will preach a more strident or true version of the Koran. You see a lot of that in places like Pakistan where the government is unable to control every thing. In such a power vacuum, fundamentalists will hold supreme and their word derives from the Koran from which there are no arguments.
Not sure if that helped or if it made things seem more cloudy.


There are of course more considerations to take in, one being in where the Muslim resides physically within the world. Is it all Islamic, partially Islamic, or to say in conflict or not in conflict, but I would leave that at rest there unless someone wishes to know more of my opinion on this.
Another concept little explored by any is what is Islam about. I’d start the answer by asking you what do you think is the singular reason for war. You might come back with things like jealousy, border disputes or religion or some such, but none of those would be THE reason for war. I’d hope most would understand or have heard that the singular reason for war is economics. Good if you know that. Now what is the one thing that transcends economics?
If you have an answer to that, then you will likely have a better understanding of Islam.
If I could get you that far, then I might push my theory on why Hillary Clinton is largely responsible for fomenting much of the trouble in the Middle East because of her Middle East and African Tour back in 1998.


I was thinking of moving this and the one below forward as it was buried under the comments. Miss much when I go to work. Anyway, it likely come up again.
Not assuming you agreed with my statements but did you figure out what transcends economics? Thus being responsible for all, to include the reasons for war, religion, politics and progress or in the case of Islam, lack of progress?


Okay, fair. but answer is much more simpler. Figured it out once after reading Plato’s Dialouges (Socrets explains why he’s at the bath and says something about how tough the wife is and he’d have to patch a hole in the roof if he wasn’t there, or some such) and Freud’s Civilization of Discontent might of helped to put it together. Answer is the relationship between the sexes. That simple. It is what has moved civilization forward since the dawn of time. It is also why Islam has stagnated in most pursuits in that the Koran allows for woman to be treated more as property and less as an individual.
There might be more to this but has to go to work. ackk!


Well if you speak of this in mixed setting you must be very coplimentry of the sexes or you run the risk of bieng thought of as a sexist. 😉

Sue Mcdonald

I was sitting in my comfy chair this am doing some thinking about Q things and a thought popped into my head regarding what Q has told us many times ” FISA brings down the house” all this time I was thinking the FISA report brings down the house, but if we expand our thinking as Q says we should, there could be a different meaning to FISA brings down the house. what if the Q team has put FISA on the corrupt members of congress what with all the sedition and other evil things they have been planning and doing and thats what brings down the house? just a thought on a Sunday morning.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting interpretation. Worth holding onto as a possibility.


“the Q team has put FISA on the corrupt members of congress”
That’s the number-one thing I think that Q meant.
“just a thought”
A VERY good one …


I have zero proof but firmly believe that the bad guys have been under surveillance 24/7/365, and their every movement documented, for two years or more. All of the surveillance and documentation would be legal.
It is a huge undertaking, but absolutely necessary and obvious.


Exactly. Q has said a number of times that FISA works both ways.

Pat Frederick

rereading the President’s tweets fro this morning, a delicious thought popped into my head–what if the “something big” he was willing to trade for the amnesty of 11 million illegals in the country is NATIONAL VOTER ID–which they will not qualify for…

Elizabeth Carter

I would support the voter ID for sure.


The 2016 elections will make that happen before 2020..
“Watch CA” Q said.
The entire reason that the 2016 elections were allowed to occur as they did (with FRAUD) was, IMO, to advance the prospect of Voter ID.
We still haven’t heard about the results of the EO-mandated election report, due before this past Christmas. Yet, I believe it was submitted.
THINK of the leverage our VSGPDJT is holding NOW!
Where’s my popcorn.


you can’t keep dropping these ‘gems’ EmeraldStar,
too much winnin’ … too too much !


I’ve been on a “tear” today, Phoenix!
As I mentioned to Steve.
It’s almost time for “nighty-night” for ME! lol




I love him. A few others he posted.

Look how positive he is: aka they are not going to win


Harry Lime

“…And by the way, clean up the streets in San Francisco, they are disgusting!”
Haaaaaaaaaahahaha! This is why I love the man!


