This special Go Ahead, Leftists, Make My Day post is dedicated to your thoughts on this day, as the shutdown continues, the media continue to dive into the Covington Quagmire and the Democrats continue on the path to suicide.
But first, the usual administrivia:
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As always, you can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. BUT: Keep it civil. Rules much like the Old Treehouse, except of course Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged. A couple of other important things to consider: contains some general guidelines for things that are really, really not kosher to post here.
And Wheatie’s Rules (as amended by me):
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
- No shooting at the nuclear warheads.
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I think we’re in a dark tunnel right now, but that’s not Eeyorism, because I believe the light at the end is plainly visible.
The media’s credibility is in full auto-da-fé. Even politically disengaged or middle-of-the-road people (who the Left usually can stampede) have caught on, this time. And much legal action is on the way. This could be IT–the effective end of the Yellow Stream Media.
The Dems are finding themselves on the short end with regard to the shutdown. They’re going to have to come to terms with the fact that President Donald J. Trump will get his wall, “one way or another.”
But it will get worse before it gets better. The Left is threatening violence. We must stand firm. More than that, we must fight back.
Whatcha growing there, Mr. Steve?? Almost makes me want to work in the garden, I said ALMOST
. Beautiful pic, love how Wolfie blends in so nicely. Good Job!

I’m back to highlighting flyover country (now that the heavens are back to doing ordinary things).
I’m not even entirely sure the picture is from the US, but I wanted something a bit different from huge acreage of grain.
Vegetable and fruit farming is a lot more labor intensive per acre, and oftentimes the farmers don’t get ag subsidies. And they are as vital a part of American prosperity as anyone else.
Yes, we used to have tons of them here all over the Willamette Valley. Now a lot of them have switched to growing Christmas trees because it’s a lot more profitable. I really miss being able to go out to the farms and getting some fresh peaches or strawberries.
One of the big orchard operations here does Christmas trees as well. They’ve got something being picked from April to December every year.
That being said, a number of our truck farm operations that were close in to the city have vanished as their land – Missouri River bottom land which is very lush and fertile – has been gobbled up for development. And if the levee blows with a big flood again, all that building will have to be replaced.
I also live in the Willamette valley, and there are two Christmas tree farms within a couple miles of my place. the farm I picked beans at as a kid is also a tree farm. I miss picking cherries, I dont even know where you can go to pick cherries or peaches now. the farm that had a peach orchard is gone now. but every small farm has lots of blueberries, must be a thing now.
Ain’t nothing like home grown fresh veggies, they’re just the very Best!! Except for tomatoes, I love the cold weather veggies the most. However, down here in Texas, that growing season is pretty short. I worked 12 raised beds full of goodies for the Church pantry for about 6yrs. Yes, lots of work but worth it if you have time and energy. Good Eating and a Juicer’s Paradise!!
That is an unusual picture, and lush colors. Makes me think of swiss chard, red beets and all thise other yummy, healthy veggies. Not to mention rich, dark soil. Probablyyyyy not filmed in Colorado
I’d say you’re probablyyyyy right.
It certainly looks nothing at all like my land.
i thought it was a paprika farm…
The one end almost looks like Chrysanthemums.
I seldom read Ace anymore, but this article was a good swat at the Never Trumpers who were all too eager to go along with the leftist narrative:
“How many times do cucks like Jonah Goldberg, Rich Lowry, Ben Shapiro, Ben Howe etc. get to play “I didn’t know the left lied and attempted to manipulate weak soyboy beta cucks like me into carrying their message for them” card?
How many times can they keep saying “I didn’t know”? Seems like we’re up to a hundred times, at least, of this unteachable crew being taught a lesson and yet continuing to be unschooled. ”
Read the rest here:
No more excuses for jumping on the anti-Trump bandwagon!
We learned who the ‘conservative’ media really were way back a long time ago:
Such as when they wrote the National Review against Trump in 2016.
And when they blamed Trump for the DNC hired thugs’ violence in Chicago that caused Trump to cancel the rally!
It’s funny, I remember having this conversation back in ’03 with friends that you couldn’t trust NR anymore b/c they had been taken over by NeoCons. Which is when I started searching for *alternative* alternative media.
2003 – the year of the ‘gay’ ‘bishop’….I remember it well.
Thanks for the great new Open Thread, Steve!
Nice work.
Love the picture…I wonder what the crop is, that is shown there?
I’m trying to think of which plants have red leaves.
It’s interesting that the Farmer planted it in alternating strips like that…instead of doing it in sections dedicated to each one.
And Yes! Down with the oppressive Yellow Stream Media!
They truly are the enemy of the people.
Which is why I’ve been calling them…the Enemedia.
You’re most welcome, Steel Wheatie.
Enemedia: An equally good name for them, IMHO.
Red leaf lettuce maybe ? I used to live in the middle of ag fields in the Ca central coast.
Yes, red leaf lettuce…I wondered about that too.
Even though it doesn’t look like there are ‘heads’ of lettuce in those rows; the plants are quite close together.
Maybe it’s one of those farms where they harvest the ‘baby leaves’ of lettuce.
‘Baby Leaf Lettuce’ salads have become very popular in delis and produce depts in grocery stores sell a lot of those pre-prepared baby leaf salad mixtures.
Looks like several varieties of leaf lettuces. Smaller compact plants. purples, reds, variegated. Also mustard greens, chard, beet leaves have multi colored leaves.
That picture honestly looked like it could’ve been taken from our house there. The trees at the end too.
Lettuce one season, usually strawberries the next. Berries behind in the other fields..It was great
sounds lovely!
Possibly Swiss Chard or Oak Leaf lettuce. I have grown several varieties of both along with Red Leaf lettuce and they all are in those ranges of reds. My garden tends to look more like a jungle though. It’s all raised beds with deep mulch.
Oh, colored swiss chard is yummy in a totally fresh vegies pizza…pretty too.
I think it’s actually multiple vegetables. About four rows look like new shoots of spinach, and several others look like various other leaf veggie varieties.
I’m IN!! Did you have any doubt?
PDJT has been patiently teaching us to FIGHT BACK! Yep!! He tweets! But beyond that–HE Acts!! How Many times in just 22 days of this year– 2019 have we cracked the hell up regarding what not only our POTUS TWEETS–But what he DOES!!! I can’t even remember–From his 11 minute statement regarding border security–Which created the creepy Nasty/Chucky memes to DEAR DIARY tweet to the Grounding of Nasty and her entire family–HE HAS DRIVEN the Narrative!! and has engaged more Americans into this process than ever before!!
And He Keeps exposing the Left, the DS, and the Media Derangement!!
And I Love your Pic Steve!! But I would love to know your thoughts behind it?…
Elswhere, I talked about the pic with Wheatie.
Ugh. No. Bflyjesusgrl. Now that I’m not in the notifier, I’ll just copy-paste:
I’m back to highlighting flyover country (now that the heavens are back to doing ordinary things).
I’m not even entirely sure the picture is from the US, but I wanted something a bit different from huge acreage of grain.
Vegetable and fruit farming is a lot more labor intensive per acre, and oftentimes the farmers don’t get ag subsidies. And they are as vital a part of American prosperity as anyone else.
From Tucker’s Tuesday night show…his continued coverage of the Covington High story:
So…where can I find that convo? I really am interested..
Loser c on man phillips and now everyone knows it.
This Nathan Phillips guy is Not a ‘tribal elder’ either.
The term, ‘Tribal Elder’ is a title reserved for members of a tribe who officiate in tribal matters.
Phillips may be an elder…but he is not a ‘tribal elder’.
The Lakota Tribe has disavowed him:
Beautiful picture Steve.
PLEASE sue her!!!!!!!!!!
This liar and aocs mouthy ignorance are remarkable.
FYI this is a congresswoman FYI!!
Do it!!!
My grandma pick ed tobacco, then veg, and flowers. I have a pic or 2 of it. I really resent the claim we wont do the work.
The pic is beautiful Steve.
“Nathan Phillips Tried to Disrupt Catholic Mass by Chanting, Beating Drum”
“A group of Native American activists, led by native elder Nathan Phillips, allegedly tried to enter a Catholic church in Washington, DC, on Saturday while chanting and banging on their drums.
Nathan Phillips, along with about twenty other activists, tried to disrupt a January 19th evening Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, while chanting and banging on their drums, according to the Catholic News Agency (CNA).”
I was just coming here to post this.
That move is downright provocative. There is no other way to put it.
The most salient point, IMO, is the fact that he is fund-raising and is supported by the Gates’, Rockefellers and another radical left-wing group under the guise of the Indian youth group. This should tell everyone all they need to know.
Ain’t it something!!!
OT is a comment with a screenshot of “Gruntworks” who claims to have his DF-214. they say he was a refrigerator mechanic who went AWOL twice and was kicked out as a private–and he never left the states. (Can’t copy the post or the picture)…which is why he carefully says he is a Vietnam TIMES veteran…
sorry fat fingers this morning…DD-214
Link to DD 214 in this article:
Posits a theory concerning all these Dems suddenly going over to PR, Warren being the most recent with her prepared zinger “the wall is dumb”.
1. We know PR has its serious problems with govt corruption as demonstrated by the recent Hurricane especially with the failed Mayor of San Juan and the corrupt unions there.
2. PDJT policies on the border have been disrupting to the cartels and face they know they face even more disruption if the wall goes up so it’s likely they might already be interested in opening up new trade routes.
3. You get a micro picture of the level of money and amount of people and who they are that have gone to the dark side and are involved in the drug trade right here in this country with phoenixRising’s report on Bal Harbor.
Reposts in case you missed it.
4. It’s already well surmised drugs and sex trafficking are two of the ways Dems line their pockets, fill their coffers and likely pay back their big monied benefactors. Meanwhile the corrupt parts of PR have fairly well proven themselves some what resistant to Federal Authorities given there thus far mostly successful misadventures in working with FEMA and their investigators.
5. So what’s not to assume that all these Dem politicians visiting there are all or partially about either expanding or exploiting the drug trade via PR to mainland USA as cartels search for new routes for their wares. Use Warren as an example, she pretty much represents the Boston Harbor area. The others I’m sure represent Charleston and other in land ports of entry, as well as Atlanta Apt and other lesser land airports with direct flights to PR. Part of their visit might be to encourage expansion of and steering of illicit shipments to approved and protected stateside distributors.
anyway, just a theory to think upon.
This will explain a lot of it. There are 3 parts. I had not heard of the 10 Island Challenge before.
Yep, starts with the Rum Running Kennedy’s and expands into fortifying the routes. Likes that you put that out there as coreydiggs is something I’d like to get too more often than I’m able and clearly missed this which is certainly central to my post. Loves that others are way ahead of me on this. TY much Elizabeth
Interesting and makes sense.
It’s no surprise to me that illicit traffic is going to shift, so long as there is someone willing to pay for the product being smuggled. It can raise prices and maybe force some buyers out of the market if demand is elastic.
I favor the wall anyway, for different reasons than imagining for a single instant it’s going to stop drugs and human sex slavery.
Something that occurred to me as I read further down: Regardless of whether drug traffic STOPS or SHIFTS, the Mexican Mafia will come on hard times since the crap won’t be going through Mexico any more; it’ll be cut off from them upstream to go an alternate route. And if the Mexican Mafia really is pulling the Democrats’ strings…well, a lot is explained.
Nick Sandmann’s appearance on the Today Show served to show How Young He Is.
I have only seen this clip…but if this is any indication, then it looks like young Sandmann handled himself very well.
I can’t stand this ‘reporter’.
Me either…she was obviously trying to get a “gotcha” moment out of young Sandmann.
It reminds me of what katie couric did to sarah palin.
I want to know WHY anyone let him be interviewed. These things are cut a certain way…I wish they hadn’t. And I really, really, REALLY dislike savannah guthrie….
Totally agree.
What in the world were the parents thinking!
i agree. this was not the best idea… this whole thing is so very sketchy from the beginning.
seems like when the left completely implode somehow the right seems to do al they can to minimize the damage that can be caused and then the potential good out of it is disipated.
they probably want to get on fake news to show the masses the truth but the fake news controls the narrative. not sure if there has been any reaction by the other fake newsers and their regular followers since this about how they see the light…
more like guthrie took one for the team here because they know most conservatives will be happy with this for a while giving the other side a chance to make up a new story…
Talk about a “smirk”.
The look on the face of tha beyotch is beyond the pale. “Superior”, elite, “well-educated and experienced adult” versus the “recalcitrant child”…
The YSM are controlled. Not just by the leftard politicians, and the globalists, and elite, but by their father Satan. The father of lies…
Observations on this whole episode.
The first I heard of it I put it down as liberals attacking / baiting kids and didn’t pay it much more attention as the wider context of what actually happened was already coming into view that should of exonerated these students.
The story persisted though so and then I found out while the left is getting out raged and establishment types are trying to toss these students into the volcano of political correctness to sanctify themselves, a Polish delegation early on while the smoke was still in the air was inviting these kids to Poland to speak to their parliament. Oh! Something is up I realize and I need to back track.
Finds that the these students were quite exceptional in that they stood their ground and were not at all baited but responded with dignity, courage and calmness under stress given the circumstances of the attack on them. Okay, now understands fully why the Polish delegation was so impressed and made the offer to come to Poland as this is part of the Polish character, that being standing up and not running away in the face of tyranny. Hats off to the Pol’s to be among the first to recognize this.
Now the story becomes more clear when some are backing away from their prejudgments without all the facts while others maintain the attack and even triple down on it with absurdity while others who should by this time still refuse to retract or issue apology despite the facts being in that fully exonerates and expounds on the virtue of these students rather heroic stand.
Anyway, three things become clear.
1. The left despises deplorables that will not back down from their tyrannical fits.
2. The left seeks to divide young people and religious people from MAGA and POTUS and still have help from with in establishment circles (now exposed).
3 And yes everyone is correct, this is all about a pre attack on Amy Barrett for the Supreme court thru tarnishing Christians that support PDJT and was likely a set up from the start given that it was too easy to find this group of white, christian, young male MAGA lovers at a point where they were to meet for their buses. The provocateurs knew they had these students in a place they’d not retreat from. Add in the edited video and the fact that the left and others won’t look past it despite the all the facts that exonerate, it becomes clear then that this was an orchestrated event for all the above reasons.
Okay, everyone knows this stuff so why did I write it? Answer is I really would like these students to take up the Pols on their offer. Suing will be nice too.
Hoping they will.
There were two groups of Provocateurs.
There was the black Israelite group and there was the drum-beating AIM group.
Did they know that the large group of Covington students were going to be there at the Lincoln Memorial?
It’s possible, yes.
We don’t know this…but it is possible.
The Lincoln Memorial is well suited for a meeting place for a large group.
There is a street that circles it…with a parking lot that is suitable as a loading zone.
It would be good to know if the two Provocateur groups were there before the kids got there…or if they showed up afterward.
The Soros groups pay people to go to these things like the March For Life…and cause trouble.
They pay their travel expenses and their motel bills.
They pay the ‘talent’ a monthly salary.
I think that the drum-beater, Phillips, is probably considered ‘talent’.
The way that Phillips approached the group of kids…with his crew following him, filming it…seemed like it was coordinated with the black Israelite group.
Because the leader of the Israelite group acted like he knew what was about to happen.
That’s what struck me, the first time I watched the longer video.
When the Phillips guy started his stroll towards the group of kids…the leader of the Israelite group said something like:
“There! There it is!”…and his guy filming him, started filming Phillips.
The Covington High School has been sending a group of students to the March For Life every year…for years.
So it *is* possible that the Provocateurs could’ve had scouts out, looking for a moment to target them.
The way that the ‘paydirt’ video was released to all the leftist Enemedia was definitely coordinated.
These organized leftist groups probably get paid extra, when they ‘score’ some footage that can be used against us Deplorables or against Pres Trump.
I saw that too—the initial video I saw showed Phillips on the right with teenagers on the left–and none of them had on red caps…then Phillips slowly pressed into the crowd of young men to stand in front of Sandmann…he had a target and progressed towards it.
IIRC someone posted that the kids did not have MAGA hats originally–someone came and passed them out—don’t know if that was proven or not, but that would explain Phillips moving towards a target–find a red hat to get maximum impact.
i am still getting my head around a group of “Young Black Israelites” but i will save that for later i guess.
Just Black Muslim Supremacists by another name.
That would be consistent with their beliefs. They believe that Jewish and Christian scripture as Jews and Christians know it has been corrupted, that the originals would be consistent with the Koran but this knowldege has deliberately been suppressed by Jewish and Christian clergy. Thus they claim that people like Abraham and Moses and Christ were actually Muslims and everything you think you know about them is a lie.
That’s how a bunch of Muslims can justify to themselves calling themselves Israelites–they think they’re the only real ones around.
Gives them slander material on the sly simply by tagging them with certain looks/terms after paying them to misbehave so badly. These young men are black. (Smear their race) Also, news claims they are Hebrew Nationalist, whatever that means. (Smear Jews and Patriots).
The Black Hebrew Israelites were the ones who CAUSED the whole problem.
Dear Lord, the things they said to those kids were horrific.
The entire world now sees the evil fake media for what it is EVIL. and WE the truth seekers know that the world laughs and points at the fake news. There is no way the fake news can ever be taken seriously again. there behavior is seditious and beyond treasonous.
Line to use in a discussion, once you’ve given examples of how X (whom they cited) has been caught lying.
“Now since X is a known liar, why do you expect ME to believe anything they say? Maybe you don’t have standards and will believe them, why do you expect ME to believe it? Come back to me when you have information that didn’t come from a known liar, and we’ll talk some more.”
You do realize that that line of discussion can come across as you thinking yourself superior in some way? Might work with some people (and you are totally correct), but others will need a more subtle method of influencing to rethink things.
Yes, one variant might be “why should I believe a known liar?” and leave out any reference to what your opponent should or shouldn’t do. Even “why do you expect me to believe a known liar?” puts something on them and might be best avoided–or might not. It might shame them into accepting your point, or it might make them defensive.
A lot is judgment calls.
I had a hard time finding his age, but I think it’s 17. Most stories didn’t report his age, only Nathan Phillips’ age, so we all feel badly for this Native American elder.
Good grief! The man is younger than I am!!!! I’ll tell you what – he looks like he was rode hard and put up wet!!!! I mean, I am a hag now compared to my younger, hot days but even I don’t look THAT bad!!! All a part of the scam, I’m sure!
I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with the self-deprecating parts of this post.
TY, good sir!
Just doing justice.
Kitty cusswords?
Yup time to pull out of NATO…
they are going to make sure POTUS can’t–or at least try o make sure he can’t…
House approves measure blocking President from NATO withdrawal. Likely to pass the Senate. #UniParty pro-war interventionists forcing U.S. to remain engaged in never ending military intervention. Ridiculous.
— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) January 23, 2019
Ugh I hate these people. They are so anti USA its not even funny.
From the beginning, the EU felt like a counter move to the US. It just did. And when Switzerland stayed out, I knew it was going to fail. I just didn’t realize it would self-destruct on more than just the currency.
The chaperones for these kids were obviously ill-equipped to deal with that whole situation.
They should Not have given the kids the “go ahead” to respond to the Agitators with school cheers.
It was Not a sports event.
Those Agitators were Not fans from an opposing school.
I saw an interview on Fox with one of the other chaperones…and he seemed clueless & naïve about situations like this.
In all fairness to him, most flyover country normies are the same way.
But if you’re going to take a group of school kids into DC, which is a hive of the worst scum and villainy…then you need chaperones with some street-smarts, who are wise to ways of the world.
The minute those Agitators started yelling at the kids…those chaperones should have rounded the kids up and moved them away from the situation.
They could have waved-down the busses, when they showed up.
Thank you, Wheatie! Agree 110%!
‘I saw an interview on Fox with one of the other chaperones…and he seemed clueless & naïve about situations like this …
‘But if you’re going to take a group of school kids into DC, which is a hive of the worst scum and villainy…then you need chaperones with some street-smarts, who are wise to ways of the world.
‘The minute those Agitators started yelling at the kids…those chaperones should have rounded the kids up and moved them away from the situation.’
You’re welcome, Churchmouse.
And you’ve been saying the same thing since the beginning of this.
I had to familiarize myself with the layout of the Lincoln Memorial, since I haven’t been there.
[hope this posts okay]
As you can see…there are other areas where the chaperones could’ve herded the kids to.
The front of the Memorial is Not a Loading Zone anyway!
You can click on the pic to enlarge it.
The circle drive around the monument is closed off to traffic in two places, which prevents a drive-thru in front of the main steps.
Thank you, wheatie! Much appreciated!
Yes, I’ve visited the Lincoln Memorial. It is awe-inspiringly, indescribably YUGE. I still think about how ginormous the sitting statue of Lincoln is.
The Lincoln Memorial must be seen to be truly appreciated in terms of size.
Yes, there were PLENTY of other places there to congregate.
this is just anecdotal info i have from chaperoning two trips with 8th graders in the last 6 years and what we did, and what it seemed everyone was doing that came on busses. they ,ight have had a different setup for this event i do not know…
the area where you would bring in school children on busses is if you are looking at the pic there is a path leading diagonally away and to the left from the reflecting pool area. (there is a little “gazeebo” or some kind of structure if you zoom in for reference) down past there is the area where tour busses will line that street on both sides, so the loading zones are quite a way away from the memorial proper. to the right diagonally down in this picture you start heading down the vietnam memorial wall, eventually coming to the korean war memorial also…
Always like and enjoy your comments, but on this I have to respectfully disagree. There are three main thoroughfares leading into/out of the LM. The bridge in the upper right corner is one of a few bridges across the Potomac getting in/out of Virginia and heading back to Kentucky, very busy traffic wise. Second guessing the chaperones might be somewhat of a leap since as reported Covington has been doing this for many years. I would not be surprised that this is where their pick up point has been those years without any incident, so why change. The difference, IMHO is the idiot leftists wanted to start a confrontation; which they would have done at any pick up point around the LM. The one thing you may have also overlooked is that the large space in the front of the LM is very convenient location for a large group and easy place for a bus or two (I don’t know if more than one bus was needed) to turn around and head out of town.