“Nancy–Go clean your damn room!” LOL!!!


Nancy already lost her plane privilege

wonder if this son was on the bus heading to the grounded plane?


Oh…. the ‘schiff’ gets deeper and deeper. Still want to see the list of who was going.


Trump is taking Pelosi down! I see it coming! She made the grave mistake of putting up her own wall in the House of Congress!


I agree!!! I have a feeling she is going to either retire early–in disgrace–or end up in Gitmo..She’s a filthy as her streets!!


Ohh Marica… cheer up why doncha!!!!!!
(Love you)


love you too Phoenix!


MOAR!!! MOAR!!! I’m Still Not SATISFIED!!!
Might I suggest this song for you! 🙂

Also thanks for the info on the blood moon. Hope I can see it tonight.


Oh Nancy you stepped in it.

Reading his tweet (and if this has already been posted sorry) but at his rate he might get the wall done before the dems agree to anything


I think you figured out the code !
He’s telling them what’s happenin’
THEY are NOT listening…
they have their hands over their ears screaming “We don’t hear you, we don’t hear you”


phoenix!!! Great Analogy!!!


totally okay by me… the wall/barrier (call it what you like) is RISING everyday…
object to an ‘abstract’ all you want Nasty Nan…


He is the world’s greatest chop buster.



Agreed. Don’t see the difference between then and now.


Y’all notice EVERYONE focused on the new shiny ball?
Really has changed the narrative, right?
Let’s see… what was the narrative YESTERDAY?
Oh, that sill business about BuzzFeed and the corrupt Media promoting a lie?
Poof… it’s gone.
Replaced by…comment image
Activist protester? you don’t say…


Charlie Kirk (26 years old) has it nailed:


Yeah he was late and wrong initially. He needs to be sharper about the culture war,
If we don’t aggressively defend those MAGA kids and destroy the left’s narrative then we are in trouble.This is a frontline battle for what we allow to be acceptable behavior. This is even bigger than Pres Trump right now.
So happy to see major twitter posters going back after this narrative.All of us need to fight this.We cannot allow them to go after innocent kids.
This is who we are. A core value.


You’re correct NYGuy…


They are going after our kids. I don’t know how much angrier I can get. Thank goodness we have people out there who want to defend them. But if anyone tries to take a chunk out of kids I value, then they will have a fight they will not win.


I concur with you…
Everything I do today, every key I stroke … every word I speak…
is done for my grandchildren, and now grgrands…
They must be protected at all costs… they are America’s future.


Flep has a thread up that is worth supporting


Yep. I bet the chans are lit with looking up these people.


TODAY is also 2nd anniversary of President Trump’s inauguration…
Has the Mockingbird/C_A media even mentioned that???
POTUS has had to tweet about his promises that day… FLOTUS had to tweet a photo…
Seen any tweets from POTUS supporters reminding of the day? No, they’re too mesmerized with the
flak being strewn by the Cabal/Deep State…
We’re never going to drain the swamp, defeat the Cabal IF WE DON’T WAKE UP…
Shiny balls are for cats…


Agree 110%, pR!


Trolls work in pairs or groups.


Yup. Tag teams. Why they were continually allowed to jump in and out of the ring OT, I could never figure out.


They didn’t even try all that hard OT. It was almost as if they were trying to be obvious. But Sundance did nothing.


Yet, we were the ones who were banned.
I still can’t figure it out. I know it’s been explained, but, given the trolls who have free rein OT, I don’t get it.


The SD ban-hammer story is as intriguing as Q.


btw, POTUS has just RT’d a total of FIVE tweets


Flashback: Before Smearing and Harassing Catholic Children – Native American Nathan Phillips Accused Frat Boys of Harassment in Similar Event


Roseanne Barr Slams ‘Repulsive’ Natalie Portman over Her ‘Sickening’ Israel Stance

Harry Lime

This lady (Barr) should have her own television show.
(from the Daily Caller 11/14/2018):
“The Conners” brought in a season-low 1.5 Nielsen Rating (which means 1.5 percent of the measured demographic tuned in), down 0.3 since last week. This comes out to an audience of about 6.90 million viewers, aged 18–49 years old.
This was an obvious disappointment compared to previous ratings. “The Conners” premiere raked in an impressive 7.5 rating back in early October. For comparison, the premiere of “Roseanne” brought in a monstrous 11.6 rating back in March.