‘The front of the Memorial is Not a Loading Zone anyway!
It may not be, but there are other vehicles there and I’m also pretty certain, since I’ve been there a few times,that the Park Police would not have permitted the buses to pick them up there if it was not allowed. Getting in and out of DC is a major hassle with just a car, a busload or more of kids is a nightmare. Just my $0.02 fwiw !
Hi, Steve in Lewes,
There are permanent barriers across the driveway around the Memorial — in two places — that prevent vehicles from driving in front of it.
If you click on the aerial-view picture…then click again to enlarge it…you can see those barriers.
It looks like the area in front of the Memorial was constructed to be a loading zone.
But at some point, those barriers were installed…so it’s not accessible by vehicle now.
Because of the shutdown…there may not have been any Park Police there.
I’m thinking that there probably weren’t any Park Police there.
Which made it the perfect place for the kids to be ambushed by the Agitators.
Well, I realize it wasn’t your main purpose in posting, but YOU win the “find an actual bad effect of the shutdown” lottery!!!!!
No, I didn’t mean to do that!
The ambush didn’t have to happen, though.
It’s no secret that the shutdown is going on.
If the chaperones had been more protective of their charges…they would’ve seen what was brewing and moved the kids away from the Agitators.
Look on the bright side. It’s been going on this long and only now did someone finally stumble on a negative effect!
I bet int he future all these high schools, and there are many who send young people to the “March for Life” will send some sort of security with their groups. To make sure adults don’t approach the kids.
A PE teacher and a parent who is a seasoned lawyer or retired military would probably suffice.
PE teachers are generally muscular and streetwise. Most people would get triggered. Outside of class, they get their points across politely yet firmly.
The lawyer or veteran would understand various situations and the implications.
Chaperones need to wise up.
Here’s the thing wheatie, I’m betting that 99% of Catholic families from flyover country are ill prepared in the ways of the commies. Project Veritas confirmed that the left manufactures confrontations against MAGA supporters. Those of us long involved in the Great Awakening have learned what to look for and how to avoid or at least side step their traps. The unsuspecting chaperones didn’t react as they should’ve because they were clueless as to what was really going on.
THANK YOU! I, for one, am tired of what is increasingly looking like scapegoating. JMO
Also, it was probably discussed before they ever stepped foot off the not engage with people who are pro abortion. …………..They didn’t engage. By all normal rules , the kids & chaperones probably had no clue that this would be distorted. If you haven’t dealt directly with evil you don’t think the press would distort and lie..that thousands of twitts would call for you murder .
Heheh. Was that a sneeze?
A little help from a fren…
I love the “Wake Up with Wheatie” section of the threads!! thanks!
I got to thinking….
The word Covington sounds very similar to Lexington. Add the first two letters of Concord to Lexington after dropping the “Le”, and it becomes even closer.
From Wikipedia:
Ralph Waldo Emerson describes the first shot fired by the Patriots at the North Bridge in his “Concord Hymn” as the “shot heard round the world”.
As “Q” is wont to point out, “Their symbolism will be their downfall”, or something similar to that. It’s probably a long shot, but could the Deep State be planning a false flag operation at the upcoming AIM protest where one or more of the protesters get shot?
Maybe worth putting on the radar of White Hats?
May every plot and purpose of those serving darkness be exposed, foiled, dismantled, in the powerful Name of Jesus!
NYPost article interviewing the leader of the Black Hebrew Israelites.
Folks, even the Southern Poverty Law Center tracks this group as a hate group.
They hate everyone.
They’re from Brooklyn?
So…what were they doing in DC, on the day of the Pro-Life March?
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, is supporting the Black Hebrew Israelites.
So, we have a Congresswoman supporting a hate group, who is so bad, even the SPC calls them a hate group.
Islam really is a cult.
It is a hate group. It is a supremacist group.
It is a conquest-oriented malignant group that seeks to invade and conquer all the earth.
It is dangerous and malevolent.
Islam should be banned from all civilized countries and from the face of the earth.
A very wise pastor once said “Islam is the ideology/religion of the fallen flesh, of unregenerate human nature.”
Islam was invented in order to gain power, wealth, to conquer land and people, to gain influence over, subdue and subsume Judaism and Christianity and gain the possessions, women, children and lands of these groups.
Looking at Islam with a cold clinical eye and weighing the evidence of the centuries of Islam’s core texts, doctrines, traditions, preachers and actions, it is enough to ban it as a violent, aggressive, coercive, oppressive, racist, misogynist, supremacist, human rights abusive cult.
Here are the characteristics of a cult:
1. Supremacy – Group claims to have only real Truth, superiority above all others.
2. Uniqueness – Group has peculiar beliefs that are not shared by any other group, are not Biblical, often involve supernatural extraterrestrial beings, locations and entities, future predictions and prophecies.
3. Coercion – even to the point of Threat. Group demands utmost loyalty. If you leave our group, we will shun, ban, punish or harm you.
4. Exploitation – Group requires, even demands members money, property, time, service.
5. Isolation – Group demands members leave or place group above family, friends, job, home.
6. Devotion, obedience – Group demands total unquestioning devotion and obedience.
7. Identity – Group gives new name, identity, set of values to members, acts as substitute family.
8. Indoctrination – there are special teachings, doctrines, laws, traditions, clothing/hair styles and practices that are required to learn and abide by.
9. Abuse – Group abuses members physically, sexually, emotionally and/or rationally/cognitively (gas-lighting, brain-washing, conditioning) by convincing member what they see is not reality or by use of DRUGS*, fasting, forced exercise/labor, loss of sleep, imprisonment/isolation.
10. Laws – Group places itself above the law and encourages/coerces members to engage in illegalities, crimes, scams, etc.
11. Secrecy – Group has secret rituals, vows, practices that members may not reveal to outsiders.
12. Goals, agenda, expectancy, hierarchy, rewards – Group has predictions, prophecies, goals, complicated timelines and doctrines that members are taught.
13. Proselytization – Group encourages outreach and rewards members who bring in new members.
14. Leadership – Group has leaders that are believed to have special powers, have had special visions, spiritual experiences, and are given status, privileges, veneration, even worship.
15. Subjugation, dehumanization, exploitation and violence against outsiders and/or women and children.
Islam is a cult by every definition of the word.
Moreover, some of the leftist agenda groups such as the Communist/socialists, Open Borders/unlimited immigration, globalists , LBGT and Global Warming are edging very close to cult-hood.
*Islamists use drugs to fuel the barbaric atrocities of their warriors. There is even a drug called the ISIS drug.
Ha – I just commented somewhere this morning that it is a cult masquerading as a political theocracy. And I was coming to post the following – yet another reason we MUST BUILD THE WALL!!!
“Last month, 32 individuals identified as “mostly faith leaders” by the San Diego Union-Tribune demonstrated at the U.S. southern border and were arrested. A December 10 Union-Tribune article and other accounts, such as a Huffington Post report and a press release from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), painted sympathetic portraits.
The Union-Tribune quoted Dallas imam Omar Suleiman: “We refuse to accept that this is normal. … You have a right to seek peace. You have a right to seek asylum.” The Huffington Post noted that Hussam Ayloush, the long-serving executive director of CAIR’s Los Angeles chapter, was among the first arrested. He told the reporter: “My faith in God is the most important part of my life. … And it was my faith, love and passion for dignity … that led me to protest.”
Very enlightening. To the unregenerate, all religions seem the same. Christians know better.
Not enough, unfortunately. The Methodist church in my town preaches full tolerance and that Muslims are abused in the US – no shyte! Met a woman down the road (she had wanted to buy the house I bought but I beat her to it by less than 12 hrs). She stopped one day and we were chatting and the subject of religion came up and intolerance of same. She brought up Muslims as being targeted so I gave her some documentation on Islam. The next time I saw her, she asked me not to give her any more because she was just too “overwhelmed.” SMH – I have since gotten to know her and her family and, well, let’s just say her elevator doesn’t go to the top floor. LOL – whackjob, to be sure, and a vodka drinker. She didn’t know I was working at the convenience store when she came in to buy a HUGE bottle of vodka. Should have seen the look on her face – priceless!
islam is the ONLY rwligion being talked about these days in terms of intolerance. the only one. matter of fact huge laws being made to protect it (eu already has such)
if i recall the very last time i felt mostly free and able to speak my mind and enjoy america was a september day back in 2001. on that day we were taught to REALLY hate islamic terrorists. then we gave away our rights voluntarily to protect us feom this evil. we all had flag pins and yellow ribbon magnets on our cars and we had to support the troops.
17 years later we have less rights, we are flooded with muslims and our country wants to protect them now over its own citizens.
doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out wno has been had in this whole deal!
It is getting even worse on top of the Muslims now in Congress – Sharia Law, here we come – read this:
“At the end of November 2018, I reported on the number of Muslims that won political office during the elections. However, have you heard of the Muslim judges that were elected to be on the bench in several key states?
California, Michigan, Texas and New York all elected Muslim judges.
At least six positions for judge were filled by Muslims. Keep in mind, that their ideology, theology and law are diametrically opposed to American and Biblical law.”
Good Point: Someone on Twitter points out:
Boys were attacked for their age, race, sex, and religious belief.
It’s about as discriminatory as it gets.
Apologies for the grammar. I’m not really awake yet.
Some of the marchers tell “Why we march”.
I had seen a clip of this in a tweet…but this is the full video.
It is 6 minutes long, but I enjoyed the whole thing.
This fellow makes some great points…and it looked like most of the people there agreed with him.
I really like that he wears his hat proudly and stood up publicly to the unfair treatment of Trump supporters. I’ll have some more winamins, please!
Busy day for our VSG POTUS!
Keep THIS (h/t Kea) in mind:
Also keep this in mind:
1. President Trump has 50+ years of national and international negotiation experience – more negotiation, business, finance and building experience than all the House Democrats put together.
2. President Trump started building the process of wall from day one of his presidency!
3. President Trump has several ways to fund the wall and will use them if need be – but it is politically expedient for him to drag the Democrats through their own exudate and excrement so that Americans can see their true motives and actions re: National Security.
He’s got ’em right where he wants ’em.
Remember how we were concerned about the Google program, being developed for Chinese society?
Well, it happened.
This subject deserves our attention.
In this particular app, the Chinese government will warn a citizen if they are within 500 meters of a person who does not pay their bills on time. It’s debt shaming.
The debt shaming app is the latest addition to the Chinese Social Credit Score tracking system.
Want to travel in China? Better have a good social credit score.
“Hangzhou, the capital city of China’s Zhejiang province, rolled out its social credit system earlier this year, rewarding “pro-social behaviors” such as blood donations, healthy lifestyles, and volunteer work while punishing those who violate traffic laws, smoke and drink, and speak poorly about government.
By mid-Q2, China had blocked more than 11 million flights and 4 million high-speed train trips for people who had poor social credit scores, according to the National Development and Reform Commission.”
Worse still, China has a facial recognition system called “Skynet” up and running in 16 provinces. The system can track 40 points for facial recognition and can compare 3 billion people per second. That’s the entire population of China, every second.
Total subservience to the government. That’s the goal. How important would it be to be able to be the ones to control such a system?
Is this what the Dems are fighting for in our country?
Do we ready have it here, just not talk about it?
Ultimate power.
i imagine that’s killing the single scene in China, huh?
I fear this kind of software will be irrestible to corporations.
Imagine being able to know everything about a person BEFORE the transaction. If bad debt is 2-5% of all sales, the push for this kind of software will be in high demand.
I can see it installed at a checkout at the grocery store.
it would violate all sorts of privacy laws, wouldn’t it?
It’s simply a rampup of keeping a list of people who write bad checks.
I expect the left is already using this kind of system with Øbama’s giant database to rate American citizens according to their social media activity and political positions.
daughn – i would hate to say but it is already here. it is fully programmed and operating all over the internet. it is simply not “turned on” here fully… the plan as it is in the US is to not “force” it on us but rather let us choose it by slowly bringing things into play – the censprship being one of the big ones they had to get people to want. and now that people want the censorship from the googles, the fakebooks the twitters “for their safety”…
the next steps are already underway and we will know more soon.
but common sense says – if this stuff already is in place in other countries then you can for sure know it exiats here as well.
blackberry was an early casualty of state spying also but thats another story…
“Skynet,” seriously?
Don’t make me go Sarah Connor. It will not end well.
Sylvia, bring your shovel! I’ll bring my S&W Bodyguard!
No kidding – “Skynet”.
Well it’s official…in NY you can murder the innocent (abortion pretty much on demand) but you can’t kill the guilty–no capital punishment allowed!
i’m wondering and praying that this may be the case (a bridge too far) where the Supreme Court will reach out and take up the unborn’s right to life. We’ll see.
After RBG officially bites the dust……um, I hope I don’t insult anyone here – I am not against Catholics at all. But are there no Lutheran or other Protestant judges available?
Not offended. And it is interesting that there ought to be a conservative Protestant available.
From November 2018 — the cost of the War on Terror:
Jay Sekulow on the right to life (beautiful photos, too):
Sekulow is one of our President’s attorneys!
Yes, I know.
Well said.
It amazes me that the Trump administration is the first truly pro-life one. It beggars belief.
Former Dem alleges cartels are paying off Dems:
‘Jeffrey Peterson states in his profile on Twitter that he is a former Democrat who ‘walked away’. He now is a Trump supporter! He claims that the Democrats will never give in on a wall due to the Democrats being funded by the Mexican mafia. He says he has connections with Arizona politics and says Mexico is the main reason the wall is not supported by the Democrat Party!’
That Frank Report article he cites is a must-read and a must-bookmark, IMHO (excerpt follows, emphases mine). The Arizona Capitol Times article is from 2013:
‘Arizona Mafia is not a fiction – but a group of Democrats from Arizona in DC – and they are meddling in NXIVM case’
‘According to the Arizona Capitol Times, “At least 25 Arizonans, mostly from within her gubernatorial administration, followed [Janet] Napolitano to Washington D.C., and served within the massive U.S. Department of Homeland Security that she has overseen for the past four-and-a-half years. Many have moved on to bigger and better things.”
‘By “bigger and better things,” the author meant that many of the 25 individuals gained senior positions within agencies of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Usually, those positions were at or near the top of the agency organizational chart, such as “Chief of Staff” or “Chief Administrator” positions.
‘Individuals in such capacities had, and continue to have, unique access to information from “inside,” within the secure databases and computer systems of the United States Federal Government, such as systems that process and/or approve immigration visas, systems that monitor money laundering, and even top-secret reports that are exchanged between federal agencies about drug trafficking targets and investigations.
‘Each agency inside of DHS has a powerful reach into the depths of the federal government databases, and there are 22 federal agencies inside DHS. The biggest agency is Customs and Border Protection (CBP), with more than 60,000 employees. It is the nation’s largest federal law enforcement agency, larger than the FBI, which employs 35,000.
‘CBP is the agency where Marco Lopez became Chief of Staff under Napolitano for two years starting in March 2009 until 2011.
‘Starting in 2011, Lopez left for more lucrative pastures. He was hired by Carlos Slim, a Mexican billionaire closely aligned with Carlos Salinas, the former President of Mexico – and a man said to be closely associated – to even run – the drug cartels of Mexico. Soon after beginning work with Slim, Lopez began working as an advisor to Carlos Salinas.
‘Lopez also was appointed as advisor to Enrique Peña Nieto, the outgoing President of Mexico, who has been widely accused in the Mexican media throughout his tenure of being a “Puppet President” of Salinas …’
Wow. I hope Jeffrey Peterson doesn’t soon encounter a fatal accident which will be called a suicide. He needs to have a dead man’s switch after letting that cat out of the bag.
Let’s try to remember to watch his Twitter feed for developments.
Look up the assassination of Arizona Republic investigative reporter Don Bolles, back in 1976. Seems he turned over a few stones too many. The corruption there goes back a long, long way…
(btw., it anyone is familiar with the “What Color Is Your Parachute” series, and the associated books, the author of that, Richard Bolles, is Don Bolles’ brother)…
I hope this guy stays safe.
Thank you for the information on the Bolles brothers.
I will have to look up Don at some point. No wonder Arizona has gone from red to purple ever so gradually over time.
Steny breaks with Nancy on SOTU. Hmm:
From TDC article in tweet:
‘He also said “physical barriers are a part of the solution” in his appearance, something Democrats have adamantly opposed.’
this makes me so skeptical…seeing too many plots against POTUS–thinking he lets them in the House…most Dems do not appear in protest–including Pelosi–an attack occurs and we are left with President Pelosi. sounds like a bad dream to me…
or is he really working towards meeting in the middle?
Pat, If he does the SOTU in the House and Pelosi has to sit behind him, that is protection for him.
I doubt it would make him any safer.
The potential assassin would just pick a different direction to shoot from, one from where Pelosi isn’t behind Trump.
The assassin will have to take out Trump and Pence for Pelosi to be President. What easier way than a small missile like the man they caught outside the WH on 1/17/19. Pelosi was trying to be out of the country that day.
Donna Brazile wrote on her Twitter on 1/17/19 that
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi leaves
President Pelosi returns.
By denying President Trump the use of the house chamber, she is probably expecting not to have to sit behind him.
I do think that Pence should not attend, regardless, and should probably never be in the same place as Trump until this mess gets cleaned up.
I have no idea, hence the ‘hmm’.
‘Developing’ …
Good article that talks not only about Andrew Breitbart but also the media going after good American people:
Oops! Sorry Wheatie, didn’t refresh and see you had already posted! Hope I can remember next time!
No problemo, GA/FL.

It’s all good.
Ten Hutt, Truth Warriors! Your President is up and on the WARPATH!!!
57,605,029 followers – 8:10 am 1/23/19
56,450,861 – 8:40 am – 12/23/18 – 1 month ago
I think this is an absolutely brilliant tweet and slogan going forward.
You are right! – and – I bet PDJT uses it over and over in his upcoming speeches.
Sarah Sanders:
Grin again!
Gave me MAGA goose bumps!
Who won’t the lying leftist lie about?
They lied about Kavanaugh.
They’ve been lying about Pres Trump, bigtime.
And they don’t just lie about people…they lie about other things too.
For example…global warming and ‘climate change’.
They lie about so much, the shorter list would be what they don’t lie about.
Just wanted to pass on what is going on with the conservative/TEA Party minded pages on FB this week. There are still a few that have not been zapped, and now we who post on them can’t get them to load. Sometimes it’s FB being FB, but this has been going on for days. This being the case, information is not getting out.
If you follow any downstream news blogs, please subscribe to them rather than try to follow through other social media, and do the owners and writers a favor and just click on an ad or two when you can. It will keep us all in business. Thanks.
Sylvia–hope you’re okay…didn’t see you post today–hope you are resting if you’re not feeling well!
When Roy Blunt starts talking about any one issue and pointing out the opposition’s incredibly weak stance, you know patience is being lost.
Clothing now triggers? What sort of psychology are the lefties using to tap this?
you know what triggers me? Man buns, starbucks coffee cups, and stupid people. but these are MY issues–not anyone else’s.
Stupid people.
Yeah, stupid people….
Tracked down the beautiful farmland photo!
‘Central California Lettuce Crop’ – photographer Gary Kramer, NRCS
Scroll down:
it is really beautiful!
probably won’t post correctly, but the responses to the tweet are hilarious: new names for Phillips: Freon Ranger; Broken Whirlpool; Chief Running Fridge…
Don Shipley got the DD-214.
Self-described “recon ranger” Nathan Phillips was a rifleman for two days and a refrigerator mechanic in Lincoln, Nebraska and El Toro, California the rest of his service. Retired a private.
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) January 23, 2019
Coming up, even before the SOTU – Trump at the Pentagon!
something i just thought about….
so reagan makes that speech about “star wars” (SDI was official of course)…
i remember during a debate i believe it was with mondale he said we would use it as a deterrent – and we would even let the USSR know about the technology because until others knew that there was a viable deterrent in place that worked then they would still think they could defeat it… of course we have no idea whatsoever came of SD! in all practicality.
then i remember a show on tesla that i watched. how he gave his “ray technology” to twelve nations. but each nation had a piece of the puzzle that the others did not have. so in order to have the full technology the nations would have to act together and pool their info to find the true secret and therefore by then they would all have the tech secret and the deterrent would be there in place before they could actually build it – thus hoping to ensure peace or at least a level playing field.
then i remember that trump’s uncle MAY have seen ALL of tesla’s papers or a great many that could be found and he was tasked to study them…
did he and now do WE have the full file?
That is the stuff of thriller mystery novels! (which I love to read).
Ga!! I just snorted with that one too!!! LOL!!
i thought they started calling for the retractions close to 48 hours ago? are we giving them 48 more now? i cant watch the video at work so i am in the dark, but i woule d aldeady be drafting preliminary court papers which is the right thing to do.
how many chances do we give them?
It has probably taken then up til now to get a complete list of miscreants and get organized. I’d expect this to be their last chance.
I hope he insists they retract prominently rather than buried in a long article no one reads or something else equivalent to printing it on page B-19.
totally agree. this has to be the last chance. no more extensions.
and full public apology not a secret deletion of a tweet.
President’s newest slogan, “Build a Wall, and Crime will Fall” is trending on twitter (for the moment) – you know how @ jack is.
January 23, 2019
No Deal for McConnell’s Bait-and-Switch on “the Wall”
This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.
What’s up with Mitch McConnell? For weeks, he has supported President Trump in his effort to secure the southern border. At least, that’s been the practical effect of his refusal to bring up legislation that would have ended the partial government shut-down unless Mr. Trump was prepared to sign it.
Then, on Saturday, the President announced what he would sign: a compromise that would provide $5.9 billion for steel bollard barriers in key unfenced areas in exchange for an amnesty for certain illegal aliens currently here.
But the bill that Sen. McConnell has just introduced explicitly prohibits the modified “wall” Mr. Trump now seeks. If adopted by both houses of Congress, the President would be handed a disastrous political defeat and, more importantly, the border would be left substantially unsecured.