Her TV ‘show’ needed HER much more than SHE needed it…
I have followed her twitter stream for some time…
Roseanne is authentic.. a rare quality in folks these days.
She not only bounced right back from the smears and attacks she received from the Left, she is living her true passion… her religion.


Whats this tall thingy here? Its like, flat but wide and tall and you can just walk around the side there. Its like we arent allowed to just walk freely.comment image


You CANT just walk around. France doesnt want people rushing for the u.k.
But europe is SO progressive!


‘France doesnt want people rushing for the u.k.’
Thank goodness. From what I hear in French radio interviews with the mayor from Calais, some days I’m not so sure. 😉


POTUS has just dropped a ton more of supportive tweets:


Trump Supporters must SUPPORT…
We need to tweet, call, Congress critters to support Mitch’s bill in the Senate (POTUS’ request) and the Senate bill going to the House must be supported in the House.
Those who are critical of a president proposing legislation don’t know American political history very well. It has been going on for eons.
President Trump should not be doing all this affirmation of his support ALONE.


I am seeing a significant uptick in incredibly nasty article since yesterday. I mean NASTY. Trying to find positive anything online, no luck so far.


Yes Yahoo is still pushing this thing against the Maga hat kids. Really its just best to turn it all off. I hope the kids/family sue. This is just insane what they are pushing.
Trump is right the media is the enemy of the people.




AMEN Steve…


Most, if not all, legislation is NOT written by Congress.
Unfortunately, it is written mostly by lobbyists. Congress-critters want us to THINK they do it, but they really don’t.


That’s a fact Aubergine…


Remember kids, even the moon wants to MAGA today. 😊comment image



Go Huckabee ALWAYS gets straight to the point… the average person has no problem understanding his meaning !


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“Wolf Moon” ~ Andrew Wyeth (1975)
Wyeth painted this watercolor on location (plein air) on the night of a Wolf Moon. The house is at the Kuerner farm, which was the scene of hundreds of his paintings and sketches over many years.
As an aside, Ronald Reagan asked Wyeth to do a commissioned portrait to be used in his campaign for President, but was turned down. Nothing personal. In an interview where he related that story, Wyeth added, “I still voted for him.”


Hey. Hey! Did you see this? Fire at fox, msnbc, cspan studios. Pence was supposed to be there today. “Electrical fire”.
WASHINGTON (ABC7) — An electrical fire broke out Sunday morning at a building that houses MSNBC, Fox News and C-SPAN studios in D.C.
DC Fire and EMS said the fire took place around 7:15 a.m. in MSNBC’s studio on the eighth floor of the building at 400 North Capitol Street, NW, and that no one was injured. The Fox News and C-SPAN studios are in the same building, though on different floors.


If you have spare time for digging, you might be interested in researching Nancy Pelosi, Andre Carson (Muslim Congressman she appointed to a certain committee in 2015), and trips to Afghanistan… she was meeting with the military (generals though, not thanking the soldiers)… research the number of trips she has made with Carson, number she has made total… what was her interest? Drugs? Gun running? enquiring minds want to know…comment imagecomment image
Ohh Nasty Nan… what have you been up to all these 32+ years in Congress???

Pat Frederick

what exactly is Congress doing on these jaunts? I thought meeting with foreign government officials was an Executive branch function. That’s why we have the State Dept, etc.


You haven’t forgotten NoName’s jaunts have you?
John Kerry (post zero administration)
Lindsey Graham
Congress critters who are members of various Congressional committees BELIEVE it is their duty to travel abroad and inspect/influence…
Most are busy engaging in nefarious affairs, if not criminal affairs.

Pat Frederick

I know they do it, but where in the Constitution does it describe this responsibility as a Congressional one? how do they justify it?


They don’t… they do it and we don’t stop them.
Same with black ops, no budget etc for 17 intelligence agencies…
“A republic, if you can keep it.”