Repeat after me – and Vice President Pence: “No wall, no deal.”
This is Frank Gaffney.
We were told that McConnell would present two bills for a vote in the Senate – one with the wall and one without, even while knowing and stating that President Trump won’t sign a bill without wall funding.
They do strange things in the Capitol.
Will Pelosi try to stop the SOTU?
PBS correspondent cites WH official:
It is obvious that Twitter is biased and stacking the deck re: SOTU tweets.
I want the one that pisses off the most Democrats:
I’m declaring a national security emergency! I’m closing the border! I’m building the wall!
and oh yeah…I’m declassifying everything!
but I’ll settle for what i need, not what I want…
President Trump has already cooked their goose and now he’s letting them stew in their own juice!
trump rally! i actually put this in a post last week that he should give them the finger and take it to the people directly in a rally type scenario.
excellent idea mr. president…
@GA/FL: She just wants him to have a paltry audience, that’s all.
‘See,’ she’ll say afterwards, ‘what President-President-President Bush, what the President — uh, Trump — says is unpopular. It does not uh, uh, uh resonate with the uh, uh, uh American, uh people.’
You got her number, CM!
Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing issues with Google going into the “not responding” mode when accessing this site. It could just be me and I’m likely not brilliant for pointing it out but is happening today and the past couple of days on multiple computers and only on this site.
Are you using a Chromebook Judy?
No, HP laptops and desktops
My pooter does that frequently but it isn’t just for this site. I think it is Firefox, personally. I am not “officially” using the Clown network. I need to get someone who is tech savvy to clean it off for me.
I use Firefox and don’t have a problem.
I think there is a lot of junk on mine.
i do use ccleaner frequently and use an ad blocker
Best Buy Geek Squad takes care of mine and they have an annual plan that covers all tech.
Yeah, nowhere near me. I have a guy…..just have to arrange it. Thanks, tho.
Judy, Judy, Judy (apologies to Cary Grant), why are you still using G O O G L E?
The NY full term abortion vote is a major win for the child traffickers.
A baby that is aborted is not a citizen.
I have seen estimates as high as $250,000 for a baby.
I have not read it, but I am certain there is nothing in the legislation that says the doctor must kill it.
The child is born into the world as a non-person with no rights.
The traffickers have no obligation to protect the child.
This gives traffickers government approval to use this “unmarked” child in any way they can desire or imagine.
Traffickers will be paying women to carry these babies to full term.
This is the epitome of evil.
PP etc. market aborted babies already. They would never kill the child with poison because that would make them unmarketable.
Interesting timing, considering that start-up company who provides transfusions of young blood. Where was that located, BTW?
Peter Theil was a big supporter before President Trump was elected. I can find the link if you need it.
It seems there are quite a few cities offering young blood now.
I think it’s part of the definition of abortion that the fetus dies. Anything else would be considered equivalent to a Caesarian delivery.
That’s not to say a sufficiently corrupt abortionist might not pretend to make it a lethal process, then pass the living baby out the back door.
Steve, There is no requirement that I have found that says they must be killed. If you can find that then let me know. PP among others sells baby organs, body parts and blood now. Organs and body parts have to be removed from living babies.
Elizabeth, are you telling me that they remove those body parts while the baby is still alive??? That is so disgusting and evil that it’s hard to even wrap my mind around. These people need to be locked up forever!
They are working on new techniques. Doctors can’t give life, they can only transfer living organs to living people. This article is from 2014. I have read that George Soros has had 5 heart transplants.
‘Dead’ hearts transplanted into living patients in world first
Breakthrough by Australian surgeons at St Vincent’s hospital could save the lives of 30% more heart transplant patients
yes i believe she is saying that. or that they remove them from “freshly deceased” specimens that are quickly put on ice and shipped as you would any other organ.
It’s one thing to remove an organ from someone deceased. But ALIVE????
You have to think in terms of PP proponents. The pre aborted fetus is nothing. Not deserving of legislation even that it be dead upon procedure thus not deserving of right of life if he/she survived .
It’s barbaric and they’re free to dispose of the human or donate organs I guess.
Oh, Elizabeth, it’s so wicked, so vile.
Wow, Elizabeth, what an interesting — and alarmingly plausible — theory.
That never occurred to me, but it makes a lot of sense.
Something to watch for.
As Rhett said to Scarlett….
i’m tired of being marginalized by minorities and their delicate sensibilities…
then the ploy is succeeding! you are becoming tired of it…which leads to frustration…which leads to indifference…which leads to frustrated indifference you desperately hold on to so as not to move to the next step…which leads to being full on called a racist and bigot because you don’t approve of all the bowing down.
they will never be satisfied and they will never allow there to be harmony and peace because it is anti to their agenda. imagine in whites and blacks ever got along? shit would hit the fan.
really? cuz I’m more of the “I’m tired of this crap…now I open my own can of whoopass” kind of person…lol
Words fail me.
Following the money to and from Fusion GPS.
Snip – “FBI insiders confirm Fusion GPS employed law firms as well as shell companies to send and receive funds to and from media and reporters. But the embattled firm also used its accounts at TD Bank to directly commission reporters. Likewise, Fusion GPS received funds from media companies into its own accounts at TD Bank, FBI insiders said,
“There are dozens of payments from the media flowing into their (Fusion GPS’) account,” one federal law enforcement official said. “One company wired funds to Fusion (GPS) more than a dozen times.””
“Sadly, with those funds, come data strings which are attached to each child and family partaking of the services. While this doesn’t SOUND bad, it is very bad.
Life-long data tracking is a part of globalism where you are constantly monitored.
Since many of these services attach to your child’s health, this should be VERY concerning.”
for a moment there I thought Wolf had returned! sigh
the OTHER Batman!

Nancy just got Trumped. SOTU will go on. Here’s the letter he sent to Nancy.
Nancy is between a rock and a hard place. President Trump is a rock.
The Mexican Cartels are the hard place.
lots of misinformation and interpretation going on with this. some tweeters (is that the right word?) are saying Nancy disinvited POTUS therefore he cannot barge in to HER House. Some say him going forward with the SOTU is him being a dictator, etc etc etc.
Suggesting he wait to give the speech till the shutdown is over and expressing concerns about security (*which he addressed in his letter) does not seem like a flat out disinvite to me. But if they don’t introduce and vote on the resolution to allow the House to be used–well, that’s something, isn’t it?
so, i might have missed this because i am lazy, but is there a hard and fast law in place that says the SOTU is only to be held in the House of Representatives playroom AND that it can only be held IF the speaker of the house allows it? and if held anywhere else, without the express permission of congress then it’s not a real thing?
or is this just another one of their ploys throwing out a nothingburger and making a giant deal of it in the meantime because people like me are lazy and haven’t found the law yet?
Nope. It’s longstanding custom to do it this way, but the only requirement is that he inform Congress, periodically, of the State of the Union…somehow. I would imagine telling them to fire up a livestream or youtube video would qualify.
I think the video would be the safest thing right now. His supporters don’t mind and the haters will hate anything he does.
Respectfully, I disagree.
It’s rally — or Senate — time.
I was actually thinking of telling congress to watch a video OF THE RALLY. I wasn’t clear.
andrew1979: “…is there a hard and fast law in place that says the SOTU is only to be held in the House of Representatives playroom AND that it can only be held IF the speaker of the house allows it?”
No, the Constitution says nothing about either of those things. It basically says the President must give a report to Congress and that it can even be written.
There was some discussion on the “Armada” thread on this site:
I wrote this there:
Here is info from this article:
“Ultimately, whether the State of the Union goes on as scheduled is up to Pelosi, not Trump. Trump cannot deliver a State of the Union address on the floor until the House and the Senate vote to convene a joint session of Congress.”
“.ABC News reported on Tuesday morning that the White House was planning to move ahead with an address outside Washington and another formal State of the Union at some point.”
So according to that article, both houses of Congress must call for a joint session. The only possible glitch I can see is if Pelosi refuses to call the House into session for the SOTU. That would look really bad for her, but we’ll see.
There can be a SOTUA elsewhere… Senate Chamber even…
It is false to say that “… “Ultimately, whether the State of the Union goes on as scheduled is up to Pelosi, not Trump.”
POTUS can CONVENE both Houses at any time.
This is hogwash… Constitution requires he give a report to Congress
NOT THAT Congress invite him to the House to give a report.
I’m shocked I tell you… shocked
Good point! The same section of the Constitution (Article II, Section 3) that calls for a SOTU report says the President “may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper.”
imagine how much awesome stuff in the constitution that could be used for good and to keep the nation on track!
i read in many places that the House as to pass a resolution allowing the House floor to be used by the President–i don’t know if that’s custom or Constitutionally though…can he have it anywhere else? dunno
They have to do this…if he is to give the speech to the joint session.
There is no requirement that he give the speech to the joint session. There isn’t even a requirement that it be a speech.
Section 3 – State of the Union, Convening Congress
“He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union,
and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and
expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them,
and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment,
he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors
and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and
shall Commission all the Officers of the United States. ”
I see NOTHING with regard to the FLOOR of the House of Representatives.
The House floor is the proper and customary place to do it. To do it elsewhere diminishes the SOTU. I see nothing in there that says she can deny him the House Chamber. When the Constitution was written
I don’t think anyone figured anyone would be this stupid or thought it wouldn’t matter because we’d be headed for civil war. There is no law that says she can deny him his forum for his constitutional duty. Her roll is purely ceremonial and if she doesn’t like what he has to say she or the opposition party have the right to rebuttal. Because they can’t win this argument on the wall and security for the country is not a good enough reason for her to deny the SOTU.
What’s next, is she going to ban Republican House members from the house?
The State of the Union wasn’t even given as a formal speech until Woodrow Wilson, and the Constitution doesn’t specify it is to be a speech before Congress.
Thus, there’s no constitutional implication that the Congress HAS to give the POTUS a forum to deliver an address, so I believe you are off base here.
As for others who think that POTUS should just bull his way in; Congress is a co-equal branch of government with the Executive branch, and it’s entirely their prerogative to invite, or not invite, the POTUS to speak, much as it’s your next door neighbor’s prerogative to invite you over.
Even if POTUS uses his power to call Congress into session–wait, stop right there. Congress is already in session. But even assuming it weren’t, all he can require them to do is convene–they don’t necessarily have to let him talk to them.
‘The House floor is the proper and customary place to do it.’ Only in living memory.
Yes, since Woodrow Wilson. The only place suitable too given that it barely the size to accommodate, both houses, the President’s Cabinet, the Supreme Court, the Diplomatic Corps, and the leaders of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Not to mention each member of Congress is to be allowed to bring 1 guest, the President 24 guests, and the Speaker of the House 24 guests. Then you get to the media that will carry the event. Yep! Best place!
It looks to me like what happened here is Pelosi is trying to passive-aggressively tell Trump he’s not welcome, without actually doing what would be necessary to make that stick–i.e., rescind the invitation.