Ring the bells, that still can ring.
Forget that perfect offering
There is a crack, in everythng.
That’s where the light gets in.
Leonard Cohen



ok– I finally have some time to read Professor Steve’s Most interesting article–Had to stop due to this line:
“Because I think just for once people in the Eastern Time Zone should feel our pain. ” Hysterical!!! thanks for that..


May we look back on this day, years from now in a restored American Republic, and find it symbolic that a lunar eclipse marked the Eclipse of the Demoncratic (rule by demons is demoncracy) Party.
I truly Believe This is God’s way of letting us know (to those with eyes to see) That this truly is a turning point In The USA!! Looking forward to Seeing it.

These people are sick!



Did Jr. mention Bombshells? Three?


Yup. He said 3.





I had no idea this was going on in Greece/Macedonia

Elizabeth Carter

Tonight is the Blood Moon. I just found this and think you will all like it.
The TRUMP ECLIPSE Jan 2019 – End Time SIGN of Blood Moons CONFIRMED

Molly Pitcher

Molly Pitcher

According to a bunch of tweets…The “Chief” is not only an activist agitator..he’s a liar. Claims to be a Vietnam Marine Corp veteran. People are pointing out that birth year of 1955 would make that claim impossible.

Sylvia Avery

If he was born in 1955 he could have served in Vietnam.
But didn’t I read he was involved in a similar escapade awhile ago, trying to stir up a fight at a protest? Almost like maybe he works for Bob Creamer or something…


I was born in 1954, and registered, but by that time they were not taking people because Nixon was in the process of getting ready to move out of Viet Nam. Never even got called to show up anywhere. So if born in 1955, doubt he had a damn thing to do with Viet Nam!

Sylvia Avery

Yeah, things were winding down. I guess I was thinking it is possible he enlisted and was then considered Vietnam War era service, but that doesn’t mean he set a foot in country. Might have served state side in some capacity.
My first husband enlisted in 1975, I believe, and was considered a Vietnam War era veteran although to be clear he was NEVER in combat and never served out of the country.

Molly Pitcher

twitter comments~ Replying to @almostjingo
He claimed to be a Marine Recon Ranger (???). By his age, I doubt he served during Vietnam, let alone was in country. Marines were all out by Spring of ’71, especially the recon units.
A Vietnam Vet means he served IN Vietnam. A Vietnam Era means he was in the service during Vietnam, but never went there. HUGE difference. Based on his age, I doubt he served before 1973.
2: What did he claim to do?
“I’m a veteran,” says Phillips, “a Marine Corps infantryman in the ’70s”
So he’s claiming to specifically be in combat arms during Vietnam.
He claims to have joined when he was 17. This would put him at 1972. (1955 + 17 = 1972).
The problem? The last Marine combat unit left Vietnam on June 25, 1971.


And so I graduated in 1972, and I’m calling bullshit! He might have gone into the service, but he didn’t step a foot in Viet Nam! Otherwise, with the number I had, I would have been notified to show up! Crickets from the government in 1972!


More RT’s from POTUS:



Twitter has put Joe M in “jail” for 7 days… Don’t know why. Nothing in his twitter stream worth suspension.
Twitter reminds me of ‘Brown Shirts’…



Curious…OT didnt post any congratulations on POTUS anniversary accomplishments.
Well we celebrate!
Thank You POTUS!


POTUS has another huge Tweet drop…




Was coming to post this. Love it!!!


I agree with PDJT and think that the non-recognition of the First Lady is disgusting.


You’re absolutely right…
It’s obvious she’s the best we’ve ever had… they can’t admit it.


‘Sons of baskets!’ as my late grandmother would have said.
Hmm. She voted Dem all her life, as did all her family, yet she was very much interested in fashion and style. Had she been alive today, I do wonder what she would have made of Melania Trump.
(Purely rhetorical question — and one to which I have no answer.)