If it had worked, and he had decided to go somewhere else, that lack of a dis-invite would suddenly have been loudly trumpeted and been cast as him snubbing Congress, rather than Congress snubbing him.
But he saw the trap.
He has accepted the still-actually-standing invitation and, by doing so is going to FORCE Congress to explicitly dis-invite him (putting the snub-onus on them, not him), or watch his speech.
Win-win, again.
It almost has a coup feeling about it. It’s Pelosi saying that she and “her” house don’t recognize the POTUS anymore. They will under her direction obstruct anything proposed by him…again, not recognizing him.
The Left, of course is following its 21st century pattern of refusing to recognize as legitimate, elections that they don’t win.
But what strikes me about this specific incident is how much it reminds me of the late Roman Republic. A certain individual (Marcion, I think–but I could be wrong) wanted to push through a new law, and did so in a *legal* but *non customary* way. In retaliation, the Roman Senate (which he had bypassed with his unorthodox methods) tried to bribe a tribune to veto the new law, but Marcion had them expel the tribune instead.
This was all LEGAL but profoundly uncustomoary. The next step was actual violence to get one’s way.
Congress failing to invite the president to speak before them would again be entirely legal (it’s their prerogative) but uncustomary. I just hope that we don’t follow along to the point of riotous violence, like Rome did.
We have one advantage over the Romans, however: A constitution written by people who knew Roman history, so a lot of things were written into it to safeguard against this sort of thing (e.g., protections for pay of federal officeholders, etc.).
@Molly: It should have a coup feeling about it because since he was elected in November 2019 a coup has been against him. Yes, in intel circles it is considered a ‘soft’ coup, but it’s a coup nonetheless.
Ding! Ding!
We have a winner…
anyone remember that book series turned into movies called divergent? where in a dystopian future the government separated children from their parents and divided them and trained them by one of the 5 skillsets that each person fit into when they were tested?
this is no longer real life. just one example, this is in hartford CT:
The Capital Preparatory Magnet School is an 11-month Pre-K through Grade 12 school. Its college preparatory environment is wrapped around a Social Justice theme that is integrated into the rigorous curriculum and instruction experience. Capital Prep boasts on the promise of 100% college admittance for each graduating senior. High expectations for academics and behavior are rooted in the five learner expectations to: Collaborators, Problem Solvers, Researchers, Empathetic Citizens, and Pillars of Knowledge. Classes at Capital Prep are taught at the honors level and focus on project-based learning experiences. Course offerings include gifted, Advanced Placement, college courses, internships, and international travel experiences. Capital Prep has previously been named one of the best schools in America by U.S. News & World Report and a host of other media outlets.
Yes andrew! I’ve read that series with all my kiddos during a Christmas Holiday ski trip! Can’t remember all the catagories–but remember my kids didn’t think I was an Erudite! LOL
Categorizing for commies is what ut should be titled. My kid, my prep, HIS choice.
my bad – i meant to say – this is no longer a fictional futuristic tale made into a movie – it’s actually real life now.
imagine not only breaking up the students according to their abilities into the 5 groups. but also this place is “wrapped around a social justice theme…” according to their very own website.
this description comes from the website for the school on the hartford school district’s website.
Sounds like Agenda 21.
.@AdamSchiff confirms he leaked after being called out for the abuse of power by @DonaldJTrumpJr. via @dailycaller
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) January 23, 2019
Ya’ gotta admit, President Trump is one of a kind.
He just recognized the new President of Venezuela as Juan Guaido, and that little nugget activates our Treasury’s ability to seize Venezuela assets within our control.
PDJT just saved Citgo, freed the people of Venezuela, and shoved a big stick in the eyes to China and Russia.
Here is the statement from OUR President.
Folks, the city of Miami is DANCING RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
I was in Miami the day Baby Doc was overthrown in Haiti. I saw grown men fall to their knees, thankful, relieved, and in tears.
We danced in the streets that day, crying and hugging each other. I’ve never been so grateful to be an American.
Wow. A story not reported on at all. I think its worthy of expansion if yoyre able. I asked SD OT a long time ago to explain how the chinese and hezbollah/iranian connections would be squared between trade and the ilkegal stuff and he never followed up. I had inly heard maduro reelected.
BREAKING: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) is resigning from the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and is temporarily stepping down from the House Judiciary subcommittee after an aide accused her of being fired for reporting sexual assault
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) January 23, 2019
Oooh, that’s worthy of a small happy dance!
They its likely true and a bombshell. Shes a total b. And boy lover…. take her
C oat!
There is a Crack in the Wall of the Deep State…fingers crossed…
Graph showing WALL FUNDS % of Federal Budget:
Over 55 billion in Defense spending not counting Homeland Security spending and we have no defense at the Southern border. But then we know it’s all about corrupt politicians needing there drug and sex trafficking monies not mention their illegal voters, and the host of social programs that come with keeping America sick..
Exactly right!
Breaking: Liar Cohen not testifying before Congress, blaming Trump and Rudy. Sure ….
FLEP called that one.
and got banned and blocked evidently for it too!
But, wait, there’s more:
Aussie historian many years ago nails it.
Holy smokes. I turn on tthe tube and cohen says hes not tedtifying bc hes being threatened. Pile o bs. We knew he wouldnt. And im really windering what Pelosi will do. She didnt get out and he and Pence arent 6 ft under, if it was the plan.
And the day isnt even over yet!
What an awesome tweet! From Eric!
Our Silver LION.
Ridiculous!! this Bishop is the Catholic Bishop version of Nancy Pelosi!!!
They’re nearly all like that.
A den of vipers.
Every child and teacher should leave immediately. Hire the teachers as home school instructors until the bushop and currebt admin are removed. Alumni need to be involved.
They are a danger to the kids even more now that the twitter twits.
In principle, I agree, but remember that the Jesuits are a powerful organisation. They were, after all, the Spanish Inquisition.
Yeah! Another law suit that they will loose.
Regardless of what thinks of Ann Coulter, the first comment underneath the article is this:
‘Ann Coulter “Too bad the Catholic school didn’t defend these innocent kids with the same gusto they defend pedophile priests.”‘
Spot on, Ann.
Pelosu has responded. No SOTU unless the govt reopens and she has a mutually agreed date.
OK, the onus is on them now.
she only controls the House–he can give his speech anywhere and send her a copy afterwards…
She does NOT control the House…
She is the SPEAKER…
Section 3 – State of the Union, Convening Congress
“He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union,
and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and
expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them,
and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment,
he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors
and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and
shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.”
She is pushing for a Constitutional Crisis…
she can’t tell him what to do anymore than he can barge into the House if he is not invited–equal branches of government. Nancy can’t just barge into the Oval Office either.
“The Contract” of which President Trump spoke.
He was invited.
He has not been DISINVITED.
What will Nancy do ?
Your move NP.
This young man is amazing – with incredible poise and confidence.
Hope he follows the Lord and Word of GOD – his life contributions and achievements could be outstanding!
That woman should be interviewing the chaperones, not the student.
Kudos to him for giving it the old school try.
BREAKING VIDEO: Whoopi Goldberg Gets Loomered — Confronted on LIVE TV — On Set of ‘The View’
Love it kea…
Harry has excellent question… why hasn’t she moved out of the US????????????????????
I agree. Take a lot of those idiots with her. I did love some of the comments like no one would take her. She’s a hypocrite. Or she would not fit on a plane….
Looks like another anti-globalist jail break is in progress. Prayers up.
Likely posted before but just keeping it in context.
I hope the US has flown in food to the interim president’s people to hand out to starving Venezuelans — in an orderly fashion.
Pres. Trump is asking us to pray.
WOW TT–He doesnt do that often…Going over to T3 prayer from yesterday…
Good on them!
Has Nasty Nan won anything with her “Napa” grapes, harvested by illegal immigrants?
nah…all she’s got are sour grapes!
It’s a REVOLUTION baby!
Will this spark Iran?
OMG – look at all the people on the streets in Venezuela.
As far as the eye can see!
Oh wow!!!! Thanks for posting. If they can bring down Venezuela and this socialist BS AND Iran then wow. Would be a good start.
Buckets of Winning!! WOW! no wonder POTUS said “Pray.”
Maduro breaking relations with US, gives diplomats 72hrs to leave.
So far Mexico on Maduro’s side, US, Canada, Argentina not.
IMO that’s far too much time.
it’s almost like he keeps saying “48 hours” to each new tweet. so like tomorrow it will be 48 hours for someone who tweets, then the next day 48 hours.
with now the absolutely disgusting freaks that run that school showing their really true colors by telling the kids they can’t even talk to the press AFTER THEY LET THE KID TALK TO THE TODAY! SHOW (FAKE NEWS) but won’t let them on anywhere else.
disgusting. and these people aren’t catholic running this place. they are absolute satanists.
Times are turing. Recall they always say that Dems NEVER attack each other in public.
How bout “Tehran John”??
I like Johnny I-Ran, the Viet Nam Vet
john also-ran
President Trump recognizes Juan Guaido, President of the Venezuelan Assembly, as interim President.
Sound off South America! In the last few hours, news breaking everywhere!
Argentina – check
Peru = check
Columbia = check
Paraguay = check
Canada = almost check
Costa Rica = check
Brazil = check
Guatemala = check
On the other side –>> Russia, Mexico (?????), Cuba, Bolivia, China.
Bwwaahahaaaa, our President is kicking a$$
Canada confirmed, it’s moving so fast, can’t keep up.
Add Chile to the list of countries.
President Erdogan of Turkey calls Venezuela’s Maduro to show his support
The traitorous turd.
Lindsey Graham would approve.
Fox reporting, SOTU cancelled because she doesn’t want to hear truth.
. Waiting for footage of POTUS speaking to Press in WH.
Maduro orders US Diplomats out in 72 hours. Are you kidding me?
It will be over in 72 hours.
I wouldn’t miss the REVOLUTION for anything, baby!
Maduro is under fire! Tear gas! Calling on military for help, per Fox!
Thanks Daughn for keeping up with this!! Crazy STUFF!!! Praying….
More on Venezuela. Long thread
Thanks for posting, kea — different scenes in different places.
Butterfly, the video is up at Fox… can you post it?
Was watching, recap below
thanks Phoenix! Listening now…
Venezuelan opposition leader and Interim President Juan Guaidó, tells foreign embassies to stay in Venezuela and to “ignore” any other orders from Maduro
All they needed was to know the outside world would support them. The leader of the free world did that and others followed.
Although I think for fertain, POTUS was waiting fir Bolsonaro to be sworn in.
Isn’t it wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!
POTUS: Chuck Schumer has become a puppet of Nancy Pelosi
Macron gives a statement on Venezuela, says he’s calling other European leaders.
Bwwhwhhaaa, he couldn’t go to the bathroom without Merkel’s permission.
What a dope.
Right Daughn…
and what are other European leaders going to do?
“…and what are other European leaders going to do?”
With a little luck, the same thing that Maduro’s doing right now !
POTUS: We have to have a wall. We have to make our country safe. Radical Dems don’t want ICE in Long Island because they’re doing too good a job. Nancy cancelled SOTU because she’s afraid of truth, She doesn’t want Americans to know truth. Great Blotch on the Country we all love, Negative part of history. American People want to hear truth.