How sad (for our country) the so-called mainstream media is so controlled by the Cabal they aren’t covering his achievements the past two years, they are not covering his plans for the next two (The Wall, the economy, Space Force)
We as a country are being deprived…


comment image

Sylvia Avery

I’m kind of divided myself.
One the one hand, I’m thrilled by all that PDJT has been able to accomplish! It is stunning.
What I didn’t expect to happen is the reveal of how much bigger the clean up is than I ever ever dreamed. It is daunting.
And then, I am sad to think his first term is half over already, and if what I pray for is a second term we are still one quarter of the way through the greatest Presidency ever. I kind of don’t want it to end.



Sylvia Avery

Looks like we made it! Thank heavens, I couldn’t have borne it if Steve was disappointed!
*********500 mark exceeded**************


Have you noticed POTUS’s twitter stream is on fire ! Thirty-eight so far, not counting below…


Wolfie ! You’re here!!!!

Sylvia Avery

“Democrats are often accused of aiding and abetting illegal immigrants in their quest to gain entry into the United States and four women found guilty of illegally entering a national wildlife refuge along the southern border don’t help with that perception.
The women’s actions also go a long way toward supporting President Donald Trump’s insistence that illegal immigration is a humanitarian crisis, and to showcase the impact his get-tough stance on the issue is having.
The women are humanitarian aid volunteers for the advocacy group No More Deaths, and they were found guilty as part of an effort to drop off water and food for those illegally entering the country along a protected wilderness area along the Arizona-Mexico border, notorious for the number of human remains recovered each year, the Arizona Republic reported….”
Read the rest here:


Lots of churches aiding and abetting … but they won’t get fined of course.


It’s the perfect collision of bad SJW theology and corrupt denominational financial interests. After 2008 the SBC receipts from member churches dropped dramatically and have NEVER recovered. I’m confident that is a big part of the cause for the dependence on these programs. Too much institution and bureaucracy.

Sylvia Avery

How Things Will Go Down if Ginsburg Leaves the SCOTUS–American Thinker
“Mueller, the wall impasse, the shutdown, the “postponement” of the SOTU – all are skirmishes in the undeclared war on President Trump waged by Democrats, the Deep State, and the compliant media. A decisive battle will be enjoined if Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies or resigns this year…
Here’s how it may go if RBG vacates the bench or the Earth soon, as seems likely: Pelosi will immediately schedule a vote to launch a formal impeachment inquiry, pre-empting the president’s announcement of his choice to fill Ginsburg’s seat. It will pass along partisan lines, swamping other news. Next, the House Judiciary Committee (Jerrold Nadler, chair) will draw up charges against the president. Eventually, the committee will vote out articles of impeachment. At some point after this, the entire House votes on the articles. Trump is impeached.
With President Clinton, it took about five months for the entire process to play out, ending with a vote of “not guilty.” Depending on when the ball drops, Democrats have two ways to work the Trump hit job for an even more extended time and for maximum effect:
Slow-walk the process leading to the full House impeachment vote. The longer it takes to get there, the longer Trump remains under a cloud and, in some eyes, delegitimized. Pelosi will be in no hurry get the matter to the Senate, where McConnell would schedule the trial as soon as possible to end the nightmare.
Fast-track the full House vote on impeachment – and hope, as I said in an earlier post, the public conflates impeachment with conviction.
Either way, Democrats and their media allies will flood the country with impeachment fare and string it out. Likely, four or five Republican senators turn jellyfish and inform McConnell they will not support Trump’s nominee to the SCOTUS while the president is in legal limbo.
Everyone knows that the Senate will not convict. And that’s fine with the prescient among Trump’s enemies. They want a weakened adversary in the Oval Office, not President Pence. If Schumer and Pelosi can keep the circus going into 2020, they believe that Trump’s ability to govern will be curtailed and perhaps, if they’re lucky, his spirit broken…”
Read the rest here:


Sorry… I don’t buy this scenario.
Don’t draw this kind of negativity to me… have more faith in POTUS and his ability to foresee problems with RBG leaving…
Most of Congress (and mostly DIMs) have committed horrific crimes…
Impeachment of POTUS will NEVER even get off the floor of the House.
I don’t rely on a crystal ball… but if pushed to predict scenarios, I would say Pelosi will be forced to step down shortly… over the border confrontation. Hoyer is breathing down her back… wants her out.
Sylvia, my comments are not directed toward you in anyway… but toward the author of the article. I see it as fearmongering…