We have no choice on Shutdown. Looking now at stopping money to CA countries, they’re not helping us. Nancy knows she can’t win, canceling SOTU is disgrace. She asked address be made during Shutdown, now she’s blaming it on Shutdown. Tried to blame on Security, not true. We’ll do something in alternative, will let you know.
Radical Democrats, Very Radicalized and Dangerous Party. Schumer can’t move, paralyzed, he’s a Puppet. We will never let Radical Left Control our Borders.
Caravan is massive, Thank You Very Much Honduras. Time to give them less.
We will respond to Pelosi in due course, what she’s doing is a disgrace.
That’s OUR POTUS!!!!
stopping money to CA Countries? Central America?
bout time!
wrt money to Central American countries, POTUS says “working on that” and looks at someone over to the side… apparently He can’t just do it.
He said that’s one of the topics in the current meeting, to stop the money to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala. Don’t know if that includes Mexico too??
So much happening today. And so much winning… I need a drink or better yet popcorn!!
Why not both ?
You’ll need something to wash the popcorn down !
Love the words he used especially in light of what’s happening today in Venezuela.
radicalized, puppet, dangerous
Schumer the Puppet and Nancy the Blotch, THE DISGRACEFUL BLOTCH!!!
hahaha Blotch…so very close to the alternate word for bitch…biotch
Ha ha ha! Exactly what I was thinking.
From 3 minutes ago, LOOK AT THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!
Ohhh my gosh…
outstanding photo…
thanks so much Daughn
France recognizes Guaido???
Guess they didn’t wait for Macro to ask Merkel what to do?????????????????
LOL Was thinking the same thing. I keep seeing flip flopping so who knows.
What’s funny is if you look up Juan Guaidó on wiki they are claiming he’s an O type of guy. LOL
But I did find this note worthy: Guaidó later earned his professional license as an industrial engineer after graduating from the Andrés Bello Catholic University in 2007. Guaidó also did postgraduate studies at George Washington University in the United States and at the Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración.
Macro……. micro looked at that massive crowd and imagined them wearing yellow vests…….shivered muchly
Macron is on the verge of RUNNING a mile in Maduros shoes !
The writing is on the wall !
Good point Nor’easter. You always come up with the good stuff.
where’s China on this, anyone know?
I THINK China had some deal (Control) with them and wants the old regime
Anyone seen Sylvia? Miss her!! Sending hugs Sylvia!!
she was feeling under the weather a little while ago…hopefully she’s just resting!
Thanks Pat! I’m fine, just trying to get caught up!
Don’t scare us like that Ms. Avery !
You’re doing it again (scaring us) !!!
Lots of us are worried… Hope everything is okay.
H/T: thinkthinkthink taught us to “PING” a fellow Treeper by replying to a comment that they made (even if it’s an older comment), which should send a “notification”.
Drop us a line, please !!!
It also pings the author of the post (i.e., me).
Sylvia, I do hope you’re doing well, and working on your shovel-swing!
I learn something new everyday !
Twice, today !!!
Sorry to worry you, thank you for thinking of me. I really, really appreciate it!
I’ve been offline for almost two days. Nothing serious, just several boring and irritating health things so I haven’t felt up to doing much and conserving my energy for IRL stuff.
I hate feeling disconnected. There is so much going on ALL THE TIME and I’ve missed a lot the last couple days.
Sending you a (hopefully) germ-free hug.
Thanks Ms. Avery.
Many of us were worried, and asking about you.
Get well soon.
I really appreciate it! Thanks!
Germs are like democrats, they never give up until they’re stomped flat.
No kidding. They have a way of going all Freddy Krueger and coming back from what was presumably death.
Hi Marica! Just been really busy the last couple days. Was a bit under the weather for a day or two, and then when recovered stuff seems to have piled up so I’m trying to catch up with real life busy stuff.
Trying to franticallly read and get caught up so I haven’t had time to comment much, but I’m out here reading as fast as I can!
Hugs back to ya!
Hi there,,
glad you’re feeling better…
look forward to your posts when you get the dishes done !!!
LOL, truer than you know! Somehow (have never figured this out) dishes continue to fill the sink and laundry fills the hamper. How does this happen????
Trump makes things move at about half of light speed.
So to catch up you have to run even faster.
Gosh, so true! And I HATE missing out but I’m having to speed read as it is.
China is cryin’ over their piggy bank.
OMG, they lost a crapload.
Yes Kimmy, I’ll bring McDonald’s.

American Pravda must be quivering not knowing what to say without their DS narrative for all the news today
Right… it’s a while yet to 4:00 am
will all this take the Native American ‘Elder’ narrative off front page????????????????
Best part is I’m sure MSM and Hollywood will leave their tweets up for more then 48 hours AND then get sued!!!
Bingo, Phoenix. I love it when huge news happens in the middle of the day and catches them with their pants down.
You can see the gears in their head don’t run smoothly.
The threat was emailed and used the same deadline. It said, “I am coming to bomb your office. Get ready. 48 hours. Be ready.”
Barnes told The Gateway Pundit that the threat “shows how dangerous the establishment press can be when it excites madness with libelous lies.”
Barnes added that “if the goal was to deter me in helping these families, it had the opposite effect.”
I’m sure the FIB would have NO trouble tracking that down…
Do I laugh or cry. Especially with John Kerry still free to make mischief.
Robert Barnes got a bomb threat at his office. FBI has confirmed they are involved.
They should be able to identify the email sender’s IP address fairly quickly.
What was that some were saying about Mitch????????????????
appreciate the coverage of events in Venezuela…
thank you also for twitter acc’t – Sotiri appears to be on top of things.
No problem. Glad you like my posts and don’t feel I’m spamming. LOL Sotiri is pretty good. I started to follow him because he films/talks about the yellow vests in France. He has pretty good updates on that.
Good point.
this is one of those “flash mob” type protests like the “protect mueller” ones that happened?
i bet a bunch of people show up sponsored by the women’s march main donor, soros.
See what problems POTUS has…
Speaker NP be like.
(That cartoon isn’t really applicable, except the donkey keeps walking off the cliff.)
Whoa! Burn! Nice one..
Thanks Ted.
I think would be a nice change to the SOTU address. It spotlights POTUS’ efforts to be sure to get a Senate majority and then also, we as audience members don’t have to see Nancy Pelosi sit behind the President and glare at his back and us in front. Honestly I don’t want to see her sitting up there behind him as he gives the speech. She won’t clap or stand up for anything, at least with lying Ryan we saw a clapping happy dope instead of a witch sucking her teeth. Just sayin’.
Evidently others have noticed – Searching ‘Nancy Pelosi sucking her teeth’ – got lots of photos!
she’s ingesting Tide pods…
Here’s Candace’s fiance. He’s from London:
Omit * when copying and pasting:
From her fiance on Brexit:
Head screwed on straight and excellent taste in women.
Absolutely — and vice versa.
We already knew Candace has her head screwed on straight.
Just in case you were wondering.
I’m here in the OPEN early today because I have to be sleeping before tomorrow’s OPEN Topic will post. Our household has some very early events coming up for the next week or so. Will be missing out on some fun I’m sure.
take care T3!! Hope all goes Well with family events!!!
Well, changeover has happened in Venezuela – the military is NOT standing with Maduro so we shall see what happens….
Stu Cvrk, retired naval office (and great commentator on Twitter), posted this thread on Monday (click on any tweet below to see the whole thread:
Many more of Stu’s tweets to follow in that thread. It did not end there.
Thanks cm…
I like Stu’s comments… a lot!
You’re welcome.
If you’re a Twitter reader, his account is worth bookmarking.
No, Nancy. We don’t even want to talk to your hand.
Many who have been analysing the Left say this was all rigged.
Until now, I wondered how.
This makes sense.
Thank you, Linda.
i’ve been hearing rumors of that the last day or so and i would not doubt it at all!
especially since there were several with them – which while not exactly mind blowing, just seemed like they must have all figured they should wear them – OR THEY WERE GIVEN THEM!
sad part is they are not even official MAGA hats from the president’s website but the cheap knock offs
OMG!!!! Put this up over on Lady P’s thread!!! Now THAT BECOMES EVEN BIGGER!!! WHAT?!!!
It did look like they were upset when the chaperone told the students to get on the bus. Some of them looked like they were getting ready to pounce at moments notice.
Two great comments from Wayne Dupree on SOTU:
1/ I appreciate Wayne’s reminder that the House of Representatives is the ‘People’s House’. During the O years, I recalled I’d learned that in US History class many moons ago, but no one in the media or online mentioned it a decade ago — or now. But Wayne Dupree did.
Worth bookmarking for ourselves — and our children and/or online readers (excerpted, emph. mine):
‘Nancy Pelosi Closes House Of Representatives To POTUS; Denies Him Place For SOTU
‘The lower chamber of Congress is called “The People’s House” and does not belong to one party or the other.’
‘The lower chamber of Congress is called “The People’s House” and does not belong to one party or the other. It especially does not belong to that gibbering, delusional old bat from CA who stumbles through the halls of Congress, clutching her gavel, and mumbling “my precious” like Gollum from Lord of the Rings.
‘Nancy just set a very bad precedent. She doesn’t want the President’s view to reaching millions of citizens without the filter of her fellow travelers in the media.’
How true!
2/ Wayne’s tweet on the subject:
Phoenix–Ya know–We at the Q tree–havent even discussed alot of Q lately–Due to our POTUS (Q+) keeping us all on our toes!! Encouraging ain’t it?!!!
yes! Q says research… and we do, more and more everyday…
POTUS says pray… and we do, more and more everyday…
a winnin’ combo !
Exactly!! We are SO Meant to be here! and to be together! Wolfie did good!!
Now if only we could figure out how to cheer you up.
YOU always Cheer me up!!
Excellent tweet. Thanks!
CM!! Thanks for this!! Something about this Whole Queen Nancy “won’t allow” bugged me all day… Thank you for the REMINDER–IT IS the People’s House! We need some of the People’s Reps–Paging Jim Jordan or Devin Nunes or Louis Gohmert…To Follow Wayne’s Lead!!!
You’re welcome, Marica.
Agree that our guys should start repeating it often, including — especially — Kevin McCarthy.
Tom Fitton calls border barrier supporters to get on the phones today:
Bernie Sanders anecdote:
Interesting (from a WSJ bureau chief):
I saw that Church Mouse – is it the Trump Curse?
I certainly hope so!
Have you heard Gannett is laying off journalists across the country?
(They could fire them all and no one would notice)
We are getting scalps!! Mind Control Media is going down….
It seems that some good, long-time journalists went:
I hope he’s sincere about this:
Why not ride the DC Metro for free?
honestly, we should move our capitol to a city that actually wants it and would be proud of having it instead of the giant disaster the district of columbia is.
Times change, people change.
Cycles eventually run their course.
Yes! I agree! DC is a cesspool…
This man is correct. Nancy is trying to usurp PDJT.
Let’s not believe the media hype. What they say is not what we learned at school:
Davos news:
The Covington Catholic-PDJT Venn diagram:
From the Cincinnati local paper:
‘Who knew? Trump’s top White House attorney is Covington Catholic High School graduate’
‘The nationwide firestorm surrounding Covington Catholic has brought to light that one of the Greater Cincinnati high school’s most prominent graduates happens to be President Trump’s top White House attorney.
‘Pat Cipollone, CovCath class of 1984, recently took over as White House general counsel. He had previously served as an informal adviser to the president on the special counsel investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections …’
Oh, the tangled web they weave!
Exactly why do we have TSA if our southern border is so porous?
Asking for friends, those pesky Americans…..
Daughn…really. Who else can we trust to stop frail old men who have no idea what orders are being barked at him about taking his shoes off or culling out my 5yr old grandson from our group to give him the once over ???
Priorites dear. Apparently there are so many potential homegrown terrorists…dOH!
flew to Texas a couple of months ago to see first gr granddaughter…
Learned: persons over 65 no longer have to remove their shoes
If you fly frequently and want to avoid TSA, you can pay $85 for a 5 yr period of no hassle… you go thru Pre-TSA, leave on your shoes (no matter your age, no holding up your arms and moving thru a screener (that malfunctions frequently)… etc. in other words… if you want to pay the bucks, no hassle – so my question is of course…
where is the protection against TERROR !!!! ??????
Never mind, rhetorical question…
Well, this works, doncha know, because terrorists are from third world countries and can’t afford to pay that $85 for a 5-year pass. Our safety is secure! /s
Now I’m really suspicious. Nancy and the dems are leaving town without even trying to make it look like she’s doing something? Something is going on, and I don’t like it one bit. She’s up to something, and I doubt it’s good.
And there’s more. If POTUS does the SOTU at an alternate location and Nancy doesn’t let any of the dems go, then all the repubs will be in one location at the same time. Does that sound like the perfect opportunity for a false flag that takes everyone out at once?
I’m with you Linda. What is it I wonder ?
Nasty Nan is not going to try to do anything… she believes I am sure that Senate bill will fail. I think POTUS’ bill will pass the Senate. She hasn’t a clue… DIMS in the House are upset with her and Hoyer is breathing down her neck to get her replaced.
Just saw this… Hoyer said it yesterday, but I didn’t hear about it yesterday…
phoenix!! LOVE the way you think!! AND research!! Jewel you are!!!
Thank you Marica … you’re very kind.
You’re a jewel yourself…
In fact, we have a treasure house of jewels here at QTree…
Why yes! yes we do!! hugs!
From that SharpEdge tweet’s comments, the truth about Satan Soros, puppeteer,
Nearly forgot about this. Where does time go? USS Pueblo was taken 23 Jan ’68.
A Tribute To The USS Pueblo Crew includes some info from an USAF intell sgt USS PUEBLO – An Odyssey of Captivity (Part 1 of 7)
’68 was a busy year and events over-shadowed their capture and 11 month captivity. They are forgotten so each year I try to get them a little attention.
From wiki: The seizure of the U.S. Navy ship and her 83 crew members, one of whom was killed in the attack, came less than a week after President Lyndon B. Johnson’s State of the Union address to the United States Congress, a week before the start of the Tet Offensive in South Vietnam during the Vietnam War, and three days after 31 men of North Korea’s KPA Unit 124 had crossed the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and killed 26 South Koreans in an attempt to attack the South Korean Blue House (executive mansion) in the capital Seoul. The taking of Pueblo and the abuse and torture of her crew during the subsequent 11-month prisoner drama became a major Cold War incident, raising tensions between the western powers, and the Soviet Union and China.
The Lonely Bull was the ship theme song. I loved this tune when I was a kid before I even knew there was a North or South Korea. Enjoy!
Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass The Lonely Bull Video 1962
NYT 1/22/1973
Double whammy eventful day!
Birth of legal abortion.
Death of Great Society President.
I was a senior in HS.
(And yes, I was too young to be in the USMC in Viet Nam before they left in 1971.)
Curry– Remembered This–13– But KNEW it was a VERY Notorious Day. My momma cried.. I didnt REALLY understand the implications… however, God sent us a sign –The Super Blood Wolf Moon–This slaughter of our Children ends NOW or NEVER..IT ENDS NOW!
Keep powder dry!! We FIGHT! I feel extremely strongly about this.
“…VERY Notorious Day.”
And another VERY Notorious [RGB] Day is coming sooner than THEY would like.
IT already came– they just won’t admit it..
Curry!! I am so glad you are here!!
You’re just trying to curry favor with him.
But of Course Steve!! Your puns

Should be 1/23/1973.
heard on the way home that a group of FBI agents have released a report and today made announcement that the shutdown is hindering their ability to keep investigation going in child trafficking, drug smuggling, and cybersecurity to name a few. they claim they have lost informants in cases where the informants were embedded in terror cells around the countey and now those cells are probably aware. we are making ourselves look disorganized they say and forekgn countries will be taking his chance to make intelligence compromises against us… bottom line the president has put our national security at grave risk.
lol…sorry, can’t help myself. Is this the same FBI that has spent the last couple of years trying to topple the POTUS? The same agency that basically said..nah, not worried about a terrorist living in the desert prepping the kids to do a school shooting. Hmm okie dokie
yes! sovyou know of the agency then? good people. very loyal, especially those honest rank and file, and we cannot risk losing their talents and experience to the private sector if they cannot put food on the table for their babies.
you know they will only go lower in their depth of depravity before things escalate!
perhaps a GoFundMe will be set up to pay these vital informants that on all the big disasters never seemed to help…the universal statement..the perps were “known” to the FBI..blahblahblah
poor things, Pelosi was pictured at a food bank for govt ppl..maybe they weren’t notified…if only there was a dept that had wicked intelligence and intel to let them know!
Same FBI that missed the Boston Bombers, the San Bernardino shooter, the Orlando shooter, the Las Vegas shooter, the Parkland shooter?
hahah…their pity party is so…wussy crybaby LIARS.
Same (insert epithets) FBI that missed 9/11/01!!!!
you can’t “miss” your own operatives can you?
yep, their credibility is shot .
1/6 of FBI is non-essential
But these are supposed to be the translators, etc.
PRESIDENT TRUMP responds to petty Pelosi!
So no sotu. Hmmm. Something else planned or what? She gets what she wants, sort of. Maybe her own people are feeling the pressure finally. He isnt giving up but I want a sotu. Dang.
Trump is rubbing her nose in it, so to speak. She will have to own her pettiness – just like the last SOTU when she organized the Democrats to sit on their hands and not clap or stand.
She’s a 4+ A$$
I think the President is hammering in a wedge to divide the Democrats.
Ill agree with that. But even if they remove her she wont go quietly. Would she bring down the house herself? Almost batshit enough to do it.
Very strange turn of events.. one thing about PDJT, never a dull day!
HOWEVER – President Trump will not allow them to reopen the government without
1. Voting on his compromise
2. Funding the wall.
President Trump is ready to wait years to ‘reopen’ the government.
Ding, Ding…
we have a winner…
AND, Nasty Nan will go down in history as having been a child and forced the cancelation of SOTUA at the traditional time and place… Some role model for women, huh ??????????????
Maybe he’ll do a rally soon.
Pelosi changed her mind AFTER she and Schumer were eviscerated for their response to President Trump’s address to the nation.
Something is up!! POTUS doesnt let Nasty “win”… Wait for it….
I am actually glad that he’s agreeing to postpone it.
I was having trouble seeing how it would be good optics to do a SOTU address during the shutdown.
And I am all In Favor of the shutdown!
I’m with Steve on that…Moar Shutdown!!
Bring on the RIFs!
The enemedia would’ve spun it negatively, though.
I’m sure they already have their hit-pieces written, claiming that PDJT was being ‘insensitive to the suffering of the poor govt employees’.
But this way, it’s not Pres Trump who is postponing it…it is Nasty Nan doing it.
The SOTU address is being postponed because of Pelosi’s Pettiness, not because our President didn’t want to do it.
Yes, I think PDJT is playing this well.
It’s like he’s been doing a tug-of-war with her on this…and now he’s let go and let her fall in the mud.
LOL.. so true!
Yes! I picture him and Baron sitting down to laugh at this. Teach him well, Sir! Teach him well
Doesn’t POTUS meet with Kim next month?
That meeting is a HUGE success… along with the economy and so many other things
Wheatie I’m hoping there will be RIFs in February also…
Agree with your comments…
Wheatie!! All we have to do is look back to the last week– POTUS writes “dear Diary”, has 11 minute speech that brings out the Memes of Schmuck and Nasty, Grounds Nasty and her team of deserters, and keeps us all in stitches!!! He has a PLAN! We gonna be laughing our heads off shortly as our POTUS RoadRunner does another Wiley Coyote on these idiots!!!
So true, Marica.
And I love it that he called Nasty Nan a “Blotch” today!
LOL!! Blotch–Using that from now on!!!
He said very near future. What is plain is that Nancy is not going to budge no matter what. I’m thinking maybe he might be teeing up to do the National Security Crisis Declaration for the Southern border and thus put govt back to work. Makes sense?
Also the vote in the Senate for the President’s position on the wall, did that happen yet. If the senate gets a full 51 votes (doesn’t win the vote but) that might of been the test he was waiting for. Has it happened yet? Mitchell may of already counted the the repub votes if it hasn’t.
In reverse order: No, apparently some votes happen tomorrow, both on the Trump plan and an alternative democrat one. I don’t know if they’re votes on the actual proposals or just procedural things.
And yes, I’ve pretty much been convinced since last Saturday’s little talk that his plan is to give the Democrats every last chance to cooperate (expecting them not to), then, more than likely, say something like “I gave them every chance, they wouldn’t do this entirely reasonable thing for whatever reason, they’ve even refused to let government employees be paid, so now I have NO choice…”
He’s waiting for the moment that will do the most damage to the opposition.
Yep.. he’s yet to lay down the Trump card. More suspense!
Looks like you already answered the question about the vote. If Mitch has had a head count done early then maybe everything is locked and cocked for the Emergency Declaration. IMO
I saw a headline elsewhere that Ann Coulter has a new piece out that is “brutal” to Pres. Trump. I don’t know if clicking on the link will take me to her site, and I’m not going to give her any clicks. At a time when Pres. Trump needs our support more than ever, and when conservatives need to stand together, she is undermining his efforts — if the headline I saw is correct.
She is emotionally on our side.
But she’s absolutely a negative to the effort.
Important! A recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll found 56% percent of people support “Medicare for ALL” type of a plan.
71% Support if it guarantees health insurance as a right.
67% if it eliminates all deductibles and premiums
When we look deeper, the support for such a plan collapses.
37% when people learn it would eliminate their private health care plan
32% when they learn it would weaken existing Medicare plans
26% when they learn it would lead to delays for tests or treatment to accommodate everyone….
…. by this point, a whopping 70% are opposed to the idea of “Medicare for All”.
Yes, when it’s advertised as “free” people love it. When they learn the about real costs, inconvenience, and lackluster healthcare, Americans oppose it.
Therefore, we will never, in the YSM, hear it referred to in any other terms than “free.”