Sylvia Avery

To me it seems like a plausible chain of events. Except like you I don’t have a crystal ball, and I continue to believe that God selected PDJT for this job and it wasn’t so that his Presidency plays out in the logical fashion imagined by the author of that article.
I like your version of events much better, and they have just as much validity.
Now I wish I wouldn’t have posted the article. It didn’t really peg my Fear-O-Meter so I wasn’t thinking about that at the time, but you correctly pointed that out.
Thanks for calling attention to that. No one needs to get discouraged by this article, IMO.


Oh geez, Sylvia, I’ve become almost suicidal over it!!!
I still think once Mueller is out of the way, and all the documents waiting to be dumped can’t be held up anymore by SC because it might impede or touches within Mueller’s investigation, some hell will be unleashed.
Just hope I can make it until then!

Sylvia Avery

We’re going to win this thing. The waiting is the hardest part.
But along the way, I expect to see more hilarious happenings like Nan settled down in her airplane set, ear buds in, cocktail in hand…only to have her butt unceremoniously booted off the plane. Ah, that is one to savor! I expect many more. PDJT will not roll over quietly.


me too Pete !
hangin by my fingernails some days though.


‘No one needs to get discouraged by this article, IMO.’
Exactly. It’s news and opinion we should take on board.
We need to know what others are thinking.
Thanks for posting the link to the article.

Sylvia Avery

” if pushed to predict scenarios, I would say Pelosi will be forced to step down shortly… over the border confrontation. Hoyer is breathing down her back… wants her out.”
I have to say that is truly a delicious prospect! I feel like a cat rolling in catnip just thinking about that!


Would the even more radical dimms gain control? They seem crazy enough to be given that power.

Sylvia Avery

Good question.


Still, if cheek-chewin’ Nancy goes, it will send a definite signal to the radicals.
Not that Steny is much better.


Sylvia Avery

I just went to skim articles OT and I know not all of you do that, so I’m going to post this bit of an SD post and a clip from FOX today of an interview. I thought it was hopeful, so I thought I’d share if interested:
“An important interview between Judiciary Committee member John Ratcliffe (R – TX) as he discusses the likely motive behind why Mueller decided to talk out against the Buzzfeed report. Representative Ratcliffe points to the testimony of AG nominee William Barr as the annoying pebble that made Mueller’s team stop to shake out their shoe.
Additionally, in an outline to highlight the corrupt abuse of the Rosenstein/Mueller probe, Ratcliffe outlines Bruce Ohr’s testimony and exposes a larger issue: if Mueller was honorable, when he became aware of the scheme he would have dropped his inquiry…”


Going to see it here if we can.


I just found this place, and am so excited at all the FAMILIAR names!!! I wondered where everybody went….
I just read a lengthy post by WolfMoon and want him to know that whatever is going on, my prayers are with him!


I just found this place, and am so excited at all the FAMILIAR names!!! I wondered where everybody went….
I just read a lengthy post by WolfMoon and want him to know that whatever is going on, my prayers are with him!


Thanks Steve…
been watching here in Carolina… looking orangish/brown so far, with about 1/3 or 1/4 coverage. (ol eyes ya know !)


Great shot Steve… thank you !

Molly Pitcher

Seeing it here in Ca !



Thanks, judy, for Nate’s tweet.
I am so sorry for Nate Cain and his family.
He was supposed to be the notional fall guy, yet he would be recognised as the good guy — the righteous whistleblower who would be redeemed by all of this.
My foot.
Once again, we see that whistleblowers are isolated and sacked.
Is that to say no one should ever blow the whistle again? No, not at all, but opposing forces can be overpowering, and so they proved to be, once again, sadly.
May God bless him and his family. Prayers rising.
This is why we have to ‘man up’, as it were and stop naively thinking of certain people as freaking ‘white hats’, as SD used to position them. To be fair, even if I have been banned a second time, I notice less and less of that now OT. SD should have owned up that he was wrong about ‘white hats’ and ‘black hats’. Think Mueller, RR, Sessions and Wray.


It’s -10 degrees so my time outside has been of short duration at about 10 minute intervals. About 20 minutes ago I saw a meteorite shoot past just to the left of the reddish moon. The constellation Orion is to the right. Quite a sight!
Very clear skies. This is the first blood moon I’ve seen.


Lol. It was really dark. I expected more maroon but got red black.


End of the day but I wanted to have this story up. Quadruple homicide in Reno by a 19 year old illegal. Not 1 word have I heard until now. He has been caught but this was awfully quiet.
A suspect has been arrested in connection to the four homicides earlier this month in Douglas County and South Reno.
Wilbur Martinez-Guzman, 19, was arrested at 4:30 p.m. Saturday in Carson City and is being held there on charges related to burglary and possession of stolen property, and charges related to his immigration status.
At a news conference Sunday, authorities said murder charges should be following soon
Authorities stressed that Martinez-Guzman’s arrest should bring relief to a community that’s been on edge since the string of killings started last week.
Connie Koontz, 56, was found dead inside her home in Gardnerville Ranchos on Jan. 10. On Jan. 13, Sophia Renken, 74, was found dead in her home about a mile away.
Jerry David, 81, and his wife Sherri, 80, were found in their South Reno home on La Guardia Lane Wednesday afternoon. Both died from gunshot wounds.
“We felt it was important for the public to know that we are confident we have the person responsible for the La Guardia Lane homicides as well as the homicides in Douglas County,” Washoe Sheriff Darin Balaam said. “The information we have now indicates there are no outstanding suspects at this time, but the investigation is still ongoing.”
Authorities did not say what connection there might have been between the suspect and victims.
Carson City Sheriff Kenny Furlong said federal immigration authorities told his office that Martinez-Guzman had been in Carson City for about one year and was in the country illegally.
Douglas County Sheriff Dan Coverley said he hopes the region should find some solace now that the only suspect is in custody.
“We’ve worked hard to bring some peace to you,” Coverley said.
Washoe County District Attorney Chris Hicks said more details about Martinez-Guzman and the investigation will be made public soon.
Investigation in Carson City
Carson City Sheriff’s deputies were still searching a home associated with Martinez-Guzman on Sunday afternoon.
Several neighbors described seeing law enforcement officers swarm the home Saturday night. Many described seeing armed SWAT members at the home.
“I was at the grocery store, and when I came home, I saw all the patrol vehicles,” said 35-year-old Rosa Abundis in Spanish.
Abundis was one of a handful of neighbors who witnessed the search. Several neighbors described seeing a woman and three children, one of which was a toddler, come out of the home.
Furlong said Martinez-Guzman was pulled over by deputies for an immigration issue Saturday night.
“It was a tactical arrest” related to immigration, Furlong said.
He said during the arrest, the police car and the suspect’s car collided in the parking lot at the Carson Mall.
Relief for community
The killings sent a tremors of fear throughout the rural neighborhood in south Reno, feelings that were quickly assuaged by news of the arrest.
Abbi Whitaker, a public relations executive who lives a couple doors down from the Davids, said she and her family left their home to stay in a hotel and then a relative’s house for a few nights.
“We didn’t even have a key for our front door,” she said. “That’s just how the Whitakers are. We would leave our front door open, our garage open.”
When they returned to their house they brought out a locksmith to secure the front door and armed themselves. Whitaker also took lessons at the gun range.
“A shotgun sat by our bed, loaded,” she said. “We slept with all of the lights on.”
When they heard news of a suspect’s arrest, they were immediately relieved.
“My husband looked at me and he said, ‘I can breathe again,’” Whitaker said.


Beautiful! As a moon child i approve.


Very nice. Its so cool but I keep popping out to see it. But wow its cool and cold.

Sylvia Avery

Steve, thanks for posting your photos. They are lovely. I kept going outside every few minutes to look. Unfortunately, we had some high cirrus type clouds tonight so they kept blowing across the moon and obscuring it or partially obscuring it before blowing across. Still, we got to see it. Your pics were better, though!